
July 11, 2017

Mindfulness Meditation + Change Management = Resiliency

Wendy Quan, Founder

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Wendy Quan

Founder, The Calm Monkey Formerly Change Manager, Pacific Blue Cross

• Training and Certifying Mindfulness Meditation Facilitators.

• Helping organizations create self-sustaining mindfulness programs with no ongoing operating costs.

Strong interest in mindfulness meditation

at ACMP 2017 global conference, New Orleans

Be mindful for this session . . .

• Allow yourself to be present, open-minded, non-judgmental

• Be curious – what action can you take away today?

We’ll talk about:

• Mindfulness and Meditation

• Workplace adoption

• Real results & benefits

• How to start a mindfulness program at work

• Adding CM to meditation

• Experiential ‘Dealing with Change’ meditation

I . . . Results have a personal mindfulness/meditation practice 27%

don’t meditate but know the benefits 39%

don’t know much about mindfulness/meditation 35%


My interview by SAP’s ‘Digitalist’ Magazine

“Change Management is Dead”

Honest, We tried!



My personal story

We are here


At work, we have. . . Results An ongoing mindfulness/meditation program 9%

Had a speaker or session 19%

No mindfulness/meditation activity 65%

Not applicable (I don’t work with others) 7%

Personal Benefits

Improved immune function

Lowered Blood pressure

Decreased or elimination of anxiety, depression, anger

Decreased perception of pain

Improved focus, attention, decision-making, creativity


Sources: Harvard Medical School, and University of Massachusetts Medical School

Substantial stress reduction

Clearer thinking

Proven benefits of mindfulness at work

“Mindful employees are less frustrated, even in unsupportive managerial environments. Mindfulness acts as a protective factor in controlling work environments.” Study: Mindfulness, Work Climate & Psychological Need Satisfaction in Employee Well-being. Patricia P. Schultz, Psychology Dept, Univ of Rochester. 2014.

The Change Management Opportunity: Offer mindfulness, with change management

techniques added. Helps employees feel less victimized and more in

control of their experience.

Action: 12 week mindfulness & yoga program.

Result: Employees more productive & less stressed.

$3,000 saved/employee/year in healthcare costs.

11 to 1 return on investment.

Search Inside Yourself program teaches self-mastery & creating useful mental habits. 5 month waitlist to attend.

Immediately life-changing personally and at work. But needed to sustain the benefits, so now training facilitators to hold daily sessions. (Using The Calm Monkey’s online training).

Action: 30 day mindfulness pilot.

Result: 98% Helped manage stress. 92% Improved ability to focus at work. 86% Improved time-management skills.

Weekly mindfulness sessions & regular resiliency seminars for stressed shift-workers.

Significant decreases in depression, anxiety & stress. 14.7% decrease in long-term disability claims. 31% decrease in average days lost.

“Change Management is Dead”

Honest, We tried!

My interview by SAP’s ‘Digitalist’ Magazine

Real change happens one individual at a time

– so tap into each person’s personal reality.

CM isn’t dead, but our traditional approach isn’t enough...

We need to focus MORE on individuals.

Mindfulness Meditation + CM = Resiliency

Why add change management to meditation?

This is when RESILIENCY and LEARNING can happen.

To help employees go deeper into self-awareness, and be more conscious about their actions and behaviors.

MOVE THEM FROM: TO: Stress Response Relaxation Response

This is when RESILIENCY and LEARNING can happen.

Results of CM + Meditation


Meditation Study:

Participants were asked to:

• Think of a work-related change that they find quite undesirable.

• Listen to the Dealing with Change 15 minute meditation recording at least 3 times in a 2 week period.

How does the Dealing with Change meditation

impact your experience of a challenging change?

‘Dealing with Change’ meditation guides through a self-reflection of reactions,

emotions and behavior. Then guides through setting intention for a preferred experience.

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An excerpt from ‘Dealing with Change’ meditation

Want to introduce something innovative, that really helps people through change?

Start a grassroots practice & build trust Add change management

Partner with HR / Wellness Team Get them onside with business data

Start a grassroots practice & build trust

Generate interest Find a guest speaker skilled at presenting in the workplace

Uncover & discover Find out who’s interested in a workplace practice & who already meditates

Round-up employees to be Facilitators Train & equip them

Start an ongoing practice Grassroots and very engaging

Collect the benefits & share Share the results with participants and management

Add change management Example: ‘Dealing with Change’ Meditation

To help employees go deeper into self-awareness, and be more conscious about their actions and behaviors.

MOVE THEM FROM: TO: Stress Response Relaxation Response

This is when RESILIENCY and LEARNING can happen.

To: Change Managers

Action: You can be the one who initiates mindfulness meditation innovation in your organization

Result: Personal & organizational change resiliency

Training & Certifying Mindfulness Facilitators online

[email protected]


Please visit

• ACMP White Paper “Meditation – a Powerful Change Management Tool”

• Sign-up for newsletter

Wendy Quan, Founder