WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION THIRTEENTH WORLD HEALTH ASSEMBLY TREIZIEME ASSENBLEE MONDIALE DE LA SAN'l'E ORGANISATION MONDIALE DE LA SANTÉ А13/VR/3 Corr.1 12 May 196о 12 mai 1960 Provisional Verbatim Record Comptes rendus in extenso provisoires THIRD PLENARY MEETING Wednesday, 4 May 1960, at 10 a.m. Page 28, line 11 delete éprouvent insert découvrent Page 34, line 14, and page 35, line 1 delete Dr Saugrain insert Dr Saugrain CORRIGENDA TROISIEME SEANCE PLENTERE Mercredi, 4 mai 1960, à 10 heures Page 28, llèmе ligne au lieu de éprouvent lire découvrent Page 34, 14èmе ligne et page 35, lère ligne au lieu de Dr Sangrain lire Dr Saugrain


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А13/VR/3 Corr.1 12 May 196о 12 mai 1960

Provisional Verbatim Record Comptes rendus in extenso



Wednesday, 4 May 1960, at 10 a.m.

Page 28, line 11

delete éprouvent

insert découvrent

Page 34, line 14, and page 35, line 1

delete Dr Saugrain

insert Dr Saugrain



Mercredi, 4 mai 1960,

à 10 heures

Page 28, llèmе ligne

au lieu de éprouvent

lire découvrent

Page 34, 14èmе ligne et page 35, lère ligne

au lieu de Dr Sangrain

lire Dr Saugrain


TiliasÿNni WOFLiD HEALTH AsSEmmy

б'А7юN МоN!D!• DE-LA, 5,6,1\1%1


4 May 190 TREIZIEME яsSENNFR, MONDIALE DE LA_ salars 4 mai 1960

#rovisionai Verbatim tecord Comptes rendus in extenso



Wеdnеѕdау 4 May 1960 at 10 a.m.

Palais des NationS Geneva


Mercredi' 4 mai i6О 10 heures

Palais des Nations

Ргеѕјdеzt • •

(New Zeeland) ' ' (Nauvalle-Zélande)

Note : In this provisional record speeches ln English or В'гih are reproduced in the language used by the speaker, thast delivtred in stother official language are given in English or French. The final record will be published in separate English, French and Spenieh Version0, each containing speeches in the or/g/nal language Or n trangIat јбn'

Corrections to this provisiosek record should be submitted in writing ti' the ChlefEditoD, Records Service, Rom 33, within 48' hure of ite distribution.

Nоt : Le pr6sent eornpte. rendis' provlseere reprodUlt dana 1s langUe arigInale les discours ProhohO4s sn ј1i ciet enïfrançaisl les; discours grafton46g dams une autre. langue-offidiellemmt tradUlts en anglais Ou en f Le dempte rendu deinitif sera јјј' en trais éditione dietinatee (anglaise, française et chacune reprodulaant Ies diecoure dans la langue origInale ou areisiaduction, suiverit lе caa...

Les devrectionS a'ai рг"sе rendu provisoire doivent r-emigeg par ‚2t. dans 1es 48) butureS OdlOmmt sa' distributien, au Rédacteur en chef, Services des *mn:tee Ееi'я

A13/VR/з page 2



1. Presidential Address 3

2. Terms of Reference of the Main Committees of the World Health Assembly, including the Proposed Procedure for the Consideration of the Annual Programme and Budget Estimates 8

З. Adoption of the Agenda and Allocation of Items to the Main Committees 8

4. Hours of Work 11

5. Admission of New Members and Associate Members 12


1. Discours du Président 3

2. Mandat des commissions principales de l'Assemblée mondiale de la Santé, y compris la procédure proposée pour l'examen du projet annuel de programme et de budget 8

3. Adoption de l'ordre du jour et répartition des points entre les commissions principales 8

4. Horaire de travail 11

5. Admission de nouveaux Membres et Membres associés 12

A13/VR/3 Page 3



The PRESIDENT: Fellow delegates, may I express to you the very great pleasure

with which I accept the honour you have done the Western Pacific Region of this

organization, my own country, New Zealand, and me, in electing me to the presidency of

this Thirteenth World Health A sembly. It is an honour to succeed Sir John Charles,

whose country is a Member of the European Region, and who, a fellow member of the

Commonwealth, has presided over Assembly affair.. with acknowledged dignity and charm.

It is an honour to follow in the footsteps cf Dr Salcedo of the Philippines, the only

other representative of the Western Pacific Region to preside ' -ver a World Health

Assembly. Your action in appointing me, a representative of a very small and far -flung

country, is the earnest that size and power are not the key, but that the door to this

high office is open to any repre entative who believe_ in and works for the World Health


My belief in the World Health Organization was born in New York, in 1946. There

I experienced the thrill of watching and taking an infinitesimal part in the struggles

of the recognized giants of public health of that day to gain acceptance from other

health men of the idea of team action on a broad world front. There was a sense of

urgency - so much needed to be done. There was a sense of uncertainty, for the

previous attempt through the League of Nations had collapsed. There was nevertheless

a determination that world health was a goal possible of achievement, and that this

titleе, if our hand was put to the plough, there must be no failure. And so I watched

the birth of the Constitution which entitles you to sit in your seats t ',day. I

returned home with some of the faith of our early leaders now burning in me - "we must

not fail ".

A1з/V/3 page 4

Since that day I have been privileged to take part in the task of building world

health. The progress has been amazing. As national health men we all experience the

frustrations inherent in national control of finance, where competing interests delay

that progress in national health which we see so clearly could be achieved so quickly

if only we had the means. Enter the World Health Organization, with its supplemental

offer of the merest modicum of finance, but of real substantial help in the planning,

training, and action aspects of programmes for health betterment. From this stimula-

tion - for that is all it is - stems our success. The country being helped responds,

participates in greater degree than previously thought possible by its Government, is

caught up in team work with other countries to safeguard its newly envisaged achieve-

ment, and so the dream of world health seems now, in our Thirteenth Assembly, capable

of realization.

Developing and developed nations have sat together round the Assembly table. In

our early years there was impassioned oratory from the former on the obligations of

the latter to do more and more. Participation in the planning for themselves brought

realization of responsibilities. Although their own problems may have been unresolved,

assistance within their competence was soon being offered to others. Slowly an

international team consciousness grew and blossomed, enabling our Organization to go

from strength to strength. New nations joining us find themselves entangled in this

constructive co- operation. As for others in our early years, it may take some time

for them to realize that membership combines the act of taking with the art of giving,

and that every Member State will become involved in the team work of helping others.


Page 5

Later in its course how happily this Assembly will be greeting some new Members

and Associate Members: Would that the health stalwarts of our early years, men such

as de Paula Souza and Stampar, now passed on, could see the keeness and urgency to

join our Organization shown by nations as soon as they achieve independence. They

are missing this testimony that the World Health Organization has arrived. It is a

force in our present day world.

In his report of work accomplished in 1959 our Director- General provides evidence

of further accomplishment. There is more than a breath of hope that one of our

priorities, malaria eradication, may be achieved. There is a long story of successful

attacks on present and developing problems. Country upon country enjoys the

resultant lengthening in life expectancy and the concomitant rise in productivity

ensuing from long healthful years, consequent upon last and previous years' work.

But last year's Report reveals new and growing challenges. As soon as one health

problem is tackled, another evolves. This it is that keeps bright the keenness of

the national preventive man and holds him to his task. On the international level

the vastness of the problems catch the imagination. The Report of our Director -

General for 1959 not only provides the proof of accomplishment by worthy servants, but

opens up a vista of the pressing challenges still ahead.

You will be taking some steps to meet these challenges when you deal with the

programme for 1961. Some will be In the pestilential diseases, in intensifying

medical research, in protecting mankind from the hazards of ionizing radiations.

Others will meet the challenge of the recrudescence of venereal diseases, the adapta-

tion of tuberculosis programmes to domiciliary chemotherapy, the evaluation of live

A13/VR /3 page 6

poliomyelitis vaccine, the failure, to present date, to make any worth -while advance

in providing all peoples with safe water, the need for further studies and programmes

countering nutritional deficiencies, the advisability of extensions in fellowships to

cope with the world shortage of medical teachers and competent health personnel. And

when all this is duly considered, you still have the problems of developed nations to

discuss - their chronic illnesses, their heart, cancer and mental troubles, their

adulteration of foodstuffs. The canvas is wide. May your brush be facile and sure.

There is a field wherein the World Health Organization has delved but could dig

more. It is the integration of preventive and curative services. True, it has

held technical discussions on the role of the hospital in the community, and has come

up with helpful reports thereon. True, where assistance through WHO has been given

to developing countries in Asia, Latin America and Africa, the end result has usually

been the administration of medical services by the health authority, services well

integrated as regards curative and preventive aspects. Yet this is still a pattern

difficult of achievement in developed countries, though the trend is there even in

countries most tied to free enterprise. No sensible person conceives that one

integration pattern can suddenly be possible for all the world. Yet that world is

experimenting, continuing in free enterprise, or in social insurance, or public

assistance, or universal service schemes, with a general movement discernible from

social insurance to universal service. The World Health Organization, as the supreme

health authority, could interest itself more in the problems of social medicine, and

throw out guide lines leading to integrated preventive and curative services. We

Al3/VR /3 page 7

build such patterns in developing countries. I am a firm believer in the oneness of

medicine. The more the general practitioner, the hospital doctor, and the preventive

medical officer combine and work together towards commonly accepted objectives, the

quicker the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health.

You will, I know, have a happy working time together. We all learn from our

colleagues as we meet annually in this Organization, which gives unparalleled

opportunities for exchanges of knowledge, We will go back home refreshed and

stimulated, with increased ability to evaluate the health state of our own country.

In essence each Assembly is a seminar where information, ideas, experiences and

techniques are pooled, and we depart with further, though unofficial, post -graduate

education. This is one of Assembly's priceless gifts to each receptive representative.

I thank you again for the confidence shown in me personally, and for the honour

which this office brings not only to the individual, but still more to his country and

to his region. I accept it with a sense of humility and the wish and will to serve

you as ably as lies within my powers. Though the accomplishment may fall short of

that achieved by the lengthening line of worthy men who have held this office before

me, I hope that, at the conclusion of our discussions, we may feel that in a modest

way this Thirteenth World Health Assembly has made a contribution towards that funda-

mental objective recited in the United Nations Charter: "the promotion of social

progress and better standards of life in largor freedom."

A13/VR/3 page 8


The PRESIDENT: The next item of business is item 1.8 of the provisional

agenda: Terms of reference of the main committees of the World Health Assembly,

including the proposed procedure for the consideration of the annual programme

and budget estimates. At its first meeting, held yesterday evening, the General

Committee recommended that the Assembly adopt the resolution recommended on this

subject by the Executive Board in its resolution EB25.R6k. For the information

of delegates, this resolution appears on page 29 of Official Records No. 99 of

the World Health Organization. Are there any remarks or comments? There seeming

to be none, may I take it that the resolution is adopted? Thank you.


The PRESIDENT: Item 1.9 of the provisional agenda - Adoption of the agenda

and allocation of items to the main committees. Taking first the adoption of the

agenda: delegates have been informed by document A13 /1 Add.1 that the

Director -General proposes the addition of three supplementary items: "Special

Fund of the United Nations "; "Amendments to Rules of Procedure and adoption of

A13/á /3 page 9

transitional provisions connected with the increase in the membership of the

Executive Board "; and "Report on special accounts (except Malaria Eradication

Special Account): (a) Special Account for Medical Research, (b) Special Account

for Community Water Supply Programme, (c) Special Account for Smallpox Eradication ".

As for the provisional agenda, as prepared by the Executive Board, it is contained

in document А13 /1, sent to all governments sixty days before the opening of the

Assembly. Is the AssemI-ly prepared to adopt its agenda, including the three

supplementary items proposed by the Director -General? Are there any remarks or

comments? I call on the delеgate of France.

Le Professeur PARI$0T (France) : Monsieur le Président, la présente Assemblée,

comme la Douzième, aura à discuter des possibilités de réduire la durée de notre

AssemЫée et hier soir le Bureau méme s'en est préoccupé.

Je me permets de penser qu'en renvoyant devant la Commission des Questions

administratives, financières et juridiques les propositions concernant les candida-

tures comme Membre ou comme Membre associé à notre organisation, il s'ensuivra dans

cette commission des débats qui peuvent étre longs et qui ne manqueront pas d'allonger,

dans les тémes conditions et peut -étre sans utilité, les discussions de notre


Je me permets donc de vous demander si vous n'envisageriez pas favorablement,

avec notre Assembl'e, de discuter dès aujourd'hui de ces propositions sans les

renvoyer à la Commission des Questions administratives.

А13/ТR/3 page 10

The PRESIDENT: It seems, fellow delegates, that the matter raised by

Professor Parisot can be left to a little later because we must adopt the agenda

first. We will return to the matter he raised. So I go back to my previous

question: are there still further comments on the adoption of the agenda? There

being none I take it you have adopted this agenda.

Coming now to the allocation of items to the main committees, the General

Committee recommends that the Assembly allocate the items to the main committees

as indicated in the provisional agenda, document A13 /1, it being understood that

the Assembly might consider allocating item 1.12 - Admission of New Members or

Associate Members - to the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters

(you will remember it was to that that Professor Parisot spoke); that the three

supplementary items mentioned in document A13 /1 Add.l be allocated to the Committee

on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters; that items 2.5 - Report on development

of malaria eradication programme - and 3.16 - Malaria Eradication Special Account -

be considered simultaneously in a joint meeting of both main committees. And now

I ask, is the Assembly prepared to adopt these recommendations (and you will remember

that Professor Parisot proposed that the first one I read be not adopted but that

the item be considered in plenary)? Are there any further speakers?

When you are thinking about this I would ask you to consider that the delegate

of Kuwait, who has an interest in this matter, is not represented here and

irrespective of what you decide about the others it may be wise that you refer

that one, Kuwait, to the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters.

So may I put that to you first? Do you agree with that proposal? I take it you

do. Thank you.


page 11

Now we go back to all the others; and the question before you is, do we deal

with them in plenary or, as the General Committee suggests, in the Committee on

Administration, Finance and Legal Matters? It seems the only way to decide is to

put it to the meeting. Those in favour of dealing with it in plenary please show

their cards. Just to make sure you have it clear, I am asking you to raise your

card if you are in favour of dealing with this admission matter in plenary session.

Thank you. Those who would prefer to deal with it, as recommended by the General

Committee, in the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters, would you

show your cards? Thank you.

The result: for consideration in plenary, 26; in the Committee on Administra-

tion, Finance and Legal Matters, 17; abstentions, 8. So that the matter will be

dealt with in plenary.


The PREOIDENT: Before proceeding to the next item on the agenda, the Assembly

should be informed that the General Committee decided that the hours of work will

be as follows: main committees or plenary meeting, 9.30 to 12, 2.30 to 5.30;

General Committee every day at 12 noon. It recommended that the technical

discussions be held, as at past Assemblies and as proposed in the preliminary number

of the Journal of the Assembly, on Friday 6 and Saturday 7 May, Does the Assembly

agree? I see no disagreement, so I take it you do.

In this connexion all delegates and representatives of invited organizations are

reminded again that if they wish to take part in the technical discussions on the

role of immunization in communicable disease control, and if they have not yet

registered, they can do so at the Enquiries Desk, door 14, before 2 p.m. today.

Registration forms will be available at the desk.

A13/á page 12


The PRESIDENT: The delegates will recall that the President at the opening

meeting yesterday morning gave notice of the intention to propose suspension of

Rule 109 dealing with applications made for admission to membership or associate

membership. It was then explained that twenty -four hours following such notice

the Assembly would be in a position to decide about the suspension of that Rule 109

and, if it so decided, would be able to consider the application for admission to

membership submitted by the Republic of Togoland, which becme independent on

27 April 1960. It was also explained by the President yesterday that suspension

of Rule 109, if decided by the Assembly, would apply to any other application for

admission that might be received either now, as in the case of Kuwait, or in the

course of the present Assembly. So we come to the matter: Is the Assembly

prepared to declare Rule 109 suspended? I take it your silence means you agree

and we will suspend Rule 109.

So now we take item 1.12: Admission of new Members or Associate Members.

As delegates are aware, application for membership has been received from Cameroun

(document А13/2 - and attention is drawn to the corrigendum, in English only, to

this document, concerning the spelling of Cameroun); Togoland (document А1)/6);

Kuwait (document A1з /8) - we have already agreed that we will refer this application

to the Committee on Administration, Finance and Legal Matters.

Moreover, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern

Ireland makes application for the admission of Cyprus to associate membership

(document A13/4), and the French Government has made application for admission to

associate membership of the Central African Republic, the Republic of the Congo,

А13/` R/3 page 13

the Republic of the Ivory Coast, the Gabon Republic, the Republic of Upper Volta,

and the Republic of the Niger (document A13/5). Attention is drawn to the

corrigendum, in English only, to this document, concerning the title of the

Republic of Upper Volta.

Before dealing with these various applications, delegates are invited to make

any general remarks they wish to present. It seems that you have no general

remarks so we will proceed.

Concerning admission to membership, the Assembly should be reminded of Rule 110

of the Rules of Procedure of the Assembly, whereby a State admitted to membership,

in accordance with Article 79 of the Constitution, may then deposit with the

Secretary -General of the United Nations a formal instrument of acceptance of the

Constitution and shall become a Member from the date of such deposit.

Concerning admission to associate membership, the attention of the Assembly

is drawn to Rules 111 and 112, whereby the Member or other authority having

responsibility for the international relations of a territory or group of territory *s

shall, upon the approval by the Assembly of any request for associate membership

made on behalf of such territory or group of territories, give notice to the

Organization of acceptance on behalf of the Associate Member of associate membership.

A territory or group of territories shall become an Associate Member from the date

on which such notice is received. A Member or other authority responsible for the

international relations of an Associate Member, who gives notice of acceptance on

behalf of such Associate Member under Rule 111, shall include in such notice a

statement that the Member or other authority assumes the responsibility for ensuring

the application of Articles 66 to 68 of the Constitution with regard to that

Associate Member. And now we come to a decision on the various applications that

you have before you and we will take them one by one. I recognize the delegate

of France.

A13/`á/3 page 14+

Le Professeur PARISOT (France) : Monsieur le Président, Messieurs les délégués,

c'est pour moi une grande satisfaction de proposer aujourd'hui à votre Assemblée

d'accueillir le Cameroun et le Togo comme Membres de l'Organisation mondiale de

la Santé. En prenant cette initiative, mon gouvernement ne fait que s'acquitter

de ses engagements h l'égard de ces deux pays. Il lui est ainsi donné de leur

apporter un témoignage de sa constante amitié et de sa foi dans leurs destinées.

Placés en 19+6 sous la tutelle de la France, le Togo et le Cameroun ont

franchi toutes les étapes de leur émancipation et viennent d'acquérir leur souve-

raineté pleine et entière. Grace à une transformation progressive de leurs

institutions, ils ont d'abord été dotés d'un gouvernement responsable, placé sous

le contróle d'une Assemblée élue au suffrage universel et direct, puis ont accédé

h la fin de l'année 1958 à l'autonomie interne complète.

Sanctionnant les progrès politiques accomplis par ces deux pays, l'Assemblée

générale des Nations Unies, au cours de sa treizième session, a estimé que les

populations du Togo et du Cameroun, sous la conduite éclairée de leurs gouvernements

respectifs, étaient désormais aptes á s'administrer elles -mémes et a décidé de

mettre fin au régime international de tutelle, dont les buts avaient été atteints.

Par ses résolutions 1253 et 13+9 (XIII), l'Assemblée générale a fixé au ter janvier

1960 pour le Cameroun et au 27 avril 1960 pour le Togo la date de leur accession

á l'indépendance et de la levée de leur accord de tutelle. Les cérémonies qui ont

marqué cet instant historique ont été célébrées le ter janvier dernier h Yaoundé

et viennent de se dérouler à Lomé. En présence de nombreuses délégations étrangères

venues saluer la naissance de ces deux nouveaux Etats, elles ont consacré, avec

toute la solennité désirable, l'entrée dans la grande famille internationale de

deux jeunes Etats libres et pacifiques.

X3//3 page 15

Respectueux de la Déclaration universelle des Droits de l'Homme et de la

Charte des Nations Unies, le Cameroun et le Togo accèdent à la vie internationale

avec des institutions politiques démocratiques, issues du suffrage universel, des

structures administratives solides et une économie transformée et rénovée. Ils

exercent toutes leurs responsabilités internationales et ant déjà été reconnus par

de nombreux Membres de l'Organisation des Nations Unies. Ils ont échangé ou se

proposent d'échanger des représentations diplomatiques avec plusieurs Etats. Nul

ne saurait douter, et le Gouvernement français est particulièrement bien placé pour

en témoigner, que le Togo et le Cameroun acceptent les obligations de la Charte et

qu'ils sont capables de les remplir et disposés à le faire. Le Conseil de Sécurité

a d'ailleurs exprimé sa pleine confiance à cet égard, en recommandant leur admission

comme Membres de l'Organisation des Nations Unies. Ainsi, l'Assemblée générale,

lorsqu'elle ouvrira sa prochaine session, aura le privilège d'accueillir deux

nouveaux Etats dans ses rangs.

Comme ils en ont maintes fois exprimé le désir, le Togo et le Cameroun vont

commencer une fructueuse coopération avec toutes les nations dans l'idéal de paix,

de justice et de respect mutuel qui est le leur. Il est donc normal et légitime que

ces deux jeunes nations souhaitent venir aussitót que possible occuper la place qui

leur revient au sein de notre organisation, dont ils méritent pleinement d'étre

Membres. L'un des buts essentiels du Cameroun comme du Togo est d'assurer le

bien -étre de leurs habitants sous tous ses aspects et le domaine de la santé publique

reçoit de leur part toute la considération et toute l'attention qu'il mérite. Le

concours qu'ils s'engagent à apporter aux travaux de l'Organisation mondiale de la

Santé et les nomereux bienfaits qu'ils ne manqueront pa,s d'en retirer sont des motifs

suffisamment éloquents pour que nous leur ouvrions dès aujourd'hui les pоrtе de notre

Assemblée. Je ne doute pas que la proposition que mon gouvernement m a chargé de

présenter recueillera l'approbation unanime de cette Assemblée.

A13/VR /3 page 16

Puis -je, Monsieur le Président, également soutenir la proposition de candida-

ture des Membres associés ? Je vous remercie.

Il m'est également très agréable de soumettre aujourd'hui à l'agrément de cette

Assemblée la candidature de six Etats de la Communauté qui ont exprimé le désir

d'accéder au statut de Membre associé de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé. Il

s'agit de la République Centrafricaine, de la RépuЫique du Congo, de la République

de Cóte d'Ivoire, de la RépuЫique Gabonaise, de la RépuЫique de Haute -Volta et de

la RépuЫique du Niger. Ces Etats ne bénéficient pas encore de la souveraineté

internationale, il revient donc à la France, qui assure leur représentation exté-

rieure, de présenter ici leur candidature. C'est bien volontiers qu'en tant que

président de la délégation de la République française et de la Communauté je

m'acquitte de cette mission.

L'admission de ces Etats au bénéfice du statut de Membre associé de l'Organi-

sation mondiale de la Santé répond en effet à deux grands impératifs politiques

définis lors de la mise en place des structures de la Communauté. Le premier

consiste dans la souveraineté interne des Etats. Permettez -moi de rappeler ici

qu'aux termes de la Constitution les Etats de la Communauté s'administrent eux -mémes

et gèrent librement leurs propres affaires. A ce titre, tout ce qui concerne la

santé publique relève de leur seule compétence, sans qu'aucun lien subsiste entre

eux et le Ministère de la Santé publique de la RépuЫique française. Par voie de

conséquence, chacun des Etats de la Communauté possède donc son propre Ministère

de la Santé publique, sous l'autorité duquel sont placés tous les services de la

santé ainsi que les agents qui en dépendent, y compris ceux que la France, au titre


page 17

de la coopération et de l'assistance technique, continue à mettre au service de

ces Etats, En second lieu, la politique définie d'un commun accord par tous les

Etats de la Communauté tend à assurer la représentation directe des Etats africains

et malgache qui la composent au sein des organisations internationales chaque fois

que ces Etats en auront exprimé le désir et chaque fois que le permettront les

statuts de ces organisations. D'ores et déjà, la compétence des Ministres de la

Santé publique des Etats de la Communauté déborде le cadre intérieur pour s'étencre

au domaine international, puisqu'aussi Lien ils sont en relations suivies et

directes avec le Bureau régional de l'OMS pour l'Afrique, dont Brazzaville,

capitale de la Répub ique du Congo, s'enorgueillit d'étre le siège.

En vous soumettant et en appuyant chaleureusement la candidature de ces Etats

comme Membres associés de notre organisation, la France souhaite leur donner la

possibilité d'établir avec les instances les plus élevées de l'OMS les excellentes

relations qui se sont nouées à l'échelon local. Ces Etats entendent souscrire

toutes les obligations que comporte le statut de Membre associé, ils s'engagent à

pr4ter aux travaux de notre organisation le concours le plus entier. Ai -je besoin

de dire qu'ils fondent en revanche les plus grands espoirs sur celui que l'Organi-

sation mondiale de la Santé pourra leur apporter dans tous les domaines où s'exerce

son action bénéfique.

page 18

The PRESIDENТ If there are no other speakers we will proceed to the formal

re- olutions. I recognize the delegate of Ghana.

Mr ASUMJA (Ghana): Mr President, fellow delegates, it is with great

pleasure and honour that, as leader of the Ghana delegation, I welcome the

representatives of Togoland, our neighbours, into the international health

community today. A few days ago, my Government participated fully in the

celebrations in connexion with the birth of this African nation. We in Ghana

have not only blood ties but social, economic and cultural links with our

brothers in Togoland. In the unanimous admission of this African State into

full membership of our organization, this Assembly is again recognizing - as

last year when our sister country, Guinea, was admitted - the increasing importance

of Africa in the councils of the world. Next year and in the years to come

this august Assembly will no doubt admit into full membership the independent

States of Nigeria, Somalia, the Congo, Sierra Leone and other independent African

States yet to be born. In this evolution the dream of Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Prime

Minister of Ghana, of the total liberation of Africa, would be realized and a new

concept of African personality in international affairs would bear fruition.

Perhaps, Mr President, this is not the occasion, but I wish to state that

the time has come when the representation of the African Region, in view of the

'wind of changez1 resulting in the birth of the ever -increasing number of

independent African States, should be enlarged to reflect the growing importance

of the whole of Africa in international affairs.

А13/vR /3 page 19

On behalf of the delegation of Ghana, and, I am sure, of all other delegations,

I wish to welcome Togoland into our fold.

Mr President, it is not a usual event when this organization has to admit

into full membership two independent African States on the same day. It is

again, if I may say so, with great pleasure and honour that the Ghana delegation

welcomes the representatives of Cameroun into our fold.

I wish to repeat what I said previously this morning that, with the

increasing number of independent African States, the voice of Africa must

necessarily be strengthened and increased in all our committees and on the

Executive Board. Mindful of the fact that it is only the African representatives

who can represent Africa, it is with great satisfaction that we share the

unanimous approbation of this Assembly.

Mr President, the birth of a nation is usually an occasion for jubilation,

the more so for us in the World Health Assembly when the event brings about an

increase in our membership and afford greater opportunities for international

co- operation and collaboration. We in the African Region are particularly

proud because, the more our membership in the World Health Organization, the

more voices we get in the Organization and, we hope, the more representation we

shall secure in the controlling body of the World Health Organization. At

present, the African Region has one representation in the Executive Board, which

appears inadequate considering the magnitude of our health needs and the necessity

for being heard all the more. It is realized that it is only by increases

in membership of the World Health Organization from the African Region that we

А 13/'ТR/3

page 20

can achieve our aim of full participation in the international work of the World

Health Organization. Ghana and the rest of the independent African States have

always advocated, in New York and elsewhere, the active participation in all

international councils of States which at present belong to the French Community.

Wodау, a great wave of nationalism sweeps over Africa and with the emergence of

new nations the World Health Organization should look forward to many more

applications for membership from the African Region.

My delegation welcomes our new Associate Members, the Republic of the Congo,

the Central African Republic, the Republic of the Ivory Coast, Gabon, Upper Volta

and Niger. Therefore, Mr President, I wish to associate myself with the statements


The PRESIDENT: Before recognizing any further delegates I would remind

you that we still have the formal resolutions to pass and that your wishes to

speak any congratulatory speeches should be left until we have done the formal

procedures. I have a few names but, with that understanding, do you still wish

the floor now or will you wait until we have formally accepted these nations?

If you wish to come up now, put your card up again - but there should not be

any congratulatory speeches.

We will proceed to the formal resolutions.

Dr DOROLLE, Deputy Director -General: Mr President, first, the draft

resolution on the candidature of Cameroun:

"The Thirteenth World Health Assembly

"ADМ1'ТS Cameroun as a member of the World Health Organization, subject

to the deposit of a formal instrument with the Secretary - General of the

United Nations, in accordance with Article 79 of the Constitution."

Аl3/V1/3 page 21

The PRESIDENT: Do you agree with this resolution? I take it you agree.

Cameroun is admitted as a Member. (Applause - Applaudissements)

The DEPUTY DIRECTOR- GENERAL? With regard to the candidature of the Republic

of Togoland, the resolution would read as follows:

"The Thirteenth World Health Assembly

"ADMITS the Republic of Togoland as a Member of the World Health

Organization, subject to the deposit of a formal instrument with the

Secretary -General of the United Nations, in accordance with Article 79 of the


The PRESIDENT: Does the Assembly agree to admit Togoland? Togoland is

admitted as a Member. (Applause - Applaudissements)

The DEPUTY DIRECTOR- GENERAL: Mr President, with regard to the admission of

the Associate Members, the first resolution, regarding Cyprus, would read as follows:

"The Thirteenth World Health Assembly

"ADMITS Cyprus as an Associate Member of the World Health Organization,

subject to notice being given of acceptance of associate membership on behalf

of Cyprus in accordance with Rules 111 and 112 of the Rules of Procedure of

the World Health Assembly."

The PRESIDENT: I recognize the delegate of the United Kingdom of Great

Britain and Northern Ireland.

Dr RAE (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland): Mr President,

fellow delegates, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is

honoured to accept this associate membership on behalf of Cyprus and assumes

responsibility for ensuring the application of Articles 66 to 68 of the Constitution

of the World Health Organization with regard to that territory.

A13/]R /3 page 22

Having made this formal statement, I would like to express the hearty

congratulations of my delegation to Cyprus and to its distinguished representative.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you. The Assembly wishes now to admit Cyprus as an

Associate Member? Cyprus is admitted. (Applause - Applaudissements)

D<:es the delegate of Cyprus wish to speak now, or will he wait until the

other resolutions are put? I take it that he will wait.

The DEPUTY DIRECTOR -GENERAL: The next candidature is that of the Central

African Republic. The resolution would read as follows:

"The Thirteenth World Health Assembly

"ADMITS the Central African Republic as an Associate Member of the

World Health Organization, subject to notice being given of acceptance of

associate membership on behalf of the Central African Republic in accordance

with Rules 111 and 112 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assembly."

The PRESIDENT: Does the Assembly agree to admit the Central African Republic

as an Associate Member? The Central African Republic is admitted as an Associate

Member. (Applause - Applaudissements)


"The Thirteenth World Health Assembly

"ADMITS the Republic of the Congo as an Associate Member of the Woi*id

Health Organization, subject to notice being given of acceptance of associate

membership on behalf of the Republic of the Congo in accordance with Rules 111

and 112 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assembly."

A 13/VR/3 page 23

The PRESIDENT: Does the Assembly admit the Republic of Congo as an Associate

Member? The Republic of Congo is admitted. (Applause - Applaudissements)


"The Thirteenth World Health Assembly

"ADMITS the Republic of the Ivory Coast as an Associate Member of the

World Health Organization, subject to notice being given of acceptance of

associate membership on behalf of the Republic of the Ivory Coast in accordance

with Rules 111 and 112 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assembly."

The PRESIDENT: Does the Assembly admit the Republic of the Ivory Coast as an

Associate Member? The Ivory Coast is admitted. (Applause - Applaudissements)


"The Thirteenth World Health Assembly

"ADMITS the Gabon Republic as an Associate Member of the World Health

Organization, subject to notice being given of acceptance of associate member-

ship on behalf of the Gabon Republic in accordance with Rules 111 and 112 of

the Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assembly."

The PRESIDENT: Does the Assembly admit the Republic of Gabon as an Associate

Member? The Republic of Gabon is admitted. (Applause - Applaudissements)


"The Thirteenth World Health Assembly

"ADMITS the Republic of Upper Volta as an Associate Member of the World

Health: Organization, subject to netice being given of acceptance of associate

membership on behalf of the Republic of Upper Volta in accordance with Rules 111

and 112 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assembly."


page 24

The PRESIDENT: Does the Assembly admit the Republic of Upper Volta as an

Associate Member? Uper Volta is admitted. (Applause - Applaudissements)


"The Thirteenth World Health Assembly

"ADМITS the Republic of the Niger as an Associate Member of the World Health Organization, subject to notice being given of acceptance of associate membership on behalf of the Republic of the Niger in accordance with Rules 111 and 112 of the Rules of Procedure of the World Health Assembly."

The PRESIDENT: Does the Assembly admit the Republic of the Niger as an

Associate Member? The Republic of the Niger is admitted. (Applause -


The PRESIDENT: I recognize the delegate of Belgium.

Le Dr GOOSSENS (Belgique) : Monsieuг le Président, Mesdames, Messieurs, le

Gouvernement belge, en raison des responsabilités qu'il assume au Congo belge et

dans le Ruanda -Urundi, se réjouit grandement de voir accéder au sein de notre

famille la grande famille de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé, les différents

peuples qui viennent de se voir consacrés soit comme Membres, soit comme Membres

associés. Le Gouvernement y voit non seulement le témoignage d'un renforcement

de ces relations de bon voisinage qui n'ont jamais cessé d'exister entre des peuples

qui ont les mémes préoccupations sanitaires et pour qui lui -mmе a d'ailleurs

accompli, dans ce domaine, un effort considérable mais il y voit aussi le présage

d'une réalisation plus сomрléte, plus aisée et plus rapide des objectifs poursuivis

á la fois au sein de la Région africaine et au sein de notre organisation sur le

plan mondial. A tous ces titres, le Gouvernement belge adresse ses voeux les plus

cordiaux de bienvenue à tous les pays fraîchement admis.

л13/vR /3

page 25

The PRESIDENT: I recognize the delegate of Poland.

Dr JUCHNIEWICZ (Poland) (translation from the Russian): Mr. President,

delegates, it is quite clear that the success of our organization will depend on

the active participation of its present Members and also on whether all States take

part in its work. For that reason the Polish delegation welcomes the delegations

of Cameroun and Togoland and of the Associate Members - Cyprus, the Central African

Republic, the Republic of the Congo, the Republic of the Ivory Coast, the Gabon

Republic, the Republic of Upper Volta, and the Republic of the Niger.

The PRESIDENT: I recognize the delegate of India.

Dr MUDALIAR (India) : Mr President, on behalf of the Government of India and

myy delegation, I have much pleasure in associating myself with the congratulations

that have been offered by other Members on the splendid achievement of today, which

will go down as a remarkable day in the history of the World Health Organization.

For some time past, we have on occasion admitted Members, and Associate Members

as well, to this organization. It speaks volumes, however, for the efforts made by

those who are responsible for the trusteeship countries, that we have the great

privilege of welcoming two Members and several Associate Members to work with us in

comradeship to improve the conditions of health in the world. I am sure, Sir, that

your words have been taken note of by all of them; that these new Members and

Associate Members do realize that they have rights and privileges as well as duties

and obligations to the World Health Organization; and that with this new ideal that

they have imbibed and the spirit of earnestness which they are sure to show, the work

of the World Health Organization will progress rapidly0

л13ЛТR /3 page 26

Once mare let me, on behalf of my Government and delegation, offer our warmest

felicitations to the two new Members and to the several Associate Members.

The PRESIDEМT: I recognize the delegate of Cyprus,

Dr PANGS (Cyprus): Mr President, dear colleagues, on behalf of Cyprus I express

to every one of you grateful thanks for your decision today to ё.dmit my country as

an Associate Member .cf the World Health Organization, I also avail myself of this

opportunity to express warm thanks to the Government of the United Kingdom for kindly

sponsoring the application of Cyprus for associate membership. I wish to add that

His Beatitude the President elect of my country sends his warm greetings to this

honourable Assembly and his best wishes for the full success of this conference.

This is an auspicious day for us Cypriot_;; we welcome it as the harbinger of

the approaching day when our country will be an independent State and consequently

eligible to become a full Member of this eminent and, for us in the medical profession,

most important international organization.

Cyprus, as all of you no doubt know, is an island. Though the third in size of

the islands in the Mediterranean, as a country it is comparatively small, with a

population of only some 550 000. But it has a very long and varied past and,

therefore, it is rich in history and tradition. Lying as it does in the Eastern

Mediterranean, it has throughout the centuries formed a kind of bridge between the

East and the West; it has been a meeting -place of peoples and cultures, of beliefs

and ideas. Our heritage is therefore such that we can draw strength and deter-

mination from it for the tasks of civilization t .:vt lie ahead of us, not least of

which is the maintenance and improvement of the health of our fellow countrymen.

A13 /vR /3 page 27

Your happy decision of today confers upon my country an honour and a privilege

which are fully appreciated and which, I assure you, will be a constant source of

inspiration and encouragement to us Cypriots to play our part in the achievement of

the great objects for which this organization was established. It is an honourable

and worthy task, in the performance of which we shall be proud to take part and

happy to collaborate with other countries. With Godts help we face the future with

confidence and have faith that we shall be able to do our bit in this branch of the

brotherhood of nations.

Gentlemen, on behalf of my country, I thank you again for your support.

The PRESIDENT: I recognize the delegate of the Union of Soviet Socialist


Dr KURАSHOV (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) (translation from the Russian):

Mr President, gentlemen, the delegation of the Soviet Union notes with great

satisfaction the increase in the size of the World Health Organization with the

entry as new Members of Tagoland and Cameroun, and as Associate Members of Cyprus,

the Central African Republic, the Republic of the Congo, the Republic of the Ivory

Coast, the Gabon Republic, the Republic of Upper Volta, and the Republic of the Niger.

We are convinced that the World Health Organization will prove extremely useful in

helping these young and developing republics to carry out their national health

programmes, Furthermore, the active participation of the new Members and Associate

Members in the work of WHO will strengthen its prestige among the peoples of the

whole world and will increase its authority as the most representative international

organization working for humanitarian ends,

The PRESIDENT: I recognize the delegate of Cameroun.

А 13/VR/3 page 28

Le Dr TCHOUNGUI (Cameroun) : Monsieur le Président, Mesdames, Messieurs les

délégués, par acclamation votre Assеmbléе vient de décider l'admission du Cameroun

à l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé. Par cet acte solennel, vous avez fait

confiance à un jeune Etat africain et c'est pour mon pays un grand honneur d'être

admis à cette organisation quatre mois seulement après son accession à l'indépen-

dance. C'est aussi pour nous, Camerounais, un sujet de satisfaction, un acte de

foi et une raison d'espérance. Et il m'est particulièrement agréable de prendre la

parole à cette Treizième Assemb1 ée pour vous exprimer mon émotion personnelle et

vous transmettre les remerciements et la vive gratitude du Gouvernement du Cameroun

et de la population camerounaise tout entière.

Ce n'est pas aujourd'hui que les Camerounais éprouvent pour la première fois

la générosité de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé; ses bienfaits se sont déjà

manifestés dans divers domaines dans notre pays. Je n'en veux pour preuve que les

résultats encourageants дéjà obtenus, grâce à l'aide qu'elle nous apporte, dans la

lutte que nous menons contre la lèpre et surtout ceux encore plus brillants дéjà

observés dans la voie de l'éradication du paludisme. Ce sont d'ailleurs ces derniers

résultats, j'en suis convaincu, qui ont fait choisir Yaoundé comme lieu de réunion

du colloque sur le paludisme en mars 1961. Ce sera pour nous, Messieurs les délégués,

un honneur et un plaisir d'y accueillir le plus grand nombre possible d'entre vous

et d'apporter ainsi notre modeste contribution dans cette oeuvre commune que

constitue l'amélioration de la santé et du niveau de vie de tous les peuples.

Nos remerciements vont particulièrement à la France qui a bien voulu présenter

tout à l'heure notre candidature au sein de votre Assembléе et dont l'action sa-

nitaire a, jusqu'à ce jour revêtu une ampleur considérable dans mon pays et où le

nom de Jamot, vainqueur de la maladie du sommeil, est et sera toujours honoré.

A13 /V? /3 page 29

Nos remerciements vont également à toutes les délégations qui ne nous ont pas

ménagé leurs paroles de bienvenue.

Croyez, Monsieur le Président, Mesdames, Messieurs, que nous, Camerounais,

nous ferons tout ce qui est en notre pouvoir pour mériter les marques de confiance

que vous nous avez prodzuées et qui me vont, personnellement, droit au coeur.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you, Dr Tchoungui. I recognize the delegate of Viet -Nam.

Le Professeur TRAN VY (Vien -Nam) : I1 m'est particulièrement agréable de pré-

senter, au nom de mon gouvernement, mes souhaits les plus chaleureux de bienvenue

à ces pays africains qui sont pour nous des pays frères à qui le Viet -Nam est lié

par une communauté de destin.

Je suis fermement convaincu que la coopération des nouveaux Membres avec votre

organisation sera fructueuse. Je forme en cette heureuse circonstance, pour les

nouveaux Membres, les voeux les plus fervents de suces dans l'accomplissement de

ces nouvelles missions qui sont à l'échelle de leurs nouvelles responsabilités :

la consolidation de leur indépendance, l'amélioration du standard de vie et du

niveau de la santé publique.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you, Professor Tran Vy. I recognize the delegate of


Le Dr ALAN (Turquie) : Monsieur le Président, Messieurs les délégués, c'est

avec un grand plaisir que la délégation turque se joint aux orateurs précédents

pour exprimer ses sentiments de sympathie et souhaiter une chaleureuse bienvenue aux

deux nouveaux Membres, le Cameroun et le Togo.

А13/УR /3

page 30

Je ne voudrais pas manquer cette occasion pour étendre la sympathie et les

souhaits de bienvenue de ma délégation à tous les Membres associés qui viennent de

se joindre à nous.

La délégation turque se réjouit de voir s'aecroitre les membres de notre

famille sanitaire. Il est certain que ces nouveaux Membres et Membres associés

contribueront utilement à l'activité de l'OMS et renforceront nos rangs. Je leur

adresse nos sincères félicitations.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you, Dr Alan. I recognize the delegate of Sudan.

Dr ABU SHAMMA (Sudan):. Mr President, fellow delegates, it is a great

pleasure and honour for my delegation and for my country too to congratulate warmly

and heartily Cameroun and Tegoland on their admission to the World Health

Organization as full Members and to congratulate, also warmly and heartily, the

Republics of Central Africa, Congo, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Upper Volta and Niger as

Associate Members.

It is a great day for rejoicing for us in the Sudan to see that our brothers

in Africa are taking their rightful places among independent nations and that they

are recognized in these international organizations. May we also associate ourselves

with the congratulations to Cyprus on its admission as an Associate Member.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you, Dr Abu Shamma. I recognize the delegate of fiunisia.

Ala /V1ј3 page 31

M. BEN SALAH (Tunisie) : Monsieur le Président, Messieurs les délégués, il

est particulièrement réconfortant pour la délégation de la République Tunisienne

de voir des pays frères africains accéder au statut de Membre de plein droit dans

cette Assemblée. Il est également agréai e de voir que d'autres pays, africains

ou non, accèdent au statut de Membre associé, qu'ils aient demandé à être Membres

de l'OMS. Ces pays ont démontré, et nous en sommes convaincus, que, ayant connu

le dur chemin de la libération et de l'indépendance, ils sauront réussir dans lа

voie du développement, car il est bien entendu que c'est à ce prix que l'indé-

pendance sera un succès pour eux et pour leur peuple.

Au nom de mon gouvernement, je leur souhaite la bienvenue et le plein succès

dans leur action de développement pour le relèvement du niveau de leur peuple.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you. I call the delegate of Indonesia.

Dr SOEWONDO (Indonesia): Mr President, distinguished fellow delegates, on

behalf of my fellow delegates I want to associate myself with others who have

expressed words of welcome and congratulations to the new Members and Associate

Members. They are, like my country, Indonesia, developing countries, and I would

like to ask WHO to take a great interest in the health problems of these countries.

As a matter of fact, developing countries are still in the first stage of

implementing health programmes like environmental sanitation, yaws control etc.,

and there are a lot of difficulties to face which can be solved with the help and

advice of WHO.

А13/vR /3 Page 32

The PRESIDENT: Thank you, Dr Soewondo. I recognize the delegate of the

Republic of Congo.

Le Dr MAHOÜATA (République du Congo) : Monsieur le Président, Messieurs les

délégués, mon intention est de vous dire combien la République du Congo vous est

reconnaissante pour son admission au sein de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé.

Après l'acte de sagesse que vous venez d'accomplir á l'égard de mon pays, je me fais

un devoir de vous présenter, au nom de la RépuЫique du Congo, l'expression émue

de nos sincères remerciements. C'est un honneur insigne que vous faites et un

privilège certain que vous accordez au jeune Etat que je représente ici. C'est en

effet un honneur et un privilège que d'appartenir à votre organisation.

Permettez, Messieurs, que j'adresse tous mes remerciements à la France qui,

fidèle à sa tradition, a accepté d'introduire notre requête et aussi à l'Assemьlée

mondiale de la Santé qui a accepté cette candidature.

Si j'ai un souhait à formuler, c'est que l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé

vive et que toutes les nations s'y associent, car il y a ici, pour le genre humain,

des raisons indéniables d'espérer.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you, Dr Mahouata. I recognize the delegate of


A13/VR/3 page 33

Dr BARCLAY (Liberia): Mr President, fellow delegates, ladies and gentlemen,

it is an important decision I think which this Assembly has taken today, the

decision to admit so many new Members to this organization, and on behalf of the

Government of Liberia, I wish to welcome Cameroun and Togoland on their accession

to membership of this organization. I also wish to welcome and to congratulate

the other countries, including Cyprus, that have today been admitted as Associate

Members of this organization.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you, Dr Barclay. I recognize the delegate of the


Dr VALENCIA (Philippines): Mr President, distinguished colleagues and

friends, the Philippine delegation happily joins our colleagues in congratulating

the new Members and Associate Members of this august body. As a small and young

nation we are extremely happy to see new countries join us in this great


World peace depends on world health, on health as we know it, which is not

alone freedom from disease and infirmity but a state of complete physical, mental

and social well -being. If considerations of health transcend territorial

boundaries, national or racial distinctions, religious and political creeds - as,

indeed, we who are here believe and endeavour to achieve - then all of us here

are men of peace. Complete physical well -being predisposes mankind to good mental

health. Complete mental well -being tends to promote good human relations and public

relations, and complete social well -being is achieved by people in good physical

and mental health as well as further promoting a desirable state of complete health.

Our deliberations here, therefore, specially among sincere and charitably inclined

A l3/чR/3

page з1.

individuals, provide for an optimistic outlook, and we look forward to the day

when all humanity shall be concerned with the enemies of mankind - debility,

disease and despair - and not with all the trifling differences of selfish

considerations. I would,therefore, in the name of my Government, join all

governments and nations that would secure for all men liberty, justice, equal

opportunities, freedom, good health and happiness. Towards this end, we who are

assembled in the interests of health are also convened in the interest of life.

We bring you therefore and reiterate, the Philippine delegation's, our Government's

and our people's high hopes that within the framework of this great World Health

Organization, even in the United Nations, our labours for the health of peoples

all over the world will result in freedom and peace for each and all of us.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you, Dr Valencia. I recognize the delegate of the

Central African Republic.

Le Dr SANGRAIN (République Centrafricaine) : Monsieur le Président, Messieurs

les délégués, au nom du Gouvernement de la R.épublique Centrafricaine que je repré-

sente ici, je vous remercie de l'honneur que vous nous faites en nous admettant

au sein de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé en tant que Membre associé.

Nous remercions la France qui a permis à la République Centrafricaine d'accéder

á cette dignité. Notre gouvernement est prêt à collaborer avec l'Organisation

mondiale de la Santé dans sa tâche et à recevoir son aide et ses conseils.

А13//3 page 35

The PRESIDENTS Thank you, Dr Sangrain. I recognize the delegate of Japan.

Dr SEIJO (Japan): Mr President and fellow delegates, on behalf of the

Government and delegation of Japan, I wish to associate myself with the previous

speakers in warmly welcoming new Members and Associate Members.

The PRESIDENTS Thank you, Dr Seijo. I recognize the delegate of the

Republic of Gabon.

M. THERAROZ (République Gabonaise) : Monsieur le Président, Messieurs les

délégués, vous avez fait à la République Gabonaise le trés grand honneur de la

recevoir au sein de votre Assembléе et je suis chargé, par le Gouvernement du

Gabon, de vous en remercier et de vous dire la fierté et la satisfaction profonde

qu'il éprouve à l'issue de votre vote.

Je remercie tout particuliérement le Gouvernement de la République française

qui nous a tenue sur les fonds baptismaux. Je remercie aussi les délégations qui

ont bien voulu se féliciter de notre entrée á l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé.

Nous sommes fiers de notre entrée à l'OMS parce que, en Afrique, cette orga-

nisation est réputée pour le sérieux de son travail, pour l'efficacité de ses

réalisations, pour le dévouement de ses animateurs et de ses Membres à la cause

- qui doit nous étre commune - de l'amélioration de la vie humaine. L'Organisation

mondiale de la Santé, pour la Répuьlique Gabonaise, apparaît comme un des exemples

les plus parfaits de ce que devraient étre les institutions spécialisées des


Page 36

Nations Unies. Ici, en effet, l'accent n'est pas mis sur ce qui divise mais sur

ce qui unit, à savoir la souffrance commune à tous les hommes et le commun souci

que nous avons d'y mettre un terme.

Petit pays très peu peuplé, le Gabon cherche et travaille tout particulièrement

à retrouver un dynamisme démographique indispensable à son développement et à

améliorer la condition de ses populations. Pour cela, l'aide active de la France

et de la Communauté ne lui a pas été ménagée, mais il compte aussi et encore

beaucoup sur l'aide et la compréhension de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé et

de ses Membres.

Nous attendons, je vous le répète, beaucoup de votre organisation, de votre

expérience aussi, car nous savons qu'au sein de cette Assembée certains des pays

représentés vivent dans des conditions physiques et climatiques semblables à celles

que l'on retrouve sur le territoire du Gabon.

Avant de terminer, je voudrais dire que notre entrée à l'OMS signifie aussi

pour nous une collaboration active et que nous prendrons part, nous aussi, sur le

plan international et dans la mesure de nos moyens, aux efforts qui seront faits

pour soulager les populations déshéritées. Nous arrivons ici avec l'esprit de

coopération le plus sincère et nous n'aspirons qu'à une chose : pouvoir travailler

avec vous au bien -étre commun de tous les hommes.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you. I recognize the delegate of the United States

of America.

A13/ R/3 page 37

Mr НENDERSON (United States of America): Mr President, I am delighted on

behalf of the Government of the United States to extend our warmest congratulations

to the new Members, Cameroun and Togoland, and the Associate Members - those from

Africa, and Cyprus - who have just completed their affiliation to the World Health

Organization. It is our hope that as the membersship of WHO grows, as its resources

increase, we may the better re- dedicate ourselves to those most worthwhile

objectives of this international organization, and may increase our co- operation,

our abilities and our endeavours to assault the ravages of illness and disease

throughout the world.

I assure you, Sir, of the fullest interest and co- operation of the Government

and the people of the United States; and we congratulate the new Members and

Associate Members just admitted.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you, Mr Henderson. I recognize the delegate of the

Republic of the Ivory Coast.

Le Dr KONE (République de Cóte d'Ivoire) : Monsieur le Président, Messieurs,

vous qui connaissez l'ampleur, la complexité et l'urgence des problèmes de santé

dans la partie occidentale de l'Afrique, vous comprendrez aisément le sens profond

dE, la joie et surtout de l'émotion qu'éprouve un responsable africain au moment où

son pays est appelé á siéger dans une assemblée aussi éminente et aussi distinguée

que la vótre et vous me pardonnerez ainsi, j'en suis sûr, la brièveté de mon discours.

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En associant la République de Cóte d'Ivoire à l'oeuvre de haute humanité

qui est celle de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé, vous lui avez fait un honneur,

un grand honneur. C'est pourquoi je vous remercie très sincèrement au nom de son

gouvernement, au nom de son peuple tout entier, et je vous prie de m'autoriser á

interpréter le suffrage que vous venez de lui accorder comme une manifestation

nouvelle de la solidarité internationale.

Le Dr LAMBIN (RépuЫique de Haute -Volta) : Monsieur le Président, Messieurs

les délégués, au nom du Gouvernement de la République de Haute -Volta que j'ai

l'honneur de représenter, il est inutile de vous dire combien je suis touché de

l'acte solennel que vous venez d'accomplir en admettant mon pays comme Membre

associé de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé. J'en suis heureux et fier et de

tout mon coeur je vous en remercie.

Vous me permettrez, du haut de cette tribune, d'exprimer toute notre gratitude

la France, qui a parrainé notre candidature et guidé nos pas jusqu'au stade

actuel. A toutes les délégations, je dis merci de l'insigne honneur que vous venez

de nous faire. Puissions -nous, si modestement que ce soit, apporter notre

contribution fl,u bonheui des peuples que nous re:.herchons dans cette grande organi-

sation qu'est l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you. I call on the delegate of the Republic of the


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Le Dr BORREY (République du Niger) : Monsieur le Président, Messieurs les

délégués, au nom de la République du Niger, j'ai le grand honneur d'exprimer de

chaleureux remerciements pour ce que vous avez bien voulu admettre cette jeune

république en qualité de Membre associé l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé.

Mon cher Maître, Monsieur le Professeur Parisot, chef de la délégation

française, au premier chef, j'apporte avec émotion les profonds remerciements,

l'infinie gratitude du Gouvernement du Niger et de mes compatriotes Nigériens, à

la France qui nous a permis d'arriver parfaitement entraînés à ce premier stade

de Membre associé dans le cadre de la Communauté.

Je remercie les nombreux délégués qui ont bien voulu nous féliciter parti-

culièrement et nous uhaiter si affectueusement et si sincèrement la bienvenue.

Cette accession aux travaux de l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé nous

honore tellement. Nous arrivons avec la volonté de servir avec passion, au suprême

conseil de la santé, le bien -être commun de l'humanité tout entière. Nous sommes

fiers de faire partie de votre équipe qui tend dorénavant, comme le disait tout à

l'heure notre Président, à avoir une action universelle.

Permettez -moi, Messieurs, d'évoquer moi aussi la mémoire de mon ami le

Professeur da Souza qui, déjà en 1945, au moment de 1'UNRRA, imaginait et souhaitait

avec foi devant moi à Washington l'accession de tous les peuples du monde à une

future organisation mondiale de la santé. Comme il serait rayonnant de joie et

de bonheur ce matin.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you, Dr Borrey.

Fellow delegates, I have one more speaker to call on, it is getting late, and

we would like to finish this particular part of the meeting if we can. Are there

any others wishing to speak? I call on the delegate of Afghanistan.

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Le Dr GHANI AFZAL (Afghanistan) : Monsieur le Président et chers collègues,

au nom de mon gouvernement et de ma délégation, j'ai l'honneur d'offrir mes

sentiments cordiaux aux pays africains, le Togo et le Cameroun, que nous accueillons

parmi nous comme Membres de l'OMS et en même temps d'offrir mes félicitations aux

pays devenus Membres associés de l'OMS.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you, Dr Afzal. The delegate of Ghana.

Mr АSUMDА (Ghana): Mr President, on behalf of the Government of Ghana and

of my delegation, I extend to the representative of Cyprus the hearty congratu-

lations of the people and Government of Ghana on the admission of Cyprus to

associate membership of the World Health Organization. I am confident that the

spirit of independence which has been evident in the struggle of the Cypriot

peoples thróuг'hvA their history will contribute to the smooth working of this

World Health Organization.

The PRESIDENT: Thank you, Mr Asumda.

Before closing this item, I wish to note and place on record that associate

membership was accepted earlier in our proceedings by the Government of the

United Kingdom on behalf of Cyprus, and by the Government of France on behalf of

the Central African Republic, the Republic of the Congo, the Republic of the

Ivory Coast, the Gabon Republic, the Republic of Upper Volta and the Republic

of the Niger, thus complying with Rules 111 and 112 of the Rules of Procedure.

The meetins rose at 12.10 p.m. La séance est levée à 12 h.10