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A Thesis

Submitted to Letters and Humanities Faculty in partial to fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1)








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Wicak Dewa Sangka, Appraisal Theory Of Attitude In Michelle Obama Speech

Towards Presidential Candidates Of The United States 2016. Thesis. Jakarta:

English Letters Department, Letters and Humanities Faculty, State Islamic

University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah, June 2017.

This research explains the appraisal devices recognized in Michelle

Obama's speech. It identified how Michelle Obama expressed her feeling, attitude,

and judgement towards presidential candidates of the United States by applying

Martin and White Theory (2005). This research was done by breaking down the

speech into clauses and managable chunks to find out the Attitude devices in the

speech. The findings showed that there were 97 system of attitudes which consist

of 11 positive affects, 13 negative affects, 41 positive judgements, 10 negative

judgements, 15 appreciations and 7 negative apprecations. Michelle Obama gave

priorities to positive judgements in her speech because she believed that Hilarry

Clincton had capability to be the president of the United States and she also gave

negative judgments and appreciations to evaluate another candidate which is

Donald Trump. This study asserted that Michelle Obama was a good Orator with

high capability in public speaking. she gaves her attitude by mentioning the fact

and her personal experience.

Keywords: Appraisal System, Speech, Attitude, Affect, Judgement, Appreciation

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I hereby declare that this submission is my own work and that, to the best of my

knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by

another person nor material which a subtantial extent has been accepted for the

award of any othe degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher

learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.

Jakarta, June 16th


Wicak Dewa Sangka

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In The Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

All praises to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, the Almighty, the one who

gives us everything we can't count, praise to HIM for the great life. Peace and

Salutation may be upon our beloved prophet Muhammad Shallah 'Alaihi wa

sallamwho bring us to the right path.

It is an honour to be the student of State Islamic University Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta. The writer learn lot of things especially English, Linguistics,

Literature about four years. The writer wants to say many thanks to his family

especially his father (Mr. Lukman) and his mother (Mrs. Tuti Rahmi) and his

beautiful sister (Putri Adelia Rahma) who have given support and kindness in his

life that will never be paid. The writer also wants to give his gratitude to Mrs. Alfi

Syahriyani. M.Hum as the thesis advisor for her guidance, time and contribution

in helping and correcting the writer in finishing the thesis, so the writer can

complete the research. May Allah bless her and her family.

In writing this, the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude to the

following person:

1. Prof. Dr. Syukran Kamil, M.Ag. as the Dean of Faculty of Letters and


2. Drs. Saefudin, M. Pd as the Head of English Letters Department.

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3. Elve Oktafiyani, M.Hum, as the Secretary of English Letters Department.

4. All Lectures of English Letters Department who have taught and educated the

writer during his study at faculty of Letters and Department State Islamic

University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

The other gratitude and remarks goes to the writer‟s best friend Ilham and

Safrina who always support him in all conditions through up and downs during

writing this thesis. May the happiness comes to both of them. The writer‟s

appreciations and gratitudes goes to his community called Genk UNCH who

always gives the spirit and positive vibes for him. Miss Najib, Rendy, Frensen,

Inggar, Inge, and Nandar. May Allah bless and give them healty. This is kind of

everlasting relationship and the writer will always remember all of them.

The writer also wants to say many thanks for his classmates CROWSA who

always gave him spirit in his college time. pejuang shubuh and mangats ampe

wisuda who always been there in his difficult time. May Allah bless them.

LINGUISTICS CLASS who became his family in the final semesters. Hope to see

you guys on top.

Ciputat, June, 2017

The Writer

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ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................. i

APPROVEMENT ................................................................................................... ii

LEGALIZATION .................................................................................................. iii

DECLARATION ................................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...................................................................................... v

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... vii

LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................... ix

LIST OF FIGURE ................................................................................................... x

LIST OF ABBREVIATION .................................................................................. xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 1

A. Background of Study ................................................................................... 1

B. Focus of the Study ........................................................................................ 4

C. Research Question ........................................................................................ 4

D. Objective of the Study .................................................................................. 4

E. Significance of the Study ............................................................................. 5

F. Research Methodology................................................................................. 5

1. Method of Research .................................................................................. 5

2. The Unit of Analysis ................................................................................ 5

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3. Technique of Data Collecting ................................................................... 6

4. Technique of Data Analysis ..................................................................... 6

5. Instrument of the Study ............................................................................ 7

6. Time and Place of the Study ..................................................................... 7

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ................................................... 8

A. Previous Research ........................................................................................ 8

B. Appraisal Theory .......................................................................................... 9

C. Attitude ....................................................................................................... 11

CHAPTER III RESEARCH& FINDINGS ........................................................... 23

A. Data description ......................................................................................... 23

1. Appraisal System .................................................................................... 23

B. Data Analysis ............................................................................................. 23

1. Attitude ................................................................................................... 24

CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ............................................................. 41

A. Conclusion ................................................................................................. 41

B. Suggestion .................................................................................................. 42

WORKS CITED ................................................................................................... 43

Appendixes ............................................................................................................ 45

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Table 2.1 Emoter and trigger in Anderson Alves (537) ........................................ 13

Table 2.2 Affect – un/happiness............................................................................ 15

Table 2.3 Affect – in/security................................................................................ 16

Table 2.4 Affect – dis/satisfaction ........................................................................ 17

Table 2.5 Judgement – social esteem .................................................................... 19

Table 2.6 Judgement – social sanction .................................................................. 19

Table 2.7 Appreciation .......................................................................................... 20

Table 3.1 Appraisal System In Corpus Data ......................................................... 23

Table 3.2 Affect in The Corpus Data .................................................................... 24

Table 3.3 Judgement In The Corpus Data ............................................................. 30

Table 3.4 Appreciation in Corpus Data ................................................................ 36

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Figure 2.1 Appraisal framework ........................................................................... 11

Figure 2.2 Judgement and appreciation as institutionalised affect ....................... 12

Figure 2.3 Strategies for inscribing and invoking attitude .................................... 21

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+ = Positive

- = Negative

Cap = Capacity

Comp = Composition

Des = Desire

Hap = Happiness

Prop =Propiety

Norm = Normality

Sat = Satisfaction

Sec = Security

Reac = Reaction

Ten = Tenacy

Val = Valuation

Ver = Veracity

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A. Background of Study

Language in modern society can be used as sophisticated device in

maintaining respective ideologies. Walija (4) defines language as a complete

communication to convey ideas, messages, intentions and opinions to other

people. In connection with this, Ramelan (1) reveals the language is used to

communicate with others as a means to express ideas and expectations. Attitude

and ideas can be reflected when someone speaks in front of the audience.

Hendrikus (14) assess a speech as the communication in one-way because only

one person speaks and others listens. This is deeply contrast with Rachmat (78),

He argue that the speech is a face-to-face communication in two-way because the

speaker should pay attention to interlocutors even though the speaker is more

dominant in the conversation. The writer concludes speech is utterance that

correctly arranged and deliver to the audience. It is used as public speaking

activities to reassures and gives comprehension to other people.

Political figures uses speech as a means in the campaign for delivering

objectives, visions and missions, as well as the extent of giving speeches in order

to attract public attention. The ability of someone in speech can be seen from

their intelligence in arranging words, phrase, and sentence so every people who

heard the speech did not want to miss a single word that the speaker said, for

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example Ir. Sukarno, Indonesia's first president renowned as an orator for his skill

in speech.

In 2016, there are lot of speeches that attract public attention. One speech

that attracts people attention is the first lady Michelle Obama's speech in New

Harmpshire. The woman who was born in January 17, 1964 is greatly admired by

the United States citizen because of her ingenuity in speech. It is supported by an

article published on the site of


-michelle-obama) which carries news of United State citizen reaction for Michelle

Obama‟s speech in the eyes of many people towards the ability of women oration

who graduated from Princeton University and Harvard Law School and have been

recognized by various parties and also made all eyes were on her. “Incredible

speech by an incredible woman. couldn't be more proud & our country has been

blessed to have her as FLOTUS (First Lady Of United States). I love you,

Michelle” Barack Obama also posted his proud to his wife in his twitter account.

In the end of Barack Obama's period as president of the United States,

Michelle Obama has her own opinion for the two candidates who will be the 58th

President of the United States. Michelle Obama's speech is worth to analyzed

because Michelle as first lady of the United States, the wife of Barrack Obama,

who would be replaced by proficient candidate in the next president. Michelle

Obama speech is considered epic because of its authenticity in delivering speech

without using text. The emotion of aspirations and opinions derived from personal

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experience with an emotional strong yet vulnerable tone, an effective blend

words without using harsh content becomes attracts people‟s attention when she

was onstage. It realize neither in the terms of context, nor for her strongly worded

endorsement of Hillary Clinton or her scathing takedown of the Democratic

nominee's "opponent".

Michelle's speech in New Harmpshire was surprising after strained situation

which Hillary was rival of Barrack Obama for the presidency in 2008. There are

various response from citizen with Michelle Obama's speech, but it depends on

how they positioning themselves which will be influenced by the orator. Appraisal

system as one of interpersonal meaning is judged to be the corner of the language

used in Michelle Obama's speech in Manchaster, New Harmpshire United States

on October 16, 2016. The speech is interesting to be analyzes because Michelle

Obama has a lot of thought and ideas in the presidential candidates of the

President United States. The writer uses Appraisal system theory to analyzes the

language use by Michelle. Appraisal system has three sub categories which is

attitude, engangement, and graduation. The motive of this study is to analyze the

attitude devices (positive / negative) Michelle Obama with the presidential

election of the United States in 2016. In addition, research on interpersonal

meaning in the Faculty of Adab and Humanities Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic

University of Jakarta still rarely to be found. Therefore, the writer is interested in

raising the topic of research Appraisal Theory Of Attitude In Michelle Obama

Speech Towards Presidential Candidates 2016. The writer establishes a system of

appraisal that initiated by Martin and White (2005) as a basic theory of research.

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B. Focus of the Study

According to the background of the study, this research is limited only in

Appraisal Theory by Martin and White especially in attitude device. The object of

the research is the speech of Michelle Obama in Manchaster, New Harmpshire

October 13rd


C. Research Question

According to the Background of the study, the writer formulates the

question of the research as:

1. What types of Attitude device are recognized in Michelle Obama's speech in

New Harmpshire?

2. How Attitude devices are realized in Michelle Obama‟s speech in New


D. Objective of the Study

Based on the question above, the writer has the Objectives of the Research

as follows:

1. To identify the types of attitudes devices recognized in Michelle Obama's

speech in New Harmpshire.

2. To explain the attitude devices realized in Michelle Obama's speech in New


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E. Significance of the Study

By analyzing Michelle Obama's speech towards the candidate in New

Harmpshire. This research is expected to give some advantages theoretically and

practically. Theoretically it expected to give some benefit for society especially

the student who will do the same research to expand the knowledge about sematic

discourse especially appraisal system. In addition, this research is practically

expected to one of useful references for the reader who want to perform a further

study especially in the use of appraisal system.

F. Research Methodology

1. Method of Research

The method of this study is descriptive qualitative. According to Afrizal

(15) Qualitative is the research method that collects and analyzes words (oral and

written) and human behavior without using numerical data. There are several

criteria in descriptive methods such as the data collecting, classifying, analyzing,

interpret, make inferences about the data without making numerical computation

Moeleong (2). The reason of using descriptive qualitative research is because this

research uses transcript data from speech which is a verbal and not nummeral


2. The Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis in this research is the speech of Michelle Obama in

New Harmpshire. The data is a trancript from the speech in Hilarry Campaign

which contains Appraisal System. the source of the data is from Hillary Clincton

official account on Youtube.

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3. Technique of Data Collecting

Arikunto (158) said that in applying documentation method, the researcher

is looking for the data about things or variables which are in the form of notes,

transcription, book, newspaper, magazine, leafs, etc. The data of this study were

collected by using documentation method. The writer does some step to collect

the data:

1. Identifying the video of the First Lady Michelle Obama.

2. Justifying the main problem of the research by picking speech of the

presidential campaign which is assumed containing appraisal system.

3. Segmenting the data into clause (clause complexes)

4. Tabulating the data and numbering the clause.

4. Technique of Data Analysis

In this research, qualitative method is used in which it means that non-

statistical analysis is employed based on Martin and White of Appraisal Theory.

The steps of data analysis are as below:

1. Identifying the transcript by determining and selecting its types existing in

the selected sentence.

2. Interpreting the data by explaining the finding and explore more about the

meaning with appraisal theory by Martin and White (2005)

3. Concluding the result of the analysis by mentioning how Appraisal System

occur in the speech and what types of Appraisal System appear in it.

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5. Instrument of the Study

The Instrument of the research is the writer himself. The writer analyzes the

speech using Appraisal System

6. Time and Place of the Study

This research starts on November 2016, at the Department of English

Letters, State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and will be ended at

the end of April 2016.

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A. Previous Research

Martin and White (2005) stated in their book entitled “The Language of

Evaluation”. They used Appraisal to analyze a magazine entitled “Daily

Express”.This article was published on October 2001. The content of the article is

the government of the United State was ready against Afghanistan with terrorist

cases in Word Trade Attack in New York. In this research, monogloss becomes an

evaluation that often occur in the text where it represents the source of the context

of the attitude that comes from the author.

Dewi (2013) analized system in the editorial article “Start Working, Jokowi”

in the newspaperof “Jakarta Post”. The result of this research showed the types

of appraisal system that consist of eleven (42.3%) Affect Systems. One system of

Judgment (3.9%), and fourteen systems of Appreciation (53.8%). In term of

Engagement system, the researcher found two (7.1%) of Monoglossic systems in

the editorial. The author used Heteroglossic system rather than monoglossic

system in almost all part of the text in the editorial. The Heteroglossic system

found in the text consists of eleven (39.2%) systems of Dialogic contraction and

fifteen (57.7%) systems of Dialogic Expansion. The researcher found 25 systems

of Graduation which consist of 15 (60%) intensifications and 10 (40%)

quantifications. The author attitude toward Jokowi in the editorial is positive.

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Aini (2011) exposed Barack Obama‟s speech in Indonesia using

Interpersonal Meaning. The result of this analysis is Barrack Obama responsible

with every words that he said. The most found Subject in the speech is “I”. The

Finite that found on Obama's speech is Simple Present Tense where Barack

Obama giving the truth when he spoke. In conclusion, Aini added the theory of

Appraisal, she concerned to the Attitude aspects. In her research, Obama gives

positive attitude and judgment to Indonesia.

With the previous study above, the writer wants to examine more deeply

about appraisal system especially in attitudes devices in a speech Michelle Obama

in New Harmpshire in 13rd

October 2016 by using prior research and book Martin

& White (2005) The Language of Evaluation: Appraisal in English as a guideline


B. Appraisal Theory

Language is used to express the speakers and writers opinion regarding

phenomenon. Opinion can be used as source of evaluation units (appraisal) in

language. Appraisal theory was developed through Systemic Functional

Linguistics (Halliday, 1985, 1994; Martin & Rose, 2003; Martin & White, 2005;

White, 1998), Halliday divided Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) into three

metafunction that is ideational, interpersonal and textual metafunction. Ideational

metafunction deals with what is happening, including who‟s doing what to whom,

where, when, why, and how the logical relation going-on one another.

Interpersonal meaning deals with how they interacting, the negotiating social

reaction, include the feelings they try to share. Intertextual meaning deals with the

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way ideational and interpersonal connected one another. Lock (9) explains

interpersonal meaning is the way we act to another throught language, the way we

express our judgement and attitudes about things that necessity an diserability.

Martin and White (2005) initiated appraisal theory as "Evaluative use of

language" by focusing one metafunction of language i.e, interpersonal

metafunction. Appraisal is a part of interpersonal metafunction in semantic

discourse. The ultimate goal is to analyze the depth relationship between speakers

and hearers as well as writers and readers. Martin and White (1) also stated

Appraisal theory concerns with subjective presence of writers/speakers in text as

they adopt stances towards material they present and those with whom they

communicate. It concern with the how speakers/writers approve or and

disapprove, enthuse and abhor, applaud and criticise, and with how they position

their reader/listeners.

Based on Figure 2.1 Appraisal is divided into three subsytem. “Attitude”,

“Engangement”, and “Graduation”. Attitude is the feeling reaction (affect) and

judgements of behaviour (judgements) or evaluation of things (appreciation). It is

concerned with how the speakers/writers activate positive and negative

assesments. Engangement deals with sourching attitudes and the play voices

around opinions in discourse. It concerns with the type of clause that reflects the

interest between the speakers/writers and with what they speaks according to the

interpersonal impact to the listener. Graduation attends to the graduality through

phenomena whereby feelings are amplified and categories blurred.

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Figure 2.1 Appraisal framework (Martin & White 2005)

As attitude becomes the focus of this study, here are the explanation Attitudes

of appraisal theory and three sub-categories of attitudes as follows:

C. Attitude

Attitude is the ways of feeling. Martin and White (35) remarks attitude

concern with emotional reactions, judgements of behavior and evaluation of

things. Attitude is appertaining the different option for expressing positive or

negative evaluation. Attitude is devided into three aspects i,e affect, judgment,

appreciation. From figure (2.2) it can be stated that Judgement and Appreciation is

the institutionalised feelings that take us into uncommon sense feeling and sharing

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values, besides Affect as the heart of institutionalised feelings because it is the

first step before we judge and appreciate something.

White (45)

1.1. Affect

Affectis the emotional evaluation related to the things, person, state of

affairs etc. Affect is concerned with positive or negative feelings. It is about

whether we feel happy or sad, confident or anxious, interested or bored (42).

Halliday 1994 construed affect into nominalised realisations of qualities (joy,

sadness, sorrow) and processes (grief, sobs, constriction in his trouth).

As a stated by Martin and White (46), the participant that experience the

emotion is called Emoter, and the phenomenom that is responsible for that

emotion is called Trigger. Emoter as a relational process and emotion as

participant. Trigger realized as an optional circumstances element.

Figure 2.2 Judgement and appreciation as institutionalised affect in Martin and White (45)

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Table 2.1 Emoter and trigger in Anderson Alves (537)

With Him [God] still on the people‟s side / We Have No doubts and fear

Trigger Emoter Proc.. Emotion

Martin briefly organized affect into six factors, as a refererence for

classification and as a tool for those who need something to analize of evaluation

in discourse.

The first factors, feeling are construed by the culture as positive and

negative though.

(1) a. positive affect : I am so happy

b. negative affect : I am so sad

From the example (1a). happy is feeling or showing pleasure; pleased, it is

categorized as positive feeling. Besides in the example (1b), Sad is feeling

unhappy or showing unhappiness, it is categorized as negative feeling. The

second factors, as a state in White (48), emotional are construed as the opposition

between behavioural surge (embodied in some paralinguistic or extralinguistic

manifestation) and mental process.

(2) a. behavioral surge : the girl smiled at him

b. mental process : the girl liked him

From the example (2a) smiled shows the real behavior from the girl that she

is smiling to a man, besides liked shows the emotional prosess without showing

the visual content. The third factors, emotions are also construed as reacting to a

specific stimulus or as an undirected mood.

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(3) a. reaction to other : the girl disliked him

b. undirected mood : the girl was happy

Reaction to other are feelings construed as directed at or reacting to some

specific emotional Trigger. It can be shows at the example (3a). There are the

relationship between emoter and the trigger. Besides undericted mood or as a

general ongoing mood for which one might pose the question „Why are you

feeling that way?‟ and get the answer „I got no reason‟. The fourth factors, feeling

also graded to clined scale from lowest value to highest intensity somewhere

between them.

(4) a. low : the girl liked him

b. median : the girl admired him

c. high : the girl loved him

In the example (4a), (4b), (4c), there are three words that has the same

semantically but has different degrees. Liked means find agreeable, enjoyable, or

satisfactory. It is stated by the girl that she find enjoyebale with the man. Admired

means look at (something impressive or attractive) with pleasure. Loved means

feel deep affection or sexual love for someone. It is represent her deep feeling

about the man. The fifth factors, Martin also devides feelings into realis, involve

a reaction to the present (actual) and irrealis that involves intentions with respect

to some prospective stimulus (not yet actualised) .

(5) a. realis : I'm upset by what she said.

b. irrealis : I fear what she might say

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In the example (5a) Upset means someone feel worried, unhappy or

annoyed. It is represent the actual situation that “I” dissapointed by the girl about

what he already said. Besides in the (5b), fear means bad feelings with something

bad that might happen. It is explicit statements by “I” that have bad feeling about

what will the girl say.

The final variable of the affect group emotion is devided into three section

that is un/happiness, in/security, and dis/satisfaction. As a state in example (5)

Un/happiness variable consist of the emotion that affair in heart, such as sadness,

hate, happy, adored. In/security (6) variable consist of emotion of social well-

being, such as fear, anxiety, trust. Dis/satisfication in example (7) concern with

our feelings of achievements and frustation to the activity in which we are

enganged, including as participants and spectators.

(5) Un/happiness : the girl felt sad/happy

(6) In/security : the girl felt fear/confident

(7) Dis/satisfaction : the girl felt upset/absorbed

Table 2.2 Affect – un/happiness

Un/Happiness Surge (of Behaviour) Disposition




(directed feeling)

















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shake hands





be fond of



Martin and White (49)

Surge refers to the nature that is shown when a feeling occurs besides

disposition refers to the nature that arises when a feeling occurs. The un/happiness

is the first emotional reaction when the first time come to mind when we think

about emotion (49). It is the mood of feeling an Emoter (happy or sad) for a

trigger by liking or disliking it. Misery deals with the feeling of sadness that come

by her themselves. There are three scalable lexis in the example (whimper; low,

cry; medium, wail ; high). Antiphaty shows the hatred feeling that directed to

somone else. Cheer and affection shows the feeling of happiness. The lexis that

reflects happy/unhappiness shown in the table 2.2.

Table 2.3 Affect – in/security

In/Security Surge of Behaviour Disposition











cry out










freaked out







comfortable with

confident in/about


Martin and White (49)

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In/security deals with our peace and anxiety to something that might

happen. Disquite deals with the feeling of anxiety. Suprise deals with the surge of

feeling unexpectedly. Confidence is the firm trust in abilities or good qualities.

Trust deals with surge of natural that araise when there were a despair.

Table 2.4 Affect – dis/satisfaction

Dis/Satisfaction Surge of Behaviour Disposition









tune out







pat on the back






cross, bored with

angry, sick of

furious, fed up with




satisfied, impressed

pleased, charmed

chuffed, thrilled

Martin and White (50)

Disatisfaction deals with our feeling of frustation or achievement for what

we have done whether it is accomplished or not. Ennui deals with feeling bored

or uninteresting in something. Displeasure deals with dissapointed or upset.

Interested and pleasure categorized as satisfaction from what have we


The following sentence is the example about how affect appears in a sentence :

7. Maybe we‟re afraid to be that vulnerable

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According to Oxford Dictionary, in the example (7) Afraid is feeling fear or

anxiety. It shows negative feelings that someone frightened, worried about

something undesirable will occur or be done. It is categorized as insecurity and


1.2 Judgement

Judgement is the evaluation of attitudes and the way they behave, or the

characters. White (49) state judgement encompasses meanings which serve to

evaluate human behaviour positively and negatively by reference to a set of

institutionalised norms. As we can say judgement are used to show or to express

speakers‟ positions about others‟ conduct: whether he admires the behaviour or

not, appreciate or condemn. As Affect, Judgment also have evaluation positive

and negative; character that we admire and also what we are criticizing. positive

and negative is also determined by the use of language in context.

Judgement divided into social esteem and social sanction. Social esteem is

the sharing value with family, collagues friends etc that usually used in oral

culture (chat, gossip, jokes, story). social sanction is the sharing values underpin

civic duty and ususally used in edicts, rules, regulation, and laws.

In the table 2.5 Judgement of social esteem deals with „normality‟ (how

unusual someone is) „capacity‟ (how capable they are) and „tenacy‟ (how resolute

one is). Judgement of social sanction deals with „veracity‟ (how truthful someone

is) and properity (how ethical someone is).

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Table 2.5 Judgement – social esteem

Social Esteem Positive (admire) Negative (Criticise) Normality

‘how special?’


‘how capable’


‘how dependable’

lucky, fortunate, charmed...

normal, naturalm familiar...

cool, stable, predictable....

powerful, vigorous, robust..

sound, healty, fit...

adult, mature, experienced...

plucky, brave, heroic....

cautious, wary, patient....

careful, through, meticulous..

Unlucky, hapless, star-crossed.

Odd, pecuilar, eccentric...

Erratic, unpredictable....

cross, bored with.....

angry, sick of.....

furious, fed up with....

timid, cowardly, gutless..

rash, impatient, impetuous..

hasty, capricirous, reckless...

Table 2.6 Judgement – social sanction

Social Sanction Positive (praise) Negative (condemn) Veracity [truth]

‘how honest?’

Propriety [ethics]

‘how far beyond reproach?

truthful, honest, credible..

frank, candid, direct...

dicrete, tactful.....

good, moral, ethical...

law abiding, fair, just..

sensitive, kind, caring...

dishonest, deceitful, lying...

deceptive, manipulative,

blunt, blabbermouth...

bad, immoral, evil....

corrupt, unfair, unjust...

insensitive, mean, cruel...

Martin and White (50)

The table 2.6 Judgement of social sanction deals with “veracity” (how

honest someone is) and „propriety‟ (how ethical someone is) including positive

and negative evaluations. we criticize what we admire and we praise what we


Here are the following example of judgement:

8. She is an outstanding mother.

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The word outstanding means extraordinary, it is a positive judgement that is

related to capability (how capable somone is). It is one of judgement because it

evaluates someone behavior.

1.3 Appreciation

Appreciation is the evaluation of things of natural and phenomenom implicit

and explicitly. As presented in table 2.2. Appreciation can be devided into

reaction (do they catch our attention or not), composition (balance and

complexity), and valuation (how innovative, authentic, timely). Martin also

remarks that reaction is related to affection (emotive – „it grabs me‟, desiderative „

i want it) and composition tends to perception (our view of order), and valuation

that related to cognition (our considered opinion). Appreciation covers value

which concern aesthetics and non-aesthetic. Appreciation can be thought as the

system of human feeling towards process and products. appreciation is different

from judgement. appreciation usually evaluate natural objects, human artifacts,

human individuals (but not of human behavior). As with affect and judgement, we

can classify positive and negative evaluation of things.

Table 2.7 Appreciation

Positive Negative reaction :

impact ‘did it grab me? ’

reaction :

quality ‘did i like it?’

composition :

balance ‘did it hang


arresting, captivating, enganging,

fascinating, exciting, moving

remarkable, notable, sensational...

okay, fine, good.

lovely, beautifully, splendid

appealing, enchanting, welcome

balanced, harmonious, unified,

consistent, considered, logical.

shapely, curvaceous, willowy..

dull, boring, tedious....

dry, ascetic, uninviting....

flat, predictable, monoton.

bad, yuk, nasty

plain, ugly, grostesque.

repulsive, revolting, off-


unbalanced, discordant, irregular

contradictory, disorganised/

shapeless, amorphous, disorted.,,

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composition :

complexity ‘was it hard to


valuation :

‘was it worth?’

simple, pure, elegant..

lucid, clear, precise...

intricate, rich, detailed, precise..

penetrating, profound, deep..

innovative, original, creative..

timely, long awaited, landmark..

ornate, extravagant, byzantine,

arcane, unclear, woolly..

plain, monolithic, simplistic.

shallow, reductive, insignificant..

derivative, conventional, prosaic,

dated, overdue, untimely..

Martin and White (56)

The example of appreciation as follows:

(9) It was skillfull innings.

In the example 9. Skilful is adjective, it means having or showing skill. It is

evaluate the words innings, it is appreciation from the person that consider

something as appreciation.

Attitudes allows us to coding more than one sub-categories. Inscribed

means the feelings that are clear enough to be seen without interpretation

(explicit). Invoked means the feelings that are result of interpretation (implicit).

Figure 2.3 Strategies for inscribing and invoking attitude Martin and White (67)

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The example of Inscribe and invoke in attitude as follows:

1. You‟re amazing!

2. I think he is not capable for that job.

In the first sentence, the word „amazing‟ is an implicite (invoked)

statements that hard someone to know the meaning. It need interpretation whether

amazing means positive or negative, it depends on the context and situation. In the

second sentence, the clause of he is not capable means that the man is not

capable and accomplished for that job. It is stated on the sentence and we clearly

understand the meaning without interpreting.

Martin and White briefly explains the strategies for inscribing and invoking

attitude (figure 2.3) The research can usefully read in top-down as a cline from

„inscribe‟ to „afford‟ according to the degree of freedom allowed the readers in

alighning with the values naturalised by the text.

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A. Data description

The data was collected from the speech of Michelle Obama in New

Harmpshire. The speech was held on 13rd October 2016. The duration of the

speech is about 28 minutes 29 seconds. The result appraisal system that consist of

attitudes, engangements and graduation are explained as follows :

1. Appraisal System

Table 3.1 Appraisal System In Corpus Data

No. Appraisal


Sub-System ∑ % (part)

1. Attitude Affect (+) 11 24 24,74%

(-) 13

Judgement (+) 41 51 52,57%


Appreciation (+) 15 22 22,69%


Total 97 100%

B. Data Analysis

First lady of The United States Michelle Obama, made a speech in the form

of statements. Through her words, The writer analyzed the appraisal system. Here

are the brief explanation about the three sub-types that concern in appraisal

system in the corpus data.

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1. Attitude

Attitude concerns with speaker‟s feeling, including emotional reactions,

judgement of behavior and evaluation of things. There are three types of attitude

found in the research i.e affect, judgement, appreciation.

1.1 Affect

The table consists of the result that writer found in Michelle Obama‟s

speech. The affect consist of positive and negative feeling of Michelle Obama that

is separated into four categories: happiness, security, desire, satisfaction.

Table 3.2 Affect in The Corpus Data

Happiness Security Desire Satisfacion ∑ Affect

(+) 1 5 2 3 11

(-) 2 12 - - 13

1.1.1 Positive Affect

Positive affect is the expression of positive feeling (happiness, securities,

satisfaction and desire) which in the data are found in Michelle Obama‟s speech

in New Harmpshire.

(3) I am so thrilled to be here with you all today in New Hampshire.

(4) This is like home to me, and this day – thank you fora beautiful fall day

(20) And I had the pleasure of spending hours talking to some of the most

amazing young women you will ever meet, young girls here in the US

and all around the world.

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(27) And I walked away feeling so inspired, just like I‟m inspired by all the

young people here – and I was so uplifted by these girls, That was


(87) And let me tell you, I‟m here today because I believe with all of my

heart that Hillary Clinton will be that president

The word thrilled in datum (3) is categorized into positive affect

“satisfaction”. Satisfaction deals with our feelings of achievement in relation to

the activities in which we are enganged, including our roles both participants and

spectators (Martin and White 50). According to Oxford dictionary, The word

thrilled has meaning that somebody suddenly feeling of excitement and pleasure

or a wave or nervous tremor of emotion or sensation. That‟s how Michelle feeling

The word thrilled in datum (3) is a clause that concern how Michelle

Obama‟s feeling when she was at the podium and gave her speech to the audience

in the campaign. It is kind of positive feeling of Michelle Obama for her speech

towards the campaign before the election day. Since it holds positive feeling from

the speaker, it is grouped into positive affect.

In datum (4) home means the place where one lives permanently, especially

as a member of a family or household. It is implicit statement that Michelle used

word home and say it implicitly. Home represent the one who can stay forever in

a place, it is one of the positif feeling of Michelle obama that New Harmpshire

gave her security when Michelle Obama were there. New Harmpshire gave the

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biggest by the biggest vote for Barack Obama in 2008 . She feels the satisfaction

to be in New Harmpshire. So it grouped as positive affect.

In datum (20) pleasure means feeling of happy satisfaction and enjoyment.

It is categorized as noun. It shows Michelle Obama‟s feeling when she talked with

many young women in the even of Let Girls Learn. As a stated in /about/Let Girls Learn is the foundation for recognizing

the adolescent girls in pursuing an education that launched by Barrack Obama and

Michelle Obama as the First Lady of the United States in March 2015. In 13rd

October 2016 the government of the United States held an International Day of

the Girl and Let Girls Learn. in the event, they discussed about girl‟s hopes,

dream, and their aspiration. It gives positive feeling for Michelle Obama. It is

categorized as satisfaction. They discussed about their hopes, dream, and their

aspiration. It gives positive feeling for Michelle Obama. It is categorized as


In datum(27) Inspired has meaning of extraordinary quality as if arising

from some external creative impulse. It is classified into adjective. It‟s reflect

Michelle Obama‟s feeling toward young people in New Harmpshire. Michelle

Obama is very appreciated with the people in New Harmpshire because they

really support Barrack Obama in the recent election. Since it reflects positive

affect, it is categorized into satisfaction of positive affect.

Believe (87) conveys confidence, which is positive affect. It conveys

Michelle Obama‟s reliance toward Hillary Clincton to be the next president.

Michelle Obama stimulated the people to vote Hillary Clincton to be the next

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president. It is proven by her statement that she had seen the character, loyalty and

commitment of Hillary Clincton. So she trust her to be the next president.

1.1.2 Negative Affect

Negative affect react the feeling of unhappiness, insecurity, and

disatisfaction. The researcher found several negative affect of Michellle Obama.

(33) It has shaken me to my core in a way that I couldn‟t have predicted

(42) And I have to tell you that I listen to all of this and I feel it so


(49) Or when you see that guy at work that stands just a little too close,

stares a little too long, and makes you feel uncomfortable in your own


(50) It‟s that feeling of terror and violation that too many women have felt

when someone has grabbed them, or forced himself on them and

they‟ve said no but he didn‟t listen – something that we know happens

on college campuses and countless other places every single day.

(54) Maybe we‟re afraid to be that vulnerable

(74) And like us, these men are worried about the impact this election is

having on our boys who are looking for role models of what it means to

be a man.

According to In datum (33) shaken me to my core

is classified into insecurity. The phrase of shaken me to my core has meaning of

deeply disturbed, and extremely anxious. This clause be one of clause-comple It

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reflects Michelle Obama‟s negative feeling about the other candidate of the next

president which is implied to Donald trumph. He has bragged about sexually

assaulting women in 2005 when he was on the bus with the televison personality

Billy Bush waiting for an appearance on a tv show. Trump made a lewd

comments about women. He used vulgar slang to women‟s anatomy.

In datum (42) personally is an adverb. Personally means the personal

presence or action of the individual specified in person. Personally can be

interpreted as an action as directed against something that personal and we were

upset or offended by it. Personally hold negative feeling that categorized into

insecurity. It reflects Michelle Obama‟s feeling towards the candidate of president

that bragging assaulting women, which is Donald Trump. Donald trump has said

the worst things about women. as a state in

international-womens-day-7352406, there are lot of story about his remarks and

attitude about women. as the example like his remarks in twitter about Arianna

Huffington. He said that Ariana Huffington is unacttractive both inside and out.

He also state that ariana's husband has a good decision for leaving her.

The other example is when Trump on the court during lawsuit. Elizabeth

Beck as a lawyer asked for a break, because she need to feed her three month old

daughter to pull out a breast pump. but Donald Trump said that she is disgusting

and walked out the room and ending the court. In the election season in 2016, he

remarks on his twitter account that Hillary Clincton is not suitable to be the

president. He stated that Hillary can not satisfy her husband, so how can she

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satisfy America. He also stated a remarks to his daughter Ivanka Trump. He joked

on natisional television that if Ivanka was not his own daughter, he would dating

her. The others remarks, when in 2005, he made a lewd conversation with Billy

Bush in Access Hollywood. He discusses his failed attempts to seduce a woman in

which he says he need some tic tacs to kissing her. We can consider with all the

cases that discribes, personaly is grouped as negative feeling of Michelle Obama

towards Donald Trump attitude to the women.

In datum (49) uncomfortable conveys painful, restless, uneasy.

uncomfortable means causing or feeling slight pain or physical discomfort. It is

categorized as an adjective. It shows Michelle Obama‟s feeling when she or many

black women are stare too long by man. This is one of the racism of Donald

Trump with black people. Donald Trump has declare that racism is evil. But the

fact in history of life, there are lot of racism that he has done for black people.

One of the example, The discrimination of the black workers in Trump's casinos,

when he and his daughter Ivanka came to casinos, all the black people should

leave the floor. He said that all black casino employees is "lazy". What was done

by Donald Trump for discrimination either women or black people makes

Michelle Obama feel uncomfortable. Since it is feeling anxiety or uncertainty, In

datum (49) categorized into insecurity of negative feeling.

In datum (50) terror and violation shows insecure feeling about something.

Terror means extremely fear and violation means the action of violating someone

or something. That word used by Michelle to show negative affect (insecurity) to

the man who assaulting women.

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In datum (54) afraid is feeling fear or anxiety; frightened. It is categorized

as adjective. It shows negative feeling (insecurity) that Michelle and the women

feeling week and fear to be mocked.

Worried in datum (74) shows the negative feeling of Barrack Obama that

categorized as insecurity. Worried is an adjective that has meaning of anxious or

troubled about actual or potential problems. The point of this datum, Michelle

Obama explains the man who refers to her husband that is Barrack Obama who

feels the same way about the result of the election. It is implied because Michelle

used men to shows her husband insecurity.

1.2 Judgement

The table consists of the result that writer found in Michelle Obama‟s

speech, Judgment consists of positive and negative feeling of Michelle Obama

that is separated into four categories: normality, capacity, veracity, properity,

tenacy. with judgement, we move into the region of meaning construing our

attitudes to people and the way they behave.

Table 3.3 Judgement In The Corpus Data

Normality Capacity Veracity Properity Tenacy ∑Judgement

(+) 7 25 7 4 2 41

(-) - 1 - 9 10

1.2.1. Positive Judgement

Positive Judgement is the attitudes to the people and the way they behave

that consist of positive evaluation which in the data are found in Michelle

Obama‟s speech in New Harmpshire.

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(1) My goodness! You guys are fired up!

(6) Let me start by thanking your fabulous governor, your next US senator,

Maggie Hassan.

(10) And your executive council and candidatefor governor, Colin Van


(15) I can‟t believe it‟s just a few weeks before election day, as we come

together to support the next president and vice-president of the United

States, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine! And New Hampshire is going

to be important, as always.

(69) And I know that my family is not unusual.

(77) So even a six-year-old knows better

(88) See, we know that Hillary is the right person for the job because

we‟ve seen her character and commitment not just in this campaign,

but over the course of her entire life.

(89) The fact is that Hillary embodies so many of the values that we try so

hard to teach our young people.

(95) And she has been successful in every role, gaining more experience

and exposure to the presidency than any candidate in our lifetime –

more than Barack, more than Bill.

(104) She is an outstanding mother.

(159) On November the 8th, we can show our children that this country is

big enough to have a place for us all – men and women, folks of every

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background and walk of life – and that each of us is a precious part of

this great American story, and we are always stronger together.

In datum (1) fired up means stimulated, energized; enthused, determined;

compare to fire up. It is classified as adjective. It indicates a positive judgement of

Michelle Obama to the people in the New Harmpshire in the beginning of her

speech. The people looks enthusiast when Michelle Obama cames to the stage. It

is categorized as propriety of positive judgement.

In datum (10) is described executive council and candidate for governor,

Colin Van Ostern which shows the importance of his position in his organisation.

executive council is the executive body of the country which advises the governor

on all the matters and provides a check on the governor‟s power. Showing

Coolin‟s position in his organisation which is the power of the governer is the

way to show how important and influential in his organisation. Moreover he was

the Democratic Nominee for Governor of New Harmpshire in 2016.

In datum (6) fabulous refers to Maggie Hassan, Maggie hassan is the next

senator for the next period of pretidential, she is very kind and have a good

relationship with Michelle Obama. Fabulous is adjective. It means extraordinary,

especially, extraordinarily large. Michelle Obama used that word to shows her

admire of positive judgement to Maggie Hassan.

In datum (27) important is an adjective. It means of great significance or

value. The positive judgement refers to the people in New Harmpshire. The

people in New Harmpshire are very welcome and friendly. The people on New

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Harmpshire are really matters in presidential election for Barrack Obama in the

past or for Hillary Clincton in this period.

In datum (69) not unusual emphasize Michelle Obama‟s family that is just

the same as the other family. There areno difference and just common. The word

unusual means remarkable or interesting because different from or better than

others, Michelle obama state with negation “not”. It is still categorized as positive

judgement of Michelle Obama for her family.

The use of the word right (88) by Michelle describes the assessment to

Hillary. Hillary is the right person. Right means there‟s nothing wrong to

someone or something. It is classified to adjective. The words right shows

Hillary‟s capability for the job as president of the United States 2016.

In datum (89) embodies, according to Oxford Dictionary means give a

tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling). In Michelle‟s perspective,

Hillary is the one who is capable to be the president than another candidates.

Hillary embodies the values to teach young generation.

In datum (77) know means that She/he has knowledge or information

concerning to something. Michelle obama used that word to give positive

judgement to boy that know who‟s better to be the next president of the united


Successful (95) means accomplishing a desired aim or result. It is classified

as adjective, it shows Michelle positive judgement to Hillary through her life.

Hillary has been a success devoted daughter, success mother, secretary in the

United State, Proffessor, Lawyer and many more. Hillary gaining succes in every

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role. Michelle compares Hillary with the statement that Hillary is just really great

more than Barrack Obama, more than Bill Gates.

In datum (104) outstanding is classified into adjective, it means

exceptionally good. The case of this point is Hillary is outstanding mother, it

means no one can be. It represents Michelle‟s positive judgement to Hillary

Clincton as good mother.

In datum (159) precious is great value; not to be wasted or treated

carelessly. It represents positive judgement from Michelle to the people in New

Harmpshire. The people of New Harmpshire is valuable for the great American


1.2.3 Negative Judgement

Negative Judgement is the attitudes to the people and the way they behave

that consist of negative evaluation which in the data are found in Michelle

Obama‟s speech in New Harmpshire.

(29) The fact is that in this election, we have a candidate for president of the

United States who, over the course of his lifetime and the course of

this campaign, has said things about women that are so shocking, so

demeaning that I simply will not repeat anything here today.

(31) And I can‟t believe that I‟m saying that a candidate for president of the

United States has bragged about sexually assaulting women.

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(41) It‟s one of countless examples of how he has treated women his whole


(45) It is cruel.

(46) It‟s frightening.

According to Oxford Dictionary. In datum in (29) demeaning can be stated

as causing someone to lose their dignity and the respect of others. It reflects

negative judgement of Michelle Obama to another candidate who said about

uncommon material about women.

In datum (31) bragged means boastfull manner, or say something in a

boastful manner. It is Michelle negative judgement to another candidate president

which is Donald Trump who has bragged about sexuallity assaulting women. it

represent that Donald Trump is not suitable as president for what he has done to


According to Oxford Dictionary, countless (41) means there are too many

to be counted; very many. it refers to Michelle Obama‟s negative judgement about

donald trump. More than five times donald trump demeaning women. Either the

women that he had ever approached, or who had been his enemies, and even to his

own daughter. Donald Trump known for his badness in treated women.

In datum (20) cruel is adjective. It means wilfully causing pain or suffering

to others, or feeling no concern about it. It is indicate the evaluation of Michelle

Obama to Donald Trumph. It is the same with data (46) frightening is an

adjective. it means making someone afraid or anxious; terrifying. It is reflect the

negative judgement of Michelle Obama to Donald Trump as the president

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candidate of United State. It is due to what Donald Trumph did to the women and

makes every women feeling insecure.

1.3 Appreciation

The table consist of the result that writer found in Michelle Obama‟s speech,

Appreciation consist of positive and negative evaluation of Michelle Obama

through things, natural phenomena. It is separated into four categories: reaction,

composition and valuation.

Table 3.4 Appreciation in Corpus Data

Reaction Complexity Valuation ∑Appreciation

(+) 4 5 6 15

(-) 2 3 2 7

1.3.1 Positive Appreciation

With positive appreciation, we move into the positive evaluation about

things or natural phenomena which in the data are found in Michelle Obama‟s

speech in New Harmpshire.

(4) thank you for a beautiful fall day

(7) I want to thank her for that lovely introduction.

(17) This week has been particularly interesting for me personally because

it has been a week of profound contrast.

(120) Because for so long, America has been a model for countries across

the globe, pushing them to educate their girls, insisting that they give

more rights to their women.

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(128) Remember this: in 2012, women‟s votes were the difference between

Barack winning and losing in key swing states, including right here in

New Hampshire.

In datum (4) beautiful is an adjective. beautiful means Pleasing the senses

or mind aesthetically. It is Michelle Obama‟s assesment to the situation in New

Harmpshire. The season when Obama came to New Harmpshire and gave her

speech in Hillary Campaign.

In datum (7) lovely means very beautiful or attractive. it means pleasing or

appealing to the senses. Michelle Obama used that words for praising Maggie

Hassan for the introduction. Maggie Hassan is the US Senator in 2016 that

defeated Kelly Ayotte.

In datum (17) Interesting is classified to adjective, the meaning of the word

is arousing curiosity or interest that catching the attention. It is one of Michelle

positive appreciation for the situation of the election, Michelle assess the rough

week but still courious to be pass.

In datum (120) Model means a thing used as an example to follow or

imitate. It is classified as noun. It reflect Michelle appreciation for America,

because as we know America a great country. It is one of the role model country

in the world.

In datum (128) differencea point or way in which people or things are

dissimilar, there is a positive appreciation through the word difference. It is a

quantity by which amounts differ; the remainder left after subtraction of one value

from another. Here, difference is a form of praise for Michelle Obama to the

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women‟s vote in the election of Barrack Obama in the previous election. The

women‟s vote gave positive impact in the previous election.

1.3.2 Negative Appreciation

With negative appreciation, we move into the negative evaluation about

things or natural phenomena which in the data are found in Michelle Obama‟s

speech in New Harmpshire.

(43) The shameful comments about our bodies.

(36) It‟s not something we can just sweep under the rug as just another

disturbing footnote in a sad election season.

(152) There is so much at stake in this election.

The word shameful (43) is an adjective. It has meaning worthy of or

causing shame or disgrace. The comments that stated Donald Trump in his twitter

account was really disgraceful, it is about assaulting women. it is reflect Michelle

Negative appeciation with the comments of Donald Trump.

In datum (36) sad is not always negative feelings. Sad means causing or

characterized by sorrow or regret; unfortunate and regrettable. Michelle Obama

used that word for negative reaction about the election, if we ignore what Donald

Trump did, it will be sad election season for the United States in Michelle‟s point

of view.

In datum (152) stake means a strong wooden or metal post with a point at

one end, driven into the ground to support a plant, form part of a fence, mark

boundary. It is classified as noun. It is implicit negative appreciation for the

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election itself. There are lot of strong wall, strong demotivating, a lot of problems

for the election. Everyone feels strained with this election include Michelle


In the aspect of affect, the writer found 11 affects and 13 negative affects.

Michelle expressed her positive satisfaction when she was in New Harmpshire

and gave her speech in front of the people. In the middle of her speech, she

expressed her negative feeling and that was all about insulting sexuality assaulting

women. It was because in 2005 someone recorded the conversation between

Donald Trump and televison personality Billy Bush. When they was waiting for

an appearance on a tv show, Trump made aseries of lewd comments about women

and describes his unsuccesfull efforts to pick up a married woman. In descibing

his behavior toward women, Trump describing sexual assault : kissing and

grbbing women‟s genitals. with the word "this candidate” or candidate" in her

speech, she expressed her insecurity (negative affect) to Donald Trump behavior.

In the aspect of judgement, the writer found 41 positive judgements from

Michelle Obama. She gaves positive judgements for the people in New

Harmpshire, for the governor and the candidate which is Hillary Clincton.

Michelle Obama emphasized that Hillary is the "right person" to be the president

in United State because she was succesfull in every role in her life. In contrast,

there are 10 negative judgements that present Michelle evaluation toward one of

the candidate of Michelle Obama which is Donald Trump. Eventhough Michelle

Obama did not state the name of the candidate,she was virtually implied her

negative feeling and judgement to Donald Trumph, Michelle stated her negative

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judgement to Donald Trump due to what he did to the women. he has bragged,

comments and insulting women.

In the appreciation aspect, Michelle reflected her positive appreciation to

the situation in New Harmpshire. The writer found 15 positive appreciation in

Michelle‟s speech. She also appreciated America as the role model for other

countries. but the other case, she also gave her negative appreciation to the

election in this period, the writer found 7 negative appreciation in Michelle‟s

speech. Michelle Obama think that there's lot of stake in this election.

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A. Conclusion

Based on the analysis, the writer can draw some conclusions as follows.

There are 176 managable chunks of Michelle Obama‟s Speech in New

Harmpshire. In the term of Attitude, Michelle Obama used three kinds of atttude

which affect, judgement, appreciation, The writer found 97 system which is

consist of 11 (11.34%) positive affects, 13 (13.40%) negative affects, 41 (42.23%)

positive judgements, 10 (10.30%) negative judgements, 15 (13.40%)

appreciations and 7 (7.20%) negative apprecations. The presententage showed the

dominates of Michelle Obama speech is judgement system.

Michelle Obama used positive and negative attitude to show herself as a

good public speaker in delivering her opinion without using text. All the utterance

came from within her thoughts and feelings about what she had feared with the

United States in the future. All that she expressed derived from the experience she

has gained, about how the leader should lead a country, she expressed all her

opinion based on the facts about both candidates. The behavioral of Hillary

Clinton and Donald Trump in the eyes of society.

The way she choosed the words show that she has a good capability in

oration. Michelle used positive judgement to show her evaluation for Hillary

Clincton to be the president of the United State in 2016. Meanwhile she showed

her negative attitude for the other candidate that she did not mention the name

which is Donald Trump.

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B. Suggestion

The writer suggests to the next researchers whoare interested in Semantic

discourse especially in Appraisal System to choose another corpus to beanalyzed.

The writer also suggests to analyze more deeply about Appraisal system

especially in the implicit statement. In addition, the next researchers could also

use other theory, such as Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) which involve social

practice to make the study more deeply.

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Appendix 1

The Transcript of Michelle Obama's Speech Presidential Campaign in New


My goodness! You guys are fired up!

Well, let me just say hello everyone. I am so thrilled to be here with you all today

in New Hampshire. This is like home to me, and this day – thank you for a

beautiful fall day. You just ordered this day up for me, didn‟t you? It‟s great to be


Let me start by thanking your fabulous governor, your next US senator, Maggie

Hassan. I want to thank her for that lovely introduction. I also want to recognize

your Congresswoman Annie McKlane Kuster, who‟s a dear, dear friend. Your

soon-to-be congresswoman once again, Carol Shea Porter – all of whom have

been just terrific friends to us. And your executive council and candidate for

governor, Colin Van Ostern.

And, of course, thanks to all of you for taking the time to be here today.

Audience member: We love you!

Thanks so much. That‟s very sweet of you. I love you guys too. I can‟t believe it‟s

just a few weeks before election day, as we come together to support the next

president and vice-president of the United States, Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine!

And New Hampshire is going to be important, as always. So I‟m going to get a

little serious here, because I think we can all agree that this has been a rough week

in an already rough election. This week has been particularly interesting for me

personally because it has been a week of profound contrast.

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See, on Tuesday, at the White House, we celebrated the International Day of the

Girl and Let Girls Learn, and it was a wonderful celebration. It was the last event

that I‟m going to be doing as first lady for Let Girls Learn. And I had the pleasure

of spending hours talking to some of the most amazing young women you will

ever meet, young girls here in the US and all around the world. And we talked

about their hopes and their dreams. We talked about their aspirations. See,

because many of these girls have faced unthinkable obstacles just to attend school,

jeopardizing their personal safety, their freedom, risking the rejection of their

families and communities.

So I thought it would be important to remind these young women how valuable

and precious they are. I wanted them to understand that the measure of any

society is how it treats its women and girls. And I told them that they deserve to

be treated with dignity and respect, and I told them that they should disregard

anyone who demeans or devalues them, and that they should make their voices

heard in the world. And I walked away feeling so inspired, just like I‟m inspired

by all the young people here – and I was so uplifted by these girls. That was


And now, here I am, out on the campaign trail in an election where we have

consistently been hearing hurtful, hateful language about women – language that

has been painful for so many of us, not just as women, but as parents trying to

protect our children and raise them to be caring, respectful adults, and as citizens

who think that our nation‟s leaders should meet basic standards of human


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The fact is that in this election, we have a candidate for president of the United

States who, over the course of his lifetime and the course of this campaign, has

said things about women that are so shocking, so demeaning that I simply will not

repeat anything here today. And last week, we saw this candidate actually

bragging about sexually assaulting women. And I can‟t believe that I‟m saying

that a candidate for president of the United States has bragged about sexually

assaulting women.

And I have to tell you that I can‟t stop thinking about this. It has shaken me to my

core in a way that I couldn‟t have predicted. So while I‟d love nothing more than

to pretend like this isn‟t happening, and to come out here and do my normal

campaign speech, it would be dishonest and disingenuous of me to just move on

to the next thing like this was all just a bad dream.

This is not something that we can ignore. It‟s not something we can just sweep

under the rug as just another disturbing footnote in a sad election season. Because

this was not just a “lewd conversation”. This wasn‟t just locker-room banter. This

was a powerful individual speaking freely and openly about sexually predatory

behavior, and actually bragging about kissing and groping women, using language

so obscene that many of us were worried about our children hearing it when we

turn on the TV.

And to make matters worse, it now seems very clear that this isn‟t an isolated

incident. It‟s one of countless examples of how he has treated women his whole

life. And I have to tell you that I listen to all of this and I feel it so personally, and

I‟m sure that many of you do too, particularly the women. The shameful

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comments about our bodies. The disrespect of our ambitions and intellect. The

belief that you can do anything you want to a woman.

It is cruel. It‟s frightening. And the truth is, it hurts. It hurts. It‟s like that sick,

sinking feeling you get when you‟re walking down the street minding your own

business and some guy yells out vulgar words about your body. Or when you see

that guy at work that stands just a little too close, stares a little too long, and

makes you feel uncomfortable in your own skin.

It‟s that feeling of terror and violation that too many women have felt when

someone has grabbed them, or forced himself on them and they‟ve said no but he

didn‟t listen – something that we know happens on college campuses and

countless other places every single day. It reminds us of stories we heard from our

mothers and grandmothers about how, back in their day, the boss could say and do

whatever he pleased to the women in the office, and even though they worked so

hard, jumped over every hurdle to prove themselves, it was never enough.

We thought all of that was ancient history, didn‟t we? And so many have worked

for so many years to end this kind of violence and abuse and disrespect, but here

we are in 2016 and we‟re hearing these exact same things every day on the

campaign trail. We are drowning in it. And all of us are doing what women have

always done: we‟re trying to keep our heads above water, just trying to get

through it, trying to pretend like this doesn‟t really bother us maybe because we

think that admitting how much it hurts makes us as women look weak.

Maybe we‟re afraid to be that vulnerable. Maybe we‟ve grown accustomed to

swallowing these emotions and staying quiet, because we‟ve seen that people

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often won‟t take our word over his. Or maybe we don‟t want to believe that there

are still people out there who think so little of us as women. Too many are treating

this as just another day‟s headline, as if our outrage is overblown or unwarranted,

as if this is normal, just politics as usual.

But, New Hampshire, be clear: this is not normal. This is not politics as usual.

This is disgraceful. It is intolerable. And it doesn‟t matter what party you belong

to – Democrat, Republican, independent – no woman deserves to be treated this

way. None of us deserves this kind of abuse.

And I know it‟s a campaign, but this isn‟t about politics. It‟s about basic human

decency. It‟s about right and wrong. And we simply cannot endure this, or expose

our children to this any – not for another minute, and let alone for four years. Now

is the time for all of us to stand up and say enough is enough. This has got to stop

right now.

Because consider this: if all of this is painful to us as grown women, what do you

think this is doing to our children? What message are our little girls hearing about

who they should look like, how they should act? What lessons are they learning

about their value as professionals, as human beings, about their dreams and

aspirations? And how is this affecting men and boys in this country? Because I

can tell you that the men in my life do not talk about women like this. And I know

that my family is not unusual. And to dismiss this as everyday locker-room talk is

an insult to decent men everywhere.

The men that you and I know don‟t treat women this way. They are loving fathers

who are sickened by the thought of their daughters being exposed to this kind of

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vicious language about women. They are husbands and brothers and sons who

don‟t tolerate women being treated and demeaned and disrespected. And like us,

these men are worried about the impact this election is having on our boys who

are looking for role models of what it means to be a man.

In fact, someone recently told me a story about their six-year-old son who one day

was watching the news – they were watching the news together. And the little

boy, out of the blue, said, “I think Hillary Clinton will be president.” And his

mom said, “Well, why do you say that?” And this little six-year-old said,

“Because the other guy called someone a piggy and,” he said, “You cannot be

president if you call someone a piggy.”

So even a six-year-old knows better. A six-year-old knows that this is not how

adults behave. This is not how decent human beings behave. And this is certainly

not how someone who wants to be president of the United States behaves.

Because let‟s be very clear: strong men – men who are truly role models – don‟t

need to put down women to make themselves feel powerful. People who are truly

strong lift others up. People who are truly powerful bring others together. And

that is what we need in our next president. We need someone who is a uniting

force in this country. We need someone who will heal the wounds that divide us,

someone who truly cares about us and our children, someone with strength and

compassion to lead this country forward.

And let me tell you, I‟m here today because I believe with all of my heart that

Hillary Clinton will be that president.

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See, we know that Hillary is the right person for the job because we‟ve seen her

character and commitment not just in this campaign, but over the course of her

entire life. The fact is that Hillary embodies so many of the values that we try so

hard to teach our young people. We tell our young people “work hard in school,

get a good education”. We encourage them to use that education to help others –

which is exactly what Hillary did with her college and law degrees, advocating for

kids with disabilities, fighting for children‟s healthcare as first lady, affordable

childcare in the Senate.

We teach our kids the value of being a team player, which is what Hillary

exemplified when she lost the 2008 election and actually agreed to work for her

opponent as our secretary of state – earning sky-high approval ratings serving her

country once again.

We also teach our kids that you don‟t take shortcuts in life, and you strive for

meaningful success in whatever job you do. Well, Hillary has been a lawyer, a

law professor, first lady of Arkansas, first lady of the United States, a US senator,

secretary of state. And she has been successful in every role, gaining more

experience and exposure to the presidency than any candidate in our lifetime –

more than Barack, more than Bill. And, yes, she happens to be a woman.

And finally, we teach our kids that when you hit challenges in life, you don‟t give

up, you stick with it. Well, during her four years as secretary of state alone,

Hillary has faced her share of challenges. She‟s traveled to 112 countries,

negotiated a ceasefire, a peace agreement, a release of dissidents. She spent 11

hours testifying before a congressional committee. We know that when things get

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tough, Hillary doesn‟t complain. She doesn‟t blame others. She doesn‟t abandon

ship for something easier. No, Hillary Clinton has never quit on anything in her


So in Hillary, we have a candidate who has dedicated her life to public service,

someone who has waited her turn and helped out while waiting. She is an

outstanding mother. She has raised a phenomenal young woman. She is a loving,

loyal wife. She‟s a devoted daughter who cared for her mother until her final days.

And if any of us had raised a daughter like Hillary Clinton, we would be so proud.

We would be proud.

And regardless of who her opponent might be, no one could be more qualified for

this job than Hillary – no one. And in this election, if we turn away from her, if

we just stand by and allow her opponent to be elected, then what are we teaching

our children about the values they should hold, about the kind of life they should

lead? What are we saying?

In our hearts, we all know that if we let Hillary‟s opponent win this election, then

we are sending a clear message to our kids that everything they‟re seeing and

hearing is perfectly OK. We are validating it. We are endorsing it. We‟re telling

our sons that it‟s OK to humiliate women. We‟re telling our daughters that this is

how they deserve to be treated. We‟re telling all our kids that bigotry and bullying

are perfectly acceptable in the leader of their country. Is that what we want for our


And remember, we won‟t just be setting a bad example for our kids, but for our

entire world. Because for so long, America has been a model for countries across

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the globe, pushing them to educate their girls, insisting that they give more rights

to their women. But if we have a president who routinely degrades women, who

brags about sexually assaulting women, then how can we maintain our moral

authority in the world? How can we continue to be a beacon of freedom and

justice and human dignity?

Well, fortunately, New Hampshire, here‟s the beauty: we have everything we

need to stop this madness. You see, while our mothers and grandmothers were

often powerless to change their circumstances, today, we as women have all the

power we need to determine the outcome of this election.

We have knowledge. We have a voice. We have a vote. And on November the

8th, we as women, we as Americans, we as decent human beings can come

together and declare that enough is enough, and we do not tolerate this kind of

behavior in this country.

Remember this: in 2012, women‟s votes were the difference between Barack

winning and losing in key swing states, including right here in New Hampshire.

So for anyone who might be thinking that your one vote doesn‟t really matter, or

that one person can‟t really make a difference, consider this: back in 2012, Barack

won New Hampshire by about 40,000 votes, which sounds like a lot. But when

you break that number down, the difference between winning and losing this state

was only 66 votes per precinct. Just take that in. If 66 people in each precinct had

gone the other way, Barack would have lost.

So each of you right here today could help swing an entire precinct and win this

election for Hillary just by getting yourselves, your families, and your friends and

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neighbors out to vote. You can do it right here. But you could also help swing an

entire precinct for Hillary‟s opponent with a protest vote or by staying home out

of frustration.

Because here‟s the truth: either Hillary Clinton or her opponent will be elected

president this year. And if you vote for someone other than Hillary, or if you don‟t

vote at all, then you are helping to elect her opponent. And just think about how

you will feel if that happens. Imagine waking up on November the 9th and

looking into the eyes of your daughter or son, or looking into your own eyes as

you stare into the mirror. Imagine how you‟ll feel if you stayed home, or if you

didn‟t do everything possible to elect Hillary.

We simply cannot let that happen. We cannot allow ourselves to be so disgusted

that we just shut off the TV and walk away. And we can‟t just sit around wringing

our hands. Now, we need to recover from our shock and depression and do what

women have always done in this country. We need you to roll up your sleeves.

We need to get to work. Because remember this: When they go low, we go …

Audience: High!

Yes, we do.

And voting ourselves is a great start, but we also have to step up and start

organizing. So we need you to make calls and knock on doors and get folks to the

polls on election day and sign up to volunteer with one of the Hillary campaign

folks who are here today just waiting for you to step up.

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And, young people and not-so-young people, get on social media. Share your own

story of why this election matters, why it should matter for all people of

conscience in this country. There is so much at stake in this election.

See, the choice you make November 8 could determine whether we have a

president who treats people with respect – or not. A president who will fight for

kids, for good schools, for good jobs for our families – or not. A president who

thinks that women deserve the right to make our own choices about our bodies

and our health – or not. That‟s just a little bit of what‟s at stake.

So we cannot afford to be tired or turned off. And we cannot afford to stay home

on election day. Because on November the 8th, we have the power to show our

children that America‟s greatness comes from recognizing the innate dignity and

worth of all our people. On November the 8th, we can show our children that this

country is big enough to have a place for us all – men and women, folks of every

background and walk of life – and that each of us is a precious part of this great

American story, and we are always stronger together.

On November 8, we can show our children that here in America, we reject hatred

and fear and in difficult times, we don‟t discard our highest ideals. No, we rise up

to meet them. We rise up to perfect our union. We rise up to defend our blessings

of liberty. We rise up to embody the values of equality and opportunity and

sacrifice that have always made this country the greatest nation on Earth.

That is who we are. And don‟t ever let anyone tell you differently. Hope is

important. Hope is important for our young people. And we deserve a president

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who can see those truths in us – a president who can bring us together and bring

out the very best in us. Hillary Clinton will be that president.

So for the next 26 days, we need to do everything we can to help her and Tim

Kaine win this election. I know I‟m going to be doing it. Are you with me? Are

you all with me? You ready to roll up your sleeves? Get to work knocking on

doors? All right, let‟s get to work. Thank you all. God bless.

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The Attitude Found in Michelle Obama Speech

In the managable chunks of Attitude, there are 24 affect (bold style) consist of 11

positive affect and 13 negative affect. 51 judgement (underline style) consist of 41

positive judgement and 10 negative judgement. 22 appreciation (Italic Style)

consist of 15 positive appreciation and 7 negative appreciation.

No Expression

Kinds of Attitudes







1. My goodness! You guys are fired

up! - +norm -

2. Well, let me just say hello

everyone - - -

3. I am so thrilled to be here with

you all today in New Hampshire. +sat - -


This is like home to me,

„and this day – thank you fora

beautiful fall day

+sec - +reac


You just ordered this day up for

me, didn‟t you? It‟s great to be


- - +comp


Let me start by thanking your

fabulous governor, your next US

senator, Maggie Hassan.

- +cap -

7. I want to thank her for that lovely

introduction. - - +reac


I also want to recognize your

Congresswoman Annie McKlane

Kuster, who‟s a dear, dear friend.

- - -


Your soon-to-be congresswoman

once again, Carol Shea Porter – all

of whom have been just terrific

friends to us.

- - -

10. And your executive council and

candidate for governor, Colin Van


- +cap -

11. And, of course, thanks to all of you

for taking the time to be here


- +ver -

12. Thanks so much. - +ver -

Page 70: APPRAISAL THEORY OF ATTITUDE IN … Ir. Sukarno, Indonesia's first president renowned as an orator for his skill in


13. That‟s very sweet of you. - +ver -

14. I love you guys too. +hap -

15. I can‟t believe it‟s just a few weeks

before election day, as we come

together to support the next

president and vice-president of the

United States, Hillary Clinton and

Tim Kaine! And New Hampshire

is going to be important, as always.




16. So I‟m going to get a little serious

here, because I think we can all

agree that this has been a rough

week in an already rough election.

- - +comp

17. This week has been particularly

interesting for me personally

because it has been a week of

profound contrast.

- - +reac

18. See, on Tuesday, at the White

House, we celebrated the

International Day of the Girl and

Let Girls Learn, and it was a

wonderful celebration.

- - +reac

19. It was the last event that I‟m going

to be doing as first lady for Let

Girls Learn.

- - -

20. And I had the pleasure of

spending hours talking to some of

the most amazing young women

you will ever meet, young girls

here in the US and all around the


+sat +cap -

21. And we talked about their hopes

and their dreams. - - -

22. We talked about their aspirations. - - -

23. See, because many of these girls

have faced unthinkable obstacles

just to attend school, jeopardizing

their personal safety, their

freedom, risking the rejection of

their families and communities.

- - -

24. So I thought it would be important

to remind these young women how

valuable and precious they are.

- +norm -

25. I wanted them to understand that

the measure of any society is how +des +norm -

Page 71: APPRAISAL THEORY OF ATTITUDE IN … Ir. Sukarno, Indonesia's first president renowned as an orator for his skill in


it treats its women and girls.

26. And I told them that they deserve

to be treated with dignity and

respect, and I told them that they

should disregard anyone who

demeans or devalues them, and

that they should make their voices

heard in the world.

+des +cap -

27. And I walked away feeling so

inspired, just like I‟m inspired by

all the young people here – and I

was so uplifted by these girls, That

was Tuesday.

+sat -

28. And now, here I am, out on the

campaign trail in an election where

we have consistently been hearing

hurtful, hateful language about

women – language that has been

painful for so many of us, not just

as women, but as parents trying to

protect our children and raise them

to be caring, respectful adults, and

as citizens who think that our

nation‟s leaders should meet basic

standards of human decency.

- -cap -

29. The fact is that in this election, we

have a candidate for president of

the United States who, over the

course of his lifetime and the

course of this campaign, has said

things about women that are so

shocking, so demeaning that I

simply will not repeat anything

here today.

- -prop -

30. And last week, we saw this

candidate actually bragging about

sexually assaulting women.

- -prop -

31. And I can‟t believe that I‟m saying

that a candidate for president of the

United States has bragged about

sexually assaulting women.

- -prop -

32. And I have to tell you that I can’t

stop thinking about this. -sec - -

33. It has shaken me to my core in a

way that I couldn‟t have predicted. -sec - -

34. So while I‟d love nothing more -sec - -

Page 72: APPRAISAL THEORY OF ATTITUDE IN … Ir. Sukarno, Indonesia's first president renowned as an orator for his skill in


than to pretend like this isn‟t

happening, and to come out here

and do my normal campaign

speech, it would be dishonest and

disingenuous of me to just move

on to the next thing like this was

all just a bad dream.

35. This is not something that we can

ignore. - - -comp

36. It‟s not something we can just

sweep under the rug as just another

disturbing footnote in a sad

election season.

- - -comp

37. Because this was not just a “lewd

conversation”. - - -

38. This wasn‟t just locker-room

banter. - - -

39. This was a powerful individual

speaking freely and openly about

sexually predatory behavior, and

actually bragging about kissing and

groping women, using language so

obscene that many of us were

worried about our children hearing

it when we turn on the TV.

- -prop -

40. And to make matters worse, it now

seems very clear that this isn‟t an

isolated incident.

- - -

41. It‟s one of countless examples of

how he has treated women his

whole life.

- -prop -

42. And I have to tell you that I listen

to all of this and I feel it so

personally, and I‟m sure that many

of you do too, particularly the


-sec - -

43. The shameful comments about our

bodies. - - -val

44. The disrespect of our ambitions

and intellect. - - -val

45. It is cruel. - -prop -

46. It‟s frightening. - -prop -

47. And the truth is, it hurts. - -prop -

48. It‟s like that sick, sinking feeling

you get when you‟re walking down -sec - -

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the street minding your own

business and some guy yells out

vulgar words about your body.

49. Or when you see that guy at work

that stands just a little too close,

stares a little too long, and makes

you feel uncomfortable in your

own skin.

-sec - -

50. It‟s that feeling of terror and

violation that too many women

have felt when someone has

grabbed them, or forced himself on

them and they‟ve said no but he

didn‟t listen – something that we

know happens on college

campuses and countless other

places every single day.

-sec - -

51. It reminds us of stories we heard

from our mothers and

grandmothers about -how, back in

their day, the boss could say and

do whatever he pleased to the

women in the office, and even

though they worked so hard,

jumped over every hurdle to prove

themselves, it was never enough.

- - -

52. We thought all of that was ancient

history, didn‟t we? And so many

have worked for so many years to

end this kind of violence and abuse

and disrespect, but here we are in

2016 and we‟re hearing these exact

same things every day on the

campaign trail

- - -

53. We are drowning in it. And all of

us are doing what women have

always done: we‟re trying to keep

our heads above water, just trying

to get through it, trying to pretend

like this doesn‟t really bother us

maybe because we think that

admitting how much it hurts makes

us as women look weak.

- - -

54. Maybe we‟re afraid to be that

vulnerable. -sec - -

55. Maybe we‟ve grown accustomed - - -

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to swallowing these emotions and

staying quiet, because we‟ve seen

that people often won‟t take our

word over his.

56. Or maybe we don‟t want to believe

that there are still people out there

who think so little of us as women.

- - -

57. Too many are treating this as just

another day‟s headline, as if our

outrage is overblown or

unwarranted, as if this is normal,

just politics as usual.

- - -

58. This is disgraceful. - - -reac

59. It is intolerable. - - -comp

60. And it doesn‟t matter what party

you belong to – Democrat,

Republican, independent – no

woman deserves to be treated this


- +cap -

61. None of us deserves this kind of

abuse. - +cap -

62. And I know it‟s a campaign, but

this isn‟t about politics. - - -

63. It‟s about basic human decency. - - -

64. It‟s about right and wrong. - - -

65. And we simply cannot endure

this, or expose our children to this

any – not for another minute, and

let alone for four years.

-sec - -

66. Now is the time for all of us to

stand up and say enough is enough. - - -

67. This has got to stop right now. - - -

68. Because consider this: if all of this

is painful to us as grown women,

what do you think this is doing to

our children? What message are

our little girls hearing about who

they should look like, how they

should act? What lessons are they

learning about their value as

professionals, as human beings,

about their dreams and aspirations?

And how is this affecting men and

boys in this country? Because I can

tell you that the men in my life do

- +prop


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not talk about women like this..

69. And I know that my family is not

unusual - +norm -

70. And to dismiss this as everyday

locker-room talk is an insult to

decent men everywhere.

- - -

71. The men that you and I know don‟t

treat women this way. - +prop -

72. They are lovingfathers who are

sickened by the thought of their

daughters being exposed to this

kind of vicious language about


- +ten -

73. They are husbands and brothers

and sons who don‟t tolerate women

being treated and demeaned and


- +prop -

74. And like us, these men are worried

about the impact this election is

having on our boys who are

looking for role models of what it

means to be a man.

-sec - -

75. In fact, someone recently told me a

story about their six-year-old son

who one day was watching the

news – they were watching the

news together.

- - -

76. And the little boy, out of the blue,

said, “I think Hillary Clinton will

be president.” And his mom said,

“Well, why do you say that?” And

this little six-year-old said,

“Because the other guy called

someone a piggy and,” he said,

“You cannot be president if you

call someone a piggy.”

- - -

77. So even a six-year-old knows

better - +ver -

78. A six-year-old knows that this is

not how adults behave. - - -

79. This is not how decent human

beings behave. - - -

80. And this is certainly not how

someone who wants to be president

of the United States behaves.

- - -

81. Because let‟s be very clear: strong - +cap -

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men – men who are truly role

models – don‟t need to put down

women to make themselves feel


82. People who are truly strong lift

others up. - - -

83. People who are truly powerful

bring others together. - - -

84. And that is what we need in our

next president. - - -

85. We need someone who is a uniting

force in this country. - - -

86. We need someone who will heal

the wounds that divide us,

someone who truly cares about us

and our children, someone with

strength and compassion to lead

this country forward.

- - -

87. And let me tell you, I‟m here today

because I believe with all of my

heart that Hillary Clinton will be

that president.

+sec - -

88. See, we know that Hillary is the

right person for the job because

we‟ve seen her character and

commitment not just in this

campaign, but over the course of

her entire life.

- +cap -

89. The fact is that Hillary embodies

so many of the values that we try

so hard to teach our young people.

- +cap -

90. We tell our young people “work

hard in school, get a good


- - -

91. We encourage them to use that

education to help others – which is

exactly what Hillary did with her

college and law degrees,

advocating for kids with

disabilities, fighting for children‟s

healthcare as first lady, affordable

childcare in the Senate.

- +cap -

92. We teach our kids the value of

being a team player, which is what

Hillary exemplified when she lost

the 2008 election and actually

- +cap -

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agreed to work for her opponent as

our secretary of state – earning

sky-high approval -ratings serving

her country once again

93. We also teach our kids that you

don‟t take shortcuts in life, and you

strive for meaningful success in

whatever job you do.

- - -

94. Well, Hillary has been a lawyer, a

law professor, first lady of

Arkansas, first lady of the United

States, a US senator, secretary of


- +cap -

95. And she has been successful in

every role, gaining more

experience and exposure to the

presidency than any candidate in

our lifetime – more than Barack,

more than Bill.

- +cap -

96. And, yes, she happens to be a

woman. - +norm -

97. And finally, we teach our kids that

when you hit challenges in life,

you don‟t give up, you stick with

it. Well, during her four years as

secretary of state alone, Hillary has

faced her share of challenges.

- +cap -

98. She‟s traveled to 112 countries,

negotiated a ceasefire, a peace

agreement, a release of dissidents.

She spent 11 hours testifying

before a congressional committee.

- +cap -

99. We know that when things get

tough, Hillary doesn‟t complain. - +cap -

100. She doesn‟t blame others. - +cap -

101. She doesn‟t abandon ship for

something easier. - +cap -

102. No, Hillary Clinton has never quit

on anything in her life. - +cap -

103. So in Hillary, we have a candidate

who has dedicated her life to

public service, someone who has

waited her turn and helped out

while waiting.

- +cap -

104. She is an outstanding mother. - +norm -

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105. She has raised a phenomenal

young woman. - +cap -

106. She is a loving, loyal wife. - +cap -

107. She‟s a devoted daughter who

cared for her mother until her final


- +prop -

108. And if any of us had raised a

daughter like Hillary Clinton, we

would be so proud.

- +cap -

109. We would be proud. - +cap -

110. And regardless of who her

opponent might be, no one could

be more qualified for this job than

Hillary – no one.

- +ten -

111. And in this election, if we turn

away from her, if we just stand by

and allow her opponent to be

elected, then what are we teaching

our children about the values they

should hold, about the kind of life

they should lead? What are we


- - -

112. In our hearts, we all know that if

we let Hillary‟s opponent win this

election, then we are sending a

clear message to our kids that

everything they‟re seeing and

hearing is perfectly OK.

- - -

113. We are validating it. - - -

114. We are endorsing it. - - -

115. We‟re telling our sons that it‟s OK

to humiliate women. - - -

116. We‟re telling our daughters that

this is how they deserve to be


- - -

117. We‟re telling all our kids that

bigotry and bullying are perfectly

acceptable in the leader of their


- - -

118. Is that what we want for our

children? - - -

119. And remember, we won‟t just be

setting a bad example for our kids,

but for our entire world.

- - -reac

120. Because for so long, America has - - +comp

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been a model for countries across

the globe, pushing them to educate

their girls, insisting that they give

more rights to their women.

121. But if we have a president who

routinely degrades women, who

brags about sexually assaulting

women, then how can we maintain

our moral authority in the world?

How can we continue to be a

beacon of freedom and justice and

human dignity?

- -prop -

122. Well, fortunately, New Hampshire,

here‟s the beauty: we have

everything we need to stop this


- - -

123. You see, while our mothers and

grandmothers were often powerless

to change their circumstances,

today, we as women have all the

power we need to determine the

outcome of this election.

- - -

124. We have knowledge. - - -

125. We have a voice. - - -

126. We have a vote. - - -

127. And on November the 8th, we as

women, we as Americans, we as

decent human beings can come

together and declare that enough is

enough, and we do not tolerate

this kind of behavior in this


+sec - -

128. Remember this: in 2012, women‟s

votes were the difference between

Barack winning and losing in key

swing states, including right here

in New Hampshire.

- - +val

129. So for anyone who might be

thinking that your one vote doesn‟t

really matter, or that one person

can‟t really make a difference,

consider this: back in 2012, Barack

won New Hampshire by about

40,000 votes, which sounds like a


- - +val

130. But when you break that number - - -

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down, the difference between

winning and losing this state was

only 66 votes per precinct.

131. Just take that in If 66 people in

each precinct had gone the other

way, Barack would have lost.

- - -

132. So each of you right here today

could help swing an entire precinct

and win this election for Hillary

just by getting yourselves, your

families, and your friends and

neighbors out to vote.

- - -

133. You can do it right here. - - -

134. But you could also help swing an

entire precinct for Hillary‟s

opponent with a protest vote or by

staying home out of frustration.

-hap - -

135. Because here‟s the truth: either

Hillary Clinton or her opponent

will be elected president this year.

- - -

136. And if you vote for someone other

than Hillary, or if you don‟t vote at

all, then you are helping to elect

her opponent.

- - -

137. And just think about how you will

feel if that happens. - - -

138. Imagine waking up on November

the 9th and looking into the eyes of

your daughter or son, or looking

into your own eyes as you stare

into the mirror.

- - -

139. Imagine how you‟ll feel if you

stayed home, or if you didn‟t do

everything possible to elect


- - -

140. We simply cannot let that happen. -sec - -

141. We cannot allow ourselves to be so

disgusted that we just shut off the

TV and walk away.

-sec - -

142. And we can‟t just sit around

wringing our hands. - - -

143. Now, we need to recover from our

shock and depression and do what

women have always done in this


+sec - -

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144. We need you to roll up your

sleeves. - - -

145. We need to get to work. - - -

146. Because remember this: When they

go low, we go … - - -

147. Yes, we do. - - -

148. And voting ourselves is a great

start, but we also have to step up

and start organizing.

- - +comp

149. So we need you to make calls and

knock on doors and get folks to the

polls on election day and sign up to

volunteer with one of the Hillary

campaign folks who are here today

just waiting for you to step up.

- - -

150. And, young people and not-so-

young people, get on social media. - - -

151. Share your own story of why this

election matters, why it should

matter for all people of conscience

in this country.

- - -

152. There is so much at stake in this

election. - - +comp

153. See, the choice you make

November 8 could determine

whether we have a president who

treats people with respect – or not.

- - -

154. A president who will fight for kids,

for good schools, for good jobs for

our families – or not.

- - -

155. A president who thinks that women

deserve the right to make our own

choices about our bodies and our

health – or not. That‟s just a little

bit of what‟s at stake.

- - -

156. So we cannot afford to be tired or

turned off. - - -

157. And we cannot afford to stay home

on election day. - - -

158. Because on November the 8th, we

have the power to show our

children that America‟s greatness

comes from recognizing the innate

dignity and worth of all our people.

- - -

159. On November the 8th, we can - +ver -

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show our children that this country

is big enough to have a place for us

all – men and women, folks of

every background and walk of life

– and that each of us is a precious

part of this great American story,

and we are always stronger


160. On November 8, we can show our

children that here in America, we

reject hatred and fear and in

difficult times, we don‟t discard

our highest ideals.

- - -

161. No, we rise up to meet them. - - -

162. We rise up to perfect our union. - - -

163. We rise up to defend our blessings

of liberty. - - -

164. We rise up to embody the values of

equality and opportunity and

sacrifice that have always made

this country the greatest nation on


- - -

165. That is who we are. - - -

166. And don‟t ever let anyone tell you

differently. - - -

167. Hope is important. - - -

168. Hope is important for our young

people. - - -

169. And we deserve a president who

can see those truths in us – a

president who can bring us

together and bring out the very best

in us.

- - -

170. Hillary Clinton will be that

president. +sec - -

171. So for the next 26 days, we need to

do everything we can to help her

and Tim Kaine win this election.

- - -

172. I know I‟m going to be doing it. - - -

173. Are you with me? Are you all with

me? You ready to roll up your

sleeves? Get to work knocking on


- - -

174. All right, let‟s get to work - - -

175. Thank you all. - +ver -

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176. God bless. - +ver -

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