THE EVENDiG TIMES YAbniKGTONTULHSDAY AIGIKT K 1001 7 F 1 HKLI VAXTBD FBMAIKV- ASrTBs TintdM tteishtr on pant Apply U SAVAGK aos P iw lS- wAJTOll Al once competent woman Soc gw- cnd hanotauik in small family references te Call W7 21t MW eltX- AXTI We awed remsn MM jrirk plata e vfeanbcrmaidB MM Morses for good llest enquire the OLU VIRGINIA J TU YJttXT MTFICS lUll t nw el ASTEOThrei while naltnsmt Ire hoteL At- lantic City fan nidof 1IT Sew Yurie el WA TED White M or settled wen far light Momwwork MM mind baby IM 0 me ml- WAInTED At oMce lid I m t Mtmtry ill general tfc uwc at 4 r U7M KY be experienced good pay FHEKK- M Florida aw ml WANTBB Tw mo 8 to 12 nimartiiMltjr if setumctory ft t WANTED A irstclaiB rook 312 C M- WWANTBDrCeek lamMlreaian general bsuue worker hs M maids Moraee for city and resorts LA0IBST KXCHANUK 13th ft ml AVAJJTKIA to trod bakers stemd M mer- vVAXTEO Reliable how womaa who fe dmufceruMrtd Apply 9 I ave ml VAXTU place to cook wah and ire It ml- 4MtM wonts far tight general bouse- l ie t k cat of yeN dUN Mea hi idmr H MB WANTKD CM Jar general ho work Apply 44 T w ml- nANTKU Experienced girl to work on MM Apply tm st nw mlS WASTED A Meet MM iii st MW ml- HAXTKI CMMftM whtte women or gM M- fjiambermaid and invalid aUtndanl K ejmck- H New York ml ANTB n Jar matrst bmewjrh stay MK Ittk O- ml ad well rccommcwM Apply base nMHt doer ItO C mv betw i MId 11 deck eSlS WANTED Fifty yomic Udfei wcwe pnmtabie- oMtiloy M t H JA K SM K it m l3- IIEKI AVA TED MALE ANT KB3IALB- WAjmtttCook hr country MM lid f mrf r WVMMW and wn jth aw K sU f l lUre 9 am or J pm ml WAXTHBA cashier at 4U st- p week tarchrw ad mawjlc- ptec houwwork- KM plate cooklmr M f aw el WANT 117 O r day work ml- 1VASTJW By woman colored woman wMhim do r BUS Delaware ave 1VANTKI rorftkm by a fmiy r U wfctt wiQr n ay kiwi of hnMraMe work tor store or otter will wake mel nse- aad An to pleas nfctiaoi Kiren Ad man reicrowo Addiaun VA TKI lWitioB aa coal aUcaann main forte n i to Mart om modnale mhrr work employer n t lICIt export tat I will tire IritUul ivrriMs eariy aod late MitMinitMM are great Mont aanor xfoe- nwf prc wat emplorrr uty dajn ootkr AiMrot- irtatton Ucy BOX Ml taw omce ml WAnU Bjr Mtber indnatriovs Mal place waMhnuu Janitor Addrosi J W S 11M- 7th aw ell1 SITUATIONS VAXTBn MALl VXD- FI2MALK WE IIAVK all kiads of flntclaa bep on hi tate salary US Ctb rt nw m313 nfek d raoM with DOX sro omce uNhwuiom nwckanic tw- TAATKD KOOMS AXD IJOUID- WANTHI r middl d MoO room a a anl in a Mer irt CUwiic family Addr M BOX Ml thfa oflkw IJ- 1AKTED HOUSBS- WANTBI To ft or m htroo modem haoiB or m t hmHtied mart be in aeKh birhoad A Mr M HOV 7 this MJfr3- IV ANTED 3IISCELIANEOUSt- ox Mi oike- Tw iit Thor Liquid Air Hoc Ma mc- ITAKTBIVTo buy ncond toblca cheap Addnm BOX Ml fc ofltoa l- XAOTgD tucond hanrf BOX M tk o c- WAMTKttOU flax W thw ame- WATKO rria c ivM top rahber tiro- w rntod condition Ahna thIs omcc- WAXTPVgiwtton faot r oUM tawtdi UU M TAMJMKK U rOil IIBVT COTTAOBS- B tM thte omc- IHCYCLESJi t received a frw SO Kcatuue Wgrf wWrh we tre tar whUe they last low hiKh- r Oeadricb tires uld ueuslly tar 7f- vw r se ftt7 S Bicycles J 6 Aadrae B s 9CUU Abe a low steanJhand Bicycles htKhgrede ltf C lab MW FOR SALKAnttiMr lot ot Meondhand bieycl i ot tie maaw WantiM JadieV at th CYCLE KXCHANGK 7M Mth A- mtl3 LK S Ad4rtM BOX Mi thk ahle- eSTOIIAGE oot It Ire 1 ave lit ta- u J aIM w t per PM ml lilt Jill enl lINk kit r 541 It Mr wd W u lit B DC I lit waitta It4MMe ave Jli 1811 cu IlL IiIIIaJ ilr III fuc at per fttI lIlt be It JIuuc- I Ml fill gaatl JI eSt- lWT1CDod cl4Mod to- a wwlt t IlL t COM II for fa the A t IlL Jt Irt dot icn fIpq at U ra Ave uiM3 roIoftd lit WA17tI cukeit to by day III to take borne Of WO 8th- M jaw Ml the lit wW Mr a paUtiea Nox tIria MtthcI at- eeet ill E lit 1IIS1 to or ClOt by iW 1IoMsr UTJO tot lIB tills II r kiI- Idri IMSIIl awe podliUs reM Ilk WIll iIIc lip nay as- CII lit 1111 a ober olly aot to eKrMd 5 per work IIIMJ colored a eth or 7tk st wtb pc duo ISWZ alS Teat or vrpic Je till eJ we weoIt priee tbs A I JIll lo 9HII u JIOX Be 4 tANIIDDI at c MItk HIlI Lsilaon aw CMIII JriteI proW ltr eMIt f10 4hp Ill call liii rt lit w d- ATKDuI par per At MIll It It JtX1rTcuttac I can e3F- OnSALEDIC1CLRI It tWP hall a at UiU TIM dM X ad Mrtcty up to date with 001 011 thto krrow otMer Brake I iaJ GNat IlL beet a daM W FOR eoJition 3 sroJMO 7a STTi Sro 110 tl8 RW 1NIIa I set es tbev I swgrk dIe a w Isve eIdie wodier wee oe4 iw 1 good wst at bii4iag W M- lWATlWWa f tw a cksabid W- wAxTgDYoa dy M4 poaltius l aw WkWssMa hsw liH b rdih wss as ooI a be iUog wbii viTXDA hoerwurk eosMry 17 aw i311 elk pee jaw as Mr 3l3- 1V4THDHapse4eeod eesasee sad la aw slTtATttNs VArFEDFIMALE iVlNTDy r vsaae wast do ti wasida Out wu by y w42lDLa4 give atyse aecoria 2 mce- l 4 white pIee mc aoast boewortor preMe aody ow WATXD3y WtiTEDMALF bay ed as ee Wrrtis work driviNg J i vi WAlYtfr brrd Iaeor all Pep N- OrM jmre aid Mon Ia VATi1Dllo 015 based I onlork brseklas4 i ithsl Addee IbM WAlTEDy Goveronoent eaisy boos on jaw rba peoprety Adiras lbas- a good odin WgDThree parlor onile i lo vMelaas coIolifOI sd j fur nj 5 aree Mse 1S peal L goupi dth Ne I L sedor beds M seds Ad oN I WATIUL MeSedbaaditjasba es Ad tbis ow Ml MisI L buy aseoMlMi baraesei ow efll- 1WDNIsbMl at S seta1 tas i gia s- ist 1W b aw Tog rooMo NI antilog aba lIs Ncycoi 544 wo A low iaor rl be- 1iwlii StIed wIth Ui let blgb ads tins tits cit a bIcycle jpsodl4 a caMs d UrrHD 9151 at < > > > > > > > > > < < > = < = ± = f HELP 1VANTKD 3IA1E- WAXTKIH Two JMlpen m- HIMriew TtanirciL ApjJj to J J COOK X it NW elS- HAVTEDAt once two steady hurbem WATE0nnt laM barker at MT 1a aw- WAXTEIlCoMertor an yw- fke Can 1 New Yo ma fur f 1 at Brverlry W Va fiLM per day way paid M Iflth l- WANTEU Two brilbofs cook two driver low dMhwuilura tw waiters SHArKLEFOMifS S K nw ml WAXTKH KxftrttmtfA ttm1 a bookkeeper sad diier mwit come well rnomiatadtd Apply at once NElDfiCKKK TOHVCOO CO M PH av MW ml H ANTED A good farm Mad Apply Stand Centre Market Thurwfajr sad S T ml WANTED YOMM wan from tha ciaatry ate boy far private family waiten nil K C MW ml- H ANTEttTw btMtltw watioiMry wtcawen only tkone havi c whol kat exf eri ee Mod liMos mt A boy to care wr home and wake binv l Keerattv weM at wr mi one cotlector Aiply Manager at MC it w at t itm ml- WAXTEB KelfaMe toot OM wile thor owMy nnottalaniai waittor Appty d La ml- Kuppert Home on Good H road war An- c waxen H t t WAXTKD rrfv r T we and More parter w k rail q WA TK V 4MK MWt from country week sad WANTEI Karoer Kwrnntce akw xpcri enred lather Ml La a e nw ml2- WANTKI MMi Jar nOrwd 8M ah on for cafe Kwioire Itth at MW VAXTKO Yocnc was for steady pontion 1 per week Apply SW F t aw secoNd Ho c- uurton CXSTKUtKlurs MS IV aw a week TM i st for bakery el M wnrtor York WANTED Two a tiv- of hmiKfhald 8Md Apply Mfi Ttft at- WA TEI Te catpontan brine toMft to apart went eoraef IfcmachuMrtt aye 14ti- SC Barber only need apply T week and boned PlUM J BM d rt Newark S 3- j buy to kelp in eoMlwtioiNry- Apply at MH8 ttth at nw m31 WANTED Kifty at Lwirrl Jld month work JtOSBKK A CASTO- Kituatjnn ja K it nw- WANTEI Oood carpenteiK and V Xorth KckimrMn- WAXTEI Tw MBlr miWtw- aw Ml B at- mSl3 week icvaraotee Mt Pa aVe MW- ANTKI A ftntctoM white weber at sacs 1MB Hth 3 l- WASTEDSober colored laborer Apply S S WASH 4 SOS MS Florida ave ne willS WANTEU A yo N k U man not over tventr a a nrtper on IMHMMMI wa on Addren BOX 243 thin u ce m3B3- SOCIETJ 48 LOUISIANA AK a baste iatH tieR without d ubt h HIt aerid ftt- tnd death society ia DUtrict of CohMnbi- iaeU otirN n for mdnntthit tamrI- XIST Roll of monrv W 10 reward J W S Mtt N MW e- lUT black and whtt UewtUyn settee gvp rerv fieavy fct1 umall leather Ke f ward if retmed to CbUJttEXS 1515 V it ml- UKfl OMdar July MaaH dlnniond dick ROYAL CLUK AXYTIiatCt Dns j efata Me I ICE CKEAjf 7 r cttlM t m K a ctbr but above crwaml tor icwrr KM ik nadi ia tel i br 4i typhoid dtpbtbem etc dMt eat that tied LACEYS W pur and d 4fei 4M ft X Y bon 3061 FOR SALE JIISCELTUAAEOUS YOM SALBA atifthtlr a adfmtabto o a c with parasol no rraaunabh offer refnwd Call at 1237 12th alter p m KOR SALE KopkiiK map of the INntrict aba handcome evctutt K tt nw FOE SALE Chirk stock all Ket yoi pullrt CMM wd fl- Me vow m aty to tIN Ml wa MOKHI60N Berwyn JU ml S FOR SALE Onebalf Koehm rowert isle bell liant tone AddreM 454 thU vase ml3 Se lie weekly mrtaina por tere nmx table Une table cuveta anrs tuilvt and dlaoer ware ailver plated wave lamp van clocks albuMH Bibles etc Addrvx- Bo 144 thM ohVe will GIll with ampte etl7S- TMMKK 8KW1NO MACHINE BARGAINS Simj ItonMtie H Anw New liaise teo AMomatic 7 5 cwt S wto Machine All toe ve yean OfPENHRUIEK 514 Mh nw- eM3 FOR SALE At once entire cimOaU of Major Hichards MiaayKkint MM M fndihiaet haiviaK cIty Vk far wbM cant be Mtbl will be glen to the pour please call 4SI ilk MT cnS- I POM QALCHighBnuht banjo at a wry tow price I Apply at wm r MUS- I FOR aA be quick 3M Ah at FOR SALE I new Biimitk ewia maehtoe Med S month will d far faS it Addnw BOX FOR SALK rnrnitore of S room Rood condition cheap ac fJ tth nw FOR SALEPtoe Belgian hares sot MtMed pair ska fesm parrots aC 96 eac- HIU gTOftE 3jst ala st MW FUR SALE Sfeftax yacht fifty feet Ma feet beam w fete condition t Call en It F KOKgTER 32B2 X sear BriaVe Georgetown Nit SALK A4mo given away at II E a nw the fwnitnre of luur oasn Sat Call on Thor I Jnsjst 1 alter 7 BAD BILLS colbwted or no charge H D COR I DON Lawyer Stt 14th nw Et2 t POK SALE Uretght Hianer fM f m payment uf tev good fi- tfen musically a piano that win gjv Jv- avod senritr onil we nady at any tiser- to allow full valoe for it in exthaiuv fpr Mtw At tbe above prier fc Sac oearf basMhwrne stoel free delivery and ne tar timsnx 46 a month mlys tut it F kMim 1SS5 Pa ave eX7t- ffR SAUi Uo ri Duality Jcintleu walling yard foot c 26c tic yard rceueed price eo aH stair 4letettu aod carpets KLEEHLATTS 11th asd IS Oa St tnh- lKOIl HI5XT STOIIE AXIJ DWISLLIXC- POR RKXTNiec store reom house and stable good corner COUNTRY HOARD BLCPF POINT IHMSK Ojt Jor boatderr no- msmhu no mosenitoat on river there Colonial Beach Witter terms per TADLE HOARD TABLK Board and tf SU M MW illS EXCELLENT Ubl U per BMH MM M it MW tOUH- WANTEOKew Alrttala e k I t UQI CAD 4Il r d w- tl W AYTE1JX1gbty road s Ill aptly 11 MOT W TEiJOQW ionawaaee sod nTlmFift4nIIII Wick at per day drady 01 wodc JJdt It n ItXCHXCi Sli Mt Ml 1 1 at tt a Y Mr 1iM dIa eRe ANTED I i TED 1a1U I J I I to Q water wodia f I I I da- MISt3 I Jktar af It I I I Tll OLD RELIABLE CAPITAL CITY I I t air the lite a fer MYt wan WI I I t oft Jar L I pill lilt IlL M I J- FO tiNt I ija I JUt an I I I I 13 dIr ell I ii IteM lot I tuX LOOK Lowe Dk IIItftta p low I er J It 1M JtUt lit lit 1W 5531 Mid at rolt at I FrO t lit t35MIk Jew prVe IlL Y ot4oek aim It oriIriul goal dark roieaood I tIll 11 H CoI AlI 1ftj K ie Eors4Ya IIIMU It Mud table Wart C lot nw 11171 two W W W W W IS W W W t w 1 aserltgoofth ep jay e ave coltr woo 1 work es jail t jaW atTr his ilk ld4dt airaMs has 4 ave torsaty good awl esapke with c5irtil 12 is Baast 11W isil ord psesononsat OHF l2tb- aw bee cook wi ANTTDCilleeIt Miir wilk d Wanh ANTEDTqja goisewl ke dialogmew on 1- 1ATIIltseO sa good oas Z a ibas1 eMl va at boos sad Irjdaas vest 95ltslsead 114 work two ATEIfljabjOa jwavspwait barbie i5sS4 boa wxo L WArDGSId wbke J9 jaw j BENEFIT a cbaace to vIal wasry VEI1141ATE vyl3- 1e5T or k a 2B reased 4W MENDS wan law SI tkesoogbbrrd pkw iI Molt sack sorb cse w Labia duck beap wont tll cad lace co1elo i5weath ioika Soakey Mor4iiaee 95 ParkS p sep is are i bstrbara ealelseata ss as5 351 thE lbs v93- isALtnbaku sad 315 sese As Mo iMo Horis a 3 ill I Misi aLas Tory dt 152 a aM ajil I is M0Ntb11W aIn Et p 5 c 1s inn iu id- a it L boles sad 1- wik l pa iky Addrrs H 3 IO0XX CoJ is ilk < < > > > > > < > > > < > FOR HI5XT ROOMS ItHt RENT Furnished rooms M sad K I it aw ml3- fl RMSHEU ROOMS kin rent 823 ilk it nw- ml3 FOR KEXTFtont MOM torn M l- Mam awe aw ala hall room ml3 RENT Fwrnuhed comfortable ShirUrntory 95 anawMr Mice 73 llth w FOR RENT4JK I tt a hall room lit XEW YORK AVEKwrMtoVKl MId ecowl Moon FiW BEXT Thr Mtody fnrwbtMil it FOR KENT CMMMlttorr fclM K fwr eouttt ejjjMMUte e ol 19 IAS L st MW mSl3- POvt KEXTF nunad at ISM G Jt room nttat ww 4 Loon m313- M nTH ST NWF r l front bawment- eheap by week or woMb htnukiqitag or bt- PftBK EXT Three nicely Jwnished noms town KMnabie M6 I at itw mStS- POR ENTK rnrA 4 ro MbMie WaJ M FOR KENT 722 Mtk at MW bw0 frwit ruOM re onable FOR RKNT P bed f r b ek Hi na rooms with gae 15 I1 1M MW mSI3 FOR KENTPcrnbhed ro ni rMitobie Ion two gentknen 1M7 Maanachiiijiato ave HW eSft4 FOR KENT Two efonMt eo l rooms reaaon able Ill Wtb it MW M3 FOR RENTCool roam S per w ok centraL 2 G MW eS 3 FOR RENT A ball mom with ctoMt MS 12t- hit MW e3 able for light bonsottipiity sot K at MW FOR NEXTTw hwniahed joonm bowekcep- Mtc I at MW r Mt v3 FOR KENT Fianfak nl or Awfwiuahed room fur bowfcrpia 126 at lK m3U3 FOR RENTFI 27 E at MW FOR 8RXT N b papoftd Minted sad Joe FOIl UBXT Ffc VJ role RENT Elcgint tat 3 frost eqmmimlcatl- nxondfoot room ISU 7h at MW djoiniac Lafayette Lob el 3 OR RKNTB Hkhttnl tot Kcond Loon 7K 7th- CM MX RMMM and hath H7 m3 FOR KEXTAagnat 1 Sat of four room and bath range cars pas door Corner tub sad G- st ne esquire en preniMrs mStf3 FOR REXTTo white tenants only good m apnVt- m nas fonr reesM and bath at per a- XURMEXT ft SMITH IO1 Pa ave M- WUOOMS AND IIOMID Ttot Intniiknit tnm wtth good i nw FlRXlSHCU BOOMS and board USi llth- nw ml3- POR llltJCT et K at nw himimtd x m fwr- J bnme tabto eSJJ TilE FKX3C CetomeJ Bench pi rams tot roesas best able esi hare at wbart psr THE BE1 JrONJT B 4 Some ee ltMg M V elegant roonM aM parton SSS 12th st nw- rVRMS EI Jl6dMS with board t2 Maaa lOt MW i i m FOR RENT Two tonuhad meMo with bcrd 443 7th or w e3 a- POR RENTCool r m t ntj board POR RtCrrFomtobed n- M per month 40 Mk ROOMS sad tard 4 par HM th at MW ROOMS AND 90ARDLarg board sonuner rates 12 ac nw m J- rOK KENT XewlypstDtrd papered ieemi- rih or without bOard tirytMfn ant cUaa- ipltndtd teoaUeb 413 Mh t bw eMtf FOR SALE HOUSES AND VMIUCLB3 Call 458 M OR cbatsMt bone saddkr and driver BARTON SEME 011 lt at j mlS FOR SALE Fast paeor sao idMM- ftw clip Can be M h Mt MW wilt FOR SALE Secondband dnyUkf phmtber raJ delivery miraya pb ton sad other bvmgie no leaaanabie offer nhjmd SCUVANS FARMERS STABLER neeond MOOT UMl Oh ave M ml3- POR SAIKW5 M 40 havtoa MO harther Me- M sad wars sutaMe ibr farm or a neral hnilniai purpuaoi one mare ia teail- akw Mnona hamei ntoniiln Afplr ttt r 7 POR tMrwry BCNREXU TAIMItS Mh and 0 s ft MW m3t- POR SALK nkuf eart cut 21 Hth si MW mStg FOR SALKFine stalUon NIt tw y m oM a tMavtr thoMMghlv brak M abmlntely fcr kim addreav BOX XK Um plsHt mil POR SALB Two smalt sad one hotae Cat 4t MaoMk- e3 S W MIUGCWAY FOR SALE Oaxs IMG Bayion wogoit g o J 9f M K Me t3 3 FOR VLE Cboap aUebar bMjgy day4n wagoM UC7 7th st NW mM POR SALEXew kick EngJMi cntonder trap sever been wed cheap IW Mth at m 3 FOR SALE ev n bersea n war of 4H4 F MW dV7 FOR BALE HOUSES POR SAL Sixroom brick bulk sad cellar lo- cated Northeast price SiVI easy trrm Ufce thai saaae row told fur j A W C KAI DKMAX 14th DC MU3 FoR HENT 1IODSHS- POR WENT4JS1 D ae re a an i pvreela bnh al modern iuprovcioents to 4flean per- fect order stable in rear M259 per moatb E T KAISER mw F MW e3 3- PiMt MiCVT 90 pr month MH Mt s aw- thtei stmy brick home eight and bath newly tnq ire of M XHJ SMITH Ml Pa INSTEAD of f ring your furnitn with MM in nfamnee for nse of saioe will Box S7 this of carpenter work pmmptiy cheaply done drop pastel KAW Jl A at e 13 I rHOUTTKIUKCl csrsnls altofod M d laid ibcr prices drop card Ml X itw ml S- LKAKX ToeCMTY WlimN ington tomished at S per month BOX Sff llty Potofh MllX- IKTR NEW BOOK tr heals f 11 eanoltismi n uu 10 MUM pwfcct manh 4V hoMht be w law h d of v ry MM adult A4sW BNIK MCOfe CAL CO Rook Bn Bnttoto Ji Y jylltMthS 13t vi3 WANTE To tenf plated Ctv land bityew fer writer Addrex BOX Ml FOR SALE SrcondkanJ M nA a week aM Lr5niiIif ijiLO ok and walmit Stow tM to WILLIAMS BOOK EXCHA E Book bomeht sad W also book boding branckeK laP U st MW tf CHAIR CANINO MRS L JOHXSOK 4i K M MW lead wt l m TJS- TKAM CARPET CLKVN1NG car Mk JAMBS W UcKKK- C MW Main 4M2 post EXCHIXGIS- WANTRUTa excJuma bile MS thin owce fOIt a WJ 13 n lest 1831 Ida slS hAt at g- et aIM alee JtIII1 MeotR4I I C1IiIIHIoI st3 lit Si lit 1- Ott W second lid third fonsied three 1 Jyj n4u p lit KIN lit i- eA Ste UI cIuJ to a two ra board dII s I ail FOR SALECoocf lit 1 SuE utttr i loW t at iag I L SALE good T ire h oe JOlt IWtt 7 np U IDe lit coa- t lit 717 lit lit wit aye to of LL kiwis lit MItt Miy tyllt I a credit rurr- at jy all itii JtIII4 to INk sew w 11 1 el 2i ase wo ai s a i b d ad w 3 v1i jaw a one ac s saeis a- Nt ave alone sls waas too uatraisbod mit owa baa 35I ehl ja st ac I 3S eli a pee iUMi P- isasilise 913 wi2T n4 goMiase sw eis3 iSk wad vt Wont roow and carra woos sw Ion w wO 54 e eokibtted JSnIbtMOOdDMII swo- yMii wag bores 611 4 sit be esoidts bainwe als alt 7 I beta hwy I quirk as SAU1Srt aeaisp sony vaseS sew iadica aM 353 at sail aim bus se 5 < a row 4 meted mis 13- 31ISCELLANEOU5 cswmonica ite haoidsd runwe eli allow poet hut Sri m- eAd ris newt L aNd Its Ni ilo welad illsN awe 4 cat bung NihI 0 4 tie a i I I plane S reel tat so Box > < > > < > < > > < ¬ < ± > < = < > > = = = FOll IIRXT IXKUIIXISHKD UOOMS- KOK RrT Three onfwrwabrd rooms with to a- nl bath ot the siee Moor 50 i I nr FOR MKXTThroe st nw FOR RENT Three r ne- aw tor okto SU MM Stha St- batb and front porch ISM 7th FOR RENT Two or throe unrvinUVH rounu v- MBMsTssWite for sMptflf ffPttdHfH 1- 1st ne allS FOR XEXT Vsrv ansrahle three or lawrrtio- wt bt geed lecetion brhtht mnnt hmh at- tached convenient to ear tines rent fl M st te ss313 FOR N82CTSfc wfctfntt d laaasi Mi Masm- cbmtetta Me eW4- POR RENT FMK MBfembbsd MM 1M 4k FOR KKVT Theee iintomHuil rosmt seeowl no chUdren l i- mS FOR RENTTwo or large mfnniish d light bo nkc p nc WS New J fey ave FOR RENT LMfMmfabed three MMH entire Mcond lose light lf H sC M- WmMS I FOR RLNTCnmrntoWd second lain S New York ave MW m393 BUSINESS CHAXCE FOR cigar sad notion stowr W E at MW elS of charge IJ II ENAMKL IAIKCCO VK C st aw mt- POR SLKKstab ianJ raoccr with dwell ing also wood coal slId iced cosmcrted pool Timfanat place too mncti Wr sawn would like to MM partner with MUO to 00 WUVew BOX 2M otftce mI- WANTKlVChpn sad Mewstand m J wrat BOX tS AM otftir ml- WOlLl LIKE with gitt ansl ambittoa- to go in the wholeatte oyster bat a one with sf natotancr state how nmch pitel oilS SVLK OVap H st ne low resit 1 4 esisP- OK SALK toe teM one aurtlni sat sos sin mSl1 PUR SALE SMoon nmtM of eHj dnf bustona 45 per Joy 4i will handle J am W J IMVCAM 7 U avr nUlfW- AXTKB TaLbii asx uhltobldMuil saMe toMiraace btmiami with good res list Ailih sm BOX 2 thfa omce W31X- FOR SALK Corwer aajoon loa to Avomw nap W j DCOAN LsJ av FOR SAIEsOroeery tor ffute S4 sausage Mt7 USh 14 M- OPOR SALK ConfecttoH try asS Joe cream parlor cbap daisy good bend r Joe wes a4 wMt ent living Monsi overhead Afr pry Kootheast co Nr IK st a 4 Hkrida ave MW wiNS ROOMINO HOCSK laiinlil mcntton gro way store 1 t wiN marie silwlsily store 9 BCXLAP kW P t m FOR SALK CMieaetAwry ft store i barber shop fM Jw K ac- n W J DCOAX sWT ta a SALESatoon- t w jr YORK BCSiNKSS BROKKJtSW r K st- PQR SALE invoue ham mj- B5C3LVESS BROKEN WOi P st- POR SALE IMintfroom partoc stand Vwvto city rare opportosMtgr YORK tKJSri BROKERS WM F st FOR SALErSUBUnBAX FOR SALE Helf fcmarvrec by MitE c tagtT aad in AlnajMria near Walker Cbafxl io r WALTBR H JfAKLOf Jr MM Mh at MW FOR REST cenpbv Add t bxxMM Mr rf tfiW W ijnm and waterpower mill b r an m 4ScOMMt nonilttioiK P r partie- BREVrmOtfD Kiwt mwrntes walk from Dbtmt 2inr snburfaaa ekxtrie road lots ybs9B9 tot 138 S per Month squire W A BARTIJRT toaft and Troet mSllme COMMISSIONERS NOTICES OFFKF OK THE CQHWSNOXfttS OT Tar WtfTRK OF W btogton My 2- KK Ordered That the spirting and wwiiwtr ghw for Wsibsajon r d Jtc r of msft cream to consuuKr adopted Jose 17 awl led 1 1 UM M JwendMl md follows to take elect on- am after THE ST Or ALUC3T WH That tb- dliv ry o mtik or n m te ninmnnm that boH- whra fllled to a level with the bottom of tbe cap or Mac low than seven oan and U drams sod aol over eight o me ig and mo nr sot than After sunsM anwdransi and Mat six tern ouwm and Soar for one pifct sot MM than hirtyon ounce sad tr thirt t u wanes and art not lent than IWljr MUMI counts sad lnrr drams aa i not over taety sjht onnrcs sad Br ounces sad twe ersnn anfl not ever luxtyfonr- eimcea and ix dunm 4or one half sallon btr sealed as inisusrss and that alt dealers in milk who nse Xlaaa Harries tt Jaw for tbe dis- tribution or delivery of milk or cream to aumtrs JiU be charged a Joe of M irMa per- M bftttln Ion MKh hsspectie sad urslinc HENKY B K MACPARLAM LAXSQTG PEACH Conusnasioaers of the District Cto temfci TItUSTKES SALE TRUSTEES SALE Or TW ilK HOCSES iiHKRiER By virtue ot s tcrUin died of treat dated the nth day f June 1 98 sad retarded ia use of the MIld of tbe holder of the MoMs M mill at pvMjc in IMH on TCESDAY THK tM DAY OF Al UdT A O JM1 AT iM OTTATCK P M follow- ing asscribed real sliMe situate i the v iH r of WsHbtogton District of CWnmoia as Iota nuMbers rlrven and twelve li f blork three 3 ia the sobdiviston mad by b P Clark sad Kdward B Coterril trust fpr the P lias lcs of t1 oral ComMHu and t Surveyor of the IMstrht of Oohunbia in county ubdivtaion book M Terms of sale AH nash A deposit f on hundred dollnm will he aasred at the time of All t im ysni Ihg recording asS re- iie to be complied with wrhia mVen from day of safe or the tnnttcn will resell at the risk and oast of the defaulting purchaser Dated July MM KitWIX C CLARK FRVMK B CLARK Trastem THOMAS BOWLING 00 Auctioneers 1HOlOSVLf- tXEtfTIVE OFFICE CUMMrS8HtKERS Of THE DISTRKT OF COIXMBIA WasbtogteM July IMHSEALKU IMOfOsALt mdursrd PropokaU y htoJ Hooks will he m vrvrd at this oHK Mil t OCLOCK P M tf- l Jl U funuk fur tIN local year Vtut bod text book with and without ewhange a I Blank form ol will lie to Kb oHk 44M LoMtoia- AVmur Northwest Wanhingtun V C By onit- f th MoanS ot Cmmii tMNieM WILLIAM TIN DALL Secr4ary- OrTHTK OF BClLIM i F R LIBRARY OF CON URKtiK WashtogUm U P My 31 1WT SealeiJ ontO 1 OCLOCK P M on TUHSOAY THK OF AiutTar i i JHUCI- itittsnn sad bhmk forms of IITIISI n wwy W- h4aiii d u N to olne BER- NARD K QUEEN Superintendent h v Ill 13 oJml Sore al3 FOR RnIIrw ales 13 tit tI t ti awe JIoor Fit 1Ie JttIfS SLEC w Jo sad paW ftft ore capital tit OR IMp could u SAUCipr- W sod Can at sZl1 F 1fIIoNI1 Itle 375k D M sad 5i3 lit all SiI ia IIart e tai tiIi FQR S tQtt 1I400J 1IIt 117 La ae J4E- XCLXGK t slsa XXI s win YORK tty IIIJIHI H tr- w UI oPD TY SUHIeMa wWcta We with 1IItr TrJtjCK SaWss OK SALEaM dttWJt L tJUL fa J lUC sS II ott QI jan the GC tIQt July bttttl or jrs ut los the Of- t dra looN JOet filar for So Uwa Mxzytki I 0 tt Ihtrict uS doe ttorb w sell of the peas the 01 prow at UM to ht at 1M Nat ol StInt Ion ul 1Ot top llNd tJ- ftjD law approved iil ptl tkd of Uiuls5vi et Iw sad 1I tOftftJ tI ttoe wet J 01 use MtIiIdiItc Ukraey vi at eblo laTH st F jaw ia F P 4i 93 v s 35 0 s e a asJouaiEad ronwe sad baSk as room gas yw N sap ye I lorgo Isecir 1Nvso basS she awe hwiVhw Yt11Ylfty moo reat stave se Aii sst Ailtres POX 93S sSk oil sad news siaad with liaise ave a 1w 41 ala 331itps OE aaiM in cgts aw ers s 933111 beat city ast So ve rONeDW Sour li bCtLAP v351 bat Wad MiD I istal 535 edsorhw r n rjea is day od NW I mISS acre coy s toqgoea aoAti Jo C Ill Jo 35I G01Liuii lilt slj5 Mad wo ulass addasoaj Wash t t libti iiTassddy bowa beau W Miisa I achi 5as I moe 1 bead 9 lit as laas diJtrIbUtOU < aa deja be oarbolt has sad wee drawe sad deisMo ii drama Ibow son hw abs U sal I ic ICE SibCr- l35 asP 51 seq nero ik- UI the Colusubsa sad b at acts din d I 5 I as ulouae Loud is s slice psa Jo 5- teoi thaurs Tiwe d pa dapa Pfsl0SS advsthiamot arch IC II I TCESUtY CST pub lit JifUVidid Ill Cul5ishd aipepn Is blasek od apt4dratlss Ia CHi iivhtd bt Ike Prprty jd uji na beau LL peiiaI icitvwla sot- aw Pre 00555151 10 idislItflNlod ways s far ia Casqoa iM ha reesived hoe DAY sod tbuis peas llpuid4bat4wa seMoi4 l as IbM < ¬ ¬ < > > < > ¬ < ¬ < > > > > > < = RAILROADS Air Line Florida sad West Indls Short Line Pomw R R Station MOI A WS FLV AND ATLANTA PAST DAILY to JacksonvWe mas Milan at Hamlet with Pullman Sleeper to Atlanta 655 P M FLA ANtI iETmCPOUTAX DAILY PnUsan Sleep ers t Jacksonville MIll Atlanta These trains offer excellent laktdsilM sad service to Petenburz Raleigh Southern Pes Ptoe b rst CMMen CotasaOu Mli Jackaon- rllle sad aflVlorida pstot Chartotte AttMM Atlanta Cbattenooga 2wshvUK pointe West and Southwest 43O A M OTAL To RaMcb DAILY Pine rtn urt M m let and totermsdiate palMs Offlc 1434 K Y ave tad R B OtSces R K I BUNCH W H DOLL Acent C r l Acnt BTEAMUOA- TSONorfolk Washington Steamboat Co Every day w 7ar for N wf 4k N w port Ne a News and Waab- jRKtoB on tbe teHowi K tcheiHjle- Lv WaahtBKtenBM pra j Lv Portss0utkSOi pm Atex Bdria7M pm LT Norfolk 00 pta AT Ft Menroe700 am LT Tt Monroe700 p Ar Norfolk 8BJ am I Ar AleiaM4tU63 ra Ar Portj outkai5 im Ar Waha2t n7M am- Tlattta en st 817 Penis ave B O ticket aM PeR ave sad eorarr 15th sad N Y re C O ticket eX Seta at 518 Peon ave SJM 989 Itth t- S X L ticket s4S c 1484 N Y are and oa beard steamers turtber iiifortaatise apply at Kn enl TJfflees 7th t wharf WaaMagtoa D tt Pbooe 758 aoSStl JOHN CALLAHAN Gooses Manager FOR SALE Oil RENT HOUSES THOSE cer and AuctIoneers 917 F Street W W SALE NORTHWEST L iMweawnt 17r bath 41003- an t k ft water and cw r l OJ FOR SALK XORTHEAST- w a k V 1 4 tt- fc aid Mm SOUTHEAST Anacostia 2 tsy frame 7r C t h 5r tot ffx7 K- a sad LW 4r water and wsr 14 9- 5r tented for Mb Jet MkclM Jt QCfeTwante- dUVUIPaoVKBNOItTiiEAST Per ft f e7 r H and lUll tteXO ft SI fC U h StallS ft Brewers Court Mx95 ft two Iota 42x ft North aWe Last Capitol bet 17lb aad lfi h lltb and Mt jfeMQ ft FOR RENT D r MM bath N S87 Mb r MIll hath Xo fly Trinidad st It Se 4tf Sth ir Se 1MM KK M Se 1 4 ttfci 7r Sel M tea i Apply at 0 far Bulletin WASHINGTON B C PO8TOPP1CE NOTICE Should be read daily as haogw may time FOREIGN MAlJ ar forwardod to the ports of- milimi doily sad Ute vertond traasit For the week August J tb last onsascftos iowa w be made kai this ontoc ac Jailosw TrnnsVtlHiitlc THCR8OAYBl At J a m ITALY a Hoed Anslrhu from New York via Naples MaSk stoat br directed Per a N rd Amer ksaPIMUAY aAtJ tt a m for tCi K per s v Ktruci Sfoa sw Y A via c At BL ju Xoqtr trWf w York Nail mnst be o At pii m jar NETHERLANDS rect er s Amsttidam from New York Mail irurf b directed Per s AnMtardos- aladN for Sooth and Central Am lea A Nt Indies Etc THUR AYfk At if l m lee JAMAICA per 0 s Admiral Samnaon from Bodes O At 11 M f m for TURKS KLOSD AND DOMINICAN RCPUBLKT per s a CbMok e hose New YowL VRMAT At ii p m tor NEWFOUND bxct per s Slide from Yew c At ll k p a Jet PORTO RICO Pooc frou NOT York San Juan ct At Tl p m tor FORTCNg KSLANB JA MAIOA SAVANILLA CARTHACKKA AND RREYTOWX per AU basqr boot York Mail fur COSTA RICA awl be directed Per AsHghany- O At 11 p lor HAITI per Prins WUhcim H fan New York Mail for CCRACAO VENRXCKLA TRfXHJAB BftmSM AND DCTCH CUIAXA be dircctad 1er s a Prim Willbehn H Mail tor XEWPOrXDLANB by rail te Norti gydnuy MM the ee via iteamar datlv except imnday at and on aims m nry 113 a d h Mats Joe MCISU N thence via iitamer- m Mall for MEXICO averUnd Mien specially ad teanxs safling from X w York close here deity at J SS a m aa4- MlVM p M Math Pee BiOJXK PCftRTO CORTCZ 6iTEMAL bjr nil to ew Orleans sad for COSTA RICA and throe via steamer whist being nnlnclllc Maim Mafia for TAHITI sad ISLAXD via San PtanctsLe dote here daily at p m- np to Augnut 1 inclusive Aastndtt for CNUCA JAPAN MAWAH AND PHIUIfrXJt rLAXDeX via San close here dsilj at 6 JO p XL up to August iI- nsrve for deepateb per a a Mails fee HAWAII via S a Krancuro do here daily at 3 MV m to Angiut i despatch ner s s Xariposa Mails for CHINA AND JAPAX via VMcoover- M e AngiMt 13 iactanuve Inn despatch per a s of Jap an Registered wail must br directed Via Vat fur AlarilALlA except W Anstwlia- wkiib U forwarded ria Enrope SEW FLU SAMOA AXI HAWAII via San FranciL o Sono- MaaV for ACSTRAUA except Welt Australhi which imw and tsihinsl which via i Fraagfco and FUI ISLANDS via Mnil Jot ttlCHIN CHINA ore PHIUPWXE 1SLVXD8 de patched to San Fraacisro at aM closes ion that to Mmaect with Uovcrnsmnt tnuua rt the n UnsW of w b RenMered close- d Msgistorai- I BnginlHtd alt day o Registered mails WOKT at 6p ML previsuu day JOHN A MERRtTT P FOR SALE PIANOS FOR SALEAN ELEGANT UPRIGHT PIANO ton U IKW thaw half ita worth only tire nuiMdni it M a hell upright grand ot f Mieh bi h Pranch wMliwt a skews utrtoga three pednfct ussr that adds M much to KM wood stool and ilk worf tree a Rrrat bargain F U SMITH 15 P4 aultl S aboard Leave Pulia San aM Pet rv Psusa die and aJl p4ata loy lbS llUprb powffful It tel rte1BeR- Nt L tale and met tot Real Erare roE p li J sad a M L oo H IUS It II JAr MU tolba lIlt III f4If W b bate sad m I 6 117 c aw t iriS Sr Nth UJ mh 7r anti a mi 3801 1111 O II a I 1J U Orsat It largo Joe built bt rSI6O1 It Jo a III I tI6f- cw sad 1 t N J a It Ir 11114 fJ b III He K S Jr let Mxlll St J ttO N J ue f II IlL k dttt C aM D JIlt IN 5 r tt I C 00- I 1CItt H woo 6 001- I lot U t t 31 Sf eM S i We i 1 FOltEIGr kIAILS Occur at of iaAl the Uteir 1foa per L I r U tIiIwt IftteoI U Yssk put So L IlL L L cINe ttfII M- at IlL r rail aid dIMe at JI d XJM AILS t PIa at 235 JI throne i I rail to X tbesu close doily at JIUQ p a tk r 6 Pt to Mails Jo Me po e bore at It a oo Mails here p a MMI tip to ttIpoit I for pr dear doily at It I ltcllMye L- WarriMtoe Co sw York E at I a w elsor at s Jtt at Sa ewe It 1 I- Id at Po- a at S po day I tIIIto Iif of- aM Ir bars ave 35 l 35 9 1 0 X N i I 0 p ai1ay1 Waobiotoa MULThrUSh SIsepirs Ntw Southern Oaetsl PaM SUit pots v For WAGOAMAN 5 tortes 4th bulk > 1p93h at aad a re I b f bath a f 5 1241 Ii bath 25Y balk aee ir 81 4l aMlstq 131 31 quare ND 31 bet iMtradbeth 128 v vq 1r 70- e847354r soy scbsdsJo eIaii 5I OS 1Eweapdss 1 Mail Joe 513 Ne IIExLtNK pr- S 9 Per ak7Nsee 55 a a LAND a a via 41 a New a a most lie Jo Bodes herr doily 319 1w hive vim Moys Wedmdoys sasS lbtvedoys ironed kr bapsleb by soil Tia steaMer eloise her daily at 3521 w the cO0CtlsI eliae kr ablob b ISsUe bet toessetag dewea for Tuesday is a a Muer 1 clwe doily 935 t ilose dalI at 430 iSo July ioeluid ol Vt Hemp Now awe N taocowonr 535 w v 1 AMl itir cb a IsrwuidJ So 1S talJ oat ass bvur ails p s- uKtimted p all cia a miss doe a paio th ivsvd aiiJo 12 a psvJous 3 IsiIsterd weik cbs a priisis ws I ewdthwto1 pewedeg a kisisosarat PuSSy ionasaind bidS ms louis saw I > > > < > < > > > < > > > > = > < ° RAILROADS Washington Alexandria anti Mount Vernon Railway Ave sad K St SlOt For Alexandria Week days J 7 4 7 Jn s 9 8 84 M 0 U li lid a m i 1I 1844 xlM 1 t l n- 3S S4 4B 433 4 p ML- J a ML 1234 1 IJo Par Mont Verneaweek days flJe 8rf Ifcwj- lV5i J I161- 2j noon SO 400 70 fJ- a ra 12 ISttS tM na 230 805 S3 SdO 43K trtt 8 j 680 70 800 p m 7riS 0- JO 11 HJO MK Moon J 1- 1J9 20 30 tJB 4K 4JO- jf 60 UJa 70 7JO 80 p SB Parcels tarried Baggage cheeked xBxprnx To AzliaKteB oily G E ABBOT 1 OOtYBT SuatciMtartcn OCEAN STEAMSHIPS NSW rawJ Aug 7 M ZX St PauLAugta Maa Jt LeukJliHcil Mam St LoubkSept 4 M aas- ZeelaBdAng 21 MOON D npltbiSoplll am RED STAB LINE NEW YORK ANTWERP PARHS 7 BOOB KrtfJsMaAug US awe 14 noon SouthstarkSep 4 ZcetandA g Si M M Yad rtondSejtilIS- TBRNATKkKAL NAYKJAfdtr OWPAX M a 2 14 K Yew York Omee 73 Bros war WASHIWCTOW OFFICE F S S C W Morn 1411 G St X W PERSONALS Oldest In age longest located Regular graduate two scboels Authorized by the District GsTerBaeat To mat diseases of the Nose Throat and Lungs Servea Brain Stood 9Mnr Stomach Kidneys and Bladder Night Losses Sexual Weakness and an Special Diseases of either sex Stricture Vartoeee4o and Hydrocele without owtting or opera tisr No pain No les of tm A prompt and permanent euro guaranteed 8yghHI any stage cured or life without mercury- or potash No exposure CHARGES LOW MEDICINES FURNISHED 10 to 1 3 te 5 Dally Office Hour Sunday 10 to 12 FREE CONSULTATION throat catarrh mia farms of nervous and practlee m Ihe- tnatsoent W hmg bowels chronic appendicitis liver aplsea kid- ney biatMer prostate iitense taasjbUt etc rbeomatbiiB cb sjie beads she indiKestton heart dbjcest vertige- pnralyiea and all mndowai jndiliunji nt the physhsl system toctodirg special dsnasaj of men woasen sad chiWrrm Costsataticsi and trial treatMent free EcJec ic riandsts Jar wshed itovrs to dosed Sundays i P lit elect MaP I X O OG 5- 1k4ICJ loJ sffl 846 1015 U 46 MII y 11 120 13 3f0 403 438 Sea it- TM iiOO SM 1019 UI8 L xiM dM at m SIIRIk LIIL and S 781 738 8OO 82 8if 00 UAO Ut8 t46o t3 AMEnIcaN LINE DO- St J YaderlaM K Plies It ue W- Oe 1 I all Heart I t I I lid nr Shades sp J SfJ 13t aid S Electro Medi I cal Parlors I 30 Years ud an I cleW alt tonttitlOMo sad oC tile IIItiMaacII I I t I 7 p a I rwa itadse PnaqhasSt 593 3M 555 x135 535 73O 9 1115 35 35ukw 905 940 noos 1lO 3iD 215 03- B 135 11515 M 20 235 xi p ElM p Anlingloet Aqoeduet BrndeWtek 47 y 915 8O 6 9 day SrO8 sat Aog amgcosAm MoD moon Nw lwiacrw ra 5tht tsasbweg Dr1YngEE1 Cured aerygon dJoeuses geweral ak- semal diea tSoS > ± j I Specialist 509 12th St successful the Cure of Chronic Nervous and SpecFal Diseases of Men arid Women I Means Everything to You If You Suffer frwa CatsrrX Obesity BnragaUia Crs t B TOtt- I Threat Bum Hurt aims aAd Bkfa MSMMJ- Goiorrham 6U t Etrtetir Tu4eeeU HyeivMi- cnrxt vtthaBt dt nt os from butecu Se piictat- ajtruBCBta s A- Bfrrsaa n4 Semi DtiiMtr ta a by SypiUli alt t gi Bloid t an aca Mean CHW6ES ISA fneUPT CUE 9WRAH7EEB- K 9t i S fWeilSKJES eWfWLTATkJM fiE Privata Vaiting Room for Ladles OFFfK HWRS W ie 1 3 b E aja te 12 DR SM 12Ttt ST JT W ONLY SPECIALIST IN DLSS KKS OF HEX Lonfrest ektabiwiievl largtst experience bti- u i ni at vnaulUlioB free UnVv bo ir M am i3 pM Wed and Sat ia 8 pm Safcdsy- cfesed Bal7lmo 317 6titSt N W OLDEST GBB IX SP8CIALB- TXDAYO ExansmatiMu Diacaess Mill Treatment ia Skin anU Blood Dill dilates and sorallrd rain rivet Lrstc3- HMMcti Doily from W te uTocs ad Satar HM S p m- On Kidnejr aiadtler hood Skin and Private dfeeases Syphilis any tweed toe life Both sexes Consatatvm free MakMM tar- nished Boats 9 to li sad 2 to Aba en That and Set eve 7 to 8 SttBdays C02 F ST X V LADIES NEEDING AWICE AND TREATMENT SASJTAR11M te treat saaa ill law and irrtnUltles Meaw cosaferU Ian cates before sad dvring tsnHiimsaU Train of nurse and expert physician in attendance at oar umtarittai UffVe tours frosa n a m te s a t City Offke tth t n r Keenti MtM- Pbo cast St MME THEO MssHiua and Card Heater Wadaiiurtosr MMMt m- M MM olairroyaut and palmist Caaiiilt h r on- businem love aa alfairi cuaitea the separated require spells cause speedy mar niger and cirrs Imk Open German spoken i5c sad 50c O H M nw m77 H K FULTONS Loan OfBoe 314 Ninth Street N W Loaned Vate 80CB AND SLYER B4MWHT Business strictly cosjMentiaL Ne eennsctaaa Office ie the CLMRVOYANT PALMIsT ISil XKW AVENUE X He hj rt tt vMt thin uu wish to kn your and Vr- thmjc rrvralrd U to daily asid JTISSSU LssHc- axentlesncn cause happy matiias- m till p m 405 t MW- WK ARK TOE POOR uesreasjm- ha ta a dnlmr 2 J MIl yen Jr SBt MMScjsk- ntM4tof MM a lIe bk at yttf u butter na a call The Knterprikdnr JCSW OLD STAND 1 D at nAKT Dr Reod I 21 a Midtlceln and Breams Kin tru Ia 11 DR for ea Prate and italitl of both old Ilk orablt < ORn lEATHERMAN L udlnJ ate 5 aI M MRS M RNNER PIUY TIC liE fail DialltOlKb JlrJ OLD YORK IrMa e tt H I Iter MIl- L ea4 we wM MtrttM Jw give c Li Lang Tin nee by 55 CZARRL arose Rhewaseaw Fuse Strietare kc V sse is Vnslainer1Ona SpecIalist rae Tl blest a aks say tbr Lass city ERVNGMLLON AND V roaM same asS aw boor 1 211- N IINVYT Portas Td1wg eas ii- bmooes Joeq Ma soons april glow jsod boar AFTER oak wa ws delhi c ae ais i I > < < > > Pennsylvania CORXEK or arpK A B sis DAILY PEXXSTLTAKIA UhUIM- MU St Lents Clewelaed aaxi T e Buffet Psrlor Car to liaigsbrnj DAILY FAST LlXEPnUmen Bsjffet- r Parlor Ca DAILY CUTCAOO AND ST XAOH St DAILY WaSTERX EXPRKSSPsM- Mn nr CM to Cbieaeo- 7s P M LULl CLEVELAND CINCIN EXPREJB Pnllntan Secosac Can Ws to and s y to Ore land sad Nashville ria ota and teats 4e P M DAILY PACIFIC KXPRBSSFMB Sleepto Car to Plttsbnrir A M DAILY BtFTALO DAT hVewth Parlor Car Dmtoc Oar BuSan via Bmparfom Jeaetton frfd A M tor Kac and szcept Snwfaz tf X U Jot and Senevo eteept Snndajr For WUIfenrr xt daily Sd P 3t P ML DAILY EXPJcBfB Bnflet Car and Osaslcs Essparinm Jwwttoa 74 P X DAILY tar Erie Jew Rochester Xiacan Fan duly except Satnnaar with Hsehaia P M for Erie sad Xla ara raDiI nc Car Washmeton to Rochester For Philadelphia Bnat- 13S and ll CWniBir Oar from Car from Balthnsu J It J and H HX M2S niM Disbar Car Stow Wnminmmn- tX JC 1215 15 4 J Dnins Car faem Hah mote 1001 and 11S P If Pie Phils delpftm only Express T4 P M week days 24t sad s P 3C For Boston wIthal chanee 74S A X wtek 4 p X dnfljr- re TstWt 7Jt W- t K 4 11 9 A M JfcX laX 4ML 4 1 4M 54 J r4 11 and 11M P M 7 79 759 818 lt Limited 4M tSflt ierf tehlt- 0l 7 u 7 0 W4 MIll 11 r 31 Ter Popes Creek Line 745 A M and 3L fcanan P VVK BVMQna7 VJBV A Jl For Aamspetfe 7 XX Kl and t 9 P OB Atfaatic Coast fclt P H Seaboard Ate m pats Limited P H dsjay- 9M A 5 9 P M dolly tea fer 748 A M Adfr and 4 P M weekdays mhorc Connection H daily lt44 P M w kds Yin Xsj t Street Wharf St r fay enlr 9 11 0 A M Said rcetibnie teals PwUmaa Joist Atmatie Cttr- Tec Cape May lO3- weck iays Ild9 P M dilly Tor Asbnrjr Park Ocean Orore sal Bmsek U P M doily SOS HaW A 31 and Ks4J- R M ireekd f2 Telephone can n44f fer PeB inaia raed Cab ServIce J B mTCHfStSOfT J R Wt OsV- Ceoeral Kansecr Ceaeral Passracer JUceac Baltimore Mo1L- VILROAD f RAt LJU ns J RAILROAD STATION 7a A x AlLY lJtG ZI6Panlct DWac s Pbtadseg A PItfa suc aM Can aeb L I Parlor Cae to r x JtPJtZll Car c DIMac Cars to St Ldavm 715 P Y DAILY ST LOUIS RXPItBl8hlt11I- II11 SlHptaIr v te tIis P X Car PtuMrg sad DiBIIIg cr Than 15 w9tfs to daily With te e fta Car Wavkigto dolly Sa days q r Y i- Parioc Cars wtQ York nndth 780 DWr Car i SM A 3 4Jt INIt Ga DiIIiIc CM S lie 11 6IitT sad lie For tit lO > 5015 U46 15 18 SlI SM tIM Ota JIIK- UJI X H15 11 tel 311 foe 4is P L- Ie t A L P 1- CE PIHtIk sad LiIte t3t A IL Expewe and LiM 11i11 A x doily only v A 1 S Tr AtilMlc Qty vii realt ltM 11 435 AaM P L P 1l tWIT 1215 P only J CiV 12S P 30L Can CtMMaiMtI Car and A Yo P Sisket toanie sad 8 ue StItt aM il tneu Ite lelt tDr the of ct- a dMtiM IiIete HIlI e 1 1 W and ilsreiahurg is SS3 IC Dis OS- yevetion Msnbbarr is Ch1toeS SSW IsLet 335 Waikiy5s be Lsn sad Wadineton is Tdeis sad sd Barniaorg Ssisaapdk Lsed via Sad cltaz Marflaburg St 43 ChIcago AND NAT Jots yUle PIPE Niagara FaD illadra daily lGET BuSs H2io lad 93e to RorhwSer 1040 Caaaada Bugs Pae 4510 cONoBOtiAL LnIrrRL5 for New Task all car kwe Boidwisea New Es950 alGiSOGi- lSoJog Car vIG WIdon IL 3240 P- St Saids 755 Tit A IL 415 dupe 535 70 SS 255 4l 93T5 5085 day W 9 d- Siis A S- M isit days 15 asS 911 Mr pSMc km FIo psod t Flsd sad Mali ass 1w Rklsaid w- o4ie Deloware k Bthw- aUrail A aa43 k 9lO fl93 waskdops 359e 31 Sondsys r- Atlatbe peebtl Csae5 thrsak 14 1188 5243 11 Long Jons PWiaestk Streets and at tabie 51- cedsis sea cbccltvc from nesltweew RaE > ¬ > < < > > = ¼ = aid e it a m 144 p m 1at Mitjh- cPittsbora sad Cleveland J J a M- Kla M 140 ai bt- in eh ester a ML K V am MM p m Aammolia- H t 75 p ss- BLVH LINE the East rtJa 1 T6i Bsjffeti- U Dsner llttafM OhBer z my tDh er 1 r 3 9 11 Parlor cars un day tnskss- Atfamtic City Mh4 a Mt U- aditneni by Union TcaMSer on ssdtsi hmt sad Fifteenth Str depot Telephaae ticket efttcea fcr B Jk C MARTIN ittr Pam Southern Railway Trama leave from PensMvhrania Statwa a as Dairy Lueal for Hsiinnntm u Ckoriotte sod way ttirtom a K Duly C S fast MaO StccaaeX cars to New Orleans Columbia Scvcnnah a 4- Jaekxonnlle aiDe at Sanahnry with alsspir Jon Chsttansaga ad M latrir and at- Daavillo with sleeper Joe Cbarmtte th slespec fer Aa iHta Sekb- JWachmgten ta Sew Orfeans Dfnw e r- Ur a m Daily Local lor Wi CharUntcsriQe- 4cOl p m Week Bey I Daily lAmI lie Wntiunma sad Mu m Li sit eke Knoxville Chattanooga sssssj NW- Ofieam Thtooc eon ts MinniMi rint ear- p Dairy X CMS to Ao osts w- and Charleston and to- ville and At man steepen Item Charlotte Tourist sleeper Washington to A 9M- M45 p as buOy Washsagtoa sfkiiiil- brcweea and the tan to AahviUe Knoxrine Chattsniiiins- Cmb car Washincwe to Atmnta BhsSj- TRAGtS ON ton Ma ss 1 p m and 3 P m mds osdy Jer ton 4J a soil Pm am daily SU pm From Char lottewille S anu pm idly Thksll ulnplnt eat semMoas aid other ta- rbckrd frunt hotel sad rejUcneej by Balsa TtoMfer Co ea sisWes Mt at Ticket Mte ett- Mth St SW Ml Pssna Aye KW sad at Phesx 1M1 Jon P R R Cab Service FKAXK S OAN OX 3d V P sad S H KAHDW1CK enl Par Ageat- L S BUtWS CcBeral treat IlIKUS DOGS ETC PW r VICTOR U1B Qnnajiiia j4- a hcr aaJ flea Uattroyer dads sod cu t hoasdM tlcag MIl L 3t leoSo p p a I a a I5t- I 115 1 iI4J5 p I ML 1aJIi I a L- ll2SS J5 I1S W ilU25 L is 1IIt- 5293 5 xfJ6 aoa 115 311 lit 4 dJe 1115 po sIi dM dtl z9 all ma For aIa It UI typimo r JIdIL 1 4 Dill Diser ail tIL- at c- at 6lt Sew at ie D B Yiu ILl aid at Co Fst aM- It iUc ic IlL Y i Pie IK Aa Put Tamp nruIt cwebea as Soanillo PwIt S Diaias Car sad MII tIN ocly I Waol act c I to Atloala sd X 4IIIC MoLE n mew a p 611 JI Jon seat A a- SE4 P a dully k31 a aM p edt c am w- ys Ik Sutk arrIve Wuwc 66 n- La atttI pm doll Iwulaked lee sad 8ch4dcbaJ9y235b Leave Wathiases Sew Js51 As Nonbwec 1Sll a 2 pm- ciuptatb sad IJoIN tas w 2 p t35 Loia I4S t7l 1 4 ndfIddSpaF- radsr 5251W lIwdS- 43k v- Wayie w 54 as- il aid way pu c35 MS t Ii Casthsekus 54 MSJr pea I35 Psk- 5a 1 lii Ss84 10- 7m i p m- Warbts Jondlon ad wof puluJo 4dS 90 m 1l3 43S p- Bolere week day S5 3D a15al a a 2O ma aLtO a45 atj alIt i315 435 55 aisd ats 5 s- Zsawa siLlS 4535 193 411- x5dS jj35 S31 x15se dl- p ChaMa wewit dsw a a- d435pa doy5915avl115maII- OYAL d1isi wish M21i ew 31ja t t Dianr tB tI4t tO51 1Mi and 35 p w ear sp 51 S 1boj hEserSi Ses94 on- x Ezperas asSd for thuchid kaw bosde licke sas Pemosyteania 354 wart York arrest 0 abe T keSe sepeetd Is Jon 1 SSSL IO1 real AshevIlle ilraisaIN peal lee Rsp- aSSa9ig RariIcsrg 4 35 ma fly aid 5ab Yin 2 Ma ass a Ma asS len sIl Expems lag tosonctiwe ssonwek hwhwmd aid Is Jackass twilag meb Nseis Fder Misuikise aid Seewsee ion eaclarively lull Psuth i- 1Naskalik Iacem 9kaisj- XtvpSM Mestgy MaJolt arIcs BAL a 4dS a I 415 area se 54 a- a s and a week days Ralmovisa aibsu 1l a and aid a 293 w days boa a4 35 from IjO5b- VtTbh e aa 793 1185 b wa rkrbog iwrk doss 4S dais and 545 sad bappxgt wISed Paws Iladas Con MgT IN5551die hcj vas > > < > < > < = = = = = = +

Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1901-08-01 [p 7]. · A boy to care wr home and wake binv l Keerattv weM at wr mi one cotlector Aiply Manager at MC it w at t itm ml-WAXTEB

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Page 1: Washington Evening Times. (Washington, DC) 1901-08-01 [p 7]. · A boy to care wr home and wake binv l Keerattv weM at wr mi one cotlector Aiply Manager at MC it w at t itm ml-WAXTEB




ASrTBs TintdM tteishtr on pant ApplyU SAVAGK aos P i w lS-

wAJTOll Al once competent woman Soc gw-cnd hanotauik in small family references te

Call W7 21t MW eltX-

AXTI We awed remsn MM jrirk platae vfeanbcrmaidB MM Morses for goodllest enquire the OLU VIRGINIA

J TU YJttXT MTFICS lUll t nw elASTEOThrei while naltnsmt Ire hoteL At-

lantic City fan nidof 1IT Sew Yurieel

WA TED White M or settled wen far lightMomwwork MM mind baby IM 0 me ml-

WAInTED At oMce lid I m t Mtmtryill general tfc uwc at 4


U7M KYbe experienced good pay FHEKK-M Florida aw ml

WANTBB Tw mo 8 to 12nimartiiMltjr if setumctory ft tWANTED A irstclaiB rook 312 C M-WWANTBDrCeek lamMlreaian general bsuueworker hs M maids Moraee for city and resortsLA0IBST KXCHANUK 13th ft mlAVAJJTKIA to trod bakers stemd M mer-

vVAXTEO Reliable how womaa who fedmufceruMrtd Apply 9 I ave mlVAXTU

placeto cook wah and ire It


4MtM wonts far tight general bouse-l ie t k cat of yeN dUN Meahi idmr H MB

WANTKD CM Jar general ho work Apply44 T w ml-

nANTKU Experienced girl to work on MMApply tm st nw mlSWASTED A MeetMM iii st MW ml-

HAXTKI CMMftM whtte women or gM M-fjiambermaid and invalid aUtndanl K ejmck-

H New York mlANTB n Jar matrst bmewjrh stay

MK Ittk O-


ad well rccommcwM Apply basenMHt doer ItO C mv betw i MId11 deck eSlSWANTED Fifty yomic Udfei wcwe pnmtabie-oMtiloy M t H JA K SM K it m l3-

IIEKI AVA TED MALE ANT KB3IALB-WAjmtttCook hr country MM lidf mrf r WVMMW and wn jth aw K sUf l lUre 9 am or J pm mlWAXTHBA cashier at 4U st-

p week

tarchrw ad mawjlc-

ptec houwwork-KM plate cooklmr M f aw el


r day workml-

1VASTJW By woman

colored woman wMhim dor BUS Delaware ave

1VANTKI rorftkm by a fmiy r U wfcttwiQr n a y kiwi of hnMraMe work

tor store or otter will wake mel nse-aad An to pleas nfctiaoi Kiren Ad

man reicrowo Addiaun

VA TKI lWitioB aa coal aUcaann main forten i to Mart om modnale mhrr

work employer n t lICIt exporttat I will tire IritUul ivrriMs eariy aod late

MitMinitMM are great Mont aanor xfoe-nwf prc wat emplorrr uty dajn ootkr AiMrot-irtatton Ucy BOX Ml taw omce mlWAnU Bjr Mtber indnatriovs Mal placewaMhnuu Janitor Addrosi J W S 11M-7th aw ell1


WE IIAVK all kiads of flntclaa bep on hitate salary US Ctb rt nw m313

nfek d raoM with

DOX sro omce

uNhwuiom nwckanic tw-

TAATKD KOOMS AXD IJOUID-WANTHI r middl d MoO room a a anlin a Mer irt CUwiic family Addr M BOXMl thfa oflkw IJ-


WANTBI To ft or m htroo modemhaoiB or m t hmHtied mart be in aeKhbirhoad A Mr M HOV 7 this MJfr3-


ox Mi oike-

Tw iit Thor Liquid AirHoc Ma mc-

ITAKTBIVTo buy ncond toblca cheapAddnm BOX Ml fc ofltoa l-

XAOTgD tucond hanrfBOX M tk o c-

WAMTKttOUflax W thw ame-

WATKO rria c ivM top rahber tiro-w rntod condition Ahna thIs omcc-

WAXTPVgiwtton faot r oUM tawtdi UU M



B tM thte omc-

IHCYCLESJi t received a frw SO KcatuueWgrf wWrh we tre tar

whUe they last low hiKh-

r Oeadricb tires uld ueuslly tar 7f-vw r se ftt7 S Bicycles J 6Aadrae B s 9CUU Abe a lowsteanJhand Bicycles htKhgrede ltfC lab MW

FOR SALKAnttiMr lot ot Meondhand bieycl i ottie maaw WantiM JadieVat th CYCLE KXCHANGK 7M Mth A-


S Ad4rtM BOX Mi thk ahle-







ta-uJ aIMw t

perPM ml

lilt Jill


lINkkit r 541 It Mr wd


u litB DC I


waitta It4MMe


Jli 1811 cu IlL


fuc atper fttI lIlt be It JIuuc-

I Ml

fill gaatlJI eSt-

lWT1CDod cl4Mod to-a wwlt tIlL t


II for fa theA t IlL


Irtdot icnfIpq at U ra Ave uiM3


WA17tI cukeit to byday III to take borne Of WO 8th-M jaw Ml


wW Mra paUtiea Nox tIria

MtthcI at-eeet ill

E lit 1IIS1

toor ClOt by iW


totlIB tills IIr kiI-Idri IMSIIl awe


Ilk WIll iIIclip




1111 a ober

olly aot to eKrMd 5 per workIIIMJ

colored aeth or 7tk st wtb pc

duo ISWZ


or vrpicJe

till eJ

we weoIt priee tbs



lo 9HIIu JIOX Be 4

tANIIDDIat c MItk HIlI Lsilaon aw

CMIII JriteI proW ltreMIt f10 4hp Ill callliii rt lit w d-

ATKDuIpar per At MIll ItIt

JtX1rTcuttac I cane3F-


It tWP halla

at UiU TIM dMX ad Mrtcty up to date with 001011 thto

krrow otMer Brake

I iaJ

GNat IlL

beet adaMWFOR eoJition


sroJMO 7a STTiSro 110 tl8 RW 1NIIa

I setes tbev


swgrkdIe a w

Isve eIdie wodier

wee oe4iw






W M-

lWATlWWa ftw a cksabid


wAxTgDYoa dy M4 poaltiusl aw

WkWssMa hsw liHb

rdih wss asooI a be iUog


viTXDA hoerwurk eosMry17 aw i311

elk peejaw

as Mr3l3-

1V4THDHapse4eeod eesasee sad

la aw


rvsaae wast do tiwasida Out

wu by y

w42lDLa4 give atyse aecoria2 mce-

l 4white pIee

mc aoast boewortor preMe aodyow




as ee

Wrrtis workdriviNg J ivi

WAlYtfr brrd Iaeor allPep N-

OrM jmre

aid Mon


VATi1Dllo 015

based I onlork brseklas4iithsl Addee


WAlTEDy Goveronoent eaisyboos on jawrba peoprety Adiras lbas-



WgDThree parlor onile ilo vMelaas coIolifOI sd j fur nj5



Lgoupi dth NeI L

sedor beds M seds Ad oNI

WATIUL MeSedbaaditjasba esAd tbis ow Ml

MisI Lbuy aseoMlMi baraesei

owefll-1WDNIsbMl atS


tas i gia s-

ist 1W b aw

Tog rooMo NI


lIs Ncycoi544

wo A low iaor rl be-1iwlii StIed wIth Ui let

blgb adstins

tits cit


bIcycle jpsodl4a

caMs d UrrHD9151 at




















HIMriew TtanirciL ApjJj to J J COOKX it NW elS-HAVTEDAt once two steady hurbem

WATE0nnt laM barker at MT 1a aw-

WAXTEIlCoMertor an yw-fke Can 1 New Yo

ma fur f1

at Brverlry W Va fiLM per day waypaid M Iflth l-

WANTEU Two brilbofs cook twodriver low dMhwuilura tw waiters

SHArKLEFOMifS S K nw mlWAXTKH KxftrttmtfA ttm1 a bookkeeper sad

diier mwit come well rnomiatadtd Applyat once NElDfiCKKK TOHVCOO CO M PHav MW mlH ANTED A good farm Mad Apply StandCentre Market Thurwfajr sad S T ml

WANTED YOMM wan from tha ciaatry ate boyfar private family waiten nil K C MW ml-

H ANTEttTw btMtltw watioiMry wtcawen onlytkone havi c whol kat exf eri ee Mod

liMos mtA boy to care wr home and wake

binv l Keerattv weM at wr mi

one cotlector Aiply Manager at MC it wat t itm ml-

WAXTEB KelfaMe toot OM wile thorowMy nnottalaniai waittor Appty d La


Kuppert Home on Good H road war An-c waxenH t tWAXTKD rrfv r T we and More parterw k rail q

WA TK V 4MK MWt from country week sad

WANTEI Karoer Kwrnntce akw xpcrienred lather Ml La a e nw ml2-WANTKI MMi Jar nOrwd 8M ah onfor cafe Kwioire Itth at MW

VAXTKO Yocnc was for steady pontion 1per week Apply SW F t aw secoNd Ho c-

uurton CXSTKUtKlurs MS IV aw

a week TM i st

for bakeryel

M wnrtorYork

WANTED Two a tiv-of hmiKfhald 8Md Apply Mfi Ttft at-

WA TEI Te catpontan brine toMft to apartwent eoraef IfcmachuMrtt aye 14ti-


Barberonly need apply T week and boned PlUM JBM d rt Newark S 3-

j buy to kelp in eoMlwtioiNry-Apply at MH8 ttth at nw m31

WANTED Kiftyat Lwirrl Jld month work JtOSBKK ACASTO-

Kituatjnn ja K it nw-

WANTEI Oood carpenteiKand V Xorth KckimrMn-

WAXTEI Tw MBlr miWtw-aw

Ml B at-


week icvaraotee Mt Pa aVe MW-

ANTKI A ftntctoM white weber at sacs1MB Hth 3 l-

WASTEDSober colored laborer Apply S SWASH 4 SOS MS Florida ave ne willSWANTEU A yo N k U man not over tventra a nrtper on IMHMMMI wa on Addren BOX243 thin u ce m3B3-

SOCIETJ 48 LOUISIANA AK a baste iatHtieR without d ubt h HIt aerid ftt-tnd death society ia DUtrict of CohMnbi-

iaeU otirN n for mdnntthit tamrI-

XIST Roll of monrv W 10 reward J W SMtt N MW e-

lUT black and whtt UewtUyn settee gvprerv fieavy fct1 umall leather Ke

f ward if retmed to CbUJttEXS 1515 V itml-

UKfl OMdar July MaaH dlnniond dick

ROYAL CLUK AXYTIiatCt Dnsj efata MeI ICE CKEAjf 7 r cttlM t m K a ctbrbut above crwaml tor icwrr KM ik nadi ia teli br 4i typhoid dtpbtbem etc

dMt eat that tied LACEYS W pur andd 4fei 4M ft X Y bon 3061

FOR SALE JIISCELTUAAEOUSYOM SALBA atifthtlr a adfmtabto o a cwith parasol no rraaunabh offer refnwd Callat 1237 12th alter p m

KOR SALE KopkiiK map of the INntrict abahandcome evctutt K tt nwFOE SALE Chirkstock all Ket yoipullrt CMM wd fl-Me vow m aty to tIN Mlwa MOKHI60N Berwyn JU ml S

FOR SALE Onebalf Koehm rowert isle bellliant tone AddreM 454 thU vase

ml3Se lie weekly mrtaina por

tere nmx table Une table cuveta

anrs tuilvt and dlaoer ware ailver plated wavelamp van clocks albuMH Bibles etc Addrvx-Bo 144 thM ohVe will GIll with ampte etl7S-


New liaise teo AMomatic 7 5cwt S wto Machine Alltoe ve yean OfPENHRUIEK 514 Mh nw-

eM3FOR SALE At once entire cimOaU of MajorHichards MiaayKkint MM M fndihiaet haiviaKcIty Vk far wbM cantbe Mtbl will be glen to the pour please call4SI ilk MT cnS-

I POM QALCHighBnuht banjo at a wry tow priceI Apply at wm r MUS-I FOR aA

be quick 3M Ah at

FOR SALE I new Biimitk ewia maehtoeMed S month will d far faS itAddnw BOX

FOR SALK rnrnitoreof S room Rood condition cheap ac fJtth nw

FOR SALEPtoe Belgian hares sot MtMedpair ska fesm parrots aC 96 eac-HIU gTOftE 3jst ala st MW

FUR SALE Sfeftax yacht fifty feet Mafeet beam w fete condition tCall en It F KOKgTER 32B2 X sear

BriaVe Georgetown

Nit SALK A4mo given away at II E a nwthe fwnitnre of luur oasn Sat Call on Thor I

Jnsjst 1 alter 7

BAD BILLS colbwted or no charge H D COR I

DON Lawyer Stt 14th nw Et2 tPOK SALE Uretght Hianer fM f m payment uf

tev good fi-

tfen musically a piano that win gjv Jv-avod senritr onil we nady at any tiser-to allow full valoe for it in exthaiuv fpr Mtw

At tbe above prier fcSac oearf basMhwrne stoel free delivery

and ne tar timsnx 46 a month mlys tut itF kMim 1SS5 Pa ave eX7t-

ffR SAUi Uo ri Duality Jcintleu wallingyard foot c 26c ticyard rceueed price eo aH stair 4letettu aodcarpets KLEEHLATTS 11th asd IS Oa St



POR RKXTNiec store reom house and stablegood corner


msmhu no mosenitoat on river thereColonial Beach Witter terms per


TABLK Board and tf SU M MWillS


WANTEOKew Alrttala e k




CAD4Il r d



W AYTE1JX1gbtyroad


aptly11 MOT


TEiJOQW ionawaaee sod

nTlmFift4nIIII Wick at

per day drady01 wodc

JJdt Itn


1 1


a YMr 1iM







to Q water wodia


II da-

MISt3I Jktar







II t airthe

lite a fer MYt wan WI I


toft JarL


pill lilt IlL MI


FO tiNt I







dIr ellI

ii IteMlot




LoweDk IIItftta p low


er J It1M



1W 5531

Mid at

roltat IFrO t



Jew prVeIlL

Y ot4oek

aim It oriIriulgoal dark roieaood

I tIll

11H CoI AlI

1ftj K ie



table WartC lot nw 11171














aserltgoofth ep



coltr woo 1 work es jail

t jaW


his ilkld4dt airaMs

has4 ave

torsaty good

awl esapkewith c5irtil 12

isBaast 11W isil

ord psesononsat OHF l2tb-aw




ANTTDCilleeIt Miir wilk d Wanh

ANTEDTqja goisewl ke dialogmewon 1-

1ATIIltseO sagood oas Z a

ibas1 eMlvaat

boos sad

Irjdaas vest 95ltslsead114


ATEIfljabjOa jwavspwait barbie i5sS4

boa wxoL

WArDGSId wbke J9





cbaace to vIal wasryVEI1141ATE vyl3-




2Breased 4W



law SI

tkesoogbbrrd pkw iI

Molt sacksorb cse w

Labia duck beapwont


cad lace

co1elo i5weath ioika

Soakey Mor4iiaee 95


p sep is


ibstrbara ealelseata ss


351 thE lbs v93-isALtnbaku sad 315 sese As

Mo iMo Horis a

3 ill




dt 152

aaM ajil I

is M0Ntb11W aIn Etp


1s inn iu id-a

it L

bolessad 1-

wik l pa iky Addrrs H 3 IO0XX CoJ is















FOR HI5XT ROOMSItHt RENT Furnished rooms M sad KI it aw ml3-

fl RMSHEU ROOMS kin rent 823 ilk it nw-ml3

FOR KEXTFtont MOM torn M l-

Mam awe aw alahall room


RENT Fwrnuhed comfortable ShirUrntory95 anawMr Mice 73 llth w

FOR RENT4JK I tt a hall room

lit XEW YORK AVEKwrMtoVKlMId ecowl Moon

FiW BEXT Thr Mtody fnrwbtMilit

FOR KENT CMMMlttorr fclM K fwreouttt ejjjMMUte e ol 19 IAS L st MW


POvt KEXTF nunad at ISM G Jtroom nttat ww 4 Loon


M nTH ST NWF r l front bawment-eheap by week or woMb htnukiqitag or bt-

PftBK EXT Three nicely Jwnished noms townKMnabie M6 I at itw mStS-

POR ENTK rnrA 4 roMbMie WaJ M

FOR KENT 722 Mtk at MW bw0frwit ruOM re onable

FOR RKNT P bed f r b ek Hi narooms with gae 15 I1 1M MW mSI3FOR KENTPcrnbhed ro ni rMitobie Ion twogentknen 1M7 Maanachiiijiato ave HW eSft4

FOR KENT Two efonMt eo l rooms reaaonable Ill Wtb it MW M3FOR RENTCool roam S per w ok centraL

2 G MW eS 3

FOR RENT A ball mom with ctoMt MS 12t-hit MW e3

able for light bonsottipiity sot K at MW

FOR NEXTTw hwniahed joonm bowekcep-Mtc I at MW r Mt v3FOR KENT Fianfak nl or Awfwiuahedroom fur bowfcrpia 126 at lK m3U3


FOR 8RXT N b papoftd Minted sad Joe


role RENT Elcgint tat 3 frost eqmmimlcatl-nxondfoot room ISU 7h at MW djoiniac

Lafayette Lob el 3

OR RKNTB Hkhttnl tot Kcond Loon 7K 7th-CM MX RMMM and hath H7 m3

FOR KEXTAagnat 1 Sat of four room andbath range cars pas door Corner tub sad G-

st ne esquire en preniMrs mStf3

FOR REXTTo white tenants only goodm

apnVt-mnas fonr reesM and bath at per a-


WUOOMS AND IIOMIDTtot Intniiknit tnm wtth goodi nw

FlRXlSHCU BOOMS and board USi llth-nw ml3-POR llltJCT et K at nw himimtd x m fwr-

J bnme tabto eSJJTilE FKX3C CetomeJ Bench pi ramstotroesas best able esi hare at wbart psr

THE BE1 JrONJT B 4 Some ee ltMg M V

elegant roonM aM parton SSS 12th st nw-

rVRMS EI Jl6dMS with board t2 Maaa lOtMW i i m

FOR RENT Two tonuhad meMo with bcrd443 7th or w e3 a-

POR RENTCool r m t ntj board

POR RtCrrFomtobed n-

M per month 40 MkROOMS sad tard 4 par HM th at MW

ROOMS AND 90ARDLargboard sonuner rates 12 ac nw m J-

rOK KENT XewlypstDtrd papered ieemi-rih or without bOard tirytMfn ant cUaa-

ipltndtd teoaUeb 413 Mh t bw eMtf


Call 458 M

OR cbatsMt bone saddkrand driver BARTON SEME 011 l t at j

mlSFOR SALE Fast paeor sao idMM-ftw clip Can be M h Mt MW wilt

FOR SALE Secondband dnyUkf phmtber raJdelivery miraya pb ton sad otherbvmgie no leaaanabie offer nhjmd SCUVANSFARMERS STABLER neeond MOOT UMl Oh aveM ml3-POR SAIKW5 M 40 havtoa MO harther Me-M sad wars sutaMe ibr farmor a neral hnilniai purpuaoi one mare ia teail-

akw Mnona hamei ntoniiln Afplr tttr 7

POR tMrwryBCNREXU TAIMItS Mh and 0 s ft MW


POR SALK nkuf eartcut 21 Hth si MW mStgFOR SALKFine stalUon NIt tw y m oM atMavtr thoMMghlv brak M abmlntely fcr

kim addreav BOX XK Um plsHt milPOR SALB Two smalt sad onehotae Cat 4t MaoMk-

e3 S


FOR SALE Oaxs IMG Bayion wogoit g o J9f M K Me t3 3

FOR VLE Cboap aUebar bMjgy day4nwagoM UC7 7th st NW mM

POR SALEXew kick EngJMi cntonder trapsever been wed cheap IW Mth at m 3

FOR SALE ev n bersea n war of 4H4 FMW dV7

FOR BALE HOUSESPOR SAL Sixroom brick bulk sad cellar lo-cated Northeast price SiVI easy trrmUfce thai saaae row told fur j A W C KAIDKMAX 14th DC MU3


POR WENT4JS1 D ae re a an i pvreelabnh al modern iuprovcioents to 4flean per-fect order stable in rear M259 per moatb ET KAISER mw F MW e3 3-

PiMt MiCVT 90 pr month MH Mt s aw-thtei stmy brick home eightand bath newly tnq ire of M XHJSMITH Ml Pa

INSTEAD of f ring your furnitnwith MM in nfamneefor nse of saioe will

Box S7 this

of carpenter work pmmptiycheaply done drop pastel KAW Jl A at e

13I rHOUTTKIUKCl csrsnls altofod M d laidibcr prices drop card Ml X itw ml S-

LKAKX ToeCMTY WlimNington tomished at S per month BOX Sffllty Potofh MllX-IKTR NEW BOOKtr heals f 11 eanoltismi n uu10 MUM pwfcct manh 4V hoMht be w lawh d of v ry MM adult A4sW BNIK MCOfeCAL CO Rook Bn Bnttoto Ji Y

jylltMthS 13t vi3

WANTE To tenfplated Ctv land bityew ferwriter Addrex BOX Ml

FOR SALE SrcondkanJM nA a week aM Lr5niiIif ijiLO okand walmit Stow tM to

WILLIAMS BOOK EXCHA E Bookbomeht sad W also book bodingbranckeK laP U st MW tfCHAIR CANINO MRS L JOHXSOK 4i KM MW lead wt l m TJS-


C MW Main 4M2


WANTRUTa excJumabile MS thin owce


a WJ13n lest

1831Ida slS


g-et aIM alee






Si lit


Ott W secondlid third fonsied


1 Jyj



KIN lit

i-eA Ste UI cIuJto



ra boarddII



FOR SALECoocflit 1

SuE utttr iloW

tat iagI


SALE good

T ire

h oeJOlt IWtt 7np U IDelit








LL kiwis


MItt Miy


I acredit

rurr-atjy all itii

JtIII4 toINk sew w 111












w 3


jaw a




saeis a-

Nt ave


sls waastoo uatraisbod mit

owa baa35I

ehl ja st ac





pee iUMi P-isasilise 913



goMiase sw eis3iSk


Wont roow


carra woossw



wO 54e eokibtted JSnIbtMOOdDMII swo-yMii


bores 6114

sitbe esoidts

bainwe als alt 7


beta hwyIquirk as

SAU1Srt aeaisp sony vaseSsew iadica

aM 353



bus se5

< a

row 4meted

mis 13-


cswmonica itehaoidsd runwe eli

allow poet hut Sri m-eAd ris newt L


Its Ni

ilo welad illsNawe

4cat bung



4 tie a

i I IplaneS

reel tat soBox

> <




> <

















KOK RrT Three onfwrwabrd rooms with to a-

nl bath ot the siee Moor 50 iI nr

FOR MKXTThroest nw

FOR RENT Three r ne-aw tor okto SU MM Stha St-

batb and front porch ISM 7th

FOR RENT Two or throe unrvinUVH rounu v-

MBMsTssWite for sMptflf ffPttdHfH 1-1st ne allSFOR XEXT Vsrv ansrahle three or lawrrtio-wt bt geed lecetion brhtht mnnt hmh at-

tached convenient to ear tines rent flM st te ss313FOR N82CTSfc wfctfntt d laaasi Mi Masm-cbmtetta Me eW4-

POR RENT FMK MBfembbsd MM 1M 4k

FOR KKVT Theee iintomHuil rosmt seeowlno chUdren l i-


FOR RENTTwo or large mfnniish dlight bo nkc p nc W S New J fey ave

FOR RENT LMfMmfabed three MMH entireMcond lose light lf H sC M-


FOR RLNTCnmrntoWd second lain S NewYork ave MW m393

BUSINESS CHAXCEFOR cigar sad notionstowr W E at MW elS

of charge IJ II ENAMKL IAIKCCO VKC st aw mt-

POR SLKKstab ianJ raoccr with dwelling also wood coal slId iced cosmcrtedpool Timfanat place too mncti Wr sawn wouldlike to MM partner with MUO to 00WUVew BOX 2M otftce mI-

WANTKlVChpn sad Mewstand m J wratBOX tS AM otftir ml-

WOlLl LIKE with gitt ansl ambittoa-to go in the wholeatte oyster bat a one with

sf natotancr state how nmch piteloilS

SVLK OVapH st ne

low resit1 4 esisP-

OK SALK toe teM one aurtlni sat sos sinmSl1

PUR SALE SMoon nmtM of eHj dnfbustona 45 per Joy 4i will handleJ am W J IMVCAM 7 U avr nUlfW-

AXTKB TaLbii asx uhltobldMuil saMetoMiraace btmiami with good res list Ailih smBOX 2 thfa omce W31X-

FOR SALK Corwer aajoon loa to Avomwnap W j DCOAN LsJ av

FOR SAIEsOroeery tor ffute S4 sausageMt7 USh 14 M-

OPOR SALK ConfecttoH try asS Joe cream parlorcbap daisy good bend

r Joe wes a4 wMt entliving Monsi overhead Afrpry Kootheast co Nr IK st a 4 Hkrida ave MW


ROOMINO HOCSK laiinlil mcntton groway store 1 t wiN marie silwlsily store

9 BCXLAP kW P t mFOR SALK CMieaetAwry ft store

i barber shop fM JwK ac-

n W J DCOAX sWT ta aSALESatoon-

t w jr


PQR SALEinvoue ham mj-B5C3LVESS BROKEN WOi P st-

POR SALE IMintfroom partoc stand Vwvtocity rare opportosMtgr YORK tKJSriBROKERS WM F st

FOR SALErSUBUnBAXFOR SALE Helf fcmarvrec by MitE ctagtT aad in AlnajMrianear Walker Cbafxl io rWALTBR H JfAKLOf Jr MM Mh at MW


cenpbv Add

t bxxMM Mr rf tfiW W ijnm andwaterpower mill b

r an m 4ScOMMt nonilttioiK P r partie-

BREVrmOtfD Kiwt mwrntes walk from Dbtmt2inr snburfaaa ekxtrie road lots ybs9B9 tot 138S per Month squire W A BARTIJRT

toaft and Troet mSllme



KK Ordered That thespirting and wwiiwtr ghwfor Wsibsajon r d Jtc r of msftcream to consuuKr adopted Jose 17 awlled 1 1 UM MJwendMl md follows to take elect on-am after THE ST Or ALUC3T WH That tb-

dliv ry o mtik or n m te ninmnnm that boH-whra fllled to a level with the bottom of tbecap or Mac low than seven oan andU drams sod aol over eight o me ig and

mo nr sot thanAfter sunsM anwdransi and Mat sixtern ouwm and Soar for one pifct sot MMthan hirtyon ounce sad

tr thirt t u wanes andart not lent than IWljr MUMI counts sad lnrr

drams aa i not over taety sjht onnrcs sad Br

ounces sad twe ersnn anfl not ever luxtyfonr-eimcea and ix dunm 4or one half sallonbtr sealed as inisusrss and that alt dealers inmilk who nse Xlaaa Harries tt Jaw for tbe dis-tribution or delivery of milk or cream toaumtrs JiU be charged a Joe of M irMa per-M bftttln Ion MKh hsspectie sad urslincHENKY B K MACPARLAM LAXSQTGPEACH Conusnasioaers of the District Ctotemfci



By virtue ot s tcrUin died of treat dated thenth day f June 1 98 sad retarded ia

use of the MIld

of tbe holder of the MoMs Mmill at pvMjc inIMH on TCESDAY THK tM DAY OF Al UdTA O JM1 AT iM OTTATCK P M follow-ing asscribed real sliMe situate i the v iH rof WsHbtogton District of CWnmoiaas Iota nuMbers rlrven and twelve li f

blork three 3 ia the sobdiviston mad byb P Clark sad Kdward B Coterril trust

fpr the P lias lcs of t1oral ComMHu and tSurveyor of the IMstrht of Oohunbia in countyubdivtaion book M

Terms of sale AH nash A deposit f onhundred dollnm will he aasred at the time of

All t im ysni Ihg recording asS re-

iie to be complied with wrhia mVenfrom day of safe or the tnnttcn will resell atthe risk and oast of the defaulting purchaser


TrastemTHOMAS BOWLING 00 Auctioneers



yhtoJ Hooks will he m vrvrd at this oHKMil t OCLOCK P M tf-

l Jl U funuk fur tIN local year Vtutbod text book with and without ewhange a

I Blank form olwill lie

to Kb oHk 44M LoMtoia-AVmur Northwest Wanhingtun V C By onit-f th MoanS ot Cmmii tMNieM WILLIAM TIN

DALL Secr4ary-



itittsnn sad bhmk forms of IITIISI n wwy W-

h4aiii d u N to olne BER-NARD K QUEEN Superintendent





FOR RnIIrw ales13

tit tI t





SLECw Jo sad paW ftft




IMp coulduSAUCipr-

W sod Can atsZl1

F 1fIIoNI1

Itle 375k D M


5i3 lit allSiI

ia IIart e

taitiIiFQR StQtt 1I400J 1IIt

117 La aeJ4E-XCLXGK t slsa XXIswin



tr-w UI


SUHIeMa wWcta Wewith


TrJtjCK SaWss


lUCsS IIott QI jan

the GC


bttttl or jrs ut los the Of-


dralooN JOetfilar for

So Uwa Mxzytki



ttIhtrict uS doe

ttorb wsell of the peas



prowat UM

to ht at 1M Nat ol

StInt Ion ul 1Ot


llNd tJ-ftjD law approved iil ptltkd of Uiuls5vi


Iw sad1I tOftftJ

tI ttoe wet J 01 use MtIiIdiItcUkraey vi at eblo













asJouaiEad ronwe

sad baSk as

room gasyw




lorgo Isecir 1Nvso basS



Yt11Ylfty moo reat


se Aii

sst Ailtres POX 93S sSkoil sad news siaad with liaise

ave a 1w 41 ala331itpsOE aaiM

in cgts aw

ers s933111

beat cityast Sove rONeDW Sour


bat WadMiD I


edsorhw r

n rjea is dayod NW




s toqgoea aoAti Jo C

Ill Jo35IG01Liuii

lilt slj5 Madwo

ulass addasoaj Washt


iiTassddy bowabeau W Miisa


achi 5as Imoe 1

bead 9lit as

laas diJtrIbUtOU<

aadeja be oarbolt hassad wee

drawe saddeisMo ii

drama Ibow son hw


sal I


SibCr-l35 asP 51 seq nero ik-

UI the Colusubsa sad b at


din dI


ulouae Loudis s slice


Jo 5-

teoi thaurs Tiwed pa

dapa Pfsl0SS advsthiamot archIC



TCESUtY CSTpub lit

JifUVidid Ill Cul5ishd aipepn Is

blasekod apt4dratlss Ia

CHiiivhtd bt Ike Prprty jd ujinabeau

LLpeiiaI icitvwla sot-aw Pre 00555151 10 idislItflNlodways s far

iaCasqoa iM ha reesivedhoe

DAY sod tbuispeas llpuid4bat4wa seMoi4 l as






















Air Line

Florida sad West Indls Short LinePomw R R Station


to JacksonvWe mas Milan atHamlet with Pullman Sleeper to Atlanta655 P M FLA ANtI iETmCPOUTAX

DAILY PnUsan Sleepers t Jacksonville MIll Atlanta

These trains offer excellent laktdsilM sad serviceto Petenburz Raleigh Southern Pes Ptoeb rst CMMen CotasaOu Mli Jackaon-rllle sad aflVlorida pstot Chartotte AttMMAtlanta Cbattenooga 2wshvUKpointe West and Southwest43O A M OTAL To RaMcb

DAILY Pine rtn urt M mlet and totermsdiate palMs

Offlc 1434 K Y ave tad R B OtScesR K I BUNCH W H DOLL

Acent C r l Acnt


TSONorfolk WashingtonSteamboat Co

Every day w 7ar for N wf 4k N wport Ne a

News and Waab-jRKtoB on tbe teHowi K tcheiHjle-

Lv WaahtBKtenBM pra j Lv Portss0utkSOi pmAtex Bdria7M pm LT Norfolk 00 pta

AT Ft Menroe700 am LT Tt Monroe700 pAr Norfolk 8BJ am I Ar AleiaM4tU63 raAr Portj outkai5 im Ar Waha2t n7M am-

Tlattta en st 817 Penis ave BO ticket aM PeR ave sad eorarr15th sad N Y re C O ticket eX

Seta at 518 Peon ave SJM 989 Itth t-

S X L ticket s4S c 1484 N Y are andoa beard steamers

turtber iiifortaatise apply at Knenl TJfflees 7th t wharf WaaMagtoa D ttPbooe 758

aoSStl JOHN CALLAHAN Gooses Manager


THOSEcer and AuctIoneers


LiMweawnt 17r bath

41003-an t k ft water and cw r l OJ


w ak V 1 4 tt-


Anacostia 2 tsy frame 7r

C t h 5r tot ffx7 K-

a sad LW4r water and wsr 14 9-

5r tented forMb Jet MkclM Jt QCfeTwante-


f e7 r H and lUll tteXO ft SI

fCU h StallS ftBrewers Court Mx95 ft

two Iota 42x ftNorth aWe Last Capitol bet 17lb aad lfi hlltb and Mt jfeMQ ft


N S87 Mb r MIll hath

Xo fly Trinidad st ItSe 4tf Sth irSe 1MM KK MSe 1 4 ttfci 7rSel M tea i

Apply at 0 far Bulletin

WASHINGTON B C PO8TOPP1CE NOTICEShould be read daily as haogw may

timeFOREIGN MAlJ ar forwardod to the ports of-

milimi doily sad Ute

vertond traasit For the week August Jtb last onsascftos iowa w be madekai this ontoc ac Jailosw

TrnnsVtlHiitlcTHCR8OAYBl At J a m ITALYa Hoed Anslrhu from New York via Naples

MaSk stoat br directed Per a N rd AmerksaPIMUAY aAtJ tt a m for tCi K pers v Ktruci Sfoa sw Y A via

c At BL juXoqtr trWf w York Nail mnst be

o At pii m jar NETHERLANDS recter s Amsttidam from New York Mail

irurf b directed Per s AnMtardos-aladN for Sooth and Central Am

lea A Nt Indies EtcTHUR AYfk At if l m lee JAMAICA per

0 s Admiral Samnaon from BodesO At 11 M f m for TURKS KLOSD AND

DOMINICAN RCPUBLKT per s a CbMok ehose New YowL

VRMAT At ii p m tor NEWFOUNDbxct per s Slide from Yew

c At ll k p a Jet PORTO RICOPooc frou NOT York San Juan

ct At Tl p m tor FORTCNg KSLANB JAMAIOA SAVANILLA CARTHACKKA ANDRREYTOWX per AU basqr bootYork Mail fur COSTA RICA awl be directed

Per AsHghany-

O At 11 p lor HAITI per PrinsWUhcim H fan New York Mail for CCRACAOVENRXCKLA TRfXHJAB BftmSM ANDDCTCH CUIAXA be dircctad 1er s aPrim Willbehn H

Mail tor XEWPOrXDLANB by rail te Nortigydnuy MM the ee via iteamar datlvexcept imnday at and on aims m nry

113 a d hMats Joe MCISU N

thence via iitamer-

mMall for MEXICO averUnd Mien specially ad

teanxs safling fromX w York close here deity at J SS a m aa4-MlVM p M

Math Pee BiOJXK PCftRTO CORTCZ6iTEMAL bjr nil to ew Orleans sad

for COSTA RICAand throe via steamer

whist being

nnlnclllc MaimMafia for TAHITI sad ISLAXD

via San PtanctsLe dote here daily at p m-np to Augnut 1 inclusiveAastndtt

for CNUCA JAPAN MAWAH ANDPHIUIfrXJt rLAXDeX via Sanclose here dsilj at 6 JO p XL up to August iI-

nsrve for deepateb per a aMails fee HAWAII via S a Krancuro do

here daily at 3 MV m to Angiut idespatch ner s s XariposaMails for CHINA AND JAPAX via VMcoover-

M e AngiMt 13iactanuve Inn despatch per a s of Japan Registered wail must br directed Via Vat

fur AlarilALlA except W Anstwlia-wkiib U forwarded ria Enrope SEWFLU SAMOA AXI HAWAII via San FranciL o

Sono-MaaV for ACSTRAUA except Welt Australhi

which imw and tsihinsl whichvia i Fraagfco and FUI ISLANDS via

Mnil Jot ttlCHIN CHINA ore

PHIUPWXE 1SLVXD8 depatched to San Fraacisro at aM closes ion that

to Mmaect with Uovcrnsmnt tnuua rtthe n UnsW of w

b RenMered close-

d Msgistorai-I BnginlHtd altday

o Registered mails WOKT at 6 p ML previsuuday JOHN A MERRtTT P


FOR SALEAN ELEGANT UPRIGHTPIANO ton U IKW thaw half ita worthonly tire nuiMdni it M a hell upright grand

ot f Mieh bi h Pranch wMliwt a skewsutrtoga three pednfct ussrthat adds M much to KM

wood stool and ilk worf tree a Rrrat bargainF U SMITH 15 P4 aultl

S aboard




aMPet rv


dieand aJl p4ata loy lbS

llUprb powffful It tel rte1BeR-Nt


tale andmet


Real Erare

roEp li J

sad a M L oo HIUS It II JAr MU tolba lIltIIIf4If W b bate sad m I 6117 c a w t

iriS Sr Nth UJmh 7r anti a mi 38011111 O II a I 1JU Orsat It

largo Joe built bt rSI6O1It Jo a III I tI6f-cw sad1t N J a It Ir

11114 fJ b III

He K S Jr let Mxlll St JttO N J ue f II


kdttt C aM D JIlt IN


r ttI C 00-I 1CItt H woo 6 001-



tt 31Sf eM S

i We i 1


Occur at

of iaAlthe Uteir




I r UtIiIwt


Ysskput So



cINettfII M-

at IlL r rail aiddIMe at JId

XJM AILS t PIaat 235 JI


iI rail to X tbesuclose doily at JIUQ

p a tkr





bore at It aoo


here p a MMItip to ttIpoit I for pr

dear doily at ItI ltcllMye L-WarriMtoe Co

sw York Eat I aw elsor at s Jttat Sa

ewe It 1 I-

Id at Po-

aat S po



Iif of-

aM Ir bars















MULThrUSh SIsepirs



Oaetsl PaM





5 tortes

4th bulk


1p93h at aad a re Ib


bath a f5 1241 Ii bath




4l aMlstq 131


quare ND31




v vq 1r70-



scbsdsJo eIaii5I OS 1Eweapdss 1


513 Ne IIExLtNK pr-S 9Per ak7Nsee





a New

a a



Jo Bodesherr doily 319

1w hive vimMoys Wedmdoys sasS lbtvedoys

ironed kr bapsleb by


Tia steaMer eloise her daily at 3521 w thecO0CtlsI eliae kr ablob b


toessetag dewea forTuesday

isa a



clwe doily 935 t

ilose dalI at 430 iSo Julyioeluid


Vt Hemp Nowawe Ntaocowonr 535 w v1 AMl itir cb a

IsrwuidJ So1S


oatass bvurails p s-

uKtimted pall cia a miss doea paio

th ivsvd aiiJo 12 a psvJous

3 IsiIsterd weik cbs a priisis

ws I

ewdthwto1 pewedega kisisosaratPuSSy ionasaind bidS ms louis saw







< >












Washington Alexandriaanti

Mount Vernon RailwayAve sad K St

SlOtFor Alexandria Week days J 7 4 7 Jn

s 9 8 84 M 0 U li lid a mi 1I 1844 xlM 1 t l n-

3S S4 4B 433 4

p ML-

J a ML 1234 1 IJo

Par Mont Verneaweek days flJe 8rf Ifcwj-lV5i J I161-

2j noon SO 400 70 fJ-

a ra 12 ISttS tM na230 805 S3 SdO 43K trtt 8 j

680 70 800 p m 7riS 0-JO 11 HJO MK Moon J 1-

1J9 20 30 tJB 4K 4JO-jf 60 UJa 70 7JO 80 p SBParcels tarried Baggage cheekedxBxprnx To AzliaKteB oily

G E ABBOT 1 OOtYBTSuatciMtartcn


NSWrawJ Aug 7 M ZX St PauLAugta MaaJt LeukJliHcil Mam St LoubkSept 4 M aas-

ZeelaBdAng 21 MOON D npltbiSoplll amRED STAB LINE


14 noon SouthstarkSep 4ZcetandA g Si M M Yad rtondSejtilIS-


Yew York Omee 73 Bros warWASHIWCTOW OFFICE F S S

C W Morn 1411 G St X W


Oldest In age longest located

Regular graduate two scboels

Authorized by the District GsTerBaeat

To mat diseases of the Nose Throat andLungs Servea Brain Stood 9MnrStomach Kidneys and Bladder Night LossesSexual Weakness and an Special Diseasesof either sex Stricture Vartoeee4o andHydrocele without owtting or operatisr No pain No les of tm A promptand permanent euro guaranteed 8yghHIany stage cured or life without mercury-


10 to 1 3 te 5Dally Office HourSunday 10 to 12


throat catarrh miafarms of nervous and

practlee m Ihe-tnatsoent W hmg

bowels chronic appendicitis liver aplsea kid-ney biatMer prostate iitense taasjbUtetc rbeomatbiiB cb sjie beads she

indiKestton heart dbjcest vertige-pnralyiea and all mndowai jndiliunji nt thephyshsl system toctodirg special dsnasaj ofmen woasen sad chiWrrm Costsataticsi andtrial treatMent free EcJec ic riandsts Jarwshed itovrs to dosed Sundays


Plit elect MaP I

X O OG5-

1k4ICJ loJ sffl 846 1015U 46 MII y11 12013 3f0 403 438 Sea it-

TM iiOO SM 1019 UI8

L xiM dMat m SIIRIk LIIL

andS 781 738 8OO 82 8if 00 UAO






Plies It

ue W-








nr Shadessp J SfJ

13t aid S

Electro MediI

cal Parlors I

30 Yearsud an

IcleW alttonttitlOMo sad oC tile IIItiMaacII


It I




rwa itadse PnaqhasSt


555 x135535 73O 9 1115

35 35ukw 905 940noos 1lO

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AogamgcosAm MoD


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aerygon dJoeusesgeweral ak-

semal diea






Specialist509 12th St

successfulthe Cure of Chronic Nervousand SpecFal Diseases of Menarid Women

I Means Everything to You If You Sufferfrwa CatsrrX Obesity BnragaUia Crs t B TOtt-

I Threat Bum Hurt aims aAd Bkfa MSMMJ-Goiorrham 6U t Etrtetir Tu4eeeU HyeivMi-cnrxt vtthaBt dt nt os from butecu Se piictat-ajtruBCBta s A-

Bfrrsaa n4 Semi DtiiMtr ta a bySypiUli alt t gi Bloid t an aca Mean


Privata Vaiting Room for LadlesOFFfK HWRS W ie 1 3 b E aja te 12


ONLY SPECIALIST IN DLSS KKS OF HEXLonfrest ektabiwiievl largtst experience bti-u i ni at vnaulUlioB free UnVv bo ir Mam i 3 pM Wed and Sat ia 8 pm Safcdsy-cfesed Bal7lmo


TXDAYO ExansmatiMu Diacaess MillTreatment ia Skin anU Blood Dill

dilatesand sorallrd rain rivet Lrstc3-

HMMcti Doily from W te uTocs ad SatarHM S p m-

On Kidnejr aiadtler hood Skin and Privatedfeeases Syphilis any tweed toe lifeBoth sexes Consatatvm free MakMM tar-nished Boats 9 to li sad 2 to Aba en

That and Set eve 7 to 8SttBdays

C02 F ST X V


SASJTAR11M te treat saaa illlaw and irrtnUltles Meaw cosaferUIan cates before sad dvring tsnHiimsaU Train ofnurse and expert physician in attendance at oarumtarittai UffVe tours frosa n a m te s a tCity Offke tth t n r Keenti MtM-

Pbo cast St

MME THEOMssHiua and Card Heater Wadaiiurtosr MMMt m-M MM olairroyaut and palmist Caaiiilt h r on-businem love aa alfairi cuaitea theseparated require spells cause speedy marniger and cirrs Imk Open Germanspoken i5c sad 50c O H M nw m77


314 Ninth Street N WLoaned Vate

80CB AND SLYER B4MWHTBusiness strictly cosjMentiaL Ne eennsctaaa

Office ie the


He hj rt tt vMtthin uu wish to kn your and Vr-thmjc rrvralrd U to daily asid JTISSSU LssHc-


cause happy matiias-m till p m 405 t MW-

WK ARK TOE POOR uesreasjm-ha ta a dnlmr 2 JMIl yen Jr SBt MMScjsk-ntM4tof MM a lIe bk at yttf ubutter na a call The Knterprikdnr JCSWOLD STAND 1 D at nAKT

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AFTERoak wa wsdelhi

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PennsylvaniaCORXEK or arpK A B sis


MU St Lents Clewelaed aaxiT e Buffet Psrlor Car to liaigsbrnj

DAILY FAST LlXEPnUmen Bsjffet-r Parlor Ca



Mn nr CM to Cbieaeo-7s P M LULl CLEVELAND CINCIN

EXPREJB Pnllntan Secosac Can Wsto and s y to Oreland sad Nashville ria ota and teats

4e P M DAILY PACIFIC KXPRBSSFMBSleepto Car to Plttsbnrir

A M DAILY BtFTALO DAThVewth Parlor Car Dmtoc Oar

BuSan via Bmparfom Jeaettonfrfd A M tor Kac and

szcept Snwfaztf X U Jot and Senevo eteeptSnndajr For WUIfenrr xt daily Sd P 3tP ML DAILY EXPJcBfB

Bnflet Car and OsaslcsEssparinm Jwwttoa74 P X DAILY tar Erie Jew Rochester

Xiacan Fan duly except Satnnaar with

HsehaiaP M for Eriesad Xla ara raDiI

nc Car Washmeton to Rochester

For PhiladelphiaBnat-

13S and ll CWniBir Oar from

Car from Balthnsu J It J and HHX M2S niM Disbar Car Stow Wnminmmn-

tX JC 1215 15 4 J Dnins Car faem Hahmote 1001 and 11S P If PiePhils delpftm only Express T4P M week days 24t sad s P 3C

For Boston wIthal chanee 74S A X wtek4 p X dnfljr-re TstWt 7Jt W-

t K 4 11 9 A M JfcX

laX 4ML 4 1 4M 54J r4 11 and 11M P M7 79 759 818 lt

Limited 4M tSflt ierf tehlt-0l 7 u 7 0 W4 MIll 11 r 31

Ter Popes Creek Line 745 A M and 3LfcananP VVK BVMQna7 VJBV A Jl

For Aamspetfe 7 X X Kl and t 9 P

OB Atfaatic Coastfclt P H

Seaboard Atempats Limited P H dsjay-

9M A5 9 P M dolly

tea fer 748 A M Adfrand 4 P M weekdays

mhorc Connection

H daily lt44 P M w kds Yin Xsj tStreet Wharf St r fay enlr 911 0 A M

Said rcetibnie teals PwUmaa JoistAtmatie Cttr-

Tec Cape May lO3-

weck iays Ild9 P M dillyTor Asbnrjr Park Ocean Orore sal Bmsek

U P M doily SOS HaW A 31 and Ks4J-

R M ireekd f2

Telephone can n44f fer PeB inaiaraed Cab ServIceJ B mTCHfStSOfT J R Wt OsV-

Ceoeral Kansecr Ceaeral Passracer JUceac

Baltimore Mo1L-


fRAt LJU ns J


7a A x AlLY lJtG ZI6PanlctDWac s PbtadsegA

PItfa suc aMCan aeb

L IParlor Cae to

r xJtPJtZll Car cDIMac Cars to StLdavm

715 P Y DAILY ST LOUIS RXPItBl8hlt11I-II11 SlHptaIr v te tIisP X

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DiBIIIg crThan




Withte e fta

Car Wavkigtodolly

Sadays qr Y i-

Parioc Cars wtQ

York nndth780 DWr Car i SM

A 3 4Jt INItGa DiIIiIc CM S



sad lieFor titlO > 5015

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UJI X H15 11 tel 311foe 4is


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only vA 1


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tWIT 1215 P only JCiV 12S P 30L

Can CtMMaiMtI Car and

A Yo P

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Ite lelt tDr the of ct-a dMtiM IiIete HIlI



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Niagara FaDilladra daily



93e to RorhwSer1040 CaaaadaBugs Pae4510 cONoBOtiAL LnIrrRL5

for New Task allcar kwe BoidwiseaNew

Es950 alGiSOGi-lSoJog Car vIG

WIdon IL 3240P-

St Saids 755 Tit

A IL415

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SS255 4l 93T5

5085day W 9 d-Siis A S-



days 15 asS 911Mr pSMc

km FIo psodt Flsd sad Mali

ass1w Rklsaid w-


Deloware k Bthw-aUrail A aa43 k

9lOfl93 waskdops 359e

31 Sondsys r-Atlatbe peebtl

Csae5 thrsak 14

1188 5243 11


Jons PWiaestk Streetsand at tabie 51-cedsis sea cbccltvc

from nesltweewRaE



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aid e it

a m 144 p m 1at Mitjh-cPittsbora sad Cleveland J J a M-

Kla M 140 ai bt-

in eh ester a ML K V am MM p m


H t 75 p ss-


the East rtJa 1 T6i Bsjffeti-U Dsner llttafM OhBer z my

tDh er 1 r

3 911

Parlor cars un day tnskss-Atfamtic City Mh4 a Mt U-

aditneni by Union TcaMSer on ssdtsi hmt

sad Fifteenth Strdepot Telephaae ticket efttcea fcr B Jk

CMARTIN ittr Pam

Southern RailwayTrama leave from PensMvhrania Statwa

a as Dairy Lueal for Hsiinnntm uCkoriotte sod way ttirtoma K Duly C S fast MaO StccaaeX

cars to New Orleans Columbia Scvcnnah a 4-

Jaekxonnlle aiDe at Sanahnry with alsspir JonChsttansaga ad M latrir and at-

Daavillo with sleeper JoeCbarmtte th slespec fer Aa iHta Sekb-JWachmgten ta Sew Orfeans Dfnw e r-

Ur a m Daily Local lor WiCharUntcsriQe-

4cOl p m Week Bey I

Daily lAmI lie Wntiunma sad

M u mLi siteke Knoxville Chattanooga sssssj NW-Ofieam Thtooc eon ts MinniMi rint ear-

p Dairy X

CMS to Ao osts w-

and Charleston and to-

ville and Atman steepen ItemCharlotte Tourist sleeper Washington to


M45 p as buOy Washsagtoa sfkiiiil-

brcweea and thetan to AahviUe Knoxrine Chattsniiiins-

Cmb car Washincwe to Atmnta BhsSj-

TRAGtS ONton M a ss 1p m

and 3 P m mds osdy Jer

ton 4J asoil Pm

am daily SU pm

From Charlottewille S anu pm idly

Thksll ulnplnt eat semMoas aid other ta-

rbckrd frunt hotel sad rejUcneej by BalsaTtoMfer Co ea sisWes Mt at Ticket Mte ett-Mth St SW Ml Pssna Aye KW sad at

Phesx 1M1 Jon P R R Cab ServiceFKAXK S OAN OX 3d V P sad

S H KAHDW1CK enl Par Ageat-L S BUtWS CcBeral treat


a hcr aaJ flea Uattroyer dads sod cu t hoasdM

tlcag MIl L3t leoSo


p aI a a I5t-I 115

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seat A a-SE4 P a dully k31 a aM p

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La atttI pm

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Nonbwec 1Sll a 2 pm-ciuptatb sad IJoIN

tas w 2 pt35

Loia I4St7l 1 4ndfIddSpaF-

radsr 5251W lIwdS-43k v-Wayie w 54 as-il aid way pu c35 MS tIiCasthsekus 54 MSJr pea I35 Psk-

5a 1 lii Ss84 10-7m i p m-

Warbts Jondlon ad wof puluJo 4dS90 m 1l3 43S p-

Bolere week dayS5 3D a15al a a 2O ma

aLtO a45 atjalIt i315 435 55 aisd

ats 5 s-Zsawa siLlS 4535 193 411-

x5dS jj35 S31 x15se dl-p

ChaMa wewit dsw a a-d435pa doy5915avl115maII-

OYALd1isi wish

M21i ew 31ja t

tDianr tB

tI4t tO51 1Mi and35 p w ear sp 51 S

1boj hEserSi Ses94 on-

x EzperasasSd for thuchid kaw bosde

licke sas Pemosyteania 354wart York arrest



keSe sepeetd Is Jon 1 SSSL




lee Rsp-aSSa9ig RariIcsrg

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aid Is Jackasstwilag meb


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ion eaclarively lullPsuth


1Naskalik Iacem 9kaisj-XtvpSM Mestgy MaJolt

arIcsBALa 4dS

a I 415 area se 54 a-

a sand a week days

Ralmovisa aibsu 1l a andaid a 293 w

days boa a4 35from IjO5b-

VtTbh eaa 793

1185 b wa rkrbogiwrk doss 4S dais

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Paws IladasCon MgT


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