NewCastl e L ee Dover B arr i n gton R ye Durh am E x eter E ppi n g S trath am B ren tw ood Portsmou th Notti n gh am Madbury New market Green l an d Newi n gton North Hampton R ol l i n sford New fi el ds 0 0 . 25 0 . 5 0 . 75 0 . 125 M i l es B ase F eatures Municipal Boundaries Waterbodies Rivers and Streams Class I Trunk Line Highway Class II State Aid Highway Class III Recreational Road Class V Town Road Class VI Not Maintained Private SL R L egen d E x ten t of S ea- L evel Ri se 1 . 7 ' E x ten t of S ea- L evel Ri se 4 . 0 ' E x ten t of S ea- L evel Ri se 6 . 3 ' Approx i mate Mean H i gh H i gh W ater L evel Prepared by th e S trafford R egi on al Pl an n i n g Comm i ssi on 150 W akefi el d S t. Su i te 12 R och ester , NH 03867 T: ( 603 ) 994 - 3500 E : srpc@strafford. org Date: 2/28/2017 Au th or : MS/R P/ JL /KP Path : O: \d- mu l ti year\d- sea_l evel _r i se\d- c- r i se\d- map\F l oodpl ai n _1_3 . mxd Data S ou rces: Data sets w ere retr i eved from th e NH GRAN I T database, December , 2015 . D i gi tal data i n NH GRAN I T represen t th e efforts of th e con tr i bu ti n g agen ci es to record i n formati on from th e ci ted source mater i al s. E arth S ystems R esearch Cen ter ( E SRC ) , un der con tract to th e Offi ce of E n ergy & Pl an n i n g ( OE P) , an d i n con su l tati on wi th cooperati n g agen ci es, mai n tai n s a con ti n u i n g program to i den ti fy an d corect erors i n th ese data. Nei th er OE P n or E RSC make an y cl ai m as to th e val i di ty or rel i abi l i ty or to an y i mpl i ed uses of th ese data. 1 i n ch = 602 feet The C - Ri Se proj ect i s fun ded by th e Nati on al Ocean i c an dA tmosph er i c Adm i n i strati on un der th e Coastal Z on e Man agemen t A ct ( CZMA ) E n h an cemen t Program Proj ects of S peci al Mer i t for F Y 2015 , au th or i zed un der S ecti on 309 of th e CZMA ( 16 U . S. C . § 1456b) . W ake CP , E B urakow sk i , E Kel sey, K Hayhoe, A S ton er , C W atson , E Dougl as ( 2011 ) C l i mate Chan ge i n th e Pi scataqua/Great B ay R egi on : Past, Presen t, an d F u tu re. Carbon S ol u ti on s NewE n gl an d R eport for th e Great Bay ( NewHampsh i re) S tew ards. The C l i mate Ri sk i n th e S eacoast: A ssessi n g Vu l n erabi l i ty of Mun i ci pal A ssets an d Resources to C l i mate Chan ge ( C - Ri S e) proj ect provi des maps an d assessmen ts of fl ood i mpacts to i n frastructu re an d n atu ral resources i n th e coastal Great Bay regi on associ ated wi th proj ected i n creases i n storm su rge, sea l evel , an d preci pi tati on . WATER RESOURCES: TOWN OF EXETER E x ten t of Proj ected Ti dal F l oodi n g S ea- L evel Ri se 1 . 7 ' , 4 . 0 ' , 6 . 3 ' S ea- L evel Ri se S cen ar i os Pl ease n ote th at th e sea- l evel r i se scen ar i os used i n th i s assessmen t w ere der i ved from th e W ake, 2011 report ( refer to tabl e of val ues bel owfrom th i s report) . T h ese scen ar i os w ere sel ected pr i or to th e rel ease of th e S ci en ce an d T ech n i cal Advi sory Pan el R eport to th e N . H . Coastal Ri sks & Hazards Comm i ssi on , i n August, 2014 [1 ] . W hi l e sl i gh tl y di fferen t th an th e scen ar i os ci ted i n th at report, th ey yi el d coverage esti mates th at are wi th i n th e mappi n g margi n of error . [1 ] W ake CP , K i rsh en P , Huber M, K n uu ti K , an d S tampon e M ( 2014 ) S ea- l evel Ri se, S torm S urges, an d E xtreme Preci pi tati on i n Coastal NewHampshi re: An al ysi s of Past an d Proj ected F u ture Tren ds, prepared by th e S ci en ce an d T ech n i cal Advi sory Pan el ( S TAP) for th e New Hampsh i re Coastal Ri sks an d Hazards Comm i ssi on . I mpact L egen d 100 - Y ear F l oodpl ai n


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New Castle



R ye

Durh am



S trath am

Brentw ood


Nottingh am


New marketGreenland

New ington

North Hampton

R ollinsford

New fields

0 0.25 0.5 0.750.125Miles

Base FeaturesMunicipal Boundaries


Rivers and Streams

Class I Trunk Line Highway

Class II State Aid Highway

Class III Recreational Road

Class V Town Road

Class VI Not Maintained


S LR LegendExtent of S ea-Level R ise 1.7'

Extent of S ea-Level R ise 4.0'

Extent of S ea-Level R ise 6.3'

Approximate Mean High High W ater Level

Prepared by th e S trafford R egional Planning Commission150 W akefield S t. S uite 12 R och ester, NH 03867T: (603) 994-3500 E: [email protected]: 2/28/2017 Auth or: MS/R P/JL/KPPath : O:\d-multiyear\d-sea_level_rise\d-c-rise\d-map\Floodplain_1_3.mxdData S ources:Data sets w ere retrieved from th e NH GR ANIT database, December, 2015. Digital data in NH GR ANIT represent th e efforts ofth e contributing agencies to record information from th e cited source materials. Earth S ystems R esearch Center (ES R C), undercontract to th e Office of Energy & Planning (OEP), and in consultation w ith cooperating agencies, maintains a continuing programto identify and correct errors in th ese data. Neith er OEP nor ER S C make any claim as to th e validity or reliability or to anyimplied uses of th ese data.

1 inch = 602 feet

T h e C-R iS e project is funded by th eNational Oceanic and Atmosph ericAdministration under th e Coastal Z oneManagement Act (CZ MA)Enh ancement Program Projects ofS pecial Merit for FY 2015, auth orizedunder S ection 309 of th e CZ MA(16 U.S.C. § 1456b).

W ake CP, E Burakow ski, E Kelsey, K Hayh oe, A S toner, C W atson, E Douglas (2011) Climate Ch ange in th e Piscataqua/Great Bay R egion: Past, Present, and Future. Carbon S olutions New England R eport for th eGreat Bay (New Hampsh ire) S tew ards.”

T h e Climate R isk in th e S eacoast: Assessing Vulnerability of MunicipalAssets and R esources to Climate Ch ange (C-R iS e) project providesmaps and assessments of flood impacts to infrastructure and naturalresources in th e coastal Great Bay region associated w ith projectedincreases in storm surge, sea level, and precipitation.

WATER RESOURCES:TOWN OF EXETER Extent of Projected Tidal FloodingS ea-Level R ise 1.7', 4.0', 6.3'

Sea-Level R ise S cenariosPlease note th at th e sea-level rise scenarios used in th is assessment w erederived from th e W ake, 2011 report (refer to table of values below from th isreport). T h ese scenarios w ere selected prior to th e release of th e S cience andTech nical Advisory Panel R eport to th e N.H. Coastal R isks & HazardsCommission, in August, 2014 [1]. W h ile sligh tly different th an th e scenarioscited in th at report, th ey yield coverage estimates th at are w ith in th emapping margin of error.[1] W ake CP, Kirsh en P, Huber M, Knuuti K, and S tampone M (2014) S ea-level R ise, S torm S urges, and Extreme Precipitation in CoastalNew Hampsh ire: Analysis of Past and Projected Future Trends, prepared by th e S cience and Tech nical Advisory Panel (S TAP) for th e NewHampsh ire Coastal R isks and Hazards Commission.

Impact Legend100-Year Floodplain