YOU CAN BE A GREAT LEADER PGF & YMLS: September 2015 Jim O’Brien [email protected]

YOU CAN BE A GREAT LEADER PGF & YMLS: September 2015 Jim O’Brien [email protected]

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Page 1: YOU CAN BE A GREAT LEADER PGF & YMLS: September 2015 Jim O’Brien jobrien@asce.org



PGF & YMLS: September 2015 Jim O’Brien

[email protected]

Page 2: YOU CAN BE A GREAT LEADER PGF & YMLS: September 2015 Jim O’Brien jobrien@asce.org

Want To Be The Most Influential (Effective) Person in Your Workplace

(…or Section/Branch/YM Group) ?



The “soft” skill that is “hard” to do.

PGF & YMLS: September 2015 Jim O’[email protected]

Page 3: YOU CAN BE A GREAT LEADER PGF & YMLS: September 2015 Jim O’Brien jobrien@asce.org

What do you want out of YOUR LIFE?

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For me…..

I want to make a positive difference

in the world….

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Do You Know???

One of the strongest urges of a person is to be a part of a group….

Make your section or branch the group that

everyone can fit in.

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BIG Messages for today

•You do make a difference through your leader abilities.

•Only you can choose to improve your leadership (….tho others can help)!!

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Write down what you know about


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LEADERSHIP is the art, science, and craft of

influencing other people to accomplish a task and to improve the organization.

Page 9: YOU CAN BE A GREAT LEADER PGF & YMLS: September 2015 Jim O’Brien jobrien@asce.org

LEADERSHIP is the art, science, and craft of

influencing other people to accomplish a task and to improve the organization.

Page 10: YOU CAN BE A GREAT LEADER PGF & YMLS: September 2015 Jim O’Brien jobrien@asce.org

LEADERSHIP is the art, science, and craft of

influencing other people to accomplish a task and to improve the organization.

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LEADERSHIP is the art, science, and craft of

influencing other people to accomplish a task and to improve the organization.

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What are the Variables in leadership?

•Leaders•Followers•The Situation

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Why should I want to grow into a better


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Leadership is a relationship

between people.

O’Brien’s view…

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•Leadership = Influence•Relationship between people

Big Idea (s)

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OB First Steps to Better Leader Ability

1. Know self2. Know others3. Use #1 & #2 to allow

influence of others4. Learn how to do #1, #2,

and #3 better

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Know your SELF

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Knowing Self

•Personality = Inclinations + Habits

–Inclinations = Preferences; “Hard wired” (nature)

–Habits = Learned behaviors; “software” (nurture)

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Knowing Self

• Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)—ESTJ; INFP; etc

• Strength Deployment Indicator (SDI) (reds; blues; greens; hubs)

• OCEAN (Openness; Conscientiousness; Extraversion; Agreeableness; Neuroticism)

• Lots of others

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Knowing Self

•Look into the mirror.•Ask trusted colleagues.

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What are your


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•Leadership = Influence•Relationship between people

•ID YOUR core values (~3-4)

Big Idea (s)

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Knowing Others

•Understand the relationship between performance; satisfaction (job); and motivation


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So if leadership is about “Influence”,

How do you INFLUENCE


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•Connecting is all about others•Connecting begins when one feels valued (shared values)

•Connections:– One on one: Make other feel valued– Group: Invite participation– Audience: Audience is more important than


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Connect thru shared values

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What do they want from me?

•Can I trust you?

•Are you committed to excellence?

•Do you care about me?

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What questions do you have for “them”?

•Have I given you reason(s) to trust me?

•Have I demonstrated my commitment to excellence?

•Have I shown how much I care about you?

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What are traits of effective leaders?

•Model the way•Inspire a shared vision•Challenge the process•Enable others to act•Encourage the heart

Kouzes & Posner, “The Leadership Challenge”

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Model the way

•Model the behavior expected of others. (POSITIVE ROLE MODEL)

•Lead from what you believe.•By word & deed, demonstrate

your values & beliefs.•People follow the person, then

the plan.

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Inspire shared vision

•Envision the future by imagining exciting & ennobling possibilities.

•Bring others in to a shared vision by appealing to shared aspirations.

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Our Profession and Our VisionEntrusted by society to create a

sustainable world and enhance the global quality of life, civil engineers serve competently, collaboratively, and ethically as master:

- planners, designers, constructors, and operators of the built environment

- stewards of the natural environment

- integrators of ideas and technology

- managers of risk and uncertainty

- leaders in shaping policy

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Challenge the process

•Seek innovative ways to change, grow, & improve.

•Experiment & take risks by generating small wins and learning from mistakes.

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Enable others to act

•Promote cooperative goals & build trust

•Strengthen others by sharing power and discretion

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Encourage the heart

•Show appreciation for individual excellence

•Celebrate values & victories by creating a sense of community

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What are traits of effective leaders?

•Model the way•Inspire a shared vision•Challenge the process•Enable others to act•Encourage the heart

Kouzes & Posner, “The Leadership Challenge”

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Becoming a Better Leader1. Be an optimist2. Be self-aware3. Note your emotions & Emotional Intelligence4. Seek feedback5. Take the initiative6. Get & use a coach7. Set goals & make plans8. Practice, practice, practice9. Measure progress10.Be honest with yourself and humble with


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Specific things to do for you to improve your leadership

1.Learn from Experience– Risk– Speeches, mentor, coach, volunteer

2.Learn from Examples of outstanding leaders

– Journal (& review)– Read biographies & watch films– Interview role models

3.Learn from Education– Classes & self learning programs– Engage coaches, mentors, friends

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Group Exercise

In your role as an ASCE Leader, what activities MUST you do?

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I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element.

‒It is my personal approach that creates the climate. ‒It is my daily mood that makes the weather. ‒I possess tremendous power to make life miserable or joyous. ‒I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration; ‒I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. ‒In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis is escalated or de-escalated, and a person humanized or de-humanized. ‒If I treat people as they are, I make them worse. If I treat people as they ought to be, I help them become what

they are capable of becoming Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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A Final Reminder

Say “Thank You” to someone every day.

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If YOU become the world’s greatest leader….

What will people say about you?

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pJim O’Brien

[email protected]