Year 3 & 4 Mon 8 th June 2020 Monday Maths: My maths work set: Year 3 – Yr2 – Mixed 2, 5, 10 x tables Yr3 8 x tables Year 3/ 4 – Mixed 2 to 12 x tables I have set Y2 – Y4 work to act as differentiation of tasks – revision of topics. Maths – x tables

Year 3 & 4 thMon 8 June 2020 - St Mary's Sabden

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Year 3 & 4

Mon 8th June 2020

Monday Maths: My maths work set: Year 3 – Yr2 – Mixed 2, 5, 10 x tables Yr3 8 x tables Year 3/ 4 – Mixed 2 to 12 x tables I have set Y2 – Y4 work to act as differentiation of tasks – revision of topics. Maths – x tables

English: Read: school reading book or a comic or any favourite book at home Write: Powerful verbs

Write down a more interesting word instead of went in each sentence: 1. Mary…………………………………..to the post office, hoping she’d be in time to get a ticket. 2. Becky……………………………………around the shops after her gran, wishing she wasn’t there. 3. Hayley…………………………………………………to the museum in her new car. Change the verb said to a more interesting verb each time: 1. “The hills are alive with the sound of music.”…………………………….. Bob. 2. “Get out of my sight, you ungrateful, horrible woman.”…………………….. Ryan. 3. “I think we should be quiet; no one else is talking in here.”………………… Margaret

Choose powerful verbs to write your own action sentences or extract:

whispered zoomed bellowed

rushed screamed dashed raced


stomped shouted sang


Spellings: Practise spellings from Yr3/4 keywords list: various weight

Topic: RE:

The Story of Paul: Paul was originally Saul who hated Christians – This is the story:

Saul was an angry man who persecuted Christians. Persecute means to treat in a cruel and mean manner

Saul was on his way to Damascus to arrest any Christians that were in the synagogues. A synagogue is a building used by Jews for worship and teaching.

Then an amazing thing happened. Saul was thinking about how he could hurt the Christians as he travelled.

As he came near Damascus, a bright light suddenly shone down from heaven.

Saul fell to the ground, and a voice said, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?"

Saul answered, "Who are you, Lord?"

The voice then said, "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to fight against me. Go now into Damascus and you will be told what you must do."

When Saul got up from the ground, he was blind. Others had to lead him by the hand into the city. For three days Saul was blind and did not eat or drink anything.

God told a man named Ananias in a dream that he should go see Saul. He found Saul and laid his hands on him, and Saul was able to see again.

The preacher told him to arise and be baptized and wash away his sins.

Saul was sorry for the things he had been doing. He began doing the things that Jesus wanted him to do.

After his conversion, Saul's name was changed to Paul, and he spent the rest of his life serving Jesus and teaching people about him.

He became a missionary to people all over the world. A missionary is a person who is sent by a church to teach about Christ. Paul, the apostle, suffered many persecutions. Instead of being the person who hurt other Christians, he became persecuted himself for Christ's sake.


Create a story board to show events – use drawings and speech

Top Terrific Task

This task must be done this week. This week’s Top Terrific Task is History (see details on Tuesday sheet below) – Ancient Egypt – The Weighing of the Heart ceremony Once you have done it please email it to me on [email protected]

I will send you a message back about your work If I haven’t got it by next Friday I will send your parents a quick email to see if you need any help with the task.


Maths: My maths work set: Year 3 – Yr2 – 10 x tables Year 3/4 – Multiples I have set Y2 – Y4 work to act as differentiation of tasks – revision of topics X tables challenge

.Challenge yourself on TT Rockstars – log in details found in your exercise book.

English: Read: school reading book or a comic or any favourite book at home WRITE – A letter to send by email to Mrs Robinson [email protected]

😊 I will reply!! xxx

Spellings: Yr3/4 list: woman women

Topic: History – Ancient Egyptian The weighing of the heart The Weighing of the Heart was a ceremony that the Ancient Egyptians believed would happen in the afterlife. The heart would be weighed by the gods to see if it was light enough to go to the afterlife.

Weighing of the Heart

The most important ceremony was the Weighing of the Heart. This had to happen in order for a person to be able to go to the afterlife.

The person would have their heart weighed to see if it was heavy or if it was light.

If someone’s heart was heavy, they would never make it to the afterlife and they would be stuck in the Underworld forever, or they would just disappear.

If a heart was light, the person would be able to go to the Land of Two Fields which was a place full of joy and happiness.

This was a place where the people would meet their loved ones that had died before them.


The goddess Ammut is part of the weighing of the heart.

She is one of the goddesses that is very feared because she had the head of a crocodile and would eat someone

if they did something wrong when judgement was happening.

Ammut is also part lion and part hippo. These are the three animals that were the animals that were most feared and respected by the Ancient Egyptians.


Maat was another goddess that was there during judgement. She was the goddess of law and justice.

She would also be there to make the seasons and starts to line up so that people would tell the truth.

When a person would go to get their heart weighed, it would be weighed by the Feather of Truth on a scale.

Lots of information on line and video clips eg. www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/history-the-afterlife-in-ancient-egypt www.historyforkids.net>ancient-egyptian-weight-of-the-heart WRITE: Year 3:

Create an information POSTER showing and describing details of the ceremony: include pictures/drawings and information Year 4: Create a double page spread or information leaflet showing and describing details of the ceremony: include pictures/drawings and information


Maths: Perimeter of shapes: REMEMBER to + EACH side


















. 3








English: Read: school reading book or a comic or any favourite book at home Reading comprehension:

Year 3 A dog was feeling rather pleased with himself. He had found a succulent bone and was taking it home to bury in his garden. As he happily trotted home, he passed a deep pond. Pausing to peer into the water, he saw another dog with a bone just as delicious as his. “If I had that dog’s bone, then I would have two bones to bury in my garden,” thought the dog, greedily. He decided to pinch the other dog’s bone. However, as he opened his mouth to snatch it, the bone he was carrying fell into the pond and sank to the very bottom. Realising what had happened, he reached into the pond to retrieve his bone, but it was too deep. Feeling rather sorry for himself, the dog trudged home empty-handed.

1. Why was the dog feeling pleased with himself?

2. What decision did the dog make and why?

3. What happened to the dog’s bone?

4. Why couldn’t the dog retrieve his bone?

5. What do you think the other dog was and why do you think this?

6. Describe fully the change in the dog’s mood throughout the text:

7. What do you think the moral of the story is (the lesson it is trying to teach us)? There may be more than one:

Year 4 Cautiously, she tiptoed down the corridors of the museum. The room she was looking for was just around the corner.

Avoiding the cameras, she entered the room and approached the cabinet.

She only had five minutes until the security guard came back, so she knew she had to work fast.

However, she also knew that one false move would trigger the alarms and she would be trapped.

Trying to stop her hands from shaking, she delicately lifted the glass lid from the cabinet. So far so good! She reached in for the artefact.

“Slowly…slowly,” she whispered to herself. She lifted the artefact from its stand and examined it.

To her it just looked like a boring old rock.

Suddenly, a piercing wail filled the room and the metal shutters slammed down over all of the windows and doors…

1. Why did she know she had to work fast?

2. What would happen if she made a false move?

3. What did she think the artefact looked like?

4. Why do you think she tried to stop her hands from shaking?

5. Why do you think she was tiptoeing and avoiding cameras?

6. What do you think the phrase so far so good means?

7. What do you think is special about the artefact?

8. How do you think the alarm was triggered?

9. Why do you think she whispered the words: ‘slowly…slowly’ to herself?

Topic: PShe Everyone is equal

We are all unique and different – different coloured skin, eyes, hair, personalities, likes/dislikes. BUT – no one is better than another – we must celebrate our differences and remember that everyone is EQUAL.

DESIGN a poster to show this


Maths – Time Problems:

Year 3 1. Cinderella goes shopping at 3 o’clock and returns at 25 minutes past 7. How long does she spend at the shops? 2. Cinderella starts getting ready for the ball at half past 8 and she takes 2 and a half hours, what time does it finish? 3. Cinderella takes 20 minutes to mop the kitchen floor. She starts at quarter past 3. What time does he finish? 4. Cinderella goes to bed at half past 8 in the evening and wake up at 4 o’clock in the morning to make everyone’s breakfast. How long is she asleep? 5. Cinderella starts the housework at quarter past 10 in the morning. She finishes at half past 5 in the evening. How long is she cleaning?

6. Cinderella leaves home at half past 10 to get to the ball. It takes her 20 minutes to get there. What time does she arrive? 7. It takes the ugly sisters 4 and a half hours to get ready for the ball. They start at 6 o’clock. What time are they finished? 8. The ball starts at half past 10, it lasts for 4 and a half hours, what time does it finish? 9. It takes the Fairy God Mother 25 minutes to find Cinderella. She arrives at her house at a quarter past 4. What time does she find her? 10. Prince Charming picks up Cinderella’s shoe off the step at 12 o’clock. It takes him 8 hours 20 minutes to find her. What time does he find Cinderella to give her back her shoe?

Year 3/4

1) Sue got on the bus at 09:00. The journey took half an hour. What time did she get off the bus?

2) Mary went into shop a 10:30. She came out at 10:45. How long was she in the shop for?

3) James walked from 09:45 to 10:15. For how many minutes did he walk?

4) Mark got into the pool at 3:30. He swam for the 40 minutes. What time did he get out?

5) A cake was put in an oven at 10:20. It came out at 10:55. How long did the cake take to bake?

6) Lunch lasts for 50 minutes. It ends at 1:00. What times does lunch begin?

7) Madge got up at 7:35. She left for school 45 minutes later. Her journey took 15 minutes. What time did she arrive at school?

8) The football team kicked off at 1:30 and played 35 minutes each half. They had a 10 minute break at half time.

9) What time did the game finish?

Year 4 Two Step word problems 1. On a school trip 272 people visit a museum. There are 223 children and 16 teachers, the rest are parents. How many parents are there? 2. In a week Daniel saves £5.75, on Monday he has 255p on Wednesday 175p. How much does he save the rest of the week?

3. At a recent clean up of the playground. The 3 children collected 196 pieces of rubbish. Alex collects 64 pieces, Dan 73 so how many has Joe collected? 4. The Y4 teachers have 234 biscuits in the staff room. Miss Merrie eats 91, Ms York eats 75, how many does Mrs Cowen eat? 5. Bronwen has 523 comics she lends 246 to Caitlin and 156 to Alex, how many does she have left? 6. Owen has one 50p coin and four 20p coins. He buys a melon for 47p and 2 grapefruits for 15p each. How much money does he have left?

English: Read: school reading book or a comic or any favourite book at home WRITE –

We often get these mixed up in our writing. Use each to write your own sentences or extract.

Eg. We set off in the car filled with excitement. It was a surprise journey and mum wouldn’t tell us where we were going. All we knew was that we had been told to wear our best clothes. “Mum please tell us! “ we shouted from the back seats. “We’re going to burst with excitement!” I called. Spellings: Yr3/4 list: favourite character

Topic: ART – In class we would have been studying some of the art of Claude Monet.

This is Claude Monet's Water Lily Pond. He was a keen gardener and he created this pond in his garden in Giverny, France. He painted over twenty pictures of this scene and some of them are vast wall-size paintings. Water lilies are one of the most famous themes by this impressionist artist. He was fascinated by light dancing on the water and the reflections cast in the water...willows, reeds, clouds... things that move and change constantly. For Monet, the reflection was the subject of the painting – he tried to capture a fleeting moment, an impression, working outdoors, ‘en plein air’, a new idea in art. What colours dominate? How does the picture make you feel? How would you describe this picture? What season? How do you know?

What wildlife would you expect to see if you visited this pond?

Which colours did he use? [yellows, pinks, lavenders, greens, blues, and silver-white NB. He didn’t use black – he felt it had a dulling effect.

Activity: Create your own Water Lily art work – if you’ve any crayons, coloured pencils or felt tips try to use the colours Monet used. Email me your creations: [email protected]


Maths: Play My maths games of your choice and complete any work from the week.

TT Rockstars – try a Friday challenge – ask a family member to give you a times table test X table Flowers Can you create your own x tables? Example:

English: Read: school reading book or a comic or any favourite book at home

Spellings: Yr3/4 list: Practise spelling all the keywords given this week. Have a little test!

Write: Can you write a Friday acrostic?

F R I D A Y Eg. F is for Friday shuffle day

R is for running about in PE with Kim Etc ...

Topic: PE: Get outside and see if you can go on a long walk or run up and down the stairs as many times as you can in 2 minutes! Check out our online PE as given in website link.

Do the Friday Shuffle!

Extra Learning

Get outside whenever you can to enjoy fresh air! Help in the kitchen – baking, washing up, helping with meals. READ to a younger or older brother and sister or family member. Play a board game. Go on the on-line school resources links. Watch a favourite family film. Say your prayers each morning like a small class worship – remembering the homeless, needy and those who are suffering.

Any help needed: [email protected] Or send me any photos etc