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  • DREDGING YOUR DOCKS 2012 Organized By CRA Hydrographic Surveyors Orion Marine Group
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  • DREDGING YOUR DOCKS 2012 Supported by USCOE Galveston District U. S. Coast Guard Port of Houston Houston Pilots Lone Star Harbor Safety Com.
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  • DREDGING PRIVATE TERMINALS Permits Hydrographic & Pre-Dredge Survey Dredge Material Placement Areas Sediment Sampling Dredging Method Selection Cost & Scheduling Dredge Project Management Post Dredge Closeout
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  • PERMITS Maintaining a current permit, includes: Current date, owner & information Execute a time extensions - 10 years, if required Amendment to add any potential DMPA Confirm dredge methods Submit any amendments for any new construction Approval process and or public notice Confirm USCOE final approval
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  • PERMITS Nation Wide #35 The NWP #35 can be utilized for certain maintenance project. Dredging can be performed to previous authorized depths. Material must be deposited in upland site with proper siltation controls.
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  • PERMITS Nation Wide #35 Texas Owners must meet the special provisions. Require owners to obtain a Water Quality Certification from the TCEQ. TCEQ requirements 300 mg/l (TSS) or less suspended solids. It takes about s 1 to 2 weeks to obtain the certification.
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  • HYDROGRAPHIC & PRE-DREDGE SURVEY Hydrographic Surveys Survey Recommendations annually Calculates siltation rates & dredge cycles Help evaluates annual dredge budgets Documents pre- post storm elevations Provides pilots & customers with depth data
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  • HYDROGRAPHIC & PRE-DREDGE SURVEY Pre-Dredge Survey Pre-Dredge Survey within two Weeks Compare Contractors with 3rd Party Verify, Quantities, Tide Gauge, & intervals Verify survey datum and station #s Include over-dredge and side slopes
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  • DREDGE MATERIAL PLACEMENT AREA DMPA selection Location Permit Cost Availability
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  • DREDGE MATERIAL PLACEMENT AREA Submittal & Approval Process Application Fee Submittal of survey Dredge quantities Sediment samples Approval of application & sediment samples Contract Signing & Deposit (if required)
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  • SEDIMENT SAMPLING Sediment sampling criteria. Sampling technique. Number of sediment samples required. Understand submittal & approval process. Acceptable, discretionary, & disapproved. Schedule enough time submittal & review process.
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  • SEDIMENT SAMPLING Analytical Testing Metals Organics Hydrocarbons Pesticides Sample result are usually acceptable for 6 months to one year period
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  • SEDIMENT SAMPLING Field work Lab analysis Final report Submittal process Approval ***It takes approximately two week to obtain a final report***
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  • DREDGING METHOD SELECTION Hydraulic Mechanical Mechanical/hydraulic offloading Hopper dredging
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  • Traditional diesel powered dredge Dredges available in different sizes Material is pipelined to spoil area Can move larger volumes of material Requires a larger spoil area HYDRAULIC DREDGING
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  • MECHANICAL DREDGING Can be used for relief dredging Several types of mechanical systems Requires multiple handling of material Material can be transported by barge Spoil does not contain much water
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  • MECHANICAL HYDRAULIC OFF-LOADING Hydraulic or electric powered Deployed by a crane barge Normally used for short distance pumps
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  • COSTS INCREASES Fuel Costs Steel Costs Disposal Costs Bonds & Insurance Operating & Labor
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  • DISPOSAL COSTS (per cu/yd.)
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  • DISPOSAL COSTS Availability of suitable DMPAs. Increase in operating cost. Land acquisitions.
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  • OTHER COST INCREASES Construction Costs Government regulations Distance to disposal areas Emission restrictions
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  • SCHEDULING Permit amendments 1 to 6 months DMPA application 2 to 5 weeks Sediment sampling 2 weeks DMPA contracts 1 to 4 weeks TCEQ Water Quality Certification 1 to 2 weeks Pre-dredge survey 1 week Dredge mobilization & pipeline 2 to 4 weeks ***Coordinate with dredge availability***
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  • SCHEDULING Notification to customers Coordination with vessel traffic Actual dredge time at dock Channel closures
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  • DREDGE PROJECT MANAGEMENT Select contractor Notice to mariners Pre-construction meeting Vessel & dredge scheduling Dredge pipeline installation
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  • DREDGE PROJECT MANAGEMENT Dredging Manage & test effluent discharge Coordinate vessel traffic Debris & trash Schedule docks Daily time tickets Interim surveys Post dredge survey
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  • POST DREDGE CLOSEOUT Review dredge daily logs, and time tickets Review contractors & 3 rd party post dredge survey Evaluate the results Mutually agree on a quantities Submit to DMPA Owner Pay disposal fees Pay contractor
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  • PROJECT PLANNING Periodic hydrographic survey Review sedimentation rates Establish dredge cycles Be aware USCOE projects Coordinating with neighboring facilities
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  • PROJECT PLANNING Cont. Keep permits up to date Have a dredging relief plan DMPA applications & contracts Establish alternate DMPA Consider on-site disposal options
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