BONUS: Proxy & Energy Healing CHAKRAS AND SACRED CENTERS Syl:  So, a little from last time. The chakras work like gears of a watch. When one starts turning, the other ones start moving. So you may experience a shift and most people’s tendency is to work in the divine, up here. But if you haven’t given yourself a grounded foundation, you’re always going to be searching for something that is elusive to you because you haven’t gone through the steps to really access it in an authentic way.  There’s no gimmick here. This is just really like a life-changing reality. There are lots of people that, you know , are into the process of yoga. You see it everywhere. Madonna picked it up and we got a whole flood of other people. Then somebody else picked it up and more people. But it’s l ike when they said jogging was a fad. It’s not a fad. It is a real turning east. There’s a poem I wrote that I give out at Christmas. It’s called Turning East . Literally these philosophies of energy and the more ethereal work that we do these days, and it’s more to get a group like this together and visit about things like this. People are literally turning east. That’s where they’re looking for what is to come next.  And if you are of the Christian philosophy , it’s a literal t urning east.  Okay, big things are on the horizon, big beautiful things. And, so this philosophy , we have the chakras here: red at the root, orange for the instinctual creativity , yellow for your power . There are phrases about being “yellow bellied” or “fire in the belly”.  The heart is at the center here. Green is the balanced color of the light color spectrum. It’s where all of these turn into these. Bright blue is at the throat. The third eye is indigo. And violet into ultra- violet is the crown.  So within this context you know, how do you sort of integrate this system? I would definitely recommend the DVD’s we’ve done in filming this, and the Seven Sacred Centers DVD. If you want a synopsis of this healing process, with that Seven Sacred Centers you’ll get a 35 minute period in your life where you’ll see things really evolve into how the chakras work together, how they’re inter- related and what an authentic, divine recognition is really like. I don’t just mean a really psychedelic experience. What I’m talking  ©2010 Carol T uttle Page 1 All rights reserved.

Chakra Healing: Bonus Proxy Energy Healing

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Chakra Healing: Bonus Proxy Energy Healing

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  • BONUS: Proxy & Energy Healing


    Syl: So, a little from last time. The chakras work like gears of a watch. When one starts turning, the other ones start moving. So you may experience a shift and most peoples tendency is to work in the divine, up here. But if you havent given yourself a grounded foundation, youre always going to be searching for something that is elusive to you because you havent gone through the steps to really access it in an authentic way.

    Theres no gimmick here. This is just really like a life-changing reality. There are lots of people that, you know, are into the process of yoga. You see it everywhere. Madonna picked it up and we got a whole flood of other people. Then somebody else picked it up and more people. But its like when they said jogging was a fad. Its not a fad. It is a real turning east.

    Theres a poem I wrote that I give out at Christmas. Its called Turning East. Literally these philosophies of energy and the more ethereal work that we do these days, and its more to get a group like this together and visit about things like this. People are literally turning east. Thats where theyre looking for what is to come next. And if you are of the Christian philosophy, its a literal turning east.

    Okay, big things are on the horizon, big beautiful things. And, so this philosophy, we have the chakras here: red at the root, orange for the instinctual creativity, yellow for your power. There are phrases about being yellow bellied or fire in the belly.

    The heart is at the center here. Green is the balanced color of the light color spectrum. Its where all of these turn into these. Bright blue is at the throat. The third eye is indigo. And violet into ultra-violet is the crown.

    So within this context you know, how do you sort of integrate this system? I would definitely recommend the DVDs weve done in filming this, and the Seven Sacred Centers DVD. If you want a synopsis of this healing process, with that Seven Sacred Centers youll get a 35 minute period in your life where youll see things really evolve into how the chakras work together, how theyre inter-related and what an authentic, divine recognition is really like. I dont just mean a really psychedelic experience. What Im talking

    2010 Carol Tuttle Page 1 All rights reserved.

  • about is to feel grounded enough that you know that you are never alone, that Divinity, God, Heavenly Father is part of you and with you all the time. I just started out to do a yoga DVD. I basically was visiting with Perry and he said, You know we could do a yoga DVD and youd have a little something to sell in the back of the room.

    And I thought, Okay, sure. I had no idea that I was, you know, going to be a tool for information to come out. Thats the way it really evolved. Its like Carols website, you know she says, I sit and I watch myself and I do it and Im cleared.

    And its like, it should be me, so it shouldnt, she didnt say this but theres this philosophy of, Oh, its me so it wouldnt count. But when its coming through you, its not you. Its bigger than you are. And thats why it applies. So its just been a really sincere deep pleasure.

    Carol: Which one did you give me? Whats the title of the -- ?

    Syl: The Seven Sacred Centers.

    Carol: Now that, I just have to give my plug for that. That is honestly one of the most beautifully artistically created, as well as valuable content about the chakras that Ive ever seen. Its really like... how did you...

    Syl: I dont know. I dont know.

    Carol: Its like your chakra residency that I listen to all the time. I mean who knew that she could chant? She didnt even know until it came time to do it. And so, those are remarkable products that I highly recommend you make the investment in.

    The experience with them just connects with an inner grace in your being just by viewing and listening. Really, its spectacular. Theyre really, really good.

    Syl: Yeah, its really wild and you know when we sat down to do this and Perry and I worked on the music together, he composed the music and I chanted in the background and just little things -- Im listening to the music I thought, What if I just chanted the seed sound of each chakra real soft?

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  • Great I would love to have a human voice And he got to the throat chakra and he could not think of anything to do musically that was just quite right. So we went and recorded the chants and it just so happened that one of the chants where it was more melodious, fit the seed sound chant in pitch perfectly. And I dont read music. I couldnt tell you what an A or a B or a C or a D... Is there a D?

    Audience Member: Yeah.


    Syl: Okay. Okay. I couldnt tell you what that is. And this is whats really amazing is that this is really what were here to talk about tonight. About long distance communication. Because when we sat down to do that and it just so happened it was in the perfect pitch. When we set that music to the DVD, it crescendoed in just the right place with what we had put visually there.

    And it was timed perfectly and the producer of the DVD said, I dont know how this happens. Normally youve got this plane and youve got a composer doing it in time with this. So its really powerful in a healing, clearing sort of way. And we are all basically already having a long distance effect on each other.

    There is this philosophy. We have this idea that our spirit is inside our body and I wouldnt contend with that at all. But if youve seen someone whose spirit is not in their body, who has left this realm of existence, theres something outside of them that looks different too.

    If you subscribe to any of the eastern thought, you have an ethereal body that surrounds you. So when you are in someone elses space, and interestingly enough the pancha kosha, which is in the workbook on the chakras, goes out three feet, which is personal space. But really there are soft bodies that go out exponentially.

    This idea that we are separate from one another is a misinformation. What we do to ourselves, we do to another person. And you can really change the molecular structure of someone by your thoughts.

    I dont know how many of you are familiar with Emotos book, Miraculous Messages Through Water; where he basically

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  • photographed water molecules and all he did was, he taped the words, Thank You on distilled water and left it over night. Totally changed. He taped on Mother Theresa and Adolf Hitler to the same water and took pictures. A vast difference in what you see. And so you really affect other people.

    I had an experience. Im so perilous to say this on camera. But I had an experience at the bank where I really went down into the boardroom and I just dont like that place. You know?

    Carol: Shes a manager.

    Syl: Im a manager of a bank in my day life.

    Carol: When shes pretending she is a 3D human.

    Syl: Yeah. Yeah. It keeps me grounded. So Im down in the boardroom.

    Carol: And all her staff does all this stuff...

    Syl: We all do. They cant figure out whats going on down at my office. Theyre not completely comfortable with it but things are too good to do anything about it.

    Carol: Their numbers look good.

    Syl: But, I was down there and I saw this man at the head of the table and I saw another loan officer talking about a loan that was headed south, and I saw him take off his glasses and shake his head, and I saw the look on his face. All I did was say to him, in here, You can be released from what youre feeling.

    And I sent basically an emotion of love. Not necessarily that I tried to conjure out of my heart, because we are with people all the time that we dont necessarily love. Some of them were related to, you know? But yet theres that connection.

    There is a love that you can tap into. And in Tai yoga therapy, which is what connected me with Carol in the first place, its a meditation of metta, which is loving kindness. And that is a love that you dont have to conjure up.

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  • That is a love that is flowing constantly. The only way it stops flowing is if you cover the glass and stop the current from filling it up. A lot of times we live in a society where we keep the glass covered. It is perfectly acceptable and it is considered right and proper to show no emotion in our society. Thats a problem. Thats a big problem. It creates a lot of cutting off of that current.

    Were going to talk about opening up that current. Basically what I did was just opened up the current to him. I took a cue from Carols book, and I do it in my yoga class regularly. Its really powerful. But around the boardroom I just invited a ministering angel to stand behind every person at that table.

    And by the time I left he had never smiled as much, he had never laughed with me and it turned out to be the only enjoyable experiences Ive ever had down there. And all it was, was opening myself up to that current.

    It maybe didnt change the outcome of what I had to report or how he felt about it, but it really did change me and how protected I felt as a human being in an environment that is probably one of the lower energy environments. Because youre into the power center for power, you know, sort of over a situation, rather than elevating the situation, the possibilities and the potential within the situation.

    So there are places where you have to take a grim strategy, and thats one of the places, but to go in there, man, I wouldnt walk in there without my pink tourmaline necklace on. Theres no way. There is no way. But, at the same time thats kind of what were going to share tonight. Did you want me to just go ahead and start with with a volunteer? Or did you want to talk?


    Carol: Well I wanted to share briefly my experience with proxy and long distance work. Ive done a lot of assisting people in proxy clearing as a facilitator of energy processes in my private practice. And that would come up for people frequently, that somebody elses energy would present itself in the session.

    And those of you that do this kind of work have experienced that. Im sure you have, Michelle. Michelles a rapid eye technician thats

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  • been certified for several years. She does have cards in the back if youre interested in connecting with her.

    Carol: Is there anyone else here thats RET? Oh, thats right. Stand up, Heidi. So these are all resources for you tonight to connect with this really awesome tool. Have you had the experience yet of doing proxy with a client? And running a session for someone else but using them for the facilitating? It will present itself at sometime. Its just going to be so clearly present for you. You know what? We need to help this other person. I really feel their energy present.

    And usually you know, its not like Im going, you know, Oh, theres somebody. Who is it? Its like I know their history enough, I know their relationships and so its not like Im picking up on somebody showing up. I dont do too much, Oh, its a deceased ancestor. I just figure thats always happening.

    But with a living family member, thats happened frequently that we just need to run that aspect because theyre keeping the other person anchored in their stuff too. So it releases both people just by approaching it from that angle.

    In proxy work, Im actually involved in doing, proxy would be clearing energy for someone else. If I were to use Syl, she would represent someone else and were going to use her point of presence, her physical presence here to run their energy. So its as if the other persons here with me getting the benefit. But shes the one facilitating in their behalf. I can do proxy work by using pictures. I can just think of them in my mind. I can hold them present with me as I do my own clearings.

    Talking to Melissa and Maria who are members of my learning center website, we were chatting because they use it daily. They have made it very useful to them on a daily basis and they put a picture of their family next to the computer. So theyre in the energetic space of what theyre doing with the intention, Were clearing our family. That can be done.

    See intention is what sets it up. So your first step in proxy work is, who are you to assist? I always figure, why not dovetail? Pull someone else in and give them the benefit. You know? If I can include another person, a family member, a child in what Im doing for me, its going to be offered to them and received. So that intention allows it to be offered.

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  • Now in that offering, youre actually allowing the shift, the clearing to be received by that person which is an agency factor that they have to receive on some level. We dont have the power to just make something happen, to force change. But what I believe is that we, through intention, reach their higher self and in that its invited to be received.

    And all I can do is open a door, create an opportunity for them to make a different choice, to respond differently. To make a movement in a different direction which then engages them. Because thats all you can do. You can just create opportunity for them to move and allow change that then they are in their own cause and effect. Would you explain it that way?

    Syl: Yes. The attachment issue is the quickest way to kind of shut that off. Ill just give you a quick story. Tai yoga therapy; in my advanced training that I went to, Sol was telling a story about one of his women that trained with him.

    She had emailed him the night before we began this and she said, You know, theres a point during Tai yoga treatment where Im kneeling at your head and Ive got a finger on your third eye point and your crown and your heart, and Im just sort of holding all three there and were breathing together. So I mirror your breath. And its real deep and fabulous.

    Her husband who she had, had you know, they had their own issues as there are in most marriages. She had been practicing on him and he had been allowing her to. And this was a huge deal. She could feel this tremendous current of love that was outside of the wife love.

    It was that compassion moving through her as he and she as existing in Gods eyes, or as existing in God. You know that idea of oneness. Which is really powerful, and so he was loving it. And she thought, How neat. And then as she continued to do this work on him, she would use that time to sort of allow things that shed love to have happen, like the garage cleaned out, into that experience.

    So she brought in her wants for him and he didnt want the massages anymore. Not a word was said. But that current, okay, its where your heart is. Thats one of the reasons I had the heart

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  • in. Your heart needs to be in the right place and you need to be in a place where you can actually do that work as a conduit rather than as the creator of that.

    Because this DVD was information that needed to come out. I was just the body that showed up to do it. I think Carol would agree with that kind of statement. When someones ready to heal, theyll do it. Its like having a baby, you know?

    Everybody shows up when its time. And sometimes your house burns down in that process. But this long distance healing can add a tremendous support. And, study after study, after study, one of those science things, people who are prayed over by people who they dont know, in other countries, are healing quicker than people who arent.

    Carol: Prayer is probably the most commonly practiced proxy long distant energy dynamic thats going on. Because its engaging a power greater than yourself to affect change, to have an influence in the cause and effect in the quantum field in which we exist which initiates a power greater than ourselves to influence change, influence different outcomes for the higher good or for that person.

    First, if youre open and receptive to the spirit, youll be a conduit for who youre meant to be in proxy or aware of when you practice these kind of resources. Second is intention. The third is release all attachment.

    If you have a family member thats really bugging you, you want them to change and heal and youre trying to do proxy for them or infect them through long distance energy work. Its not going to happen because you need something to be different there and that need will cancel it out just for the fact its more about you in that moment than it is about them.

    I believe God proxies us every day. Weve got long distance energy work going on between us and the Godhead every day of our lives. Its whats keeping us going. Angels are doing proxy work every day.

    And theres no attachment there because you know what? They pretty much roll it up and say, Im done because you guys arent getting it down here. Theres no attachment. Theyre willing to

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  • show up and engage in the process out of love. The reward is the offering not the outcome.

    That was really good. See, I just said something. I taught myself. The reward is the offering not the outcome. But if youre attached to the outcome, you will cancel out your -- you might as well not even do it. It will not be effective because you have a need. Its emotionally based and youre trying to force something.

    And so youve got to clear your own self first before you can have a positive effect on someone else that way. Especially a family member that you really -- you know I get that question all the time.

    How do I help so and so in my family heal? I get more contacts from parents saying, My child... And theyre 30 years old, the child. Not 12. Theyre an adult child. And I need them to do... Theyre doing this, this, this, and this. How can I get them to want this? To heal? Or, I want to bring them in. I want to get them to see you.

    Its like, No. No. Focus on yourself. Thats why their magnifying it because youre still looking at them. So theyre going to be the mirror. Theyre going to magnify it and play the higher drama because youre still not looking, turning it around and saying, Oh, what about me?

    What have I got to take care of here? So thats a key element in any of this being effective. You just have to, you know, have that non-attachment and then just be grateful for the opportunity to serve a role.

    You dont have to be long distance from someone to do proxy. I could proxy Syl right here. I proxy my husband when were arguing. One of the main things I do when were in a quarrel, I will imagine a white light, a shaft of white light come down and surround us to alter the energy and open a current to resolution.

    Im proxying because Im asking for an energy healing to occur, to move us out of that space. Every time I remember to do that, it shifts where were going. It allows us to move out of these lower chakras of fighting and defending, and up into the higher chakras of love and companionship.

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  • Ive been playing with that recently to notice how often Im down here in survival going, Man, Im still running the base chakra. This checks going to bounce, Im ticked, thats all lower chakra stuff. And going, Oh, what can I do to help these people? Im a conduit for help. Im learning to go up here in my response to life experience because we are so much about the lower chakras in this planet still.

    Every time I do that, do I proxy this planet? It affects the whole community on this earth because every human has an effect on everyone else. We can never get away from it, like Syl was saying. Were always proxying for better, or not so good. Its either adding to the benefit or its creating more disease.

    Syl: Youre proxying something all the time.

    Carol: All the time. Thats a given.

    Syl: What is it?

    Carol: Its the quantum soup we live in.


    Syl: Right. Absolutely. Is it negativity? I am a banker. That grounding in basis is something that I choose to do at this point and time in my life. I may not always be that. Its not time to move on yet.

    Carol: One thing you can do... You know those bouncing balls that used to follow the songs on cartoons? Well, Ive been using that to get up into the higher chakras. I have one of those bouncing balls and it just goes. Bonk, bonk, bonk, bonk... And it just... and then the back. Its like, activate the bouncy ball because I need to get these other energy centers open and communicating and responding with my experience.

    Syl: Well, thats where yoga comes in. Its a great balancer of the systems of the body. Tai yoga therapy is that, times ten because youve got someone whos willing to show up as the body, to be there, to be the conduit. If youve got a good Tai yoga therapist of

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  • which Im the only one in the state right now so, I promise Ill do my best to be good.

    Carol: Its awesome. I get a session a month. I would like to do it every week.

    Syl: That period of time, Im okay standing back and letting it sort of move through me. Thats when its great. When Ive got someone whos accepting of that energy and theyre not trying to figure out where it comes from.

    Back to the banker thing, what I was going to say is, I can be standing in line at a gas station and know full well that the person writing that check, speaking of bouncing, is going to bounce. I can take the thought process of that energy and bring a negativity into that, and a judgment. Or, I can hold that space that, that money is going to be there. That money is going to come to them in ways they dont even realize.

    When I was driving to pick up the DVDs that Ive got back there tonight, I was crossing over I-215 and there was someone walking along the -- Im not even going to go into a description of the type of person because theres a label in your mind.

    But someone crossing and it was like there was a connection that I had had with that person forever and it came up just like that and I thought, Heres my opportunity. Im not going to think this is nuts. But, Im just going to send them real love and compassion for where theyre going in their life and feel grateful that I had the opportunity to open that up.

    Now if people would have that sort of philosophy rather than -- I wont watch the evening news anymore. I figure if its important enough, Im going to hear about it. Its that line of, where are you going to exist?


    The other thing that occurred to me, as a single parent and just kind of coming through my own healing process, even as I started the year here with Carol, I could feel I was on the cusp of something. That something was just about to get a lot better. And I allowed

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  • myself to just allow that to be and find out what it is. Some of its happened, some of it hasnt but I can feel it. I can feel an openness to it.

    But as I tuck my son in bed at night, I would feel sorrow for him having to not be able to have something he wanted every day which would be a mom and a dad in the home. Or, feeling like discouraged that I couldnt be there at the bus with him and just go in the house with him. He had to go with my niece or a sitter for a couple of hours after work and letting that drag me down.

    And I thought, Wait a second. Im doing this for me but not for him. So I immediately flipped my thinking to, My and Toms life is about to get a lot better. I am so excited. And it wasnt bad before. But I wasnt open to it improving and so I take that energy and my relationship with him, when I sit down to play with him on the living room floor, and this is where its real for you, this is where it gets real for you to use in your own life.

    When I sit down to play with him on the floor, before I was in emotional pain for what he didnt have. Okay? To make that shift that, Oh my heavens. His life is going to get a whole lot better. Has connected me on an intimacy level with my son and joy that I had yet not experienced.

    So just by having that thought, my life got a lot better in the amount of time I could sit down face to face and play with him.

    Audience Member: Ive used proxy and long distance energy work mostly with my family. I feel, because Im the only one in my family of origin thats done any of this work. I think Ive proxied generations of ancestors, I know I have. I was the over-achieving soul that said, Oh sure, how many? Okay. How much is there?

    So I know youre always doing that when youre doing your own work. Youre always proxying your generational lines because thats your DNA and its being reprogrammed. Its being cleared and reprogrammed to your true essence.

    Syl: My name is Sylvia. I go by Syl. My son is Tom. It didnt occur to me when I named him when he was born, that my Grandmother is Sylvia. She died in her 40s and left her son who was eight years old, Tom, who became an alcoholic and died in his 20s. Her mother died in her 30s and left her kids. And so I made that

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  • connection of, Im carrying on this generational pattern of a mother not being able to be there for their child. Even though Im alive.

    Carol: Thats what happened last month. You just had to go through the actual...

    Syl: Its like, Duh!. I was even using the same names.

    Carol: You went through the, You might die scenario. So youve cleared that pattern.

    Syl: I dont know where that came from. But John called and said, What are you doing? Im 36.

    Carol: There you go. See, she ran through it, shes good.

    Syl: I hid it and I was putting a baby out for everybody to see. This DVD. And John called and said, How you doing?

    Im in the InstaCare. It feels like Im having a baby. It felt like I was having a baby, literally. I wont go into all the details about everything thats been happening to me these last few weeks is what happened to me before Tom was born.

    So I said, John, it feels like Im having a baby.

    He said, Is it square?

    I said, Yes. Its in a plastic case. It was interesting. But I interrupted you.

    Carol: I want to share some of the ways I use this work with my family members. I used to believe my parents wouldnt have anything to do with this. That it would be a bizarre result that if they ever showed up and did a -- I couldnt imagine them ever being a recipient of a rapid eye session. They were totally closed to this. Well I proxied them by changing my perception. I realized I could never create that or manifest that experience as long as I had that belief.

    So I started to do meditation on that and I would see my parents in my office, in my rapid eye chair, in the chair that my clients sit in when they are receiving sessions from me. Well, lo and behold they have both done it several times. And theyre both very open to

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  • what I do and very supportive. And I shifted, just as Syl was saying she shifted her belief. The energy changed for both of us. And I allowed a different outcome to be realized and something at a much higher level to be experienced.

    So whatever your perceptions are that you project to others is a proxy experience in that you hold them in bondage to that experience with you. They will not be able to alter it because youre so convinced thats all that can come forward.

    And in your reality creating machine, theyre going to play the part of the script you give them. Theres a really good chapter in my book, Remembering Wholeness, theres two, one is called, Everyones playing a part in your play with the script youve given them. The next chapter is, If everyones playing a part, then change the script.

    I literally rewrote scripts. Sitting down in writing, I wrote new scripts for my parents. These are all energy processes because I created a different vibration for them to experience me in. Theres a visualization in the book that you can use on changing those scripts where I handed them new scripts. And they agreed to play by those and theyve shown up and thats all been realized. Ive experienced that in my reality.

    You do that for children. If your current experience with a child or a spouse is really in conflict or its just recycling the same contention or the same struggle. Work with it at another level of the energy in their subconscious. Bring in the energy of peace, resolution, without having to know what that looks like.

    But what you do when you create a script is just write down, If I was a more ideal experience with this person, what would they be saying to me? How would they be acting? What would the communication be like? You create the dialogue. Id be hearing this. Theyd be saying, Wow, Carol. What you do is so fabulous. One way my dad showed up on their 50th wedding anniversary he really blew it and created a scene, got in the car and started driving to Utah and called me and said, I really need your help. I just really blew it. Hes driving to Utah. He lives in California. Okay. Im here. Id be glad to help you.

    My mom has been really opened to all the things Ive been involved in since I changed my belief about them and I wrote new scripts.

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  • With my children, these are some things I do on a daily basis. Almost every morning when I wake up within the first few minutes of my awakening, I ask angels to come to all my family members bedside. Wherever that might be. I have a son in Thailand. Hes on a church service mission and hes been there a little over a year.

    I do all this including him. Even though the time is different, it doesnt matter. I figure it will be realized in his time sequence when it needs to happen. I dont have to work out those details. But I ask angels to come in and be present in the wakening hours of my familys -- be right in their space. I can literally feel now that energetics presencing itself with me. I just feel a, Whoo. Its just like its coming down. Whoo. Like that. I feel it.

    For my son thats in Thailand, I will imagine being at his bedside, even laying down with him and energetically being there for him. My energy communicating with his.

    Of course, we pray for him daily. I do affirmations on his behalf as though I were him, for him. I do that a lot. I do first person affirmations like with an energy circle for each of my children. Those are the kinds of things I do when go on these longer runs that I do when Im training for a marathon.

    Those become my time to do these processes that are very intentional and focused for my family. I do a lot of the daily energy routine that you learned from Donna Eden. The triple warmer release, releasing the fight and flight meridian. Ill do that. Ill do these processes in my mind and intend that theyre received by the family member, the individual.

    Anything youve learned thats a technique, can be transferred into being done in behalf of someone else or multiple people at any time. So Im doing proxy and long distance on energy work on a daily basis just as now a lifestyle.

    Because thats how I operate as a mother. I have a higher awareness about how these things work. I have a lot of technique that I can resource. Its just a manner of how I support my family and my role as a wife and mother to do this work on a daily basis.

    I ask a lot to receive inspiration as to what I am to know and do. To be guided with that so that I have things come to me that I havent planned. Im taught as I go along and allowed to try new things.

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  • And think, Oh that was cool. That makes a difference. I imagine my children, I zip up their central meridian before they go off to school, my two boys in high school. Ill wrap them in white light or ask for their ministering angels to go before them. Ill ask for that in prayer quite a bit, that my childrens ministering angels move before them throughout their day to open the way for whats purposeful for them to come forward. A lot of asking for safety and those types of things.

    So we tell our children, we live at a very high standard. We expect a high level of integrity for them. If they want to go to a certain movie. Like my son said, Mom, have you heard about the movie The Grudge? See this is about the time of year where all these really lower energy movies come out with Halloween and scary and I said, Yeah. I would never go see that because the energy is just not appealing to me. I dont want to be in that energy. And I dont recommend you go either because theres just a lot of junk going on there. And it affects you.

    He says, Okay. They really get it. They dont have to go to see that. They actually influence their friends without having to get into all the behind the knowledge of what they know. But they are willing to speak out and just say, No. I dont want to do that. Because they know how they feel when they feel good and they know how they feel when they feel lousy and they know its their choice. Its not some random thing going on.

    That they have an ability to affect how they feel and their energy. So those are just things I do pretty regularly that you might try and employ in your role as a mother and a wife, and in your work. Because youre doing proxy all the time for your staff. Its just like you cant not do it when you really immerse yourself in this. Its just part of your obligation in contract with humanity. When you learn energy work, guess what? You will get to proxy. You will run energy for your children when you dont want to.

    Syl: Well and if my employees are going to work for me. They have to have read Carols book. And if they dont agree with whats in that book then theyre not the right employee to work for me because I want people who come in my office and, it happens time and time again on the business side of things, there really isnt a difference between business and personal because were all affecting one another. When someone comes in my office, I have people that

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  • have an account 15 miles away and they come to do their banking at my office.

    Carol: Because theyre getting cleared.

    Syl: Because theyre getting cleared at my office. Weve got yoga to support everything downstairs. They dont know that. But the employees are the type of people that when they say, Have a nice day. Its not a gimmick. They really do mean it and theyre really affecting that. And we really got serious about it when hed been knocked out with the butt of a sawed-off shotgun. You know. I said, How did you feel?

    He said, I dont think they touched me. I dont think they ever touched me.

    And I said, That was Jesus. No. But, you know it really is, its like, theres a grace and you call it Crown Chakra, you can call it universal consciousness, you can call it Christ. But there is a grace that takes place and this is the deal; you can go from the root, all the way up through the ascension, and what happens is then you take that divine consciousness and you interlace it and weave it down to elevate what goes on in those lower centers.

    That way the lower centers are an actual foundation of support in a healthy way, rather than a drag downward into a lower common denominator. So after we were robbed, we got real specific about what we expected to have happen at our office. It was that, people who would do us harm, wouldnt see us. They wouldnt even see us. The type of clientele who would elevate, not just the bottom line but our experience in working there would show up for us. We have amazing clientele at our office.

    Theyre the most amazing people that walk through our door. Its not uncommon for me to have a conversation on quantum physics in my lobby with customers. Thats the type of people weve got, and its creating that atmosphere and that environment. If you go to the movie theaters on the weekend, you would see maybe once or twice or three times a year, all of us there together seeing a decent cool show. Its like; we dont hang out with each other because we dont have anything else to do. Its a good environment to be in.

    Its not just home or business. You can do it when youre driving home on I-15 and Ill just take the car that passed me and say,

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  • Every car that passes me is going to shift into a new energy. And just kind of create that.

    Carol: That makes me think. If Ive been out of town, because Ive been out of my home space energetically, Ill send my energy ahead of me into my home to start to have things shift to me to easily transition back into the group there. So you can send your energy ahead into family parties. You can get everybodys energy together before all the physical bodies show up to start communicating and harmony being created.

    I send angels ahead to do things. I proxy my bank account. I expand the energetic space that it holds in the quantum field that thats being accounted for. You just get really clever with all this. It just starts to come to you because you understand that, I can do this with anything. This is how Im creating anyway. So, you get real conscious and deliberate in that ability to do it the more youre just willing to stay open, teachable and to try it out.

    Were going to take a break in a few minutes. My son who is away, the results are pretty phenomenal for what hes accomplishing. A recent missionary from his area came home and told his sister at Utah State that hes the top companionship in Thailand.

    That he and his companion, who was the former assistant to the president in the mission, the president released his assistant and made he and my son companions and sent them to a city in north central Thailand, across from the border of Laos to open up a new city.

    They were literally sent there with a $3,000 budget to find a place to live, find a place to hold church and start teaching investigators that were interested in the message they had.

    They had so much success their first six weeks that they had to assign four more missionaries to accommodate the results they were getting. They were even assigned to affect opportunities in Laos. They actually had a chance to work with and baptize the first husband and wife, from Laos, that will become the first leadership position officially from that country.

    This is a young man that struggled a lot before went on his mission with some real personal challenges. With some stuff that could have kept him from going. Because of what he knows and his

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  • commitment to applying it, I think he thinks Im a bit weird right now because hes pretty immersed in a pretty conventional lifestyle. Im pretty conventional in my language with him at the moment. I cant be too far out or metaphysical with him, it will freak him out. He knows me. He knows what Im about. He gets the results and I know because energetically we are all relating to him for success and helping him create that.

    As a mother, Ive completely released him to that experience. I have never once felt any dynamic that I am suffering in any way. Ive had that capacity with my children to really support them as they transition. I think its because I keep myself busy enough that its not like I dont have anything to do with myself.

    I just am grateful for that, that I can allow and support them to be

    about their experience without needing them to be there for me. I need nothing from this young man at all. If he did not have the time to write me, I would miss those letters, I would miss that communication but I would trust impeccably that he was doing exactly what was right for him and its not about me as his mom.

    Thats when you know youre doing your own work. When you have that ability to really support your children in that way. And let it be about them in their growing years, and support them that way. Im really grateful for that because it could be really miserable if youre so attached.

    You know how they sell those countdown calendars with stickers? Im just like, I dont relate to that. I mean I just cant even imagine putting a sticker on a calendar on a daily basis to track his time away. Hes just doing what hes got to do.

    As you open yourself up to, What am I to know for my family, with what I already know? How am I to use what I know to spread and reach further with what Ive already learned? Its just about about tweaking it. Applying it to a broader spectrum with an intent. Youre using tools with yourself. What are you meant to do with those same tools thats going to be broader and reach more people?

    When we come back, were going to actually do some processes and do some fun, interactive things. So, why dont we take a 10 minute break so you can get some water, move around and then were going to come back and get more active? Does that sound alright to you?

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  • Syl: Mm-hm.

    Carol: And were going to do questions and answers when we come back too. Give you some more specifics.


    Syl: Just real brief commercial announcements, in a good way, its a good thing. August 30th, the cover of Time Magazine, How to live to be 100 (and not regret it). The parenthesis are the most important part of that statement. Today there are over 1 million people who are over 100. The life expectancy from the center of-- I dont know what they are to be honest. Its the Center for Life Expectancy, you know, its a real place. Where I got this information is I was actually in a meeting at the bank. Im on the 401K advisory board for Far West Bank and we had someone there who was from a life insurance company who was familiar with the life tables, talking about the importance of investing for your future, because people are older. The life expectancy of a child born today is 137 years.

    Audience Member: Wow. Amazing.

    Syl: Yeah. So start during your yoga. Thats what I have to say to that. But, I just chuckled because I was at my desk at the bank. Im supposed to read the current periodicals and stay up on things just in case I see a customer on the Americas Most Wanted or something like that. It was really great, on the last page of the magazine, I just had to chuckle because theres an article on Tai Massage. It was really cool that they put it in there and the caption was, Tai massage is getting more patients off the table. Its a really great article. Pick it up. Ive got them in the back. You can go ahead and take it.

    The other thing is, Ive got a really incredible event thats coming up in June. Im holding, by popular demand, sort of. Ive had yogis pestering me for quite a while to do this and Ive finally decided to do it. My first intensive teacher training. If you have an interest in teaching yoga or if you really just want to immerse yourself in the process of learning yoga. You can do it if youre a beginner or if you have a real sincere interest in sharing and teaching yoga. Im

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  • offering my first certification course. Its a 200 hour course that begins with two weeks of intensive training. We start at 9:00 in the morning and end at 4:30 in the afternoon. Then you have about a six month period to teach classes and letting your personal practice season. Then we come back together at the end of that six months for a day long retreat at a really fabulous location.

    Carol: Is this your brochure?

    Syl: Yeah. I have brochures back on the table.

    Carol: Cool. Shes so professional.

    Syl: Its all good. Its all good. If you have a sincere interest in something like that, pick up a brochure or if you know someone who has that type of an interest. Yoga is really amazing and its going to be a real transformative week. It would be beneficial for anyone who just wants a real life changing experience.

    Down the side, let me just read it real quick, what were going to cover that week is: Why I want to teach. and thats another thing. The heart chakra is up here. What is your real intent? What is your real motivation for affecting other peoples lives? Weve talked about that a little bit. Yoga Philosophy, so well touch on some of that. The 10 systems of the body, Anatomy of Movement, The Emotions of Movement, The Art of Communication, The Structures of Practice, Adjusting the Practice, Intuitive Instruction in Answering the Path.

    So it will be a really amazing event and really beneficial for energy workers too. Because you can use this in your sessions if your session if just a rudimentary understanding of yoga, you can use this with your clients to really release blockages that theyre holding in their body, that really arent going to get out any other way, until they kind of move it and click and think, Oh. Ive got something right there.

    Its going to be a huge wonderful thing. Ive opened to 15 people because I want to keep a really intimate environment. If I had to Id push it to 20 but I really want to keep it a good group. Then when we get together after the 6 months, there will be some real fabulous exchanges there in what people have learned and sharing and support. Offering that support for one another.

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  • So with both those things said, lets begin with questions. Are there any questions about anything weve talked about thus far for Carol or me?

    Carol: Well, good.


    Syl: How do you facilitate a balance between protecting yourself against energy and being open to receiving supportive communication from other people proxying for you?

    Whats your balanced mix between kind of protecting myself from negativity. As I protect myself from that, because you do need to do that, and leaving yourself open for proxy help. Is there anything you can do to facilitate more, absorption.

    Carol: Like a filter?

    Syl: Yeah. Filters.

    Carol: Are you asking me this question?

    Syl: Well. Yeah.

    Carol: Intention. Thats a big player for me. I set an intention that I receive whats for my highest good and all else is just incapable of moving to me. It depends on what I interact with, see? That intention can only be honored if I make choices to experience -- what do I choose to experience in my day to day? If Im watching a lot of junky TV, my intentions not going to hold any value for me. Im very specific about what I allow to be in my space at this point.

    I feel, especially with a website thats reaching people all over the world, thats connected to me energetically, that I have to be the nucleus, the anchor for that as the human conduit on the planet. Because that now goes out that, whats called an attractor field is widening for me.

    My attractor field is starting to expand and I felt the experience of that recently like, Whoa. It hasnt been real comfortable at times. So my intention is always that what comes to me is of support to me and all else is filtered out. I wear the gemstones on that behalf

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  • too. The pink tourmaline... Yeah, Im sure you know what to do. Its not a question you need an answer for.

    We need to talk about this as well. Sometimes you have agreements that you may not consciously be aware of. Weve had a young man come really formally into our family 15 months ago. The first, especially, first eight months I probably proxied him almost on a daily basis. It was very, very uncomfortable for me at times. It took a lot for me. I felt that.

    I did a lot of technique with it too. I wouldnt just sit in it. I would be active in it to at least get some reprieve, to get some lift. But there were times I just had to move with it. I just had to kind of let it ride itself out. I use that reference. If Im not able to shift something, I tell myself, I guess I just have to ride this out for whatever reason.

    Now hes more in a place where he needs to experience some things in his lower chakras that I dont have to proxy anymore. I can tell. Hes in it and Im not. Why dont you talk about that because its shifted now and hes stable enough that he can maintain this experience within himself without me having to.

    I was probably doing, on his behalf as I did some energy checking on the percentages, I was probably running more of it than him. I was more able to. To get him up to a place where he could have relief enough to be stabilized in his teenage years. I had more capacity in my being to take that on energetically. I knew that was an agreement that proceeded this lifetime that I had with him.

    And I know I probably proxy my other children but this was more distinct because he didnt come and grow through the years with me. It was almost like, Boom! Heres a whole new energy. Whoa. It needed a lot of assistance.

    I couldnt compare it to my other children but Im sure Im doing things on their behalf but theyre much more gentle and subtle because theyve been in this progression with me all their lives, and weve been shifting as a family.

    Syl has some good thoughts about how there are times we have to allow other people to move through that energy.

    Syl: Yeah. Thats where we tend to get hooked into the attachment side of things of, I will save this person. With that kind of mind set

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  • thats when you get hooked into the attachment of it. And thats where the meta or the loving kindness that for me, my basic belief system is pretty solid with me. But Im not going to be shut out to all truths. Because Im believing this, doesnt mean Im not going to open myself to other truths and some of the really beautiful truths of what were talking about tonight are in some Buddhist practice.

    In Buddhism, compassion and mindsets are where they really kind of sort of germinated that philosophy. Its this mindset of, Suffering and joy are both beautiful and you can find beauty in all of those things. Its when you can find beauty in the suffering as well as the joy that you reach an enlightened state.

    On some level, the Creator, God, Heavenly Father is allowing this. People get hooked up on this all the time, How can God let bad things happen like this? Well he must find it beautiful on some level. What experience will move through this or come through this or come out of this is beauty on some level.

    If you were to look around a large crowd you may see someone you thought was really beautiful and someone you thought was not beautiful and you may get to know someone and somehow their physical appearance changes for you. This is really where we get to the point that youre dealing with a child whos addicted to drugs or youre dealing with some of the hard-core abusive issues in life, things like that.

    There is a beauty in experience in the present moment. And we spend a lot of our time trying to get out of that, trying to avoid being in the now. When the now is really all there is. I dont mean, Eat, drink and be merry. I mean the eternal present thats happening right now is the same moment that occurred two hours ago. Its now. Now, two hours ago, is now then, but it was now, then. Does that make sense?

    Being able to remain present on some level, we are all completely whole. When are you going to wiggle yourself into that place? Or is this the time when you need to actually experience the suffering? And then that guide rule is a good guide rule if youre trying to proxy someone and its not getting better, its not getting better.

    The question to ask yourself is, How am I attached to this situation? Deal with your attachment first and deal with your levels of where you are in or out of balance with yourself. Are you

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  • secretly trying to heal yourself with that person? Because its not okay for you to say you suffer from this problem so youre going to try to help them.

    We have wounded healers all over the place. So, that whole idea of the now and being present in the now, in the moment now when its occurring, creates what the next moment is which is still now, it is. We can spin ourselves into a fabulous-- How now, brown cow.

    Audience Member: Like going from nowhere to now here?

    Syl: Yeah. Right. Exactly. Its a matter of a letter. With that process, to really respect, this is where you can release judgment. To really respect a persons ability to create their own experience. You can look at someone who is really superficially dressed a certain way or has a certain background of whatever that may be, whether its an ethnic background or a societal background or whatever, and you can cast a judgment on that or you can, Namaste. You are in that experience and that is sacred because that is your now. That is your now moment. Thats why I am on the path of yoga is because it was the only thing for me that could make it safe for me to experience this moment. Thats a 10 year process.

    Maybe if Id known Carol and had a couple of eye treatments it would have been shorter. But it was important for me to have that entire experience. Yes.

    Audience Member: This isnt about what youre saying. I have a question. One of the things that I experience is there is so much, like I get up in the morning, What is the most important thing for me to do? Is it energy circles? Is it affirmations? Is it meditation? Theres only so much time before the day starts with family and I get overwhelmed with, What do I do? Where do I start?

    Carol: Which one do you like?

    Audience Member: Well, I like them all. I could spend all day and it doesnt work that way when youve got eight kids to take care of.

    Carol: Its not like one is going to outdo the other. Its your intention with it thats the most valuable. The process is not whats the most critical and the decision. Its just, what do you feel like doing today? Its your intention with it that gives it the power. So, you could do any of them.

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  • Syl: Yeah. Theres a really good starting point which would be to breathe.

    Carol: Yeah. Breathe.

    Syl: Whats going to help you the most today? Not that I like to speak in the negative, but its more challenging to find whats going to come to you today until you actually take a deep breath and enter the present moment.

    Carol: Then, I would narrow your list and only put three things on it. Youve got too many on your list and for you, thats too many choices. Then youre not able to choose.

    Syl: Then youre just overwhelmed and frustrated.

    Audience Member: Right.

    Carol: Youre going to learn a lot about yourself next week why thats the pace. But I know something you dont so youve got to narrow your list. Yes. So for you, I know very specifically to say only put three things on it. If you have 10, youre not going to know which one to choose and youre going to be fearful youre going to make the wrong choice. So only have three to choose from. Thats going to help you.

    Syl: Breathing sounds like a really basic thing and sometimes its kind of look upon the staff and be healed, are you really going to look up and actually take a deep breath? If you have trouble with that, I do have a cd that Ive done basically for me, so I can sit down and have someone talk me through pranayama practice.

    Nobody else did it, so I did. It talks you through several different types of breath and there are breaths to balance the male and female. There are breaths to kind of warm you. There are breaths to cool you. There are breaths to get you into your crown. Just a basic inhalation, exhalation would be sufficient.

    Lets go ahead and have our little example of maybe some proxy or energy. Ive just got a little object lesson and if any of have seen it before just you know hold your tongue until were done.

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  • I need a volunteer for this. Someone whos fairly good natured and pretty strong. Not super strong.

    Carol: Not physical strength but kind of stable within yourself.

    Syl: Well use you on the next proxy. Well wait just a second. I want to do it with a couple of different people. Why dont we do it with three different people just so you know theres no hoax. Go ahead. Come on up. Is it Taisha(sp). Do you want to do it?

    Carol: This is Glen.

    Syl: Yeah. Why dont you come up. So these three people. Carol is going to take them into the sound proof booth so they cant hear whats going on out here. You need to go all the way outside. Ill hurry.

    Carol: Theres no hurry.

    Syl: Well, its cold out there.

    Carol: You mean were going to in the...

    Syl: Yeah. You cant hear a word. Or in the womens room but that might be a problem for 30% of the group.

    Carol: Can we go down that hall you and I usually go to?

    Syl: You could go all the way back down there. Yeah.

    Carol: Do you want to send somebody to flag us?

    Syl: Yeah. Jackie will you do it when its time? No it wont work. It will but were not going to do that. I dont want any- Were going to do it one at a time. Well bring in one of you at a time.

    Carol: I have to stay out there? Cant I just go put them out there?

    Syl: No. Just go put them out there. Were trusting you all. Okay. Were going to give them a second to get down the hallway. This has just basically a lesson in how you think you really are affecting the people around you on a physical level.

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  • Its just a real good clear example of how you really do affect everyone around you. I dont need to tell you this because can walk in a room where a couple has just had an argument and go like, Im leaving. Im going to go over here.

    With the holidays coming up, theres an extra challenge. Theres a lot of family together and in our families we have these ideas about what everyone should be and we all pick up on that and we get this vibe of, Dont make me who you think I am even though I was raised with you. I want to be respected as someone who came through this family and really valued for my wholeness.

    We dont really recognize that in family members a lot because we have pre-ideas of what they did. He hung me upside down by my toes when I was eight and bugged me and then told mom he didnt do it.

    Thats still in there somewhere. Basically, what Im going to do with our first person, without asking you to... Just a very simple exercise. When the person walks in the room, I am going to have them hold out their arm. And just do a quick muscle test without saying anything.

    When they walk in the first time, I just want you to observe something about them that doesnt resonate with you. Something that you dont really like and it doesnt have to be a mean thought but just something that you dont like.

    Then well have them go out and come back in and I want you to shift yourself into what you do like about them. Thats all. Just real simple. So Jackie, just send Carol and one of them.

    This was an exercise that I actually learned at a banking convention on customer service. How do they feel when they walk in the door? You know whether youre welcome or not. But its fun to see. Are there any questions at all? Maybe I shouldnt have had them walk so far away. Its going to take a long time to get back.

    I already told Carol or wed do it to her. Shed catch on way too quick. Theyve already been explained to.

    Carol: Alright.

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  • Syl: If you would just keep your face fairly blank. Come on up. Great. What were going to do is just some muscle testing. Alright? So if you would just stand here and take three deep breaths. Tell me, Taisha (sp), so just kind of hanging out and taking it easy and then what Im going to do is muscle test you. So which is your strongest arm? Are you right handed? Go ahead and lift up the arm. Okay. Okay. Take a deep breath in and just try to resist me as much as you can. Okay. Great. Now I want you to walk out the door and take three deep breaths and come back in.

    Jackie if you want to go get the next person and then Ill come to the door when its time to let them in. So well go through it fairly quickly. Were switching. Okay?

    Go ahead and lift your arm up, resist. Okay. Now, another deep breathe in and arm up, hard as you can. Not a word was said. Okay. Im going to fill you in. Are you ready?

    Taisha: Im ready.

    Syl: Basically were talking about how energy effects people and sort of instructed the group that when you walked in, and youll do this for the next person that comes in, were to just think about what about you, really appearance, did not resonate with us. So it wasnt necessarily mean thoughts just something that didnt resonate. You can tell it was hard to hold your arm up.

    Taisha: Yes.

    Syl: And the second time, I just sort of released them to think about what appealed to them most about you.

    Taisha: Okay.

    Syl: So. How did you feel?

    Taisha: Much more comfortable the second time.

    Syl: Did you?

    Taisha: Yeah. I walked in and went, Whoa.

    Syl: Really? Cool. Well, thank you for doing that. Okay. Come on in. Tell me your name.

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  • Glen: Glen.

    Syl: Glen. Come on up Glen. So were going to take three deep breaths. And then just extend whichever, youre right handed? Go ahead and hold out your arm. Lets do it this way. Resist me. Okay. Again. Nice deep breath in. Okay. Just as hard as you can. Okay. Now what I want you to do is just go right outside with Jackie and take three deep breaths and come back in.

    Carol: He was hard. Hes just such a nice guy. All I could think of was, Youre a man. I dont like men. Thats old. Thats just old. I used to believe that so. I used that one. Pulled it out.

    Syl: Thats always a good one to just -- come on in. Alright now. Another three deep breaths. Okay. Arm up. Resist me. Very good. Way to go Glen. Let me try it again.

    Carol: Why dont you hang on that arm Syl?

    Glen: Ive heard of muscle testing but thats the first time Ive done it.

    Syl: Well let me fill you in Glen because youve got to participate for the next person. Basically the group was instructed that when the person entered the room, they would just, not necessarily a mean thought or anything but just think of something about that person that did not resonate with them. Just that simple. The second time.

    Go out, take three deep breaths and come in. They would think about something about that person that really resonated with them. That they thought was something they enjoyed about that person. It can be someone who doesnt even know you but just likes the rim of your glasses. Or you know something as simple as that. Okay. Last person.

    Carol: Are you perceived as being a jolly kind of guy?

    Glen: I hid behind joke. I joke a lot. Real dry humor.

    Syl: Oh good. I like dry humor.

    Glen: Thats how I lived until about a year ago.

    Carol: Are you pretty, you know, fun loving?

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  • Glen: Yeah.

    Carol: Because thats what I pictured. Youre just kind of a jolly guy.

    Syl: Its authentic now. Theres a difference between using it as a mask and authentically feeling so good all the time that you live that way. Yeah. I appreciate your willingness to participate. Thats why I said, good natured people

    Okay. Lets take the next person. So lets begin. Come on in. So what were going to do is just muscle test without necessarily saying anything. Which is your dominant hand? Okay. Thats because chicks dont rule the world yet, Ill have you know. When chicks rule the world, all the kids will be born left handed. Okay. Im kidding.

    Carol: Maybe youre right.

    Syl: Okay. Just take in three deep breaths. Go ahead; resist me just as hard as you can. Once more. Again. Now I want you to go outside and take three deep breaths. Just nice the deepest cleansing breaths as you can and then come back in.

    Carol: Now, this time, multiply it by everyone in the room. Send it to everyone in the room.

    Syl: Do you feel that? I felt it.

    Carol: Yeah. And think of somebody thats not here. That youre just going to send this to. Okay.

    Syl: Go ahead and hold out your arm and what I want you to do is just resist me as hard as you can. Deep breath.

    Carol: Your arm is making us nervous. Does the other arm do it?

    Audience Member: The arms ones worse.

    Carol: Well dont do it. Try her from this position.

    Syl: Okay. Arm out. Once you strengthen your triceps with yoga, that will correct itself. Did you know that?

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  • Audience Member: The double jointedness?

    Carol: Mm-hm. Mm-hm.

    Audience Member: This badly?

    Syl: Well, thats just a great party trick. Another deep breath in.

    Carol: A circus trick. The twisted woman.

    Syl: Great. Well thank you for doing that. Whats going on ...

    Audience Member: ... I took it as a compliment.

    Syl: Really, thats great. Who out there knows me? Basically what we did with the group when the three of you went out I just instructed everyone that when they came in the first time, without any difference of facial expression, you would just think about something about that person that did not resonate with you.

    It doesnt necessarily have to be a criticism or mean thought or anything but something that just, you know, even a take it or leave it sort of feeling. And then the second time obviously it was the reverse something that physically or emotionally or spiritually, really resonated with you about that person.


    So when you walk in a grocery store or walking in society and appropriate to have a non emotional connection, no response, thats what were living in. That whole, kind of lower vibration. Now, something that I do just for my own sanity is when I experience that, I immediately connect myself with what I use which would be the Light of Christ or the Spirit of Christ or Divine Consciousness or whatever or just the path of universal love.

    I will immediately send it in as selfless fashion as I can muster to every person in that room. When I walk in and I get that feeling of, Oh, there she is. Who does she think she is? or Single mother in Utah county.

    Carol: Are you the only one?

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  • Syl: Holy smokes! Im one of a few. Even on an airplane. You feel it on an airplane. Youre all squeezed into that sort of sardine casing and nobodys going to have any communication what so ever. Everybody is fine with the fact that theyre being jettisoned 20,000 feet into the air.

    So this is what were living in. What you came in and out of is what we are all really living in on a day to day basis. So you can use proxy work to give yourself, to feed yourself and to really practice the idea of loving kindness and meditation and self-less love. To people around you. Therapists are great at it. Theyre naturals. Its usually why they went into therapy. As a healing modality.

    Everyone has that potential. And we really all, believe it or not, Sylvia Plath notwithstanding, you know. Or whats her name? Sylvia Brown. Sorry, Plath was the poet. Are psychic.

    We all have this psychic ability to connect with one another and what do we do? What are we doing to one another? I wont even use the word We but when a woman can be raped and beaten and thrown off a bridge while people stand by and watch that occur, you know, all it would take would be one person shifting out of that sort of, This is whats appropriate, environment of that non connection with others.

    Now do you go around to people and say in the grocery store, I love you so much. I know weve met in another life, I think I was a man and you were a woman.

    Carol: ... especially in Utah.

    Syl: In Utah that would be another story but, in that frame of thought, that person I passed on the bridge I knew that there was a connection to him. I made eye contact with him without us ever looking at each other. It was third eye contact. Thats kind of where you want to think about with this. Not only as a way to help others but to open you up to live free in the present moment.

    Rather than thinking, Ive just walked into this place. When you walk into a room, normally you have peoples attention for the first like six seconds. You walk into a busy restaurant, or you walk into... and here we have the perfect time of year to use it because were headed into the holiday shopping season.

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  • Its like; to have a present heart during the holidays would be just the most amazing gift. The way I do is Ill wear frankincense and Myrrh essential oils during the holidays. Or spikenard which is something that Mary used to wash Christs feet with with her hair.

    Ill have those scents on me to keep it a religious observance for Christians. If youre not a Christian or youre in the Judeo-Christian society, same goes. Its a time for openness and spirituality and that feeling that we get at Christmas, it may sound like a clich but it really is an energy time of year when were just allowing it to open up and connect. And thats where it flows freely. Well, why cant we feel this way all year? Well I do. I try to. I do my best to because I cant live in a world where I dont. I dont belong in that place.

    So, anyway, that was our kind of example and if you would take that with you during the holidays as you kind of go shopping or head into the grocery store, the gas station you know, you can use this knowledge that its a real tangible thing affects you on a molecular structure. Then you can affect someone else. Distance doesnt have much to do with it.

    When the Twin Towers fell, I could feel it in the air for like five days after. Could you not feel the grief in the air?

    Carol: The disbelief.

    Syl: Yeah. Or just sorrow. It works both ways. Its just were used to living sort of down here. I was visiting with a friend; it was shortly after an event that took place over in Iraq where some, I think it was actually UN people that were visiting there were burned in their jeep.

    There was some footage that I didnt see just awful things happening. I was really crying about this and my friend said, You know, they didnt experience... They were gone so quick they didnt experience their death. And I said to them, I was weeping because the people who did this were my brothers. And theyre who Im sharing this planet with and I love them just the same.

    Its like when you move into that energy, thats when we can affect change and really create a different space in which we live. Tell a wise person or else keep silent. You know that poem by Goethe. For those who do not understand will mock it right away. I praise what is truly alive and so its a fabulous wonderful poem.

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  • Its called The Holy Longing and its an amazing poem about that very thing. About being in the present moment. Then you just sacrifice the sorrow and the suffering and really do live in a state of joy. Because it all is. So, that is my section.

    Carol: Over to you Jane. I just want to do another technique to benefit your loved ones, family members. So just close your eyes and think of your home and who lives with you there. Imagine sending your energy ahead of yourself to go home. Just imagine a shaft of vast white light coming down from heaven and encompassing this dwelling and everyone in it.

    Just hold that image so that its just feeding, that light is being fed to that place. Imagine that everyone is going to be in harmony, and they will have had a good evening, and theyre glad to see you, and its a pleasing experience. When you come home, the energy is supportive.

    Just continue to see that light, that shaft of white light. Take some deep breaths with it. Imagine that white light coming down on you now. Beaming down on you. And those energies communicating to each other. Just feel your feet.

    So theres a reference point, bring it all the way down into your whole frame, your whole body. Notice the top of your head. Then out to your limbs, to your hands, fingertips. Then just open your eyes and you feel complete with that.

    Just notice when you get home if what you just intended for had an effect. What you just offered. You can even do timeline things. Go back on a timeline like Ill think, Oh, I should have put that energy out or that intention out. So in my mind Ill go back in time on my timeline to affect everything from that point on.

    Because in the quantum field there is no... Its just all available to affect and I know that by doing that, I did shift the energy from that point forward. So I do a lot of things like that by throwing my energy back on my timeline knowing that I can affect everything from that point forward to give me a different outcome in the current experience.

    2010 Carol Tuttle Page 35 All rights reserved.

  • Its kind of interesting to have my brain now. To be thinking this way so much of the time. Another little thing I do is when studying the words in the water. Whats his name?

    Syl: Emoto

    Carol: Emoto the Japanese... Syl: Its called Miraculous Messages from Water. He has two books.

    Carol: You can look it up. Theres websites with pictures and that. I thought, Well words have vibration. That wasnt new to me. That wasnt like, Oh, so alarming. That just supported everything I believed in anyway. It was just cool to see the images. So I decided to take words... Well, Im using in relationship to this other information weve utilized recently with the harmonic toning.

    That theres key words for every tone and everyone in my family has been toned. And theres keywords to their energetics that I took their words. You actually get a whole page of words that are supportive of the tone. I took those and copied and I put those in all the mattresses of my family members between the two. So that energetically those words are in that space for them to support them coming into alignment with their true vibration, with their gifts.

    You can take any affirmation. You can do that with any words and add that to your space that youre sleeping in and vibrationally be... That will be working with you. We do that with the gemstones. We hang them by the kids bed, on their bedposts things like that. Theres a lot of power in words and the energy they hold because thats our primary form of interaction in the 3D.

    You feel complete?

    Syl: Yep.

    Carol: Any other questions?

    Audience Member: If youre going to travel with gemstones and youre going on an airplane and you dont want to-- the best way is to wear them so.

    Carol: Yeah. Or put them in your pockets. Theyre not going to make the alarms go off or anything.

    Audience Member: Isnt it not healthy for the gemstones?

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  • Syl: You dont have them x-rayed. Its not something you want to do often.

    Audience Member: So you would just limit the number of gemstones you took with you.

    Carol: Yeah. And just put them on your body. Nowadays because security is kind of a hassle to... Theyre just so like, What? Because Ive handed them a whole kit full of gemstones and theyre looking at me like... Because Ive said these cant be x-rayed. So now I just kind of... go through. And dont worry about the whole passing them through thing.

    Any other questions?

    Audience Member: Yeah. Im challenged doing visualizations. A lot of times when I attempt to visualize, it flashes in and out, it doesnt stay.

    Carol: Yeah. Well, be patient with it. It may not be your primary sensory mode to relate. Visualize may not be your primary... But you would know some things that would support him.

    Syl: You can do guided imagery where someone else is talking you through it and then you dont have to. Ive got a guided imagery cd on the chakras. The other thing is to breathe through it because more often than not when you come up against something that challenges you, your respiratory system, the fight or flight which is totally a natural system in your body will make you hold your breath.

    Carol: If youre doing guided imagery, it will work just as well because your subconscious is going to be active in that and its not dependent on your conscious mind seeing pictures. So it would be better to support yourself with somebody talking you through it than trying to come up with your own images. Because youre going to get the benefit from it.

    Audience Member: At first I really did, I got in the comparison mode, and labeled, It should be different than this. Why cant I do it like he does it?

    Carol: It may not be your thing. That you are the most drawn to either. Its not like guided imagery has to be necessary in any way.

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  • Syl: Thats one of the things thats more on the scientific/technical level. You have to train your mind to be able to move into a theta state. Because its in theta where youre going to have the most success at any type of meditation. Once you go down to delta youre going to be snoring and youre unconscious and youre in REM. Beta would be what we see on a debate on television. People in a conversation, like right now Im in theta, well; Im always in theta... Ive enlightened myself to that point.

    Carol: You probably are a lot of the time.

    Syl: I try to keep myself in theta as often as possible but heres the scientific side of it: Beta is when youre communicating, talking back and forth like we are right now; Alpha is when Im talking to you and Im thinking, Smoothie., you know Im thinking, I would like a smoothie right now. So my mind is sort of taking me away. Or, when youre sitting some place and youre day dreaming or youre going to your own thought process, thats alpha.

    When you get to theta, theta is the place right before sleep. Its the surface of the water. Its a fabulous place to float on. But it takes time to train your mind. Because whats happening in Beta is your sodium and your potassium levels in your brain are being diminished and theyre trickling down to different places.

    Eventually after talking, and talking, and talking youre thinking, Ahh., thats called mental fatigue. Part of the reason becomes difficult to keep talking, and to keep communicating and why fighting takes so much out of us, is because your sodium and your potassium make up in your brain is diminished. Its out of balance.

    Theta brain waves will... Its like a drink of water after a run. So when you start moving into theta is when youre balancing those levels. So, concentration and difficulty concentrating, whether it be meditation or anything else will be facilitated and sort of healed and eased by balancing those.

    So, there is, Dr. Thompson, he does the meditation system. If you were to look it up on the internet, its cds that facilitate theta brain waves. The cd that Perry and I did together back there called, Chakra Resonance, its a theta healing cd. So, it will put you in theta waves.

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  • For some people, like for many teenagers acid rock puts them into theta. It just gets you into that place where youre like... So pick music that speaks to you too. That would be a long answer to a short question.

    Carol: Well, I want to thank everyone for participating in this throughout the months. Its been a great year. Weve got a couple months left still. Just really, thank you and thank for supporting both of us and helping us come together on a monthly basis and allow us to learn from what weve been able to teach. Well be around for a little bit after if we can help you with anything or answer any more questions.

    Thank yourself also for being unique enough and willing enough to show up and break free of collective consciousness to participate.

    Because you really are, youre unique in that way that youre here tonight because youve chosen to be a part of something energetically that is very different from the masses and just really I support you and ask that you be blessed to be able to maintain that in your life and to continue to create more momentum with that.

    So thank you.

    Syl: Yeah. Thank you from me too. Namaste.

    Audience Member: Namaste.

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