Page 1: Chakra-Auric Field · Chakra Auric Field healing is a form of spiritual healing and as with other ... keep a clear mind and a pure

Chakra-Auric Field Healing

with the Help of Archangel Metatron

Edite Peca, Victor Glanckopf

Page 2: Chakra-Auric Field · Chakra Auric Field healing is a form of spiritual healing and as with other ... keep a clear mind and a pure

Edite Peca is a medium, who has been working with light beings of higher realms and has channelled messages from the higher vibrational planes out of which this workshop was tailored. She has worked in development management as a freelance consultant in several different Asian countries. In her quest for spiritual development she has studied philosophical and esoteric texts from ancient civilisations as well as Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine and has assisted the teachings of Buddhist, Taoist and Hinduist Masters. She holds diplomas in various alternative therapy forms including Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Spiritual Healing and Parapsychology and is the founder of Source of Light Reiki, as well as the co-founder of Aura Empowerment Reiki, Karma Transformational Reiki, Archangel Raziel’s Sacred Geometry, Crystal Devas and Chakra Tantra Reiki. She has a strong commitment to human well being. Victor Glanckopf is the founder and director of spiritual awakening network and the co-founder of Reiki Kai international. His trainings and studies include Esoteric Yoga, Tibetan Mysticism, Chinese Chi Kung, Tai Chi, Esoteric Christianity, Mystery school knowledge of Ancient Egypt, Buddhism and the Kabbalha/Merkava. Victor is certified in many different Energy and Esoteric Systems. He has received many training and empowerments from many different Lamas, Yogis and Lightworkers, Healers and Energy masters. He has received special empowerments from Shanti Deva in Mahamudra and Liu Su in ancient Tantric Buddhism. Moreover, he has consistently meditated for many hours a day over the past 25 years and has reached the 10th level of Kyria Yoga and is the author of 30 workshops. For his workshops he also works with recognised and proven mediums to help in the attunements to higher vibrational levels and offer his students the most advanced workshops and effective attunements, and indeed his students agree that he offers very powerful attunements with a strong effect on their lives and their path to enlightenment. Due to his strong international network in the spiritual community Victor Glanckopf is always on the fore in regard to new energy healing systems and has been the pioneer in introducing and popularising new energy healing systems to this planet. He has a strong commitment to the overall well being of humanity and donates part of the money from the workshops to good causes as well as performing free of charge distance healing upon request as a gift to humanity.

Reproduction of the manuals is only permitted for personal use

and to share with students. The copyright remains with Victor Glanckopf and

Edite Peca. This written material is not to be republished on other web servers

or websites and is not to be translated or altered in any other way.

Page 3: Chakra-Auric Field · Chakra Auric Field healing is a form of spiritual healing and as with other ... keep a clear mind and a pure

1. Introduction

Chakra Auric Field healing is a form of energy healing that cleanses and balances the chakras

and aligns the chakra light radiation that emanates from the chakras to the aura. Chakra Auric

Field healing allows for the working on the chakras and the aura at the same time and thereby

heals and balances the subtle energy body as well as the physical body. After the treatment

you will feel much more protected from outside influences and are better able to stand your

ground and have the manifestation energy at your disposal that allows for the realisation of

your projects. Chakra Auric Field healing increases your energy levels and balances the

energies within the subtle and physical body and aligns the subtle body to the physical body

leaving you with a sense of overall harmony and inner peace. Moreover it helps you in

streamlining your energy and directing it towards your goals in life.

According to the theory of energy healing, vibrations in form of thoughts, sounds and words,

symbols and other vibrations produced by our senses enter our subtle energy field and pass

through all layers until they reach our chakras and then turn into “ physical energy” flowing

through the nadis. Conversely, the same happens with the energy and the associated thoughts

and emotions held within our chakras, they emanate to our aura and weaken it as well as

revealing our weaknesses and ingrained believes to the rest of the world. If these vibrations

are positive then our “light energy body” – that is our aura – will become strong and healthy

and illness and unwell-being is warded off, however, if they are negative the opposite occurs.

Since the aura is our “primary gate” for vibrational energies to enter our body, mind and spirit

and the chakras are the energy wheels which store our emotions and believes about ourselves

and emanate these ones to the aura in form of energy vibrations it is of utmost importance to

clear the chakras of negative energies and restricting believes and negative emotions about

ourselves and the world and simultaneously work on the aura to clear off the outside

vibrations that affect our being through the absorption of negative energies. If we work on

both planes of energy retention (chakras) and absorption (aura) we can align and streamline

our subtle body and be less subject to influences from our outside environment and have more

energy at our disposal to direct towards our goals.

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2. Explanations to the chakra and the aura

The translation of the chakras is energy wheels, they are the energy centres that absorb

outside energy from the cosmos through the aura and store our own energy we produce from

the transformation of food, thoughts, sounds, smells, movement and especially our thoughts,

emotions and believes we hold about us and the world. For instance someone who believes

that she/he is not welcome on mother earth will show an imbalance in her/his root chakra and

will emanate this to the aura and eventually attract situations, which confirm her ingrained

believes. Hence the importance of clearing and balancing the energies within the chakras.

Each chakra is associated with another period of our lives and stands for the development of

specific abilities during a given span of time. The chakras are aligned along our spine.

The chakras are also associated with

particular colors and functions in our lives:

The seven rights The seven identities

To know Crown Chakra

Universal identity Self knowledge

To see Third Eye Chakra

Archetypal Identity Self reflection

To speak Throat Chakra

Creative Identity Self expression

To love Heart Chakra

Social identity Self acceptance

To act Solarplexus Chakra

Ego identity Self definition

To feel Sacral Chakra

Emotional identity Self gratification

To be here Root Chakra

Physical identity Self preservation

• Red stands for vitality, physical well-being and enjoyment of life, it is the

colour of the root chakra, which is responsible for all aspects related to

material and physical well-being. It is the most important chakra for being

firmly grounded on mother earth and enjoying life.

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• Orange stands for motherly kind feelings towards fellow beings and altruistic

personality traits, it is the color of the sacral chakra, which stands for sexuality,

transition, movement, feeling well in one’s own body and helps us dealing

with all types of changes in life.

• Yellow stands for someone who has a stable personality, feels secure about

financial matters and is joyful, it is the color of the solar plexus chakra, which

is responsible for all aspects related to will and power as well as self-

determination and strength to put one’s plans into action and get through

though times in life.

• Green stands for people who like to help others are creative and in a process of

emotional change, this color is associated with the heart chakra, which is

responsible for everything related to emotions, love, inner peace and wisdom,

interpersonal relationships, creativity and generosity.

• Blue stands for people who are communicative, are eager to learn and strive

towards making mental progress, such as intellectuals, this color is associated

with the throat chakra, which is responsible for everything related to

communications, intellectual study, creative verbal expression, clarity of

speech etc.

• Indigo stands for people who strive for spiritual growth, this color is associated

to the third eye chakra, which is responsible for clarity of vision, intuition,

spiritual development and all aspects of psychic ability.

• Purple is the color of people who have psychic powers and have climbed the

mountain of spiritual growth; it is associated with the crown chakra, which

represents our connection to the universe and the source.

An imbalance in the chakras might lead to nervousness, instability and inner tension and most

of all blocks the energy system and prevents people from making progress in life and put their

plans into action.

The aura has seven layers which are connected to the seven main chakras plus an 8th layer,

which reconnects our whole energy being to the source of all light manifestation. Each layer

of the aura mirrors the predominant colour of the chakra and is hence similar in colour to the

chakra it is associated with. However, the colors of the aura differ slightly from the chakra

colors, as they reflect the blending that takes place between the different auras and the multitude

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of associated secondary and subsidiary chakras, rather then the pure color of the energy wheels


Ketheric Teplate Aura

Celestial Aura

Etheric Teplate Aura

Astral Aura

Physical Plane / body

Etheric Aura

Emotional Aura

Mental Aura

The physical plane that is the body is mostly associated with the color red, for it is the

materialization of energy and symbolizes vitality and reincarnation to an “earthly being”.

The etheric body extends about two inches out from the physical body and is said to be a

shade of blue in color. The shade of blue depends on the physical condition and health state

of the body.

The emotional aura extends about two to four inches from the physical body and is said to

appear as a rainbow colored cloud. It reflects feelings and it is said that positive feelings

generally generate bright colors.

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The mental body extends about four to eight inches from the physical body and is said to be

a bright shade of yellow. This aura reflects thoughts and mental processes. The more active

the thinking of that person the brighter the colors in the aura are.

The astral aura extends about eight to twelve inches from the physical body and is said to

appear as a brightly colored rainbow cloud. It is the bridge between the physical and the

spiritual world.

The etheric template aura extends about twelve to twenty inches from the physical body and

is said to appear as a blue print form. The etherical template aura is said to hold the etheric

aura in place. It is the template for the etheric dimension.

The celestial aura extends about twenty-four inches from the physical body and is said to

appear as a mixture of shimmering pastel colors. It is associated with the level of feelings

within the world of our spirit, here we communicate with all beings of the spiritual world.

The ketheric template aura extends about thirty-six inches from the physical body and

appears as an extremely bright golden light. This aura protects everything within its

boundaries - that is it protects all other auras including the “physical aura” and reconnects

us to the universal source of light.

The problem with the aura is that the layers let through both bad and good energy vibrations

because it cannot distinguish between good and bad vibrations. Hence it is important that we

are attuned to the higher realm from where light beings empower, protect and purify our aura.

3. How to perform an Chakra Auric Field healing session

Chakra Auric Field healing is a form of spiritual healing and as with other forms of spiritual

healing where we need to attune to higher light beings to perform healing work, we have to

keep a clear mind and a pure and open heart to perform Aura Empowerment Reiki sessions

effectively. Voice the following affirmation: I ask the angels to take all my burdens, worries

and negative emotions from me and appease my heart, attune my spirit and clear my mind.

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Hence before performing a therapeutic session get yourself into a meditative state and

concentrate yourself on breathing regularly and recite the mantra om to clear the energy space

around you as well as clear your mind from any thoughts. Following this make a prayer to

Archangel Metatron to perform the chakra auric field healing session.

Then before starting working on the person you should first undertake some balancing and

grounding work on the person as described below. First draw the earth and water symbol on

the feet, next draw the ether and fire symbol on the hands, then visualise the opening and

attuning of the crown chakra with the use of the “7 rays whirl” last balance all 4 elements by

first drawing the triangle pointing downwards, then the one pointing upwards and finish it off

with the “Bindi” (circle in the centre) to centralise the person.

Get into a meditative state and draw the spiral as depicted below on your hand, it should have

9 circles. While you are drawing the 9 circles visualise how white colour enters the centre of

your hand chakras.

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Then start working on the root chakra visualising how you are clearing the chakra and

balancing it, concentrate on channelling through the colour red and a regular rotating

movement expanding within the chakra and outwards to the aura. Do the same procedure for

all chakras, while visualising the colour that goes with it, that is orange, yellow, green, blue,

indigo, purple. Once you have finished the work on the front continue working on the back of

the person using the same procedure again.

Next ask the person to turn on her front again and start working again from the root chakra up

to the crown chakra. Visualise how the chakra absorbs the regular spiralling movement your

hand chakra is emanating and how this spiralling energy emanations extend to the aura until

you can see the fully restored aura layer in its vibrant corresponding colour. Some people feel

pushed to move the hand slowly away from the chakra through the aura layers up to the

corresponding aura level. As for determining the location of each aura layer know that your

intuition will tell you at which height to keep your hands. After having undertaken your

therapeutic work on the front go on with the back. After having finished this course of

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treatment you will once more ask the person to turn on her front again and this time you will

concentrate on levelling out and aligning the chakras and aura levels. For this purpose you

have to develop your intuition and work with both hands simultaneously at different chakra

and aura levels to align them. It is useless for this purpose to describe in detail which chakra

and aura should be worked on simultaneously since this will vary from person to person

depending on the balance and the connection between the chakras and the aura layers. Just let

yourself be guided by your intuition and your higher self during this final treatment course.

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Should you find a lot of imbalances and impurities in the aura you can as well use semi-

precious stones for the clearing of the aura, especially quartz stone has a very strong clearing

effect on the aura. You can also use the semi-precious stones that are associated with the

corresponding chakras. After having used the stones for healing purposes make sure you wash

them with cold water - leave the tap water running while holding the stone under the water.

7. Sahasrara-Chakra also called crown chakra)

Clear Quartz stone, Amethyst and Diamond

6. Ajna-Chakra also called third eye chakra Amethyst, Azurite, Sugilith and Tourmaline

5. Vishuddha-Chakra also called throat chakra

Aquamarine, blue Tourmaline blue Topaz, Turquoise and, Chalcedony

4. Anahata-Chakra also called heart chakra

Emerald, Rose Quartz, Malachite, Aventurine and green Tourmaline

3. Manipura-Chakra also called solar plexus chakra Gold topaz Citrine, Tiger eye and yellow Jasper

2. Svadhisthana-Chakra also called sexual chakra Carnelian, Moonstone and gold topaz

1.Muladhara-Chakra also called root chakra Red Granate stone, Rubin, red Jasper and red Coral

Once you have finished with the treatment thank Archangel Metatron for his help and if you

can light a candle for Archangel Metatron.

4. Attuning others to Chakra Auric Field Healing

To attune someone else to Chakra Auric Field Healing just pray for the presence of Archangel

Metatron and visualise how his light is channelled through you to the person to be attuned.

Next attune the hand chakras of the person by visualising the 9 circled spiral on the hand

chakras with diamond white light emerging the hand chakras and preparing and attuning the

hands for healing work. After the attunement thank Archangel Metatron.
