
Asseco UFE Universal Front End.

Asseco UFE allows to create one, versatile and fully

coherent working environment for a bank consultant.

Such environment can effectively replace the user

interfaces of multiple IT systems utilized at a bank.

Functionalities of all the systems integrated into

Asseco UFE are provided in a way that matches the

actual workflow of business processes. The system

supports monitoring of the progress of individual

processes and facilitates their optimization.

With the help of Asseco UFE, the consultant ’s

working environment can be adapted to specific job

requirements as well as user preferences. The system

is highly ergonomic to maximize the efficiency of

work. Operation of the system on tablets is as smooth

and intuitive as in the case of traditional workstations.

Asseco UFE enables a bank consultant to focus

entirely on the client, offering the maximum quality of

service and carefully selected products and services.

Asseco UFE directly contributes to the improvement

of customer service as well as customer experience

with the bank.

Owing to the integration of business processes, Asseco UFE helps reduce operating costs related to the

performance of such processes. It is achieved by shortening the process lead time, elimination of redundant tasks

(such as re-entering of the same data), as well as by reducing the time required to train employees on the handling

of new processes in separate IT systems.

Asseco UFE easily and seamlessly integrates the man-

agement of complex business processes in a single

working environment of a bank consultant. The sys-

tem features built-in mechanisms for monitoring and

analysis of processes, allowing for their continuous

control and rapid implementation of all necessary

improvements in order to enhance the employees’


Asseco UFE Universal Front End.

Traditional customer services provided at bank branches have in recent years been supplemented with new, alternative access channels supported by modern information technologies.

In order to address the needs of contemporary financial institutions, Asseco’s banking industry experts have created a software solution allowing for efficient implementation of the bank’s omnichannel strategy. One of the core elements of this solution is Asseco Universal Front End (UFE).

One desktop.

Improved quality of Customer Experience

Costs under control.

Efficiency of operational processes.

Business benefits.

According to Forrester Research, the five most

important factors that will drive changes in IT

systems used by banks1 are as follows:

• customer experience (46%)

• operational efficiency (41%)

• cost management (39%)

• multichannel/omnichannel approach (35%)

• flexibility and speed of responding to

changes (31%)

1 based on opinions of 53 European banks

– Forrester Global Financial Services

Architecture Online Survey Q3 2014

Asseco UFE is fully consistent with the omnichannel architecture. Asseco UFE provides support for all the assisted

channels, such as a bank branch, call center, sales agent, agency, etc. In combination with Asseco CBP, the system is

a complete omnichannel solution capable of handling all the channels of communication between the bank and its

customers, including both direct and assisted channels.

Asseco UFE allows for a maximum reduction of time required to implement any business process modifications,

regardless of whether they are related to the introduction of new banking products and services, or intended to

optimize the existing operational processes, or whether they result from changes in the bank’s domain management

systems that Asseco UFE has been integrated with.

Omnichannel approach.

Flexibility and quick response to the need for change.

Asseco UFE has been equipped with an integrated workflow engine allowing for configuration and implementa-

tion of any business process at the bank. Such processes may be performed with the help of various IT systems

which are already used by the bank. The workflow engine applied in Asseco UFE is fully compliant with the BPMN

2.0 standard, enabling the bank to define and modify its business processes using a graphical interface, without

having to change the system software.

In order to effectively optimize the bank’s business processes, it is essential to monitor their execution and collect

detailed information automatically. The gathered data provide evidence on the actual progress of each instance

of a process, as well as the duration of each task. By comparing such data with the assumed values, the bank can

calculate the key performance indicators (KPI).

Flexible defining and mapping of processes.

Boosting the efficiency of processes.

Support for business processes.

Asseco UFE makes it possible to determine the boundary parameters to be considered standard for each step in

a process. If such boundary parameters are exceeded, the system will generate an alert, allowing you to identify

the problematic process instance from the list of all ongoing processes as well as to determine any further steps

depending on the failure to meet any KPI parameter.

Asseco UFE provides mechanisms for the escalation of process steps when the boundary values are overrun. The

execution of further steps in a process may be conditioned upon exceeding any key performance indicator, in

which case the system will also help you detect all process instances that failed to meet the predetermined KPI

criteria. Moreover, the system offers a bunch of reports enabling in-depth analysis of the efficiency of business


Measuring the efficiency of processes.

Optimizing the efficiency of processes.

Asseco UFE enables the bank to automate its business

processes and plan for their complete execution

within the system.

This software will remind employees of all the

important details (such as any business data to be

entered, the sequence of actions to be taken, etc.),

allowing them to fully concentrate on the customer

Asseco UFE contributes to a significant reduction of

time required to implement any business process

modifications, regardless of whether they are related

to launching new banking products and services,

Reduction of user training costs.

Faster time-to-market for changes.

service. Asseco UFE simplifies the preparation of new

employees to work at a specific workplace.

Hence, their key business competence can be used

right away, without having to devote valuable time

to lengthy and meticulous training on the use of

individual IT systems and their detailed process

handling procedures.

or aimed at optimizing the existing operational

processes, or whether they result from changes in the

bank’s domain management systems that Asseco UFE

has been integrated with.

Asseco UFE has been developed to enable easy

operation with the help of tablets. Elements of the

system’s graphical interface, which are responsible

for touchscreen interaction with the user, have been

designed in line with the current UX (user experience)


Asseco UFE has been engineered to take full advan-

tage of the functionality of mobile devices. The system

is able to automatically detect and use the device’s

GPS sensor as well as the camera (for example, to scan

enclosures directly into a business process).

Remote access also via tablets.

Using the functionality of mobile devices.

Totally mobile consultants.

Asseco UFE enables the bank to configure internal

controls based on the “four-eye principle” (4EP)

independently from the operating logic of individual

systems that it has been integrated with. The system

features a configurable mechanism allowing for

flexible placement of control points within a business


Mitigation of operational risk (built-in 4EP).

The 4EP mechanism built into Asseco UFE lets you

determine the accuracy of data to be verified within

a specific authorization task. In the most error-prone

checkpoints, the authorizing person may be even

required to re-enter the data that is being verified.

Asseco UFE features an adaptive user menu that dynamically changes its contents to match the client context and

the business process. The set of executable operations is automatically adjusted to display only those options that

correspond to the active context of work. As the system works on a contextual basis, a customer search needs to

be carried out just once, regardless of the number and type of operations to be performed afterwards.

The Asseco UFE system is equipped with an innovative and comprehensive mechanism of searching for business

information. The user is provided with an intuitive and uniform search engine that enables retrieval of data from all

the systems that have been integrated with Asseco UFE. Searching for information in the system can be performed

based on a full-text index, well-known from popular Internet search engines, as well as by applying traditional filters

where the search criteria for each data field can be defined individually.

Asseco Universal Front End allows to arrange the user’s workspace on several display screens at the same time. This

makes the system suitable for many special applications that require simultaneous access to multiple sources of

information or closer interaction with the user in order to perform the assigned tasks efficiently.

Working in the context of several processes and clients.

Innovative search engine.

Support for multiple logical screens.

Asseco UFE allows for precise adjustment of the working environment to the individual needs of each user and

each position. Reports and printouts generated by the system can be freely designed and include any business

data available from IT systems that have been integrated with Asseco UFE. All conditions for sorting the displayed

lists, full-text search criteria as well as built-in filters can be saved in the system for individual users, particular groups

of users, as well as globally across the whole system.


Asseco Universal Front End has been developed based on proven and reliable technology platforms. A special

feature of this system is the ability to run on platforms available also under the Open Source license. Asseco UFE

utilizes the following technologies:


Technology and architecture.

Development platform Client-side: HTML5, CSS3, Java Script + AngularJSServer-side: Java + Spring Framework

User interface components Ionic Framework, AngularUI

Persistent Hibernate, myBatis

Integration standard REST, Web service

Security Spring Security, Spring Security OAuth, JSON Web Token

Application server JBoss EAP 6.4.0, Oracle WebLogic Server 12c, IBM Websphere 7.0

Database Oracle Database 12c SE

Desktop compatible browsers Chrome, WebKit (Android), Safari (iOS), IEMobile (Windows Phone)

Asseco UFE makes it possible to scan any documents as

part of business process handling. Document images

can be uploaded directly into the currently performed

process, allowing for automation of the business data

input. This mechanism supports adding any number

of enclosures to every instance of a process.

The Asseco UFE system enables the user to interrupt

the execution of a business process, save the current

state of work, and then continue the process at a later

time and on any other device equipped with a web


Document scanning.

Resuming the process on another device.

Open omnichannel architecture.

The architecture of Asseco UFE allows for individual expansion of the system. It is possible to modify the system’s

presentation layer, implement new and modify the existing business processes, develop new and modify the

existing screen forms, expand the system’s business logic as well as to integrate additional domain systems in order

to make Asseco UFE suitable for a broader range of applications.

Presentation layer (screens): user interface logic, form fields, mecha-nism of interaction with the user, form validation rules, support for PCs and tablets.

Business process engine: process management (visual modelling in external application and importing into UFE). Interaction of processes with screen forms and external domain systems.

Services for integration with domain systems: connectors and inter-changeable adapters for connecting various domain systems.

Core: support for distributed transactions, 4EP, integration of business processes, decision trees, business rules, local dictionaries, notifica-tion services, document scanning and other low-level services, APIs for development of business extensions.

Adjustment of screen forms, validation rules, sequence of fields, etc. Implementation of new screen forms and widgets.

Fine-tuning of existing business processes. Implementation of new business process. Creation of KPI reports.

Modification of adapters to provide communication through existing connectors between the Platform and supported types of domain systems.

Development of new connectors and adapters and integration of further, yet unsupported types of domain systems.

Programming of additional business logic components required to support user interaction with domain systems (data entry, data presentation). Interaction and integration with business processes.

Asseco UFE Asseco UniversalFront End.

Asseco Poland S.A.

Olchowa str. no. 14

35-322 Rzeszow, Poland

phone.: +48 17 888 55 55

fax: +48 17 888 55 50

Sales Department

Commercial Banking Division

phone.: +48 17 888 54 00

e-mail: [email protected]
