
Classification of Dental Caries

1.CLINICAL According to the stage of lesion progression:1.Non cavitated lesion


According to the severity of the disease:1.Acute caries (active)

2.Chronic caries (slowly progression)

3.Stabilized caries (arrested)

According to clinical manifestation:1.White spot lesionmacula caroisa2.Superficial cariescaries superficialis3.Medium cariescaries media4.Deep cariescaries profunda5.Secondary cariescaries secundaria2. ANATOMICAL According to anatomical depth of the defect:1.Enamel caries

2.Dentin caries

3.Cementum caries

According to location of the lesion:1.Coronal caries

2.Occlusal surfaces

3.Smooth surfaces

4.Approximal surfaces

5.Root caries

According to intensively of caries within the dentition:1.Single lesion

2.Multiple lesions

3.Systemic destruction
