^tiTti'.'.tiTttrils. Acm'f.my OF MtT.sic -Thi* Evening.." The Golden -I».- Pol'i 1 in. katie«. \Vai.i.4CkV--Tliib Evt¡lilli:.- '.V.iu«l'_ IVi¡1 "."Ici Pnn patlt Krtnclia." UiiDAiiw w Turm i: . Titi«. Evening. "The t - -I,., r Min." Mi. ami Mi» W J. 1!, Nunn'.« Garden Thi» Evening. -" Tlir» B1»C- C'r,.,k".(in-at l'an».«une Ballet ii c <i YMi-ic Tiii.aïkk.This KvciiiiiK-." S Miilsuni- .'.!'« Dr*ain." Niw-.e.KK Tin-nit:-'I Iii.» Et« oing.." «Under tbe Om«_M " li., vu Tuf at! n.Thi» Kv'TiiiiK.-'The Tower of ! l'll-TlI-AVK. TlUVATI '!!.'l'iiix Ki «-Ililli..-- " YlI Gi-.<- Queen Beti." iar. 1., (li .»iii. M«»- ll<-'»'-¡ »Tai.aa l'.viiM m \mi-iiicAN- Mi«i i M.Dayana Kvenint*. " E.nil» Wirebl«. " IB«I " J.au!"' ,1'i'n ".A Lit.ug lion.'».V lu Am- 1 ur.h i .-a-'.teuu Cur.i» .a- I i. m ( n.i-i.-a. lourtoe ni list..Tli'-s Evening. .Fe«-.« M.iNvvvt Ii vi i TTiia Evening..Cbarle» Dick- Mr. Bsk lawyer1! Party" {tram !__¦ ri). l'.lM'AN Ham, Union BqbH-.1.I» Evening.. " «a* Pilgrim." DODWORTB Ham.This Eveniiii*.."Na.»t's Carie a- 1 rtiiik." \Ati«»\.i. Academy or I»r>ii,v-(l'un Di»v ami liir.iug, Fourth-ate. »nil Twentvltiird-i... A ir 11-1 ««" Ti ni» Se.cTiTY..Eighth Anneal Exhibí- f«,.i of ¡'muí',.». li»» and lw_a_ ii» No. bol liruiuivay. Kxhii:iii«-n OT Bau.'» «Stattt» <>p Fobski». 4 »icLASt « .l'a. «lui E.ri u.c. »t No. K12 Broadway. Masonic Halt Lkctiuiv Room.l)av and Evening. -C«»'*t r«"litrr .»',.*. HüooKi.Y.N Academy tu M IMC..This E vening.. u -" Jt.uiini_i Soiirtf. CAUTION. (til I'te-t!»« to lb« fact tUt Imitation! otoo» In« Bl irrte Plat», eonaiiung ofD.nner, D«i«*rl, Te» 8«r»ie«i, fee., »r« ellen.!*«!.' produced bt Arterie« tninufictureri; lise, tbit then ir« _.|J.1 Ira.tt- l.oni in mirket, bulb of inferior qutlity. TL«ie goedt ir« oi*r«J for ni« !.. n»oy deiler». lud ire wall eiiculiUd to d«c«ir«. I'urf blM «" »»'J' i.iKl m J «toid cvunterfiili bj« notitg our Iradi «ink, tbuii Trade Mirk fj] J Blimp»! glsHiiiT-Ha mttmrnmmmAm» j .'.r-T â;l";*- Oar aaait, which ran he obtained from li reiponi'M« datiert, bit» Mt «Uap. They tr« beitiiy Ji'it«d on til« In«.» A!biU or Nick«! .Vi»*r. ami mt o»_ranl_ tl.rm in «.. rriytct i-perior lu IA. till Shtffltld l-l«. Gorki- MAüfFirTrii-o Co., »Utenmithi «ml Minofiftorrn of Fio« K'uKtro P:«t«. Protiilenr». «Ti. I. Thk Gokham Wake, indisputably superior to IA« Sn.nl oktfuUi I'loit, tot ti!« it tetiil bj the tstrudni-eri. Star« k Marcci. No. 72 John ii. STANDARD SlI-VKIt-ri.ATKD GOODS. No.lS Bt-T THI Vim l!l«T. A (»len-»-, Hock of Ice Nick*! SIItct ind Whit* Metil Pitted Good», »leganl in design, peifett In «orkintiisLip, and tuperior In »m1 jired wprciul; for the lloiiJiy ileuiioJ.all of our o»n mainif_ciurc und fullj »tiriLtt. bj oar well-ettibltihed tride-tmrk. I'.Enriiu» _ Kir¦ Ma.-cc?actt-rti«o Cn., No 4 MtiJi'B-liniv To Capitalists axi» Inventors. Do not forge! tb« Grrat Sal» of C1»? Property tnd other R.tl El UM, sad KiLibiUi» of Brice. Pira. Tilk, tnd Uri cuni» Ma«- amil of Oaaaaua bhothrri, Al Woodiiripui, New-Jerier, Te Murro«**, Der. 11, aal Tarr.sn.ir, Dec. II, !:6~. At 17J p. re. etch f>iy. Por further particulari le* idv*rtiiein*nt in toot!.er tuluna. Tb» ita.iu.er Milenta tti'.J lett« foot of Barcliy it. uSii. lit- freibmenU [ri»*id*at on bond. Windows Caxxut Kahle, aid Hörntet mu»! be vorn», »Len fitted »iib Kutsrck'a Pot-m.a-ait- lum Wratukr Stki*». _ Koanrr« B*.»,«., No. M Fnltor »' Ne a T -i 1'tin ii I «m lu bitil. fai«, -iib. or tide, Tain io liter, tioart, or -' I'nut »iib 1'ain 1'an.t, ji.y betide. I'nig.lst« ire »Tllci» Paint so fait, It kt-fpa t!.»in liri!; doe» cut !«i' IU-uov their at.K-k. lay in a itoro, Atad lilli tbe people tall for mor«. Tot Dr. WVoi.cott finds time to rciuove Tain e/»r «»«rjl'oij, free of cost, It Ko. l'a' 4'h.itL«a_-9»aa98, N««f \o-k. PS« MMtrtie-ufr, BriKiklyn, No. 31 WlsteMt, lio-ïon, «uti be giiM erenone a Cirui! ir that Ililiri thrui bo» to »ujoy to-ii, y«a. t.ttter tieatib, without h pill or a ini.le iin«e of iiM-ilninc uuler til» circuin- al.ara, A l~-l aaltl «»|i«fr ti.» blal'att «1' l.t'lC. PAIMpAIMTl! IT:'- Í;iaU. ii c*..t», .'»' «Mala, *l;aud tu.i pluU lliat hold e!t,"!it if or »l| ur^e bulli«« aeul free 01 eipr.a* char;«'», on receipt «a tie w.«ney.__________^ A Dead Man. A nan rot karl the other day, li« l,!iiii!,«re<1 long »iib piioi y.iii'f, ha rue I lulu/. I sar, Kui died with Walcott on tbe bril«. Ti ii tuan from Mililen-lttie to bint, Wah Iu 11«mutation high, Furr'.t to n»e »he llorlor't J'a.'nf, hu tbe people Itt bim dil. Any panos «bo la» mr doubt c.tn it no erpfnie try Dr. Woi. of. a Fa.9 Paint, it >'.. 17u Cbatbaio-tquir*, N. V.; .No. _4 Mirrtl«-!»».. Brooklyn No. VT6 W11 ter ti. Bonton, «nd bava auy pam io tb« body or oi tb« aurface rerouted m Ibrre. mite». It will t.reik up ti« !,,,'.'.«-t fe'«r in t*u i.,ii.i,',.«; reiuce« iiif.aiïniatlon 1¡«0 tiniei falter tbin ice; 11 liarmiVi« at wi.ti-r. ml Inn. no ___ Ten botti«! of Pain Paixt ire n.lj where one 1h,x of Pila, I'ltalert. TafpsB.«a Liuin-e.t«, or tay "f tbe woniout toatruiui tr« ealied tor. 1'ain l.tvr ttkn the l.td; tb« foil« indor»e It. ~Brown. Bkoxchial Titocmvs, when al- 1ow«d to diaaolre in tb« mouth, Lava a Amtmrnt iufineuc« to lb« tS«ctail parta : tb« tootling «feet to tbe marou; liai:,, of tb« windpipe ailayi Pol» moaary Irritation, ar. 1 .tel 99_. in Cought, Coidi, tal tba Tarions Thro»t. afeetlona Vi which public ap'tkeri tnet aiuren are liable._ All Ladies axi» (¡i.mi.i mi n, young and old, «liront of bitiu. ibiTr biir look lxiutif.il during the bol'.di)!, Ornait get . botti« of Chrvai.icr'i Lira ros thi Uhr tt one. It .«aieti tbe aerrou* ieli.«n of tb« otetttxed brtin, rutorci irrty htir to Hi original color, «topi iti filling ont it one», and keep« tbe bead r!»an. So'.d by all drngguta, htirdretier;, I.icy gooii «.'ellen, toil ti lay vBce, No. 1,111 Broad w11, X, T._Rarab A. «imevA.'aa, H. V. ËxrosiTiox UXIVEKSAI-, i'AKIS, 1867. Tba Howl Machin« Cit..tua« Hu-«, jr..No. 699 «rotdwa?, N«*-Voik, a-,aided, o\«R nortT-i to lOMPiinuiti, II . onl» liK««-» nr TB« LauioM or Humor, and uolo Midal, gitea to Ama.ricaa teewingMiehnie«._ C&rtes Vi^ette. $3per dozen; Daplirataa $2. AHnegalln-r«glit.r«X R. A. Lawn. N* IM) Cbttkia.it, N. T. Wig», Toup^s, and Ornauient«_ Hair..Fin. ntllty htir It« and hair «íyeinr. AH ibad«i it Bttibtloi*«, II B«d« k Batcim.loi-'s Hair Dti.The best in «the r«r!d hiriulfii. reliable, iuitintineoui, pirftiL At til Iiruggiiti. Fixkt.e & Lyon Sewixg-Machixf. Co..$1 per week hut« the heit SewiogMiehir«. No. M7 Broadway. Till. SlHGER MaXITACTORIMO Cu. Bim». Micairai, No. «li- Bn.idwiy, Niwloik "Palmer's Patent Limbs, B_:8t!v Last R*«o»t A ;j»«u Dr. I'Aixaa ooiT. Pkiladtlpkia, N«w Tori, k Boato«. One hundred Pianos, Mklodeoxs, and Cabi- w»t Oroa.n» of lit popular luikeri, at grut birgiici, for cub ortntll r.ntbly _atal_Ma_J for rent, tu J r*r.t mor.ey appUad 11 purcbaied. M trerooini, No. 431 Srotdmy. II. WaTBRI fe. Co._ We jid«;k fiiom tue immexse sales that Mr*. & A. Alifn'i Imphuthd (neu- ti.--) Ha » Kkstorür or Prm- «¦»«¦ ti«« on* bolla«) li preferred by every ona. fcrery Dru,g;t» itlli it. IT te One Dejiar._ A..Kreimatism Legally Warranted Cured or I one* re'aweJ. Dr. FitI«R'i l.r*at*T«|rtal,l« Rbeumilic Beinedy Ulta inrirdlr. Hef«r«ie«l, 17,7.7 caret. Principal dtpot, »«. 'b4 Urutdwir._ ToBKEY- Patext Weather Strips..No «nilli, dual. iuo< or rtiu cm penetitte when th«M Strip! tr* u.«. lu« bi'if tu« Tiiti. Warrant«! foi In »earn. _t. S. le J. Torrrt A Co.. No. 7. -ai-inlat«. N. T. IIn.L'9 Family Soap, Pl9«-»llllll_1 Ab.uli.i«!« Per*. Full We'gM »o'.d by Groe«:, g-:.«,al... J. C Uill'i to;». Jil Puk »ow, N«w Tori l-l l'Tini: axi) IIekxia ponitivcly and penna- n.Lllt cured bj a DI » piiaclula The 1.eil,eil eil«! beld wtii« tb« car« cnVt'.l «»itti n«. prell..« on tb« birk or pilbil bone. 8t*«l . . i.-.,,,u iuriit > btrneia dot* awar with. By tbti dii- a «t -, » .«. a,j cm b* cured, no matter bow long itinding. Call «¡J cxau»:.« iiet of chu.*, or »ecd by mail ttn rintl fur pt.thlet _n-, k. ii. Poora, n',, no UilagUa-atefc, h. Y. «CHy. It there is any di»>e_M in whi«h the Consti- ¦ 91 WS lara Kihi- ia to«eraigu, it it la KuacxATiiat and Ita kitdiei t»«ct.orii. For nie li.» all Irugrii.._ Chickekixg Si Sons, «Manufacturer» of Trar.4, square, an.1 I'prlgbl PunoFohTai, w«r« awtrd«d it tk* Pim »ipo.iiioi tbe Pint «.rand Priie, In« Luioa «f Hoa«i, au4 a lima Otu MWil, mk.ug 63 Im pr«_,;«a>i dunaf tb« patt 44 taara. ____^_ wimma No. CÍJ Bioi4way. Univfrsai. KxposihoxTPAR-S, 186?. ««raiawAT fe Baal T«ir«r«Aiir. hitipr b««a iwtrd«tl tb« Fian "««»oüuLnMaoi-fi.r Au.encía Grand. Squire aad Cprli.tPlA-M :'}""'*"<¦¦¦* t*:-<l oftteliteriii-.ioiil Jut*. Tbit Ht-tl ii «in- ' . liaial«) f\r,i \a or.er ef mir,» fiir a_ other AmllUtl .¦- .0 ion i_do.<r u-ure il.m f..ar h.t,1:«d punoi entered for ._ap«lilioa »» n,ii!j .1! tu treal .... .,:t: . ,, .f^uâtl of Kuropl. ".2_ "¦*-' Hd 1.1 lint F.url«««lb il. Ni» I,.ik. «li.'M F GAZETTE. r,l> ''' " bice r«iD_-lr Ark "SSÄÄ ,i...M fr«m 1 ort l.araim., I»_«_..__.l Compt', «., Dfd F -i.t |,.r«..»«* T.nj-ty.t. Fort Mel /ra-ka. oa toa¿M nu. »««.'I'li.,'«,,,»,!. Co-pjnr K, 4ih « ivi.rc « ,.,i:,rt »ored to M.,i.roe. I.t.. »:iJ Un i. rn..,,lu _, i% Wain.! .anti t.. Je;'--»"«, l'ii«. '" ' ".'-". .îupauiei F, «i, II an! K. lO-.l.i t. .ia:,. K, _nh lufinttr tren i r, an. uiJer«- to 1 oil Ii litniii- ' b lal '.'r. ,.« -t r r ?.. ¡M Arti!!«»«, bli- Linie Back, Ark., »uO 4 a.ii ..,. 1! t. CotntaMa. f>. C. are atCi-den, Ark, I'. 4-h Artiller*. barr .ott'l :n I,,ii Mdleurr, Md., and i uii.tiuy 1 Furt K..i(e, Mi F, .d luliiury tra It Loa.Tille, K*. Il 7th Iiifii'trT. ire »t iMiipiiiy 1) Ci.iapanr I'.ltetb Isfau'iT maa,m Bl" li" i.', ra. Va. t'ompanr li, tb Iri' it-r tr« ti . ¡,'er ITtltTer t'oinpl»; I, ITth L it ; ire it 7, tr« it K»rt II*Rae S K ar* al, ¦ " u| Weft^-ttk SioUfi SWMw* TUESDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1867. TUE TRIBUNS IX EL HOPE. BiailMI Rift)inrn«, agents for American Lü»ra- rles, Nu. i; Hi -iiriullik-nt.. Cuvent i.urileai, Loudon, ure agents tor nu: Tarai ra in Oraal r.nuin. «'arl Gerold A Co., I'ooksellersand Publishers, Stef¬ ans pluts, \ lenna, ure «.t ula for 'Ins '1 kiiiunï in Austria. CB. Norton c«.., Auurioau Hunkers. No. 14 Kus Auber. Paris, arc agents fur Thï Tribune In France. A. AmiilB k Co., lJDi.kaellers unil Pitbllslirrs, No. JO Unter «ka I.iiitleu. Berlin, »reagents for Thb Tbibuni lu l'i'ussia. The above »-»«nts -w11 receive subscriptions »ntl sd- veriiseuictits f..i Tur. Turnt,sa, bo«1 sappi? kii.jjies of ino payer to Americans tcini«irikrily m Kurnpe. TEE US OF THE TKILCXE. Daily TRrrtrrNit. Msil Subscribers. |10 per snnnm. .**hmi-Ws:kki.y TRim-Ni*. Mail Sn twsti tiers. pfr an. Wkhkly Tkibink. Mail Hiibscri.H»ra, gi per _i»u_. Adrertliirif Kate». Daily Tiiini'NF. 2T» rent« per ans. Hkui-WkK-tT Tkiiujne. 25 eetita perliuo. Wkkkiv Tiiibunk, $1 50 per ha». Terms, cash in tvdviince. Address, 'I'«** Tribune. New-York. |*f7* Qpteth of the finn, hyman Tremain at the Orant Meeting, an artiele on Jlurrieanes and Earthgttakea, Sole of the Morgnia of Hoatiggrft Slvtl, the I.o nsiamt Unionist* and Universal Amnesty, ami Lair Intelligence Will be found mi the setviitt page; the Money Artiele and Markets mi the third papei Literary Hems on the sixth page, ami the Jtry (louds Trade on the mtccnih pope. _ Tlie Georgia State Constitutional Convention convened under the Reconstruction acts of Cuu- grcsa yesterday at Atlanta. In the Virginia Convention yesterday tbe per diem of members was fixed at $8 ; a reso¬ lution wai adopted to inquire what abuses ex¬ isted, and what reforms were neede«! in the ci*, ii goverii men t of tho State, and tho pro¬ scription of colored voters waa under con¬ sideration. Anna E. Dickinson speuksi on current politi¬ cal topics at the Cooper Instit nie this evening, to warn her hearers of " Brcak-ers Ahead." She will doubtless say much that every frit ml of freedom ought to hear and heed. Our news from South America continues to be unsatisfactory. The lawful authorities in Peru have ma yet been able to put a slop to the revolution, and the danger of another rev¬ olutionary overthrow of the lawful Government of tho country is not yet averted. In Ecuador, Congress have severely censured the President, and tlie latter, aller endeavoring in \ain to form a new cabinet, has resigned. There are several varieties of Grant men; on«* of which was ably représeme«! at the late meeting in our City by the lion. Lyman TitK- MAi.v, late Attorney-General of our State. Mr. Tremain's speech has provoked so many crusty allusions from the Conscivaliv« or Johnson species of Grant men that we have deemed it won li publication in full; and it ac¬ cordingly apjicars rcrbalim on the m corni page of this day's issue. The Italian Govcnnicnt has nmne-sticil all the captured Garibahlians. Compared willi the conduct of most European governments on sim¬ ilar occasions this is a commendable act of clemency, but if it is remembered that titOSt captives belonged to an anny which intended to present the King with au addition to his dominions, and to complete the national unity of Italy, tlie magiiutiimity Victor (-Immanuel appe.rs to be less striking. The Church of England has tor '.-tf-liecu violently agitated by tin* attempted inlioduc- tiou of Ritualistic innovations. Such an at¬ tempt in itself is a matter purely ccclc-iiasiicu!, which ought to be s«*ttb-d by ecclesiastical leg¬ islation, lint in England it has been of fre¬ quent occurrence that ron dies ha vu availe«l themselves of the wide-spn-ad popular di««con- teut produced by the Ritualists, and inter¬ rupted di\hie services in the churches of the Ritualistic party in the most shameful manner. Tile latest occurrence ol' this kind is reponed from All Saints Church. Lambeth, vi here on Sunday, Nov. 21, a general riot took pla..««, and a beautiful font within the communion rail« was broken. There is no Chri«tian country, we believe, where the law is so insiitlicient for protecting the celebration of divine. \)oi>hip ¡is in England. ________________ In Senate ycf-terday, after many urgent in- (.tiiiies for information, and "the expedi.itop of «Skvc., an interesting debate occurred upon the resolution declaring for neutrality in the affair of Great Britain versus Abyssinia. After this the grave and reverend Senators spent an hour in discussing the duties and privileges of the Si igeant-at-Ariiis. Then came another batch of resolutions asking for information, «K <*. (_MM, of which may be found in the liles Tiik Tiubvne iiom »J to l8 months ago). There was nothing else of importance done. In the House, on the «all for bills and reso¬ lutions, the following, among others, to iu- triHluced: For decimal weights and measures; to remove obstructions in Hell Gate (reported by a Democrat) ; to exempt less than $«,000 of manufactured goods from taxation ; to absolve all naturalized citizens from foreign allegiance ; to deutroy $4,000,000 per month of treenbaeks ; to provide for the resumption of specie payments ; to provide againFt undue contraction of the cur¬ rency ; to tax non-interest bearing treasury notes; to refund income tax taken from army and navy officers during the war; to amend the Reconstruction act, so that a majority of those voting at an election may enact laws. After the morning hour, debato waa continued on the Message, the main disenssion being upon the purchase of Russian America. After a long tal-, tlie matter was left with the F.3T.gii Affairs Committee. The Senate bill making five Judges a quonim of the United Staten Supreme Court, waa adopted. The bill striking the word white from all laws of the District of Columbia, was paased. After some discuaaion upon Internal Revenue, the House adjourned. ______________ At a Republican Union Convention, held for Alabama, at Montgomery, on Dec. 2, Judge Smith wa» nominated for Governor, A. J. Applegate for Lieutenant-Governor, R. M. Reynolds for Auditor, C. A. Miller for Secre¬ tary of Sfa.c. Arthur Bingham for Treasurer, If, B- Cloud for Superintend«tot of Public Instruction. I.iUlebury Strang for Attorney- General, John C, Keller for Commissioner of Intentai Resources, and Thomas M. Peters, E. W. 1* ck, and B. V. SafTrrrd for Judges of the Supreme Court. These candidates will probably be elected, and will form the personnel of tho Sriite government under <h« new constitution. Tiny arc _j able men M ever represented tho State of Alabama officially. Though it is ques- 'io!iai,]i. nil, tin r the nomination1*) might not have 1..II1 prudently deferred until the adop¬ tion of the new constitution by Die peojile, wo hope the. Republican party of Alabama will go inte» Um content with unscrried ranks, shoulder to shoulder, anil elect tln-ir ticl.e-t. HOW TO SAVE THE MOXEt. If good .««solutions were omnipotent, every drank*!- would reform.soon after Christmas. .nul our Finances, Federal, State, and local, would lienceforth ho patterns of integrity and frugality. And, though good resolutions go but a little way, that is, at all events, the right way. So let us rejoice that Congress is resolved on trenchment, and help its good will by ae»ir*t- ing to point out the ways and means. First among our sources of expenditure st innis the Army. It is costing to-day more than half of our annual outlay except in satis¬ faction of the National Debt. And it is a very poor tool lot tho work to be done by it. Send¬ ing regiments of infautry and artillery out upon the Plains to fight Indians is like setting a tortoise to catch a hawk. The Indians will tnko good carp to keep Mt ol tlie way, except when (hey can WUpriw au outpost, or fight with a preponderance in numbers of twenty to one. Regular cavalry are a little better.just a lilli«-. They will lose ten horses lor every In¬ dian they get fairly in sight of. If Indians are to bo fought, a thoroughly competent, experienced cavalry general with his f»t a li should be stationed in each territory with a gootl supply of anns and ammunition : ho having authority to call out a force of mounted volunteers whenever he shall seo fit. I.et him accumulate supplies where he will need them ; and, at the projx-r time, let him call foione hundred, three hundred, live hundred or moro volunteers; each to appear at the designated rendezvous on a given day, with his horse-, equipments, and blankets.he to bo ai m. «1, provisioned, and paid $2 per day for liiiii-»!-!f ami horse until mustered out. There tvould always be good men, well mounted, to answer such u callón ten days' notice, though the rendezvous were in the most desolate tv ¡Ids ol' Utah or Idaho. Such a force would do its work quickly mid well, mid would not cost so much as tho rations of the regulars, who do not, and cannot, do it at all. Our Iron-Clad» ought mainly to be sold, if «inly for old iron, They will runt out l»efore we aro likely to need them again; nnd two- thirds of them are already out of data« Mil¬ lions' worth of naval property should bo got iid of within tho next year. It is costing a great deal too much f«»r officers aud guards to look on and sec it rust and rot. Congress should abolish the Franking Privi¬ lege.not modify it. Lot all our people pay tln-ir postage, as Queen Victoria does. The late Mayornlity contest in our City was con¬ ducted in good put by personal appeals and circulars, nil franked. Wood franked his own; and dunder, or some other Tammany M. C, flanked Hoffman's. »So it goes from year to year.the mails mid post-offices gorged and glutted with stuff that pay» no postage. Franked lottery circulars and puffs of quack medicines infest tho whole country by the mil¬ lion. And it is idle to talk of correcting the ahnst» mt franking, when the taxing one man to pay for carrying another man's letters is the groat, crying abuse. If A., ti. and C. are au- tlioriml to send their h-tters nnd documents through the mails, and have them distribut« el bj «iuriers at the public cast, I). E. and F. will borrow and use tln-ir franks to push their wares into notice. No reform can l»e worth a rush that leaves the franking prit ¡lege in existence. The Mileage Swindle needs the like whole¬ some discipline. Once, it was excused on the plea of inadequate pay ; but Congres» is now the best paid legislative body on earth, unh-ss Louis Napoleon's gagged Senate forms an cx- «¦(¦[ition. Take the Oregon Members for ex¬ ample: They must u«ually leave home about tho middle of Octolur, say of 1H¡7, and cannot He it again till about the middle of April, 18C9 .say eighteen months' Services, including a l«»iig vacation. The pay for this service is £10,000.quite enough. Now wo do not object t«> paying their traveling expenses.say $1,000 .in addition. Bat they are allowed to charge exorbitantly for the journey they do make, and then double the dose foi an imaginary or con¬ structive journey homo and back again that they do not make, between the two regular sessions. And, though an tinrcpcaled law pre¬ scribes that there shall be no more paid them for going home and returning between the two sessions than though they stayed and worked straight through from one to the other, it has ti» ver been olwyed nor regard« d. And the provision of the act of 1_jC that members absent from thi-ir seats shall;forfeit their poy, is systematically evaded. Since Congress is bent on retrenchment, why n«)t correct this. As the sittings of a Congress do not averago .n0 days and the pay is $10,000 per Congres», every day's absenco should insuro a deduction of at least $2."». And lluro should be no ex¬ cuse heard, except, that of employment else¬ where as member ol' an investigating com¬ mittee. We believe there are thousands of custom¬ house pla««s that should be cut off.the incum¬ bents either doing nothiug for their salaries, or nothing that is of any use. This might not secure their divorco from tho Treasury ; but tho fact that nearly all of them pay assessments to elect the Copperhead ticket in their respec¬ tive localities will help. If no cliange bo nut'le, at least $100,000 will be raised out of Custom- House ollicers next Fall to beat those Republi¬ cans iu Congi«M who shall be candidates for re¬ election. Why not cut down our Foreign Embassies, Missions, and Consuls. They cost a mint of money, one-third of which might be saved. Cut the $17,500 fellows down to $12,000; the $12,000 chaps to $10,000; the $10,000s to $7,.r)00, And the $7,..00s to $5,000, nnd perhaps some of the patriots may throw up their offices in dis¬ gust. If half of them did, and no others could bo found to fill their places, so much the better. That Congress is in a retrenching mood gives reason for hopo that the grand army of sti¬ pendiaries that infests the Cnpitol will be con¬ siderably îT-ductîtl, and that the " twenty per " cent extra" to the Department Clerks will not again be voted. In short, the public augurs great and lasting good from the spirit in which Congres» has begun, and we trust that this fond hoi>« will not be disappointed. TEXAS. The Registration is completed in this State, and foots up as follow«: Whites.W,6<S- Colored. 47.4SO Vv bulu number.Ivi.Wi Wiwin number who applied nnd wer« re- H-.taU. 7.500 Tho order for tho election of a I.«ecoi_sti_c- tion Convention will probably be issued within ¦ very few dnys. In the mean time, the follow¬ ing appeal is minto to tho Republicans of the State: TO TUB fi l-l III 114 S HAAS. We jtraaiMit te rou u>4ar tita ree-ult of th* re_1atTntiori In tins8t.it.-. which a-lvea-MM white, mid 47,430 colored vot.r. rt'i;l«t«-r<«cl, or a »rand total of UH.OJC. .'ruin the cnrreiOHiniliTit« «if til* lOjiiil.llrnn Kxecntliev CTuiiniltt!-.-, who hftvo nimio 11 careful entiuuito of tim vote, tlin.tiidieiit Hie Hi m«', vvtv Inn n thiii _:,,<kmi luv al vi hilra will nile tho Iti'iuililli'iiii ticket in the» H|i|i!-iiiichiiii* «-li-, linn, of tlie ceiiiiivti rotean will eany at i...«i 1MB». Ki» win «ho tho i:_iitii>)i.Q>i parti a maa iota; of 70,00» \<»t< -, ortd Insures beyond nil doubt the holdtti«; of » Conren- tlon. In ii very «holt tlnii« til.« htitte \i III be .Int. Ictcl, und un election Will bo ordered. The finn: lor action lins arrived. Y«.tl tiiitst s«tlast t your *rTtiiiiri>st and best men for the fofiventloii. Let them be «.«bosun froui among those kiln. bsTi .lialiiiKiiishc.l tbsii.elres for their public mai jut vnte virtues, for their lenices to the stute, and their ilek otion to the Knut cause of 1.ninan liberty and tti« rights of limn. Let th. ii eharaeter be such Hutt fluir work may not ..nijr meet tho approval of our loyal peo¬ ple, but snell nu okalWon ima erltlcisoi and defy the uppo.ltloli Of th« .llnloj.il. TaW (llsfraiit'liist (1 Conserva-. the lenders advise their old follower«, to Ht.tv uuiiy from Ike polia, with tba aelusire ln>i>e of aeteotinp the Con¬ vention. I-ct thdu thiii defy the law If the.k «larc. We need not theil »otc«, and tha Il'-cmsti in 'ion ¡tit« hake taii.'lit us how to dial tklth p«T.«i«tent rebellion. Victory im-i dies upon .mr staii.lar.l; but remember, '{««publicaun, tb.il "the pi lee of lil» Uk «terna! in 'auco." nu: heal estate i; isis ess. The Herald lias ft letter fiom a resident of St. Thouin*, who ««tate-» that "Admiral l'aimer and ('..iiiiiiodorf s Bo-Jits and nisse. «weir al St 1 Imluirt on the l»th ult and It «mis tlie inten tlon of Admiral I'almer to c.u n tb l>ani«h Commissioner for the transfer of the Isintu!« of St. Timm..*, mid Si. Johns over to St. CrolX OK the rolloWing day (I.'tin, for the pur- MH of arranging with tbe Oorernor dur. io the pro«e«-«l- lens «misseii»nl on Ott transfer of the Istantls. Th« r. s ti macb i,jillillia.' st tile Idea of snMxaktioii to tha> I'mttd Slut.«, but tin« merchants did not tako to tho idea of An,.a I, ai tarilla." .Wo }ioi>o it vmII yet bo established that the People of lim 1'iiitc.l Matea, represented iu (Jongresn, have somewhat to bay at-, to the dis¬ posal of their hard-earned money. The $7,20*0,- 000 for Walrussia is gone ; and now wo wish li.iiBf.ia would take the ten itoiy l.a'k nt a free gilt, and «_?. our people the [»ayment of at least **l,000,000 per annum moro through all time for fortifying ils coasts, triangulating its seas, Im- pioving its borboto, lighting its headlands, &c, MO. Hut against this purchaso of two paltry islands for several moro Millions in gold, wo entreat Congress to make a determined stand. We don't want remote insular possessions ; they must inevitably iequire an imniediato heavy outlay for their fortification, <Síc; and they can¬ not fail to prove a source of weakness and to call for further heavy outlays, whenever wo shall be involved in war with a maritime power. l)o let us see if a stop cannot lie put to this incessant buying of ico-banks mid islands by our magnificent Secretary of State, who never yet conceived that a Treasury could have a bottom. Wo want to poy our debts and reduce our taxes. Who has presumed to receive a " transfer of this island"' before Cougretw baa been consulted t MIXED MAIUUAGES. The World, being in need of information, turns naturally and wisd.v to Tiik Tumi ne. It shall not seek in vain. Hero is its problem : "This «inflation of Intermarriage of Afrlcnns with persons nf the White Kui np.mi races Im most iiitere«tl)i>-', und bccou.uiir every dav, by renton of Kepiibllcan lfiri«- lalioii, of leal foi practical hnpiu tania«. The fuudameutitl idea of the Ucpiiblii'iili pnltv, In its treittinciit of tho Sotitliern State»., In the cociiiialll.v of the Wini.« ami llliick lines. Oi.L'lit muli cn cunnii« to bit pcrniiti.il to inter¬ marry« We slmll jxhnl to lieni fruin Tin. TurttlNK on the morn!.««K lal, «lill iiilnv'lcal, pollilia!, leifiil, ttnil piacti- ( ni relations of till» sublet t ! Mnjor-Ueii. l'ope de»lrt«s iimtaiit Infi.ruiiitloii from ii btad-toiiter of Ins part) !" Ansuer..'l ho Apostle l'uni, being once pressed to «lecido whether certain parties should or should not marry, responded that, if they were content to remain single, he advised them to do so, but considerately added that " It is bettor to marry than to burn.'' Our an¬ swer to The World will be found imbued with the fkpiiit of the great Apostle. We can imagine no ciieunistanccs under, which it would seem to us fit anil wise that a White and a Black person should be joined in the holy state ol' matrimony; and yet wo claim DO light to judge for others in the premises, aud can suppose no case in which the State would l»e justified in interfering to prevent such a marriage any more than to command it. If Democracy has concocted or borrowed an " interference theory" which justifies such meddling, it a worse theory than even we had luppoooti All do know that there ure several hundred thousand mulattoes iu this eountiy ; and we presumo no one has any Be¬ linup doubt that the fathers of at least nine- tenths of them aro White Democrats. And we hold that those Democrats, if they will have yellow children, might better than otherwise treat the mothers respectively as wives, after the laudable pattern of that eminent Democrat, Vice-President Richard MA. Johnson. Every- liody knew what were the colors of his wife and children ; yet they did n't cost li ¡ra the support of a single White Democrat.New-York and Connecticut giving Iii m their whole Elec¬ toral Vote. Hence we conclude that the Demo¬ cratic aveision to color in wedlock is neither1 general nor sincere. Will The World have anymore information î nowlîosslruÛLD do it. The Hon Lewis W. Ross is a Copperhead of the Illinois breed.not a good variety of the un¬ likely species. In tho casual debate of Satur¬ day, ho managed to deliver himself to the following effect : 1. Ho desires to see our paper currency still farther " watered ;'' 2. He wants tho National Rank notes called in, and more " legal tendel*1 issued iu their stead ; 3. He wants tlie bonds ¡.«sued and owing by the Government subjected to taxation in defi¬ ance of the Government's pledge that they shall not be ; 4. He wants to issue "gradually" greenbacks enough to pay off the National Debt. 5. He holds that the bonds may thus be "paid "ofY," one-sixth to one-eighth per annum, mid thinks the legal tender act has thus "opened a " way to the peoplo to get rid of the enormous " debt." We ask Messrs. Butler and Stevens to look at their own faces in the glass that Mr. Ross holds up before them. If the "counterfeit pre- " scntment'' does not flatter, wo can't say that the fault is in the glass. Mr. Ross detests the bondholders, because they furnished the needful means whereby the Rebellion was put down. He will cheat them if he can, because they thwarted his fond de¬ sires that the Uuion should bo reconstructed on the Montgomery platform. By the help of the doctrine of Total Depravity, we can readily account for Mr. Ross's demonstration. But even such strong meat does not enable us to explain the "aid and comfort" he is receivbig from Messrs. Butler and Stevens. Mr. Ross is not satisfied with being a scoun¬ drel himself ; he insists that the people are all scoundrels, especially at the West. He talks to Mr. B, Washburne after this insolont fashion : '. He -ould t»ll his ca-illss-. s Hist, If be planted himself on tho bondholders' platform, he would s«kid find hiinielf solitary sud alone on that platform in tim 8tato of illi¬ nois. ¡Iii eollettque teat trilling to turn off the tltcrtpit tot- Wier, anti the teidniet and m-jihavi nf n.liliir.t, trith ¡,<ty- ment inrutjier eurreney, and to rticrxe the gold to ¡my off the rich bondholder»." .Messrs. Republicans who vote to "water " the currency".or against getting the water out of it.do you mean to let Ross and his fel¬ low Rcpudiators put that issue upon youl We protest against it, and you ought to know bet¬ ter than to allow it. Rely on it, no course is wise or safe that does not lead right on to Resumption, and thus to one Currency for bond¬ holder.-;, pensioners, and every body else. A correspondent of The Chica jo Tribune writ¬ ing from California declares that if Congitss adopts a Radical policy it will lose tho support of the Pacific States, and that if Gen. Grant approves tim Itndiralism of Congress, ho can ..my milli.i C:ilil«.i!iii, Oregon, not Ne\;'i!.i. If President Lincoln were living, this might perhaps remiml him of the little niieedote about n Hibernian breakfasting on «'ggs. Healing a faint « luck from on.« of them just, as it was pass¬ ing the larynx. " JW« nie Bowl, cluck,*' lie n- niaike-d, "jespok« too late." CongTOMtAonUtñ a Radical policy at ils last -e-«ion, and it' thal fact has not yet been ascertain« «1 in the Pacific States, we «loubt if it will greatly affect the next election. Some curiosiiy having been 4 xpn ««eil ;>s to xvhat The Heralds si-iitimtmt» we respe, tuig itnlieaclimeiit. \\c have been at the p__M tO C_l- lett specimens from five or US leading «-«li- torinhI in that intlueiitial journal, and n with Kilt »in it them to our reader-« : l;r,,,i,rni,if Ihr Ibnillork What, then, ait) thaao ohitmrtlnnii irhlili ftrr the time arrea) tba adoption of tbia (Ckmaiitntionali Amendment ! HtiaiiL'ily enough the chief luipi -. le ni. tit 1'r.si.l. tit Jbhuaoti, whoae apeclaldoty it 1-1<> " thai tbelawa aro faitiifiiiiy «-«_'¦« n «i la a word, Mr Johnson th» i1iii.ll. irk agalnet Southern r.-i ..nnt rtl.-tioi» and stora- tl'Hi, and If Be will nut turu 'liu ka) ami opoa Um door it wail in- .ii.iie.I hy tuking oft' Iii." look wini tin- ». hw driver of Impeachment." * * * President Johnaon mtibt no loiig.-i n aiit I hi» gtttt 11101 «nu nt. Ile luunlijito waj «»i raatgn, <«i be » iii be r. moved líen Obttaeift lo UeeonetrmetUin. ('ongrnsi must meet wita raeolute wUl to emery ou MM rn«.t«ment, now «/'< i»««t .»'««l mora neeeiaarr than, ever, of uni» uTiinit im.l 1. ni.ivii.g Andrew Johnson Aron th<- Ex« I'ctitivu chair. If It di»-* n<»t do thi», thea tia-war will I... v.- lic.-ii in vain. * . It moat go ntl Ait<tjt tu tin; mark boldly, fairly, <>i»'iily, in lim «'.v.» of tin- intluu ui.d tho world -miel liii|toaiii him forth» high elimo and mUde- in« an st ni 11 usurpation of i«ower, of the exercis ¦ of au¬ lla, lily iigainst tin; law, of «.<«:> «laiiiiiK with bia Cabinet to render nu1! and i»oper»tire law« the tnttttrmie midh<-nest i-iifoiTeiiirnt of wInch was vitally nec«-»«uiy t«> Hit pr«««- p.'titv ni lui- people; alni til«' ]«.a«ii «lal Welfare ««I tl.'o «¦«.iiiitry. On tbt-ot- broad Issues be must ha impeached und removed. The Kemeihi of Imjiearliuirnt. Bat behind thla li«'» the »till »raver chary» off hi« per «latent effort * t<> den], onteat, au«t aaurp tin. nut lu. city of Con»raaaia his jnugi uuiini: off Boothora tveona.-ctlon ..nil i.'Ht..ration. Coin-id. linn-1lie frightful coat ariel sacri¬ fices require d te» put «low n the lilt« H>.ll1iIiK Southern Con¬ ti «liracy, and tho legit uiiat« i*»ue-s off tho war gained hy th«. loyal statt», the effort» at Pieml.-iit Johnaon to »u- i«, 1-rilli Hie authority of Congress and Hie will of the h«y»l «Staten cover a charlo of usurpation of llio moat fearful Import. «.»... AKalnnt this sweeping charge of luiirpafioii tim t.in- IIH and pounilnj«-" a».'iiiiipli«>in> of King« burl.I the I irat of longland dwindle into lillies, as el«. the-Kin-vaia«-« of ti a American 1 n-iiai al .011 of I111I1-1» nilence against King George the Third. Tho powers which the PraeidMtha» claimed and exercised lu reconstructing and rent.»ring South Carolina and Texan ho could just us well elah» over Chihuahua 01 rjoiiora. if tiloso Maxton» rítales were brought within our limits hy ronque-t or purchase to- iiioit-ow. Why, then, hat« Congress so long delayed in .iiiiglog thi» i-onflict to the te»t of au iiii|>e.u.huiu: t ! «»Vom The iltratd. Pet. ., 1-«.:. The end of the impeachment humbug chown Mill more «triklngly the extraonllnary change that ha» come over Congress. J he dominant puru lu and eut of < on grese, a short time since, clamored for the President's Impeach- ment. Tiiey were ready to remove lum at all ha.ai«I» for part.-111. pin puses. In their t'oh-nc« the* pr.-.i. i.t«-«l him as a traitor, sot, c1« bnti.Ti.c, and ever} thing else vile lu fart, n mounter. Tliey raked the pi itoiin and evi ly coiii-civ.ii.lc-pl.tiii for evidence agaiust him. They tunk Hie testimony of the rileat eharsotrra and perjurers to iniilio out a case. They put spies about hu residence to watch linn, and they did everything (».»sihle to bia« kau lil.«, character before the public iu advance «of til» action of Congi«!'»». Finally, a inajoiify «»f tin- Itiip.-aehmeiit Coinuiittce brought it chargeai against him for "high n loara und ¦_aden_e»nors.n Ami, ufter all this violence, l.tl.or. nail |iaiTi«.in zeal, what did li end lal Abortion ; in n 1 im llunl.» vote of the House aguni»t impeachment. Never before did a great party com«: down from Its lofty pretension» so flatly. If tho Kaclicul Kepubllcuns hud vi nut« «1 to «lo Mi. Johnson a great sen le» they could not h.ive diuii) anyHilng to BCCOmpllah thal lucie effectually, but aa theie BVldeiMM of returning reason among them We urn not disposed to rub cul.Tic ou their lore« tco m.-r. ih-s-ly. We think xve have quoted enough now to satisfy anybody. The man whose mind is not nt rest after reading these extraéis niu-t be hard to convince. A good many of our exchanges in copying our special dispatch from llostou »ciibiug Mr. Dickens's Iii st .«-¡«ding, speak of it as "corre- " Bpondenco"' of Tiik Tiuulne. This expression gives a wrong idea of the article. It was not a letter bu_ 11 telegraphic dispat« li nearly two columns in length. Tho jury in the Bergen uitro-glycei i ne explo¬ sion ca.se fornida vet diet, at about 1 v!; o*< lock this morning, censuring Col. Scluifner, the con¬ tractor, for ein«-l«"»in«mm in selecting men to haudlo nitro-glycerine, and requesting the Town Council of Bergen to order that not more than 100 pounds of this terribly «lestrn« ii ve agent shall lie k«-pt any where in the town, ml.»» stored in lire-proof vault». OUR TREASURY TOZICT. I have laved Thi TwbüKI of November 15, contiilntng the article on the Trutsury Folio, in which the writer, wi'h th» oflleial itatetnent before him, de¬ liberately cuts down taSlfiOefiOO «,f local tender« t«. ?l.7,ooe).)Ss), a »Minali' of Til»: ..¡uti KB. financial ani- clea. Query. -What relian«0 can be pla- «1 on apapei winch lints vvillfullv falsifies ofllcial figures 1 s. w. Lnrkport, .V. 1'., Dec. 6, ls67. H'l'ly..$.1.57,1 iOü.oCO is officially stitteel as the amount of legal tenders issued. Of these the amount held in reservo by the National Hanks security for their liabilities has usually been *vi«ju.«Xl<),«X)0, leaviugin circulation as currency only $l.'>T,<XXi.04j4l, as slated in our article. "i>. W.'' ahines with more Imtt than light. _ POLITICAL, OIKICItl. VU1-T lill*. AII.HM1V. .ico-id ntiTaiiT. lavalaaara awnucr. Tbornai l'uu,iu, lleiu. 4.V.TI Ororg« Mettrai ti, I». I. i 13 laka J Hurl**, Ti.d. 6 Tn.nr.c« St»t«o».,n. It«|. '.»»4 Ki«inlCa!lr, Ind. 3 J..I10 N*«_itt. Tua. 1..17 hat f. I..,...,'ii«. H L.. 1 Tbon,ai Ila.J. n. Im*.. K.itifrt XI -r ii.iii. Im!. i II. I'«.! .. an.I Dlank. Tli,»i!,i. «' Darla, lad. »«.-ailcriui. John Ri..r!in. tn.l. 1 I lioBia.« I ouuioriu'j. Ia !. II Whole rot*. Blank. I1 HfGralbi pkralat;.. Scaitci-i. -IS «iiTarxrK Dii*fci -1Vr«-.rc Kir.«j. Ta.. Wh tot«. 4 «.4 1V___ li.!*'., mt». Ciiin.in'« |, ina I.tv. 4 Ml ThOMM M. »'p*'-'1'». lot... C'.imii.'» ui«.,"rit .. «1,311 W.-««a W. tTi¡l»«-r. Iteji... a,..'ni ui.nu.T. 'iiii Sebwirti. Hep.. AiTlnn» M.'l.r. Mu/. _t».l'.. 4,233 H Imnl MlUn, Iiiai. f.«. «« ItM.tt. Tan. 1,1-11 I!mtb N liar!.. Ji.hn li. t)m*o:iur..-. Ki'p. 44Ü Biank ami htl*ctii». Jami Heirl». Kep.. 1 l~ Sell'.'-rinit. li ..ti McMili.'ii. lud. «.I niank. ratal *..t.. Siatteri.g. 14! Tailtj'i plurai.ir. Wbolerot». '.A Miller a pluralitf. !... Itliliera majiiritr. M.'1-OOL TTVtslll« ol lu Ml. ns'T »abo. «'.mi -mr. Pitr'fk Baldwin, lain.1,4» Vt ni It Burra.. Bata. I |.«,c .1 SCI J<»l.n «'«««*. Ii. I. «. j'Tr*.' VA. s,-' na>. Tun..LIM Join A. «..iii" ir Ir!. V.', Blank and ««-atlcriaf. 13 Biank and icatu ring. 1'-: _ -1 Wkol* rat*.2 4'4 Whol«To..l,s.M, Bi.r.-ai't pairal tj. Bl Baldwin'« plurilitr. HO Buru'amajoritj. 2io Biidaia'« majority. 920 »kíhtii w.rd.¿o«. Ttrm. irni-ei» winn. Frimii K!*«t. p.ra.2.«». ,I»r*m!«1i <-»i*n«,Bry. and I)i-m. 2'tt Sam«««l Kiah, Hr\, . ».'ii Henrv Kramer, Ii.d. 1,7 «,*o. W. \ au Vurat. In!. 4:+ Patri-k rl»!,l«ain.Taii!. | Blai.k in- .,at-.«.io_. l8 blink a.d nat.ei.ng. A Whot«T«t«. M 4'ii.iu«i (.!iir»liir. mt Cu/u«'« ioa;.)rtt... If; -ntihi» ward. Pi'.rick T. Catii*.. Tun.. .'i'hn A. Oümour, K*p. »'4 W II. Bumi. 1 Prad. w. Mautla. « Illauk and «eaturaig. 1 Whnl« rot«. ft* «'.v-iicj'i pluns.tv. H' t'arnej'i majority. w Hit STll WAHI». M.rr-aPne.liiiu. Kin. 4. P.«. 1 H Patrick H. Malun*. (..J. Mtjtlerin.. Whola mt*.t* I ,. Krailtan. t .«.^«.r ... / ." muk t"i*.4.411 Kl**t'« plnrahtT.1 SVil i-i-el« -Lijutitj.1,453 ».«liiTii it titi». .»'A.irl r*riM. John O.Shaw. 34 I .bra/C. Wiiiuu. . Win,!« T.i»». 39 bul» a i.a.'ont.r. 2a I'lKiilll «1Kb. I«iii.l II. Knapp, K«p.1 M Patrick l'iin,.in. Tam. k KIM « '.'ton ShicllcT. Moi. bl J niink and »caU«riag. 1) Who!« roi*.4.1.U Knipp'1 plnnlllr. 207 NisarxMNTH tssao. PaWtkWaU, K«p.17.V1 lal no Carr, Tam.1 M1 ia-, d SalRraa. Mo.»- ilaak aad icatKrtng. *u «WTiol« Tot«. 6 1.4 KwiIJ'i pluraiitr. _*1 FlitsT itSSEMBIaT ''<Tl{.VNlr CI.LB. In lespoiiito to the call of tho mei'tini; held at c,mil« r lie titnt" Vee. i, th» citizens of the Iirsf Assem¬ bly Disttii-t met at No. 7ft Hucl-oit-i>t. la<¡t eveniiii/, and c«r- gttii/«-d a «.runt ( iimp:tliiu Club. C V. Lewi-«, *»«(., \ elected President; John Mols. esq. ond Jamei V. Horan, Vice Presidents; 8. M. 1.« compte. Treasurer; Thonnts M.-Cabe, Be« oi-Iiiik» alni J. W. H. al «.'.«Concapondlna 8 retarles. li" uieetiiii- waa addressed by several cituem of the district. TIIK < KNTU.VI. OKAVT < \MI'\I«;N CMTV. The Grant C-UD«paigti Club met Unst evening st their hea«li|iiarters, the Preiident, Rufn.» F. An.lt« w -. lu the cbuir. The constitution and byu.« wene read bjr tin« ferr« tary, mid afterward attoptcd. The cotmalttoe appointed to form a L-li'e club r.-p«>rt«'«l that tiny had bien stiece««fnl. and wer» dl»cl'i».i'í..¦«!. ruc President ap- piilntcd a trtrninntiee cunststlnii; of all ti" mii«i« al i-e.ntle- ineiioftlie «lui-» t'l siipeiintind the pnliTl-ihiiiir el e»m* Ç.tl|{u son»!' uinl tho employing of iiis'riin.« i.tal iuj- he President Informed the lint» that the Sen trtry was in oomiiini-tcation irifh prominent Union war ei.-n in M conntlci of tho Bute, and that somo time ilurlng the lnontb of Januarv a Ptat«- ('«uvention of the «a-¡nu- or »juiizationiwould be lietel at Albury. I'\ "ei r«r«iio. II. Andrews l.i'tti» preaent, was c;.il«d to the ilntfori'i nuil limili) u leefthjr ipeaeh. The fe.ll.jv.ti.tr i. laedfen- tli'inen were « li t-d US dele ile a al large: J li" "'.. < ¦. 0. li.Ainiievv«,«Col.FrankK.Howe,i \ tq.,V M. \l el inore. CHq., the Hon. 1'. A. ('»ii! lil i.'. «ii iVlll. H. AnIlion, lien. «Tia«. (». ll.t'i-m. «1 i\.es«|, l.'i.l., it R I!,«..» vi 1», ,. II [carl v 1, CIÎAT.T.ES DICKENS HIS ] ii'st KKAMNG IN NKW YOKE. Tliere uaná great crowd last night ni Stein- way Hall. Ar, liist. intlteJ, it did not «_a_ iin- jirob.ible thal « v. t \ pOMM i)ie,«ent would \ic, as Mitatkltti .«oiiit-kklii-ic remark*, "crushed out, of bifl «uigiual bum bj, I],.- iicciiinul.niko força ol' a combination ..1 cn, in,i«i.iiu«e<." Intime, howe iel, ulla i agastt lurgma anil gat liuiig, tho human ko M-ttlcd im,, ,,,;,,,. «.,» N-ill«<«l, _ pi« ««nie.1 ,t beautiful anil tom¡haag apectaiht. The heart, iho ititcllct t. lite w it. ii.«-«. ii«il.ilüy, the beaut.*». Un- wcallh. lue iiidii-.lri.il potier of the )oienio«t ol' Aiueiii«an citi««, le all reiire- «tiihil in llial. ,a«t a«-, .tubly.»ker«* all uniteil by a c.minion hup lit** in doiog homaira to a man of true and bein licent genius. To 100 ami lo lui lliis wau to be du ply and mci !.:. ««i!.l.\ thrilled.u.i<« to r»--ilix.«-, with gbubMM and iriaiitmlc, (lie pi'ioiitnl «li volio,, of true- ln;nl««l men and kvoiiien to n gnwt natural iriiid. and leader. An imi.-it-n OS chord of 1..-1- Lftg lui« lin ü lum-hcd and «loiintbd bv Charlee Iii. kins. In thiily yunta ot liieiary life-yi art t_ selt-impo«« d, un;« milling. Kciupulors toil, .lniiiiati <l bj that. noblet «.I all nu.!i\«¦**, the .«he to angmeint th" haj>|>in«s>» of munkiml. he has enaie.! iniinoil:;! \koiks ol ort, __ peopled literature willi a watt vaticty of char¬ acters, has interpreted human n.-ituic and the passing age, has iMruck «lokin gnat social al.uses, has tan.'rht tbe nSStti ««on of charity, has comfoited the poor, baa vi etchell out luimla of hiking pity t<» the outcast anil weet« lied, has supplied ,i net« i-f.tiling sont«-« ot innot cn«' ami happy laughtir, has stimulated the high poetic instincts of our tattO, and hi« in every way inculcated «weet, pine, and nol.le ideals Of character and of eotnluct. TbtM laboring.' he h;us won in equal measure the hoOMfO und the love of hw generation. Something of this af¬ fectionate feeling wa« ni lily- e\pn «sed hy his audit nee last night; nor in all that great throng was there a single mind iinronscioni of the privilege it enjoyed in being able, evi-n so iiailially, to thank Charles llickms toi all tho happiness lie has given to the tun lil. It is a better \koild lieeaii.-e of hint. Th»- jne«. nt is hajipier lot his sake, and the lutine will brighten at the coming nf hil tren in». In the Readings that Mr. Dickens gave. last night, the character of that geniu« waa full» and admirably denoted. The ki ¦*. -note of .«.li his wiitin.-« is «minded in the **Gilt.a*Jl»_l Carol" ami rho " Pickwick Papers." Humanity aud humor blend in that note, and make ¡in (Mjuisite music. Othor hil works, it is true. eipreat more amply, and in more niinute and elaborate detail, the scope of tlie writ el's mind, the vigor and wealth of his imagination, the woiideitul thoroughness of his analysis of na¬ ture, the k.-eimess of his intuitions, the depth of his pat.tia, the remarkable perception tliat he has of the somber and trajriciil aapatta of bunian expeliente, and tin rich résonnes of hi« eloquent ttyle. Then m single passages ia "ll.ivid C'opperfi« Id," in " Martiu ('huzzlewit," in "The Old Cuiiosity Shop," and in flat strong and splendid tragic creation "A Talc ol Two Cities," to which the critic will raturally and nee«*««alily muir, in formiug a tmo «-»ti- iii.tt«: of this èxtiaonliiiary man. There li no written Momi lik«« the storm in which Steerforth goes dotk ii t«» dcottaa. There is no honor mort» irhast]y than the face of Jonas Chuzzlewit in the W0Ot% Tin re ia no pathos niore heart¬ breaking thoa that which enwraps the aged inourner at Nelly'-, grave. There is no eml.leni of -. It-sactitico nioio vivid or more sublime than tin fígaro of Sydney Carton at the guillo¬ tine. '1 be assured power of maturity Is palpa¬ ble lo all th«MO scenes and r«on«. They exprès«, a deep heart that has suffered deeply, ami a great mind in uncurbed action. Yet, to the acute inker, the char- .ict« listic quality of that heart and mind are evident enough in the "Christmas Carol'1 and the "Pickwick Papers.'' Not humanity and humor alone ; but delicate inventive skill.the line talent «if the artist.an airy and delightful fancy, a nue comprehension of character and of social relations, a thorough acquaintance and sympathy with common joys ami common sor¬ rows, and, above nil, the clear, calm, noble purpose to inculcate the religion of love. The ir. p ¡ali i y of the Christmas season has never been so entirely ntt« red as it is in this little work. 'J In« grtot lire« roar in it« pages, anil bright eyes sparkle, and merry bells ring, and .sunlight and starlifclit and joy wrap it round about in a delicious atniosphi re of honest, arden! irootlno«'. Theic is om- touch of pathos in it Mhich no heart can ntiajt. It is where poor Rob Cult-hit «*p«Makl of Tiny Tim's grave. Von in.iy n.td ir a iliou.vind times, bul you can inver r. ¡c1 it without a mist in lue eye.s. "It »kotild aova done you good to we how given a place it i«v Rob say s ; " but you'll 9«?e it often. I promised him that I would walk there ou a ¡Sunday. My little, little child ! My little childi1* There is another touch.a touch of thought.which expresses the great author's tail li, and is, inde««d. the concent rated fepirit of all his teachings : " Ages of incessant labor by immortal cr« at uns for this earth must puts int«, eternity before the good of which it is susceptible is all developed . Any Christian hpiiit working kindly in its little sphere, what¬ ever it may be, will lind its mortal lifelixi short foi it« *>.t«t means of lisetuliitr,*.'' The author who ti aches thus assuredly «I«*«"» not woik in vain. It is another article of lili faith, too. that " there is nothing in the world «o irre¬ sistibly contairious as laacbter and good humor." end that he has proved by the story ot "Pickwi.-k.-' Willi both the««- do« flinns he won abundant «sympathy, last ni^ht. N«)taloM the music of his tones, but the deeper voice of his genius, found an echo in every hean. Mr. Dickens is not only an excelU ni reader but a greatly-gifted actor. To tend bil itorks is to see that ho posschscs in an eminent de- ijTce the dramatic instinct. To hear him tend is lo see that he also posses*«!«, in almo-'! equal lulim-.«--, the dramatic faculty. In reading a* well as writing lie enters into every character that ho creates. Hi« pcr-oiiality, for the time, is extinct. Now he is .-*< uioge. pre.«« olly he Mr. Fe/ziwig, anon is he Bob t latchit, and by and by he passes, -sr«, i tli «.¦airaoidii.'.'uy vei.ttfl. ¡tv Of mood, thro igh the pdWftOl Sergeai i Huz- fii/7. the Little Judge.Mis.Clnpphs. Winkle the renowned sportsman, and SanMel Weller, Iho several personati«nis are complete at ail point***, This capacity of merging one's »If Into ¦ har- iii tiï is, of eontae. the indi*pensabh requiaite for good acting. To say that Mr. DickeM han it is sufficiently to explain the continued triumphs that he has aehioed in reading his own works. It is needful t<« add. innu-ver. that he uses it like an «tii«;. The chid feature in his method is ¦simplicity.whieh bupliea a pci- tect knowledge ox the « li« t io pnnlm-cd and a pen« «.I control of tit»* nit.iia that are requisite to product* it. The next feature is delicacy. In tin mellow mid musical voice, in the tranquil manner, in the nnallected gesture, in tim easy- suiting of the woiil to the action.in all thal the mm M and all that he does this s*catie hi « in. nt coti- upiiuous. Conmniicndn'C both '¡'« -«¦ f«-afurea i.ab'v. lu the h_aifing of last Dlgbl he seemed more tbe comedian «ian the trag«««lian ; but that ot tbifl ' ret iug. which compiisis the " Tempes- '* . iiaptev ti.ni " I »i vid ('onpertiehl " will probably -how him in au«»lu c ligul. How¬ ever hbown Ik- wVl bo i'¡"'ii'< NATIONAL l..N\KMl(»N OP MAM'I K U.l.l.B?. The manufacturers of iron and __d«*N_e met Ht til« ('da '. ti ''.' AiDcr.- ,-u Iti'l'i« -i-!,, i' a ,--«r «l,«y, anti a«i. j ,'Ù id-, ....vu« i.im.i t,a- .. mu ip li rcrl- sioii «if ti«' extaUog tyetaag «>f Ui»tan_l r. k,'ni..', *.«.cla reviainti to ¡L',.''tr 'Jie i< nioval ultim inn n sil «tomejl. manufactures «l i'rod.ir'fi'tri«. Ivtxoiles exempted. TH" uici'ttni. fnrtl t-r-'dUi.d Uiar ;t '. uasmit. polkj to pi*> « i«t^ s i* renou tot Um pa] merit«'/ mon tksu lbs InK r.-*i of tut national debt ana t lofMieOarr- «.riilii«"'t. ¡li '! all tin«, nts*"» « skafl '"i«. n pla. 'I on Huit »..undttaanoialbtsts «rhich iliaII wtrruiil «a'bii« I'Hjiug iittdue >.uit iu liquidation. An. n uti.K* l>!»*.lg««>« the niaini'm«! Iren of New-Y»rk f eoö|»era_ kkitii utUer j.ru.li:. ers lil se« tirin. si li moat um int.-raal Bovenu« laws as »tu«li rend r t1. i-nr-len of tiiT.iti.in apon all branches ol IihIimI equlfasble Tis» mcetin..'. tu «elna. Mr. I ti. 1 tlt¡tnin»n. ,!.,,... M. i- î'. m.,1 \ ,<i den. C. W. I'.fkks, O. W. Russell, rtttrl.-s Bllrei I l>. Kit-«. H. <>eo u«- 8-r- if. nt, J. R, rhtHupson, II. Kii'ii.'. Di.'ii.u J 1 ni»-. '.. UbUy, JobaWiliiaiüs,J. Clarke, . Wajed.J.tlln «ue. .loliu Marti. \. t. Hewl! I" rall I </»>_*_. l'ct.r He.-, w. I. Dodife. |r., w t ll-d-att, ."«.*.<-*". nuai, .nul J Vim Mci ' ' ï£Jt Hon ol ' ki Id ¦'. Cleve.ad uu Im .si

Weft^-ttkSioUfi DICKENS SWMw*...n.lj whereone 1h,x of Pila, I'ltalert. TafpsB.«a Liuin-e.t«, or tay "f tbewoniouttoatruiui tr« ealied tor. 1'ain l.tvrttknthe l.td; tb« foil«~Brown.indor»e

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  • ^tiTti'.'.tiTttrils.Acm'f.my OF MtT.sic -Thi* Evening.." The Golden

    -I».- Pol'i 1 in. katie«.\Vai.i.4CkV--Tliib Evt¡lilli:.- '.V.iu«l'_ IVi¡1 "."Ici

    Pnn patlt Krtnclia."UiiDAiiw w Turm i: . Titi«. Evening. "The

    t - -I,., r Min." Mi. ami Mi» W J. 1!,Nunn'.« Garden Thi» Evening. -" Tlir» B1»C-

    C'r,.,k".(in-at l'an».«une Ballet i ic iy.Por further particulari le* idv*rtiiein*nt in toot!.er tuluna.Tb» ita.iu.er Milenta tti'.J lett« foot of Barcliy it. uSii. lit-

    freibmenU [ri»*id*at on bond.Windows Caxxut Kahle,

    aid Hörntet mu»! be vorn», »Len fitted »iib Kutsrck'a Pot-m.a-ait-

    lum Wratukr Stki*».


    Koanrr« B*.»,«., No. M Fnltor »' Ne a T -i

    1'tin iiI «m lu bitil. fai«, -iib. or tide,Tain io liter, tioart, or -'I'nut »iib 1'ain 1'an.t, ji.y betide.I'nig.lst« ire »Tllci» Paint so fait,It kt-fpa t!.»in liri!; doe» cut !«i'IU-uov their at.K-k. lay in a itoro,Atad lilli tbe people tall for mor«.

    Tot Dr. WVoi.cott finds time to rciuove Taine/»r «»«rjl'oij, free of cost, It Ko. l'a' 4'h.itL«a_-9»aa98, N««f \o-k.PS« MMtrtie-ufr, BriKiklyn, No. 31 WlsteMt, lio-ïon, «uti be giiMerenone a Cirui! ir that I liliri thrui bo» to »ujoy to-ii, y«a. t.tttertieatib, without h pill or a ini.le iin«e of iiM-ilninc uuler til» circuin-al.ara, A l~-l aaltl «»|i«fr ti.» blal'att «1' l.t'lC. PAIMpAIMTl! IT:'-

    Í;iaU. ii c*..t», .'»' «Mala, *l;aud tu.i pluU lliat hold e!t,"!it ifor »l| ur^e bulli«« aeul free 01 eipr.a* char;«'», on receipt «a tiew.«ney.__________^

    A Dead Man.A nan rot karl the other day,

    li« l,!iiii!,«re. C. are atCi-den, Ark,

    I'. 4-h Artiller*. barr.ott'l :n I,,ii Mdleurr, Md., andi uii.tiuy 1 I« Furt K..i(e, Mi

    F, .d luliiury tra ItLoa.Tille, K*.

    Il 7th Iiifii'trT. ire »tiMiipiiiy 1)

    Ci.iapanr I'.ltetb Isfau'iT maa,mBl" r» li" i.', ra. Va.t'ompanr li, 3« tb Iri' it-r tr« ti

    . ¡,'er ITtltTert'oinpl»; I, ITth L it ; ire it

    7, tr« itK»rt II*Rae S

    K ar* al, ¦

    " u|

    Weft^-ttk SioUfiSWMw*TUESDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1867.


    BiailMI Rift)inrn«, agents for American Lü»ra-rles, Nu. i; Hi -iiriullik-nt.. Cuvent i.urileai, Loudon, ureagents tor nu: Tarai ra in Oraal r.nuin.«'arl Gerold A Co., I'ooksellersand Publishers, Stef¬

    ans pluts, \ lenna, ure «.t ula for 'Ins '1 kiiiunï in Austria.CB. Norton c«.., Auurioau Hunkers. No. 14 Kus

    Auber. Paris, arc agents fur Thï Tribune In France.A. AmiilB k Co., lJDi.kaellers unil Pitbllslirrs, No. JO

    Unter «ka I.iiitleu. Berlin, »reagents for Thb Tbibuni lul'i'ussia.The above »-»«nts -w11 receive subscriptions »ntl sd-

    veriiseuictits f..i Tur. Turnt,sa, bo«1 sappi? kii.jjies of inopayer to Americans tcini«irikrily m Kurnpe.


    Daily TRrrtrrNit. Msil Subscribers. |10 per snnnm..**hmi-Ws:kki.y TRim-Ni*. Mail Sn twsti tiers. I» pfr an.Wkhkly Tkibink. Mail Hiibscri.H»ra, gi per _i»u_.

    Adrertliirif Kate».Daily Tiiini'NF. 2T» rent« per ans.Hkui-WkK-tT Tkiiujne. 25 eetita perliuo.Wkkkiv Tiiibunk, $1 50 per ha».Terms, cash in tvdviince.

    Address, 'I'«** Tribune. New-York.

    |*f7* Qpteth of the finn, hyman Tremain at theOrant Meeting, an artiele on Jlurrieanes andEarthgttakea, Sole of the Morgnia of HoatiggrftSlvtl, the I.o nsiamt Unionist* and UniversalAmnesty, ami Lair Intelligence Will be found mithe setviitt page; the Money Artiele and Marketsmi the third papei Literary Hems on the sixthpage, ami the Jtry (louds Trade on the mtccnihpope. _

    Tlie Georgia State Constitutional Conventionconvened under the Reconstruction acts of Cuu-grcsa yesterday at Atlanta.

    In the Virginia Convention yesterday tbeper diem of members was fixed at $8 ; a reso¬lution wai adopted to inquire what abuses ex¬isted, and what reforms were neede«! in theci*, ii goveriimen t of tho State, and tho pro¬scription of colored voters waa under con¬sideration.

    Anna E. Dickinson speuksi on current politi¬cal topics at the Cooper Instit nie this evening,to warn her hearers of " Brcak-ers Ahead."She will doubtless say much that every frit mlof freedom ought to hear and heed.

    Our news from South America continues tobe unsatisfactory. The lawful authorities inPeru have ma yet been able to put a slop tothe revolution, and the danger of another rev¬olutionary overthrow of the lawful Governmentof tho country is not yet averted. In Ecuador,Congress have severely censured the President,and tlie latter, aller endeavoring in \ain toform a new cabinet, has resigned.

    There are several varieties of Grant men;on«* of which was ably représeme«! at the latemeeting in our City by the lion. Lyman TitK-MAi.v, late Attorney-General of our State.Mr. Tremain's speech has provoked so manycrusty allusions from the Conscivaliv« orJohnson species of Grant men that we havedeemed it won li publication in full; and it ac¬cordingly apjicars rcrbalim on the m corni pageof this day's issue.

    The Italian Govcnnicnt has nmne-sticil allthe captured Garibahlians. Compared willi theconduct of most European governments on sim¬ilar occasions this is a commendable act ofclemency, but if it is remembered that titOStcaptives belonged to an anny which intendedto present the King with au addition to hisdominions, and to complete the national unityof Italy, tlie magiiutiimity oí Victor (-Immanuelappe.rs to be less striking.

    The Church of England has tor '.-tf-liecuviolently agitated by tin* attempted inlioduc-tiou of Ritualistic innovations. Such an at¬tempt in itself is a matter purely ccclc-iiasiicu!,which ought to be s«*ttb-d by ecclesiastical leg¬islation, lint in England it has been of fre¬quent occurrence that ron dies ha vu availe«lthemselves of the wide-spn-ad popular di««con-teut produced by the Ritualists, and inter¬rupted di\hie services in the churches of theRitualistic party in the most shameful manner.Tile latest occurrence ol' this kind is reponedfrom All Saints Church. Lambeth, vi here onSunday, Nov. 21, a general riot took pla..««, anda beautiful font within the communion rail«was broken. There is no Chri«tian country,we believe, where the law is so insiitlicient forprotecting the celebration of divine. \)oi>hip ¡isin England. ________________In Senate ycf-terday, after many urgent in-

    (.tiiiies for information, and "the expedi.itop of«Skvc., an interesting debate occurred upon theresolution declaring for neutrality in the affairof Great Britain versus Abyssinia. After thisthe grave and reverend Senators spent an hourin discussing the duties and privileges of theSi igeant-at-Ariiis. Then came another batchof resolutions asking for information, «K paying their traveling expenses.say $1,000.in addition. Bat they are allowed to chargeexorbitantly for the journey they do make, andthen double the dose foi an imaginary or con¬structive journey homo and back again thatthey do not make, between the two regularsessions. And, though an tinrcpcaled law pre¬scribes that there shall be no more paid themfor going home and returning between the twosessions than though they stayed and workedstraight through from one to the other, it hasti» ver been olwyed nor regard« d. And theprovision of the act of 1_jC that membersabsent from thi-ir seats shall;forfeit their poy,is systematically evaded. Since Congress isbent on retrenchment, why n«)t correct this.As the sittings of a Congress do not averago.n0 days and the pay is $10,000 per Congres»,every day's absenco should insuro a deductionof at least $2."». And lluro should be no ex¬cuse heard, except, that of employment else¬where as member ol' an investigating com¬mittee.We believe there are thousands of custom¬

    house pla««s that should be cut off.the incum¬bents either doing nothiug for their salaries, ornothing that is of any use. This might notsecure their divorco from tho Treasury ; buttho fact that nearly all of them pay assessmentsto elect the Copperhead ticket in their respec¬tive localities will help. If no cliange bo nut'le,at least $100,000 will be raised out of Custom-House ollicers next Fall to beat those Republi¬cans iu Congi«M who shall be candidates for re¬election.Why not cut down our Foreign Embassies,

    Missions, and Consuls. They cost a mint ofmoney, one-third of which might be saved.Cut the $17,500 fellows down to $12,000; the$12,000 chaps to $10,000; the $10,000s to $7,.r)00,And the $7,..00s to $5,000, nnd perhaps some ofthe patriots may throw up their offices in dis¬gust. If half of them did, and no others couldbo found to fill their places, so much the better.That Congress is in a retrenching mood gives

    reason for hopo that the grand army of sti¬pendiaries that infests the Cnpitol will be con¬siderably îT-ductîtl, and that the " twenty per" cent extra" to the Department Clerks willnot again be voted. In short, the public augursgreat and lasting good from the spirit in whichCongres» has begun, and we trust that this fondhoi>« will not be disappointed.

    TEXAS.The Registration is completed in this State,

    and foots up as follow«:Whites.W,64ar tita ree-ult of th* re_1atTntiori

    In tins8t.it.-. which a-lvea-MM white, mid 47,430 coloredvot.r. rt'i;l«t«-ri parti a maa iota; of 70,00» \st and bestmen for the fofiventloii. Let them be «.«bosun froui amongthose kiln. bsTi .lialiiiKiiishc.l tbsii.elres for their publicmai jutvnte virtues, for their lenices to the stute, andtheir ilek otion to the Knut cause of 1.ninan liberty andtti« rights of limn. Let th. ii eharaeter be such Hutt fluirwork may not ..nijr meet tho approval of our loyal peo¬ple, but snell a« nu okalWon ima erltlcisoi and defy theuppo.ltloli Of th« .llnloj.il. TaW (llsfraiit'liist (1 Conserva-.the lenders advise their old follower«, to Ht.tv uuiiy fromIke polia, with tba aelusire ln>i>e of aeteotinp the Con¬vention. I-ct thdu thiii defy the law If the.k «larc. Weneed not theil »otc«, and tha Il'-cmsti in 'ion ¡tit« haketaii.'lit us how to dial tklth p«T.«i«tent rebellion. Victoryim-i dies upon .mr staii.lar.l; but remember, '{««publicaun,tb.il "the pi lee of lil» Uk i« «terna! in 'auco."

    nu: heal estate i; isis ess.The Herald lias ft letter fiom a resident of

    St. Thouin*, who ««tate-» that"Admiral l'aimer and ('..iiiiiiodorf s Bo-Jits and nisse.

    «weir al St 1 Imluirt on the l»th ult and It «mis tlie intentlon of Admiral I'almer to c.u n tb l>ani«h Commissionerfor the transfer of the Isintu!« of St. Timm..*, mid Si. Johnsover to St. CrolX OK the rolloWing day (I.'tin, for the pur-MH of arranging with tbe Oorernor dur. io the pro«e«-«l-lens «misseii»nl on Ott transfer of the Istantls. Th« r. s timacb i,jillillia.' st tile Idea of snMxaktioii to tha> I'mttdSlut.«, but tin« merchants did not tako to tho idea ofAn,.a I, ai tarilla.".Wo }ioi>o it vmII yet bo established that the

    People of lim 1'iiitc.l Matea, represented iu(Jongresn, have somewhat to bay at-, to the dis¬posal of their hard-earned money. The $7,20*0,-000 for Walrussia is gone ; and now wo wishli.iiBf.ia would take the ten itoiy l.a'k nt a freegilt, and «_?. our people the [»ayment of at least**l,000,000 per annum moro through all time forfortifying ils coasts, triangulating its seas, Im-pioving its borboto, lighting its headlands, &c,MO. Hut against this purchaso of two paltryislands for several moro Millions in gold, woentreat Congress to make a determined stand.We don't want remote insular possessions ; theymust inevitably iequire an imniediato heavyoutlay for their fortification, .ll1iIiK Southern Con¬ti «liracy, and tho legit uiiat« i*»ue-s off tho war gained hyth«. loyal statt», the effort» at Pieml.-iit Johnaon to »u-i«, 1-rilli Hie authority of Congress and Hie will of theh«y»l «Staten cover a charlo of usurpation of llio moatfearful Import.«.»...AKalnnt this sweeping charge of luiirpafioii tim t.in-

    IIH and pounilnj«-" a».'iiiiipli«>in> of King« burl.I the I iratof longland dwindle into lillies, as el«. the-Kin-vaia«-« ofti a American 1 n-iiai al .011 of I111I1-1» nilence against KingGeorge the Third. Tho powers which the PraeidMtha»claimed and exercised lu reconstructing and rent.»ringSouth Carolina and Texan ho could just us well elah»over Chihuahua 01 rjoiiora. if tiloso Maxton» rítales werebrought within our limits hy ronque-t or purchase to-iiioit-ow. Why, then, hat« Congress so long delayed in.iiiiglog thi» i-onflict to the te»t of au iiii|>e.u.huiu: t !

    «»Vom The iltratd. Pet. ., 1-«.:.The end of the impeachment humbug chown Mill more

    «triklngly the extraonllnary change that ha» come overCongress. J he dominant puru lu and eut of < ongrese, ashort time since, clamored for the President's Impeach-ment. Tiiey were ready to remove lum at all ha.ai«I» forpart.-111. pin puses. In their t'oh-nc« the* r« pr.-.i. i.t«-«lhim as a traitor, sot, c1« bnti.Ti.c, and ever} thing else vile

    lu fart, n mounter. Tliey raked the pi itoiin and evi lycoiii-civ.ii.lc-pl.tiii for evidence agaiust him. They tunkHie testimony of the rileat eharsotrra and perjurers toiniilio out a case. They put spies about hu residence towatch linn, and they did everything (».»sihle to bia« kaulil.«, character before the public iu advance «of til» actionof Congi«!'»». Finally, a inajoiify «»f tin- Itiip.-aehmeiitCoinuiittce brought it chargeai against him for "highn loara und ¦_aden_e»nors.n Ami, ufter all this violence,l.tl.or. nail |iaiTi«.in zeal, what did li end lal Abortion ;in n 1 im llunl.» vote of the House aguni»t impeachment.Never before did a great party com«: down from Its loftypretension» so flatly. If tho Kaclicul Kepubllcuns hudvi nut« «1 to «lo Mi. Johnson a great sen le» they could noth.ive diuii) anyHilng to BCCOmpllah thal lucie effectually,but aa theie i» BVldeiMM of returning reason among themWe urn not disposed to rub cul.Tic ou their lore« tcom.-r. ih-s-ly.We think xve have quoted enough now to

    satisfy anybody. The man whose mind is notnt rest after reading these extraéis niu-t behard to convince.

    A good many of our exchanges in copyingour special dispatch from llostou d« »ciibiug Mr.Dickens's Iii st .«-¡«ding, speak of it as "corre-" Bpondenco"' of Tiik Tiuulne. This expressiongives a wrong idea of the article. It was nota letter bu_ 11 telegraphic dispat« li nearly twocolumns in length.

    Tho jury in the Bergen uitro-glycei ine explo¬sion ca.se fornida vet diet, at about 1 v!; o*< lock thismorning, censuring Col. Scluifner, the con¬tractor, for ein«-l«"»in«mm in selecting men tohaudlo nitro-glycerine, and requesting theTown Council of Bergen to order that not morethan 100 pounds of this terribly «lestrn« ii ve agentshall lie k«-pt anywhere in the town, ml.»»stored in lire-proof vault».

    OUR TREASURY TOZICT.I have laved Thi TwbüKI of November 15,

    contiilntng the article on the Trutsury Folio, in whichthe writer, wi'h th» oflleial itatetnent before him, de¬liberately cuts down taSlfiOefiOO «,f local tender« t«.?l.7,ooe).)Ss), a« a »Minali' of Til»: ..¡uti KB. financial ani-clea. Query. -What relian«0 can be pla- «1 on apapeiwinch lints vvillfullv falsifies ofllcial figures 1 s. w.Lnrkport, .V. 1'., Dec. 6, ls67.H'l'ly..$.1.57,1 iOü.oCO is officially stitteel as the amount

    of legal tenders issued. Of these the amount held inreservo by the National Hanks a« security for theirliabilities has usually been *vi«ju.«Xlin«s>» of munkiml.he has enaie.! iniinoil:;! \koiks ol ort, __peopled literature willi a watt vaticty of char¬acters, has interpreted human n.-ituic and thepassing age, has iMruck «lokin gnat socialal.uses, has tan.'rht tbe nSStti I« ««on of charity,has comfoited the poor, baa vi etchell out luimlaof hiking pity t