Washington Washington Workshop 3,4 Dec Workshop 3,4 Dec 2001 2001 MRO Radar Workshop MRO Radar Workshop Prepared by: Prepared by: Enrico Flamini/Leila V. Lorenzoni – ASI – Enrico Flamini/Leila V. Lorenzoni – ASI – project office project office Angioletta Coradini – CNR – Angioletta Coradini – CNR – ASI project scientist ASI project scientist Roberto Seu – INFOCOM – Roberto Seu – INFOCOM – Team Leader Team Leader Arturo Masdea – INFOCOM – Arturo Masdea – INFOCOM – Experiment Manager Experiment Manager Roberto Orosei – CNR – Roberto Orosei – CNR – Science Team Science Team

Washington Workshop 3,4 Dec 2001 MRO Radar Workshop Prepared by: Enrico Flamini/Leila V. Lorenzoni – ASI – project office Angioletta Coradini – CNR – ASI

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  • Washington Workshop 3,4 Dec 2001 MRO Radar Workshop Prepared by: Enrico Flamini/Leila V. Lorenzoni ASI project office Angioletta Coradini CNR ASI project scientist Roberto Seu INFOCOM Team Leader Arturo Masdea INFOCOM Experiment Manager Roberto Orosei CNR Science Team
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  • Washington Workshop 3,4 Dec 2001 MRO Radar Workshop: BACKGROUND
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  • Washington Workshop 3,4 Dec 2001 Shallow Radar for Martian Subsurface Studies: ASI AO Process & Selection
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  • ASI AO Process & Selection Following the ASI -NASA agreements of the SOI the AO-01-ASI-UPS- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter 2005 has been issued by ASI on the 26 th June 2001Following the ASI -NASA agreements of the SOI the AO-01-ASI-UPS- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter 2005 has been issued by ASI on the 26 th June 2001 ASI AO was dedicated to Teams and not single proposerASI AO was dedicated to Teams and not single proposer One proposal has been received :One proposal has been received : Subsurface Sounding SHAllow RAdar SHARAD Subsurface Sounding SHAllow RAdar SHARAD This AO was also timed wrt the annual ASI AO for scientific proposals allowing a good scheduling from the budget point of viewThis AO was also timed wrt the annual ASI AO for scientific proposals allowing a good scheduling from the budget point of view
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  • ASI AO Process & Selection The proposal due date was 23 JulyThe proposal due date was 23 July The proposal was formed by two parts:The proposal was formed by two parts: Part 1 Investigation and techical Plan Part 2 Management and Cost Plan Plus an Executive summary A four members Evaluation Board has been appointed by the ASI Science Director composed by: A four members Evaluation Board has been appointed by the ASI Science Director composed by: Dr. A. Coradini Dr. L. Guerriero Dr. J. Campbell Dr. E. Flamini The Selection was communicated to the Team Leader on Septeber 15 thThe Selection was communicated to the Team Leader on Septeber 15 th
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  • ASI AO Process & Selection SELECTION GUIDELINES a) Scientific Quality ( A = excellent; B = very good; C = good/fair; D = poor ) ( A = excellent; B = very good; C = good/fair; D = poor ) Scientific quality, timeliness, noveltyScientific quality, timeliness, novelty Impact on the advancement of the fieldImpact on the advancement of the field Clarity of proposed goalsClarity of proposed goals Credibility of proposed programs vs goalsCredibility of proposed programs vs goals International impact and visibilityInternational impact and visibility
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  • ASI AO Process & Selection b)Proposers Scientific quality, international standing of proposing groupsScientific quality, international standing of proposing groups Credibility of proposing teams vs proposed project and goalsCredibility of proposing teams vs proposed project and goals Level and quality of team's national and international collaborations and networkingLevel and quality of team's national and international collaborations and networking Past achievements in the specific filedPast achievements in the specific filed
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  • ASI AO Process & Selection c)Space research-related Advantage/need to use space-based vs ground-based approachAdvantage/need to use space-based vs ground-based approach Timeliness/novelty for space research/applicationsTimeliness/novelty for space research/applications Educational/training value for space-related aspectsEducational/training value for space-related aspects Connection to previously funded activities by ASI/ESAConnection to previously funded activities by ASI/ESA Impact on ASI visibilityImpact on ASI visibility Impact on general and basic knowledge and know-how Impact on general and basic knowledge and know-how Impact on technology and technology transfer (industrial aspects)Impact on technology and technology transfer (industrial aspects) Impact on socio-economics aspectsImpact on socio-economics aspects Synergies with other programs/institutions/universitiesSynergies with other programs/institutions/universities
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  • ASI AO Process & Selection The conclusions of the Evaluation Board have been reported in :The conclusions of the Evaluation Board have been reported in : Rapporto del Gruppo di Valutazione AO-01-ASI-UPS- Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter 2005 The EB quoted the Proposal as fully in compliance wrt the AO and of high scientific merit and to be fully funded
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  • ASI AO Process & Selection SHARAD
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  • Washington Workshop 3,4 Dec 2001 Shallow Radar for Martian Subsurface Studies: Scientific rationale
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  • Why a Sounder? Italian Space Agency ASI selected to propose a radar sounder for the following reasons: Scientific value of this experiment able to complete and enlarge MRO scientific output including subsurface in the investigationScientific value of this experiment able to complete and enlarge MRO scientific output including subsurface in the investigation Possibility to complete and extend similar investigations in which Italian Scientist were already involved (MARSIS sounder on Mars Express Mission)Possibility to complete and extend similar investigations in which Italian Scientist were already involved (MARSIS sounder on Mars Express Mission) Experience of Italian Scientists in the field Experience of Italian industry/scientific groups in developing the needed hardwareExperience of Italian industry/scientific groups in developing the needed hardware
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  • Scientific Value: subsurface access Geomorphicevidence and theoretical arguments suggest that the Martian crust is water-rich and may possess a complex stratigraphy of saturated and unsaturated frozen ground, massive segregated bodies of ground ice, liquid groundwater, and gas hydrates within the top 10 km of Martian crust. Geomorphic evidence and theoretical arguments suggest that the Martian crust is water-rich and may possess a complex stratigraphy of saturated and unsaturated frozen ground, massive segregated bodies of ground ice, liquid groundwater, and gas hydrates within the top 10 km of Martian crust. Analysis of the science of subsurface water on Mars is needed in understanding how Martian hydrosphere evolved.Analysis of the science of subsurface water on Mars is needed in understanding how Martian hydrosphere evolved. However not many methods exist to access the Martian subsurfaceHowever not many methods exist to access the Martian subsurface (Houston 2001- Geomars)(Houston 2001- Geomars) Radar sounders are among the few experiments able to access subsurface
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  • Scientific value: subsurface geology SHARAD radar should make significant new scientific data available toward addressing critical scientific problems on Mars, including the existence and distribution of buried paleochannels, regolith layering.SHARAD radar should make significant new scientific data available toward addressing critical scientific problems on Mars, including the existence and distribution of buried paleochannels, regolith layering. It will also provide an improved understanding of the electromagnetic properties of the stealth Martian subsurface, further insights into the nature of patterned ground, and other morphologies suggestive of the presence of water at present or in the past.It will also provide an improved understanding of the electromagnetic properties of the stealth Martian subsurface, further insights into the nature of patterned ground, and other morphologies suggestive of the presence of water at present or in the past. Nanedi Valles Inca City
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  • Polar Regions In addition, it should be possible to answer certain kinds of geologic questions, such as the character of the surface below the polar ice caps and the nature of some of the layered terrain.In addition, it should be possible to answer certain kinds of geologic questions, such as the character of the surface below the polar ice caps and the nature of some of the layered terrain. Layers in the South Polar Ice Cap. This is spring time and the ice cap is retreating. The box shows a Mariner frame for context. The resolution is 25m/pixel and the scene is 15x14 km. Subframe of MOC Image #7709. Part of the permanent South Pole ice cap. The resolution is 50 m/pixel; the scene is 30 x 29 km.
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  • Scientific value: subsurface geology Globally, depth of penetration could vary from tens of meters in materials with high losses (wet clays or brines), or as deep as 5 km in homogeneous, low-loss polar ice.Globally, depth of penetration could vary from tens of meters in materials with high losses (wet clays or brines), or as deep as 5 km in homogeneous, low-loss polar ice. SHARAD radar should make significant new scientific data available toward addressing critical scientific problems on Mars, including the existence and distribution of buried paleochannels, regolith layering.SHARAD radar should make significant new scientific data available toward addressing critical scientific problems on Mars, including the existence and distribution of buried paleochannels, regolith layering. It will also provide an improved understanding of the electromagnetic properties of the stealth Martian subsurface, further insights into the nature of patterned ground, and other morphologies suggestive of the presence of water at present or in the past.It will also provide an improved understanding of the electromagnetic properties of the stealth Martian subsurface, further insights into the nature of patterned ground, and other morphologies suggestive of the presence of water at present or in the past. In addition, it should be possible to answer certain kinds of geologic questions, such as the character of the surface below the polar ice caps and the nature of some of the layered terrain.In addition, it should be possible to answer certain kinds of geologic questions, such as the character of the surface below the polar ice caps and the nature of some of the layered terrain.
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  • Scientific Value: subsurface water detection The surface of Mars will not be uniformly amendable to using radar sounding in the search for waterThe surface of Mars will not be uniformly amendable to using radar sounding in the search for water It will be possible to find conditions of favorable radar viewing geometry, interface scattering, surface and volume scattering, and material properties, which may allow us to see useful reflections of aqueous layers from orbitIt will be possible to find conditions of favorable radar viewing geometry, interface scattering, surface and volume scattering, and material properties, which may allow us to see useful reflections of aqueous layers from orbit When strong internal reflections do occur, they will be identifiable as aqueous only by contextual inferences drawn from the characteristic geological context of water habitats When strong internal reflections do occur, they will be identifiable as aqueous only by contextual inferences drawn from the characteristic geological context of water habitats Orbital radar data can be improved by in situ observations (e.g. magnetotelluric methods)Orbital radar data can be improved by in situ observations (e.g. magnetotelluric methods) Methods better than radar sounding for the detection of Water at planetary scale are not yet identified
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  • Experience of Italian Groups: Marsis The MARSIS instrument is a low-frequency nadir-looking pulse limited radar sounder and altimeter with ground penetration capabilities, which uses synthetic aperture techniques and a secondary receiving antenna to isolate subsurface reflections.The MARSIS instrument is a low-frequency nadir-looking pulse limited radar sounder and altimeter with ground penetration capabilities, which uses synthetic aperture techniques and a secondary receiving antenna to isolate subsurface reflections. In Subsurface Sounding Mode the instrument can transmit any of the following bands: 1.3-2.3 MHz ( 1.8 MHz), 2.5-3.5 MHz (3 MHz), 3.5-4.5 MHz ( 4 MHz), 4.5-5.5 MHz (5 MHz).In Subsurface Sounding Mode the instrument can transmit any of the following bands: 1.3-2.3 MHz ( 1.8 MHz), 2.5-3.5 MHz (3 MHz), 3.5-4.5 MHz ( 4 MHz), 4.5-5.5 MHz (5 MHz). A 1 MHz bandwidth allows a vertical resolution of 150 m in vacuum, which corresponds to 50-100 m in the subsurface, depending on the E.M. wave propagation speed in the Martian crust. A 1 MHz bandwidth allows a vertical resolution of 150 m in vacuum, which corresponds to 50-100 m in the subsurface, depending on the E.M. wave propagation speed in the Martian crust. The typical spatial resolution of MARSIS will be 5 9 Km x 15 30 Km in the along track (synthetic aperture) and cross track (pulse limited footprint) directions respectively.The typical spatial resolution of MARSIS will be 5 9 Km x 15 30 Km in the along track (synthetic aperture) and cross track (pulse limited footprint) directions respectively.
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  • Experience of Italian Groups: Marsis Science Marsis will search for water up to 5 km below ground.Marsis will search for water up to 5 km below ground. It will allow to see the top of a liquid zone somewhere in the upper 2-3 km fairly easily, and down to 5 km or more, in favorable conditions.It will allow to see the top of a liquid zone somewhere in the upper 2-3 km fairly easily, and down to 5 km or more, in favorable conditions. The radio waves will be reflected at any interface, so Marsis should reveal much about the composition of the top 5 km of crust.The radio waves will be reflected at any interface, so Marsis should reveal much about the composition of the top 5 km of crust.
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  • Transmitter antenna Receiver antenna Smart Lander Error Ellipse 9 Km 5 Km 5.4 Km 6 Km Marsis Sharad Magneto-telluric active and passive In situ and borehole analysis 300 m
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  • Experience of Italian groups: In situ Electromagnetic Measurements Augmenting SHARAD results: To measure the complex resistivity and high frequency permittivity of the first layers of Martian soil. To evaluate the presence of water and/or ice in the soil To provide a ground truth for possible radar measurements. Different Italian groups are developing this kind instruments (direct complex resistivity measurements, Time-Domain Electromagnetic Measurements techniques ).Different Italian groups are developing this kind instruments (direct complex resistivity measurements, Time-Domain Electromagnetic Measurements techniques ). Laboratory measurements of dielectric constants in different frequency ranges of Martian Simulants are also developed.Laboratory measurements of dielectric constants in different frequency ranges of Martian Simulants are also developed.
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  • SHARAD and MRO MRO ObjectiveInvestigation ObjectiveMeasurement Requirement I Search for sites showing evidence of aqueous and/or hydrothermal activity Detailed stratigraphy of key locales to identify formation processes of geologic features suggesting the presence of liquid water Vertical resolution: comparable to observed layer thickness (tens of meters) Horizontal resolution: comparable to feature size (hundreds of meters to kms) Depth of penetration: comparable to observed layering thickness (hundreds of meters) Coverage: local I Explore in detail hundreds of targeted, globally distributed sites Detailed characterization of the stratigraphy of surface features to better understand the formation and evolution of complex terrain Vertical resolution: comparable to observed layer thickness (tens of meters) Horizontal resolution: comparable to feature size (hundreds of meters to kms) Depth of penetration: comparable to observed layering thickness (hundreds of meters) Coverage: local II Detect the presence of liquid water and determine the distribution of ground ice in the upper surface, particularly within the near-surface regolith * Profiling of areas suspected of hosting hydrothermal or other near- surface reservoirs of liquid water/brine, mapping of the thickness, extent and continuity of the layers within the polar deposits Vertical resolution: comparable to observed layer thickness (tens of meters) Horizontal resolution: comparable to feature size (hundreds of meters to kms) Depth of penetration: comparable to observed layering thickness (hundreds of meters, to kms in the polar deposits) Coverage: regional
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  • Requirements A radar sounder in the 05 MRO mission has been studied according to the following high-level requirements:A radar sounder in the 05 MRO mission has been studied according to the following high-level requirements: Penetration Depth:300 m 1000 mPenetration Depth:300 m 1000 m Vertical Resolution10-20 mVertical Resolution10-20 m Horizontal resolution300 m-1000 mHorizontal resolution300 m-1000 m
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  • Conclusions SHARAD will complement MARSIS : the combined analysis of these two sounders will permit to extend our knowledge to Martian subsurface.SHARAD will complement MARSIS : the combined analysis of these two sounders will permit to extend our knowledge to Martian subsurface. SHARAD will help the interpretation of MER results by providing a better characterization of the geologic context of the landing sites.SHARAD will help the interpretation of MER results by providing a better characterization of the geologic context of the landing sites. SHARAD will allow a better selection of 2007 landing sites, particularly in view of likelihood of finding subsurface ices.SHARAD will allow a better selection of 2007 landing sites, particularly in view of likelihood of finding subsurface ices. SHARAD will be a necessary precursor of a dedicated radar orbital mission (2009 or beyond) SHARAD will be a necessary precursor of a dedicated radar orbital mission (2009 or beyond)
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  • Washington Workshop 3,4 Dec 2001 Shallow Radar for Martian Subsurface Studies: Investigation Overview
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  • Science Floor Profiling of areas suspected of hosting hydrothermal or other near-surface reservoirs of liquid water/brine (e.g. weeping layers) will indicate areas of potential interest, and should effectively inform plans for subsequent surface investigations designed to follow the water. However, detected subsurface interfaces will be identifiable as aqueous only by contextual inferences drawn from the characteristic geological context of water habitats. vertical resolution: ~10 mvertical resolution: ~10 m horizontal resolution: hundreds of meters to kmshorizontal resolution: hundreds of meters to kms penetration depth: hundreds of meterspenetration depth: hundreds of meters
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  • Science Floor Mapping of the thickness, extent and continuity of the layers within the polar deposits will provide otherwise inaccessible information on prior variations in the vertical and areal extent of the polar deposits, flow in the internal structure of the caps, existence of peripheral ice deposits that may have been associated with local discharges of sub-polar or sub-permafrost groundwater and, if penetration down to the base of the caps can be achieved, evidence of past or present basal melting or basal lakes. vertical resolution: ~10 mvertical resolution: ~10 m penetration depth: from few hundred meters to 1 kmpenetration depth: from few hundred meters to 1 km
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  • Requirements From the investigation objectives, the following measurement requirements have been derived: Vertical resolution: ~10 mVertical resolution: ~10 m Horizontal resolution: hundreds of meters to kmsHorizontal resolution: hundreds of meters to kms Penetration: hundreds of meters, up to ~1 kmPenetration: hundreds of meters, up to ~1 km
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  • Vertical Resolution For a chirp radar (as required in planetary missions due to the low power available), vertical resolution is a function of the transmitted bandwidth:For a chirp radar (as required in planetary missions due to the low power available), vertical resolution is a function of the transmitted bandwidth: z=c/(2 B ) In terrestrial dry rocks, values of usually range between 4 and 10, decreasing for increasing porosity; for water ice, ~3, for CO 2 ice ~3.In terrestrial dry rocks, values of usually range between 4 and 10, decreasing for increasing porosity; for water ice, ~3, for CO 2 ice ~3. To achieve a vertical resolution of 10 m, a chirp bandwidth between 5 and 10 MHz is required, depending on the material.To achieve a vertical resolution of 10 m, a chirp bandwidth between 5 and 10 MHz is required, depending on the material.
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  • Horizontal Resolution Fresnel zone size:Fresnel zone size: r= (H /2) Pulse-limited resolution:Pulse-limited resolution: r= (c H/B) In both cases, a higher frequency provides better resolution, but improvement is slow (square-root dependence)In both cases, a higher frequency provides better resolution, but improvement is slow (square-root dependence) From MARSIS highest frequency of 5 MHz and 1 MHz bandwidth to a 20 MHz radar transmitting a 10 MHz chirp, the Fresnel zone size decreases by a factor of 2, and the pulse-limited resolution improves by 3 times.From MARSIS highest frequency of 5 MHz and 1 MHz bandwidth to a 20 MHz radar transmitting a 10 MHz chirp, the Fresnel zone size decreases by a factor of 2, and the pulse-limited resolution improves by 3 times.
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  • Along-Track Resolution Horizontal resolution in the along-track direction can be improved by means of synthetic aperture processing, i.e. by the coherent summing of a number of echoes, to produce the response of an antenna the size of the length traveled by the spacecraft during the transmission time of the pulses.Horizontal resolution in the along-track direction can be improved by means of synthetic aperture processing, i.e. by the coherent summing of a number of echoes, to produce the response of an antenna the size of the length traveled by the spacecraft during the transmission time of the pulses. A high pulse repetition frequency (PRF) is required to adequately sample the response of the synthetic aperture: a high data rate is generated, which can be reduced by on-board processing.A high pulse repetition frequency (PRF) is required to adequately sample the response of the synthetic aperture: a high data rate is generated, which can be reduced by on-board processing. An along-track resolution from 300 m to 1000 m is considered to be compliant with measurement requirements.An along-track resolution from 300 m to 1000 m is considered to be compliant with measurement requirements.
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  • Penetration The capability of SHARAD to detect subsurface interfaces depends on a number of factors, each of which is known with a different level of uncertainty: Ionosphere (dispersion and attenuation, Faraday rotation)Ionosphere (dispersion and attenuation, Faraday rotation) Surface geometry (topography, rock size distribution)Surface geometry (topography, rock size distribution) Surface and subsurface composition (dielectric and magnetic properties)Surface and subsurface composition (dielectric and magnetic properties) Subsurface structure (layering, porosity, volumetric scattering)Subsurface structure (layering, porosity, volumetric scattering)
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  • Characterization of Mars Surface Composition Available data allow a broad characterization of the Martian surface compositionAvailable data allow a broad characterization of the Martian surface composition Thermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) data from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) identify two main surface spectral signatures from low- albedo regionsThermal Emission Spectrometer (TES) data from the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) identify two main surface spectral signatures from low- albedo regions The two compositions are a basaltic composition dominated by plagioclase feldspar and clinopyroxene, and an andesitic composition dominated by plagioclase feldspar and volcanic glassThe two compositions are a basaltic composition dominated by plagioclase feldspar and clinopyroxene, and an andesitic composition dominated by plagioclase feldspar and volcanic glass The distribution of the two compositions is split roughly along the planetary dichotomy: the basaltic composition is confined to older surfaces, and the more silicic composition is concentrated in the younger northern plainsThe distribution of the two compositions is split roughly along the planetary dichotomy: the basaltic composition is confined to older surfaces, and the more silicic composition is concentrated in the younger northern plains
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  • Magnetic Properties
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  • Layering Evidence for layering from MOC imagesEvidence for layering from MOC images Observed layers are tens to hundreds of meters thickObserved layers are tens to hundreds of meters thick Origin and extent of observed layering still open to debateOrigin and extent of observed layering still open to debate Layering as a limiting factor to penetration is currently neglectedLayering as a limiting factor to penetration is currently neglected Characterization of subsurface layering is a scientific target in itself: more careful modeling will be requiredCharacterization of subsurface layering is a scientific target in itself: more careful modeling will be required
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  • Porosity Terrestrial analogues could provide an indication, but several factors need to be accounted for (differences in the kind of volcanism, lower gravity, etc.).Terrestrial analogues could provide an indication, but several factors need to be accounted for (differences in the kind of volcanism, lower gravity, etc.). A value of surface porosity of 50 % is consistent with estimates of the bulk porosity of Martian soil as analysed by the Viking Landers, but a surface porosity this large requires that the regolith has undergone a significant degree of weathering.A value of surface porosity of 50 % is consistent with estimates of the bulk porosity of Martian soil as analysed by the Viking Landers, but a surface porosity this large requires that the regolith has undergone a significant degree of weathering. We set 20 % as a lower bound for the porosity in our computations: lower values would hardly produce a significant dielectric contrast between empty and ice- or water-filled porous material.We set 20 % as a lower bound for the porosity in our computations: lower values would hardly produce a significant dielectric contrast between empty and ice- or water-filled porous material.
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  • Volumetric scattering Since the extinction efficiency of spheres in the optical region (i.e. when D > ) is approximately 2, we can approximate the fraction of energy lost by a plane wave crossing an unit volume of the Martian regolith as twice the cross-section of rocks for which D > in the unit volumeSince the extinction efficiency of spheres in the optical region (i.e. when D > ) is approximately 2, we can approximate the fraction of energy lost by a plane wave crossing an unit volume of the Martian regolith as twice the cross-section of rocks for which D > in the unit volume To compute this fraction we need to know the number of subsurface rocks per unit volume per unit diameter interval, which is often inferred by assuming that the upper surface layer is well mixed, that is that the surface area rock coverage can be equated to the fraction of volume occupied by rocks (Rosiwal's principle)To compute this fraction we need to know the number of subsurface rocks per unit volume per unit diameter interval, which is often inferred by assuming that the upper surface layer is well mixed, that is that the surface area rock coverage can be equated to the fraction of volume occupied by rocks (Rosiwal's principle) Using the surface rock size distribution, for k=30% and =3.3 m (30 MHz wavelength in a medium with =9), F k (D) = 2.610 -2Using the surface rock size distribution, for k=30% and =3.3 m (30 MHz wavelength in a medium with =9), F k (D) = 2.610 -2 This translates into a worst-case cross-section per unit volume of about 3.710 -2This translates into a worst-case cross-section per unit volume of about 3.710 -2 If k=6% (the mode of the rock abundance distribution), the worst-case cross-section per unit volume becomes 8.6 10 -4If k=6% (the mode of the rock abundance distribution), the worst-case cross-section per unit volume becomes 8.6 10 -4
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  • Attenuation in the Subsurface In first approximation, penetration of an E.M. wave in dry rock is a linear function of wavelength.In first approximation, penetration of an E.M. wave in dry rock is a linear function of wavelength. Uncertainties in subsurface losses can range over orders of magnitude, depending on dielectric and magnetic properties, layering, porosity, volume scattering.Uncertainties in subsurface losses can range over orders of magnitude, depending on dielectric and magnetic properties, layering, porosity, volume scattering. The transmission of a 10 MHz bandwidth above day-side plasma frequency requires a central frequency of at least 10 MHz.The transmission of a 10 MHz bandwidth above day-side plasma frequency requires a central frequency of at least 10 MHz. Size and mass requirements for an antenna working at low frequencies, and the technological complexity for efficient transmission of a large fractional bandwidth, have determined the selection of a higher nominal frequency for SHARAD.Size and mass requirements for an antenna working at low frequencies, and the technological complexity for efficient transmission of a large fractional bandwidth, have determined the selection of a higher nominal frequency for SHARAD. In typical scenarios, adequate penetration can be achieved for a central frequency of 20 MHz, the northern hemisphere and the polar caps being favored.In typical scenarios, adequate penetration can be achieved for a central frequency of 20 MHz, the northern hemisphere and the polar caps being favored.
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  • Ionosphere The effect of the Martian ionosphere on the capability of SHARAD to achieve its goals is minor, if not negligible.The effect of the Martian ionosphere on the capability of SHARAD to achieve its goals is minor, if not negligible. In fact, SHARAD will be operating at frequencies which are at least twice the peak plasma frequency on the day side, and about an order of magnitude above the highest values of the plasma frequency measured on the night side.In fact, SHARAD will be operating at frequencies which are at least twice the peak plasma frequency on the day side, and about an order of magnitude above the highest values of the plasma frequency measured on the night side. At those frequencies, Faraday rotation should be a minor effect, according to studies performed for MARSIS (Safaeinili, 2001).At those frequencies, Faraday rotation should be a minor effect, according to studies performed for MARSIS (Safaeinili, 2001). As far as the ionosphere is concerned, SHARAD will thus be equally capable of operating on the day and night sides of Mars.As far as the ionosphere is concerned, SHARAD will thus be equally capable of operating on the day and night sides of Mars.
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  • Rock size distribution at the surface The size-frequency distribution of rocks on Mars has been determined directly only at the Viking and Pathfinder landing sitesThe size-frequency distribution of rocks on Mars has been determined directly only at the Viking and Pathfinder landing sites The Viking infrared thermal mapper (IRTM) observations have been used to determine the surface rock abundance on Mars (Christensen, 1986)The Viking infrared thermal mapper (IRTM) observations have been used to determine the surface rock abundance on Mars (Christensen, 1986) Rock abundances calculated in this fashion indicate an unimodal Poisson distribution over the planet with minimum abundances of 1 %, maximum abundances of 30 % and a mode of about 6 %Rock abundances calculated in this fashion indicate an unimodal Poisson distribution over the planet with minimum abundances of 1 %, maximum abundances of 30 % and a mode of about 6 % The Viking landing sites and the Mars Pathfinder landing site show rock size-frequency distributions that can be fit by equations of the form: F k (D) = k exp [-q(k) D], where F k (D) is the cumulative fractional area covered by rocks of diameter D or larger, k is the total area covered by all rocks, and q(k) = 1.79 +.152/k (Golombek and Rapp, 1997)The Viking landing sites and the Mars Pathfinder landing site show rock size-frequency distributions that can be fit by equations of the form: F k (D) = k exp [-q(k) D], where F k (D) is the cumulative fractional area covered by rocks of diameter D or larger, k is the total area covered by all rocks, and q(k) = 1.79 +.152/k (Golombek and Rapp, 1997)
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  • Rock size distribution at the surface (contd) In the approximation that electromagnetic scattering is caused only by (supposedly spherical) rocks whose circumference is equal or greater than the wavelength, we need to compute the values of F for D = / , where is the wavelength of the radiationIn the approximation that electromagnetic scattering is caused only by (supposedly spherical) rocks whose circumference is equal or greater than the wavelength, we need to compute the values of F for D = / , where is the wavelength of the radiation For k=30% and =10 m, F k (D) = 2.010 -4For k=30% and =10 m, F k (D) = 2.010 -4 A survey of 25,000 high-resolution MOC images (Golombek, 2001) revealed roughly 25 (~0.1% of the total) with fields of hundred to thousands of boulders, typically at the base of scarps or around fresh cratersA survey of 25,000 high-resolution MOC images (Golombek, 2001) revealed roughly 25 (~0.1% of the total) with fields of hundred to thousands of boulders, typically at the base of scarps or around fresh craters
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  • Parameters for Surface Clutter Characterization Surface echoes from off-nadir portion of the surface can mask subsurface echoes from nadir if both reach the receiver at the same timeSurface echoes from off-nadir portion of the surface can mask subsurface echoes from nadir if both reach the receiver at the same time Scattering models from natural terrain make use of statistical parameters, namely the r.m.s. height and the r.m.s. slope, to describe the topographyScattering models from natural terrain make use of statistical parameters, namely the r.m.s. height and the r.m.s. slope, to describe the topography These parameters are scale-dependent, e.g. the r.m.s. slope depends on the horizontal distance of the points between which slope is measuredThese parameters are scale-dependent, e.g. the r.m.s. slope depends on the horizontal distance of the points between which slope is measured Scaling of these parameters between the available data sets (i.e. MOLA altimetry, at 300 m spacing) and the wavelengths of interest (tens of meters) requires hypotheses on the scaling behavior of topographic parametersScaling of these parameters between the available data sets (i.e. MOLA altimetry, at 300 m spacing) and the wavelengths of interest (tens of meters) requires hypotheses on the scaling behavior of topographic parameters
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  • Method MOLA topographic profiles, approximately 30 km long, with points spaced 300 m apartMOLA topographic profiles, approximately 30 km long, with points spaced 300 m apart Profile is de-trended to filter out contributions to the topography from larger structuresProfile is de-trended to filter out contributions to the topography from larger structures r.m.s height and point-to-point r.m.s. slope are computed for the profiler.m.s height and point-to-point r.m.s. slope are computed for the profile We assume that the topography is self-affine, i.e. its statistical parameters change with scaleWe assume that the topography is self-affine, i.e. its statistical parameters change with scale The scaling behaviour of the topography is described by the Hurst exponent H: 0 H 1The scaling behaviour of the topography is described by the Hurst exponent H: 0 H 1
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  • Method (contd) H=0 means stationary profile, while H=1 means fractal profile (self- similar)H=0 means stationary profile, while H=1 means fractal profile (self- similar) We make use of the r.m.s. deviation: x z(x)-z(x+ x)] 2 1/2We make use of the r.m.s. deviation: x z(x)-z(x+ x)] 2 1/2 For a stationary surface,, is a constantFor a stationary surface,, is a constant For a self-affine surface: ( x)= ( x 0 ) ( x/ x 0 ) HFor a self-affine surface: ( x)= ( x 0 ) ( x/ x 0 ) H Fitting a straight line to a logarithmic plot of as a function of lag distance provides the Hurst exponentFitting a straight line to a logarithmic plot of as a function of lag distance provides the Hurst exponent
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  • But is Mars Self-Affine? Mostly yes, at the scales of interest for this workMostly yes, at the scales of interest for this work
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  • But is Mars Self-Affine? (contd) Sometimes, however, the behaviour of the profiles is more complexSometimes, however, the behaviour of the profiles is more complex
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  • The Scaling Problem
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  • The Scaling Problem (contd)
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  • Clutter as a Function of Wavelength
  • Slide 59
  • Clutter Suppression after SAR Processing
  • Slide 60
  • Summary Scientific requirements for SHARAD have been illustrated.Scientific requirements for SHARAD have been illustrated. A 5-10 MHz bandwidth is necessary to meet vertical and horizontal resolution requirements.A 5-10 MHz bandwidth is necessary to meet vertical and horizontal resolution requirements. In first approximation, penetration is a linear function of wavelength, but uncertainties in subsurface losses can range over orders of magnitude.In first approximation, penetration is a linear function of wavelength, but uncertainties in subsurface losses can range over orders of magnitude. In typical scenarios, adequate penetration can be achieved for a central frequency of 20 MHz, the northern hemisphere and the polar caps being favored.In typical scenarios, adequate penetration can be achieved for a central frequency of 20 MHz, the northern hemisphere and the polar caps being favored. Detailed modeling of clutter is possible, based on available topographic data: clutter is expected to be weakly dependent on frequency.Detailed modeling of clutter is possible, based on available topographic data: clutter is expected to be weakly dependent on frequency. Over most of Mars, synthetic aperture processing is required for clutter suppression: for the nominal design of SHARAD, clutter can be adequately suppressed over about 40% of the surface of Mars.Over most of Mars, synthetic aperture processing is required for clutter suppression: for the nominal design of SHARAD, clutter can be adequately suppressed over about 40% of the surface of Mars.
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  • Science Observations Science observations will begin with the deployment of the antenna, which will take place only after the end of aerobraking; after deployment, the spacecraft can only perform limited accelerations.Science observations will begin with the deployment of the antenna, which will take place only after the end of aerobraking; after deployment, the spacecraft can only perform limited accelerations. During instrument data collection, S/C shall always be oriented such that the antenna dipole is orthogonal to the nadir axis: the antenna axis needs to be positioned within 10 degrees of desired nadir-looking direction (TBC).During instrument data collection, S/C shall always be oriented such that the antenna dipole is orthogonal to the nadir axis: the antenna axis needs to be positioned within 10 degrees of desired nadir-looking direction (TBC). If the orientation of the solar panels will be more than TBD degrees from the direction orthogonal to the antenna axis, Sharad measurements could be jeopardized.If the orientation of the solar panels will be more than TBD degrees from the direction orthogonal to the antenna axis, Sharad measurements could be jeopardized.
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  • Observing Geometry SHARAD is a nadir looking radar sounder with synthetic aperture capabilities
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  • Observation Planning According to its system characteristics, and mainly to its carrier frequency, SHARAD is in principle able to operate at any time in the orbit, no matter of the sun illumination conditions.According to its system characteristics, and mainly to its carrier frequency, SHARAD is in principle able to operate at any time in the orbit, no matter of the sun illumination conditions. The SHARAD Science Team supposes that the actual science observation planning should be the result of a negotiation taking into account specific observation opportunities (if any) and the relevant instrument priorities.The SHARAD Science Team supposes that the actual science observation planning should be the result of a negotiation taking into account specific observation opportunities (if any) and the relevant instrument priorities.
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  • Observing Modes Instrument Modes shall belong to any of the following two classes:Instrument Modes shall belong to any of the following two classes: Support Modes Support Modes Operation Modes Operation Modes The Support Modes are used for warm-up, to keep the instrument ready to operate with reduced power consumption, and for auxiliary tasks such as failure recovery, SW patching and troubleshooting.The Support Modes are used for warm-up, to keep the instrument ready to operate with reduced power consumption, and for auxiliary tasks such as failure recovery, SW patching and troubleshooting. The Operation Modes are those in which the instrument performs its nominal science data acquisitions and may also include calibration modes.The Operation Modes are those in which the instrument performs its nominal science data acquisitions and may also include calibration modes.
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  • Observing Modes SUPPORT MODESSUPPORT MODES ModeRDSTXNotes DESRFES OffOffOffOff Spacecraft Control Request Check/INITOnOffOff StandbyOnOffOff DES Control Warm-Up1OnOnOff Warm-Up2OnOnOn DES Control No RF Radiation IdleOnOffOff Emergency Recovery Mode
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  • Observing Modes OPERATION MODESOPERATION MODES ModeRDSTXNotes DESRFES Sub-surface Low OnOnOn Doppler processing is completed on ground to provide low horizontal resolution and narrow FOV Sub-surface High OnOnOn Doppler processing is completed on ground to provide high horizontal resolution and high FOV Raw Data OnOnOn for very limited data takes the instrument is able to provide in the science data telemetry raw data without any preliminary processing CalibrationOnOnOn Raw Calibration Data Receive Only OnOnOff Passive Measurements. Allowed also during cruising phase with antenna folded (TBV)
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  • Observing Modes Data Rate Data Rate Operation Mode Data Rate Subsurface Sounding Low 0.35 Mbps Subsurface Sounding High 1.4 Mbps Raw Data 14.0 Mbps Receive Only TBD CalibrationTBD
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  • Data Processing Operate on level 2 data from archive Operate on level 2 data from archive Calibration and other corrections are considered already applied to the data Calibration and other corrections are considered already applied to the data Aim at extracting high level products, directly usable for science interpretation Aim at extracting high level products, directly usable for science interpretation Joint processing of multiple radar sweeps: Joint processing of multiple radar sweeps: - echoes collected along an orbit (or part) - echoes from multiple overlapping or close orbits - echoes collected at multiple frequencies in the orbit (if applicable) Joint processing of data collected from MARSIS and other instruments (TBC)Joint processing of data collected from MARSIS and other instruments (TBC)
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  • Joint Processing of a Sequence of Echoes Fitting a parametric subsurface model possible models: - linear - constant radius of curvature - polynomial
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  • Statistically based data processing schemes - use joint distribution of the sequence of echoes - obtain statistically optimized estimators for subsurface model parameters - use hypotheses test approach for assessing detection of subsurface layers - use hypotheses test approach for assessing detection of subsurface layers - derive confidence parameters on the detection and on the accuracy of estimated parameters
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  • Removal of topographic effects - required to retrieve a meaningful shape for hydrological/thermal interfaces - height profile derived from surface tracking and s/c ephemeris - topography also derived from MOLA - joint usage of the two for increased reliability
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  • Joint processing of the echoes from overlapping or close orbits Allows the joint processing of multiple orbits with the same or different frequencies Use of 2D parametric subsurface model to implement best fitting algorithms
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  • Joint processing of the echoes at multiple frequencies - same subsurface geometric model - possibly different interface reflectivity and propagation velocity Performance improvement at multiple frequencies:Performance improvement at multiple frequencies: - better estimation of subsurface shape (more information on the subsurface model at multiple frequencies) (more information on the subsurface model at multiple frequencies) - estimation of parameters related to the dielectric properties of the layers
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  • Data processing at polar regions Martian polar layered deposits: sedimentary deposits of ice and dust. Identification of layered structure: - estimation of layer thickness - estimation of layer composition - analysis of layers continuity over large area
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  • Data processing at polar regions Investigation of morphology under the polar caps: unknown morphological structure under the poles unknown morphological structure under the poles unknown composition of the layers under the poles unknown composition of the layers under the poles possible deep penetration in dry ice with low frequency possible deep penetration in dry ice with low frequency
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  • Summary of data processing techniques Water distribution in the upper portions of the crust of Mars Multiple hypotheses testing to be investigated by processing subsurface data with ad-hoc developed algorithms based on different selected models. Three different possible models: no water at SHARAD penetration depth; water distribution follows exactly the surface profile; water distribution follows a gravitational geoid Mars polar region Two aspects can be considered: topographic mapping of the region below the Mars polar caps; mapping of the layered structures of the polar regions; To be studied by processing subsurface data arising from all the different orbits eventually covering the same region Also: joint processing of MARSIS data in different modes and SHARAD data(TBC) joint processing of radar data & other instruments (data fusion)
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  • Washington Workshop 3,4 Dec 2001 Shallow Radar for Martian Subsurface Studies: Instrument Overview
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  • SHARAD Concept SHARAD system is conceived as a dual frequency shallow radar providing measurements at the centre frequencies 17.5 and 22.5 Mhz. At these centre frequencies the radar will trasmit two radar pulses shortly separated in time within the same radar sweep. Each radar pulse is linear frequency modulated over a 5 Mhz bandwidth to provide 30 meters resolution in free space. Echoes from the two bands (15 - 20 Mhz) (20 - 25 Mhz) are treated independently on board. On ground, echoes are processed still independently through SAR based techniques to enhance the azimuth resolution and therefore clutter reduction Possible stepped chirp technique for finer range resolution.
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  • Instrument Requirements RequirementCapability Vertical resolution 15 m (in a material with dielectric constant equal to 5) Horizontal resolution 300-1000 m along track (after processing) 1500-8000 m across track (depending on altitude, topography and vertical resolution) Depth of penetration 100s of meter (depending on subsurface structure and composition), up to 1 km To meet these objectives, an HF nadir looking synthetic aperture radar will be designed, of relatively large bandwidth to meet the range resolution requirement. Synthetic aperture processing allows improvement of the along track spatial resolution and, consequently, also reduction of the off-nadir ground clutter echo.
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  • SHARAD System Preliminary Parameters Antenna: half wave dipole~7 m length (tip-to-tip) Centre Frequencies:17.5 & 22.5 MHz Radiated Peak Power: 10 W Pulse Length:300 s Pulse Bandwidth:5 MHz Pulse Repetition Frequency: ~150 Hz Vertical Swath Range:40 s (6 Km - free space)
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  • SHARAD Hierarchical Configuration
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  • SHARAD S/S Description SHARAD instrument is based on 3 major subsystems: Antenna S/S: the baseline is a dipole antenna. Few antenna options are currently under investigation. In the simplest case the dipole should size 7 meters tip-to-tip and 3.8 cm diameter. This solution requires a matching network in order to optimize the radiation efficiency Tx S/S: A single large bandwidth transmitter is envisaged operating in the bandwidth 15 - 25 Mhz. With given performance of Dipole Antenna, the Tx S/S shall be designed to ensure at least 10 Watts of radiated peak power.
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  • SHARAD S/S Description RDS: The RadioFrequency Receiver (Rx) and Digital (DES) units of the radar, resembling the MARSIS architecture, are enveloped in the same box. More specifically the implemented functions of RDS are: Command & Control Data Acquisition and Processing Data Interface Radar Pulse Generation and Instrument Timing Radar Receiver DC/DC Converters for Digital and Rx RadioFrequency Part. Radar Chirp Generation is based on Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) technique. Synthesis is accomplished directly at the radar frequency. Bands up to 10 MHz wide can be generated.
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  • SHARAD S/S Description Analog receiver is of deramping type with low noise amplifier followed by a deramping mixer, band pass filtering and final stage with gain regulation to adjust the receiver dynamics (AGC). Rx signal is digitally filtered and converted to video in order to synthesize the I/Q signal components. Rx signal is pre-processed on board with a limited amount of coherent processing to reduce instrument data rate. Pre-processed echoes are transferred on ground for range compression and fully focused SAR processing to enhance azimuth resolution.
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  • Options The following items are subject to trade-off activity: System Level: Inclusion of an additional lower frequency channel (10 - 15 Mhz range) Subsystem level: Antenna Receiver
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  • Lower Frequency Channel Inclusion of a lower frequency channel (10 - 15 Mhz) may imply: Cons dedicated transmitter longer dipole antenna dedicated matching network Pros Major flexibility of the experiment Better estimate of the target dielectric characteristics
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  • Antenna Options Antenna trade-off is aimed to: Improve as much as possible on the entire band (15-25 MHz) the antenna efficiency allow the possibility of improving the system bandwidth for the possible introduction of an additional radar channel at a lower frequency (range 10 - 15 Mhz) while keeping at the minimum the changes respect to baseline (7 meters tip-to-tip antenna)
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  • Antenna Options l Single dipole 7.00 mt. Long _Require a matching network _Easy and light structure l Single dipole 9.6 mt. long, Diam. 3.8 cm. _ Balun required _ Easy and light structure X Y Z 7.0 mt. X Y Z 9.6 mt.
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  • Receiver Options Receiver baseline foresees the use of a downconverting mixer for deramping operation. As an option, it is considered the possibility of keeping the receiver the simplest possible while transferring the band filtering issue into the digital section, avoiding the mixer, the narrow band filtering and using instead a large A/D sampling frequency for direct sampling on carrier. Advantages: extremely simple receiver design Drawbacks: digital processing front end (potentially based on FPGA design) to be included in the DES architecture
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  • H/W & S/W Heritage Assembly Design Heritage (%) Flight Heritage (%) Antenna It is presently planned to procure the antenna by a well proven manufacturer in order to minimize the risk Transmitter 70 30 Receiver 70 30 Digital SS 100 70 70
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  • Risk (Top Four) ItemMitigation Plan Transmitter (schedule) ITAR Calibration Early design and test. Fast MOU finalization. In depth definition of ground characterisation
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  • Concerns EM interaction between SHARAD antenna and S/C (solar panels, HGA)EM interaction between SHARAD antenna and S/C (solar panels, HGA)
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  • Block Diagram DCG Timing A/D & I/Q Synthesis Echo Processor Data I/F Cmd/Crtl LNA T/R Switch Impedence Matching Net Tx Amp BPF G Div Stalo Power Distribution S/C Data & Cmd Bus AntTx RDS
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  • S/W Block Diagram SHARAD SW Architecture will be based on the MARSIS SW archictecture which is build on a base HW configuration of 3 DSP (21020): one for C 2 (Master DSP) and 2 Slave Processing DSPs Virtuoso RTOS (Run Time Operative System) is a commercial Operative System Tool
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  • Mechanical Configuration Baseline: Antenna (Ant) Transmitter (Tx) RadioFrequency and Digital (RDS) Physical Dimensions (CBE) RDS==> 22 x 25 x 20 cm TX==> 45 X 15 X 10 cm Antenna==> 45 x 25 x 10 cm (Stowed configuration)
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  • Mechanical Configuration RDS will be designed using the already qualified mechanical design of MARSIS which allows a modular approach. For the transmitter a separate box is foreseen. Antenna mechanical frame is strongly dependent on final technology/manufacturer selection RDS mechanical frame
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  • Mass And Power Current Best Estimates Assembly Mass (Kg) Uncertainty Power (w) Uncertainty Antenna2.0 30 % - 0.6 Kg - Transmitter3.0 30 % - 0.9 Kg 13 30 % - 3.9 W Cabling0.75 20 % - 0.15 Kg TBC pending on S/S harness routing definition - RDS (Rx & Digital Subsystem) 6.0 10 % - 0.6 Kg 39 10 % - 3.9 W TOTAL11.75 2.25 Kg 52 7.8 W
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  • Power By Different Operational Modes (1) Replacement heaters are heaters required to be turned on when the instrument is turned off (like at launch and during cruise). The heater(s) are there to assure that the instrument stays within acceptable temperature limits. Mode Operational Power Replacement Heaters power (1) Off 010 W Check/Init - Stdby - Idle 25 W WarmUp1 WarmUp2 Operation Modes 30 W 35 W 52 W 10 W
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  • Data Handling Summary Data Mode Data Volume (per orbit, 30 min. nominal operations) Subsurface Sounding Low 0.630 Gbit Subsurface Sounding High 2.5 Gbit Raw Data 0.84 Gbit for each minute of operation Receive Only TBC CalibrationTBC
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  • Processing Characteristics SHARAD is presently planning to pre-process the return echoes on board, exclusively using its own Digital subsystem resourcesSHARAD is presently planning to pre-process the return echoes on board, exclusively using its own Digital subsystem resources The on-board processing will be possibly limited to some coherent processing in order to meet the S/C requirements in terms of produced data rate and volume and, at the same time, to maintain the highest possible flexibility in the ground processingThe on-board processing will be possibly limited to some coherent processing in order to meet the S/C requirements in terms of produced data rate and volume and, at the same time, to maintain the highest possible flexibility in the ground processing No data compression processing is at this moment planned for the telemetry data produced by SHARADNo data compression processing is at this moment planned for the telemetry data produced by SHARAD
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  • EMI Characterization/Validation
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  • The SHARAD special requirements are that broadband EMI disturbances must be lower than the galactic noise received by the antenna, that is 12 dB V/m (TBC) measured on a bandwidth of 30 KHz (TBC) in the range 10-30 MHz. Narrow band disturbance (spike) laying within the SHARAD bandwidth must have a level lower than TBD dB. The level of out of band spikes shall be lower than TBD dBThe SHARAD special requirements are that broadband EMI disturbances must be lower than the galactic noise received by the antenna, that is 12 dB V/m (TBC) measured on a bandwidth of 30 KHz (TBC) in the range 10-30 MHz. Narrow band disturbance (spike) laying within the SHARAD bandwidth must have a level lower than TBD dB. The level of out of band spikes shall be lower than TBD dB The field strength produced by SHARAD is under evaluation and will be provided as soon as possibleThe field strength produced by SHARAD is under evaluation and will be provided as soon as possible
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  • Calibration Requirements
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  • Calibration requirements The objective of the calibration is to determine the expected uncertainty in the geophysical characteristics of the surface and subsurface as measured by SHARAD.The objective of the calibration is to determine the expected uncertainty in the geophysical characteristics of the surface and subsurface as measured by SHARAD. The calibration of SHARAD is similar to the calibration of a SAR system but has the added complexity of the matching between the sounder electronics with the antenna.The calibration of SHARAD is similar to the calibration of a SAR system but has the added complexity of the matching between the sounder electronics with the antenna. The calibration of the electronics system gain will follow standard procedures and will be performed on ground.The calibration of the electronics system gain will follow standard procedures and will be performed on ground. SHARAD is presently planning to perform also the TX-Antenna calibration on ground. In any case this calibration will be performed also while in orbit around Mars, using the echoes received from very flat surfaces according to a TBD procedure every TBD orbits.SHARAD is presently planning to perform also the TX-Antenna calibration on ground. In any case this calibration will be performed also while in orbit around Mars, using the echoes received from very flat surfaces according to a TBD procedure every TBD orbits.
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  • Antenna and TX Placement The present baseline for SHARAD is to have all the subsystems assembled in three boxes: RX+DES, TX and Ant. The physical dimensions will be:The present baseline for SHARAD is to have all the subsystems assembled in three boxes: RX+DES, TX and Ant. The physical dimensions will be: RX+DES 22x25x20 cm (TBC) RX+DES 22x25x20 cm (TBC) TX 45x15x10 cm (TBC) TX 45x15x10 cm (TBC) Antenna (stowed) 45x25x10 cm (TBC) Antenna (stowed) 45x25x10 cm (TBC) The antenna should be mounted on a wall of the S/C and such that its electrical axis (that is its booms) is perpendicular to the solar panels in order to avoid any EM coupling into and reflection from solar arrays. As a matter of fact this causes an unintended directionality to the antenna radiation pattern which could severely degrade the experiment performance and could also worsen EMI problem for spacecraft.The antenna should be mounted on a wall of the S/C and such that its electrical axis (that is its booms) is perpendicular to the solar panels in order to avoid any EM coupling into and reflection from solar arrays. As a matter of fact this causes an unintended directionality to the antenna radiation pattern which could severely degrade the experiment performance and could also worsen EMI problem for spacecraft. The TX box should be mounted as much as possible close to the antenna box in order to minimize cable loss and impedance matching problems.The TX box should be mounted as much as possible close to the antenna box in order to minimize cable loss and impedance matching problems.
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  • Washington Workshop 3,4 Dec 2001 Shallow Radar for Martian Subsurface Studies: Management Plans
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  • Overview In-House vs. Out-of-House The INFOCOM Department, the Team Leader institution, does not plan to develop the instrument in its own facilities. All SHARAD H/W and S/W will be developed by the Industrial Partner(s) selected by ASI Major Partners ALS + other major subcontractors (TBC) I, T, & C Location ALS (TBC) Outside Contributions TBC Foreign Involvement NA
  • Slide 112
  • H/W Deliverables (to MRO) ItemDate Payload Fit Check Template (Structural Model SM) December 02 Payload Interface Simulator (Interface Engineering Model IEM) February 03 EM and GSE September 03 FM and GSE March 04
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  • S/W and Data Deliverables (to MRO) EVENT OR DELIVERABLE ITEM DESCRIPTION EVENT OR DUE DATE Telemetry calibration data PreliminaryPreliminary FinalFinal Definition of instrument telemetry, calibration curves, algorithms and tolerances ICDRIDR Flight sequences PreliminaryPreliminary FinalFinal Definition of instrument sequences for use in system test to include all instrument operations modes ICDRIDR Analytic thermal model PreliminaryPreliminary FinalFinal Used to develop the system-level thermal design and support the thermal vacuum test ICDRIDR Initial flight S/W and supporting documentation Provide the initial FSW load to support OTB I&T IDR Initial ground S/W and supporting documentation Provide the initial ground S/W to support system tests IDR Final S/W baseline and supporting documentation Provide the final FSW load to support flight ATLO IORR Final ground S/W and supporting documentation Provide the final ground operations and data analysis S/W to support launch ORR -1month
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  • Documentation Deliverables to MRO (1) DocumentDescription Event or Due Date TMCO Technical, Management and Cost package 26/11/2001 ISRD Investigation Science Requirement Document Draft 17/12/2001 Final 24/01/2002 EIP Experiment Implementation Plan January 2002 FRD Functional Requirement Document February 2002 Flight rules and constraint PreliminaryPreliminary FinalFinal Defifnition of instrument operation constraints and requirements IPDRICDR Command telemetry data PreliminaryPreliminary FinalFinal Dictionary of instrument commands and operation modes. Definition of instrument telemetry parameters ICDRIDR
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  • Documentation Deliverables to MRO (2) ICDs PreliminaryPreliminary FinalFinal Inputs to Interface Control Documents PDRCDR GDS/MOS requirements PreliminaryPreliminary FinalFinal Inputs to Ground Data System and Mission Operations System Requirement Documents IDR ORR 1month Payload handling requirements PreliminaryPreliminary FinalFinal Payload Handling Requirements list ICDR IDR 1 month Unit history log-books IDR End Item Data Package (EIDP) IDR
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  • Receivables List (From MRO) ItemDate S/C Simulator October 2002
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  • Investigation Communications Plan Internal to Team All documentation for internal use will be made available to Team Members by means of a password-protected web page hosted at the Team Leader institution.All documentation for internal use will be made available to Team Members by means of a password-protected web page hosted at the Team Leader institution. External (with Project Office) All documentation for external use will be made available to MRO Project Office by means of a password-protected FTP site hosted at the Team Leader institution.All documentation for external use will be made available to MRO Project Office by means of a password-protected FTP site hosted at the Team Leader institution. All the documents will be available on the FTP site only after the ASI PO approvalAll the documents will be available on the FTP site only after the ASI PO approval
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  • Workforce Profile: Science Team (1) Team Leader: Roberto Seu. He received the doctoral degree in electronic engineering and the Ph.D. on Communication and Information Theory at University of Rome La Sapienza, where he is assistant professor at INFOCOM Dept. His main research activities are mainly related to active microwave remote sensing. He is member of the Cassini Radar Science Team, Co-I of the Rosetta/CONSERT experiment and Deputy PI of the Mars Express/MARSIS experiment. Experiment Manager: Arturo Masdea. He has had 35 years of experience in electronic engineering at Alenia S.p.A. Specialist in electronic product, system design and project management in defence and space applications (Radar, Lidar, Missile, EWS and EO systems). Author of international patents and technical reports. During last five years was participating on the activity of INFO-COM dept. This participating activity was mainly performed on seminar, on remote sensing (active and passive) by EO system and on system sounding analysis and design of Rx and Tx for the Rosetta mission. Team Member: Daniela Biccari. She received the doctoral degree in electronic engineering from the University of Rome "La Sapienza" in 2000. She is now attending the 2nd year of the PhD course on Remote Sensing at the same university, INFOCOM Dpt. She is Co-I of the Mars Express/MARSIS experiment.
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  • Workforce Profile: Science Team (2) Team Member: Costanzo Federico. He is associate professor of geophysics at University of Perugia (Italy). He is Co-Investigator in experiments on planetary NASA and ESA missions. Member of ESA Peer Committees. He has published more than 80 pubblications in referred journals. Scientific activities include modelling of evolution of Earth and terrestrial-like planet interiors using different data types : seismic, gravimetric and geological observations.Team Member: Costanzo Federico. He is associate professor of geophysics at University of Perugia (Italy). He is Co-Investigator in experiments on planetary NASA and ESA missions. Member of ESA Peer Committees. He has published more than 80 pubblications in referred journals. Scientific activities include modelling of evolution of Earth and terrestrial-like planet interiors using different data types : seismic, gravimetric and geological observations. Team Member: Vittorio Formisano. He graduated in Physics cum laude in Rome in 1965. Researcher at LPS-CNR (now IFSI). Visiting Scientist at M.I.T. (for two years) and at UCLA (six months). He organized the international conference: Le Prime misure di Pioneer 10 a Giove (1974, Frascati, ESRIN ). He is the Italian responsible person for the CIS experiment on board CLUSTER. He is PI of the OPERA experiment for INTERBIOL. He is PI of the PFS experiment for Mars 96 and for Mars Express. He is the responsible person for the Italian channel of the Omega experiment for per Mars 96. He is Co.I. of Omega for Mars Express, of VIMS for Cassini, of PANCAM for Netlander. Over 180 publications on refereed journalsTeam Member: Vittorio Formisano. He graduated in Physics cum laude in Rome in 1965. Researcher at LPS-CNR (now IFSI). Visiting Scientist at M.I.T. (for two years) and at UCLA (six months). He organized the international conference: Le Prime misure di Pioneer 10 a Giove (1974, Frascati, ESRIN ). He is the Italian responsible person for the CIS experiment on board CLUSTER. He is PI of the OPERA experiment for INTERBIOL. He is PI of the PFS experiment for Mars 96 and for Mars Express. He is the responsible person for the Italian channel of the Omega experiment for per Mars 96. He is Co.I. of Omega for Mars Express, of VIMS for Cassini, of PANCAM for Netlander. Over 180 publications on refereed journals
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  • Workforce Profile: Science Team (3) Team Member: Pierfrancesco Lombardo. He got the doctoral degree in Electronic Engineering and the Ph.D. at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". He has been research associate at the University of Birmingham (UK) and Research Scientist at Syracuse University (NY-USA). In 1996 he joined as a Research Scientist the University of Rome La Sapienza, where he is Associate Professor since 1998. Dr. Lombardo is involved in scientific research projects funded by the Italian Space Agency for the development of signal processing techniques for multiparametric SAR images. He is also involved in research projects on data fusion and on other projects on advanced radar detection. His main interests are in radar adaptive signal processing, radar clutter modeling, radar coherent detection, SAR processing and radio-localization systems.Team Member: Pierfrancesco Lombardo. He got the doctoral degree in Electronic Engineering and the Ph.D. at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". He has been research associate at the University of Birmingham (UK) and Research Scientist at Syracuse University (NY-USA). In 1996 he joined as a Research Scientist the University of Rome La Sapienza, where he is Associate Professor since 1998. Dr. Lombardo is involved in scientific research projects funded by the Italian Space Agency for the development of signal processing techniques for multiparametric SAR images. He is also involved in research projects on data fusion and on other projects on advanced radar detection. His main interests are in radar adaptive signal processing, radar clutter modeling, radar coherent detection, SAR processing and radio-localization systems. Team Member: Lucia Marinangeli. She got the degree in Geology at the Universit di Bologna in 1992 with a thesis on Geochemistry and Sedimentology of the recent deposits of the Northern Adriatic Sea. In 1998 she completed the Ph.D. program working on Geological and statigraphic evolution of the Ishtar Terra highland on Venus. Her current research interests regard the reconstruction of paleoclimate changes from paleofluvial and paleolacustrine morphologies on Mars and in arid lands on Earth. Since 1999 she also is PI for the development of a micro x-ray diffractometer for the Italian package of future Martian landers (ASI project).Team Member: Lucia Marinangeli. She got the degree in Geology at the Universit di Bologna in 1992 with a thesis on Geochemistry and Sedimentology of the recent deposits of the Northern Adriatic Sea. In 1998 she completed the Ph.D. program working on Geological and statigraphic evolution of the Ishtar Terra highland on Venus. Her current research interests regard the reconstruction of paleoclimate changes from paleofluvial and paleolacustrine morphologies on Mars and in arid lands on Earth. Since 1999 she also is PI for the development of a micro x-ray diffractometer for the Italian package of future Martian landers (ASI project).
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  • Workforce Profile: Science Team (4) Team Member: Roberto Orosei. He graduated in Astronomy in 1992 with full marks cum laude. He was awarded an ESA Research Fellowship at ESTEC from February 1994 to January 1996. He completed a PhD in Remote Sensing in 1999. He is involved in several space experiments, and is Co-investigator of MARSIS (MArs Radar Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounder) for ESA's Mars Express mission. His scientific activities include the modeling and simulation of radar wave propagation in planetary environments.Team Member: Roberto Orosei. He graduated in Astronomy in 1992 with full marks cum laude. He was awarded an ESA Research Fellowship at ESTEC from February 1994 to January 1996. He completed a PhD in Remote Sensing in 1999. He is involved in several space experiments, and is Co-investigator of MARSIS (MArs Radar Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounder) for ESA's Mars Express mission. His scientific activities include the modeling and simulation of radar wave propagation in planetary environments. Team Member: Giovanni Picardi. He is full professor of Remote Sensing Systems at INFO-COM Dpt, University of Rome "La Sapienza". He has been involved in several projects for the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI). He has been member of the Science Team for the definition of the ROSETTA, MORO (Moon Orbiting Observatory) and INTERMARSNET missions. He is presently the PI of the Mars Express/MARSIS experiment, member of the Cassini Radar Science Team and Co-I of the Rosetta/CONSERT experiment. His main activity is in radar design for civil and military applications and remote sensing. He is the author of several books and of more than 130 publications, including conferences, concerning radar signal processing and system analysis.Team Member: Giovanni Picardi. He is full professor of Remote Sensing Systems at INFO-COM Dpt, University of Rome "La Sapienza". He has been involved in several projects for the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI). He has been member of the Science Team for the definition of the ROSETTA, MORO (Moon Orbiting Observatory) and INTERMARSNET missions. He is presently the PI of the Mars Express/MARSIS experiment, member of the Cassini Radar Science Team and Co-I of the Rosetta/CONSERT experiment. His main activity is in radar design for civil and military applications and remote sensing. He is the author of several books and of more than 130 publications, including conferences, concerning radar signal processing and system analysis.
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  • Workforce Profile: Science Team (5) Team Member: Sebastiano B. Serpico. He is an Associate Professor of Telecommunications at the University of Genoa. His current research interests are related to the application of signal processing and pattern recognition to remotely sensed images. From 1995 to 1998, Dr. Serpico was the Head of the Signal Processing and Telecommunications Research Group (SP&T) of DIBE; he is currently the Head of the SP&T labs. He is author (or co-author) of about 150 scientific publications, including journals and conferences. He is an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.Team Member: Sebastiano B. Serpico. He is an Associate Professor of Telecommunications at the University of Genoa. His current research interests are related to the application of signal processing and pattern recognition to remotely sensed images. From 1995 to 1998, Dr. Serpico was the Head of the Signal Processing and Telecommunications Research Group (SP&T) of DIBE; he is currently the Head of the SP&T labs. He is author (or co-author) of about 150 scientific publications, including journals and conferences. He is an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
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  • Workforce Profile: industrial partner ASI has issued an industrial contract to Alenia Spazio for the study phase and is planning to issue to ALS the contract for the DD&V
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  • Roles And Responsibilities AreaWho MRO Contacts Investigation Management R. Seu R. Zurek Experiment Project Office E. Flamini R. DePaula/J. Graf Project Engineer Interface A. Masdea J. Duxbury Instrument Development G. Braconi J. Duxbury Mission Operations Uplink Planning Instrument Health & Safety Signal Processing Science Data Processing ALS (Development) + TBD D. Biccari P. Lombardo + ASDC Ben Jai Data Analysis Science Analysis Quick Look and Public Outreach Data Archival C. Federico L. Marinangeli R. Orosei + ASDC Ben Jai Michele Viotti Ben Jai
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  • Roles And Responsibilities (continued) AreaWho MRO Contacts Mission Assurance E. Marchetti ASI G. Montanari Tbc -ALS P. Barela Ground Data System Development/ Mission Operations R. Seu / R. Orosei Ben Jai
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  • Organization Chart ASI Project Office Enrico Flamini Angioletta Coradini Sylvie Espinasse Team Leader Roberto Seu U. Roma, Italy Co-Team Leader R. Phillips, Washington Univ., St. Louis, MO, USA Science Team D. Biccari, U. Roma, Italy C. Federico, U. Perugia, Italy V. Formisano, IFSI/CNR, Roma, Italy P. Lombardo, U. Roma, Italy L. Marinangeli, IRSPS, Pescara, Italy R. Orosei, IAS/CNR, Rome, Italy G. Picardi, U. Roma, Italy S.B. Serpico, U. Genova, Italy J. Plaut, JPL, Pasadena, CA, USA B. Campbell, Smithsonian Inst., Washington DC, USA Experiment Manager Arturo Masdea U. Roma, Italy Industry PM & IM G. Braconi & C. Zelli Italy System Design Italy Digital SS Italy RF SS Italy Antenna SS Italy System AIV/AIT Italy
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  • Science Team Roles And Responsibilities (1) Team Member Development Phase Role Mission Operations and Data Analysis Roberto Seu Overall responsibility for complete experiment development and implementation within project constraints Overall responsibility for complete experiment operation within mission constraints and for data quality Arturo Masdea Interfacing with the industrial partner for the design and development of the experiment Interfacing with the industrial partner for mission operations Daniela Biccari Definition of on-board and on-ground signal processing algorithms Optimization of on-board and on-ground signal processing algorithms Costanzo Federico Overall responsibility for science planning, modeling of structural and magnetic properties of Mars crust Overall responsibility for science analysis
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  • Science Team Roles And Responsibilities (2) Vittorio Formisano Spectral characterization of locales with higher likelihood of presence of subsurface liquid water Correlation with spectroscopy databases for contextual subsurface water identification Pierfrancesco Lombardo Definition of data processing and data fusion algorithms Implementation of data processing and data fusion algorithms Lucia Marinangeli Modeling of the Martian subsurface geology with emphasis on features indicating past presence of water Quick look analysis and public outreach activities Roberto Orosei Modeling of EM propagation in the Martian crust, planning of data archiving activities Implementation of data archiving activities Giovanni Picardi Modeling of surface scattering, contribution to system design and signal processing algorithms Optimization of on-board and on-ground signal processing algorithms
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  • Science Team Roles And Responsibilities (3) Sebastiano B. Serpico Optimization of advanced signal processing and pattern recognition techniques Implementation of advanced signal processing and pattern recognition techniques
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  • Washington Workshop 3,4 Dec 2001 Shallow Radar for Martian Subsurface Studies: Mission Operations and Data Analysis Plans
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  • Mission Operations As far as the ionosphere is concerned, SHARAD will be equally capable of operating on the day and night sides of Mars.As far as the ionosphere is concerned, SHARAD will be equally capable of operating on the day and night sides of Mars. Constraints may then be those arising from the overall mission design:Constraints may then be those arising from the overall mission design: e.g., electromagnetic compatibility may require the radar to be operated only when the other instruments are switched off, which occurs typically during the night-side part of the orbit. SHARAD will be a table-controlled instrument, switching among different modes of operation according to a pre-determined sequence of commands.SHARAD will be a table-controlled instrument, switching among different modes of operation according to a pre-determined sequence of commands.
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  • Cruise/Transition Orbit During the cruising phase towards Mars, heaters, powered by dedicated power line, will be used under S/C control to keep the instrument equipment within the survival temperature range.During the cruising phase towards Mars, heaters, powered by dedicated power line, will be used under S/C control to keep the instrument equipment within the survival temperature range. Health and safety checkout will be performed every TBD days, together with measurements in receive-only mode to characterize the noise environment.Health and safety checkout will be performed every TBD days, together with measurements in receive-only mode to characterize the noise environment.
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  • Mapping Orbit Operations In the off state, heaters, powered by dedicated power line, will be used under S/C control to keep the instrument equipment within the survival temperature range.In the off state, heaters, powered by dedicated power line, will be used under S/C control to keep the instrument equipment within the survival temperature range. At every switch-on of the radar a certain amount of time (of the order of 3 minutes, TBC) is required to pass the instrument into operation.At every switch-on of the radar a certain amount of time (of the order of 3 minutes, TBC) is required to pass the instrument into operation. Within a single orbit, the instrument will be operated in any of its observation modes, in any desired sequence.Within a single orbit, the instrument will be operated in any of its observation modes, in any desired sequence. Within an orbit, the radar can be operated continuously or discontinuously.Within an orbit, the radar can be operated continuously or discontinuously. The time limit is set by the portion of overall data volume allocated to SHARAD vs. the selected operational mode selected.The time limit is set by the portion of overall data volume allocated to SHARAD vs. the selected operational mode selected.
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  • Instrument Performance Evaluation The SHARAD Team will provide specific software to the Mission Operations System with the capabilities to monitor the status of the experiment.The SHARAD Team will provide specific software to the Mission Operations System with the capabilities to monitor the status of the experiment. A quick look capability for the status of the instrument will be achieved by sorting out and interpreting only the housekeeping source packets. This will provide a check of the state-of-health of the instrument before any data analysis is performed.A quick look capability for the status of the instrument will be achieved by sorting out and interpreting only the housekeeping source packets. This will provide a check of the state-of-health of the instrument before any data analysis is performed. The monitoring of the instrument status will provide inputs for subsequent instrument operations planning (selection of operating modes, amplifier gain, calibration sequences, etc.).The monitoring of the instrument status will provide inputs for subsequent instrument operations planning (selection of operating modes, amplifier gain, calibration sequences, etc.).
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  • In-Flight Calibration Requirements Periodic calibration activities will include:Periodic calibration activities will include: Noise characterization: collection of raw data in receive-only mode, to characterize the noise environment, every TBD orbits.Noise characterization: collection of raw data in receive-only mode, to characterize the noise environment, every TBD orbits. Transfer function evaluation: very short raw data collection (i.e. even a single pulse, in principle), over sufficiently smooth surfaces so that radar pulse reflection can be considered specular, every TBD orbits.Transfer function evaluation: very short raw data collection (i.e. even a single pulse, in principle), over sufficiently smooth surfaces so that radar pulse reflection can be considered specular, every TBD orbits.
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  • Sequence Designs Total coverage of polar deposits through night-side observations is the minimum requirement for science operations.Total coverage of polar deposits through night-side observations is the minimum requirement for science operations. We require access to all latitudes when spacecraft is on the night side, although coverage is required to be continuous only over the polar deposits.We require access to all latitudes when spacecraft is on the night side, although coverage is required to be continuous only over the polar deposits. Limited day-side observations of polar deposits and targets subject to variations over time can be required.Limited day-side observations of polar deposits and targets subject to variations over time can be required.
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  • Experiment Data Records Raw data f