"> /) /( t/ /t( I'{ - 74 1 "J {l I , " , , , :XO. 1 ,2. 1871. JAN. '1' ., . .. ._- W. : ja". of tiM lnlliag oU owillg to iag. IDuline •• ad flang' tll -o: .. off ieqllentlr notbiateOttld F:"i nOIll . '. r.("abl l'" lJ.elO'lJ .... ·• the sled willijtl nub "btn th"y aUf'I:1ptedto tnng to him. Had ro a poI:ieanu. '; l le teJd .1 ,tbe of, JI.-i. ,lcb·, .bouJdt-r.. )lllt tb. laue;r b." "eepon.-trYt- ft a elcb, it il not I.lhlr . I remalltMl to . U$p :u t:. tJJat the cued nul. ror t Li •• n.. ,Llu\l<f, were af' ••ible t hat· he might h."" Dftdh iJuelt policemen .U l00\.ec1 . ,,,t.<rY' mud ;' .m, t'. t ..... tha man . U pQU •• le and JDI"U · A. blo" ",·ilb · • cl ua in hi. Mod He aa\d be' h .d 1l 1l·,..ntlJ tbe hu n,, ' f hing teGe d"peaded tlHl 'ClIOIf1lO' .. nl b ono and beve c rad, ... d ILe .k uU of the larg.· 't brute, and tboo,!:ht th . , mu,t be brol he,. . ' .. hd t8•• ter. . ' I" ' 'I aoo with a bile he wceld hue lirpt-d .n buy C::o:hlQI at the u,.o 'eteee, ·u tie alannrd UNtare «JQld.h.an: tb e Ilk m tlpt 'n. . - . . We met allother P.lii«man. I ,fl!-{,. ; n""'a 10 btp .• Wllrd ., . the track .Le L"ut tlto.orfl waa DO hop"'. with tieul.r notice of Mm: alid Me . tir" lift bad a good chance (or tludhlg her pun u- l hi. ualr.ed La04. IH. Yood bad Iu..d) · mllit lit- Iwin bro tl1 er to t1le ctber tolit.'! en. r",' .lla••omn.t ·'.Le .. oint oul dyed the sue .... ad tb. Imt-U and 1 ..te A,k"'" O'Sha" I. he ihovgLi IMyt'toQleJ" of jc ·m.dethe bru l .... · td od ou• . , Th eir be f ... l...ml. lie It'd. It 'Mtn c1 lmel tD-lr Ib lll ibey (.. tl Wi i oo . lithc. be .Yy bodies were agaiDit in 1ft-Janel. ;oU ee.- · But Ihou Jd the .....r6iD Lt 'rlfrlW f pt" iug bi m. III It ... h r-l'fl •• ' 'h e u m. - ..i d", .nd ·' Io'I Ubgc , inlo fl now. Kanjl- their OWO• • nd li ul ly pul lt-4 bini dow.. OTt t ip in-keeyt Ott' ·'be·'U. ·)tM-lr ' ltm' i ml n ft 1 nl)W "U W9" ld be ,up with Illcm. 'l'h.. Iw.,.et" or Ibe of bear to Itarloar4.' qx, U. •. would di.cnr.ngle iwept . lb.rough .ponr He inricL's 0Il1.) 'rbiokiJtt O 'fI" Ite'r (rom the -Ilcd, .nd , lId nr.. Ii ]le could mlll d; In tho. e Lnt"r tembl e momt"ntA the o( the "ariou8 prdbill't be nte. ' J'lfift t'WI'G fL dozell lal.t. throoCh II Jl' ' DO W palticul .... found tim fl to iulnJdl'. It I!o the Pl1'k, I. .. ked the ' hOw the wohe. ' ",ould ltear her into Ihr t"d ll. · oftcn, n r,r often thu. in the motoeD" ot !l'!any brothml lle h.d 00 the P"tk _ H t'L:lfid l lC'antod rorward . nd tpokc deal h. H" laid bft btd .n brolben _1 -'I. thot lHt ki Dd ly 10 Ihe lll) :mll. All d Ih e .ra i.! cd b"r lI e thought his dtITott"tl 3tLfY was.n ot"phan. aud oat ! brtlflu"r 'll. .a,. th.t ,..ete Bat with te lTor and r ...n inlo would w.k h 11a ou Rb lhe n gil-hl) wmln . j motber ""t'r h.d "'u. I1tP -" l ttlr an" tM a )OOre rnn PMf' . li e turnt"tl and gl.- d would tcll hie falf' in the flied or the wbl"ll ........ bhndubed k...en t'tl JF: ed bat ch lOt and We '& ducpair tor tIM mother montbll old. An klea thea llrutk Itnt. Ihoute.: In lhc brute•• llowl!'''Cr, hI' did o( Ih!' helvle.a Jilll.. 011..1. Sa,.. I. "Oentle poliemunt, ......ey tlu "...n not li." the 1te&fX'lo, (or Ihll d Cler till: All tlleie thingl Ihrough bis t"o ,'hlnlZerl ""I thi.:' ; wey, ·. lioflt'. 1:JU r ...... I,.e. kepI to ltltl 8100 tbe 1 .... 5- 11 1"'y wcr... . brain, anti lIe k fl ew thAt he bimlt,l( aize .ed eC?mp&edon, 4"'J., .fttNgtht'ir eeen by the mllrt', aud tbertl wall lesO) pro · ill tile Jawl of Ih" "'·oh·e. . WilY to the r t-{r t1lh m•• t-tent .. "'"' hn l', babUitI Dr hcr terror b l'Coming uneonlml- . T t en thaec foul. htrid eJC" gl.red OT"f'I' Mid be, ·'foor Ot five' oooplo : of t b<-ltt . lable and btlr bre: aking I . ide !rom the llim ; the ligbtl'nin,;- (I f ahe throat Juat Mcb lookiug men U you .N... · "'And ro. d.· atld IhiDking w.a finitb ed. 8 till he JOu told th..m? " "1'0 keep on .00 . 'Wm 80 A.' tP. t1f1: n r..rained t1k- it rtoll. glt-d to bil " fUl l-lhe grup <- 110 bi. tD the right." hWht'l't' dot'll Ibat · ke d-to tin roahinn Heinrieb felt tLOlt ·.1I " a:. throat 'Willi ebnaking him; hi. 'eOliet "'1 mer. dl" "'To ' ria r YeU " n-el t"t1 ; wh(a l ih 'tb. ",·biw o:; of a ....te-- (rom. " 'e deft', .,aot reQpJ. tit .- It w. lM·foft' tl:e 11001l'l' ·di,. or. anoth et bard LrMllti.ac .uhDl).bot q in the PMk. 10 .ro........ ·. .. . lret t tbal Ib en .•.,. .. . litlle ·JWOF p... ct of .mong tbe .u 'Dilall" and (a.sItncd K!I:1f OD d Iem M that thf'J .. .1' 1fnrt tlMo y long ' ''lit 'tlleyrt. ·mained in tbe too cllier. · . . 0·8 .... ·'804 Iliad ... lraek; aftd they now' boogaa Ipringing ali de . The W"OI "t's (or In l op- tont rein ed tb!lr l ng round l bitt ..tinel l1 for an Har t .nli a li nd .. helllpitng 1o . grt IIbr C''' lt or th t! horse. fu;')· ; Il einrich reclt-d giddily 10 Ilis f«.t. baU. Jf 1011 wllnt to do II. In t ntyl orrtahclO" lIre)' ft'n behlud ; ('lIch aTle rt'CAg ni&ed his brave dog. }'. II JnOo If you b.,. ..·• got '. >carriege t- fr Ol1 ,',"h ·d th.. m to tbe tl,rrifit'd mllrt', mept ..tood be. 'ildpred• • ·lI ea he laW or r ua r owo, tu • • ornebod)·' .&e '". "': .J t u. t !rId DO Llind, fl. and tbe (UriOllt 01l C' \li ol( r..lrt'.tinK and tb tl otbrt 1-:0 aShoul.;t"cn1 get lo.t in the P.rk. .da ptboge1 ,lif' made filll'd H ciDrk h "'ilh tbe .t. tking his daI1 Dtle •• dog. He turned to policeman t"U. "0. to k tl't'p pod l"' aos.iet,... . ht lp him. and a brigLt object' eaught. bit d oa't 10U do it. The Park i. :public -) On !!' or thr wolTcs WR Tt'1 largt', ey,,; it .,.81 his b. tel l;el t, ing tIM .no" perty ncl JW ea. tn yel ie ·i n ttraight-lim beU , and .bo..-ed • lnero lIilIpe- , .it Lin.n ann's h-nglh of the b. .r; lem"l, . ny cluedkia' ,.0. p1eMf'. '1 11. .... lIN riet 10 ."he ..... t. )fun th.. ont'e wben be . S'r u8l'", U,inricb m.akbed 1t op. and he I. e J. " neept "b at tbe plSf ioeetbton Ipr. ng ' tl8t iato tbe · ,no .... h" ad'autt>d " a i bin . 61f Ignin. eacrl. ;I J' .h... . t 'he hone tll;a n d id Ihe .Bil alms blct'dillg hut tlle glant YOUtl 10 be told • . ; , QI II",. Upt,n fhl.i KUlnt ereatu tt< li Mn.. Ilr,'ngth rcmoined. TIUt ·u ut. fDitalit be C. u\. "! .O'LA.1i'V'S. ritb lbed lIia el t'. lael ... C»llrht ' be gJ'ft 1l Lad . pH\ the Ikull of d Ihe .olor u, }'. S:. -o·SNW andlfo\Ul.d tbe lt ht that pllyed ftftni )lilt tlYetid .. .nd ho ' now tarned, lib ;. ""' ...... that IMnt_teat. . ., . ,...': '. ..:, .. i, BJ al,tI bl tb. ' li B . b.oeam e bUcr, .nd ho ",. ••• upon Ihtt. St'fCd animll Ibt h4. ,.: the har woIC ' prvr Hide. Ttl" .pt ·ed hora e hit f.ith ful dog to th" . I ' 11 kno .L_ ' .. o( animale I, u fuord i1lOf1. and 'l'hll fint blow laid bare tbe P IJ'h\ bedr,. . I aa we WQ .1 11 : t ri nt'd ,.. pidty. H .i urieb wUtt'd-ualii he ' hom', ·tlie Lil Ihroal a len ible ,ub. 0.( rou ting eo ffeoe tak. . bJ,d -.I jutt ab ...... r. "hH.. rili ... in Lie aod tbe thild Ioosecwd hi. fo: a.r!ul gntp in the or th·e bt-nj- .. .-' ..• b d 5 'II bid fi I "0l'1I1 matt-nat bttOmt't bl lttl e" anft !he eirekd. tb. 0' ·"1' hi.. upon t e og. 11 e I lr uu e ..ree y. tanDln, sugar . nd r at 'are par tl I df' o'U.31 Pd• and brougbt it down .itb Ihe quk h ell wben JI ein r ic11 spra r. g upon .nimlland the oil of eoB'ee .drivea elf by . \JI e or lightlling. The b"ad w"s cIeri in twain .. and ('lit and hsek...tJ. linel lilubed until the hut. As it il to tlli, l.tler .nd wil L. dying JeJp btl doub lt'd onr in "·o ·, "'" rui nOt'meilt. that Ihll prP8t'ot ara mo or eoff ... c is a nd; it the 100. and 'I n a nuickly 1 11ft behind , As be Irose a hllnd was on hh: il b<l ul der . . b ' d ' d b' b IS Importa et to retain tbis liS mu(' ..• • One of tbe drel ded In imal. Wll 8 di8' an turntng. a hea was I' Glom. b PM.i ble. wbic mllY be dODO by ini rodu'e- :: !." iDg piece. of dl')' bread. 10J{ tt ber wilh t' M thei, in the leu t. Hid th ,,}' "'61; a Long did tbe yoang pe<lpL, stand iu coffee, in the rout er. whicb . ,, ·m abll p;: b (" . to I II b th C' .... por ot tbe oil like a sponge; l.' I:I(f, Ia.te 01 tbl'i r COD\paniOik they would hl'le lo pt-ec I ... IS embrace, ..t t't' •• lr. t'r II bfat t-d, to a In. dcgt ite \ban gm'ft'd tbemsclr et on ' Lim b,-(ort! porn-d the stronger. (or lk-i arich', IIe1'Vf'Il tbe cofree be.D". !enes to coodenae this tbe h our. Dut be wh i.k N off' di u were gODCO, . Ad b" lealUli llpon Mary lik.e npor. ' Vlwn Ihe coff" ... e'1. f ound il li' of IIl e. " lIl utldenl)' that the v ..ra rcdy 11 A b.. .:hild. brt'ad it to be <tI't\und up.ft prcp u,d tiOt'd bit .h.enc f'. - . T he ."h·.t ot th.. affrighted hBfle ... .. , b wllh it, lncr eui nlt to a. not i nc.ont;ide n'b lCl Tbl' di. t..uce from 11(lM tt wa, rapidl,. di- Sf(l US I"U t ., wile ; th <!: moment .bll ove ned dt>g ree the I'xcell..n C9 o( tile coffee. :' 1\. e milli!hing b... neatb the quick of " il tilt! door ' he dog ru..bpd lorth, led by his proportion 01wead to be ullt'd i, I q ·Dil r2 ·' cr mllre. whicb eonlinu..d to tftfry tht' lIed kindly instinct. lIary fled "ildly .fter f d 1 L .. , al fulllp t-cd until the fenr Qf on- rt urn ing him. not pan.in... to briog tbe ritle; but 0 " poun to t Iree- Conn s ot" poon or I:) eoff...e . Th e ec. ft"ee ...hen ro ut t'd. nil'1-t beealll. ag.iu a .Ollre.t of aDd el)·. Hein- this as bu bt- en .1 10\"0 to;aa not nt'eckd. k"pl in I. d ot cd ye wl . 'a. well ft tt'tl " llll rich. too. b.d learn ed L't' th i. time lliat k ,p lh .... , "e"",no ordinaryanicr nta "" ilb wbich CoL O'La.Dna V'-1u ProapiKl t P arlr. c:"ible. To ef p rou ted & be Lad 10 deal, but lham .... t. det rMnilW'd - ag ai d 10 prnen,t ·the ··JOfs b I. . L. Ik ing intcrps:cd in insectl I went to aroln&.lt La recommt'nded to 'prlakle .o'tt r rutHo 10 whlc man or Vt' ast WOIUU ue Protp8C'- Park to fle e the loew.t.. O·S b. . Ibe br. o. wbile hot wbit" la.A( rlli"ir alib welco«tf'. -tb eir ptd erenet!. bowt! ea-. and I ""\ there. but we couldu't fiod ia lbe proportloD ot ·. bOut one 'p<nuuf to as m'l.ilMled by t he- ir .eti ons.. being for any Ioc Ulit.. W II a,ke d Park p<oli e:e.. tWlla ty.6Tt1 poundl of eoff'e-e!._·n h' eQIti - hO'".e.8t'&h. -./ man wh t! rc tbe-locus t. were k"p t. Police-- P'etl1 the beaa:-.dtb' alO 'IlIo;Tt'r l , Of Th" M " t!re not th.. In im,a}j to man u id tbe men&j:; erill ""at uot buik ,et, illS" and pre.e"" 11, uoriu.... : .; , . ea '!d AWly bl t IM ,ight. 01 a . mau '& houle. IIml tlre Comnii' 8to.en let tb.. l oet:m. 61 .,., ..- ..., and tbere wa. alll rge opt'n s pate b" twten be b I' k. b ', II ' . . . , :., !to -.j. lh.. out.kiltl or tbe lott-.t .nd H..inrieb·$ a at te &r <f t' at l'r wa &pUI' WblD. tha r. llllfi .. e..·... ")·. ,laillea b...... to be looked " ri .... no-liu le-- pic·nie came to the Park ••nd. tbe, Cit up officu_ .p d. a' fift .y ' .. n tbe ItK: OI ·S. O'Sbaw wu nlblt .o. . .... "pprebeneion. prisN at Ibis inlelligeflff, lind nid Ib.t lelUted I. IUfJeu,lier . wit h tb...ir Tl:.t"J bad oow approa ehf"d tfko " 0;"11 - be nner bC'l'lrd that Baptiat. eat Io&nsta. a D. d eOWXlNd Ihemsebeama 1)1:1.,.. oedg'e of tlle 1t"OOd ••lid the wo1ns be;an PoJiumaD laid it w•• • hiaV>rinl fatt- .CO.. at H.vin.. .. . iae. Th!e tenor I!trid:cu' Itn.-y &red it. Ibd ... iatlo ..... bu"'a!ln half e '" . theI "at them with wild bone,. The h' , .. tb Y. .. . , horSto . e IIft eobUnuabre. aad bwodin g' W II in t>nted bI John- the n.ptist. aad aJl our , .b1la:.. a.nu.u .u«ettVd tl!rrificallr (orwaid (:llIuth:t tbe .p itlu it lI lt he"n a lequirement or faith in tha t .. entering Ibl: tempJc. . ft ,p \1 .. the the . hi mp 'o( 8 trte,: O\"l'rtDnri- r it, - 1- . 0 b ' 1- . Flwi eb .rell eated, 6gbt.·01 all tbt' "0 n- "er tUlce. ·S .w ,aMi Il :. b . .. , ....... .....y. t ' ,MI , .ru .. ,le"vin ·.. . Heinrich I ' h ..' d' eh hi 1lIK1l- 1 toy came Ie .Ih, ..... hi!]" ... bo t lat was 1.. 6 call" 1 wow. n t cal .. L..J < __ .I 'l 'b L. . T... - al Ollr. 10. the mo"' . · . . b . K . If -I It, 't.UYU., rough.. t...... . &ri ng l IT .., Be(ore bf' tottld riie he telt tlo tl brutt'll joining I e Bl r il t •• .. or me :400t6 01 the rUMr ornam eD ls;';f Ie . I mu. t tit inlle ctl gi,·e IUtl f.O ft·sbt:1I (ftbt. iii . elawiOg at hi. tbro. t. · bUt hte gument.ll A lli end O(Q"ShllW' ..... hieh hi. BUU i. w. e aUen ·d 10 pkcu. And Ihe sencli were'" lhick tk t he oJ.. l&&Yrd trom in- .men and SOlD. of bi. men took. tcluro 'in . lUd den. bas pilehed his tent ill tb. Park b b ( b ' TL ' , J 'u.y. ud ,, :..... to lila be thi'''", them ' _.J eE t e l'U1 el t put 0 I e ark. 00 ec'r; .. "Iwro \V ayran-IS mil r("It aou , reab. b f ... " ;- 0 8". IIi, b teh" , had bee j",ked from O'S baw wanted to find him••0 asked pierced 1 (Iur bulletJ; feU GOWn at ttll" hi. ha.aJ u he. MI, anc! !lb' looked de, po- b··.J .id e of the ar\.. lI, lte-ad _ tid of thll policem&D. ere the pw-me . groun. th teroU b ·th bad ,_,,_ ratd, around ' fur it. was not to be was. P oli C('m an 'a id. k l:Cp alooC. tbil e 'W 1 10 t foU Dd. . roed and takt" . 11 the tummgl to tbe r;ght. lik ("wiae ric!dltd with \ .llw. Tbe .-'yna. . By IW, time the mare Wail De .rly out of We went OQ and bpt 10 thlt right. ID a gague itself it ahoo: ::Ilif e!! s;£ht. lIud \wo of the wc;lrc. wl!re upon Iihort we tAme to • poIiCt'lMDo a.od t lMr m,.'11I1 •• nd · tbe olbt'r, de•. .uk.J the Keep &: oog: thia road Ciuc:innati mourn l abe lou. by .8Uiticlt, te rting aoi lllld . bounded back. JI ... ln· ."d torn" the right. Kl'ut on. aDd eAtDe of l1w Grrma.n. , llJtcd ' Ihe fird ' b'---' b I -, b" .c b,n ... Joo nln1tratd'ty. ·-'- .... ' f'I.' ."J' nc te 'heanolt.• uu I e sU·:!l rna- .to 'Dotber policeman. He ga .e the lame .... _ m........ n"ouded. di roclion. We bf-rn 10 admire the (her the lomb G .... ia (0 be The powerful man 00 ." eall'l'd ,uIIO play beautUul rimplicilJ o( the plaa. or Vtotpect e:K1M a marbk MlClpbagwo. w .. lI a Te. all the \Ireogtl. for be '" at 10 re- l l' .rk. !hillg goes to Ihe risbt, eon· e:.larbeot statue of the O eDn-a!. H. struck the J e. p- " . . ., PORT , . 1 , - l'lU.CTl r.L_ 41.. , .. .. ..... Ipll.. B. .rr. ; . Jol In McDo nald, THE WEEKLY ARGUB . IIU SINRSS CA R ll B- , W.tn itttt'o (opp0t4l t Boed) l' oa r 1"Ol·..lfSEXP . " •• T. VOL. I: W ilb apart, pilu <K'" tUIll1>(r. Add, .... .... .A 1XJ}; S" Cfl £, ...... r. .' T. ...,. :SoB. tlr apul W (I ll... {lIf1Ip hrd ..d tu_ d'" a.t wurt .. t •• ST ERMINC'S JO HN P. PETERSON, T .ULOR. Al'fon:l. 6,. \ tl an I teomftlodalirt", (or "1 .. t1.f'n ; C ltU\l:('1 Rr :uon abtr, 1:11 __._.. _ .. _ ._._- - --_ _ ' _ _ .. __._ _ . l". G. Dn.,Uetf, ...... prle..... 'Wl lrr (. n t dOOl" to6lrnains'. 8& 1_) P oar \V. T.• I s PREP.\.RED TO )IAKB UP OEI\,S: ...d 80,..' .... '''''.t f ..Mon. ; &1 _ ftr1>. COlI blt,a, fbr 'n it b1 tbe rud II IpilK" l". 1"rr1U"lt. Clollu euod ClS ui...". .. ; CIoUu ....., FI/S.ooMJa i )lin i .,.. 0-" i L T'"tat,n9·. .,. ·h ie h Ut Off l' TM 'Ttfy 1"....- l[J" I"' id to U '"l'l ir i nlUld L1u a ;C, . TtnId moder. lt. .tJitrMD aT _01."- O£*. ot the IItOIt .... e.I.v. POWerful. (ull·liNbfd ..... IPh oa tb. M." York two•• tieu, .inct', wa. Hei nrich Ka.up- mun. lIi. u m, were like J'iMOD reds, .w:t he u utd ',bin bitl h UGe malkc 6.1. wit" web lHmendou. mome nl Q IQ .. to h>tl an 0:1 U if Itrick". b1 • IlauoderbnlL - It i. u id tilat b..... 00. CoIua;ht by ,wo iron-mul cted )l ob.,. ·It .. each umed " h ll kn i" ....... hile h.-d i )'tt at lb. ftnIOG.. abI1 of tbtl f onmO&t JlMl i'D ud bore Ib, ik"C - and 10 11M ur... .... u.• w"... Lb lat: 1Ha BD il.l(ll. ut. That Indian Den, rtllumw "b.. perpehdicalit apin. . -.. All-Ibis b1 .. IY ot inttodUt.t;oD In ., / ndTenture tbat Xaupmolll n once h'wI "ll h • pack of woh·.... Ind ,,!lith (tuf\al. 11 nigh hn ini: .. I.t.l t ult for !li m. T bt: ......... .. - 1' "IIlU. 1I R'fete Cl ue Ih loOlol ghQ ut t il. uorth tr D end many d.... t. . hOlll ofIpo .. ftO ·4 ud.-lar-o ...tion oecQf t, d bef ort the , opt'D iog o! .the ' 'P ring: The \xIsn and tr Ud ·.a{.. ' mu. lw: eame (Imi,bed .t«:aTD IlDIllt'f "Dd, .. a Wefl! 'unula, II T fierce and eouraroWl. 'fbt'y um. down from the mouII.taina, and ...oe 10 Ibe .b"'P . fold that w.. the nlgb t. It wu 'UN to tJ. b. tbe ,tanlag and not a . beep '; ould li"e tG ""n the tall!. Thftr " trw tnelr.., arouod the bam•• wheft' tbtl "eh 'e& bad trottl:'d .U Digbt ill their lun-h ff'r .ome me lns 01 dwir 110.1. eo&Ud be hurd- throuctl lb•• till , c:eld Iloar .. ud lnOre 1h&!t OM baJ 'MD matN to 1.e r Yery C OOl b' '- tmprudl!btly .... turi_' rorlb at :" .J .. ,_ M,ny I (l lw IMlttlert flit iD the upper ,tory of Ih,·ir · hou . .... and ahl uIM tllem. Ikl'es bl the wol"el. (ew wtwle 'b e rntr nmcnt bid a ' . taodi or bount! of aen rrJ abi1l iogf. HeiDrich Mu pmano remaiued &I: hom,.. aol1 y:o twiu ,.. bUl IA aun d to h it d. ,. lI animali. and to let' that th..y proP'"" 11 protected during 11 1. DiJ'ht. Ulolt . rttr awhile h i. Ii toek 01 groc e-r in bcnm" low, and fin.an)' I ".) out · Ino::tllnn :- True. he aDd IJi ) tt.rai lr 6i altf t It-i .oo abee" al id-s rrinul;r .-t beT owned Nt it wu rat her un}.le uant to be " ilhout !" .. ; q'lfr ..... , Augar. hi! • • lId many otbu w el... tWot Wo:IIl mor l! nwe"' &f l J\lan buUr\QOI. With a w.·nt of (an tfcbt wbicb be "n1! y- ... r .couI4 upl..lin,. be . ,atted U pOD his ney 'dtb Oll t. _" . ...po«' ne'1' t• edgl:"d h.l t·het. which lut earli!!'«l in cue tbe lIed ,hould "" out. la ho .." hu ng II i, Iru.t1 riS'!'. but neitht'r he Qor his wir. leemed to imagifWI would be an,. CAli for it. anti J II!' dIon c hC1.' rily away a iddinl hi ..... iCe .. roerry good-b)". as hi. mare ' n·nt. t .. apl uking gue down ILe rood towlrd Ibtl "illlgll. Thu Ilu er place. _bleb miglot m.re properly be tt"tmt'd a tetdement. W&II rt.ch..d i. dlltJ limt'. aad t.l:::e groccriel ,II bought, lad ' '' 'n I tLing waa in t"l diftey to .tarl homtward. had bet'n Atorm bound ao long in his hou.f' ll l.t b. io.. OO the compllni .n. "hip o( hil fliendl!' at tb" ,·mage (Me ln very «greellbl .... 1'Lere w.s '0 mu,Q. to talk . bout, l'O much lIew. to listen to. Iuch ATKIN::; & EY, q••• ,ity o( go..;p "gordiog to .ho .(. (. in ot the odgbhorbood, tb.t Ihe tim. Pile .Dr he rl and " ·bAre." Ilipped aoeoDk.ionalllty. QOl il. he , Btt' · II aNN to 'gO. lip found h almOit dark. . ":1 l-I Still he ball tw fean. ... hi. wue would n A V!KG" .poWER'UL AM· uDder. t&nd tb at he h. d ' f'm .lo ..d .It the EqiB" ue 1. KO to .1'11 pert 01 I d b ' Fuget Sound tl> lrorld .. ..... ikh. Io-dlltkAl .il .gt. ao t ere wu ao o eceashl for bi, (Olbric:1I. .rlto&e Ul.d to. imDWtd lale t tlturn. Loa d Ve s s e Is As he turned bomeward ud Io:ft: the n ll.lge bellind Ili m, and a .d ced t h. t the dim ligbt bl whicL be.was t rne ling be ' lon ged to mOO D. it flaJI hed him that he mlgbt danger .belore reach i n g bOftMJ" ud be . rf'IRUt-d .. I be t. ..ntit!th lilDe Ib.t he had left hili rifle bf'hind. Tbe ro. d, deep betwwD the drift, or isqo..·• WII of juSI lIufficieot' widtll (or Ih. 1iftJe mare and alt'd. and tbe .pi rik-d lirtle animal wt'nt forward at a , ,, ilt gait. while ,·Ueiutieb, 8() NewbAt &tDf,tfied ap4 w..I}' . w .. berui l..d into dro ". nes.. by Ib'e' ea'l. llidine motion of tile ,led. . ._ He W'b -hal( 1U1e\"P.Dd la alf CODM: ious .bt'D he bM:ame or .n inCTeue o( u","s BUN 1'11' ... · tDOlioo of the He (elt !eTenJ 1M "p in a . lIJWriOl" .t,.lt. A\ tbe Bar art . " &iDles benealh him, aod aU.t once a 6t'rc_ Th tho! st W' .. Li iii jer k. thaa u.ul. accomp.a ied by a e' ce mes fa. qUon, of t.. rror l arouaed Lim. c; .. noN ... t.. of ....... ....';0; Ud ho.ot up.i&bt looked "",""", BILL1 A. It D TAB LES I He in front. all wore ita .... oat ed Witb rn_r bl t eembilli tlon eUlhioll•• I:e .. wlId s tral gling piece . 01 for Ihr Ice ornm od_ti or. of Ibr pu bli e. wood. ,t.a.Ild ing two (I;'(t deep ill. snow. the 1. 0 . SU RNING. narrow track thf9UCh it, tbe t;tl i"Nprirt Ol. h,-.,en. cold and dear. Ihe MrtIa whit e-- AGEN T roR THl'.: bat dOle b-hiad Ih. aiR "en thret pant N h anilllall, cnh:riog Leal"il,. " bile a fourth °rt Pa cifi c Steam Brewe ry I ".. rut goi fti ft g b, Mod : 1),\YIn 5lll.F .:;. ••" . O t _· : .; .• LI '; eh .ecl Auetlonee"; BA RTLE TT HOUSE, lUKBR;. Pon W. T. , " rASCFACTCRES ALL ARTI CLE.". PT.1l l' ,w llina w hi. bulnt... nUll, UI4 _ Ilb iia- 1 ... leh. up Into goocb O OBt 111 ..1 1M but ' "lI'It- r;. lt , Dor-. , ...... , lrtDS· . Ordrn fro m . brn d ' npte trully hi .' ......... _..._...__..,.._ _ __.._•._ ._\O QF FI CE - ' URI...... S .l_. BIIII,JI_S. bt ad at U ll i OIl; Wblff. "" .. a r rHt: •• V AT eH As, M, BRAD 5UA w. "'.lo.... er and Co •• .i T L.i lV, OFFJC E-O . "'.tn' toon '"'"' Ito. liutinp Ste,.. 1;1,. ...... or.-_ ... "". 'l'. y",," Oil . Ttu l1l'i 'Yo, W01ltU , ,.. . Jhab... rl pt loll.l pa,. I b1. b actn--:; , - .- _. _-- u ••.•"" ... ....... . 'OM l nl." h. (.. bl. 'llla to a" MIlian" oft' l:l" li nt . ) .-. .. •••,••• f'l (l(l 1::.rb •• ibl f'll QP I'I& In .. rtiln'l, _ •• •• •• •• •• 1 00 A !i\>th\ 'ft rdttrtll n -nt. be m ad t IIIt.TOI'ofthM' ...1,, :0 .d.. .-rti. t by \br YU I. Tnljl .iclit Idnrti -'.,,('n1I . t. u...un La. ter1 [Otl., mllil be a_ r- altd by \b t tUb. . -- , \

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~r!l~ ~0 741"J {l ~ ~<:.I

••, ", , ,

:XO. 1,2.~-'

1871.JAN.'1'.,... ~ ', ._ -W.:

Th~ ja". of tiM lnlliag oU owillg to iag. IDuline h~t et••ad flang' tll-o:.. off ieqllentlr notbiateOttld F:"i nOIll . ' .r.("abl l'"

lJ.elO'lJ....·• the sled willijtl nub "btn th"y aUf'I:1pted to tnng to him. Had ro a poI:ieanu. '; l le teJd .1 u:~~Jy ,tbeof , JI.-i.,lcb·, .bouJdt-r.. )lllt tb. laue;r b." "eepon.-trYt-ft a elcb, it il not ih'l~ I.lhlr . I remalltMl to .U$p:ut:. tJJat thecued nul. ror tLi•• n.. ,Llu\l<f, were af'••ible that· he might h."" Dftd hiJuelt policemen . U l00\.ec1 . ,,,t.<rY' mud;' .m,t'.t ..... tha man .~ UpQU ~lIr•• le and JDI"U· A. blo" ",·ilb · • clua in hi. Mod ~ ".0VI1d He aa\d be' h.d 1l1l·,..ntlJ tbe hun,,' fhingteGe d"peaded tlHl 'ClIOIf1lO' ..nl bono and beve crad, ...d ILe .kuUof the larg.·'t brute, and tboo,!:ht th . , mu,t be brol he,. . ' ..hdt8• • ter. . ' I " ' 'I ~ aoo with a bile he wceld hue lirpt-d .n buy lb~ir C::o:hlQI at the u,.o 'eteee,·u tie alannrd UNtare «JQld.h.an: tb e Ilkm tlpt'n. . - . . We met allother P.lii«man. I too~ ,fl!-{,.;

n""'a 10 btp . • Wllrd ., . the track .Le L"ut tlto.orfl waa DO hop"'. li8l1dn~ with tieul.r notice of Mm: alid Me. tir" liftbad a good chance (or t ludhlg her pun u-

lhi. ualr.ed La04. IH. Yood bad Iu..d)· mllit lit- Iwin brotl1er to t1le ctber tolit .'!

en. r",' .lla••omn.t· '.Le ..oint ~ p ra"J oul dyed the sue....ad tb. Imt-U and 1..te A,k"'" O'Sha" I. he ihovgLi IMyt'toQleJ"·to ~ lba . aJ..ic\. I"'~_ I() rti ru i n~l:~ of jc ·m.dethe bru l.... · td od ou• . , Their be f ... l...ml. lie It'd. It 'Mtnc1 lmeltD-lr .~ Iblll ibey (..tlWiioo. l ithc. be.Yy bodies were Lurl~ agaiDit hltr~ in 1ft-Janel. \V~"'~hhe ;oUee.-·

But IhouJd the .....r6iD Lt'rlfrlW fpt"iug bim. III It im~n.-.d by -Io~' ~eI:lbGt ... tlteoetirffli~ h r-l'fl •• ' 'he u m. ­..id", .nd ·' Io'IUbgc , inlo ' ~ he flnow. Kanjl- their OWO• • nd liully pullt-4 bini dow.. OTtt ipin-keeyt Ott' · ' be·' U . ·)tM-lr 'ltm' iml nft 1 nl)W"U W9"ld be ,up with Illcm. 'l'h.. Iw.,.e t" or ~ '. r tb. Ibe mJstt'f~' of bear to Itarloar4.' qx, U. 'l"hitl l~."I ~ttf.: ·~nch • .~eding would di.cnr.ngle he.a,"t-D ~ iwept . lb.rough .ponr He inricL's 0Il1.) 'rbiok iJtt O'fI" tbi ~(lII'in1tr]fkl:tit-&A 'Ite'r (rom the -Ilcd, .nd,lIdnr.. Ii]le could mllld; In tho. e Lnt"r temble momt"ntA the o( the "ariou8 prdbill't be nte. 'J'lfift t'WI'GfLflou~der '. dozell lal.t. throoCh IIJl' ' DOW palt icul.... found tim fl to iulnJdl'. It I!o the Pl1'k, I ...ked the ' polic~D1.n ' hOwthe wohe.' ",ould ltear her into Ihrt"dll. · oftcn, n r,r often thu. in the motoeD" ot !l'!any brothml lle h.d 00 the P"tk ~('.

_ H t'L:lfid l lC'antod rorward . nd tpo kc deal h. H " l aid bft btd . n brolben _1 -'I. thot lHtkiDdly 10 Ihe lll):mll. Alld Ihe .ra i.!cd b"r lIe thought h~w his dtITott"tl 3tLfY was.n ot"phan. aud tb~ oat! brtlflu"r 'll.. a,. th.t ,..ete Bat with telTor and r...n inlo would w.kh 11a ouRb lhe n gil-hl)w mln.

jmotber ""t'r h.d "'u. I1tP -" l ttlr an" tM

a )OOre rnn PMf'. lie tL~u turnt"tl and gl.-d ~mliM would tcll hie falf' in the flied or the m",,~: wbl"ll ........ ~rbhndubed bi~ k...en t'tlJF:ed bat ch lOt and tnflrni~ We'& ducpair tor tIM mother montbll old. An klea thea llrutk Itnt.Ihoute.: In lhc brute•• llowl!'''Cr, hI' did o( Ih!' helvle.a Jilll.. 011..1. Sa,.. I. "Oentle poliemunt, ......e ytlu " ...nnot li." the 1te&fX'lo, (or Ihll d Cler till: All tlleie thingl f~llf·d Ihrough bis t"o ,'hlnlZerl ""I thi.:' ; wey, ·. lioflt'.1:JUr......I,.e. kepI to lt ltl 8100 tbe 1....5- 111"'y wcr... . brain, anti lIe k flew thAt he bimlt,l( a'n~ aize .ed eC?mp&edon, (o~dlr 4"'J., .fttNgtht'ireeen by the mllrt', aud tbertl wall lesO) pro · ill tile Jawl of Ih" "'·oh·e.. WilY to the r t-{rt1lhm••t-tent ~ " . ."'"' hn l',babUitI Dr hcr terror bl'Coming uneonlml- . T t en thaec foul. htrid eJC" gl.red OT"f'I' Mid be, ·'foor Ot five' oooplo : of tb<-ltt.lable and btlr bre:aking I . ide !rom the llim ; the ligbtl'nin,;- (If ahe throat f~lo.ed Juat Mcb lookiug men U you .N... · "'Andro. d. · atld IhiDking w.a finitb ed. 8 till he .1ftlg~ JOu told th..m?" "1'0 keep on .00 .'Wm

80 t~g A.' tP. t1f1:n r..rained t1k-it rtoll. glt-d to Jelea~' bil " fUll-lhe grup <- 110 bi. tD the right." hWht'l't' dot'll Ibat· ked-totin roahinn ~ Heinrieb felt tLOlt ·.1I " a:. throat 'Willi ebnaking him; hi. 'eOliet "'1 mer.dl" "'To ' ",,~, ~" ' .fIII1tdriar YeU. · " n-elt"t1 ; wh(a lih'tb. ",·biw o:; of a ....te-- (rom. " 'e deft', .,aot reQpJ. tit l;M~Jon

.- It w. nnt lon~ lM·foft' tl:e 11001l'l' · di, . or. anothet bard LrMllti.ac .uhDl).bot q in the PMk. 10 'We~eT8.ro........ ·... . lrett~ff't"d tbal Iben .•.,.... litlle ·JWOF p...ct of .mong tbe .u ' Dilall" and (a.sItncd K!I:1f OD dIem M that thf'J .. itl"t~ .1' 1fnrt tlMoy.a C'f~.o long '''lit'tlleyrt.·mained in tbe too cllier. · . . ~pn'" 0·8....·'804 Iliad~'WI...lraek ; aftd they now' boogaa Ipringing ali de . The W"OI"t's (or In lop-tont rein ed tb!lr lng round lbitt ..tinell1 for an Har t .nli alind ..helllpitng 1o.grt IIbrC''' l t or th t! horse. fu;')· ; Il einr ich reclt-d giddily 10 Ilis f«.t. baU. Jf 1011 wllnt to do Ib"I"~ ~ ltlke II.

In t ntylorrtahclO" lIre)' f t'n behlud ; ('lIch aTle rt'CAgni&ed his brave dog. }'. II JnOo CUlTill~. If you b.,...·• got ' . >carrieget-frOl1 ,',"h·d th..m to tbe tl,rrifit'd mllrt', mept ~ ..tood be.'ildpred• • ·lIea he laW or r uar owo, tu • •ornebod)·' .&e'". "': .J •tu.t !rId DO Llind, fl. and tbe (UriOllt 01lC' \liol( r..lrt'.tinK and tb tl ot br t 1-:0 at· Shoul.;t"cn1 get lo.t in the P.rk. .daptboge1 ,lif' made filll'd HciDrk h "'ilh tbe . t. t k ing his daI1Dtle•• dog. He turned to policeman t"U. "0. to ktl't'p to .~,b. ~ rt~•podl"' aos.iet,. .. . htlp him. and a brigLt object' eaught. bit doa't 10U do it. The Park i. :public~-) On!!' or thr wolTcs WR Tt'1 largt', ey,,; it .,.81 his b. tell;el t, ing i~ tIM .no" perty ncl JW ea. tnyel I.ro~ie·i nttraight-limbeU, and .bo..-ed • lnero lIilIpe- ,.itLin.n ann 's h-nglh of the b..r; lem"l, . ny cluedkia' ,.0. p1eMf'. '111..... lIN ~o

riet 10 ."he .....t. )fun th.. ont'e wben be . S'r u8l'", U,inricb m.akbed 1t op. and he I. e J. " 'I~ n eept " bat tbe plSfioeetbtonIpr.ng ' tl8t iato tbe · ,no.... h" ad'autt>d " a i bin . 61f Ignin. eacrl. ;IJ '

n " ar ~ .h... . t ' he hone tll;an d id Ihe .B il alms welt~ blct'dillg hut tlle glant YOUtl 10 be told • . ; ,QIII",.. · Upt,n fhl.i KUlnt ereatu tt< liMn.. Ilr,'ngth rcmoined. TIUt ·uut. fDitalit be C . u\."!.O'LA.1i'V'S.ritb lbed lIia el t'. lael ... C»llrht ' be gJ'ft1l Lad . pH\ the Ikull of o~ d Ihe .oloru, }'. S:.-o·SNW andlfo\Ul.d tbe rcf~l t ht that pll yed ftftni )lilt tlYetid. . .nd ho ' now tarned, lib ;. ""'...... that IMnt_teat. . ., . ,...': '. ..:,..i ,

BJ al,tI bl tb. 'liB. b.oeame bUcr, .nd ho ",.••• upon Ihtt. St'fCd animll Ibt h4. ,.:the har woIC ' prvr Hide. Ttl" .pt·ed hora e hit f.ith ful dog to th" grotlnd~ . I ' 11 kno .L_. · I· ' ..o( tb~ animale I, u fuord i1lOf1. and h~ 'l 'hll fint blow laid bare tbe P IJ'h\ bedr,. . I aa we WQ ~ .111 : t ~ tr~rint'd ,..pidty. H.iuri eb wUtt'd-ua lii he ' hom',·tlie ~11 Lil Ihroal a len ible ,ub. 0.( rou ting eoffeoe malllcb~~eI tak. .Rl~~~bJ,d -.I jutt ab ......r. "hH.. rili... in Lie aod tbe thild Ioosecwd hi. fo: a.r!ul gntp in the eom~ilion or th·e bt-nj-. .~

. - ' ..• b d 5 'IIbid fi I "0l'1I1 matt-nat bttOmt't bllttle" anft !he~ '4'1" ~. eirekd. tb. ~cbet 0'·"1' hi.. h~.d upon t e og. 11 e Ilr uu e ..ree y. tanDln, sugar . nd rat 'are partlI df'o'U.31Pd•and brougbt it down .itb Ihe quk h ell wben JIeinric11 sprar.g upon tb~ . nimll.· and the oil of tb~ eoB'ee .drivea elf by .\JI eor lightlling. The b"ad w"s cIeri in twain .. and ('lit and hsek...tJ. linel lilubed until the hut. As it il to tlli, l.tler ing-rfd"'~nt.nd wilL. dying JeJp btl doub lt'd onr in "·o·, "'" ruinOt'meilt. that Ihll prP8t'ot ara mo or eoff...c is and; itthe 100. and 'In a nuickly 111ft behind , As be Irose a hllnd was on hh: ilb<lulder . . b

' d ' d b' b IS Importaet to retain tbis liS mu(' ..• •One of tbe drel ded Inimal. Wll8 di8' an turntng. a hea was O~ I' Glom. bPM.i ble. wbic mllYbe dODO by ini rodu'e-f:rtcb~ ::e~m~'f:~dt~I:~,,: ~b~~:~ :: ~t:;r;c,~ !." • iDg piece. of dl')' bre ad. 10J{ttber wilh t'Mthei, ,~ed in the leu t. H i d th,,}' "'61; a Long did tbe yoang pe<lpL, stand iu coffee, in the router. whicb . ,,·m abllp;:b

(" . to I II b th C' ....por ot tbe oil like a sponge; l.'I:I(f,Ia.te 01 tbl'i r COD\paniOik they would hl'le lopt-ec I ...IS embrace, ..t t't' • • lr.t'r .u~ IIH~me. bfat t-d, to a In. dcgtite \bangm'ft'd tbemsclret on ' Lim b,-(ort! ' ~t·k iDg porn-d the stronger. (or lk-iarich', IIe1'Vf'Il tbe cofree be.D". !enes to coodenae thi stbe hour. Dut be whi.kN off' di u I t.'g~ were gODCO, . Ad b" lealUli llpon Mary lik.e npor. ' Vlwn Ihe coff"...e ' 1. f ound illi'of IIle." lIl utldenl)' that the v ..rarcdy 110 · A b..lple.~ .:hild. brt'ad it to be <tI't\und up.ft prcpu,dtiOt'd bit .h.encf'. - . T he ."h·.t ot th.. affrighted hBfle ... ..

, b wllh it, lncreuinlt to a. not inc.ont;iden'b lClTbl' di. t..uce from 11(lM tt wa, rapidl,. di- Sf(lUSI"U t ., wile ; th <!: moment .bll ovened dt>gree the I'xcell..nC9 o( tile coffee. :' 1\.e

milli!hing b...neatb the quick st~Pll" of " il tilt! door ' he dog ru..bpd lorth, led by his proportion 01wead to be ullt'd i, I q·Dilr2·' crmllre. whicb eonlinu..d to tftfry tht' lIed kindly instinct. lIary fled "ildly .fter f d 1 L .. ,al fulllpt-cd until the fenr Qf on- rturn ing him. not pan.in... to briog tbe ritle; but 0 " poun to t Iree-Conn s ot" poon or

I:) eoff...e. The ec.ft"ee ...hen routt'd. nil'1-tbeealll. ag.iu a .Ollre.t of aDdel)·. Hein- th is as bu bt-en .110\"0 to;aa not nt'eckd. k"pl in I. d otcd yewl. 'a. well ft tt'tl " llllrich. too. b.d learned L't' th i. time lliat k ,p ~lh...., "e"",no ordinaryanicrnta "" ilb wbich CoL O'La.Dna V'-1u ProapiKlt Parlr. c:"ible. To ef p routed COnt1 ' ro~ &

be Lad 10 deal , but lham ....t. detrMnilW'd - ag d~e. aid 10 prnen,t ·the ··JOfs ~ 'Jt8b b · ~ I . . . . I ~ L . Ik ing intcrps:cd in insectl I went to aroln&.lt La recommt'nded to 'prlakle.o'ttr

rutHo 10 whlc man or Vt'ast WOIUU ue Protp8C'- Park to flee the loew.t.. O·Sb.. Ibe br. o. wbile ~in hot wbit" la.A( rlli"iralib welco«tf'. -tbeir ptderenet!. bowt! \·ea-. and I ""\ there. but we couldu't fiod ia lbe proportloD ot ·. bOut one 'p<nuuf toas m'l.ilMled by the-ir .etions.. being for any IocUlit.. W II a,ked • Park p<olie:e.. tWllaty.6Tt1 poundl of eoff'e-e!._·n h ' eQIti­hO'".e.8t'&h. -./ man wht!rc tbe-locust. were k"pt. Police-- P'etl1 ~ o1'ftlJO~1 the beaa:-.dtb' alO 'IlIo;Tt'r l ,Of

Th"M " t!re not th.. Inim,a}j to ~ (right~ man u id tbe men&j:;erill ""at uot buik ,et, illS" and pre.e"" 11, uoriu....: ~ .; , .ea '!d AWly bl t IM ,ight. 01 a .mau'& houle. IIml tlre Comnii'8to.en let tb .. loet:m. 61 .,., ..- ~ ...,and tbere wa. alllrge opt'n spate b"twten be b I' k. ~b b ' , II ' . . . , :., !to -.j. Ib ~ .,lh .. out.kiltl or tbe lott-.t .nd H..inrieb·$ a at t e &r <f t' at l'r waf· &pUI' WblD. tha r.llllfi.. e..·...r~ ")·. ,lailleab...... to wlr~h be looked "ri....no-liule-- pic·nie came to the Park••nd. tbe, Cit up • :r~lIcb officu_.pd . a' o~t fift.y 1~:erliO'..n tbe ItK:OI·S. O'Sbaw wu nlblt .or· . . ...."pprebeneion. pr isN at Ibis inlelligeflff, lind nid Ib.t lelUted I. IUfJeu,lier .with tb...ir l_qR1P~~

Tl:.t"J bad oow approaehf"d tfko " 0;"11 - be nner bC'l'lrd that Baptiat. eat Io&nsta. aD.d eOWXlNd Ihemsebeama J~'" 1)1:1.,..oedg'e of tlle 1t"OOd••lid the wo1ns be;an PoJiumaD laid it w• • • hiaV>rinl fatt- .CO..at• H.vin.. barricdt'tll~ q~,..ail.i"t.:~Kb · . iae. Th!e tenor I!trid:cu' Itn.-y &red it. Ibd ...iatlo ..... bu"'a!ln halfe '" . theI "at them with wild bone,. The~ h' , .. tb Y . .. . ,horSto . e IIfteobUnuabre. aad bwoding' WII in t>nted bI John- the n.ptist. aad aJl our , .b1la:.. • a.nu.u .u«ettVdtl!rrificallr (orwaid (:llIuth:t tbe a]~ .pitlu it lI lt he"n a lequirement or faith in that .. entering Ibl: tempJc. . ft ,p \1~.. thethe . himp 'o( 8 trte,: O\"l'rtDnri- r it , - 1- . 0 b ' 1- .Flwieb .rell eated, 6gbt.·01 all tbt' w~leJ

" 0 n- ~rsuuion "er tUlce. ·S . w , aMi Il :. b . ..,....... .....y.t ' ,MI, .ru ..,le"vin·... Heinrich I ' h ..'d' eh hi 1lIK1l- 1 toy came Ie .Ih, rt~.....hi!]"...botu~ t lat was 1..6 call" 1 ~,. wow. n t cal .. L..J ~ <__ .I 'l'b L. . T . . . -alOllr. 10. the mo"'. · . . b . K . If -I It, 't.UYU. , rough.. t....... &ring lIT..,

Be(ore bf' tottld riie he telt tlotl brutt'll joining I e Blr il• t • • .. or me e lt~. :400t6 01 the rUMr ornameDls;';f ffk.~· Ie. I mu.t tit inllectl gi ,·e IUtl f.O ft·sbt:1I (ftbt. iii .

elawiOg at hi. tbro. t. · bUt hte gument.ll A lliend O(Q"ShllW'.....hieh hi. BUU i . w. e aUen ·d 10 pkcu. And Ihe sencliwere'" lhick tk t he oJ.. l&&Yrd trom in- .men and SOlD. of bi. men took. tcluro 'in .lUdden. bas pilehed his tent ill tb. Park b ~- b ( b ' TL ' ,J' u.y. ud ,,:..... to lila (~ be thi'''", them ' _.J eE t e l'U1 elt put 0 I e ark. 0 0 ec'r;

_.~. .. "Iwro \Vayran-IS mil r("It aou , reab. b f ... " ;-0 8". IIi, b teh" , had bee j",ked from O'Sbaw wanted to find him••0 ~ asked pierced 1 (Iur bulletJ; feU GOWn at ttll"hi. ha.aJ u he.MI, anc! !lb' looked de,po- b··.J .ide of the ar\.. lI, lte-ad ft'''"'~''_ tid ofth ll policem&D. ere the pw-me . groun. th teroU b·th bad ,_,,_ratd, around ' fur it. ~uf.it was not to be was. PoliC('man 'aid. k l:Cp alooC. tbil e 'W 1 ~&UCU 10 t ~d.foU Dd. . roed and takt" . 11 the tummgl to tbe r;ght. lik("wiae ric!dltd with \ .llw. Tbe .-'yna..

By IW, time the mare Wail De.rly out of We went OQ and bpt 10 thlt right. ID a gague itself it ahoo: ::Ilife!! di~i"r~:I:.~·s;£ht. lIud \wo of the wc;lrc. wl!re upon Iihort tim~ we tAme to • poIiCt'lMDo a.odt lMr deff'n~let. m,.'11I1••nd · tbe olbt'r, de• . .uk.J the dirt'ct io~. Keep &:oog: thia road Ciuc:innati mourn l abe lou. by.8Uiticlt,terting I h~ aoi lllld. bounded back. JI...ln· ."d torn" the right. Kl'ut on. aDd eAtDe of l1wGrrma.n. ~ho , llJtcd ' Ihe fird la&~' b'---' b I -, b" .c b,n ...Joonln1tratd'ty. ·- '- .... ' f'I.' ."J'nc ~.,;;o;t,I t e 'heanolt•.•uu I e sU·:!l rna- . to 'Dotber policeman. He ga.e the lame .... _

m........ n"ouded. • di roclion. We bf-rn 10 admire the (her the lomb ~r G.... ~ ia (0 beThe powerful man 00." eall'l'd ,uIIO play beautUul rimplicilJ o( the plaa. or Vtotpect e:K1M a marbk MlClpbagwo. w..lI a Te.

all the \Ireogtl. for "hl~b be '" at 10 re- l l'. rk . J::~ery !hillg goes to Ihe risbt, eon· e:.larbeot statue of the OeDn-a!.n~lf'D.I'd , H. struck fUf l ou~llat the Je. p-


, .

1 • • ,

- l'lU.CTlr.L_

41.. rETTYOnOn~,. . .......Ipll. . B..rr. ;

. JolIn McDonald,


IIU S I N R S S CA R ll B-,

W.tn itttt'o (opp0t4lt eo-op.lila~ Boed)

l'oa r 1"Ol·..lfSEXP. " •• T .


W ilb apart, pilu <K'" tUIll1>(r. Add,....• .... .A1XJ};S " Cfl £,......r. . '

• J~..I . • ~aft1f.W. T . ...,.:SoB .....(".~. tlr apul W (Ill... {lIf1Ip hrd ..d

tu_d'" a.t wurt~ .. t •• ~11:"-



Al'fon:l. 6,.\ tlan I teomftlodalirt", (or "1..t1.f'n ;C ltU\l:('1 R r :uon abtr, 1:11

~ ,_. __._.._.._._._- - --_ _' _ _..__._ _.

l". G. Dn.,Uetf, ......prle.....

'Wl lrr I~ (. n t dOOl" to6lrnains'. 8&1_)

Poar TOW~H:~D, \V. T .•

I s PRE P.\.RE D TO )IAKB UP OEI\,S:...d 80,..' ('~''' lc«IriInl.... '''''.t

f..Mon. ; &1_ ftr1>. COlI blt,a, fbr 'n it b1 tbe rudIII pilK"l".1"rr1U"lt. Clollu euod ClSui..."...; ~ CIoUu

....., FI/S.ooMJa i )lin i .,.. 0-" i LT'"tat,n9·. ~. ,

.,.·hieh U t Offl'TM 'Ttfy 1"....- l[J" t::~ei_ 1 It~ntion

I"' id to U '"l' l ir inlUld L1u a ;C, . TtnId moder. lt.

.tJitrMD aT _01."-O£*.ot the IItOIt ....e.I.v. POWerful.

(ull·liNbfd .....IPh oa tb. M." York two••tieu, • c:~n ,ur,. .inct', wa. Hei nrich Ka.up­mun. lIi. u m, were like J'iMOD reds,• .w:t he u utd ',bin bitl hUGe malkc 6.1.wit" web lHmendou. momenl QIQ .. toh>tl an 0:1 U if Itrick". b1 • IlauoderbnlL- It i . u id tilat b..... 00. CoIua;ht by

,wo iron-mul cted )lob.,.·It.. each umed" h ll kn i".......hile Ht'iotj~b h.-d lleith~ i)'tt at lb. ftnIOG..t-htfraetuft4~abI1of tbtl fonmO&t JlMli'D ud bore Ib, ik"C ­

and 10 11M ur... ....u.• w"... Lblat: 1HaBD il.l(ll.ut. That Indian Den, rtllumw"b.. perpehdicalit apin. .-.. A ll-Ibis b1 .. IY ot inttodUt.t;oD In .,/ndTenture tbat Xaupmollln once h'wI "llh• pack of woh·.... Ind ,,!lith ~me (tuf\al.11 nigh hnini: .. I.t.l t ult for !lim.

T bt: ...........- 1' "IIlU.1IR'fete Clue IhloOlolghQut t il. uorth trD~a".es,

end many d....t. . hOlll ofIpo..ftO·4 ud.-lar-o...tion oecQft,d befort the , opt'Diog o! .the''Pring: The "'oly~; \xIsn and tr Ud ·.a{.. 'mu. lw:eame ~arly (Imi,bed.t«:aTD IlDIllt'f"Dd, .. a t:/)L .equ~tl cf' , Wefl! 'unula , II Tfierce and eouraroWl. 'fbt'y um. downfrom the mouII.taina, and ...oe 10 Ibe .b"'P.fold that w.. unprot~ ~uring thenlgb t. It wu ' UN to tJ. iuTtod~ b. tbe,tanlag au~ and not a . beep ';ouldli"e tG ""n the tall!. Thftr " trw tnelr..,arouod the bam•• wheft' tbtl "eh'e& badtrottl:'d .U Digbt ill their lun-h ff'r .omemelns 01 ehlra.D~; dwir 110.1. eo&Ud behurd- throuctl lb••till , c:eld Iloar.. udlnOre 1h&!t OM laoC'l~.ife' baJ'MD matNto 1.er Yery COOl b''- tmprudl!btly ....turi_'rorlb at "iKl,~ . ," :" .J .. ,_ ~

M,ny I (l lw IMlttlert flit iD the upper, tory of Ih,·ir · hou . .... and ahluIM tllem.Ikl'es bl .hOOI~U« the wol"el. (ew wtwle•c~lp. 'be rntrnmcnt bid a ' . taodiorbount! of aenrrJ abi1liogf.

HeiDrich Mupmano remaiued &I: hom,..aol1 y:otwiu,.. bUl IA aun d to hit d. ,.lIanimali. and to l et' that th ..y ~re proP'""11 protec ted during 111. DiJ'ht. Ulolt . rttrawhile hi. Iitoek 01 groce-rin bcnm" low,and fin.an)' I ".) out ·Ino::tllnn :- T rue. heaDd IJi ) tt.railr 6i altf t It-i.oo Ih~~'1'''abee" al id-srrinul;r• .-tbeT owned ~ N t itwu rat her un}.leuant to be " ilhout !"..

;q'lfr....., Augar. hi! • • lId many otbu w el...tWot Wo:IIl morl! nwe"'&fl J\lan buUr\QOI.

With a w. ·nt of (an tfc bt wbicb be "n1!y­...r .couI4 upl..lin,. be . ,atted UpOD his~ney 'dtbOllt ._" . ...po«' ne'1't • ,~~edgl:"d h.lt·het. which lut earli!!'«l in cuetbe lIed ,hould "" out. la ~he ho.."hu ng IIi, Iru.t1 riS'!'. but neitht'r he Qorhis wir. leemed to imag ifWI J hc~ would bean,. CAli for it. anti JII!' dIon chC1.' rily awaya iddinl hi.....iCe .. roerry good-b)". as hi.mare 'n·nt.t .. apl uking gue down ILerood towlrd Ibtl "illlgll.

Thu Iluer place. _bleb miglot m.reproperly be tt"tmt'd a tetdement . W&IIrt .ch..d i. dlltJ limt'. aad t.l:::e groccriel ,IIbought, lad ''''n I tLing waa in t"ldifteyto .tarl homtward.

H~i ntich had bet'n Atorm bound ao longin his hou. f' lll.t b. io..OO the compllni.n."hip o( hil fl iendl!' at tb" ,·mage (Melnvery «greellbl.... 1'Lere w.s '0 mu,Q. totalk . bout, l'O much lIew. to listen to. Iuch

ATKIN::; & CHE1.~EY, •q•••,ity o( go..;p "gordiog to .ho .(.(.in ot the odgbhorbood, tb.t Ihe tim.

Pile. D r her l and " ·bAre. " Ilipped aoeoDk.ionalllty. QOlil. wb~n he, Btt'· II aNN to 'gO. lip found h almOit dark.

~,~ . ~ ~ ":1 l-I Still he ball tw fean. ... hi. wue wouldnAV!KG" .poWER'UL AM· uDder. t&nd tbat he h. d ' f'm.lo..d .It theEqiB" ue i'"P~ 1. KO to .1'11 pert 01 I d b '

Fuget Sound tl> lrorld ..~..... ikh. Io-dlltkAl .il .gt. ao t ere wu ao oeceashl for bi,(Olbric:1I. .rlto&e ~<1lAro Ul.d to. imDWtd lale t tlturn.

Loa d Ve s s e Is As he turned bomeward ud Io:ft: then ll.lge bellind Ili m, and a.dced th.t thedim ligbt bl whicL be .was trneling be 'longed to tI~e mOO D. it flaJI hed ~pon himthat he mlgbt eoeoua~r danger .belorereach ing bOftMJ" ud be . rf'IRUt-d .. Ibet. ..ntit!th lilDe Ib.t he had left hili riflebf'hind.

Tbe ro. d, deep betwwD the drift, oris qo..·• WII of juSI lIufficieot' widtll (or Ih.1iftJe mare and alt'd. and tbe .pi rik-d lirtleanimal wt'nt forward at a , ,,ilt gait. while

,·Ueiutieb, 8()NewbAt &tDf,tfied ap4 w..I}'.w.. beruil..d into dro". nes.. by Ib'e' ea'l.llidine motion of tile ,led. . ._

He W'b -hal( 1U1e\"P.Dd laalf CODM:ious.bt'D he bM:ame ~n.ible or .n inCTeue o(

'l~ltISE6TiluSH)n·)i l' u","s BUN 1'11'... · tDOlioo of the II~: He (elt itJ'~r\. !eTenJ1M " p in a . lIJWriOl" .t,.lt. A\ t be tl~aaI

Bar art~ . ~ " &iDles benealh him, aod aU.t once a 6t'rc_Th tho! st W' .. Li iii jer k. thaa u.ul. accomp.aied by ae' ce mes fa. qUon, I~.eigh of t..rror l e«rct:~ arouaed Lim.c;..,,:~;, noN ... t.. of ...........';0;~ Ud ho.ot~ up.i&bt looked "",""",

B I L L 1A. It D TAB L E S I He look~ in front. all wore ita ....oatedW itb rn_rblt b~., eembillitlon eUlhioll• • I:e .. .p~arancC'-A wlId stralgling piece . 01for Ihr Iceornmod_tior. of Ibr publie. wood. ,t.a.Ilding two (I;'(t deep ill. snow. the

1. 0 . SU RN ING. narrow track tw~,tinc thf9UCh it, tbet;tl i"NprirtOl. h,-.,en. cold and dear. Ihe MrtIa white--

AGENT roR THl'.: bat dOle b-hiad Ih. aiR "en thret pant

N h anilllall , cnh:riog Leal"il,. " bile a fourth°rt Pacific Steam Brewery I ".. rut goifti ftg b, Mod :

1),\YIn 5lll.F.:;.• • " . O t _· : .; .•

LI '; eh .ecl Auetlonee";


llOOT,.AND,I:\HOEI ~ lUKBR;.Pon TO",~n:!fD. W. T.,

" rASCFACTCRES ALL ARTICLE.". PT.1ll' ,w ll ina w hi. bulnt... nUll, UI4 _ Ilb iia­1...leh. ~hkf'l up Into goocb OOBt 111 ..1 1M but' "lI' It-r;. lt , Dor-. ,......, lrtDS· .

Ordrn from . brn d ' nptetrully aoU.l~ hi .'........._..._...__..,.._ _ .~__.._•._ ._\O

QFFICE- ' U RI...... S.l_. BIIII,JI_S. btad atU ll iOIl; Wblff.

I"I:t1LI8 J1~ D "" .. a r rHt: •• V AT

e H As, M, BRAD5UAw."'.lo....er a n d Co••~lo.,

.i T L.i lV,

OFFJ CE-O. "'.tn' ~,"",.I_ toon '"'"' Ito.• liutinp Ste,..

1;1,. ...... or.-_... "". 'l'.

y",," Oil . Ttu l1l'i'Yo, ~h W01ltU , ,..

. Jhab...rl pt loll.l pa,.Ib1. b actn--:;, - .- _._--

u ••.•""... ....... .'OM l nl."h. ( .. bl.'llla"u"~r.\ to a" MIlian"

of t ' l:l" li nt . ) .-. .. •• • , •• •f'l (l(l1::.rb ••iblf'llQP I'I& In..rtiln'l, _ •• •• •• • • •• 1 00

A !i\>th\ 'ftrdttrtll n -nt. be madt III t.TOI'ofthM'...1,,:0 .d...-rti. t by \br YUI .

Tnljl.iclit Idnrti-'.,,('n1I. t. u...un La.ter1 [Otl.,mllil be a_r-altd by \bt tUb . .--



Page 2: !)l?t/~ ~c/...~c/"> /) / (t// t (I'{!)l?t/~ ~r!l~~0 741"J {l ~~



IUl'lIjIlOA Go~pany I .

• • • • • •P. !tJ'('D I: IU IOT•

] y tli JC74I ,•••• • •

!I. enD_BY. Jr., Gt'lltral Agcat f g f ,,",..hin g_toa Tmitorl:-9l!!t~ .IIC OIJ"IN~i'l: . T •••

.OUijp.J.. •• ' •• II. ..h1. ;j

.lObD L. Butler•



Page 3: !)l?t/~ ~c/...~c/"> /) / (t// t (I'{!)l?t/~ ~r!l~~0 741"J {l ~~


. ..'~- --,

1871- , ~oJ' 5"

/_____ __ _ _ _ 25 _ . . . _

- '-Port-T.......J" IV. rot ;' ,- '

- liE~TTI.E

OOODS!:SM'ttlt , ~'. T ,



, ,~ . t. ." - . ..



Comed n"J IIDd Porlr. pel' b.aml. k.pl..cO. standl on hand. iu quu.l iw. &a alii,purebueEt• •

EIJ«iaJ .4.lialio• . Via:a N ·t~.. il.rk~, , , TnrJ,. .. .

: , ' " . , - . . '. ' ... m:r AU .orUn C pro llljltl,1"U1t~tQ, ..~ ...... .faetl.W1 ............ -. .. • • , -

r-crouce r..,,,,tluU,_llclW ;: ~ t:tt- ....-


Ha,dKltl rr,

-1'o'hklll will ..U.bfap rv eu.a.


....._._._-_.._....._---......._----_ .._.__...._- _." ~ "" ' : ; ' '' ' ''' '

.. ' ... , ., I :.

. :. '" '.". ! -, . '. ,

, "D. C. 11. B othachiW.

"PadAc Cod. FI.b,

1_ qqaatitin to nit ,vckuen; uad eO.", .rtM.ill tndl. .. TarWtr. E. &. POWLU,

Con" or Wa1u alHl. ....m-~ IPort TO.D~Il.d, W. T. l:tl-- ;

._-, - - ItryI'Or'~..J ,..,..... aMI~il.1..:-

I -,CLOTB",'U, ' '

, • ' • • . • . • 1 ' , '"

rn,JU8 lfE~OWN u--n JUST.LT POI"·...... ul~r Hokl baa bHa tboro q1l1y O"trb ..~nuon trd, aDd frnbly 1'lrrIlnbe4: nt' :Slffpi..Roolal UI nnd,. PI"'" .u~........

"- ..' ~ . , "

. "

! ; "

" 1

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, , ' rRo'yiSjo~,/' •.• ~. ~ ~ , • •~. ", ; " <

, " WlkJ:s '&) j i;) fr0R3

" , ' ,' .:

" ... ; ' ... '~

" OROClinu;s,""


. "

" ,

' . II


' " r,

~.t.n. ,.'J



' . '"

Pon TOWll'$£lfD. W. T.,

• .• I , ... .. ~ " :!. " •. .... :. ,- ..i.', 1

(;emmlultta ," F .....AftUaa ., '

1." ·' : 1 !••.t -

. ' , I I •.." ",, '

II ..hr.,.'~...n, 111"'1..... wttk a.tbe .......... -u&,.."'l M&

III i$ piaN ia~ .Il..IIle1locWli: . • • •• ..• , ", . _ ' . "._. _.\ _ IJ..... ~ · . . ." .

,•EtC., ,r ... ,! " ''' "~

" , '"


Page 4: !)l?t/~ ~c/...~c/"> /) / (t// t (I'{!)l?t/~ ~r!l~~0 741"J {l ~~


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,., JI l.

& . Ka t z,

T UiE Ii I

,." I

E te.•


S tock of

con';'latK tLa' tit, Prieu III• •

_ . 22 .

BOOTS·ad ·SHOES, ; t. .:;. i

. . .C101hl...., • ,

.- .lol t .

Dr, GOodi,' " .-; II, ,. { ,oj III I.

Ladle.. IFall",., " ;· 1· · · :J ll f

Fnrnlture, . - . . . ., . .. .





,,.Apd Continua" y Rtet!'t"iDl;. If. a:. DOW



BEINO .IN COY){UNICAT lO lfwith the lMidi~ ~ciei,._, C'u ·

Dilbura, Fomp Vf81et. eoar.ing 10 the 80nnd 10 bttCft

IIInnta:e to · llaSluatha. an~ ' O1.ber -


AI- Prestnt ;

Honest Dealing,with' Au .WE DEFY COifiETrrfON I


In Order fo ProTe Onr A._­aertionl. we dMre il diltinctly uila.r• .

atood tbat Dar good. aJ'8 bourht .by OM Firm. the lareest

in San Funci lee,whoi., racilitielar. lInqu~lfiofta..bJy npetior toabl .firm on P-rl

. Sou.d;--­,/

0-.fB, strict Attnti.. to IJal i a .u~

ora OWtf _ "'alt&n .I.•• rilE.....

Cheaper lhan an" F/;'ID

To mul whh th.

: \.

Ex Clara Light and Bark Ouward,

·l 'hi . ,ide of S.o Fraoeiaeo. for cub or.l,.or rood ""nrhy 00 time.

Groeerlu,..• . 0 , • 11'''' :,Llquor. l cd

• •

.. ". . .

pr.-pared to 1011 Good.

. h lp Cliaadler",aIN.


O. r ......... 1M... .......u,. a.1~

IiaW, _ W it .1o"111I~1e _.....,......, lIM .IUI,.", .......ut U1k .r G...ubpi (ft ..10. 011:1' s.... .'.. .

, - -

Largest and Mest Complete

~ Eaehao"'l call ,"'·- n. p liatei toaDy part Of' the wc;rJd bl .'{ ". ' 'v ··. 1 • .

'. : ~ • 'N '1 ..,. Ic.-r:l

WATERMAN ,t 'KATz;~.. . .. ... ~,







Cl.o .







Kl '• •

0, F. GE R RI S H a ce.,I'U t"a erm a n

Tibballs' Superior Teams I

P ert h .....H .... W. T . ! ;t!

COIUUtiag, iu put, or

(On. tb "01. Conn,,,)


IrlttT or COJU).oWOOD. CH&4P I

Hardware and Cutlery, •



71'-l BjUlaN Sdloo"

Ship (;handlerr;A (all and completehlClrboltnt.

s m p STORE.~,

COUNTRY PRODt:CE.An t'xtrn, i't"e and Ta.

ri td IIlW"Irtmelll.

. -




C 1 G .4 1l S.A fi.. auonmeoC oftbe helt brand. iD themarket..




17 O. F. OERRISIl & CO•••11 tLaaUention of p;olrti~1 deliring to purdlale tothei, l&1r aDd complete Itock 0( rooi...wbith ar" .c.ff'",red at .yt'1'1" 1011' ratet.



Fumiaht'tl to V~Nt''' ana }'amilits



-Wm. Newton l JIl8. Keymes,

T b a liAR I. d_k" wUIa aU n .......rlel'loruad' of WlnH.!Jq_,. lad Cipn.

AU lb. ,arion, drinkl o( 1M W_ -.aclo toOfdtr.

TeamIng oC all Kind. Done.



Et ..,






--, .

or aU ..i....





'~l ("



GLASS. Etc.,




q') .II '1U J. La 1 ,. SHyer . Ware,


Ad 1& P'nrfa.s-, fGll' Sah c...tbl..D, .




.-PoaT Town.~D, 'V~ T".,

Soaps and Perlbmery

W'lfN I"'MnMn wm al_,.. •••• 1&,...toMOrbw-' el , -


TboM who 'K'ft up c:habJ Il:lllat bur I. Dlbld lutour term. are VaaAl...:t4 ,AI _ ., ...t6l1trila1n,alld tbl' the llumber nault c:ouut )'I!'lU'ly-lwo . iJ:mont~~' 1\lI) '~rlbc" .W be n OUt, touting (or theprtllllUfII.


']"0 PARTIES WHO WILL OET UPChaM With .. mw to tat.... the dr-latioo

of 1M Aur.... u,ft &.t~g olI'", tM to\.lowill' "fIT llbuallco''''_'''' lou puttfl ",b. _mr''IIpp....

Bead Oar Premiam Lid!To the pnwotI __ ..m -.I .... d." .,

u.a ?"rl, ...~ _. wiD Ihe .. FlailOo1d"Rhar, wortIt. l0 00

Por IAHIl ..~ _ wiD (1ft all

f~llt X ON Ar~ B.iJaJ,~ IS 00Por t_tll.t, ...bto:n~_ .....11gtn a btu.

liful Olua Fruit ~~~, mnuloWii .~ atriple dhn platt4 wwth.. 20 CO. For tWCl:lt' ' 'ft .R beeritMn _ will an. arume AJUnic:a. Sih'tr Watc h.~h ••••• 2.S 00

For tJalrtI '.bkribf'rt _.-m iPn a b:I~lat. ttyt. Leollliaoe W.ldI-c:hal.ll. of .raId, worth 30 00

For thlrty-be ,._ribtn 'We .m rk"e a °

~-ri:a;t':~.~~~..~~~~..~ 3.S 00Fot"ott,.~..""1 ,n. ••A~

call 5 o J. 8 ilYr. Watch, -ua 40 00Par lin, nt:-riben_ -iDlift .. ,p&r.&

triple .o~ platt4 TN Stmw. couk-, of. b ~.. wert1l •••••••••••••••••••••• •••• 91 00

There is No Humbug about ThillWt pa-ra1lt.Pt ""1aJ1ieM; b:t. ollr p"miwa lut

!o be J,nl .. _ e lC'p«M1I' It, IIl4 _heat,,", .. d ubi.~i~ e-IU., fQf either of tbe abo" uti.I,I,the prbe .. pillM will be luunrdLaul, n:pnurdto the part,_dillS UI IItt ~t.to. °

Dou lnma Ire -83 00 a y~, fII' f"l 00 (0I' .h:m Ollthll. i. eoIlIo.1o to.p&i4 bnwbl, b:t. ad ......










> • • - - --

A Gc aIut"S C~E Gaowl~o On 0,"T I I B l"Ot:IlTnna .. AKElfDxasr._·nequt>&t iotl concerning the rij,lbt of property

.iu holD'" beiogl n e:lrrci linc the mindl_(l~t'rfa in la...)',," aud &I1th'ot I!lne OW1ll"

ert in ~hryllod, all becatu'e of tb t' adl'lp.til)o of the (ourteenth amendmellt. 1 'heCASt! BI p't.'seoled 10 tbe UllllP.t! Stateseirc~it c.?llrt• . Judge Bond presiding, ioBalumpte, l re ~ljly, 'i i5! i. I'i"li~s~ : ........Yirgi ulao "'has filrd. bin u \ inlP a decreeto et!1 . Iide tbe :!~ f...~ted in

)\ 8~~. for &1..,.,,' lDed It ",'300: onwhicb amoun t lle wu to P'il lix per cent.annnall ntl'fl:fot durin g the mill of the own.er , .IlJ, ant'r b..r ,deilih. tbe"ptiDcipal intllree yt>lrly · i nitalmtnl lll . 'J' hc slutlwer'll tllkli'll to MiniSl!-ippi. IIna by Slatelind Unit ..d Slat..1 law ..keame rree in1864. Now tli.i' Virgioian cornel intocourt ltDl\pleada <that, . the ~lav(,1 ha.riagbeen emancip.ttd," and Ibrir nlue as -pro­perl' dl'l lroyl'd under the (oorteenthI.meodment. th~ condi lionl of Ibe dt'ed ortrust cllDnot be eafol'Ct'd. and ht' maintainstbat the amfOndmpot haa 80 oUtlawed theiOAtitution that contlTc1.~.ingwi ol itunnot bo'l t'nftrel'd. rbe d.,!endu IImaintained thlt tl:tt COnln.ct wu It>gal"'"en mllde. I.od mWl' thererore be fOn"(orce~ , aceonHllB to ' it . IcrUlI. Deciaionhili not ·,et bten reudered. A Ihort lime~ go tLe Y'ar,oland court nr appeal. dt'eidrdin a l imi4&' ta.e tLat IUch eontrac:, couldnoC be coloreed.

What Il'Mtlft·by eduClluoa b kamingtbAruJ1'1 or tbe might!" g lmt' of aU mit. I nather wo~wtdQt&li')n ia the instruClionor thein~ . in tu.1awi·ot a"an. a.anwhich name 1 h:.elude Dot mereillhingalttld their Coc.ce•• ,but . meo lind lheir waY';.4IlId tlw:t €a.hioning or the .trffi lOQl ud oC't&e wUl tftto .1.1. ' t:l l1lelt Ind loving c1t',lreto moTt in harmon, with tbo.e ta"l. Formt'. eduea.tion mf'aDl neither mt)re nCtf Ie...than Ibil . ADyth10g which prol'<'Uet 10ea1I illelf f'dueation mUAt bf:o tri ed by tb ieatandard. and it it t.liM 10 .land the tea t.I will not call it edue&lion. whatcYer ma,be th~ {~ret-ililt~t,..«. of numwnupon tbe otot'r iide.-Bftrl~!/. ..'_ TheMlfnehe.btr (E n&,land) plpt'nl de.~ribe ~ !1e"" ~1fJme...ut af , torture whichbas bebn Id np at lenral ,,6r8.8 ia·thAtcitYl anll is intl'oc!ed to I\I'OU 8fl the work.mtn from their .Iamben. Tbis · II Amen.can dnir' i. It!t to work at hatfpatt fiveenry morni ilg, and it "'Ike. up e1'e1'Ybodywitbio , l,,!:o ,miJ~ /;.,A mt riean dH"W' is .kQo,,·p to.1ta:frfeM .. u . -.tu. gong• • '~

>.Th e projt:ct 01 ~iettng W~D to tLe

medical uui...ent ty at-EdMtOOrIf hAl re~

ce.i"t'd.tbe e:lp~e81 di'8~tova~ or QueenVle'c." .. ' J J I ! " I 1 l:;

. . i ..1,. up in bed in 'be ~padodl nlln n,.. abo...~rt.M" . Ao dley told ber beebend ,c1Iy

r!he . .. interest t'd in lbo fate of tbe manI " f1 0e0 race she bad not ~n for twt nty'('In.

.. Tl lat', riJlbt. In,. Utd••i(1tJ to Illidher hnalald Uding her (ondl, h b:.br l'a"1 when th e: ,eimplc.tale WII eoacladedvuevee 10_DOC who hu been .ki nd toyou in the d.,. wbo:n you needed kind.nf'S! moaL"

llaJph )(aor~ wtl' l itH. tLe i;.V..menigbt in hiJ poeI)r W giDP. b.tidtt hi,' iling wife' l sick bed, when a liveried eer­vsn t brougbt a DOte (rom lb. rieb andP""'peIOUSbaoi: dirret cr, Ch arl~!1 Audl.,.

"Good news, Bertha ,.. be exclaimed,joym:laly: * .h' rMd tb.. bnef word", "We.h.nnot .tarve-Mr Audley promises meth e ·neaLt silna: ioI&," ,

"You L....e dropped IOm p tLina;· (rom thenot~, Ralph ." uid 11". Yoore. ~iating

to a ellp or piper that lay 0 0 tLit 800r.}foo", . !ooped 10 reeceer tbe -r~tray.

II WI." a itty dC"lllar bill ot:atly (old..d in ap:eee or ptlper, on which wu writtt'n :

"In grall·ful rl'membranee of Ibe lilverquarttr Lhat a kied ..traogl'r bealowt:d ontlJe Iilll.. chttilnut girl, twetlty yean 11 &,0 ."

R"lph 31Mre bad thro·wn bis monel ofbread on Ihe watt-I'@- of Iirel and aftn manydOYI it had rt'lum t-d to him.

FLOUR AT Mii:J:. .PRICES ITOKt'thrr _i aCbolW Stlet'tlon~

Gro~erle. fbr Family tJ . e .• 17 OrdC'n rt lp«llllll,. "lielled, alld ..ti.fattioap lrant«d. ("n s. B.lGA~,

3 ;3ru SUCCt U QI to 'Ward &. Milchd J.

Jla ••-lIC t...w. the llta...... B a k el' F I. m no,", prc:pll'cd to funab h, on the m'Olt

teuotl.llbll tcnlli . to \he trade. •• o.~ '0.. t

PI LOT, aDd xl \'Y :BREAD~


and S1:GAIl CRACKEllS.

., , C%lNoRil ~Al'S; n e.. Ete.Will 1r.np on han4 aU tht'''n.dcu gndn hQ

bu.a.14 of

tl T A j1.I\A RD



S "m'1, . !t. .f ! ., .1 •THE WEEKLY ARGUS.

'·Plea.e,-,tr; .I- itt ,... bD7 .n ·ehIM..,.. .uutt •

"Cbestnu tt ! M!" .ft'tomt'd RAlph) (oore. lookina ean:l t'Mly 40...n on theupturned r.... wll.-e lArge en•• iMado..•ed by tangled curl. or fln.e~ Lair. wereap~a1iDg to piti ru1l1 tn hi. OWD. " W batdo I .ant or ehe.tnuta r' .

"Bot please••lr, do boy 'ern," pleadedth e Iittle one, re-assored; b1 the roughkiodu.1I or hit tone, "Xj!x»d1 ,.~mll tocare for them, and-and- .

She rairly burat ic.to tear&, 'eed )(001",_lo bad"been on tlie· point or- brushingc:areleNly put her, l topprd iOltincti"t'ly .

" Are l OU in very maeb WIlD\ or themoney ~..

ulDarea. sir. we &rP," · 80hbed the ehild j"mothtr Uftt me cot, &00"-

··}ilay, litd", one. don't cry in I lIcb aht'&lt-brokeD. way," hid RAlph. Imoolbing},n btlir doW'!! with eIlM<'" gent1en~l.001 don't want yaur elu·alftulr. but here'"a '\'jnarler. if that will do 101l anI good."

e did Dotmy to bear the dtl4;:htt'diocohmmt thlob &be child ~ outthrough a rJinbnw of Imu.. aud ltoI ra.but I troJe 0 0 his way. muttering ~lweeu

liil teeth : ."Tbat cut. off' m11t1ppll or cigl.rs Cor

the next t !"eot,.four ~ouri'l 1 doo't . caretbou(b, If~ lbUr. .....ve~ " bjOt' _II,did crr aa If the badn 't a (riend in th e"o.ld. nang III I wis~ 1 wu richt'Dough tdo h'tlp eycry poor el'fature OQt 0(t1e slougb of deApond.

Wbiltt nalph Moore "a. io.dnlgillg i.otbe~ "try natural refteetlenll, tLe dark.orbed liul. damsel wholm he had eomforkd,..'" dashing down the Itree! with IJd~.el"tic fooutepll. Dtt~rly I'f'gardlt'u of tbeLuket of unllOld natl that Itill dloogtedupon her ar.n. Down I.D oo.eQre laae'she darted, bet ...e~o tall. ruinous rowl orhouW'l. and up a Darrow woodt!n I t.ol irr.ast>to a roo'D wb~re a pN~..' nt>&t.IM)cingwomao. with large brown eyel, Hh berown. wu a.!winr &I .btl. Oy .. if the breathof life dppendt'd '.pon·iTery lfitch, andtwo little onel weN content edly plaTing inthe lun abme tbat tempon.ril1lupplied thethe plaee of the ab&ent-fire.

" Mary! baek .lrtady ~ Sorely , ouhave not &Old your chatal1ta &0 lOOn!"

·· Ob. mother. mother. see!" .-jaeulattodthe- bruthlet. ebUd. IIA_$f'ntll'toaoIt!'T.,me" PWIIlur1ftt~ bnlt thTnlt tnO'tht!r'.'a wl101e qUArter '"

H Ralph ~oo,. cou41 only 111,,,,e s ct!O

thb rapful'1l which tbi . Hny sil"er girldifl'uaed arollnd it, in Ibe poor widow' .poYerty Itricltenlloma.~ ba "Oflld Tha~

grudpd Itill leN the temporarr privationor eigan to which bit generosity had lub·jeetN him. - .

• • • • • •Yearl came aDd went. The littl.cbtst.

nut girl puaed AI .nitret,. out or R&1ph,Moor'. mf'mery AI if her _pleadIn;. ert'lh.d n_ l.uihoitthtnooft tpot ilD> ,.heart,'but !-LJ.rj- Lee Dfl't"f'r forgot tM, truger who gne bfr tbe·ailnr ..ieee.

• • • • • •The erimloD 1I"icdow euttaia, .... rt

dONIy drawn. to .tNt "oat. tbe at:onb . and ·tempe. t or lbe bleak Dl!cembn -nis ht-thefire wu glowjog cheerily in a well.6l1edgrate ,and the dia:r.eT table an In I. gUtterwith cui &1&1" rare china. aDd polished,il"er, was ooly waitiog for tlle prcweoce1)( Mr. Audl,y. ...'

"What e&Il it be tbat detaint papa?"laid Mn. Audlev, a rair, handl om. ml.tronof aboat thirty: u abe Slueed at the dial ·of a tiDy enamtll:lC1 watcb. Sil: o'd<lck.and bl! does not mak e btl appea:rauce.··

"There'l a man with him il1 the liDdy,mama--come 00 bw,JWll•••• laid Robt-l1A ndley, I. prettI ho,. eleven learl - old.who wu relldiog b, the fire.

001'11 tali bftta a~ain ." hid Mn. Audlt'Y.'epping to the Jioor.

Hut. IS sb,. ~~ i',,1h. brillian l ~as..lis ht fen Call o..P1h1t "'ft.~"''or an't. hUmblelooking man in worn ~od threadbare gar.ment,. who ..... Ieaving the .hou.e " bilebf'r hlaband ltood in tlle doorway of hilatudy. I.piW't'Dtlr relieved to he rid ofhis Titiiar. .; .:

" Charl,.,.,u Rid M'". Audl.,.. wbo.ecbui: ba4 paled aod fiu. bed, " ...bo isthat 'MIl a;d wbt.t d~ he want ~.,

"Uia name is )(OOff', 1 b\lliewe, 10"_"~d he tame to tee in 'Would be.tow uponlum that l &CauL melSt'ngenhip tn tbtt­bl.ok,' ·

IIAlld will J~u l""I dOft't Ito.w.· I(ary-I must tbiok

abt>ot it."··Cbarley. (iv, Lim the l ituation:~" ,,,ny·mr 10........Beeaa.ae I uk it or YOll al a (",.or

and ron hUID laid a tboul&nd times youwould non d~ny me anything."

Ol .Ani I will keep my won!. Ma,," laidthe lovioi\.~a~ ~llh .a ·.... UOJI.lte 'k i...: ·I'll write the f~1fo,!" .. Dote this "feryneulOg. I bellne I Tit got hil addreaatome"beu about 10 80"

• Alfi"our~ two late-r, . en BMb,. andf raok lIud hltle Mionie lrtre tucked eoug"