Burrator BEACON Winter 2010 A snowy Sheepstor, January 2010 photo: Bev Mears

Winter Beacon 2010 - Burratorburrator.gov.uk/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/Winter-Beacon-20101.pdf · records for 1558, the year the first Queen Elizabeth came to the throne, there is

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Burrator BEACON Winter 2010


A snowy Sheepstor, January 2010 photo: Bev Mears

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2 Burrator Beacon

Editorial Jenny Sharp

Welcome to the Winter Edition of the Beacon. As I write this, it is cold but sunny afternoon and the frost is still there where the sun has not reached it. Snow is forecast much to the excitement of the children but not the grownups who have to try and get on with important things like getting to work and doing the shopping! There is some information about driving in winter conditions on page 13. Yes it is common sense but it is always worth checking what you have in your car – did you eat that chocolate that was there for emergencies?

Whatever the weather, winter is here and that means the traditional Carol Concerts and Services in our Churches (page 15), Pantomime time (oh yes it is on page 7) and winter walks (page 11). Details of all events over the next few months can be found throughout this edition, keep the Dates for your Calendar on page 23 as a handy reminder.

Also in this edition you will find information about the proposed Conservation area for Walkhampton (page 6) and details of the emerging Burrator Parish Plan (page 12). This is your chance to inform those who might be able to do something about things – please take time to think about what is good about where we live and things that you grumble about.

May I take this opportunity to wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas and a good start to 2011.

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Clerk’s Report Lucie A Luke – Parish Clerk

Please read the Briefing Note from DNPA in this Edition to get an update on the position of Yennadon Quarry, Dousland. Please do not hesitate to contact Dan Janota on 01626 832093, Cllr John Howells 01822 853865 or the Clerk Lucie Luke on 01822 614278 with any queries.

Councillor Mike Tozer has regrettably tendered his resignation from the Parish Council. We thank Mike for his contribution to the Parish Council in particular his assistance with speeding concerns on the B3212 at Dousland. As a result of this, Devon County Council have acknowledged that speeding is an issue on this road and advise us "We have agreed with the Police that some enforcement action should be undertaken by the Safety Camera Partnership" and that "the site will be approved in the near future and once this is done, enforcement action can be undertaken".

We welcome Councillor David Wright, who will sit on the Walkhampton Ward for the Parish Council.

Dartmoor National Park Authority recently held a presentation afternoon for their Proposed Conservation Area for Walkhampton and at the time of this report, are waiting for an update from them. The Parish Council will then consider what the next step could be; do the local residents want a Conservation Area? if so, what boundaries should be agreed?

Devon County Council have been liaising with land owners and their representatives regarding the long awaited proposed footpath on the B3212 from Dousland to Woodman’s Corner, to gain their current position. However, it appears that lack of funding will likely delay this further.

With regard to cuts to public services, the Parish Council have been advised that Devon County Council will not be providing additional grit bins to those existing throughout the Parish. However, Councillor Philip Sanders (County Councillor), is liaising with Highways to use his locality budget to fund some essential grit bins. We have provided a list of required locations throughout the Parish and wait eagerly to see if any bins will appear before the cold weather sets in again..

The Parish Council wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

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GRAFFITI AND CHEWING GUM REMOVAL 15 Church View, Walkhampton, Nr Yelverton, PL20 6JS

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Meavy C of E Primary School Sue Blair - headteacher

The new term has been a busy one and the school’s Harvest Festival at St Peter’s Church Meavy was enjoyed by all. The church was beautifully decorated and the service was well attended. Many parents were very appreciative of the service. The children performed most enthusiastically and £69 was raised to give to ‘Seeds for Africa’

Our year 6 pupils enjoyed their participation in the Junior Lifeskills event and, as usual learned much from it. Many of us know what we should do in an emergency, in theory, but how many of us remember that and are able to carry it out in practice? A very productive day.

Class HLRA had a super educational visit to Lydford as part of their Saxon work. What a rich experience for the children and the resulting follow up work in school has been very rewarding and exciting. Our Year 2 children visited Morwellham Quay as part of their Victorian studies and have been asking very thought-provoking questions about the lives of children in the Victorian era.

Our Sports teams are once again participating in tournaments with the other local schools and we were very pleased to win the netball tournament for the fourth year running. We are continuing as a school to collaborate closely on joint curricular projects with Princetown, Horrabridge and Lady Modiford’s schools.

We held once again a Remembrance Day service in the church and we gathered around the memorial to pay our respects. I feel it is vital that children experience this important ceremony and they always respond very well to the solemnity and dignity of the occasion. We also, as usual, collected and contributed to the poppy appeal.

We had fun collecting for the Children in Need Charity and various people helped in various ways according to their strengths. Our School Council have been busy looking for ways that we can improve our school grounds and other resources we have in school.

As Christmas approaches we are once again very busy rehearsing for Christmas productions, entertainment for our senior citizens and the School Carol service. The latter is also attended by the villagers who are invited to come back to school afterwards to share Mince pies and mulled wine with us. The children and staff are also looking forward to the very special Christmas dinner cooked by Mrs Brown and the Christmas fair organised by our very committed PTFA (Parents, Teachers and Friends Association).

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The Bells of Saint Leonard's Tim MacDonald – St Leonard’s Church, Sheepstor

There have probably been bells in the tower of Saint Leonard's Church at Sheepstor since it was built in around 1450. They have certainly been there for 450 years. In the church records for 1558, the year the first Queen Elizabeth came to the throne, there is an inventory which lists four bells in the tower. In 1769, the year when Richard Arkwright built the first cotton spinning frame, the four were replaced by five new bells. They were cast, almost certainly on site, by the Cornish Pennington family, who in the same year replaced the bells at Walkhampton and Shaugh Prior. The tenor bell carries the name of the incumbent vicar and the fifth that of the churchwarden of that year. In 1904 the existing five bells were rehung in a new frame made by Harry Stokes, leaving space for a sixth bell in the frame. This, the treble, was cast in London by Mears & Stainbank and was added to the frame in 1906.

In 2000 the Parochial Church Council had the bells surveyed and were advised that the wooden headstocks, from which the bells hang in the bell frame, were suffering from age and worm attack and the bearings and other fittings needed replacing. Never ones to rush, the people of Sheepstor discussed the problem for 9 years and finally decided that repair was necessary. They raised £25000 in a year thanks to the generosity of many people and organisations including our parish council (but not West Devon Borough Council, who apparently consider bell ringing to be a religious activity).

In the last week of September the bells were lowered by a bellhanger from Nicholson's of Bridport, with considerable effort and help from a number of local assistants. The largest bell, the tenor, went out through the church door touching the granite door frame on both sides. Having been up to Bridport and on to the Whitechapel Bell Foundry for tuning, they are now back in the bell works at Bridport. The work will hopefully be complete in time for the bells to return to the church tower and ring out for Christmas.

Part of the cost of the repair, nearly £5000, is planned to be met by a grant from DCMS (Department of Culture, Media and Sport) which returns the cost of the VAT for work in Listed Buildings. When the contract was placed this was assured until March 2011. Unfortunately they, like everyone else, have had their funding cut and have decreed that work on bells will not now receive the grant after this Christmas. The PCC Treasurer is desperately trying to get the bills paid and VAT receipts in to meet the deadline – wish him luck!

Sheepstor would like to thank all those who have helped with fund raising and those from other parts of the parish who, in helping with the removal and rehanging, are saving us £2400 on the cost of the work. We hope you will come to hear the bells ringing at Christmas and that they will continue to ring out for another 100 years.

If anyone would like to join the Sheepstor ringers, either as a novice or with previous experience, you would be very welcome. Please contact our bell captain, Peter Legassick, on 01822 852970. At present our ringers are keeping their hands in thanks to neighbouring groups of ringers, but we will be back to the regular Monday evening practices in Sheepstor in the new year.

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Proposed Conservation area for parts of Walkhampton Bill Andrew -

Much to the disappointment of many the recent Dartmoor National Park open day failed to present an updated picture of where the DNPA recommends the conservation boundary for Walkhampton might be. Over a year ago, at the first DNPA open meeting a considerable amount of information on the historic areas of the village was provided to the visiting National Park team. This information had been missed out in their initial appraisal and the impression given then was that the DNPA would return with new, revised conservation area recommendation which the residents could consider. This did not happen so, in effect, nothing has moved on since July 2009. It is hoped that recent feedback provided by residents will spur DNPA into some constructive action and a revision of the proposal. In the meantime the Parish Council will submit their ideas and add their comments to those of the residents. For your information a brief summary of how a conservation area could affect residents is as follows:

Planning Consent: Conservation areas are not about preventing development but ensuring that it is carefully controlled and that any change is positively managed.

Permitted Development Rights: Would remain the same by being able to make certain minor changes without planning permission. Installation of domestic micro-generation equipment would require planning permission if it will be seen from a public highway.

Trees: Will be subject to additional protection within a Conservation Area and the National park will have to be consulted if a well established tree (7.6 cm and over in diameter) was to be cut down.

Demolition of buildings: may require consent, this would be a free application.

The key aim of the establishment of a Conservation Area is to ‘preserve and enhance areas of special architectural or historic interest and the character/appearance of the village’.

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Jack and the Beanstalk Michael Parle – MAD Chairman

The Meavy Amateur Dramatics pantomime for 2011 is Jack and the Beanstalk, a Meavy tale of love, money, deception, truth, freedom . . . and sheep! We have many local characters and friends of Meavy in the cast, busy rehearsing and learning lines (or at least trying to). The back stage crew are coming up with some great ideas, especially for the beanstalk. And the costume crew are busy producing marvellous outfits for the cast.

It all happens from Wednesday 9th to Saturday 12th February 2011. Tickets will be available at the Royal Oak Inn from Friday 3rd December 2010. So to have lots of fun watching and laughing in the company of your favourite local thespians make sure you get your ticket. This pantomime is just what you will need to blow away those mid-winter blues!

For more about MAD see our website at mad.meavy.org.uk.

Jack and the Beanstalk A Meavy Amateur Dramatics (MAD) Production

It will blow away those those winter blues, a great night out in the company of the MAD players telling a Meavy tale of love, money, deception, truth, freedom . . .

and sheep!

Wednesday 9th to Saturday 12th February 2011, 7:30 pm

plus matinée Saturday 12th February 2011, 3:00 pm

Tickets available from Friday 3rd December 2010 at the Royal Oak Inn, Meavy

Evening performances £6, matinée performance £5

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All Types of Carpets & Vinyls Supplied and Fitted The Complete Home Carpet Selection Service

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Sheepstor film show Patrick Drennan - Chairperson Sheepstor Village Hall Committee

The dress rehearsal for next year’s private viewing of “Dartmoor aka War Horse” went off smoothly, with 30 or more locals and furriners enjoying chicken curry and/or beef stew and/or vegetarian chilli (one famous local personality did try all three), washed down with whatever they had remembered to bring with them, before watching a showing of “Wild River, Cold Stone”. This is a film based on Dartmoor Life, sponsored by many local organisations such as DNPA, and featuring the music of Seth Lakeman and other local artists.

After an impromptu sound test by the projectionist, who was spared embarrassment by the arrival of the 7th Cavalry in the shape of Sheepstor Village Hall’s Admin wizzo and budding IT expert Trevor Rookes, the audience stayed awake for the whole of the film, which is an amazing feat given the food and alcohol intake before! Despite the absence of the local residents who featured in the film (were they worried the fame and fortune would go to their heads?), they were spotted by the audience. All seemed impressed and enlightened by the production and I would recommend that people take every opportunity to support it.

My thanks to Annie Charles and Russell Chapman for loan of the recording equipment, and the screen respectively; chefs John Bowman, Corinna Legassick and Annie Charles, Mike Stebbings for acting as sous chef for JB, the two Pats for serving, and to all who brought puds and gave food donations that made a profit for the Village Hall of over £100.

There was a discussion afterwards about ideas for future events at the Village hall, with one suggestion being an ‘auction of promises’. This produced some merriment at the thought that anybody would want to pay money for the talents on show in Sheepstor, but methinks there are many lights hiding under bushels. Without too much thought I came up with the following list as a possible starter (with apologies to all those who recognise their hidden talents being exposed): rides on tractors, both full size and compact; photography session, gardening advice from RHS cert with distinction; cookery classes; beekeeping; a well man check; exploration/explanation of local wildlife including the water vole; Devon stone walling; craftmaking; flower arranging; horse riding, wood turning; garden maintenance; guided tour of HMP Dartmoor (dependant on Gov’s permission). Any more for any more?

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Lady Modiford’s School Gavin Hamliton - Headteacher

December has been the calm before the storm of Christmas so far in Lady Modifords. Several Y6 children went to a ‘philosophy day’ at Tavistock College which was to develop their thinking skills and was very successful. Others were invited to a maths problem solving day at the Marine Biological Institute in Plymouth and thoroughly enjoyed that experience.

The netball team represented the school in a tournament and made a very good account of themselves, making Mrs Brownlee very proud. One of our parents who is serving in the Navy has organised a KS2 visit to the dockyard which the children are looking forward to. They will get the chance to board a warship or submarine which is very exciting.

Our school cook, Mrs Hext-Williams and Mrs Ellis-Morgan, have begun the training for Let’s Get Cooking. Mrs Hext-Williams secured funding to run a cookery club in school. The children at Lady Modifords have always enjoyed cooking and this is a great opportunity to fulfil our Healthy Schools Plus award.

KS1 are putting on a Christmas play at the Memorial Hall on Wednesday 8 December 2pm and our Christmas service will be at St Mary’s Church on Wednesday 15 December 2pm. Everybody is welcome to come along and celebrate with us.

Have a very Merry and Peaceful Christmas from all at Lady Modifords.

A new face on the council David Wright

I am 69. I have been married to Val since 1963 and we have 3 sons. I started my adult life in the Royal Navy, went to Dartmouth in 1959 and became an engineer officer in submarines. After leaving the navy in 1971 I worked in the Far East, mostly in Indonesia, for international companies in the construction heavy equipment industry, trade imports inspection for the oil and gas industry and latterly in furniture manufacture. I returned home to Walkhampton in 1996 and started my own business, Walkham Teak Ltd, importing and selling teak garden furniture. We have lived in this area all our married lives, first in Milton Combe, then Shaugh Prior, then Walkhampton. My leisure pursuits mostly revolve around husbandry of our property and fields at our 11 acre former farm and I go trail hunting with the Dartmoor Hunt.

Terry Leythorne Dousland Fuels

For all coal and smokeless fuel requirements

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Walkhampton Pre School Pat Woodgate

Walkhampton Pre School have been busy enjoying the lovely autumn in our play park and garden. We are almost full, having 20 children on some days, though we will have spaces from January when some of our children move on to primary school. Most will go to Lady Modifords and we wish them luck. The committee have also been busy fundraising. Our annual duck race at Huckworthy bridge in September raised £750. We'd like to thank all the people from the village and friends of the Pre School who walked down and joined in the fun. The children and adults could watch from the river bank with tea and cake while seeing if their duck would win. We had twelve races with 40 ducks in each race. All the races were sponsored by local businesses. The ducks were very generously lent to us by St. Andrews school. The next event is going to be live music from local bands playing mainly rock/pop. The details are still to be finalised but should happen end of January/ February.

Have you put ICE in your mobile? The emergency services are trained to check mobile phones for the ICE number. Standing for ‘In Case of Emergency’, ICE allows the emergency service to contact someone. Think carefully about who you choose as an ICE partner because that person may need to give consent for medical treatment. There is no easier way of letting the emergency services know who to contact if you are in an accident.

Advance Warning for Photographers

Mike Dobson - Walkhampton Cottage Garden Society

The date for the Walkhampton Cottage Garden Society Show for 2011, is Saturday August 27th. The adult photographic classes for 2011, are: - " Animals/Birds", "Me and my Shadow" in the broadest sense and "Portrait". The themes for the children's photographic classes are "Pets" and "Wildlife".

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South West Lakes Trust - Winter at Burrator Reservoir

South West Lakes Trust invites you to take part in two of its ever-popular guided walks to get you into the Christmas spirit at Burrator Reservoir:

From 11am – 3pm on 19 December the annual Christmas Tree walk will take place around Burrator Reservoir where walkers are invited to wear festive hats, select and cut down their very own Christmas tree at a small price of only £5. The festivity will continue as walkers will be warmed up with mulled wine and mince pies.

From 9am – 11.30am on 8 January 2011 the first ever ‘Birding for Beginners’ guided walk will be led by the South West Lakes Trusts conservation assistant, Jen Gardener. A hearty breakfast for a donation of £2 will be available at the workshop after the walk.

Neil Reeves who guides the walks said ‘The Christmas tree walk is always popular and a great way to get into the Christmas spirit. People wear festive hats, put tinsel on their dogs and enjoy a winter day out.’

For both walks please meet at the Forestry yard opposite Burrator Lodge. Stout footwear, waterproofs and binoculars are recommended. The walks are free of charge, bring your own refreshments and packed lunch. Dogs are welcomed provided that they are kept on leads. Restroom facilities are available at the Burrator Lodge. Booking is required for both walks as there are limited spaces, for any further information you can contact Neil Reeves on 01822 855700.

Heritage Lottery Fund - The process to acquire funding for the latest development project has successfully reached level two and will mean a new Development Officer position will now be filled at Burrator.

Bat Box Project - Only two months ago bat boxes were placed in trees around the reservoir in conjunction with South West Water and the Devon Bat Group. At the last check 30 bats had made these boxes their homes proving that the boxes are already very successful.

There will be many seasonal events happening at South West Lakes Trust venues throughout the Winter and full details may be obtained from the South West Lakes Trust website www.swlakestrust.org.uk or by calling 01566 771930.


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Burrator Parish Plan Anita Bickell

A brighter future for the Parish of Burrator - Why not do something positive?

We all know what we believe this community needs so instead of just talking about it, let’s get involved. Tell us what you think and together we will have the BURRATOR ACTION PLAN.

What do we mean?

This plan must reflect the views of all sections of the community and identify the features and local characteristics people value as well as local problems and opportunities. It should spell out how the community wishes to develop, the changes we hope for and the things we don’t want to change.

To achieve this vision we need your input. Everyone must feel included because every single person’s view matters.

We need to hear from

Young people Seniors Business people People with disabilities Farmers Cultural/Arts groups Community groups School leavers Faith groups Long term unemployed Housebound Health providers Education providers

This should be a plan based on your ideas so let us have them. A starting point is to let us know

Three things I like about living here

Three things I’m not so happy about

Please try to find the time to think about these two statements and to write down your thoughts. You can leave your response at Dousland Post Office or ring Anita Bickell, Chas Symes or Tim MacDonald and we will be happy to pick it up from you. Our phone numbers are on the back page of this issue.

Village Halls Please support our local village halls for your meetings, parties and activities. All the halls have disabled access and they vary in size and facilities so one of them will suit your requirements. All the Halls are run by willing volunteers who strive to keep them in good repair providing vital facilities for our communities.

Meavy Parish Hall Val Smith 855909

Sheepstor Village Hall Annie Charles & Patrick Drennan 853186

Walkhampton Memorial Hall Michael D’Oyly 852268

They will be able to advise you on availability, hire charges and terms & conditions of hire.

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Be prepared while driving this Winter Advice from Devon County Council

So what can you do to make driving in winter conditions safer this year? Firstly prepare; make sure you car has Anti freeze in it and that your tyre pressures are correct. When the weather starts to get colder make sure you check weather forecasts and allow more time for journeys. If you car is kept outside make sure you allow time to clear the windows properly.

Listen to the noise your car makes on the road. If you are driving on ice the tyre noise will almost disappear completely. Watch the cars in front: are they sliding on any particular parts of the road? If you do hit ice and feel the car start to slide immediately take your foot off the accelerator, don’t be tempted to brake (this will increase your risk of spinning) and steer gently into the slide. The best way to avoid sliding in the first place is to make sure your speed is right, it may need to be slower than you think, at just 30mph you are travelling 30ft every second! To reduce the risk further make sure you are very smooth when you accelerate, brake or turn.

Winter Car Kit Keep these items in your car:

· Mobile phone

· Torch with extra batteries

· First aid kit with pocket knife

· Necessary medications

· A blanket

· A coat, hat scarf and gloves

· Small shovel

· Small toolkit (pliers, wrench, screwdriver)

· Jump Leads

· Brightly coloured cloth to use as a flag

· Chocolate bar

· Bottled water

If you become trapped in your car: Stay in the car - Do not leave the car to search for assistance unless help is visible within 100 yards. You may become disoriented and lost in blowing and drifting snow.

Display a trouble sign - Hang a brightly coloured cloth on the radio antenna and raise the bonnet.

Occasionally run the engine to keep warm. Turn on the car's engine for about 10 minutes each hour. Run the heater when the car is running. Also, turn on the car's light when the car is running. Beware of carbon monoxide poisoning. Keep the exhaust pipe clear of snow, and open a downwind window slightly for ventilation. Watch for signs of frostbite and hypothermia. Do minor exercises to keep up circulation. Clap hands and move arms and legs occasionally. Try not to stay in one position for too long. If more than one person is in the car, take turns sleeping. For warmth, huddle together. Use newspapers, maps, and even the removable car mats for added insulation.

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Yelverton & District Local History Society Nigel Rendle

Yelverton & District Local History Society completed their autumn programme with 3 varying talks of great interest. Jill Drysdale kicked off with a fascinating tale about a dedicated Plymouth missionary in the 19th century, called Robert Flack and Dr. Chris Smart from the Dept of Archaeology at Exeter University told us about the discovery & excavation of the Roman fort at Calstock. The final talk was given by well known local author Helen Harris on the impact of population movements into Devon - this was accompanied by seasonal mince pies, wine & a raffle. Seasonal greetings & many thanks to all our members & friends who have supported us during the year.

The first few events of 2011 are:

Jan 18th “The History of China Clay working on South West Dartmoor”

Feb 15th “Vikings in Devon”

March 15th “We were there – Plymouth in the 1960’s” - an Archive Film Show with Graeme Spink & support (+AGM & raffle)

Full details of next year’s events are on our website www.yelvertonhistory.org.uk  

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Christmas Carol and Church Services in the Burrator Parish Carol Services Wed 15th Dec – Lady Modiford’s Christmas Service, 2pm, St Mary’s, Walkhampton

Thurs 16th Dec – Meavy C of E Primary School Carol Service, 6pm, St Peter’s, Meavy

Sunday 19th Dec – Carols Service, 4pm, St. Leonard's, Sheepstor, refreshments afterwards

Tuesday 21st December – Carol Service, 6:30pm, St Paul’s, Yelverton

Sunday 2nd January – Christmas Carol Service, 6pm, St Peter’s, Meavy

Christmas Eve Crib Service - 5pm, St Paul’s Yelverton

Midnight Communion - 11.00pm at St Peter’s, Meavy, St Mary’s, Walkhampton, St Paul’s, Yelverton

Christmas Day 9.30 am - Family Communion, St Mary’s, Walkhampton

10:00 am - Family Communion, St Peter’s, Meavy

10:45 am - Holy Communion service, St. Leonard's, Sheepstor

Other Services Meavy & Yelverton Preschool and Toddler Group have a Christmas service on 18th December at 10.30am – all welcome.

St Peter’s Meavy

Auction of Promises Friday 18th March

7.30pm - Meavy Parish Hall Many exciting lots including a day’s sailing, dog walking, a

year’s supply of lemon curd, ironing. Catalogue will be available early March

Other ‘promises’ welcome

please contact Jenny Sharp 853652

profits for church repairs

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Yennadon Quarry Dan Janota, Dartmoor National Park Authority

The operators of Yennadon Quarry are considering a potential extension to the quarry. In September 2008 the Dartmoor National Park Authority granted planning permission for four exploratory boreholes to investigate the potential for an extension of the existing quarry. By granting permission the Authority has determined that the drilling of these holes is acceptable, but this does not prejudice any future decision regarding an extension to the quarry. The exploratory boreholes have not yet been drilled.

In May 2010 John Grimes Partnership, acting on behalf of the operator (Yennadon Stone Ltd) approached Dartmoor National Park Authority asking whether an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) would be required if they were to submit a planning application. This is called a ‘request for screening opinion’. In June Dartmoor National Park Authority decided that an EIA would be required. An EIA is often required for applications for quarry development as it is important to understand potential issues such as landscape impact, noise, vibration, dust, drainage, and traffic movement before making a decision on a planning application.

In July 2010 John Grimes Partnership approached the Authority to ask what issues should be assessed as part of the EIA. This is called a ‘request for scoping opinion’. In August 2010 Dartmoor National Park Authority decided that the following issues should be assessed as part of the EIA: cont...........

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• Socio economic impact • Noise • Archaeology • Traffic • Process pollution • Ecological Impacts and Biodiversity • Emissions • Visual Impact • Surface Water Management • Cumulative Impacts and an assessment • Geology and Hydrogeology of alternatives Yennadon Stone Ltd has not yet submitted a planning application to extend the quarry and would need to prepare an EIA which considers all of the above issues before a decision could be made on any application.

An EIA normally requires a significant amount of specialist work and can take some time to complete. The operator has indicated that the boreholes are likely to be drilled in autumn/winter 2010. The results of the borehole exploration will then determine whether there is stone in that location and therefore whether an extension to the quarry is viable. Given the EIA work required, it is unlikely a planning application would be submitted before spring 2012.

Any application would be subject to public notice and a period of consultation. The Authority has 16 weeks to determine any application with an EIA so there would be plenty of time for consultation with the Parish and other interested parties. Any application will be rigorously examined to determine what environmental impact it may have, and whether that impact may be acceptable.

Windows, Doors and Conservatories in quality UPVC also UPVC fascia etc and replacement Double-Glazed Units FENSA Registered with insurance-backed guarantee Terry Wright Sharpitor, Burrator Road, Dousland, Yelverton PL20 6NE

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The Friends of Saint Leonard's, Sheepstor Tim MacDonald

At a meeting attended by 32 people in St Leonard's Church on the morning of Saturday, 29 May, it was unanimously agreed to form a secular charitable society called 'The Friends of St Leonard's Sheepstor' with the purpose of developing a wider interest in, and use of the church building. The meeting was told about the present limited use of the building and possible ways to increase that use with an exhibition area and use for concerts and other entertainment.

With the increasing number of churches in the benefice and reducing church attendance, the long term viability of continuing to hold regular services in the church must be in question. The churchyard is the final resting place of the White Rajahs of Sarawak and the church contains many memorials to and gifts from the rajahs, their descendants and the people and government officers of Sarawak. Lord Tanlaw, the grandson of the last rajah, and son of the Earl of Inchcape, joins many others in their concern that the church should remain open for the visitors from across the world who come to see the church and its associations with Sarawak. He has agreed to become the patron of The Friends of St Leonard's and to appoint a trustee, thereby hopefully attracting a wider membership for the society.

The church and churchyard are owned by the Church of England and are managed on their behalf by the Sheepstor Parochial Church Council (PCC). The new society has no

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authority in that management, but will provide ideas, assistance and funding to help the PCC in its task of maintaining and looking for ways to encourage a wider, ongoing use of this ancient church. The meeting agreed a constitution, appointed a committee and agreed annual and life membership for the society. The committee includes Michael Williams as a co-opted member to maintain links with the Sarawak Association, again to widen its scope for recruitment.

Since the first meeting the society has got 40 members, including 18 life members, and has raised over £15000 to fund its aims. One third have joined directly as a result of the Sarawak links. So far we have held one concert in the church, which drew an audience of 71 and raised over £200 for our funds as well as providing an excellent evening. Our next aim is to help the PCC to develop an exhibition area in the church to show and explain some of the church history and its Sarawak links.

Beverly Mears has again produced a Sheepstor Calendar for 2011, the theme this year is ‘Now and Then’ – pictures of Sheepstor as it was and as it is now. She also has cards, bookmarks and coasters. All profits are for the Friends of St Leonard’s, please contact Bev on 855150.

If anyone wishes to join the association, there is information on our website, fossl.wordpress.com , including membership application forms, or email to [email protected] or call into the church where there are application forms as well as further information.

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20 Burrator Beacon

Recycling tonnages hit a new high! West Devon Borough Council

The new waste and recycling service for West Devon is proving to be a huge success. Now with a greater range of items being accepted residents have never recycled so much. Since the scheme started in the Autumn there has been a massive increase in the amount of recycling being collected.

The Council, and its contractor Focsa Services UK Ltd want to say a huge thank you to householders for joining in with the new scheme so wholeheartedly.

The green box recycling service was expanded to include plastic bottles, glass, tins, paper, card, batteries, textiles, mobile phones and spectacles. All of these items are now collected every week along with all your food waste.

It helps to separate different materials into different boxes to keep your recycling tidy – this also speeds up collection. For instance, plastic bottles and glass in one box, other items in the second box. If you have been used to sorting materials into bags in the past and want to carry on then please do. It isn’t compulsory but it can speed up the sorting process for the crews.

If you are finding your current green recycling boxes cannot cope with the amount of recycling you are generating please let us know – we can deliver you additional containers or green boxes can be collected from the Council Office at Tavistock. cont...........

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coffee and play!

(Drop off from 9.00) 

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Of course with all the additional recycling being done there is less refuse to be collected which is why it can be collected every other week. Householders are really embracing the new scheme and as a result the amount of general waste being taken to landfill is decreasing. This is fantastic news!

Plastics bottles have made a big impact, with tonnes of additional waste being diverted from costly landfill, not only saving money but improving the environment.

The new scheme is also highlighting how much food waste is wasted every week. It is estimated that in the UK the average household throws away £480 worth of food a year, increasing to £680 for households with children – an average of £50 a month. By separating out food waste and seeing the amount we through away, shopping and food preparation habits can be changed to ensure that we only buy and prepare what we need. This is one area of recycling that should decrease over time as we learn to minimise our food waste! This is a particularly important message with the festive season approaching fast.

If you have any recycling questions which we may be able to help with please contact us on 01822 813600

Christmas Menu

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ONLY £15.95 Deposit required. Advance bookings only.

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Tavistock 614664

VIA Concert @ St Leonard’s Church Sheepstor Patrick Drennan - Sheepstor’s VIA promoter (!)

Our second Villages in Action Concert again confounded the critics, proving that 70+ people will turn out on a Sunday evening for entertainment that is good value, particularly if you can watch with a glass of wine in your hand! The evensong congregation had left peacefully before the performance, Tim McDonald had warned the National Grid that the Church heaters were being left on for the evening, and the Sarawak entourage that John Bowman mistook for the artist and her roadies were rescued by our local Far East rep Michael Williams and given a preconcert guided tour.

The artist Sarah McQuaid, with her sound engineer Martin, adapted well to the acoustics of the building, coped with the non arrival of the stage (sorry again Russell), and sang American, Irish and Spanish songs with an amazing lovely voice. She had squeezed us in to the end of her UK tour, with a USA stint to follow, so we had a real treat.

This year , the profits of £240+ went to Friends of St Leonard’s Church Sheepstor, and £340 went back to VIA. My thanks to those who came, the many who helped get the show to the church on time, including my co-conspirator Drinda McDonald, stage hands John Bowman and Tim McDonald (who was front of house manager also), Annie Charles for organising the cheese and biscuits and providing food and lodging for the performer and her driver/sound engineer, and Pat Legassick for serving behind the bar and making sure order was maintained. Once again Dousland PO, Bidder’s Butchers, Yelverton Stores, Cutting Company, Leg of Mutton and Horrabridge POs gave us free publicity space, and with a splash in the Tavistock Times and the presence of not one but two local Borough councillors the message well and truly got spread. There is always concern expressed about the lack of parking for Church/village hall events putting off would be attendees but there is more space than people think ( we keep it a secret to prevent a Burrator reservoir overspill car park), and David & Justine Colton came up trumps again with the use of their field.

I still believe there is scope for a future Burrator arts event for VIA performances in Burrator Parish, based at the three sites of Meavy, Walkhampton and Sheepstor, so anybody else willing to share a vision please contact me on 01822 853186 or [email protected].


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Dates for your Calendar

December 10th Christmas Concert, St Peter’s Meavy See page 15 10th Burrator Twinning Assoc. Concert, Yelverton See page 12 19th Sheepstor Christmas Carol Service 4:00pm See page 15 19th Christmas Tree Walk, Burrator Reservoir 11am–3pm See page 11 21st West Dartmoor Benefice Carol Service, St Pauls, Yelverton, 6:30pm See page 15 23rd Walkhampton Inn Charity Pub Quiz, 9pm 26th Dartmoor Border Morris, Walkhampton Inn, 1pm

January 2nd 6pm, Carol Service, St Peter’s, Meavy See page 15 8th Birding for Beginners guided walk, Burrator Reservoir, 9–11:30am See page 11 9th – 12th Meavy Amateur Dramatics Pantomime, Meavy Parish Hall. See page 7 18th History Society Talk, Meavy Parish Hall, 7:30 See page 14

February 15th History Society Talk, Meavy Parish Hall, 7:30 See page 14 21st Meavy Garden Society, A. G. M. 7:30pm, Meavy Parish Hall

March 6th Copy Deadline for Spring Edition of Burrator Beacon 15th History Society Archive film show, Meavy Parish Hall, 7:30 See page 14 18th Auction of Promises, St Peter’s, Meavy See page 19 21st Meavy Garden Society, Spring Fun Flower Show, 7:30pm, Meavy Parish Hall

April 23rd Dartmoor Border Morris, Burrator Inn, 8pm 30th Easter Egg Hunt and tea, St Peter’s, Meavy Mary Helby 855010

May 21st Dousland Open Gardens (more details in Spring Edition of the Beacon) 29th - 2nd Burrator twinning Association - visitors from Mathieu, Normandy to Burrator

June 5th Copy Deadline for Summer Edition of Burrator Beacon 18th Meavy Oak Fair, 2pm Jenny Sharp 853652

August 27th Walkhampton Cottage Garden Society Annual Show Mike Dobson 852937 27th – 29th Walkhampton Inn 3rd Cider & Sausage Festival To have your event included in future issues please send details (date, time location, contact name and phone number) to the Editor as soon as you have decided on the date. This will ensure maximum publicity and avoid clashes with other events. The next issue will be distributed at the end of March, diary dates will go up to Sept/Oct 2011.

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List of Members and Telephone Numbers (Area Code 01822) Meavy Village Walkhampton Village Mrs Bridget Cole 853563 Mr Bill Andrew 853008 Mrs Midge Wilkins 855073 Mr Chas Symes 853782 1 Vacancy Mr David Wright 852252

Meavy Dousland Walkhampton Dousland Mr David Hooper 852166 Mrs Anita Bickell 854241 Dr John Howells 853865 Mr Phil Cater 853121 Mrs Jackie Moorhead 854800 2 Vacancies 1 Vacancy

Sheepstor Clerk to Council Mrs Lucie Luke The Apartment, The Old Bedford Foundry, Lakeside Tavistock, PL19 0AZ

614278 Mr Tim MacDonald (Chair) 1 Vacancy


Email: [email protected] West Devon Borough Councillor for Burrator Ward: Diana Moyse 820407

Published and issued quarterly, free of charge by Burrator Parish Council. The next edition will be published end of March, copy deadline 6th March. Copy to be sent to the Editor, Jenny Sharp, 8 Marchants Way, Meavy, PL20 6PW, email: [email protected], tel: 853652

If you require this publication in large text please contact the editor: Jenny Sharp on 853652 Burrator Parish Council is a body which complies with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Contact the Clerk, Mrs. Lucie Luke for specific details about parish business. Advertising Local events are publicised free of charge. Businesses and clubs and societies (which have membership fees) can advertise in the Beacon and should contact the Editor for advertising rates. Burrator Web Site The Burrator Parish Website is http://burrator.gov.uk/ You can find details of meetings plus other information. The opinions expressed in the Burrator Beacon are not necessarily those held by Burrator Parish Council. Every effort is made to ensure that information in these pages is accurate. However, the Council cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. Including information does not imply recommendation and any subsequent contact is made at readers' own risk.