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South Sudan: South Sudan: the Birth of a New Nile State

Ana Elisa CascãoGWP-SIWI Brown Bag Lunch

11 October 2011

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The Nile Basin and its hydropolitical complexityThe Nile Basin and its hydropolitical complexity

10 riparian states

Complex hydrology

Past of conflict (of interests) between Egypt/Sudan and the upstream neighbours

Colonial agreements

Cooperation despite tense basin/regional political relations

Huge development potential

Geopolitics Hydropolitics

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South Sudan: the White Nile bend and the South Sudan: the White Nile bend and the SuddSudd

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South Sudan: a new Nile riparian stateSouth Sudan: a new Nile riparian state

11st riparian state

Economic development: oil + water

Nile: a relevant and unifying element in South Sudan political


‘Nile Republic’?

Political and hydropolitical implications of South Sudan’s


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South Sudan: South Sudan: the political processthe political process

The post-referendum negotiationsThe post-referendum negotiations

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Nile Water Agreeement – the future scenariosNile Water Agreeement – the future scenarios

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South Sudan: Up the Nile, Down the Nile? South Sudan: Up the Nile, Down the Nile?

Political back calculations

Political and economic relations with Egypt and Sudan

Political and economic relations with the African neighbours (Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Eritrea, DR Congo)

End of the colonail period in the Nile River Basin?

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Hydropolitical chessboardHydropolitical chessboard

Official ‘dyad’


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Geo-politics mixed with Geo-economicsGeo-politics mixed with Geo-economics

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Jonglei Canal: the creation of a new border? Jonglei Canal: the creation of a new border?

Jonglei Canal

Jonglei Canal: a symbol of colonialism and a symbol of war

Egypt: ‘rapproachment’ with South Sudan

Implications: hydrological, environental, social, political, ...

Technical engineering or social-political engineerings?

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Nile: Nile: opportunity, opportunity,

Diplomatic corridorDiplomatic corridoror new border?or new border?