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Page 1: Бирюкова (1)




of the Water !!!!!!!!!!



I want to tell about the most interesting recreation place of Tambov. This is the Embankment of the river Tsna. I think this is the most interesting place in the surrounding of Tambov. It is a long Street, which runs along the river Tsna. It is located in the heart of the city. It starts somewhere between Moskovskaya Street and continues to the Dynamo Stadion.Along it you can go longer than an hour, though without stopping anywhere. The Embankment is a very beautiful street. In winter, all things are covered with snow and white. In spring everything is green and lilacs bloom. Summer covers all things green trees, shrubs and herbs, but most of all I like the street in the autumn. All trees and shrubs are yellow, red and orange. In general there is something to see. There is also a fountain, you can ride on boats and feed the ducks, have ice cream at the café on the water .As for sports, too, you can do lot of things: rollerblading, biking, winter skiing and ice skating. You can go for a run and walk with children on the grounds and in the winter – go down ice slides and skate. I really like this place. Taking a walk along old trees and feed the ducks, who are always hungry, I can forget about my problem .Also there you can just take pictures of fantastic trees .In winter you can go sledge and play snowballs.

Page 2: Бирюкова (1)



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