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What was leadership? A simple definition of leadership is that leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal.


Leadership is "organizing a group of people to achieve a common goal". The leader may or may not have any formal authority.


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1- Trust

As a Group Leader, you've got to establish confidence. Every member of your team must trust you. It is your responsibility to build that confidence towards you and towards every members of your team.

2- Coherence

You've got to walk your talk. What you say is what you do. Coherence between your teaching and your own actions will have a significant effect on your team : it will have a direct influence upon the trust of your team members towards you. The less your team trust you, the less your message will be heard.

Here are 6 words, 6 elements you need to master if you want to be recognized as a true


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3- Competence

No leader can survive incompetence. Knowing how to resource yourself and knowing how to surround yourself are 2 qualities that every leaders possess. What the leader don't know, he learns it or he makes someone

who knows about it to execute the task.

4- Collaboration

The more successful people there will be in your team, the more success YOU will have but... BE CAREFUL.... As your member gets bigger and bigger, make sure they treat their downline with respect. Never let your people by themselves. Always bring them to their best. Be sure you make that statement duplicatable otherwise your downline will stop growing at some point making you lose maybe thousands of dollars. Make sure the heavy-hitters of your team know about this.

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5- Competition

Drive your team towards excellence. Be sure your team understand the different levels in your company. You've got to drive the member of your team towards their next level. Let your team know the success of everyone. As soon as someone reach his own next level. Announce it to your team. This will favour the developpement of your group.

6- Contribution

This is the guard angel of the team spirit. If all the members of your team contribute to bring the best out of themself you will lead a group that has very good potential to hit a team. Every members must contribute in some ways. If they don't work their business, they will not make money and you won't make money. Help them build their business.

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Managers do things right; leaders do the right thing.At least so suggested Warren Bennis in 1989.(March 8, 1925 (age 87) (is an American scholar, organizational consultant and author, widely regarded as a pioneer of the contemporary field of Leadership studies) This is the primary difference between a good manager and a good leader. A good manager can accomplish only what has been defined and documented for him or her, yet a good leader constantly questions why things are done the way they are and is able to recognize the value and potential of doing things differently. A good leader is passionate about excellence and must therefore strive for continuous improvements and change.

doing the right things

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One may wonder, how does a leader find the right things? The answer is simple, by asking the right questions:

- What am I passionate about? - What are we passionate about? - What is our shared vision? - What are our goals? - Why are things done this way? - Is there a better way to these things? - Would changing the way we do things

improve those things we are passionate about?

- Do these changes support our vision?

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A leader must also recognize that doing the right things also involves good timing. In other words, we must do the right things right, at the right time.

doing the right things

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He also listed eleven other distinctions:

1- Managers administer; leaders innovate.2- Managers ask how and when; leaders ask what and why.3- Managers focus on systems; leaders focus on people.4- Managers maintain; leaders develop.5- Managers rely on control; leaders inspire trust.6- Managers have short-term perspective; leaders have long-term perspective.

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7- Managers accept the status; leaders challenge the status.8- Managers have an eye on the bottom line; leaders have an eye on the horizon.9- Managers imitate; leaders originate.10- Managers emulate the classic good soldier; leaders are their own person.11- Managers copy; leaders show originality.

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Values are those things that really matter to each of us ... the ideas and beliefs we hold as special. Caring for others, for example, is a value; so is the freedom to express our opinions.

What are values?

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Leaders know what they value. They also recognize the importance of ethical behavior. The best leaders exhibit both their values and their ethics in their leadership style and actions. Your leadership ethics and values should be visible because you live them in your actions every single day.

A lack of trust is a problem in many workplaces. If leaders never identified their values in these workplaces, the mistrust is understandable. People don't know what they can expect. If leaders have identified and shared their values, living the values daily, visibly will create trust

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1-Respect All Persons(Actively value and honor the similarities, difference and contributions of every individual as a unique and contributing member).

2-Be Vision and Purpose Minded

3-Do No Harm(Demonstrate active care for the emotional, physical, spiritual, social, and intellectual well being of every individual within and outside of the organization.)

What is “Values-Based Leadership?”

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4-Demonstrate Good Stewardship(Operate with integrity in the management/ development of resources your organization has been entrusted with – create a legacy of leaving things better than you found them)

5-Intentionally Influence(In both the leadership and followership roles that you have, build up, encourage, and advance the causes and purposes of Baylor and your organization – bringing about positive change in all arenas of influence.

Leading from a foundation of your personal value system

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The following are examples of values. You might use these as the starting point for discussing values within your organization:

ambition, competency, individuality, equality, integrity, service, responsibility, accuracy, respect, dedication, diversity, improvement, enjoyment/fun, loyalty, credibility, honesty, innovativeness, teamwork, excellence, accountability, empowerment, quality, efficiency, dignity, collaboration, stewardship, empathy, accomplishment, courage, wisdom, independence, security, challenge, influence, learning, compassion, friendliness, discipline/order, generosity, persistency,optimism, dependability, flexibility

Choose Your Leadership Values

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As a leader, choose the values and the ethics that are most important to you, the values and ethics you believe in and that define your character. Then live them visibly every day at work. Living your values is one of the most powerful tools available to you to help you lead and influence others. Don't waste your best opportunity.

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Many organizations experience generational conflict. Older leaders have a hard time understanding, and therefore trusting, younger ones who are anxious to find their role in leadership. The latter often can't understand why older leaders believe and do what they do, and their questioning may lead to conflict.

are there generational differences in values?

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Most of this tension results from generational differences that exist because of contrasting values. We make choices and decisions based on our value system, and differing values often lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretation. This, in turn, hampers our relationships and lessens the effectiveness of our work together

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Moral reasoning is a study in psychology that overlaps with moral philosophy. It is also called moral development.

Moral reasoning can be defined as being the process in which an individual tries to determine the difference between what is right and what is wrong in a personal situation by using logic. This is an important and often daily process that people use in an attempt to do the right thing. Every day for instance, people are faced with the dilemma of whether or not to lie in a given situation. People make this decision by reasoning the morality of the action and weighing that against its consequences.

Although all moral choice can be seen as personal choice, some choices can be seen as an economic choice, or an ethical choice described by some ethical code or regulated by ethical relationships with others.

Moral reasoning

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The first of these is moral sensitivity, which is "the ability to see an ethical dilemma, including how our actions will affect others.

The second is moral judgment, which is "the ability to reason correctly about what 'ought' to be done in a specific situation.

The third is moral motivation, which is "a personal commitment to moral action, accepting responsibility for the outcome.

The fourth and final component of moral behavior is moral character, which is a "courageous persistence in spite of fatigue or temptations to take the easy way out

There are four components of moral behavior.

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You can’t be a great transformational leader if

you are not a moral person.

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Why Leading across Cultures? International success is no longer a question of the size of an organisation, it is now more than ever about having the right people with the right skills. This is especially true in the case of international business managers and leaders. Managing international projects or multicultural teams requires to the ability to manage and understand cultural differences between employees and team members, as well as the diverse business cultures that exist across the world.

Styles and approaches that work well at home when leading organisations or managing people are often less effective in a global context. This means that managers need to adopt a global mindset that allows them to flex their natural leadership styles and adapt their default behaviours to the culture and context they are working in.

leading across cultures

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Communicaid’s Leading across Cultures programme improves your cross-cultural leadership skills by increasing your understanding of culture and how it impacts global communication, working relationships and leadership styles. Training also helps you develop concrete strategies to adapt and improve your global leadership style as well as your ability to decipher relevant cross-cultural differences that affect your business context. After participating in a Leading across Cultures programme you will be better equipped to appropriately and effectively respond to cross-cultural challenges facing global leaders today.

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1-Communicaid’s Leading across Cultures programme will provide you with:

2-An increased awareness of culture’s key drivers and their impact on you as a global leader3-An understanding of how different communication styles affect international business and leadership4-Improved communication skills to positively interact and lead colleagues and counterparts in a global context

Benefits of Leading across Cultures

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5-Enhanced leadership skills to more effectively inspire and motivate people across cultures6-An opportunity to compare your experiences of global leadership with people in a similar role, furthering your understanding of culture’s influence on global leadership7-Concrete tools and strategies to improve leadership and develop long-term relationships with global colleagues.

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