World History Humanities World History Humanities Portfolio Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Esti Pinter Sophomore Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School Adventist School

World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

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Page 1: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

World History Humanities PortfolioWorld History Humanities PortfolioFirst Semester, 2004-2005First Semester, 2004-2005

Esti PinterEsti PinterSophomoreSophomore

Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist SchoolSchool

Page 2: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School


This is semester has been more difficult. The areas in which we learned changed. I felt This is semester has been more difficult. The areas in which we learned changed. I felt like I was learning more on a different level. It wasn’t just reading the book. The journals were like I was learning more on a different level. It wasn’t just reading the book. The journals were more in depth about how we felt, and I had to decide how I felt on certain issues. Issues I was more in depth about how we felt, and I had to decide how I felt on certain issues. Issues I was once indecisive about, I soon found my stand on things. I have grown in my views of the church once indecisive about, I soon found my stand on things. I have grown in my views of the church and my own personal mission. This PowerPoint illustrates my views. and my own personal mission. This PowerPoint illustrates my views.

Page 3: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Table of ContentsTable of Contents

Section One: Journey to Excellence ArtifactsSection One: Journey to Excellence Artifacts 1. Acceptance of God………………………………………………. ..1. Acceptance of God………………………………………………. ..

2. Commitment to the Church……………………………………….2. Commitment to the Church……………………………………….

3. Interpersonal Relationships……………………………………….3. Interpersonal Relationships……………………………………….

4. Responsible Citizenship…………………………………………..4. Responsible Citizenship…………………………………………..

5. Healthy Balanced Living………………………………………….5. Healthy Balanced Living………………………………………….

6. Intellectual Development…………………………………………6. Intellectual Development…………………………………………

7. Communication Skills……………………………………………..7. Communication Skills……………………………………………..

8. Personal Management…………………………………………….8. Personal Management…………………………………………….

9. Aesthetic Appreciation……………………………………………9. Aesthetic Appreciation……………………………………………

10. Career and Service………………………………………………10. Career and Service………………………………………………

Page 4: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Table of Contents Cont.Table of Contents Cont.

Section Two: Journey To Excellence ReflectionsSection Two: Journey To Excellence Reflections 1. Acceptance of God………………………………………………. 1. Acceptance of God……………………………………………….

2. Commitment to the Church……………………………………..2. Commitment to the Church……………………………………..

3. Interpersonal Relationships……………………………………...3. Interpersonal Relationships……………………………………...

4. Responsible Citizenship…………………………………………4. Responsible Citizenship…………………………………………

5. Healthy Balanced Living………………………………………..5. Healthy Balanced Living………………………………………..

6. Intellectual Development……………………………………….6. Intellectual Development……………………………………….

7. Communication Skills…………………………………………..7. Communication Skills…………………………………………..

8. Personal Management…………………………………………..8. Personal Management…………………………………………..

9. Aesthetic Appreciation………………………………………….9. Aesthetic Appreciation………………………………………….

10. Career and Service……………………………………………..10. Career and Service……………………………………………..

Page 5: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Acceptance of God ArtifactsAcceptance of God Artifacts


Microsoft Word Document

Page 6: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Acceptance of God ReflectionsAcceptance of God Reflections

Even when I was young I knew that God was my Savior. I decided very early that I was Even when I was young I knew that God was my Savior. I decided very early that I was going to follow Him. However, following God doesn’t come with just saying that you are going to follow going to follow Him. However, following God doesn’t come with just saying that you are going to follow him. You must completely accept him. You must trust him to take over your life. This year, as I have him. You must completely accept him. You must trust him to take over your life. This year, as I have matured I think that I have been more willing to submit to God. As things get more stressful I realize I can’t matured I think that I have been more willing to submit to God. As things get more stressful I realize I can’t handle things on my own and that I need to give it all to handle things on my own and that I need to give it all to someone. someone. God is the only one who can take it God is the only one who can take it out of my hands for good. out of my hands for good.

I chose 2-02-J-Bible because I realized how soon Jesus was coming and that times are I chose 2-02-J-Bible because I realized how soon Jesus was coming and that times are closing in. And now more than ever things are going to get out of control and we need to turn our lives closing in. And now more than ever things are going to get out of control and we need to turn our lives over to him. As the world’s days draw to a close, as a Christian, we really need to spread the news. I am over to him. As the world’s days draw to a close, as a Christian, we really need to spread the news. I am ready for Jesus to come and I want to go to heaven more than anything. This world is not my home and I ready for Jesus to come and I want to go to heaven more than anything. This world is not my home and I am tired of living here. I can only imagine how disappointing it must have been to be told that Jesus was am tired of living here. I can only imagine how disappointing it must have been to be told that Jesus was coming, and truly believing it with all your heart and then getting crushed like that. I can’t even touch on coming, and truly believing it with all your heart and then getting crushed like that. I can’t even touch on how disappointing that must have been. how disappointing that must have been.

The stress and pain that comes from the end times are going to be beyond anything felt The stress and pain that comes from the end times are going to be beyond anything felt right now. And there is only One being that can help and soothe our souls. I plan on accepting that help right now. And there is only One being that can help and soothe our souls. I plan on accepting that help fully. fully.

Page 7: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Commitment to the Church ArtifactsCommitment to the Church Artifacts




Microsoft Word Document

Microsoft Word Document

Microsoft Word Document

Page 8: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Commitment to the Church ReflectionsCommitment to the Church Reflections

I have always loved my church. I love the people in it. I enjoy going to church. I do not I have always loved my church. I love the people in it. I enjoy going to church. I do not always agree with what they teach and I do not always agree with their principles and doctrines and I always agree with what they teach and I do not always agree with their principles and doctrines and I do not always agree with their approach to the gospel, but I think that in a sinful world that is to be do not always agree with their approach to the gospel, but I think that in a sinful world that is to be expected. expected.

A man came to our church a couple weeks ago and I quote, “If you want to wear the red A man came to our church a couple weeks ago and I quote, “If you want to wear the red polish and the jewelry you can go right on the hell if you want.” Now, if there was a visitor in my church polish and the jewelry you can go right on the hell if you want.” Now, if there was a visitor in my church at that moment and they were wearing a necklace and jewelry and had her nails painted don’t you think at that moment and they were wearing a necklace and jewelry and had her nails painted don’t you think that she would be embarrassed. I’m sure she would feel like everyone was looking at her and judging that she would be embarrassed. I’m sure she would feel like everyone was looking at her and judging her because she had on nail polish. Then she leaves early and never comes back because she doesn’t her because she had on nail polish. Then she leaves early and never comes back because she doesn’t want to be in any church that accuses her the second she walks through the door. That is now one less want to be in any church that accuses her the second she walks through the door. That is now one less person won into God’s kingdom. person won into God’s kingdom.

How selfish of us that we think we go walk into God’s sanctuary and point our finger at How selfish of us that we think we go walk into God’s sanctuary and point our finger at people. I do not recall people. I do not recall anywhereanywhere in the Bible that Jesus said, “Oh, you can’t follow me because you are in the Bible that Jesus said, “Oh, you can’t follow me because you are wearing jewelry.” In every instance that I recall Jesus looked at the wearing jewelry.” In every instance that I recall Jesus looked at the heart heart of the person. of the person.

First comes the heart and the soul, second comes the minor details. I chose the J-BI’s First comes the heart and the soul, second comes the minor details. I chose the J-BI’s because I think that it is my duty as well as others to show people that it isn’t all about the little doctrines because I think that it is my duty as well as others to show people that it isn’t all about the little doctrines and rules that make a person adequate for the kingdom of heaven. No one is adequate. Salvation and rules that make a person adequate for the kingdom of heaven. No one is adequate. Salvation comes through the grace of Jesus Christ our Lord. Not through throwing out the nail polish. People that comes through the grace of Jesus Christ our Lord. Not through throwing out the nail polish. People that feel judged and accused won’t feel welcome and Jesus was never hostile and was feel judged and accused won’t feel welcome and Jesus was never hostile and was only only welcoming. welcoming.

Surely through the grace WE received we can be as gracious to others and show them Surely through the grace WE received we can be as gracious to others and show them Jesus Christ through our actions. When someone has Jesus in their hearts they will be more likely to Jesus Christ through our actions. When someone has Jesus in their hearts they will be more likely to listen to gentle criticism. listen to gentle criticism.

Page 9: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Interpersonal Relationships ArtifactsInterpersonal Relationships Artifacts


Microsoft Word Document

Page 10: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Interpersonal Relationships ReflectionsInterpersonal Relationships Reflections

I don’t like relationships. They are so much work. You have to watch what you say, play nice, keep I don’t like relationships. They are so much work. You have to watch what you say, play nice, keep in touch, and buy birthday presents, sleepover. All that stuff. I like having friends and all but sometimes it’s just in touch, and buy birthday presents, sleepover. All that stuff. I like having friends and all but sometimes it’s just not worth it. I know I don’t really have a choice because relationships are a part of life and you have no chance of not worth it. I know I don’t really have a choice because relationships are a part of life and you have no chance of escaping them because you have them in work, and you pretty much can’t live without them. So instead of just escaping them because you have them in work, and you pretty much can’t live without them. So instead of just staying home you have to go out there and cultivate those relationships…super. staying home you have to go out there and cultivate those relationships…super.

I picked the 1-03-J-Selfish-Unselfish because people are all different. There are people who will I picked the 1-03-J-Selfish-Unselfish because people are all different. There are people who will think only of themselves and not give any consideration to you. And then there are people who will always put you think only of themselves and not give any consideration to you. And then there are people who will always put you first. You have to decide who you are going to be, because not many people like those you don’t think of others first. You have to decide who you are going to be, because not many people like those you don’t think of others as a general rule. People only like being around those who put them first and who are willing to go out of their as a general rule. People only like being around those who put them first and who are willing to go out of their way for them. That is what friends do. A friend is someone who will do anything for you. Someone who is always way for them. That is what friends do. A friend is someone who will do anything for you. Someone who is always there and no matter what time will stay up and talk to you and who will hang out and just be goofy and weird with there and no matter what time will stay up and talk to you and who will hang out and just be goofy and weird with you. It may be a lot of work but I think that most of the time it is worth it. When you find true friends who are there you. It may be a lot of work but I think that most of the time it is worth it. When you find true friends who are there for you thick and thin no matter what, then you have found a treasure that surely cannot be matched by anything. for you thick and thin no matter what, then you have found a treasure that surely cannot be matched by anything. That is the kind of interpersonal relationships I will work for. That is the kind of interpersonal relationships I will work for.

Page 11: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Responsible Citizenship ArtifactsResponsible Citizenship Artifacts


Microsoft Word Document

Page 12: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Responsible Citizenship ReflectionsResponsible Citizenship Reflections

As a responsible citizen to my city and my state and my country I appreciate what has As a responsible citizen to my city and my state and my country I appreciate what has been done for my country. I appreciate the men you gave their lives in wars past for the freedom we been done for my country. I appreciate the men you gave their lives in wars past for the freedom we maintain. I appreciate those who have died for their beliefs; I appreciate the hard work and sacrifice that maintain. I appreciate those who have died for their beliefs; I appreciate the hard work and sacrifice that has been poured into the will for freedom. People take freedom for granted so easily. It is easy to just has been poured into the will for freedom. People take freedom for granted so easily. It is easy to just walk to the store and buy food, it is easy to talk about how we think the government is messing up walk to the store and buy food, it is easy to talk about how we think the government is messing up badly, and it is easy to put our votes in during election week. All these things are so taken for granted badly, and it is easy to put our votes in during election week. All these things are so taken for granted we can’t even see we can’t even see why why we should be thinking about these things. we should be thinking about these things.

I chose 4-6-J-WH because it shows how people in other parts of the country have never I chose 4-6-J-WH because it shows how people in other parts of the country have never had the chance to choose who they want to run their country. It really put into perspective how easy it is had the chance to choose who they want to run their country. It really put into perspective how easy it is to just gloss over the important things, and carry on our daily lives. People in other parts of the world to just gloss over the important things, and carry on our daily lives. People in other parts of the world have to use food stamps because they are in times of terrible war, and sometimes they can’t even have to use food stamps because they are in times of terrible war, and sometimes they can’t even buy buy food because they are being trade blockaded. In other places you could be killed for criticizing your food because they are being trade blockaded. In other places you could be killed for criticizing your government. I try everyday to think of something that I take for granted and try to appreciate it as only government. I try everyday to think of something that I take for granted and try to appreciate it as only one who has never experienced it before could appreciate it. I try to be thankful for driving in the car. I one who has never experienced it before could appreciate it. I try to be thankful for driving in the car. I try to be thankful for being able to go to school, though that’s a little bit harder. try to be thankful for being able to go to school, though that’s a little bit harder.

This may not seem like responsible citizenship but when you appreciate what is being This may not seem like responsible citizenship but when you appreciate what is being done for you and when you no longer fool around and treat your country like it is only the place you live done for you and when you no longer fool around and treat your country like it is only the place you live then you begin to become a citizen instead of someone who lives there. then you begin to become a citizen instead of someone who lives there.

Page 13: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Healthy Balanced Living ArtifactsHealthy Balanced Living Artifacts


Microsoft Word Document

Page 14: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Healthy Balanced Living ReflectionsHealthy Balanced Living Reflections

Healthy balanced living doesn’t just deal with your physical health like eating right and exercising. It Healthy balanced living doesn’t just deal with your physical health like eating right and exercising. It also has to deal with balancing your mental intake and making sure your mental health is at its peak. This can be also has to deal with balancing your mental intake and making sure your mental health is at its peak. This can be done by monitoring what goes in. There is a motto that goes like this: Garbage in, Garbage out. What you watch done by monitoring what goes in. There is a motto that goes like this: Garbage in, Garbage out. What you watch affects how you act and how you respond to others. You fill your little old brain with violent and sexual images and affects how you act and how you respond to others. You fill your little old brain with violent and sexual images and you listen to violent and sexual music than the only thing left is for your brain to expel it, and that will happen…you listen to violent and sexual music than the only thing left is for your brain to expel it, and that will happen…through your actions. through your actions.

I chose 4-27-J-Media because I think that when and if people are more aware of what is going into I chose 4-27-J-Media because I think that when and if people are more aware of what is going into their head than they will most likely prevent it from getting in their. Like when people found out about the chicken their head than they will most likely prevent it from getting in their. Like when people found out about the chicken eyeballs in McDonalds chicken nuggets. When this was found out people didn’t eat them, and the company lost eyeballs in McDonalds chicken nuggets. When this was found out people didn’t eat them, and the company lost money and because they lost money they changed things. money and because they lost money they changed things.

Subliminal messages are everywhere and though your eye may not know what’s going on, your Subliminal messages are everywhere and though your eye may not know what’s going on, your brain sure does and it’s affected. For example, during previews in the movies theater in between frames they brain sure does and it’s affected. For example, during previews in the movies theater in between frames they would insert pictures of Coke and Pepsi and since the frames go so fast you can’t tell but your brain sees them. would insert pictures of Coke and Pepsi and since the frames go so fast you can’t tell but your brain sees them. When people find out things like this then change begins to happen.When people find out things like this then change begins to happen.

When you watch what happens to your brain and you make sure that you aren’t being fooled by When you watch what happens to your brain and you make sure that you aren’t being fooled by commercials and you see them for what they are and you realize how ridiculous they are, you are maintaining commercials and you see them for what they are and you realize how ridiculous they are, you are maintaining your mental health better. You then can keep your sanity for a little bit longer. your mental health better. You then can keep your sanity for a little bit longer.

Page 15: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Intellectual Development ArtifactsIntellectual Development Artifacts

2-1-Illegal Sentences2-1-Illegal Sentences


Microsoft Word Document

Microsoft Word Document

Page 16: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Intellectual Development ReflectionsIntellectual Development Reflections

Intellectual development pretty much speaks for itself. When you learn your brain grows and you Intellectual development pretty much speaks for itself. When you learn your brain grows and you

can store knowledge in there for later. This semester was a lot harder than last I thought. The thinking was more can store knowledge in there for later. This semester was a lot harder than last I thought. The thinking was more abstract and required drawing from every corner in my little brain. It stretched my brain by not letting me give one abstract and required drawing from every corner in my little brain. It stretched my brain by not letting me give one sentence answers and not writing one paragraph in my journals. There were no just pat answers; everyone’s sentence answers and not writing one paragraph in my journals. There were no just pat answers; everyone’s answer was right as long as they gave their opinion logically and cohesively. answer was right as long as they gave their opinion logically and cohesively.

Also this year I think that I have grown a lot in my writing. I used to be about a C in my previous Also this year I think that I have grown a lot in my writing. I used to be about a C in my previous writing but now I think I have grown at least one grade. The criticism was constructive and in depth. Never was writing but now I think I have grown at least one grade. The criticism was constructive and in depth. Never was there a, “Oh yeah, this paper is good. A+.” Even though sometimes that’s what I wanted. there a, “Oh yeah, this paper is good. A+.” Even though sometimes that’s what I wanted.

I chose the illegal sentences because although I thought was grammar was wonderful, it turns out I chose the illegal sentences because although I thought was grammar was wonderful, it turns out that I had more to learn than I had thought. I didn’t even know things like a comma splice existed. Though I still that I had more to learn than I had thought. I didn’t even know things like a comma splice existed. Though I still make those mistakes, I am more aware of it now and I am less likely to just gloss over it when I review. It is a lot make those mistakes, I am more aware of it now and I am less likely to just gloss over it when I review. It is a lot harder to not write a comma splice in a paper than it is to tell the quiz the right answer. harder to not write a comma splice in a paper than it is to tell the quiz the right answer.

I chose the research as well because I had no idea servant leadership was such a big deal! I had I chose the research as well because I had no idea servant leadership was such a big deal! I had never even heard of servant leadership before. I guess I knew it existed but I never expected to write a paper on it never even heard of servant leadership before. I guess I knew it existed but I never expected to write a paper on it any time soon. I had to apply my writing skills and be able to extract main ideas from books and apply that into any time soon. I had to apply my writing skills and be able to extract main ideas from books and apply that into the paper. the paper.

I think I have grown greatly in this area. It is school after all, that’s what I should be growing in I think I have grown greatly in this area. It is school after all, that’s what I should be growing in anyway. =]anyway. =]

Page 17: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Communication Skills ArtifactsCommunication Skills Artifacts

2-9-Persuasive Paper2-9-Persuasive Paper

Microsoft Word Document

Page 18: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Communication Skills ReflectionsCommunication Skills Reflections

Communication this year has been the center of all our projects. Because people aren’t around each Communication this year has been the center of all our projects. Because people aren’t around each other physically it is harder to communicate my thoughts and my intent. It is easy to get frustrated when people other physically it is harder to communicate my thoughts and my intent. It is easy to get frustrated when people don’t understand what I am trying to say. However, one must be patient because it is so easy to get don’t understand what I am trying to say. However, one must be patient because it is so easy to get misunderstood because you cannot convey facial expressions and tone and inflection. Therefore you must go to misunderstood because you cannot convey facial expressions and tone and inflection. Therefore you must go to extremes to be gentle and not intense. extremes to be gentle and not intense.

It is very frustrating to have to explain things and you cannot use your hands to demonstrate your It is very frustrating to have to explain things and you cannot use your hands to demonstrate your point and your tone of voice. That’s why I have had to adapt to the circumstances. This program just helps you point and your tone of voice. That’s why I have had to adapt to the circumstances. This program just helps you grow in that. grow in that.

I chose the persuasive paper because when you try to get people to see your point of view it is more I chose the persuasive paper because when you try to get people to see your point of view it is more difficult than most people think. People always have their own opinion about certain things and to get them to difficult than most people think. People always have their own opinion about certain things and to get them to deviate from that is quite difficult, especially if they are stubborn. My father is stubborn and it is impossible to get deviate from that is quite difficult, especially if they are stubborn. My father is stubborn and it is impossible to get him to see the other side of him to see the other side of anything anything there is only his opinion and nothing else. I have to be mature and calm there is only his opinion and nothing else. I have to be mature and calm when I explain to him because otherwise he will see that I am acting like a child and listen even less, though he when I explain to him because otherwise he will see that I am acting like a child and listen even less, though he usually doesn’t listen anyway. usually doesn’t listen anyway.

In my paper I had to explain my position thoroughly and maturely. That takes some skill because In my paper I had to explain my position thoroughly and maturely. That takes some skill because sometimes when I explain my point all I want to do is shout and pound it into their heads. Though you can’t do sometimes when I explain my point all I want to do is shout and pound it into their heads. Though you can’t do that or people won’t listen to you anyway. that or people won’t listen to you anyway.

Page 19: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Personal Management ArtifactsPersonal Management Artifacts

5-05-Final Draft5-05-Final Draft

Microsoft Word Document

Page 20: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Personal Management ReflectionsPersonal Management Reflections

In personal management one must manage themselves as a Christian would. It’s not just In personal management one must manage themselves as a Christian would. It’s not just

using your time wisely though that is part of it, personal management has to do with how you handle using your time wisely though that is part of it, personal management has to do with how you handle yourself and how you use your skills to be a good witness or to show people who you are as a person. yourself and how you use your skills to be a good witness or to show people who you are as a person. For example, instead of going out and drinking with your friends you could go and be the designated For example, instead of going out and drinking with your friends you could go and be the designated driver. And while some may say, well you shouldn’t be there in the first place and you should be telling driver. And while some may say, well you shouldn’t be there in the first place and you should be telling them how bad alcohol is for them. However, you have to choose your battles. If you didn’t go they them how bad alcohol is for them. However, you have to choose your battles. If you didn’t go they would be out drinking anyway and this was you can save a couple lives. Then maybe later you can would be out drinking anyway and this was you can save a couple lives. Then maybe later you can show show through example through example that drinking isn’t the best for you. This way you are managing your time wisely that drinking isn’t the best for you. This way you are managing your time wisely instead of throwing it away on alcohol and the like. You are also managing your life, because you are instead of throwing it away on alcohol and the like. You are also managing your life, because you are making good decisions for the future.making good decisions for the future.

I chose the Final Paper because I think that stewardship has to do with personal I chose the Final Paper because I think that stewardship has to do with personal management because when you are a servant leader and you are serving others by example and you management because when you are a servant leader and you are serving others by example and you are leading as well by example you are managing yourself. You are being responsible and showing are leading as well by example you are managing yourself. You are being responsible and showing others what a good example you are and such. You are leading a life that is responsible and one that others what a good example you are and such. You are leading a life that is responsible and one that people can look to for example. Not only does it help others but it is a help to your own well-being by people can look to for example. Not only does it help others but it is a help to your own well-being by teaching you that serving others is the highest honor one can have and giving you a glimpse of what teaching you that serving others is the highest honor one can have and giving you a glimpse of what Jesus did and why he did it. Jesus did and why he did it.

Page 21: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Aesthetic Appreciation ArtifactsAesthetic Appreciation Artifacts


Microsoft Word Document

Page 22: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Aesthetic Appreciation ReflectionsAesthetic Appreciation Reflections

I love art and I love nature. It’s nice to be able to look outside and not see buildings and I love art and I love nature. It’s nice to be able to look outside and not see buildings and streets and man-made streets and man-made everything. everything. That is why I think everyone needs to live somewhere out in the That is why I think everyone needs to live somewhere out in the country for at least part of their lives. When I was younger we lived way out in the country and it took country for at least part of their lives. When I was younger we lived way out in the country and it took like an hour to get anywhere. It was nice because on Saturdays we would go walking and hiking and like an hour to get anywhere. It was nice because on Saturdays we would go walking and hiking and biking in parks and when it snowed we would make snowballs and roll them across the yard until they biking in parks and when it snowed we would make snowballs and roll them across the yard until they were so heavy that we couldn’t move them, and they were sometimes 6 or 7 feet high. It was nice to were so heavy that we couldn’t move them, and they were sometimes 6 or 7 feet high. It was nice to just be in nature and to be close to the things that God made. There is a reason that John went out into just be in nature and to be close to the things that God made. There is a reason that John went out into the desert in order to be prepared for Christ to come. the desert in order to be prepared for Christ to come.

I chose the 4-26-J-Free because while this wasn’t about nature it was about art and I chose the 4-26-J-Free because while this wasn’t about nature it was about art and creativity and I love art and I love poetry. I think that whenever you are using the natural gifts that God creativity and I love art and I love poetry. I think that whenever you are using the natural gifts that God gave you than you are getting closer to God. And when I write poetry it always makes me feel better gave you than you are getting closer to God. And when I write poetry it always makes me feel better when I am in a bad mood or when I am sad or when I am just wanting to be closer to God because he when I am in a bad mood or when I am sad or when I am just wanting to be closer to God because he gave me that gift for a reason. I like reading poetry because I think it is amazing how words can just gave me that gift for a reason. I like reading poetry because I think it is amazing how words can just flowflow out of someone. It seems like it takes no effort and when someone uses his gifts for God that is all out of someone. It seems like it takes no effort and when someone uses his gifts for God that is all the more amazing. At first when I wrote poetry it was awful and I can barely read it now because it was the more amazing. At first when I wrote poetry it was awful and I can barely read it now because it was so bad. Now, however, I think I am progressing and it is just a stress reliever for me. I feel more relaxed so bad. Now, however, I think I am progressing and it is just a stress reliever for me. I feel more relaxed when I write it. There is something about getting how you feel down on paper that makes you feel when I write it. There is something about getting how you feel down on paper that makes you feel better, and I thank God for the gifts I have. better, and I thank God for the gifts I have.

Page 23: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Career and Service ArtifactsCareer and Service Artifacts

5-05-Final Draft5-05-Final Draft

Microsoft Word Document

Page 24: World History Humanities Portfolio First Semester, 2004-2005 Esti Pinter Sophomore Port Charlotte Seventh Day Adventist School

Career and Service ReflectionsCareer and Service Reflections

I figured what I want to do with my life and I really think that God is calling me to do it I figured what I want to do with my life and I really think that God is calling me to do it

because I have never felt like this about any job that I have imagined up for myself. How I do my job because I have never felt like this about any job that I have imagined up for myself. How I do my job shows others my responsibility and my family ethics by how I was raised. My dad always told me that shows others my responsibility and my family ethics by how I was raised. My dad always told me that how I did a job reflected on him and the family and how well they brought me up. Which was pretty well. how I did a job reflected on him and the family and how well they brought me up. Which was pretty well. Whenever I go out and do a job and have a job I can hear my Dad’s voice in my head, “That’s not Whenever I go out and do a job and have a job I can hear my Dad’s voice in my head, “That’s not finished, do it right the first time.” When you do a job well done and you go above and beyond the call finished, do it right the first time.” When you do a job well done and you go above and beyond the call of duty, people see that and they respect you for that. No one appreciates anything more than a job of duty, people see that and they respect you for that. No one appreciates anything more than a job done that was done better than was established in the first place. done that was done better than was established in the first place.

I chose the 5-05-Final draft because I think that when you are a servant leader you go I chose the 5-05-Final draft because I think that when you are a servant leader you go above and beyond what is supposed to be done of you because you above and beyond what is supposed to be done of you because you want want to serve others and when to serve others and when you want to do something, you do it better than if you were doing something that you didn’t want to do. you want to do something, you do it better than if you were doing something that you didn’t want to do. Servants do things for others. A Christian work ethic would be one that is honest and hard-working Servants do things for others. A Christian work ethic would be one that is honest and hard-working because that is what Jesus was. Therefore when you apply a servant’s attitude to your work you do because that is what Jesus was. Therefore when you apply a servant’s attitude to your work you do anything but an ordinary job. anything but an ordinary job.