Wake Forest Baptist Church Worship@Home

Wake Forest Baptist Church Worship@Home€¦ · Piano & lyrics (traditional) To give via text message, text the desired amount to 919-336-0827 and follow instructions. You may also

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Page 1: Wake Forest Baptist Church Worship@Home€¦ · Piano & lyrics (traditional) To give via text message, text the desired amount to 919-336-0827 and follow instructions. You may also

Wake Forest

Baptist Church


Page 2: Wake Forest Baptist Church Worship@Home€¦ · Piano & lyrics (traditional) To give via text message, text the desired amount to 919-336-0827 and follow instructions. You may also

What is Worship@Home?

Worship@Home is a tool for you to use during this unprecedented time of cancelled worship services because of COVID-19. Three of these services were first created last summer for use by individuals and families during the summer vacation season. Newly designed and created services will be provided for Palm Sunday, Easter and additional Sundays as needed. The order of service is similar to what we do every Sunday at WFBC but tweaked to work on a much smaller level. We suggest that prior to Sunday, you take some time to read over the worship, choose which videos you might prefer and get an understanding for what the message will be. When Sunday or whichever day works for you comes, gather the family and begin worship. You’ll note some parts of the worship have instructions to follow and some have links to follow for videos for music or the message. You can watch these on your phone, ipad or computer as a part of your Worship@Home. The icons will let you know what is coming next in the service; see below for what each icon means. At the end of this file, there is a current prayer list. We hope you will include this in your prayer time along with your personal prayers. Finally, have fun with it! We want to see you enjoying Worship@Home so take a picture or a short video. Post it on social media and tag it with #wfbcworshipathome and #wfbclovedoes and tag us on Instagram and Twitter with @WFBaptistChurch.

Time to Talk

Important & Interesting Info


Prayer Time

Time for Music

Video Link

Scripture Reading


Capture the Moment

#wfbcworshipathome @WFBaptistChurch (Instagram/Twitter)

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“On the Road with Jesus” Luke 24:13-35 Acknowledging God’s Presence Prayer (offered by family member or read the Unison Prayer below)

Divine Companion, we should recognize You by now. We’ve followed You with keen attention. How can You be a stranger to us? Risen Lord, open our eyes to You again. Burn Your truth into our hearts. Be friendship’s host and guest. Stay with us until Your resurrected presence is blessed, broken like bread, and placed in our hands,. Surprise us on the road we travel with Your Divine Presence. In the name of the Risen Christ, we pray. Amen.

Call to Worship (Psalm 92:1-4): Leader: It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to Your name, O Most High. ALL: TO DECLARE YOUR STEADFAST LOVE IN THE MORNING, AND YOUR

FAITHFULNESS BY NIGHT. Leader: to the music of the lute and the harp, to the melody of the lyre; ALL: FOR YOU, O LORD, HAVE MADE ME GLAD BY YOUR WORK; AT THE WORKS OF


Hymn of Praise: “Holy, Holy, Holy” Click below for videos Contemporary Style Version Organ Accompaniment (no voices) Organ/Brass/Voices

Lifting Our Prayers to God ACTS Prayer Acrostic Spend one minute praying for each topic of the acrostic

Adoration Praise God for who He is Confession Confess your sins (times when you didn’t follow God’s way) and ask for

forgiveness Thanksgiving Thank God for his presence, provision, and help Supplication Ask God to help others, this is interceding for others

Smartphone Prayers A five-part prayer using your smartphone. Use one minute for each part.

Minute 1 Go to your text messages and take a look at the last five people in the recent messages, whether they are people you text regularly or not at all. Take this minute to pray for each of the five people listed there.

Minute 2 Go to a news app or website and take a minute to scroll through the headlines. Pray for what jumps out at you as a prayer need this day.

Minute 3 Go to the notepad and spend a minute typing out whatever comes to mind: praise, gratitude, confession, or requests to God.

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Minute 4 Go to your favorite social media site and spend this minute praying for the people who come up on your feed during this minute.

Minute 5 Go to your photos. Take this moment to scroll through the most recent twenty or so photos. What prayers come to mind? Lift them up to God now.

**Note—if everyone doesn't have a smartphone, you can use one phone. For each minute, pray together for what comes up on your smartphone.

(See WFBC prayer requests at the end of this document)

Offering Our Gifts to God Offertory Song: “Take My Life, and Let It Be Consecrated” Click below for videos Contemporary Style Version Piano & lyrics (traditional) To give via text message, text the desired amount to 919-336-0827 and follow instructions. You may also give through your Breeze app in your profile. Discuss how your family gives to God through the church.

Prayer for the Offering Thank God for His provision and ask God to guide the ministries of WFBC and his work around the world.

Offertory Response: “Doxology” Praise God from Whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Click below for videos Brass version Organ version

Listening to God’s Word Worship Through Music: “I Can See” by Steve Green or “The Way to Emmaeus” by Nancy Hanson Bible Reading Luke 24:13-35 Read the scripture from your favorite translation or have different family members share in the reading below.

Narrator: Now on that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and went with them, but their eyes were kept from recognizing him. And he said to them,

Jesus: What are you discussing with each other while you walk along? Narrator: They stood still, looking sad. Then one of them, whose name was Cleopas,

answered him,

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Cleopas: Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who does not know the things that have taken place there in these days?

Jesus: What things? Cleopas & Friend: The things about Jesus of Nazareth, who was a prophet mighty in deed and

word before God and all the people, and how our chief priests and leaders handed him over to be condemned to death and crucified him. But we had hoped that he was the one to redeem Israel. Yes, and besides all this, it is now the third day since these things took place. Moreover, some women of our group astounded us. They were at the tomb early this morning, and when they did not find his body there, they came back and told us that they had indeed seen a vision of angels who said that he was alive. Some of these who were with us went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said; but they did not see him.

Jesus: Oh how foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have declared! Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer these things and then enter into his glory?

Narrator: Then beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them the things about himself in all the scriptures. As they came near the village to which they were going, he walked ahead as if he were going on. But they urged him strongly, saying,

Cleopas & Friend: Stay with us, because it is almost evening and the day is now nearly over. Narrator: So he went in to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, he

took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight. They said to each other,

Cleopas & Friend: Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road, while he was opening the scripture to us?

Narrator: That same hour they got up and returned to Jerusalem; and they found the eleven and their companions gathered together. They were saying,

Cleopas & Friend: The Lord has risen indeed, and he has appeared to Simon! Then they told what had happened on the road, and how he had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread.

Click below for a video portraying this event in the life of Jesus Crossroads: Recognizing Jesus (Luke 24:13-35) by Jessica Asbell from www.nextsunday.com/crossroads-recognizing-jesus/

Your Story Talk about a time when you saw Jesus in someone surprising

My Story and the Bible Story Jesus tends to break into our lives in unexpected ways. Maybe for you, it’s the bully of the school doing something nice for someone else. Maybe it’s the popular kid sitting with an outcast at lunch. However it is, Jesus usually works through surprising people. We find him when we don’t expect to. Through the years, I have found Jesus in very unexpected people, people the world overlooks. When you hear about a homeless person finding someone’s life savings and giving it back to them, you see Jesus. When you hear about people running into burning buildings to save others, you see Jesus. As a teenager, I was a bit afraid of homeless people. They seemed so different from me, and I was afraid. But one day my youth group went to serve at a soup kitchen. I went because I wanted to help, but I didn’t

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want to get too close. But eventually I had to go out into the dining room to refill drinks. And as I came to one man and refilled his tea, he was so thankful that he gave me a Christmas card, which was what he sold to make a living. He gave me what he had in order to show me how thankful he was. And suddenly, I was no longer afraid. Instead of me being Jesus to the people I was helping, this man was Jesus to me. Sometimes we see Jesus in a homeless person, in a bully, in an outcast, in a prisoner, and even in someone who used to kill Christians (Paul). Church isn’t the only place we can find Jesus. We can see Jesus in the actions of people, and sometimes who Jesus uses surprises us. These two followers of Jesus didn’t recognize him. They had seen him only a few days before, and yet, they didn’t recognize him. The story tells us that they were kept from recognizing him, but it also could have been because they weren’t expecting to see him there. Sometimes we miss Jesus because we don’t expect to see him. Jesus is all around us, working in and through the people we meet. But we have to be paying attention to see him. We sometimes don’t recognize Jesus because we weren’t looking for him. These followers were in shock. Jesus had been killed and something strange was happening. The women had told them that they couldn’t find Jesus’ body. They didn’t know what was going on. And while they tried to figure that out, a man came up to them on the road and asked what they were talking about. Surely this man had to know what had happened! Where has he been that he didn’t know what was going on? And so they told him all about it, not expecting this man to get angry with them that they didn’t understand what was going on. Finally, when Jesus broke the bread, they recognized him and suddenly understood everything Jesus had said to them. When we look for Jesus, when we expect Jesus to show up and work in our lives and the lives of others, we find him. When someone unexpected is nice to us when we are having a bad day, when someone surprises us by dong something to help someone else, that’s Jesus. If we look for him, we will find him. This week, be on the lookout for Jesus. Try to see his face in the people you meet. If you expect to see him in others, you will. But if you aren’t paying attention, you’ll miss what’s going on, just like those two followers almost missed who they were talking to.

Prayer Ask God for help in seeing Jesus in others.

For Discussion 1. What are some ways that you have seen Jesus in others? 2. What are some ways we can recognize Jesus? (If someone does something to help someone else, if

someone takes the time to be nice, if someone shares something—food, toys—with someone who really needs it, etc.).

3. What are some ways you can use your gifts to be Jesus to those around you?

Activity Take a walk with your family. Be on the lookout for Jesus. Try to see his face in the people you meet or in the actions you see. For families with young children, look at God’s creation and talk about the things that God has made.

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Responding to God’s Call Group Share Where did you see/hear God in worship today or this week? Write your response in the form of a postcard, Instagram post or tweet.

Response Song: “Open Our Eyes, Lord” Click below for videos Version 1 Version 2

Departing to Serve/Connecting with Faith Family Show us where you worshipped!! Take a selfie of your worship participants. Post your picture on your social media with #wfbcworshipathome and/or tag @WFBaptistChurch on Twitter or Instagram or email your picture to [email protected] to post on our WFBC Facebook page.

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—praising, loving, serving, growing—all in God’s name. Prayer Concerns for April 19, 2020

Prayer Requests

• All healthcare workers, first responders, and others working the front lines during the COVID-19 outbreak

• Prayers of sympathy to Gary Starr upon the death of his mother

• Prayers of sympathy to Judy Green upon the death of her sister-in-law

• Prayers of sympathy to Allison McIntyre upon the death of her mother

• Prayers for Wayne Bailey’s mother who is recovering at home after a heart attack and hospital stay

• Liz Sniffen’s brother-in-law, Richie Nicastro, is hospitalized with suspected coronavirus. He is isolated at a hospital in NJ and recently had pneumonia so his lungs are weakened.

• Hillary Stroud who is recovering from the coronavirus in Salt Lake City, Utah

Please Continue to Remember…

• Brenda Joyner who is undergoing treatment for cancer

• Charlotte Barnes’ niece, Emmett, who continues to have significant medical issues

• Jeremy Page, son of Jerry and Kathy Page, who is deployed on active military duty

• Mike Nicholson, Esther Austin’s brother, who is awaiting scans to determine effectiveness of treatments

• Bill Smalltz, ChurchNet Volunteer, who was recently diagnosed with esophageal cancer

• Dan Critcher at home dealing with serious health issues

• Martha (Marty) Reynolds who is undergoing treatment for cancer

• Doug Smith who is undergoing treatment for cancer

• Tommy Killebrew who is undergoing treatments for cancer. Pray that prescribed treatments defeat the cancer

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

1 Peter 5:6-7

Please contact the church office at 919-556-5141 or [email protected] with your prayer requests.

Prayer requests will remain listed for two weeks.