USAID PAKISTAN FROM THE AMERICAN PEOPLE US Agency for International Development (USAID) I Pakistan I/ f' /; 1J Initial Environmental Examination (IEE), Amendment-3 USAID Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP) Program/Project/Activity Data: Activity/Project Title: USAID Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP) I Solicitation#: N.A. Contract/Award Number (if known): Activity Agreement No. 391-PEPA-SBEP Geographic Location : Pakistan; 391 Originating Bureau/Office: USAID Pakistan, Karachi Office (Sindh and Balochistan) DCN and date of Original document: OAPA-l 1-APR-PAK-0023, aooroved on April 11, 2011 Supplemental IEE: DY es DCN and ECD link(s) of Amendment(s): Amendment No. 1 Amendment: 0No OAPA-13-JAN-PAK-0006, approved on January 07, 2013; Programmatic IEE: 0Yes Amendment No. 2 OAPA-15-MAR-PAK-0014, approved on March 27, 2015 Amendment No.: 3 Funding Amount: $159,200,000 Life of Project Amount: $159,200,000 Implementation Start/End: FY 2011 - March 31, 2021 Prepared By: Lila Ram, Education Specialist Date Prepared: December 12, 2017 Expiration Date (if any): March 31, 2021 Reporting due dates (if any): N.A. Environmental Media and/or Human Health Potentially Impacted (check all that apply): NoneO Biodiversity D Human OtherD Recommended Threshold Determination: Determination with conditions D Deferral Categorical Exclusion D Exemption D Positive Determination D USG Domestic NEPA action Climate Change: Adaption 0GCC/Mitigation D Climate Change Vulnerability Analysis (included) Adaptation/Mitigation Measures: Not required as the activity was approved prior to Oct 01, 2016. IEE Amendment-3 for USAID Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP) Page 1of4

USAID PAKISTAN - Environmental Compliance Database ... · Originating Bureau/Office: USAID Pakistan, Karachi Office (Sindh and Balochistan) ... 12/1512017 USAID Mall -Review of SBEP

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US Agency for International Development (USAID) I Pakistan I/ f' /; 1J Initial Environmental Examination (IEE), Amendment-3

USAID Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP)

Program/Project/ Activity Data:

Activity/Project Title: USAID Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP) I Solicitation#: N.A.

Contract/Award Number (if known): Activity Agreement No. 391-PEPA-SBEP

Geographic Location : Pakistan; 391

Originating Bureau/Office: USAID Pakistan, Karachi Office (Sindh and Balochistan) DCN and date of Original document: OAPA-l 1-APR-PAK-0023, aooroved on April 11, 2011

Supplemental IEE: DY es ~No DCN and ECD link(s) of Amendment(s): Amendment No. 1 Amendment: ~Yes 0No OAPA-13-JAN-PAK-0006, approved on January 07, 2013; Programmatic IEE: 0Yes ~No Amendment No. 2 OAPA-15-MAR-PAK-0014, approved on

March 27, 2015 Amendment No.: 3

Funding Amount: $159,200,000 Life of Project Amount: $159,200,000

Implementation Start/End: FY 2011 - March 31, 2021

Prepared By: Lila Ram, Education Specialist Date Prepared: December 12, 2017

Expiration Date (if any): March 31, 2021 Reporting due dates (if any): N.A. Environmental Media and/or Human Health Potentially Impacted (check all that apply): NoneO Air~ Water~ Land~ Biodiversity D Human Health~ OtherD Recommended Threshold Determination: ~Negative Determination ~ with conditions D Deferral ~ Categorical Exclusion D Exemption D Positive Determination D USG Domestic NEPA action

Climate Change: ~GCC/ Adaption 0GCC/Mitigation D Climate Change Vulnerability Analysis (included)

Adaptation/Mitigation Measures: Not required as the activity was approved prior to Oct 01, 2016.

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US Agency for Internatjonal Development (USAID) /~)l[~I¥J.i Initial Environmental Exam.ination (IEE), Amendment-3

USAID Sill.db Basic Education .Program (SBEP)


1.0 Background and Project/Activity Description 1.1 Purpose and Scope ofIEE

The purpose of this Amendment No. 3 of the IEE; OAPA-l 1-APR-PAK.-0023, Amendment No. 1; OAPA-l 3-JAN-PAK-0006 and Amendment No. 2; OAP A-15-MAR-P AK.-00.14 is to:

i. Extend the time of IEE from December 31, 2018 to March 31, 2021. 2. Add $4,200,000 to the Life of Project (LOP) and increasing the LOP from $155 million to

$159 .2 million.

The scope of work and nature of all activities established under the original IEE, Amendment No. l and 2, as well as, all conditions, limitations and stipulation for revisions approved by the BEO/OAP A in the original IEE and referenced IEE amendments -remain the same and in force for the extended LOP duration.

1.2 Background: USAID signed an Activity Agreement with the .Government of Sindh (GoS) to implement the Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP). The Activity Authorization Document (AAD) of SBEP was approved by the Mission Director on July 27, 2011 and amended on January 12, 2017. USAID is proviqing $155 million to support the Government of Sindh under the SBEP. This includes up to $8 l million for the construction of 106 schools under Government-to-Govermnent (G2G) mechanism. The stated amendment in AAD highlights the addition of $4.2 million funds increasing the LOP from $155 million to $159.2 million. Newly added $4.2 million will cover the construction costs of up to 8 ad.ditional schools.

The Government of Sindh (GoS) is undertaking- construction of 106 schools in seven priority districts of Sindh and five towns of Karachi under SBEP. A total of23 schools have been completed and on the remaining 83 schools construction is in progress at differe.µt stages. With the .additional FYl 6 basic education funds of $4.2 million, the geographic foot print of the program will be extended by adding another district with 6-8 additional schools. With the addition of schools in the new district and the current pace of progress, construction on all the.·schools is expected to be completed by the second quarter of FY 2021. In line with the construction schedule, the IEE needS"to be extended .from December 31, 2018 to March 31, 2021.

1.3 Lesson Learned: The USAID hired Halcrow Pakistan as Architecture & Engineering (A&E) firm for the SBEP. Halcrow Pakistan has prepared the EnYi~onmental DocumentatiOn Form (EDF) and an Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Pfan (EMMP) for each school. All the EDFs are approved by the COR and MEO. Hakrow is responsible to ensure implementation of EDF provisions and environmental compliance through monitoring and reporting to USAID on a monthly basis. They also assist the local construction contractors h:y providing trainings to their staff on environmental compliance which has improved. the

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capacity of the constrnction contractors with regards to implementation of EDF/ EMMP and environmental compliance.

2.0 Threshold Determinations: This section oforiginal IEE; OAPA-l l-APR-PAK-0023, Amendment No. 1; OAPA-13-JAN-PAK-0006, and Amendment No. 2; OAPA-15-MAR-PAK-0014 remains unchanged.

3.0 Recommended Actions:. This:section oforiginal. IEE; OAPA-l l-APR-PAK-0023, Amendment No. l; OAPA-13-JAN-PAK-0006, and Amendment No. 2; OAPA-15-MAR-PAK-0014 remains unchanged.

4.0 Conditions for Approval: This section of original IEE; OAP A-l l-APR-PAK-0023, Amendment No. 1; OAPA- l 3-JAN-PAK-0006, and Amendment No. 2; OAPA-15-MAR-PAK-0014 remains unchanged.

5.0 Limitations of IEE: This section .. of original IEE; OAP A-1 l-APR-PAK-0'02J, Amendment No. 1; OAPA-13-JAN-PAK-0006, and Amendment No. 2; OAPA-15-MAR-PAK-0014 remains ·unchanged,

6.0 Revisions In accordance with 22 CFR 216.3(a)(9) ifa project is revised or new information becomes avaUable, including during preparation of an EDF, which -indicates that a proposed action might be "major" and its effects "significant," the determination will be reviewed and revised by the originator(s) of the program and projects and submitted through the MEO to the Bureau Environmental Officers, OAPA, for approval. If warranted, an environmental assessment (EA) will be launched to prepare a scoping statement and EA report. The scoping ap.d EA process, if determined necessary during scoping, will follow and comply with 22 CFR 216.3(a)(4). It is the responsibility of the CORJ AOR to inform the MEO and BEO-OAP A, in a timely manner, of any changes in ·the scope and nature o.f approved activities. These changes may warrant the revision of the approved threshold decisions.

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IEE Amendment No. 3 for USAID Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP)

Regional Environmental Advisor I Central and South Asia, and OAPA:

Acting Deputy Mission Director: Christopher Steel


~PPRQVAL=.~------i--~--------~-~---­Mission Director: Jerry Bisson

Bureau Environmental Officer/OAP A: Christopher Payne

< 1SfL


~ Date ~~±1/1/;er

- ----- ·-··----------''--- - - .. ·---------'

Distribution: 1). SBEP Project files; 2). Mission IEE Data base; 3). RLO and 4). OAA.

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Ashn Aziz <[email protected]>

·----·------· Review of SBEP IEE Amendment No-3

Andrei Barannik <[email protected]> Wed, Dec 13, 20.17 at 4:27 AM To: Asim Aziz <[email protected]> Cc: Lila Ram <[email protected]>, "Hatfield, Randy (USAID/Pak/PDU)" <[email protected]>, Nancy Lowenthal <[email protected]>, Kevin McGrath <[email protected]>, Naila Khalid <[email protected]>, Usman Asghar Q,ureshl <[email protected]>, Saqib Ali Khan <[email protected]>

.Dear Asim - reviewed - looks OK - pis have this Amnd duly signed in the Mission, put 11cleared by e-mail" on REA line and send it to Chris Payne, BEO/OAPA (cced Annalie) for this review and concurrence. W /r from TDY, Andrei P.S. Pis note the message 'in my auto reply. [Quoted text h1<idan]

Andrei D. Barannik Regional Environmental Advise1· for Central and South Asia, and for Office of Afghanistan and Pakistan Affairs 1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, 5.06-29 Washington, D.C., 20523 Land line: Ceil phone: 1.571.216.7243

E-mail: [email protected]

USAID Searchable IEE Dalabase 8i USAID GEMS Project

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