I I IB * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. APKIL 1 ( > : 188Z SPECIAL NOTICES ; Advertisement * under tbls lioid. lOccntapor line tor tlio first In-crtion , cunt for each sub- ffquint - Insortion. nnd S1.50 n line prr month No Brv rtlrt tnent taken for U Kg than i nM- lor tlin first Insertion. Puvon word * ill bs counted to the linn ; they must run i nsoni.- ttvoly . and must bo paid In advance. All adver- tisements ¬ mu t bo handed in before 1 : :30 o'clock- p.tn..tmd iinilrr no clrcum-itanci'S will the > b * taken or dlovnllnucd by telephone.- J'Brtits . advertising In them ( olumns find hav- jngtho answers nOdrc n d In ci-ro of TUB Hit * III t l"Bf c nfk for n chccV to rnnblc thorn to Bet their letter * , as none will b dollvored oic ) pt- on r fl mtatlon of check. All answers to ad- Vf - moments should be enrlonod In onvetopos. All odvortUomonts In those columns are pub- lished ¬ In liotli morning und evening editions of- Iho Hoc , the circulation of which aggregate * morn than 11,0X1 papers dally , nnil ghes the advertiser tlio benefit , not onlj of ttio city circulation of The Boo but nlFO of Council Hlurfs , Lincoln , nnil other cities and towns throughout this part of the west. MONEY TO LOAN.N- 2.000 . to loan on real estate. Apply to C. II , 3 Kcllor , 1W Fornara n , city. 615 mIO * $500,000 to loan at 6 pur cent , Harris 4 Samp ¬ 1610 Douglas st. ft6S- KWX30 T ( ) LOAN at 6 per cent Mahoncy ' Llnahan 1509 Farnam. 1J1 ( i PEIl CENT Money- .V . U. C. Patterson , 15th atd narney. 75- 5M ONKV TO F. Davis * Co .real estate and loan agents , 1505 Farnam st 75- 6MONKY to loan on real estate and chattels Co. 1511 Farnam st , ground floor.- . 757- Q5,0,000 To loan on Omulia city property ate T percent G. W. Dayover 13U Dougin st _ 7M MONKY TO On olty and farm prop ¬ , low i ales. Blowart ic Co , Hoom 3 Iron bank. 753- TLTONEV to loan , cash on nnnd.no delay. "A J. W. and K. L. Squire , 1413 Farnara st , Pttxton liolcl building. 760 MONEY First mortgage notes. The Douglaa bank will buy papers secured by first mortgage on city realty. 761 TO LOAN on improved real estate ; no commission charged. I.eavltt Hum- ham , Room 1 Crolghton lllock. 702 PER CENT-Monoy to loan. Gregory A Hadley , Rooms 1 and 3, Rcdick block , 320 S. 15th St 763 HONENY toloan on collaterals. Long and timecity mortgages and con- tract ¬ * uought , U. S. Rowley , 314 South 15th st 678 mil _ _ LOAN Money Ixiana placed on Im- proved - . real estate In city or county for Now England Loan A Trust Co. , by Douglas County bunk. ICth and Chicago st * . 704 MONEY to loan on Improved city property nt cent Money on band ; do not have to wait Have a complete set of abstract books of Douglas county. I. N. Watson , abstractor Harris Heal Estate and Loan Co. . 820 8.15th st. . 76- 5.MONKY . LOANED at C. F. Heed & Co.'s Loan , on furniture , plnnos , horeeswagons , personal property of all kinds , nnd all other ar- ticles ¬ of value , without removal. 319 H. 13th. over Illngham'a Commission storo. All busl- ne - strictly confidential. 7C- 6TAN8Loan Loan *. Real estate loans , Collaterinl loan *. Chattel loans. Long time loan *. Short time loans. Money always on haoa to on on any ap- proved - security. Investment securities boupht and sold. Omaha Xnanclal Exchange , n. w , cor. IBth and flitrnev.- Corhctt. . . Manager. ' 76- 7TVfONEY TO LOAN by the nndenlgned , who JJ-I has the only properly organised loan agonoy In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 made on furnlturo , pianosorgans , hones , wagons , machinery , Ac, without removal. No delays. All business strictly confidential. Loans so made that any part can bo paid at any Ime.each payment reducing the cost pro rata. Advance * inad * on fine walcnea and diamonds. Persons ihould carefully consider who they are dealing with-as many new concerns are dally coming Into existence. Should you need money can nd see inc. W. R. Croft , Room 4 W'tbnell- Jlulldln i * 15th and Hnrney. 7W ( BUSINESS CHANCES."- lATANTliD . A partner with $300 , rare clianco.- TV . good paying business. Address or call Dayton If Vorl * . room 1,1304 Douglaa st.881 18- JEVK8ALK * Ono of the best paying business -C In the city of Omaha , thoroughly estab- lished ¬ and open to the strictest Investigation. Ko opposition. Call and Investigate the above at 1417 Jocks on St. 877 171 Foil BALK-Good paying restaurant , cen ¬ located ; for particulars call on or address Ohaa , L. Hart. Crolghton Block. 033 IT FOR CASH-Paylng lumberyard in- n thriving north Nebraska town. Good for selling. Norfolk State bank , Nor- reasons . 66817- TpOH SALE-A Ortt-clacs lumber yard at InJ- U1 - man. Neb , For particulars address Geo. Graves. Norfolk , Neb. 67016 * OU SALK A Complete- cigar stand outfit Gate City Heal Estate Co. , 135) Douglaw t 340- 5U7R _ SALE One-half Interest In the Nebraska - Signal , the largest circulation of any coun- try ¬ weekly newspaper In the state ; large Job bIDcp In connection. For full particulars ad- flrons - or cell on B. 0. Sawyer , Admr. . Fair- niont. - . Nob. 7.1- 8BUV a Mayfleld lot on West Cumlngs street , , | 60 down and $10 monthly , a J.- Canaa. . . Ttt ' BALE or Exchange A now 35 bbl com- bination ¬ mill situated on Little Blue river , uoar Hebron , In Thaynr county. Will ex- obaiigo - for wild or Improved lands or lire slock. For further particular * address First National Bank. Hebron. Neb. K- t"WANTED To find good , llvo business men TT with stocks of goods to move to a grow- ing ¬ town where money can bo made. Iwllla- 1st * - the right kind of people In building , etc. Will | uiy good big bonus to nnr one that will start a canning factory , or. In fact , any kind of factory that employs hands. We want a drug itoro , furniture atom , grocery store , a doctor , k practical painter right away. For particulars address Hank of Valley , Valley , Nob. , or C. B. Wayne , Omaha. Nab. f 4a23 PERSONAL.- TERSONAIPrlvuto . homo for ladles during JL confinement , strictly confldentinl , Infanta- ndoptod , address K 42, Roe oftico.- Tl . riw. DUHANT-Clarivoyant from Boston , Is 4-UrellaMe in allaffalnof Hfo.unitosseparated lovers. U22 N. 16th st. room 1 640a2- jTJEHfinNAL Mr *. Dr. Nnnme V. Warren JL clairvoyant. Medical and business Medium Boom No. 8,121 North 16th st .Omaha , Nob. 70- 9STORAGE. . OMAHA Storage Warehouse Corner Utl sts ,, for gtnrago of houaohoid- poods und general merchandise at low rates Advances madn ; Issue warehouse receipts. It, II. switch nt the house. OMIco 519 South 13th- ptrcct mid KW, 1310 and 1312 Izard street. Tele- IihonedJJ. - . M. 8. Goodrich , Mgr. 995 ni- 3MISCELLANEOUS. . - and buggy lior-os for Omaha lots. Address K 71 S20 1- 9jF0 itBNT-vkiuaro Piano $4 montntr. A Ho pe.l5131 > ougias. 770- Fl O parties baring houses ( or rent. Rental .L Agrnry , llonuwa & Co. , list. , oppoiile post- Office. - . We have turned , over to them our rental Jldi. We recommend them. McCagua Bros. 616 ' Premium Short Hand , and Typewriter * ' Institute.- Thoroughlpractlcal . and Hollablo instruction. Write or npply to L. J. Blake , principal , cor.- 18th . and Capitol ave. Omaha. Neb. C5.I myl * FOK HKNT Organs , $3 per month , riospe , Doualas. 773 C ASH advanced on diamonds and watches at 117 N. Uth st. Orff&Co. 203 all GO to SlUbur , IblS-lSSO St Mary i ave. for par- lor - good *. 874 IJ- ilEPSMAKlNOMr * . K. C. ScoBoidTpTr Ion lS3 St. Mary's are. Ladle * cnmlng to the city for one day can have their dress mad * While waiting. 975 m 14 of the best sanitary Inventions over brought before the ladles of Omaha la pow on exhibition ut 1417 Jackson st. 877 17 * SOMETHING more preolout than * llvorand obtained by calling at 1417 Jacltton st 877 IT * TV > NT be an oyster. Don t be iwallowtd JLf alive wfien you want tn sell furniture. Carpet * or household (rood* , oall at 117 N. Uth.- W3 . alt 2ttOT CASH tnr goeomt-hnnd. furniture , cn- rJ - pots ana1 stoves , at 117 N. iBth st 303 M3 110 HEAL 1. 1 withdraw from the nmrkrt my land mu- ted ¬ In "nrpv county , lots Nos. li. I' ) , 2) ) In Mar- in's - siibdmston In block No. 1 , from thin date.- Omalm . , April II , 1837 A. Kallsn. ' 1. 0. House furnishing goodi. all kinds ; V' cft'h or installment ! lowest prices at J , kinnor , 1)15 Douglas st. ! ") no Idlnir , grading , trimming troes.platit- Ing - shrubs , n tdross J. Astltiford , 6th and ) orcM , city. tOT 21- JPHRpliico whore they sell furniture ohc.ip- L - forcnsh ha * boon removed from 111(1 ( Doug- as - toll ; X. 18th at. a a3 CESSPOOLS sinks and vaults clennud. odor ¬ . K. Kwlnz , box 427. city.i- r.'O . n 1- 3FOIt IllCNl Hquaro Piano , $ momnlv. A . 1513 Douirhm. 770 DON'T bo aclam. Don't pay two prices whou can go to 117 N. letli atul buy furni- ture ¬ , stoves , Ac , at rock bottom prices- .TjlIUSTCLASS . Storage lit 110 N nth ft. MONKV talks when you want to buy furni ¬ vnpor stoves at 111 N.ltJth. between Dodee and Capitol ava. 20:1 : ulS- XT you want to buy or sell furniture , go to- J. . Ferguson's , 71S N. 13th. 771 NEW Hoarding House , flno tables , clean and victuals. Ilia Chicago St. 772 HEALTH , wealth , economy and luxury can by calling at 1117 Jackson 'tS- 77 17 * STORAGE First-class storage for nice fur- boxed goods , at ISM Dodge-it. : 77.J FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS.- H . SALK-Furnlturc , household goods , etc. 2021 Webster st 851 21J FOH SALE Good 5 year old horse , buggy harnoM-nciuly now. Address L 37. Dee 851 16J FOR SALE At a bargain. A lot of second woven picket fence as good as new , nt Himobaugh'STaylor's , HO'i Douglas. 812 10 " 171OH SALE I'tirnlttiro of 5-room cotta -L good as new , very cheap. 17) )N 19th si- .FOH . SALE-Fcedlng nnd stock caltlo. John . Jollorson. Iowa. 8.4 1- 9'OH SALK Ollico partition in good order. Omaha Snddlory Co W7 1"- T7IOH SALB 4 It. P. Olio gas cnslno. now. JP Apply lo Omaha Saddlery Co. M7 17 well bred road horse for alo. Single drivers nnd pole teams at Wlthrow's barn. 1307 Harnoy Htreot. I'lcmlng & Kennedy.- Blii . 19- JTJIOH SALE-17 head choice bred Shorthorn JL1 cattle ; also a l' 0 ucro stock farm In Holt county. J , a. Colllngs , Ponder. Neh . ! may 13J SALK A stock of poultiy , ono team of horses , wagon and harness. Housu and 10 aero poultry yard for rent , covered with bear- Ing - blackberry bushes. C. J. Canan. 801- I710H SALK 1 or3 horses. 1 spring wagon , 1 L buggy , cheap. A. Hospo. 731 m3- FOH ! SALK A oalr driving horses and four five saddle horses. Inquire stock yards ouico , South Omaha. 757 H . BALE Furniture , carpets , etc. , D19 Pleasant st 701 15 * TTIOR BALE Cheap , a Chlckoring square JL1 plano0093.17th st 75" 16 * TT1OH 8ALE-A family horse and harness.- L1 . - 1)25 ) N. 17th street. 100. 734 15 * FOIl SALB A snail of work horses. A No. 1. of II. H Haven , 1010 Harney , or- Chas. . Sesemann. Orchard Hill. 7JO 15- TTTOKSALE Gasoline stove complete Flouso- -*- keepers delight ; nearly now ; now Improved burner ? ; half prlco. Inquire Ifl Chicago st 714 F'OH SALE The best line of carriages , phaet ¬ , buggies , real estate wagons and deliv- ery ¬ wagons. Columbus Huggy Co.1113 Harnoy. 333 m9- 710H SALE Team , weight 2,000 , will give - time on part paymcnts.L 4 Bee otlice. : > - ' . 15- ""filOH SALK A second hand sjmng wagon , two *- seated , polo and shott , cheap , at the Co- lurnous Buggy Co. , 1113 Harney st SM- II SALK Brick. T.Murray. 127 CHOICE LANDS $5 per acre. $ M) makes Isc par men t on 100 acres. Wrltoforln- formation W. F. Palno. Sidney Nob. 252may7- T710K SALE Team One roadsters , and good * ' single harness. Dr. tianchctt.r OWithnell- block. . 70- IPUH SALB 2 million brick and upwards D- Ct - - sides dally out put of 30.000 , Enquire on promises , cor Doroas and 2nd sts. Omaha llrlok and Terra Cotta Mfg. Co 774 WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED A good reliable man for general the house. Apply to W. C. Blackburn. 316 S 15th 8t 831 15 to clean brick at Sneely's Packing ho USD ruins. B59 17 * WANTED A man of experience and good to soil lightning rods , addrnss L. 89Beeo11co. 84321 * 100 men for city work. Ingram * Russell , 1007 Farmim street. 835 16 * ' At once , stenographer and type- writer ¬ who can furnish machine. Address LS9 , lleoodlco 8f 15J WAN TED-A good pastry cook at the Wind ¬ hotel gJ7 WANTKD-Good clean cook ; good wages to South 14th st. 814 1UJ WANTED A man who understands the care vines. Call at lleo office ut 4- o'clock Saturday. 840 15 WANTED An onorgotlo man who can the Gorman and Scandinavian languages. Albright's labor agency , 1120 Far- nam. - . BIB to work In itardon , also man TV and wife to board from n to 10 men Ad- dress Box 508 or rail on premises , 2 miles west of city limits ou Loavonwortb st. ft. W. Hurl burt ft Co, 82 ! 15 , WANTED At U. S. Laundry4 good polishers boy. Cell after 6 p. m 1COI CasA street. t05 IrtJ 50 sxlosmen Immediately on a- TT llbornJ salary or comralislou to sell our complete line of stock containing many choice specialties. Experience not necessary. Apply with stamp , ghIng ago, to It. II. KnliBn , Nur- icrynian > , Pntlerfon , N. J. g2 | 15J WANTKD Rood coat maker and bushclman , 410 S. 15th st 707 IS- IVANTEDA Scandinavian boy about 15 ' 3 cars old to assist In dry goods store. Ap- ply ¬ 2.4 Cumlng st 792 15 pant maker and a coat maker 607 B. 10th. 750 15- 'VVTASTED A harncssmakor A good work- > i man and of steady habits , to take charge of a shop in a small town. A German or lio- hemlan - preferred. Apply with reference to John Miller. Wilbur. Neb. 719 AGENTS Cooklngrovrlutlonlzed. An "Odor ¬ Frylnir-Pan and Ilrollor Sells read ¬ ily. No competition. Morgan Mfg Co. , Kal- amazoo , Mich. M9 17 * WANTED Young men None but good act of education and business ability need apply , lloom IS Bushman block. J. J' . Fionch ft Co. C1415 1 per week and board 11 chance for rahu. Write C. E. Homo , Nor- folk ¬ , Neb 53 50 sober , intelligent men of gooc >> address to try a lOo meal at Norrls' res. taurant 104 S 16th st 775 dry goods truveillns- i saloman having an established trade le- the country tributary to Kansas City. State amount of trade , territory covered , and how long. Address , with reference , W. B. Grimes Dry Goods Co. , Kansas City , Mo. 85S " 50 inun shovolers and teumjton- shovolers >> $ l.tO ; call l.lth und Howard. Monday morning. Jensen & I'ctereon , btO 10 Men to cut wood. T. Murray. 40- 6W ANTKD Two good draughtsmen. Ap , . , to James Tyler , Architect , Lincoln , Neb. 78620 * Co t and pants makers at J. C. TT Vapor *. Union pncos strictly adhered to 75* 16 | WANTED FEICAUS KELP.T- ANTKD . Competent girl for genera TT housework ;* ! family ; good wage * . 8 E. cor. IVth and Davenport. M- 8WANTBDA girl to work In kitchen at 421 a M- UVVANTKD Competent girl for genera TT housework m family of two. nt Bouth 28th are. Me 17- 1ANTED3 laundry ftrto , t Urst-elaw pol- isher , Hteady work and good My. Omaha Laundry , 04 North th . U $ W for general hou'OworVMrs. . T H. S. ginllh " CUltornlB m. 072 .D A good girl lor general house- work - 701 818th. J20 2J WANTED Good practical woman n houfo- , wages $ " ,w per week , Applv be- tween 1 nnd 2 at U12 Douglas. 36- 1AV'ANTED A good girl or tnMdlo ncod > ' woman to care for sick lady. Inquire nt the head ot liUli st. L P. Pruyn. 7Ji 1- 9A""ANTED A competent girl at n. o. corner ' of Itth nnd Loavenworth sts. 733 15' ) A gooofcompotentglrl to do gen- rral - housework , good wages paid. En- qujiro - Ht 1S15 Douglas St. 733 16 * A girl for general housework at * 1917 Cnss st EU3 _ _ WANTED Girl tor general .housework. , 1415 N lth st , bctwocn Clark nnd- Grace. . I'M 17' " A peed cook and Ironor. Call on- T T Mrs Frank li Moores , east side of 1-th , between Jackson and Loavenworth , MW : > A good girl for general house- work - In a smalt family. Inquire 101 S- .25th . ft. B27 19' WANTED A young g Irl for light work of baby. 11,55 Georgia HVC . " family of thrco , a competent ' ' girl for general housework. ltn Farnam- St. . . 767 15 * " lady olork posted In the crock- ' ' cry , notion and toy lino. Apply by letter to L 30 lice office. 795 16- J"WANTED A good cook , n German girl pro- fcrrod - ' ' , Apply at southeast corner or- IV.hnnd Douglas. 797 1- 6TXrANTKbA good girl at 003 South lth st. " ANTED Competent nur o girl to take v care of 2 children. Apply 410 Convenl st. - for general housework In small family,24 X) boward St. 74U 15J - pant , overall and shirt makers and ono laundreu Geo. Stiles , Uth and ; ts 'Ml 15 3 cook. Will pay $ S per- T week. 24.7 Dodge St. 203 " for general housework ; ' food ages to good girl. Apply to D. 1. O'Donohoo.iit O'Donohoo A; Shorfys , 15th Su next to the postoQico. 77- 5ITANTLOGood girl ut 50 * Virginia ave , T good wages paid. 23- 1"ITTANTKI ) A first-class girl for general ' ' housework In a email family , at 1717 Chi- cago ¬ st or 152 Douglas. 611 15- JWANTEOOood second girl at 23.4 Dodge . 7C316 cook and laundress. i ) S ' Farnam. Mrs. J. M Thurston. 70i " cook at Glvnwood , T T la. Write I ) II. Wilson , 6' ' )J li ANTKn-Two good women as Cham- bormalds - ' , wages $1 per WOCK Apply be- tween 12 und 2 o'clock p in. at 912 Douglas st 639 2 girls , ono cook and ono dining T ' room girl , at Ulb Le stKM 13 * ( and gontloineti ) agents for- T v Mrs. Campbell's now patent Electric Em- bossud - "Empress. " Richest and most stylish waterproof outside garment over made , llcaii- tiful - as satin and more durable Largo profits. Address , with stamp , K. H. Campbell & Co . .454- W Randolph st. Chicago. 24118' WANTED Woman to come dally to attend . Hoom II , Anderson block , Iflth and Davenport 30S Girl nt Urainct iituibo >> 019 WANTED good cook and laundress Immp- Dr. Colfman's , St. Mary's ave- nue ¬ and 215th. 371 16 ' ) A neat spry elrl for general T house wont , 1415 Jonas St. . .19- 4irA"NTKl7 Lady canvassor. Apply to 303- N. > . 10th st lf At once , plino player , colored TT woinan preferred Apply 112 3 'Jth. 343 Ladles to work for us at their ' * own homes : ? 7 to 10 per week can bo quietly inudo ; no photo-palming , no canvassn- sr. - . For full particulars plenso address at once Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central St. , Boston , Muss , llox5170. un SITUATION WANTED.t- rANTKD . Situation driving team or other work. lllfllliroS02 Loivouworth 801 20j WANTKD Situation nt bookkeeper or assis ¬ , had several years business ex- perience. . Address L 31 , Hce ofllco. 7C3 19" 7A.NTEDSltuatIon by n good blacksmith ' on general work. Address J. H. Kvana , mtto , N < b. 843 15J _ CANTED Position as bartender , will work for small pay ,wlll furnish security for his honesty nnd sobriety If required , tlrst class recommendations , please address L 10 , this of- nee. - . 057 16' r.NTEDSituation by n registered phar- v maclst with 8 years experience. Aildros- aLi2Bcooffico 7M 10J ns book keener or '' eashlerby a young lady. UeJt of refer ¬ ences. Address L. 7, lleo office. 097 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS.7- "ANrED . Two furnlshod rooms , modern T> convonlonceby two young gentlemen. Address 1,41 Heoolnco. b'.V Itij " two youncr gentlemen , suit of- 'T furnlsheil moms , modern com cnlcncoj.- In . private famllv , where thoio are no other roomers. Address L 42 lire otlico. &H IJ (! WANTED To Huy , a young norse , broken or drive , Add res.L illeo olhco. 734 16 * A newspaper , paying circulation guaranteed from the start , for particu- lars ¬ address Dank of Valley , Valley , Nob.G03 To gixo away o.OOJ.yards of dirt v> to anyone who will haul it away from n w corner of ITth and Webster 8t*. 617 South 13th- St. . S2- 1Immediatelybargains In real 03- tale for cash customers. L. II. Watts , 1510 Douglas street. 617 room for o single ' gentleman , without board , In a sociable and mu cal prlvato family , near postolllce.- Hoforencos . oxchaugod. Terms ro sonablo. Address L 37 Hoc. 813 15J " furnished house of S to ' 10 rooms , centrally located. Address L 36 Una. B57 20 * for n 10 wootts old tx > y ' ' baby can adopt him , good healthy child , Adilrcn L 35 lleo othoe 854 20 * V ANTED To tradon ijood real o-ttito rk- > for lot In any part of the city. r. Barrett- Co. ., 3144 S 15th. 67 1- 1YVANTED To buy a sldo tnr top buppy.- T 20l't > llarrett it Co ,314V } S 15th 6 Owners of property who wish to TT rell their property cheap , to lUt it with L. H. Watts , 1510 Douglas St. , wno has purchasers for bargains in real estate. G1S " Hcglnnerson piano. 50 cents un- T hour. Address U U , Boo Olllco. 3-H IflJ " Unfurnished room largo inough ' i for 4 or suite ot rooms for sleoning apartments , In center of city. Address K 00 , bee otrico. 240 trade for Nebnuka land.- G'i lota rt eight hundred dollars each In the booming city of Minneapolis , Minn. Address aUuiceL a. lleeoftlce. 78i 15 * _ WANTED A business man pr firm In Omaha the Incandescent Metallic 1'etro- loura - Lamp for professional raon , students , olllco. parlor , desk or store. It has no equal It is equivalent In light power to HO sperm can ¬ dles. The light Is steady and superior to either gas or electric light for those who study or write at night. It rests the eyes. Patented lKn. ? A rare chance to make money. Address J. II. Knig. Gen. Agent , Hudson. Ohio. 841 15j WANTKD To buy for cash old houses to bo from their present sites. Apply to C, H. Dodge , 617 South Uth st. 230 W'ANTED To lease ground In any part of , not over 10 block * from post- office. - . Address O. W. Cody , box 536 , olty. 819 FOB BENT HOUSES and LOTS.- T.OH . RENT Frame store building , SOzV- I ) , -- ' with living trooms.on Phil Bherldan stwll Improve ; put basement under store to suit any legitimate business Wm. Fleming * Co. . 1401 Douglas. 870 FOR KENT House of 7 rooms and barn In View. Laurence * Bcyael. 2H N. Uth it , 817 16- TOOR KKNT-Brtck yards. T. Murray.- TTKR . RKNT Hotue of M rooms. 1154 per Jtaomh , Beoawft * Co, , Uth st , opjwsite V. "IT'OIt riF.ST-A * ell lighted basement and X1 small stdro , California house , cor llth nnd- Do tiffin ? st 7W 15 * FOR HKNT 4 new cottiiti on CalUornln 35th street , noir OMiln ; street csrt. Hunt $25 per month , Applf * ) Kaufman tiros. 2078.l5tlL _ | St fj SMj- .irOH . HES'T-2nd floor 22xJBft ! well lighted ! J privilege of uslnc water * Jlovator included. Apply at 1105 Douglas SU 101 FOR HKNT Good 5 room cottage , centrally nnd turniuro for sale. W. o- Shrlvcropp. . KO. 741 13 REST A new stern on inth t , lint * eon Mason and 1'acitlc st.2J by 32. Inquire up- stairs.. 150 16 * FOR RENT 2 stores 20x110 feet each. In one thi best cities In Nebraska. Thrco now railroads will be built to the tity this season. 1 ho tlrm that has Just vac.itexl the stores did a business of over a luludicil thousand dollars pcranniim. Harrison , Ambler J: Woollov , 413- S. . loth St. 705 17 TOH HKST-Ilarn , W7 South 20th st. X1 For Sale Engine and boiler , 519 South 13ll- lstioot. . avi 15 * to rent. T. Mimayl S5- 9FOH HKNT Three-room house , 101 !) North . MI- "IPO 11 HKNT nice cotteze. furniture for snlo- C , - peed location , 10 minutes walk from P. O- .Addoss . ! "L 40" Dee office. WJ 17 * TpOH RENT Seven room flat and furnituioJ- L ! for sale , well located Address or call Dayton & Vorls. room 1,1JQI Douglas et. SSI 1Q- Jf OH HKST House : furniture , carpots.io. , forsulo. Apply 1009 Farnam. 21)- TPOR RENT Store und llvm < npartmnnts on- J Cumlnir nearSaundorSst. Apply nt Harris III at l.'stuto r.nd Loan Co..M S. 1Mb st. 752 FOB HENT KOOMS- .FOH . HKNT Furnished rooms , furniture and , now best tlnl hcil house m Omaha , All modern Improvcmoiits , tine neigh- borhood ¬ , com onlcnt to tiourdlng houns ; be t- ri'foronco required 2.1 Farnam st. s31 21 * "C OH HKNT I'lcgant south room , J modern conii-nlcnces To Gentlemen or gentleman and wife. 1J-4 Farnnni st 71- 4FOH HKNT Furnished front room for two four gentlemen 101. ) Chicago sti oet.- Wl . 1- 5'F OK HENT-Furnlshed rooms , 701 S 17th.- M.1 . 17J IilOH HKNT Lirrfo front or back parlor tor and wife or two gentlemen. Also a small room. Modern Improvements. -> M N- .15th . street. S ?) 18 HKNT Two nicely furnished rooms. Cheap for the summer. 1SIK Furnnm t. 813 18J FOH ItENT Furnished room , suitable for gentleman : both , modern com out- onces - 101 N. 15th st 815 15 * FOH HEVT Three rooms at 1712 , Jackson . also largo barn Knquiro at 202-i bt- .Mary's . , 7W 151 FOH HRNT F.logantly furnished fiont par ¬ , 111 S. lith st. 7.V5 1- 7'F OH HENT Storeroom. 1010 ? oulh lOlh bet. Mason and Pacific Inquire up stalls. 735 IS * FOH HUNT Very pleasant front bed room Hlnglo gentleman , near business center , ( las , butn. Private laniily. 1M5 Cup- lfil - avo. f53 Plj Foil HENT-Sult of looms , ro.idv 1st May. , on car lino. Addresi L3i , HPO. 8.55 10 * OH RENT A pleasant furnished room for -L gentleman , $500 per month , 605 N 17th. 582 15- JFOH HKNT-Furnishod rodras 1013 Doigc. 723 17 * FOH HENT- Ono largo ful tilshod room and suite of rooms for oflice In Gruonlg- lllock , ror. 13th and Dnjgc. Goo. 1) . DavK- Hilllard Hoom Mlllard Hotels eai FOR HENT Three room hpuso west of North st. , botv.-eoii Chicago and Casj. C9- 2FOH RENT Two rooms , one east front fur- - or unfurnished. Gas and bath. 520 Pleasant street 6J- 4TOH ElKNl'-Furnlshod rooms , 712 N. 19th St- C - , H9310J- TT1OH lir.NT Hoonis Ono suitable tor : i or t -12 gentlemen : one sultubla for two gentle- men - : one suitable for gentleman nnd wifo. Hoard in the family. 1410 Chicago st. W- "IJtOlt HEN'T Elegant ofllco rooms , best lo- X - ; cation in Omaha. 3ld South loth st. 63" T7U3H HENT Newly furnished room in new JL1 house. 1921 Dodge st. 33- 1F OH RK.NT-Rooms , 1913 Farnain at. ' . 3(51 15J- T71OK RENT Nice front room , 1G.3 Dodgo.- C . - C5I 17' FOH KENT Third floor , 2.xSO , of brick build- , ItOii Farnam street , use of elevator. Inquire above number , upstairs. 66- 1F 10H HENT Furnished rooms 1707 Oiss. HENT Nicely furnished rooms at rea- sonable rates , ono block from court house , 500 So 18th et , north St , Mary's ave , up etalrs. 579 F"- OH HENT-Oltlces in Hellman buildingciir.- Furnam . and l.Jth sts. , in unites or singly. For prices , diagrams and information apply to- S.A. . Sloman , 1512 Farnam st , Hoom 2. FOB SALE HOUSES LOTS- .A . $000 snap open until Monday evening. Cull on L. II. Watte , 1513 Douglas strrot.8- SS . 1- 7TT'AIllMOt'NT ' Place-Corner50x121 . .$ ? ,0 J Fairmount Place South front. 40tlCO 1,25- )PelhaiiiPlaco East front. 53JCI1S .. . l.TO- OIVlham PIBCO South front.50x124 .. . l.'VH ) Foster's Addltrn Corner. 45x13) 2,210 Foster's Additrn-Ncar2l8t s' ., 50x130 . . . 20)- Omnha View North fiont50x130. . . . l,0i ) Omaha Vlow Ksst frontState street. 1'X)0 ) Gregory & Hadlcy 343 FOR SALK Fnrnam street property Wo exclusive sale of some choice and tioMtlvo bargains on this "King's Highway , " J. K Illce A Co. 8101- 8TJldit SALK- . ' blocks from nrown cll hall on JC inthst , 2 fine bargains. Call at G. F. El- sasser's. - . rJi ) A $6)0 snap oncn until Mnndav evening Call on Ij. II. SVatts , 1518 Douglas street- S s 17 SALK-SO acres 3 mlkH from the city limits southwest , beautiful land with con- stant ¬ supply of water. Apply to Omaha Heal Fstalo and Trustee * . , or Win. Fleming 87- 1F OK SALE Flno propcrtv on Itrlstol st , at u- uargain. . F. Itauett &Co.JlUi S 15tti- H79SO WKhavo In the past few days got together bunch of bargains to which uo call your attention : Ona hundred loot front on Hamilton and 127 feet on 2tth st , beautiful now 9 room bouse , south and ea t front only $ VWO , one-half cash. This piet-fl of property Is a bargain and a beau- tiful ¬ home. 7 loom house and good lnrnw ll and cistern Jull lot bOx25 ! on grade near Hhst on Frank- lin ¬ , $ .1000 This wo'jid be cheap at 3100. Corner 15th and I.eaveiuvortli , 9 loom house , a bargain. ,1- iW feet ironton Saunder * sK, In block 137SJ Enmilro price.- 1'ino . lot on Cuss street , between 2d and 23rd , 0.i o. ' The cream of Orchard Hill cqrncrR $1,000- .Oixl3) . ) foot on Charles street uitb goud house , si.ooa ' One nno lot on Howard 'street , In Isaac & Selden'sartd.lWO. ' " Four lots in Everett Place ut 501. Ono tlno 8-room house , good burn , full lot , on grade , 62 x1:5 , with south front on 25lh etrool , only y block trora Cumin * , r&OOO _ 1 lot 3)xUO and U- room houiqju Harlem Lane , 2 lots In Melroio Hill , corner north and cost front. 1.DO for both ' 2 best lots In Ambler Placo. 17-13 block 0, $1,30for both. 2 Ir.t * In Armstrong's Second addition at ; . "!X). There are no better chances either for the speculator or thoono who K ants to buy a house than can bo found at our otlice. No. 211 North 16th street , opposite Masonic building.- Goddard . & Moore. 876 n $000 snap open until Monday evening. Call on L. H. Watts , 1518 Douglas street 88817 SALK M dern 8 room residence , bouth front on Decatur st , near POO King st , on oar lino. Kvery modern convcnlenco.ctty water , g&A. sewerage connections , street cars. $4l >X) , one-third cash. J. L. Illce i Co. . Sol * Agents. 867 10- TJWU SALB-Nlce 7-room house , large lot , -L1 cellar , well and fruit trens, in desirable lo- cation ¬ , lot lies beautifully, bouse rents for 115 per month. 3,5W ( , 1 00 cash , balance 1.3 and 3 years ; 401 N ISto su 884 16J FIVE acres , $700 an acre , adjoining aero * are at $ * . John Gallagher , BIT 8 13th st.- Itffi . 80 Afaoo snap open until Monday evening. on L. U. WatU , 1513 Dougfai ctroot 888 17 - ACRES 4 miles southwest postnmervla ) J I. sightly und at $ iWO an ncro only , D. C. Patterson , Omaha National Hank , 7,9- i FOR SAt.K The beautiful ncroi known as lot ( lisa's nJd , opposite ( Count plAeo cov- erpd with largo maple trees , hs- 'PEN boon sub- divided ¬ and placed on the market Only A few lots loft. J , L. Hico .V Co ,, Solo Agents.- r . ) 19- VHING S VALLKV. Our now ftlilltlnn- .Acres4Dto . $ > ) ) per wri.- Npir . South Omah * . And Sydlcate Hill. JilarshiU A: Lobock , 77S IS ) ) F.trnm. . _ DODGE ST. Wo have some bargains In Do Igo , tmw that the Cabin Is assured , they will Incrnnso Inaluo rapidly. Clarksnn x Realty , 219 South Uth. 8.9 1- 0TNSIDK PHOPEHTY Wo have some good In- JL - sldo property at a bargain. Pierce .V Iloj- orsl5ll - Dodge street. S.- WnilN ! ACHK3 for sain 4 mlle S W. of V. O.lnys JL hlvh , iuM an ncio. D. C. Pattorsun , Omalm- Nnt'l bnn' < 773- "IjlOU HAMI The boiiutlful icro Known as lot J3 Ol3 ' > add , opposlto Kountro place , cov- ered ¬ with Inrira tnnplo trees hns been subdi- vided ¬ und placed on the market. Only a few ota loft. J. L , Hies A Co , Solo Agents.- SAI.B . OH TUADK-Wo own evoril thousand acrnj of choice South Dnkntn- fiirtnlnir land which wo will neil or trade for Dtuahnpropoity. Wo want to sell nndotfor our lund nt bottom prlcoi. Wnirht A Lasbury. cor. under I'nxtnn hotel lort SALK Choice property on 1'arnuin.- Ctimlnir. . . IBth.Wth , Paunders , 1-iko , Dcdiro- lueK , on nnil Sherman luvnuo. J. li. Him A Co , Agouti , 8011- 9FOH SALK Finest , best and cheapest bullii- lots In the tii'irkct. opp KoiinUo I'laco- ln ( > Uc'andd. .1 L. Kleo 4 Co , Solo Agents NW1U ) this splendid llt : Gluion , Aylcsworth i.Henlamln , 15l'j I'atnamst. 1 lot In Imp. Ass'n , 47x111 , with ' . ' small hou os . . S 3W ) Hot in Hawthorne , 44xlU ) . cor. Did ana Davunport , lth U room housocistern , well , otc , very easy terms 3,5 1 lotin HllUldpId ixJd l.M ) 1! ot In llodtord Place , WtlS3 73'i Hot InHilclicojk'ilita'lil. fiOtli'i ... 701- IV lotjln bhlnn'3 1st add,73x1 J5 ! , Cald- well - st 3,700 Hot ill KeillcK's add , .Vitll ! , flair How- ard st fl.TOJ Slots In Woit Stlo.r ! ) xl."J , barn and fruit trom 2,10- 05room IIOIIHI and lot N. 17th St. , good and clitern . . . . .. BW ) 4th add , lot 8, block 0 six room houao. well , cistern b.irn. Ac 4Od- Jiltmobauiih & 1'ntturson sub lot 10 , block 2contract 553 120 ft on St. Mary's ave , with 2 0room- house" . ga and water , will subdivide 3.03 40 ft on bt , Mary's nvo bet. 19th and 'JJth ! . ' . ) Choice lot In Omaha Viutv IHfton liitn-it. nuarrnrnara 70,01- )SloHnU27. . f.o o' ndJ , t-room house , cclhlr , well anil 00-foot bilrn , price . 3,01)- WarohoU9 or bu lness niotiorty In block 1'JJ , 4Snoj. easy terms Itostaurm.t and lot 'Jx'xlT ; for sale , 1 rooms , food paylnir 'luslnnss , in Woeplng Water , J',601 , tcrmt ousy. Lot 1U in Anlaflold , $ ° M House 41x11 . ij rootiM and lot on Douglas st , for silo.f"i.lOO- .Sml'h . ' add , ono lot ( Mxl'B , $ " . .IX)- 0.I'lirm ) . of S3 nuips , splendid hou o , barn , gran- ary and all outbu Idlnza In I'nsa Co. ,3 miles N of Wet nln j Wnter , M.V01 cish.Jl ,00J , easy tornn. Full lot on Dodge st , 3 houses , rents for 1800 , 13 , , cash- .Ulbson . , Ajlesworth 4 Ilcnjatnln.- ITIOIt . SALK Full lot on.Ia"k on st . bet 12th- T - and Uth. only JJI.lXW. I , UO cash. J L- .Hico . A Co , Solo Agents. b6 17 FAKE ST. 00 foot cornorand Ul foot corner , bargains. Glaik on . Ucatty1'J ' South Uth street. 8-J ! If- lrpKN ACIU1S mlles southwest postotlico.lays- i - - sightly and nt $ iM an aero only. I ) . U- .P.ittorson . , Onmbu Nation il Dank. 77- JFOH SALE I'lncat , bo t and cheapest build- In the maikot. opp Place In GlJO's add. J. L. Hico & Co. , Solo Agents. ! C91- 8FOH SALE rholco property on Fmntim , . Ifltli.-Oth , Saundern , L'lke , Dodge , Jackson und Shermiin ovenuo. J. li. Hico * Co , Ascnts. 8 j It ) ,40 ucros for iibiliV ! lon , onlr J4 milas from Tt the poetoHlco for flO.OOO Terms , tlO.OOJ cash , balance I , 2 aiU J je ir at 8 per cent In- tcre - t. Thl is unquestionably the greatest bargnln in Omalunnd will moro than double in value I n BJ days. 11 ICK le Homun , room II , I'ronzor block , opposlto P. O. 2J- 2FOH SALK Tlio beautiful iicro known as lot ( ilso'g mid. , opnoslto place , cov- ered ¬ with large maple Ireee , has boon sub- divided ¬ uml placed cm the market. Only u- foiv lota left. J. L. Kico & Co. , Solo Agents. 09 1 ACIU'.S 4 mili-s southirost postoulco.lays- sightly and nt SW ) un aero only D. C. Patterson , Omaha Nationil Hunk. 77- 0OSWr.NSON i CO.1401 Farnam street , dealers In real estate and west- ern ¬ land. Houses built to suit purchasers on monthly payment. dSlnl4- TTrS on hlato street ut S1.U5) ; Kiloy I'laco- J , - east front , Lowe nvenue , $2OOU ; south front , , Hood's Fust , $4,000 ; CO.xlL'S , Parker's add , $ , ) ; iW foot , 15th struct , JlfX ) per foot. Soinu tlno bargains In OmiihP. Vlow- anil t-Hlrmount 1lnco. If you want u bargain In aero property or a lot in any part of the olty- HO can tit you out John Gallagher , 3)7 ) South 13th streot. 275 14 ] mr.N ATKKSrorsalo 4milesSW. of P. O. lays X high , fCOO an aero. D. C. Patterson , Omaha Nnt'l bunk 77- 11FOH SAI.E31 foot , south front. Dod e. bet und I3th. Call quick. O F. UUasscr's , Ko. 3U S Iflth st. B2t ] llTJATJTTKUIj acre on llrlstol st. No strnot- ntiod be given elf this acre. A bargain Sl.oao if Mold on or before the Ititn Inst. L II- .Wntts . , 1518 UougHs st. 6J1 1- 5DAVF.NPOH 1" ST Cheap house nd lot In , very easy torms. Clark n A: lloiitt ) , 21'J 3 14th St. tC9 I- DFOH SAI.B Finest , best and cheapest bund lots In the market , opp KounUo i'mco InGlso'sncld. J. L. Kico le Co. , Solo Agents. 8091- 0Bl fTflAlinAIN One hundred foot front on South Uloventh st , corner lot , only I VXM. Partontlmo. V. U VoJlcka , OiJ South Uth st. C1- 4rpHIHTV lots two blks from now depot. South -L Omaha , $ IV > If sold lioforo the 15tb. Pierce & hogors , 5, Arlington blk. 117 FOHSALIl-Asootlonof good Improved farm- , Nob. Addro i box 4JI , Albion , Nob. I.7 ! LIST your property with I. H.Walts. 1510 st. U9 $ cash w ill secure H ) acres of first dim farming land in oa'tern Nebraska balanro- vcrv long time and no taxi-s for 20 years. The 0.1' . Davis company , ISJj For mi in et.- U24 . a I- SrOH SALE rinest. butt and cheapest build lots In the market , opp Kountzo Place In Glse's add. J. L, . Illce It Co. , bold Adonis. 80 J 1- 0TJ _ IHKWOOD Lot in bloc * 4, double front- XV - ago , $1,50) ,! J cash. Clnrkson i Rorttty. 21'J . fr2J Irt _ rpIJN ACHES 4 miles southwest postofflco.lays X glchtly , and at ? COO an acre only. 1) U. Patterson , Omaha National Hank. 77'j ' MCOAVOCK& O'Connor , 310 South Idth t ono week , a few bargains out of the many whicn are in our list : S low on Sauuders at , Improvements woith * lrVO. prlco . . . f fl.000- 22x132 corner on llth st , rents for $ JoO per month . . . TSxKC ! corner ou St. Mary's HVO , with 3- housts 81,000 KUxl 2 corner on South 10th st , south and east front 10.000 A conrer und 8-room cottazo on 10th t . 7,000- 120x118 , n corner south of vlnductoa llth- st 8,2iO 2 vacant lots on S. llth et , cheap- .V0xl40andan . 8-room cottage , a corner S- .15th . st s 8,000- A beautiful residence lot uoar Uth it. cars 1,700- In a word , if you want desirable property Itber for speculation or for a dome , call and see tbo large and carefully nelcoted list of Mo- Oat ock * O'Connor , 31 8. l.ltb st. 1VS SEIiKCTS , are tbo carefully llstod bargains doirn by Cake & IlllUngi. Oursam- pin cafe : MxllO ( t on ICth street for 15,600 , part 1 and 2- years. . 4 lots , Meyers & Tlldon'a add , cneh needed only Home lot in Plalnvlew , only takes , cash , 500. Picked In Sheridan Place.ooly 11 00 for I.WO lot Slots with 2 house * , J. T. Rodlck's sub , only block from stiett car linn , lOixin It on 2 streets , bit money here for you , Ileauty of Bartlett , fruit trees , floe viaw only tlJkOO cash needed. Cheapest South Omaha stuff on the market. Come , orer 101 , corner Dodge and 15tb , and w 'ii make it pleasant and profitable for you- ."pvo . not paa * this lot. (OzlU , Parker's addition J-'US feet from street cars , only (or a few days. Joan OitUagber , 317813th st. EM 30- BN ACRRSfor *ale aiUeia.W. of P. O. lays high.law an acie. D, 0. Patterson, Os ah VEl.SON3 Add-Here is f omothlng thit pnyt- U - > over 10 per cent nnd can bo bouitht on- cn y terms tl2 > izl2d , ono 11 room and ono room hou o total rent f OH per year , nil for ! fi.lSO cash , bal 1 , 2 , ! ) and 5 j OH- M.Origory . & Hndlcy. 8- 4'IMir. best aero on llrlstol street bet. Sain- dcrs - . . and Mate. IH.UOOif sold on or before ICth lust. U 11. Wntt , 1518 DoutlaiSt. 3T2 1- 3B AHOA1N 73x140 east front ( Trorifla avo. north of I.oavcnworth , 7 room hottBO.Imm | Ac , lW , easy term *. Tbo improvement * are worth over $2,000 nnd the ground Is worth $10) per foot. _( ir gory A Hadley. .11 4 COIINKU nnd throp Inside lots"tn"block 4 , iV Orchard Hill , next to Haml.ton St. , nt * 900 Terms easy. Pierce .V Hogers 11- 7JS'ACltlTs north o'rlCiniTiona at'iX ) per- T acre. Terms to uit David M. Conncl- lagrnt , 311 llthst.opii Paxtou bulol , or C. K- .Crnllo. . . 141U Uodgo t M7. SATK-Fnrn m treM proparty. Wo have exclusive sale of fomo choice nnd positive Imriralna on this "King's Highway. " i . L. Hico A Co. _ 810 li DOUOLAS ST.-lTJxl ,! . ' on Inwor Douglm. piece of warehou'o property and the cheapest In Omaha. Chirkson & llealty , 21U South 14th street. S2 10 _ SHAW & CO. : , 510 S. 18th St. , have for sale the $ 300 wilUectlrojmi a good lot In Walnut Hill on o avo. , car line , $75 o 'li will neoiirt1 you 11 lot In Washington Hill , .Mind , property will never bo any cheapentiuro. Come In arfll go with us nnd look at a lot In Deer Park , close to Hauscom Park , . . 2,000 will buy a very flno lot on Saundcrs at. ; III ho w orth JI.O.iO Insldo of a year. 1,200 will buy a house and small lot on 15tli st. near Cnstelkr : small payment required , Hemombor the place. Bin 9 ICth st IN ? W1SEAPAKMKLE. IMh st. Offer thesd bargains to-dar : 1 corner Uuoriria ave. and Dupnat II ,2 XX, 7 Orchard hill , choice lots eicu $ . House and 2 lots , Sanndors & HlmolMUgh'i- add. . to Walnut hill $ J'W. ) . 20 Finest lots In Clovordulo , bargains. Fine lots In Kllby plaeu , cheap.- Flr.ol . l--'lot John I Itedlck's Mibdlvlilan.- I'clioLo . liits In Maynos add. , each 1 3JJ- .Xcholeo . lots Falrniotint place.- lAero . bent In Uelvedoro , bitrgaln HI ). Slots Jotter 8 addition , each $70) . Si lot * choice In Yates jc Homnol'a nUltlon.- A . fine list of western lands for sale , or trodo for Omaha property. Lot 7lilocK 16 , Albright's annex , ? 7iM- .Ixit . 11 blocks. Ootner A. Archor'it add , $ Sttt- .Ixjt . 1 block Z. Ilurltncton Place , 575. Lots ' , y and 3? block 1. Armour Plnoo , $175- .firHmmercy . Park lots SiVX) to $750- fwixUS Merter nvo ,3 room house , and barn , $. ' , ' . ' 01- .MxlWcor . Military AVP and Edson st , $2 , ? . Two coed store buildings on property will lent to good advantage Lot 7 block S3 , South Omalm , 211. Last , not lo ist. corner on Farnara $ lVm and manrothors,4l S. 151 u su Wise and Parmelo. FOR SALE-Tarnam street property. Wo ex lnslvo sale of some choice and bargains on 'this "King's Highway , " nttlvo Co. 810 1- 8TIAKE _ the cake. Cake ft Hillings , Ucal K - hot cakes. Over 101 South 15th st. Sample ( Hngtir Snaps. Ono hundred and ton fact on Jones and Hta- Els. . half cash , hal 1 .2 , 3 yearp , $17 00. Fifty hj-.CX ) feet for trackage for buslnes.noar Stock Vardd. Ten selected lots near Swift's packing house site. 918- "VTI'AHLY now cottage , east front , half lot , J-> live rooms , summer kitchen , 3 closets , (food collarpantry oil very convenient , gower and city water. Cheap If sold qulak. Inquire 214 S- .13th . SL 67J lfl BAltGAIN-Kist front lot on ISth st. near , ) , corner , on 20-foot alloy ; 4-room house , barn , etc. , all for $2iiOO , $ WO cash , bulaneo 1,2 nnd.'t years. Gregory & Had- Icy , Rooms I and 3,320 9. 15th st. 7S2- TCTOH SALE Choice property on Farnum , X7 Cumlngs 16th , 20th , Saundert , Lake , Dodcro , Jackson and bherman avenue. J. L. Kloe A Co , AgonU -fl'J 1- 9RES1DHNCE bargains. Cotton , Eastman & . 120 North I'lftoeiittitreet. . Two full lots with ton-roomed house , every convenience , Armstrong's addition , $10,000.- A . growing piece of property , pay ¬ ing 1C percent on over $20,00) , for $25,000 this week. Terms easy- .iicpant . : ton-roomed brick house , beautifully finished , every convenience , $10,000.- 50x140 . , Hedlck's subdivision , splendid nine- rooraod - house , modern , a bargain , $ S.OOt- j.50x127 . , Shull's second addition , nice nine- roomed house , stable and small barn , city water , ete.S4GU ). ( i.'xl j , Nelson's addition , flno twelve- roomed hou o. barn , city water , etc. , a great bargain , 4200. Easy terms..- VIvluO . . , an elegant nvo-rootnud cottHfro , lot nlcoly sodded , cemented collar , city water , etc. , $3.000- .5)xl5J . , now nmo-roomed house , splendid loca- tion ¬ , $J'iOO. Ksay terms.- 41x125 . , shlnu's third Rddltion , llve-roomod cottugo$2,500.M- Jxl50. . . Hniiscom Place , elegant ninc-roomod house , every convenience , $0.500- 60x140 , eight roomed bouse , cellar , bath room city water , etc , < 7WO.- OOxliO . , six roomed house , Paulsen's addition , city water , etc. , $ . .OH- O.60xl.riO . , Walnut Hill , seven roomed house , south trorit , city water. do , 1 1500. Easy terms Full lot and Uvo-rootnod cottage , collar , barn and u oil , $1,70- 0Viveroomed cottage with about $500 worth of good furnlturo , lot a-ixlW , $JA00. Five roomed cottage. E. V Smith's nddlttou , lot -tx79 , rents for t-0 a mouth ; a barga'n.7- 00. , $ - ' . . 50x140 , sevon-rooinfd houso. Just off Laavcn- worth , M foot alloy at rear , only $ JuO X Terms easy.- 30x100. . . Mtliard St Caldwell's addition , flvc- roti - inert cottage In good repair , well and cis- tern , $3 ,000- ."ixl.O . ± , Campbell's addition , four-roomed cottage, cellar , well , clsicrn , Sl.CO ). I'lvo roomed cotta'o with collar , city water. lot 30xW. $2liOO- .If . you do not not see anything In above list to suit you call at our ortlce , as we have aur ¬ oral others In all parts of tno city. ucant l.ot . 112 feet square , corner Twelfth and Jones , $40.000.- li. . . ' tcot square on llth Street , close to depot , $ J3000. 13.! root on Loavenworth , a bargain , $20,000 , CD fn t on Snundom strnet , $ IVJ a foot. 22 foot on Davenport street , $3 , 0 . C8xl32 corner lltii ui Chicago , 15000. 52 feet square , 10th street , botweuu Douglas an f-'odgo , $1000- ) . Lot J , ( ilie'8 addition , $6,500- .Splomlld . lot In llrennan Placo. 1850. Klrkwood. 31x160 , $ l.0 , cash $ ) ralrmouiit PUce , 40xlu ), $1,10) . onofourth- caih Fiilrmount Place , 50x121 , $ IA" 0- .Klrkwood . , 40xl 0 , 11200. cuali $50- 0.Clarundoa . , splendid south front lot , $1,70) . Thornburg Place , two east front lots , $ * oncn. Orchard Hill , two south front lots In block olght. ono a corner. $900 each. Stanton Place. lot 3, block 17 , 900. Hawthorne , two east front lots , $1,500 each.- Soutli . Omabu , lots 1 und 2, block 21 , | JVX both.- Kountz . I'laco , lot close to Sixteenth street , Corner Vinton and Nlnetimnth , t } feat on- Vlnton Htroot , 94 feet on Nineteenth street , $ i.OO- O.Nelson's . Addition , part of lots 10) and 101- I00. , $ . ) . Highland Placn , lot , $3 , " 0 ) . Maker I'laco , lots 1 1 , 14 and 15. block 7, for 1700. Plain VOT , two east front lots , $1,251 each- .Haunders&Hlmobaugh . , lots , block II , cheap , . List > onr property for quick sale with us. Conveyances slwajs ready lo show property.- Cotton. . . Kantman A. Winstanley , llunl hstato and Loan Agents. 120 North Flftevnth street. 789 _ TWO HAHOAlNS-ltoi m27. Paxton building. view lot , $1,125 ; Sauuders ft Illme- baugb - , 475. W3 1"J Inveetmont Agent , Cruighton- T ' block , offers the following good invest- ments ¬ ; 1UO foot front on Hamilton strtnt , Just west of T.owo avenue , on car line , good business loca- tion ¬ , very good at (1,0 JO. Two tine cait fronts In Mayns's to Orchard Hill , one a corner , each $900- .Khe . splendid lots in Hawthorne , easy terms.- eaou . 81250. $ | , TOO and 1500. Two elegant lots on lltb ttrcot. north of Nicholas , good warehouse properly , $1,00) ) . Hanscom Plaoe lot on Virginia avcnuccboap- est proper ! v In that tonality , ll.fK- Dennmn PUce , lots $ B'ito'Uonn-llfth cash. Northwest corner State st * nd Uoulovard- avnnuo. . Just the location for business , S'.OOU. Kino State street fronts on good terms , $ I.OJO. 13, ' i. 00 feet , corner dtate and Ilriitol street , Lot 2 , block 4 , KlrkwooJ , two fronts , ona on Mttl , 2000. Nice cottage and two lots , beautiful east fronts , In Wnlnut Hill , 3100. The choicest lota In Clifton Hill. 300. Thlrty-Ovn lots on the military road from $500 to $ 00. Car line Is Onlsked paii tnesa lots and when cars are running a f w week hence these lots will sell for $700 and $W) . One of tbo host south fronts In Bedford Place , very cheap at $7VX JWO cash , balance In ono and two years.- Th . handsomest east front on Phil fihirldan- strot. . In Hansoom Plaoe , 64 fsol front , any terms , 3000. I m ke a specialty of buying real stat * for Don-resldenu , and thoiu who have not the tlmeor eipurlonco to justify them In placing' their own funds. Am also htnlllnir property on commission a* note agent. Can promlsn cus- tomer* the best bargains inemarkut affords. Wallace , Investment agent , Crelghlon bionk , SA. 8LOMAX , Hoaltlstato flrokor. 1512 Farn un Street- .Frtrnamslroot.cor . lth6ltl.t ! , 4 cash , rarnaiasu , nvnr ltth2.l t..itutirovol. Uji J- Farnamst , noar2)th , lltlxlu $ ( > u per tool . Fornn MM. , cor.31st st lIKtUK , south nndc.m front . I7.0X ) 1'arnnm t. cor. 4lst. 4sxn. . and o front 'J.W- ODougliisst near 2,1,1 , 0.xltJ . . srt- .Dodiroit. . nonrlNlh. 5)il"Oi < . 25. Dodge st Hour -Hh , 40xU7. li.llirovfrt . , 3.1X > J Jones st cor. l h , ( VlxHJ . 24,0)- 0Loavenworth M. cor. 21st , KV.'illI , Im- proved . 1S.3- MLeavrnworth st. cor. 25th , UO.xll. , Im- 4th - . .. .. .. . t.trnpKiigo , Pud look pU o, 81x112- .'ark . avo. opp. park , SOxlV ) . , . . leorgla near Ml Ploimnt. 50xl.M " , WI- Silthst near Dorcas , lOTxIoo , Improved . 4VM- 20th st near Ddilgla * , 3I M, linorovel . fW l1thstoor.Mirtln63xl1 : !. improved. . . 4,50- 1.fth U cor. Scward , ftltUJ.3 house < . . 4.5H ) 'lerconoar20thfl ) foot fiont , 2 streets. MM Hamilton st. near Holt Hue fmprotu , . 1.500- 3olh st , nuar Daveni'ort , lOOxlJG , 2'Jt ! Seward , near : i5tH , 00x157 t. . .. 1,15)- 10th ) st , near Castollar , U" feet front. . . 4.51X- 1th ? st , near Martha , 51x131 , cornor. ... !, * Hurdetto st , near 3Jth , , Vxl')2 ) ) , CM car line 1,99) Hurt st , near Ixiwo nvs. 51 l-'Jil.W 1,10)- 25th , cor , Popploton. ( Sfxl ) . Improved . 4.0) ) 28tbnear I'oppleton.Wi 127 , Improved. . ( 1.01 Orchard Hill , lota $750 lo 1,00- 1llrown Patk , lots$50)to ) 8.0- Itodfoni Fliico , lots $rtV ) to l *) Highland Pnric. lots each-cash 04. . ZU- Wakelyadd. . lcts57xS ! ) . raoh 46) 25 acres near FortOmahafluclylnproved 11,25- 0Ccntor 5t , Mil IJ , Improved 1.20- JFarnam st , near33th 4,500 Nicholas st corner truckage 4N ) Park ave , facing Park , 50 tT.0 4,00)- S ) 16th st , near viaduct. 40x102 6,00- )StllphurSprlng * add. Just opp. 16th st 50- X124 ! . . 2,0- Leavonworlii st. near Roll Line , 100x187. . S.TOt ) Sounder * t cor Hurt 162x51 s and o front 6i- VLeavcnworth st cor 21st 06xli Imp 12,50- )Knrnatncnr IPth imp , rent l.OOO , . S9,0)0- n. . .V M. Park lots , $51 each Hcllman's add lots , $150 uach Jerome Park lotis , east trent , on grade . . 2,0) ) Farnam st n corner s and w front only 3.503 _ VJ 3. A. Sloinfl.ii. 1512 Farnnm S- t.FOH . HALK-Choloo property on Farnara , , 16lh , * th , haundors , Lake , Dodge , Jackson and bhorman avenue. J , L. Hico & Co , Agents. 869 19C3 OYD'S AIDITION-Ixts and blocks In this addition for sale at prices that will bo a- coodiiuostmcMt. . Clarkson & Uoatty,219 South llth St. 829 10 FOR SALK .Vixino Ame * Place $1,000 front lot Kilby Place UOO House of 5 rooms , two full Into .. 2,200- H.W. _ _ . Ituntross LVW Fariiam at. 637 15J FOR 8ALK--Full lot on Jackson St. , bet 12th 13th , only 21.000 , $.950 cash. J. L- .Hico . & Co. , Solo Agents. 666 1- 7TO INVESTORS and Spoculators-We can show you us clean a list of Omaha realty thaturosafo Investments with perfect titks and sura to return a nno dividend. Investigate J. L. Hico & Co.'a Hat. S)9 ) 10 _ ! , FfvEN ACHKrffor Kale 4 mTios S. W. of P. O.lnys- L - high , $000 an aero , D. C. Patterson , Omaha Nat'l bank. 773 bit SALU-Fincst , bo > t and cheapest build- Ing - lots in the market , opp Place in (Use's add , J. L. Hico li Co. , Solo Agents. 809 16- OR SALE Lot on 7th and take flts , with notiso 0 rooms , kitchen , pantry and good brick cellar. Apply to the Omaha Heal Estate and Trust Co. , or Wm. Fleming , Uth and Doug- las ¬ sts. Will rent to good partita if not sold Immediately. 671 15TH ST. near Loavenworth. 66x60 , at o $160 per front foot , including improve- ments ¬ : a fine bouse , rent $09 per month. Gregory A Hadley. 34- .1SNAP100 ft front on 16th it by Ll ft on good miles from postofflcc , onoof the best corners on ICth et. , only $0,500 ; worth $9,000 to-day. Gregory A Hadloy. Rooms 1 and 3 , H20 S. Uth st oil TPOH SALK Modern 8 room residence , south - Ifrout on Decatur st. , near cor King st , on. car line Kvory modern convenience , city water , gas , sewerage connections , street cars- .$4ooooncthirdcasn. . . J.L.HICO& Co.SoleAgonts. t 7 1- 9EAKi : STHKKT Near Suth Bt , 44x122 , o"flno house , barn , etc. ,$J500. Parker's add Kast front , now 5-room house , near Satindors Una street cars , 2.600 , U cash- .Kiko's . add East front , now 6-room house near 16th street , 1810. $ lCOOca8h.,400 , easy terms. NolKon'aaddKast front nrar Cumlng street , One 7-room house , well , cistern , etc. , $3,100- .Oitigory . fc Hadloy- .3.15th . Rooms 1 andO 320 street. 313 pOll SALH Furnnm street property. We have exclusive sale of some choice aqfi positive bargains on thU "King's ' J. L. liice A Co. 810 18 [71OK SALK Choice property on Farnum- 0 , - Cumiiiir , 18th , 20th , Saunders , Lake , Dodge , Jackson and Sherman avenuo. J. li. Itlcei- Co , Agents. 669 19 TJATHICK'S Ist udd-Fmo corner 85xliS small -L double houao on roar ranting for $20 per mo. All for 4200. $1,700 cash or $ l, 00 oil cash. This is a bargain. Gregory & Hadley , Rooms I and 3,320 South 15th St. 34- 3FOH SALK Modern 8 room residence , south on Decatur "t ,, near cor King St. . on car lln . Kvnry modern convonlonco.clty water , Kits , nweiago connections , street cars. $4,000 , ono third cash. J. L. Hico & Co. , Solo Agonts.- b67 . 19 HAN3UOM PLACE Ono Of thn best and cer- cheapo'l east front corner on Virginia live. , 10ixl50. Lots leveled and ono loot above grail e, only $5,500 , > i cash. West front In bile u , high and sightly , near the park , 101X150. $5,00- 0.Wcsttronton . Georgia ave near Woolworth nnd Just on grade. fenceJ , $2,575 , S cash.- Kast . front on Virginia ave near Popploton- ave. . 2 ft below grade , $2,550 ,M oash. West front on Georgia rue near Popploton ave , tine lot and location , fa TO1) , i { ca h- .Kleirant . front on Georgia ave north of Woolworth , only $JOft ) , 4 cash. Gregory & Htidloy , Rooms 1 und 3 3'JO S. 15th st. 343 _ LOTS for salo. great bargain for a few day only. Lot 5! Glses add , n w corner Snundera and Casslus street , will subdivide to advantage, nearly ononcvo of land , 12000. Lot 106 , ( Use's Add , 1.030 , Lot7lGlsosudd. $1 , W- .Itlock . No. 1 , lloyd's add. 10000. Terms , not less than M cash , balance 8 per- cent eoml-annual Interest.- Hemingtnn . & McCorralck , 921 2JO Sonth 151h street.- It . SALE Farnum street property. Wo have exclusive sale or some choice and positive brgalns on this "King's Highway , " J. UHlce&Co. 81018- Ot'TH lOttTsT-Klogiintlot , Mtsm , tloso to- llrownell hall , cheap. Clarkson A Ik-atty , 2193 lllhbt. 8JJ 18 FOH SALK Hill lot on Jackson st . bet 12th Uth , only $ ,1,0 , SV0 oaih. J. L- .Hlro . & Co. , Solo Agauts. 886 1- 7BAHGAINSforafowdays by C. T. Morton , 2 splendid acres In Newport , $ V>) each. ,1 tlno east front lots In Kllby Place , $ 'IWO , choup. Lot H , Hedlck's Grove , on Harnoy st $2,200.- A . fine corner on Dodge mvl 35th st $ .2.75- 0lot to block 23 , Kountzo Place , ( MIX ) , $570 cash 2 corner lots in Albright's Annex for $ ' 12") if sold in n few days , and ottior doslrtihlo lots In- aume addition. Also a fuw pleasant homos ranging from 2.400 to $11.000- If you want any kind of property glvousa- call as we have all kinds. S.'S HI * TO INVit : TOHS anJ Spociilators Wo can show you us clean a list of Omnhii really that iiro tmfo Ifivcstiiiiint.s with | ) orf ct tnles and sure to return a Qnedlvidonil. lijNOJtigiito- J L. Hico A Co 'a Hit. 90JH . _ SA LE Ulcgani now U-room house In Walnut Hill If lauon at ynco. Address L 21 , Duo otlico. 717 15 * TMOR A fiK-Full lot on .Iackson"st"lict TJth"- I1 nnd nth. only $ ; ) .WO , eu.TO cash. 1.1 * illco A Co , Solu Agonts. tfl-J 17- WA'n'H. . Heal F.stato and Insurance J Agency 1516 Douglas slront. Kino aero in Ilolvodero. for n few days . . $ 70- 0Kfrknood , lot 13 , block 4 , fronllnir on 19lh- Biid 20th streets . 1,50- 1niirrietlo court. 1 lot . 4V) Corner Poppleton ave. and 2'lli '! st . 2.50- 06room house on Ohio street . Z, * Corner lot In Fairmont . I. fll- lUwlhnrn , lot 3 , block 4 . 1,375 linker Place , 2 lots , feet from new car- line , ouoh . . fl-V ) Orchard Hill , two choice lots near liamll- street , each .. . 00- Lowo'saddlot2 , block II . 1W ) Dargalns In llodfonl 1'lr.cn- .4room . house near red car line ; easy terms. 1,80 b.i7 15- T7KH _ BALK Modern 8 room rosldonce , south -L fronton Decatur sL. near cor King st , , on oar tine. Kvory modern ronvonlonce.rlty wat'tr , gas , voweraze cunnectlone , street cars. $1,00 , ono tblra rash. J. U nine A Co. , Sole Agents. 867 I- VFOK _ SALE dullness property , nw corner and Dorcas su , 6Cxl32 foot , with a largo benne anil other Imnrovemnnti , at a bargain. For sale , 317 aornsof land In Nuokolls Co. , Neb , within miles of Superior and H , 1- 1.depot. . . For pirtloutars call ou M. llodlngton , lG.HH.Mtb St. . Omana. 973inuy6- JlTr.A H Voornor lot 6 < xia * on | 5th and Cumlng it uno of the best locations In tha city for a wnruUoiue , with waterworks and sewerage. Apply at promises. Thos tMnels.tr. _ 290 a20J [ Continued on Eighth

University of Nebraska–LincolnI I IB * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. APKIL 1(>: 188Z SPECIAL NOTICES; Advertisement * under tbls lioid. lOccntapor line tor tlio first In-crtion

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Page 1: University of Nebraska–LincolnI I IB * THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. APKIL 1(>: 188Z SPECIAL NOTICES; Advertisement * under tbls lioid. lOccntapor line tor tlio first In-crtion

I I IB *



Advertisement * under tbls lioid. lOccntaporline tor tlio first In-crtion , cunt for each sub-ffquint

-Insortion. nnd S1.50 n line prr month

No Brv rtlrt tnent taken for U Kg than i nM-lor tlin first Insertion. Puvon word * ill bscounted to the linn ; they must run i nsoni.-ttvoly

.and must bo paid In advance. All adver-


mu t bo handed in before 1 ::30 o'clock-p.tn..tmd iinilrr no clrcum-itanci'S will the > b *taken or dlovnllnucd by telephone.-


advertising In them ( olumns find hav-jngtho answers nOdrc n d In ci-ro of TUB Hit* III t l"Bf c nfk for n chccV to rnnblc thorn to Bettheir letter * , as none will b dollvored oic ) pt-

on r fl mtatlon of check. All answers to ad-Vf


moments should be enrlonod In onvetopos.All odvortUomonts In those columns are pub-


In liotli morning und evening editions of-

Iho Hoc , the circulation of whichaggregate * morn than 11,0X1 papersdally , nnil ghes the advertiser tliobenefit , not onlj of ttio city circulation of TheBoo but nlFO of Council Hlurfs , Lincoln , nnilother cities and towns throughout this part ofthe west.




to loan on real estate. Apply to C. II ,3 Kcllor , 1W Fornara n , city. 615 mIO*

$500,000 to loan at 6 pur cent , Harris 4 Samp ¬

1610 Douglas st. ft6S-

KWX30 T() LOAN at 6 per cent Mahoncy' Llnahan 1509 Farnam. 1J1

(i PEIl CENT Money-.V

.U. C. Patterson , 15th atd narney. 75-

5M ONKV TO F. Davis * Co .realestate and loan agents , 1505 Farnam st


6MONKY to loan on real estate and chattelsCo. 1511 Farnam st , ground floor.- .


Q5,0,000 To loan on Omulia city property ateT percent G. W. Dayover 13U Dougin st


MONKY TO On olty and farm prop ¬

, low i ales. Blowart ic Co , Hoom 3Iron bank. 753-

TLTONEV to loan , cash on nnnd.no delay."A J. W. and K. L. Squire , 1413 Farnara st ,Pttxton liolcl building. 760

MONEY First mortgage notes. The Douglaabank will buy papers secured by

first mortgage on city realty. 761

TO LOAN on improved real estate ;no commission charged. I.eavltt Hum-

ham , Room 1 Crolghton lllock. 702

PER CENT-Monoy to loan.Gregory A Hadley ,

Rooms 1 and 3, Rcdick block , 320 S. 15th St763

HONENY toloan on collaterals. Long andtimecity mortgages and con-


* uought , U. S. Rowley , 314 South 15th st678 mil_ _

LOAN Money Ixiana placed on Im-proved

-. real estate In city or county for

Now England Loan A Trust Co. , by DouglasCounty bunk. ICth and Chicago st* . 704

MONEY to loan on Improved city property ntcent Money on band ; do not have

to wait Have a complete set of abstract booksof Douglas county. I. N. Watson , abstractorHarris Heal Estate and Loan Co. . 820 8.15th st.. 76-



LOANED at C. F. Heed & Co.'s Loan, on furniture , plnnos , horeeswagons ,

personal property of all kinds , nnd all other ar-ticles


of value , without removal. 319 H. 13th.over Illngham'a Commission storo. All busl-ne

-strictly confidential. 7C-

6TAN8Loan Loan *.

Real estate loans ,Collaterinl loan *.Chattel loans.Long time loan *.Short time loans.Money always on haoa to on on any ap-


security.Investment securities boupht and sold.Omaha Xnanclal Exchange , n. w , cor. IBth

and flitrnev.-Corhctt.

.. Manager. ' 76-

7TVfONEY TO LOAN by the nndenlgned , whoJJ-I has the only properly organised loanagonoy In Omaha. Loans of $10 to $100 madeon furnlturo , pianosorgans , hones , wagons ,machinery , Ac, without removal. No delays.All business strictly confidential. Loans somade that any part can bo paid at any Ime.eachpayment reducing the cost pro rata. Advance *inad * on fine walcnea and diamonds. Personsihould carefully consider who they are dealingwith-as many new concerns are dally comingInto existence. Should you need money can

nd see inc. W. R. Croft , Room 4 W'tbnell-Jlulldlni * 15th and Hnrney. 7W(




A partner with $300 , rare clianco.-TV

.good paying business. Address or call

Dayton If Vorl* . room 1,1304 Douglaa st.881 18-

JEVK8ALK* Ono of the best paying business-C In the city of Omaha , thoroughly estab-lished


and open to the strictest Investigation.Ko opposition. Call and Investigate the aboveat 1417 Jocks on St. 877 171

Foil BALK-Good paying restaurant , cen ¬

located ; for particulars call on oraddress Ohaa , L. Hart. Crolghton Block. 033 IT

FOR CASH-Paylng lumberyard in-n thriving north Nebraska town. Good

for selling. Norfolk State bank , Nor-reasons . 66817-

TpOH SALE-A Ortt-clacs lumber yard at InJ-


man. Neb , For particulars address Geo.Graves. Norfolk , Neb. 67016 *

OU SALK A Complete- cigar stand outfitGate City Heal Estate Co. , 135) Douglaw t



SALE One-half Interest In the Nebraska- Signal , the largest circulation of any coun-


weekly newspaper In the state ; large JobbIDcp In connection. For full particulars ad-flrons

-or cell on B. 0. Sawyer , Admr. . Fair-


. Nob. 7.1-

8BUV a Mayfleld lot on West Cumlngs street ,, |60 down and $10 monthly , a J.-


. Ttt

' BALE or Exchange A now 35 bbl com-bination


mill situated on Little Blueriver , uoar Hebron , In Thaynr county. Will ex-obaiigo


for wild or Improved lands or lire slock.For further particular * address First NationalBank. Hebron. Neb. K-

t"WANTED To find good , llvo business menTT with stocks of goods to move to a grow-


town where money can bo made. Iwllla-1st


the right kind of people In building , etc.Will |uiy good big bonus to nnr one that willstart a canning factory , or. In fact , any kind of

factory that employs hands. We want a drugitoro , furniture atom , grocery store , a doctor ,k practical painter right away. For particularsaddress Hank of Valley , Valley , Nob. , or C. B.Wayne , Omaha. Nab. f 4a23



homo for ladles duringJL confinement , strictly confldentinl , Infanta-ndoptod , address K 42, Roe oftico.-



riw. DUHANT-Clarivoyant from Boston , Is4-UrellaMe in allaffalnof Hfo.unitosseparatedlovers. U22 N. 16th st. room 1 640a2-

jTJEHfinNAL Mr *. Dr. Nnnme V. WarrenJL clairvoyant. Medical and business MediumBoom No. 8,121 North 16th st .Omaha , Nob.



OMAHA Storage Warehouse Corner Utlsts , , for gtnrago of houaohoid-

poods und general merchandise at low ratesAdvances madn ; Issue warehouse receipts. It,II. switch nt the house. OMIco 519 South 13th-ptrcct mid KW , 1310 and 1312 Izard street. Tele-IihonedJJ.

-. M. 8. Goodrich , Mgr. 995 ni-


- and buggy lior-os forOmaha lots. Address K 71 S20 1-

9jF0 itBNT-vkiuaro Piano $4 montntr. AHo pe.l5131 >ougias. 770-

Fl O parties baring houses ( or rent. Rental.L Agrnry , llonuwa & Co. , list. , oppoiile post-


. We have turned , over to them our rentalJldi. We recommend them. McCagua Bros.


' Premium Short Hand ,and Typewriter * ' Institute.-


andHollablo instruction.Write or npply to L. J. Blake , principal , cor.-


and Capitol ave. Omaha. Neb. C5.I myl *

FOK HKNT Organs , $3 per month , riospe ,Doualas. 773

CASH advanced on diamonds and watches at117 N. Uth st. Orff&Co. 203 all

GO to SlUbur , IblS-lSSO St Mary i ave. for par-lor

-good *. 874 IJ-

ilEPSMAKlNOMr * . K. C. ScoBoidTpTrIon lS3 St. Mary's are. Ladle * cnmlng to

the city for one day can have their dress mad *While waiting. 975 m 14

of the best sanitary Inventions overbrought before the ladles of Omaha la

pow on exhibition ut 1417 Jackson st. 877 17 *

SOMETHING more preolout than * llvorandobtained by calling at 1417

Jacltton st 877 IT *

TV> NT be an oyster. Don t be iwallowtdJLf alive wfien you want tn sell furniture.Carpet * or household (rood*, oall at 117 N. Uth.-



2ttOT CASH tnr goeomt-hnnd. furniture , cn-rJ

-pots ana1 stoves , at 117 N. iBth st

303 M3

110 HEAL1. 1 withdraw from the nmrkrt my land mu-ted


In "nrpv county , lots Nos. li. I' ) , 2)) In Mar-in's

-siibdmston In block No. 1 , from thin date.-


, April II , 1837 A. Kallsn.

' 1. 0. House furnishing goodi. all kinds ;

V' cft'h or installment ! lowest prices at J ,

kinnor , 1)15 Douglas st. ! ")

no Idlnir , grading , trimming troes.platit-Ing


shrubs , n tdross J. Astltiford , 6th and)orcM , city. tOT 21-

JPHRpliico whore they sell furniture ohc.ip-L- forcnsh ha * boon removed from 111(1( Doug-as


toll ; X. 18th at. a a3CESSPOOLS sinks and vaults clennud. odor ¬

. K. Kwlnz , box 427. city.i-r.'O

.n 1-

3FOIt IllCNl Hquaro Piano , $ momnlv. A. 1513 Douirhm. 770

DON'T bo aclam. Don't pay two prices whoucan go to 117 N. letli atul buy furni-


, stoves , Ac , at rock bottom prices-



Storage lit 110 N nth ft.

MONKV talks when you want to buy furni ¬

vnpor stoves at 111 N.ltJth. betweenDodee and Capitol ava. 20:1: ulS-

XT you want to buy or sell furniture , go to-J. . Ferguson's , 71S N. 13th. 771

NEW Hoarding House , flno tables , clean andvictuals. Ilia Chicago St. 772

HEALTH , wealth , economy and luxury canby calling at 1117 Jackson 'tS-

77 17 *

STORAGE First-class storage for nice fur-boxed goods , at ISM Dodge-it. :




SALK-Furnlturc , household goods , etc.2021 Webster st 851 21J

FOH SALE Good 5 year old horse , buggyharnoM-nciuly now. Address L 37. Dee

851 16J

FOR SALE At a bargain. A lot of secondwoven picket fence as good as new ,

nt Himobaugh'STaylor's , HO'i Douglas. 812 10

"171OH SALE I'tirnlttiro of 5-room cotta-L good as new , very cheap. 17) ) N 19th si-



SALE-Fcedlng nnd stock caltlo. John. Jollorson. Iowa. 8.4 1-

9'OH SALK Ollico partition in good order.Omaha Snddlory Co W7 1"-

T7IOH SALB 4 It. P. Olio gas cnslno. now.JP Apply lo Omaha Saddlery Co. M7 17

well bred road horse for alo. Singledrivers nnd pole teams at Wlthrow's barn.

1307 Harnoy Htreot. I'lcmlng & Kennedy.-Blii


JTJIOH SALE-17 head choice bred ShorthornJL1 cattle ; also a l'0 ucro stock farm In Holtcounty. J , a. Colllngs , Ponder. Neh

. ! may 13J

SALK A stock of poultiy , ono team ofhorses , wagon and harness. Housu and 10

aero poultry yard for rent , covered with bear-Ing

-blackberry bushes. C. J. Canan. 801-

I710H SALK 1 or3 horses. 1 spring wagon , 1L buggy , cheap. A. Hospo. 731 m3-



SALK A oalr driving horses and fourfive saddle horses. Inquire stock yards

ouico , South Omaha. 757 H

. BALE Furniture , carpets , etc. , D19Pleasant st 701 15 *

TTIOR BALE Cheap , a Chlckoring squareJL1 plano0093.17th st 75" 16 *

TT1OH 8ALE-A family horse and harness.-L1

.- 1)25) N. 17th street. 100. 734 15 *

FOIl SALB A snail of work horses. A No. 1.of II. H Haven , 1010 Harney , or-

Chas. . Sesemann. Orchard Hill. 7JO 15-

TTTOKSALE Gasoline stove complete Flouso--*- keepers delight ; nearly now ; now Improvedburner ? ; half prlco. Inquire Ifl Chicago st

714F'OH SALE The best line of carriages , phaet ¬

, buggies , real estate wagons and deliv-ery


wagons. Columbus Huggy Co.1113 Harnoy.333 m9-

710H SALE Team , weight 2,000 , will give- time on part paymcnts.L 4 Bee otlice. :> -' . 15-

""filOH SALK A second hand sjmng wagon , two*- seated , polo and shott , cheap , at the Co-lurnous Buggy Co. , 1113 Harney st SM-

II SALK Brick. T.Murray.127

CHOICE LANDS $5 per acre. $ M) makes Iscpar men t on 100 acres. Wrltoforln-

formation W. F. Palno. Sidney Nob. 252may7-T710K SALE Team One roadsters , and good* ' single harness. Dr. tianchctt.r OWithnell-block. . 70-

IPUH SALB 2 million brick and upwards D-Ct

-- sides dally out put of 30.000 , Enquireon promises , cor Doroas and 2nd sts. Omahallrlok and Terra Cotta Mfg. Co 774


WANTED A good reliable man for generalthe house. Apply to W. C.

Blackburn. 316 S 15th 8t 831 15

to clean brick at Sneely'sPacking ho USD ruins. B59 17 *

WANTED A man of experience and goodto soil lightning rods , addrnss L.

89Beeo11co. 84321 *

100 men for city work. Ingram* Russell , 1007 Farmim street. 835 16 *

' At once , stenographer and type-writer


who can furnish machine. AddressLS9 , lleoodlco 8f 15J

WAN TED-A good pastry cook at the Wind ¬

hotel gJ7

WANTKD-Good clean cook ; good wages toSouth 14th st. 814 1UJ

WANTED A man who understands the carevines. Call at lleo office ut 4-

o'clock Saturday. 840 15

WANTED An onorgotlo man who canthe Gorman and Scandinavian

languages. Albright's labor agency , 1120 Far-nam.

-. BIB

to work In itardon , also manTV and wife to board from n to 10 men Ad-

dress Box 508 or rail on premises , 2 miles westof city limits ou Loavonwortb st. ft. W. Hurlburt ft Co, 82! 15 ,

WANTED At U. S. Laundry4 good polishersboy. Cell after 6 p. m 1COI

CasA street. t05 IrtJ

50 sxlosmen Immediately on a-

TT llbornJ salary or comralislou to sell ourcomplete line of stock containing many choicespecialties. Experience not necessary. Applywith stamp , ghIng ago, to It. II. KnliBn , Nur-icrynian


, Pntlerfon , N. J. g2| 15J

WANTKD Rood coat maker and bushclman, 410 S. 15th st 707 IS-

IVANTEDA Scandinavian boy about 15

' 3 cars old to assist In dry goods store. Ap-ply


2.4 Cumlng st 792 15

pant maker and a coat maker607 B. 10th. 750 15-

'VVTASTED A harncssmakor A good work-> i man and of steady habits , to take charge

of a shop in a small town. A German or lio-hemlan


preferred. Apply with reference toJohn Miller. Wilbur. Neb. 719

AGENTS Cooklngrovrlutlonlzed. An "Odor ¬

Frylnir-Pan and Ilrollor Sells read ¬

ily. No competition. Morgan Mfg Co. , Kal-amazoo , Mich. M9 17 *

WANTED Young men None but good actof education and business ability

need apply , lloom IS Bushman block. J. J' .Fionch ft Co. C1415

1 per week and board11 chance for rahu. Write C. E. Homo , Nor-


, Neb 53

50 sober , intelligent men of gooc> > address to try a lOo meal at Norrls' res.

taurant 104 S 16th st 775dry goods truveillns-

i saloman having an established trade le-

the country tributary to Kansas City. Stateamount of trade , territory covered , and howlong. Address , with reference , W. B. GrimesDry Goods Co. , Kansas City , Mo. 85S"

50 inun shovolers and teumjton-shovolers> > $ l.tO ; call l.lth und Howard.

Monday morning. Jensen & I'ctereon , btO 10

Men to cut wood. T. Murray.40-

6W ANTKD Two good draughtsmen. Ap , . ,to James Tyler , Architect , Lincoln , Neb.


Co t and pants makers at J. C.TT Vapor *. Union pncos strictly adhered to

75* 16 |




Competent girl for generaTT housework ; * ! family ; good wage* . 8

E. cor. IVth and Davenport. M-

8WANTBDA girl to work In kitchen at 421 aM-

UVVANTKD Competent girl for generaTT housework m family of two. nt Bouth

28th are. Me 17-

1ANTED3 laundry ftrto , t Urst-elaw pol-isher , Hteady work and good My. Omaha

Laundry , 04 North th . U$ W

for general hou'OworVMrs. .T H. S. ginllh " CUltornlB m. 072

.D A good girl lor general house-work


701 818th. J20 2JWANTED Good practical woman n houfo-

, wages $ " ,w per week , Applv be-tween 1 nnd 2 at U12 Douglas. 36-

1AV'ANTED A good girl or tnMdlo ncod> ' woman to care for sick lady. Inquire nt

the head ot liUli st. L P. Pruyn. 7Ji 1-

9A""ANTED A competent girl at n. o. corner' of Itth nnd Loavenworth sts. 733 15'

) A gooofcompotentglrl to do gen-rral


housework , good wages paid. En-qujiro


Ht 1S15 Douglas St. 733 16 *

A girl for general housework at* 1917 Cnss st EU3

_ _

WANTED Girl tor general .housework., 1415 N lth st , bctwocn Clark nnd-

Grace. . I'M 17'" A peed cook and Ironor. Call on-

T T Mrs Frank li Moores , east side of 1-th ,between Jackson and Loavenworth , MW

: > A good girl for general house-work


In a smalt family. Inquire 101 S-


ft. B27 19'

WANTED A young g Irl for light workof baby. 11,55 Georgia HVC .

" family of thrco , a competent' ' girl for general housework. ltn Farnam-

St. . . 767 15 *

" lady olork posted In the crock-' ' cry , notion and toy lino. Apply by letter

to L 30 lice office. 795 16-

J"WANTED A good cook , n German girl pro-fcrrod


' ' , Apply at southeast corner or-IV.hnnd Douglas. 797 1-

6TXrANTKbA good girl at 003 South lth st.

" ANTED Competent nur o girl to takev care of 2 children. Apply 410 Convenl st.

- for general housework Insmall family,24 X) boward St. 74U 15J

- pant , overall and shirt makersand ono laundreu Geo. Stiles , Uth and

; ts 'Ml 15

3 cook. Will pay $ S per-T week. 24.7 Dodge St. 203

" for general housework ;

' food ages to good girl. Apply to D. 1.O'Donohoo.iit O'Donohoo A; Shorfys , 15th Sunext to the postoQico. 77-

5ITANTLOGood girl ut 50 * Virginia ave ,T good wages paid. 23-

1"ITTANTKI ) A first-class girl for general' ' housework In a email family , at 1717 Chi-


st or 152 Douglas. 611 15-

JWANTEOOood second girl at 23.4 Dodge. 7C316

cook and laundress. i )S

' Farnam. Mrs. J. M Thurston. 70i" cook at Glvnwood ,

T T la. Write I ) II. Wilson , 6'') J liANTKn-Two good women as Cham-bormalds


' , wages $1 per WOCK Apply be-tween 12 und 2 o'clock p in. at 912 Douglas st


2 girls , ono cook and ono diningT ' room girl , at Ulb Le stKM

13 *

( and gontloineti ) agents for-T v Mrs. Campbell's now patent Electric Em-


"Empress. " Richest and most stylishwaterproof outside garment over made , llcaii-tiful


as satin and more durable Largo profits.Address , with stamp , K. H. Campbell & Co . .454-

W Randolph st. Chicago. 24118'

WANTED Woman to come dally to attend. Hoom II , Anderson

block , Iflth and Davenport 30S

Girl nt Urainct iituibo> > 019

WANTED good cook and laundress Immp-Dr. Colfman's , St. Mary's ave-


and 215th. 371 16

') A neat spry elrl for generalT house wont , 1415 Jonas St. . .19-

4irA"NTKl7 Lady canvassor. Apply to 303-N.> . 10th st lf

At once , plino player , coloredTT woinan preferred Apply 112 3 'Jth. 343

Ladles to work for us at their' * own homes : ? 7 to 10 per week can bo

quietly inudo ; no photo-palming , no canvassn-sr.

-. For full particulars plenso address at

once Crescent Art Co. , 19 Central St. , Boston ,Muss , llox5170. un




Situation driving team or otherwork. lllfllliroS02 Loivouworth 801 20j

WANTKD Situation nt bookkeeper or assis ¬

, had several years business ex-perience. . Address L 31 , Hce ofllco. 7C3 19"

7A.NTEDSltuatIon by n good blacksmith' on general work. Address J. H. Kvana ,

mtto , N < b. 843 15J_

CANTED Position as bartender , will workfor small pay ,wlll furnish security for his

honesty nnd sobriety If required , tlrst classrecommendations , please address L 10 , this of-nee.

-. 057 16'

r.NTEDSituation by n registered phar-v maclst with 8 years experience. Aildros-

aLi2Bcooffico 7M 10J

ns book keener or' ' eashlerby a young lady. UeJt of refer ¬

ences. Address L. 7 , lleo office. 097




Two furnlshod rooms , modernT > convonlonceby two young gentlemen.

Address 1,41 Heoolnco. b'.V Itij" two youncr gentlemen , suit of-'T furnlsheil moms , modern com cnlcncoj.-


private famllv , where thoio are no otherroomers. Address L 42 lire otlico. &H IJ(!

WANTED To Huy , a young norse , brokenor drive , Add res.L illeo olhco.

734 16 *

A newspaper , paying circulationguaranteed from the start , for particu-


address Dank of Valley , Valley , Nob.G03

To gixo away o.OOJ.yards of dirtv > to anyone who will haul it away from n w

corner of ITth and Webster 8t*. 617 South 13th-St. . S2-

1Immediatelybargains In real 03-tale for cash customers. L. II. Watts ,

1510 Douglas street. 617

room for o single' gentleman , without board , In a sociable

and mu cal prlvato family , near postolllce.-Hoforencos

.oxchaugod. Terms ro sonablo.

Address L 37 Hoc. 813 15J

" furnished house of S to' 10 rooms , centrally located. Address L

36 Una. B57 20 *

for n 10 wootts old tx >y' ' baby can adopt him , good healthy child ,

Adilrcn L 35 lleo othoe 854 20 *

V ANTED To tradon ijood real o-ttito rk-> for lot In any part of the city. r. Barrett-

Co. . , 3144 S 15th. 67 1-

1YVANTED To buy a sldo tnr top buppy.-T 20l't> llarrett it Co ,314V } S 15th 6

Owners of property who wish toT T rell their property cheap , to lUt it with L.

H. Watts , 1510 Douglas St. , wno has purchasersfor bargains in real estate. G1S

" Hcglnnerson piano. 50 cents un-T hour. Address U U , Boo Olllco. 3-H IflJ

" Unfurnished room largo inough' i for 4 or suite ot rooms for sleoning

apartments , In center of city. Address K 00 ,bee otrico. 240

trade for Nebnuka land.-G'i lota rt eight hundred dollars each In the

booming city of Minneapolis , Minn. AddressaUuiceL a. lleeoftlce. 78i 15 *_WANTED A business man pr firm In Omaha

the Incandescent Metallic 1'etro-loura

-Lamp for professional raon , students ,

olllco. parlor , desk or store. It has no equalIt is equivalent In light power to HO sperm can ¬

dles. The light Is steady and superior to eithergas or electric light for those who study orwrite at night. It rests the eyes. PatentedlKn.? A rare chance to make money. AddressJ. II. Knig. Gen. Agent , Hudson. Ohio. 841 15j

WANTKD To buy for cash old houses to bofrom their present sites. Apply

to C , H. Dodge , 617 South Uth st. 230

W'ANTED To lease ground In any part of, not over 10 block * from post-


. Address O. W. Cody , box 536 , olty. 819




RENT Frame store building , SOzV-I

) ,- -' with living trooms.on Phil Bherldan stwllImprove ; put basement under store to suit anylegitimate business Wm. Fleming * Co. . 1401Douglas. 870

FOR KENT House of 7 rooms and barn InView. Laurence * Bcyael. 2H N.

Uth it , 817 16-

TOOR KKNT-Brtck yards. T. Murray.-



RKNT Hotue of M rooms. 1154 perJtaomh , Beoawft * Co, , Uth st, opjwsite V.

"IT'OIt riF.ST-A * ell lighted basement andX1 small stdro , California house , cor llth nnd-Do tiffin ? st 7W 15 *

FOR HKNT 4 new cottiiti on CalUornln35th street , noir OMiln ; street csrt.

Hunt $25 per month , Applf *) Kaufman tiros.2078.l5tlL_ | St fj SMj-


HES'T-2nd floor 22xJBft ! well lighted !

J privilege of uslnc water *Jlovator included.Apply at 1105 Douglas SU 101

FOR HKNT Good 5 room cottage , centrallynnd turniuro for sale. W. o-

Shrlvcropp. . KO. 741 13

REST A new stern on inth t , lint * eonMason and 1'acitlc st.2J by 32. Inquire up-

stairs.. 150 16 *

FOR RENT 2 stores 20x110 feet each. In onethi best cities In Nebraska. Thrco now

railroads will be built to the tity this season.1 ho tlrm that has Just vac.itexl the stores did abusiness of over a luludicil thousand dollarspcranniim. Harrison , Ambler J: Woollov , 413-S. . loth St. 705 17

TOH HKST-Ilarn , W7 South 20th st.X1 For Sale Engine and boiler , 519 South 13ll-lstioot. . avi 15 *

to rent. T. Mimayl S5-

9FOH HKNT Three-room house , 101 !) North. MI-

"IPO 11 HKNT nice cotteze. furniture for snlo-C

,- peed location , 10 minutes walk from P. O-


! "L 40" Dee office. WJ 17 *

TpOH RENT Seven room flat and furnituioJ-L ! for sale , well located Address or callDayton & Vorls. room 1,1JQI Douglas et. SSI 1Q-

Jf OH HKST House : furniture , carpots.io. ,forsulo. Apply 1009 Farnam. 21)-

TPOR RENT Store und llvm < npartmnnts on-J Cumlnir nearSaundorSst. Apply nt HarrisIII at l.'stuto r.nd Loan Co..M S. 1Mb st. 752




HKNT Furnished rooms , furniture and, now best tlnl hcil house m

Omaha , All modern Improvcmoiits , tine neigh-borhood


, com onlcnt to tiourdlng houns ; be t-

ri'foronco required 2.1 Farnam st. s31 21 *

"C OH HKNT I'lcgant south room ,

J modern conii-nlcnces To Gentlemen orgentleman and wife. 1J-4 Farnnni st 71-

4FOH HKNT Furnished front room for twofour gentlemen 101. ) Chicago sti oet.-


1-5'F OK HENT-Furnlshed rooms , 701 S 17th.-



IilOH HKNT Lirrfo front or back parlor torand wife or two gentlemen. Also a

small room. Modern Improvements. - > M N-


street. S?) 18

HKNT Two nicely furnished rooms.Cheap for the summer. 1SIK Furnnm t.

813 18J

FOH ItENT Furnished room , suitable forgentleman : both , modern com out-


101 N. 15th st 815 15 *

FOH HEVT Three rooms at 1712 , Jackson. also largo barn Knquiro at 202-i bt-


, 7W 151

FOH HRNT F.logantly furnished fiont par ¬

, 111 S. lith st. 7.V5 1-7'F OH HENT Storeroom. 1010 ?oulh lOlh bet.

Mason and Pacific Inquire up stalls.735 IS *

FOH HUNT Very pleasant front bed roomHlnglo gentleman , near business

center , ( las , butn. Private laniily. 1M5 Cup-lfil

-avo. f53 Plj

Foil HENT-Sult of looms , ro.idv 1st May., on car lino. Addresi L3i , HPO. 8.55 10 *

OH RENT A pleasant furnished room for-L gentleman , $500 per month , 605 N 17th.

582 15-

JFOH HKNT-Furnishod rodras 1013 Doigc.723 17 *

FOH HENT- Ono largo ful tilshod room andsuite of rooms for oflice In Gruonlg-

lllock , ror. 13th and Dnjgc. Goo. 1). DavK-Hilllard Hoom Mlllard Hotels eai

FOR HENT Three room hpuso west of Northst. , botv.-eoii Chicago and Casj. C9-

2FOH RENT Two rooms , one east front fur-- or unfurnished. Gas and bath. 520

Pleasant street 6J-

4TOH ElKNl'-Furnlshod rooms , 712 N. 19th St-C- , H9310J-

TT1OH lir.NT Hoonis Ono suitable tor : i or t-12 gentlemen : one sultubla for two gentle-men

-: one suitable for gentleman nnd wifo.

Hoard in the family. 1410 Chicago st. W-

"IJtOlt HEN'T Elegant ofllco rooms , best lo-X

-; cation in Omaha. 3ld South loth st. 63"

T7U3H HENT Newly furnished room in newJL1 house. 1921 Dodge st. 33-

1F OH RK.NT-Rooms , 1913 Farnain at. '.3(51 15J-

T71OK RENT Nice front room , 1G.3 Dodgo.-C

.- C5I 17'

FOH KENT Third floor , 2.xSO , of brick build-, ItOii Farnam street , use of elevator.

Inquire above number , upstairs. 66-

1F10H HENT Furnished rooms 1707 Oiss.

HENT Nicely furnished rooms at rea-sonable rates , ono block from court house ,

500 So 18th et , north St , Mary's ave , up etalrs.579

F"-OH HENT-Oltlces in Hellman buildingciir.-Furnam

.and l.Jth sts. , in unites or singly.

For prices , diagrams and information apply to-S.A. . Sloman , 1512 Farnam st , Hoom 2.




$000 snap open until Monday evening.Cull on L. II. Watte , 1513 Douglas strrot.8-



7TT'AIllMOt'NT' Place-Corner50x121 . . $ ? ,0J Fairmount Place South front. 40tlCO 1,25-)PelhaiiiPlaco East front. 53JCI1S . . . l.TO-OIVlham PIBCO South front.50x124 . . . l.'VH )Foster's Addltrn Corner. 45x13) 2,210Foster's Additrn-Ncar2l8t s' . , 50x130 . . . 20)-Omnha View North fiont50x130. . . . l,0i )Omaha Vlow Ksst frontState street. 1'X)0)

Gregory & Hadlcy 343

FOR SALK Fnrnam street property Woexclusive sale of some choice and

tioMtlvo bargains on this "King's Highway ,"J. K Illce A Co. 8101-8TJldit SALK- .' blocks from nrown cll hall onJC inthst , 2 fine bargains. Call at G. F. El-sasser's.

-. rJi)

A $6)0 snap oncn until Mnndav eveningCall on Ij. II. SVatts , 1518 Douglas street-

S s 17

SALK-SO acres 3 mlkH from the citylimits southwest , beautiful land with con-


supply of water. Apply to Omaha HealFstalo and Trustee * . , or Win. Fleming 87-

1F OK SALE Flno propcrtv on Itrlstol st , at u-

uargain. . F. Itauett &Co.JlUi S 15tti-H79SO

WKhavo In the past few days got togetherbunch of bargains to which uo

call your attention :

Ona hundred loot front on Hamilton and 127feet on 2tth st , beautiful now 9 room bouse ,south and ea t front only $ VWO , one-half cash.This piet-fl of property Is a bargain and a beau-tiful


home.7 loom house and good lnrnw ll and cistern

Jull lot bOx25! on grade near Hhst on Frank-lin


, $ .1000 This wo'jid be cheap at 3100.Corner 15th and I.eaveiuvortli , 9 loom house ,

a bargain. ,1-

iW feet ironton Saunder * sK , In block 137SJEnmilro price.-


lot on Cuss street , between 2d and 23rd ,0.i o. 'The cream of Orchard Hill cqrncrR $1,000-


) foot on Charles street uitb goud house ,si.ooa '

One nno lot on Howard 'street , In Isaac &

Selden'sartd.lWO. '"Four lots in Everett Place ut 501.Ono tlno 8-room house , good burn , full lot , on

grade , 62 x1:5 , with south front on 25lh etrool ,only y block trora Cumin * , r&OOO

_1 lot 3)xUO and U- room houiqju Harlem Lane ,

2 lots In Melroio Hill , corner north and costfront. 1.DO for both '

2 best lots In Ambler Placo. 17-13 block 0,$1,30for both.

2 Ir.t * In Armstrong's Second addition at; ." !X ).There are no better chances either for the

speculator or thoono who K ants to buy a housethan can bo found at our otlice. No. 211 North16th street , opposite Masonic building.-


& Moore. 876 n$000 snap open until Monday evening.Call on L. H. Watts , 1518 Douglas street


SALK M dern 8 room residence , bouthfront on Decatur st , near POO King st , on

oar lino. Kvery modern convcnlenco.ctty water ,g&A. sewerage connections , street cars. $4l>X ) ,one-third cash. J. L. Illce i Co. . Sol * Agents.

867 10-

TJWU SALB-Nlce 7-room house , large lot ,-L1 cellar , well and fruit trens, in desirable lo-cation


, lot lies beautifully, bouse rents for 115per month. 3,5W( , 1 00 cash , balance 1.3 and3 years; 401 N ISto su 884 16J

FIVE acres , $700 an acre , adjoining aero * areat $* . John Gallagher , BIT 8 13th st.-



Afaoo snap open until Monday evening.on L. U. WatU , 1513 Dougfai ctroot

888 17


ACRES 4 miles southwest postnmervla ) JI. sightly und at $ iWO an ncro only , D. C.

Patterson , Omaha National Hank , 7,9-

iFOR SAt.K The beautiful ncroi known as lot( lisa's nJd , opposite ( Count plAeo cov-

erpd with largo maple trees , hs-


boon sub-divided


and placed on the market Only A

few lots loft. J , L. Hico .V Co , , Solo Agents.-r

.) 19-

VHINGS VALLKV.Our now ftlilltlnn-


$ > ) ) per wri.-Npir


South Omah * .And Sydlcate Hill.

JilarshiU A : Lobock ,77S IS ) ) F.trnm. ._

DODGE ST. Wo have some bargains In Do Igo, tmw that the Cabin Is assured , they

will Incrnnso Inaluo rapidly. Clarksnn xRealty , 219 South Uth. 8.9 1-

0TNSIDK PHOPEHTY Wo have some good In-JL


sldo property at a bargain. Pierce .V Iloj-orsl5ll


Dodge street. S.-

WnilN! ACHK3 for sain 4 mlle S W. of V. O.lnysJL hlvh , iuM an ncio. D. C. Pattorsun , Omalm-Nnt'l bnn' < 773-

"IjlOU HAMI The boiiutlful icro Known as lotJ3 Ol3 '> add , opposlto Kountro place , cov-ered


with Inrira tnnplo trees hns been subdi-vided


und placed on the market. Only a fewota loft. J. L , Hies A Co , Solo Agents.-



OH TUADK-Wo own evorilthousand acrnj of choice South Dnkntn-

fiirtnlnir land which wo will neil or trade forDtuahnpropoity. Wo want to sell nndotfor ourlund nt bottom prlcoi. Wnirht A Lasbury. cor.under I'nxtnn hotel lort

SALK Choice property on 1'arnuin.-Ctimlnir.

.. IBth.Wth , Paunders , 1-iko , Dcdiro-

lueK, on nnil Sherman luvnuo. J. li. Him A Co ,Agouti , 8011-

9FOH SALK Finest , best and cheapest bullii-lots In the tii'irkct. opp KoiinUo I'laco-

ln (> Uc'andd. .1 L. Kleo 4 Co , Solo AgentsNW1U

) this splendid llt :

Gluion , Aylcsworth i.Henlamln ,15l'j I'atnamst.

1 lot In Imp. Ass'n , 47x111 , with '.' smallhou os . . S 3W )

Hot in Hawthorne , 44xlU ) . cor. Did anaDavunport , lth U room housocistern ,well , otc , very easy terms 3,5

1 lotin HllUldpId ixJd l.M )1 ! ot In llodtord Place , WtlS3 73'iHot InHilclicojk'ilita'lil. fiOtli'i . . . 701-

IV lotjln bhlnn'3 1st add,73x1 J5! , Cald-well


st 3,700Hot ill KeillcK's add , .Vitll ! , flair How-

ard st fl.TOJSlots In Woit Stlo.r! ) xl."J , barn and fruit

trom 2,10-05room IIOIIHI and lot N. 17th St. , good

and clitern . . . . . . BW )4th add , lot 8 , block 0 six room

houao. well , cistern b.irn. Ac 4Od-Jiltmobauiih & 1'ntturson sub lot 10 , block

2contract 553120 ft on St. Mary's ave , with 2 0room-

house" . ga and water , will subdivide 3.0340 ft on bt, Mary's nvo bet. 19th and 'JJth ! .' . )

Choice lot In Omaha ViutvIHfton liitn-it. nuarrnrnara 70,01-)SloHnU27. . f.o o' ndJ , t-room house ,

cclhlr , well anil 00-foot bilrn , price . 3,01)-WarohoU9 or bu lness niotiorty In block 1'JJ ,

4Snoj. easy termsItostaurm.t and lot 'Jx'xlT ; for sale , 1 rooms ,

food paylnir 'luslnnss , in Woeplng Water , J',601 ,

tcrmt ousy.Lot 1U in Anlaflold , $°MHouse 41x11 . ij rootiM and lot on Douglas st ,

for silo.f"i.lOO-.Sml'h

.' add , ono lot (Mxl'B , $ " . .IX)-


) .

of S3 nuips , splendid hou o , barn , gran-ary and all outbu Idlnza In I'nsa Co. ,3 miles N ofWet nln j Wnter , M.V01 cish.Jl ,00J , easy tornn.

Full lot on Dodge st , 3 houses , rents for 1800 ,

13 , , cash-.Ulbson

., Ajlesworth 4 Ilcnjatnln.-



SALK Full lot on.Ia"k on st . bet 12th-T- and Uth. only JJI.lXW. I ,UO cash. J L-


A Co , Solo Agents. b6 17

FAKE ST. 00 foot cornorand Ul foot corner ,bargains. Glaik on . Ucatty1'J '

South Uth street. 8-J! If-

lrpKN ACIU1S mlles southwest postotlico.lays-i- - sightly and nt $ iM an aero only. I ) . U-


, Onmbu Nation il Dank. 77-

JFOH SALE I'lncat , bo t and cheapest build-In the maikot. opp Place

In GlJO's add. J. L. Hico & Co. , Solo Agents.! C91-

8FOH SALE rholco property on Fmntim ,. Ifltli.-Oth , Saundern , L'lke , Dodge ,

Jackson und Shermiin ovenuo. J. li. Hico * Co ,

Ascnts. 8 j It)

,40 ucros for iibiliV ! lon , onlr J4 milas fromTt the poetoHlco for flO.OOO Terms , tlO.OOJcash , balance I , 2 aiU J j e ir at 8 per cent In-


t. Thl is unquestionably the greatestbargnln in Omalunnd will moro than doublein value I n BJ days. 11 ICK le Homun , room II ,I'ronzor block , opposlto P. O. 2J-

2FOH SALK Tlio beautiful iicro known as lot( ilso'g mid. , opnoslto place , cov-


with large maple Ireee , has boon sub-divided


uml placed cm the market. Only u-

foiv lota left. J. L. Kico & Co. , Solo Agents.09 1

ACIU'.S 4 mili-s southirost postoulco.lays-sightly and nt SW ) un aero only D. C.

Patterson , Omaha Nationil Hunk. 77-

0OSWr.NSON i CO.1401 Farnam street ,dealers In real estate and west-


land. Houses built to suit purchasers onmonthly payment. dSlnl4-

TTrS on hlato street ut S1.U5) ; Kiloy I'laco-J

,- east front , Lowe nvenue , $2OOU ; south

front , , Hood's Fust, $4,000 ; CO.xlL'S ,

Parker's add , $ , ) ; iW foot , 15th struct , JlfX )

per foot. Soinu tlno bargains In OmiihP. Vlow-anil t-Hlrmount 1lnco. If you want u bargainIn aero property or a lot in any part of the olty-HO can tit you out John Gallagher , 3)7) South13th streot. 275 14 ]

mr.N ATKKSrorsalo 4milesSW. of P. O. laysX high , fCOO an aero. D. C. Patterson , OmahaNnt'l bunk 77-

11FOH SAI.E31 foot , south front. Dod e. betund I3th. Call quick. O F. UUasscr's ,

Ko. 3U S Iflth st. B2t ]

llTJATJTTKUIj acre on llrlstol st. No strnot-ntiod be given elf this acre. A bargain

Sl.oao if Mold on or before the Ititn Inst. L II-


, 1518 UougHs st. 6J1 1-

5DAVF.NPOH 1" ST Cheap house nd lot In, very easy torms. Clark n A:

lloiitt ) , 21'J 3 14th St. tC9 I-

DFOH SAI.B Finest , best and cheapest bundlots In the market , opp KounUo i'mco

InGlso'sncld. J. L. Kico le Co. , Solo Agents.8091-

0Bl fTflAlinAIN One hundred foot front onSouth Uloventh st , corner lot , only I VXM.

Partontlmo. V. U VoJlcka , OiJ South Uth st.C1-

4rpHIHTV lots two blks from now depot. South-L Omaha , $ IV> If sold lioforo the 15tb.Pierce & hogors , 5 , Arlington blk. 117

FOHSALIl-Asootlonof good Improved farm-, Nob. Addro i box

4JI , Albion , Nob. I.7 !

LIST your property with I . H.Walts. 1510st. U9

$ cash w ill secure H ) acres of first dimfarming land in oa'tern Nebraska balanro-vcrv long time and no taxi-s for 20 years. The0.1' . Davis company , ISJj For mi in et.-

U24.a I-

SrOH SALE rinest. butt and cheapest buildlots In the market , opp Kountzo Place

In Glse's add. J. L, . Illce It Co. , bold Adonis.80 J 1-


_IHKWOOD Lot in bloc * 4 , double front-


ago , $1,50) , ! J cash. Clnrkson i Rorttty. 21'J. fr2J Irt

_rpIJN ACHES 4 miles southwest postofflco.laysX glchtly , and at ? COO an acre only. 1) U.

Patterson , Omaha National Hank. 77'j'

MCOAVOCK& O'Connor , 310 South Idth tono week , a few bargains

out of the many whicn are in our list :S low on Sauuders at , Improvements

woith * lrVO. prlco . . . f fl.000-22x132 corner on llth st , rents for $JoO

per month . . .TSxKC ! corner ou St. Mary's HVO , with 3-

housts 81,000KUxl 2 corner on South 10th st , south

and east front 10.000A conrer und 8-room cottazo on 10th t . 7,000-120x118 , n corner south of vlnductoa llth-

st 8,2iO2 vacant lots on S. llth et , cheap-.V0xl40andan

.8-room cottage , a corner S-


st s 8,000-A beautiful residence lot uoar Uth it.cars 1,700-

In a word , if you want desirable propertyItber for speculation or for a dome , call and

see tbo large and carefully nelcoted list of Mo-Oat ock * O'Connor , 31 8. l.ltb st. 1VS

SEIiKCTS , are tbo carefully llstod bargainsdoirn by Cake & IlllUngi. Oursam-

pin cafe :MxllO (t on ICth street for 15,600 , part 1 and 2-

years. .4 lots , Meyers & Tlldon'a add , cneh needed only

Home lot in Plalnvlew , only takes , cash , 500.Picked In Sheridan Place.ooly 11 00 for I.WO

lotSlots with 2 house * , J. T. Rodlck's sub , only

block from stiett car linn , lOixin It on 2streets , bit money here for you ,

Ileauty of Bartlett , fruit trees , floe viawonly tlJkOO cash needed.

Cheapest South Omaha stuff on the market.Come , orer 101 , corner Dodge and 15tb , and

w 'ii make it pleasant and profitable for you-



not paa* this lot. (OzlU , Parker's additionJ-'US feet from street cars , only (or a fewdays. Joan OitUagber , 317813th st. EM 30-

BN ACRRSfor *ale aiUeia.W. of P. O. layshigh.law an acie. D, 0. Patterson, Os ah

VEl.SON3 Add-Here is f omothlng thit pnyt-U- > over 10 per cent nnd can bo bouitht on-cn y terms tl2 > izl2d , ono 11 room and ono

room hou o total rent f OH per year , nil for! fi.lSO cash , bal 1 , 2 , ! ) and 5 j OH-


& Hndlcy. 8-

4'IMir. best aero on llrlstol street bet. Sain-dcrs


. . and Mate. IH.UOOif sold on or beforeICth lust. U 11. Wntt , 1518 DoutlaiSt. 3T2 1-

3B AHOA1N 73x140 east front (Trorifla avo.north of I.oavcnworth , 7 room hottBO.Imm |

Ac , lW, easy term *. Tbo improvement * areworth over $2,000 nnd the ground Is worth $10)per foot._( ir gory A Hadley. .11

4 COIINKU nnd throp Inside lots"tn"block 4 ,

iV Orchard Hill , next to Haml.ton St. , nt * 900Terms easy. Pierce .V Hogers 11-

7JS'ACltlTs north o'rlCiniTiona at'iX ) per-T acre. Terms to uit David M. Conncl-lagrnt , 311 llthst.opii Paxtou bulol , or C. K-


. 141U Uodgo t M7.

SATK-Fnrn m treM proparty. Wohave exclusive sale of fomo choice nnd

positive Imriralna on this "King's Highway. "i . L. Hico A Co._

810 liDOUOLAS ST.-lTJxl , ! .' on Inwor Douglm.

piece of warehou'o property andthe cheapest In Omaha. Chirkson & llealty , 21U

South 14th street. S2 10_


, 510 S. 18th St. , have for sale the$ 300 wilUectlrojmi a good lot In Walnut Hill

on o avo. , car line ,$75 o 'li will neoiirt1 you 11 lot In Washington

Hill , .Mind , property will never bo anycheapentiuro.

Come In arfll go with us nnd look at alot In Deer Park , close to Hauscom Park ,

. .2,000 will buy a very flno lot on Saundcrs at. ;

III ho w orth JI.O.iO Insldo of a year.1,200 will buy a house and small lot on 15tli st.

near Cnstelkr : small payment required ,

Hemombor the place. Bin 9 ICth st IN ?

W1SEAPAKMKLE. IMh st.Offer thesd bargains to-dar :1 corner Uuoriria ave. and Dupnat II ,2 XX,7 Orchard hill , choice lots eicu $ .House and 2 lots , Sanndors & HlmolMUgh'i-

add. . to Walnut hill $ J'W. ) .

20 Finest lots In Clovordulo , bargains.Fine lots In Kllby plaeu , cheap.-Flr.ol


l--'lot John I Itedlck's Mibdlvlilan.-I'clioLo

.liits In Maynos add. , each 1 3JJ-


lots Falrniotint place.-lAero

.bent In Uelvedoro , bitrgaln HI ).

Slots Jotter 8 addition , each $70) .Si lot * choice In Yates jc Homnol'a nUltlon.-A

.fine list of western lands for sale , or trodo

for Omaha property.Lot 7lilocK 16 , Albright's annex , ? 7iM-


11 blocks. Ootner A. Archor'it add , $Sttt-.Ixjt

.1 block Z. Ilurltncton Place , 575.

Lots ',y and 3 ? block 1. Armour Plnoo , $175-.firHmmercy


Park lots SiVX) to $750-fwixUS Merter nvo , 3 room house , and barn ,

$.' , '.'01-.MxlWcor

.Military AVP and Edson st , $2 ,? .

Two coed store buildings on propertywill lent to good advantage

Lot 7 block S3 , South Omalm , 211.Last , not lo ist. corner on Farnara $ lVm and

manrothors,4l S. 151 u su Wise and Parmelo.

FOR SALE-Tarnam street property. Woex lnslvo sale of some choice and

bargains on 'this "King's Highway , "nttlvo Co. 810 1-


_the cake. Cake ft Hillings , Ucal K -

hot cakes. Over 101 South 15th st.Sample ( Hngtir Snaps.

Ono hundred and ton fact on Jones and Hta-Els. . half cash , hal 1 . 2 , 3 yearp , $17 00.

Fifty hj-.CX ) feet for trackage for buslnes.noarStock Vardd.

Ten selected lots near Swift's packing housesite. 918-

"VTI'AHLY now cottage , east front , half lot ,J-> live rooms , summer kitchen , 3 closets , (foodcollarpantry oil very convenient , gower andcity water. Cheap If sold qulak. Inquire 214 S-


SL 67J lfl

BAltGAIN-Kist front lot on ISth st. near, ) , corner , on 20-foot alloy ;

4-room house , barn , etc. , all for $2iiOO , $ WO

cash , bulaneo 1,2 nnd.'t years. Gregory & Had-Icy , Rooms I and 3,320 9. 15th st. 7S2-

TCTOH SALE Choice property on Farnum ,X7 Cumlngs 16th , 20th , Saundert , Lake , Dodcro ,Jackson and bherman avenue. J. L. Kloe A Co ,AgonU -fl'J 1-

9RES1DHNCE bargains. Cotton , Eastman &. 120 North I'lftoeiittitreet. .

Two full lots with ton-roomed house , everyconvenience , Armstrong's addition , $10,000.-


growing piece of property , pay ¬ing 1C percent on over $20,00) , for $25,000 thisweek. Terms easy-


: ton-roomed brick house , beautifullyfinished , every convenience , $10,000.-


, Hedlck's subdivision , splendid nine-rooraod


house , modern , a bargain , $S.OOt-j.50x127

., Shull's second addition , nice nine-

roomed house , stable and small barn , city water ,ete.S4GU) .

(i.'xl j , Nelson's addition , flno twelve-roomed hou o. barn , city water , etc. , a greatbargain , 4200. Easy terms..-


. , an elegant nvo-rootnud cottHfro , lotnlcoly sodded , cemented collar , city water , etc. ,$3.000-


, now nmo-roomed house , splendid loca-tion


, $J'iOO. Ksay terms.-41x125

., shlnu's third Rddltion , llve-roomod


.. Hniiscom Place , elegant ninc-roomod

house , every convenience , $0.500-60x140 , eight roomed bouse , cellar , bath room

city water , etc , < 7WO.-OOxliO

., six roomed house , Paulsen's addition ,

city water , etc. , $ ..OH-


, Walnut Hill , seven roomed house ,south trorit , city water. do , 1 1500. Easy terms

Full lot and Uvo-rootnod cottage , collar , barnand u oil , $1,70-

0Viveroomed cottage with about $500 worth ofgood furnlturo , lot a-ixlW , $JA00.

Five roomed cottage. E. V Smith's nddlttou ,lot -tx79 , rents for t-0 a mouth ; a barga'n.7-


$-' . .50x140 , sevon-rooinfd houso. Just off Laavcn-

worth , M foot alloy at rear , only $ JuO X Termseasy.-


. Mtliard St Caldwell's addition , flvc-roti


inert cottage In good repair , well and cis-tern , $3 ,000-


± , Campbell's addition , four-roomedcottage, cellar , well , clsicrn , Sl.CO ).

I'lvo roomed cotta'o with collar , city water.lot 30xW. $2liOO-


you do not not see anything In above listto suit you call at our ortlce , as we have aur ¬

oral others In all parts of tno city.ucant l.ot .

112 feet square , corner Twelfth and Jones ,$40.000.-

li...' tcot square on llth Street , close to depot,

$ J3000.13.! root on Loavenworth , a bargain , $20,000 ,CD fn t on Snundom strnet , $ IVJ a foot.22 foot on Davenport street , $3 , 0 .C8xl32 corner lltii ui Chicago , 15000.52 feet square , 10th street , botweuu Douglas

an f-'odgo , $1000- ) .Lot J , ( ilie'8 addition , $6,500-.Splomlld

.lot In llrennan Placo. 1850.

Klrkwood. 31x160 , $ l.0 , cash $ )ralrmouiit PUce , 40xlu ), $1,10) . onofourth-

caihFiilrmount Place , 50x121 , $ IA" 0-


, 40xl 0 , 11200. cuali $50-0.Clarundoa

., splendid south front lot , $1,70) .

Thornburg Place , two east front lots , $ *oncn.

Orchard Hill , two south front lots In blockolght. ono a corner. $900 each.

Stanton Place. lot 3, block 17 , 900.Hawthorne , two east front lots , $1,500 each.-Soutli

.Omabu , lots 1 und 2, block 21 , |JVX


.I'laco , lot close to Sixteenth street ,

Corner Vinton and Nlnetimnth , t} feat on-Vlnton Htroot , 94 feet on Nineteenth street ,$ i.OO-


Addition , part of lots 10) and 101-


$. ) .

Highland Placn , lot , $3 ," 0 ) .Maker I'laco , lots 1 1 , 14 and 15. block 7, for

1700.Plain VOT , two east front lots , $1,251 each-.Haunders&Hlmobaugh

., lots , block II , cheap ,

.List > onr property for quick sale with us.

Conveyances slwajs ready lo show property.-Cotton.

.. Kantman A. Winstanley ,llunl hstato and Loan Agents.

120 North Flftevnth street.789

_TWO HAHOAlNS-ltoi m27. Paxton building.

view lot , $1,125 ; Sauuders ft Illme-baugb


, 475. W3 1"J

Inveetmont Agent , Cruighton-T ' block , offers the following good invest-


;1UO foot front on Hamilton strtnt , Just west of

T.owo avenue , on car line , good business loca-tion


, very good at (1,0 JO.Two tine cait fronts In Mayns's to Orchard

Hill , one a corner , each $900-.Khe

.splendid lots in Hawthorne , easy terms.-


81250. $ | , TOO and 1500.Two elegant lots on lltb ttrcot. north of

Nicholas , good warehouse properly , $1,00)) .Hanscom Plaoe lot on Virginia avcnuccboap-

est proper ! v In that tonality , ll.fK-Dennmn PUce , lots $ B'ito'Uonn-llfth cash.Northwest corner State st * nd Uoulovard-

avnnuo. . Just the location for business , S'.OOU.Kino State street fronts on good terms , $ I.OJO.13,' i.00 feet , corner dtate and Ilriitol street ,

Lot 2 , block 4 , KlrkwooJ , two fronts , ona onMttl , 2000.

Nice cottage and two lots , beautiful eastfronts , In Wnlnut Hill , 3100.

The choicest lota In Clifton Hill. 300.Thlrty-Ovn lots on the military road from

$500 to $ 00. Car line Is Onlsked paii tnesa lotsand when cars are running a f w week hencethese lots will sell for $700 and $ W) .

One of tbo host south fronts In BedfordPlace , very cheap at $7VX JWO cash , balanceIn ono and two years.-


handsomest east front on Phil fihirldan-strot. . In Hansoom Plaoe , 64 fsol front , anyterms , 3000.

I m ke a specialty of buying real stat* forDon-resldenu , and thoiu who have not thetlmeor eipurlonco to justify them In placing'their own funds. Am also htnlllnir propertyon commission a* note agent. Can promlsn cus-tomer* the best bargains inemarkut affords.Wallace , Investment agent , Crelghlon bionk ,

SA. 8LOMAX , Hoaltlstato flrokor.1512 Farn un Street-


lth6ltl.t ! , 4 cash ,

rarnaiasu , nvnr ltth2.l t..itutirovol. Uji J-

Farnamst , noar2)th , lltlxlu $ ( >u pertool .Fornn MM. , cor.31st st lIKtUK , southnndc.m front. I7.0X )

1'arnnm t. cor. 4lst. 4sxn. . and o front 'J.W-ODougliisst near 2,1,1 , 0.xltJ . . srt-.Dodiroit. . nonrlNlh. 5)il"Oi < . 25.Dodge st Hour -Hh , 40xU7. li.llirovfrt . , 3.1X> J

Jones st cor. l h , (VlxHJ . 24,0)-0Loavenworth M. cor. 21st , KV.'illI , Im-

proved . 1S.3-MLeavrnworth st. cor. 25th , UO.xll. , Im-


-. . . . . . ..t.trnpKiigo , Pud look pU o, 81x112-


avo. opp. park , SOxlV ) . , . .

leorgla near Ml Ploimnt. 50xl.M " , WI-

Silthst near Dorcas , lOTxIoo , Improved . 4VM-20th st near Ddilgla * , 3I M , linorovel . fWl1thstoor.Mirtln63xl1: ! . improved. . . 4,50-1.fth U cor. Scward , ftltUJ.3 house < . . 4.5H )

'lerconoar20thfl ) foot fiont , 2 streets. MMHamilton st. near Holt Hue fmprotu , . 1.500-3olh st , nuar Daveni'ort , lOOxlJG , 2'Jt !

Seward , near : i5tH , 00x157 t. . . . 1,15)-10th


st , near Castollar , U" feet front. . . 4.51X-1th? st , near Martha , 51x131 , cornor. . . . ! , *

Hurdetto st , near 3Jth , ,Vxl')2) ) , CM car line 1,99)Hurt st , near Ixiwo nvs. 51 l-'Jil.W 1,10)-25th , cor , Popploton. (Sfxl ) . Improved . 4.0) )

28tbnear I'oppleton.Wi 127 , Improved. . (1.01Orchard Hill , lota $750 lo 1,00-1llrown Patk , lots$50)to) 8.0-Itodfoni Fliico , lots $rtV ) to l *)Highland Pnric. lots each-cash 04. . ZU-Wakelyadd. . lcts57xS! ) . raoh 46)25 acres near FortOmahafluclylnproved 11,25-0Ccntor 5t , Mil IJ, Improved 1.20-JFarnam st , near33th 4,500Nicholas st corner truckage 4N )

Park ave , facing Park , 50 tT.0 4,00)-S


16th st , near viaduct. 40x102 6,00-)StllphurSprlng * add. Just opp. 16th st 50-

X124 ! . . 2,0-

Leavonworlii st. near Roll Line , 100x187. . S.TOt )Sounder * t cor Hurt 162x51 s and o front 6i-VLeavcnworth st cor 21st 06xli Imp 12,50-)Knrnatncnr IPth imp , rent l.OOO , . S9,0)0-n. . .V M. Park lots , $51 eachHcllman's add lots , $150 uachJerome Park lotis , east trent , on grade . . 2,0) )Farnam st n corner s and w front

only 3.503_ VJ 3. A. Sloinfl.ii. 1512 Farnnm S-



HALK-Choloo property on Farnara ,, 16lh , * th , haundors , Lake , Dodge ,

Jackson and bhorman avenue. J , L. Hico &

Co , Agents. 869 19C3OYD'S AIDITION-Ixts and blocks In this

addition for sale at prices that will bo a-

coodiiuostmcMt. . Clarkson & Uoatty,219 Southllth St. 829 10

FOR SALK .Vixino Ame* Place $1,000front lot Kilby Place UOO

House of 5 rooms , two full Into . . 2,200-H.W._ _ . Ituntross LVW Fariiam at. 637 15J

FOR 8ALK--Full lot on Jackson St. , bet 12th13th , only 21.000 , $.950 cash. J. L-


& Co. , Solo Agents. 666 1-

7TO INVESTORS and Spoculators-We canshow you us clean a list of Omaha realty

thaturosafo Investments with perfect titksand sura to return a nno dividend. InvestigateJ. L. Hico & Co.'a Hat. S)9) 10 _!,

FfvEN ACHKrffor Kale 4 mTios S. W. of P. O.lnys-L- high , $000 an aero , D. C. Patterson , Omaha

Nat'l bank. 773

bit SALU-Fincst , bo > t and cheapest build-Ing


lots in the market , opp Placein (Use's add , J. L. Hico li Co. , Solo Agents.

809 16-

OR SALE Lot on 7th and take flts , withnotiso 0 rooms , kitchen , pantry and good

brick cellar. Apply to the Omaha Heal Estateand Trust Co. , or Wm. Fleming , Uth and Doug-las


sts. Will rent to good partita if not soldImmediately. 671

15TH ST. near Loavenworth. 66x60 , at o$160 per front foot , including improve-


: a fine bouse , rent $09 per month.Gregory A Hadley. 34-

.1SNAP100 ft front on 16th it by Ll ft on goodmiles from postofflcc , onoof

the best corners on ICth et. , only $0,500 ; worth$9,000 to-day.

Gregory A Hadloy.Rooms 1 and 3 , H20 S. Uth st oil

TPOH SALK Modern 8 room residence , south-Ifrout on Decatur st. , near cor King st , on.car line Kvory modern convenience , citywater, gas , sewerage connections , street cars-.$4ooooncthirdcasn.

.. J.L.HICO& Co.SoleAgonts.

t 7 1-

9EAKi : STHKKT Near Suth Bt , 44x122 , o"flnohouse , barn , etc. , $J500.

Parker's add Kast front , now 5-room house ,near Satindors Una street cars , 2.600 , U cash-


add East front , now 6-room housenear 16th street , 1810. $ lCOOca8h.,400 , easyterms.

NolKon'aaddKast front nrar Cumlng street ,One 7-room house , well , cistern , etc. , $3,100-


fc Hadloy-.3.15th

.Rooms 1 andO 320 street. 313

pOll SALH Furnnm street property. Wehave exclusive sale of some choice aqfi

positive bargains on thU "King's 'J. L. liice A Co. 810 18

[71OK SALK Choice property on Farnum-0

,- Cumiiiir , 18th , 20th , Saunders , Lake , Dodge ,Jackson and Sherman avenuo. J. li. Itlcei-Co , Agents. 669 19

TJATHICK'S Ist udd-Fmo corner 85xliS small-L double houao on roar ranting for $20 permo. All for 4200. $1,700 cash or $ l , 00 oil cash.This is a bargain. Gregory & Hadley ,

Rooms I and 3,320 South 15th St. 34-

3FOH SALK Modern 8 room residence , southon Decatur "t , , near cor King St. . on

car lln . Kvnry modern convonlonco.clty water ,Kits , nweiago connections , street cars. $4,000 ,ono third cash. J. L. Hico & Co. , Solo Agonts.-



HAN3UOM PLACE Ono Of thn best and cer-cheapo'l east front corner on

Virginia live. , 10ixl50. Lots leveled and onoloot above grail e , only $5,500 , > i cash.

West front In bile u, high and sightly , near thepark , 101X150. $5,00-


Georgia ave near Woolworthnnd Just on grade. fenceJ , $2,575 , S cash.-


front on Virginia ave near Popploton-ave. . 2 ft below grade , $2,550 , M oash.

West front on Georgia rue near Popplotonave , tine lot and location , fa TO1) , i { ca h-


front on Georgia ave north ofWoolworth , only $JOft ) , 4 cash.

Gregory & Htidloy ,Rooms 1 und 3 3'JO S. 15th st. 343 _

LOTS for salo.great bargain for a few day only.

Lot 5 ! Glses add , n w corner Snundera andCasslus street , will subdivide to advantage,nearly ononcvo of land , 12000.

Lot 106 , ( Use's Add , 1.030 ,

Lot7lGlsosudd. $1 , W-


No. 1 , lloyd's add. 10000.Terms , not less than M cash , balance 8 per-

cent eoml-annual Interest.-Hemingtnn

.& McCorralck ,

921 2JO Sonth 151h street.-



SALE Farnum street property. Wohave exclusive sale or some choice and

positive brgalns on this "King's Highway , " J.UHlce&Co. 81018-

Ot'TH lOttTsT-Klogiintlot , Mtsm , tloso to-llrownell hall , cheap. Clarkson A Ik-atty ,

2193 lllhbt. 8JJ 18

FOH SALK Hill lot on Jackson st . bet 12thUth , only $ ,1,0 , SV0 oaih. J. L-


& Co. , Solo Agauts. 886 1-

7BAHGAINSforafowdays by C. T. Morton ,

2 splendid acres In Newport , $ V>) each.,1 tlno east front lots In Kllby Place , $ 'IWO ,

choup.Lot H , Hedlck's Grove , on Harnoy st $2,200.-A

.fine corner on Dodge mvl 35th st $ .2.75-

0lot to block 23 , Kountzo Place , (MIX ) , $570cash

2 corner lots in Albright's Annex for $ ' 12") ifsold in n few days , and ottior doslrtihlo lots In-aume addition.

Also a fuw pleasant homos ranging from2.400 to $11.000-If you want any kind of property glvousa-

call as we have all kinds. S.'S HI *

TO INVit: TOHS anJ Spociilators Wo canshow you us clean a list of Omnhii really

that iiro tmfo Ifivcstiiiiint.s with | ) orf ct tnlesand sure to return a Qnedlvidonil. lijNOJtigiito-J L. Hico A Co 'a Hit. 90JH .

_SA LE Ulcgani now U-room house In

Walnut Hill If lauon at ynco. Address L 21 ,Duo otlico. 717 15 *

TMOR A fiK-Full lot o n .Iackson"st"lict TJth"-I1 nnd nth. only $ ; ) .WO , eu.TO cash. 1.1 *illco A Co , Solu Agonts. tfl-J 17-

WA'n'H. . Heal F.stato and InsuranceJ Agency 1516 Douglas slront.

Kino aero in Ilolvodero. for n few days . . $ 70-0Kfrknood , lot 13 , block 4 , fronllnir on 19lh-

Biid 20th streets. 1,50-1niirrietlo court. 1 lot . 4V)Corner Poppleton ave. and 2'lli'! st. 2.50-06room house on Ohio street. Z ,*Corner lot In Fairmont. I. fll-lUwlhnrn , lot 3 , block 4. 1,375linker Place , 2 lots , feet from new car-

line , ouoh. . fl-V )

Orchard Hill , two choice lots near liamll-street , each . . . 00-

Lowo'saddlot2 , block II. 1W )Dargalns In llodfonl 1'lr.cn-


house near red car line ; easy terms. 1,80b.i7 15-


_BALK Modern 8 room rosldonce , south

-L fronton Decatur sL. near cor King st , , onoar tine. Kvory modern ronvonlonce.rlty wat'tr ,gas , voweraze cunnectlone , street cars. $1,00 ,ono tblra rash. J. U nine A Co. , Sole Agents.

867 I-


_SALE dullness property , nw cornerand Dorcas su , 6Cxl32 foot , with a largo

benne anil other Imnrovemnnti , at a bargain.For sale , 317 aornsof land In Nuokolls Co. ,

Neb , within miles of Superior and H , 1-1.depot.

.. For pirtloutars call ou M. llodlngton ,

lG.HH.Mtb St. . Omana. 973inuy6-

JlTr.AH Voornor lot 6 < xia * on |5th andCumlng it uno of the best locations In tha

city for a wnruUoiue , with waterworks andsewerage. Apply at promises. Thos tMnels.tr._

290 a20J

[ Continued on Eighth