


rlligeniiatt; Bliss’

State W .


Mftsa Mcctlag BcBBito-In Palled Ef­iort ltt''Get'*Biift'TIIgIiwajr Bontoa Throsgli T bb Section.

' A -largo numbor of clUzona Irom . BUsb, H asonnon' and Buhl arrivod - -£a -.T w in - fW lB -yoa to rday—to —fo r­

m u la te soino plan of ublfylag a movo* tnnj^t, fnr tho obUilnlnK o t th e otate

\ Wghway. A itiaia m 5 ia n f% a » -c a n e d ' a t th e Commorcial ciuh in th e ' attar*

•nooa for tho purpose o t *« ttlng the Tw in PallB bUBlncBa mon Inte^BBtod, and a large crowd gathorod to moot tho 7l8ilors. from tho othor tow ns.

.T h e nopUoff roeujtod in jo t t in g a good strong ' commlitco b r ^ lB e d - to

— gather, lunda a n d J ^ a t- J h O -h ig h w a ; . aa m uch a s posalblo.' T ho taovomont woq startod to oif> so t a BlmMar'movomont by th e towaB a lo n s tha m ain lino of tho railroad ,

- Gooding, Shosboao^.M ountain ,:Homo and o tbers , oach baving ra is ing aums v a i t ln g from |5.0W to $10,000 to got tho highw ay routedTUiat, way,

Al)STIlia.lA WANTS IRRIGATORS1 'D ep W en tiiUire of E n g la n fa . Colony

. B e^^g l^onnaU ob ’

J. B. Kolloy, roproBonting th o r^ua i tra lla a govom ipont. w as a v js lto r In' Tw in F a lls and Investigated ih o whole t r a c t w ith a. view to getting poin ters

; o n 'I r r ig a tio n for the bcnoflt o f his ' g o re rn m o n t Mr. Kolly t% a lso going

Eo coax som e of th e w estern IrrlgaUop___flxporti to go with him oh hie rotnm.

A ustralia la jua t developing under gnvwrnmenf owDorshlp new Irrigation prolo^ta •which wi(i tra controHed oy tho colonial govoczuaoat, and tho wa­te r r lg b t sold to se ttlo rs on' a th irty - y oar j ia n n e a t b” l"- ; _ „ J ' ,

a . 'j . H orn lbrook has n o r ^ b is law------ olU ooe-to-tbo-O albeit-.bulldlpg.-=A dt.

- A pr l-M

A t lOe a 11ns yon bring yoar want* to your nelgh^raV door _


' Tbe buying publle is urged to . •cmtlQlM this list Jjoforo'baying .

anything. T h e l ^ w to adTe>- tlsoB 'usually h as so m ith ln g o t

- - ^ n e for TOji can s*v*--yo»^ . monoy.. W atch t ^ space .iSMO roi». the T K ^ ' i h o 8 d?er-_

•ttaers.-'-' --------------------ilco-C lotM ng.fitbro, Coat.BfllO._

Dooth More. Co..Balnbrldge & Schroeder. I^ca> .

ra to ra ., .Booth Hyomel Co.

----------i g g g g " -..........-FaxlB & Lyauui A utomobile-.

^ p i S t s 'b e a h f l l^ tT w ln F a lls P o w er Co.

• H ill & T aylor, lo sa ran ce .— Jenkins. & Company.

, . 0 . 0 , ' MeJgnfcjigPana Im pl^

m iner & North Side R. B. '- Wbley-ObaaDol-Lamber C a...

P ro f. Powell, C onserrato ry ot- - - - - 1...UUSI0, ________ ..........................................

Orpheum T h e a te r . '..........—. W. n. Priebe.

• . - .P aris ian Sago. ____' Peoples Cafe.

---------------- P o U rso a^ a rd w ara -C o -------------__ _______ R oyaL B B kerypo;_____________

. Rilnr's M iU ld^.' R oyal T 3 i0 a n rP 6 w d o r~ C o r-“

— . ..-8«lls.nota.ahow fl^ia-34.-’ Sweeley St Sweeley, R eaT

“ ^ ^ i ^ i 'S S c h T . R e i a ' E B t a ^■- 1.-. __Clothlpg■ ■ ’ - Bal e . ’ -■—

Thompson & Boanchapip,. ; .-Real EsU te.

— . . . .a ..A . T obey.___ '.- . -p w ln -P a ll* -R a f t R lT e r -Real-

a u te -C 4 m p a n y ,-M a U * ^ 3 d a lio .. ---------•-=--'3^wltt'FBll#-8 tsh-*-D<tor-Co^---

" R i H l S l i ^ t t i r i t T n i r t - C o r —\ Twin 1^111'T IU rft'A bctrftetCo..

- W M g b l-* -B u tler ,. Nnraery Btock, . ■

W eatera Aoto Co., F e rd C aA. r - -Heary-J. Wall.;AbBtrAet*.' .

' The V W U palaoe J e w tf ry .. .

B O B A IIM D S AlONtdo Thinks I t Is Uaolofls to Call a Con- ^TenU oa,^tantB 4U reet Prlmarios.--

...Chicago, M ay '12 .—ProgroBBlTo-Ro- publlcan loaders fro m 'lo n Btalca are expected tb drAttTjlanfl today for th e tQ orsonlzation .o£_tha.p&£ty,^iui(L_wUl decide w hether a conrcaU oa stiali ba held soon. Tho a ttitude to bo taken tow ard the na tiona l commltteo, w hat will beat rally, and unite forcoa. and otbor questions wore discusaed-infer- a lly a t^ w o m ootings yoatorday.■ Statesm en -who rep resen t tbo Prc^

gr^BBlvo w ing o t tho party wore roln- torced W ^lho 'T im vnl-of^T orm or Oov. e rnb r 'H aaroy -o fM lsson rl,—while’ Sen­a to r W o rk i'o t.C a llfo rn la telegraphed tb a t h e hoped •’ to, roach ibo city ia Ume- to a tte n d tho-oonvonUon.- O ther politicians sw elled tho attondanco tomoro than fifty. -----------------•- Senator, B orah o t Idabo. is opposed to 'c a lllhg a R epublican na lto n a r con- lerence .vaad tila .e tand ton .-th is, qaea- tion yoatorday w as tho beginning of a eagthy-idlscusslon., _Ho ..had ..assertad t woiUd be UBOloBs to a ttem pt to re-

organlxo th e p a rty from the top down, a s -nny-iaee tlng -w hk ih -m igh t-ba-be ld a t th is tim e w ould be controllod by tho sam e niton who domlnatod tho con­vention la s t Juno.. Dorah has fought the general con- torenco 'idea continuously since hls a rriv a l, and oontinuod to do bo today, bu t is w ithout mueh hopo th a t ' h is ideas w lli p revail. Ho woa tho conr te r of~di8oussion lo r th'o Bocona~luao' yostorday, w hen ho odvanccd a plan fo r d irec t'e loc tion of doleRates to tho naUonal convention, standing procyc- a ll^v^ono 'o n th l a iasno. H ostility to th b ”'proBoat~natloijal':com m ittoc-rhafl been openly expressed by sovoral Progressives.' One o f fhe alms o t th e conferonco is to cu rta il the pow ers of tbo commltteo.

SHOOTING-SCRAPLTokei Place Near Bllfts, Ida., Orbr .vv . ■ , PJ#pa!od Jlangc.

-Lnst S a tu rday evening Just n t su n ­down^ Jo e A ldecoa and Roland U ttle had some 'd ltforoncos to se ttle , in w hich.'A ldecoa m ^ o a gon ploy ond Bhot L ittle t h r o ^ tho loft a rm ,-the hnliHt-pflMalR f . th rough -h is -c io tl)lB | and-bruBhlng h |s hreastl After betn« flhnt. M ttle rodo to- tho homo o t h it fa th e r on C lover oreek, a distance 01 over th ree r a l l e t ' H b 'to ld 'o t the Bhootlns a n d h is relatlvios camo direct to 'B U sa 'a& d 'phooed to r a doctor tc d raw an S 'd ^ esa 'th e '^ w b an aed m on'i a rm . T h e r al«o aont word to Sherif: BUtt^ho^dKiTB--to-th»-Boena-at-oac< a a d urreated Aldecoa and took h ln to Q ood ln r w here he'w aived oxom laa UoQ and i f how o u t on bonds.

T^is a ffa ir took place tw enty mlloi no rth o t Bllsa n t tho hodd 'o t 'PoV crook. Joo Aldocoa la camp tendoi for Barlowo PorgUBon.—Bllsa Tlmoa

AT THE O R P P H THKTRLifoscow Dao, Somethlog N9w, fo r tb<

Last Tbree Nights of the Week..

F o r tho la s t th ree nights b l th e wool a t the Orpheum thoatro the m anage w ill Introduce tho M osdow 'D uo. t singing, danclng-and ipauslc o f tho lan ot the O roat W hite Father. This, Is a a c t th a t is surQ,.to please tho theatre go ing public o f the cUy. Tho p icture wiU 'bO'ot-the.-best. including tbb Oau m ont W eekly. - showing tho icadloflventa-o t-the world;------------------------^

M anagor Andoraon bos “arran g e to r the appearance of W ail and Ki .In- refined comody, singing and dan< ing, fo r tho la s t th ree nights of thi .w<aV..mnklng n.^ouble.t>lU,,Hi.Yfttid< v lll^ w hich Is ha rd to beat.

S SUCCESSfUi MISSIWFather Smith Hakes Many Friends 1

ThU fl^^.

- F a th e r . flmith._who ,had W en In 'U city for tb e p a s t ten days p reaching th e Catholic church, departed Wedne da^r evening,’ followed by th e g c wisheia of th e peop le .o t'the city. F a t or,.Sm ith I s .a n eloquent and convin In g ta lk e r and his d iscourses w e jia tan f id _ lo jrlth jc lM e.« ttfin tlon_by j who .were ‘ fo rtuna te enough lo ho


A pairty of easte rn .peopledwere i r e ' c l t ^ r “ r il iO T tT im e “W « B « a

- 'eaaTthat' th e y -W traYelad over

Shoshone fa lls and the su rrau n d l country w as one o t th e g rea te s t algl ia 'A m erica._ .......

Hi 'A^mRAOT work: • .I^pt^t’ out t

t a ’' t i ^ . B t o E S w y '-A B S T R A ^ p l < ^ o t : a i f ^ . r ‘N « t.‘hriefr:«rT« taoked by a aoosd flnaao^al Intagd

, B 0 iro ia > ' lB 8T B i0T 0B . ■3 :---------^ririNfMiMiireoc-------- ---

T W I N f i l S W lr f i M E R . : ! ! !

liigli Sdiool^Ialies G anic~by Score of 7 to 0.


Tho Gamo TliU Aftem oon w ith BoIbo Wlll~D etcrm lno tho Championship of S outbem Idaho.

Tho game between American Fnlle high solinol and tbo local bigh auhoo) team la st Saturday, waa_ by fa r tho bbst gaino of thb sonBon.' By w inning th is g a ^ o Twin Falls v o n tho cham-! p lo ^ h ip o f-.o a s to m Idaho, .which o'pbhB . th 'o ''w a ^ o r^ h o m tf f-p la r ‘Bolse to r tho s ta te championship on F r i­day, May K r. on tbo home.-groundB.

T be .loca l toam showed m arked de­velopm ent and olthQUgh American P a lls surpaaeod any o tho r tcyim they havo played, th is year, they showed thomsolveB equal to. tho occasion. The

Tbo f ir s t throo men wero ooatly bU victim s. Tho visiting team olsc seem ed to bo porfoctly a t homo npor tho field. W ith Olivor. of whom th<

I local-team had. hoard.tL SroQt deal, ii I tho box. tho flrat throo Twin F a lh I m en w ore oasy victim s to the v is it : ora. I t was decidedly u ncerta in toi

a long tim e who would win. D uriaj thQ, f irs t five innings n o t a acoro waj

. mado on e ith e r side. T hen-in th e las h a lt o f tho sixth Tw in F a i la .b o y ^ io dqwn t o buBlnoBB nn d su cceeded li ra ttlin g bllvoV and ' maSIng fou

f scores. D urln s tho iovbnth they m ad th ree m o ro ,. D uring tho ontlro gam th e re yfaro only throo T ilts mndo ol

- Llnviilo and ho stru ck o u t fourtoo; e m e n 'a n d It. w ill bo romombored tha a thiq is h is firs t eoason In basoba: d w hich .Is a wonderful show ing fo r, b beginner. ‘ • ,t _ T he high school Is vory ontbpalastl g as w ell a s optim istic ovor tho gam a w ith Boise which will bo hold Frida;IT 15; lioiBO ubil' nolU tliu uliUub plbhabip in basoball fo r two yea rs 1 It succession. T w in . F a lls ' has qovc o bold th a t honor in ho r hlBtory. bi 'B' s ta n d s 'a epIendlQ chanco of w ian in tt i t th is year. . Bolso holds tho stal

n P a lls In g irl’s boaketball, so th a t TV V- day 's game which Is tho la s t Into;

scholastic g a » o of tho season. wJ IB dotormlno which of tho two . hjg ie schools ran k s h ighest in stato ovon' ir th is y e a r . ■ .. , ................

“■ IMPROVING PBRlNE KITOIBtfan ag e r W illiams W ill E U ctrU y-^ i

le tire F loa t.,

The PetrJna.dlnlnK .room h as bo< ik Bhut down for tho p ast week and wl or contlnuo ' closed f o r . another . we< In w hile extenalvo Improvements and r id tho dining room ai in Idtchott. ■1^ 0 la tto r. w ill bo complot &• ly changed with regard to tho coo ca Jag appliances, and a isoderQ o;e u* tc lc -sy a te m inatallod ' o v en tJ IS ovens... T he; chhuge, M r . ' W lHtai - - statos,-w ill-bo-m Q ED _econom lcat_^ ed w ill increase the servlco capacity ;id tho cafe very greatly . v,c- . • ' .— I

LJR A nflSlN G JR tG O iTR A lL, , T. J . M artin W alking Over th e Famo [ | , Highway.

' On a podOBtrian to u r of tho fame In old Oregon.trall.-T.- J . M artin o t Po

la n d .' Ore., arrived in th is city rou te to Denver., .M r. MarUn atari

^ h ls trave ls on foo t trom Bolae. 1 * 9 will ja ak o the.balance o f .to e t r ip p n t iiig ovor tho tra il w bich connoctod 1

tr ip Is being carefu lly kep t by ao- Wftrtin, which will be o t g roa t t a e™ In m ark ing the old tra il fo r autoli

la y C tV "P “ ®Wo: to Curb .P rivate W sno

' nn~ Bttomirt to tind ]aoine ;re tfl

ing o th e r weeds' grc>w&g'~in th e vac h U lota o t th is elty, A itoroey Ashton.

d iscovered lha t: th e . l a s t sessiDa ,31 -d.: intt*does-3iot;ccnr)er::lbe, pplnW .n

“ desired 'and th a t th e elty w ill b

B l —JLi^ZllA R R lS ACffliintlJ■ F « W Wot « i i i r

_ Wfcdne^ m o n t o

l O i G l t t Y SHOOTS - j r i t O E I l S E

Jtese Hays Alleged to Have \ Been the Aggressor.DETAILS OF DEVILS CUEEK ._ U ljO O T IN « GIVES COKONEIU

J a ^ ItecommcndB Holding for Hear- • In g -A fte r -GctUng Evidence- Last


The dotalla pf tho troublo a t Dovili Creok wblch rcuullod tn the killing bl Jbsae Hayea, a elicephorder, by Jobn Gtey-M onday cvonlfig wan brouRht tc th is clly Tucailay night. Shorlff Van- ausdolh nnd Coroner Crosby roachod th e —scene—o t- th o —ebootlnK--Tucadnj no^n. and procoodod to omjinnel ; lu r y o f nolghborB of tho two m c irin ' volved; Tho toaUmbny, brouBht oui in th is lufiucst was substanUally aj follows; The quarre l botwoen tb< tw o mon dated book to Bomo Umo pre­vious to Uio f a u l shooUng. nnd waj o ver ■ a-^nu lf-o f-clo thes-w h lch -H ayq had token witliout leave from ono 0 the other hordors in Oroy’a employ Grey, In ordor to got HayoB, on or pban proiegy of hls. to do tho righ th ings and roturo the clothca, chidO' aro’*^U «r"T alD or-^ovG roly 'and-d li! m issed hlin from h is employ. Laa w eek In tho obsence of Qroy. who wa 'runn ing tho sheoMng camp -o f hi

I company .a t Devils Crook, Hayes wo ; again taken on aa a shearer. Gro ; mado^no objoction to-th lB ^L ato-M oi * d^_af(c 'raoori, howovor. a boose wt ■ gotrioT t“ Iii~^lbry~t'fairin~Ui6'-8hco ) cam p and IlnyoB. togolhor wiUi son: 3 o o o ther mon. Imbibed.( H a^es then becamo quarrolson' I nad i^ o b ab ly remombaced the- ol t g n id r t. which he had ogainat Ore 1 AboutWO o'jslock o r pethops. a l l t t Jl 6'afller*.'0»y; '.to'gbthor -with the - bo

ro ta ry .o f tho company, a man Phi e lips by namo, a ta rted to reUre In the D ten t a t tho eiimp. H ayes came lip 1

th a t Umo w ith a gun in h<B hand ai ^ ptatcd Chat he TfooI b u t w ith Grey. Othor omployi r grabbed Hayoo, toOk hWBUn away ar t ordered him off. Qroy supposing U S affair ovor roUrod fo r the night, bi0 before getting 'to sleep fortunate' a hoard-£[ayj)S. comlng_townrd h is tei

m uttering to blmBOlL. Throwing op« ■- tho flap of Uie te n t Hayes stuck hII bead JIO shoulders in to tho oponln tl while G rey-thinking Hayes arm ed ai s looking for trouble, grabbed his r

volver ahd flrod. H ayes ato^gen aiway In th o 'd a rk n es^ 'b u t’dld a o t fi

1 unUI both Qrey and PhIlUpa;hnd gc I; ten outaldo th o t e n t and saw-him bIi

to the 'ground.Tho oUior omployoB w ere called ai

'* the wounded m an taken care o t un the 'end . In the moanUmo Grey, ovc

. como by tho though t of tho deed, pt n sonally called S heriff Vonausdeln U tolophone to come and get him. ' h Tho coroner’s Jury in its verdict j >- commended ■ th a t Grey bo remand d to r bearing and the prisoneraccom t 5- hied th e offlcor‘b ack 'to the e lty a rr : C-. In g 'h e ro lato Tuesday afternoon, c- Accordloff to th e s to ry of thOso. 1 ic qualhtod -w lU i.M r.-G roy.. It. la.flUit la th o t h’b has done m uch In tho p a s t 1 id HayQ8;who_'wafl--btbught:np:pi^.ca Bt as a son by tb e sheepm an, aiding h • in many ways. W ildness on th e 'pi

o t Hayes lod to th e estrangem ent a the tragedy w hich occurred on M(


52 P rio r to tho stato flold and tri ®,t m eet laat-Soturday th e four classei

the high achool gavo a parade wh c a lled -fo rth -m u ch com m en t-fo r ■ am ount of w ork and caro given to

S i c ty .'le a tu rv .— T h e-to u r-c laaa flfi-j i r tho Freshm en lead ing and the SenI ..A bring ing up the ro a r woro • each t ^ tumod. on too t and in beauUtully <

orated O oau, to rep resen t tho dlffoi— -cb U d lsh '^ fab le s -aad — scehftB— J- .. Jndges. llTo .buslneas men, had <

,ed Uie m o lt spec tacu ter'~and . . uni ' ' mak»-np And th e p rise w as awax- t t e - S e n lo T B ^ th - th a i r - o l t^ j tu n l

jay a ;:bare:«n£ajority .-o, -Witt mA Uifelr ^ m t Goose charac t e r ^ o n . . ;

Bor ^ t o ^ e ? > l P 3 S 6 w S * £ u i c- and w l i c s in -Jo r aavlage e t the 'si

W l' JSctlon' o t ^ t h l T i e p ^ t o t : • Sav" aocotmta .QBd«r '-.tne. nsniLl.!«Uu»

J S S “ anJtt w in -o tte r . 4 - p e r ^ hI depftt Hf BBd ftVftP-'

RICH ORE AT CONTACT.Oro Shipped froni T lm t Cnmp W ort ________ :O y ir .? im P e r Ton.

Rlalno A. I-innkii, lntoro»ted extcr 'iiWoiy lh‘ mlftlng oponitlonB 'dt o rn o n Contact; arrived from th a t plnco on dny.Um foro p n r t.o f tho week. M llankB roporta U jat^n-vory opUralsCl u p lrit prevalla In tbo coppcr cainii. an th n t tho futuro Is vo iy promising. /* the pcoecnt Umo tho Doluno in stcac Uy shipping oro.. A fow dnys ogo fort>--ton ca r wna sh ipped from Hot orsbn to tho S alt Lake umoltora, U: ore being valuod a t ovor ono hundrc do llan r-p o r^o n “ nnd*‘a t t e r pitying' a

' tiiln ing /' tranaportation and ■ omoltt chargOB tiio operators w ill realize bl p rofits on tho ahipmont.

•Tho-Dolnno pooplo have been stea* Ily B hipping for uomo Umo and. whi run lng ndrlft a d istance of nlnoi foot, havo token o u t an d .sh ipped 01

• th n t hns noitod them ovor 17.000. Th [ oro w as .takon en tire ly from the drl• proper, tho torma un d e r which U i oporators hnvo been w orking allov ' Ing them to take o u t and ship onI tho ore from tho d rift, forbidding 0 stopping and cross 'cu tting . — M rr-Hnnks aleo-roi>ort»-thal-n-co'

‘ plo of weeks ngo.n carload o t stake ’ Bucti as aro used by su n ^ y o rs <■ m ark ing tbc lr linos, w as unloaded Rogorson. tho Bouthbm term inus

5 tho p resen t Oregon S h o rt Lino rn ■ rond. Tbe party o r partloo to who• these atakes w ore-consigned Ib u » TDttOwn'nnd'therolB-couBtdamblo-mj f te ry as to tho lr idonUty. I t la n '• bollovod th a t Uioy Wore for the 0.. ~ Ll., and thero Ib consldorablo Bpecu] } Uon aa to Uu) movo. A bout tho tli ° th a t tho statlcB arriv ed a t Rogers ^ a s u r v o y in r ^ a r ty —w as-com pleU

equipped a t Twin F a lls and loft U ^ c ity w ithout m aking any statem ent ® Uielr mlBBlon. Tho a rriv a l of t J* stakoB a t Rogerson nnd tho outfltU y of survey corps n t Tw in Faljfl hi

hy. -thOr^peOplc.^nia of_w hom _bcllM o_tho p a r ty ia co

P posed bf rop'roacntatlvcs of Tlio F ‘0 lines o t rallwaya.—W olls Slato H


N p Y D O J I B U D T R A pII H arrlm an -System M aking Itieady li- Heavy Increase of Bnslnoas.

Omaha, Nob.r May 10.—Tho foi J t coming annual re p o rt o f tbo Un ,a Pacific - nairb&a w ill ' aBuw Uiat- ^

tho comploUon o t a s tre tch of tn jc th irty -n ine miles long, to be compI Lit ed A ugust 1,. 714 m iles o t th a t cc [T pony's lino from C ouncil Bluffs to < nt den will bo double track , occordinfl

TO~offIclal -Btatemcnt glven -o u t-a t- Is company’s offices • today, ■ g The la s t fourteen mllOB, complotIII tho double- track acro ss Nobmska, Q. miles, was comploUid yesterday 1 cd Is now in oporoUon.i]l . . Nelson H . Loomis, general cout ,t. of tbo company, Idft fo r New York : lie n lg b t to .again ^ 0 up. tho detaili

tho dlssoIuUbn* b t thb U nlon ' Pac nd and Southern Pacific, w hich bove b Ul laid before A ttorney G eneral Mpl ir-' nolds.. Tho p lan fo r MgroffoUng ir. ,two system s Is b e ing p u t hx sbop< by presont.,to the' U nited ..S tatos c ir

court..fl. . Before leaving to r th e east «d L oom is/sta ted th a t tho atto rney i Ift. norol b ^ suggested th a t th roe Insi ly. o t tw o 'sya tem s m ig h t b e '‘form ed i

th e lines form erly controlled by IC- H arrlm an Intqresta,- by m aking, od C entral Pacific, bxtendin& from •or .den 'to S an Francisco ;; an : hidepeh' U r >l«». ' ........ ■fm ■ ■ < ' ------------

S R .R . EOR IDAHO fAUS.)h- ■ ,

B a lln ay Dopesteris A re Doll -------- * ^ ^ i n e B - f i r B i s t e n r T a a i n j r -

A press dispatch from Idaho 1 says—Idaho F a lla la sh a rin g in ra ilroad agltaUon, a n d tho latesl tormaUon is to tho e f fe c t tb a t tbe

. - imteroBta w ill boUd-AirtcL-trom _I awe o J n , M ont, to -Y ellow stm e 1 ‘ 0* d o w n -th e -v a llo y -o t th e Snake i ilch th rough St. Anthony to Idaho I

w h lch -l^ to -b e - m ade a d iv lslon-i Tbe ro a d ,la .,to c o n tln n e -a o u th .

cith. i<toho-,Fall» tn WellB. N b t, tn n ec t w ith ‘ihb W ostom ; P ad tli

•o»- W ells. The W esUira Pacific T i lec- n ^ t d irec t routO rom .O B;d.enL^ ;ent c o a s t . Tho construcU on o t th is Ilie- .wottld-brlng- Id a h o -F a lU -a n d - t

th is te rrito ry w ith in 800 m Uos 01 4 ^ FVaaciscoTaod-Oakland.

T he propose'd ro ad n in a w est' ■lu? Id a h a FalU d iro e H alley.-.I

and trom th a t p o in t aonth thi lJox. ,th it:?^ to -r» U aH W >htryr-*HnK*<-4

.Woatem PacU lc CTOnecU.Qiiu '.Th*

oua G U m ora .ft -P lttab u rs , -whi

te n w m a ts i lB l r t t^ t i i r 'v r a p o M d^ M i l

luita :^,Tha. s i y » l 'J W o n ! ^ r ' 'C o r » a t sum 'i^ . 'r th e - 'l i tg e itT a itr iM C ^ A n p a > th«rw o]rU ,via'«e& dls».aB '«Bpert Ings < » i i ^ r ' - t o 'Bootb*i :J>llri>rofr•><Br, i to r« ‘ 0 & Ja n e -S ,-8 -« id -> > < B a i t b ^ e o n e ts . wUl be . t l t t e d y ^ / i a i I

5 t i i L t K V

F llf INlUNeiON-r -------------—------------------ - - - - ....... -

J Seek to Restrain tV ater M aster i Who Refuses Water.0 CASE TO BE IIEABD IX DISTRICTI- T OUBT, MONDAY, JLU* 0 9 . ...... ..r - ----- ' ' • ----------

The Company Ucfutics to D e llte r Wa** -' te r-to Settlers-W ho H aro •S o t P a ld - ° Ualntenunce Fee.

> Tho storm haa broken. Today, Sup- Q uerlntondcnt 12. D. D nrilng toa waa _ sorvod with a sum m oos signed b y D is- y trli5t Judge Stockslagor. o rd e rin g 'h im ll to Bbow cause on tbo 19th o t &lay why

an InJuncUon'should n o t bo issued re - Btralnins-_Uio-. aalm on—Rivor C an a l-

, company from provontlog th roe 'd it- Q foront plalnUffB from rocolvlns and

u s ln g '^ to r , said p laintiffs hav ing n o t as yer~pald th c lr m alnteoance fees.

]. Tt 'ls sta ted by somo o t tbo m em bera ^ of tho Salmon Rivor SetU ors' assoc ia - j . Uon th a t th is acUon is m ere ly ' pro-

llm lnary-to. o ther-so rta-oL au ita jw lilch - 3t are to follow w ithla fho n ea r fu ture , g Sborift'H - S. VasBusdoln, occom po'

niod by B. E .'B abcock , camo to H ol- ,0 lister by .automobile' Wednesday to ,1, serve tho pnpcrs, but tho W ater moa* Jy. te t-y g g -m ak ln g an.inBiWcUon of th e (.< canal systom a t Ujo timo, nnd so w as

not to be found In .th e C apital City. UA However, upon b is re tu rn th is m om -

Ing, ho telepbonod tbo aberlff th a t bo yo would moot him la T w in r ^ l s th is ay afternoon fo r the purpose of having

tho sorvlco made upon, n l ^ Upon his TtT aT rtval-ln -tho-M aglo C lty ,- th o -co u rt ,j,. summons in th ree different caaoa

worQ road to h im by Deputy S horitt C. C. Slggtns. T he s u i t s wens b rought by Charles C. Hume, prosldont of the SeUlers' assocIaUoo. Carl W oahbutu, and A m btoap.Griflllh-

The sum m ons ordora Sapenn tend - For ont p arlin g to n , ro lro scn ting th e de-

fondant, com pany, to appear M ay 19 ' and show cause why an inJnacUon

th- should n o t .be 'Issued , re s tra in in g It on trom “provenU ag U jo phUnUlf from Ith aivu tU m r'u r using t h o w atarti nf thn ck Salmon river, o r such as aro d iverted et- by the IrrlgaU on w orks know n as the m-r Salmon Rivor Cnnal.Byatom, to tbo ex- >g- ten t (in the case ol SO acros o t land) to of thlrty-nlno titUcUi-socond te e t con-

h e tln uoua-^ low -'o r-aa-^Q ual-o r-ro tab l* am ount by rotaUon, o r from locking

ng- the plainUffs' beadgatcs situated un- I2<>. dor said c an a l system, o r fro m an j n d way molesUng or h arraaslng th(

plainUfl in th e dlrorgloh o t sa ld wa- Bel te r o r In any w ay .Interfering w ith th< ast piolnUtt's use and dlveraion.’* of Suporin tendent D arlington said to

Itie day th a C ln ali;caEe8''wboro tho-m aitt' son tenance fee hod n o t ^ e a paid, thi ey- gates h ad already been locked, am Uio tha t to break them • opon w aa a n in to fracUon *01 tbo law . which, - be de

:ult dared , would be prosecuted.—H ollis te r H erald. • :

Mr. ---------- ----------------

g H M N G OF ffilllT 6B0WHISthe * ................... '■■■■S o Twin FalU Growers WBl A fm iat Og. W O l Ji»b<}. O r ^ n e n n t n ; 'r

' " ora asBoclaUon--hold-« v ary 4 a ta rea tln QieeUng in the- Commercial c luh rbom

. last S aturday attscnoon. T be. meei lag waa presided ov e r by H. F . H arde

„ while W. S. S tarr, o t K im berly, acte«n ■<w>'T]tpry,______ _ ' • ■

The t o t i n g ; waa coiled prim iH ] to discuss Uie queatlon a s t o U ie-•« visabllity o t th o local o rgsnlzaU on a

V»« tillaUng wlOi tho Idaho-O regon F ro drow ors association . T he m a tte r wi d iscussed-from all polnta o f v iew I

oitti th e -^ m t-g ro w e rs -p rm n t^ -a n d - l t j r i ara . decided to become a m em ber o t U

uiOQlaUon; • >nie a e so d a tio n now eo e rs to tir a ta tes~ O regon .,W ash lng tc

wnt. M on tans a n d - Idaho.^- T he-headqua ter* o t th e organisation, a r e in. 8p

T ided Into h in e d iatricta, oach w ith -1 , aub-center, t h a t fo r s o u th m Idahh I

- » • lag loca ted a t N am pa. . . T he Tw F a lls County F ru i t G rowera aaaocl tloi]nra8-reersajU M dH w -a'loeal-oC 4

iMA idaho-Oregm aasoetottoa ABd the fio « c e r B .w W . < « t e 4 . l _ _ r

‘ Prpaldent—a P , H nrfer. r -'Vlca Preald6nt-iC ..W .Blc® .-t

> & ^ t a r y - j r . a . : B ta r ^ o ^ K im ^

h 'is r.:--

-------------^ .............. .........— :— . j o j B : T M c ^ = A i w g B g - T w i i ^ ^ A i x 8 - ' T ^ ^

itw II — ™ m

A Announce the

, ❖ ..................... gatagi

Particular attei

^ Automobile ar

X High grade a

^ Expert repi

Y Investigate th


^ t e d e g f p r l

■ B f / C l R C U 5 * i i k ; ^ «

1 0 .0 1 -

F r e e C i r c u s

9 bands, 250 horsp « o p le o f a l l d im e s in n a t iv e cm . • 'T w o s h o w s d a i ly — a f tc r t io o n

--------’a n d .7 p . i S W a l g f p r o o f t c n t s ; -

T w i n F a l l s

R e a l E s

Do you want some pat R iver^

If y o u w ant a fine dairy fa _ good ca ttle ranch w h e re th t

'an d p le m y ^ f w a t e r ^ f y m d ry farm o r a desert land cn pany o r ^ .

W . R . JU nited S tates L an d Com m is

~ ' s : m : P O W E L L---------------------------F - T - S .C . . . . -.

rr<)((>.sKlonit[ ('<-riirirnto tn tlio------------------- Art-«»f-XtmcliliHf...,_______ _

Vok'f! CiJrtiJru.n;i(J Swlo SJn«Jnw.Kar T n iliiln s niiO Sight SiilKUiU. Binrt'ial couruo • o l .Piiuififortc , playluy biiHcil upon Mth. Ciir- wcn’B iiicOiml or child PlimluU

--Siioutvu .Kuarnntecd..ATI TInMin-lfcal Siifi/octu TfineliC AUari'SH: OVKH ‘ >V1N FAIH-S


1'. 0 . ilfix i\n, T^tIii Fall<. ........................... - i 'h o n c .

► ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ I '

B A R A E Em - A U T ih e f l i

opening of their new ar

2 pn Second Avenue Ni

atlon given: to repair woi

, of motor vehicles.

id Motorcycle^Supplies

nd best wearing tires on

air men in attendance at

le new Garage for your


W gm M -I f ^A L L i s r ^ IfeSSi

-Parade 10:30 a.m .open dcHB o f wild anim al^ olcphantR , cam els—400

}tumc3 will be shown in parade, a t 2, n ight a t 9, doors open a t 1 Admission 25 cetits to sec i t^ lL —

■ R a f t R i v e r

t a t e C o .

e n te d . la n d jn t h e Rt^ft

V a lle y ?- .... -

irra— a good f ru i t farm — a Jre is p len ty o f free range r 'w a n t ' a g o o d 'h o m e s te a d ; ‘ t ry , address the a b o v e C om - 4

S t e v e n ss io n e r M alta, Idaho

' 'I'WIX FATJ.S CONSERVATOny'- p y j i L 'a i c . - -

• P iniio , Y oro l. I la r n iu i i r ,------------------ Y lu lln . ________


A rejictlo ii of y o u r w a n t d a Is o ften wlh»— wliou ll'B ln ii )o r ia u t to find tlii| ojyHt ilcHlral)lo t u n ! n u '

A rc tic tllio n of ..vour "T iiit nd m ay 1)(> 'fw In ipo rtn iil hh I ih - n r n i , imtillCJi- Mon^~ln fo r Uio r ig h t hobI-U on.— Adv.

O P E t t l

MPftWY^— Ind first, class X

rk on all kinds -

of all kinds. . ^

1 the market. &

t all times.

own saving. '

CAMPANy I~Effiployment Office^

W onted four mon fo r ranch; (1.7G imd bonrd.

-a n d -b p a rd .------------------------------- ---F ive men wJth wama waot

work.Good cook -wantod;

152 Mua Avenae South

HAKBi HAIR GROW.PurlRbn Soi;o nn InTlRorntor T lia t

M akes J lu lr Grow AbnndauUy. o r Money Back.

irT O iin iH ir'lB 'ttJlnn lnB -ou t-g rndu- ally It woi^ t bo long bcforo Uio bald spot Aiii'para.

Tbu tlmo to tnko cnro of tho bolr is H'bcn you hnvo Iinlr to ^eko caro ot.

For thin tnllln); hrilr tbo best rem ­edy known to m a n k in d -Is Parlnlnn Sngo. I t Is compounded oa Bclentlflc jirlnclplea and tornlehco to tho hair

-Joint- Report of-Auditor^nd:Coupon No. 1, nond No. 2, School DfRt^ Couimn No. 1, Bond N'o. 3. School Dlst. Coupon No. 1, Dond No. i , School Diet. Coupon No. 1, Uond No. n, School Dlat. Coupon No..l^l3ond-Na-C,.achool.Di8t. Coupon No. 1. Ilo.iid No. 1, Scbool DIhL Coupon No. 1. Uond No. S^School DluL Coupon No. 1, Uonil No, Scliool DIsL Ciiupon No. 1. Rond No. 4. School Dlst. Coujion No. 1. Tlond No. H. School Dlst. Coupon JCo. l,.U oud Xo_ U.-School.DlaL Stnto of Idnho, • )Caiintj' of T«-Jri FnJj8.)Ha.

\V. J. YoutiK, trenHiiTor. nnd .13. .1. ilo Hok'innly Hwt-ar tlia t tho forcRoInK count of thc.rccolptH nnd dlHhurBcmci ty. for tho Q unrlor ondlHR Jnnunry 12, of thfi vnrloiiii fundu nro corrccL

StiliHcrihcd nnd nworn to bcforo nii 39J3. -- - • - ------


B a r g a i n S a l e s- - .Wc.wnm.lO.ClOBC.OUt.li0U30..0f,«

.fc r 'fo r sale :. A ,CO()-arro trn c l; out trom Bi

Bldu Cannl Svuicin; Kood land; ro liu»<)T*tn‘-t^ irC oun ty : Just Uio.thli on a liiri;» tipalo;. p a rt cleared ai

— - l u SOTattTu-Uunrovfed.farin Iq t]graoR: o n lolcphono nnd U. F. D r l

Thrco Hoimrato plocou bctwo' . two o t them ouly a ujIIo nml a hn

trJc cnr Unc now nbout completci tikncu’for nmnll f ru it trncUi! will ucro pnrculM. Tbo othor baa ton .

■ —tlic finest f o r t r anj'w hens; tho c. Huuth of Shoshone Fnlls.

- —--------S om a—Kood—rofllilftacd -p ro p ia'■ fnciucilni; one ultrrflom. m odern .2ii

from poHtoffire., - TMESC iU lE OUR OWN PRO]


S W E E L E Y ^F i r s t N a tio n a l Unnk R n lld ln p .

oot a nourianm ent tui^t acta ciuiouj nd promptly and cauaea tho hair toTOW. ...... - ........................ - .....................

Uut rcmombor tlila: ‘I t k ills tho andruff gorm, tlic,pcal th a t npproprl- .tea all the .naturn l nouriehm ont that aiould go to tho balr root.-P a r ia la a Snge Js aold by. Skoolfl* Vlley. under n poB/tlvo ffuarantoo to lanleh dandruff, atop falllnB lia lr a ^ tchlng flcalp lu two wooka o r monaym c k . ___

i t gives to wofiibti’s-Im lr ■ n lustro ind-rudlonco .tiia t laJUQSt.IaarinntlnB ind cnuaca it to grow abundantly..

Parisian Sago ia sold by druggista n nvnrv town In Am erica.. A lorKC; ;onoroua hottlo coata SO conls, untTibo ;lrl w ith Auburn hair lu on ovorj' bol- le.—Adv. -


X aw rcuco Hnnsen nbd Chrla. Poler-- ion woul to Hanaeu, Monday, to a t- :und to their bunklnt; buulneas and jvoraco thu trunarorlnc of thc^luinitlnfi n-ttiirow to jho ir now brick building.

P eter Newman's'broClior, Otto Now- nan,'.roacbed bero.M onday from D.6n- •nnrk.. .H o w ill mialat P e te r ojt thoHnnsen hinch. '" ......................... ...

Mr. nnd Mrs. A. P. M urray wont to rw in Fni;« todny.- .Tho cowboye aro In from tho range tor n few dnya.

Veterinary H. R. E rakino waa'oallod igaln Tuesday on profeoalonal bual* ness.

.Mrs. Anibroao and Mrs; Cunningham Hnnsen bavo bocn m aking Uio.mall

routo over th is way {lila wook. TKblf rospectlvo liuabanda aro too buay With D^her work to mnko the trip . ‘

Gaussaud o o d -P e y ro bavo movod tbclr Hheop lo Milnor w here they 'w ill lond for ahlpmonl lo Soda Springs, whero they expcct to atioar. .

MIbb Fayotta Johnaon la opcnding a few daya w ith .friends In Twin Fnlla thlu week. ’

Ed. Domroao, W alter and Mlsa F rclda woro trndloK In Klmborly Mondny.—Thnnina-JL Dcneon_ls on the crock again looking aftor buSneaa aitalfs.

Mrs. Robert Broao spen t aoveral days vlaltlng In Twin Fnlla tbia weok.

T . M. Atkin waa In Twin Falla Sat­urday.

Mrs. M. E. Allen la spending aomo tlmo with Iior aon In Twin Falls.


, A wolcomo ahower of rn in visited ua yeaiorday evening. •-,Tho-flooding of craIn ia moBlly done.

A Jargo am ount of D. M. Forry'fl aeed pcaa a ro bolng planted, on tho Ferguson F ru it and Land company'sranch iMa year...... .......—M—Joo,-T-ou^-Jop-farroo^,-Ju^ltJ-^lll-_ ^8hcd gatfierinB blB' blg l n a t year’s com crop Saturday.

H. R. Coufton ironaactcd buainoaa in Duhl Saturday.

Hugh Gorald cnmo back to Caallc- ford Saturday, -and has begun work fo r Eunico Campboll.' Mr. and M rs. Goo. Llllybrldgo bave

movod Into tho lr new cottago nnd are m aking quite an im provem ent 'to ourTinngft;— - ......................... ................. .—

Clifford-Flynti. ou r now ditch rider, fa on duty and la doing hla work «»ci«Ut— aiccoBB ,to .ynu,.C llffnrd---------

Mrs. May P a rk e r ia spending tho week visiting frienda and rclativea nl the county capital,

Claiid Drown has Improved hla resl- doDCO by building tho addition of a

H arry W ebber, ou r lum ber yard mnnagor, hna ordbred 'a now m otor­cycle.

Geo. SlnKlototi tranaactcil hu»inoaa n f Buhl, Mondny.'.

Our school will soon cloao nnd a good . program is being , prepnrcd for tbo closing cnlcrtnlnm oht.

freasurerv Twin falls Countv.No. 43 ............................................. K..00No. 43 ..........; .................. ' . ..............No. 43 ................................... ...........15.00No. ............ ............................... Ifi.tJONo. ............................... Ifi.OONo. -11 ............................................... 1C,00No. 41 .............................................. V>.00No. 41 ............................................... Ifi.OONo. 41 ...............................................,,1D.«0No. 41 .............................................. :i.ooNo. -1 1 ....................... ..J1 ,0 0 ._

Finch, nuditor, o i TWin i-’aiiii uouniy. al.itoment ia n truo and correct ac- tH of all monoya of Twin Fnlls Coun- I'JIIi, nnd Uio am ounta to tho crcdlt

W. J. YOUNG, Tronstirer.

E. J. FINCH,Auditor.

thlu tho 18Ui dny o t Jnnunry, A. D.

....................... J . m ."m a n kTProbate Judge.

o f R e a l E s t a t eu r holdluen in thla County, nnd of- ••

b l: under tho Twin Fnlla South ling; , for f ru it tbero la nothing

,g for a g rain , grass, o r Block ranch d plowed rendy for crop.0 B uhr Country; Bopio orchard and_;onte.---- —--------— — --------- ’ ■ ';n Twin Fnlln nnd tho Snnko Rlvor:If Xroin Ulo City and n ea r tho oloc- 1; under cu ltivation; Ju s t righ t dla-.- lell, if 'd eslro ilr^ ri-tin i” o r “ twtrtit7-~ icroa of orchard beginn ing 'to .l)car, ir lino runa post thla; ono mllo

lv nnd vacan t lo tii' In Twin Fnlls, )U80,-wltti- b arn i-on li’-th roe^IocJtir—

•E R fll!S A^^) PRICES ARE nfcb-


r ^ E E L E YX nln F alls, Idnbo.

Racil;-J iia

The best! ine of Impleme Light-Draft, Durability ar

.^considered. A large new IN AND SEE t h e m ; '

SQUARE DiThe fence with a stay tha different size hog fence i

The, Best Fruit Tree S B U G G ^, WAGC


------ - —“Vanity on thtpays a rjdkuIo( mobile travel, dred thousand

---------this-season go-1priefer real serv ble/co^ rather

- 11 _ ;^^QU8-di8olav a cost. ~ ~M ore than a quarter ol »ervicc~-convbdng cvic m eiit Ruoabour, $52 Tow n a r $800~f. t

- equipment. G et intc------------------ .— Irom -D ept F . Dctroilj

W catcn iA uto C a , T v

I The Elecl{ ( i . .R oqulrea no m atchcB—givea j S oxplodo—iiaa Uio firo aoaiod-n f t t - -plea-litUo spaco*~glvoB oti no ^ . w bal'a tho uao? Thero la no M othor but has moat all tbo fi i d named.


^ Great Shoshone & tw i

i g . P . S . - l i y o

Swnn iS_Farm I.oans. Cash on Hi

; . .-WANTED—A-good valuo In roi cn£h buyor. This wiii bo a

- r - ^-FOR-HENT—A-&-room-houao.-

■ TO EXCHANGB-An incomo cbolco farm land.

I75. P E R ACRE. Wo havo 40'c : T77— T-cftlo:nt-|7S7iM5r-ncro.—10-c

aulUblo for DAIRY FARJ auch a prico. Tboro la pt

__.,M _c7o«o.ta to w n 'o t less t

. ^^.REAL-KSTAra-LO-109 SHO

T H E P E O lD . S . .H A L L and ^


s i i rnentsite on the market When d l ^ e of Handling are stockon hand. COME

;AL FENCE >t is a STAY. Rabbit and »stock. ‘ .

prayers on the Market.NS and HARNESS.


| g _

-iiighway"'Still-------—JS tpU for auto- **But tw o ’hun- aew Fords willo-buyera-w ho-______ __ce a t reasona- than ostenta-

t unreasonable - -•

ft million Foro# now in enee of their wonderful .5; Touring C ar $600;. b. Delroil, w ith'"oll reding "F o rd Tim es”F ord M otor-Cbmpaoy.-----------------—in Fallj, Idaho.

iff no ^inoko _nor aoot—cannot l& im ' bo caal'l'y' con tro llod^cc> r;“ auporfluoua h ea t~ w m .-n o t—b u t-—- r« -netbod of cookiog liko I t Nono ^ ullB and nono o t tho T irtnes W.


3 Falls Water Power Co. ^ ■

ir houte wiied ?

: Aldrich :ind for Choice Farm Loans

tdenco property- o f _4;Or-CjToom8-for- Quick saJo nnd prico m ust rJshL~

slth-aU W a and ovlbuildin69,-*lC.------- —lualuqaa property on Mnln Avo. for

cfea " Vj"mile''f^ora ‘Twin Fulla for ” ■ oj«?z‘'}:.o.r?hnrdr30^ncroB-08poclnlty--- --

.Thla la, of courac, a aacriflce a t jbably noUilng olac ot-oqual v a lu o - - - ion dotibtg th is price. -


iH O N ^ so.

» L E S C A F E. C WARE, Piopticlor*

^ ■__________ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ' ' ~...............V ~ ~ " ~

- - - J o in t - R p r t o iA ud ito r a n d j r q s p r , M- To, lho b o a rd of County CozniDlBsloDoni. Twin F a lls County, Idaho.

-JWo, tUq^^ndoralffiiod Auditor and Trcnnuror of Tw in Falla Counly, aub- V”...... m it ibo following as ou r jo in t ropprt fi^r Uio q u a rte r oodlng Jim uary U^.

------O a-O ctobor-l^, 1012, tboro w as In. tho bands Qf Uio C ounty .T rcssuror,a cash balanco of |39,07C.20 dlstrlbutod os follows:

........................................... .............. DotlclC... . BalOQCc.-.' S tate o f Idaho ......................... .............................................% &71.02 .

Qcnoral s c h o o l ..........................................................‘............. • ( 4.484.64Road and b rld g o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 . y . . ~ r T : ----------

BoDil, Inlorost and rodompUon ............................................................ I.OCO.IG

W arran t redem ptloa ....................T : . ' . . . ! ! .................................... .. ..............23,431.0ll_Twin F alls ................................. I ..................... .................... / 1,701.04Buhl ..................................................................... i . , . . / 20»;fl|-

- F U o r - : ; - . . ; . - ............ .v .A .v r . . v .t : . • 50.16S a n i t a r y . : ................................................................................ . . 0.73Contingont ...................^.............................. ........................, T . C25.44Shoshono P a r k ......................... ....................1......................... 32.14Good W ads D istric t No. 1........ .. ........................................ - 480.28

.Tftx rodomption ................................... ................................ 202.11la s lltu to ..................................................................................... 17.33Predatory .................................................................................. ' 9.48

. Unapportlonod ........................................................................ TIO.OOInd. school D istric t No. 1 .................................................... ' 311.87

------- Ind. SchQQl DtBtrlpl No. ........................... ............___________ 117.80Ind. Scbool D istric t No. 3 ................................................. .. CTISS"

......... I ^ . . School D istric t No. 4 . . .......................................... .. , &.00. . Ind. School.D lB lrlct.N o.. 5 . , , . . ........... V - - 272;49

School D istric t No, 1 Ocnorul ................... 1,983.52- m;------- •• 1 Bpoclal ................................... 1,400.20

“ " " 2 General .......................................... 47B.41............................ 2 SiMJcJal ........................................ - C8.97

- 2 Dond ................................................... 20G.SO-■■ 3 Oenoral ....................... .. ............. C,7C0.03

3 Spodal ....................... ; .............. C,308.42............................ 3 Bond ............................................ - - 321.88" - ............. ‘ 4 Qoneral ........................................ 134.00

_____ ^ '1 _ _ —4 -8 } > o c la l- .„ .^ — .......... .............................. ................618.30" 4 Bond ......................................... .. 2.7B'

•• " “ B General ........................................ 78.32•' ■■ B Spoclal ........................................ 231.53,

------------" — ------- !■-— 8_GonoraL.._____ i . ; : . V . - 809.038 Special .................................... 89C.25 ~-- '8 Bond ...................................................... 425.90

............................ 11 Gonoral ............................................. 72.48• •• " " i l Spoclal ..................... .................. 22.45

“ " 11 Bond ............................................ 30.40“ ■■ '1 3 Gonernl ....................................i . ' 1.002.32

• . ■' " 14 Gonoral ........................................ G48.24----------- --------------------•« -15 G e n e r o l - . . . . , , . , ......................... .................40.'5.04

'• 16 Gonoral <542.68

* ............................ 17 Spoclal ........................................ 1,065.03. *• ■■ •* 17 Bond ............................... ............ CO.OO ,• •' ■' •' 18 Gonoral ........................................ 342.83

18 Spoclal ...................................... . . 345.59' 18 Dond ............................................ 100.00

10 General ........................................ B70.82. «■ 10 Spoclal - ................... .................... ■ 149.62

--------- ------------- --------- -— i f l - s ^ d - . . ; . . .-.-.H-.-.. ■ ; ------ 187.CO----------------------............................20 General ............................................. 1.01

1 . . . » .. 20 Special ........................................ 224.61............................ . 20 Bond . . . ' ..................................... • 274.36............................21 General .............................................. 500.1C............................21 Special .............................................. 273.,63., - .. -« 21 Bond .............................105,05

______________ ____ ^ J l . . _ 2 2 - O a a i J r a l . - . ______ w - * ........—1117.14............................22 Spoclal .................................. 807.23............................23 General .............................................. 860.61

'‘ 23 Special ........................................ 220.70• •• 23 Bond ............................................ 82-80

.. __24. Gonoral . . ............................ 1,522.54------------“ — ......“ 24 SpecJol ■........................1.036.61-- -- - . . . -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------

•• 25 General ........................................ 295.96■■ ■ . " 2BSpectol ........................................ * 885.32■■ " 25 Bond ............................................•' •• 20 Gonoral ......................................... 2,085.61............................ 20 Spoclal ............................................. 1,056.08

■■ 20 Bond ............................................. 1J7.70*' ■■ •’ 27 Gcncm l .............•............................. 1,404.10

" 27 Spoclal ........................................ 421.6B•........................... 27 Bond ................................................. O43.00

......,1_?g n n nornl : ........................................... 15.11“ •' 28 Spoclal .................... .. ..................

29 Gonoral ....................... ................ . -^40 .62------------ M—l -----1!_____i;__ nn nonwi-nl ............................. ............... .................. 1.3GG-83

■■ 80 Spoclal ........................................ 1.271.00 “............................ ....... ... ................................... 9-5i

•• ■ •' 31 Genornl . . . . t v . - . . . . - . ................ ............ lO rSI............................ ....... Spoclal ........................................ ‘•78.35

■' •' 32 General ......................................... 737.80 . . . . .3 2 '8 p o c Ia l~ : ------— ------------------ •

• '• ■■ 32 Bond ........................................ ' 185.14■■ . " 33 Gonora! ......................................... 802.01 . -

............................ ....... Special ..................................-r». ‘ 2.600.3C« « “ 33 Bond ........................ ................... 1,406.49

•• 34 Gonoral. .......................... ............. 468.61 '■■ 34 Special ................ ......................... . 875.59

............................ 35 General ...................... ................................. . 3^8,58

............................ ....... Bpecial ........................................ ■ 233.50___ . . _________.. ■■ n onwnl . , ..................................... .................... ................110.41

.. " " " 36 Spccial ......................................... ,• •• • ■' 37 Gonoral .......... ; .............................

............................ ....... General ........................................ C8.BG■■ 39 General ........................................ 121^6■■ 40 Gonoral ........................................ . - ^ 78.30" 41 General ............................. .......... C7.96

: • : • : ggST..: |. :: :: _________________

.........____ -_ :i« 8 s-T 6 ta i D o t . ; . . r -

|30,07B.2JD urine tho Qunritir lust ondlntf. th ere hns been rocolvod by tbe Countj

T reasu rer tbo sum of »B8,897J>2. from the lo llow ing sources:D elinquent'T ax— • lo o t

......... ’ lo:SlJ f f i ....................................; . . ..................................................... « s .« i

.................................... ..................... vis.9i

............................. ......................................................................... 2,210,51.......... ! . ........................ ■........... ■...........................

P rooorty i i ix 'i s ia .......................................................... ................ .................... ^ ^ 7 3 2 a

■Wotoi^lUtor,tax, 1 9 1 2 ..................................................................................... 20.3

. .................

Sanitary ........................................................................................................ Hr . i 7 .-. r . . . - r m T .x .x i . ^ — - . ^ “ ,3


< d S ................................. ' ........................ '• 1982*2S a le Bonds, Scbool D tatr c t No. 27............................................................ .. 1.982.2Sale Bonds, School B c t No. 38............................................................... e.B00.0

B w -^S p p o rS o n S o n rfo rc ’s't rosorro fuads .............................................. .. 480.8

. pfl&-5k)iiiiiy, M ' . ' ' ■ ■ . . ..................... ; .......... r i K i i u

Muni m unicipal .............................................................. ...........................................303.88-■ Proilatory anim al ........ ............................................... ................. .................. l!)7.19

S a n l t n r y . .............................- . . . . r ; ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.73Tax rod o m p tlo u ................................................................................................. 0,615.:i)IndtUuto ............................................................................... .... .C .. . . ' ............... 2U.OOC o u a ............. ... .........................................: ................ ....................... .............. 910.01)

.. ludopondont School D lutricl No. i : ............................................................ 240,55indopondent Scbool D istrict No. 2................................................... ......... '35,83Independent School Dimi-lct N o.'3 ..................................................... .. ' 300.44IndoiicDiicnt School'D iulrlcl No, 4 ................................................... . 7.42

, Indopondent Sclioql.U iuirK t.No. (L,.....................' . . . . ............................. . 2G.7&,Scbool D istric t iSo. •! Uuuural . . . ' i i . ................ : .................. 5,00

IS p u c la l ...........; ..................................................... 72,S0------- ■■ ■ ■ g ^ p o c la l ----------------- ------------------------ ---------- ....................... I 2S.IL'

" " ■■ 3 Gouernl ..................................................................' 2.ti0'“ . " - 3 Special ...............^................................................. 7Gri.2H

- " ' " 4 atiueifil ......................................................... ... 17.35"■ ■ C speciul t t t : . .T ....... . , . ..................... -129.SX.

■' “ 8 Spcclai .................................................................. 301,72■' ** 11 Special , .............: .............................. .............- 210,93

■ •• 14 Sncclal .................................................................. - 1.22- “ *'■ • • " 16 Special ................................ . ' ........ ..................... -07.20

“ “ •• 17 Special ..................................................... ........... 93,73■■ ■ " 18 Spoclal ....................................................... .. 238.05

■■ 19 Spcclai ....................................................... .. 200.C4" 20 S po c la l........................ .................................... 177.37

............................21 Spoclal ....................................................................... 120.04•• 22 Spoolal ..................... ............................................ 133,39" 23 Specfar .....................................TT:................. , . C9.99

............................24 Special ........................................................................ 85.90-------- ,i--------- -— u— 20- 8 pgciai......................... ......................................-.r.~.. r ~ — 2? i : r r

............................20 Special ............................................. .......................... 89.71. . - ■■.. a7 G eneral ................................. ...................................... 7.00

-27 Special- . ., ................................................................ - .-82.C7“ 27 Bond . ; ................................................................. • 1,982,22'

............................29 Spoclal ....................................................'.................. 2.30■■ 30 Speclol .......................................................... 154.41" 31 Speclol ............................. •................................... 109.74

■ •• •■ . 32 Siwclal .................................................................. 159.04■■ 83 Special .................................................................. .50

35 Speclol ................................................................... 0.34“ 36 Speclol .................................................................. 29,57

, " " •• ..38.SpQClal. ............................................................ 18,59■ " 3 8 - Bond ...................................................................... 2.500.00

............................39 Special ....................................................................... 38.82'■ •• 40 Spciclal .................................................................. 54.93" 41 Spoclal .................................................................. 27.36

• ••............................. -.-41-Bond -i— -2,233,00............................43 Special ........................................................................ 160.4B............................ 46 Spoclal ....................................................................... 171.30........................... 47 Special ....................................................................... 11.52

, ■ ; 158,897.52D uring tho Q uarter Just ending thero has boon paid out hy Uid'County

_ Troaauror, upon propor w arran ts and vouchors the sum of I5C.933.47 fromUio sovoral funds below':................... " 'V ........... ...........................

I Ctu rn n t «ucpi>niin .................>.................... ...................... (I n t Inc. $51.29) .>20,442,90~ Bood and b r id g o . . . . ........................... - .......................... ( In u ln c . '33.05) 3,087.33

W arran t redempUon ....................... ........................................................... 6,00Bond In te rea t redem pU on ..................................- . . . : .................................. 3,750.00Twin Falla C i ty ................................................................................................ 1,751.4)4Bubl ............................................................................................................ .. 208.94F ile r .................................................................; ..........; ...................................... BO.IOCourt funds ...................................................................................................... 72.69T ax red e m p tio n ............................................................. .................................. 5,622.06

- G o od-roads-D la tric t-N orl.................rrTvrr^. . . . ---------------------------------48,08- Indopondont School D istrict No. 1 ................... ' . ....................... •............... 311.87

:• Indopon^ont School D istric t No. 2 .............................................................. 117.80• Indopendont-School D istric t No. 3 ............................................................. 193.15

I Indopondent School D istric t No. 5 ........ .................. ; ................................ 272.49> Independent School D istric t No. 0........................................... ................... 398,36, Scbool DlBlrl6t No. 1 Gonorol .................................................................. 637.401 ... ... - -■■-.2-floDcniJ ......... .. 110.52............................ .- ." 2 Special ..................................................................... 233.89

............................ 4 Gonoral ...........................................................90.34' ■ J' “ " 4 Spoclal .............................. ■................................... 194.24' .. .. .. 5 General ................................................................... 96.051 5 Spoclal ................................................................... 203.3D__ _ . i i — :— I.--------1*— 6 - G e n e r a l-------. . i r . —-371 J i_ . ---------

" 13 G eneral ; . . . . - ........................................................ 105.0C' ■ ■■ •• •• 14 Gonoral ..................................... : ........................... 644.31

“ •' 15 G eneral ............................: .................................... 221.9!L ............................ - 16 Gonoral .................... ............................................. • 2C8.0i

16 Spoclal .................................................................. 340.0(; ............................ 17 Gonoral ........................................................................ 598.6iS .. “ .. IB G eneral........- ............. ----------------------------------------481.H

lo s p o c ja j ......................... ; ...........io5.o............................ 20 Special .............................................: ........................ 354.31

\____ j : ___ . “ . 21 QcnoraJ____— --------------------— ---------------------145.01* " , 21 Spoclal ............-..................................................... 295.0:2 ■• . " ■■ 22 Gonoral .................................................................. 75.0( Oi'»rir.i _____________________ :___________ 3i7.f>i

■■ 23 G eneral .............................................................' '323.6;J ............................ 23 .Special ................................................................... 300.711 " ~ - 24 G eneral ................................................................... 28.3i-• ............................ 24. Special ' .................................................................... 300.0)

" 2B Gonoral ........ ..................................................... .. ll.Oi2 " ~ ; r " ~ 2 r s p o c l o l ' ’ ' ' . ............................................................... 292.514 ■ ■■ 26 G eneral ............... ................................................... 344.9(

............................ 27 G eneral ........................................................................ 03.H5 ■■ " 28 G eneral ............................................................................ 5.C;

'■ - ." - . 25 Ooaoral .................................................................. 181.51, , " " ‘ '■ 30 Spoclal .................................................................. 150,015 •' '* " 31 G eneral ......................................: ........................... 75,01B ■■ ■■ - 32 G eneral . . M . . . . .................................'................ I94.3i} " ;; " 34 Special, ..........................................^ ................. ______ 428,9-

5 '■ " 38 Goncral”"........................................ ...................... 1! llXOi3 . •■ ■■ '■ 38 Bond ....................................(O lcts. Int. inc.) 1,035,5:“ ■■ ■■ " 39 Gonoral : ..................................',...................... .. 98.5i5- ............................40 Gonoral ................................................................. 17.0i0 ■ " " ; ■■ -41 G en e ra l................................................................... 116.5'

............................ 41 Bond ............................................................................ 1,493.2.*• “ " 43 General, .................................................................... 90.0'

0 .. 43 Bond ........................ ............................................... 1,501.02 ■■ •' 46 G eneral ................ ................................................... 15.C

" " , ‘' - 47 G eneral ..................*..........' . 7 ' . ' . . . ' ' . ” '32.S0 •• ." ■■ 48 General .................1..............V ............................. 41.6i

- . »56,933,4'3 : Tho 'fo llow ing transfers bavo been tnade and - consU tutc'addlU onal rc4 .. colpta.lnlQ..cortnln funds nnd additional tllHbursem enla from othora: W. J

'Voung, Couiity Treasurer.3 Thla Is authority for you to mako tho following entries on your books y . Novombor ft—

School D istrict No. 1 G eneral ...........................11,400.20............................ 1 Special ............................................ 1,460.2

0 ’* 2 Gonoral ................................... .. 205.'30.8 ■■ 2 Bond ................................................ 205.S10 •* •• “ 4 S p o c la l........... '........................ 137.71'2 .. - 4 G eneral ............................................ 134.96 •' " " 4 B ond................................................... 2.78 ............................ 1C Spoclal ................................................. 642.688 16 Gonoral ...................................... .. 642.0iB 17 Qcnoral _____________ ^1,115.03-------- ----------i f f " ................... " 17 Special ............................................. 1.005.017, “ •• 17 Bond ................................................. BO.O16 •' •• 19 Gonoral ........................................... 187.0011 *• - 19 Bond ................................................. 187.E;B •• •• 20 Special ............................................. 1.01

“ .20 G eneral ............'................ ........... 1.®)0 « . •• 21 Gonoral ............................................ 105.0512 ■■ •* “ 21 Dond ................................................... lOS.C12 •« " 24 Gonoral ........................................... 1,228.70>3____ 24 Special - ______ -1.®36,C« *• ■* •• 24 Bond ............................................... 192.3Jt. . _.H . ........ •‘...-ZS S p o d a l - .^ , .................................... .2 0 0 5 , ................ ....

)0 ^ 7 " •• . 26 Gonoral 1,060.68J2 . •• 26 Spoclal ....... - • 1,050.C)0 .. #»-<. .. 27 Gonoral ........................................... 42L6B)0 ' ■■ •• . ■■ 27 Special ................................ ................................ ................................ 421.(ro--------"---------30 G<inoral . . . ' .........................................................1,271.00is : ; - rz::r.!r::aO -B pflci(a” r r r ; - ; T - . - r . - ; - . r r ; T - . - - . 7 . - . . i , 2 7 l . (V y ........ ........------------- “ - -34 iSpflcl»l V . ^ ..468.61 -.------------------------------- ;53 •« .. H 34 Genorol 468.«J6 •• ■■ •• 33 Special • ; .............................. ................................ 737.803 0- - •« .: « . . « -:82 Oen«r»i ----------------------------------------r-r— . m i}9 ■ ' , . A D f ordor of T. W. POTTER.10- .................. ...... ........- County S u p t>0 Not, 21, lO l^ A u d ltp r 'B O rdor No. 7.

j(L, u l l — ........... .................................i z m s jS2-. |( In .. ,a e o 5 rd |i :^ 'i i i^ ’ordipr,v board county coromla-—. '.■ lo a e r 'i ib u fn i l No. 2, pft«e 60. , * j

] - ® ^ T ? ^ ^ f f i D S 5 ^ t o r y S tho following' -oix-yottr-bototai-''-' ----------

School Dtotrtct-No. * rS p « c U l..........6.00' •i t • - S fcb ^ l D litr lc t No. W fl^n« r» l...........• 6.1

enW ei

n ------- : - S S * 5 , t -S ! ! Bn»» '^ r r .v : .v;M :/ , ; Q fln«^£po i^ ......... .- , 8.10 ;

Road, and bridge ............................................... ............. Bond Int. red e m p tio n ........................ ................... 1.95-Tw in JT a llu .C ltj '-.....................-.............................................'36.G0 ...........

Ind. School Dlst. No. 1 Spccial...............4.81Ind. School Dlst. No. 1 13ond..................................... 2710

...Twin F a lls Clly-Dcl. 8-W................1" ......................... 109.51. .Ou account e rro r in oiuiorUonlng uudltor'o cor- Uflcftto No. 1517, O ct 8, 1912.

Nov. 22—Auciitor'H o rder No, 10—Thla is authority lo make llic foUowInt' entry

, on .your books: ......... ■. .. . ._liul. Sc!hool-DIbL No, '0 ........ .'..................................... S02.01

' SchooNDlifU No. :i3 G eneral....................................... • 802.01. . . ScLaa l Dl'JC S o . :iS S iK c la l ........................................... S.COG.SG . —

' '" in d . Scbool Dlut. No. 6 ............ . ' . ............................... 2.006.80- Ind. BchoOl Dial. No. 0 ................................................. 1,406,49

Scliool Dlut. No. :i3 Bond............................................. 1,406.49------------Xhliuinl(uUaJiiiulc.on-accounLuchool__Dial___N a L _ ____________ :________

33 having been chnnBCd to Ind. S, Dlst. No. 6 nd shown by o rdor of board of county commlBSlon- ■ orn. journal. 2, p. 30. •

Nov. 22—A udltor’B o rae r-N o .-ll--------------Tills iu au thority for you4o.m ake thd following cntrleB on your book:Ind. School Dlst. No. 1 Spoclol................................. 36.43Ind. Scbool DlHt. No. 1 Dond...........•......................... 1.17Twin Fnllrt Cily ........................................................... 40.02Twin Falhi City, Dol. Sprinkling...................... 1.40Ind. School Dint. No. C................? . . . . . . .................. ' 3.C9Intl, School Dial. No. 2 Siicciul................................... 28.44

----------JBdr3choolTDlHt.-No.—.:~»and.~.'~. ■' . . '. . .':v . ~ ------- 7.11--------------- ----------^ C u r r e n t exjicnuo ' . ................................ ........................ 118.8 6 '

I ' “'p n account of tax rebate allowed by lioard tulsuiuncro July .8 ,M 912,... . - ...

l' Jan n a ry 7.1913—AudUor'n order No. 12—I ConUnKcnt fu n d ............................................................. 500.44

Current exponso ........................................................... 500.441 - __________I . • - • 144,636.99) Thla le nuUiorllj' fo r you lo mnko tliJa cn trj’ onI on your books: Unluncc on hand In contingent■ fund Docoruber 31, 1912, to bc t r a n f l f c r r o d to) • cu rren t cxponuo fund ns provided by chapter ) 140 Session Lawn, 191X.: ■ Tills leaves a caah balanco In the hands ol tho. county treasu re r, of I • »41,039,34 dlBtrlbuted mi follows:5 Doflclt. Balance.> ■ Current'cx~iiciVac ...........................•......................... .. J 1,537.07> S tate of Idaho ....................................................................... 7,014.55J General school ................................................. \................... J | 13,963.81- Rood and brldso ................................................................... # 1,169.38

Contingont fund ................................................................... 25.00Bond InL rcdompUon ........................................................... 1,220.59

r' Twin Foils municipal ................................................................ _1.238.161 F llo r ......................................................................... 4.00

- B u h l-I ;- .- .7 . . . . . • . . . . • ........................ ................ ' . .................... - ............... .303.88.--} Predatory anim al .................................................. ...... 187.71J------T ax 'to d o m i'iu o ii........................... i .................................................... .............. S95.2i»"-'3 Instltu to ......................................................... -....................... 39.33] Rood D istrict No. 1............................................................... 432.20I Shoshono P ark ................................................... .................. 32.K1 Ind. School D istrict No. 1............ i ........................ ............ 171.04 '} Ind. School D istric t No. 2.................... ..................................... .28) Ind. Scbool D istrict No. 3.................. '............................ 15917; Ind. School D istric t No. 4................................................... 12.425----- lad .-8ehooU 3lstrlcU No. . . . . . r ,- . . . . . . . . . . . , , _______________ ___ 23.09 J Court fund .........; ................................................................... 837.3V) UnopporUoned ....................................................................... 770.005 School D istrict No. 1 Oenoral ....................................... 108.74 ; ,J " “ 1 Special ....................................... . 7 2 .^G " •' " 2 Gonoral ....................................... 159.586 -■■- 2 Special ....................................... 46.80---------------- .2 3 Gonoral ....................................... 5,757.53 -9 ■■ “ '■ 3 Special ....................................... ' 0,123.704 3 Bond .................................................. 321.884 .................................. 4 General ....................................... 00.345 4 'Speclol ....................................... 333.795 ............................ 5 General ....................................... 17.735 - --------r i - ----------- C-Spoclal........................................... 158.02 "f ,- • •• - ■■ 8 General ......................... ------------------------- ----------•.438.73”0 ■■ " " 8 Spcclai ....................................... 501.53 *5 " . ■■ " 8 Bond ........................................... 425.90'5 “ .............. 11 General ....................................... 14.57ir. ■■ .................. 11 Special ............................................ 263.8810 •• " *■ 11 Bond ........................................... - 30.4616 ■■ • “ ■ 13 General ....................................... >- 957.32LO •' 14 General ....................................... • 0 6 J1 . . „)0 •• “ 14-Sj>eclal ....................................... 1.22'15 " *■ ■' 15 General .......................... 183.99to. ___ 11_________ " _ 1 6 Gonoral ....................................... 268.0511 l C " S p e c l o l ----------- , - ------------- - , -5 8 7 .4 3 -fO •• •' •• 17 General ......................... ............. U8.69IS_ ___________ i:------- li— 17 Rppplnl-------------------------------------------- -------------------aU JL .13 ............................ • 18 Genornl ......................................... 342.83’0 ■■ " 18 Speclol ....................................... .583.0415 <• . " ■ 18 Bond ............... ....................... 100.0010 ............................ 19 Gonoral ............................................ 88.78IC ............................ 19 Spoclal ............................................ 245.2610............“ ---------■“-------'’— 20 ' Special---------- — ------------------ -— —41T.02-10 ............................ .. 20 Bond ........................................... 274.36,5 •• •' ■' 21 General ....................................... 250.1113 ..............................21 Special ............................................ ,98.6615- . •*_22 General ....................................... 842.44.lO ............................ ....... Special ................. ...................... 692.07lO " " " 12 Gonoral ....................................... 45.9810 ................ ■' 23 Special ........... ............................ 9.9514 ■■ " 23 Dond ................................................... 82.80_10---------- il - .. 24 Gencfal .................................... .................. 205.4310 ............................ 24 Special................................................. 214.1015 •• '■ '• 25 General ............................... 11,96iO •• "■ " 25 Special ....................................... BSS.Of)0 ............................ ....... Bond .............................................. 5.7SiO " ............... ..... Gonoral ....................................... 683.93:i ............................ ....... Spoclal : ............... •.................... ' 89.71)0 , ............................ 26 Dond ................................................ ’ 147.70)C ' ...........................27 General ................................ ............ '931.39JO ■■ '■ 27 Special ................................. . ’ 77.67J5---------- “ .........'■ ■■ “ ZTBODd . ............... ............ - 480.22-;5 " '* " 28 Gonoral . . . . ; ............................ ......................... 0.48

28 special ................... ................. 6.7417 . *■ 29 General ....................................... • 265.07E- ............................ 29 Special ............................................... - - - 2.30.J.-.. .............. 30 General ........... ........................... 84.83

- - •« -30 special ............ '-— 4.41.-}: ............................ 30 Bond .................................. .............. . 9.04

" • " •' 31 General ....................................... 27.67............... .... '• 31 Siwclol ....................................... 588.09

20 " ■■ 32 Gonoral ........................... 194.36 , — -............................ 32 Speclol ............................................. 483.36

50 •' 32 Bond ........................................... 125.14" . 34 Speclol ........................... ........... 21.96

90 ............................ 35 General ........................................ 20B.0875 ............................ ....... Spoclal ........................................ 239,84

............................ 36 General ............................................. U6.44C8 “ •• 36 Speclol ............... ........................ 87.23-------------- M---------------------— ST-Gonoral ••.T7TTr?: ;T . . --------------- 188:0803 " T " '■ 88 General ........... ............................ 45.0500 ............................ ....... Spoclal ........................................ 18.59

• ............................ ....... Bond ........................................... 86U 250 “ ■■ 39 General ........................................ 23.46

............................ 39 Speclol .............. ... .......................... 88.8261 . ■■ ■* *• 40 Q enera l................... ......... ................... .. 61.30

............................ 40 Bpoclal ............................................. 64.0305 •• :■ V 41 General ....................................... . 174.40

.............................41 Spoclal ............................................. 27.3661 ........................... . 41 Bond ............................................ 789.7915 '43 Gbnflr&i “ r . v ; ; ; “ : r . ■.t .t ttt .--------i c .t b ------- : ------------

^3 SpecJa] ....................................... • 16M896 • 43 Bond ........................................... ........................ ~ ■■■.92L44,-------- — w — .- i r o o n e r a r : ; — .-.; : . .-.T.-.T; ;77T— ----- -------68 - “ --46G cn0ttd ......................... ............. ..................................24.97

•• - •' 46 Spoclal ....................................... 17U 865 ............................. 47 Gonoral ......................... -............. U.65

. '• ■' T .47..Spoclal........................................ . . . .00 . -------- — i^ .o o n e ra J - ,- , ,. .......................... ............... . . . 86.«f

61.............. T o ta i’D ^ r . . . . ■ r .7 . r . v . ;■.Lo m to ta l d o t l c l t » - r ; ........ ... ..

80 ' — .......................... ...................................... ■ - ....... - ............. - ........... I I........................... ................................ .................. ;■ ■ ■ ■ ...... ............ • ■ • • M i .w jf

. . . 8UMMAHY.' Balance on b a ^ 6 c t 12, 1912..................................... T.. ' > |3»»07§;M

... ..RflceiTwi c u b p e r Uilf re p o r t . . . '.................................................. B f m J t ' R oce lT ea -b y _ traa ste r................................................. . .

--------■ D IstoraST ceih 'lier t t f i r r i B o K r n u T 7 : ; 7 r A ^DlBburmed by trw B fe r thU r « p o r t . \ r i . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

J w . . n ; - M i 8 - ,- W 1.M9J4

To The Lai' Would y

_ _____ - ^ same^pnbetter It know ou in the Ei

_ _____ knew thi, _____ would SI

$3.50 a, shoes as w ilihok prooe th

Exclu. ladies ai

-.-r Specit

tCwtn jfa lls Xlimes

PnbJUhed Twlco a,W ook, TuosdayB u d FrJditye, Jq tbo O ant-Holoban Bnlldlng, Main SirooL

WILBUR 8. H ILL ... E tllior and Publiflhor.

tfem bor o f Eastorn Idabo P reso Club.

IN D E P E N D ^T REPUBLICAN. Entered Socond C lass M attor oa a

SBml-Wookly, Oct, 18. IfllO.

---------------SflbMrlpUod -IM e s , • . .One year. In advaneo........................|3.00Biz m o n tb B ....................... .................. 1.00

TEL. 18.

— TUB r o bBcrl irtlan lii/uka uf ttia T fMBS- a re open to tbo laspoclloa of advor*

.......... / .................... ’


d a . all o f T onr P r in te d . M atter. II re p m e n ta Good W orkm anab/p,' Goc4 W a m and Good CoDdiUons.

■ I n s e v e r a l 'p f t r t f l - o f —ib lo -B ta t® tb a to w n s n n d c ltJe s bnv o I n s t i tu t e d s p e ­c ified d iiy s (o r sp o c la l b a rg n ln u fo r th o f a rm o rs w h ic h n ro cnU cd t rn d c r 'o d a y s . A t th is tlm o Ibc r n n c b c r b rlncB In h is p r o d iic o 'o r h lo fn tto d s to c k , tb o

“ JU 'C rtblilits p u t on Bdlcs nm l th o d n y la m a d o o n o o f nc tlv c t r a d in g . I t bna b e e n t r l e l fo r Boni<» tlm o In a nu ftib o r o ( to w n s nnd BccmB to K row In iioi>*

j i l n r l t y . I l w ould bo w o rth w h llo fo r lljfi C om m orclftl c ltib rind lli'o lo c a l m o rc b n iits to InvcBllKntc th o p la n nnd BCO If I t w ill so rvo to b r in B rca w lts to th o n ie rc lm n tn nnci f a r m e rs b e ro .

T he cry, "lot niitoniobllcs e n te r YcJ- lowstono National Park,'* baa boon tnhch up In carnoHl by tho u aers ol gna cars nil ovor the w est, nntl thero

----- la 'c o n B ld e m b lo c h n n c R ' t h n t •ConffreonwJJI c v en tijn lly ib ro w Ihe w o n ile rf iil r e g io n o iien fo r n il k in d s ^ m o to r vc- b lc lea . W h en U m l tlm o com cfl, how ­e v e r . m n c h o f th e 7.08l nn il h U crciit o f th e t r i p Ihj-ough. tl i e j . i j i rk _ w ll l_ l in v i boon lo u t owliiK to tlio iijiccd liu;, w h ic h n in :! r io t th ro \ig h tlio volnw of lh o A raerlcan ii, T o soo th o jm rk w ltli I t i l 'f l jd g n lt i c c n r BlretcbcD o f forfH tu lho , tlc u in lf in Inkcy niwi ih o n ii;irk lln j

4 .;ii_* trca ina-n iuL -rlycrfl^a a lo w , m o v lu j; ,>:c- b ic lo b r in g s o u l c o u n tlc j js dc iinliU th u l w oiilil l>» mi.Hued In ih ii m iu lV h lr!

- R O IM B ss sn B ss ii

Tlie ■ onSy B ^kln from SHo^atGi'op^

i s Shoe Tnyoubiv^betterjshoe: lce =better fittins ooking shoes? 1 \r line of shoes are ast as the best line's ese things, no oth lit you. You can ndj^.OO here as are made and w it

i their shape., U ese facts to yoii, sive shoe- departrn nd children. d broken line pumt.

Mercantileof tho powcrfMl toarlne cars. Tho wild .anim als which nt prosont food unconcemod by tbo roads na tbo fltngcH-paafl._wULHlluk .Into^tho forcBla In alarm a t lbo snorUng gas engines. Tbo faet !b w b en tb o timo comes fo r Uirowlng open the park for gaa cars 11 w tbo end of a mnJeaUc gran- dour and m ystory th a t bas cloUicd tho park..tiirlUi-aw o fp f .th o . jnnny to^rlslB onii loado Jt tbo sccnic d raw ing 'card thn t U la today. W henever Uie gov­ernm ent opona tho pnrks as peliUonod t wiU SCO tbo passing of tho pic-

turesquo slago coachca. For. tbo stoep srado and a b ru p t cujt^cs llllcd wlU» tbo roar^ o r pasaing 'c a r s 'w i l l bo tuo dangerous, and the governm ent w lU .baV disbar the hofses or olso conatruct soparalo roada.

TH E ARMAMENT SCANDAL.Tbo ex p o su re ' o f th e ,' consiilrncy

among E^iropoan m akors of guns and

tro l priccs Is a shocking rovolaUon of how lu st fo r monoy con debase humnn bolnga. l i a ppoarB th a t tbo conspira­tors deliberately planned to aU r up luternaUonal suspicion by dbisemlnal- Ing w ar nowa and m anufacturing cvl* donco-ol IntornaU onal entailly. 'Wben tbelr w drk h a d ., fr lgb tone tr govorn- oicDto. Into la rge expenditures for w ar supplies tbo mon In the ngrcemonl de­cided wbo should get tbo conlrnctti and controlled tho nwarda by colluslvo hlilcllng. . Of course, tho low est bid wua mado too high and the stolen profits on Uie w lnn tnc-con tract were divided nmong Uiose in tbo dgroenient.

I t is easy to unilerstnnd the conator- natlon -which wna cnuscd In Qerninny hy lho charge th a t Uio K rupps joined ln"th lB 'd iabolical business; To Ger­many the K rupp Iron works were ft modol of 6vorythlng‘ a g roat biminesa catnbllflhment should bo. . The found­er of the bilslncsfl wna a friend at Um emperor. Tho Kruppa w ere prniBod on every band. They woro believed to bo pntrlolB of tho nohlCBt mold. Their products nnd tbe lr probity were con- flldorcd Im portan t clemcatB. in tlio nn- tional defenee.

Gormany’B oyea nro opened now. Her people a co how they h.-ivo been hetrayoil. duped nnd Hwlmlicd by crnf- ly men who pinycd upon the ir p rldo nnd fc-nr. The affair la ,rcKrotluhIc7 hul if it should lead to a Juuter. ciitl- nmto of th o ronl inlentlona b l Euro[i- pan- ppi>i)lu-U)W(ird-oiioh-olhor.4iud oL the unlm portanoo o t moi^i of tlio Jln;:t> Vu'WB-whlcli. flllu' Uio li^uropodn lirei::! It w llf ho W orth Uh cou'i.—Wail.i'ce rrcflB-Tlmcn.

roWBEITr'B l y P s s s r e

g P o i v d e s " m s s S o

e i G i r o a n s o f T s ^ ' i a s ’

' s m E P H a s p B & r s ' -

s for the ____

shoeS‘/=D o you

known ? Ifyou. ler line buy forI pretty------^

h wear Ve can

ent Jor-__________

PS 95c

CompanyTH E ISSUE AT CLOSE IL'VNGE.- W ltb the California log 'sln turo evi­

dently 'determined to follow Its own incllnaU on_ia„tho .m atto r of rcstrlc- tlons placcd upon tbo rig h ts .o t aliens to acqufro and bold lands in tb a t BtAto, despite tho mild p ro te s t InB plrad by P residen t W llso^ and voiced by Sec­re ta ry of a ta to Dryan in p e rso n ,'i t J0»g-b0.:.flajg.qlLtPJLcKthc:lBau&-nUflcd by (be protests o t tho Japonoso fn as c lear a ligh t a s Is provldod ., Tho Ques­tion has two bUIos. Tboro U no u . cuse for denying th is ' o r of blinding ourselves to w bat m ay bo ^ o /'u lU - nzato rosuU ot. w bat tho people .o t tho O rient, pan lcu l’arl'y thoso of J a p « , ‘ regard as un just dlficrim lnaU oo.^ .

Wo all re'mjcmber th a t a fow weeks ago tho velierablo C ount Okuma*told M r. J ohn tL K oit and ' ot her lemUnfr Am ericans th a t a ll o th e r means had fa iled -an d “only influonco of Chrla. tlan lty romnlnod” to prevent w ar be- tw een Jnpan and lho Unltod States. Wlien ho siud tb a i bo conveyed (o tbo pooplo of tbo Unltod S tn tcs na idea of tho gravity of a BltuaUon which ho has reason to bellevo is wbolly .undor- CHUmatod nnd wholly mlBundeVrftteod by tbo pcopIo on th is aldo o t tbq i?ar .clflc. And y e t tbcro is. perhaps/, tip oxouso for m isunderstanding. W bat is now transp iring In T o ltlo 'ls hb t a Bnrtaca"1ndlcntloin3("a-condition-long exfsUn^ In Japan .,

• T iio d no denying Uie fact that deep resen tm ent Is fe lt by tho.pooplo of Japtm bocauso of tbo altitude ol th la country in dlBcrlmlnaUng hcL^£fi£P Japanoac and whlto aliens. The fact tb a t ou r atUludo hna boen pounded in upon tho JapancBo by a serlea ol oventa,-of which th is California land qncsUon in but one. There-Is lhe anil- OrleiitallBm of ou r ImmlgraUon pol­icy, often neetlleaBly • aggravated by unneccHsnry bungling In Uio ndnilnls-

I trn tion of the ImmiKralion lawa. There I w as tho O riental school fiuosUon ir < California, early in 1907, wboro the ' nnmo so rt of d lacrlm lnatlon . ngainal ■ .Tniinncuo wne Involved as la ismbod-• led in tbc leglalatlon a t . Sacraiiionto

Thoro was tho ngllntlon over Uio Mag-. dalona Unx. In d d e n t 'lo add itB share I t,f . friction and mlaundcrsW ndlng• There hnvo h ren other, though nol sc• ucuto, manifealntlonB of tho samo dlS' 7 UTrtniKiCnin lu “oUiOr 'Pacific alopf• stalcD . _ , •

Ali of UiIh Ib a ncvcro .blow to the prlilc of :i proud pcoplc;-The-fm rt-lhal

tbciii! Biirrpuslyo bIiiIih nt .iHpnnoiu! nU' ^ooal..jjrltJi; .coruc,liom _U ic..\

• people, nlways loudest In tho ir pro- ti'iialona ot frlcndsliip ^or Jai>:vn. bui nrttlnl to lh‘0 iinplcn«:int fw linj; <jf Ito- lug "utahhcd In.tbe hoiiKu of n frlci;^.'

A}*-n~rPfliiJr~ornir tblii -dlBcrlmlna' tion. w!ilcir(ls nol tlioorutlcal liut real liicpj huu i;rowu up In .Jnpun U’i-

• in i: th n l itl or<!<‘i: fo r Ju p a n o o o i! i;l ib to lio fu lly rcn iicc tc il ihroui-Clioiu tin w orJ il.'.'i w n r v.-Jtb AiiiLTkii l';i l:n.‘v)t- nblo.

liiiB~tiino~n‘iTn“ irifiTIii liirtli ii<lviiu< <->i In lh o .In 'u inw i* proiia. Lout b r 'fo ru l!;lij o ;it tiu n ;l ;U Toltjcw ovor ih< C iii/fo rnfii ia n d (iii>-:it(oti. th '- "InrvK . a h lllty " nr w ar-lio tw p .rn .la jm n n in l U»

. .UlilLcd. hiicl pi'oaf!H'-| 1>;;>()llU(:l:ii:;; Ih rn ii'ti i l!ii- [li-fiut, lit I'l. • lu ll .in '; ;" l l Ir. .1 (lnn>:';riiu:

ty luivi^ i-.fii'oiul In ;i J.iii.J. •

' " ••.S ]irri"~ Jn ;'" r,111 ., a li o in l... f:i. [.riiiciiC'<1 I;;-- i.iilillrutlunM In Un-li

1,1' i.v 'lli,. 'nniit;.lii7r. r.

IlnBo-poUtlclanfl." .B>i?8 ',a YOrJc n f ^ a p a ^ r . '" ; — r

Tho Japonoao 'aro no w iser than tho Booplo of any o th e r counlry. - I f tho ir country Woro plunged into w ar by lingo politicians i t would n o t bo tho f irs t counlry th a t has had Ib is ox« p o f Iu W c o r" A n (n ir^ o r—tbo "yellow p re ss /’ its influonco. Is rendered all li'o g roa to r by th e fac t tb a t In Orlon- ta l-countrles-tb^m assos-M O -8U lI:m iii dor tbo .tradlU od o t g rea t ro.veronco for tho w ritten w ord.- -

-W ould Jap an toko so raah a stop ns lo go to w ar, o r even to dovolop a stro n g onU 'Am ericanlam , simply be- cause thoso of ho r peopio wbo havo como to th is counlry aro d iscrim inat­ed against? T h is QUosUon has been a sked ,and has boon assu m cd 'to dot- Inltely.dispoao of tho whole m attor,

B.ut th a t Ib n o t tho quesUon n t all. TtilB-CattfcmriVlttitd-tsplBodo-nenulrwi im portance m oroly as ono- phaso ol what-lB-cwiBtrtjed-*a-oonfllfltflat- policy on th is aide o t tho Pacific to tllscrlm- Inato ftgdlnst and t o , hum lllato the Japanpso , pooplo. And horo wo have ono of those "(tuesUons-affceUng-no* Uonal honor” th a t ou r own log lsla ton havo alw ays boon so inslatont upon excluding from tho purview ot arbltru-tlon '’ n!atlo8.'*‘-------------- ■ — ..........

'To tho 'Jap tinoao , then , tho Iaauo Ib bno o t national honor. To understnnd how lorge th is ' l ooms In the ir eyes ll is only necossary b rlo tiy .to ro c lla 'th t ta c t th a t Blnco tho lr omorgenco from th e it cen turies of O riental Isolatlor tho lr wholo s trugg le 'h its boen’to r roc- o ^ IU o n on a piano o t equality witb o ther people.' ,---H orotoforo--tho—Japanoso—goverii.- m ent hna boon ablo to TgprasB piiblU opljLioQ whdnevor I t'a ssu m ed 'dtbigor ous tondoncloa. I t hna boon able tc form public opinion and d irec t il. Bul the Japan of today p r e s e t s a v o ^ serious Jn tom al sltuaUon.

Tho p a rliam en tary rio ts a t Toklo i ToWwcck^BTTtfo-ciiYn'OxeoedlngiricioBt to a rovoluUon. Indeed. In ono phase thoro wao a royoluUon. W hon'-.tht dom inant p a rty in tho diet, tho Solyu- kal. refusod 'to 'obey tho oxpressec Trt8ll'^>^hlB-Inttjertr-the-em peror-thol rosoluUons Im peaching tho K a tsu n m in istry bo w ithdraw n—this w as rev- bluUon. F o r nover before/ln tho his- t o ^ of tho lan d had w hat waa tanta- m ount to. a com m and from tho thrOD<bton'ignoreid.------ -— -- ------------- -— ..—

IL la .n o t nocossary to deal w ith th< Ib ruos in th a t m in isteria l c risis sav( to om pbastto thio' ta c t th a t What ther occurred sbowod th a t, tho tlmo hoi PMsod w hon public opinion In Japoj oan-bo dlroctod fro m .lh6 .„ jao j)u reouorAA^T-can l\opo to do. w jiat tHi eacrt'd '-'word of-'thb «m poro r'h im so l

B o oT h i s B i g P i

T r a d e I t i d u

---------------------P a bThis is a hig

ingredients. I-eoerywhere, 12

tity !0c. bar.T o i l

These are nt either Menken

RHigh=grade $Z manufacture 4

Milli— So popular !

we will offer a

— Ladles $3.5( ■ in broken lots

B Every piece I l5cforlO c. L 1 the asking. .a - " - ------ Lddies-Si§ Suits worth ® remarkaGte pr

^ B o o t h

conld not-,do. .Public .op in ion In ;o p Tan: niusL-.m nrctorcl now bo regt^rdei aa on - th e samo piano with publi< OBlnlon^ln..fmy pthoc- country. And'.l m ust bo dealt' .w ith ;.w ith ,^o s, a'ucfi WhoUior IfiU io.tflst camo | t -would gi to tho length o i ..toriiln'b a ;w a r ^ i t l tho.-U nltcd-S tatiflJ8 .n .at.X O tJ^ .jliios Uon, b u t Uint i t boa Uio power to-di so . can . hardly bo .dpubled.-^Ren( 5 i^ U o . .;___ .

C i m SE K YW E BX.lMINATIOJr.^ h « r« r^ r€ lT « -6 « rv lfe -G o m m l# 8 laannounces tha t a male clork-carrle oxam lnaiion will bo hold a t Twli F a lla r idahb, on Juno 14. 1913. ..Vg llm lta a rc from 18 to 45 yoors.

T he P ost Offlco Dopartmont haa ail v ised th a t a lte r Juno 30, 1913, tho on tran co salary In tbo ? o s t ' Offlc B ervlco In the firs t ond socond claa offlcofl w ill bo fSOO-per annum, an th a t em ployes-Id tho-$C00. grade.

’ bo ndvancod to tho (800 grade.npplv nt onfo {

• lho Local Socrolnry, Uonrd of Civ ; Sorvlco Exam iners a t tho Twin Pnll

I^6BlOfflce,or-Urt-8wrotary,-JSb5vcnt■ Clvil_8orvice D istrict, SealUo. -Wtwb

: ORPHEUM THEATRE- F ro g n 'm -fo r . Ib n rsd a y , .Friday

I and Sntnrdny, May 1&, 10 imd 17.

' The Moscow Dud1 'I • A BnsBinn KoTolty Act.

' Wall and K id-J .....iBctliedTCom edj-^Slhglng ana ~


I • Foto P la jB i


I A Society Drama.

■ TH E BE,IUT OE A OUILB,A boauUful Btory featuring tho

-~ K ro iir^hT nr-E cto rr"n ran iio ii8o r- I Kid.

I H E GAVMONT W EEK LI, ImloBt rovlow o t c u rren t evonta. A v e ry IntorcBUng numbor.

'~A ’ p r d g r ^ 'y o u - dofi*t'-wan t t o- m fflsnJdorS 'opoB 'T rJO ’contlnD--

* . oua- U ll_10 i a 0>-_ A dm lssloa 10c . 5 ,a n d 15c.

> Matinee S a tu rd ay ' 2;301 . • . . •

Send your ehlldron; A refined.j ' , ‘ totruiiU vo 'tiE iU irt4!nm cnt:"r^-

t h ’s S p io p u l d r L a d i e s

' . c d m e n t s t o S h

n o l l v e S o a p Kh=class toilet soap Iqual to 25c and\ h2c and I5c. - W

e t T a l c u m s 1 9it cheap talcums \ s, Colgates or Witu g S p e c i a l<0.00 9x12 Axmin W9T95\nery Dept. Specia las beenjoun-$3.0l nother lot for $5 vLadies-Oxfords-9 7 and $4 .00 Pum to close a t 95c.Embroidery Spe d

bargain in, itself, vide flouncing wo

iit-^eciaL^l2.50- >5.00 to $35.00 w ices. New high=gi

M e r c ^

HomeProductsfor yoiir home trade means dbitars saved ;

; forhom e circulatioffi i Besides you can get ' the beS~ at hoine. -

* • - , ''. A sk for --




. Idahome Com Meal

■ : and ■... Grahiun Flour :

"W T A L lS ^ iU L rN G "1 & ELEVATOR CO.

to r appllcaU on blank and ta ll In for- maUon.

R. E. LEIOHTON, •■ _ , . Local Socrotary.

. . A h u rir-c a ll,. through_the ciBSSlflqd- colum ns, t o r ' a ' bailor office h e lp e r th a n tho one that:* leaTlng^ -will ub> ually find blm —cr, aa traquontly hap>

'W hen tho m oa fo r whom yoa oogh t to -fro rlr-h a8 « -o p en ln ff-fo r^o u , yon'H- 1lnd-' th»" ji»wB la UiB'."holirr-wMite4“ • t e t . . .

' c i a kS t o r e O f f e r s

r e w d B u y e r s .

' c B a r .................. ^ .made of purest 35c soaps sold ? offer any quan*

but high‘grade=‘= \iams_l9c box. \K 9 5iter rug of 'o besi j" r ' ’ . • '-1

I-tr im m ed hats- at. andMonday.

5 e - ^ ------------ - V ■ --

p ^ a a d —OxfordsZ

llsBdby sets tuartffr

'"thSOl p e r l c e / i C

and~$l%50 III 6e sold atihese'^ •ad^ suits.

i t i l e C o .

■ J ^ J o b o d y :- c a n ., g i

3 ' ' : ^

; (EVfery man of

H ere is a special n ’cloiliiirg organization

M■ A re $3 to $8 .bettei

l .G o any whete'yp.u:!: lfcom eTnt^h?ie'4Td^

■ You will find the fal ; thing just as high-cla 7 ^ 0 -an d -$ 2 5 -g tad e i

O nce you have takei -diem-and^after-you-l

t l ja t jo u really savec

S tr a u i

■ Mf3.’ 3 . ' W .-T annor ■wflB In • the- c lt?■ yo8t0r«loy trom F llor oa a BhoU&lng

to u r . . . . ‘

' R W. R obbln~w ai I n T w j n - r a l l f f from DoJso fo r a day tbo m iddle of tho wook. •, 1 . I

W. A. L. Stowe, tho Klmborly dn ig - Rl8t w as 1& tho city for a day lho flra t o f tho wook.

l i r e . C. B. D caaor waa In tho couaty s c a t Wednoaday from Rogcraon o a .a Bhopplag tour. ^ •

H . H. MUlcr re turned Tuoaday from Boise, w here he had been for soveral daya oa tu a ln e a a . ' , .

U i4 . H. C. Mllla, of Rupert, la vlalt- I n r - ia tho city -w ith hor-paronta . Air.

' ‘a n d 'M ri: M. rrQ om blo.-.— • ..........

^ b . J . Child*, mnaogor of tho Farm - - - o ra Q rala- aiiJh-Blovator.,com paay. of

B uhl nad F lldr, Waa traaaac tlag basl- — -neM -toltha-clty-JtC B iordaj:._________ _

“ T ftU ^L W E i l l U V K A-HH SVifnTlitG’GOODS FBOX CS, I

V jO O O D S ^ ra J - lU K p liO CB.SPfl

• ’ ;0N BPO liTISa aOODS.A3iD, ABD -Q D A U Tt


ye -yftu_A6methinf BTioCtfyiag to do

moderate means we war

aade suit of clothes mai in the world the makers

" T ^ o SaiB flP rlcc ifie“ W o r i a " 0 ^ r : " ~

: than the price inarked.

ike and examine $ 2 0 to a m te S T Y E E P tU S X

brics, the workmanship, ss in every way as you 15 . ~ :

n a good look at these c bave^wom-diem-a-whileI $3 .16 $ 8 after 4K •,

d p s ir e ; W :‘Motn3r"tg'l»rthrtca60-gttqnd-^ jpg th e m ootiag o( tho natioaol com* a l tU o of. tho Soc laliat - parly .--------------

C. D. TUomaa and W. R. P rlobe mado a buslnoaa tr ip to Contact,-loav-

tb la c ity _*niur8day morniag.

M rs. D. B row n-U w ers re tu raod WoflnciHay ovenlh(TtrOTn”B nb l"w b treBbe had been vlsUlng wJlh frlenda.

Lladady and Hoover, tho 'reo l esta to doolera, movod Into the ir now offlcoa on M ain avoaup th e f irs t of the weok.

• •TtrW."PlCr8on wng 't r anBttcUaG^buat- acatt l n \h o Magfc Cfty for a day tho mlddlo of the wcok, from bis bom o In Doteo.

" H. d . M unyon.. tho i wdll-imowA ftWF tlonoor of Fllor. trahaM tod. buBlnow fn tbo county • sca t Tuefldoy o f . th is wook.

E. N ,'abopberd , .whojM a b jo n run - nlng.-tbo. B oaton. lunch fo r. soveral 7 cnr8; --baB--80 ld th e luncb ro o m to Jamoa Beua. proprlo tor o t the Paatlm c■pooJ haJJ. Tho room ^aa been cloBOd down for. #6veKal day* w hile-tbo pro- p r f e lW - ^ a « - : i n 4 k ^ rlm proycm en and w ill bq opened to tho public to d w .

i i c A V S ^ o u i n « 5 p u ~ lET GOOD .A>T> P i^ A S E , l '6 u . ‘

iU R J ) . f fA i^ ODii n id r i .8 tv N ii i i LLL COM TETlM pN. ' “ ' , “ / .

i ^ ^ A R E c 6 7

to $ 8_________________________________

g fo r n o th in g ,

th a t .............................. -

n t t o s a y t h i s ;

• ■

, d e b y t h e l a r g e s t

> c l a i m

^ $ 1 7

) $ 2 5 c l o t h e s , t h e n

X O T H f e i t $ T 7 ? :

, ; t h e s t y l e — e w r y r i

h a v e s e e n i n t h e

J o t h e s y o u w i l l b u y

^ y o u - j v i l l — r e a l i z e - ;

a u b e r

Ro(julflr sixtt r vsl^ffaro fl no rtheaat fronti n ea r L incoln sc

. ren l At (360. Sm&ll payibent doy: . ExtVa flno flvn-acro trac t, o a

Fnlla, a o l fa r from tbo Interurba: ductlvo 10II. ond.wateiis wolL No prlco^at^ l ^ y Q.j^ Paym en t ^ o v ^ . r

made, good Ia>’inj; land ,' to tr&ilo W an t doalrable-cloao in lota.

^ fann of 80 acrea n ea r Rim . l a n . Flvo'oero orchard , 25 acres c-rTptnea*^amdip!enty^-*oe»-«llb-tbl*-

a t $136.00 pel* acre, on good term: S x tra cbolco' c o m e r building-

walk, trees aad graded.. T</'tum , ownor moro And W orth m oro to ]


j T h o m p s o n - ^- 121 Main .1. . . . ------ -- ------

County 'Su'rvoybr X A., Byboo ro tu raed Wednesday efon lag from, Oun w here bo bad boon doing oaglnoorlni w ork.

F . D. Kimball ro tu m ed Wedneada: ovonlng to Salt Lake City, U tah, afte Bpondlng sovoral days In tho city 01 busisosa,

A. Mu Wiker ro tum od Wednesda: ovonlng from Rogorson whero he ba boen looking a fte r b usiness m atter to r several days.

. <> ■ •Mesdames M. 7. and E v ere tt JM

Swooloy Jind-cblldw ia. Icft-.li38“ >3!? m orning for Spokane. W aah., wber they w ill , visit fo r sevornl wooka .wit relatives.

—J , A.- W alkor,-lho >WiiIl^knoffn_« tocj or .ofj.tho R ock.C rce nolghhorhopd. waa a ^ b u a ln ^ a Tlalli: Ju tbo bounty aoat’io r a ’day tEo' inn d lo of-tbfr woek.-:------ --— ,

Alicea,'wtio In connectcd w ith tl:nO rtb“8 !do'JW*^d'Ttafl“ W nloj «.umiPni!

O lty r^ f td n w d a y ^ fro m -hta hoiulana: t w a in We« le llr - r -- _.^ ^. -V/ , ,

— EcciLB. Rcod^was In tbo_ city ye: te rd ay froro Bolao .on buslnesa in ctti

! . b tftee nj< ~ffltocnthcommlBBlnnet fo r Id a h o 'o f tno"" Fa: 'am a.Paclflc, expoBltlon.;

" ‘P n H T 3 S m a i a ^ f l c f i r r o r n W m ond. I tre e t an d 'F b ilr tb nv«nno.. tini W cltA -E. H Kimmi. u jla la ler r rMo t o l 8«rvlco, llfOO. Tlio -pastor w ill h Fln,n,:BdrioB o t.M sht .eoOTyiui o n . '‘TI

o t '7:(i 0. v f ro.Borvlco 'a t .8 :00 : .Bbrmoo.,tb«niOr

• ttoTnm bennlblrBe^hooi^« ,.0 :-I5 boroftftpr,X0.;.

X ”B.’T'drry wM Tla.'iHc'clty'thd fln it f Uio week from Dolso. i

- ' ....— ~ ~'~~T ' ' I•Olyde-Pnrnflworlh-wnH-a vlslto r-in t i t f c l t rT u e a d u i 'f ro m llu r la y .--------- r 1

i& rcb^dcon Howard Stoy wiui In tho Itjr for BOVeral days thiu week.

G. 13. Ulsbco.woa a buulncsB vlullor 7 I S alt Lnke City, Utnh, for aovoral t ^ o t th lrttooh :. — ------- i

'If.-W .-D trvcn-w aB 'in-TV ln-Fnllirfor - o r two tbla w co k from DurJoy. -

ranBBCtlng buBlncBS. 1' -------------;----- ------ . - - t

■ a itu iirtjyc . :ir. duuiu ruiuriiua yen-:- ^ jrday evening from Durloy, *bcro he 1 nfi been on legal. buelncBB. i

C. W. Wood, of Uuriey. was in Twfn 'a lls for several days of tlila woelc < >0klng after buBlnosn mnttorB.- • 1

' — > I'W . IT. Monroe Iu In ib o 'c l iy f ro m I ,l9' home In th e Hnnnoii neighborhood 1 c tln g OB a ju ro r in tbo dlHtrlct court.

R. C. Plorco w oa In tho c ity for n 1 :5T B ii"m 6ro rttn rw cck-rron riiD iB o .- -i lav lng boon c a lle d , hero on bualneiiH. 1

•Mra. A. M. Bowen and daughter dc- ittrtert■ycfltorrtnj'TnomlnK' for BcrJcIcr, 3nl., where Uioy will vIbU for Bomc ime.

Doimty Hortlculiuriil InHijcctor C. iV. Brannan rolurnod WcdncHdily from in Inupectlon trip In tho cQBtem p a n )f the counlrj'.

Mrs. A. N. Spragiio' returned Wednesday from Uurloy, where ehc bad boon vlalUng with hor husband tor Bovernl dayB.

Qeorgo n. G raham ' anil M nry-Fau- BOlt, both of F iler, woro m arried 'b y Judgo '\V. J. SmlUi Monday afternoon n t the office of the judge.

OoorRC P. Sprngiio arrived lu the city T u rd a y ovonlng from Ito lec, tmd jffUr rou jn ln 'f6 r^ '6veral“3ii>’a looking a fto r his proporly intoreats. -'

Charles E. Hayden, the Jarbldgo m ining innn. arrived In' tho clt>‘ Tues­day from th a t comp, nnd will remain bore for.Boveral daya on bualncBS.

L. PotUl, auditor for tho Gem StntoiMimber—:rrtTT.pnnv, , loft vfwtfrtlnvm ondng to r S a lt Lake City, Utali, to bo gono for Boveral da>-8 on buBlncBB.

J. C. Fulton, d is tric t aR cnt-for the ^<tnltablo Life InBuranco company, ro- ^ r u c d Satunlny 'from •a-buolncflB-lrlp •to, .Twin. pQllB and vicinity.—Pocatello

•'•'Mr. and M rs. John Young, formerly residents ot tho city, arrived Uio firs t o f tho wook and •v.-lll vIbU a t the bomo of. Cpunty T reasu re r W. J. Young to r

Alox M cPherson arrived Jo tho c ltj' TuoBday from b is homo in Long Bos.f^. Cal., and w ill rem ain for some tim'ft loohlng a f te r 'h lB buslnoBS af> ralr».J Hfr/Bpent o few days In-IkJlBO jlS ltlftg ^U h hlB Bon, John U. McPhor- •on , 3tAtB horU cultural Inspector.

r ^ B e a u c h a B i p -

In'Ttnd. nafd, well located, lOOl.' “A eixap fo r "the man payitfg t-'aad rest oasy term s. >eautlftil-olovaUon overlooking Twin,.I car Itao,'deop rich and very pro- ^resldont w anta lo so il fo r quick saBO&ablo-tormii:rtb-oU H olIi stnr.,-wltb-pniM>ayjnont,». fo r - Tw ta FallB vacant property.

3(irly: 4*room house and out build- . In idfalfa and re s t plow land. Hap* form ^to '-tbo-m aa who toowB bow,

io t l a beat realdeaco distric t; side- fnto cash soon, a t *500.00. Coat tho ion who w an ts .desirabto bome.

Weaue East

John U. M cPt)orsod, atato h o r tlc ^ tu ra l iM pector arrived In the c lt

; W ednesday and will rem ain for sev oral days on buslnesa In connecUo: w ltb bis offlco.

. L. O. H ayford wna up from bla hom 1 In Bubl. W ednesday. Mr. Hoyford 1

recovering from ab attack of rhouc: . ntlam .w htrh-contlnciU ilm Jo .b lsJip jn ' for somo Umo. ^I ---------------------------! M anager Georgo H llllar of lho Gei

Slato Lum ber compaay. of Pocatoll lod Monday evening for tbo Gate Cll aftor flpendlng sovoral dajB In tb.

T city o a b^Iflosa .

I Rev. H . W. Parker. dlBtrlct superli Vohdent of the M ethodist-church-ft

’ th is d istric t, arrived homo Wednosdr t r im ^ i s o , wboro..ho hnd bocn;^f(

^ acY erftl-dByg-on-^urch-buBlncsB.—

- — M r<4ad Mrs, S n , M arpb^ .6r s ^ T ersot, k y ., w ho aro-apendlng Ibo sun- -m or'w tth-tbelrson-.'D r.-J.-H .-M urpb

of Bnhl, aro Bpdndin'g tho wook at.U5 homo of 'M r. and Mrg. M. Boobo.-

^ ■--jPun L |iu gnrofr^ftrauU >m ob»e-flr ■ of-FopriB-;and-Lrman.-:mada.a.JccQi

trlp '-taT larbtdee-lftat-w ock.-'-H © lc ” ■fhls'tlty 'atTtSM B'nad-loaded hlfc pn It soagor .la .tbo gold .camp before dar

0.....T hc^Q r-A rR rO lro lo 'w in sorvo-a-;I* o*cTocB“ ^ b n n tc n ~ p iu ' duiuui, lu .u ; Moose-ball Saturday , May 17, Tflcko

boromi-*Ilk-<iullt-whlch-wHl bo glv< t; ftw w v

5 Rcmembor lho'~^oubieThc»i3ftrTVi 0 g am o .to bo ployed a t .th o ball pa Jt, H attir4i^‘flBd-6uad^,~ b e tw e a a .^ . r

l i SlaKliihnwi '-'..Tbo:^^ntnrday;::tgatng:r q callcd fo r 4:30 in .th e afternoon oi

i f MrRfrrafl'WBUTft'.tn! la tc jM tln e -f« tbo c ^ l ,o f_ p l« rJ ^ ] . . ■■

A. Tl. AndoTflonr of tho'-O rphonm bcntro , bAB let tbo contract to P o rto r m d 'G a rd a o r ' for ' tbo~ orocdoa '“o t -a nodorn-bungalow-Jwhlch bo .ond J iIb ’nmlly- wllJ occupy -aB-8oon-aB-com~ jlotod.

P lfa t Church o t C hrist Sclontlflt. 230 n ilrd nvenue, eaal—Servfcos Sunday, day 18, 11 a. m.: Subject. “Mortals md ImmorUits." Sumlay school n t XO L- m ^T eB U m onlal mooUng -Woducs. lay u l 8 p. m. •

B oat-B oiso. A ll th e .h ig b school. )oya nnd glrla arc wcnrlng a cnrd to b is effect. Don't forgot tho- cham- ilonB blp-b8ll-g«nn«-t>etw een—T4>4n- ^nlln High and tho Dolso 'H ig h Uils ifternoon a t tho bull park. ' .

E. H. I4c(Ufr, who nt ono Umo rcald. :d on tho Twin Falls trac t, b u t Is now ncntcd n t Simkano, Wnuh., wns In the :lty fo r sovoral days Uils- week call- ing on friendB and looking nfiec busl- iCBU i^ffalrs.

W. R. Prlebo, the jowolor, hna .le i:a :on triict for a fine now rcBldonco on bl8-T)roperty-ftt-tho-fornor-of-S«v«ntb. nvenue nnd Second «troet, cnst. Con­tra c to r -Porter - bcKoa; work • on — the foundation Uio firs t of tho week.

C. W. Dyer returned Tueudny' eve­ning from Omnbn, Neb., whoro ho hnd been called In rcgnrd to the rewnrd which w as ottered by llio Union Pa* clflc railway for ,Uio cap turc of MathowB nnd others who held up a tra in on thnt rond neveral ycnrs ago I t will, bo remembered Hint Mnthcws ■was-captured-• h ero ,-an d -h o -aad —his pala are now in prison for llfo for tho crlmo they committed.

.■.-Ihc.-aubJoct - of tho B crm on_ ji^ tJ^ Molhodtgt cliurch" ‘Suhd'ftT morning" w ill bo -'‘\Vhat D ifference Will It Make?" There will bg un nntliem by th e cboll' nnd-a uolo by Mins P itcairn. In tho ovcalng there will bo Rpeclnl music by tho choriiii choir nnd n duct l>y .MIsocB BcbbIc Cnrlson nhd Prnnccti r y m a n ;- Thfi 'BernVon'tOiJIirin'thb^vo: n lng w ill b e ,- ‘‘Is I t WorUi W lille r’ All are cordially Invited to bo prcBcnt.

On Tuosdny evening the regular m eoting of iho Twin Fnlls Chapter No. 2 9 > -0 .'^ 8 ., was turned over to- a uur- prlsd soclnl as a courtcsy to Mrs. T. H arry Rood, formerly MIsb Neta Dak- er. who hns served In thd capacity of planfst fo r tho lodge for Ui'o pflflt'flOT: oral yenra. Aboul.oovcnty-flve of the lodgo membera wore presen t and a do-: llghtful social evening wns spcnL Mra. Rcod wna presonted w ith some band* Bomo-ploooB-oC-ailvor—and-g.bcflnUfu] bouquet of flowerB, Mrs. W. F. Plko ami J . W. 'W atJrs m aking Tory plenslns and appropriate p resen tation speccbes to which Mrs. Iteod fllU ngly rcBpond- cd. Mr. and Mrs. Reed oxpcct to lcav( soon for Cnlgary, Alberta, whero thoj w ill make their homo fo r the Bunimer

05b“ ^ ^ o ' «o » t“ doltgh tfu lT O tln gftthorlnsa over enjoyed by tbo par llum on tary and clvlca departm ent 0 tho Tw ontlotb C entury club, was apen by th a t departm ent on Mondn>' nttor aoon,. oa gucalB. o t M r8. Br n , ,MprBc a t bor p leasant bomo on N orth .She shono streeL Tho room s wero ox qulslloiy decorated fo r tho aftomooi w ith a profusion of aprlng bloaaomi A«jm oQ n.that wa m ost thoroughly, oajoyod worn l b flvo-mlnuto oxtomporanoous spoocho glTCn by—a—nu m b e r-^ t—tho—guasU Wblch oceoBloncd contlauooB morrl mont, some of the subjects beln( ‘‘WhatiConBUlutes An Tdcal Hnsbnnd, "Tho Gontio A rt o f Cbowlng Gum, "Woman'B Suffrage," oto. Prizes wer awarded Mrs. Cox aad Mrs. AQams 0 tU B i=^trof lfl7~Th'<r-afteTnoon- clDBo w ith tbo serving of rofrcBhmonta.

a ’ vory prolty rocopUoa was give Tuesday aftem oon by MosdamoB H. I Johnson, R. H. Kowmnn and R. J

222 n tU i avoaue, c a s t About 300~li vltaUons woro IsBued.** Tho houi woro divided from 2 to 4 and 4 lo '

Tho. parlors o t tbo Newman bon w ere boautlfully docoratod , w ith a] plo bloMoms from tbo Jo}mBoa~<H chdrd. Thoso jiasl8tlaR_ durltfg U nftem oon woro th e 'M lsse a .T flc a f t Black. CbrlsUno F ra io r aad Miss Fri zor, nnd Moedamoa Osbom , McUaj tera. Wise, Parsons, 'Wtloy, Alaxando Lee. StotUcr. Abl. l ^ o - a n d - H . - 1M l f e ~ .......... ....... .... .........................

Tbo follow ing 'program was cnjoyi th rough tbo nfinm ooa: —Mra. Glad: Carlson.': lilano boIo ; -Mrs. C. A. M M aster, vocal solo;' M rs. Thomps<

■ and Mra. Stover, p laao duel; M rs. M : CnrthTr-vocalTolorKlBtfXftmoil-'Cfl y read ing; Mrs. AdninB, Mlaa Canm •' Cox antf Mrs. Loe S tc ttlo r. trio . Mi n Reed, daughter of Mre. Baker, stood

the rccolvlng line.

'Wben 'ibo apartm ont. wblcb mlgl • almost, bavo beon planned, and deBlg

e<S fo r you, becomes available lo yc «- tb t i n - lb a J !

Rent" oolumna.________

° 'Wbon the liouse yoa ougbt to bo ll Ing in how is vaciitcd unexpected

•y and is fo r rent, you 'll g e t tho ne through, the olassllled columns.


— -We-now-faav©_ - 4 - t j e g n * i

ja _______________: ___'m ncd.ft ' r . ~ ~ r : c f im i ‘r iot^oiUT:oinj:bioci

^ Cbolco lo t, dne^balf bloclBopa' b u l ld ln g s r ^ l c i r on i?- -\:Qood Mftll^-8tm tf4otr-7^-

9D- — T iryoV iow riw iflB B 'torT i- wo can B u lt.yoo .. We b m -

*v ; H ere to a 'c b a a c o W. a ta r t a 1 ■a. Wo w r lto ilro , ac^d«toi t i

^ n n n ln r i . r '"

^ ; -Real Estate


; l i f e ^ . _ _ ,___

t i m e c p « . 1

’ more Uian cheap ‘ txash gifts. '

V a lu e —That’s what you get from

w. ¥ IliT -Leading Jeweler

Twin Falls, Idaho


-.-KoUctiJa-bcfebyjglvi^n thnt on J uBp 3, 1013, thcro w ill bc an annual mcet=Ing o t tbe atockboldors ot tbe Twin Falls-Shoaboiio Cnnal Conipany a t their offlcca In Twin Falla, Ida., a t 10 o’clocl: a. m.

F. L. DIFFRNDARFER, M a y _ l £ _ _ .„ - Vice PrcafdenC- -

Q os’ Book Store;■ D ea lers In____________

Books, Stationery, Office

___Sapplies. A rt Needle ^

Qoods, Etc.

HAVE IT TUNEDT b o w o r th y o ld gcnUeman -who

-Bald, “ M u s i c ^ t h charm s — — • did n o t , re fe r J to th e sound th a t ■

■ cornea irom n~ pIiu id lb a t’B lo l)to l ' ' t u n c . - " 'f |

[ - G tA t T O B E Y —r -T-r*-M tt#lc-H ou*e---------|»iiQne 1110. _

T w in Falla »iocel9P8

^ ^<‘°-Cnn .3 to to — .

J ________ T O P B T O F E . j


" By~iSvUi5V 'lieM o*lflTe n iTflier'''? boty exbaiiBtfng task ol doing tb«'* ' fam ny fwklng, abd '/n sfsd n g OB'° tbo pn rcbase of

B read, Rolls, Pies, Cakes,

t ■■ . etc ., etc. - - .- - -


'- R o y a l B a k e r yJi “N ; A . Jackson ; P rop .

e ’ s B a r g a j f f i ^ Ziu ftj'th iit-y nu b ave. . >. ? f r a W n g H f o r . —

YACAOT IO T S . 'r f ro m -p a fk ^ - -B o a t- l< > ^ w - i t t^ ^ ^

; from H igh School. Sn r« tm ded .by’ lOO.Or." M lgbtrdoMw ttw

d b'ealtb^ ltebnity:»M d''aotot o y < t ^ ^

M| : ; : I



M '

I n v e s t i g a t i

I t h <-— -—T he^S to iy-of-A n

“Learn One Th

-_______ J 4 o . i l ^ „ F E R ] W ^

f C o p y r ig h t. 1933. b y T h o Asai

F o u r litU o Bblpa— b a lto ro d , s to r n d r lT cn . U io lr r lg g tn g coalcU w ith I c o - « t r a g g I e d _ a lQ ii i ; - a - i ia c r o tV — iQrluo.ui r t n l t f r ia i;p d by siu>w>cliu) m oun ti la f t . U p d n d 'd b w n o n Uiu do ck o th o foro inoB t vobboI, U ie T r in id a d s tr o d e a U ilu , hm ^gard ; tn a n , p c c rln i a b e a d i U irpbuh :'Ut(! m lac ^ t h nnxlou i « r c a . Dciildc h im w n lk o d ' ano lhu i w u . b c iird cd , U lk ln K 'lo Bbort. sb o r i ■AlitAtwiw .' ~T.niirtAP~ nm l lo u d o r i;rcv k U vo rd ik . f lc rc o r u n d f lo rc u r h ia cca

-ilUL. Uic .ilUKKUrd m nn ftali - BOUiInR. o n ly B linking h in hcnii s tu b

to r t i l y .-------- -Thfa was-MnBcllon. th? fJrat nmi

•^K ti t h * eaurnRO to a t tc r o p t t o buU od------- ttM j-ro u n d -tl io worW,-puBhlnff ooj-ai

t o said, "even If wc bud to cn l (In »*ftUior o f tho rlgflnK." T h a t .waa lln fen ro commnndcr'H luHt dny of doubt

--------k S » o r c r ; 'f d r~ o u - U ic i ic x rd u y r n i5 - 2 S «^■ 7 o f N ovem ber, IR'JO. b lit l l t t lo Hoc

— Ui o C abo D p o o n d o .-th o "do s k v d ” w cH lem c n d - o t U ic S l r i ilt o I b s e H a n , a n d s a ile d In to Uio pcnco M K o n n Ramftd ’T a c l t l C ’ b y M ngcl I t t b ltm n lf .

T e r tln a n d M asollnn hnd an GXClUni -_|ie WAH bofn In PortnRal aliou

1480. Ho WI18 only iw cnty-tour whoi t o mado hU f irs t voyn^o to Indln

V Q iiT ia (i(r tnT t)nT tto~ ; t w yooTB ta to r ho fought bravcl; a s> la s t tbo Malays a t Malncea. and ro

• b r th o ran k of cap ta la . Ho con - tttxratf to dlstlDgulBh blm toK on. mnn;

MliM<iucnt Toyascs and campalgntB o t bo wafl n o t cqntonl wJlb lh

)u) bad won, Llko Coliimbu M d idobI o f tbo advonturcra of thn

- ____ No. 5. JAC<. H !» a p o c t i l la r 'r M t t h a t 'a b o u t ' t h

me g i n n i n g S a t u

i g H t e F r o E P i r i c ^

Watch OlS t a n d a r d

p r i w i l l c o n v i n c c

o p e n i

---------------------------- - T h

n e r i c a - i n - P i c t u r e s —

ling Every Day’-------— —

^ND MAGELLAN0 Inicd Newapapor Scbool, Inc.

1 Umo, MasoUan dreamed alwaya of a . ‘libortor routo to tbo E ast by aniline

,wc*tward. 'H la Idoa wna th a t n l tbc '- ’CTXtromtr’Bontlj'^f-Soiith America there• was a a tralL ’t ' ' A1)0UI' tbia Ume ho got Into trouble , 'u'fth Manuel, k in s of I’ortURal, and ; renounced b is nnUoniillty, Rolng tc 3 Spain, Uioro to offor hlii uervlcea tc r Charles V. FJnarfy wltli lho nld ol 1. jin ri-rnT ’ pnWnrflil frlcndH ja^CQUrt.ilC T manngod~to'porBnado the flpanlsb kins• Uuit hia p lan woe posublo. On AukiibI t 10, lulO, .tbo lUUo (loot of five eblpi ■ sta rted on th e ir bnJinnlouH voynge

which only one o t thom over complot- I- cd. To o n u lp - th is -oipodlU oa cost- over |2B0.000....................................t- - -Aftor-many-tnonlha-of-otnjBBloii uni 3-dlBdppolntmonlH a western pnBHagc 3 wan 01 ‘ Inat dlBcovorod—now callec , the S tra it of Mngollnn. But even wbci r th (n ilU o ~ n o o t •had-:;TiianaRCd to - goi t through thin Into tbo cnlm w aters o:- tbe Pacific, tb o lr tnjub les-w oro onl^ f beginning. F o r nlnely-olsbt dayaUioj- crossed tb ia eoa. only twlco slgbUnt- land—two baro. U tUo'lalnnda, strrlli

and unlnhabltod. Bawduut and ratj; bocamo coroiod fo o d .' But a t laat. li t March, 1621; th e Ladronen w e re dis 1 coTorod, and a lltUo wbllo atiorw ari k. tho Philippines.

- F rpiOTThCH(riBt[mdB~Titaggllnn-noTc r cnino away. P lg tU hg on 'tho'B lilo o'• ono of tho nativo chlcfn aga in st i- hot***" tr lb Oi ho was killed on Aprl -■■87.1C21:------------ --------------- ----------- -r Tho V ictoria m anaged to round tbi I. Capo o t Good Hopo aod reach Spall e onco moro. D ut only thirty-one mei s rotum od to Sovillo In tbo f lrs l 70bb0 t th a t over mado lho tou r of tho oartb

i U E S C A R T E R - ... .......

o 'o a r ly Ufo of tbo-dlacoveror of tbo 81

mr d a y , J V t a y

o n D e p e n d a b l e

S t o r e A b s o l u t

i r WindowM a d e G o o d s

........... y ______ ; _ ■ ________ ^ ______

5 y o u o f t h e v a h

i n g d a t e , S A T U .

C O Gi e O i d 4 ^ a r m e r s & = M

1 ^ — ^

■ V»'BTWico-Tllvorr=iI£fe<jtiefl-«ftrtt«PF8o lltUo is known. H o was bom In 1491: but ihiB groat F roncb navigator la f irs t board o t In 1G3-1, w hea .on tbe twontlclb of April he sta rted from S t Malo lu command of an oxpcdltlor consIsUng.of two ablps and alxly-on< men to look for a northw est p(V8Bag( to tho East.

T his Is w bat moat of tbo early dis- covorors and oxplorors woro trying tc find. They woro n o t farsoolng cnougt

a to know tb a t this groat, savago coim g try tha t blockcd the ir wny to Indli Q was aomo day to bo one ot tbo rich o OMl-and g ro a tost-lands-In -tbo -w orld

So when tbo F rench trado lo Drazl 0 In South Amorica waa Btopped, Car J Uer act.ou l In 1634 to find a now wa; 0 to tho myBtlc Eaut w ith ItB labuloui0 w ea lth .,f Ho roacbed Nowloundland oo Ma; « 10, and a t onco en tered the Btrait o J. ■Bono~lBldrtb(ju~calIoaTtborT5a7 0 ,t CoaUob by tbo fishorm cn. But tbi u land woa found to bo barren ani J ro ck y .' So C artier soiled. Awny_froc ■i the re on Juno 15, an d cruloed dowi [c the wcBl coaat o f Newfoundland^ ani

i l l ) 'th e 'c o a i r o f New'Bhinawlc'k. 'H li anchored for ion days In Oaapa H ar (j ^'or, wIToro Ho rtiaJd frtonds wltTBom (J llu roa-Iroquo ls IndiiuiB from Quobci n Two of thoso bo carrlcd away" w it

him . - A t laflt. Soare7er.-M Juid-lo.eiv ,( up blB soarcb fo r a northw est paaa r ogo-tUat y ear. and. sail back. t 0 -£tailc<1 B ut bo didn’t givo uu tbia idea. J g May, 1C3S, ho se t sa il ogolD, this Um

S = - No. 6. H en

—O ne-day many,- m any ' yoars agi ■d Bomo Ind ians woro oat- ln -n -cano

flBhlng on w hat Is now tbo Hudso >r R l« n —3ndden ly -they-aa>r-ft-Btran>! 5f appa'rlUba coming loward~lHom upTS a fitroam. I t appoarod to bo olthor a bl 11 .canoo o r a w ondorful w lg w ^ . Qulcli - - ly- tb b y 'p a d d lo d ^ r Bboro. afibtjKH 10 Ing tb a t tboro woro pooplo moTlns o ,n th is Btrango coatrlvaaco. and Informo u lho roBt o f tbo lr tribo. ErorjOD Dl thought th a t ll m u st bo a num bor « h, ManltouB (gods) coma, tO T lill tto n

Bo tboy droBBed tbom selfea In tbo: gaycBl BklnB.-and' beads, aod woi

- ffbwn to ‘ tbo 'B boro to g ree t tba t 1 Itors.

i lV ^ d i i i g S M

M e n ’s F u m i s M :

e l y A T C O S T .

a t S l a u g h t e r

i e s g i v e n d u r i n j

R D A Y , M A Y :

l o t R <s i r c h a h t e - B a n k ^ i u l i

^ ■T>iS8 - £ - i ^ -

-wIth-throe=~ahlpai-^O n^ih«—Dlctb—< A ugust ho dropped anchor In a grot g u lf,-lo Wblcb tbo next' day ho gav

-tbo nam e, of St;-Lawrcnco.' -About montb la to r bo roacbod tbo ' tnoulb < tbo Saguenay. Tbo.two IndlaQS-^boi Tio’ b ad ' tfllcon “ to- F ranco—wore -w ll blm. Tboy iQld CarUer tb a t Saguona was tbo namo of a kingdom “rich aq w ealthy In precloua sloncB."

T bis waa groat noWB to tbo navlgi to r, and ho resolved to find th is klnj dom. In longboats bo se t off u p t l S t Law rcnco lUvor, On .October 2 I como .upon tho Hurcm>iro<iuol8 vllla(

,-of-Hocbolaga.— ThlD-rlllagc w aa slti . atod oxacUy wboro tho city of Moi ' tl-oal .now StandB.

C arUor found tb a l bo couldn 't go t I the riv e r nny fah h o r becauso tho awl

Lacblno Haplds woro In bla way. I.• climbod to tbo top of. M ount Royi ! wblcb aUIl boars tho nam o bo gaTO I ^T-and Baw-thc S t Lawrcnco and th o 0 I taw a s tre tch ing away to tbo wci 1. W hen bo got back to wbor® ha'had-l« seized tbo chief "m I olovon of tho hoad mon of tho rilla i I and carried thorn away w ith Kim, r o r d c r io ' glvo th v i-K in g 'o fF n m co 'ft• cu rate InformnUon ,about th ls ^ ro i ) Hcb country o r tE c norUa w f i ic in . had n o t 's c o a . ................... .1 In 1C41 C artier mado a pdrMvosi] i-n tta m p t t a - d l j c o w tb le—la a d —• d ream s; but w ithout bucccbb.. Herno .-cc -jo acbed tho.m yth lcal-Saeuanay ..f 1 S o o tc iab c r. 1. 1SG7. Jacquca .OatU I d le d .

IRY HUDSONI, W boa a nombor— of’ tholr- Ui 8-Bklnnod'-gnGBtff bod -lan d ed ,-iJO -w i scorned to bo tho Chlof M anllou of iB-T>oured-BomcthlBg - f fn iii « hn tt lw-hi0 a bowl and paased It to tho Ind i ; cbtef. ThtB ono solem nly Bmellod !_apjLthon.pewBOd itjQ jiJo .no Igbbor. 1 -_alB.q..iiU)r9l7 smejlad thiB liquo r wl1 lbo ploasanC 'odbrT '^ i S 'S 'u a It"we S a round tbo clrclo o f bravos. F in a l D w hen tb e bowl reached .the la s t mi f be rosolTod to taato .lho..nQ Oor.. ] u though t th a t It^ would probably V r blm : b u t ho w ai n o t a fra id {o' dlo-'l t th e honor of tho trlbo. H a ralaod 1 ‘• 'tx jw r to i iir - itp 8*w ia -« ap tied 'iL Bo

ho b e g u to Bway from Bide to ali

mu r d a y ^ J p e

t i p r ^ v e r y A s

q n M e i n ’ f S i i i t

t s = a n d ^ e c l w e ®

e d J P r i c e s . ^

» t h i s s a l e . R e i

1 7 T H .

e s S I3 i n g

' and finally fell to th e ground and 1 liko ono doad. A ftor sorno.boure J io : ovor, he rovldod and declarod th a t : had bad a fino Ume, and wantod sot moro of tho Btrango llnuor. Thla e

" coUk'ilg6d Uio re s t o l tbo braves lo t It, and aoon tbo onUre trlbo was 1

- toxicated........ ...............................That Is tho Ind ian logoad of tho dl

covory by H onry ‘H udson of tho gre riv e r th a t baa boon namod aflo r hi

“ irw iiB -ih-S (iiiidm t)0rri600rtbat-ann Uo Halt Moon sailed in to tbo mouth

-- tho Hudson Rlvor, aq^ it«

If -

)f ~

h -

I'* . /1- landed o a M anhattan Island. I

HudBOD novor dream ed th a t only tbi 16 hundrod yeafa from th a t timo t 10 amall wooded b it o f land would ;o p a r t o t tho second grea toa t elty In I 3« -world—N o w ^ o r)s r~ ln tac t.“a o ^ M i a* thore to found a city. Ho bad b u t <

Idea—to discover a northw est paasi ip to India.f l Contrary to tho bellof of m any p Io plo, Honry H udson waa n o t a D utII, m an, b u t a n E ngllabm an and a clU; It, o f London. Ho w aa b o m thore -In i t- l a t t a n i a r t o tth a m x to e h U l 'conlin-y it. -Hudson mado hlB f ir s t voyage f t : im ,-an d -h U :a» co n d in 1G08.- I t v id dn ih la .th ird-^ royase. In 1G09, Ujat

explored O ift^udaon.R ivor.- Tho s In ropndlng c p u B t^ 'V a s ' ' 'B 6en U o ' «•-' -p l? iB an t'W i^A nnB '|u id ;ffl)l-o f gtti

w ith -th e 'paacetu l Indiana—— ...Iff ' In hla fourth ' and 'la s t voyage H o f aoa ja iJ« L iro ia .J> n rla a d d D ;th o I

covery to so e k fa . n o rth irest'passfl )n Ho dld.A Ot~accom p]lah.m a^pnrpo ac bnt-herdld d la c o r if4 h a ja x a tJ ) a y - t

now beam bla nam e, Tho provlsli .. o n 'th e ^ ^ p - ta n - lo w , and his crow t

Unled^onder i h e leadership ' o f Rob ., Juet. J fln a lly , Hudsop, waa U inist J

an. opUL-hoat. toge ther w lth^tla II 1)0 -soB ^o h B rU d -aeT ea^ io k -sa llo rs-iI II . the boaX -pras c u t adrift. Thus ho i Ilaon' T n u a t^ g r e a t w aa lo 'o f w aters wb (( is “hla tozab and bit m onum ent." ■

3e , In each lasno q>f .The Times J h iM) iU {teioat..bam aa In te re e t litprioS^ int appear. Ton can g e t a b e a p ^ l ly. ta tllo n p ro d u e tlo n of Uio above i u>, tu re , w ith flvo others, eqn a llr a tti He Uvo, 7z9Vi inches la also .- 'v lth i jlU wMk-a -> lontor.- ta ,*The Mentor ’or w elU know A 'ba thon tr'cevecs'.the .i h e loct o l tho p lcturea and atorlei? o f <m wWk. - R m id o ft~ o f~ T b e"T lm e i'- do, -The M entor" w ill known A rt, Liti

i P Irth - if i c l e i n A e


filv:Ir - - - “ - ^


- p

n e m b e r l h e


I ^ Q P J--------------- .


y turo, H lsto iy , Scfen5c,.and Travol, and b. QWAjOxgulslte pictures...' On aalo a t tbo 10 L iboral Nows SUmd. Prico, Ton Cents.10 W rlto today to Tho Tlmos fo r booklet

T Scbool plan . ■1- ........... . • . • ■ ■...* . • • • • * • s> • •

• K0GEB80X MOXES. •U v-VTTi. .1- . » -V’ W e notice by tho HolllBter papor ‘*‘ b « - th o y - n r e - c a l l i n g Ib tj-new lino

•which is to be extondod from. Rogor- son lo tho Soutborn Pacific, "The Hol­lls to r “ So Poc.” Wo w onder, whoro they got the Idea th a t ' tho now line should bo calleil tho "H olllator So. P ac.” W ioro do tboy come In? Rog-

• orsoA comos aa near being on tho mnp ae H ollister, and wo w on't stand for

Reo T ribor filled hia regu la r ap- polnlmentvbbro Sunday afternoon. *

Ovor fifw people a ttended Sunday school and church boro Sundny. '

-The now church building Is lo bo H s ta r te d aoon. Wo aro nlso lo bavo a

f . ' Mlaa H unt, Mlsa' F arro ll and Mr. H’.' Bussell drovo ovor to tbo basin Sat- B; u rd ay ovoBlng.I'.- - M r.-M ai din and Mr. McCloud woro H ■ Ametordam callers, Saturday ovonlng. U- — Jo h n n y - M c R a e -le f t- fo r-Jn rb ld g o , n Tuesday o a bualness to bo away about

te a days.C. D. W inter cam a down from Tw in

u t FallBi.Monday,' e a routo to .Jarb idge.OQ Mias D arlington from H olllsto r waa ,1b an 0 Ter>8 unday v isito r a t lbo Me- be CorWo homo. 'to M r. B o ^ n , superin tendent of tbo o t Shoe-Sole ranch, w aa-Jn tow n Tues-ao QW'- 'go M rs, Ix E. Bovlngton aad itla a Nellie

M lcklowalt wont to T w ljf l ia lls , F rl- 10. day. re tu rn in g Sunday.;h- T he MiasoB H unt aad F arre ll camo en from Twin F alls, Batorday. jo -liQ tu rn in g Sunday aftenioon.“ - — Me-. J . .S . Clark. i)f Bubl. w aa .a busi- In nosa ca llo r Wednesday and Tburedny. aa Com. Tnylor. o t J V i a P a lls , waa In he tow n ThurBday,

bo H O nC E .10. •^N pU co-:i,_:ieroby::glych.uiat:i;Tiavo11

an im al-found runn ing a t largfr in lh« id- city, o f Twin F^IIb, con trary to tb e o r ­i s . dloan iMiB of^-aalj Roan se; pony, branded U ^on loft aide neck, ‘*5- nnfcngw»4>raad-on left-eh o tjld e iv ^ lre ia t .cu t. r l ^ t |ron t-foo tf-«ad> -tha t-I-»U ) n s sell sa id a n im a l.a t public aucUon al lu. Choap B am , Saturday; May -I7U».- Is »rt aald city, a t the htm K of 10 o'cloclt- A ito M., t o Uie. h lsh«t:a iid_bo8 t b lddarjfo j Ue -Xor- t h e p ^ s p ^ f th e .-IegaJ

or- u m e . A ny person claiming, said o s ' I I I Jm nl mav_r«gftvftg w payinf[ch th e :nadora lg aed -th e le g a l, bxpenaei

an d charges -of k eep loc the; sam e -ai ^ a n y tlm o before aald aalo.

ito- '-C ity M arsha!»or ; :— ,, , . 'I I - . '" t:;* Ibla ^ A reiwtltloaof-yoor waat*d, tr%a t

n - K i ia Ad.

y : ;T - ^ ^ - n > ? ? jp B ^

llili. p ;B B O fra ‘LE V ' •..• ' - D enU st . ._ ...

' B p e ^ lB t la browB and-Brldgo Work.•• .--.-.Orer-Varnay’B Oftndy, S tore -.......

O ulbcrt B ulld ins., ' Tolotilionft 109. - • ■ >r



- C H m O P R A G T l G --------^ -(k J .ro .p » k .U k )-------. -

A2TO T liB B A f£D IIO T m i t t g y T g8p«0la]t7 « / l.oii^«Stasdioff AUiseDtft

iOfflco i^iouro 10 to 12 a. m.. 1:30 to 5 p m . •pbonc 29(l. 180 F ourth avenuo e u t , Bouth Bldo cltjr park, 7 w ia Fiill«» Idaho. ■

DBi P;.'A;T eternarlao . ------ --------

Product o f KaDBOfl City Votoroarloa "Qjllogo:— ornco ■nt"DooHry*8-Llvory-

— Bom r—Of(lo«—T«>«pluui«-iU— Baak. deaco Phooo 177.

ATTORNBYB.■ .. ......................... - . - ____________ ]

0 . H . DOOXU,--------------------- L a w y e r ._________________ ,

Land Offlco IrrlgaU oaPractice. • Law.

^ n i t N ational B an k 's id g . '

BWEELEX * S iraK L E T ,A tt«rDe;sM at.Law .

w m ’ rocticT T n 'A ir*C 6urii......• TWIN PALLS, . - V “ IDAHO

K ember T w in F ails Commorclal Clnb.■ —

- .w .jp . a n i i iB l iB , w y e r

" ■ ■fiooms 8 and’*'ipOi BUndiUK------Main Avenue. '


J . H . m S E , LAWTBB.Offlco room s 6 and 7i T wJq Foils

Bank an d T rn s t Co. Bnlldlng.____ , Twin J a U a , Idaho .^________


— p 7 j7 ^ E I0 S S ff4 3 r .— ----------, SnecosM r to C. J . W alker,

USDEBTAKEB.Open Day &NlghL All Calls Rebpond- •d to Prom ptly. P rivato Am^nlancs. H arder Bldg. 280 Second Avo.

ptiiwit 110 ________ Twin F*Ua. Idahg

~ T H E C B O S ftY T O T ^O b f le s J . Croaby. Lady A ssis tan t

F n n e ra l ' D irec to r G raduate and Licensed Em balm er.

BoBt. Ambnlance In Idaho. County ‘Coroner. Phone iOa-'Rea,"Day or Nlght- JOHNBTON BLOCK. U » 2nd Ave. W.

---------------- — FRATEmNAL-BOGUflTiaa.-^--------—

N o ^ i S o m r d -a n d 4tl) W ednesday ; -F . 0 , E . H all X

■ Phone iS i- PAXIL SMITH, Clork

Twig F II; Lod;; Ho.-23-I.O.O.r.

H eets every Thnrsday evening a t 7 :l» tn Odd FellowB’ H a l t VlBlUng Broth­ers alwoysi welcome.

0 . B. SCHWIEOER, N. G. ____ R..A. nRY D B R .JaflM tary. •


T rain Sctiednle. t Effective* Sunday, M arch le th , 191S. ' D allyN o.2 S ta tlo n r D o lly K o .l

12:0Bpin. L v ..O oodlng;'.A r. B:5TTOT: 12:20 p .m ..L v .-.B onno tt..Ar. B :30 p.m. L v ..W ondo ll..A r. B:20p.m. 12:66 p.m; Lv..A pploton. .Ar.-.6:05 p.m. l :1 0 p jn . A r...Jorom o..-.Lv. 4:60p.m .

___ D, Q, MACWATTERS.” Vlce-Pros. and Don. Mgr., 'HlIne'rrTdA'

E . S. JACKSON. Bntwrlntondentr-Goodlng, Ida.

J . H. RADCLIFFB,0 , F . & P . A.; Mllnori ldaho.

------------- F O R

R o c k G r e e k

G r a v e l

I n c u b a t o r s a t G > s t *

. ^ Cypher'! UtMt model InCTb»tor

- J a i j^ o n i r o n r - .R m l t t r ----------- — P ta !Iie -J1 5 -B I« irT -v n i-^—


NOT MUCH OF A BUSINESS HAJ— l i yon Wrrow monex

• l ^ , M d .dotft J

Rotk Springs and - -v - ^ H i a w a t H a , ' - — - -

C OA L-------------- :---- ----------- ' -------------------ll

r C o a l t h a t p l e a s e s a n d }

~ — — g i v s B T l K r h e a l r -----------y. V


~ N :

NiblBy-Ghannel Luni- ;‘7 ^ ^ b o r C o r r ^ — iP h o n e I - ' - 28 t


-----------------------------------^ ^ — : ■■■' 'IAILVB SU3IU0XS. <

[n th e DlBtrlct Court of tho Fourth > Jud icia l D istric t o f tho S t i i to 'o f ; Idabo In and for tlio County of Twin ; P alls. . •

Pwln FaJlB Titlff & A bstrnct Conjpaay, ■ . a corporation, P laln titf. va. Ooorgo ' R. K ing nnd Edward H. K obl ontT A m auda D. Kobl, husband an d wlfo, Sldnoy O. Orovor dnd Abboy_J3. Howo, D efendants,' .

Tho S tato . of Idaho Bonds Orootlngs■ to tho A bove^am od D ofondants:

You aro horoby roqulrod to appearIn a ir nctlon-brought -aRolnst-yon-by- tho abovo namod plaintiff- In tlio Dis­t r ic t C o u r t-o f - th o F ourth -. Jud icial D istrict, Stato of Idobo, In and^ for Uio County of Twin F alls, and So answ er tho com plolht of plainUff fllod therein (a-oopy of-w blch-lB -haro to .attachod) w ith in tw enty days (oxcluslvo' o f tho

<hn onrv\pA on d a r of th is a'ummonfl,'lI Borvod within th is d is tric t; o r If Borvcd o u t of th is d is tric t, within- forty daya.■ -Tha -sald aatloa la b to u eh t to qulot UUo to* tho following doscribod roal OBtato-In Twin F alls, Idaho, m oro par* Ucularly dOBcribod .as tho Southeast Q u arte r of tho N ortheast Q uarter (SE% of Uio NE% ) of SocUon Pour- le'oa“ a '47 rT o w n 8 h lp ^N ln o -W -S o u th r Rango Fifteen (IB) Eiujt, of tho Bolso M orldlan, as w ill moro fu lly appear by tho com plaint on fllo liorbln, a copy ot.w hlch-lB-berato-attachod-and-.horc;. w ith Borved npon yon.

A nd you aro ho ro b y notified, . that If you fail to appear and answ or tho sa id com plaint as abovo requ ired , tho said p laintiff will apply to tbo court for tho rollof doiriandod.

Olvon undor my hand and tho seal of tbo D istric t Court of tho FourU i J a - ■ dfciH PlJiB iriororThT^aitsToiTTaaho; -tin tnd -fo r-th o -O o u n t/-o f-T w lti-F a lla r th is 23th day. of April, A. D. 1913.— ;

E. J . FINCH, (Seal.) Clork.

Dy- P. H . CROW,- Deputy Clork.

LonRloy-& -Haxel,---------- — --------------• A ttorneys fo r P lnlntlff,

'R esidence and Oflfce,Twin T a lla , Idoho

~Apr~OT-Jnn e -1 0 .-- — -----------; .......

to r to Beneficial Ubo.NoUco Is horoby given th a t a t 10 a.

m.i on th a 7 th day. oL .June...l913, a t Rock Creok, Counly o t T w in FoIIb, Stato of Idaho, boforo Jo h n F. Han- aon, U. S. CommlsHlonor, p roof w ill he B uB ifiltlc iro t" l!n ra i(p llcatlo irto -bono ' flclal UBO of two (2) cubic foot per flocgnd o t tbo wa(orA tit a n unnamed s tream ,’In accordance w ith tho term s and conditions of P e rm it No. 7424, horotoforo iBsued by tho SUito Engi­n ee r of the S tate of Idaho.' ' •

Jl.' Tho nnmo nnd postofflco addrosa of lne person holding said p erm it aro E dw ard W. Tllloy, Rock Crock, Twin FallB County, Idaho.

2. Thn JiflO-tO-Tyhlclm>tiLgnt9r_hnfl been applied Is irrigation and domos*

t . The am ount appllod to ' honcfi- c la l USO iB two (2) cubic foot per sec­ond.

4. Tho placo w here aald w ater

.6. .Tho juuno of , the can a l o r ditch o r othor w orks by w hich said w ator iB co nducted -to -snch . p laco .of uso J a T llloy-ditch.-— • — -------------

6. Tbo rig h t to tako tho w ater from Buch worka Is'.bM Od'upon P o n n lt No. 7424. . . .

7. Tho s o u rc e o f supp ly f ro m w h ic h BUch w ater is diverted Ib un­nam ed Btroom.

8. Tho dote of tho p rio rity which sa id UBor Is p repared to estab lish U

, p . p . KINO,------ ' ------------------------ S tato-E nglnoorMay 2-9-1C-23.

' R ead tlie T im es W ant A ds, tb e r wH b r in « yon r e s n lu _ . ..


- I N -

^ ^ - T ^ ^ t t a l l r C b n n t y - ~ -

i i ( 8 o iu K jB “ iO T ir a 8

Royal of London. - ' ■ •— 'L o n d o n ^ f t-U v ^ o o l-A JH abL:J - Bnn_of.London..; __ i .' - A etna of H&itford; . ........ ......... •

London Awnrance^. -- ScotUsh u n io n -* -N a tlo u aJ . - .....

' B t Panl F ire fr M arine. '' connecUco't.of ' H a r t f o r d : : r:;

-------P ro v id e n c e ^ a s h ln g to n . ':-----------American of . N ewark, .

: • .......' ''. ' Lloyds P late Q lass C o .'

TJnJIWi 8 ^ ^

~ ' S ^ K i i A ifA S s o j o r o i r s . :uib Li Ill tj6m't dt=tiig=F!ggFtte.

-Ju d lo in l—D ls ir lo t-o t- ih o -Stato l o t 1 Idaho, in and fo r Twin F alls County.

\r th u r.-L . Swlnf' and . 0 . 8. .Aldrich. .j:orpadJU Jrfl:_ jia_ flH lm _«t_JU dfich i.

PlointlffB, vs. H. P. Taylor, liofoia*. a a t - - ■ 'Iho StatQ-ot-IdahO-Bond8-GroeU;iS .to '

H . P , Taylor, dofondant in sa ld ’nc- ■ O o n .. . • ■ - . .. !You a re horoby noUflod Uiat aald .

plainUfffl have filed In tbo offlco of. ' tbo clerk of said court, a t Twin F alls, ln- aald-C ounly-and_Stat» .-4 iio ir-conii . Plaint agalnsl you.- '

8al(i nctlon- Is browRht ' t o eccure JudKmcnfaVainsl you for J712.CD, with' intercsf-thoreoB -from M nrch- 31,-1910; n t Bovon tier co n t por annum , with plalnUffa’. costs *anu uittUurBDmenu,- upon co n trac t belwcon adid plainUffs and you for (holr sorvlccs in finding nnd Bccurlng a buyer fo rb o r ta ln roal property deacrlbod in eald com plaint aud for reai}onablo valuo of said scrv- Icea amounUng to S312.G0.

And you aro hofoby summoned and rcQulrcd lo appeor and answ er eald com plaint - w ithin tyfonly .daj'B ftftor sorvlctt of. th is Bummonn. If servod within fho PViurtti Jtnllclal Dis tr ic t o t th o 'S ta to of Idaho, and within fo rty •Jtty rim o fVua aiaovvM ra (cxcw givtngt tlie day of aorvlco); nnd you are fu r- l i id f ' hotlfi'e 'd rtha t' u'nlos' you ' 'so ap^ poar and answ or said com plaint, as above roaulrod, anld plainUff will lako Jmlgiiicnl ngalnot-yon for tho sum o t J312.G0 and Intoroat thoroon from. Mnrch 31, 1910, n t seven per co n t por annum , and fo r iilalnUlfB costs, being tho uum demanded in Bald com­plaint.

A ttest my hand and tbo soal of said cotirt, thla 21bI day of A pdl, 1913.

FINCH,, Clork of said ConrC By p. H. CROW,

Deputy.ELLIS T .-W H ITE._____ . ..............• A ttorney fo r PlainUff;

RcaWonce ond Office;Tw in Kalla, Idnho.

(Soal.) Apr 22-afny 27

CONSTABLE S 7 ^ ‘ ~ liy tinrnhv th a t II IU ^

Graham , cdnstab le in nnd fo r Tw in F alls p ro d n c t, w ill on W ednesday. May 21, 1913, n t 9 o'clock a. m., soil to d ie blgbaet bidder ta r caab, tiio to l- Jowlng diiscribod anim al, to-w lt: One’ whlto horso, wolght nbout 9G0 pounds, ago, old. ' No brand can bo Tound. -

Tbo sale w ill lako placo a t tho spo- clfled tlm o .ar the roeldonco of W. E .■Smith rtw o-tn lles-B onth-of-H aneen-----

Owner can hnvo an im al-by proving p roporty and paying all coats, o ther­wise tho said anim al will bo sold on -tho-dato- aboVQ.jncnUoncd„lo_dotroy. costa and tho balance of proceoda tu rned , over to the-county.

IL A GRAHAM, A pr22-M ny-20............. Constnble.

If you are planniog to- . residence or-bus

n e e d m o n

— ^W e-now -have-m ooei?

n ien ts . Ju s t lik e re n t . S'L ...................... .....

Twin Falls Titlt' -----H o?elT crfim rB «H aiR g-------------


, Esfhto of Adeline 0 . Smith. Dbccasbd , . NoUco 1& horoby given by' tbo un , dorsigned, Lew is M. Bailey, Admlnls

tra to r of tho Estato- o t Adeline C Smith, doccuBod, to tho cred ito rs o

- -and-ttll-per»one-havlng-olaimB ag a ln B Uio sa id docoasod, to exhibit thom witl the ncccBsary< vouchora, wlUiIn tei m onths a flo r the flra t publication o th is noUco, to tbo said Lewis M. Bal

p loy, a t tho Law Otflco o l J . H. W ise, li ■ ro o m -7, Tw in P alls B ank & TruBt Cc ^ h iinrtlng-ln -th o -C lL y of Tw in P alli : C o u n s e l : iSv ln 'PallB ^^ r th is bolng th e placo flxod fo r th , transacU on of the buslnoss o t said ce

tato .- - • • ■ ' • — ...........D ated 'M ay'3rd;‘1913.“ ‘ '

___________LEWIS-M. BAILEY.A dm lnlatrator with the W ill Annexe of tho E sta te of Adeline O. Smith, D(

co'asod: .May 9-Juno 0.


In tho M atter of Alfred Potorsoi B a n k m p t

' "N o tlc o 'm io rtr tjy * K lv o n -th a t-A lfr« Peterson haa filed in tbo Unltod State

n D istrict C ourt for Idnho his appllci “ tion for discharge. In bankruptcy, ar

th a t a ll creditors and o ther .porsoi In IntofCBt aro rpquirod to show cnuB tf any they-havo, w h y .th e p ray er > said poUUoner ahould a o t .b e c t m Io b r 'enW rlag m o lm p p o o ran co -jn sa proceeding on or before tho lO th di of Juno. 1913, a t ten o’clock A M.,-ai 'Within ton"daya theroaftor flUng- tl parU cular. grounds of th e ir oppoe

In thft nfflpfl o f. th o c lerk q f j a conr t ' — —•

G iven- u nder--th e--au th o rlty -o t-Ugeneral o rd ers of said court, and by special oM er o t th e undersigned,.tb 4th day of April. 1913/-

E L L IS-T . WH^TB. RbferwL

' " B i . t w s a T a a s s i T

..S e n d J o c .jM P n p tlW jM ^O rico. l i s t . • D elltsred , -• everrw liei F r e ig h t j r e p a ld . ;B lg .: . .c « ih . .d ^ n

■: •otr6r.'-''Trati9.ftt once; . -

\>1. NowhouBO, PlainUff, 5 ~vs. “ : ■ )

IcorRe Lacy and E dna Do- ) bb.Bow Lacy, DotondantBi ) -

•"UndorTind~bj"Vlrtno-of-Tni-Onler-of lalo and Docroo of I^r<lclo»uro luaucd iut of tho DUtrlct C ourt o t Uie Fourth tndlclol of tbo -9 ln tc -o f -.Idnho,- -In md for the Connty of Twin F a lls on ho 7 ilro .t Mny,'l9I3. In tho nbovo en- lU<id nciionv'Whiiroin F . l.„^ iV hou»o vaa PlainUff nnd'CcS'rtft!': iS c y rtfld Sdna DoDow Lncy wore Detondnnta. Ho. abovo nnintffl TlurnUff~l)btaTu'od I ' -docrco of forecloBuro akninst Aift-^HflioVe numed Dcfepdmils-, dated J10..7U1 day_Dl. JIa j- . .1913, -Wbldi laid Dccrce waa on tho 7lh dny >t— May,— law ,— duly— cacordod— ia- rudgment Dook . 2, n t pago : 566. of lie IlccordB of tho said D latrlct Court,. [ am commaniled to boII a ll th a t cer- Jiln lot. piccc or parcol o t rea l eatnte, loscribod ns followa, to-w lt: The WoBt, Half of lho NorUi Woat Q uar­ter of Soctlon Sevenlcen in Township Ton, Soiuli, Rnnpo Seventeen. EaHt of Uio DoIho Morljllnn. in Twin FallaCounty. SUil'o'dt Idaho: ..................

NoUco Ib Horoby Olvon. T hn t on snmany Uiu ?ih d a y o t juno . A.' d .lM3rftl-10-o^lock-of-«cil(l*<lByi-lJi-front- of the C oun liouao in the Clly of Twin Palla,- in - the- County of-T w In - Falla,- Slato of Idaho, 1 w ill, in obcdloncc to aald Docroo, uoll tho nbovo deucrlbcdproperty, ftt_pul)llc__ auction: lo__thehighoBt l)lildcr. for cauh. law iu l money of tho United Staten of Amoricn, to satiafy anld JudKmcat nnd all coatn.

• . “ • "FT.-S.-V,WAUSDKr:N.Sborlff.

.B y C. C. SIGGINS,Deputy.

ELL13 T. WHITE,Attorney' f o F n u in llf f .

May 13-20-27-Juno 3

iGGESM'QUESTlirO n th e S unday 'S c h o o l L esson

by R ev. Dr. L in sco tt fo r tho—.....In te rna tiona l P ress Bl*

bic Q uestion Club-

May 19, i m . ^(Copyrlglit, 1912, by Rov. T. S. L ia

- Bcott, D, D.)Joseph Mcctu Hla Urolhrcn. Gen

xlll.Golden . Text—Whntfloever a -mar

sowoth, tha t Bbnll ho nlao reap. Gal vi:7.~ (I.)-V or»o8-a-<—How-_many_.oL.oui troublea are tliero th a t wo cnnnoi end o r mItlKntcd by dolnK aomothlng'

(2.) Which 1b lho worso calam ity, t< ho -naralyzcd wltli fcan_ by..-a--groa trouble, 80 lhal wo only a it down am do nothing, o r tho trouble Itaelf.W hy? -------------------------—-------- —

I (3.) Suppoflo Joseph 's b ro thrcn hai

j P w n b H j i i S m ^b u i l d t h i s s p r i n g , e i t h e ri n e s f t p r o p e r t y . a n d - : _______s y . S E E U S .

A v a i l a b l e f o i In n n fi i n T w i n ___i l d i o f f p u r p o s e s , a t l o w e r l y a b l g - f e - ^ m e n t b l y ^ i n s t a l l —0 S T O C K .

a n d A b s t r a d C o .-------— '-------------T w ln P n llB rld a h o —

■■ ' ■ - ' ' ^

n o t sold h iia a .s lav e in to Egypt, tio . would, Ood liavo protcclod th a t coui• try against th is g rea t famine?

(4.) Was It betto r o r w orse for U• world o r tho causo of God. o r tho me1 themselvea, th a t Japob 's sons commi t4 t«d -tlie -'«M el‘ I n ^ o £ _ so iling—the I brothor? Why? (6 .) ,J t JoBoph had n o t bocn xeignhi• in E gypt but hnd rom alncd in blB ow ■, cotmtry, w hat would hc probably hai> beon doing there?• (C.) Verses 7-14—W hy wonid yc J. PAX o r • o o t th a t Joaonh trea ted h• hV etiiren 'w hen lie m et them ju i» n> Qod wanted him?

(7.) W ould you say o r not. and wb th a t I t 'I s ever rig h t lo dleaoftiblo ‘ d c i a 'i r o 'o r to ’ s a y w h a t you do n

J la o a n l- . •______________ _________' (8.) Why did Joseph ac t and spei ■ roughly to h is b re th ren?

(9.) W hat good rcBiiltn did Josopl: , method o t treaU ng h is b ro lhron pr

duce? •(10.) How w ore Joseph 's droat

folO lled?- '• (11.) VersoB 15-20— Is Joseph’s o . prosslon, lIfe_ot.PIiaraoh:i^“ o'ath of; a t any ra te . Is It such la ” guage th a t a ChrlaUon ahould In ■Z to te?" (IS.) I f JcHns had W n in tho pis ” of JoBeph do yen th ink ho would hn

comnclled these m en J o . b ring Ihi 'I yonngest b ro ther R cojam lnl Wh V .fThIs.Js-one-ol-U uL.iinc5llon8-W hl “ may W n n sw e re d 'In 'w r itin g 'h r me: J- bem .ef-U ieelnb.) •• (13 ,) 'Why docH trod so-frcqucni I* ’'p ro v o " 'd f te s t hlB beat beloved ch fl d ren w ith troubles before ho giv 5: 4J>om- somo. signal^bloafllngS------------ - ‘•O W 'T orscs 21-54-».How-wou!d-U ^ u ro n t- 'h n v t- th e - te n d e n c y -tO : roml I them o t their c ruelty in celling thi

b ro ther'Jo seph 'In to E g y n t? - - '-. tlB.) When .so rrow fo r o u r al comes only as d re su lt ''o f tho d

T tron b la^ tm rag fit 'o n 'u s .by o o r sli 'aiay~lt~br'~not,~b'<r~tru o ' Topontmic

’ ■ (16,) - W hat Is ' tho connection I tw oon OTnsclotrco and m o m o n rn s In stra tod by.thUi s W -y r ' 'V - m ; ) TWhat- was.- lleubon'B fploosi Srionfaty^C ftnnbciioa w ith tho selll o t Jo so iA t- ■ ' . ' ' ,V (18.) . ^ e n la i t n o t rig h t tp io ll

- ^ ( i9 . ) •Versos 26-28—W ould tho, fi thn t'.they found tho m onev thev pi

- jy irth ft com ln ;lhe-inouth o t--ea^-sf

iff H e i r jwllty- conselencM T ^lV liy t-.: • J ~ 'aO .) W hy Is i t th a t the avom ge s i t aer.tM ilks.'o t Qod ’wUetf ho .Is In gr

r : ,^ a iI? Jy o rsM l£ 9 -S 8 -r^w -,d ld .:tl]

31le Poisi --------------------_

W i l l s o o n b e h e r e w i t t

,........ t o a U . S a v e y o u r s e l i

d a n g e r b y o r t o i n j

S p e c i a l a t t e t i t i e i i

a n d w i n d c


TWIN FALLS BANK &TRUSW c h av e Inaialled a Savlnga

nnd up. InteroBt nllowed a l lho . on_ua^_

S A F E D E P O S I T !____ . -^Yo InvJto youao_cfvl] nnd

CollccilonH rocclvo i

T W I N I F A L I ^ • B A N K


C a r n a t i o n s 7_ ■-

The Twin Falls Flor

I C ap ita l - $ -1 0 0 ,0 0 0

' S urp lus and P ro fits c i i

$20,000 , i l lt,' " " ■ S E S’ OFFICEHi) P . F. Johnson, P n tld o n t.I- - -j.-Bi-csinton;'Jf:rvie»--prei;-------- -I W. H. Eldrldsi, Vk*-pT«h •««? J .M .U a sw e ll, Cw bler. W <- •• W. E. Hlxon.-A«^>0»»hl« -^ - I M

ALIAS auaniO N S.

JH..Uio'_Di8trlct Court ot -the -Fout Judicia l ' 'f J ls tr lc t o t~ V id a talo Idaho, In a n d for Tw in F alls Coun

F rank Dlckcrson, -PlaiDUft, vs. Li Dickerson.- D efendant Tho S t i to o t Idaho sends grooUc

to-Luln- D ickerson.-Defend a n t- J-OU AHB H EREBY- SUMMONl

and required to .appear in an actl brought ag a in s t you by said plain In-the sa id -D istrioU C ^rtr-aw U to -i Bwor' .the com plaint ^ t tho abc

twenty days., (oxcluslvo o t thb day sorvico) a f to r tho sorvlco on you th is Sum m ons, ot sorved w ithin t Judicial D is tr ic t o r i t ..served c l whoro -n-lthln forty days. T hat a: acUon is b rough t to obtain a dlvoi f ro i^ you OP tbo grounds of wll dcBortfon.

AND YOU ARB HEREBY NO' FIED th a t U you fa ll to appear o answ er sa id com plaint as above

“ qulred, tho said plalnUtf w ill U w Judgm ent asa ln B ry o n 'n a prayod^loi 1- aald co m p la in t

A ttest m y hand and tho seal of i 10 D istric t C o u rt o f th e Fourth Judlc :n D istrict, ’ S ta te df Idaho, in and t- Twin F a lls County th is llU i dayIt. A p rils 191X - ........- ............

(Soal.) - E. J. FINCHIg Clen W. p . OUTHIUE. -------'0 A ttorney fo r tho PlainUff,

resid ing n t Twin F alls, Idaho. . )u Apr lC-22-29-May ' -------------------------i s ■* A'“rep o U tld n -o fy o n r-w * B t-ad n

bring a b e tte r offer to r tha t soco y. hand arUcleu •or .............ot W hen th e re 's B placo fo ry o u ln-

bonrdlng houso ln_wblch_you’d feol xk much a t homo flidl lIfo.wouTd"gi• donbly worth-whilo yon’ll find '

t's DOWS in Bomoouo o t the “ board 0- W ooted" ada.

ns _____

ix- ■ '

3: ^ P l ^ t y ^

i " F a r n

K :Twin Falls Bani•ee ~

lidolr \ -

Saturday and*!I,? i ■ M a y 1 7 a n d 1!

. b r i c k :

iT. ■: . . ■■ B. -------- ------ Caraniel,-Stnrwben

a t -------- — --------- — .SB . .........


oi t lo t.B enJam in• LMSoxf- ,for • Snnday, , ai, * '

icI r J o s e ^ ’t o a B i^ a m ln . : 5on.; ,3UllL

>nbiisd i s c o m f o r t ’a n d d a n g e r " • -

t r o u b l e a n d p o s s i b l y

: y o u r s c r e e n s b f u s . -

- g i v e n t o p o r c h

>w s c r e e n s . 1- —


GO.AODS NEW DEPARTMENT .Dopartment aad- respcctfaily solicitaccoDU-d-from Ono Ql.OO) Do lla r __ato of four por com per annum .“P o r

J O X E S F O R R E N T ^ 'flco.QUr_SaIc..Dcpo8U_Vnult.________ _u r cn rc tu l atlcnUon.



5 c p e r D o z e n1 1 ^ ONLY)

a Co., at VARNETS^

- - - - - - - - THE —

(ST NATIONAL BANK. ^ O F J W J b L E A L L S : _______ __ _

Invite Your B usingember Twin Foils C om m erc ia l.O ab .— -

I N O T Ic i FOR PUBLICATIO?t.—1-:--------rr -s c tin rN b rtrao o T ;------- -----------Lli ---------- • .Qf - D E P J a m iE S T - o r ~ n m 'iN fB u ro H ,- y. U. s . Land Ottlco a t H alloy. Idaho, Iu . ■ A pril iBt, 1913.

Notlco Is hereby given th a t Sarah A 5S Lam bert, of M urtaugh, Twlu F alls Co..

Idaho. _who, o n .D e ? e m ^ r 13th, 1907, n3 inndo Homestead E n try (6ofl#l"N<L 3U 04907), No. C799, for NWVi, Boctlon 27, 1ft Township 11 South, R ange 19 E ast,

ve ten tloa to m ake F inal Flvo Y ea r P ro o t

of doscribod, b e fo re 'Jo h n F. Haneoa. U. of S. CommlsBlonor, a t Rock Creok, Twin lis F alls Co„ Idaho, on th e 2d day ot,o^ Juno , 1913. ..........Jd C laim ant nam es as w itnessos: J a k s CO Casady and Wade Moglmilty, ot H aa - ul son. Twin F alls Co.. Idaho. Denja«

m im 'rH ayB p jt'K itn iJo riy .'T dahorrw i- ’I- Ham C. Hall, ot M urtaugh, Tw in F alls sd Co., Idaho.•0- ' -P. P . ' RcglBtor.j j j -• — r — ..............

NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ■ * be E stato o t Mary C. WoodB, Deceased: lal NoUco is horoby given by tho undor^ d r signed, Nick Smith, oxocator ot thtf o t estato of Mary C. W oods, d e c e u ^ td__lh e .creditors o t and a ll poraoas 'hav^

ing claim s agalnBt tho sold deceased/ :k. to exhibit then; w itb the necesqary

• vouchers-w ithin ten-inonU is a f t ^ .tiie f irs t publlcaUon of th is aoUcci, to th4 said executor a t th e la v otflee* o t W arner and W arner,-a tto rneys of eald exocutor a t Twin P a lls , County of

ay Twlnf-FanB,-Btate-of-Idaho^^1Il«=lH5as id- tho place' fixed for tbo transac tion ot

tho business o t said esta te . ■: -D ated-A prlt 28U», 1913;--------- : . —h e (S e a l.) ......................- N IO K -^ IT H ,' -so .Executor of tho E sta te o t Mary C.iiW "WoodflrDocoasod:------------ ^------lio Apr 29-May 6-13-2Q;irs ' • —

Road the w aijt ad s In tbe Thnes.

T I o n e y ~ f o r

I L o a n sa n d s e e u s _____


JundayI th .

B ^ ' C R E A M : l - - - - ^ - t i

L A V O R s frsn d -V a a lU s w ith C h e rr ts s V - - - ^ ? :

s lS :

;‘:S pipsBniflntL I ' S S t

— 4 ^ — - - - -WAHTOI , - r ■T E D -^P ariib t to o a r e lo f trac t'

•■ '•d rn ib b ititen ced 'K ra ln .-p rc to rrab l/ on flSams. ia ' oxcollont -coadlUba. -close

' V to tflw a, da SjUmoa,.‘A- BOOd 80 to ox-

— - M tU -- l» o i i« -« id - bugKy - ronBoaobiy . ..jjn ced lady to j c n t or. buy.

. t t r Ught driv ing tm« aummor. Ad- < d t« w X-. Fa lrbu ry , Nob., o r J . B. Bur-

__ rowB, HplllBlor, Idabo. May 16 a

‘W A M T E ^ T o v p o rc h a so t t o wbolo- o r , ^ . - i n t ^ t , Ja &• paying lualnM fl■ m p o a ltio av w h ld x w ill stand lavosti-

s i u c ^ j ’ p u t y who oan funilab' boila ___ . fiiia ka t o charac te r aad

___ :I f a 8*,:^ a l ^ l d a .

• . ;IWANTBDt-^A’ dlabwa«hor o t HorbntW oman preferred. May 0 tf

iBOLlCITOR 'WANTED—Good Uvo ircNmg m an w attled o s live proposition. ^ caro o t th e Tlm ei.__________. . .

^ ;• FOK 8AU8

. ^FOR SALE — lOG.OO Quick Moal nnarl3U-iiaH..^j5luaB. y jpq iyrt.

• 4 U 8th A yo .E . . - i r p 3

, : ; ; .P 0 R SALE—ElUngtoo: piano, new— ?i/''r=rn}a8oT“H ' l>ris K’~B28 ' t a ’A t k 'W;' ~ - G ^ ' 7 b b67T~ ; ~ ' • , ,

r.T5--Vamoy’8 Soda Sbun- t»V». itiitiiiro a t store. ' ' A pr 1 t f

■ FOR SA12>~Nftvy b o a ^ S74 6tb - - -A ye.rE aat-...............-------- ^Mey -18>lfl.-pd

>FOR SA LB~Tw o thorouffhbwd H ol- V ■Uin . Imll ; <alyM aV. r ig h t, p rice. - W.

— - g ^Buslj. TOerrftm ^e-ar^^^-f-^r-lM f' SO B SALB. .'K ' A.7GMShwi'-WUI eoll a t Lue'a

•aoU on-grounds.'Satnrday , M ay -n .- to ' tho h ighest bidder, (o r cash, oao ? l-

-" jJO R ''S A L E —Fancy N. T . RnnU

— »eetf-pofa»teeat— P r^ F ^ la r iC r-a -J iU MMWL v ; ' • -.’ May g -9 - lH ?

-------■■ n r Tra/ln—A a ^ . ln . B ^' w agoa fo r a ligh ter w ag o n .'T n o O F :

year-old b ay 'jnare , la foal thla month, w t 3,600. I pa lr. G eldings,- 4 and G

....... 'y ^ " O ld r " 8 8 5 5ra-AvB. Br—-------- -------------- ................. . May;,g-9-13-lg pd

•F O B T O A P B .__________

•It o TRADE—80' acres of i Rogue

'~ T ' 'W f t i ^ ' ' r o . x o A yllo aey to loan o a res] estate.

BUls -T .m i t e . M a r , . t tf

— -v r— tO ST . . .r. - ’• •-. :■

■LOST—D ark brown t a i l pup.- throe , 'tn o a lh s o ld ; (oor-w hite feet, whUo'on

'^ 'T B H B im t iU - w W te - l j r e a s t . ta l l - c o t------ 'rtn rf tiwil «iir« Hlnrnid.. I/Unt Been

gidoK-down B lue Lalcos Boulevard on SCDdajr m oretng- l a s t F inder, re turn t&^BttttoVph -Shoe Store to r rew ard.

' ■ *•. •'.••. • ■ •" May Ifi U

; ; WSCnBLtAHBOUR • ' ~

—' •'TO LET—itfodom'"S=ruuui faoOBO l$B 6tb Ave; B a a t Address; P . W OoldBmith. ,Tar.entum. P a. May. 16 ti

V _ M S T - A p r i l 21at. boVwoen BlgbU g e fm g "B ie i5 x m c c B,Blvd. aud-TerrilN

• ■ ranchV n e a r A rteslaa City, a blacl.■ritease.' .F inder pleaso leave a t thli office and rocolvo Uberal rew ard.

• • . r-. .. • May M3-16-2i

:STOCK TO PASTURE>^Honie8 am cattle , ILOO por bead per month

^ o e p . 10 coats p e / . 'b ead -p e r montii ------ X^&^Veech, Rogerson. !da^o .'A pr 22t

' f m mI S T A N D S F d J

" I I N W A T G H

: ^ A Watch, which he fc \ m Nwhich leaves his benc)i

___jfi /isfactioxi'wiU keep time

| i - HIS EFFICIENCY ' ® SHOWN hy the fic fth — —iness has^uhled in thi

HE C ^

— m - j n : SATISFAC

' JB '"’ your' watch, wtilch I-Uo you full satisfaction after li8 0 TO REPLACE IT W ITH A

' OniGINAL V A L U E ,- -

— . . . —p e i f a p y your-watch-do


. Wo are tn tho m arko t for. 06 o r SO good farms.- -List sam e w ith th e un:

eralgned. - B. 0>-Meyor, Route .3. Twin Falls."-------........................ -May 13-16 pd

----- AOTBJfT10»rGr-.A;-B»— -------

Or<lor- No. -i. ■ Yto" aro- urged' to bo -prosent a t o u r -next rogulilr mooUng on tho 17th of th is .month to m ake arningom cnts . fo r o u r annual momo^’ rial services Tmd“O cco ra tlo n -d ar 'o x - orclsos 6n May 30. .

---Rr:H. llARNBS. Commander, i -JAMES a t BIOB, Agt*.

LETTEtt-TO MR. C. E . LIND, TTCCf ......EALL8, IDAHO. - -

, D ear a r : 'T b ro o gallons saved Is {12 to )IG earned.~ Mf.^Hanfqfd- -P la t t , . o f_Jridgoppctt Conn, ordered 16 Rallons Dovoe lo pain t h l^ houso. and rotum od 3 galr Ions. B le .-paln ter aald i t would tako IB: alead-and-K )llpn ln tor.,

HubboU & W ade C o 'so ld I t Tbey say everybody-.-has'the samo experi­ence there . •

used to-poor p a in t ' i; ,.Wha_t Is.p o o r , p a in t? Anyt)ilng not Dovbo: B om o 'w orse 'tha ir o tboTs—. ‘-:'

Besides, p a in ts w ear about as they coverr-D oublo-the-|l* -tcr*16 .

. Y ours tru ly . F W DBVOE a CO

. . New. -York and Chicago P. S .-^Petoraon Hdwo. Co. boUs our p a in t—Adv.

n n r r s zo s in o B B S .- -B r* B rW 5 P o w e llrF rT r8 ; '0 :7 - - ^ Sinco a rriv ing a t Tw in Folio 11 hfia

beon roy ■privilege to h ea r a consldor- ablfi •a& )oaat-o t-'vocal-ta l«n t;-and -on: the-whole-thfr-lmpreeelon-lB-goodr^bttt- n o t g r e a t Som e common fau lta and th e ir cure I bave ven tured to give .be­low., -hoping th a t those Btaeors thn t n'eed tho practice w ill see i t w orth trying-{oB peolally-the male- elngerd). •.“ lt"N n8al'tono;-C B n8ed by tho x los- le g of tho teeth .' 2. T h rb a ^ .tone, caused by thn


BargainsYou will <in them "

I K l■

Don’t fail to see hats, arid _pnces with bi|j selection to choose from.


€ -€ 0 X 1E I E F F W C Y I


tas accepted for repair and ^ with his guarantee of sat* m -EXACTLY. ; I

IS RECOGNIZED AND | at his watch re^ in n g huv ' M ree months.--------—-------— wl

^ T t i i iS ^ F F E R ' ”

QUABAHTEE - ' . f t

accept fo r repair, does n o t g ive---------Wt leaves my bcnch I PROMISE 4} NEW. ONE 'O F THB SAME




lo rcing too jo w er^ o g u ten . A '^w ronr systom of brta th lng . ,f r''!...-a. ..F U t-s ln g ln ^ - ^t>«ed:.bx:rf«ttltZi p roduction: — — -•— .‘.t

-4. E rro rs o t. p ronunciation;:'m l»*pronuncU iU oiL _Q tu .vpw l»--J^ iU ^W :n a n u . no articulation, the w oroa run- i i lh c ln to 'b f t6 nnother.^-* I im agine b 'a d i r t^ o r 'B a j r i^ Ko^‘1 p o in t h its mo; and anbthor'lsayln'g Nw ;i po lnta-hlt8 -me;:-:and-anotb«r>1ionw l iu ioughuto 'plonti gulltyf.oL^efeyt^lialfl thing. T his IB 'y o u r- 'c n ra :- 'a n d 'th e Umo you speqd with lt,,w ti£ juap ly :T ^ pay-you' in .fiio - o iU o y m t^ 'i^ i in ir d»-

■■■■ ~ ~ 'w ido,' a n d 'eoftly - slng-'loag^& Jld lng no tes to .■■oh" and i'ah .’V- -H aia.-thfl head 'loved-by gaxlnf a t 's o m s .’object

» th a t le level with, the eyesj .ydu-may hold a pencil o r som othlag elpe-about

I .a ix -o r -e J g b t- ln o b e s - in - f ie i^ t-^ l- th t I ni6 iith :a a d d irect the tone 'tpw w d I t

T hroaty .Tone. Sing loqg holding ' tonoe to " 00” (whob),';'.chBnge:'Ktaidu-

iU lyTlntb "oh,” ' then :graduallar into ’ i‘'ah ." Koep the' longue H at, w ith the• Up touching tho- io w e r^ te a th r in ts - tt

Im portant, and av sm all hand - txklrroi nbouid -b fr-w ted -U ^esoerta ln -tha t thJ

unru ly mem ber la y s ' perfectly , fla t;; If I t ^unchoB jjp ln_tbe-bacK_Ol th?' m'outB, there .will bo no. n e e d ' o t a ' Burglcal ’ operiatfon.' Tongubx'.': drtU

-<Btvon'bolow)-^ceritt-a-*wlMrfe«^lth'«.s lltUo perBoveranco w ill brlngvabout tho nocoflsory resultfl. •';

* . . T ongoo D rill, (a) T u rn the. tip .jjl : the tongue, backward .agalnst-tlu>-pais>

ato, and fo rc e n r^ a c k aa f a r -a»,p6a- slm o; (b) tn m .the Up of tho^tonguo UtOor an d b r in g .th e ce n te r o <

± the-.tonguo botween—tho 4.toetlU....fe) I push th e tongue o u t - 61 'ueT ^m onu . lengthw ise, aa ta r as possible, aaS’l ^ , tw at a num ber o t Umes In enoensloiL ‘ ^ n r ? = F th a - i r ^ r < in a - d f - ^ o ^I on the tongue whon s ing ing . '(ah)i . This m ight assist In placiDS- tM t to n g u e -f la t . , ., F la t Singing. The e a r o i U 6;s l^ <

er, coiTCSponds to tho’ work, thM the hpnrt o f.tho v io l in is t .d o e s ^ ro p e i

' stopping iot tho strings brlnga .ou t the , r ig h t .tone, ao our sonse o t ‘hearing - contracts tbo m uscloa-.ot.'the" throat

1 'tinahln tii’ say how wo do it, no r hbw wo control ■ tbe tension of< lho vocal oords;- w<

only know th a t we do so saUerafttorilj and bring o u t the tones we desire.

S inging f la t o r sharp la caused b ; insuffic ien t tension or- too m uch ten* slon on tho vocal • cords.,- Qood-'pat- tom ing from an oxperlcaced teftchir, 'WlUi pruyur bicuUi-cuuliol-le-the-onJy cure . . ■

E rro rs of Pronunciation .' Tbe exocl jm n im t nf IfnoWlodKO yOU POSSMS lU pronunclaUon and onun’clauon.’^ is ta r mlnos your-reputatlon-as a-sloger;-Il waa the iU sp loasu ro .^ t.the w rite r al one Ume to-be in-a-congregaUoQ when the preacher gave out-the flm trhym n; Someone w ill en ter the p early gate.

By and by. •>- ' T aste all- tbo glories th a t thero aw ait ::--------Sballiiou^ sholl-I^^r------ -• ‘ 1“ did riot have' a ’book, an5“ tS i T>yatf'~y<tr^gkgflwit~~tu ~niu‘-'Bt : th a< time! " 'T tio cb 'ngregi^on ' cbmmonori singing. (Tempo, .Tempestoao.): J-.3 know ll w as supposed to bo a n Bng- Ilah congregaUou b u t why they s w i n 'a n unknown tongue, I dared. i aoiQuesUon. T h is Is how It souadrt,:i;>. SumPiun-w i' lcnter~ the'perU g atft-.' «3( - . *ad by. ......... ' ......... •'■'v.r*'-

.TaatalU theglo-rles Uiat there^a w ^ t 8 ha-low, eho-lle. . f ' f :

English, a n d ,I bad alm ost coaclude< It w as esperanto, when' I glaQced d d e wise on the other teUow’s book s n i caught the aum ber and ,UUe. ‘-M; thODgbts-changed -instaqU y -from th< sublim e to tho ridiculous, and i je e condwnned wben 1 say, th a t 1 Tiouf £~worti thB“ pT<Jach0r“Sold iL'u ovonlng—It could n o t bo helped. ..Th< vu lgarity displayed in th a t hymn edu ■cated Iho aeL f-U ule,— '-Twm

Wo m ust bear In mind th a t t o m c a r f f th e sound and fconsononts etff I t L e i th e v o i c m b 't f n m i r u a th' vow els; sllgbUy exaggerate the .eon sonanta w ith a c lear a t ta c k : ' bb.'oi tbo a le r t how you 'release o r <jult,th consonants; the length of tho vowel 1 determ ined by tho color p r BonUmen yon desire to express, b u t In the mail I t takes 5-6 bf the duraUon. Bo cani tu i about such w ords oa "I," "clay,

_ ••hold." ■_ . I : a a --e , not o ae--; doy: da-*e,^nc I dayee; hold< bo--Id, n o t ho-oo-t;^ : r The vowels partake of tho quolltle I s e t - b r T h e ^ o ^ 'o r m e - m ouUJ.r - V ^ T h o jaw m ust bo perfecUy loose.( Good resononco ond volume- - c '( tono depends upoa the size o t Uto rea \ onator;J L o i.u e t ry aad be equally as pro 1 grcBslvb In the fine’ a r ts 'a s 'w o 'i r e 'l iy th m com m erclal-w orld .-------------—< My n ex t poper wUl bo '‘Hlnta o '( C bolr-tralnlog, Based Upon 'Voice Cnl y turo." — .......... — - - - • • -

RKD WILL DRAW SAURY.I Suprem e Court H o ld s 'T b a t Im m ign i . tion Is EntlUed to Fay.

II Tbo suprem e court d t th is Btate p el L> m lta M ajor Fred .R. Reed, commlssloi > o r o f ImmlgraUoo, labo r aod staUi 1 UcB, •who w as ‘•cot otf a t tho pockeu a bjr lho le s t loglBlature, to -draw hi I) 6a la ry o t S3.400 per oQnum a t tho;rat o f ’t^oo ner month, for In a n opliflo

Ll handed down la s t n igh t w ritton IJubUco Jam es P. AUshle ond'concui

jj red. In by JusUces Snlllvan and Sten ^ B3i, I t i s held th a t a leg lalaturo In' th:

j( office by simply cu tting o tt-tho plei ^ -DtaMnolat«nanc9 .«nd-at-tha. aamo tin ly leav ing on the s u iu to booka a la ^ O zing tho salary fo r tho commlssioiU e r a t 12,400. .............•_

.:Thorconrt..o tdere a w r it o f tnuidi ^1 THUS to iftsuo against- S ta te Audlti }} F red L. Huston,, requlrinff-bim to p«

■the-warnm ta-of -the -oommlsslflner i immlgraUon, labor, and BtaUsUcs'fi

<1 salary . CommlsslonoLReod p resen t ) h ls w arran t to r A i^ril-salary aujS Ui Btoto atidllor ro fased 'to pay-ln 0 9 tl j grounds 'th e re w as no .appropriaUc ) tro m which to m eet, iC U n d er tl j J c o u r t io p W o n to e sa la ry w ill haVe :

» w as no fund, se t aside by the M tu re r b leon l^ ^s ■ ^ tf lu e . ' Uiat'^budy umvIub oeea d e u 1 | m ined to abolish the o ttice. Tbe cou Ui bolda th a t .the Uitent o t . t h e . l ^ l m tu re Is found bl w b a t I t does, noTwh j I t Called to do.n - Captain B. 0 . Davis, . ^ r a t e iec r ri ta ry to Governor HiUnes, detdndi fl CQmmisslbrier Reed’s oonlenUoa<.t) l u fo re to e court and X tto m e r Qeneri i K t ^ n ' defehdeff’ to e - i t i t f l 'anfflK ■ V —C a p lU l News.

-------------------D i s p n . j n g o f E n t i r e j & k : ____r :............ .......-— l i i i p i l i B B *

^ ^ a l u e s u p t o

i m d ^ U n t i l C l o * e d _ J ^ t .

T o e n t i r e ly r i d o u r s t o c k o f , j > l l i j d i e « S i i k > i n i i S i ^ t e b r e 8« e » 'v te h a y e g r e a t l y ; j

lie ii» iv e < u frK y a w a i t s y o n . f o r f e i ^ e c b in m w e / a r e !

,in :M e » iJ in e « tm d S i lk P d p l i i ^ a h o s e T e i ^ B r o o d e d S il l i M o d d i i ^ W ell a « B lu e s

S n n f l B l a d t S e r g ^ T K e c p l o i r t ^ i n i ^ i n t i i n t , .b to w i i i ,^ 'b l» e k ! ^ d ~

^ b lu e » i l> o t l i :U g h tg g d d a r f e :< iB e a m i ijn a .i tg y f e r M U J f e ^ < t f n f e B 9 a d f e a n a ^ ^ ^

i n t h e l a t M t n o v e l t r tr im m to g * . ■ T lieb a 'tto ^ ^ ^ ^ h c je s j - j j g t 't r im a i ip g ^ e t< ^

> r 8 » r m ^ t : W ^ J h a y p .K a d - g r ^ a n d l a t i i f a c t f e n

i n t h e w J e o f t h g e m b d id s a t f r o m $ 1 2 .5 0 . to $ 1 8 .0 O ^ .

b u t w i l l c lo s e t h e l i n ^ a l ^ c h o ic e ■ - ■ ■ .

■ -■ ■ .. . . , / A G E N T S '- F O R — - . . .

SQC-lECT . a n d r K U M H E i m

^ S A L E O F f C h a d r e n s "

: : ^ E S T - E ^ ^ - B ra n d s — O c f e ^ S ^ e ~

;r B 6 Y S ‘.:; s u i t s ■; a j w

\-i I - . . . ' our Childron't'Slipa.BecUba.,wb Und wo B i U l ;i l - ...... .. - --•Juve->-Vei^*eiwl«ntr»eUction--ot IntantaV'--v?

. v ^ r t V T O I p e - U l .children's Md'.TnlsiesJ O xfords-left; Re- • S* • — _ 4 - serve rtook haa been'brougbt.forward imd,

— lheaIso»4med4a*utbat4he.8aleJnaugurat,=:: ^y l . J l f w f l H l C S : y D * Q j ____ . ed on 'Wednesday last wUl be «mtinued for ;

.. . ‘ a fdw ItfcanaftgeiBe u to f the.steck .. ttf t ' &'v n v T t i i l ^ s 'V 7 W m irk edds new ilte to thls'event aad we can sUU >•S A T llR n A Y '- f l N l V - guarantee a-perfect m^aAd enure Boustac-•

| J A I U A > I / A . I V f 11 Irf A . . Uon; . U you have no .already taken advan-_ • ___________.1.__ ;__ ___ „_L . tago Of tola sale, do Mrattmoe.

Wb oro placing one number of the ,t«nbuB , “ V , -BAfllS^ OXFOBDS. ^.“Best-gvor” braadi ot Boys* Suita ori aale __ ^ R e i g l ^ y ^ ^ ^ p - ^ j p S , In stiea .to '

1, for-Soturday ana: expect too response .wUl. \ oir ^^ b o .iro n ti m .U ito m a k . o l boye- lu lu «ur- ' ” ■'}

paaseaini othors,-us'd cBh Eb h'E3 in no other - •“ WtnwgMw-slvck, lu valuesTip-to uud lu*"'"^ A , . . .. ,

renfcmbarod a ^ u t this brand: - 'A ir wool; - ' - ~ polr 1 '■ I ' ^ r ^imported twin ilnlnga, Inside peiicU: picket, • - BItf GIBLS’ OXFOBBS.' ‘ : - • * '

a u lt doublo-tackod p e se ta , ivory buttons, . ‘ tlhued''iale.priec,-palr....^.,.-2p .S n O w -'linon-llnod knickers. In A O f * '■ • JUHI0B8* OXFOBDS.-'

c -.7 ' •'TKu • A*gr8ad lot <tf-Oxf&rd* torW ggJrl* aad Ja-- i%. ^ e s B to 17 yoam. T h U . A ^ Q a l nlors in^slses from 2% to 6%. .Valuee up,

17.60 line tor Saturday sale, > . to andlncluding IS'.OO, cotiv . ^ i l Q p V ./Vch o ice......... .......................,,-.1 , V - ' • tinned salo'piice. p a i r . . . . . . .

; ~'.i - ■— — I ' ' ' !■■■:— " '• I " •" - - I- i , - i ' r --^^1 ■■■■mi; . ' ■


KEN'S WOEK SHIRTS. . ^ BICK-RAC? BEAID. iADD^S* <jaBSBTS. -• Extra good auaUty- W o rk - A -good -assortment ot.. f i ne. . Aak tor:ntanJ>er. a3y .0X-,1723c:;:Bhlru toot soU,reKuloriy up quoWty Riok-Baek Braid bo. . Boto-very.-.good-..models,, ^nr:?

, ,to 65c. The colora aro blue, useful, tor. a ll kinds of trim- ; ..couUl and b^Uste, wito best v:grey and tan also black a a - . . mlng. Any wanted color . o n - g r a d e hose,BUpport«ra;,Otir;;V

•teen. All eUes. Saturday ' hand. Worthy regularly 10c, . regular |8.B0 -yBluea, a ll i;- special, . i Satnrdoy spoclaJ, . . eUes, Saturr

■ each . . . . . . . . r r . r . . . ^ O p •' ' . ......... ^ d a y 's p ^ r i ,p r . 'r 3 l | |5 |,Q ^ ^

- SATOBDAT 8PBCUX . ^ SATpBDAY^^^^ ; SATDMAY SPEOTAL ~‘ ' m iL IA Jt8> T A ld rO TO EB ' PE'S.' HOSB 8I J P M B T i» ' T h i ® S ? ® '— O n lra amall QuantHy-o^^thU • :~ T h e reUable'-Velvet-»rlp3oior.'; •. ^Damiaff.uCotton!--.lor .^wWchr-?-well-known-powder for-thla— . .. Bupportera-in-aasorted-*i*os— PV 6c?- Pp.rj^*_:4

■V Uy,bo*.--Hemetnber.;qu5na&_„; — tlt r fef toe-same price: -Aax y ^.^Ja.H m lted.--aatttrT __j|.A -^;_______Worth idfi, ' ' 4 j l . «»lo^- .Saturdt^'ape-

d ^ special, b o x . . . , | .5I C - - ‘ •.' .d»y:apeclali ;pa!y .vi*r.|-ifV • , ; •; clai, « ior -......... .

SAOTBDAI-SeBOIAl ; . . B A IW BA T.atiB C M . ,8 A 1 T O W . S r ^ O i l i i ^------------- T E S S S L B B O f e ^ l -

-—Net-on to6.-jnatkaL rtobort-rr-i - .- -O a L -i» O iIa t_ 2 6 Q .-_ jn il |lfc„ .. , Meh>de (hand-Unlsaedj. ed from France.' Blonde. • broom atockron aalo-S^tur—,-.- - -derweap-' " llg h f -and dark ' brownr-and - - :r- day.-Only.-beat ’Quallty-bi:oom—------ rn e ck ,-- lo n g ^ le eT ea > t^k l> ]i6 l'-i^blaok.- - RegaUrly-' flu^-- -;i. straw..used; ^w rtraew .ed:?^ _J . lengto, medium wetKht.-te:

In-package'lor'25c>-Batiirday-—- ~-fltlU hed.-A lw aya.aJiaady-at.:.;.. aLtoa^-.Worth• ' specl i j T— : - r — -- Ucie,--8at ar dar - — — 8aturd*y.^pe-,•-r-:'^^-l^-tfiS^H

T ' M O T o K o i i ' s r a K S . . i A f w ^ - r f l r a o u r

wlo&s.-*Buttona' aail Boles 3 ' ‘ larso aeleo- ; )■. Tbe . • w tU rkno im ;:?v ,M tiSQ |

^ b u S . - .-Appuid t o ^ y *' T b b -g m te rd w rro r - '.--

urday apeclal ' . . . .veluea. - S a t n r d a y . ...-wya