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~r!l~ ~0 741"J {l ~ ~<:.I

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:XO. 1,2.~-'

1871.JAN.'1'.,... ~ ', ._ -W.:

Th~ ja". of tiM lnlliag oU owillg to iag. IDuline h~t et••ad flang' tll-o:.. off ieqllentlr notbiateOttld F:"i nOIll . ' .r.("abl l'"

lJ.elO'lJ....·• the sled willijtl nub "btn th"y aUf'I:1pted to tnng to him. Had ro a poI:ieanu. '; l le teJd .1 u:~~Jy ,tbeof , JI.-i.,lcb·, .bouJdt-r.. )lllt tb. laue;r b." "eepon.-trYt-ft a elcb, it il not ih'l~ I.lhlr . I remalltMl to .U$p:ut:. tJJat thecued nul. ror tLi•• n.. ,Llu\l<f, were af'••ible that· he might h."" Dftd hiJuelt policemen . U l00\.ec1 . ,,,t.<rY' mud;' .m,t'.t ..... tha man .~ UpQU ~lIr•• le and JDI"U· A. blo" ",·ilb · • clua in hi. Mod ~ ".0VI1d He aa\d be' h.d 1l1l·,..ntlJ tbe hun,,' fhingteGe d"peaded tlHl 'ClIOIf1lO' bono and beve crad, ...d ILe .kuUof the larg.·'t brute, and tboo,!:ht th . , mu,t be brol he,. . ' ..hdt8• • ter. . ' I " ' 'I ~ aoo with a bile he wceld hue lirpt-d .n buy lb~ir C::o:hlQI at the u,.o 'eteee,·u tie alannrd UNtare « tb e Ilkm tlpt'n. . - . . We met allother P.lii«man. I too~ ,fl!-{,.;

n""'a 10 btp . • Wllrd ., . the track .Le L"ut tlto.orfl waa DO hop"'. li8l1dn~ with tieul.r notice of Mm: alid Me. tir" liftbad a good chance (or t ludhlg her pun u-

lhi. ualr.ed La04. IH. Yood bad Iu..d)· mllit lit- Iwin brotl1er to t1le ctber tolit .'!

en. r",' .lla••omn.t· '.Le ..oint ~ p ra"J oul dyed the tb. Imt-U and 1..te A,k"'" O'Sha" I. he ihovgLi IMyt'toQleJ"·to ~ lba . aJ..ic\. I"'~_ I() rti ru i n~l:~ of jc ·m.dethe bru l.... · td od ou• . , Their be f ... lie It'd. It 'Mtnc1 lmeltD-lr .~ Iblll ibey (..tlWiioo. l ithc. be.Yy bodies were Lurl~ agaiDit hltr~ in 1ft-Janel. \V~"'~hhe ;oUee.-·

But IhouJd the .....r6iD Lt'rlfrlW fpt"iug bim. III It im~n.-.d by -Io~' ~eI:lbGt ... tlteoetirffli~ h r-l'fl •• ' 'he u m. ­", .nd ·' Io'IUbgc , inlo ' ~ he flnow. Kanjl- their OWO• • nd liully pullt-4 bini dow.. OTtt ipin-keeyt Ott' · ' be·' U . ·)tM-lr 'ltm' iml nft 1 nl)W"U W9"ld be ,up with Illcm. 'l'h.. Iw.,.e t" or ~ '. r tb. Ibe mJstt'f~' of bear to Itarloar4.' qx, U. 'l"hitl l~."I ~ttf.: ·~nch • .~eding would di.cnr.ngle he.a,"t-D ~ iwept . lb.rough .ponr He inricL's 0Il1.) 'rbiok iJtt O'fI" tbi ~(lII'in1tr]fkl:tit-&A 'Ite'r (rom the -Ilcd, .nd,lIdnr.. Ii]le could mllld; In tho. e Lnt"r temble momt"ntA the o( the "ariou8 prdbill't be nte. 'J'lfift t'WI'GfLflou~der '. dozell lal.t. throoCh IIJl' ' DOW palt icul.... found tim fl to iulnJdl'. It I!o the Pl1'k, I ...ked the ' polic~D1.n ' hOwthe wohe.' ",ould ltear her into Ihrt"dll. · oftcn, n r,r often thu. in the motoeD" ot !l'!any brothml lle h.d 00 the P"tk ~('.

_ H t'L:lfid l lC'antod rorward . nd tpo kc deal h. H " l aid bft btd . n brolben _1 -'I. thot lHtkiDdly 10 Ihe lll):mll. Alld Ihe .ra i.!cd b"r lIe thought h~w his dtITott"tl 3tLfY was.n ot"phan. aud tb~ oat! brtlflu"r 'll.. a,. th.t ,..ete Bat with telTor and r...n inlo would 11a ouRb lhe n gil-hl)w mln.

jmotber ""t'r h.d "'u. I1tP -" l ttlr an" tM

a )OOre rnn PMf'. lie tL~u turnt"tl and gl.-d ~mliM would tcll hie falf' in the flied or the m",,~: wbl"ll ........ ~rbhndubed bi~ k...en t'tlJF:ed bat ch lOt and tnflrni~ We'& ducpair tor tIM mother montbll old. An klea thea llrutk Itnt.Ihoute.: In lhc brute•• llowl!'''Cr, hI' did o( Ih!' helvle.a Jilll.. 011..1. Sa,.. I. "Oentle poliemunt, ......e ytlu " ...nnot li." the 1te&fX'lo, (or Ihll d Cler till: All tlleie thingl f~llf·d Ihrough bis t"o ,'hlnlZerl ""I thi.:' ; wey, ·. lioflt'.1:JUr......I,.e. kepI to lt ltl 8100 tbe 1....5- 111"'y wcr... . brain, anti lIe k flew thAt he bimlt,l( a'n~ aize .ed eC?mp&edon, (o~dlr 4"'J., .fttNgtht'ireeen by the mllrt', aud tbertl wall lesO) pro · ill tile Jawl of Ih" "'·oh·e.. WilY to the r t-{rt1lhm••t-tent ~ " . ."'"' hn l',babUitI Dr hcr terror bl'Coming uneonlml- . T t en thaec foul. htrid eJC" OT"f'I' Mid be, ·'foor Ot five' oooplo : of tb<-ltt.lable and btlr bre:aking I . ide !rom the llim ; the ligbtl'nin,;- (If ahe throat f~lo.ed Juat Mcb lookiug men U you .N... · "'Andro. d. · atld IhiDking w.a finitb ed. 8 till he .1ftlg~ JOu told th..m?" "1'0 keep on .00 .'Wm

80 t~g A.' tP. t1f1:n r..rained t1k-it rtoll. glt-d to Jelea~' bil " fUll-lhe grup <- 110 bi. tD the right." hWht'l't' dot'll Ibat· ked-totin roahinn ~ Heinrieb felt tLOlt ·.1I " a:. throat 'Willi ebnaking him; hi. 'eOliet "'1 mer.dl" "'To ' ",,~, ~" ' .fIII1tdriar YeU. · " n-elt"t1 ; wh(a lih'tb. ",·biw o:; of a ....te-- (rom. " 'e deft', .,aot reQpJ. tit l;M~Jon

.- It w. nnt lon~ lM·foft' tl:e 11001l'l' · di, . or. anothet bard .uhDl).bot q in the PMk. 10 ' ·... . lrett~ff't"d tbal Iben .•.,.... litlle ·JWOF p...ct of .mong tbe .u ' Dilall" and (a.sItncd K!I:1f OD dIem M that thf'J .. itl"t~ .1' 1fnrt tlMoy.a C'f~.o long '''lit'tlleyrt.·mained in tbe too cllier. · . . ~pn'" 0·8....·'804 Iliad~'WI...lraek ; aftd they now' boogaa Ipringing ali de . The W"OI"t's (or In lop-tont rein ed tb!lr lng round lbitt ..tinell1 for an Har t .nli alind ..helllpitng 1o.grt IIbrC''' l t or th t! horse. fu;')· ; Il einr ich reclt-d giddily 10 Ilis f«.t. baU. Jf 1011 wllnt to do Ib"I"~ ~ ltlke II.

In t ntylorrtahclO" lIre)' f t'n behlud ; ('lIch aTle rt'CAgni&ed his brave dog. }'. II JnOo CUlTill~. If you b.,...·• got ' . >carrieget-frOl1 ,',"h·d th..m to tbe tl,rrifit'd mllrt', mept ~ ..tood be.'ildpred• • ·lIea he laW or r uar owo, tu • •ornebod)·' .&e'". "': .J •tu.t !rId DO Llind, fl. and tbe (UriOllt 01lC' \liol( r..lrt'.tinK and tb tl ot br t 1-:0 at· Shoul.;t"cn1 get lo.t in the P.rk. .daptboge1 ,lif' made filll'd HciDrk h "'ilh tbe . t. t k ing his daI1Dtle•• dog. He turned to policeman t"U. "0. to ktl't'p to .~,b. ~ rt~•podl"' aos.iet,. .. . htlp him. and a brigLt object' eaught. bit doa't 10U do it. The Park i. :public~-) On!!' or thr wolTcs WR Tt'1 largt', ey,,; it .,.81 his b. tell;el t, ing i~ tIM .no" perty ncl JW ea. tnyel·i nttraight-limbeU, and .bo..-ed • lnero lIilIpe- ,.itLin.n ann 's h-nglh of the b..r; lem"l, . ny cluedkia' ,.0. p1eMf'. '111..... lIN ~o

riet 10 ."he .....t. )fun th.. ont'e wben be . S'r u8l'", U,inricb m.akbed 1t op. and he I. e J. " 'I~ n eept " bat tbe ' tl8t iato tbe · ,no.... h" ad'autt>d " a i bin . 61f Ignin. eacrl. ;IJ '

n " ar ~ .h... . t ' he hone tll;an d id Ihe .B il alms welt~ blct'dillg hut tlle glant YOUtl 10 be told • . ; ,QIII",.. · Upt,n fhl.i KUlnt ereatu tt< liMn.. Ilr,'ngth rcmoined. TIUt ·uut. fDitalit be C . u\."!.O'LA.1i'V'S.ritb lbed lIia el t'. lael ... C»llrht ' be gJ'ft1l Lad . pH\ the Ikull of o~ d Ihe .oloru, }'. S:.-o·SNW andlfo\Ul.d tbe rcf~l t ht that pll yed ftftni )lilt tlYetid. . .nd ho ' now tarned, lib ;. ""'...... that IMnt_teat. . ., . ,...': '. ..:,..i ,

BJ al,tI bl tb. 'liB. b.oeame bUcr, .nd ho ",.••• upon Ihtt. St'fCd animll Ibt h4. ,.:the har woIC ' prvr Hide. Ttl" .pt·ed hora e hit f.ith ful dog to th" grotlnd~ . I ' 11 kno .L_. · I· ' ..o( tb~ animale I, u fuord i1lOf1. and h~ 'l 'hll fint blow laid bare tbe P IJ'h\ bedr,. . I aa we WQ ~ .111 : t ~ tr~rint'd ,..pidty. H.iuri eb wUtt'd-ua lii he ' hom',·tlie ~11 Lil Ihroal a len ible ,ub. 0.( rou ting eoffeoe malllcb~~eI tak. .Rl~~~bJ,d -.I jutt ab ......r. "hH.. rili... in Lie aod tbe thild Ioosecwd hi. fo: a.r!ul gntp in the eom~ilion or th·e bt-nj-. .~

. - ' ..• b d 5 'IIbid fi I "0l'1I1 matt-nat bttOmt't bllttle" anft !he~ '4'1" ~. eirekd. tb. ~cbet 0'·"1' hi.. h~.d upon t e og. 11 e Ilr uu e ..ree y. tanDln, sugar . nd rat 'are partlI df'o'U.31Pd•and brougbt it down .itb Ihe quk h ell wben JIeinric11 sprar.g upon tb~ . nimll.· and the oil of tb~ eoB'ee .drivea elf by .\JI eor lightlling. The b"ad w"s cIeri in twain .. and ('lit and hsek...tJ. linel lilubed until the hut. As it il to tlli, l.tler ing-rfd"'~nt.nd wilL. dying JeJp btl doub lt'd onr in "·o·, "'" ruinOt'meilt. that Ihll prP8t'ot ara mo or eoff...c is and; itthe 100. and 'In a nuickly 111ft behind , As be Irose a hllnd was on hh: ilb<lulder . . b

' d ' d b' b IS Importaet to retain tbis liS mu(' ..• •One of tbe drel ded Inimal. Wll8 di8' an turntng. a hea was O~ I' Glom. bPM.i ble. wbic mllYbe dODO by ini rodu'e-f:rtcb~ ::e~m~'f:~dt~I:~,,: ~b~~:~ :: ~t:;r;c,~ !." • iDg piece. of dl')' bre ad. 10J{ttber wilh t'Mthei, ,~ed in the leu t. H i d th,,}' "'61; a Long did tbe yoang pe<lpL, stand iu coffee, in the router. whicb . ,,·m abllp;:b

(" . to I II b th C' ....por ot tbe oil like a sponge; l.'I:I(f,Ia.te 01 tbl'i r COD\paniOik they would hl'le lopt-ec I ...IS embrace, ..t t't' • • lr.t'r .u~ IIH~me. bfat t-d, to a In. dcgtite \bangm'ft'd tbemsclret on ' Lim b,-(ort! ' ~t·k iDg porn-d the stronger. (or lk-iarich', IIe1'Vf'Il tbe cofree be.D". !enes to coodenae thi stbe hour. Dut be whi.kN off' di u I t.'g~ were gODCO, . Ad b" lealUli llpon Mary lik.e npor. ' Vlwn Ihe coff"...e ' 1. f ound illi'of IIle." lIl utldenl)' that the v ..rarcdy 110 · A b..lple.~ .:hild. brt'ad it to be <tI't\und up.ft prcpu,dtiOt'd bit .h.encf'. - . T he ."h·.t ot th.. affrighted hBfle ... ..

, b wllh it, lncreuinlt to a. not inc.ont;iden'b lClTbl' di. t..uce from 11(lM tt wa, rapidl,. di- Sf(lUSI"U t ., wile ; th <!: moment .bll ovened dt>gree the I'xcell..nC9 o( tile coffee. :' 1\.e

milli!hing b...neatb the quick st~Pll" of " il tilt! door ' he dog ru..bpd lorth, led by his proportion 01wead to be ullt'd i, I q·Dilr2·' crmllre. whicb eonlinu..d to tftfry tht' lIed kindly instinct. lIary fled "ildly .fter f d 1 L .. ,al fulllpt-cd until the fenr Qf on- rturn ing him. not to briog tbe ritle; but 0 " poun to t Iree-Conn s ot" poon or

I:) eoff...e. The ec.ft"ee ...hen routt'd. nil'1-tbeealll. ag.iu a .Ollre.t of aDdel)·. Hein- th is as bu bt-en .110\"0 to;aa not nt'eckd. k"pl in I. d otcd yewl. 'a. well ft tt'tl " llllrich. too. b.d learned L't' th i. time lliat k ,p ~lh...., "e"",no ordinaryanicrnta "" ilb wbich CoL O'La.Dna V'-1u ProapiKlt Parlr. c:"ible. To ef p routed COnt1 ' ro~ &

be Lad 10 deal , but lham ....t. detrMnilW'd - ag d~e. aid 10 prnen,t ·the ··JOfs ~ 'Jt8b b · ~ I . . . . I ~ L . Ik ing intcrps:cd in insectl I went to aroln&.lt La recommt'nded to 'prlakle.o'ttr

rutHo 10 whlc man or Vt'ast WOIUU ue Protp8C'- Park to flee the loew.t.. O·Sb.. Ibe br. o. wbile ~in hot wbit" la.A( rlli"iralib welco«tf'. -tbeir ptderenet!. bowt! \·ea-. and I ""\ there. but we couldu't fiod ia lbe proportloD ot ·. bOut one 'p<nuuf toas m'l.ilMled by the-ir .etions.. being for any IocUlit.. W II a,ked • Park p<olie:e.. tWllaty.6Tt1 poundl of eoff'e-e!._·n h ' eQIti­hO'".e.8t'&h. -./ man wht!rc tbe-locust. were k"pt. Police-- P'etl1 ~ o1'ftlJO~1 the beaa:-.dtb' alO 'IlIo;Tt'r l ,Of

Th"M " t!re not th.. Inim,a}j to ~ (right~ man u id tbe men&j:;erill ""at uot buik ,et, illS" and pre.e"" 11, uoriu....: ~ .; , .ea '!d AWly bl t IM ,ight. 01 a .mau'& houle. IIml tlre Comnii'8to.en let tb .. loet:m. 61 .,., ..- ~ ...,and tbere wa. alllrge opt'n spate b"twten be b I' k. ~b b ' , II ' . . . , :., !to -.j. Ib ~ .,lh .. out.kiltl or tbe lott-.t .nd H..inrieb·$ a at t e &r <f t' at l'r waf· &pUI' WblD. tha r.llllfi.. e..·...r~ ")·. ,lailleab...... to wlr~h be looked " pic·nie came to the Park••nd. tbe, Cit up • :r~lIcb officu_.pd . a' o~t fift.y 1~:erliO'..n tbe ItK:OI·S. O'Sbaw wu nlblt .or· . . ...."pprebeneion. pr isN at Ibis inlelligeflff, lind nid Ib.t lelUted I. IUfJeu,lier .with l_qR1P~~

Tl:.t"J bad oow approaehf"d tfko " 0;"11 - be nner bC'l'lrd that Baptiat. eat Io&nsta. aD.d eOWXlNd Ihemsebeama J~'" 1)1:1.,..oedg'e of tlle 1t"OOd••lid the wo1ns be;an PoJiumaD laid it w• • • hiaV>rinl fatt-• barricdt'tll~ q~,..ail.i"t.:~Kb · . iae. Th!e tenor I!trid:cu' Itn.-y &red it. Ibd ...iatlo ..... bu"'a!ln halfe '" . theI "at them with wild bone,. The~ h' , .. tb Y . .. . ,horSto . e IIfteobUnuabre. aad bwoding' WII in t>nted bI John- the n.ptist. aad aJl our , .b1la:.. • .u«ettVdtl!rrificallr (orwaid (:llIuth:t tbe a]~ .pitlu it lI lt he"n a lequirement or faith in that .. entering Ibl: tempJc. . ft ,p \1~.. thethe . himp 'o( 8 trte,: O\"l'rtDnri- r it , - 1- . 0 b ' 1- .Flwieb .rell eated, 6gbt.·01 all tbt' w~leJ

" 0 n- ~rsuuion "er tUlce. ·S . w , aMi Il :. b . ..,....... .....y.t ' ,MI, .ru ..,le"vin·... Heinrich I ' h ..'d' eh hi 1lIK1l- 1 toy came Ie .Ih, rt~.....hi!]"...botu~ t lat was 1..6 call" 1 ~,. wow. n t cal .. L..J ~ <__ .I 'l'b L. . T . . . -alOllr. 10. the mo"'. · . . b . K . If -I It, 't.UYU. , rough.. t....... &ring lIT..,

Be(ore bf' tottld riie he telt tlotl brutt'll joining I e Blr il• t • • .. or me e lt~. :400t6 01 the rUMr ornameDls;';f ffk.~· Ie. I mu.t tit inllectl gi ,·e IUtl f.O ft·sbt:1I (ftbt. iii .

elawiOg at hi. tbro. t. · bUt hte gument.ll A lliend O(Q"ShllW'.....hieh hi. BUU i . w. e aUen ·d 10 pkcu. And Ihe sencliwere'" lhick tk t he oJ.. l&&Yrd trom in- .men and SOlD. of bi. men took. tcluro 'in .lUdden. bas pilehed his tent ill tb. Park b ~- b ( b ' TL ' ,J' u.y. ud ,,:..... to lila (~ be thi'''", them ' _.J eE t e l'U1 elt put 0 I e ark. 0 0 ec'r;

_.~. .. "Iwro \Vayran-IS mil r("It aou , reab. b f ... " ;-0 8". IIi, b teh" , had bee j",ked from O'Sbaw wanted to find him••0 ~ asked pierced 1 (Iur bulletJ; feU GOWn at ttll"hi. ha.aJ u he.MI, anc! !lb' looked de,po- b··.J .ide of the ar\.. lI, lte-ad ft'''"'~''_ tid ofth ll policem&D. ere the pw-me . groun. th teroU b·th bad ,_,,_ratd, around ' fur it. was not to be was. PoliC('man 'aid. k l:Cp alooC. tbil e 'W 1 ~&UCU 10 t ~d.foU Dd. . roed and takt" . 11 the tummgl to tbe r;ght. lik("wiae ric!dltd with \ .llw. Tbe .-'yna..

By IW, time the mare Wail De.rly out of We went OQ and bpt 10 thlt right. ID a gague itself it ahoo: ::Ilife!! di~i"r~:I:.~·s;£ht. lIud \wo of the wc;lrc. wl!re upon Iihort tim~ we tAme to • poIiCt'lMDo a.odt lMr deff'n~let. m,.'11I1••nd · tbe olbt'r, de• . .uk.J the dirt'ct io~. Keep &:oog: thia road Ciuc:innati mourn l abe lou. by.8Uiticlt,terting I h~ aoi lllld. bounded back. JI...ln· ."d torn" the right. Kl'ut on. aDd eAtDe of l1wGrrma.n. ~ho , llJtcd ' Ihe fird la&~' b'---' b I -, b" .c b,n ...Joonln1tratd'ty. ·- '- .... ' f'I.' ."J'nc ~.,;;o;t,I t e 'heanolt•.•uu I e sU·:!l rna- . to 'Dotber policeman. He ga.e the lame .... _

m........ n"ouded. • di roclion. We bf-rn 10 admire the (her the lomb ~r G.... ~ ia (0 beThe powerful man 00." eall'l'd ,uIIO play beautUul rimplicilJ o( the plaa. or Vtotpect e:K1M a marbk MlClpbagwo. w..lI a Te.

all the \Ireogtl. for "hl~b be '" at 10 re- l l'. rk . J::~ery !hillg goes to Ihe risbt, eon· e:.larbeot statue of the OeDn-a!.n~lf'D.I'd , H. struck fUf l ou~llat the Je. p-


, .

1 • • ,

- l'lU.CTlr.L_

41.. rETTYOnOn~,. . .......Ipll. . B..rr. ;

. JolIn McDonald,


IIU S I N R S S CA R ll B-, itttt'o (opp0t4lt eo-op.lila~ Boed)

l'oa r 1"Ol·..lfSEXP. " •• T .


W ilb apart, pilu <K'" tUIll1>(r. Add,....• .... .A1XJ};S " Cfl £,......r. . '

• J~..I . • ~aft1f.W. T . ...,.:SoB .....(".~. tlr apul W (Ill... {lIf1Ip hrd ..d

tu_d'" a.t wurt~ .. t •• ~11:"-



Al'fon:l. 6,.\ tlan I teomftlodalirt", (or "1..t1.f'n ;C ltU\l:('1 R r :uon abtr, 1:11

~ ,_. __._.._.._._._- - --_ _' _ _..__._ _.

l". G. Dn.,Uetf, ......prle.....

'Wl lrr I~ (. n t dOOl" to6lrnains'. 8&1_)

Poar TOW~H:~D, \V. T .•

I s PRE P.\.RE D TO )IAKB UP OEI\,S:...d 80,..' ('~''' lc«IriInl.... '''''.t

f..Mon. ; &1_ ftr1>. COlI blt,a, fbr 'n it b1 tbe rudIII pilK"l".1"rr1U"lt. Clollu euod ClSui..."...; ~ CIoUu

....., FI/S.ooMJa i )lin i .,.. 0-" i LT'"tat,n9·. ~. ,

.,.·hieh U t Offl'TM 'Ttfy 1"....- l[J" t::~ei_ 1 It~ntion

I"' id to U '"l' l ir inlUld L1u a ;C, . TtnId moder. lt.

.tJitrMD aT _01."-O£*.ot the IItOIt ....e.I.v. POWerful.

(ull·liNbfd .....IPh oa tb. M." York two••tieu, • c:~n ,ur,. .inct', wa. Hei nrich Ka.up­mun. lIi. u m, were like J'iMOD reds,• .w:t he u utd ',bin bitl hUGe malkc 6.1.wit" web lHmendou. momenl QIQ .. toh>tl an 0:1 U if Itrick". b1 • IlauoderbnlL- It i . u id tilat b..... 00. CoIua;ht by

,wo iron-mul cted )lob.,.·It.. each umed" h ll kn i".......hile Ht'iotj~b h.-d lleith~ i)'tt at lb. ftnIOG..t-htfraetuft4~abI1of tbtl fonmO&t JlMli'D ud bore Ib, ik"C ­

and 10 11M ur... ....u.• w"... Lblat: 1HaBD il.l(ll.ut. That Indian Den, rtllumw"b.. perpehdicalit apin. .-.. A ll-Ibis b1 .. IY ot inttodUt.t;oD In .,/ndTenture tbat Xaupmollln once h'wI "llh• pack of woh·.... Ind ,,!lith ~me (tuf\al.11 nigh hnini: .. I.t.l t ult for !lim.

T bt: ...........- 1' "IIlU.1IR'fete Clue IhloOlolghQut t il. uorth trD~a".es,

end many d....t. . hOlll ofIpo..ftO·4 ud.-lar-o...tion oecQft,d befort the , opt'Diog o! .the''Pring: The "'oly~; \xIsn and tr Ud ·.a{.. 'mu. lw:eame ~arly (Imi,bed.t«:aTD IlDIllt'f"Dd, .. a t:/)L .equ~tl cf' , Wefl! 'unula , II Tfierce and eouraroWl. 'fbt'y um. downfrom the mouII.taina, and ...oe 10 Ibe .b"'P.fold that w.. unprot~ ~uring thenlgb t. It wu ' UN to tJ. iuTtod~ b. tbe,tanlag au~ and not a . beep ';ouldli"e tG ""n the tall!. Thftr " trw tnelr..,arouod the bam•• wheft' tbtl "eh'e& badtrottl:'d .U Digbt ill their lun-h ff'r .omemelns 01 ehlra.D~; dwir 110.1. eo&Ud behurd- throuctl lb••till , c:eld Iloar.. udlnOre 1h&!t OM laoC'l~.ife' baJ'MD matNto Yery COOl b''- tmprudl!btly ....turi_'rorlb at "iKl,~ . ," :" .J .. ,_ ~

M,ny I (l lw IMlttlert flit iD the upper, tory of Ih,·ir · hou . .... and ahluIM tllem.Ikl'es bl .hOOI~U« the wol"el. (ew wtwle•c~lp. 'be rntrnmcnt bid a ' . taodiorbount! of aenrrJ abi1liogf.

HeiDrich Mupmano remaiued &I: hom,..aol1 y:otwiu,.. bUl IA aun d to hit d. ,.lIanimali. and to l et' that th ..y ~re proP'""11 protec ted during 111. DiJ'ht. Ulolt . rttrawhile hi. Iitoek 01 groce-rin bcnm" low,and' I ".) out ·Ino::tllnn :- T rue. heaDd IJi ) tt.railr 6i altf t It-i.oo Ih~~'1'''abee" al id-srrinul;r• .-tbeT owned ~ N t itwu rat her un}.leuant to be " ilhout !"..

;q'lfr....., Augar. hi! • • lId many otbu w el...tWot Wo:IIl morl! nwe"'&fl J\lan buUr\QOI.

With a w. ·nt of (an tfc bt wbicb be "n1!y­...r .couI4 upl..lin,. be . ,atted UpOD his~ney 'dtbOllt ._" . ...po«' ne'1't • ,~~edgl:"d·het. which lut earli!!'«l in cuetbe lIed ,hould "" out. la ~he ho.."hu ng IIi, Iru.t1 riS'!'. but neitht'r he Qorhis wir. leemed to imag ifWI J hc~ would bean,. CAli for it. anti JII!' dIon chC1.' rily awaya iddinl hi.....iCe .. roerry good-b)". as hi.mare 'n·nt.t .. apl uking gue down ILerood towlrd Ibtl "illlgll.

Thu Iluer place. _bleb miglot m.reproperly be tt"tmt'd a tetdement . W&IIrt .ch..d i. dlltJ limt'. aad t.l:::e groccriel ,IIbought, lad ''''n I tLing waa in t"ldifteyto .tarl homtward.

H~i ntich had bet'n Atorm bound ao longin his hou. f' lll.t b. io..OO the compllni.n."hip o( hil fl iendl!' at tb" ,·mage (Melnvery «greellbl.... 1'Lere w.s '0 mu,Q. totalk . bout, l'O much lIew. to listen to. Iuch

ATKIN::; & CHE1.~EY, •q•••,ity o( go..;p "gordiog to .ho .(.(.in ot the odgbhorbood, tb.t Ihe tim.

Pile. D r her l and " ·bAre. " Ilipped aoeoDk.ionalllty. QOlil. wb~n he, Btt'· II aNN to 'gO. lip found h almOit dark.

~,~ . ~ ~ ":1 l-I Still he ball tw fean. ... hi. wue wouldnAV!KG" .poWER'UL AM· uDder. t&nd tbat he h. d ' f'm.lo..d .It theEqiB" ue i'"P~ 1. KO to .1'11 pert 01 I d b '

Fuget Sound tl> lrorld ..~..... ikh. Io-dlltkAl .il .gt. ao t ere wu ao oeceashl for bi,(Olbric:1I. .rlto&e ~<1lAro Ul.d to. imDWtd lale t tlturn.

Loa d Ve s s e Is As he turned bomeward ud Io:ft: then ll.lge bellind Ili m, and a.dced th.t thedim ligbt bl whicL be .was trneling be 'longed to tI~e mOO D. it flaJI hed ~pon himthat he mlgbt eoeoua~r danger .belorereach ing bOftMJ" ud be . rf'IRUt-d .. Ibet. ..ntit!th lilDe Ib.t he had left hili riflebf'hind.

Tbe ro. d, deep betwwD the drift, oris qo..·• WII of juSI lIufficieot' widtll (or Ih.1iftJe mare and alt'd. and tbe .pi rik-d lirtleanimal wt'nt forward at a , ,,ilt gait. while

,·Ueiutieb, 8()NewbAt &tDf,tfied ap4 w..I}'.w.. beruil..d into dro". nes.. by Ib'e' ea'l.llidine motion of tile ,led. . ._

He W'b -hal( 1U1e\"P.Dd laalf'D he bM:ame ~n.ible or .n inCTeue o(

'l~ltISE6TiluSH)n·)i l' u","s BUN 1'11'... · tDOlioo of the II~: He (elt itJ'~r\. !eTenJ1M " p in a . lIJWriOl" .t,.lt. A\ t be tl~aaI

Bar art~ . ~ " &iDles benealh him, aod aU.t once a 6t'rc_Th tho! st W' .. Li iii jer k. thaa u.ul. accomp.aied by ae' ce mes fa. qUon, I~.eigh of t..rror l e«rct:~ arouaed Lim.c;..,,:~;, noN ... t.. of ...........';0;~ Ud ho.ot~ up.i&bt looked "",""",

B I L L 1A. It D TAB L E S I He look~ in front. all wore ita ....oatedW itb rn_rblt b~., eembillitlon eUlhioll• • I:e .. .p~arancC'-A wlId stralgling piece . 01for Ihr Iceornmod_tior. of Ibr publie. wood. ,t.a.Ilding two (I;'(t deep ill. snow. the

1. 0 . SU RN ING. narrow track tw~,tinc thf9UCh it, tbet;tl i"NprirtOl. h,-.,en. cold and dear. Ihe MrtIa white--

AGENT roR THl'.: bat dOle b-hiad Ih. aiR "en thret pant

N h anilllall , cnh:riog Leal"il,. " bile a fourth°rt Pacific Steam Brewery I ".. rut goifti ftg b, Mod :

1),\YIn 5lll.F.:;.• • " . O t _· : .; .•

LI '; eh .ecl Auetlonee";


llOOT,.AND,I:\HOEI ~ lUKBR;.Pon TO",~n:!fD. W. T.,

" rASCFACTCRES ALL ARTICLE.". PT.1ll' ,w ll ina w hi. bulnt... nUll, UI4 _ Ilb iia­1...leh. ~hkf'l up Into goocb OOBt 111 ..1 1M but' "lI' It-r;. lt , Dor-. ,......, lrtDS· .

Ordrn from . brn d ' nptetrully aoU.l~ hi .'........._..._...__..,.._ _ .~__.._•._ ._\O

QFFICE- ' U RI...... S.l_. BIIII,JI_S. btad atU ll iOIl; Wblff.

I"I:t1LI8 J1~ D "" .. a r rHt: •• V AT

e H As, M, BRAD5UAw."' a n d Co••~lo.,

.i T L.i lV,

OFFJ CE-O. "'.tn' ~,"",.I_ toon '"'"' Ito.• liutinp Ste,..

1;1,. ...... or.-_... "". 'l'.

y",," Oil . Ttu l1l'i'Yo, ~h W01ltU , ,..

. Jhab...rl pt loll.l pa,.Ib1. b actn--:;, - .- _._--

u ••.•""... ....... .'OM l nl."h. ( .. bl.'llla"u"~r.\ to a" MIlian"

of t ' l:l" li nt . ) .-. .. •• • , •• •f'l (l(l1::.rb ••iblf'llQP I'I& In..rtiln'l, _ •• •• •• • • •• 1 00

A !i\>th\ 'ftrdttrtll n -nt. be madt III t.TOI'ofthM'...1,,:0 .d...-rti. t by \br YUI .

Tnljl.iclit Idnrti-'.,,('n1I. t. u...un La.ter1 [Otl.,mllil be a_r-altd by \bt tUb . .--



Page 2: !)l?t/~ ~c/...~c/"> /) / (t// t (I'{!)l?t/~ ~r!l~~0 741"J {l ~~



IUl'lIjIlOA Go~pany I .

• • • • • •P. !tJ'('D I: IU IOT•

] y tli JC74I ,•••• • •

!I. enD_BY. Jr., Gt'lltral Agcat f g f ,,",..hin g_toa Tmitorl:-9l!!t~ .IIC OIJ"IN~i'l: . T •••

.OUijp.J.. •• ' •• II. ..h1. ;j

.lObD L. Butler•



Page 3: !)l?t/~ ~c/...~c/"> /) / (t// t (I'{!)l?t/~ ~r!l~~0 741"J {l ~~


. ..'~- --,

1871- , ~oJ' 5"

/_____ __ _ _ _ 25 _ . . . _

- '-Port-T.......J" IV. rot ;' ,- '

- liE~TTI.E

OOODS!:SM'ttlt , ~'. T ,



, ,~ . t. ." - . ..



Comed n"J IIDd Porlr. pel' b.aml. standl on hand. iu quu.l iw. &a alii,purebueEt• •

EIJ«iaJ .4.lialio• . Via:a N ·t~.. il.rk~, , , TnrJ,. .. .

: , ' " . , - . . '. ' ... m:r AU .orUn C pro llljltl,1"U1t~tQ, ..~ ...... .faetl.W1 ............ -. .. • • , -

r-crouce r..,,,,tluU,_llclW ;: ~ t:tt- ....-


Ha,dKltl rr,

-1'o'hklll will ..U.bfap rv eu.a.


....._._._-_.._....._---......._----_ .._.__...._- _." ~ "" ' : ; ' '' ' ''' '

.. ' ... , ., I :.

. :. '" '.". ! -, . '. ,

, "D. C. 11. B othachiW.

"PadAc Cod. FI.b,

1_ qqaatitin to nit ,vckuen; uad eO.", .rtM.ill tndl. .. TarWtr. E. &. POWLU,

Con" or Wa1u alHl. ....m-~ IPort TO.D~Il.d, W. T. l:tl-- ;

._-, - - ItryI'Or'~..J ,..,..... aMI~il.1..:-

I -,CLOTB",'U, ' '

, • ' • • . • . • 1 ' , '"

rn,JU8 lfE~OWN u--n JUST.LT POI"·...... ul~r Hokl baa bHa tboro q1l1y O"trb ..~nuon trd, aDd frnbly 1'lrrIlnbe4: nt' :Slffpi..Roolal UI nnd,. PI"'" .u~........

"- ..' ~ . , "

. "

! ; "

" 1

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, " WlkJ:s '&) j i;) fr0R3

" , ' ,' .:

" ... ; ' ... '~

" OROClinu;s,""


. "

" ,

' . II


' " r,

~.t.n. ,.'J



' . '"

Pon TOWll'$£lfD. W. T.,

• .• I , ... .. ~ " :!. " •. .... :. ,- ..i.', 1

(;emmlultta ," F .....AftUaa ., '

1." ·' : 1 !••.t -

. ' , I I •.." ",, '

II,.'~...n, 111"'1..... wttk a.tbe .......... -u&,.."'l M&

III i$ piaN ia~ .Il..IIle1locWli: . • • •• ..• , ", . _ ' . "._. _.\ _ IJ..... ~ · . . ." .

,•EtC., ,r ... ,! " ''' "~

" , '"


Page 4: !)l?t/~ ~c/...~c/"> /) / (t// t (I'{!)l?t/~ ~r!l~~0 741"J {l ~~

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,., JI l.

& . Ka t z,

T UiE Ii I

,." I

E te.•


S tock of

con';'latK tLa' tit, Prieu III• •

_ . 22 .

BOOTS·ad ·SHOES, ; t. .:;. i

. . .C101hl...., • ,

.- .lol t .

Dr, GOodi,' " .-; II, ,. { ,oj III I.

Ladle.. IFall",., " ;· 1· · · :J ll f

Fnrnlture, . - . . . ., . .. .





,,.Apd Continua" y Rtet!'t"iDl;. If. a:. DOW



BEINO .IN COY){UNICAT lO lfwith the lMidi~ ~ciei,._, C'u ·

Dilbura, Fomp Vf81et. 10 the 80nnd 10 bttCft

IIInnta:e to · llaSluatha. an~ ' O1.ber -


AI- Prestnt ;

Honest Dealing,with' Au .WE DEFY COifiETrrfON I


In Order fo ProTe Onr A._­aertionl. we dMre il diltinctly uila.r• .

atood tbat Dar good. aJ'8 bourht .by OM Firm. the lareest

in San Funci lee,whoi., racilitielar. lInqu~lfiofta..bJy npetior toabl .firm on P-rl

. Sou.d;--­,/

0-.fB, strict Attnti.. to IJal i a .u~

ora OWtf _ "'alt&n .I.•• rilE.....

Cheaper lhan an" F/;'ID

To mul whh th.

: \.

Ex Clara Light and Bark Ouward,

·l 'hi . ,ide of S.o Fraoeiaeo. for cub or.l,.or rood ""nrhy 00 time.

Groeerlu,..• . 0 , • 11'''' :,Llquor. l cd

• •

.. ". . .

pr.-pared to 1011 Good.

. h lp Cliaadler",aIN.


O. r ......... 1M... .......u,. a.1~

IiaW, _ W it .1o"111I~1e _.....,......, lIM .IUI,.", .......ut U1k .r G...ubpi (ft ..10. 011:1' s.... .'.. .

, - -

Largest and Mest Complete

~ Eaehao"'l call ,"'·- n. p liatei toaDy part Of' the wc;rJd bl .'{ ". ' 'v ··. 1 • .

'. : ~ • 'N '1 ..,. Ic.-r:l

WATERMAN ,t 'KATz;~.. . .. ... ~,







Cl.o .







Kl '• •

0, F. GE R RI S H a ce.,I'U t"a erm a n

Tibballs' Superior Teams I

P ert h .....H .... W. T . ! ;t!

COIUUtiag, iu put, or

(On. tb "01. Conn,,,)


IrlttT or COJU).oWOOD. CH&4P I

Hardware and Cutlery, •



71'-l BjUlaN Sdloo"

Ship (;handlerr;A (all and completehlClrboltnt.

s m p STORE.~,

COUNTRY PRODt:CE.An t'xtrn, i't"e and Ta.

ri td IIlW"Irtmelll.

. -




C 1 G .4 1l S.A fi.. auonmeoC oftbe helt brand. iD themarket..




17 O. F. OERRISIl & CO•••11 tLaaUention of p;olrti~1 deliring to purdlale tothei, l&1r aDd complete Itock 0( rooi...wbith ar" .c.ff'",red at .yt'1'1" 1011' ratet.



Fumiaht'tl to V~Nt''' ana }'amilits



-Wm. Newton l JIl8. Keymes,

T b a liAR I. d_k" wUIa aU n .......rlel'loruad' of WlnH.!Jq_,. lad Cipn.

AU lb. ,arion, drinkl o( 1M W_ -.aclo toOfdtr.

TeamIng oC all Kind. Done.



Et ..,






--, .

or aU ..i....





'~l ("



GLASS. Etc.,




q') .II '1U J. La 1 ,. SHyer . Ware,


Ad 1& P'nrfa.s-, fGll' Sah c...tbl..D, .




.-PoaT Town.~D, 'V~ T".,

Soaps and Perlbmery

W'lfN I"'MnMn wm al_,.. •••• 1&,...toMOrbw-' el , -


TboM who 'K'ft up c:habJ Il:lllat bur I. Dlbld lutour term. are VaaAl...:t4 ,AI _ ., ...t6l1trila1n,alld tbl' the llumber nault c:ouut )'I!'lU'ly-lwo . iJ:mont~~' 1\lI) '~rlbc" .W be n OUt, touting (or theprtllllUfII.


']"0 PARTIES WHO WILL OET UPChaM With .. mw to tat.... the dr-latioo

of 1M Aur.... u,ft &.t~g olI'", tM to\.lowill' "fIT llbuallco''''_'''' lou puttfl ",b. _mr''IIpp....

Bead Oar Premiam Lid!To the pnwotI __ ..m -.I .... d." .,

u.a ?"rl, ...~ _. wiD Ihe .. FlailOo1d"Rhar, wortIt. l0 00

Por IAHIl ..~ _ wiD (1ft all

f~llt X ON Ar~ B.iJaJ,~ IS 00Por t_tll.t, ...bto:n~_ .....11gtn a btu.

liful Olua Fruit ~~~, mnuloWii .~ atriple dhn platt4 wwth.. 20 CO. For tWCl:lt' ' 'ft .R beeritMn _ will an. arume AJUnic:a. Sih'tr Watc h.~h ••••• 2.S 00

For tJalrtI '.bkribf'rt _.-m iPn a b:I~lat. ttyt. Leollliaoe W.ldI-c:hal.ll. of .raId, worth 30 00

For thlrty-be ,._ribtn 'We .m rk"e a °

~-ri:a;t':~.~~~..~~~~..~ 3.S 00Fot"ott,.~..""1 ,n. ••A~

call 5 o J. 8 ilYr. Watch, -ua 40 00Par lin, nt:-riben_ -iDlift .. ,p&r.&

triple .o~ platt4 TN Stmw. couk-, of. b ~.. wert1l •••••••••••••••••••••• •••• 91 00

There is No Humbug about ThillWt pa-ra1lt.Pt ""1aJ1ieM; b:t. ollr p"miwa lut

!o be J,nl .. _ e lC'p«M1I' It, IIl4 _heat,,", .. d ubi.~i~ e-IU., fQf either of tbe abo" uti.I,I,the prbe .. pillM will be luunrdLaul, n:pnurdto the part,_dillS UI IItt °

Dou lnma Ire -83 00 a y~, fII' f"l 00 (0I' .h:m Ollthll. i. eoIlIo.1o to.p&i4 bnwbl, b:t. ad ......










> • • - - --

A Gc aIut"S C~E Gaowl~o On 0,"T I I B l"Ot:IlTnna .. AKElfDxasr._·nequt>&t iotl concerning the rij,lbt of property

.iu holD'" beiogl n e:lrrci linc the mindl_(l~t'rfa in la...)',," aud &I1th'ot I!lne OW1ll"

ert in ~hryllod, all becatu'e of tb t' adl'lp.til)o of the (ourteenth amendmellt. 1 'heCASt! BI p't.'seoled 10 tbe UllllP.t! Stateseirc~it c.?llrt• . Judge Bond presiding, ioBalumpte, l re ~ljly, 'i i5! i. I'i"li~s~ : ........Yirgi ulao "'has filrd. bin u \ inlP a decreeto et!1 . Iide tbe :!~ f...~ted in

)\ 8~~. for &1..,.,,' lDed It ",'300: onwhicb amoun t lle wu to P'il lix per cent.annnall ntl'fl:fot durin g the mill of the , .IlJ, ant'r b..r ,deilih. tbe"ptiDcipal intllree yt>lrly · i nitalmtnl lll . 'J' hc slutlwer'll tllkli'll to MiniSl!-ippi. IIna by Slatelind Unit ..d Slat..1 law ..keame rree in1864. Now tli.i' Virgioian cornel intocourt ltDl\pleada <that, . the ~lav(,1 ha.riagbeen emancip.ttd," and Ibrir nlue as -pro­perl' dl'l lroyl'd under the (oorteenthI.meodment. th~ condi lionl of Ibe dt'ed ortrust cllDnot be eafol'Ct'd. and ht' maintainstbat the amfOndmpot haa 80 oUtlawed theiOAtitution that contlTc1.~.ingwi ol itunnot bo'l t'nftrel'd. rbe d.,!endu IImaintained thlt tl:tt COnln.ct wu It>gal"'"en mllde. I.od mWl' thererore be fOn"(orce~ , aceonHllB to ' it . IcrUlI. Deciaionhili not ·,et bten reudered. A Ihort lime~ go tLe Y'ar,oland court nr appeal. dt'eidrdin a l imi4&' ta.e tLat IUch eontrac:, couldnoC be coloreed.

What Il'Mtlft·by eduClluoa b kamingtbAruJ1'1 or tbe might!" g lmt' of aU mit. I nather wo~wtdQt&li')n ia the instruClionor thein~ . in tu.1awi·ot a"an. a.anwhich name 1 h:.elude Dot mereillhingalttld their Coc.ce•• ,but . meo lind lheir waY';.4IlId tlw:t €a.hioning or the .trffi lOQl ud oC't&e wUl tftto .1.1. ' t:l l1lelt Ind loving c1t',lreto moTt in harmon, with tbo.e ta"l. Formt'. eduea.tion mf'aDl neither mt)re nCtf Ie...than Ibil . ADyth10g which prol'<'Uet 10ea1I illelf f'dueation mUAt bf:o tri ed by tb ieatandard. and it it t.liM 10 .land the tea t.I will not call it edue&lion. whatcYer ma,be th~ {~ret-ililt~t,..«. of numwnupon tbe otot'r iide.-Bftrl~!/. ..'_ TheMlfnehe.btr (E n&,land) plpt'nl de.~ribe ~ !1e"" ~1fJme...ut af , torture whichbas bebn Id np at lenral ,,6r8.8 ia·thAtcitYl anll is intl'oc!ed to I\I'OU 8fl the from their .Iamben. Tbis · II Amen.can dnir' i. It!t to work at hatfpatt fiveenry morni ilg, and it "'Ike. up e1'e1'Ybodywitbio , l,,!:o ,miJ~ /;.,A mt riean dH"W' is .kQo,,·p to.1ta:frfeM .. u . -.tu. gong• • '~

>.Th e projt:ct 01 ~iettng W~D to tLe

medical uui...ent ty at-EdMtOOrIf hAl re~

ce.i"t'd.tbe e:lp~e81 di'8~tova~ or QueenVle'c." .. ' J J I ! " I 1 l:;

. . i ..1,. up in bed in 'be ~padodl nlln n,.. abo...~rt.M" . Ao dley told ber beebend ,c1Iy

r!he . .. interest t'd in lbo fate of tbe manI " f1 0e0 race she bad not ~n for twt nty'('In.

.. Tl lat', riJlbt. In,. Utd••i(1tJ to Illidher hnalald Uding her (ondl, h l'a"1 when th e: ,eimplc.tale WII eoacladedvuevee 10_DOC who hu been .ki nd toyou in the d.,. wbo:n you needed'S! moaL"

llaJph )(aor~ wtl' l itH. tLe i;.V..menigbt in hiJ poeI)r W giDP. b.tidtt hi,' iling wife' l sick bed, when a liveried eer­vsn t brougbt a DOte (rom lb. rieb andP""'peIOUSbaoi: dirret cr, Ch arl~!1 Audl.,.

"Good news, Bertha ,.. be exclaimed,joym:laly: * .h' rMd tb.. bnef word", "We.h.nnot .tarve-Mr Audley promises meth e ·neaLt silna: ioI&," ,

"You L....e dropped IOm p tLina;· (rom thenot~, Ralph ." uid 11". Yoore. ~iating

to a ellp or piper that lay 0 0 tLit 800r.}foo", . !ooped 10 reeceer tbe -r~tray.

II WI." a itty dC"lllar bill ot:atly (old..d in ap:eee or ptlper, on which wu writtt'n :

"In grall·ful rl'membranee of Ibe lilverquarttr Lhat a kied ..traogl'r bealowt:d ontlJe Iilll.. chttilnut girl, twetlty yean 11 &,0 ."

R"lph 31Mre bad thro·wn bis monel ofbread on Ihe watt-I'@- of Iirel and aftn manydOYI it had rt'lum t-d to him.

FLOUR AT Mii:J:. .PRICES ITOKt'thrr _i aCbolW Stlet'tlon~

Gro~erle. fbr Family tJ . e .• 17 OrdC'n rt lp«llllll,. "lielled, alld ..ti.fattioap lrant«d. ("n s. B.lGA~,

3 ;3ru SUCCt U QI to 'Ward &. Milchd J.

Jla ••-lIC t...w. the llta...... B a k el' F I. m no,", prc:pll'cd to funab h, on the m'Olt

teuotl.llbll tcnlli . to \he trade. •• o.~ '0.. t

PI LOT, aDd xl \'Y :BREAD~


and S1:GAIl CRACKEllS.

., , C%lNoRil ~Al'S; n e.. Ete.Will on han4 aU tht'''n.dcu gndn hQ

bu.a.14 of

tl T A j1.I\A RD



S "m'1, . !t. .f ! ., .1 •THE WEEKLY ARGUS.

'·Plea.e,-,tr; .I- itt ,... bD7 .n ·ehIM..,.. .uutt •

"Cbestnu tt ! M!" .ft'tomt'd RAlph) (oore. lookina ean:l t'Mly 40...n on theupturned r.... wll.-e lArge en•• iMado..•ed by tangled curl. or fln.e~ Lair. wereap~a1iDg to piti ru1l1 tn hi. OWD. " W batdo I .ant or ehe.tnuta r' .

"Bot please••lr, do boy 'ern," pleadedth e Iittle one, re-assored; b1 the roughkiodu.1I or hit tone, "Xj!x»d1 ,.~mll tocare for them, and-and- .

She rairly burat tear&, 'eed )(001",_lo bad"been on tlie· point or- brushingc:areleNly put her, l topprd iOltincti"t'ly .

" Are l OU in very maeb WIlD\ or themoney ~..

ulDarea. sir. we &rP," · 80hbed the ehild j"mothtr Uftt me cot, &00"-

··}ilay, litd", one. don't cry in I lIcb aht'&lt-brokeD. way," hid RAlph. Imoolbing},n btlir doW'!! with eIlM<'" gent1en~l.001 don't want yaur elu·alftulr. but here'"a '\'jnarler. if that will do 101l anI good."

e did Dotmy to bear the dtl4;:htt'diocohmmt thlob &be child ~ outthrough a rJinbnw of Imu.. aud ltoI ra.but I troJe 0 0 his way. muttering ~lweeu

liil teeth : ."Tbat cut. off' m11t1ppll or Cor

the next t !"eot,.four ~ouri'l 1 doo't . caretbou(b, If~ lbUr. " bjOt' _II,did crr aa If the badn 't a (riend in th e"o.ld. nang III I wis~ 1 wu richt'Dough tdo h'tlp eycry poor el'fature OQt 0(t1e slougb of deApond.

Wbiltt nalph Moore "a. io.dnlgillg i.otbe~ "try natural refteetlenll, tLe dark.orbed liul. damsel wholm he had eomforkd,..'" dashing down the Itree! with IJd~.el"tic fooutepll. Dtt~rly I'f'gardlt'u of tbeLuket of unllOld natl that Itill dloogtedupon her ar.n. Down I.D oo.eQre laae'she darted, bet ...e~o tall. ruinous rowl orhouW'l. and up a Darrow woodt!n I t.ol irr.ast>to a roo'D wb~re a pN~..' nt>&t.IM)cingwomao. with large brown eyel, Hh berown. wu a.!winr &I .btl. Oy .. if the breathof life dppendt'd '.pon·iTery lfitch, andtwo little onel weN content edly plaTing inthe lun abme tbat tempon.ril1lupplied thethe plaee of the ab&ent-fire.

" Mary! baek .lrtady ~ Sorely , ouhave not &Old your chatal1ta &0 lOOn!"

·· Ob. mother. mother. see!" .-jaeulattodthe- bruthlet. ebUd. IIA_$f'ntll'toaoIt!'T.,me" PWIIlur1ftt~ bnlt thTnlt tnO'tht!r'.'a wl101e qUArter '"

H Ralph ~oo,. cou41 only 111,,,,e s ct!O

thb rapful'1l which tbi . Hny sil"er girldifl'uaed arollnd it, in Ibe poor widow' .poYerty Itricltenlloma.~ ba "Oflld Tha~

grudpd Itill leN the temporarr privationor eigan to which bit generosity had lub·jeetN him. - .

• • • • • •Yearl came aDd went. The littl.cbtst.

nut girl puaed AI .nitret,. out or R&1ph,Moor'. mf'mery AI if her _pleadIn;. ert'lh.d n_ l.uihoitthtnooft tpot ilD> ,.heart,'but !-LJ.rj- Lee Dfl't"f'r forgot tM, truger who gne bfr tbe·ailnr

• • • • • •The erimloD 1I"icdow euttaia, .... rt

dONIy drawn. to .tNt "oat. tbe at:onb . and ·tempe. t or lbe bleak Dl!cembn -nis ht-thefire wu glowjog cheerily in a well.6l1edgrate ,and the dia:r.eT table an In I. gUtterwith cui &1&1" rare china. aDd polished,il"er, was ooly waitiog for tlle prcweoce1)( Mr. Audl,y. ...'

"What e&Il it be tbat detaint papa?"laid Mn. Audlev, a rair, handl om. ml.tronof aboat thirty: u abe Slueed at the dial ·of a tiDy enamtll:lC1 watcb. Sil: o'd<lck.and bl! does not mak e btl appea:rauce.··

"There'l a man with him il1 the liDdy,mama--come 00 bw,JWll•••• laid Robt-l1A ndley, I. prettI ho,. eleven learl - old.who wu relldiog b, the fire.

001'11 tali bftta a~ain ." hid Mn. Audlt'Y.'epping to the Jioor.

Hut. IS sb,. ~~ i',,1h. brillian l ~as..lis ht fen Call o..P1h1t "'ft.~"''or an't. hUmblelooking man in worn ~od threadbare gar.ment,. who ..... Ieaving the .hou.e " bilebf'r hlaband ltood in tlle doorway of hilatudy. I.piW't'Dtlr relieved to he rid ofhis Titiiar. .; .:

" Charl,.,.,u Rid M'". Audl.,.. wbo.ecbui: ba4 paled aod fiu. bed, " isthat 'MIl a;d wbt.t d~ he want ~.,

"Uia name is )(OOff', 1 b\lliewe, 10"_"~d he tame to tee in 'Would be.tow uponlum that l &CauL melSt'ngenhip tn tbtt­bl.ok,' ·

IIAlld will J~u l""I dOft't Ito.w.· I(ary-I must tbiok

abt>ot it."··Cbarley. (iv, Lim the l ituation:~" ,,,ny·mr I uk it or YOll al a (",.or

and ron hUID laid a tboul&nd times youwould non d~ny me anything."

Ol .Ani I will keep my won!. Ma,," laidthe lovioi\.~a~ ~llh .a ·.... UOJI.lte 'k i...: ·I'll write the f~1fo,!" .. Dote this "feryneulOg. I bellne I Tit got hil addreaatome"beu about 10 80"

• Alfi"our~ two late-r, . en BMb,. andf raok lIud hltle Mionie lrtre tucked eoug"