WORKSHOP MANUAL Section M9 Windscreen wipers and was hers OFF position 1 Wrring diagram and circuit description

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Windscreen wipers and was hers OFF position 1

Wrring diagram and circuit description

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Windscreen wipers and 'washers OFF position 2

Wiring diagram and circuit description

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Windscreen wipers and was hers SLOW position

Wiring diagram and circuit description

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. pmjttsn. r u o ~ t h conlbctt t and 3 ale cbsmd A t 2 WIIS posqt~vr *upply horn fuss S a1 the Iusrbmrd 8s d.tcclcd r h t q h swalch tonlrcls l and 3 10 rnttaqsa re1.r 1 The r l lows W 11 d r r w r m v s s u ~ y IO ~ l r r i h r o u ~ h thr norrnrwy own cmlbcir d rrlmr 1 md n 4 !he norrn#nv closed toniaclr d trlr, 3 to I h r s b w speed brush or the wlpsr maiot Thr ruwlr Ir rou i td ltOm tusa I rr Ihr b r t b o r r d U#. r#ph!.hrnd I w M w d duo B and mlro rhr canf i t t i~on ri rt l#u 2 sochef T h e tmnh p l i h lot iha wrpsr molor ms vnm lhe nn;rnally t b r r d conlrCllo1 telmy 2 mnd rhr connrcllon 11 r ~ l a y 3 #whet, i o

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Windscreen wipers and was hers FAST position

Wiring diagram and circuit description

. TSD 4440

heeprbar 1982

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Windscreen wipers and washers I NT (Intermittent) position

Wiring diagram and circuit description

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Windscreen wipers and washers WashNVipe mode

Wiring diagram and circuit description

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Windscreen wipers and was hers l NTE R (Intermittent) positions

Wring diagram and circuit description

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Cirtuit dmsctiption 4 posltien INTER (Im8rmirrantJ wipo Wrvh ihe wndscreen wiper control swr~ch In !he INfEfI (InfermmeniJ hipe pbdiim 1 the rmlch confscis 1 a n d 5. 7 and B. also 9 n d 10. are class4 Iewcepl fa the c b s d conlacis Ihe cvrrent supply l l ~ w for eacn rn!srmiUenl wipe p s i r i m remprns the same ss in posul#wr 1)

When the swuleh contncls 7 m d 0 arc closed the wiper kvsfem elsclron~c convrd unit prov#des s momentary 12 volt pmllrvc supply .l lerminal 2 of ths unit 10 enefgizt Ihs coil 01 ralay 1. Wrrh relay 1 energized a 12 voll pni l ive supplv rs dlrecisd to ihe normally own contacts 01 relay 1 and through the narmolly clorcd contrcls of relay 3 ro ihc slow Bored brush af the wiper maor. This supply ir roulwd !ram fuse B a1 tlre luseborrd vra rocbwrd ptug 0 and also the conntclian s! relay 2 sachet. The eanh path Ior !he wiper rnolor is direclad ihrouph the normally closed contxls d rnlay 2 arid the conneclion 01 relay 3 wdev 10 the vmlance canh poml. The rnolor then rOlBtes.

Immed#atcly Ihe m i o r ro iars lha 'Park on screen' switch is set to ihe Run positron and s 1 2 vali porit~vs Supply if id vla the nun posituan l 0 rnalnlaln 12 volt6 wsrtive ri !he coil o l relay 1 .

After one wipe cycln the motor sers ihe 'Park on screen rmteh 10 the Park posllion, ihus deenergitiog rtlny 1 and drrconnectrng he m t a r supply, The moioc stops wrth lhe rcreen wlpn blades In the 'Park on wreen' posrtlon.

AIier Ih* approprrate switch poptron irme delay I1.r posllion 1 lhrce seconds, p s i r i m 2 seven seconds. wsjtlon 3 founcvn aemndr. posution 4 lnrtnty une seconds). lhe electronic contrd unrt 01 the lysiern sgeln sets m momeaav 12 wolls paaitiwe supply a1 lerminal 2 csusing the cycle 10 be rcwatcd.

The inlerminent wipe cycle continues until lhe windscret~ wiper conlrol switch is set 10 the OFF poanm.

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Windscreen wipers and washers Comic hdcontinental OFF position 1

Wiring diagram and circuit description

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WORKSHOP MANUAL Section M9 M9-29/5

Windscreen wipers and washers CornieheKontinentaI OFF position 2

Wiring diimm and circuit description

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UIEUH domerlmlen OFF pornhn horn #h* -1-m * n ~ w e o r ~ ~ a n m ~ h nn OR w k m . W m h wnueg ? md 2 rrr c b r d t~ n* wrman rnkr rmwm m omrarinp mnd OFF m ~ m w I* lkm Wal.d !h wim mmm wm,nuer in rcrralm ~ n l l Ik. mm* feu Ih. 'h* m . c l r n - mtch (rmmn ~ h r M W 4 * * m W l 0 lh. P4* mum that brnkf ~h. 1 2 a t r m t n ~ IUVDL~ 10 ~k. d 1. 1kw.b dtmrrpu~w Ihf r**r r M rmmc~bq *h l l d u

n* at 1 . t " 1 emclinno 12 .ohs arllrm qldm niwr m d h tbtm I. 4 1 M c m 0Mh pill mm l* Run +&mm oi lhr 'h* CU .crmn' r*rLeh l h r k mrmrlnp r*Yv 1. l h m p w a n 1 1 wllr pamnirl numb Uwawh Itw wmndb ciuncmucrr ru !h. mmr l h m m rOnItD8U*.O#om uuairq thr '?#m n# w u n ' m c h to b. rn to IM hn. ~o*n*rm l h r w drummm ik. *rmh wrh uuranp Wne mu= 10 moo *mh t h nrrdrcrrrn M r Ud*# m rh p m r k d m m

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Mf 5-5/1

Facia stowage compartment. fuseboard, luggage . .

~compart.ment,and engine :.

compartment illumination

Component location

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Windscreen wipers and washers SLOW position

wiring diagram and circuit description

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Windscreen wipers and washers FAST position

Wiring diagram and cireuit description

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Windscreen wipers and was hers l NT (Intermittent) positioil

Wiring diagram and circuit description

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Clrcult dmbtrlplian IN1 Ifntmrminmnll wipe psrlcion W11h the mndsctccn * r rpr eantrd twblch In lhe IHt Ilntrrrn~ri*nll *#W wsainon r m a h cwnrctr 1 and 5 BIW 7 m n d B r r ~ tlorrd

Whsn rmlrh t m r u t r 7 and B am= dos.d the wootr nlrlrrn slaclrnmc conlrol urrrl pav~dss i nwrnantnv 12 mlls pnlln( supnlr n isrrnnnal 2 of !he u n ~ l l o mrrghre the corl d rd.u 1 Wnlh rtl ly 1 ~wrg.ied I 12 udls vshrlut SUDD~V IS

&recr*d lo lh t norrnsllv mpencmlmclr ol ~thv 1 mnd through lh+ wlmally clmed contrclr d rPlmy 3 io thr slow speed brush oI lhc w u e ~ m0:or thus supptr ts r~urcd I r o m lust 5 .I lnr iursbnsrd urr l o r h l r d Olug B md llso lh r rnnntcaon at r a h y 2 r ~ k t ! Thr rmnh p r h for lhe WIWI rnaar IS

areclad through the nsrmsllv cbsed canlacrs al rrlry 2 and the cnnnrcrmn 11 r e l ~ y 3 ~ c 6 s i lo the vrbnrt renh wlnt the marw then rorrres

lmrnedultly ihr molar rofmlcs lhe 'Prlk on screen' s w ~ r h IS tmt 10 i h r Run posrl8an and t I 2 v0111 ~ ~ s # l l v l suppll IS fed un rht Run CDsqimn IC rns~niam 12 uolrr wwruvc ri ~ h r clwl 01 wtlrv 1.

A~IQI me wlpr cyrk lh r wmmr molar st ls tht"ParL an scwren' IWHC~ 4 0 ihe Pm6 ~os~ron, lhrrr u c r n c t g ~ s ~ ~ tnllv l mo d#xonr.ecl ng 9nt morm suppIv Tm sotot IIODB wllh rltc w9t.n U.OPPO blmdts In the Park on scqetn oosa!@on

Atfen r dcuv of s ~ o ~ o ~ ~ r n n e l ~ seven saconbs the elmrrvonc conlral "nu! 01 ths system again rrts r tmmtntSV 1 2 VD!!$ fwlrlwe rupplr a1 lcrm~nd 2. caurlng the cycle 10 M repclrtd

ltre rnlermlrlen! rr.pc t v e k contmaes unul 1hr wndscrcrn w ~ ~ t r &onr.d stv~lch r re1 10 lhe OFl wa1110n.

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Windscreen wipers and washers Washiwipe mode

Wiring diagram and circuit descriprbn

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Windscreen wipers and washers l NTER (Intennittent) positions

- Wring diagram and circuit description

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Clrcuh dascriptlon 4 posPlon INEA [ l n l m m l t ~ ~ m ) wipm With the wdscreen WDet control rwrtch in the @JTER (InlermunantJ wipe posilian t ihc swrtch wncacls 1 md 5. 7 m0 R. alto 9 md 10. are closed (except jar ihe c b @ d cmtaCIs the turtenl supply Ibw Br eac,l lMarmirlenl wipe DDSI~IO~ rtmauns ihe ram* as h pos~uon I l .

Whtn the twltch conlacrn 7 and B art cbscd he uviwt syrlem ekcirmrc canlrnl unrl pfovrdes n momtnlsry 12 voll poslrrve supply a1 lermrnal 2 ol rho vnil 10 tnerglte th t cd l 01 reiay 1. Wlth relay 1 entrgiled 1 12 wll posrriue supply is dlrected to the normally open tonlnctr 01 relay 1 i n d lhrough the notmsllv cloaed cmlsclr a( refav 3 10 lhe how speed brush o l (he wiper rnoior. This supply is fouled from fuse S si the lureboard un toebwrd plug B a d also h e connlctlon s l relay 2 socket. The eanh palh lot Iha wiper molar ir directed through Ihe normally closed tomacis of relay 2 and the conneclinn s i rtlay 3 SOCLM 10 the vataner eanh p m r . Tha rnolor lhsn IOlAt5.

tmmedralely the m l o t rmnler !he 'Park on vcrean' sw~rch 1s sel l o Ihe Run posiiron md a 12 volr panntva supply i s led vta the Run puslfion to mmrntain 12 voRs poriiive a ihe coil at alwy 1.

Atfef m e wipe cycle lhe molar s t i r the 'Park an screen' SWIIC~ 10 ihe Park parrcbn. thus dt.cnrrgizinq relny 1 and disconrueti~ng the molar r u~p l v . The molof stops wrth *h@ scrcen wper blndes m ihe 'Parh on screen' posil~on.

Afier ihe approprial6 switch posdron irme delay (1.8. pDslllon 1 lhrte secvnds. posiiion 2 seven seconds, posthon 3 Iouneen seconds. Wrrrion 4 twenty one secmds). the tlacttonic control unrl DI I l n sysiem sgsun sets a momanlary 12 vdls posilhe rupufy r r icrrn~nal 2 caubing (he cycle to k repelled.

Thc infcrrnincnl Wipe cycle cantmuer unlil the windlercen wipst conltol swiich is sei ro the OFF pusinon

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Windscreen wipers and washers ComicbdContinental OFF position 1

Wiring diagram and circuit desekprion

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Windscreen wipers and washers ComichdContinental OFF position I

Wiring diagram and eifeui? description

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Windscreen wipers and washers CornichdContinental OFF position 2

Wiring d i m m and circuit description

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F- c:,, -4 !

{ 5 g -Ly,, $;/mL - . E & r - !&, l {p {"

:- l. L ' . F- %l . ;-p,

---. L$4:+l-+

"&!! +- ..

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Headlamp wipers and washers


Wiring diagram and componen: location

Pages Silver Spirir Silver Spur Molsanne Carniche Mulsanne Turbo

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. . - - M1 2-1

Headlamp wipeis and washers


Component location

Wring diagram

Pages Silver Spirit Silwr Spur ~ulsanne Bentley Bentley Corniche/ Mulsanne 1 urbo Eight Turbo R Continental

M1 2-3 M12-3 - - - M1 2-7

M1 2-5 M12-5 - - - M1 2-9

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From VIN *SCAZS0006GCX13860~(excloding Corniche/ContinentaI) and with the exception at VIN + SCAZN0004FCHl d000* to VlN* SCAZN0009FCH 14025 w inclusive. a new type of fuseboard is frned incorporating Ltrtel or Buss fuses (these fuses are not interchangeable with Bulgin type fuses).

Therefore when working to a wiring diagram or component locat~on showing the eartier Bulgin rype of fuse. reference must be made to the following mble for its equivalent.

For fuse identification refer to Section M1. General information, page M 1-3.

C ~ J I R Bulgrn L~nel or Buss Fuse Qrcurts Bu~gln Llnel c: Buss Fuse ' m x M d fuse fuse numkr ratlng controlled fuse fuse number rarrng

numkr and fuseboard {amps) number and fuseboard [amps) idtntif icanon identif~catlon 2 I

13 Cellular telephone Rear wrndwv when Lned - A1 - F2 4 A demister and

mirror heare n 11 84 - F3 2 0 A Cellular felephone


when .f ined - A 2 - F2 1 0A Reverse brnprr. stoplamps. speed

lnrerlor lamps 1 A6 - F2 1 0 A control, headlamp wash 1 0 83 - F3 2 0 A

Radta. panel ~llum~natan, ACU Direction indicators. control 20 31 - F2 10A headlamp flash

fuel door, Radio amplifier horns control f E B2 - F3 20A when frned 19 S2 - F2 1 0A

Cigar I~ghters. Sraner. ~gnnron. clock aerrat fue[ pump 2 7 B3 - F2 1 0 A fuel door 7 C4 - F3 2 0 A

lnnruments and Engine ewlng fan 2 C l - F3 20A wamtng lamps 2 8 B4 - F2 I OA

Engine cwhng fan 5 C1 -F3 20A ACU control 8 B5 - F2 1 OA

Wipcrs and washers 5 B1 - F3 20A Swre - B6 - F2 7 OA

Spare - B6 - F3 20A LH. Tail tamp 15 Cl - F2 1 0 A

Fuel pump 13 B5 - F3 20A RH. Tail lamp 22 C2 - F2 1 0 A

Horns 3 C3 - F3 20A Parking lamps. number date bmpa Fog lamp when W.L. drmcomrd 16 C3 - F2 1 0A fmed 12 C6 - F3 >OA

LH. DIP beam 24 C4 - F2 1 0A Air h a m when 4 c5 - F? 20A : fined

R.H. D I ~ h a m 2 5 C5 - F2 1 0 A Hazard warning 6 C2 - F3 20A

Spsre - C6 - F2 1 0A

Spare - A6 - F3 20A -

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M12 - 3

Headlamp. wipers/and washers

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Headlamp wipers and washers

Wiring diagram

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I, I,' V

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Headlamps wipers and washers %omiche/Continental

Component locatioh

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Headlamps wipers and washers Comic hdontinenta l

Wiring diagnm

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Direction indicators and Hazard warning system


Component location

Wtring diagram

Pages Silver Spirit Silver Spur Mulsanne Bendey Benrley Comiche/ Mulsanne Turbo Eiht Turbo R Continental

M1 3-3 M13-3 M1 3-3 M1 3-3 M1 3-3 M1 3-3

M1 3-5 Ml3-5 ' M1 3-5 M1 3-5 M13-5 ~ 1 3 - 7

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From VIN *SCAtSW06GCX13860 *(excluding CornichdCominental) and with the exception of VIN +SCAZ NOO04FCHl4000* ta VIN jc SCAZN00d9FCH14025 * inclusive, a new type of fuseboard is fitted i n c o m i n g Line1 or Bus6 fuses (these fuses are not interchangeable with Bulgin type fuses).

Therefore when mrrking to a wiring diagram or component location showing ?he earlier Bulgin type d fuse, reference muff be made to the following table for its equivalent

FM fuse identification refer to Section M1, General information. page M1 -3.


Parking lamps. numbar plare lamps, Fog lamps when W.L dim EwWol 16 U - F2 I O A fined 12 C6 - F3 ' 2 0 ~

t K Dip ham 24 C4 - F2 7 OA Aii horn whsn 4 C5-F? ZOA. iimd

RH. Dip b a r n 25 C5 - F2 tOA Harard warning 8 U - F 3


20A Spare C6 - F2 1 OA

SWW m A6 - F3 20A


Circuh Bulgin Line1 or BUS Fuse Cirwits ~ u ~ g ~ n Line1 or Buss Fuse cmnoHed fusr fuse number ., rating cmtmlled fure fuse number rming

number a d fusehrd (amps) number and fuseboard lamps) iderrrificaoion idamifitation

,I ,

Wluiar telephone Rear window whan fitted - A1 - F2 4A 6omEner and

mirror hanars 11 14 - F3 20A hlhbr tekphone whtn fined A2 - F2 1 0 A Reverse lamps.

stoptamp, SW lmerior lamps T A6 - F2 1 OA contml. W b m p

wash 10 83- F3 2OA


Fbdb, ps-l iUuminawn ACU Dimion indimtors. ccntrol 20 31 - F2 t OA headlamp flask

fud door. Radio amplifmr hnm~ C O ~ ~ ~ O I 14 B2 - F3 20A when fmed 19 B2 - F2 1 OA

Cigar lig hrers. Stancr. ignition. C J ~ L atrial fuei pump 27 03 - F2 1 0 A fuel d m r 7 C4 - F3 20A

Innrumem and Engine cooling fan 2 c1 - F3 20A warning lamps 2 8 B4 - F2 1 0 A

Engine cooling fan 9 C?- F3 20A ACU control 8 B 5 - f2 1 OA

Wipers and washers 5 B1 - F3 20A span - 06 - F2 10A

Swre - B6 - F3 20A LH. Tail lamp 15 Cl - F2 1 OA

Fuel pump 13 05 - F3 20A RH. Tail lamp 22 C2 - F2 1 0A

Hams 3 C3 - F3 20A ,

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M1 3-3 - -

Direction indicatqrs and, Hazard- warning system Silver Spirit. SiIvqr Spur, Mulsanne (including Turbo), and Corniche

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Direction indicators and' Hazard warning system Silver Spirit, Silver Spur, and Mulsanne (including Turbo)

Wiring diagram

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Direction indicators and Hazard warning system Carniche :

Wiring diagram'

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Stop, reversing. side/position. and tail lamps


Stop lamps and reversing lamps Excluding 1986 model year cars conforming to a Norrh American specfiation

Component location

Wiring diagram Right-hand drive cars

Letr-hand drive cars

1986 model year cars conforming to a North Am ~r ican specHica ?ion

Component location

Wring diagram

Siddposhion and tail lamps Component location

Wiring diagram Right-hand drive cars

Left-hand drive cats

Cornictie cars ofher than those conforming to a Nurrh American. spe cificarion

Corniche cars conforming to s N o ~ h Ameriean specification

Pages Silver Spirit Silver Spur Mulsanne Bentley Bentley Cornichd Mulsanne Turbo Eight Turbo R Continental

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From VIN *SCAZSOOO6GCX13860* (excluding Corniche/Continental) and with the excep?i~n of VIN w SCAZN0004FCH14000 * to VlN * SCAZN0009FCH14025 )c inclusive, a new typc of fuseboard is fined incorporating LiRel or Buss fuses {these fuses are n a interchangeable with Bulgin type fuses).

Therefore when working to a wiring diagram or component location sfiuwing the earlier Bulgin type of fuse. reference mun be made to ttte following table for its equivalent

For fuse identification refer to Section M1. General information, page M 1-3.

Clreurn Bulgln L~nel or fluss Fuse C~rcurts Bulgln Llnel or Buss Fuse contmlid fuse fuss number rating cmrrnlled fuse fuse number ratlng

number and fuseboard (amps] number and fusebard (amps) idedfiition identif latlon [ 1.


Cellular telephone Rear window when fitted - A1 - F2 4 A demister and

mirror heaters 11 84 - F3 20A Cellubr alephone wtran fm& - A2 - F2 1 OA Reverse bmps.

stoplamps, speed Interim tamps 1 A6 - F2 1 0A control. headhmp

wash 10 B3 - F3 20A Radio, wnel illumination. ACU Diredon indieaton, control 20 B1 - F2 1 0A headbmp flash

fuel door, Radc amplifier horns comml 14 B2 - F3 20A when fined 19 B2 - F2 1 0 A

Cigar lighters, Srarter. ignition clwk aer~al. furf pump 27 B3 - F2 1 OA fuel door 7 C4 - F3 20A

Innnrments and Engine emling fan 2 C1 - F3 20A warning bmps 2 8 B 4 - F2 tOA

Engine cooling fan 9 Cl - F3 20A ACU control 8 B5 - F2 1 OA

Wipers and washers 5 B1 - F3 20A Spare - B6 - F2 10A

Spare - 06 - F3 20A LH. Tail lamp 15 Cf -F2 1 0 A .. .

Fuel pump 13 85 - F3 20A RH. Tail lamp 22 C2 - F2 10A

Horns 3 C3 - F3 20A Parking lamps. number plate lamps Fog lamp when W.L dim wmol 16 C3 - F2 1 0 A vied 12 C6- F3 20A

LH Dip beam 24 C4 - F2 1 0 A Air Mms when 4 C5 - F3 20A. fmcd

RH. Dip m m 25 CS - F2 1 0 A Hazard warning 6 C2 - F3 20A

Spare m C6 - F2 10A

Spare m A6 - F3 20A

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Stop lamps and reversing lamps

Wiring diagram and compmmrr l&rtion

The stop lamps itcmr 35 md 36 art only fined oe cars eonfnrmiog to a Norrh Arncrican #psi! icrlinn.

. . . . > .. ,. .- . . . . _ _ , , _ _ i..

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. . . .. . . . . . : .

. . . . . . . . . .

Stop lamps and.. . ..:.:: reversing- lamps. .

Right-hana drive cars . .

. ,' . .

Wirirrq'diagram and corn pc-nent location . .

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Stop lamps and . '

reversing lamps. . .

Left-hand drive cars '.

Wiring diagram and wmpanent.location

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Side/position and tail lamps Left-hand drive cars

Wiring diagram and component location

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Stop lamps and reversing lamps Corniche

Component loeafion

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Stop lamps and reversing lamps Corniche

Wiring diagram

June 1 983

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Stop lamps and reversing lamps CornichdCominental Cars conforming to a North American specification

Componem iocmim

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Stop lamps and reversing lamps CornicheKontinental Cars conforming to a North American specification

Wiring diagram

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