VOL.jH.' NO. 61 EIGHTH YEAR. TW m FALI^; T\VIN F A tl^ C0pi<(j%jIDAH0,1:FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1913. .'SUBSCRIPTION $E00 PER YEAR 616 DELEGATIONS rlligeniiatt; Bliss’^ State W . TTVUf FAliiS COMMEBeiAL' CLtIB Mftsa Mcctlag BcBBito-In Palled Ef- iort ltt''Get'*Biift'TIIgIiwajr Bontoa Throsgli Tbb Section. ' A -largo numbor of clUzona Irom . BUsb, Hasonnon' and Buhl arrivod - -£a -.Twin- fWlB-yoatorday—to—for - mulate soino plan of ublfylag a movo* tnnj^t, fnr tho obUilnlnK ot the otate \ Wghway. A itiaia m5ianf%a»-caned ' at the Commorcial ciuh in the' attar* •nooa for tho purpose ot *«ttlng the Twin PallB bUBlncBa mon Inte^BBtod, and a large crowd gathorod to moot tho 7l8ilors. from tho othor towns. .The nopUoff roeujtod in jotting a good strong' commlitco br^lBed- to gather, lunda andJ^at-JhO-highwa;. aa much as posalblo. ' Tho taovomont woq startod to oif> sot a BlmMar'movomont by the towaB alons tha main lino of tho railroad, - Gooding, Shosboao^.Mountain ,:Homo and otbers, oach baving raising aums vaitlng from |5.0W to $10,000 to got tho highway routedTUiat, way, Al)STIlia.lA WANTS IRRIGATORS 1 'DepWentiiUire of Englanfa. Colony . Be^^gl^onnaUob ’ J. B. Kolloy, roproBonting tho r^uai trallaa govomipont. was a vjsltor In' Twin Falls and Investigated iho whole tract with a. view to getting pointers ; on'Irrigation for the bcnoflt of his ' gorernmont Mr. Kolly t% also going Eo coax some of the western IrrlgaUop ___flxporti to go with him oh hie rotnm. Australia la juat developing under gnvwrnmenf owDorshlp new Irrigation prolo^ta •which wi(i tra controHed oy tho colonial govoczuaoat, and tho wa- ter rlgbt sold to settlors on' a thirty- yoar jianneat b” l"- ; _ „ J ', a . 'j. Hornlbrook has n o r^ bis law ------ olUooe-to-tbo-Oalbeit-.bulldlpg.-=Adt. - Apr l-M At lOe a 11ns yon bring yoar want* to your nelgh^raVdoor _ ASTEBT1SEB8 DT THIS ISSUE OPTHBTDIES.. ' Tbe buying publle is urged to . •cmtlQlM this list Jjoforo'baying . anything. T h e l^ wto adTe> - tlsoB'usually has somithlng ot - -^ne for TOji can s*v*--yo»^ . monoy.. Watch t ^ space . iSMO roi». the T K ^ 'ih o 8d?er-_ •ttaers.-'-' ----- ------- --------ilco-ClotMng.fitbro, Coat.BfllO._ Dooth More. Co.. Balnbrldge & Schroeder. I^ca> . ratora.,. Booth Hyomel Co. ----------i g g g g " - ..........-FaxlB & Lyauui Automobile-. ^ p iS t s'beahfll^tTwln Falls Power Co. Hill & Taylor, losarance. — Jenkins. & Company. ,. 0. 0 , ' MeJgnfcjigPana Impl^ miner & North Side R. B. ' - Wbley-ObaaDol-Lamber C a ... Prof. Powell, Conserratory ot ----- 1 ...UUSI0, ________ .......................................... Orpheum Theater.' .......... . W. n. Priebe. . -.Parisian Sago. ____ ' Peoples Cafe. ---------------- PoUrsoa^ardwara-Co ------------- __ _______ RoyaLBBkerypo; _____________ . Rilnr's MiUld^. ' Royal T3i0anrP6wdor~Cor-“ . ..-8«lls.nota.ahowfl^ia-34.-’ Sweeley St Sweeley, ReaT ^^i^i'SSchT.Reia'EBta^ ■-^1.-. __Clothlpg - Ba l e . ’ - ■— Thompson & Boanchapip, . ; .-Real EsUte. .. .. a..A. Tobey. ___ ' .-^. -pwln-Pall*-Raft RlTer- Real- aute-C4mpany,-MaU*^3dalio.. ---------•-=--' 3^wltt'FBll#-8 tsh-*-D<tor-Co^--- "RiHlSli^ttiritTnirt-Cor— \ Twin 1^111'TIUrft'AbctrftetCo.. - W M gbl-*-Butler,. Nnraery Btock, . Weatera Aoto Co., Ferd CaA. r - -Heary-J. Wall.;AbBtrAet*.' . ' The VWU palaoe Jewtfry... BOBAIIMDS AlONt do Thinks It Is Uaolofls to Call a Con- ^TenUoa,^tantB4Ureet Prlmarios.-- ...Chicago, M ay'12.—ProgroBBlTo-Ro- publlcan loaders from'lon Btalca are expected tb drAttTjlanfl today for the tQorsonlzation .o£_tha.p&£ty,^iui(L_wUl decide whether a conrcaUoa stiali ba held soon. Tho attitude to bo taken toward the national commltteo, what will beat rally, and unite forcoa. and otbor questions wore discusaed-infer- ally at^wo mootings yoatorday. Statesmen -who represent tbo Prc^ gr^BBlvo wing ot tho party wore roln- torced W^lho'Timvnl-of^Tormor Oov. ernbr'Haaroy-ofMlssonrl,—while’ Sen- ator W orki'ot.Callfornla telegraphed tbat he hoped •’to, roach ibo city ia Ume- to attend tho-oonvonUon.- Other politicians swelled tho attondanco to moro than fifty. ----------------- •- Senator, Borah ot Idabo. is opposed to 'calllhg a Republican naltonar con- lerence.vaad tila.etandton.-this, qaea- tion yoatorday was tho beginning of a eagthy-idlscusslon., _Ho ..had ..assertad t woiUd be UBOloBs to attempt to re- organlxo the party from the top down, as -nny-iaeetlng-whkih-might-ba-beld at this time would be controllod by tho same niton who domlnatod tho con- vention last Juno. . Dorah has fought the general con- torenco 'idea continuously since hls arrival, and oontinuod to do bo today, but is without mueh hopo that' his ideas wlli prevail. Ho woa tho conr ter of~di8oussion lor th'o Bocona~luao' yostorday, when ho odvanccd a plan for direct'eloction of doleRates to tho naUonal convention, standing procyc- all^v^ono 'on thla iasno. Hostility to thb”'proBoat~natloijal':committoc-rhafl been openly expressed by sovoral Progressives.' One of fhe alms ot the conferonco is to curtail the powers of tbo commltteo. SHOOTING-SCRAPL Tokei Place Near Bllfts, Ida., Orbr .vv . ■ , PJ#pa!od Jlangc. -Lnst Saturday evening Just nt sun - down^ Joe Aldecoa and Roland Uttle had some 'dltforoncos to settle , in which.'Aldecoa m ^o a gon ploy ond Bhot Little t h r o ^ tho loft arm,-the hnliHt-pflMalR f. through -his-ciotl)lB| and-bruBhlng h|s hreastl After betn« flhnt. Mttle rodo to- tho homo ot hit father on Clover oreek, a distance 01 over three rallet ' Hb'told 'ot the Bhootlns and his relatlvios camo direct to'BUsa'a&d 'phooed tor a doctor tc draw anS'd^esa'the'^wbanaed mon'i arm. Ther al«o aont word to Sherif: BUtt^ho^dKiTB--to-th»-Boena-at-oac< aad urreated Aldecoa and took hln to Qoodlnr where he'waived oxomlaa UoQ and if how out on bonds. T^is affair took place twenty mlloi north ot Bllsa nt tho hodd 'ot 'PoV crook. Joo Aldocoa la camp tendoi for Barlowo PorgUBon.—Bllsa Tlmoa AT THE O R P P H THKTRL ifoscow Dao, Somethlog N9w, for tb< Last Tbree Nights of the Week.. For tho last three nights bl the wool at the Orpheum thoatro the manage will Introduce tho Mosdow'Duo. t singing, danclng-and ipauslc of tho lan ot the Oroat White Father. This, Is a act that is surQ,.to please tho theatre going public of the cUy. Tho picture wiU'bO'ot-the.-best. including tbb Oau mont Weekly. - showing tho icadlo flventa-ot-the world;------------------------^ Managor Andoraon bos “arrange tor the appearance of Wail and Ki .In- refined comody, singing and dan< ing, for tho last three nights of thi .w<aV..mnklng n.^ouble.t>lU,,Hi.Yfttid< vlll^ which Is hard to beat. S SUCCESSfUi MISSIW Father Smith Hakes Many Friends 1 ThU fl^^. - Father. flmith._who ,had Wen In'U city for tbe past ten days preaching the Catholic church, departed Wedne da^r evening,’ followed by the gc wisheia of the people.ot'the city. Fat or,.Smith Is.an eloquent and convin Ing talker and his discourses we jiatanfid_lojrlthjclMe.«ttfintlon_byj who .were ‘ fortunate enough lo ho ........- A pairty of eastern .peopledwere ir e 'c lt^ r “riliOTtTime“W «B«a - 'eaaTthat' they-W traYelad over Shoshone falls and the surraundl country was one ot the greatest algl ia'America._ ....... Hi 'A^mRAOT work: • .I^pt^t’ out t t a ’' ti^ . B to E S w y '-ABSTRA^ pl<^ o t : a i f ^ . r ‘N « t.‘hriefr:«rT« taoked by a aoosd flnaao^al Intagd , B0iroia>' lB8TBi0T0B. ■ 3 : --------- ^ririNfMiMiireoc-------- --- T W IN filS W l rfiM E R .:!!! liigli Sdiool^Ialies Ganic~by Score of 7 to 0. TWIN FALLS 18 NOW CIIAMl'ION OP EA6TERNrIDAH0> .. Tho Gamo TliU Aftemoon with BoIbo Wlll~Detcrmlno tho Championship of Soutbem Idaho. Tho game between American Fnlle high solinol and tbo local bigh auhoo) team last Saturday, waa_ by far tho bbst gaino of thb sonBon.' By winning this ga^o Twin Falls von tho cham-! plo^hip of-.oastom Idaho, .which o'pbhB .th'o''wa^or^homtff-plar‘Bolse tor tho state championship on Fri- day, May Kr. on tbo home.-groundB. Tbe.local toam showed marked de- velopment and olthQUgh American Palls surpaaeod any othor tcyim they havo played, this year, they showed thomsolveB equal to. tho occasion. The Tbo first throo men wero ooatly bU victims. Tho visiting team olsc seemed to bo porfoctly at homo npor tho field. With Olivor. of whom th< I local-team had. hoard.tL SroQt deal, ii I tho box. tho flrat throo Twin Falh I men wore oasy victims to the visit : ora. It was decidedly uncertain toi a long time who would win. Duriaj thQ, first five innings not a acoro waj . mado on either side. Then-in the las halt of tho sixth Twin Faila.boy^io dqwn to buBlnoBB nnd succeeded li rattling bllvoV and' maSIng fou f scores. Durlns tho iovbnth they mad three moro,. During tho ontlro gam there yfaro only throo Tilts mndo ol - Llnviilo and ho struck out fourtoo; e men'and It. will bo romombored tha a thiq is his first eoason In basoba: d which .Is a wonderful showing for, b beginner. , t _ The high school Is vory ontbpalastl g as well as optimistic ovor tho gam a with Boise which will bo hold Frida; IT 15; lioiBO ubil' nolU tliu uliUu b plbhabip in basoball for two years 1 It succession. Twin. Falls ' has qovc o bold that honor in hor hlBtory. bi 'B' stands'a epIendlQ chanco of wianin tt it this year. . Bolso holds tho stal n Palls In girl’s boaketball, so that TV V- day's game which Is tho last Into; scholastic ga»o of tho season. wJ IB dotormlno which of tho two . hjg ie schools ranks highest in stato ovon' ir this y e a r .■ .. , ................ “■ IMPROVING PBRlNE KITOIB tfanager Williams Will EUctrUy-^i le tire Float., The PetrJna.dlnlnK .room has bo< ik Bhut down for tho past week and wl or contlnuo ' closed fo r. another . we< In while extenalvo Improvements and r id pairsJLTamade.io: tho dining room ai in Idtchott. 1^0 lattor. will bo complot &• ly changed with regard to tho coo ca Jag appliances, and a isoderQ o;e u* tclc-syatem inatallod' oven..to tJ IS ovens... The; chhuge, M r.' WlHtai -- statos,-will-bo-mQED_economlcat_^ ed will increase the servlco capacity ;id tho cafe very greatly. v ,c- . • ' .— I LJRAnflSlNGJRtGOiTRAlL ,, T. J. Martin Walking Over the Famo [|, Highway. ' On a podOBtrian tour of tho fame In old Oregon.trall.-T.- J. Martin ot Po land.' Ore., arrived in this city route to Denver., .Mr. MarUn atari ^ hls travels on foot trom Bolae. 1 *9 will jaako the.balance of.toe trip p nt iiig ovor tho trail wbich connoctod 1 trip Is being carefully kept by ao- Wftrtin, which will be ot groat ta e™ In marking the old trail for autoli lay CtV"P“®Wo: to Curb .Private W sno ' nn~ Bttomirt to tind]aoine;retfl ing other weeds' grc>w&g'~in the vac hU lota ot this elty, Aitoroey Ashton. discovered lhat: the. last sessiDa ,31 -d.: intt*does-3iot;ccnr)er::lbe, pplnW .n desired 'and that the elty will b B l —JLi^ZllARRlS ACffliintlJ ■ F«W Wot «iiir _ Wfcdne^ monto lO iG lttY SHOOTS -jritO E IlS E Jtese Hays Alleged to Have \ Been the Aggressor. DETAILS OF DEVILS CUEEK ._UljOOTIN« GIVES COKONEIU J a ^ ItecommcndB Holding for Hear- • Ing-After -GctUng Evidence- Last Tuesday. The dotalla pf tho troublo at Dovili Creok wblch rcuullod tn the killing bl Jbsae Hayea, a elicephorder, by Jobn Gtey-Monday cvonlfig wan brouRht tc this clly Tucailay night. Shorlff Van- ausdolh nnd Coroner Crosby roachod the—scene—ot-tho—ebootlnK--Tucadnj no^n. and procoodod to omjinnel ; luryof nolghborB of tho two mcirin' volved; Tho toaUmbny, brouBht oui in this lufiucst was substanUally aj follows; The quarrel botwoen tb< two mon dated book to Bomo Umo pre- vious to Uio faul shooUng. nnd waj over ■a-^nulf-of-clothes-whlch-Hayq had token witliout leave from ono 0 the other hordors in Oroy’a employ Grey, In ordor to got HayoB, on or pban proiegy of hls. to do tho righ things and roturo the clothca, chidO' aro’*^U«r"TalDor-^ovGroly'and-dli! missed hlin from his employ. Laa week In tho obsence of Qroy. who wa 'running tho sheoMng camp -of hi I company .at Devils Crook, Hayes wo ; again taken on aa a shearer. Gro ; mado^no objoction to-thlB^Lato-Moi * d^_af(c'raoori, howovor. a boose wt ■ gotrioTt“ Iii~^lbry~t'fairin~Ui6'-8hco ) camp and IlnyoB. togolhor wiUi son: 3 ot.tho other mon. Imbibed. ( Ha^es then becamo quarrolson' I nad i^obably remombaced the- ol t gnidrt. which he had ogainat Ore 1 AboutWO o'jslock or pethops. a lltt Jl 6'afller*.'0»y; '.to'gbthor -with the - bo rotary.of tho company, a man Phi e lips by namo, atarted to reUre In the D tent at tho eiimp. Hayes came lip 1 that Umo with a gun in h<B hand ai ^ ptatcd Chat he Tfoo I but with Grey. Othor omployi r grabbed Hayoo, toOk hWBUn away ar t ordered him off. Qroy supposing U S affair ovor roUrod for the night, bi 0 before getting 'to sleep fortunate' a hoard-£[ayj)S. comlng_townrd his tei muttering to blmBOlL. Throwing op« ■- tho flap of Uie tent Hayes stuck h II bead JIO shoulders into tho oponln tl while Grey-thinking Hayes armed ai s looking for trouble, grabbed his r volver ahd flrod. Hayes ato^gen aiway In tho'darknes^'but’dld aot fi 1 unUI both Qrey and PhIlUpa;hnd gc I; ten outaldo tho tent and saw-him bIi to the 'ground. Tho oUior omployoB were called ai '* the wounded man taken care ot un the'end. In the moanUmo Grey, ovc . como by tho thought of tho deed, pt n sonally called Sheriff Vonausdeln U tolophone to come and get him. ' h Tho coroner’s Jury in its verdict j >- commended ■that Grey bo remand d tor bearing and the prisoneraccomt 5- hied the offlcor‘back'to the eltyarr: C-. Ing'hero lato Tuesday afternoon, c- Accordloff to the story of thOso. 1 ic qualhtod -wlUi.Mr.-Groy.. It. la.flUit la thot h’b has done much In tho past 1 id HayQ8;who_'wafl--btbught:np:pi^.ca Bt as a son by tbe sheepman, aiding h in many ways. Wildness on the 'pi ot Hayes lod to the estrangement a the tragedy which occurred on M( IS ’""uNIQUESaiOOlPABADt 52 Prior to tho stato flold and tri ®,t meet laat-Soturday the four classei the high achool gavo a parade wh called-forth-much comment-for ■ amount of work and caro given to S i cty.'leaturv.—The-tour-claaaflfi-j ir tho Freshmen leading and the SenI ..A bringing up the roar woro •each t ^ tumod. on toot and in beauUtully < orated Ooau, to represent tho dlffoi — -cbUdlsh'^fables-aad—scehftB— J - .. Jndges. llTo .buslneas men, had < ,ed Uie molt spectacuter'~and. . uni ' ' mak»-np And the prise was awax - tte-SenloTB^th-thair-olt^jtunl jay a;:bare:«n£ajority.-ot:.one, -Witt mA Uifel r ^ m t Goose charac te r ^ o n . . ; Bor ^ to ^ e ? > lP 3 S 6 w S * £ u ic - and w li csin-Jor aavlage et the'si W l' JSctlon' ot ^ t h l T i e p ^ t o t : • Sav " aocotmta .QBd«r '-.tne. nsniLl.!«Uu» JSS“ anJtt win-otter .4-per^h Idepftt Hf BBd ftVftP-' RICH ORE AT CONTACT. Oro Shipped froni Tlmt Cnmp Wort ________ :Oyir.?im Per Ton. Rlalno A. I-innkii, lntoro»ted extcr 'iiWoiy lh‘ mlftlng oponitlonB 'dt ornon Contact; arrived from that plnco on dny.Um foro pnrt.of tho week. M llankB roporta Ujat^n-vory opUralsCl uplrit prevalla In tbo coppcr cainii. an thnt tho futuro Is voiy promising. /* the pcoecnt Umo tho Doluno in stcac Uy shipping oro.. A fow dnys ogo fort>--ton car wna shipped from Hot orsbn to tho Salt Lake umoltora, U: ore being valuod at ovor ono hundrc dollanr-por^on“ nnd*‘a tte r pitying' a ' tiilning/' tranaportation and ■ omoltt chargOB tiio operators will realize bl profits on tho ahipmont. •Tho-Dolnno pooplo have been stea* Ily Bhipping for uomo Umo and. whi runlng ndrlft a distance of nlnoi foot, havo token out and.shipped 01 • thnt hns noitod them ovor 17.000. Th [ oro was .takon entirely from the drl • proper, tho torma under which U i oporators hnvo been working allov ' Ing them to take out and ship on I tho ore from tho drift, forbidding 0 ^ stopping and cross'cutting. ^ —Mrr-Hnnks aleo-roi>ort»-thal-n-co' ‘ plo of weeks ngo.n carload ot stake Bucti as aro used by sun^yors <■ marking tbclr linos, was unloaded ^ Rogorson. tho Bouthbm terminus 5 tho present Oregon Short Lino rn rond. Tbe party or partloo to who these atakes wore-consigned Ib u » TDttOwn'nnd'therolB-couBtdamblo-mj f tery as to tholr idonUty. It la n '• bollovod that Uioy Wore for the 0.. ~ Ll., and thero Ib consldorablo Bpecu] } Uon aa to Uu) movo. About tho tli ° that tho statlcB arrived at Rogers ^ a survoyinr^arty—was-compleU equipped at Twin Falls and loft U ^ city without making any statement ® Uielr mlBBlon. Tho arrival of t J* stakoB at Rogerson nnd tho outfltU y of survey corps nt Twin Faljfl hi hy. -thOr^peOplc.^nia of_whom_bcllMo_tho party ia co P posed bf rop'roacntatlvcs of Tlio F ‘0 lines ot rallwaya.—Wolls Slato H ,0 NpYDOJIBUDTRAp II Harrlman -System Making Itieady li- Heavy Increase of Bnslnoas. Omaha, Nob.r May 10.—Tho foi Jt coming annual report of tbo Un ,a Pacific - nairb&a will' aBuw Uiat-^ tho comploUon ot a stretch of tn jc thirty-nine miles long, to be compI Lit e d A u g u s t 1,. 714 miles ot that cc [T pony's lino from Council Bluffs to < nt den will bo double track, occordinfl TO~offIclal -Btatemcnt glven-out-at- Is company’s offices • today, ■ g The last fourteen mllOB, complot III tho double- track across Nobmska, Q. miles, was comploUid yesterday 1 cd Is now in oporoUon. i]l .. Nelson H. Loomis, general cout ,t. of tbo company, Idft for New York : lie nlgbt to .again ^ 0 up. tho detaili tho dlssoIuUbn* bt thb Unlon' Pac nd and Southern Pacific, which bove b Ul laid before Attorney General Mpl ir-' nolds.. Tho plan for MgroffoUng ir. ,two systems Is being put hx sbop< by presont.,to the' United ..Statos cir court. .fl. . Before leaving tor the east «d Loomis/stated that tho attorney i Ift. norol b ^ suggested that throe Insi ly. ot two'syatems might be'‘formed i the lines formerly controlled by IC- Harrlman Intqresta,- by making, od Central Pacific, bxtendin& from •or .den'to San Francisco;; an: hidepeh' U r >l«». ' ........ fm ■ < ' -------- ---- S R .R . EOR IDAHO fAUS. )h- , Ballnay Dopesteris Are Doll -------- *^^ineB-firBistenrTaainjr- A press dispatch from Idaho 1 says—Idaho Falla la sharing in railroad agltaUon, and tho latesl tormaUon is to tho effect tbat tbe . - imteroBta will boUd-AirtcL-trom_I awe o J n , Mont, to -Yellowstme 1 ‘0* down-the-valloy-ot the Snake i ilch through St. Anthony to Idaho I whlch-l^to-be- made a divlslon-i Tbe road,la.,to contlnne-aouth. cith. i<toho-,Fall» tn WellB. N bt, tn nect with ‘ihb Wostom; Padtli •o»- Wells. The WesUira Pacific Ti lec- n ^ t direct routOrom.OB;d.enL^ ;ent coast . Tho construcUon ot this Ilie- .wottld-brlng- Idaho-FalU-and-t this territory within 800 mUos 01 4 ^ FVaaciscoTaod-Oakland. The propose'd road nina west' ■lu? Idaha FalU diroet:.to Halley.-.I and trom that point aonth thi l Jox. ,thit:?^to-r»U aH W >htryr-*HnK*<-4 .Woatem PacUlc CTOnecU.Qiiu '.Th* oua GUmora.ft -Plttaburs, -whi tenwmatsilBlrtt^tiir'vrapoMd ^ Mil luita :^,Tha. siy»l 'JW on!^r''Cor»at sum 'i^.'rthe-'litgeitTaitriMC^Anpa > th«rwo]rU,via'«e&dls».aB'«Bpert Ings < » ii^ r'-to 'Bootb*i :J>llri>rofr •><Br, i t o r « ‘ 0 & Jane-S,-8-«id->><Bai t b^ eonets . wUl be .tlttedy^/iai I 5tiiLtKV Fllf INlUNeiON- r ------------------------------- - - -- ....... - J Seek to Restrain tVater Master i Who Refuses Water. 0 CASE TO BE IIEABD IX DISTRICT I- T OUBT, MONDAY, JLU* 0 9 . ...... .. r - ----- '' ---------- The Company Ucfutics to D ellter Wa* * -' ter-to Settlers-Who Haro •Sot Pald- ° Ualntenunce Fee. > Tho storm haa broken. Today, Sup- Q uerlntondcnt 12. D. Dnrilngtoa waa _ sorvod with a summoos signed by Dis- y trli5t Judge Stockslagor. ordering'him ll to Bbow cause on tbo 19th ot &lay why an InJuncUon'should not bo issued re- Btralnins-_Uio-. aalmon—Rivor Canal- , company from provontlog throe 'dit- Q foront plalnUffB from rocolvlns and uslng'^tor, said plaintiffs having not as yer~pald thclr malnteoance fees. ]. Tt 'ls stated by somo o t tbo membera ^ of tho Salmon Rivor SetUors' associa- j. Uon that this acUon is merely' pro- llmlnary-to. other-sorta-oLauitajwlilch- 3t are to follow withla fho near future, g Sborift'H- S. VasBusdoln, occompo' niod by B. E.'Babcock, camo to Hol- ,0 lister by .automobile' Wednesday to , 1 , serve tho pnpcrs, but tho Water moa* Jy. tet-ygg-maklng an.inBiWcUon of the (.< canal systom at Ujo timo, nnd so was not to be found In.the Capital City. UA However, upon bis return this mom- Ing, ho telepbonod tbo aberlff that bo yo would moot him la Twin r^ ls this ay afternoon for the purpose of having tho sorvlco made upon, n l^ Upon his TtT aTrtval-ln-tho-Maglo Clty,-tho-court ,j,. summons in three different caaoa worQ road to him by Deputy Shoritt C. C. Slggtns. The suits wens brought by Charles C. Hume, prosldont of the SeUlers' assocIaUoo. Carl Woahbutu, and Ambtoap.Griflllh- The summons ordora Sapenntend- For ont parlington, rolroscnting the de- fondant, company, to appear May 19 ' and show cause why an inJnacUon th- should not .be 'Issued, restraining It on trom “provenUag Ujo phUnUlf from Ith aivutUmr'ur using th o watarti nf thn ck Salmon river, or such as aro diverted et- by the IrrlgaUon works known as the m-r Salmon Rivor Cnnal.Byatom, to tbo ex- >g- tent (in the case ol SO acros ot land) to of thlrty-nlno titUcUi-socond teet con- he tlnuoua-^low-'or-aa-^Qual-or-rotabl* amount by rotaUon, or from locking ng- the plainUffs' beadgatcs situated un- I2<>. dor said canal system, or from anj nd way molesUng or harraaslng th( plainUfl in the dlrorgloh ot sald wa- Bel ter or In any way .Interfering with th< ast piolnUtt's use and dlveraion.’* of Suporintendent Darlington said to Itie day thaCln ali;caEe8''wboro tho-maitt' son tenance fee hod not ^ e a paid, thi ey- gates had already been locked, am Uio that to break them • opon waa an in to fracUon *01 tbo law. which, - be de :ult dared, would be prosecuted.—Hollis ter Herald. : Mr. ---------- ---------------- g H M N G OF ffilllT 6B0WHIS the * ................... '■■■■ So Twin FalU Growers WBl Afmiat Og. W O l Ji»b<}. O r ^ n e n n t n ; 'r ' " ora asBoclaUon--hold-« vary4atareatln QieeUng in the- Commercial cluh rbom . last Saturday attscnoon. Tbe. meei lag waa presided over by H. F. Harde while W. S. Starr, o t Kimberly, acte «n ■<w>'T]tpry,______ _ ' The toting; waa coiled primiH] to discuss Uie queatlon as to Uie-•« visabllity ot tho local orgsnlzaUon a V»« tillaUng wlOi tho Idaho-Oregon Fro drowors association. The matter wi discussed-from all polnta of view I oitti the-^mt-growers-prmnt^-and-ltjri ara. decided to become a member ot U uiOQlaUon; • >nie aesodation now eo ers totir atates~Oregon.,Washlngtc wnt. Montans and- Idaho.^- The-headqua ter* ot the organisation, are in. 8p Tided Into hine diatricta, oach with- 1 , aub-center, that for southm Idahh I -» • lag located a t Nampa. .. The Tw Falls County Fruit Growera aaaocl tloi]nra8-reersajUMdHw-a'loeal-oC4 iMA idaho-Oregm aasoetottoa ABd the fi o«cerB.wW.<«te4.l__r ‘ Prpaldent—a P, Hnrfer. r -'Vlca Preald6nt-iC..W.Blc®.-t > & ^ ta ry -jr. a. :B tar^o^Kim^ h 'is r.:--

616 DELEGATIONS BOBA IIM DS AlONt T W I N f ilS W l ...newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/THE-TWIN...___flxporti to go with him oh hie rotnm. Australia la juat developing under

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rlligeniiatt; Bliss’

State W .


Mftsa Mcctlag BcBBito-In Palled Ef­iort ltt''Get'*Biift'TIIgIiwajr Bontoa Throsgli T bb Section.

' A -largo numbor of clUzona Irom . BUsb, H asonnon' and Buhl arrivod - -£a -.T w in - fW lB -yoa to rday—to —fo r­

m u la te soino plan of ublfylag a movo* tnnj^t, fnr tho obUilnlnK o t th e otate

\ Wghway. A itiaia m 5 ia n f% a » -c a n e d ' a t th e Commorcial ciuh in th e ' attar*

•nooa for tho purpose o t *« ttlng the Tw in PallB bUBlncBa mon Inte^BBtod, and a large crowd gathorod to moot tho 7l8ilors. from tho othor tow ns.

.T h e nopUoff roeujtod in jo t t in g a good strong ' commlitco b r ^ lB e d - to

— gather, lunda a n d J ^ a t- J h O -h ig h w a ; . aa m uch a s posalblo.' T ho taovomont woq startod to oif> so t a BlmMar'movomont by th e towaB a lo n s tha m ain lino of tho railroad ,

- Gooding, Shosboao^.M ountain ,:Homo and o tbers , oach baving ra is ing aums v a i t ln g from |5.0W to $10,000 to got tho highw ay routedTUiat, way,

Al)STIlia.lA WANTS IRRIGATORS1 'D ep W en tiiUire of E n g la n fa . Colony

. B e^^g l^onnaU ob ’

J. B. Kolloy, roproBonting th o r^ua i tra lla a govom ipont. w as a v js lto r In' Tw in F a lls and Investigated ih o whole t r a c t w ith a. view to getting poin ters

; o n 'I r r ig a tio n for the bcnoflt o f his ' g o re rn m o n t Mr. Kolly t% a lso going

Eo coax som e of th e w estern IrrlgaUop___flxporti to go with him oh hie rotnm.

A ustralia la jua t developing under gnvwrnmenf owDorshlp new Irrigation prolo^ta •which wi(i tra controHed oy tho colonial govoczuaoat, and tho wa­te r r lg b t sold to se ttlo rs on' a th irty - y oar j ia n n e a t b” l"- ; _ „ J ' ,

a . 'j . H orn lbrook has n o r ^ b is law------ olU ooe-to-tbo-O albeit-.bulldlpg.-=A dt.

- A pr l-M

A t lOe a 11ns yon bring yoar want* to your nelgh^raV door _


' Tbe buying publle is urged to . •cmtlQlM this list Jjoforo'baying .

anything. T h e l ^ w to adTe>- tlsoB 'usually h as so m ith ln g o t

- - ^ n e for TOji can s*v*--yo»^ . monoy.. W atch t ^ space .iSMO roi». the T K ^ ' i h o 8 d?er-_

•ttaers.-'-' --------------------ilco-C lotM ng.fitbro, Coat.BfllO._

Dooth More. Co..Balnbrldge & Schroeder. I^ca> .

ra to ra ., .Booth Hyomel Co.

----------i g g g g " -..........-FaxlB & Lyauui A utomobile-.

^ p i S t s 'b e a h f l l^ tT w ln F a lls P o w er Co.

• H ill & T aylor, lo sa ran ce .— Jenkins. & Company.

, . 0 . 0 , ' MeJgnfcjigPana Im pl^

m iner & North Side R. B. '- Wbley-ObaaDol-Lamber C a...

P ro f. Powell, C onserrato ry ot- - - - - 1...UUSI0, ________ ..........................................

Orpheum T h e a te r . '..........—. W. n. Priebe.

• . - .P aris ian Sago. ____' Peoples Cafe.

---------------- P o U rso a^ a rd w ara -C o -------------__ _______ R oyaL B B kerypo;_____________

. Rilnr's M iU ld^.' R oyal T 3 i0 a n rP 6 w d o r~ C o r-“

— . ..-8«lls.nota.ahow fl^ia-34.-’ Sweeley St Sweeley, R eaT

“ ^ ^ i ^ i 'S S c h T . R e i a ' E B t a ^■- 1.-. __Clothlpg■ ■ ’ - Bal e . ’ -■—

Thompson & Boanchapip,. ; .-Real EsU te.

— . . . .a ..A . T obey.___ '.- . -p w ln -P a ll* -R a f t R lT e r -Real-

a u te -C 4 m p a n y ,-M a U * ^ 3 d a lio .. ---------•-=--'3^wltt'FBll#-8 tsh-*-D<tor-Co^---

" R i H l S l i ^ t t i r i t T n i r t - C o r —\ Twin 1^111'T IU rft'A bctrftetCo..

- W M g b l-* -B u tler ,. Nnraery Btock, . ■

W eatera Aoto Co., F e rd C aA. r - -Heary-J. Wall.;AbBtrAet*.' .

' The V W U palaoe J e w tf ry .. .

B O B A IIM D S AlONtdo Thinks I t Is Uaolofls to Call a Con- ^TenU oa,^tantB 4U reet Prlmarios.--

...Chicago, M ay '12 .—ProgroBBlTo-Ro- publlcan loaders fro m 'lo n Btalca are expected tb drAttTjlanfl today for th e tQ orsonlzation .o£_tha.p&£ty,^iui(L_wUl decide w hether a conrcaU oa stiali ba held soon. Tho a ttitude to bo taken tow ard the na tiona l commltteo, w hat will beat rally, and unite forcoa. and otbor questions wore discusaed-infer- a lly a t^ w o m ootings yoatorday.■ Statesm en -who rep resen t tbo Prc^

gr^BBlvo w ing o t tho party wore roln- torced W ^lho 'T im vnl-of^T orm or Oov. e rnb r 'H aaroy -o fM lsson rl,—while’ Sen­a to r W o rk i'o t.C a llfo rn la telegraphed tb a t h e hoped •’ to, roach ibo city ia Ume- to a tte n d tho-oonvonUon.- O ther politicians sw elled tho attondanco tomoro than fifty. -----------------•- Senator, B orah o t Idabo. is opposed to 'c a lllhg a R epublican na lto n a r con- lerence .vaad tila .e tand ton .-th is, qaea- tion yoatorday w as tho beginning of a eagthy-idlscusslon., _Ho ..had ..assertad t woiUd be UBOloBs to a ttem pt to re-

organlxo th e p a rty from the top down, a s -nny-iaee tlng -w hk ih -m igh t-ba-be ld a t th is tim e w ould be controllod by tho sam e niton who domlnatod tho con­vention la s t Juno.. Dorah has fought the general con- torenco 'idea continuously since hls a rriv a l, and oontinuod to do bo today, bu t is w ithout mueh hopo th a t ' h is ideas w lli p revail. Ho woa tho conr te r of~di8oussion lo r th'o Bocona~luao' yostorday, w hen ho odvanccd a plan fo r d irec t'e loc tion of doleRates to tho naUonal convention, standing procyc- a ll^v^ono 'o n th l a iasno. H ostility to th b ”'proBoat~natloijal':com m ittoc-rhafl been openly expressed by sovoral Progressives.' One o f fhe alms o t th e conferonco is to cu rta il the pow ers of tbo commltteo.

SHOOTING-SCRAPLTokei Place Near Bllfts, Ida., Orbr .vv . ■ , PJ#pa!od Jlangc.

-Lnst S a tu rday evening Just n t su n ­down^ Jo e A ldecoa and Roland U ttle had some 'd ltforoncos to se ttle , in w hich.'A ldecoa m ^ o a gon ploy ond Bhot L ittle t h r o ^ tho loft a rm ,-the hnliHt-pflMalR f . th rough -h is -c io tl)lB | and-bruBhlng h |s hreastl After betn« flhnt. M ttle rodo to- tho homo o t h it fa th e r on C lover oreek, a distance 01 over th ree r a l l e t ' H b 'to ld 'o t the Bhootlns a n d h is relatlvios camo direct to 'B U sa 'a& d 'phooed to r a doctor tc d raw an S 'd ^ esa 'th e '^ w b an aed m on'i a rm . T h e r al«o aont word to Sherif: BUtt^ho^dKiTB--to-th»-Boena-at-oac< a a d urreated Aldecoa and took h ln to Q ood ln r w here he'w aived oxom laa UoQ and i f how o u t on bonds.

T^is a ffa ir took place tw enty mlloi no rth o t Bllsa n t tho hodd 'o t 'PoV crook. Joo Aldocoa la camp tendoi for Barlowo PorgUBon.—Bllsa Tlmoa

AT THE O R P P H THKTRLifoscow Dao, Somethlog N9w, fo r tb<

Last Tbree Nights of the Week..

F o r tho la s t th ree nights b l th e wool a t the Orpheum thoatro the m anage w ill Introduce tho M osdow 'D uo. t singing, danclng-and ipauslc o f tho lan ot the O roat W hite Father. This, Is a a c t th a t is surQ,.to please tho theatre go ing public o f the cUy. Tho p icture wiU 'bO'ot-the.-best. including tbb Oau m ont W eekly. - showing tho icadloflventa-o t-the world;------------------------^

M anagor Andoraon bos “arran g e to r the appearance of W ail and Ki .In- refined comody, singing and dan< ing, fo r tho la s t th ree nights of thi .w<aV..mnklng n.^ouble.t>lU,,Hi.Yfttid< v lll^ w hich Is ha rd to beat.

S SUCCESSfUi MISSIWFather Smith Hakes Many Friends 1

ThU fl^^.

- F a th e r . flmith._who ,had W en In 'U city for tb e p a s t ten days p reaching th e Catholic church, departed Wedne da^r evening,’ followed by th e g c wisheia of th e peop le .o t'the city. F a t or,.Sm ith I s .a n eloquent and convin In g ta lk e r and his d iscourses w e jia tan f id _ lo jrlth jc lM e.« ttfin tlon_by j who .were ‘ fo rtuna te enough lo ho


A pairty of easte rn .peopledwere i r e ' c l t ^ r “ r il iO T tT im e “W « B « a

- 'eaaTthat' th e y -W traYelad over

Shoshone fa lls and the su rrau n d l country w as one o t th e g rea te s t algl ia 'A m erica._ .......

Hi 'A^mRAOT work: • .I^pt^t’ out t

t a ’' t i ^ . B t o E S w y '-A B S T R A ^ p l < ^ o t : a i f ^ . r ‘N « t.‘hriefr:«rT« taoked by a aoosd flnaao^al Intagd

, B 0 iro ia > ' lB 8T B i0T 0B . ■3 :---------^ririNfMiMiireoc-------- ---

T W I N f i l S W lr f i M E R . : ! ! !

liigli Sdiool^Ialies G anic~by Score of 7 to 0.


Tho Gamo TliU Aftem oon w ith BoIbo Wlll~D etcrm lno tho Championship of S outbem Idaho.

Tho game between American Fnlle high solinol and tbo local bigh auhoo) team la st Saturday, waa_ by fa r tho bbst gaino of thb sonBon.' By w inning th is g a ^ o Twin Falls v o n tho cham-! p lo ^ h ip o f-.o a s to m Idaho, .which o'pbhB . th 'o ''w a ^ o r^ h o m tf f-p la r ‘Bolse to r tho s ta te championship on F r i­day, May K r. on tbo home.-groundB.

T be .loca l toam showed m arked de­velopm ent and olthQUgh American P a lls surpaaeod any o tho r tcyim they havo played, th is year, they showed thomsolveB equal to. tho occasion. The

Tbo f ir s t throo men wero ooatly bU victim s. Tho visiting team olsc seem ed to bo porfoctly a t homo npor tho field. W ith Olivor. of whom th<

I local-team had. hoard.tL SroQt deal, ii I tho box. tho flrat throo Twin F a lh I m en w ore oasy victim s to the v is it : ora. I t was decidedly u ncerta in toi

a long tim e who would win. D uriaj thQ, f irs t five innings n o t a acoro waj

. mado on e ith e r side. T hen-in th e las h a lt o f tho sixth Tw in F a i la .b o y ^ io dqwn t o buBlnoBB nn d su cceeded li ra ttlin g bllvoV and ' maSIng fou

f scores. D urln s tho iovbnth they m ad th ree m o ro ,. D uring tho ontlro gam th e re yfaro only throo T ilts mndo ol

- Llnviilo and ho stru ck o u t fourtoo; e m e n 'a n d It. w ill bo romombored tha a thiq is h is firs t eoason In basoba: d w hich .Is a wonderful show ing fo r, b beginner. ‘ • ,t _ T he high school Is vory ontbpalastl g as w ell a s optim istic ovor tho gam a w ith Boise which will bo hold Frida;IT 15; lioiBO ubil' nolU tliu uliUub plbhabip in basoball fo r two yea rs 1 It succession. T w in . F a lls ' has qovc o bold th a t honor in ho r hlBtory. bi 'B' s ta n d s 'a epIendlQ chanco of w ian in tt i t th is year. . Bolso holds tho stal

n P a lls In g irl’s boaketball, so th a t TV V- day 's game which Is tho la s t Into;

scholastic g a » o of tho season. wJ IB dotormlno which of tho two . hjg ie schools ran k s h ighest in stato ovon' ir th is y e a r . ■ .. , ................

“■ IMPROVING PBRlNE KITOIBtfan ag e r W illiams W ill E U ctrU y-^ i

le tire F loa t.,

The PetrJna.dlnlnK .room h as bo< ik Bhut down for tho p ast week and wl or contlnuo ' closed f o r . another . we< In w hile extenalvo Improvements and r id pairsJLTamade.io: tho dining room ai in Idtchott. ■1^ 0 la tto r. w ill bo complot &• ly changed with regard to tho coo ca Jag appliances, and a isoderQ o;e u* tc lc -sy a te m inatallod ' o v en ..to tJ IS ovens... T he; chhuge, M r . ' W lHtai - - statos,-w ill-bo-m Q ED _econom lcat_^ ed w ill increase the servlco capacity ;id tho cafe very greatly . v,c- . • ' .— I

LJR A nflSlN G JR tG O iTR A lL, , T. J . M artin W alking Over th e Famo [ | , Highway.

' On a podOBtrian to u r of tho fame In old Oregon.trall.-T.- J . M artin o t Po

la n d .' Ore., arrived in th is city rou te to Denver., .M r. MarUn atari

^ h ls trave ls on foo t trom Bolae. 1 * 9 will ja ak o the.balance o f .to e t r ip p n t iiig ovor tho tra il w bich connoctod 1

tr ip Is being carefu lly kep t by ao- Wftrtin, which will be o t g roa t t a e™ In m ark ing the old tra il fo r autoli

la y C tV "P “ ®Wo: to Curb .P rivate W sno

' nn~ Bttomirt to tind ]aoine ;re tfl

ing o th e r weeds' grc>w&g'~in th e vac h U lota o t th is elty, A itoroey Ashton.

d iscovered lha t: th e . l a s t sessiDa ,31 -d.: intt*does-3iot;ccnr)er::lbe, pplnW .n

“ desired 'and th a t th e elty w ill b

B l —JLi^ZllA R R lS ACffliintlJ■ F « W Wot « i i i r

_ Wfcdne^ m o n t o

l O i G l t t Y SHOOTS - j r i t O E I l S E

Jtese Hays Alleged to Have \ Been the Aggressor.DETAILS OF DEVILS CUEEK ._ U ljO O T IN « GIVES COKONEIU

J a ^ ItecommcndB Holding for Hear- • In g -A fte r -GctUng Evidence- Last


The dotalla pf tho troublo a t Dovili Creok wblch rcuullod tn the killing bl Jbsae Hayea, a elicephorder, by Jobn Gtey-M onday cvonlfig wan brouRht tc th is clly Tucailay night. Shorlff Van- ausdolh nnd Coroner Crosby roachod th e —scene—o t- th o —ebootlnK--Tucadnj no^n. and procoodod to omjinnel ; lu r y o f nolghborB of tho two m c irin ' volved; Tho toaUmbny, brouBht oui in th is lufiucst was substanUally aj follows; The quarre l botwoen tb< tw o mon dated book to Bomo Umo pre­vious to Uio f a u l shooUng. nnd waj o ver ■ a-^nu lf-o f-clo thes-w h lch -H ayq had token witliout leave from ono 0 the other hordors in Oroy’a employ Grey, In ordor to got HayoB, on or pban proiegy of hls. to do tho righ th ings and roturo the clothca, chidO' aro’*^U «r"T alD or-^ovG roly 'and-d li! m issed hlin from h is employ. Laa w eek In tho obsence of Qroy. who wa 'runn ing tho sheoMng camp -o f hi

I company .a t Devils Crook, Hayes wo ; again taken on aa a shearer. Gro ; mado^no objoction to-th lB ^L ato-M oi * d^_af(c 'raoori, howovor. a boose wt ■ gotrioT t“ Iii~^lbry~t'fairin~Ui6'-8hco ) cam p and IlnyoB. togolhor wiUi son: 3 o t.th o o ther mon. Imbibed.( H a^es then becamo quarrolson' I nad i^ o b ab ly remombaced the- ol t g n id r t. which he had ogainat Ore 1 AboutWO o'jslock o r pethops. a l l t t Jl 6'afller*.'0»y; '.to'gbthor -with the - bo

ro ta ry .o f tho company, a man Phi e lips by namo, a ta rted to reUre In the D ten t a t tho eiimp. H ayes came lip 1

th a t Umo w ith a gun in h<B hand ai ^ ptatcd Chat he TfooI b u t w ith Grey. Othor omployi r grabbed Hayoo, toOk hWBUn away ar t ordered him off. Qroy supposing U S affair ovor roUrod fo r the night, bi0 before getting 'to sleep fortunate' a hoard-£[ayj)S. comlng_townrd h is tei

m uttering to blmBOlL. Throwing op« ■- tho flap of Uie te n t Hayes stuck hII bead JIO shoulders in to tho oponln tl while G rey-thinking Hayes arm ed ai s looking for trouble, grabbed his r

volver ahd flrod. H ayes ato^gen aiway In th o 'd a rk n es^ 'b u t’dld a o t fi

1 unUI both Qrey and PhIlUpa;hnd gc I; ten outaldo th o t e n t and saw-him bIi

to the 'ground.Tho oUior omployoB w ere called ai

'* the wounded m an taken care o t un the 'end . In the moanUmo Grey, ovc

. como by tho though t of tho deed, pt n sonally called S heriff Vonausdeln U tolophone to come and get him. ' h Tho coroner’s Jury in its verdict j >- commended ■ th a t Grey bo remand d to r bearing and the prisoneraccom t 5- hied th e offlcor‘b ack 'to the e lty a rr : C-. In g 'h e ro lato Tuesday afternoon, c- Accordloff to th e s to ry of thOso. 1 ic qualhtod -w lU i.M r.-G roy.. It. la.flUit la th o t h’b has done m uch In tho p a s t 1 id HayQ8;who_'wafl--btbught:np:pi^.ca Bt as a son by tb e sheepm an, aiding h • in many ways. W ildness on th e 'pi

o t Hayes lod to th e estrangem ent a the tragedy w hich occurred on M(


52 P rio r to tho stato flold and tri ®,t m eet laat-Soturday th e four classei

the high achool gavo a parade wh c a lled -fo rth -m u ch com m en t-fo r ■ am ount of w ork and caro given to

S i c ty .'le a tu rv .— T h e-to u r-c laaa flfi-j i r tho Freshm en lead ing and the SenI ..A bring ing up the ro a r woro • each t ^ tumod. on too t and in beauUtully <

orated O oau, to rep resen t tho dlffoi— -cb U d lsh '^ fab le s -aad — scehftB— J- .. Jndges. llTo .buslneas men, had <

,ed Uie m o lt spec tacu ter'~and . . uni ' ' mak»-np And th e p rise w as awax- t t e - S e n lo T B ^ th - th a i r - o l t^ j tu n l

jay a ;:bare:«n£ajority .-o t:.one, -Witt mA Uifelr ^ m t Goose charac t e r ^ o n . . ;

Bor ^ t o ^ e ? > l P 3 S 6 w S * £ u i c- and w l i c s in -Jo r aavlage e t the 'si

W l' JSctlon' o t ^ t h l T i e p ^ t o t : • Sav" aocotmta .QBd«r '-.tne. nsniLl.!«Uu»

J S S “ anJtt w in -o tte r . 4 - p e r ^ hI depftt Hf BBd ftVftP-'

RICH ORE AT CONTACT.Oro Shipped froni T lm t Cnmp W ort ________ :O y ir .? im P e r Ton.

Rlalno A. I-innkii, lntoro»ted extcr 'iiWoiy lh‘ mlftlng oponitlonB 'dt o rn o n Contact; arrived from th a t plnco on dny.Um foro p n r t.o f tho week. M llankB roporta U jat^n-vory opUralsCl u p lrit prevalla In tbo coppcr cainii. an th n t tho futuro Is vo iy promising. /* the pcoecnt Umo tho Doluno in stcac Uy shipping oro.. A fow dnys ogo fort>--ton ca r wna sh ipped from Hot orsbn to tho S alt Lake umoltora, U: ore being valuod a t ovor ono hundrc do llan r-p o r^o n “ nnd*‘a t t e r pitying' a

' tiiln ing /' tranaportation and ■ omoltt chargOB tiio operators w ill realize bl p rofits on tho ahipmont.

•Tho-Dolnno pooplo have been stea* Ily B hipping for uomo Umo and. whi run lng ndrlft a d istance of nlnoi foot, havo token o u t an d .sh ipped 01

• th n t hns noitod them ovor 17.000. Th [ oro w as .takon en tire ly from the drl• proper, tho torma un d e r which U i oporators hnvo been w orking allov ' Ing them to take o u t and ship onI tho ore from tho d rift, forbidding 0 stopping and cross 'cu tting . — M rr-Hnnks aleo-roi>ort»-thal-n-co'

‘ plo of weeks ngo.n carload o t stake ’ Bucti as aro used by su n ^ y o rs <■ m ark ing tbc lr linos, w as unloaded Rogorson. tho Bouthbm term inus

5 tho p resen t Oregon S h o rt Lino rn ■ rond. Tbe party o r partloo to who• these atakes w ore-consigned Ib u » TDttOwn'nnd'therolB-couBtdamblo-mj f te ry as to tho lr idonUty. I t la n '• bollovod th a t Uioy Wore for the 0.. ~ Ll., and thero Ib consldorablo Bpecu] } Uon aa to Uu) movo. A bout tho tli ° th a t tho statlcB arriv ed a t Rogers ^ a s u r v o y in r ^ a r ty —w as-com pleU

equipped a t Twin F a lls and loft U ^ c ity w ithout m aking any statem ent ® Uielr mlBBlon. Tho a rriv a l of t J* stakoB a t Rogerson nnd tho outfltU y of survey corps n t Tw in Faljfl hi

hy. -thOr^peOplc.^nia of_w hom _bcllM o_tho p a r ty ia co

P posed bf rop'roacntatlvcs of Tlio F ‘0 lines o t rallwaya.—W olls Slato H


N p Y D O J I B U D T R A pII H arrlm an -System M aking Itieady li- Heavy Increase of Bnslnoas.

Omaha, Nob.r May 10.—Tho foi J t coming annual re p o rt o f tbo Un ,a Pacific - nairb&a w ill ' aBuw Uiat- ^

tho comploUon o t a s tre tch of tn jc th irty -n ine miles long, to be compI Lit ed A ugust 1,. 714 m iles o t th a t cc [T pony's lino from C ouncil Bluffs to < nt den will bo double track , occordinfl

TO~offIclal -Btatemcnt glven -o u t-a t- Is company’s offices • today, ■ g The la s t fourteen mllOB, complotIII tho double- track acro ss Nobmska, Q. miles, was comploUid yesterday 1 cd Is now in oporoUon.i]l . . Nelson H . Loomis, general cout ,t. of tbo company, Idft fo r New York : lie n lg b t to .again ^ 0 up. tho detaili

tho dlssoIuUbn* b t thb U nlon ' Pac nd and Southern Pacific, w hich bove b Ul laid before A ttorney G eneral Mpl ir-' nolds.. Tho p lan fo r MgroffoUng ir. ,two system s Is b e ing p u t hx sbop< by presont.,to the' U nited ..S tatos c ir

court..fl. . Before leaving to r th e east «d L oom is/sta ted th a t tho atto rney i Ift. norol b ^ suggested th a t th roe Insi ly. o t tw o 'sya tem s m ig h t b e '‘form ed i

th e lines form erly controlled by IC- H arrlm an Intqresta,- by m aking, od C entral Pacific, bxtendin& from •or .den 'to S an Francisco ;; an : hidepeh' U r >l«». ' ........ ■fm ■ ■ < ' ------------

S R .R . EOR IDAHO fAUS.)h- ■ ,

B a lln ay Dopesteris A re Doll -------- * ^ ^ i n e B - f i r B i s t e n r T a a i n j r -

A press dispatch from Idaho 1 says—Idaho F a lla la sh a rin g in ra ilroad agltaUon, a n d tho latesl tormaUon is to tho e f fe c t tb a t tbe

. - imteroBta w ill boUd-AirtcL-trom _I awe o J n , M ont, to -Y ellow stm e 1 ‘ 0* d o w n -th e -v a llo y -o t th e Snake i ilch th rough St. Anthony to Idaho I

w h lch -l^ to -b e - m ade a d iv lslon-i Tbe ro a d ,la .,to c o n tln n e -a o u th .

cith. i<toho-,Fall» tn WellB. N b t, tn n ec t w ith ‘ihb W ostom ; P ad tli

•o»- W ells. The W esUira Pacific T i lec- n ^ t d irec t routO rom .O B;d.enL^ ;ent c o a s t . Tho construcU on o t th is Ilie- .wottld-brlng- Id a h o -F a lU -a n d - t

th is te rrito ry w ith in 800 m Uos 01 4 ^ FVaaciscoTaod-Oakland.

T he propose'd ro ad n in a w est' ■lu? Id a h a FalU d iro e t:.to H alley.-.I

and trom th a t p o in t aonth thi lJox. ,th it:?^ to -r» U aH W >htryr-*HnK*<-4

.Woatem PacU lc CTOnecU.Qiiu '.Th*

oua G U m ora .ft -P lttab u rs , -whi

te n w m a ts i lB l r t t^ t i i r 'v r a p o M d^ M i l

luita :^,Tha. s i y » l 'J W o n ! ^ r ' 'C o r » a t sum 'i^ . 'r th e - 'l i tg e itT a itr iM C ^ A n p a > th«rw o]rU ,via'«e& dls».aB '«Bpert Ings < » i i ^ r ' - t o 'Bootb*i :J>llri>rofr•><Br, i to r« ‘ 0 & Ja n e -S ,-8 -« id -> > < B a i t b ^ e o n e ts . wUl be . t l t t e d y ^ / i a i I

5 t i i L t K V

F llf INlUNeiON-r -------------—------------------ - - - - ....... -

J Seek to Restrain tV ater M aster i Who Refuses Water.0 CASE TO BE IIEABD IX DISTRICTI- T OUBT, MONDAY, JLU* 0 9 . ...... ..r - ----- ' ' • ----------

The Company Ucfutics to D e llte r Wa** -' te r-to Settlers-W ho H aro •S o t P a ld - ° Ualntenunce Fee.

> Tho storm haa broken. Today, Sup- Q uerlntondcnt 12. D. D nrilng toa waa _ sorvod with a sum m oos signed b y D is- y trli5t Judge Stockslagor. o rd e rin g 'h im ll to Bbow cause on tbo 19th o t &lay why

an InJuncUon'should n o t bo issued re - Btralnins-_Uio-. aalm on—Rivor C an a l-

, company from provontlog th roe 'd it- Q foront plalnUffB from rocolvlns and

u s ln g '^ to r , said p laintiffs hav ing n o t as yer~pald th c lr m alnteoance fees.

]. Tt 'ls sta ted by somo o t tbo m em bera ^ of tho Salmon Rivor SetU ors' assoc ia - j . Uon th a t th is acUon is m ere ly ' pro-

llm lnary-to. o ther-so rta-oL au ita jw lilch - 3t are to follow w ithla fho n ea r fu ture , g Sborift'H - S. VasBusdoln, occom po'

niod by B. E .'B abcock , camo to H ol- ,0 lister by .automobile' Wednesday to ,1, serve tho pnpcrs, but tho W ater moa* Jy. te t-y g g -m ak ln g an.inBiWcUon of th e (.< canal systom a t Ujo timo, nnd so w as

not to be found In .th e C apital City. UA However, upon b is re tu rn th is m om -

Ing, ho telepbonod tbo aberlff th a t bo yo would moot him la T w in r ^ l s th is ay afternoon fo r the purpose of having

tho sorvlco made upon, n l ^ Upon his TtT aT rtval-ln -tho-M aglo C lty ,- th o -co u rt ,j,. summons in th ree different caaoa

worQ road to h im by Deputy S horitt C. C. Slggtns. T he s u i t s wens b rought by Charles C. Hume, prosldont of the SeUlers' assocIaUoo. Carl W oahbutu, and A m btoap.Griflllh-

The sum m ons ordora Sapenn tend - For ont p arlin g to n , ro lro scn ting th e de-

fondant, com pany, to appear M ay 19 ' and show cause why an inJnacUon

th- should n o t .be 'Issued , re s tra in in g It on trom “provenU ag U jo phUnUlf from Ith aivu tU m r'u r using t h o w atarti nf thn ck Salmon river, o r such as aro d iverted et- by the IrrlgaU on w orks know n as the m-r Salmon Rivor Cnnal.Byatom, to tbo ex- >g- ten t (in the case ol SO acros o t land) to of thlrty-nlno titUcUi-socond te e t con-

h e tln uoua-^ low -'o r-aa-^Q ual-o r-ro tab l* am ount by rotaUon, o r from locking

ng- the plainUffs' beadgatcs situated un- I2<>. dor said c an a l system, o r fro m an j n d way molesUng or h arraaslng th(

plainUfl in th e dlrorgloh o t sa ld wa- Bel te r o r In any w ay .Interfering w ith th< ast piolnUtt's use and dlveraion.’* of Suporin tendent D arlington said to

Itie day th a C ln ali;caEe8''wboro tho-m aitt' son tenance fee hod n o t ^ e a paid, thi ey- gates h ad already been locked, am Uio tha t to break them • opon w aa a n in to fracUon *01 tbo law . which, - be de

:ult dared , would be prosecuted.—H ollis te r H erald. • :

Mr. ---------- ----------------

g H M N G OF ffilllT 6B0WHISthe * ................... '■■■■S o Twin FalU Growers WBl A fm iat Og. W O l Ji»b<}. O r ^ n e n n t n ; 'r

' " ora asBoclaUon--hold-« v ary 4 a ta rea tln QieeUng in the- Commercial c luh rbom

. last S aturday attscnoon. T be. meei lag waa presided ov e r by H. F . H arde

„ while W. S. S tarr, o t K im berly, acte«n ■<w>'T]tpry,______ _ ' • ■

The t o t i n g ; waa coiled prim iH ] to discuss Uie queatlon a s t o U ie-•« visabllity o t th o local o rgsnlzaU on a

V»« tillaUng wlOi tho Idaho-O regon F ro drow ors association . T he m a tte r wi d iscussed-from all polnta o f v iew I

oitti th e -^ m t-g ro w e rs -p rm n t^ -a n d - l t j r i ara . decided to become a m em ber o t U

uiOQlaUon; • >nie a e so d a tio n now eo e rs to tir a ta tes~ O regon .,W ash lng tc

wnt. M on tans a n d - Idaho.^- T he-headqua ter* o t th e organisation, a r e in. 8p

T ided Into h in e d iatricta, oach w ith -1 , aub-center, t h a t fo r s o u th m Idahh I

- » • lag loca ted a t N am pa. . . T he Tw F a lls County F ru i t G rowera aaaocl tloi]nra8-reersajU M dH w -a'loeal-oC 4

iMA idaho-Oregm aasoetottoa ABd the fio « c e r B .w W . < « t e 4 . l _ _ r

‘ Prpaldent—a P , H nrfer. r -'Vlca Preald6nt-iC ..W .Blc® .-t

> & ^ t a r y - j r . a . : B ta r ^ o ^ K im ^

h 'is r.:--

-------------^ .............. .........— :— . j o j B : T M c ^ = A i w g B g - T w i i ^ ^ A i x 8 - ' T ^ ^

itw II — ™ m

A Announce the

, ❖ ..................... gatagi

Particular attei

^ Automobile ar

X High grade a

^ Expert repi

Y Investigate th


^ t e d e g f p r l

■ B f / C l R C U 5 * i i k ; ^ «

1 0 .0 1 -

F r e e C i r c u s

9 bands, 250 horsp « o p le o f a l l d im e s in n a t iv e cm . • 'T w o s h o w s d a i ly — a f tc r t io o n

--------’a n d .7 p . i S W a l g f p r o o f t c n t s ; -

T w i n F a l l s

R e a l E s

Do you want some pat R iver^

If y o u w ant a fine dairy fa _ good ca ttle ranch w h e re th t

'an d p le m y ^ f w a t e r ^ f y m d ry farm o r a desert land cn pany o r ^ .

W . R . JU nited S tates L an d Com m is

~ ' s : m : P O W E L L---------------------------F - T - S .C . . . . -.

rr<)((>.sKlonit[ ('<-riirirnto tn tlio------------------- Art-«»f-XtmcliliHf...,_______ _

Vok'f! CiJrtiJru.n;i(J Swlo SJn«Jnw.Kar T n iliiln s niiO Sight SiilKUiU. Binrt'ial couruo • o l .Piiuififortc , playluy biiHcil upon Mth. Ciir- wcn’B iiicOiml or child PlimluU

--Siioutvu .Kuarnntecd..ATI TInMin-lfcal Siifi/octu TfineliC AUari'SH: OVKH ‘ >V1N FAIH-S


1'. 0 . ilfix i\n, T^tIii Fall<. ........................... - i 'h o n c .

► ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ I '

B A R A E Em - A U T ih e f l i

opening of their new ar

2 pn Second Avenue Ni

atlon given: to repair woi

, of motor vehicles.

id Motorcycle^Supplies

nd best wearing tires on

air men in attendance at

le new Garage for your


W gm M -I f ^A L L i s r ^ IfeSSi

-Parade 10:30 a.m .open dcHB o f wild anim al^ olcphantR , cam els—400

}tumc3 will be shown in parade, a t 2, n ight a t 9, doors open a t 1 Admission 25 cetits to sec i t^ lL —

■ R a f t R i v e r

t a t e C o .

e n te d . la n d jn t h e Rt^ft

V a lle y ?- .... -

irra— a good f ru i t farm — a Jre is p len ty o f free range r 'w a n t ' a g o o d 'h o m e s te a d ; ‘ t ry , address the a b o v e C om - 4

S t e v e n ss io n e r M alta, Idaho

' 'I'WIX FATJ.S CONSERVATOny'- p y j i L 'a i c . - -

• P iniio , Y oro l. I la r n iu i i r ,------------------ Y lu lln . ________


A rejictlo ii of y o u r w a n t d a Is o ften wlh»— wliou ll'B ln ii )o r ia u t to find tlii| ojyHt ilcHlral)lo t u n ! n u '

A rc tic tllio n of ..vour "T iiit nd m ay 1)(> 'fw In ipo rtn iil hh I ih - n r n i , imtillCJi- Mon^~ln fo r Uio r ig h t hobI-U on.— Adv.

O P E t t l

MPftWY^— Ind first, class X

rk on all kinds -

of all kinds. . ^

1 the market. &

t all times.

own saving. '

CAMPANy I~Effiployment Office^

W onted four mon fo r ranch; (1.7G imd bonrd.

-a n d -b p a rd .------------------------------- ---F ive men wJth wama waot

work.Good cook -wantod;

152 Mua Avenae South

HAKBi HAIR GROW.PurlRbn Soi;o nn InTlRorntor T lia t

M akes J lu lr Grow AbnndauUy. o r Money Back.

irT O iin iH ir'lB 'ttJlnn lnB -ou t-g rndu- ally It woi^ t bo long bcforo Uio bald spot Aiii'para.

Tbu tlmo to tnko cnro of tho bolr is H'bcn you hnvo Iinlr to ^eko caro ot.

For thin tnllln); hrilr tbo best rem ­edy known to m a n k in d -Is Parlnlnn Sngo. I t Is compounded oa Bclentlflc jirlnclplea and tornlehco to tho hair

-Joint- Report of-Auditor^nd:Coupon No. 1, nond No. 2, School DfRt^ Couimn No. 1, Bond N'o. 3. School Dlst. Coupon No. 1, Dond No. i , School Diet. Coupon No. 1, Uond No. n, School Dlat. Coupon No..l^l3ond-Na-C,.achool.Di8t. Coupon No. 1. Ilo.iid No. 1, Scbool DIhL Coupon No. 1. Uond No. S^School DluL Coupon No. 1, Uonil No, Scliool DIsL Ciiupon No. 1. Rond No. 4. School Dlst. Coujion No. 1. Tlond No. H. School Dlst. Coupon JCo. l,.U oud Xo_ U.-School.DlaL Stnto of Idnho, • )Caiintj' of T«-Jri FnJj8.)Ha.

\V. J. YoutiK, trenHiiTor. nnd .13. .1. ilo Hok'innly Hwt-ar tlia t tho forcRoInK count of thc.rccolptH nnd dlHhurBcmci ty. for tho Q unrlor ondlHR Jnnunry 12, of thfi vnrloiiii fundu nro corrccL

StiliHcrihcd nnd nworn to bcforo nii 39J3. -- - • - ------


B a r g a i n S a l e s- - .Wc.wnm.lO.ClOBC.OUt.li0U30..0f,«

.fc r 'fo r sale :. A ,CO()-arro trn c l; out trom Bi

Bldu Cannl Svuicin; Kood land; ro liu»<)T*tn‘-t^ irC oun ty : Just Uio.thli on a liiri;» tipalo;. p a rt cleared ai

— - l u SOTattTu-Uunrovfed.farin Iq t]graoR: o n lolcphono nnd U. F. D r l

Thrco Hoimrato plocou bctwo' . two o t them ouly a ujIIo nml a hn

trJc cnr Unc now nbout completci tikncu’for nmnll f ru it trncUi! will ucro pnrculM. Tbo othor baa ton .

■ —tlic finest f o r t r anj'w hens; tho c. Huuth of Shoshone Fnlls.

- —--------S om a—Kood—rofllilftacd -p ro p ia'■ fnciucilni; one ultrrflom. m odern .2ii

from poHtoffire., - TMESC iU lE OUR OWN PRO]


S W E E L E Y ^F i r s t N a tio n a l Unnk R n lld ln p .

oot a nourianm ent tui^t acta ciuiouj nd promptly and cauaea tho hair toTOW. ...... - ........................ - .....................

Uut rcmombor tlila: ‘I t k ills tho andruff gorm, tlic,pcal th a t npproprl- .tea all the .naturn l nouriehm ont that aiould go to tho balr root.-P a r ia la a Snge Js aold by. Skoolfl* Vlley. under n poB/tlvo ffuarantoo to lanleh dandruff, atop falllnB lia lr a ^ tchlng flcalp lu two wooka o r monaym c k . ___

i t gives to wofiibti’s-Im lr ■ n lustro ind-rudlonco .tiia t laJUQSt.IaarinntlnB ind cnuaca it to grow abundantly..

Parisian Sago ia sold by druggista n nvnrv town In Am erica.. A lorKC; ;onoroua hottlo coata SO conls, untTibo ;lrl w ith Auburn hair lu on ovorj' bol- le.—Adv. -


X aw rcuco Hnnsen nbd Chrla. Poler-- ion woul to Hanaeu, Monday, to a t- :und to their bunklnt; buulneas and jvoraco thu trunarorlnc of thc^luinitlnfi n-ttiirow to jho ir now brick building.

P eter Newman's'broClior, Otto Now- nan,'.roacbed bero.M onday from D.6n- •nnrk.. .H o w ill mialat P e te r ojt thoHnnsen hinch. '" ......................... ...

Mr. nnd Mrs. A. P. M urray wont to rw in Fni;« todny.- .Tho cowboye aro In from tho range tor n few dnya.

Veterinary H. R. E rakino waa'oallod igaln Tuesday on profeoalonal bual* ness.

.Mrs. Anibroao and Mrs; Cunningham Hnnsen bavo bocn m aking Uio.mall

routo over th is way {lila wook. TKblf rospectlvo liuabanda aro too buay With D^her work to mnko the trip . ‘

Gaussaud o o d -P e y ro bavo movod tbclr Hheop lo Milnor w here they 'w ill lond for ahlpmonl lo Soda Springs, whero they expcct to atioar. .

MIbb Fayotta Johnaon la opcnding a few daya w ith .friends In Twin Fnlla thlu week. ’

Ed. Domroao, W alter and Mlsa F rclda woro trndloK In Klmborly Mondny.—Thnnina-JL Dcneon_ls on the crock again looking aftor buSneaa aitalfs.

Mrs. Robert Broao spen t aoveral days vlaltlng In Twin Fnlla tbia weok.

T . M. Atkin waa In Twin Falla Sat­urday.

Mrs. M. E. Allen la spending aomo tlmo with Iior aon In Twin Falls.


, A wolcomo ahower of rn in visited ua yeaiorday evening. •-,Tho-flooding of craIn ia moBlly done.

A Jargo am ount of D. M. Forry'fl aeed pcaa a ro bolng planted, on tho Ferguson F ru it and Land company'sranch iMa year...... .......—M—Joo,-T-ou^-Jop-farroo^,-Ju^ltJ-^lll-_ ^8hcd gatfierinB blB' blg l n a t year’s com crop Saturday.

H. R. Coufton ironaactcd buainoaa in Duhl Saturday.

Hugh Gorald cnmo back to Caallc- ford Saturday, -and has begun work fo r Eunico Campboll.' Mr. and M rs. Goo. Llllybrldgo bave

movod Into tho lr new cottago nnd are m aking quite an im provem ent 'to ourTinngft;— - ......................... ................. .—

Clifford-Flynti. ou r now ditch rider, fa on duty and la doing hla work «»ci«Ut— aiccoBB ,to .ynu,.C llffnrd---------

Mrs. May P a rk e r ia spending tho week visiting frienda and rclativea nl the county capital,

Claiid Drown has Improved hla resl- doDCO by building tho addition of a

H arry W ebber, ou r lum ber yard mnnagor, hna ordbred 'a now m otor­cycle.

Geo. SlnKlototi tranaactcil hu»inoaa n f Buhl, Mondny.'.

Our school will soon cloao nnd a good . program is being , prepnrcd for tbo closing cnlcrtnlnm oht.

freasurerv Twin falls Countv.No. 43 ............................................. K..00No. 43 ..........; .................. ' . ..............No. 43 ................................... ...........15.00No. ............ ............................... Ifi.tJONo. ............................... Ifi.OONo. -11 ............................................... 1C,00No. 41 .............................................. V>.00No. 41 ............................................... Ifi.OONo. 41 ...............................................,,1D.«0No. 41 .............................................. :i.ooNo. -1 1 ....................... ..J1 ,0 0 ._

Finch, nuditor, o i TWin i-’aiiii uouniy. al.itoment ia n truo and correct ac- tH of all monoya of Twin Fnlls Coun- I'JIIi, nnd Uio am ounta to tho crcdlt

W. J. YOUNG, Tronstirer.

E. J. FINCH,Auditor.

thlu tho 18Ui dny o t Jnnunry, A. D.

....................... J . m ."m a n kTProbate Judge.

o f R e a l E s t a t eu r holdluen in thla County, nnd of- ••

b l: under tho Twin Fnlla South ling; , for f ru it tbero la nothing

,g for a g rain , grass, o r Block ranch d plowed rendy for crop.0 B uhr Country; Bopio orchard and_;onte.---- —--------— — --------- ’ ■ ';n Twin Fnlln nnd tho Snnko Rlvor:If Xroin Ulo City and n ea r tho oloc- 1; under cu ltivation; Ju s t righ t dla-.- lell, if 'd eslro ilr^ ri-tin i” o r “ twtrtit7-~ icroa of orchard beginn ing 'to .l)car, ir lino runa post thla; ono mllo

lv nnd vacan t lo tii' In Twin Fnlls, )U80,-wltti- b arn i-on li’-th roe^IocJtir—

•E R fll!S A^^) PRICES ARE nfcb-


r ^ E E L E YX nln F alls, Idnbo.

Racil;-J iia

The best! ine of Impleme Light-Draft, Durability ar

.^considered. A large new IN AND SEE t h e m ; '

SQUARE DiThe fence with a stay tha different size hog fence i

The, Best Fruit Tree S B U G G ^, WAGC


------ - —“Vanity on thtpays a rjdkuIo( mobile travel, dred thousand

---------this-season go-1priefer real serv ble/co^ rather

- 11 _ ;^^QU8-di8olav a cost. ~ ~M ore than a quarter ol »ervicc~-convbdng cvic m eiit Ruoabour, $52 Tow n a r $800~f. t

- equipment. G et intc------------------ .— Irom -D ept F . Dctroilj

W catcn iA uto C a , T v

I The Elecl{ ( i . .R oqulrea no m atchcB—givea j S oxplodo—iiaa Uio firo aoaiod-n f t t - -plea-litUo spaco*~glvoB oti no ^ . w bal'a tho uao? Thero la no M othor but has moat all tbo fi i d named.


^ Great Shoshone & tw i

i g . P . S . - l i y o

Swnn iS_Farm I.oans. Cash on Hi

; . .-WANTED—A-good valuo In roi cn£h buyor. This wiii bo a

- r - ^-FOR-HENT—A-&-room-houao.-

■ TO EXCHANGB-An incomo cbolco farm land.

I75. P E R ACRE. Wo havo 40'c : T77— T-cftlo:nt-|7S7iM5r-ncro.—10-c

aulUblo for DAIRY FARJ auch a prico. Tboro la pt

__.,M _c7o«o.ta to w n 'o t less t

. ^^.REAL-KSTAra-LO-109 SHO

T H E P E O lD . S . .H A L L and ^


s i i rnentsite on the market When d l ^ e of Handling are stockon hand. COME

;AL FENCE >t is a STAY. Rabbit and »stock. ‘ .

prayers on the Market.NS and HARNESS.


| g _

-iiighway"'Still-------—JS tpU for auto- **But tw o ’hun- aew Fords willo-buyera-w ho-______ __ce a t reasona- than ostenta-

t unreasonable - -•

ft million Foro# now in enee of their wonderful .5; Touring C ar $600;. b. Delroil, w ith'"oll reding "F o rd Tim es”F ord M otor-Cbmpaoy.-----------------—in Fallj, Idaho.

iff no ^inoko _nor aoot—cannot l& im ' bo caal'l'y' con tro llod^cc> r;“ auporfluoua h ea t~ w m .-n o t—b u t-—- r« -netbod of cookiog liko I t Nono ^ ullB and nono o t tho T irtnes W.


3 Falls Water Power Co. ^ ■

ir houte wiied ?

: Aldrich :ind for Choice Farm Loans

tdenco property- o f _4;Or-CjToom8-for- Quick saJo nnd prico m ust rJshL~

slth-aU W a and ovlbuildin69,-*lC.------- —lualuqaa property on Mnln Avo. for

cfea " Vj"mile''f^ora ‘Twin Fulla for ” ■ oj«?z‘'}:.o.r?hnrdr30^ncroB-08poclnlty--- --

.Thla la, of courac, a aacriflce a t jbably noUilng olac ot-oqual v a lu o - - - ion dotibtg th is price. -


iH O N ^ so.

» L E S C A F E. C WARE, Piopticlor*

^ ■__________ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ' ' ~...............V ~ ~ " ~

- - - J o in t - R p r t o iA ud ito r a n d j r q s p r , M- To, lho b o a rd of County CozniDlBsloDoni. Twin F a lls County, Idaho.

-JWo, tUq^^ndoralffiiod Auditor and Trcnnuror of Tw in Falla Counly, aub- V”...... m it ibo following as ou r jo in t ropprt fi^r Uio q u a rte r oodlng Jim uary U^.

------O a-O ctobor-l^, 1012, tboro w as In. tho bands Qf Uio C ounty .T rcssuror,a cash balanco of |39,07C.20 dlstrlbutod os follows:

........................................... .............. DotlclC... . BalOQCc.-.' S tate o f Idaho ......................... .............................................% &71.02 .

Qcnoral s c h o o l ..........................................................‘............. • ( 4.484.64Road and b rld g o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 . y . . ~ r T : ----------

BoDil, Inlorost and rodompUon ............................................................ I.OCO.IG

W arran t redem ptloa ....................T : . ' . . . ! ! .................................... .. ..............23,431.0ll_Twin F alls ................................. I ..................... .................... / 1,701.04Buhl ..................................................................... i . , . . / 20»;fl|-

- F U o r - : ; - . . ; . - ............ .v .A .v r . . v .t : . • 50.16S a n i t a r y . : ................................................................................ . . 0.73Contingont ...................^.............................. ........................, T . C25.44Shoshono P a r k ......................... ....................1......................... 32.14Good W ads D istric t No. 1........ .. ........................................ - 480.28

.Tftx rodomption ................................... ................................ 202.11la s lltu to ..................................................................................... 17.33Predatory .................................................................................. ' 9.48

. Unapportlonod ........................................................................ TIO.OOInd. school D istric t No. 1 .................................................... ' 311.87

------- Ind. SchQQl DtBtrlpl No. ........................... ............___________ 117.80Ind. Scbool D istric t No. 3 ................................................. .. CTISS"

......... I ^ . . School D istric t No. 4 . . .......................................... .. , &.00. . Ind. School.D lB lrlct.N o.. 5 . , , . . ........... V - - 272;49

School D istric t No, 1 Ocnorul ................... 1,983.52- m;------- •• 1 Bpoclal ................................... 1,400.20

“ " " 2 General .......................................... 47B.41............................ 2 SiMJcJal ........................................ - C8.97

- 2 Dond ................................................... 20G.SO-■■ 3 Oenoral ....................... .. ............. C,7C0.03

3 Spodal ....................... ; .............. C,308.42............................ 3 Bond ............................................ - - 321.88" - ............. ‘ 4 Qoneral ........................................ 134.00

_____ ^ '1 _ _ —4 -8 } > o c la l- .„ .^ — .......... .............................. ................618.30" 4 Bond ......................................... .. 2.7B'

•• " “ B General ........................................ 78.32•' ■■ B Spoclal ........................................ 231.53,

------------" — ------- !■-— 8_GonoraL.._____ i . ; : . V . - 809.038 Special .................................... 89C.25 ~-- '8 Bond ...................................................... 425.90

............................ 11 Gonoral ............................................. 72.48• •• " " i l Spoclal ..................... .................. 22.45

“ " 11 Bond ............................................ 30.40“ ■■ '1 3 Gonernl ....................................i . ' 1.002.32

• . ■' " 14 Gonoral ........................................ G48.24----------- --------------------•« -15 G e n e r o l - . . . . , , . , ......................... .................40.'5.04

'• 16 Gonoral <542.68

* ............................ 17 Spoclal ........................................ 1,065.03. *• ■■ •* 17 Bond ............................... ............ CO.OO ,• •' ■' •' 18 Gonoral ........................................ 342.83

18 Spoclal ...................................... . . 345.59' 18 Dond ............................................ 100.00

10 General ........................................ B70.82. «■ 10 Spoclal - ................... .................... ■ 149.62

--------- ------------- --------- -— i f l - s ^ d - . . ; . . .-.-.H-.-.. ■ ; ------ 187.CO----------------------............................20 General ............................................. 1.01

1 . . . » .. 20 Special ........................................ 224.61............................ . 20 Bond . . . ' ..................................... • 274.36............................21 General .............................................. 500.1C............................21 Special .............................................. 273.,63., - .. -« 21 Bond .............................105,05

______________ ____ ^ J l . . _ 2 2 - O a a i J r a l . - . ______ w - * ........—1117.14............................22 Spoclal .................................. 807.23............................23 General .............................................. 860.61

'‘ 23 Special ........................................ 220.70• •• 23 Bond ............................................ 82-80

.. __24. Gonoral . . ............................ 1,522.54------------“ — ......“ 24 SpecJol ■........................1.036.61-- -- - . . . -------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------

•• 25 General ........................................ 295.96■■ ■ . " 2BSpectol ........................................ * 885.32■■ " 25 Bond ............................................•' •• 20 Gonoral ......................................... 2,085.61............................ 20 Spoclal ............................................. 1,056.08

■■ 20 Bond ............................................. 1J7.70*' ■■ •’ 27 Gcncm l .............•............................. 1,404.10

" 27 Spoclal ........................................ 421.6B•........................... 27 Bond ................................................. O43.00

......,1_?g n n nornl : ........................................... 15.11“ •' 28 Spoclal .................... .. ..................

29 Gonoral ....................... ................ . -^40 .62------------ M—l -----1!_____i;__ nn nonwi-nl ............................. ............... .................. 1.3GG-83

■■ 80 Spoclal ........................................ 1.271.00 “............................ ....... ... ................................... 9-5i

•• ■ •' 31 Genornl . . . . t v . - . . . . - . ................ ............ lO rSI............................ ....... Spoclal ........................................ ‘•78.35

■' •' 32 General ......................................... 737.80 . . . . .3 2 '8 p o c Ia l~ : ------— ------------------ •

• '• ■■ 32 Bond ........................................ ' 185.14■■ . " 33 Gonora! ......................................... 802.01 . -

............................ ....... Special ..................................-r». ‘ 2.600.3C« « “ 33 Bond ........................ ................... 1,406.49

•• 34 Gonoral. .......................... ............. 468.61 '■■ 34 Special ................ ......................... . 875.59

............................ 35 General ...................... ................................. . 3^8,58

............................ ....... Bpecial ........................................ ■ 233.50___ . . _________.. ■■ n onwnl . , ..................................... .................... ................110.41

.. " " " 36 Spccial ......................................... ,• •• • ■' 37 Gonoral .......... ; .............................

............................ ....... General ........................................ C8.BG■■ 39 General ........................................ 121^6■■ 40 Gonoral ........................................ . - ^ 78.30" 41 General ............................. .......... C7.96

: • : • : ggST..: |. :: :: _________________

.........____ -_ :i« 8 s-T 6 ta i D o t . ; . . r -

|30,07B.2JD urine tho Qunritir lust ondlntf. th ere hns been rocolvod by tbe Countj

T reasu rer tbo sum of »B8,897J>2. from the lo llow ing sources:D elinquent'T ax— • lo o t

......... ’ lo:SlJ f f i ....................................; . . ..................................................... « s .« i

.................................... ..................... vis.9i

............................. ......................................................................... 2,210,51.......... ! . ........................ ■........... ■...........................

P rooorty i i ix 'i s ia .......................................................... ................ .................... ^ ^ 7 3 2 a

■Wotoi^lUtor,tax, 1 9 1 2 ..................................................................................... 20.3

. .................

Sanitary ........................................................................................................ Hr . i 7 .-. r . . . - r m T .x .x i . ^ — - . ^ “ ,3


< d S ................................. ' ........................ '• 1982*2S a le Bonds, Scbool D tatr c t No. 27............................................................ .. 1.982.2Sale Bonds, School B c t No. 38............................................................... e.B00.0

B w -^S p p o rS o n S o n rfo rc ’s't rosorro fuads .............................................. .. 480.8

. pfl&-5k)iiiiiy, M ' . ' ' ■ ■ . . ..................... ; .......... r i K i i u

Muni m unicipal .............................................................. ...........................................303.88-■ Proilatory anim al ........ ............................................... ................. .................. l!)7.19

S a n l t n r y . .............................- . . . . r ; ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.73Tax rod o m p tlo u ................................................................................................. 0,615.:i)IndtUuto ............................................................................... .... .C .. . . ' ............... 2U.OOC o u a ............. ... .........................................: ................ ....................... .............. 910.01)

.. ludopondont School D lutricl No. i : ............................................................ 240,55indopondent Scbool D istrict No. 2................................................... ......... '35,83Independent School Dimi-lct N o.'3 ..................................................... .. ' 300.44IndoiicDiicnt School'D iulrlcl No, 4 ................................................... . 7.42

, Indopondent Sclioql.U iuirK t.No. (L,.....................' . . . . ............................. . 2G.7&,Scbool D istric t iSo. •! Uuuural . . . ' i i . ................ : .................. 5,00

IS p u c la l ...........; ..................................................... 72,S0------- ■■ ■ ■ g ^ p o c la l ----------------- ------------------------ ---------- ....................... I 2S.IL'

" " ■■ 3 Gouernl ..................................................................' 2.ti0'“ . " - 3 Special ...............^................................................. 7Gri.2H

- " ' " 4 atiueifil ......................................................... ... 17.35"■ ■ C speciul t t t : . .T ....... . , . ..................... -129.SX.

■' “ 8 Spcclai .................................................................. 301,72■' ** 11 Special , .............: .............................. .............- 210,93

■ •• 14 Sncclal .................................................................. - 1.22- “ *'■ • • " 16 Special ................................ . ' ........ ..................... -07.20

“ “ •• 17 Special ..................................................... ........... 93,73■■ ■ " 18 Spoclal ....................................................... .. 238.05

■■ 19 Spcclai ....................................................... .. 200.C4" 20 S po c la l........................ .................................... 177.37

............................21 Spoclal ....................................................................... 120.04•• 22 Spoolal ..................... ............................................ 133,39" 23 Specfar .....................................TT:................. , . C9.99

............................24 Special ........................................................................ 85.90-------- ,i--------- -— u— 20- 8 pgciai......................... ......................................-.r.~.. r ~ — 2? i : r r

............................20 Special ............................................. .......................... 89.71. . - ■■.. a7 G eneral ................................. ...................................... 7.00

-27 Special- . ., ................................................................ - .-82.C7“ 27 Bond . ; ................................................................. • 1,982,22'

............................29 Spoclal ....................................................'.................. 2.30■■ 30 Speclol .......................................................... 154.41" 31 Speclol ............................. •................................... 109.74

■ •• •■ . 32 Siwclal .................................................................. 159.04■■ 83 Special .................................................................. .50

35 Speclol ................................................................... 0.34“ 36 Speclol .................................................................. 29,57

, " " •• ..38.SpQClal. ............................................................ 18,59■ " 3 8 - Bond ...................................................................... 2.500.00

............................39 Special ....................................................................... 38.82'■ •• 40 Spciclal .................................................................. 54.93" 41 Spoclal .................................................................. 27.36

• ••............................. -.-41-Bond -i— -2,233,00............................43 Special ........................................................................ 160.4B............................ 46 Spoclal ....................................................................... 171.30........................... 47 Special ....................................................................... 11.52

, ■ ; 158,897.52D uring tho Q uarter Just ending thero has boon paid out hy Uid'County

_ Troaauror, upon propor w arran ts and vouchors the sum of I5C.933.47 fromUio sovoral funds below':................... " 'V ........... ...........................

I Ctu rn n t «ucpi>niin .................>.................... ...................... (I n t Inc. $51.29) .>20,442,90~ Bood and b r id g o . . . . ........................... - .......................... ( In u ln c . '33.05) 3,087.33

W arran t redempUon ....................... ........................................................... 6,00Bond In te rea t redem pU on ..................................- . . . : .................................. 3,750.00Twin Falla C i ty ................................................................................................ 1,751.4)4Bubl ............................................................................................................ .. 208.94F ile r .................................................................; ..........; ...................................... BO.IOCourt funds ...................................................................................................... 72.69T ax red e m p tio n ............................................................. .................................. 5,622.06

- G o od-roads-D la tric t-N orl.................rrTvrr^. . . . ---------------------------------48,08- Indopondont School D istrict No. 1 ................... ' . ....................... •............... 311.87

:• Indopon^ont School D istric t No. 2 .............................................................. 117.80• Indopendont-School D istric t No. 3 ............................................................. 193.15

I Indopondent School D istric t No. 5 ........ .................. ; ................................ 272.49> Independent School D istric t No. 0........................................... ................... 398,36, Scbool DlBlrl6t No. 1 Gonorol .................................................................. 637.401 ... ... - -■■-.2-floDcniJ ......... .. 110.52............................ .- ." 2 Special ..................................................................... 233.89

............................ 4 Gonoral ...........................................................90.34' ■ J' “ " 4 Spoclal .............................. ■................................... 194.24' .. .. .. 5 General ................................................................... 96.051 5 Spoclal ................................................................... 203.3D__ _ . i i — :— I.--------1*— 6 - G e n e r a l-------. . i r . —-371 J i_ . ---------

" 13 G eneral ; . . . . - ........................................................ 105.0C' ■ ■■ •• •• 14 Gonoral ..................................... : ........................... 644.31

“ •' 15 G eneral ............................: .................................... 221.9!L ............................ - 16 Gonoral .................... ............................................. • 2C8.0i

16 Spoclal .................................................................. 340.0(; ............................ 17 Gonoral ........................................................................ 598.6iS .. “ .. IB G eneral........- ............. ----------------------------------------481.H

lo s p o c ja j ......................... ; ...........io5.o............................ 20 Special .............................................: ........................ 354.31

\____ j : ___ . “ . 21 QcnoraJ____— --------------------— ---------------------145.01* " , 21 Spoclal ............-..................................................... 295.0:2 ■• . " ■■ 22 Gonoral .................................................................. 75.0( Oi'»rir.i _____________________ :___________ 3i7.f>i

■■ 23 G eneral .............................................................' '323.6;J ............................ 23 .Special ................................................................... 300.711 " ~ - 24 G eneral ................................................................... 28.3i-• ............................ 24. Special ' .................................................................... 300.0)

" 2B Gonoral ........ ..................................................... .. ll.Oi2 " ~ ; r " ~ 2 r s p o c l o l ' ’ ' ' . ............................................................... 292.514 ■ ■■ 26 G eneral ............... ................................................... 344.9(

............................ 27 G eneral ........................................................................ 03.H5 ■■ " 28 G eneral ............................................................................ 5.C;

'■ - ." - . 25 Ooaoral .................................................................. 181.51, , " " ‘ '■ 30 Spoclal .................................................................. 150,015 •' '* " 31 G eneral ......................................: ........................... 75,01B ■■ ■■ - 32 G eneral . . M . . . . .................................'................ I94.3i} " ;; " 34 Special, ..........................................^ ................. ______ 428,9-

5 '■ " 38 Goncral”"........................................ ...................... 1! llXOi3 . •■ ■■ '■ 38 Bond ....................................(O lcts. Int. inc.) 1,035,5:“ ■■ ■■ " 39 Gonoral : ..................................',...................... .. 98.5i5- ............................40 Gonoral ................................................................. 17.0i0 ■ " " ; ■■ -41 G en e ra l................................................................... 116.5'

............................ 41 Bond ............................................................................ 1,493.2.*• “ " 43 General, .................................................................... 90.0'

0 .. 43 Bond ........................ ............................................... 1,501.02 ■■ •' 46 G eneral ................ ................................................... 15.C

" " , ‘' - 47 G eneral ..................*..........' . 7 ' . ' . . . ' ' . ” '32.S0 •• ." ■■ 48 General .................1..............V ............................. 41.6i

- . »56,933,4'3 : Tho 'fo llow ing transfers bavo been tnade and - consU tutc'addlU onal rc4 .. colpta.lnlQ..cortnln funds nnd additional tllHbursem enla from othora: W. J

'Voung, Couiity Treasurer.3 Thla Is authority for you to mako tho following entries on your books y . Novombor ft—

School D istrict No. 1 G eneral ...........................11,400.20............................ 1 Special ............................................ 1,460.2

0 ’* 2 Gonoral ................................... .. 205.'30.8 ■■ 2 Bond ................................................ 205.S10 •* •• “ 4 S p o c la l........... '........................ 137.71'2 .. - 4 G eneral ............................................ 134.96 •' " " 4 B ond................................................... 2.78 ............................ 1C Spoclal ................................................. 642.688 16 Gonoral ...................................... .. 642.0iB 17 Qcnoral _____________ ^1,115.03-------- ----------i f f " ................... " 17 Special ............................................. 1.005.017, “ •• 17 Bond ................................................. BO.O16 •' •• 19 Gonoral ........................................... 187.0011 *• - 19 Bond ................................................. 187.E;B •• •• 20 Special ............................................. 1.01

“ .20 G eneral ............'................ ........... 1.®)0 « . •• 21 Gonoral ............................................ 105.0512 ■■ •* “ 21 Dond ................................................... lOS.C12 •« " 24 Gonoral ........................................... 1,228.70>3____ 24 Special - ______ -1.®36,C« *• ■* •• 24 Bond ............................................... 192.3Jt. . _.H . ........ •‘...-ZS S p o d a l - .^ , .................................... .2 0 0 5 , ................ ....

)0 ^ 7 " •• . 26 Gonoral 1,060.68J2 . •• 26 Spoclal ....... - • 1,050.C)0 .. #»-<. .. 27 Gonoral ........................................... 42L6B)0 ' ■■ •• . ■■ 27 Special ................................ ................................ ................................ 421.(ro--------"---------30 G<inoral . . . ' .........................................................1,271.00is : ; - rz::r.!r::aO -B pflci(a” r r r ; - ; T - . - r . - ; - . r r ; T - . - - . 7 . - . . i , 2 7 l . (V y ........ ........------------- “ - -34 iSpflcl»l V . ^ ..468.61 -.------------------------------- ;53 •« .. H 34 Genorol 468.«J6 •• ■■ •• 33 Special • ; .............................. ................................ 737.803 0- - •« .: « . . « -:82 Oen«r»i ----------------------------------------r-r— . m i}9 ■ ' , . A D f ordor of T. W. POTTER.10- .................. ...... ........- County S u p t>0 Not, 21, lO l^ A u d ltp r 'B O rdor No. 7.

j(L, u l l — ........... .................................i z m s jS2-. |( In .. ,a e o 5 rd |i :^ 'i i i^ ’ordipr,v board county coromla-—. '.■ lo a e r 'i ib u fn i l No. 2, pft«e 60. , * j

] - ® ^ T ? ^ ^ f f i D S 5 ^ t o r y S tho following' -oix-yottr-bototai-''-' ----------

School Dtotrtct-No. * rS p « c U l..........6.00' •i t • - S fcb ^ l D litr lc t No. W fl^n« r» l...........• 6.1

enW ei

n ------- : - S S * 5 , t -S ! ! Bn»» '^ r r .v : .v;M :/ , ; Q fln«^-.ie£po i^ ......... .- , 8.10 ;

Road, and bridge ............................................... ............. Bond Int. red e m p tio n ........................ ................... 1.95-Tw in JT a llu .C ltj '-.....................-.............................................'36.G0 ...........

Ind. School Dlst. No. 1 Spccial...............4.81Ind. School Dlst. No. 1 13ond..................................... 2710

...Twin F a lls Clly-Dcl. 8-W................1" ......................... 109.51. .Ou account e rro r in oiuiorUonlng uudltor'o cor- Uflcftto No. 1517, O ct 8, 1912.

Nov. 22—Auciitor'H o rder No, 10—Thla is authority lo make llic foUowInt' entry

, on .your books: ......... ■. .. . ._liul. Sc!hool-DIbL No, '0 ........ .'..................................... S02.01

' SchooNDlifU No. :i3 G eneral....................................... • 802.01. . . ScLaa l Dl'JC S o . :iS S iK c la l ........................................... S.COG.SG . —

' '" in d . Scbool Dlut. No. 6 ............ . ' . ............................... 2.006.80- Ind. BchoOl Dial. No. 0 ................................................. 1,406,49

Scliool Dlut. No. :i3 Bond............................................. 1,406.49------------Xhliuinl(uUaJiiiulc.on-accounLuchool__Dial___N a L _ ____________ :________

33 having been chnnBCd to Ind. S, Dlst. No. 6 nd shown by o rdor of board of county commlBSlon- ■ orn. journal. 2, p. 30. •

Nov. 22—A udltor’B o rae r-N o .-ll--------------Tills iu au thority for you4o.m ake thd following cntrleB on your book:Ind. School Dlst. No. 1 Spoclol................................. 36.43Ind. Scbool DlHt. No. 1 Dond...........•......................... 1.17Twin Fnllrt Cily ........................................................... 40.02Twin Falhi City, Dol. Sprinkling...................... 1.40Ind. School Dint. No. C................? . . . . . . .................. ' 3.C9Intl, School Dial. No. 2 Siicciul................................... 28.44

----------JBdr3choolTDlHt.-No.—.:~»and.~.'~. ■' . . '. . .':v . ~ ------- 7.11--------------- ----------^ C u r r e n t exjicnuo ' . ................................ ........................ 118.8 6 '

I ' “'p n account of tax rebate allowed by lioard of.......county.com tulsuiuncro July .8 ,M 912,... . - ...

l' Jan n a ry 7.1913—AudUor'n order No. 12—I ConUnKcnt fu n d ............................................................. 500.44

Current exponso ........................................................... 500.441 - __________I . • - • 144,636.99) Thla le nuUiorllj' fo r you lo mnko tliJa cn trj’ onI on your books: Unluncc on hand In contingent■ fund Docoruber 31, 1912, to bc t r a n f l f c r r o d to) • cu rren t cxponuo fund ns provided by chapter ) 140 Session Lawn, 191X.: ■ Tills leaves a caah balanco In the hands ol tho. county treasu re r, of I • »41,039,34 dlBtrlbuted mi follows:5 Doflclt. Balance.> ■ Current'cx~iiciVac ...........................•......................... .. J 1,537.07> S tate of Idaho ....................................................................... 7,014.55J General school ................................................. \................... J | 13,963.81- Rood and brldso ................................................................... # 1,169.38

Contingont fund ................................................................... 25.00Bond InL rcdompUon ........................................................... 1,220.59

r' Twin Foils municipal ................................................................ _1.238.161 F llo r ......................................................................... 4.00

- B u h l-I ;- .- .7 . . . . . • . . . . • ........................ ................ ' . .................... - ............... .303.88.--} Predatory anim al .................................................. ...... 187.71J------T ax 'to d o m i'iu o ii........................... i .................................................... .............. S95.2i»"-'3 Instltu to ......................................................... -....................... 39.33] Rood D istrict No. 1............................................................... 432.20I Shoshono P ark ................................................... .................. 32.K1 Ind. School D istrict No. 1............ i ........................ ............ 171.04 '} Ind. School D istric t No. 2.................... ..................................... .28) Ind. Scbool D istrict No. 3.................. '............................ 15917; Ind. School D istric t No. 4................................................... 12.425----- lad .-8ehooU 3lstrlcU No. . . . . . r ,- . . . . . . . . . . . , , _______________ ___ 23.09 J Court fund .........; ................................................................... 837.3V) UnopporUoned ....................................................................... 770.005 School D istrict No. 1 Oenoral ....................................... 108.74 ; ,J " “ 1 Special ....................................... . 7 2 .^G " •' " 2 Gonoral ....................................... 159.586 -■■- 2 Special ....................................... 46.80---------------- .2 3 Gonoral ....................................... 5,757.53 -9 ■■ “ '■ 3 Special ....................................... ' 0,123.704 3 Bond .................................................. 321.884 .................................. 4 General ....................................... 00.345 4 'Speclol ....................................... 333.795 ............................ 5 General ....................................... 17.735 - --------r i - ----------- C-Spoclal........................................... 158.02 "f ,- • •• - ■■ 8 General ......................... ------------------------- ----------•.438.73”0 ■■ " " 8 Spcclai ....................................... 501.53 *5 " . ■■ " 8 Bond ........................................... 425.90'5 “ .............. 11 General ....................................... 14.57ir. ■■ .................. 11 Special ............................................ 263.8810 •• " *■ 11 Bond ........................................... - 30.4616 ■■ • “ ■ 13 General ....................................... >- 957.32LO •' 14 General ....................................... • 0 6 J1 . . „)0 •• “ 14-Sj>eclal ....................................... 1.22'15 " *■ ■' 15 General .......................... 183.99to. ___ 11_________ " _ 1 6 Gonoral ....................................... 268.0511 l C " S p e c l o l ----------- , - ------------- - , -5 8 7 .4 3 -fO •• •' •• 17 General ......................... ............. U8.69IS_ ___________ i:------- li— 17 Rppplnl-------------------------------------------- -------------------aU JL .13 ............................ • 18 Genornl ......................................... 342.83’0 ■■ " 18 Speclol ....................................... .583.0415 <• . " ■ 18 Bond ............... ....................... 100.0010 ............................ 19 Gonoral ............................................ 88.78IC ............................ 19 Spoclal ............................................ 245.2610............“ ---------■“-------'’— 20 ' Special---------- — ------------------ -— —41T.02-10 ............................ .. 20 Bond ........................................... 274.36,5 •• •' ■' 21 General ....................................... 250.1113 ..............................21 Special ............................................ ,98.6615- . •*_22 General ....................................... 842.44.lO ............................ ....... Special ................. ...................... 692.07lO " " " 12 Gonoral ....................................... 45.9810 ................ ■' 23 Special ........... ............................ 9.9514 ■■ " 23 Dond ................................................... 82.80_10---------- il - .. 24 Gencfal .................................... .................. 205.4310 ............................ 24 Special................................................. 214.1015 •• '■ '• 25 General ............................... 11,96iO •• "■ " 25 Special ....................................... BSS.Of)0 ............................ ....... Bond .............................................. 5.7SiO " ............... ..... Gonoral ....................................... 683.93:i ............................ ....... Spoclal : ............... •.................... ' 89.71)0 , ............................ 26 Dond ................................................ ’ 147.70)C ' ...........................27 General ................................ ............ '931.39JO ■■ '■ 27 Special ................................. . ’ 77.67J5---------- “ .........'■ ■■ “ ZTBODd . ............... ............ - 480.22-;5 " '* " 28 Gonoral . . . . ; ............................ ......................... 0.48

28 special ................... ................. 6.7417 . *■ 29 General ....................................... • 265.07E- ............................ 29 Special ............................................... - - - 2.30.J.-.. .............. 30 General ........... ........................... 84.83

- - •« -30 special ............ '-— 4.41.-}: ............................ 30 Bond .................................. .............. . 9.04

" • " •' 31 General ....................................... 27.67............... .... '• 31 Siwclol ....................................... 588.09

20 " ■■ 32 Gonoral ........................... 194.36 , — -............................ 32 Speclol ............................................. 483.36

50 •' 32 Bond ........................................... 125.14" . 34 Speclol ........................... ........... 21.96

90 ............................ 35 General ........................................ 20B.0875 ............................ ....... Spoclal ........................................ 239,84

............................ 36 General ............................................. U6.44C8 “ •• 36 Speclol ............... ........................ 87.23-------------- M---------------------— ST-Gonoral ••.T7TTr?: ;T . . --------------- 188:0803 " T " '■ 88 General ........... ............................ 45.0500 ............................ ....... Spoclal ........................................ 18.59

• ............................ ....... Bond ........................................... 86U 250 “ ■■ 39 General ........................................ 23.46

............................ 39 Speclol .............. ... .......................... 88.8261 . ■■ ■* *• 40 Q enera l................... ......... ................... .. 61.30

............................ 40 Bpoclal ............................................. 64.0305 •• :■ V 41 General ....................................... . 174.40

.............................41 Spoclal ............................................. 27.3661 ........................... . 41 Bond ............................................ 789.7915 '43 Gbnflr&i “ r . v ; ; ; “ : r . ■.t .t ttt .--------i c .t b ------- : ------------

^3 SpecJa] ....................................... • 16M896 • 43 Bond ........................................... ........................ ~ ■■■.92L44,-------- — w — .- i r o o n e r a r : ; — .-.; : . .-.T.-.T; ;77T— ----- -------68 - “ --46G cn0ttd ......................... ............. ..................................24.97

•• - •' 46 Spoclal ....................................... 17U 865 ............................. 47 Gonoral ......................... -............. U.65

. '• ■' T .47..Spoclal........................................ . . . .00 . -------- — i^ .o o n e ra J - ,- , ,. .......................... ............... . . . 86.«f

61.............. T o ta i’D ^ r . . . . ■ r .7 . r . v . ;■.Lo m to ta l d o t l c l t » - r ; ........ ... ..

80 ' — .......................... ...................................... ■ - ....... - ............. - ........... I I........................... ................................ .................. ;■ ■ ■ ■ ...... ............ • ■ • • M i .w jf

. . . 8UMMAHY.' Balance on b a ^ 6 c t 12, 1912..................................... T.. ' > |3»»07§;M

... ..RflceiTwi c u b p e r Uilf re p o r t . . . '.................................................. B f m J t ' R oce lT ea -b y _ traa ste r................................................. . .

--------■ D IstoraST ceih 'lier t t f i r r i B o K r n u T 7 : ; 7 r A ^DlBburmed by trw B fe r thU r « p o r t . \ r i . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

J w . . n ; - M i 8 - ,- W 1.M9J4

To The Lai' Would y

_ _____ - ^ same^pnbetter It know ou in the Ei

_ _____ knew thi, _____ would SI

$3.50 a, shoes as w ilihok prooe th

Exclu. ladies ai

-.-r Specit

tCwtn jfa lls Xlimes

PnbJUhed Twlco a,W ook, TuosdayB u d FrJditye, Jq tbo O ant-Holoban Bnlldlng, Main SirooL

WILBUR 8. H ILL ... E tllior and Publiflhor.

tfem bor o f Eastorn Idabo P reso Club.

IN D E P E N D ^T REPUBLICAN. Entered Socond C lass M attor oa a

SBml-Wookly, Oct, 18. IfllO.

---------------SflbMrlpUod -IM e s , • . .One year. In advaneo........................|3.00Biz m o n tb B ....................... .................. 1.00

TEL. 18.

— TUB r o bBcrl irtlan lii/uka uf ttia T fMBS- a re open to tbo laspoclloa of advor*

.......... / .................... ’


d a . all o f T onr P r in te d . M atter. II re p m e n ta Good W orkm anab/p,' Goc4 W a m and Good CoDdiUons.

■ I n s e v e r a l 'p f t r t f l - o f —ib lo -B ta t® tb a to w n s n n d c ltJe s bnv o I n s t i tu t e d s p e ­c ified d iiy s (o r sp o c la l b a rg n ln u fo r th o f a rm o rs w h ic h n ro cnU cd t rn d c r 'o d a y s . A t th is tlm o Ibc r n n c b c r b rlncB In h is p r o d iic o 'o r h lo fn tto d s to c k , tb o

“ JU 'C rtblilits p u t on Bdlcs nm l th o d n y la m a d o o n o o f nc tlv c t r a d in g . I t bna b e e n t r l e l fo r Boni<» tlm o In a nu ftib o r o ( to w n s nnd BccmB to K row In iioi>*

j i l n r l t y . I l w ould bo w o rth w h llo fo r lljfi C om m orclftl c ltib rind lli'o lo c a l m o rc b n iits to InvcBllKntc th o p la n nnd BCO If I t w ill so rvo to b r in B rca w lts to th o n ie rc lm n tn nnci f a r m e rs b e ro .

T he cry, "lot niitoniobllcs e n te r YcJ- lowstono National Park,'* baa boon tnhch up In carnoHl by tho u aers ol gna cars nil ovor the w est, nntl thero

----- la 'c o n B ld e m b lo c h n n c R ' t h n t •ConffreonwJJI c v en tijn lly ib ro w Ihe w o n ile rf iil r e g io n o iien fo r n il k in d s ^ m o to r vc- b lc lea . W h en U m l tlm o com cfl, how ­e v e r . m n c h o f th e 7.08l nn il h U crciit o f th e t r i p Ihj-ough. tl i e j . i j i rk _ w ll l_ l in v i boon lo u t owliiK to tlio iijiccd liu;, w h ic h n in :! r io t th ro \ig h tlio volnw of lh o A raerlcan ii, T o soo th o jm rk w ltli I t i l 'f l jd g n lt i c c n r BlretcbcD o f forfH tu lho , tlc u in lf in Inkcy niwi ih o n ii;irk lln j

4 .;ii_* trca ina-n iuL -rlycrfl^a a lo w , m o v lu j; ,>:c- b ic lo b r in g s o u l c o u n tlc j js dc iinliU th u l w oiilil l>» mi.Hued In ih ii m iu lV h lr!

- R O IM B ss sn B ss ii

Tlie ■ onSy B ^kln from SHo^atGi'op^

i s Shoe Tnyoubiv^betterjshoe: lce =better fittins ooking shoes? 1 \r line of shoes are ast as the best line's ese things, no oth lit you. You can ndj^.OO here as are made and w it

i their shape., U ese facts to yoii, sive shoe- departrn nd children. d broken line pumt.

Mercantileof tho powcrfMl toarlne cars. Tho wild .anim als which nt prosont food unconcemod by tbo roads na tbo fltngcH-paafl._wULHlluk .Into^tho forcBla In alarm a t lbo snorUng gas engines. Tbo faet !b w b en tb o timo comes fo r Uirowlng open the park for gaa cars 11 w ill.bo tbo end of a mnJeaUc gran- dour and m ystory th a t bas cloUicd tho park..tiirlUi-aw o fp f .th o . jnnny to^rlslB onii loado Jt tbo sccnic d raw ing 'card thn t U la today. W henever Uie gov­ernm ent opona tho pnrks as peliUonod t wiU SCO tbo passing of tho pic-

turesquo slago coachca. For. tbo stoep srado and a b ru p t cujt^cs llllcd wlU» tbo roar^ o r pasaing 'c a r s 'w i l l bo tuo dangerous, and the governm ent w lU .baV jj.to disbar the hofses or olso conatruct soparalo roada.

TH E ARMAMENT SCANDAL.Tbo ex p o su re ' o f th e ,' consiilrncy

among E^iropoan m akors of guns and

tro l priccs Is a shocking rovolaUon of how lu st fo r monoy con debase humnn bolnga. l i a ppoarB th a t tbo conspira­tors deliberately planned to aU r up luternaUonal suspicion by dbisemlnal- Ing w ar nowa and m anufacturing cvl* donco-ol IntornaU onal entailly. 'Wben tbelr w drk h a d ., fr lgb tone tr govorn- oicDto. Into la rge expenditures for w ar supplies tbo mon In the ngrcemonl de­cided wbo should get tbo conlrnctti and controlled tho nwarda by colluslvo hlilcllng. . Of course, tho low est bid wua mado too high and the stolen profits on Uie w lnn tnc-con tract were divided nmong Uiose in tbo dgroenient.

I t is easy to unilerstnnd the conator- natlon -which wna cnuscd In Qerninny hy lho charge th a t Uio K rupps joined ln"th lB 'd iabolical business; To Ger­many the K rupp Iron works were ft modol of 6vorythlng‘ a g roat biminesa catnbllflhment should bo. . The found­er of the bilslncsfl wna a friend at Um emperor. Tho Kruppa w ere prniBod on every band. They woro believed to bo pntrlolB of tho nohlCBt mold. Their products nnd tbe lr probity were con- flldorcd Im portan t clemcatB. in tlio nn- tional defenee.

Gormany’B oyea nro opened now. Her people a co how they h.-ivo been hetrayoil. duped nnd Hwlmlicd by crnf- ly men who pinycd upon the ir p rldo nnd fc-nr. The affair la ,rcKrotluhIc7 hul if it should lead to a Juuter. ciitl- nmto of th o ronl inlentlona b l Euro[i- pan- ppi>i)lu-U)W(ird-oiioh-olhor.4iud oL the unlm portanoo o t moi^i of tlio Jln;:t> Vu'WB-whlcli. flllu' Uio li^uropodn lirei::! It w llf ho W orth Uh cou'i.—Wail.i'ce rrcflB-Tlmcn.

roWBEITr'B l y P s s s r e

g P o i v d e s " m s s S o

e i G i r o a n s o f T s ^ ' i a s ’

' s m E P H a s p B & r s ' -

s for the ____

shoeS‘/=D o you

known ? Ifyou. ler line buy forI pretty------^

h wear Ve can

ent Jor-__________

PS 95c

CompanyTH E ISSUE AT CLOSE IL'VNGE.- W ltb the California log 'sln turo evi­

dently 'determined to follow Its own incllnaU on_ia„tho .m atto r of rcstrlc- tlons placcd upon tbo rig h ts .o t aliens to acqufro and bold lands in tb a t BtAto, despite tho mild p ro te s t InB plrad by P residen t W llso^ and voiced by Sec­re ta ry of a ta to Dryan in p e rso n ,'i t J0»g-b0.:.flajg.qlLtPJLcKthc:lBau&-nUflcd by (be protests o t tho Japonoso fn as c lear a ligh t a s Is provldod ., Tho Ques­tion has two bUIos. Tboro U no u . cuse for denying th is ' o r of blinding ourselves to w bat m ay bo ^ o /'u lU - nzato rosuU ot. w bat tho people .o t tho O rient, pan lcu l’arl'y thoso of J a p « , ‘ regard as un just dlficrim lnaU oo.^ .

Wo all re'mjcmber th a t a fow weeks ago tho velierablo C ount Okuma*told M r. J ohn tL K oit and ' ot her lemUnfr Am ericans th a t a ll o th e r means had fa iled -an d “only influonco of Chrla. tlan lty romnlnod” to prevent w ar be- tw een Jnpan and lho Unltod States. Wlien ho siud tb a i bo conveyed (o tbo pooplo of tbo Unltod S tn tcs na idea of tho gravity of a BltuaUon which ho has reason to bellevo is wbolly .undor- CHUmatod nnd wholly mlBundeVrftteod by tbo pcopIo on th is aldo o t tbq i?ar .clflc. And y e t tbcro is. perhaps/, tip oxouso for m isunderstanding. W bat is now transp iring In T o ltlo 'ls hb t a Bnrtaca"1ndlcntloin3("a-condition-long exfsUn^ In Japan .,

• T iio d j.is no denying Uie fact that deep resen tm ent Is fe lt by tho.pooplo of Japtm bocauso of tbo altitude ol th la country in dlBcrlmlnaUng hcL^£fi£P Japanoac and whlto aliens. The fact tb a t ou r atUludo hna boen pounded in upon tho JapancBo by a serlea ol oventa,-of which th is California land qncsUon in but one. There-Is lhe anil- OrleiitallBm of ou r ImmlgraUon pol­icy, often neetlleaBly • aggravated by unneccHsnry bungling In Uio ndnilnls-

I trn tion of the ImmiKralion lawa. There I w as tho O riental school fiuosUon ir < California, early in 1907, wboro the ' nnmo so rt of d lacrlm lnatlon . ngainal ■ .Tniinncuo wne Involved as la ismbod-• led in tbc leglalatlon a t . Sacraiiionto

Thoro was tho ngllntlon over Uio Mag-. dalona Unx. In d d e n t 'lo add itB share I t,f . friction and mlaundcrsW ndlng• There hnvo h ren other, though nol sc• ucuto, manifealntlonB of tho samo dlS' 7 UTrtniKiCnin lu “oUiOr 'Pacific alopf• stalcD . _ , •

Ali of UiIh Ib a ncvcro .blow to the prlilc of :i proud pcoplc;-The-fm rt-lhal

tbciii! Biirrpuslyo bIiiIih nt .iHpnnoiu! nU' ^ooal..jjrltJi; .coruc,liom _U ic..\i3crjc.ir

• people, nlways loudest In tho ir pro- ti'iialona ot frlcndsliip ^or Jai>:vn. bui nrttlnl to lh‘0 iinplcn«:int fw linj; <jf Ito- lug "utahhcd In.tbe hoiiKu of n frlci;^.'

A}*-n~rPfliiJr~ornir tblii -dlBcrlmlna' tion. w!ilcir(ls nol tlioorutlcal liut real liicpj huu i;rowu up In .Jnpun U’i-

• in i: th n l itl or<!<‘i: fo r Ju p a n o o o i! i;l ib to lio fu lly rcn iicc tc il ihroui-Clioiu tin w orJ il.'.'i w n r v.-Jtb AiiiLTkii l';i l:n.‘v)t- nblo.

liiiB~tiino~n‘iTn“ irifiTIii liirtli ii<lviiu< <->i In lh o .In 'u inw i* proiia. Lout b r 'fo ru l!;lij o ;it tiu n ;l ;U Toltjcw ovor ih< C iii/fo rnfii ia n d (iii>-:it(oti. th '- "InrvK . a h lllty " nr w ar-lio tw p .rn .la jm n n in l U»

. .UlilLcd. hiicl pi'oaf!H'-| 1>;;>()llU(:l:ii:;; Ih rn ii'ti i l!ii- [li-fiut, lit I'l. • lu ll .in '; ;" l l Ir. .1 (lnn>:';riiu:

ty luivi^ i-.fii'oiul In ;i J.iii.J. •

' " ••.S ]irri"~ Jn ;'" r,111 ., a li o in l... f:i. [.riiiciiC'<1 I;;-- i.iilillrutlunM In Un-li

1,1' i.v 'lli,. 'nniit;.lii7r. r.

IlnBo-poUtlclanfl." .B>i?8 ',a YOrJc n f ^ a p a ^ r . '" ; — r

Tho Japonoao 'aro no w iser than tho Booplo of any o th e r counlry. - I f tho ir country Woro plunged into w ar by lingo politicians i t would n o t bo tho f irs t counlry th a t has had Ib is ox« p o f Iu W c o r" A n (n ir^ o r—tbo "yellow p re ss /’ its influonco. Is rendered all li'o g roa to r by th e fac t tb a t In Orlon- ta l-countrles-tb^m assos-M O -8U lI:m iii dor tbo .tradlU od o t g rea t ro.veronco for tho w ritten w ord.- -

-W ould Jap an toko so raah a stop ns lo go to w ar, o r even to dovolop a stro n g onU 'Am ericanlam , simply be- cause thoso of ho r peopio wbo havo como to th is counlry aro d iscrim inat­ed against? T h is QUosUon has been a sked ,and has boon assu m cd 'to dot- Inltely.dispoao of tho whole m attor,

B.ut th a t Ib n o t tho quesUon n t all. TtilB-CattfcmriVlttitd-tsplBodo-nenulrwi im portance m oroly as ono- phaso ol what-lB-cwiBtrtjed-*a-oonfllfltflat- policy on th is aide o t tho Pacific to tllscrlm- Inato ftgdlnst and t o , hum lllato the Japanpso , pooplo. And horo wo have ono of those "(tuesUons-affceUng-no* Uonal honor” th a t ou r own log lsla ton havo alw ays boon so inslatont upon excluding from tho purview ot arbltru-tlon '’ n!atlo8.'*‘-------------- ■ — ..........

'To tho 'Jap tinoao , then , tho Iaauo Ib bno o t national honor. To understnnd how lorge th is ' l ooms In the ir eyes ll is only necossary b rlo tiy .to ro c lla 'th t ta c t th a t Blnco tho lr omorgenco from th e it cen turies of O riental Isolatlor tho lr wholo s trugg le 'h its boen’to r roc- o ^ IU o n on a piano o t equality witb o ther people.' ,---H orotoforo--tho—Japanoso—goverii.- m ent hna boon ablo to TgprasB piiblU opljLioQ whdnevor I t'a ssu m ed 'dtbigor ous tondoncloa. I t hna boon able tc form public opinion and d irec t il. Bul the Japan of today p r e s e t s a v o ^ serious Jn tom al sltuaUon.

Tho p a rliam en tary rio ts a t Toklo i ToWwcck^BTTtfo-ciiYn'OxeoedlngiricioBt to a rovoluUon. Indeed. In ono phase thoro wao a royoluUon. W hon'-.tht dom inant p a rty in tho diet, tho Solyu- kal. refusod 'to 'obey tho oxpressec Trt8ll'^>^hlB-Inttjertr-the-em peror-thol rosoluUons Im peaching tho K a tsu n m in istry bo w ithdraw n—this w as rev- bluUon. F o r nover before/ln tho his- t o ^ of tho lan d had w hat waa tanta- m ount to. a com m and from tho thrOD<bton'ignoreid.------ -— -- ------------- -— ..—

IL la .n o t nocossary to deal w ith th< Ib ruos in th a t m in isteria l c risis sav( to om pbastto thio' ta c t th a t What ther occurred sbowod th a t, tho tlmo hoi PMsod w hon public opinion In Japoj oan-bo dlroctod fro m .lh6 ..top .„ jao j)u reouorAA^T-can l\opo to do. w jiat tHi eacrt'd '-'word of-'thb «m poro r'h im so l

B o oT h i s B i g P i

T r a d e I t i d u

---------------------P a bThis is a hig

ingredients. I-eoerywhere, 12

tity !0c. bar.T o i l

These are nt either Menken

RHigh=grade $Z manufacture 4

Milli— So popular !

we will offer a

— Ladles $3.5( ■ in broken lots

B Every piece I l5cforlO c. L 1 the asking. .a - " - ------ Lddies-Si§ Suits worth ® remarkaGte pr

^ B o o t h

conld not-,do. .Public .op in ion In ;o p Tan: niusL-.m nrctorcl now bo regt^rdei aa on - th e samo piano with publi< OBlnlon^ln..fmy pthoc- country. And'.l m ust bo dealt' .w ith ;.w ith ,^o s, a'ucfi WhoUior IfiU io.tflst camo | t -would gi to tho length o i ..toriiln'b a ;w a r ^ i t l tho.-U nltcd-S tatiflJ8 .n .at.X O tJ^ .jliios Uon, b u t Uint i t boa Uio power to-di so . can . hardly bo .dpubled.-^Ren( 5 i^ U o . .;___ .

C i m SE K YW E BX.lMINATIOJr.^ h « r« r^ r€ lT « -6 « rv lfe -G o m m l# 8 laannounces tha t a male clork-carrle oxam lnaiion will bo hold a t Twli F a lla r idahb, on Juno 14. 1913. ..Vg llm lta a rc from 18 to 45 yoors.

T he P ost Offlco Dopartmont haa ail v ised th a t a lte r Juno 30, 1913, tho on tran co salary In tbo ? o s t ' Offlc B ervlco In the firs t ond socond claa offlcofl w ill bo fSOO-per annum, an th a t em ployes-Id tho-$C00. grade.

’ bo ndvancod to tho (800 grade.npplv nt onfo {

• lho Local Socrolnry, Uonrd of Civ ; Sorvlco Exam iners a t tho Twin Pnll

I^6BlOfflce,or-Urt-8wrotary,-JSb5vcnt■ Clvil_8orvice D istrict, SealUo. -Wtwb

: ORPHEUM THEATRE- F ro g n 'm -fo r . Ib n rsd a y , .Friday

I and Sntnrdny, May 1&, 10 imd 17.

' The Moscow Dud1 'I • A BnsBinn KoTolty Act.

' Wall and K id-J .....iBctliedTCom edj-^Slhglng ana ~


I • Foto P la jB i


I A Society Drama.

■ TH E BE,IUT OE A OUILB,A boauUful Btory featuring tho

-~ K ro iir^hT nr-E cto rr"n ran iio ii8o r- I Kid.

I H E GAVMONT W EEK LI, ImloBt rovlow o t c u rren t evonta. A v e ry IntorcBUng numbor.

'~A ’ p r d g r ^ 'y o u - dofi*t'-wan t t o- m fflsnJdorS 'opoB 'T rJO ’contlnD--

* . oua- U ll_10 i a 0>-_ A dm lssloa 10c . 5 ,a n d 15c.

> Matinee S a tu rd ay ' 2;301 . • . . •

Send your ehlldron; A refined.j ' , ‘ totruiiU vo 'tiE iU irt4!nm cnt:"r^-

t h ’s S p io p u l d r L a d i e s

' . c d m e n t s t o S h

n o l l v e S o a p Kh=class toilet soap Iqual to 25c and\ h2c and I5c. - W

e t T a l c u m s 1 9it cheap talcums \ s, Colgates or Witu g S p e c i a l<0.00 9x12 Axmin W9T95\nery Dept. Specia las beenjoun-$3.0l nother lot for $5 vLadies-Oxfords-9 7 and $4 .00 Pum to close a t 95c.Embroidery Spe d

bargain in, itself, vide flouncing wo

iit-^eciaL^l2.50- >5.00 to $35.00 w ices. New high=gi

M e r c ^

HomeProductsfor yoiir home trade means dbitars saved ;

; forhom e circulatioffi i Besides you can get ' the beS~ at hoine. -

* • - , ''. A sk for --




. Idahome Com Meal

■ : and ■... Grahiun Flour :

"W T A L lS ^ iU L rN G "1 & ELEVATOR CO.

to r appllcaU on blank and ta ll In for- maUon.

R. E. LEIOHTON, •■ _ , . Local Socrotary.

. . A h u rir-c a ll,. through_the ciBSSlflqd- colum ns, t o r ' a ' bailor office h e lp e r th a n tho one that:* leaTlng^ -will ub> ually find blm —cr, aa traquontly hap>

'W hen tho m oa fo r whom yoa oogh t to -fro rlr-h a8 « -o p en ln ff-fo r^o u , yon'H- 1lnd-' th»" ji»wB la UiB'."holirr-wMite4“ • t e t . . .

' c i a kS t o r e O f f e r s

r e w d B u y e r s .

' c B a r .................. ^ .made of purest 35c soaps sold ? offer any quan*

but high‘grade=‘= \iams_l9c box. \K 9 5iter rug of 'o besi j" r ' ’ . • '-1

I-tr im m ed hats- at. andMonday.

5 e - ^ ------------ - V ■ --

p ^ a a d —OxfordsZ

llsBdby sets tuartffr

'"thSOl p e r l c e / i C

and~$l%50 III 6e sold atihese'^ •ad^ suits.

i t i l e C o .

■ J ^ J o b o d y :- c a n ., g i

3 ' ' : ^

; But.to (EVfery man of

H ere is a special n ’cloiliiirg organization

M■ A re $3 to $8 .bettei

l .G o any whete'yp.u:!: lfcom eTnt^h?ie'4Td^

■ You will find the fal ; thing just as high-cla 7 ^ 0 -an d -$ 2 5 -g tad e i

O nce you have takei -diem-and^after-you-l

t l ja t jo u really savec

S tr a u i

■ Mf3.’ 3 . ' W .-T annor ■wflB In • the- c lt?■ yo8t0r«loy trom F llor oa a BhoU&lng

to u r . . . . ‘

' R W. R obbln~w ai I n T w j n - r a l l f f from DoJso fo r a day tbo m iddle of tho wook. •, 1 . I

W. A. L. Stowe, tho Klmborly dn ig - Rl8t w as 1& tho city for a day lho flra t o f tho wook.

l i r e . C. B. D caaor waa In tho couaty s c a t Wednoaday from Rogcraon o a .a Bhopplag tour. ^ •

H . H. MUlcr re turned Tuoaday from Boise, w here he had been for soveral daya oa tu a ln e a a . ' , .

U i4 . H. C. Mllla, of Rupert, la vlalt- I n r - ia tho city -w ith hor-paronta . Air.

' ‘a n d 'M ri: M. rrQ om blo.-.— • ..........

^ b . J . Child*, mnaogor of tho Farm - - - o ra Q rala- aiiJh-Blovator.,com paay. of

B uhl nad F lldr, Waa traaaac tlag basl- — -neM -toltha-clty-JtC B iordaj:._________ _

“ T ftU ^L W E i l l U V K A-HH SVifnTlitG’GOODS FBOX CS, I

V jO O O D S ^ ra J - lU K p liO CB.SPfl

• ’ ;0N BPO liTISa aOODS.A3iD, ABD -Q D A U Tt


ye -yftu_A6methinf BTioCtfyiag to do

moderate means we war

aade suit of clothes mai in the world the makers

" T ^ o SaiB flP rlcc ifie“ W o r i a " 0 ^ r : " ~

: than the price inarked.

ike and examine $ 2 0 to a m te S T Y E E P tU S X

brics, the workmanship, ss in every way as you 15 . ~ :

n a good look at these c bave^wom-diem-a-whileI $3 .16 $ 8 after 4K •,

d p s ir e ; W :‘Motn3r"tg'l»rthrtca60-gttqnd-^ jpg th e m ootiag o( tho natioaol com* a l tU o of. tho Soc laliat - parly .--------------

C. D. TUomaa and W. R. P rlobe mado a buslnoaa tr ip to Contact,-loav-

tb la c ity _*niur8day morniag.

M rs. D. B row n-U w ers re tu raod WoflnciHay ovenlh(TtrOTn”B nb l"w b treBbe had been vlsUlng wJlh frlenda.

Lladady and Hoover, tho 'reo l esta to doolera, movod Into the ir now offlcoa on M ain avoaup th e f irs t of the weok.

• •TtrW."PlCr8on wng 't r anBttcUaG^buat- acatt l n \h o Magfc Cfty for a day tho mlddlo of the wcok, from bis bom o In Doteo.

" H. d . M unyon.. tho i wdll-imowA ftWF tlonoor of Fllor. trahaM tod. buBlnow fn tbo county • sca t Tuefldoy o f . th is wook.

E. N ,'abopberd , .whojM a b jo n run - nlng.-tbo. B oaton. lunch fo r. soveral 7 cnr8; --baB--80 ld th e luncb ro o m to Jamoa Beua. proprlo tor o t the Paatlm c■pooJ haJJ. Tho room ^aa been cloBOd down for. #6veKal day* w hile-tbo pro- p r f e lW - ^ a « - : i n 4 k ^ rlm proycm en and w ill bq opened to tho public to d w .

i i c A V S ^ o u i n « 5 p u ~ lET GOOD .A>T> P i^ A S E , l '6 u . ‘

iU R J ) . f fA i^ ODii n id r i .8 tv N ii i i LLL COM TETlM pN. ' “ ' , “ / .

i ^ ^ A R E c 6 7

to $ 8_________________________________

g fo r n o th in g ,

th a t .............................. -

n t t o s a y t h i s ;

• ■

, d e b y t h e l a r g e s t

> c l a i m

^ $ 1 7

) $ 2 5 c l o t h e s , t h e n

X O T H f e i t $ T 7 ? :

, ; t h e s t y l e — e w r y r i

h a v e s e e n i n t h e

J o t h e s y o u w i l l b u y

^ y o u - j v i l l — r e a l i z e - ;

a u b e r

Ro(julflr sixtt r vsl^ffaro fl no rtheaat fronti n ea r L incoln sc

. ren l At (360. Sm&ll payibent doy: . ExtVa flno flvn-acro trac t, o a

Fnlla, a o l fa r from tbo Interurba: ductlvo 10II. ond.wateiis wolL No prlco^at^ l ^ y Q.j^ Paym en t ^ o v ^ . r

made, good Ia>’inj; land ,' to tr&ilo W an t doalrable-cloao in lota.

^ fann of 80 acrea n ea r Rim . l a n . Flvo'oero orchard , 25 acres c-rTptnea*^amdip!enty^-*oe»-«llb-tbl*-

a t $136.00 pel* acre, on good term: S x tra cbolco' c o m e r building-

walk, trees aad graded.. T</'tum , ownor moro And W orth m oro to ]


j T h o m p s o n - ^- 121 Main .1. . . . ------ -- ------

County 'Su'rvoybr X A., Byboo ro tu raed Wednesday efon lag from, Oun w here bo bad boon doing oaglnoorlni w ork.

F . D. Kimball ro tu m ed Wedneada: ovonlng to Salt Lake City, U tah, afte Bpondlng sovoral days In tho city 01 busisosa,

A. Mu Wiker ro tum od Wednesda: ovonlng from Rogorson whero he ba boen looking a fte r b usiness m atter to r several days.

. <> ■ •Mesdames M. 7. and E v ere tt JM

Swooloy Jind-cblldw ia. Icft-.li38“ >3!? m orning for Spokane. W aah., wber they w ill , visit fo r sevornl wooka .wit relatives.

—J , A.- W alkor,-lho >WiiIl^knoffn_« tocj -roaa-and..farm or .ofj.tho R ock.C rce nolghhorhopd. waa a ^ b u a ln ^ a Tlalli: Ju tbo bounty aoat’io r a ’day tEo' inn d lo of-tbfr woek.-:------ --— ,

Alicea,'wtio In connectcd w ith tl:nO rtb“8 !do'JW*^d'Ttafl“ W nloj «.umiPni!

O lty r^ f td n w d a y ^ fro m -hta hoiulana: t w a in We« le llr - r -- _.^ ^. -V/ , ,

— EcciLB. Rcod^was In tbo_ city ye: te rd ay froro Bolao .on buslnesa in ctti

! . b tftee nj< ~ffltocnthcommlBBlnnet fo r Id a h o 'o f tno"" Fa: 'am a.Paclflc, expoBltlon.;

" ‘P n H T 3 S m a i a ^ f l c f i r r o r n W m ond. I tre e t an d 'F b ilr tb nv«nno.. tini W cltA -E. H Kimmi. u jla la ler r rMo t o l 8«rvlco, llfOO. Tlio -pastor w ill h Fln,n,:BdrioB o t.M sht .eoOTyiui o n . '‘TI

o t '7:(i 0. v f ro.Borvlco 'a t .8 :00 : .Bbrmoo.,tb«niOr

• ttoTnm bennlblrBe^hooi^« ,.0 :-I5 boroftftpr lp8tond.af,X0.;.

X ”B.’T'drry wM Tla.'iHc'clty'thd fln it f Uio week from Dolso. i

- ' ....— ~ ~'~~T ' ' I•Olyde-Pnrnflworlh-wnH-a vlslto r-in t i t f c l t rT u e a d u i 'f ro m llu r la y .--------- r 1

i& rcb^dcon Howard Stoy wiui In tho Itjr for BOVeral days thiu week.

G. 13. Ulsbco.woa a buulncsB vlullor 7 I S alt Lnke City, Utnh, for aovoral t ^ o t th lrttooh :. — ------- i

'If.-W .-D trvcn-w aB 'in-TV ln-Fnllirfor - o r two tbla w co k from DurJoy. -

ranBBCtlng buBlncBS. 1' -------------;----- ------ . - - t

■ a itu iirtjyc . :ir. duuiu ruiuriiua yen-:- ^ jrday evening from Durloy, *bcro he 1 nfi been on legal. buelncBB. i

C. W. Wood, of Uuriey. was in Twfn 'a lls for several days of tlila woelc < >0klng after buBlnosn mnttorB.- • 1

' — > I'W . IT. Monroe Iu In ib o 'c l iy f ro m I ,l9' home In th e Hnnnoii neighborhood 1 c tln g OB a ju ro r in tbo dlHtrlct court.

R. C. Plorco w oa In tho c ity for n 1 :5T B ii"m 6ro rttn rw cck-rron riiD iB o .- -i lav lng boon c a lle d , hero on bualneiiH. 1

•Mra. A. M. Bowen and daughter dc- ittrtert■ycfltorrtnj'TnomlnK' for BcrJcIcr, 3nl., where Uioy will vIbU for Bomc ime.

Doimty Hortlculiuriil InHijcctor C. iV. Brannan rolurnod WcdncHdily from in Inupectlon trip In tho cQBtem p a n )f the counlrj'.

Mrs. A. N. Spragiio' returned Wednesday from Uurloy, where ehc bad boon vlalUng with hor husband tor Bovernl dayB.

Qeorgo n. G raham ' anil M nry-Fau- BOlt, both of F iler, woro m arried 'b y Judgo '\V. J. SmlUi Monday afternoon n t the office of the judge.

OoorRC P. Sprngiio arrived lu the city T u rd a y ovonlng from Ito lec, tmd jffUr rou jn ln 'f6 r^ '6veral“3ii>’a looking a fto r his proporly intoreats. -'

Charles E. Hayden, the Jarbldgo m ining innn. arrived In' tho clt>‘ Tues­day from th a t comp, nnd will remain bore for.Boveral daya on bualncBS.

L. PotUl, auditor for tho Gem StntoiMimber—:rrtTT.pnnv, , loft vfwtfrtlnvm ondng to r S a lt Lake City, Utali, to bo gono for Boveral da>-8 on buBlncBB.

J. C. Fulton, d is tric t aR cnt-for the ^<tnltablo Life InBuranco company, ro- ^ r u c d Satunlny 'from •a-buolncflB-lrlp •to, .Twin. pQllB and vicinity.—Pocatello

•'•'Mr. and M rs. John Young, formerly residents ot tho city, arrived Uio firs t o f tho wook and •v.-lll vIbU a t the bomo of. Cpunty T reasu re r W. J. Young to r

Alox M cPherson arrived Jo tho c ltj' TuoBday from b is homo in Long Bos.f^. Cal., and w ill rem ain for some tim'ft loohlng a f te r 'h lB buslnoBS af> ralr».J Hfr/Bpent o few days In-IkJlBO jlS ltlftg ^U h hlB Bon, John U. McPhor- •on , 3tAtB horU cultural Inspector.

r ^ B e a u c h a B i p -

In'Ttnd. nafd, well located, lOOl.' “A eixap fo r "the man payitfg t-'aad rest oasy term s. >eautlftil-olovaUon overlooking Twin,.I car Itao,'deop rich and very pro- ^resldont w anta lo so il fo r quick saBO&ablo-tormii:rtb-oU H olIi stnr.,-wltb-pniM>ayjnont,». fo r - Tw ta FallB vacant property.

3(irly: 4*room house and out build- . In idfalfa and re s t plow land. Hap* form ^to '-tbo-m aa who toowB bow,

io t l a beat realdeaco distric t; side- fnto cash soon, a t *500.00. Coat tho ion who w an ts .desirabto bome.

Weaue East

John U. M cPt)orsod, atato h o r tlc ^ tu ra l iM pector arrived In the c lt

; W ednesday and will rem ain for sev oral days on buslnesa In connecUo: w ltb bis offlco.

. L. O. H ayford wna up from bla hom 1 In Bubl. W ednesday. Mr. Hoyford 1

recovering from ab attack of rhouc: . ntlam .w htrh-contlnciU ilm Jo .b lsJip jn ' for somo Umo. ^I ---------------------------! M anager Georgo H llllar of lho Gei

Slato Lum ber compaay. of Pocatoll lod Monday evening for tbo Gate Cll aftor flpendlng sovoral dajB In tb.

T city o a b^Iflosa .

I Rev. H . W. Parker. dlBtrlct superli Vohdent of the M ethodist-church-ft

’ th is d istric t, arrived homo Wednosdr t r im ^ i s o , wboro..ho hnd bocn;^f(

^ acY erftl-dByg-on-^urch-buBlncsB.—

- — M r<4ad Mrs, S n , M arpb^ .6r s ^ T ersot, k y ., w ho aro-apendlng Ibo sun- -m or'w tth-tbelrson-.'D r.-J.-H .-M urpb

of Bnhl, aro Bpdndin'g tho wook at.U5 homo of 'M r. and Mrg. M. Boobo.-

^ ■--jPun L |iu gnrofr^ftrauU >m ob»e-flr ■ of-FopriB-;and-Lrman.-:mada.a.JccQi

trlp '-taT larbtdee-lftat-w ock.-'-H © lc ” ■fhls'tlty 'atTtSM B'nad-loaded hlfc pn It soagor .la .tbo gold .camp before dar

0.....T hc^Q r-A rR rO lro lo 'w in sorvo-a-;I* o*cTocB“ ^ b n n tc n ~ p iu ' duiuui, lu .u ; Moose-ball Saturday , May 17, Tflcko

boromi-*Ilk-<iullt-whlch-wHl bo glv< t; ftw w v

5 Rcmembor lho'~^oubieThc»i3ftrTVi 0 g am o .to bo ployed a t .th o ball pa Jt, H attir4i^‘flBd-6uad^,~ b e tw e a a .^ . r

l i SlaKliihnwi '-'..Tbo:^^ntnrday;::tgatng:r q callcd fo r 4:30 in .th e afternoon oi

i f MrRfrrafl'WBUTft'.tn! la tc jM tln e -f« tbo c ^ l ,o f_ p l« rJ ^ ] . . ■■

A. Tl. AndoTflonr of tho'-O rphonm bcntro , bAB let tbo contract to P o rto r m d 'G a rd a o r ' for ' tbo~ orocdoa '“o t -a nodorn-bungalow-Jwhlch bo .ond J iIb ’nmlly- wllJ occupy -aB-8oon-aB-com~ jlotod.

P lfa t Church o t C hrist Sclontlflt. 230 n ilrd nvenue, eaal—Servfcos Sunday, day 18, 11 a. m.: Subject. “Mortals md ImmorUits." Sumlay school n t XO L- m ^T eB U m onlal mooUng -Woducs. lay u l 8 p. m. •

B oat-B oiso. A ll th e .h ig b school. )oya nnd glrla arc wcnrlng a cnrd to b is effect. Don't forgot tho- cham- ilonB blp-b8ll-g«nn«-t>etw een—T4>4n- ^nlln High and tho Dolso 'H ig h Uils ifternoon a t tho bull park. ' .

E. H. I4c(Ufr, who nt ono Umo rcald. :d on tho Twin Falls trac t, b u t Is now ncntcd n t Simkano, Wnuh., wns In the :lty fo r sovoral days Uils- week call- ing on friendB and looking nfiec busl- iCBU i^ffalrs.

W. R. Prlebo, the jowolor, hna .le i:a :on triict for a fine now rcBldonco on bl8-T)roperty-ftt-tho-fornor-of-S«v«ntb. nvenue nnd Second «troet, cnst. Con­tra c to r -Porter - bcKoa; work • on — the foundation Uio firs t of tho week.

C. W. Dyer returned Tueudny' eve­ning from Omnbn, Neb., whoro ho hnd been called In rcgnrd to the rewnrd which w as ottered by llio Union Pa* clflc railway for ,Uio cap turc of MathowB nnd others who held up a tra in on thnt rond neveral ycnrs ago I t will, bo remembered Hint Mnthcws ■was-captured-• h ero ,-an d -h o -aad —his pala are now in prison for llfo for tho crlmo they committed.

.■.-Ihc.-aubJoct - of tho B crm on_ ji^ tJ^ Molhodtgt cliurch" ‘Suhd'ftT morning" w ill bo -'‘\Vhat D ifference Will It Make?" There will bg un nntliem by th e cboll' nnd-a uolo by Mins P itcairn. In tho ovcalng there will bo Rpeclnl music by tho choriiii choir nnd n duct l>y .MIsocB BcbbIc Cnrlson nhd Prnnccti r y m a n ;- Thfi 'BernVon'tOiJIirin'thb^vo: n lng w ill b e ,- ‘‘Is I t WorUi W lille r’ All are cordially Invited to bo prcBcnt.

On Tuosdny evening the regular m eoting of iho Twin Fnlls Chapter No. 2 9 > -0 .'^ 8 ., was turned over to- a uur- prlsd soclnl as a courtcsy to Mrs. T. H arry Rood, formerly MIsb Neta Dak- er. who hns served In thd capacity of planfst fo r tho lodge for Ui'o pflflt'flOT: oral yenra. Aboul.oovcnty-flve of the lodgo membera wore presen t and a do-: llghtful social evening wns spcnL Mra. Rcod wna presonted w ith some band* Bomo-ploooB-oC-ailvor—and-g.bcflnUfu] bouquet of flowerB, Mrs. W. F. Plko ami J . W. 'W atJrs m aking Tory plenslns and appropriate p resen tation speccbes to which Mrs. Iteod fllU ngly rcBpond- cd. Mr. and Mrs. Reed oxpcct to lcav( soon for Cnlgary, Alberta, whero thoj w ill make their homo fo r the Bunimer

05b“ ^ ^ o ' «o » t“ doltgh tfu lT O tln gftthorlnsa over enjoyed by tbo par llum on tary and clvlca departm ent 0 tho Tw ontlotb C entury club, was apen by th a t departm ent on Mondn>' nttor aoon,. oa gucalB. o t M r8. Br n , ,MprBc a t bor p leasant bomo on N orth .She shono streeL Tho room s wero ox qulslloiy decorated fo r tho aftomooi w ith a profusion of aprlng bloaaomi A fcaturo.oI.-tbfi..afl«jm oQ n.that wa m ost thoroughly, oajoyod worn l b flvo-mlnuto oxtomporanoous spoocho glTCn by—a—nu m b e r-^ t—tho—guasU Wblch oceoBloncd contlauooB morrl mont, some of the subjects beln( ‘‘WhatiConBUlutes An Tdcal Hnsbnnd, "Tho Gontio A rt o f Cbowlng Gum, "Woman'B Suffrage," oto. Prizes wer awarded Mrs. Cox aad Mrs. AQams 0 tU B i=^trof lfl7~Th'<r-afteTnoon- clDBo w ith tbo serving of rofrcBhmonta.

a ’ vory prolty rocopUoa was give Tuesday aftem oon by MosdamoB H. I Johnson, R. H. Kowmnn and R. J

222 n tU i avoaue, c a s t About 300~li vltaUons woro IsBued.** Tho houi woro divided from 2 to 4 and 4 lo '

Tho. parlors o t tbo Newman bon w ere boautlfully docoratod , w ith a] plo bloMoms from tbo Jo}mBoa~<H chdrd. Thoso jiasl8tlaR_ durltfg U nftem oon woro th e 'M lsse a .T flc a f t Black. CbrlsUno F ra io r aad Miss Fri zor, nnd Moedamoa Osbom , McUaj tera. Wise, Parsons, 'Wtloy, Alaxando Lee. StotUcr. Abl. l ^ o - a n d - H . - 1M l f e ~ .......... ....... .... .........................

Tbo follow ing 'program was cnjoyi th rough tbo nfinm ooa: —Mra. Glad: Carlson.': lilano boIo ; -Mrs. C. A. M M aster, vocal solo;' M rs. Thomps<

■ and Mra. Stover, p laao duel; M rs. M : CnrthTr-vocalTolorKlBtfXftmoil-'Cfl y read ing; Mrs. AdninB, Mlaa Canm •' Cox antf Mrs. Loe S tc ttlo r. trio . Mi n Reed, daughter of Mre. Baker, stood

the rccolvlng line.

'Wben 'ibo apartm ont. wblcb mlgl • almost, bavo beon planned, and deBlg

e<S fo r you, becomes available lo yc «- tb t i n - lb a J !

Rent" oolumna.________

° 'Wbon the liouse yoa ougbt to bo ll Ing in how is vaciitcd unexpected

•y and is fo r rent, you 'll g e t tho ne through, the olassllled columns.


— -We-now-faav©_ - 4 - t j e g n * i

ja _______________: ___'m ncd.ft ' r . ~ ~ r : c f im i ‘r iot^oiUT:oinj:bioci

^ Cbolco lo t, dne^balf bloclBopa' b u l ld ln g s r ^ l c i r on i?- -\:Qood Mftll^-8tm tf4otr-7^-

9D- — T iryoV iow riw iflB B 'torT i- wo can B u lt.yoo .. We b m -

*v ; H ere to a 'c b a a c o W. a ta r t a 1 ■a. Wo w r lto ilro , ac^d«toi t i

^ n n n ln r i . r '"

^ ; -Real Estate


; l i f e ^ . _ _ ,___

t i m e c p « . 1

’ more Uian cheap ‘ txash gifts. '

V a lu e —That’s what you get from

w. ¥ IliT -Leading Jeweler

Twin Falls, Idaho


-.-KoUctiJa-bcfebyjglvi^n thnt on J uBp 3, 1013, thcro w ill bc an annual mcet=Ing o t tbe atockboldors ot tbe Twin Falls-Shoaboiio Cnnal Conipany a t their offlcca In Twin Falla, Ida., a t 10 o’clocl: a. m.

F. L. DIFFRNDARFER, M a y _ l £ _ _ .„ - Vice PrcafdenC- -

Q os’ Book Store;■ D ea lers In____________

Books, Stationery, Office

___Sapplies. A rt Needle ^

Qoods, Etc.

HAVE IT TUNEDT b o w o r th y o ld gcnUeman -who

-Bald, “ M u s i c ^ t h charm s — — • did n o t , re fe r J to th e sound th a t ■

■ cornea irom n~ pIiu id lb a t’B lo l)to l ' ' t u n c . - " 'f |

[ - G tA t T O B E Y —r -T-r*-M tt#lc-H ou*e---------|»iiQne 1110. _

T w in Falla »iocel9P8

^ ^<‘°-Cnn .3 to to — .

J ________ T O P B T O F E . j


" By~iSvUi5V 'lieM o*lflTe n iTflier'''? boty exbaiiBtfng task ol doing tb«'* ' fam ny fwklng, abd '/n sfsd n g OB'° tbo pn rcbase of

B read, Rolls, Pies, Cakes,

t ■■ . etc ., etc. - - .- - -


'- R o y a l B a k e r yJi “N ; A . Jackson ; P rop .

e ’ s B a r g a j f f i ^ Ziu ftj'th iit-y nu b ave. . >. ? f r a W n g H f o r . —

YACAOT IO T S . 'r f ro m -p a fk ^ - -B o a t- l< > ^ w - i t t^ ^ ^

; from H igh School. Sn r« tm ded .by’ lOO.Or." M lgbtrdoMw ttw

d b'ealtb^ ltebnity:»M d''aotot o y < t ^ ^

M| : ; : I



M '

I n v e s t i g a t i

I t h <-— -—T he^S to iy-of-A n

“Learn One Th

-_______ J 4 o . i l ^ „ F E R ] W ^

f C o p y r ig h t. 1933. b y T h o Asai

F o u r litU o Bblpa— b a lto ro d , s to r n d r lT cn . U io lr r lg g tn g coalcU w ith I c o - « t r a g g I e d _ a lQ ii i ; - a - i ia c r o tV — iQrluo.ui r t n l t f r ia i;p d by siu>w>cliu) m oun ti la f t . U p d n d 'd b w n o n Uiu do ck o th o foro inoB t vobboI, U ie T r in id a d s tr o d e a U ilu , hm ^gard ; tn a n , p c c rln i a b e a d i U irpbuh :'Ut(! m lac ^ t h nnxlou i « r c a . Dciildc h im w n lk o d ' ano lhu i w u . b c iird cd , U lk ln K 'lo Bbort. sb o r i ■AlitAtwiw .' ~T.niirtAP~ nm l lo u d o r i;rcv k U vo rd ik . f lc rc o r u n d f lo rc u r h ia cca

-ilUL. Uic .ilUKKUrd m nn ftali - BOUiInR. o n ly B linking h in hcnii s tu b

to r t i l y .-------- -Thfa was-MnBcllon. th? fJrat nmi

•^K ti t h * eaurnRO to a t tc r o p t t o buU od------- ttM j-ro u n d -tl io worW,-puBhlnff ooj-ai

t o said, "even If wc bud to cn l (In »*ftUior o f tho rlgflnK." T h a t .waa lln fen ro commnndcr'H luHt dny of doubt

--------k S » o r c r ; 'f d r~ o u - U ic i ic x rd u y r n i5 - 2 S «^■ 7 o f N ovem ber, IR'JO. b lit l l t t lo Hoc

— Ui o C abo D p o o n d o .-th o "do s k v d ” w cH lem c n d - o t U ic S l r i ilt o I b s e H a n , a n d s a ile d In to Uio pcnco M K o n n Ramftd ’T a c l t l C ’ b y M ngcl I t t b ltm n lf .

T e r tln a n d M asollnn hnd an GXClUni -_|ie WAH bofn In PortnRal aliou

1480. Ho WI18 only iw cnty-tour whoi t o mado hU f irs t voyn^o to Indln

V Q iiT ia (i(r tnT t)nT tto~ ; t w yooTB ta to r ho fought bravcl; a s> la s t tbo Malays a t Malncea. and ro

• b r th o ran k of cap ta la . Ho con - tttxratf to dlstlDgulBh blm toK on. mnn;

MliM<iucnt Toyascs and campalgntB o t bo wafl n o t cqntonl wJlb lh

)u) bad won, Llko Coliimbu M d idobI o f tbo advonturcra of thn

- ____ No. 5. JAC<. H !» a p o c t i l la r 'r M t t h a t 'a b o u t ' t h

me g i n n i n g S a t u

i g H t e F r o E P i r i c ^

Watch OlS t a n d a r d

p r i w i l l c o n v i n c c

o p e n i

---------------------------- - T h

n e r i c a - i n - P i c t u r e s —

ling Every Day’-------— —

^ND MAGELLAN0 Inicd Newapapor Scbool, Inc.

1 Umo, MasoUan dreamed alwaya of a . ‘libortor routo to tbo E ast by aniline

,wc*tward. 'H la Idoa wna th a t n l tbc '- ’CTXtromtr’Bontlj'^f-Soiith America there• was a a tralL ’t ' ' A1)0UI' tbia Ume ho got Into trouble , 'u'fth Manuel, k in s of I’ortURal, and ; renounced b is nnUoniillty, Rolng tc 3 Spain, Uioro to offor hlii uervlcea tc r Charles V. FJnarfy wltli lho nld ol 1. jin ri-rnT ’ pnWnrflil frlcndH ja^CQUrt.ilC T manngod~to'porBnado the flpanlsb kins• Uuit hia p lan woe posublo. On AukiibI t 10, lulO, .tbo lUUo (loot of five eblpi ■ sta rted on th e ir bnJinnlouH voynge

which only one o t thom over complot- I- cd. To o n u lp - th is -oipodlU oa cost- over |2B0.000....................................t- - -Aftor-many-tnonlha-of-otnjBBloii uni 3-dlBdppolntmonlH a western pnBHagc 3 wan 01 ‘ Inat dlBcovorod—now callec , the S tra it of Mngollnn. But even wbci r th (n ilU o ~ n o o t •had-:;TiianaRCd to - goi t through thin Into tbo cnlm w aters o:- tbe Pacific, tb o lr tnjub les-w oro onl^ f beginning. F o r nlnely-olsbt dayaUioj- crossed tb ia eoa. only twlco slgbUnt- land—two baro. U tUo'lalnnda, strrlli

and unlnhabltod. Bawduut and ratj; bocamo coroiod fo o d .' But a t laat. li t March, 1621; th e Ladronen w e re dis 1 coTorod, and a lltUo wbllo atiorw ari k. tho Philippines.

- F rpiOTThCH(riBt[mdB~Titaggllnn-noTc r cnino away. P lg tU hg on 'tho'B lilo o'• ono of tho nativo chlcfn aga in st i- hot***" tr lb Oi ho was killed on Aprl -■■87.1C21:------------ --------------- ----------- -r Tho V ictoria m anaged to round tbi I. Capo o t Good Hopo aod reach Spall e onco moro. D ut only thirty-one mei s rotum od to Sovillo In tbo f lrs l 70bb0 t th a t over mado lho tou r of tho oartb

i U E S C A R T E R - ... .......

o 'o a r ly Ufo of tbo-dlacoveror of tbo 81

mr d a y , J V t a y

o n D e p e n d a b l e

S t o r e A b s o l u t

i r WindowM a d e G o o d s

........... y ______ ; _ ■ ________ ^ ______

5 y o u o f t h e v a h

i n g d a t e , S A T U .

C O Gi e O i d 4 ^ a r m e r s & = M

1 ^ — ^

■ V»'BTWico-Tllvorr=iI£fe<jtiefl-«ftrtt«PF8o lltUo is known. H o was bom In 1491: but ihiB groat F roncb navigator la f irs t board o t In 1G3-1, w hea .on tbe twontlclb of April he sta rted from S t Malo lu command of an oxpcdltlor consIsUng.of two ablps and alxly-on< men to look for a northw est p(V8Bag( to tho East.

T his Is w bat moat of tbo early dis- covorors and oxplorors woro trying tc find. They woro n o t farsoolng cnougt

a to know tb a t this groat, savago coim g try tha t blockcd the ir wny to Indli Q was aomo day to bo one ot tbo rich o OMl-and g ro a tost-lands-In -tbo -w orld

So when tbo F rench trado lo Drazl 0 In South Amorica waa Btopped, Car J Uer act.ou l In 1634 to find a now wa; 0 to tho myBtlc Eaut w ith ItB labuloui0 w ea lth .,f Ho roacbed Nowloundland oo Ma; « 10, and a t onco en tered the Btrait o J. ■Bono~lBldrtb(ju~calIoaTtborT5a7 0 ,t CoaUob by tbo fishorm cn. But tbi u land woa found to bo barren ani J ro ck y .' So C artier soiled. Awny_froc ■i the re on Juno 15, an d cruloed dowi [c the wcBl coaat o f Newfoundland^ ani

i l l ) 'th e 'c o a i r o f New'Bhinawlc'k. 'H li anchored for ion days In Oaapa H ar (j ^'or, wIToro Ho rtiaJd frtonds wltTBom (J llu roa-Iroquo ls IndiiuiB from Quobci n Two of thoso bo carrlcd away" w it

him . - A t laflt. Soare7er.-M Juid-lo.eiv ,( up blB soarcb fo r a northw est paaa r ogo-tUat y ear. and. sail back. t 0 -£tailc<1 B ut bo didn’t givo uu tbia idea. J g May, 1C3S, ho se t sa il ogolD, this Um

S = - No. 6. H en

—O ne-day many,- m any ' yoars agi ■d Bomo Ind ians woro oat- ln -n -cano

flBhlng on w hat Is now tbo Hudso >r R l« n —3ndden ly -they-aa>r-ft-Btran>! 5f appa'rlUba coming loward~lHom upTS a fitroam. I t appoarod to bo olthor a bl 11 .canoo o r a w ondorful w lg w ^ . Qulcli - - ly- tb b y 'p a d d lo d ^ r Bboro. afibtjKH 10 Ing tb a t tboro woro pooplo moTlns o ,n th is Btrango coatrlvaaco. and Informo u lho roBt o f tbo lr tribo. ErorjOD Dl thought th a t ll m u st bo a num bor « h, ManltouB (gods) coma, tO T lill tto n

Bo tboy droBBed tbom selfea In tbo: gaycBl BklnB.-and' beads, aod woi

- ffbwn to ‘ tbo 'B boro to g ree t tba t 1 Itors.

i lV ^ d i i i g S M

M e n ’s F u m i s M :

e l y A T C O S T .

a t S l a u g h t e r

i e s g i v e n d u r i n j

R D A Y , M A Y :

l o t R <s i r c h a h t e - B a n k ^ i u l i

^ ■T>iS8 - £ - i ^ -

-wIth-throe=~ahlpai-^O n^ih«—Dlctb—< A ugust ho dropped anchor In a grot g u lf,-lo Wblcb tbo next' day ho gav

-tbo nam e, of St;-Lawrcnco.' -About montb la to r bo roacbod tbo ' tnoulb < tbo Saguenay. Tbo.two IndlaQS-^boi Tio’ b ad ' tfllcon “ to- F ranco—wore -w ll blm. Tboy iQld CarUer tb a t Saguona was tbo namo of a kingdom “rich aq w ealthy In precloua sloncB."

T bis waa groat noWB to tbo navlgi to r, and ho resolved to find th is klnj dom. In longboats bo se t off u p t l S t Law rcnco lUvor, On .October 2 I como .upon tho Hurcm>iro<iuol8 vllla(

,-of-Hocbolaga.— ThlD-rlllagc w aa slti . atod oxacUy wboro tho city of Moi ' tl-oal .now StandB.

C arUor found tb a l bo couldn 't go t I the riv e r nny fah h o r becauso tho awl

Lacblno Haplds woro In bla way. I.• climbod to tbo top of. M ount Royi ! wblcb aUIl boars tho nam o bo gaTO I ^T-and Baw-thc S t Lawrcnco and th o 0 I taw a s tre tch ing away to tbo wci 1. W hen bo got back to wbor® ha'had-l« L..bla_TessoiB.bd seized tbo chief "m I olovon of tho hoad mon of tho rilla i I and carried thorn away w ith Kim, r o r d c r io ' glvo th v i-K in g 'o fF n m co 'ft• cu rate InformnUon ,about th ls ^ ro i ) Hcb country o r tE c norUa w f i ic in . had n o t 's c o a . ................... .1 In 1C41 C artier mado a pdrMvosi] i-n tta m p t t a - d l j c o w tb le—la a d —• d ream s; but w ithout bucccbb.. Herno .-cc -jo acbed tho.m yth lcal-Saeuanay ..f 1 S o o tc iab c r. 1. 1SG7. Jacquca .OatU I d le d .

IRY HUDSONI, W boa a nombor— of’ tholr- Ui 8-Bklnnod'-gnGBtff bod -lan d ed ,-iJO -w i scorned to bo tho Chlof M anllou of iB-T>oured-BomcthlBg - f fn iii « hn tt lw-hi0 a bowl and paased It to tho Ind i ; cbtef. ThtB ono solem nly Bmellod !_apjLthon.pewBOd itjQ jiJo .no Igbbor. 1 -_alB.q..iiU)r9l7 smejlad thiB liquo r wl1 lbo ploasanC 'odbrT '^ i S 'S 'u a It"we S a round tbo clrclo o f bravos. F in a l D w hen tb e bowl reached .the la s t mi f be rosolTod to taato .lho..nQ Oor.. ] u though t th a t It^ would probably V r blm : b u t ho w ai n o t a fra id {o' dlo-'l t th e honor of tho trlbo. H a ralaod 1 ‘• 'tx jw r to i iir - itp 8*w ia -« ap tied 'iL Bo

ho b e g u to Bway from Bide to ali

mu r d a y ^ J p e

t i p r ^ v e r y A s

q n M e i n ’ f S i i i t

t s = a n d ^ e c l w e ®

e d J P r i c e s . ^

» t h i s s a l e . R e i

1 7 T H .

e s S I3 i n g

' and finally fell to th e ground and 1 liko ono doad. A ftor sorno.boure J io : ovor, he rovldod and declarod th a t : had bad a fino Ume, and wantod sot moro of tho Btrango llnuor. Thla e

" coUk'ilg6d Uio re s t o l tbo braves lo t It, and aoon tbo onUre trlbo was 1

- toxicated........ ...............................That Is tho Ind ian logoad of tho dl

covory by H onry ‘H udson of tho gre riv e r th a t baa boon namod aflo r hi

“ irw iiB -ih-S (iiiidm t)0rri600rtbat-ann Uo Halt Moon sailed in to tbo mouth

-- tho Hudson Rlvor, aq^ it«

If -

)f ~

h -

I'* . /1- landed o a M anhattan Island. I

HudBOD novor dream ed th a t only tbi 16 hundrod yeafa from th a t timo t 10 amall wooded b it o f land would ;o p a r t o t tho second grea toa t elty In I 3« -world—N o w ^ o r)s r~ ln tac t.“a o ^ M i a* thore to found a city. Ho bad b u t <

Idea—to discover a northw est paasi ip to India.f l Contrary to tho bellof of m any p Io plo, Honry H udson waa n o t a D utII, m an, b u t a n E ngllabm an and a clU; It, o f London. Ho w aa b o m thore -In i t- l a t t a n i a r t o tth a m x to e h U l 'conlin-y it. -Hudson mado hlB f ir s t voyage f t : im ,-an d -h U :a» co n d in 1G08.- I t v id dn ih la .th ird-^ royase. In 1G09, Ujat

explored O ift^udaon.R ivor.- Tho s In ropndlng c p u B t^ 'V a s ' ' 'B 6en U o ' «•-' -p l? iB an t'W i^A nnB '|u id ;ffl)l-o f gtti

w ith -th e 'paacetu l Indiana—— ...Iff ' In hla fourth ' and 'la s t voyage H o f aoa ja iJ« L iro ia .J> n rla a d d D ;th o I

covery to so e k fa . n o rth irest'passfl )n Ho dld.A Ot~accom p]lah.m a^pnrpo ac bnt-herdld d la c o r if4 h a ja x a tJ ) a y - t

now beam bla nam e, Tho provlsli .. o n 'th e ^ ^ p - ta n - lo w , and his crow t

Unled^onder i h e leadership ' o f Rob ., Juet. J fln a lly , Hudsop, waa U inist J

an. opUL-hoat. toge ther w lth^tla II 1)0 -soB ^o h B rU d -aeT ea^ io k -sa llo rs-iI II . the boaX -pras c u t adrift. Thus ho i Ilaon' T n u a t^ g r e a t w aa lo 'o f w aters wb (( is “hla tozab and bit m onum ent." ■

3e , In each lasno q>f .The Times J h iM) iU {teioat..bam aa In te re e t litprioS^ int appear. Ton can g e t a b e a p ^ l ly. ta tllo n p ro d u e tlo n of Uio above i u>, tu re , w ith flvo others, eqn a llr a tti He Uvo, 7z9Vi inches la also .- 'v lth i jlU wMk-a -> lontor.- ta ,*The Mentor ’or w elU know A 'ba thon tr'cevecs'.the .i h e loct o l tho p lcturea and atorlei? o f <m wWk. - R m id o ft~ o f~ T b e"T lm e i'- do, -The M entor" w ill known A rt, Liti

i P Irth - if i c l e i n A e


filv:Ir - - - “ - ^


- p

n e m b e r l h e


I ^ Q P J--------------- .


y turo, H lsto iy , Scfen5c,.and Travol, and b. QWAjOxgulslte pictures...' On aalo a t tbo 10 L iboral Nows SUmd. Prico, Ton Cents.10 W rlto today to Tho Tlmos fo r booklet

T Scbool plan . ■1- ........... . • . • ■ ■...* . • • • • * • s> • •

• K0GEB80X MOXES. •U v-VTTi. .1- . » -V’ W e notice by tho HolllBter papor ‘*‘ b « - th o y - n r e - c a l l i n g Ib tj-new lino

•which is to be extondod from. Rogor- son lo tho Soutborn Pacific, "The Hol­lls to r “ So Poc.” Wo w onder, whoro they got the Idea th a t ' tho now line should bo calleil tho "H olllator So. P ac.” W ioro do tboy come In? Rog-

• orsoA comos aa near being on tho mnp ae H ollister, and wo w on't stand for

Reo T ribor filled hia regu la r ap- polnlmentvbbro Sunday afternoon. *

Ovor fifw people a ttended Sunday school and church boro Sundny. '

-The now church building Is lo bo H s ta r te d aoon. Wo aro nlso lo bavo a

f . ' Mlaa H unt, Mlsa' F arro ll and Mr. H’.' Bussell drovo ovor to tbo basin Sat- B; u rd ay ovoBlng.I'.- - M r.-M ai din and Mr. McCloud woro H ■ Ametordam callers, Saturday ovonlng. U- — Jo h n n y - M c R a e -le f t- fo r-Jn rb ld g o , n Tuesday o a bualness to bo away about

te a days.C. D. W inter cam a down from Tw in

u t FallBi.Monday,' e a routo to .Jarb idge.OQ Mias D arlington from H olllsto r waa ,1b an 0 Ter>8 unday v isito r a t lbo Me- be CorWo homo. 'to M r. B o ^ n , superin tendent of tbo o t Shoe-Sole ranch, w aa-Jn tow n Tues-ao QW'- 'go M rs, Ix E. Bovlngton aad itla a Nellie

M lcklowalt wont to T w ljf l ia lls , F rl- 10. day. re tu rn in g Sunday.;h- T he MiasoB H unt aad F arre ll camo en from Twin F alls, Batorday. jo -liQ tu rn in g Sunday aftenioon.“ - — Me-. J . .S . Clark. i)f Bubl. w aa .a busi- In nosa ca llo r Wednesday and Tburedny. aa Com. Tnylor. o t J V i a P a lls , waa In he tow n ThurBday,

bo H O nC E .10. •^N pU co-:i,_:ieroby::glych.uiat:i;Tiavo11

an im al-found runn ing a t largfr in lh« id- city, o f Twin F^IIb, con trary to tb e o r ­i s . dloan iMiB of^-aalj Roan se; pony, branded U ^on loft aide neck, ‘*5- nnfcngw»4>raad-on left-eh o tjld e iv ^ lre ia t .cu t. r l ^ t |ron t-foo tf-«ad> -tha t-I-»U ) n s sell sa id a n im a l.a t public aucUon al lu. Choap B am , Saturday; May -I7U».- Is »rt aald city, a t the htm K of 10 o'cloclt- A ito M., t o Uie. h lsh«t:a iid_bo8 t b lddarjfo j Ue -Xor- t h e p ^ s p ^ f th e .-IegaJ

or- u m e . A ny person claiming, said o s ' I I I Jm nl mav_r«gftvftg w payinf[ch th e :nadora lg aed -th e le g a l, bxpenaei

an d charges -of k eep loc the; sam e -ai ^ a n y tlm o before aald aalo.

ito- '-C ity M arsha!»or ; :— ,, , . 'I I - . '" t:;* Ibla ^ A reiwtltloaof-yoor waat*d, tr%a t

n - K i ia Ad.

y : ;T - ^ ^ - n > ? ? jp B ^

llili. p ;B B O fra ‘LE V ' •..• ' - D enU st . ._ ...

' B p e ^ lB t la browB and-Brldgo Work.•• .--.-.Orer-Varnay’B Oftndy, S tore -.......

O ulbcrt B ulld ins., ' Tolotilionft 109. - • ■ >r



- C H m O P R A G T l G --------^ -(k J .ro .p » k .U k )-------. -

A2TO T liB B A f£D IIO T m i t t g y T g8p«0la]t7 « / l.oii^«Stasdioff AUiseDtft

iOfflco i^iouro 10 to 12 a. m.. 1:30 to 5 p m . •pbonc 29(l. 180 F ourth avenuo e u t , Bouth Bldo cltjr park, 7 w ia Fiill«» Idaho. ■

DBi P;.'A;T eternarlao . ------ --------

Product o f KaDBOfl City Votoroarloa "Qjllogo:— ornco ■nt"DooHry*8-Llvory-

— Bom r—Of(lo«—T«>«pluui«-iU— Baak. deaco Phooo 177.

ATTORNBYB.■ .. ......................... - . - ____________ ]

0 . H . DOOXU,--------------------- L a w y e r ._________________ ,

Land Offlco IrrlgaU oaPractice. • Law.

^ n i t N ational B an k 's id g . '

BWEELEX * S iraK L E T ,A tt«rDe;sM at.Law .

w m ’ rocticT T n 'A ir*C 6urii......• TWIN PALLS, . - V “ IDAHO

K ember T w in F ails Commorclal Clnb.■ —

- .w .jp . a n i i iB l iB , .........................................la w y e r

" ■ ■fiooms 8 and’*'ipOi BUndiUK------Main Avenue. '


J . H . m S E , LAWTBB.Offlco room s 6 and 7i T wJq Foils

Bank an d T rn s t Co. Bnlldlng.____ , Twin J a U a , Idaho .^________


— p 7 j7 ^ E I0 S S ff4 3 r .— ----------, SnecosM r to C. J . W alker,

USDEBTAKEB.Open Day &NlghL All Calls Rebpond- •d to Prom ptly. P rivato Am^nlancs. H arder Bldg. 280 Second Avo.

ptiiwit 110 ________ Twin F*Ua. Idahg

~ T H E C B O S ftY T O T ^O b f le s J . Croaby. Lady A ssis tan t

F n n e ra l ' D irec to r G raduate and Licensed Em balm er.

BoBt. Ambnlance In Idaho. County ‘Coroner. Phone iOa-'Rea,"Day or Nlght- JOHNBTON BLOCK. U » 2nd Ave. W.

---------------- — FRATEmNAL-BOGUflTiaa.-^--------—

N o ^ i S o m r

........tn d -a n d 4tl) W ednesday ; -F . 0 , E . H all X

■ Phone iS i- PAXIL SMITH, Clork

Twig F II; Lod;; Ho.-23-I.O.O.r.

H eets every Thnrsday evening a t 7 :l» tn Odd FellowB’ H a l t VlBlUng Broth­ers alwoysi welcome.

0 . B. SCHWIEOER, N. G. ____ R..A. nRY D B R .JaflM tary. •


T rain Sctiednle. t Effective* Sunday, M arch le th , 191S. ' D allyN o.2 S ta tlo n r D o lly K o .l

12:0Bpin. L v ..O oodlng;'.A r. B:5TTOT: 12:20 p .m ..L v .-.B onno tt..Ar. B :30 p.m. 12:40p.ni. L v ..W ondo ll..A r. B:20p.m. 12:66 p.m; Lv..A pploton. .Ar.-.6:05 p.m. l :1 0 p jn . A r...Jorom o..-.Lv. 4:60p.m .

___ D, Q, MACWATTERS.” Vlce-Pros. and Don. Mgr., 'HlIne'rrTdA'

E . S. JACKSON. Bntwrlntondentr-Goodlng, Ida.

J . H. RADCLIFFB,0 , F . & P . A.; Mllnori ldaho.

------------- F O R

R o c k G r e e k

G r a v e l

I n c u b a t o r s a t G > s t *

. ^ Cypher'! UtMt model InCTb»tor

- J a i j^ o n i r o n r - .R m l t t r ----------- — P ta !Iie -J1 5 -B I« irT -v n i-^—


NOT MUCH OF A BUSINESS HAJ— l i yon Wrrow monex

• l ^ , M d .dotft J

Rotk Springs and - -v - ^ H i a w a t H a , ' - — - -

C OA L-------------- :---- ----------- ' -------------------ll

r C o a l t h a t p l e a s e s a n d }

~ — — g i v s B T l K r h e a l r -----------y. V


~ N :

NiblBy-Ghannel Luni- ;‘7 ^ ^ b o r C o r r ^ — iP h o n e I - ' - 28 t


-----------------------------------^ ^ — : ■■■' 'IAILVB SU3IU0XS. <

[n th e DlBtrlct Court of tho Fourth > Jud icia l D istric t o f tho S t i i to 'o f ; Idabo In and for tlio County of Twin ; P alls. . •

Pwln FaJlB Titlff & A bstrnct Conjpaay, ■ . a corporation, P laln titf. va. Ooorgo ' R. K ing nnd Edward H. K obl ontT A m auda D. Kobl, husband an d wlfo, Sldnoy O. Orovor dnd Abboy_J3. Howo, D efendants,' .

Tho S tato . of Idaho Bonds Orootlngs■ to tho A bove^am od D ofondants:

You aro horoby roqulrod to appearIn a ir nctlon-brought -aRolnst-yon-by- tho abovo namod plaintiff- In tlio Dis­t r ic t C o u r t-o f - th o F ourth -. Jud icial D istrict, Stato of Idobo, In and^ for Uio County of Twin F alls, and So answ er tho com plolht of plainUff fllod therein (a-oopy of-w blch-lB -haro to .attachod) w ith in tw enty days (oxcluslvo' o f tho

<hn onrv\pA on d a r of th is a'ummonfl,'lI Borvod within th is d is tric t; o r If Borvcd o u t of th is d is tric t, within- forty daya.■ -Tha -sald aatloa la b to u eh t to qulot UUo to* tho following doscribod roal OBtato-In Twin F alls, Idaho, m oro par* Ucularly dOBcribod .as tho Southeast Q u arte r of tho N ortheast Q uarter (SE% of Uio NE% ) of SocUon Pour- le'oa“ a '47 rT o w n 8 h lp ^N ln o -W -S o u th r Rango Fifteen (IB) Eiujt, of tho Bolso M orldlan, as w ill moro fu lly appear by tho com plaint on fllo liorbln, a copy ot.w hlch-lB-berato-attachod-and-.horc;. w ith Borved npon yon.

A nd you aro ho ro b y notified, . that If you fail to appear and answ or tho sa id com plaint as abovo requ ired , tho said p laintiff will apply to tbo court for tho rollof doiriandod.

Olvon undor my hand and tho seal of tbo D istric t Court of tho FourU i J a - ■ dfciH PlJiB iriororThT^aitsToiTTaaho; -tin tnd -fo r-th o -O o u n t/-o f-T w lti-F a lla r th is 23th day. of April, A. D. 1913.— ;

E. J . FINCH, (Seal.) Clork.

Dy- P. H . CROW,- Deputy Clork.

LonRloy-& -Haxel,---------- — --------------• A ttorneys fo r P lnlntlff,

'R esidence and Oflfce,Twin T a lla , Idoho

~Apr~OT-Jnn e -1 0 .-- — -----------; .......

to r to Beneficial Ubo.NoUco Is horoby given th a t a t 10 a.

m.i on th a 7 th day. oL .June...l913, a t Rock Creok, Counly o t T w in FoIIb, Stato of Idaho, boforo Jo h n F. Han- aon, U. S. CommlsHlonor, p roof w ill he B uB ifiltlc iro t" l!n ra i(p llcatlo irto -bono ' flclal UBO of two (2) cubic foot per flocgnd o t tbo wa(orA tit a n unnamed s tream ,’In accordance w ith tho term s and conditions of P e rm it No. 7424, horotoforo iBsued by tho SUito Engi­n ee r of the S tate of Idaho.' ' •

Jl.' Tho nnmo nnd postofflco addrosa of lne person holding said p erm it aro E dw ard W. Tllloy, Rock Crock, Twin FallB County, Idaho.

2. Thn JiflO-tO-Tyhlclm>tiLgnt9r_hnfl been applied Is irrigation and domos*

t . The am ount appllod to ' honcfi- c la l USO iB two (2) cubic foot per sec­ond.

4. Tho placo w here aald w ater

.6. .Tho juuno of , the can a l o r ditch o r othor w orks by w hich said w ator iB co nducted -to -snch . p laco .of uso J a T llloy-ditch.-— • — -------------

6. Tbo rig h t to tako tho w ater from Buch worka Is'.bM Od'upon P o n n lt No. 7424. . . .

7. Tho s o u rc e o f supp ly f ro m w h ic h BUch w ater is diverted Ib un­nam ed Btroom.

8. Tho dote of tho p rio rity which sa id UBor Is p repared to estab lish U

, p . p . KINO,------ ' ------------------------ S tato-E nglnoorMay 2-9-1C-23.

' R ead tlie T im es W ant A ds, tb e r wH b r in « yon r e s n lu _ . ..


- I N -

^ ^ - T ^ ^ t t a l l r C b n n t y - ~ -

i i ( 8 o iu K jB “ iO T ir a 8

Royal of London. - ' ■ •— 'L o n d o n ^ f t-U v ^ o o l-A JH abL:J - Bnn_of.London..; __ i .' - A etna of H&itford; . ........ ......... •

London Awnrance^. -- ScotUsh u n io n -* -N a tlo u aJ . - .....

' B t Panl F ire fr M arine. '' connecUco't.of ' H a r t f o r d : : r:;

-------P ro v id e n c e ^ a s h ln g to n . ':-----------American of . N ewark, .

: • .......' ''. ' Lloyds P late Q lass C o .'

TJnJIWi 8 ^ ^

~ ' S ^ K i i A ifA S s o j o r o i r s . :uib Li Ill tj6m't dt=tiig=F!ggFtte.

-Ju d lo in l—D ls ir lo t-o t- ih o -Stato l o t 1 Idaho, in and fo r Twin F alls County.

\r th u r.-L . Swlnf' and . 0 . 8. .Aldrich. .j:orpadJU Jrfl:_ jia_ flH lm _«t_JU dfich i.

PlointlffB, vs. H. P. Taylor, liofoia*. a a t - - ■ 'Iho StatQ-ot-IdahO-Bond8-GroeU;iS .to '

H . P , Taylor, dofondant in sa ld ’nc- ■ O o n .. . • ■ - . .. !You a re horoby noUflod Uiat aald .

plainUfffl have filed In tbo offlco of. ' tbo clerk of said court, a t Twin F alls, ln- aald-C ounly-and_Stat» .-4 iio ir-conii . Plaint agalnsl you.- '

8al(i nctlon- Is browRht ' t o eccure JudKmcnfaVainsl you for J712.CD, with' intercsf-thoreoB -from M nrch- 31,-1910; n t Bovon tier co n t por annum , with plalnUffa’. costs *anu uittUurBDmenu,- upon co n trac t belwcon adid plainUffs and you for (holr sorvlccs in finding nnd Bccurlng a buyer fo rb o r ta ln roal property deacrlbod in eald com plaint aud for reai}onablo valuo of said scrv- Icea amounUng to S312.G0.

And you aro hofoby summoned and rcQulrcd lo appeor and answ er eald com plaint - w ithin tyfonly .daj'B ftftor sorvlctt of. th is Bummonn. If servod within fho PViurtti Jtnllclal Dis tr ic t o t th o 'S ta to of Idaho, and within fo rty •Jtty rim o fVua aiaovvM ra (cxcw givtngt tlie day of aorvlco); nnd you are fu r- l i id f ' hotlfi'e 'd rtha t' u'nlos' you ' 'so ap^ poar and answ or said com plaint, as above roaulrod, anld plainUff will lako Jmlgiiicnl ngalnot-yon for tho sum o t J312.G0 and Intoroat thoroon from. Mnrch 31, 1910, n t seven per co n t por annum , and fo r iilalnUlfB costs, being tho uum demanded in Bald com­plaint.

A ttest my hand and tbo soal of said cotirt, thla 21bI day of A pdl, 1913.

FINCH,, Clork of said ConrC By p. H. CROW,

Deputy.ELLIS T .-W H ITE._____ . ..............• A ttorney fo r PlainUff;

RcaWonce ond Office;Tw in Kalla, Idnho.

(Soal.) Apr 22-afny 27

CONSTABLE S 7 ^ ‘ ~ liy tinrnhv th a t II IU ^

Graham , cdnstab le in nnd fo r Tw in F alls p ro d n c t, w ill on W ednesday. May 21, 1913, n t 9 o'clock a. m., soil to d ie blgbaet bidder ta r caab, tiio to l- Jowlng diiscribod anim al, to-w lt: One’ whlto horso, wolght nbout 9G0 pounds, ago, old. ' No brand can bo Tound. -

Tbo sale w ill lako placo a t tho spo- clfled tlm o .ar the roeldonco of W. E .■Smith rtw o-tn lles-B onth-of-H aneen-----

Owner can hnvo an im al-by proving p roporty and paying all coats, o ther­wise tho said anim al will bo sold on -tho-dato- aboVQ.jncnUoncd„lo_dotroy. costa and tho balance of proceoda tu rned , over to the-county.

IL A GRAHAM, A pr22-M ny-20............. Constnble.

If you are planniog to- . residence or-bus

n e e d m o n

— ^W e-now -have-m ooei?

n ien ts . Ju s t lik e re n t . S'L ...................... .....

Twin Falls Titlt' -----H o?elT crfim rB «H aiR g-------------


, Esfhto of Adeline 0 . Smith. Dbccasbd , . NoUco 1& horoby given by' tbo un , dorsigned, Lew is M. Bailey, Admlnls

tra to r of tho Estato- o t Adeline C Smith, doccuBod, to tho cred ito rs o

- -and-ttll-per»one-havlng-olaimB ag a ln B Uio sa id docoasod, to exhibit thom witl the ncccBsary< vouchora, wlUiIn tei m onths a flo r the flra t publication o th is noUco, to tbo said Lewis M. Bal

p loy, a t tho Law Otflco o l J . H. W ise, li ■ ro o m -7, Tw in P alls B ank & TruBt Cc ^ h iinrtlng-ln -th o -C lL y of Tw in P alli : C o u n s e l : iSv ln 'PallB ^^ r th is bolng th e placo flxod fo r th , transacU on of the buslnoss o t said ce

tato .- - • • ■ ' • — ...........D ated 'M ay'3rd;‘1913.“ ‘ '

___________LEWIS-M. BAILEY.A dm lnlatrator with the W ill Annexe of tho E sta te of Adeline O. Smith, D(

co'asod: .May 9-Juno 0.


In tho M atter of Alfred Potorsoi B a n k m p t

' "N o tlc o 'm io rtr tjy * K lv o n -th a t-A lfr« Peterson haa filed in tbo Unltod State

n D istrict C ourt for Idnho his appllci “ tion for discharge. In bankruptcy, ar

th a t a ll creditors and o ther .porsoi In IntofCBt aro rpquirod to show cnuB tf any they-havo, w h y .th e p ray er > said poUUoner ahould a o t .b e c t m Io b r 'enW rlag m o lm p p o o ran co -jn sa proceeding on or before tho lO th di of Juno. 1913, a t ten o’clock A M.,-ai 'Within ton"daya theroaftor flUng- tl parU cular. grounds of th e ir oppoe

In thft nfflpfl o f. th o c lerk q f j a conr t ' — —•

G iven- u nder--th e--au th o rlty -o t-Ugeneral o rd ers of said court, and by special oM er o t th e undersigned,.tb 4th day of April. 1913/-

E L L IS-T . WH^TB. RbferwL

' " B i . t w s a T a a s s i T

..S e n d J o c .jM P n p tlW jM ^O rico. l i s t . • D elltsred , -• everrw liei F r e ig h t j r e p a ld . ;B lg .: . .c « ih . .d ^ n

■: •otr6r.'-''Trati9.ftt once; . -

\>1. NowhouBO, PlainUff, 5 ~vs. “ : ■ )

IcorRe Lacy and E dna Do- ) bb.Bow Lacy, DotondantBi ) -

•"UndorTind~bj"Vlrtno-of-Tni-Onler-of lalo and Docroo of I^r<lclo»uro luaucd iut of tho DUtrlct C ourt o t Uie Fourth tndlclol of tbo -9 ln tc -o f -.Idnho,- -In md for the Connty of Twin F a lls on ho 7 ilro .t Mny,'l9I3. In tho nbovo en- lU<id nciionv'Whiiroin F . l.„^ iV hou»o vaa PlainUff nnd'CcS'rtft!': iS c y rtfld Sdna DoDow Lncy wore Detondnnta. Ho. abovo nnintffl TlurnUff~l)btaTu'od I ' -docrco of forecloBuro akninst Aift-^HflioVe numed Dcfepdmils-, dated J10..7U1 day_Dl. JIa j- . .1913, -Wbldi laid Dccrce waa on tho 7lh dny >t— May,— law ,— duly— cacordod— ia- rudgment Dook . 2, n t pago : 566. of lie IlccordB of tho said D latrlct Court,. [ am commaniled to boII a ll th a t cer- Jiln lot. piccc or parcol o t rea l eatnte, loscribod ns followa, to-w lt: The WoBt, Half of lho NorUi Woat Q uar­ter of Soctlon Sevenlcen in Township Ton, Soiuli, Rnnpo Seventeen. EaHt of Uio DoIho Morljllnn. in Twin FallaCounty. SUil'o'dt Idaho: ..................

NoUco Ib Horoby Olvon. T hn t on snmany Uiu ?ih d a y o t juno . A.' d .lM3rftl-10-o^lock-of-«cil(l*<lByi-lJi-front- of the C oun liouao in the Clly of Twin Palla,- in - the- County of-T w In - Falla,- Slato of Idaho, 1 w ill, in obcdloncc to aald Docroo, uoll tho nbovo deucrlbcdproperty, ftt_pul)llc__ auction: lo__thehighoBt l)lildcr. for cauh. law iu l money of tho United Staten of Amoricn, to satiafy anld JudKmcat nnd all coatn.

• . “ • "FT.-S.-V,WAUSDKr:N.Sborlff.

.B y C. C. SIGGINS,Deputy.

ELL13 T. WHITE,Attorney' f o F n u in llf f .

May 13-20-27-Juno 3

iGGESM'QUESTlirO n th e S unday 'S c h o o l L esson

by R ev. Dr. L in sco tt fo r tho—.....In te rna tiona l P ress Bl*

bic Q uestion Club-

May 19, i m . ^(Copyrlglit, 1912, by Rov. T. S. L ia

- Bcott, D, D.)Joseph Mcctu Hla Urolhrcn. Gen

xlll.Golden . Text—Whntfloever a -mar

sowoth, tha t Bbnll ho nlao reap. Gal vi:7.~ (I.)-V or»o8-a-<—How-_many_.oL.oui troublea are tliero th a t wo cnnnoi end o r mItlKntcd by dolnK aomothlng'

(2.) Which 1b lho worso calam ity, t< ho -naralyzcd wltli fcan_ by..-a--groa trouble, 80 lhal wo only a it down am do nothing, o r tho trouble Itaelf.W hy? -------------------------—-------- —

I (3.) Suppoflo Joseph 's b ro thrcn hai

j P w n b H j i i S m ^b u i l d t h i s s p r i n g , e i t h e ri n e s f t p r o p e r t y . a n d - : _______s y . S E E U S .

A v a i l a b l e f o i In n n fi i n T w i n ___i l d i o f f p u r p o s e s , a t l o w e r l y a b l g - f e - ^ m e n t b l y ^ i n s t a l l —0 S T O C K .

a n d A b s t r a d C o .-------— '-------------T w ln P n llB rld a h o —

■■ ' ■ - ' ' ^

n o t sold h iia a .s lav e in to Egypt, tio . would, Ood liavo protcclod th a t coui• try against th is g rea t famine?

(4.) Was It betto r o r w orse for U• world o r tho causo of God. o r tho me1 themselvea, th a t Japob 's sons commi t4 t«d -tlie -'«M el‘ I n ^ o £ _ so iling—the I brothor? Why? (6 .) ,J t JoBoph had n o t bocn xeignhi• in E gypt but hnd rom alncd in blB ow ■, cotmtry, w hat would hc probably hai> beon doing there?• (C.) Verses 7-14—W hy wonid yc J. PAX o r • o o t th a t Joaonh trea ted h• hV etiiren 'w hen lie m et them ju i» n> Qod wanted him?

(7.) W ould you say o r not. and wb th a t I t 'I s ever rig h t lo dleaoftiblo ‘ d c i a 'i r o 'o r to ’ s a y w h a t you do n

J la o a n l- . •______________ _________' (8.) Why did Joseph ac t and spei ■ roughly to h is b re th ren?

(9.) W hat good rcBiiltn did Josopl: , method o t treaU ng h is b ro lhron pr

duce? •(10.) How w ore Joseph 's droat

folO lled?- '• (11.) VersoB 15-20— Is Joseph’s o . prosslon, lIfe_ot.PIiaraoh:i^“ o'ath of; a t any ra te . Is It such la ” guage th a t a ChrlaUon ahould In ■Z to te?" (IS.) I f JcHns had W n in tho pis ” of JoBeph do yen th ink ho would hn

comnclled these m en J o . b ring Ihi 'I yonngest b ro ther R cojam lnl Wh V .fThIs.Js-one-ol-U uL.iinc5llon8-W hl “ may W n n sw e re d 'In 'w r itin g 'h r me: J- bem .ef-U ieelnb.) •• (13 ,) 'Why docH trod so-frcqucni I* ’'p ro v o " 'd f te s t hlB beat beloved ch fl d ren w ith troubles before ho giv 5: 4J>om- somo. signal^bloafllngS------------ - ‘•O W 'T orscs 21-54-».How-wou!d-U ^ u ro n t- 'h n v t- th e - te n d e n c y -tO : roml I them o t their c ruelty in celling thi

b ro ther'Jo seph 'In to E g y n t? - - '-. tlB.) When .so rrow fo r o u r al comes only as d re su lt ''o f tho d

T tron b la^ tm rag fit 'o n 'u s .by o o r sli 'aiay~lt~br'~not,~b'<r~tru o ' Topontmic

’ ■ (16,) - W hat Is ' tho connection I tw oon OTnsclotrco and m o m o n rn s In stra tod by.thUi s W -y r ' 'V - m ; ) TWhat- was.- lleubon'B fploosi Srionfaty^C ftnnbciioa w ith tho selll o t Jo so iA t- ■ ' . ' ' ,V (18.) . ^ e n la i t n o t rig h t tp io ll

- ^ ( i9 . ) •Versos 26-28—W ould tho, fi thn t'.they found tho m onev thev pi

- jy irth ft com ln ;lhe-inouth o t--ea^-sf

iff H e i r jwllty- conselencM T ^lV liy t-.: • J ~ 'aO .) W hy Is i t th a t the avom ge s i t aer.tM ilks.'o t Qod ’wUetf ho .Is In gr

r : ,^ a iI? Jy o rsM l£ 9 -S 8 -r^w -,d ld .:tl]

31le Poisi --------------------_

W i l l s o o n b e h e r e w i t t

,........ t o a U . S a v e y o u r s e l i

d a n g e r b y o r t o i n j

S p e c i a l a t t e t i t i e i i

a n d w i n d c


TWIN FALLS BANK &TRUSW c h av e Inaialled a Savlnga

nnd up. InteroBt nllowed a l lho . ...IurUiQr:.infoxmnilon_.call on_ua^_

S A F E D E P O S I T !____ . -^Yo InvJto youao_cfvl] nnd

CollccilonH rocclvo i

T W I N I F A L I ^ • B A N K


C a r n a t i o n s 7_ ■-

The Twin Falls Flor

I C ap ita l - $ -1 0 0 ,0 0 0

' S urp lus and P ro fits c i i

$20,000 , i l lt,' " " ■ S E S’ OFFICEHi) P . F. Johnson, P n tld o n t.I- - -j.-Bi-csinton;'Jf:rvie»--prei;-------- -I W. H. Eldrldsi, Vk*-pT«h •««? J .M .U a sw e ll, Cw bler. W <- •• W. E. Hlxon.-A«^>0»»hl« -^ - I M

ALIAS auaniO N S.

JH..Uio'_Di8trlct Court ot -the -Fout Judicia l ' 'f J ls tr lc t o t~ V id a talo Idaho, In a n d for Tw in F alls Coun

F rank Dlckcrson, -PlaiDUft, vs. Li Dickerson.- D efendant Tho S t i to o t Idaho sends grooUc

to-Luln- D ickerson.-Defend a n t- J-OU AHB H EREBY- SUMMONl

and required to .appear in an actl brought ag a in s t you by said plain In-the sa id -D istrioU C ^rtr-aw U to -i Bwor' .the com plaint ^ t tho abc

twenty days., (oxcluslvo o t thb day sorvico) a f to r tho sorvlco on you th is Sum m ons, ot sorved w ithin t Judicial D is tr ic t o r i t ..served c l whoro -n-lthln forty days. T hat a: acUon is b rough t to obtain a dlvoi f ro i^ you OP tbo grounds of wll dcBortfon.

AND YOU ARB HEREBY NO' FIED th a t U you fa ll to appear o answ er sa id com plaint as above

“ qulred, tho said plalnUtf w ill U w Judgm ent asa ln B ry o n 'n a prayod^loi 1- aald co m p la in t

A ttest m y hand and tho seal of i 10 D istric t C o u rt o f th e Fourth Judlc :n D istrict, ’ S ta te df Idaho, in and t- Twin F a lls County th is llU i dayIt. A p rils 191X - ........- ............

(Soal.) - E. J. FINCHIg Clen W. p . OUTHIUE. -------'0 A ttorney fo r tho PlainUff,

resid ing n t Twin F alls, Idaho. . )u Apr lC-22-29-May 6-13-20.is ' -------------------------i s ■* A'“rep o U tld n -o fy o n r-w * B t-ad n

bring a b e tte r offer to r tha t soco y. hand arUcleu •or .............ot W hen th e re 's B placo fo ry o u ln-

bonrdlng houso ln_wblch_you’d feol xk much a t homo flidl lIfo.wouTd"gi• donbly worth-whilo yon’ll find '

t's DOWS in Bomoouo o t the “ board 0- W ooted" ada.

ns _____

ix- ■ '

3: ^ P l ^ t y ^

i " F a r n

K :Twin Falls Bani•ee ~

lidolr \ -

Saturday and*!I,? i ■ M a y 1 7 a n d 1!

. b r i c k :

iT. ■: . . ■■ B. -------- ------ Caraniel,-Stnrwben

a t -------- — --------- — .SB . .........


oi t lo t.B enJam in• LMSoxf- ,for • Snnday, , ai, * '

icI r J o s e ^ ’t o a B i^ a m ln . : 5on.; ,3UllL

>nbiisd i s c o m f o r t ’a n d d a n g e r " • -

t r o u b l e a n d p o s s i b l y

: y o u r s c r e e n s b f u s . -

- g i v e n t o p o r c h

>w s c r e e n s . 1- —


GO.AODS NEW DEPARTMENT .Dopartment aad- respcctfaily solicitaccoDU-d-from Ono Ql.OO) Do lla r __ato of four por com per annum .“P o r

J O X E S F O R R E N T ^ 'flco.QUr_SaIc..Dcpo8U_Vnult.________ _u r cn rc tu l atlcnUon.



5 c p e r D o z e n1 1 ^ ONLY)

a Co., at VARNETS^

- - - - - - - - THE —

(ST NATIONAL BANK. ^ O F J W J b L E A L L S : _______ __ _

Invite Your B usingember Twin Foils C om m erc ia l.O ab .— -

I N O T Ic i FOR PUBLICATIO?t.—1-:--------rr -s c tin rN b rtrao o T ;------- -----------Lli ---------- • .Qf - D E P J a m iE S T - o r ~ n m 'iN fB u ro H ,- y. U. s . Land Ottlco a t H alloy. Idaho, Iu . ■ A pril iBt, 1913.

Notlco Is hereby given th a t Sarah A 5S Lam bert, of M urtaugh, Twlu F alls Co..

Idaho. _who, o n .D e ? e m ^ r 13th, 1907, n3 inndo Homestead E n try (6ofl#l"N<L 3U 04907), No. C799, for NWVi, Boctlon 27, 1ft Township 11 South, R ange 19 E ast,

ve ten tloa to m ake F inal Flvo Y ea r P ro o t

of doscribod, b e fo re 'Jo h n F. Haneoa. U. of S. CommlsBlonor, a t Rock Creok, Twin lis F alls Co„ Idaho, on th e 2d day ot,o^ Juno , 1913. ..........Jd C laim ant nam es as w itnessos: J a k s CO Casady and Wade Moglmilty, ot H aa - ul son. Twin F alls Co.. Idaho. Denja«

m im 'rH ayB p jt'K itn iJo riy .'T dahorrw i- ’I- Ham C. Hall, ot M urtaugh, Tw in F alls sd Co., Idaho.•0- ' -P. P . HORNB.ke ' RcglBtor.j j j -• — r — ..............

NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ■ * be E stato o t Mary C. WoodB, Deceased: lal NoUco is horoby given by tho undor^ d r signed, Nick Smith, oxocator ot thtf o t estato of Mary C. W oods, d e c e u ^ td__lh e .creditors o t and a ll poraoas 'hav^

ing claim s agalnBt tho sold deceased/ :k. to exhibit then; w itb the necesqary

• vouchers-w ithin ten-inonU is a f t ^ .tiie f irs t publlcaUon of th is aoUcci, to th4 said executor a t th e la v otflee* o t W arner and W arner,-a tto rneys of eald exocutor a t Twin P a lls , County of

ay Twlnf-FanB,-Btate-of-Idaho^^1Il«=lH5as id- tho place' fixed for tbo transac tion ot

tho business o t said esta te . ■: -D ated-A prlt 28U», 1913;--------- : . —h e (S e a l.) ......................- N IO K -^ IT H ,' -so .Executor of tho E sta te o t Mary C.iiW "WoodflrDocoasod:------------ ^------lio Apr 29-May 6-13-2Q;irs ' • —

Road the w aijt ad s In tbe Thnes.

T I o n e y ~ f o r

I L o a n sa n d s e e u s _____


JundayI th .

B ^ ' C R E A M : l - - - - ^ - t i

L A V O R s frsn d -V a a lU s w ith C h e rr ts s V - - - ^ ? :

s lS :

;‘:S pipsBniflntL I ' S S t

— 4 ^ — - - - -WAHTOI , - r ■T E D -^P ariib t to o a r e lo f trac t'

•■ '•d rn ib b ititen ced 'K ra ln .-p rc to rrab l/ on flSams. ia ' oxcollont -coadlUba. -close

' V to tflw a, da SjUmoa,.‘A- BOOd 80 to ox-

— - M tU -- l» o i i« -« id - bugKy - ronBoaobiy . ..jjn ced deslrod.by lady to j c n t or. buy.

. t t r Ught driv ing tm« aummor. Ad- < d t« w X-. Fa lrbu ry , Nob., o r J . B. Bur-

__ rowB, HplllBlor, Idabo. May 16 a

‘W A M T E ^ T o v p o rc h a so t t o wbolo- o r , ^ . - i n t ^ t , Ja &• paying lualnM fl■ m p o a ltio av w h ld x w ill stand lavosti-

s i u c ^ j ’ p u t y who oan funilab' boila ___ . fiiia ka t o charac te r aad

___ :I f a 8*,:^ a l ^ l d a .

• . ;IWANTBDt-^A’ dlabwa«hor o t HorbntW oman preferred. May 0 tf

iBOLlCITOR 'WANTED—Good Uvo ircNmg m an w attled o s live proposition. ^ caro o t th e Tlm ei.__________. . .

^ ;• FOK 8AU8

. ^FOR SALE — lOG.OO Quick Moal nnarl3U-iiaH..^j5luaB. y jpq iyrt.

• 4 U 8th A yo .E . . - i r p 3

, : ; ; .P 0 R SALE—ElUngtoo: piano, new— ?i/''r=rn}a8oT“H ' l>ris K’~B28 ' t a ’A t k 'W;' ~ - G ^ ' 7 b b67T~ ; ~ ' • , ,

r.T5--Vamoy’8 Soda Sbun- t»V». itiitiiiro a t store. ' ' A pr 1 t f

■ FOR SA12>~Nftvy b o a ^ S74 6tb - - -A ye.rE aat-...............-------- ^Mey -18>lfl.-pd

>FOR SA LB~Tw o thorouffhbwd H ol- V ■Uin . Imll ; <alyM aV. r ig h t, p rice. - W.

— - g ^Buslj. TOerrftm ^e-ar^^^-f-^r-lM f' SO B SALB. .'K ' A.7GMShwi'-WUI eoll a t Lue'a

•aoU on-grounds.'Satnrday , M ay -n .- to ' tho h ighest bidder, (o r cash, oao ? l-

-" jJO R ''S A L E —Fancy N. T . RnnU

— »eetf-pofa»teeat— P r^ F ^ la r iC r-a -J iU MMWL v ; ' • -.’ May g -9 - lH ?

-------■■.miP.fiAT.in n r Tra/ln—A a ^ . ln . B ^' w agoa fo r a ligh ter w ag o n .'T n o O F :

year-old b ay 'jnare , la foal thla month, w t 3,600. I pa lr. G eldings,- 4 and G

....... 'y ^ " O ld r " 8 8 5 5ra-AvB. Br—-------- -------------- ................. . May;,g-9-13-lg pd

•F O B T O A P B .__________

•It o TRADE—80' acres of i Rogue

'~ T ' 'W f t i ^ ' ' r o . x o A yllo aey to loan o a res] estate.

BUls -T .m i t e . M a r , . t tf

— -v r— tO ST . . .r. - ’• •-. :■

■LOST—D ark brown t a i l pup.- throe , 'tn o a lh s o ld ; (oor-w hite feet, whUo'on

'^ 'T B H B im t iU - w W te - l j r e a s t . ta l l - c o t------ 'rtn rf tiwil «iir« Hlnrnid.. I/Unt Been

gidoK-down B lue Lalcos Boulevard on SCDdajr m oretng- l a s t F inder, re turn t&^BttttoVph -Shoe Store to r rew ard.

' ■ *•. •'.••. • ■ •" May Ifi U

; ; WSCnBLtAHBOUR • ' ~

—' •'TO LET—itfodom'"S=ruuui faoOBO l$B 6tb Ave; B a a t Address; P . W OoldBmith. ,Tar.entum. P a. May. 16 ti

V _ M S T - A p r i l 21at. boVwoen BlgbU g e fm g "B ie i5 x m c c B,Blvd. aud-TerrilN

• ■ ranchV n e a r A rteslaa City, a blacl.■ritease.' .F inder pleaso leave a t thli office and rocolvo Uberal rew ard.

• • . r-. .. • May M3-16-2i

:STOCK TO PASTURE>^Honie8 am cattle , ILOO por bead per month

^ o e p . 10 coats p e / . 'b ead -p e r montii ------ X^&^Veech, Rogerson. !da^o .'A pr 22t

' f m mI S T A N D S F d J

" I I N W A T G H

: ^ A Watch, which he fc \ m Nwhich leaves his benc)i

___jfi /isfactioxi'wiU keep time

| i - HIS EFFICIENCY ' ® SHOWN hy the fic fth — —iness has^uhled in thi

HE C ^

— m - j n : SATISFAC

' JB '"’ your' watch, wtilch I-Uo you full satisfaction after li8 0 TO REPLACE IT W ITH A

' OniGINAL V A L U E ,- -

— . . . —p e i f a p y your-watch-do


. Wo are tn tho m arko t for. 06 o r SO good farms.- -List sam e w ith th e un:

eralgned. - B. 0>-Meyor, Route .3. Twin Falls."-------........................ -May 13-16 pd

----- AOTBJfT10»rGr-.A;-B»— -------

Or<lor- No. -i. ■ Yto" aro- urged' to bo -prosent a t o u r -next rogulilr mooUng on tho 17th of th is .month to m ake arningom cnts . fo r o u r annual momo^’ rial services Tmd“O cco ra tlo n -d ar 'o x - orclsos 6n May 30. .

---Rr:H. llARNBS. Commander, i -JAMES a t BIOB, Agt*.

LETTEtt-TO MR. C. E . LIND, TTCCf ......EALL8, IDAHO. - -

, D ear a r : 'T b ro o gallons saved Is {12 to )IG earned.~ Mf.^Hanfqfd- -P la t t , . o f_Jridgoppctt Conn, ordered 16 Rallons Dovoe lo pain t h l^ houso. and rotum od 3 galr Ions. B le .-paln ter aald i t would tako IB: alead-and-K )llpn ln tor.,

HubboU & W ade C o 'so ld I t Tbey say everybody-.-has'the samo experi­ence there . •

used to-poor p a in t ' i; ,.Wha_t Is.p o o r , p a in t? Anyt)ilng not Dovbo: B om o 'w orse 'tha ir o tboTs—. ‘-:'

Besides, p a in ts w ear about as they coverr-D oublo-the-|l* -tcr*16 .

. Y ours tru ly . F W DBVOE a CO

. . New. -York and Chicago P. S .-^Petoraon Hdwo. Co. boUs our p a in t—Adv.

n n r r s zo s in o B B S .- -B r* B rW 5 P o w e llrF rT r8 ; '0 :7 - - ^ Sinco a rriv ing a t Tw in Folio 11 hfia

beon roy ■privilege to h ea r a consldor- ablfi •a& )oaat-o t-'vocal-ta l«n t;-and -on: the-whole-thfr-lmpreeelon-lB-goodr^bttt- n o t g r e a t Som e common fau lta and th e ir cure I bave ven tured to give .be­low., -hoping th a t those Btaeors thn t n'eed tho practice w ill see i t w orth trying-{oB peolally-the male- elngerd). •.“ lt"N n8al'tono;-C B n8ed by tho x los- le g of tho teeth .' 2. T h rb a ^ .tone, caused by thn


BargainsYou will <in them "

I K l■

Don’t fail to see hats, arid _pnces with bi|j selection to choose from.


€ -€ 0 X 1E I E F F W C Y I


tas accepted for repair and ^ with his guarantee of sat* m -EXACTLY. ; I

IS RECOGNIZED AND | at his watch re^ in n g huv ' M ree months.--------—-------— wl

^ T t i i iS ^ F F E R ' ”

QUABAHTEE - ' . f t

accept fo r repair, does n o t g ive---------Wt leaves my bcnch I PROMISE 4} NEW. ONE 'O F THB SAME




lo rcing too jo w er^ o g u ten . A '^w ronr systom of brta th lng . ,f r''!...-a. ..F U t-s ln g ln ^ - ^t>«ed:.bx:rf«ttltZi p roduction: — — -•— .‘.t

-4. E rro rs o t. p ronunciation;:'m l»*pronuncU iU oiL _Q tu .vpw l»--J^ iU ^W :n a n u . no articulation, the w oroa run- i i lh c ln to 'b f t6 nnother.^-* I im agine b 'a d i r t^ o r 'B a j r i^ Ko^‘1 p o in t h its mo; and anbthor'lsayln'g Nw ;i po lnta-hlt8 -me;:-:and-anotb«r>1ionw l iu ioughuto 'plonti gulltyf.oL^efeyt^lialfl thing. T his IB 'y o u r- 'c n ra :- 'a n d 'th e Umo you speqd with lt,,w ti£ juap ly :T ^ pay-you' in .fiio - o iU o y m t^ 'i^ i in ir d»-

■■■■ ~ ~ 'w ido,' a n d 'eoftly - slng-'loag^& Jld lng no tes to .■■oh" and i'ah .’V- -H aia.-thfl head 'loved-by gaxlnf a t 's o m s .’object

» th a t le level with, the eyesj .ydu-may hold a pencil o r som othlag elpe-about

I .a ix -o r -e J g b t- ln o b e s - in - f ie i^ t-^ l- th t I ni6 iith :a a d d irect the tone 'tpw w d I t

T hroaty .Tone. Sing loqg holding ' tonoe to " 00” (whob),';'.chBnge:'Ktaidu-

iU lyTlntb "oh,” ' then :graduallar into ’ i‘'ah ." Koep the' longue H at, w ith the• Up touching tho- io w e r^ te a th r in ts - tt

Im portant, and av sm all hand - txklrroi nbouid -b fr-w ted -U ^esoerta ln -tha t thJ

unru ly mem ber la y s ' perfectly , fla t;; If I t ^unchoB jjp ln_tbe-bacK_Ol th?' m'outB, there .will bo no. n e e d ' o t a ' Burglcal ’ operiatfon.' Tongubx'.': drtU

-<Btvon'bolow)-^ceritt-a-*wlMrfe«^lth'«.s lltUo perBoveranco w ill brlngvabout tho nocoflsory resultfl. •';

* . . T ongoo D rill, (a) T u rn the. tip .jjl : the tongue, backward .agalnst-tlu>-pais>

ato, and fo rc e n r^ a c k aa f a r -a»,p6a- slm o; (b) tn m .the Up of tho^tonguo UtOor an d b r in g .th e ce n te r o t.th <

± the-.tonguo botween—tho 4.toetlU....fe) I push th e tongue o u t - 61 'ueT ^m onu . lengthw ise, aa ta r as possible, aaS’l ^ , tw at a num ber o t Umes In enoensloiL ‘ ^ n r ? = F th a - i r ^ r < in a - d f - ^ o ^I on the tongue whon s ing ing . '(ah)i . This m ight assist In placiDS- tM t to n g u e -f la t . , ., F la t Singing. The e a r o i U 6;s l^ <

er, coiTCSponds to tho’ work, thM the hpnrt o f.tho v io l in is t .d o e s :.th ^ ro p e i

' stopping iot tho strings brlnga .ou t the , r ig h t .tone, ao our sonse o t ‘hearing - contracts tbo m uscloa-.ot.'the" throat

1 'tinahln tii’ say how wo do it, no r hbw wo control ■ tbe tension of< lho vocal oords;- w<

only know th a t we do so saUerafttorilj and bring o u t the tones we desire.

S inging f la t o r sharp la caused b ; insuffic ien t tension or- too m uch ten* slon on tho vocal • cords.,- Qood-'pat- tom ing from an oxperlcaced teftchir, 'WlUi pruyur bicuUi-cuuliol-le-the-onJy cure . . ■

E rro rs of Pronunciation .' Tbe exocl jm n im t nf IfnoWlodKO yOU POSSMS lU pronunclaUon and onun’clauon.’^ is ta r mlnos your-reputatlon-as a-sloger;-Il waa the iU sp loasu ro .^ t.the w rite r al one Ume to-be in-a-congregaUoQ when the preacher gave out-the flm trhym n; Someone w ill en ter the p early gate.

By and by. •>- ' T aste all- tbo glories th a t thero aw ait ::--------Sballiiou^ sholl-I^^r------ -• ‘ 1“ did riot have' a ’book, an5“ tS i T>yatf'~y<tr^gkgflwit~~tu ~niu‘-'Bt : th a< time! " 'T tio cb 'ngregi^on ' cbmmonori singing. (Tempo, .Tempestoao.): J-.3 know ll w as supposed to bo a n Bng- Ilah congregaUou b u t why they s w i n 'a n unknown tongue, I dared. i aoiQuesUon. T h is Is how It souadrt,:i;>. SumPiun-w i' lcnter~ the'perU g atft-.' «3( - . *ad by. ......... ' ......... •'■'v.r*'-

.TaatalU theglo-rles Uiat there^a w ^ t 8 ha-low, eho-lle. . f ' f :

English, a n d ,I bad alm ost coaclude< It w as esperanto, when' I glaQced d d e wise on the other teUow’s book s n i caught the aum ber and ,UUe. ‘-M; thODgbts-changed -instaqU y -from th< sublim e to tho ridiculous, and i je e condwnned wben 1 say, th a t 1 dld..ng Tiouf £~worti thB“ pT<Jach0r“Sold iL'u ovonlng—It could n o t bo helped. ..Th< vu lgarity displayed in th a t hymn edu ■cated Iho aeL f-U ule,— '-Twm

Wo m ust bear In mind th a t t o m c a r f f th e sound and fconsononts etff I t L e i th e v o i c m b 't f n m i r u a th' vow els; sllgbUy exaggerate the .eon sonanta w ith a c lear a t ta c k : ' bb.'oi tbo a le r t how you 'release o r <jult,th consonants; the length of tho vowel 1 determ ined by tho color p r BonUmen yon desire to express, b u t In the mail I t takes 5-6 bf the duraUon. Bo cani tu i about such w ords oa "I," "clay,

_ ••hold." ■_ . I : a a --e , not o ae--; doy: da-*e,^nc I dayee; hold< bo--Id, n o t ho-oo-t;^ : r The vowels partake of tho quolltle I s e t - b r T h e ^ o ^ 'o r m e - m ouUJ.r - V ^ T h o jaw m ust bo perfecUy loose.( Good resononco ond volume- - c '( tono depends upoa the size o t Uto rea \ onator;J L o i.u e t ry aad be equally as pro 1 grcBslvb In the fine’ a r ts 'a s 'w o 'i r e 'l iy th m com m erclal-w orld .-------------—< My n ex t poper wUl bo '‘Hlnta o '( C bolr-tralnlog, Based Upon 'Voice Cnl y turo." — .......... — - - - • • -

RKD WILL DRAW SAURY.I Suprem e Court H o ld s 'T b a t Im m ign i . tion Is EntlUed to Fay.

II Tbo suprem e court d t th is Btate p el L> m lta M ajor Fred .R. Reed, commlssloi > o r o f ImmlgraUoo, labo r aod staUi 1 UcB, •who w as ‘•cot otf a t tho pockeu a bjr lho le s t loglBlature, to -draw hi I) 6a la ry o t S3.400 per oQnum a t tho;rat o f ’t^oo ner month, for In a n opliflo

Ll handed down la s t n igh t w ritton IJubUco Jam es P. AUshle ond'concui

jj red. In by JusUces Snlllvan and Sten ^ B3i, I t i s held th a t a leg lalaturo In' th:

j( office by simply cu tting o tt-tho plei ^ -DtaMnolat«nanc9 .«nd-at-tha. aamo tin ly leav ing on the s u iu to booka a la ^ O zing tho salary fo r tho commlssioiU e r a t 12,400. .............•_

.:Thorconrt..o tdere a w r it o f tnuidi ^1 THUS to iftsuo against- S ta te Audlti }} F red L. Huston,, requlrinff-bim to p«

■the-warnm ta-of -the -oommlsslflner i immlgraUon, labor, and BtaUsUcs'fi

<1 salary . CommlsslonoLReod p resen t ) h ls w arran t to r A i^ril-salary aujS Ui Btoto atidllor ro fased 'to pay-ln 0 9 tl j grounds 'th e re w as no .appropriaUc ) tro m which to m eet, iC U n d er tl j J c o u r t io p W o n to e sa la ry w ill haVe :

» w as no fund, se t aside by the M tu re ..to r b leon l^ ^s ■ ^ tf lu e . ' Uiat'^budy umvIub oeea d e u 1 | m ined to abolish the o ttice. Tbe cou Ui bolda th a t .the Uitent o t . t h e . l ^ l m tu re Is found bl w b a t I t does, noTwh j I t Called to do.n - Captain B. 0 . Davis, . ^ r a t e iec r ri ta ry to Governor HiUnes, detdndi fl CQmmisslbrier Reed’s oonlenUoa<.t) l u fo re to e court and X tto m e r Qeneri i K t ^ n ' defehdeff’ to e - i t i t f l 'anfflK ■ V —C a p lU l News.

-------------------D i s p n . j n g o f E n t i r e j & k : ____r :............ .......-— l i i i p i l i B B *

^ ^ a l u e s u p t o

i m d ^ U n t i l C l o * e d _ J ^ t .

T o e n t i r e ly r i d o u r s t o c k o f , j > l l i j d i e « S i i k > i n i i S i ^ t e b r e 8« e » 'v te h a y e g r e a t l y ; j

lie ii» iv e < u frK y a w a i t s y o n . f o r f e i ^ e c b in m w e / a r e !

,in :M e » iJ in e « tm d S i lk P d p l i i ^ a h o s e T e i ^ B r o o d e d S il l i M o d d i i ^ W ell a « B lu e s

S n n f l B l a d t S e r g ^ T K e c p l o i r t ^ i n i ^ i n t i i n t , .b to w i i i ,^ 'b l» e k ! ^ d ~

^ b lu e » i l> o t l i :U g h tg g d d a r f e :< iB e a m i ijn a .i tg y f e r M U J f e ^ < t f n f e B 9 a d f e a n a ^ ^ ^

i n t h e l a t M t n o v e l t r tr im m to g * . ■ T lieb a 'tto ^ ^ ^ ^ h c je s j - j j g t 't r im a i ip g ^ e t< ^

> r 8 » r m ^ t : W ^ J h a y p .K a d - g r ^ a n d l a t i i f a c t f e n

i n t h e w J e o f t h g e m b d id s a t f r o m $ 1 2 .5 0 . to $ 1 8 .0 O ^ .

b u t w i l l c lo s e t h e l i n ^ a l ^ c h o ic e ■ - ■ ■ .

■ -■ ■ .. . . , / A G E N T S '- F O R — - . . .

SQC-lECT . a n d r K U M H E i m

^ S A L E O F f C h a d r e n s "

: : ^ E S T - E ^ ^ - B ra n d s — O c f e ^ S ^ e ~

;r B 6 Y S ‘.:; s u i t s ■; a j w

\-i I - . . . ' our Childron't'Slipa.BecUba.,wb Und wo B i U l ;i l - ...... .. - --•Juve->-Vei^*eiwl«ntr»eUction--ot IntantaV'--v?

. v ^ r t V T O I p e - U l .children's Md'.TnlsiesJ O xfords-left; Re- • S* • — _ 4 - serve rtook haa been'brougbt.forward imd,

— lheaIso»4med4a*utbat4he.8aleJnaugurat,=:: ^y l . J l f w f l H l C S : y D * Q j ____ . ed on 'Wednesday last wUl be «mtinued for ;

.. . ‘ a fdw ItfcanaftgeiBe u to f the.steck .. ttf t ' &'v n v T t i i l ^ s 'V 7 W m irk edds new ilte to thls'event aad we can sUU >•S A T llR n A Y '- f l N l V - guarantee a-perfect m^aAd enure Boustac-•

| J A I U A > I / A . I V f 11 Irf A . . Uon; . U you have no .already taken advan-_ • ___________.1.__ ;__ ___ „_L . tago Of tola sale, do Mrattmoe.

Wb oro placing one number of the ,t«nbuB , “ V , -BAfllS^ OXFOBDS. ^.“Best-gvor” braadi ot Boys* Suita ori aale __ ^ R e i g l ^ y ^ ^ ^ p - ^ j p S , In stiea .to '

1, for-Soturday ana: expect too response .wUl. \ oir ^^ b o .iro n ti m .U ito m a k . o l boye- lu lu «ur- ' ” ■'}

paaseaini othors,-us'd cBh Eb h'E3 in no other - •“ WtnwgMw-slvck, lu valuesTip-to uud lu*"'"^ A , . . .. ,

renfcmbarod a ^ u t this brand: - 'A ir wool; - ' - ~ polr 1 '■ I ' ^ r ^imported twin ilnlnga, Inside peiicU: picket, • - BItf GIBLS’ OXFOBBS.' ‘ : - • * '

a u lt doublo-tackod p e se ta , ivory buttons, . ‘ tlhued''iale.priec,-palr....^.,.-2p .S n O w -'linon-llnod knickers. In A O f * '■ • JUHI0B8* OXFOBDS.-'

c -.7 ' •'TKu • A*gr8ad lot <tf-Oxf&rd* torW ggJrl* aad Ja-- i%. ^ e s B to 17 yoam. T h U . A ^ Q a l nlors in^slses from 2% to 6%. .Valuee up,

17.60 line tor Saturday sale, > . to andlncluding IS'.OO, cotiv . ^ i l Q p V ./Vch o ice......... .......................,,-.1 , V - ' • tinned salo'piice. p a i r . . . . . . .

; ~'.i - ■— — I ' ' ' !■■■:— " '• I " •" - - I- i , - i ' r --^^1 ■■■■mi; . ' ■


KEN'S WOEK SHIRTS. . ^ BICK-RAC? BEAID. iADD^S* <jaBSBTS. -• Extra good auaUty- W o rk - A -good -assortment ot.. f i ne. . Aak tor:ntanJ>er. a3y .0X-,1723c:;:Bhlru toot soU,reKuloriy up quoWty Riok-Baek Braid bo. . Boto-very.-.good-..models,, ^nr:?

, ,to 65c. The colora aro blue, useful, tor. a ll kinds of trim- ; ..couUl and b^Uste, wito best v:grey and tan also black a a - . . mlng. Any wanted color . o n - g r a d e hose,BUpport«ra;,Otir;;V

•teen. All eUes. Saturday ' hand. Worthy regularly 10c, . regular |8.B0 -yBluea, a ll i;- special, . i Satnrdoy spoclaJ, . . eUes, Saturr

■ each . . . . . . . . r r . r . . . ^ O p •' ' . ......... ^ d a y 's p ^ r i ,p r . 'r 3 l | |5 |,Q ^ ^

- SATOBDAT 8PBCUX . ^ SATpBDAY^^^^ ; SATDMAY SPEOTAL ~‘ ' m iL IA Jt8> T A ld rO TO EB ' PE'S.' HOSB 8I J P M B T i» ' T h i ® S ? ® '— O n lra amall QuantHy-o^^thU • :~ T h e reUable'-Velvet-»rlp3oior.'; •. ^Damiaff.uCotton!--.lor .^wWchr-?-well-known-powder for-thla— . .. Bupportera-in-aasorted-*i*os— PV 6c?- Pp.rj^*_:4

■V Uy,bo*.--Hemetnber.;qu5na&_„; — tlt r fef toe-same price: -Aax y ^.^Ja.H m lted.--aatttrT __j|.A -^;_______Worth idfi, ' ' 4 j l . «»lo^- .Saturdt^'ape-

d ^ special, b o x . . . , | .5I C - - ‘ •.' .d»y:apeclali ;pa!y .vi*r.|-ifV • , ; •; clai, « ior -......... .

SAOTBDAI-SeBOIAl ; . . B A IW BA T.atiB C M . ,8 A 1 T O W . S r ^ O i l i i ^------------- T E S S S L B B O f e ^ l -

-—Net-on to6.-jnatkaL rtobort-rr-i - .- -O a L -i» O iIa t_ 2 6 Q .-_ jn il |lfc„ .. , Meh>de (hand-Unlsaedj. ed from France.' Blonde. • broom atockron aalo-S^tur—,-.- - -derweap-' " llg h f -and dark ' brownr-and - - :r- day.-Only.-beat ’Quallty-bi:oom—------ rn e ck ,-- lo n g ^ le eT ea > t^k l> ]i6 l'-i^blaok.- - RegaUrly-'soU--.at. flu^-- -;i. straw..used; ^w rtraew .ed:?^ _J . lengto, medium wetKht.-te:

In-package'lor'25c>-Batiirday-—- ~-fltlU hed.-A lw aya.aJiaady-at.:.;.. aLtoa^-.Worth• ' specl i j T— : - r — -- Ucie,--8at ar dar - — — 8aturd*y.^pe-,•-r-:'^^-l^-tfiS^H

T ' M O T o K o i i ' s r a K S . . i A f w ^ - r f l r a o u r

wlo&s.-*Buttona' aail Boles 3 ' ‘ larso aeleo- ; )■. Tbe . • w tU rkno im ;:?v ,M tiSQ |

^ b u S . - .-Appuid t o ^ y *' T b b -g m te rd w rro r - '.--

urday apeclal ' . . . .veluea. - S a t n r d a y . ...-wya