  • 70 year old female presented to the ER with severe epigastric pain, she is diabetic and is on anti-ischemic medications and ranitidine for gastritis. The doctor discharged her on a proton pump inhibitor. The second day she returned with persistent epigastric pain.

  • DD

  • HistoryImportant Qs

  • HistoryCharacter of pain, referral, ppt factor

  • ExaminationEpigastric tenderness

  • Investigations

  • InvestigationsECG, cardiac enzymes, CBC

  • A 70 year old male presented to the clinic with left shoulder pain. He is an ex-smoker, hypertensive diabetic, CLD, ischemic heart disease, knee osteoarthritis

  • DD

  • HistoryImportant Qs

  • HistoryHypertensive for 30 years on ACEi with regular Fup and controlledDiabetic for 30 years on oral antidiabetic with regular Fup and controlledISHD with previous catheter after MI 9stopped heavy smoking) on aspocid 75mg, anti-ischemic medicationCLD, Hep C +, compensatedLeft shoulder pain in left side of the neck and shoulder , vague character, not referred, precipitated by carrying his grocery bags, cant associate a relieving factor.

  • ExaminationImportant signs?

  • ExaminationShoulder examination: freeNeurological examination: hyperthesia left arm with dermatomal distribution, glove and stock hypothesia.
