JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. It p I'X Offlo* in Train's Opera House Blook. Three Cents Per Copy * f 4 > < VOLUMK XXVI. U V m L l n M W H O A N , WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEll 2(5, 181)0. NUMBER 21. STEAM THE WORLD ' S FAIR. An D;aborot6 R port to tho No* tlmal ConiMilsslua HOUND TO FIGHT. F r e d G . S t o n e , AGENT. 2C 4C IOC U*en flernt ArtbUrelnral • • I Mnitx-iy* II.TVrN—lh. ri»< il-nf. l-ros «• iaat:iUI MTI Ki'l nw Appruiul uf lha Kclirna. roisT» ia tn.'. Bxronr. Ciiir*fli>. Nov. IX— 1'lan* and upcctfl- calluns for ihd world'* (air l>ulUinin liave l>o<n p r i n t e d to tho N'kilnnal commlnKlon. Tho local directory nduptod thorn Friday. Tliolr approval Is tho la>t act noceasary to mkcn by Xho rorainii.loii to w-cnro tho I'roal- dvnt't procl imatlon to tho world an- nounclnir that tho world'* (air It on. The report o( tho dlroclora to tho Na- Tin, CoppeF and ShceHron Collars : Cuffs, per pair Shirts Leave ({ 00, ll , ff orilrr* Ht C, G. Slone & Son's Store, tionaicon^i .ion i*r* "It U mirailKl tooao all of Jackwn Part tor ' i;:ir,**c« i f the I#lr. loavli f it linprove-l r a n t L —, - | la much iv>v«ib!e In lb Ir pw tot c odltloo L H \/ N R~\ Y I TLX^ENLTNLLR'VEJP*LTL•LOLLOLAAOULLNALNAB• , X , I < V I ' 1 \ i , «• r npproj.rijl- to thn wh lr p.an ct taiMlDKa anJ at ihr aam-- tlma to follow. «hm po^alb a. the IId«!< al-mly lal I down kjr U:c park MO- iaii»u>i on ' In trinrrai tlie prcn-nt northern Inlrtlato b* iuriltcr r jU'uJr^l and f i l> ccmo aa Inisrtor lacooo. Itroard In thl. lajiuo m an la.aDd mirrpj with an eiicnB ve body ot native woixl It li ao p>*-oilal p lut of mp yp irral dmi^n that li ahall !«• preamet and ina<la l b ' l a r l a i il bntural Nn.lva.H! 10 nnpply an cplaoOabt | H>Di-i>ln iT.'r.">hlug relief to Jic r'andenrof 1 the hullilliiK*. "From the lairoon above raeniloned a canal *11, rontmae Ihc waterway nouibaard aloof the mala boiklms. aad into Urm tails wl.lcb It t« tirm the Ornter U o Jti at oourt about Which the principal i.oildip*» or ihr ex-' yxKitloi are to be fTooped- The bank, of thf»t land lock'U U dlca of water a • to be BnlMied In waya appropriate to the varluva localitlet throach whlca ihey pa-t. DM -D terraces and UnJInits wlil be arelrd wn -rj lhalac^oa openi Into the la'^e froai both the B.herles and the Govciumeot txl.lblt'-. whtlc the shore* of lha In and have Itfaimal oalJnet BaskeJ with follajc. The bcrd ra o( the canal and 1 he bj-io of the court are 10 he trea ed formally with embankmeols of stona or brie/, rarmonnlej by parap -ts or ba u-irados ; of stone. Iron. bricU or lurr* ootta. and opealng /-»ir AZ-IXTC "Pen -U-p, aud l.nd.nsr. here and there wher. 1 Y O F K A L I IN 11 boa-In, parties nay "All pasungpr railways, wbrlhrr •team. 2d Ooof Eait of Ytiter & look'i Storf. Repjiring D m on Short Notice. bve Trough and Furnace Work aKp-ci»Iiy LOWELL, - Mir.ttlOAN. -FOR- Tli» Mnuiiin.ctni New F.ist Stramahlp d'AMioiKbu tin.; i«lr. I'li'Mauivii'iiii*ailoii» fur S-O "(.i-i'l «l.il .l r pup- UlSi MENOMINEE WCI leave U KAN U UAVtN l-r VliK AUl" daUy, Oj.ur.i.). «i s p ui DAYS ot alilLlNO. "CITY OF RACINL" •'KUOKIKCE." bUNI'A V, JIOM'AV. 1VKSDAV. \\ IHT'KSDA^ FKIUAY. Arrlvinc in t'lllcAO^ .lie folio* Irj; mo r u n , lu Uu.o Ixi l r uiOKuiu, FARt, btuh iiuuced, - $3X0 RUUDQ irip,gujQ rofieason, B.UO IMuiulHKt lea»e 11 Mj.mi . |,.. n l> itXi laaWlUu* lu If. Uu da I). raw p" Dun ii. a •• <'b >'' r ' I.IU. lul toiij loiu . Ukt. TUKUI OII LU-AARA lu Ail I mula. uallllCAUO, tM l* lua ul «l. i^llivaa iKkel ..,r..la. JOHN SIKGLLTUN, Ger. ?iu. Agent, Uoaslilc'b liau-p- il.lluii Co.. Cbk-aKO. CHAS. J. CHURCH & SON, BANKERS, . , |. XIJ.I, OJK D (JREEN In Iroal of IBO bul.d 11, will oaed Lyon ulock, - l.OWCil, Mien. f tr oulofd-ir lioi-tirhUunl exhlblti wbethi ctble, elcclrlo or bcoe, wil dciivcr pesaeeieis lOklde the adml.'ilstrulMi b jiKtliK, Frpra this place an Inlrjnj .MI eln-irio rlevatwl road will paas oat tl.rvn, lit ttoan j. ooterlnf bulLllORs wiietJ deeme l »dvlM.b> aadhtvtn, co ive. I Dt stathia, wbrteveT B>-oe«sae7, It will connect wltb the aiailo.i at Mllway PlaU- 1 aice and pais buck to the ailml, 1-irotion i bulld.n, by another roote. thus f. ruin, a eom , | lit •rirvoltanJ maVln* .1 e/ay to c« fmm one p.i.ee to itnber wit oit aaklni Vl.llors | onvlntUc fal.-will tome on: of the admlals i tratk n statl- n upon th" *real ><j lare. where all I tlx-p cea are vrr; Im.a.i, arordin, ample nom lor the Fa-h-rta* or UU; etf In, of lun,e croads. I \V'h<o eJ chairs are tn be always ki-pt In attend I mee heir. The bu.luin,. w(u be lupreralve In ap) caracoo a hen v.ewsa f r, .m this courUand to make Item cvan m<re s.1, . lid also to aOonl prutvctlca when tiie WittUlor 1, mcjeaifOl. k Craml op-A area LE TI.I luclua; tills >| aise ex cept toward tlie .ako and wd. omnool the bolld- llip< l«p-ihnr si tUal vMt rs may safely i> fn.m pi.or lo place la any woatuer. | 'Opiioi toihe great <p<-B court tpler. lobe ofTOJ.If.TCi and d.l 1 ctbiu a> may he Ui r.'after dilcimlaed w IL yrui cl I iio the Uke about l.txi lo t. It Is twb.- >o eoaslmcled as to form I a barb, r for tho labdlni; i.f lake craft and for their b ttor safety. Tberi is lu b- a Jarpj rvatuurant ^nd res.Ins laci at the luteread cl thla pier, with a •« iVsiaud ar.dd inelo, B or In connoc loa. The plir la IOK OJ.-J to Le a Bin! aoUsl f atnre • f the exp. • III a I "Without d sir ylnj the improved part of Jack so* Park m tho north, the ban cjltarai I exhibit la to l« rlaeeJ tlier upon the < peu i meadow. T. e huiloln, alU be l .r^ly of Iron | aad ,.ass. aul .umlta~d wlih a piualfurpBr poro. ol hrailn, aud v. all.utlon. The lai*e A General Banking Business Conducted. X-OA-2>J"e a a x i COT.T .•ECTZO^TO. Urafu Slid on all Forolro Cauntrlea. .LOWELL Business Men's Association. Regular Meetine's First Thursday in every month, at B. C. Smith's s'.ore. D G. LOOK, Pres. DIX'L mitxaa. cam I AmnB, the trocs m ar this locatloa. ai-d placol I In a way to preiwri'i. them. *11 b- a tew tma.l | liB 'ly ^'^icnol IK-UM <. nltber L^I IhuStatea or . ol M ine arci,a> tloj; cal IntrraA. I "Acrordln; to iBytruiUous wo have plaard ! Iho atrieoliural UBI live slock nxhlblU la the I aouiliw.-.u-m portina of the park, wher.i the land U c-.iBparailrcly hi,h aud well protcctel. I r aericj.iun- a mua bul din, l> to be erect. 1 ed. la alzi ail arran, -mrnt adai>t«d to every cecduf this depanm^n: aad bavin, aa lade pcluScBl hc*l:tu plaoL "For llva at-m . the building are Ui ho adapt 1 cd lo the coda vah.>ll le exproMed by thoar bavinR ibis de, ar.m at in caar^. In leaorwl there will bu hou lag lor atoo i and their at temlautn and hospitals fo- the anlma a. lirul hint the naportam-e cl the uRrlrulloral and llvo^b'Ck exUiblt', It la the liitt.illon of tue do aUnrra Vi make Ihexo depanmeuta loicrestla. In plus and appcarancu by ull the ana at tbdr ; command. | "Tlio OorenimoBt will ftrnlsh their OWB bull Miii^i and oxlilblls. auicn^ the latter a lino- of luttl.-sllp fully equlppci. A larife opes UJ will be left oeur thla poiuttorOuvem- cical use aud dl-piay. "Acruia the laloi from the Oovtrnmaat ex- hibit will Le the bull-tin,7* for the nsbcrlea. A bulldlB, here as beaoilful a* p.i-.lble IB appear- ancc wl,l b« erected (1 durable uiaterlata and Oit d »llh ever* ar an-^meBl and detail to carry CB the pr.jp icatlco. aubslatlB, and dla play of water aclmalv 'The admiulstrallrn Uilldla, it to cover Bowne, Combs & Striker, BANKERS, T lOWell - Michigan, 1 man funetloas. ili'-in tbutof a ttaUoo XJUWClii ! for all trinsionailon llnr. eulerln, the park- TnuiMPt a Ocneral DatikfnK nufincm aud IK-UI 1 DRAITH uvMilalilc in u'l imruol the World. A/. C. GRISWOLD, rsiMIIKR. PRGKHAM'S CROUP REMEDY! Th£ CHILDREN'S MEDICINE, ruv t> Id.. • UnaiarHeM. WlMW-p- lu, Cvu^U, 1 tuU|>. tie u 0 Is- naiuo In > vny Ii. u>i-b«M ,, Itiafa.!, K«lo. I'.naln. Al*a.*a rrli npmi M f-r i blHltrnS ll.i. I and Lunt 1r<ube>. t -nlallis I"' <11*1*», H ,l » ••Tiad nr lb. fleet ••Iten l^ulllinc »l.. I. e.-iiBh Dili line- pupal,"'. ra.'illls an ^ireii tun Id- i. u I«av« ilie l U-ldi^n. tlrt a b-Hlle t'i4ay. \ «u ma• M»-.il"Uiubilii. S->idiij allU-iintla'a. FIFTY DOSES 95 CENTS. CJ> CO. J T & Z ' T •lu cure Bllioasncat, fu'k Ileadadie, Conitl- paUoB, Unlaria, I4rcr Complaitita, tuko tlie taio and certcln remedy, SMITH'S BILE IEIIIIS tm, t i u S « i t S ^ : = !»H!Ceafas-'92* Imtle) r u n MIL m t »i>i« CO*va*i*iiT S...lt,.L.lo «C.R o i l A B M . "rSei- of elflior aire. 35e. per Dottla. ^ 5 ^ . p, CALLOT-POX ECHOES. 031clul It, turns ot Hie Voles Cast at Us ts.ll fefiertkia. 1 ' Coi.runiA. H. 0., No». j i — T h o fiUt* Itoar.l o( Canvnssdr* of "ElecUoi^ com-I pti-iod tho ubulatton of tho rctiirh* of T tho olpi-tlon in South Cariilltia Friday, •itnlin; iiomors n-om V.n..". Ilvnjaniin K. Tillmtn and his ilck«t woru doc tarod clecti-d by O.iell mnjortlr over A. C. Haskell, tho lodopeadoat Dcmix-raUe candidate. On AHA. Neb.. Nul. »•!.—Governor- eloct Ifciyd Friday mcrnlhi reeclvrd ofilcial notice that bta •lection l» to bo contested. Tho notice was not served on him pcrsunally, bul was led at h.a oflloe. ' ' • -a-iii I n d i a n a FATfl to Co on tho Point of TakinBr tho WRr-Path. •tl - , n tka It hi.iB Bnrfvallaii—lil.pnl, l,r. Itaeain? at WaslHuclou Nut Baaasar-ac. *' COI.Y Win MKl*. WAANHOIOS. NOT. M.—Tho follow- ln|f tolonram brnrlnjf npon tho situa- tion at line llld-rc Airency hat Uen received at tho War Ucpartineni: t'^miA .o 111. MOT. HX-AIW'IHI lit* m »i._. w tvi v a. ,,«1 1.1 „ I insr. 1 «* » E-llabio Iniormtt'oa hat MAm,os. Wis., Nov. SI.—OBl'lai ro- turfts rc-'Q.v d by the Hncrotnry of Htat» froth All tho eonnite* in the State show tbat the total vote thrown for Uovcrnor Is SOB, 417, a decroaso of 40.207 from the vote o( 1889. when thero aero 1144,714 ballots thrown (or the tour eaWldaiot. Two years affo W. D. Hoard received K.ViW. votes and Jamos Morf.n got IU,4».;. Ilnarl's plu-alitv beln^ •-M.SIl Perk's actual plurality this year U 29.31S. DEATH OF KINO WILLIAM. Tha nreal tl..o.» or Oranc* l^saa lit LM*! Dlrrrt M«!• ltrp>r^entsfIre. TIIK iiAflCr.. Nov. 24.- Tbo King of ' Holland died at 0 o'clock yesterday mornlnif. Saturday evontiiir there was a sudden chanjro (or the worse in tho King's oondltlun, the symptoms belny those o( uitomia The Queon Wat Im- mediately sent (or and mftld at the pa- tient'a bedside durlnfr the nifrht Li fa ebbed away quietly, lit- was 73 voars of a^e. Wltb William l!l. dies tb# last direct male representative of tbe crest House of Oranire. Ue was the son o( Will lam II. lie ascended the throne in 1841 Hi, only issue is by Emma, bis aervnd wife, bcln? a daughter, WHbelmiae. now ten years of sire. Queen Km ma la Tery popular and will un loubtedly bo oonilniied as regent until her daughter attains ber tnajorliy. BATTLE W1. H THIEVES fTerea Rnenwiler With a OIB, af Pas- perailor. ,» K insat. WICHITA, Kan., Nov. i l —Soma days ago twelve horses were tuilen in Oibora COunty, a id Deputy Sheriffs Clarke and Dretshor wnnt out on tho bunt Tba thloves wore found in camp Friday eveningei;iiiy tniloa w.-st near Cairo in a wood lining a creek. The ofil ;erj raised a poisoof thirty men at Cairo and received that the Yanktoi s ami Uraavcn- trc* In Cppor Mlstourl, aito ibe.e Bear old Fo, t Ili'lkn.ip, have uBnnlmi.it^y adopted the Ui'S>lab tiazc. and the latter are quite n.ily: that Billing Itu I hat si lit emls- sarlet to these tribes and the forty e!gl>t lodges north of the DrUUh line, exciting them to ^ t ani l tnd ammiinltloa ai. I )i>ln the ether war rim near ihe Black lll.lt in thetyrln,. Aa effort It belD, male allay tnd re. it tin tbe InrbDieaV tut IBe vio t-nL ovi-rt act of any tmtll pariy of tbe desperute cae* may eanse a pencral uphsln,. The latest reports frxm tbe Northern iTie- ennes Is th .t they have to atiso- don Ihe resen atlon. ^eio taa brrn a delay, however, larDttlB, ether tro ps than thosa in these two departmeBU In proper equipment for Ue Held. Ml u s , "Malor rjenertl Cummaridln,." •UalCAOO, N .V ,1. /I ;f I .f.f,' n r I »r *• Armi. n'a«A<a(r'«a. /», U.- The namber of In- dians |0,B| from Itueebud mein y to Pine Rlilge airoBcy It Inrnaiin,. Ri llabte advices sroa that thl« M. s-la i craj i«, xtcndlng t-i onr In- dians m ur the mnunta n t-orler and tetweea the Bloux nail, u and th.' C.inidlan border. "Mit.rs, 0>,mm:indi r," AnrntiEKV, S. D., Nov, 8 . -Advices from Eureka show that the settlers o( Emmons and Campb.'It count os arc flocliing Into that place in account of a weU-deflneJ rumor that tho Sioux talco tho war-path to-day. Five hundred people from tbo country are now in Eureka. La (irace, on the Mlsrotiri, is completely depop- ulated. The sheriff ol Campbell Coonty wires tbat tbcro is a large body of Sioux on the oast side of tbe Missouri Tbe people are greatly t-xclu d and aro ap- pealing to Uoveruor Mellotto and Mayor Mooly of tnls city for arms and ammunition. OMAHA, Nob., Nov. M.—A special from Spring View via Ainsworth says tbat word was roeeivei tliore that the Indians were binding together oi Pan- na oroek, about twenty miles north of there, for tbe purpose of raiding tho settlements along tlie reservation lino. Ibe town is (ull of -eiiiort and wagons loaded with household goods. All aro MICHIGAN STATE NKW8. FINANCIAL STATISTICS. Indtbteduras nf Ihe l.ead ni; ( lllet In tba *t .le .if Mlelilxun Tho nnnn -ial eon liilnii of thirty-two cltle'a In tin 1 St ite Is show n In S i letln No. 14 Issued tiy the Census lll'l -e to ho as (ollow-: Adrian M dVJseluoti 110 uo Albion Tf 1U Kalamst o . lAOOO Alle,,in .•|.,M>ljMan| telle 1 il ve.- Alpe„n tUiUUuaomtiirc., ItbUUI U.lllei'rerk 15.ui iMonns' sou Uny City Cadal'n. St.".ui MaskefeB . Uny City Cadal'n. .voi Ii*.nt 1 .1 irnoi Chi boy<aB.... M 1' ),vrt Itmou, Ml," M IVtiuli 1 ,S' 1 inglniis am Esil Ba^lnaw. Wi,... I St HteMolle tnimi KliBt.... Bl 'II SI l,o 1 Orand Haves. f-.O*1 Thn r Hlv- s i-in Orand H i, u* iCOu " W. it C tir tt'io OreeiiVillo... 5 nil WVM. i."l,. , M.1UI IIiUlnBs,,, . U U'.Vi ..luntl. POO 0 Ill Isilale . .,, fo lalip- nun, .... vio'el T.tal , 0.4,.11 LOST HER LOCKS. ••Jae» A Urtmlt lilrl P Ha a tieil Hia ll <lr-l oiler •• Mis* Tilhe Knhn. of iv-trolu had been notldi-il tnrough several lett<<r* that *ho was to Iw "J.i.-k the il.ilr-Cut- ter's" next vnvim. The other night tbe Kkhn fa'nily retlnsl early. Ilalf an hour later M as Kuhn was awakened by tome one fumbling about ber head. She screamed, and a man »prnng from i ber bedside and out ilirough the door. The bouse was alarmi-d. and then It was dlscoven-d that Miss Kubn'* hair bad been clipped off close to tier head Miss Kubn is 18 years old, pretty, and bad beaiitiful hair tnlrtv-throe Inche* long. Several other girla vhn h d been threatened were in ajony of tear. Cro-fd tha Ueaao for Her Mnuay. Dertha Holing wer ,ed (or Carl Hunta- hart, of Port Huron, as a domestic In Germany ten years ago. After two yearn' work he owed llerlba 5100, but departed (or America without paying her. Miss Koilng rami- over and sued him (or the money and interest nnd gar- nlthed his bank ceoitnt o( fl.fera A juty decided that MWs Kol.ng ought to liato that Sin.i for wbieb ••he had trav- eled over 3,lOUll.lle^ nnd walu-d eight years, and g.vo her a verdict (or the money with ii toiest and costs, tnd Iluntabnrt would have to pay. at tbe had bit bank account tied u^i Ilratlh In Sllrht,sii. Reports to :he State Hoard of Health by seventy-one observers In different parts o( th.' State for the week ended November 1.', indicated that cerebro- wont out to eaptiiro :b" gang- When b-lpg cared lor by the clt.zont o( Spring spinal meningitis, measles, whooping wilKin Artlmrlrl • at «a r*t 11, a /«• rrs r> t •.* T* I . within a short distance of tho camp tlio potto was Qrod upon, a id at that mo- mnnt tbo gang mouatad thnir borsx and started up tho croek, (ollowol by the posse. A(ter a running flro o( two mlle<V w00 ' the t.i.evos (oil oil their horses an I 'tbo hones nf two other, (ell. The others osoaped. Tho two men shot died within a half hour, and refnsod to give their n imes or any Informalloa. THE MEAD MURDER. View. Mt.t'ST. S. D.. Nov. 24. —Tho exelte- ment at this place in reference to the Indian trouble Is at its height Uennral Howers and monbera of the Mlilland PaciDc survey m work ei/hty miles west o' Pierrois-ached ben' Sunday afternoon. Tboy say that tlio Indians aro In a fren- tied condition and ur« liable lo commit murder at any lime. Friday night at; II o'clock lifty Indi.mskurronnded their j camp, burst into tb * tout anl took pos- session They were all well armed with rifles and sida arm. and could bavti WAUPACA. Wia. Nov, <4 —Tab Pryor, massacred tho whole uulGt bul af.cr a f t rat Arrrat Ha • la W u ,aaa. »!»., My' trry af l«IX. , who w .S a policeman in (Vis eTtv at tba time of thn Mead murder lo 18$). was arrestod for complicity In the crime at Antlgo Saturday. Pryor Is one of four men in this city who were suspected at tbe time, but the evidence was too poo.-. 1 The arrest of the oi nms is expected in a day or two. Thn murd'-r of Me, d was aa atrocious crime. He was In bis bank at night."and was stunned, then robbed, ' and then ib'e top of bis head blown off with a shotgun Tho arrest of Pryor 1* pow-wow the reds left, telling them to be mtn/ miles sway before the sun roae. Our people will ask the Govornor for arms and animunitl*!. It I* feared thst much damage will be done if proper precautions are not t .ken. The Indians on the Winnebago aouib of town have led to Join the ghost dances at Rosebud. P i x r liiiidK AOEVCV, S. D., N IV, S4.— News o( a startling iiaiura reat-hed here Sunday from the Uo-ehud agency. It is embodied in tbo following dispatch tbo result of tbe reward offered by tba ( which was forward's! to General Miles coonty board. BARINGS WILL NOT RETIRE. aatatloum recxlenal<<- than any oow exist In, II will also contain tbe (ull ailailBUtra II iB foroet: lor lnforroaUoe. lor polloe. Bra, trunnion alien, public conif rt. cxpendltura an 1 accounts aud uoy otbo- rlmllar purposes It l< therefore beadqusrten where nearly all vltllort will arrive, a 1 loud to any baainost thai Ihey may l<svu and dojiari, and whrre all toroeo and employ •• report and take their order*. •T..o maculLery ball, otakh will be UriKr than any b -f re eulll, a 111 Dot coly cover Bia ejlnery In the ordinary aease. bul will fd.-sUb a great c--utral . i-ea aroee .paBoeO with wUV trusai-a wCerr there thBil IK- the baal chance l«swlble for ihc dUplay uf tnc digereut trana ponauon eihlbllv "The main bu.ldln, for mcaufacturer' Is te be arranged In plan lo rev. r many fui cttooa In Itilthoi vii iU (icuid-to-r Uvcl cr abov. rre to be tprelal L-o at d n« nit lor Juilgea oi I. r special ao-. le'l'-a nr eeinmllte-a. Ilerear lu bo roslauraa't aud udu-t ro.ni.luu aid Uu canal and lewtrd the lake. •The rlectric and mlaln, . ,lilblu are *ML tn occupy a bul'iillnn aerosa the canal Irum I bo maiiufaetorlcs MIIMIII*. aich adapted to Its purpoac aad tuTilihnd wllh pew or Tbo inn fir electrlelly la to ha adapteJ tot only for porrer bouse and ilrtt alatiou. - but I be e»i eetallytorall dltplaya and cua tenia for nanufa' turlB.' am' of tbu nunponle* or iieiaons In the Lu* nsss. and lo be In llaoit ah n "i-en from a ulttaaee an object of bcaaty by dnyor Bljhu •T. Is STOP of boild'BRt—aaoMly. tho ad olnl-t atl-a. ib> m*fcla. ry. tbo manufao^ or.e , tbo mini i, and"eleotrioal-art to form a whole in de.;, •. They ar.- Inten. - ." I a . a maa- to !>• Impr a>lve. a< a plan mixi ooovonle - aid at tiructi roi lo t« very anbrtaitlal •The lUhili, of tno expoaltV* will be by electricity, toil mne i of tho i ower lo ba any pile I will b-i of the turn i moans, Ultplayt arv to oc made under fouBdallons and wuterwaya, raid ims duly uaW the nu.or lake ttaelf. "Until It Is dot nulmU bow mach land la to beBsod,'nlb» iJike Fmut and wbelbir new land to be mo le th- r i K c-.a Bot he datlnltely *talcO bow Ihc balldl igi will bi arranged. II Is uudersiood. hnw^ver. thai bulldlnri f'-r what is knewn In the clasi-.tloatlon as "Department K" aud for thai porlh a of Uepartmoat L which ut generally ,niuiiat wiu It will bo I laned on the Lak- Fnitt, an I tnat la addltlim large foe lillO" will be proriduJ fur the cro*dt 1 which wl I mn o tbl. crvjad a a arilB, placa W.i ssatefcssPaA" Tba Mrm Orxaalae.! Into a Umlled COB. |Mtay •ilk iBrrr-ard CapllaL LONDON. NOV. S3.—Ii I. offlclaliy an- nounced that arrnngemeata (or oontinu- lay the busim*ss o( Ilanng Urua 4 Co. have been ooncluded, A limited com- ] iT.,,* Khlgei.'^ pany has been (ormed and will be regis- I there to talk to tbe Co tercd Immediately, with a subscribed ' their behalf. Ti;e report ul^o say* that Chief capital exceeding tlOOOiiOJ Mr TaoSirlkeli.t-r.dstoatabtbecoinmni.dln, of- Thomas I taring, M, P„ become cbslr 1 "" u « ;k " at Chloago: -Iiformatloa boa b-co rtss-lved that the bnatlle Indian, arc mwln, from Paat creek toward Pino Rld,e ajiiicv la two pan let: bucbt wlih Short Ball t . V , the White ri»er roale BBii Ibe old mca, Oimcn and elil dreB are on tho Medicine Boot r. a L Thlt newt comet from Indians ahu have returned front Past creek, and Loult Rlchar i aayt It la reliable. They reisirl that tbey un y to eel the InJIant there to talk lo ibe Coojuiandln, Urneral In J.F.S'. 1 A LADY IN KOUTI1 CAROLINA WHITES; | My lalior w a* fchmier and leaa painful ibaii on tw oforiiiTuccinon; plivaician* | ofttnnMp-rt; I ihank yi'ti for •'Jlolbrr'* Friend " Ii i» « nrili'ili tveigbt in K"11. Addrp-fc'ilie D'ailH'-M Tleu t'n,, Atlanta. On,, foi pariiiulart. Sold Wy Yciler & S I IllllVf u " k 1 I UraLfl « ' " T, "• , , v ' " r o o t ' 8 round. "TAIUHO HApHOODi least willing •till tu lenro Ihe ground" _»r«itailpEKVonsstBOlTZi nnd tin* cmiM i«n"»* have liee.i moat g 1 ""'*4?^?nuly MiKl of chronic |>ain nf any aoti. CtBta«<«wf_.i|alittHflJa Rut afler tlie laiM- "l ao many age*, a ~ ' fatveivign remedy lias Been U.niid in man of the company and devotes tbe whole of his fortune to ibe Ann'* credit Other diroctors are Vltoount Francl* liarlng, M. P.. Mr. John llarlny, Mr. Klrkman and Mr Hodgeson. A Hank Mubbad. BROOXI.TS, NOT. 2A.—It was learned Friday morning thst the Twenty-sixth Ward Batik had been roi bed of |\000. Tbo robbery occurred In broad daylight Wodneaday afternoon and bad boon kept secret in the hope tbat tbe stolen cash might be re- covered. It was Dccotuplisbed by tho old trick of calling the cashier outside on tbe plea that a customer bad a norvous horao which be could not leans. There is no cluw HO (ar to tho thloves, UB I* a l t d , HauL Roonxsrrn. N. Y.. Nov. SI.—Moses S, Marks. forTi-rly auto teller in tba Flour (ity Bunk, but who was dis- cbarged fifteen mvnths ago, tele- graphed tn tbe casbior's name to tbe National Hank of Com- merco at New York, tho bank's correspondent, to send tlu.OOO in 510 and $10 bills by expntss. He was at tho express oOoo when the package arrived, H«urod It and disappeared. Ho bat not yet been caught. Many Citlla l."«t al Hew. Momr.AL, Can,, Nov, 20.—Pritalo dlspatclios re«'lved iieru say tbat the cattle ships which have arrived'ln Eu- rupe from Canadt suffered disastrous loaaea. Tbe Series, from MontK-al to ihindae. lost 600 bead, Tbe Clroe lust •Ml bead, and the Sacalima I oat thirty- eight These leases, with SM lost from the Lunda last week aad IM (rom tho Straits of Magellan.- make tbu season a disastrous one. I Boer as There aeeSM lo be no doubt that Ihu leadert mean war and they are only uslu, Shon Bull aa a pretense lo keep tb< Indians t nelher," WASUIU'IIN, S. D , Nov. 24.—Il It re- ported tbat a band ol Indian warrlort Brown, ol St Ignare, tied 'for the ofllcc cough, puerperal fever tnd cliilera morbus incn-m.-d. and inflammation ol the brain, membrtnou*croup anl typho- malarial (ever decnasi-d in area ol p.-evalence. , Di; hiueria wa. reported at tMriy-'-even v ace*, ar.irlet fover at farty. typhoid f.-ier at thiny-threo and measly. al ;,. a •; Tun il a D. a I llo.ly. Whila some bots ao:- out hunting In tha woods near the Standard coal r ir.o wo»t of Jackson they came upon tbo al- most di-cornposed body ut a woman. Word waa tent to ti a: cily. and offlccre wentou'ao 1 brought it In. it oould not 1>e identified, but II was suppoaedtc bo the body o( tbe half-idiotic woman v.ho escaped from the county houto in May last The Ma.onle l eme I omptrted. The Michigan Masonic Homo at Grand Rapids is compleu'd un 1 wilt h- dedi- cated with tho must unpoMng Masonic coromonies January 2s. « hen the Grand I^>dgo of tbe S ate will lie in seaslon. The building is of winto brick, throe •tories high, has i.ccomtnodationt tot UI inmates w.tbont crowding, and, with the land, cost 578,000, Of iDfrrfi t * l>or The Michigan (lone Breeders' Asso- ciation held ;ts avnual meeting at Jack- son and decided upon ^ prncrammo (ot the suuiuier meeiiug. OlHeers war* elected as follows: President R. A, Brown, of Katamaioo: Vivo-President J. C Djyo, of Jackson; Secretary. L C. Wobb, of Mason; Treasurer, Walter Clark, ot llattle Creek. II r r s <ioi lh* Lu kr KrrMtr, W. F. I'.lgjs. of Maniatique. and J. J. ntiinberlng aliout 0.003 has cut loose from the mservation below us and I, beading weatward. 'i be band it mouly Kioux. Conalderable'ekcliemeni exist* throughout the country nnd old-timer* acknowledge that tbe situation 1* seri- ous. Tbe route uf the Indians seems to bo between the Missouri river and the Northern Pacific railroad, which at thlt point are only thiny-llvo miles apart PiKtl'tf, S. D., Nov. 24.—A press eor- respondent bus just ruturneu from Fort Bonnett and reports tbat tbe Indians are ,kIrtnUhing In small pirtles and tha Roes aro going to join tbeCbeyennn Indi ns in the ghost dauce^ scout" aro pouted out to points near Cherry ereah an! n* far north as Lolietu. I/O- Beau and Fairbanks arc abtvlutely do- sorted. Silt at .an fbl, i very p ovident houai- oente per box CO., BUTPALO, M. T. balder abouW ketp Hunter, » llnr I CIIICAIIO. Not. 2a—Tbo livery and boarding stablo of L Turner & Co.. of Evanston, near tbls city, to^other wlih aevoutoon borsea sixty carriages and a quantity of bay and grain, wa* burned, causing a loas ofH0,00u vi.«-l t.ujin.Oiler II. M, Tobln t'.ad. Ill's nix. Nov. 24.—Fire Couimissloner R. M. Tobln. National Vico-t'onim ndor Grand A-ny ol the Republic, diod S-t- nttiay ui Brigbi'a uiaoaau. SICK HEADACHE. LOOSK'H RED Cyorpi P i t i j s RI-UC RICK llenilHche, Dr«pe)i*i \ Indigctlon, Cull stipalion, aic per Box, S Boxen for $t. Sold by all druggists, llneklea'a Arnica Halve. Tbe Beai HALVE in the world for "UUi. Bruise*. Sore*. Uloers. Hall Rheum. Fe- vw Sort*. Tetter, Chatiped Handa. Chil- hiaina. Oorna. and all Rkm Eruptions, and positively curat Pile*, or no pay re- quired. U i* guaranteed lo yirr pertert satisfaction, or uonoy refunded. Price For aale by Hunt ft Haalb o a We .Jl.j liialll'er. Locnvituc. Ky.. Nov. 22.—Horman Brckerta, onu of thu ucaltbleat aod best known distillers in Kentucky, dtoppeddeid from hear tmeasn hem j He wi.* president of bolh the Anderson and Neison distillery companies. At onu tlmo he was the owner of tho Den- rcr Tribtino. Til "1 ravel 111 It,. A r. SriHNiifiKLD, III., Nov, 22 —Tim Sec- retary ol Slate lins Iwued lui-orporatlon I open to the Hallooii Caldo Itoad Com- : puny ol Chicago, The design a* tho ' cotnpa-iy Is to transport pifsenirers lo and from the world's Ulr In Imllovns attacl duicablta Tim camtil stuck I. $3.000,090 Wart E d MI a llnnej eionn. WucKimi. Man.. Nov. 21.—While crossing the A*.lnibolni< river here ut Vu'cl'ick Sutur.iav nl/hl on ine whlab i had only formed Friday Aldurman An-! drvws and wlfo broite throu/h and wero drowned. The couple had only Just re- turned from their honeynioou. Tli» Fal ur» llrror'l. NKW Yornc. Nov. as.—The- luslnet* failure* occurring througheul tho coun- try during the la*i M'ven days numlier 274 as compan-d with ttfO last weelc Fur tbe rorn-ap. ndlng week of laat^uiu Ihu tgure* wait) 3i7. - Prof. Loltelle'. Veruory s,ftrm la Creal- loc trrewu-r talerett thau ever lu all parts of lite cvin'rv. and peiwona ulshln, to Impmve their lid aeu* " In another nolumnl rr .-n^ry should oeu* for Ids prusprclut free at ailTerlWl" Tlieieefni speech of rsm^rewmnn Mc- ] hurg. Va Kttilcy of Ohio before Conireus oh the Iteiidtng uriDT bill, has Ju.M been IKHIH II tn pvmphl.-t from. The *peech includes vatu ible MatUtical tables, and is un ad- niirnble preNentation o» the advantugoe '•f the principle* of prooiection, a* em- b-slled in ihe n^wTMriff Bill, Bend a two-cent Mamp fur a ropv tn the AMERICAN PBUTUMRF TAWW UTAOUT, sa Watt 23d btrcet, New York CBJ. of county prosecutlr-g attorney at tkc rcrcnt election. Tho law provides that in,uch cast* lots shall lie drawn. Rlggs won in thodrawinir and is now prose- cuting attorney-elec; hy virtue of bis geod luck. WHnrt but >wit«r I ' f u u MIlo Adam*, a prominent lumberman ot East Tawas, killed blmsuIL Nu cause wit* known. A young child of Iiouhi Gernant ot Knlamazuo. roiled under a feather bed and was .mothered lo death. Attorney-General Huston ha* decided that parlies who paid the beer tax of $^00 last spring and now wish to tako out a liquor license can not have the beer tax apply on ihu same. The farmer* of the State have sold 5.- M'MMU bushelso( e.huat dunug tho last throe months. Tho store of H. M Prntt of Pratt- vltle. was entered by burglars, tbe sale blown open aud about SSJ in money takun then-from. D. X Fish, of Onekama. suicided by Jumping into Onekama tako. He was insane. (ioldio. thn 7-yenr-oId daughter of Al- fouso Lingl'iis, a farmer living In Eg- ^leston township, was burn"d to dualh wh lo playing around a bonOre. There are ICS.1V0 farin* in Michigan, 7.U'U,tt0s acres ot improved land. 4,TiSl,- 1-9 acres of unimproved land, and tbo aicrag- site ot farm* is l»b Ml acres. Tbe body of Otto Johnson wr* found in tho woods near IronW'ioJ, Ho wa* a one-armed dancer nnd was *iipp<.W to buvo wandered from his homo and died of exposure. Court Croswoll, No, 273, Order of For- es'er* of Michigan won the handsome t i i banner off -red by tlio high court aa an annual prize fur having aliulnud tho greatest increase of membora during .he year. At Ml. Pleatanl a l arn occupied by Frai,k Rumsvy. a horse trainer, was burned down, and one tboroughbred utare. the property of .lames Dav.t. aui two Itand.irdhred kialllon. ouiwl by Itamsoy, wero burnetl to death Iti* with Infltiile aniisfRrlinn Ihnt I atate ihe fact tost Dr Hull'* Cough Pvrup has been long u»e<l in my fnuiily nnd ulwiyf with marke'l *iiece«h R. F Jurvia, Chief Eiiy Ftrr Dtp. Petem- PILESI PILES I PILESt Dr. WIIMHUI'* Indian Pile Ointment is tlie only sure cure lor Blind, HleeJlng or Iiching Pit.* ever discuvered. It never fait* lo cure old chronie caae* of long stmiding, Judice Osm*. Maysvtlle, Ky., sny*: "Dr, William'* Iniiinn Pile Ointment cureil me after years o siillenng," Judge Collin' ury, Cleveland, U..*avs "I have found by expe rience that Dr. Willium's Indian Pile Ointmenl give* inimeiiiate and permanent relief." We have huiiun-d* of *uch teetiQio- niats Do not sillier an ituitaiit longer, wild by all druggtsta at SOc and |1 per •»'* (My 1) Fnr -Severul choice farm* lo- rui OdlBi Cj ^ tln Kwnp Vergen- msi. Bowne and Hoaton. Atac several IIUIIM-* and Iota in the village of Lowell, ("AII suit ail claaaea of customer*. For further particulani inquire at the office ol 8, P. HICKS, M over West A Co", drug «tore MAY THANK HER STARS, The nairow etcaie of llr*. B. M S. aile*, of Elkhart, Ind., from a piema- lure death i* wonderful. She •tales that "for twenty .leant my heart ttoubl- eil me greatly. 1 became worse. Had •inoibenna spellr, short breath. Ilutter- inn; c.iuld not sleep on my left *lde, had much twin in bieast, shoulder and xtomacli. Ankle* swilled. Had muih heailache and dizzines-. Treatment did me no gooil until I tried Dr Mibs' New Heart Cure and Rentorative Nervine. The fir-t liottle helpetl me, and I was soon virtually cured for sale at Yelter •t Look'* Drug Store. A fine Issik on the HEAUT and NERVES free. THE WORLDS FAIR. The excitement caused by thl, great event is scaicely equaled by that pn>- 'luccd hy the great discovery of Dr Mltea -the Ratorative Serrine. It tpeisiily cun s i.ervotts prt><lrallon, change of life, luiin. dullnee* and confusion in heail. His, bWpleaanea*. the blues, neuralgia, ivilpitstnm, inonthly pain*, etc. C. W. Stinw Jt Co.. of Syracuse. N. Y.; Talbott iS Hoes, of Orei-iisburg. Ind.. and A. W. nUckburn, of Woooter, O., nay that "Tne Nervine sells better than anything we ever sold, and gives universal sal s faction.'' Dr Milen' new illustrat'd treniire on the Nerves and Heart and dial Isitlle flee al Yetler £ Look's Drug More. SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE Allow a cough to run until il gel* beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh it will wear away," but in n oa'. caa, n it wears them sway. Could 11 ey be imluced IO try the rurceesful meui- cine c .lied Kemp's Balsam, w hich it told un a iXMtiive guaruiitee to cure, tbey would iiumedibU-ly see the excellent ef- fect afler lakine the first done. Price 50.;. and $1. Trial lize free. At all druggu-t». HE YELLED KEMPS BALSAM, i I yell "Take Kemp'* Balsam, the best 1 cough cure.' 1 always do when 1 hear a | iio.fi cough, and I can't help it. It *aved | me and it will cure you. I was IhreBt- | eeed with pneuinonia last winter and it broke it up. It helpe tbe children out w hen their throat* are aore. cure* their coughs, and tii--tes ao gisid. The first dove belps you. So write* A. R. Arnold, "nuinetr on tbe West Shore Ry., at Canajoharie, N.Y. HOWS THIS! W'e offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any one case of Catarrls that c.n not be cured by taking Halt'* Ca- tarrh Cure. F. J. CBENEY & Co., Prop*,. Toledo, O. We, tha undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for Ihe laal 15 years, and be- lieve him perfedtly honorable in all buai- nesi, transactions, and financially able to carry out all obligation* made by their firm. Watt & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Wuiding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Drugxials, Toledo, Uhto. llail'e Catarrh Cure i* taken internally, acting directly u|>on the blood and mu- cous surfaces of the aystem. Price "5c. per bottle. Sold by all Drugiats. BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR! It won't cost you one half as much. Do not delay. Send three two cent ' stamps for pontage, and we will send you Dr Kaufmann's great work, fine colored plates tri m life, on diseaae, its eause* and home cure. Address, A, P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass DRl XKKXSESH—I.IQIOR IIAKIT—ID all tba V\ oriu Iher« u bul one Cure. Or. Haines'(inIdea -pei ini. it can bs ,iveii IB a cup uf lea ur coffee wtth- uui the knusbdire ot Ibe per*,* ukln, ii.iffect luie a speedy aud permanent cun. » heiber Ibe perwin la a moderate drinker or an aksih- llr wreck Tbou-ancs of drunkarda have been curtd who have taken the Umden PpeciHc In llieir tea or coffee wiibuui ihelr knowledge, nod to day believe ihey quit dnnkin, of Uielr own tree wilt So harmful effevta reauhln, from Ha lr admhiislnulon. Cum-^laraaiera, bend for idrculara and full particulani. Addreaa In omlldeooe, 0 >u>cy bpaciric (lo,, IB Race 8U, ClncuinaU. U, DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. Everybody knows THE PLACE TO GET PURE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, and In Fact EVERYTHING i That should be kept in a First Class Drug btore, is at W. S, WINEGAR'S. OHAa. LAWVER, mormrrM* or NATIONAL HOTEL. S'esr D , O, II. A M, Depot, . ^ficsr. Firtl C1t« Hoard ant Itnomsat HeanoBtle Rate* Lltery and leed KUble In Coni:ecUon. To Invnlld nnd Wounded SOLDIERSI 1 he undersigned at the reqtteM of many Invalid Soldier*, lias i|ualiliod and be,n udmitied lo practice tn the Interior Department, and all the bureau* thereol and i« now Readv 10 Prosecule Claims, for those that mav lie entitled to PEN- SION and BOUNTY. MILTON M. PERRY. Milton M. Perry, Attorney 4 Counselor a t L a w , Frjin't Hall Block. - Lowell, Midi. Special attention given to CoIWtlona Conveyancing, Loan, and Sale of Real Estate. The Best Line of Kt y West and Domestic Cigars in Lowell > W "O o o o ® (0 ar 3 o 6) CO r-e (D a O o o o THAN WEALTH Is a yT)knowl. dp- of Jto-1 keep k- epia,. Minnbaoa, Type- f /r J'tcne Cidl-xe.UrsBd Itapid rrllln,. Tel-rniphy, ele. t ^ d for Olal stue of'lraud Hapl ls buitueas Mich . A. H. PaaiaM, Prop o Mj > *) CD (D R 5 Q o >• d CD »—• CD m M* P P CD Q o o CD M* 0 CD O TR SB Cfi CD va CD Ih UJ pa CD 5 m —. Q o o d 0) •< o c o > z o m H H X m o 2 H X m $ m 05 H H i d > t •3 FRANK C. ALGER. Attorney at Law. Collections Given Prompt Attentioo MOSEY TO LOA.N AT C1!R1U;XT UATKH. AND IXSUHASCE t* KlTTtS. Cnlon block. ~ X lOWELu MICH C I T Y 'BUS LINE, FOREMAN & TALBOT, PROP'S. Orders for IWreers or ItaEfrtitr left *1 Train't Hotel. Davis House or ihe Um Uara will receive prompt •itentlnn. EVERY WIDOW Of A SOLDIER Depeniieiit on Her Daii; Labor FOR SUPPORT Is eBtliled to a pension. Also Rvoru Soldier now disabled, whether Ids diudilliiy wat eon- 'rscied in ibe tirvfcw or iiol. Fnibert and Mothers Hiiiioul I'BKSKNT me in> of support .-nulled to $!'•'jvr uiouih. Shall be Pleased lo Proiccute Any Such Claim, >• Charlie Vnlras Surre.sfnl t Fee Limlteil to Ten DoUus t The oldeat Pentloa Agency In the State, Estab- lithed June, 1^1, Andreas (olthtump) C. E. PERKINS. PROBATE OI'MCE. GRAND RAPIUa, MICH. CURED BY IM'sEteEaticFlaslcrs, i* -T AVT ciurrroa au.rirtrwtr-o RSIT". Prasceir* fTTlthe-na'lm.ircarti^tandMa'.'ea. •>o-- ' y crac-ilrU' oryw' c: . cr p; •atu.aC'Uinu. -• ovelcy I'liuler M orLa. I^weli. Mhu. II I Don't read ! Don't tliink ! Don't believe ! Now. are you Letter? Vou women who think that patent medicines arc a hum- bug, and Dr. Pierce's Favor- ite Prescription the biggest humbug of tlie whole (because it's best known of all) —does j your lack-of-faith cure come It's very easy to "don't " in this world. Suspicion always comes more easily than con- fidence. But doubt—little faith never made a sick woman well — and the "Fa- vorite Prescription " has cured thousands of delicate, weak women, which makes us think that our " Prescription" is Mrs. Allan's Oottfen Hair Wash. Milan FMeUnck VimraaDaim. ** deTebiUnfUHbBM. Iluiu^torrrao.li, .uperfloowhalr, Unrdiiwtii,. Altfoul. wlUl-mlr aad iMauTVisl I u . . ami, r. r lllntirtltdclmilsr 1 ull tinsefRh. hair (nods MK.s U, W. * M IN. nt WSOB. waan Av.. tmsoii. Fui ulr I v Uruaiea AT J . E . L E E ' S MEAT MARKET On Ihe BnJfe. will alway. ba found th* choicest cuts of Meal. Fish and Poul try In their seasnna. at Prices A! waya Reaaonable. J. E. LBE, - Lowell, Mich. FiEI GSREMEDY 51.00 h EOTTIE.E'X FOBfS TRY ITTO-DAV What is ^F. E. C."? I T T:>ahannlcss. vocefalile prepar- i.'..on, of detnonwrated power in t'.I forms of Kiduey dircaso. and tbe maay disorders which attend Kidney trouble. These aro named Legion, If the Kidney derungeinent IK- Rtired, then these Secondary ail- ments disappoar becaaao they aro mere rffccttof fnlttr K tdncy action, and not original Causes of suffering;. Thousands of people tufTcr for years from these Secondary cfTenis of Kid- ney disease, which is tmsuspectcd becansc the Kidney i:solf may be far gone with disease nnd yet give tha pstient ro pain. Beware 1 Tho »ov- ereign corrector of all t heso ills ia KIDNEYS BLOOD[ lALIVERl »l4}OABi)T7L£,S;Xf0n$5. TPY IT TO-DAY F.E.G.3EME0Y =—A.-T-T-E-^T-3D' THE WEST MICHIGAN "igUSfflESS [jNlVERSrn Pj^ORMAL l: GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN. WE TEACH Actual Business Shorthand and Typewriting AND TELEGRAPHY. IN OUR NORMAL DEPARTMENT , WE HAVE A TUORODGn TEACHERS COTJRSE. better than your don t believe. c , . i t , . n- r- . We're both honest. Let us Scientific, Classical, Music, Civil Engineering, Fine Art come together. You try Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription. If it doesn't do as represented, you get your money again. Where proof's so easy, can vou afford to doubt ? AND ELOCUTION COURSES. Wc Board ami Room our Students for 82.50 per week. Expenses less here than anywhere else. Address A. E. YEHEX, Pres. Little but active—are Dr. MILES'NERVK & LIVER PILLS, An iinportai't discovery, Thev net i.n the liver, slomaoh ami l-iwel* tbrmigh i p|.. rr ,.V Plr.asnnt Pollnte the nerve,, A new principle They | spee<llljr cure hillouAne**, Itad •a,te. mr «».-»• p'd liver, pitesaud ?ou*>i|iuiton. Splen- did for men, women Snialle*t, mildest, surest .. I 5^£^ ,n, *'~" Y ' 1 " r * u, *''lstoin2ch and bowels. Best Liver Pills made; gen-; and* chiXn" 1 !lli . thorough. They rcgu-i . so dme^ for! int? and invigorate the liver : BEST COUGH MEDICINE, Recommended by Physicians. Cures where nil else faiU. Pleaaaint and agreeable to the taste. Chil- li without nbjmion. Sold by all druggists.

JOURNAL. - lowellledger.kdl.orglowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1890/11_November/11-26-1890.pdf · In plus and appcarancu by ull the ana at tbdr ; Wobbcommand. | "Tlio OorenimoBt

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Page 1: JOURNAL. - lowellledger.kdl.orglowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1890/11_November/11-26-1890.pdf · In plus and appcarancu by ull the ana at tbdr ; Wobbcommand. | "Tlio OorenimoBt

JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year.

I t p I ' X —

Off lo* i n T r a i n ' s Opera H o u s e B look . Three Cents Per Copy

* f

4 >


VOLUMK X X V I . U V m L l n M W H O A N , W E D N E S D A Y , N O V E M B E l l 2(5 , 181 )0 . NUMBER 21.


THE WORLD'S FAIR. An D;aborot6 R p o r t t o tho No*

t l m a l ConiMilsslua


F r e d G . S t o n e ,

A G E N T .



U*en flernt ArtbUrelnral • • I Mnitx-iy* II.TVrN—lh. ri»< i l -nf . l-ros «•

iaat:iUI MTI Ki'l nw Appruiul uf lha Kclirna.

roisT» ia tn.'. Bxronr. Ciiir*fli>. Nov. IX— 1'lan* and upcctfl-

calluns for ihd world'* (air l>ulUinin liave l>o<n p r i n t e d to tho N'kilnnal commlnKlon. Tho local directory nduptod thorn Friday. Tliolr approval Is tho la>t act noceasary to mkcn by Xho rorainii.loii to w-cnro tho I'roal-dvnt't procl imatlon to tho world an-nounclnir that tho world'* (air It on. The report o( tho dlroclora to tho Na-

Tin, CoppeF and ShceHron

Collars : Cuffs, per pair Shirts

Leave ({00,ll, f f orilrr* Ht

C, G. Slone & Son's Store, tionaicon i .ion i*r* "It U mirailKl tooao all of Jackwn Part tor

— ' i;:ir,**c« i f the I#lr. loavli f it linprove-l rant

L— , - — | la much o« iv>v«ib!e In lb Ir pw tot c odltloo L H \ / N R~\ Y I TLX^ENLTNLLR'VEJP*LTL•LOLLOLAAOULLNALNAB•

, X , I < V I ' 1 \ i , «• r npproj.rijl- to thn wh lr p.an ct taiMlDKa anJ at ihr aam-- tlma to follow. «hm po^alb a. the IId«!< al-mly lal I down kjr U:c park MO-iaii»u>i on

' In trinrrai tlie prcn-nt northern Inlrtlato b* iuriltcr r jU'uJr^l and f i l> ccmo aa Inisrtor lacooo. Itroard In thl. lajiuo m an la.aDd mirrpj with an eiicnB ve body ot native woixl It li ao p>*-oilal p lut of mp yp irral dmi^n that li ahall !«• preamet and ina<la lb'larla

i il bntural Nn.lva.H! 10 nnpply an cplaoOabt | H>Di-i>ln iT.'r.">hlug relief to Jic r'andenrof 1 the hullilliiK*.

"From the lairoon above raeniloned a canal *11, rontmae Ihc waterway nouibaard aloof the mala boiklms. aad into Urm tails wl.lcb It t« tirm the Ornter U o Jti at oourt about Which the principal i.oildip*» or ihr ex-' yxKitloi are to be fTooped- The bank, of thf»t land lock'U U dlca of water a • to be BnlMied In waya appropriate to the varluva localitlet throach whlca ihey pa-t. D M -D terraces and UnJInits wlil be arelrd wn -rj lhalac^oa openi Into the la' e froai both the B.herles and the Govciumeot txl.lblt'-. whtlc the shore* of lha In and have Itfaimal oalJnet BaskeJ with follajc. The bcrd ra o( the canal and 1 he bj-io of the court are 10 he trea ed formally with embankmeols of stona or brie/, rarmonnlej by parap -ts or ba u-irados

; of stone. Iron. bricU or lurr* ootta. and opealng /-»ir A Z - I X T C "Pen -U-p, aud l.nd.nsr. here and there wher.

1 Y O F K A L I IN 1 1 boa-In, parties nay "All pasungpr railways, wbrlhrr •team.

2d Ooof Eait of Ytiter & look'i Storf.

Repjiring D m on Short Notice. b v e Trough and Furnace Work aKp-ci»Iiy

LOWELL, - Mir.ttlOAN.

- F O R -

Tli» Mnuiiin.ctni New F.ist Stramahlp

d'AMioiKbu tin. ; i«lr. I'li'Mauivii'iiii*ailoii» fur S-O "(.i-i'l «l.il .l r pup-


MENOMINEE WCI leave U KAN U UAVtN l-r VliK AUl" daUy,

• Oj.ur.i.). «i s p ui

DAYS o t al i lLlNO.


1VKSDAV. \\ I H T ' K S D A ^ F K I U A Y .

Arrlvinc in t'lllcAO^ .lie folio* Irj; mo run , lu Uu.o Ixi l r uiOKuiu,

FARt, btuh iiuuced, - $3X0 RUUDQ irip,gujQ rofieason, B.UO IMuiulHKt lea»e 11 • Mj.mi . | , . . n l> itXi laaWlUu* lu

If . Uu da I). raw p" Dun ii. a •• <'b >''r' I.IU. lul toiij loiu . Ukt.

TUKUI OII LU-AARA lu Ail I mula. uallllCAUO, tM l* lua ul «l. i^llivaa iKkel ..,r..la.

JOHN SIKGLLTUN, Ger. ? i u . Agent,

Uoaslilc'b liau-p- il.lluii Co.. Cbk-aKO.


. , | . XIJ.I, OJK D (JREEN In Iroal of IBO bul.d 11, will b« oaed L y o n u lock , - l.OWCil, Mien. f t r oulofd-ir lioi-tirhUunl exhlblti

wbethi ctble, elcclrlo or bcoe, wil dciivcr pesaeeieis lOklde the adml.'ilstrulMi b jiKtliK, Frpra this place an Inlrjnj .MI eln-irio rlevatwl road will paas oat tl.rvn, • lit ttoan j . ooterlnf bulLllORs wiietJ deeme l »dvlM.b> aadhtvtn, co ive. I Dt stathia, wbrteveT B>-oe«sae7, It will connect wltb the aiailo.i at Mllway PlaU-

1 aice and pais buck to the ailml, 1-irotion i bulld.n, by another roote. thus f. ruin, a eom , | lit • rirvolt anJ maVln* .1 e/ay to c« fmm one

p.i.ee to i tnber wit oit aaklni Vl.llors | onvlntUc fal.-will tome on: of the admlals i tratk n statl- n upon th" *real ><j lare. where all I tlx-p cea are vrr; Im.a.i, arordin, ample nom

lor the Fa-h-rta* or UU; etf In, of lun,e croads. I \V'h<o eJ chairs are tn be always ki-pt In attend I mee heir. The bu.luin,. w(u be lupreralve In

ap) caracoo a hen v.ewsa f r, .m this courUand to make Item cvan m<re s.1, . lid also to aOonl prutvctlca when tiie WittUlor 1, mcjeaifOl. k Craml op-A area LE TI.I luclua; tills >| aise ex cept toward tlie .ako and wd. omnool the bolld-llip< l«p-ihnr si tUal vMt rs may safely i> fn.m pi.or lo place la any woatuer.

| 'Opiioi toihe great <p<-B court tpler. lobe of TOJ.I f.TCi and d.l1 ctbiu a> may he Ui r.'after dilcimlaed w IL yrui cl I iio the Uke about l.txi lo t. It Is twb.- >o eoaslmcled as to form

I a barb, r for tho labdlni; i.f lake craft and for their b ttor safety. Tberi is lu b- a Jarpj rvatuurant ^nd res.Ins laci at the luteread cl thla pier, with a •« iVsiaud ar.dd inelo, B or In connoc loa. The plir la IOK OJ.-J to Le a Bin! aoUsl f atnre • f the exp. • III a

I "Without d sir ylnj the improved part of Jack so* Park m tho north, the ban cjltarai

I exhibit la to l« rlaeeJ tlier upon the < peu i meadow. T. e huiloln, alU be l .r^ly of Iron | aad ,.ass. aul .umlta~d wlih a piualfurpBr

poro. ol hrailn, aud v. all.utlon. The lai*e

A General Banking Business Conducted.

X-OA-2>J"e a a x i COT.T .•ECTZO^TO.

Urafu Slid on all Forolro Cauntrlea.

. L O W E L L

Business Men's Association.

Regular Meetine's First Thursday in every month, at B. C. Smith's s'.ore.

D G . L O O K , P r e s .

DIX'L mitxaa. cam

I AmnB, the trocs m ar this locatloa. ai-d placol I In a way to preiwri'i. them. *11 b- a tew tma.l | liB 'ly ^'^icnol IK-UM <. nltber L I IhuStatea or . ol M ine arci,a> tloj; cal IntrraA. I "Acrordln; to iBytruiUous wo have plaard ! Iho atrieoliural UBI live slock nxhlblU la the I aouiliw.-.u-m portina of the park, wher.i the

land U c-.iBparailrcly hi,h aud well protcctel. I r aericj.iun- a mua bul din, l> to be erect. 1 ed. la alzi a i l arran, -mrnt adai>t«d to every

cecduf this depanm^n: aad bavin, aa lade pcluScBl hc*l:tu plaoL

"For llva at-m . the building are Ui ho adapt 1 cd lo the coda vah.>ll le exproMed by thoar

bavinR ibis de, ar.m at in caar^. In leaorwl there will bu hou lag lor atoo i and their at temlautn and hospitals fo- the anlma a. lirul hint the naportam-e cl the uRrlrulloral and llvo^b'Ck exUiblt', It la the liitt.illon of tue do aUnrra Vi make Ihexo depanmeuta loicrestla. In plus and appcarancu by ull the ana at tbdr

; command. | "Tlio OorenimoBt will ftrnlsh their OWB

bull Miii i and oxlilblls. auicn^ the latter a lino-of luttl.-sllp fully equlppci. A larife opes

UJ will be left oeur thla poiut tor Ouvem-cical use aud dl-piay.

"Acruia the laloi from the Oovtrnmaat ex-hibit will Le the bull-tin,7* for the nsbcrlea. A bulldlB, here as beaoilful a* p.i-.lble IB appear-ancc wl,l b« erected (1 durable uiaterlata and Oit d »llh ever* ar an-^meBl and detail to carry CB the pr.jp icatlco. aubslatlB, and dla play of water aclmalv

'The admiulstrallrn Uilldla, it to cover

Bowne, Combs & Striker,

B A N K E R S , T l O W e l l - M i c h i g a n , 1 m a n funetloas. ili'-in tbutof a ttaUoo X J U W C l i i ! for all trinsionailon llnr. eulerln, the park-

TnuiMPt a Ocneral DatikfnK nufincm aud IK-UI1 DRAITH uvMilalilc in u'l

i m r u o l the World.



Th£ CHILDREN'S MEDICINE, ruv t> Id.. • UnaiarHeM. WlMW-p-

l u , Cvu^U, 1 tuU|>. tie u 0 Is- naiuo In > vny Ii. u>i-b«M ,, Itiafa.!, K«lo. I'.naln. Al*a.*a rrli npmi M f-r i blHltrnS ll . i . I and Lunt 1r<ube>. t -nlallis I"' <11*1*», H ,l» ••Tiad nr lb. fleet ••Iten l^ulllinc »l.. I. e.-iiBh Dili line- pupal ," ' . ra.'illls an ^ireii tun Id-i. u I«av« ilie l U-ldi^n. tlrt a b-Hlle t'i4ay. \ «u ma• M»-.il"Uiubilii. S->idiij allU-iintla'a.

F I F T Y D O S E S 9 5 C E N T S .



J T & Z '


•lu cure Bllioasncat, fu'k Ileadadie, Conitl-paUoB, Unlaria, I4rcr Complaitita, tuko

tlie taio and certcln remedy, S M I T H ' S

BILE IE I I I IS t m , t i u S « i t S ^ : = !»H!Ceafas- '92* Imtle) r u n MIL m t »i>i« CO*va*i*iiT

S.. . l t , .L.lo «C.R o i l A B M . "rSei- of elflior aire. 35e. p e r Dottla.

^ 5 ^ . p ,

C A L L O T - P O X E C H O E S .

031clul It, turns ot Hie Voles Cast at Us ts.ll fefiertkia. 1 '

Coi.runiA. H. 0., No». j i — T h o fiUt* Itoar.l o( Canvnssdr* of "ElecUoi^ com-I pti-iod tho ubulatton of tho rctiirh* of T tho olpi-tlon in South Cariilltia Friday, • i t n l i n ; iiomors n-om V.n..". Ilvnjaniin K. Tillmtn and his ilck«t woru doc tarod clecti-d by O.iell mnjortlr over A. C. Haskell, tho lodopeadoat Dcmix-raUe candidate.

On AHA. Neb.. Nul. »•!.—Governor-eloct Ifciyd Friday mcrnlhi reeclvrd ofilcial notice that bta •lection l» to bo contested. Tho notice was not served on him pcrsunally, bul was l ed at h.a oflloe.

' ' • - a - i i i

I n d i a n a FATfl t o Co on tho Po in t of TakinBr t h o W R r - P a t h .

• t l - , n

tka It hi.iB Bnrfvallaii—lil.pnl, l,r. I taeain? at WaslHuclou Nut


*' COI.Y Win MKl*. WAANHOIOS. NOT. M.—Tho follow-

ln|f tolonram brnrlnjf npon tho situa-tion at l i n e llld-rc Airency hat Uen received at tho War Ucpartineni:

• t' miA .o 111. MOT. HX-AIW'IHI lit* m » i . _ . w tvi v a . ,,«1 1.1 „ I insr . • 1 «* » E-llabio Iniormtt'oa hat MAm,os. Wis., Nov. SI.—OBl'lai ro-

turfts rc-'Q.v d by the Hncrotnry of Htat» froth All tho eonnite* in the State show tbat the total vote thrown for Uovcrnor Is SOB, 417, a decroaso of 40.207 from the vote o( 1889. when thero aero 1144,714 ballots thrown (or the tour eaWldaiot. Two years affo W. D. Hoard received K.ViW. votes and Jamos Morf.n got IU,4».;. Ilnarl's plu-alitv beln^ •-M.SIl Perk 's actual plurality this year U 29.31S.

D E A T H O F K I N O W I L L I A M .

Tha nreal tl..o.» or Oranc* l^saa l i t LM*! Dlrrrt M«!• ltrp>r^entsfIre.

T I I K iiAflCr.. Nov. 24.- Tbo King of ' Holland died at 0 o'clock yesterday mornlnif. Saturday evontiiir there was a sudden chanjro (or the worse in tho King's oondltlun, the symptoms belny those o( uitomia The Queon Wat Im-mediately sent (or and mftld at the pa-tient'a bedside durlnfr the nifrht Li fa ebbed away quietly, lit- was 73 voars of a^e. Wltb William l! l . dies tb# last direct male representative of tbe crest House of Oranire. Ue was the son o( Will lam II. lie ascended the throne in 1841 Hi , only issue is by Emma, bis aervnd wife, bcln? a daughter, WHbelmiae. now ten years of sire. Queen Km ma la Tery popular and will un loubtedly bo oonilniied as regent until her daughter attains ber tnajorliy.

B A T T L E W 1 . H T H I E V E S

fTerea Rnenwiler With a O I B , af Pas-perailor. ,» K insat.

W I C H I T A , Kan., Nov. i l —Soma days ago twelve horses were tuilen in Oibora COunty, a id Deputy Sheriffs Clarke and Dretshor wnnt out on tho bun t Tba thloves wore found in camp Friday eveningei;iiiy tniloa w.-st near Cairo in a wood lining a creek. The ofil ;erj raised a poisoof thirty men at Cairo and

received that the Yanktoi s ami Uraavcn-trc* In Cppor Mlstourl, aito ibe.e Bear old Fo, t Ili'lkn.ip, have uBnnlmi.it^y adopted the Ui'S>lab tiazc. and the latter are quite n.ily: that Billing Itu I hat si lit emls-sarlet to these tribes and the forty e!gl>t lodges north of the DrUUh line, exciting them to ^ t ani l tnd ammiinltloa ai. I )i>ln the ether war r im near ihe Black lll.lt in thetyrln,. Aa effort It belD, male t« allay tnd re. it tin tbe InrbDieaV tut IBe vio t-nL ovi-rt act of any tmtll pariy of tbe desperute cae* may eanse a pencral uphsln,. The latest reports frxm tbe Northern iTie- ennes Is th .t they have to atiso-don Ihe resen atlon. ^ e i o taa brrn a delay, however, larDttlB, ether tro ps than thosa in these two departmeBU In proper equipment for Ue Held. Ml us ,

"Malor rjenertl Cummaridln,." •UalCAOO, N .V ,1. /I ;f I .f.f,' n r I »r *•

Armi. n'a«A<a(r'«a. /», U.- The namber of In-dians |0,B| from Itueebud mein y to Pine Rlilge airoBcy It Inrnaiin,. Ri llabte advices sroa that thl« M. s-la i craj i«, xtcndlng t-i onr In-dians m ur the mnunta n t-orler and tetweea the Bloux nail, u and th.' C.inidlan border.

"Mit.rs, 0>,mm:indi r," AnrntiEKV, S. D. , Nov, 8 . -Advices

from Eureka show that the settlers o( Emmons and Campb.'It count os arc flocliing Into that place in account of a weU-deflneJ rumor that tho Sioux talco tho war-path to-day. Five hundred people from tbo country are now in Eureka. La (irace, on the Mlsrotiri, is completely depop-ulated. The sheriff ol Campbell Coonty wires tbat tbcro is a large body of Sioux on the oast side of tbe Missouri Tbe people are greatly t-xclu d and aro ap-pealing to Uoveruor Mellotto and Mayor Mooly of tnls city for arms and ammunition.

OMAHA, Nob., Nov. M . — A special from Spring View via Ainsworth says tbat word was roeeivei tliore that the Indians were binding together o i Pan-na oroek, about twenty miles north of there, for tbe purpose of raiding tho settlements along tlie reservation lino. I b e town is (ull of -eiiiort and wagons loaded with household goods. All aro


F I N A N C I A L S T A T I S T I C S .

Indtbteduras nf Ihe l.ead ni; ( lllet In tba *t .le .if Mlelilxun

Tho nnnn -ial eon liilnii of thirty-two cltle'a In tin1 St ite Is show n In S i letln No. 14 Issued tiy the Census lll'l -e to ho as (ollow-: Adrian M dVJseluoti 110 uo Albion Tf 1U Kalamst o . lAOOO Alle,,in .•|.,M>ljMan| telle 1 il ve.-Alpe„n tUiUUuaomtiirc., ItbUUI U.lllei'rerk 15.ui iMonns' sou Uny City Cadal'n.

St.".ui MaskefeB . Uny City Cadal'n. .voi Ii*.nt1.1 irnoi Chi boy<aB.... M 1' ),vrt Itmou, Ml," M IVtiuli 1 ,S' 1 inglniis am Esil Ba^lnaw. Wi,... I St HteMolle tnimi KliBt.... Bl 'II SI l,o 1 Orand Haves. f-.O*1 Thn r Hlv- s i - i n Orand H i, u* iCOu " W. it C tir t t ' io OreeiiVillo... 5 nil WVM. i."l,. , M.1UI IIiUlnBs,,, . U U'.Vi ..luntl. POO 0 Ill Isilale . .,, fo — lalip- nun,.... vio'el T.tal , 0.4,.11

L O S T H E R L O C K S .

••Jae» A Urtmlt lilrl P Ha a tieil Hia ll <lr-l oiler ••

Mis* Tilhe Knhn. of iv-trolu had been notldi-il tnrough several lett<<r* that *ho was to Iw "J.i.-k the il.ilr-Cut-ter's" next vnvim. The other night tbe Kkhn fa'nily retlnsl early. Ilalf an hour later M as Kuhn was awakened by tome one fumbling about ber head. She screamed, and a man »prnng from

i ber bedside and out ilirough the door. The bouse was alarmi-d. and then It was dlscoven-d that Miss Kubn'* hair bad been clipped off close to tier head Miss Kubn is 18 years old, pretty, and bad beaiitiful hair tnlrtv-throe Inche* long. Several other girla vhn h d been threatened were in ajony of tear.

Cro-fd tha Ueaao for Her Mnuay. Dertha Holing wer ,ed (or Carl Hunta-

hart, of Port Huron, as a domestic In Germany ten years ago. After two yearn' work he owed llerlba 5100, but departed (or America without paying her. Miss Koilng rami- over and sued him (or the money and interest nnd gar-nlthed his bank ceoitnt o( fl.fera A juty decided that MWs Kol.ng ought to liato that Sin.i for wbieb ••he had trav-eled over 3,lOUll.lle^ nnd walu-d eight years, and g.vo her a verdict (or the money with ii toiest and costs, tnd Iluntabnrt would have to pay. at tbe had bit bank account tied u^i

Ilratlh In Sllrht,sii. Reports to :he State Hoard of Health

by seventy-one observers In different parts o( th.' State for the week ended November 1.', indicated that cerebro-

wont out to eaptiiro :b" gang- When b-lpg cared lor by the clt.zont o( Spring spinal meningitis, measles, whooping wilKin A rtlmrl rl • at «a r*t 11, a /«• rrs r> t •.* T* I . within a short distance of tho camp tlio potto was Qrod upon, a id at that mo-mnnt tbo gang mouatad thnir b o r s x and started up tho croek, (ollowol by the posse. A(ter a running flro o( two m l l e < V w 0 0 ' the t.i.evos (oil oil their horses an I 'tbo hones nf two other, (ell. The others osoaped. Tho two men shot died within a half hour, and refnsod to give their n imes or any Informalloa.

T H E M E A D M U R D E R .

View. Mt.t'ST. S. D.. Nov. 24. —Tho exelte-

ment at this place in reference to the Indian trouble Is a t its he ight Uennral Howers and monbera of the Mlilland PaciDc survey m work ei /hty miles west o ' Pierrois-ached ben ' Sunday afternoon. Tboy say that tlio Indians aro In a fren-tied condition and ur« liable lo commit murder at any lime. Friday night a t ; II o'clock lifty Indi.mskurronnded their j camp, burst into tb * tout an l took pos-session They were all well armed with rifles and sida arm. and could bavti

W A U P A C A . Wia . Nov, <4 —Tab Pryor, massacred tho whole uulGt bul af.cr a

f t rat Arrrat Ha • la W u ,aaa. »!»., My' trry af l«IX. ,

who w .S a policeman in (Vis eTtv at tba time of thn Mead murder lo 18$). was arrestod for complicity In the crime at Antlgo Saturday. Pryor Is one of four men in this city who were suspected a t tbe time, but the evidence was too poo.-. 1

The arrest of the oi nms is expected in a day or two. Thn murd'-r of Me, d was aa atrocious crime. He was In bis bank at night."and was stunned, then robbed, ' and then ib'e top of bis head blown off with a shotgun Tho arrest of Pryor 1*

pow-wow the reds left, telling them to be mtn / miles sway before the sun roae. Our people will ask the Govornor for arms and animunitl*!. It I* feared ths t much damage will be done if proper precautions are not t .ken. The Indians on the Winnebago aouib of town have led to Join the ghost dances at Rosebud.

P ix r liiiidK AOEVCV, S. D., N IV, S4.— News o( a startling iiaiura reat-hed here Sunday from the Uo-ehud agency. It is embodied in tbo following dispatch

tbo result of tbe reward offered by tba ( which was forward's! to General Miles coonty board.


aatatloum recxlenal<<- than any oow exist In, II will also contain tbe (ull ailailBUtra II iB foroet: lor lnforroaUoe. lor polloe. Bra, trunnion alien, public conif rt. cxpendltura an 1 accounts aud uoy otbo- rlmllar purposes It l< therefore beadqusrten where nearly all vltllort will arrive, a 1 loud to any baainost thai Ihey may l<svu and dojiari, and whrre all toroeo and employ •• report and take their order*.

•T..o maculLery ball, otakh will be UriKr than any b -f re eulll, a 111 Dot coly cover Bia ejlnery In the ordinary aease. bul will fd.-sUb a great c--utral . i-ea aroee .paBoeO with wUV trusai-a wCerr there thBil IK- the baal chance l«swlble for ihc dUplay uf tnc digereut trana ponauon eihlbllv

"The main bu.ldln, for mcaufacturer' Is te be arranged In plan lo rev. r many fui cttooa In Itilthoi vii iU (icuid-to-r Uvcl cr abov. rre to be tprelal L-o at d n« nit lor Juilgea oi I. r special ao-. le'l'-a nr eeinmllte-a. Ilerear lu bo roslauraa't aud udu-t ro.ni.luu aid Uu canal and lewtrd the lake.

•The rlectric and mlaln, . ,lilblu are *ML tn occupy a bul'iillnn aerosa the canal Irum I bo maiiufaetorlcs MIIMIII*. aich adapted to Its purpoac aad tuTilihnd wllh pew or Tbo inn fir electrlelly la to ha adapteJ tot only for porrer bouse and ilrtt alatiou. - but I be e»i eetally tor all dltplaya and cua tenia for nanufa' turlB.' am' of tbu nunponle* or iieiaons In the Lu* nsss. and lo be In llaoit ah n "i-en from a ulttaaee an object of bcaaty by dnyor Bljhu

•T. Is STOP of boild'BRt—aaoMly. tho ad olnl-t atl-a. ib> m*fcla. ry. tbo manufao^ or.e , tbo mini i, and"eleotrioal-art to form a whole in de.;, •. They ar.- Inten.-." I a . a maa-to !>• Impr a>lve. a< a plan mixi ooovonle -aid at tiructi roi lo t« very anbrtaitlal

•The lUhili, of tno expoaltV* will be by electricity, toil mne i of tho i ower lo ba any pile I will b-i of the turn i moans, Ultplayt arv to oc made under fouBdallons and wuterwaya, raid ims duly uaW the nu.or lake ttaelf.

"Until It Is dot nulmU bow mach land la to beBsod,'nlb» iJike Fmut and wbelbir new land to be mo le th- r i K c-.a Bot he datlnltely *talcO bow Ihc balldl igi will bi arranged. II Is uudersiood. hnw^ver. thai bulldlnri f'-r what is knewn In the clasi-.tloatlon as "Department K" aud for thai porlh a of Uepartmoat L which ut generally ,niuiiat wiu It will bo I laned on the Lak- Fnitt, an I tnat la addltlim large foe lillO" will be proriduJ fur the cro*dt

1 which wl I mn o tbl. crvjad a a arilB, placa W.i ssa tefcssPaA"

Tba Mrm Orxaalae.! Into a Umlled C O B . |Mtay • i lk iBrrr-ard CapllaL

LONDON. NOV. S3.—Ii I. offlclaliy an-nounced that arrnngemeata (or oontinu-lay the busim*ss o( Ilanng Urua 4 Co. have been ooncluded, A limited com- ] iT.,,* Khlgei.'^ pany has been (ormed and will be regis- I there to talk to tbe Co tercd Immediately, with a subscribed ' their behalf. Ti;e report ul o say* that Chief capital exceeding tlOOOiiOJ Mr TaoSirlkeli.t-r.dstoatabtbecoinmni.dln, of-Thomas I taring, M, P„ become c b s l r 1 " " • u « ; k "

at Chloago: -Iiformatloa boa b-co rtss-lved that the

bnatlle Indian, arc mwln, from Paat creek toward Pino Rld,e ajiiicv la two pan let: bucbt wlih Short Ball t . V , the White ri»er roale BBii Ibe old mca, Oimcn and elil dreB are on tho Medicine Boot r. a L Thlt newt comet from Indians ahu have returned front Past creek, and Loult Rlchar i aayt It la reliable. They reisirl that tbey un

y to eel the InJIant there to talk lo ibe Coojuiandln, Urneral In

J . F . S ' . 1

A L A D Y I N K O U T I 1 C A R O L I N A W H I T E S ;

| My lalior w a* fchmier and leaa painful ibaii on tw ofor i i iTucc inon; plivaician*

| ofttnnMp-rt; I ihank yi'ti for •'Jlolbrr'* Friend " Ii i» « nrili ' ili tveigbt in K"11. Addrp-fc'ilie D'ailH'-M Tleu t'n,, Atlanta. On,, foi pariiiulart. Sold Wy Yciler &

SI I l l l l V f u" k — 1 I U r a L f l « ' " T , " • , , v ' " r o o t ' 8 round. "TAIUHO HApHOODi least willing •till tu lenro Ihe ground"

_»r«itailpEKVonsstBOlTZi nnd tin* cmiM i«n"»* have liee.i moat g 1 " " ' * 4 ? ^ ? n u l y MiKl of chronic |>ain nf any aoti. CtBta«<«wf_.i|alittHflJa Rut afler tlie laiM- "l ao many age*, a

~ ' fatveivign remedy lias Been U.niid in

man of the company and devotes tbe whole of his fortune to ibe Ann'* credit Other diroctors are Vltoount Francl* liarlng, M. P.. Mr. John llarlny, Mr. Klrkman and Mr Hodgeson.

A Hank Mubbad. BROOXI.TS, NOT. 2 A . — I t was learned

Friday morning thst the Twenty-sixth Ward Batik had been roi bed of | \000. Tbo robbery occurred In broad daylight Wodneaday afternoon and bad boon kept secret in the hope tbat tbe stolen cash might be re-covered. It was Dccotuplisbed by tho old trick of calling the cashier outside on tbe plea that a customer bad a norvous horao which be could not leans. There is no cluw HO (ar to tho thloves,

UB I* a l t d , HauL Roonxsrrn. N. Y.. Nov. SI.—Moses

S, Marks. forTi-rly auto teller in tba Flour ( i ty Bunk, but who was dis-cbarged fifteen mvnths ago, tele-graphed tn tbe casbior's name to tbe National Hank of Com-merco at New York, tho bank's correspondent, to send tlu.OOO in 510 and $10 bills by expntss. He was at tho express oOoo when the package arrived, H«urod It and disappeared. Ho bat not yet been caught.

Many Citlla l."«t al Hew. Momr.AL, Can,, Nov, 20.—Pritalo

dlspatclios re«'lved iieru say tbat the cattle ships which have arrived'ln Eu-rupe from Canadt suffered disastrous loaaea. Tbe Series, from MontK-al to ihindae. lost 600 bead, Tbe Clroe lust •Ml bead, and the Sacalima I oat thirty-e igh t These leases, with SM lost from the Lunda last week aad IM (rom tho Straits of Magellan.- make tbu season a disastrous one.

I Boer as There aeeSM lo be no doubt that Ihu leadert mean war and they are only uslu, Shon Bull aa a pretense lo keep tb< Indians t nelher,"

WASUIU'IIN, S . D , Nov. 24.—Il It re-ported tbat a band ol Indian warrlort Brown, ol S t Ignare, tied 'for the ofllcc

cough, puerperal fever tnd cliilera morbus incn-m.-d. and inflammation ol the brain, membrtnou*croup anl typho-malarial (ever decnasi-d in area ol p.-evalence. , Di; hiueria wa. reported at tMriy-'-even v ace*, ar.irlet fover at farty. typhoid f.-ier at thiny-threo and measly. a l ;,.a • ;

Tun il a D. a I llo.ly. Whila some bots ao : - out hunting In

tha woods near the Standard coal r ir.o wo»t of Jackson they came upon tbo al-most di-cornposed body ut a woman. Word waa tent to ti a: cily. and offlccre w e n t o u ' a o 1 brought it In. it oould not 1>e identified, but II was suppoaedtc bo the body o( tbe half-idiotic woman v.ho escaped from the county houto in May las t

The Ma.onle l eme I omptrted. The Michigan Masonic Homo at Grand

Rapids is compleu'd un 1 wilt h- dedi-cated with tho must unpoMng Masonic coromonies January 2s. « hen the Grand I^>dgo of tbe S ate will lie in seaslon. The building is of winto brick, throe •tories high, has i.ccomtnodationt tot UI inmates w.tbont crowding, and, with the land, cost 578,000,

Of i D f r r f i t * l>or The Michigan ( lone Breeders' Asso-

ciation held ;ts avnual meeting at Jack-son and decided upon ^ prncrammo (ot the suuiuier meeiiug. OlHeers war* elected as follows: President R. A, Brown, of Katamaioo: Vivo-President J . C Djyo, of Jackson; Secretary. L C. Wobb, of Mason; Treasurer, Walter Clark, ot llattle Creek.

II r r s <ioi lh* Lu kr KrrMtr, W. F. I'.lgjs. of Maniatique. and J. J .

ntiinberlng aliout 0.003 has cut loose from the mservation below us and I, beading weatward. 'i be band it mouly Kioux. Conalderable'ekcliemeni exist* throughout the country nnd old-timer* acknowledge that tbe situation 1* seri-ous. Tbe route uf the Indians seems to bo between the Missouri river and the Northern Pacific railroad, which at thlt point are only thiny-llvo miles apar t

PiKtl'tf, S. D . , Nov. 24.—A press eor-respondent bus just ruturneu from Fort Bonnett and reports tbat tbe Indians are ,kIrtnUhing In small pirtles and tha Roes aro going to join tbeCbeyennn Indi ns in the ghost dauce^ scout" aro pouted out to points near Cherry ereah a n ! n* far north as Lolietu. I/O-Beau and Fairbanks arc abtvlutely do-sorted.

Silt at .an fbl , i very p ovident houai- oente per box CO., BUTPALO, M. T. balder abouW ketp Hunter,

» llnr I CIIICAIIO. Not. 2a—Tbo livery and

boarding stablo of L Turner & Co.. of Evanston, near tbls city, to^other wlih aevoutoon borsea sixty carriages and a quantity of bay and grain, wa* burned, causing a loas ofH0,00u

vi.«-l t.ujin.Oiler II. M, Tobln t ' .ad. Ill's nix. Nov. 24.—Fire Couimissloner

R. M. Tobln. National Vico-t'onim ndor Grand A-ny ol the Republic, diod S-t-nttiay ui Brigbi'a uiaoaau.


LOOSK'H R E D Cyorpi Piti js RI-UC RICK llenilHche, Dr«pe)i*i \ Indigctlon, Cull stipalion, aic per Box, S Boxen for $t. Sold by all druggists,

llneklea'a Arnica Halve. Tbe Beai HALVE in the world for "UUi.

Bruise*. Sore*. Uloers. Hall Rheum. Fe-vw Sort*. Tetter, Chatiped Handa. Chil-hiaina. Oorna. and all Rkm Eruptions, and positively curat Pile*, or no pay re-quired. U i* guaranteed lo y i r r pertert satisfaction, or uonoy refunded. Price

For aale by Hunt ft

Haalb o a We . J l . j liialll'er. L o c n v i t u c . Ky.. Nov. 22.—Horman

Brckerta, onu of thu ucaltbleat aod best known distillers in Kentucky, dtoppeddeid from hear tmeasn hem j He wi.* president of bolh the Anderson and Neison distillery companies. At onu tlmo he was the owner of tho Den-rcr Tribtino.

Til "1 ravel 111 It,. A r. SriHNiifiKLD, III., Nov, 22 —Tim Sec-

retary ol Slate lins Iwued lui-orporatlon I open to the Hallooii Caldo Itoad Com- : puny ol Chicago, The design a* tho ' cotnpa-iy Is to transport pifsenirers lo and from the world's Ulr In Imllovns attacl d u i c a b l t a Tim camtil stuck I . $3.000,090

Wart E d MI a llnnej eionn. WucKimi. Man.. Nov. 21.—While

crossing the A*.lnibolni< river here ut Vu'cl'ick Sutur.iav n l / h l on ine whlab i had only formed Friday Aldurman An-! drvws and wlfo broite throu/h and wero drowned. The couple had only Just re-turned from their honeynioou.

Tli» Fal ur» llrror'l. NKW Yornc. Nov. as.—The- luslnet*

failure* occurring througheul tho coun-try during the la*i M'ven days numlier 274 as compan-d with ttfO last weelc Fur tbe rorn-ap. ndlng week of laat^uiu Ihu tgure* wait) 3i7. -

Prof. Loltelle'. Veruory s , f t r m la Creal-loc trrewu-r talerett thau ever lu all parts of lite cvin'rv. and peiwona ulshln, to Impmve their

lid aeu* " In another nolumnl

rr .-n^ry should oeu* for Ids prusprclut free at ailTerlWl"

Tlieieefni speech of rsm^rewmnn Mc- ] hurg. Va Kttilcy of Ohio before Conireus oh the Iteiidtng uriDT bill, has Ju.M been IKHIH II tn pvmphl.-t from. The *peech includes vatu ible MatUtical tables, and is un ad-niirnble preNentation o» the advantugoe '•f the principle* of prooiection, a* em-b-slled in ihe n^wTMriff Bill,

Bend a two-cent Mamp fur a ropv tn t h e AMERICAN P B U T U M R F T A W W UTAOUT, sa Watt 23d btrcet, New York CBJ.

of county prosecutlr-g attorney at tkc rcrcnt election. Tho law provides that in ,uch cast* lots shall lie drawn. Rlggs won in thodrawinir and is now prose-cuting attorney-elec; hy virtue of bis geod luck.

WHnrt but >wit«r I ' f u u MIlo Adam*, a prominent lumberman

ot East Tawas, killed blmsuIL Nu cause wit* known.

A young child of Iiouhi Gernant ot Knlamazuo. roiled under a feather bed and was .mothered lo death.

Attorney-General Huston ha* decided that parlies who paid the beer tax of $^00 last spring and now wish to tako out a liquor license can not have the beer tax apply on ihu same.

The farmer* of the State have sold 5.-M'MMU bushelso( e.huat dunug tho last throe months.

Tho store of H. M Prn t t of Pratt-vltle. was entered by burglars, tbe sale blown open aud about SSJ in money takun then-from.

D. X Fish, of Onekama. suicided by Jumping into Onekama tako. He was insane.

(ioldio. thn 7-yenr-oId daughter of Al-fouso Lingl'iis, a farmer living In Eg-^leston township, was burn"d to dualh wh lo playing around a bonOre.

There are ICS.1V0 farin* in Michigan, 7.U'U,tt0s acres ot improved land. 4,TiSl,-1-9 acres of unimproved land, and tbo aicrag- site ot farm* is l»b Ml acres.

Tbe body of Otto Johnson wr* found in tho woods near IronW'ioJ, Ho wa* a one-armed dancer nnd was *iipp<.W to buvo wandered from his homo and died of exposure.

Court Croswoll, No, 273, Order of For-es'er* of Michigan won the handsome t i i banner off -red by tlio high court aa an annual prize fur having aliulnud tho greatest increase of membora during .he year.

At Ml. Pleatanl a l arn occupied by Frai,k Rumsvy. a horse trainer, was burned down, and one tboroughbred utare. the property of .lames Dav.t. au i two Itand.irdhred kialllon. ouiwl by Itamsoy, wero burnetl to death

I t i* with Infltiile aniisfRrlinn Ihnt I atate ihe fact tost Dr Hull'* Cough Pvrup has been long u»e<l in my fnuiily nnd ulwiyf with marke'l *iiece«h R. F Jurvia, Chief Eiiy Ftrr Dtp. Petem-


Dr. WIIMHUI'* Indian Pile Ointment is tlie only sure cure lor Blind, HleeJlng or Iiching Pit.* ever discuvered. It never fait* lo cure old chronie caae* of long stmiding,

Judice Osm*. Maysvtlle, Ky., sny*: "Dr, William'* Iniiinn Pile Ointment cureil me after years o siillenng,"

Judge Collin' ury, Cleveland, U..*avs "I have found by expe rience that Dr. Willium's Indian Pile Ointmenl give* inimeiiiate and permanent relief."

We have huiiun-d* of *uch teetiQio-niats Do not sillier an ituitaiit longer, wild by all druggtsta at SOc and | 1 per •»'* (My 1)

F n r -Severul choice farm* lo-r u i OdlBi C j ^ t l n K w n p Vergen-msi. Bowne and Hoaton. Atac several IIUIIM-* and Iota in the village of Lowell, ("AII suit ail claaaea of customer*. For further particulani inquire at the office ol 8, P. HICKS, M over West A Co", drug «tore

MAY THANK HER STARS, The nairow e tca ie of llr*. B. M

S. aile*, of Elkhart, Ind., from a piema-lure death i* wonderful. She •tales that "for twenty .leant my heart ttoubl-eil me greatly. 1 became worse. Had •inoibenna spellr, short breath. Ilutter-inn; c.iuld not sleep on my left *lde, had much twin in bieast, shoulder and xtomacli. Ankle* swilled. Had muih heailache and dizzines-. Treatment did me no gooil until I tried Dr Mibs' New Heart Cure and Rentorative Nervine. The fir-t liottle helpetl me, and I was soon virtually cured f o r sale at Yelter •t Look'* Drug Store. A fine Issik on the H E A U T and N E R V E S free.

THE WORLDS FAIR. The excitement caused by th l , great

event is scaicely equaled by that pn>-'luccd hy the great discovery of Dr Mltea - t h e Ratorative Serrine. It tpeisiily cun s i.ervotts prt><lrallon, change of life, luiin. dullnee* and confusion in heail. His, bWpleaanea*. the blues, neuralgia, ivilpitstnm, inonthly pain*, etc. C. W. Stinw Jt Co.. of Syracuse. N. Y.; Talbott iS Hoes, of Orei-iisburg. Ind.. and A. W. nUckburn, of Woooter, O., nay that "Tne Nervine sells better than anything we ever sold, and gives universal sal s faction.'' Dr Milen' new illustrat'd treniire on the Nerves and Heart and dial Isitlle flee al Yetler £ Look's Drug More.

SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE Allow a cough to run until il gel* beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh it will wear away," but in n oa'. caa, n it wears them sway. Could 11 ey be imluced IO try the rurceesful meui-cine c .lied Kemp's Balsam, w hich it told un a iXMtiive guaruiitee to cure, tbey would iiumedibU-ly see the excellent ef-fect afler lakine the first done. Price 50.;. and $1. Trial lize free. At all druggu-t».

H E YELLED KEMPS BALSAM, i I yell "Take Kemp'* Balsam, the best 1 cough cure . ' 1 always do when 1 hear a | iio.fi cough, and I can't help it. It *aved | me and it will cure you. I was IhreBt- | eeed with pneuinonia last winter and it broke it up. It helpe tbe children out w hen their throat* are aore. cure* their coughs, and tii--tes ao gisid. The first dove belps you. So write* A. R. Arnold, "nuinetr on tbe West Shore Ry., at Canajoharie, N.Y.

H O W S THIS! W'e offer One Hundred Dollars Re-

ward for any one case of Catarrls that c.n not be cured by taking Halt'* Ca-tarrh Cure. F. J . C B E N E Y & Co., Prop*,. Toledo, O.

We, tha undersigned, have known F . J . Cheney for Ihe laal 15 years, and be-lieve him perfedtly honorable in all buai-nesi, transactions, and financially able to carry out all obligation* made by their firm. Watt & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,

Toledo, Ohio. Wuiding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale

Drugxials, Toledo, Uhto. llail 'e Catarrh Cure i* taken internally,

acting directly u|>on the blood and mu-cous surfaces of the aystem. Price "5c. per bottle. Sold by all Drugiats.

BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR! It won't cost you one half as much.

Do not delay. Send three two cent ' stamps for pontage, and we will send you Dr Kaufmann's great work, fine colored plates tri m life, on diseaae, its eause* and home cure. Address, A, P. Ordway & Co., Boston, Mass

DRl XKKXSESH—I.IQIOR IIAKIT—ID all tba V\ oriu Iher« u bul one Cure.

Or. Haines'(inIdea -pei ini. it can bs ,iveii IB a cup uf lea ur coffee wtth-

uui the knusbdire ot Ibe per*,* ukln, ii.iffect luie a speedy aud permanent cun. » heiber Ibe perwin la a moderate drinker or an aksih- llr wreck Tbou-ancs of drunkarda have been curtd who have taken the Umden PpeciHc In llieir tea or coffee wiibuui ihelr knowledge, nod to day believe ihey quit dnnkin, of Uielr own tree wilt So harmful effevta reauhln, from Ha lr admhiislnulon. Cum-^laraaiera, bend for idrculara and full particulani. Addreaa In omlldeooe, 0 >u>cy bpaciric (lo,, IB Race 8U, ClncuinaU. U,


DRUGS. Everybody knows



D R U G S ,


and In Fact

E V E R Y T H I N G i

That should be kept in a First

Class Drug btore, is at


O H A a . L A W V E R , mormrrM* or

NATIONAL HOTEL. S'esr D , O, II. A M, Depot,

. ^ f i c s r .

Firtl C1t« Hoard ant Itnomsat HeanoBtle Rate*

Lltery and leed KUble In Coni:ecUon.

T o I n v n l l d n n d W o u n d e d

S O L D I E R S I 1 he undersigned at the reqtteM of many

Invalid Soldier*, lias i|ualiliod and be,n udmitied lo practice

tn the

Interior Department, and all the bureau* thereol and i« now

Readv 10 P rosecu le Claims, for those that mav lie entitled to PEN-



M i l t o n M . P e r r y , A t t o r n e y 4 C o u n s e l o r a t L a w ,

Frjin't Hall Block. - Lowell, Midi. Special attention given to CoIWtlona

Conveyancing, Loan, and Sale of Real Estate.

T h e Best Line of Kt y Wes t

and Domest ic Cigars in Lowell

> W "O o o


® (0 ar

3 o 6) CO r-e (D a

O o o o

THAN WEALTH Is a y T ) k n o w l . dp- of Jto-1 keep

k- epia,. Minnbaoa, Type-f / r J'tcne

Cidl-xe.UrsBd Itapid

rrllln,. Tel-rniphy, ele. t ^ d for Olal stue of'lraud Hapl ls buitueas

Mich . A. H. PaaiaM, Prop

o M j

> *) CD



Q o >•

d CD

»—• CD


M *




o o


M *

0 CD




I h

UJ pa


5 m — .

• Q o o d 0 )

•< o c

o > z

o m






2 H




m 0 5



i d

> t


F R A N K C. ALGER. Attorney at L a w .

Collect ions Given Prompt Attent ioo


Cnlon block. ~ X lOWELu MICH



Orders for I W r e e r s or ItaEfrtitr left *1 Train't Hotel. Davis House or ihe Um Uara will

receive prompt •itentlnn.


Depeniieiit on Her Daii; Labor FOR SUPPORT

Is eBtliled to a pension. Also

R v o r u S o l d i e r now disabled, whether Ids diudilliiy wat eon-'rscied in ibe tirvfcw or iiol. Fnibert and Mothers Hiiiioul I'BKSKNT me in> of support .-nulled to $!'•'jvr uiouih.

Shall be Pleased lo Proiccute Any Such Claim,

> • Charlie Vnlras Surre.sfnl t Fee Limlteil to Ten DoUus t

The oldeat Pentloa Agency In the State, Estab-lithed June, 1^1, Andreas (olthtump)



I M ' s E t e E a t i c F l a s l c r s , i* -T AVT c iu r r roa au.rirtrwtr-o RSIT".

Prasceir* fTTlthe-na'lm.ircarti^tandMa'.'ea. •>o-- ' y crac-ilrU' oryw' c: . cr p; •atu.aC'Uinu.

-• ovelcy I'liuler M orLa. I^weli. M h u . II I

Don ' t read ! Don ' t tliink ! Don' t believe ! Now. are you Let ter?

Vou women who th ink that patent medicines arc a hum-bug, and Dr . Pierce 's Favor-ite Prescript ion the biggest humbug of tlie whole (because it's best known of a l l ) —does j your lack-of-faith cure come

I t ' s very easy to " d o n ' t " in this world. Suspic ion always comes more easily than con-fidence. But d o u b t — l i t t l e faith — never made a sick woman well — and the " F a -vorite Prescr ipt ion " has cured thousands of delicate, weak women, which m a k e s us think tha t our " P r e s c r i p t i o n " is

Mrs. Allan's Oottfen Hair Wash. Milan FMeUnck VimraaDaim. ** deTebiUnfUHbBM. Iluiu^torrrao.li, .uperfloowhalr, Unrdiiwtii,. Altfoul. wlUl-mlr aad iMauTVisl I u . . ami, r. r lllntirtltdclmilsr 1 ull tinsefRh. hair (nods MK.s U, W. * M IN. nt WSOB. waan Av.. tmsoii. Fui ulr I v Uruaiea

AT J.E.LEE'S MEAT MARKET On Ihe BnJfe. will alway. ba found th*

choicest cuts of Meal. Fish and Poul try In their seasnna. at Prices

A! waya Reaaonable.

J . E . L B E , - Lowell, Mich.


W h a t is ^ F . E. C . " ?

IT T:>ahannlcss. vocefalile prepar-i.'..on, of detnonwrated power in t'.I forms of Kiduey dircaso. a n d

t b e m a a y disorders which a t t end Kidney trouble. These aro named Legion, If the Kidney derungeinent IK- Rtired, t hen these Secondary ail-ments disappoar becaaao they aro mere rffccttof fnlttr K tdncy action, and not original Causes of suffering;. Thousands of people tufTcr for years from these Secondary cfTenis of Kid-ney disease, which is tmsuspectcd becansc the Kidney i:solf may be far gone with disease nnd yet give tha pstient ro pain. Beware 1 Tho »ov-ereign corrector of all t heso ills ia


lALIVERl »l4}OABi)T7L£,S;Xf0n$5. TPY IT TO-DAY F . E . G . 3 E M E 0 Y

= — A . - T - T - E - ^ T - 3 D '



Actual Business Shorthand and Typewriting AND TELEGRAPHY.


better than your don t believe. c , . • i t , . n- r- . We're both honest. Let us Scient i f ic , Classical, Mus i c , Civi l Eng ineer ing, Fine Ar t

come together. You try Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription. If it doesn't do as represented, you get your money again.

Where proof's so easy, can vou afford to doubt ?

A N D E L O C U T I O N C O U R S E S .

W c Board ami R o o m our S tuden t s for 82.50 per week. Expenses less here t han anywhere else. Address

A. E. YEHEX, Pres.

Little but active—are Dr. MILES'NERVK & LIVER PILLS, An iinportai't discovery, Thev net i.n

the liver, slomaoh ami l-iwel* tbrmigh i p | . . r r , . V P l r . a s n n t P o l l n t e the nerve,, A new principle They | spee<llljr cure hillouAne**, Itad •a,te. mr « » . - » • p'd liver, pitesaud ?ou*>i|iuiton. Splen-did for men, women Snialle*t, mildest, surest .. I

5 ^ £ ^ , n , * ' ~ " Y ' 1 " r * u , * ' ' l s t o i n 2 c h and bowels.

Best Liver Pills m a d e ; gen-;

and*chiXn" 1 ! l l i . thorough. T h e y rcgu-i . so dme for! int? and invigorate the l iver :

B E S T C O U G H M E D I C I N E , R e c o m m e n d e d b y Phys ic ians . Cures w h e r e nil

else faiU. Pleaaaint and agreeab le to t he taste. Chil-l i without n b j m i o n . Sold by all druggists .

Page 2: JOURNAL. - lowellledger.kdl.orglowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1890/11_November/11-26-1890.pdf · In plus and appcarancu by ull the ana at tbdr ; Wobbcommand. | "Tlio OorenimoBt

L O W K L I . J O U R N A L ! W E D N K S D A Y N O V K M B E R 96. 1 8 9 0 .

B u s i n e s s C a r d s . ^


• l_ W. TOinKI. •nrt Hur-r l . t-oa. OIBcr urtr Y«H" t U»> » »t""»

OC. MrnASNKI.I , M PBYRTB-u MJ • Hurgrou. (Ifflc* Pridjlol .

MC.UKKKXK M. D., ^UR-. tron yffli* or»r rtroit • H a r a w r

Ur K. HlttMIKH. f h y i l r U n •nil i m n . offlp# oTer H. Rnhm-" «U)f»

umor" Hmini—* lo 10 m . < M 4 »n<l 7 In • )• m


A I.IIKKT JAOKHON, AU»ni'» »n>. vJ 'd-i \ lor.

I X ) W E L L J O U U a N A L m u n i i n IVIRT wvr>Hui>*r, AT

L O W E L L , K E N T C O . , M I C H .

C H A R L E S Q U I C K .

S u b s c r i p t i o n $1 OO n Y e a r .

R A T E S F U R A D V E R T I S I N G ,

<lfprl»«i,ll Nxlonal Hunk


it , w n . ^ O * . Conlmftn. . . . . •— i Kmhlm-c-p S; MU'IMMI •!.. bnrall, MM b.


l», WIUMOM. Cmlnetor » o ^ ImlMrr

DIL K. I». MrUIIEKN. RdtiWnl Vti»Mn»nr ttartfvtMi. uUM »< lVrni.'» lUni.


M Y R O N H. W A L K F i ,

A T T O U N E Y A N I > H O L I C l T O I l

O v e r F o u r t h N a t l o n n l B a n k , I 'axial Hitvrt Trkptioii- No. «?


LAW o r n c E S o r

C L A P P E R T O N & M I N K ,

n Lt»* s r . Cocw BLOCS,


s . P . H I C K S ,

A U o r u c y , LuitiiN, C u l l c v l i u n - i k u d

l i i H u n i u c e .

MONEY HLOAN on REAL ESTATE SECIRITY In lum* of ftDO and u|>«aHji at cum ut

rale*, o r n c B OVKB CLAUK a WI.NEOAH S.


^ H B R B B R T ,


H n e S u i t s , O v e r c o a t s a n d T r o u s e r s

Fl ra l Uoor Weal ol Kiprraa OBlm.


A l s l r a c i s o f T i l l e r R e a l E s t a t e

r e d r r City National Hank. UKA*l> KATIU*. - MICHIGAN.

10. I t f ITT, llanlwarr. Haah and . idax lIulM^r* Hainaatr a n-'. laity

.IHMWIM 1'om.t Mill!

I .tHN dll.KH * CO., On«oc1«» at.,I ITo'l# ») lona. UmatniT. * r -

/> HrCAKTl WhuluMlr aad Itrlall .roow. L • Bank Ulock


U<al biulDM I'.rmi 5 e«nU p»r Use rad, lu arrtliHi.

l«-«ai adtrrtlarmrota at iUtuti. prtCM I'anla of Tliankn M n-nti oarh, rvKanllraa of

tho numbvr of llnra. AM llrim Intmdnl lo hMirfll anf on-'J bud

mwa will Iw i'harf"l for at ad»»tli»lng ralaa. Kraolutlom of iiMidotwicr, 11.90. Marnatfi., dmlli aod l«rth nmlr'a trrr. Carda in HlrNtory Culuinn, | l par Um- p«-r

) .ar Carda of 1 In. ID Dtrrclorj. |.1 per year. lUtlea fur larger aditrtlarinrata made knoan

al tlir o(Ilo»,

I F Y o n A R E G O I N G


X * A . I l \ r T

Y O U R .



Pare Drugs! T h e p l a c e t o get

T h e P a i n t ,


C L A R K Si W I N E G A R ' S .

T h e y a r e also o f fe r ing

S P E C I A L B A R G A I N ' S


W A L L P A P E R S ,


R e m n a n t s C l o s e d O u t

R e g a r d l e s s of C o s t .

STAIHUNOl1 Wgl . t HATIIEII. to tllllik tlmt i h r r o In (hip (lenincrutlc nowajmia r iliut d a t e ti ll tin- truiI i , s n d it i* MUt-li un u u u f u n l I I I I I I K ilmt the)' TIM-I ciini|M-ll-to •|>iiloglM< for It. Hpesking of tlif

r i i i n | « l s n jua t |mRl, t h e IVlrraliuri; (V t.), Imlex Apptal (Ueui.),

" I n t h n t cs iupalgn, na in rvwjr IKIIIII-e«l caiiipalRn, umny i i i inpi WM»< iwiil nml d u o e l n i m i i i u n ItilervaU t i n t eotild Imrlly IH. ju>tlllid In any t u m l a n l nf nuiruN >li,m u( ilu* old niaziin ilmt p i ' r t ) t i l i ng In (al t In « a r i>r |>>liii(e. Tii"I'XlK.'iiojr,Inn*c»i-r, rurililai(Ui•Hon-nlil.i nu- thnI of waif«r>' l» now | * - i , and il in IUKII l ime lu g l r a qiili t na tn the r a n i | u i g n hi*, o( u h i c h Aj rh . (Trcnw IM.- ha* aln-ad}' la i n inadr , Iliut nil III.* n . t f r a a n v e .'f IH.. have U ^ n ini'ri-a«.il by I lie l ie# UnlT lull. No paper can InngiT j u o l f y ii'H'lf. w e n on tli^ g ionnd of p it iiaun MTvio>, fo r g iving CIIVU mi, n tu tliia lalM-lnaal, and Ihc |iu|a'i« ilmt r tmi inui ' to |iubiiali aui h indrlenailila ftalFini-nta »iin|ily inakt* l l iemwlvr* allies of k|M'Clilalt>ni niui pZ(urtU>nUta, and are enrinlen ol ihe great oinst l lulug niaaoi l the iieniile."

W a s it u gtvat "imid al d / " and a lenii>craiic v ie tmy that will hold over

into ISy,' nnd put i h n n in i m u r r In all thrrv liriinchpa of the guvt rniupiit} If yon really th ink ao, Ju>t I a.k u t t l rao tl^llf.1*. nnd i'Xplain thr i l l a w a y if toi l can. IWlow in given t h e tulal Vote Kunl r Ceived in the four o m n i i m ot ihm di»-trict for '88 and 'o<):


I hik

I Hi IMI I: U' l j ; I,<1151 Hi.* •,|*<71 a 7M


*l.i»l iU.IW

F R O M W A S H I N G T O N .

N e w s of O o n o n U I n t e r a a t from t h a N n t l .mil O a p l U L

nialnry of Cnrr*nl F»enlt Tranaplrlag nl Ilia Heal nf t .ntrri imanl t ..n.lniaa I

(or Ilia llnrneil llautiar— Inlrr.allt ia llaad,ns.

AnAIMPT iMMinnATiov. WAanHdiTii.t, Nur. SI. Hurgpon Oan*

oral Ituniiliuu in hit annu.ii report l a k e i a decliled grounil ng j lna t tho ex-i n l n * iDiinl^ralioD U h unJ mukea a atronc arifiiMc-nt for t h l r- t t r o i l o n o( Immigration. U l i e e n ln«ano p«-rnons and eleven idioti wore reported by tlio nieilicnl bnienr .Hii'iiiif the QiiidgraaU arrivinif a l New Vork dur ing tho year.

I'AVIXII TIIK KM Dili: IIA roll*. W A N I I I N I I I U N , Nnv. ' J ' i — i h e I 'enin*

Ilurenu lm« paid '.'.l,uuu ol tlie 48.O11O onuttieratnra. 1 hey li.tvn receivrii M,-4^0.UU0 a t «li .'li rain Ihe pay ol tho ennincr.Uira alutie m i l aiunuilt lo 87,-000, oua

i i f i r PAT n r r v WAanfw. rox , Nov. a t — T h e Traaanry

Depar lmeni haa dooidod t h a t prain taken In Cinn i i to bo ground van not be re turne I to the ITnlted Sla tes with-ou t r a r m e n t of duty.

NKATO o r ciII^IXAT, KFAIO*. W A i n i N u n w . Nov. va.—t'olonei I ler-

er ly Kennnn, of thla r l iy , tho i n r e n t o r of t l iodn-u la r fort adupled by His tlnv-r rninonl at Ihe la>t ao<a'on of Congreaa. died yi-atcrdar In the a t r e e n of llrook-lyn, N. Y., from liemorriMga

S i r K n ^ a t r i I. TKBT*. WAIIIIXUTO*, NOV. Ti. — Cummodoro

F o i j v r , of the ordnance bureau ol tho Navy Depa r lmon t r e p u i i a t b a t leata of nirkoi atoel have proved kin-retflul. and t h a t ii t i ay bo conUdeatly uoticlpatod t h a i nli-kel-atocl " i l l en te r in to tba compotll ion of projeetllea.

1111. XL.w CUXUIIKM. WAanixorox . NOT. 34 —The unofllelal

Hat of tho meii i l^t • of the l iuuae In iho


t b o l^iiar. .if ilia l l a i f l U I I Taar Had* I'a'il o al Laal.

CI RTRLAXII, 0 . NOT. «9.—Playort* Nat ional U ' a g u " Oguret aro full of dnap In ta roU lo tho public a t thla timiv T h o l o t u ' t of thu b-agiio dur ing thu nooaun through thn playing aidn of Iho gamo footed abiiut Sl'J.i.OUJ, IIIVIIIIMI OH lolloaa: lioaton. nono; New Vork. Si&.OOO; Phll-advlphla, SJj.noa: t ' ioveland, II.VIK)); Pl t taburgh. F-ML.OOL; HulTalo, NO.Om); Urookiyn, <I'.I,<II>U; Chicago. SIH.OITT To-tal. 8185,001.

In thn cun le roncH tha follonrlng ad-misslnni us to losses have been mado by Nat ional l e a g u e men about Natiuaal League CIIIIM: iloaion, (LIU.UOU; New Vork, 9I'',UJII; Chicago, 8.1.1,uuu; lirook-lyn SSA.UOn; Cleveland. f U i m ; I'llila-de lphi i , 8l<>.i>iiU! Cinuinnatl, 8lft,uu0| I ' i t tfihurgh. 81 "J. 000. Tolal , biill.UOO A|rain<t the la t ter i tem atunJa a r iaim by J . Pa lmer 0 'N" i l tha t tho Pi t ta-b u r g h i lust ho t SV7 U laat aeaaon. He alao ha* a olaini for S'J.W) for e x t r a mili iaz" traveled, but doesn ' t hopo to got i t all .

IT O W E S _ f / , I L U O N S .

Th* Unllnl Mtula* lln ling >l<irh Cum-p ny In Trnubl.'.

CnicAno. Nov. 24.—The United Sta tes Rol l ing Stock Company, with bead-q u a r t e r i in th is u.ty, baa gone Into t h e b a n d i o f a receiver. Ita l iabi l i t ies a re •a.M«.000; aw-.is. »n.oVi.uoa The cm-ba r ram men t la ihe reauit ut tbe gen-era l s t r ingency of tho money market , and ia the l irst corporation in Chi-e i g o to sulTer Irem tho cauae* which have rec-nt ly dr iven Idg bouae* to tha wall in Phi ladelphia . New York and I/omlon. Tho n-c<'ivor and munse l fur the United SiaU-s Uolllng Sna-k Com-pany bolh conCilently aksert iliat l i will pull out uf tbo pn a. n t dllllculty al l r igh t ; t h a t tue receiver waa ap-pointed t o previ n t a fa i lure and no t because one had actual ly occurred, and t h a t there Is rt ally no juat alarm for app rebcmlon upon tho par t ot tba


Fifty-second Congrens. which haa been ' c redi tors of tho company. Tho re-compiled In the oDIceot the clerk of tbn i ceiver Is A. Ilegewisch. now and for llouae. la a« near ly correct as any Hat I n ine teen y o . i n '.ho prealdent of t b e em will be until i II the ce r l i f l cu te ia re re-coived. L i e n then it Is i.ot l ikely lo

< / f r

J L u , e . , i . M

t -k k •





Y E 1 T E R & LOOK BRIXil.lhTk

A T T E X r i O N , C X > M R A I > I > :

By a rvcee enactOM-ni

S o l d i e r I t t D i ^ b N

Tout vole . Tills shows tha t Ford received 1,143

less votes thla year t l n n ha did two years ago. It ia a f ac t , conceded by all, tha t t h e dominant |Hirty is the anlTen-r tu the gnuaes t ex t en t . There la a bare ponihil i ty tha t Ford would have been o'eeted it the full vole was out , but there is surely nothing tor us to tear in '#2 i t « e get a full vote o u t , and we u«-ually do on Pieaidential year*. T h -tall lng olT ia univeraal t h roughou t the

United Stales and in th is ma te the fall-ing oi l amounted tu nearly lUO.UOO voiei .

Callfnmla I rail M Mat*. If yon are not a poli t ician and want to

get a p lum yoa have to go to Cal i fornia for it , vicarioaOy, perl ia |«, Imt nono the leas cer ta inly nt th is wason. So when you see n lot of thoei big purple beontii* lying in l i t t le nests uf whi te t tafue piper , looking as thongh they bail j u s t dropped f rom tho tre» all n-xdy t o be bitten, don ' t Iw doceived. They have all onne f rom Cal l toruia ; thoy have been handled in good part by t bmino cheap labor; they have taken a long journey ove r land, and have grown riper on the way. but tbey are tremendously good all the aame. J u s t bny one^tnd t ry i t

And th is contr ibut ion to New York's comfor t f rom California is a goilsend. For the f ru i t crops in Uio coat here havs fallen off very considerably th is year, some say as tnnch as CO |ier c e n t , or where there ore tunolly SIMI.OOO packages f rom New Cnglaud. New York. New Jeraey, DeLiwore and M a r j l a n d there are now received, even on busy daya, barely 0.000. a a d somctimea only 1.000 pack igea. Dnt Col i furuia , accunl ing to her f ru i t merchant* here, lias leaped into the b n B c h like a ronntiiutiouaJ Cnrt ins . and proiuinei to send here th is year 600 car l.iadh of fn i i t , each conta in ing 20.000 poni 'ds of tho delicious prodneta of rich aoil and plentiful, dew mellowing sun-light.

All of this f ru i t comes herein refriger-a t ing m m . and reaches the market here in admirnli le condition, all ready to be eaten.—New York Herald.

•wtcre an Ihe Mllltla. One of the regular officnr* who WTIS at

' h e Mt. (Jn- tna encampment aays the fol-lowing in n g a r d t o t h a t r a m p : "1 can-not re f ra in f ro ia n a n t u tha t it looks as if the s t a t e of Pcnm-ylva iia paid $IC5,-000 lor un inspection o r 1 t w o reviews, ft-yond t h i t noth ing waa at tempted which conld not have t«*n be t te r exe-cnted c t the anuur ie s a t borne. The m i h t i x a e n h ive the i.loa t l u t if they g,'t a few of the movctnenfs down fine v. im-b arv »;>n-ad out before them in Uptun ' s tar t ica they are in condition to ennqner tbe world a r d haven' t anyth ing

i more to h-arn. Why. they leave off jnst « t a « real war fa re begins. Boch a t h ing as modem Imttle Uct ica is on-known to them. It is in t h e aMlity to r ighUy handle jmit such bodies of men a* tha t divikiiia of S.000 mil iUamea which encamped a t Mt. O r e t n a tha t officers in t h e mil i t ia are lacking That 'a t b e sort of work tba t will count in a w a r now. and t ha t ' s tbe very t h i n j t h a t ia never a t tempted."—Array and Navy J o u r n a l

Sot lllaennrageil Vet. I t is wonderful bow tnnch pertinacity

and ooorago are displayed by the aver-age aettler in a new c o n r t r y . U p in Dickey and M( Intoah conntio*. in North l iakota. tbe crops have failed for several seasons f rom various causes, and the hardy Russians and s tu rdy O e r m s u . who have liera balding down claims in thcoe loralitiea have had p re t ty u m g h times. This year t h e hot wind* have again cooked tbe rrnpg. no that there it no th ing left to hanreat . and the poor foreigners have la-en forced to Insve their f a r m s and look for work in northern Wisconwn in or V-r to save their fami-lics f rom ktari-ing d u r i n g t h e moi ing ttnnter. " B n t Ihey ore not disomr-aged." naively remarks a North Dakota paper, " and will o l ing to their claims, feeling confident t lmt there ia a good t ime vet in store f o r tb«n."—Chicago H e r a l l

bo cha g.'d. a* the l ist hat U'en pre-pared with can*, and In nearly e i e r y Inst.inco fr< m nOirlal re tu rns . I t It l i i l e re i l ln ; lie.-au e for the l i n t t ime Il glvot a u-ally ilelioltn Uea of thn po-l i t ical complexion i.f the next l louto. I t s h o u t thai J'ii iK'niocraK have been elrclod on a atruiglit t icket, Ihe num-ber ol ICepuUleant U"nif Ui. It gives tho Farniura All iance a repreaemat ion ol 17, bul 1'iof tb ls number eume from t h e Son ibsnd will act with tbo Demo-crat ic parly, thua a veil ing t h e l a t t e r ' t aggreg te vote to '.'SI. Tho Democ-atio ma jo r i t y over tho U publlcaut Is there-fore ISO, c r I4'J, eoiintlng the l i Alli-auco nion as Demoi rati .

D. . . I . ef Kt-t'.Hi.raatM „ K . p p .

. . ? W S , C ! v " u r r * - Is . . Nov. ' i l -noon"0 f • S a l l P J I »" '«a l t ' rdaT after-noon from a Mr.*, , ..f p a r . i - , , , . Colonel 8app was l ^ r n in Danvil le, K ^ x (oua ty . l r . A l l r r „ l n ' t h e » a r uf tho rebell ion ho locate,I in OOBncll Itluffs. and in IMi was elccted to tho Iowa Sta te ff.slature I ) u r i n r 2 " ! ? ' flr", ' u l o n e l h . p p t o n e d as I 'ni to,I St.ites i l is tr lol At-M ^ i 0 " * - " n " " * member of

g r e J e T 4 , " , K o r , ^ , l x , h Con-

Ut inn-e , f . r Hrearh . ( r r „ t l , , l f c

LIMA. O . .Nov. 'I - M U t .Mary Shnl l w b o t u e d IVIhort Lehman tor breach of promUo durini t t h e l ^ t Prealdontial c j m p a f n ' wat awarded S I . U J O da m a r e s

S l o T l m ; J : " h a u Sl l ' T ? 1 - C h l H r , d " e v r l a o d . • he and Lehman were engaged to be m a r r e d . He wa, . b u i e r KepuWicaa and wa , g rea t ly incensed a t M a r t ' s ner-, b i o : : t . . e k m , n ' r o - T a d broke tho cngaKeaienL

K l i M HI. Fa l l , , , . Ooorsv iMj : . Tenn. , Nor . * L - A . M

Lof t in sbot and killed hi* f a the r , a C

I t Z * ' 0 1 " s m e a b o r o B r r i ^ / " j " " ' " ' ' ' ' » P r ^ n a l dit-

f r i r r 0 . • t o U / k " " B ' h u b r o , h " a t tho same time. 1 ho son It said to " V r , , n . " s n g a g i n j

mllaek f l , ,"? ^ frum »» at tack o t h i t fa ther . Tho parUet are t l f fhl j r cuonoctf il.

Ton, S I , o H l ^ h , , U s l l - , t w « . Auivwwve. N. M., Soy. X4.—

u o r d has la-en received from Seven Laae t , in the Ga l l ina t mountains. L n-eoln t oun ty . t h a t four sheep herders " e r e killed recently by a hal l -s torm. • ixu.cn others and I.n H) head of sheep

t Z h l n ' T T , " , ' h a t t h e hall-stuim wa. the E v e r e s t over known in tho mountains.

liM-aes llrl>, ( U) lluiTdreda. K A N S A S C I T V . MO.. No*. M - I n f o r -

matlon has U-en rec-ivi-d h e r e ot a po-cu l i s r and fa ta l d l « . « . and hornet in Oregna and adjoining couni ' cv th is State. Over one h u n d r e i

tha t il - U 1 0 i 1 - ' * ' »nd t b a t tbo diseaae b a f f l e tbe .k i l l of al l veterinary surgeotu who have made an InvetUgation of iu

Maaut ill, S'ire«. • V o T I *-—Mooata la

Orr., have boon b u c m , for two w r « k t nea r here. a » l t bey k u : „ a . . any t h ing in tbo memory of t, .e o lde . t i n h a U U a t . T h e 1 i n e mount:, ns a re a lmos t , toUd mast of fir.- Tl .ouaaads of dollars*

a B«1 I TMrf MASKIIXOX, O . NOV. -4 —4 a i r a n « . r

g ribU-d b i l l , from a d e , k i a t h e Uermsn Na t lo al Bank of th is c i ty ?„n|, purkolt which followed tbe tbief . ^ t i e r e d the package of b.1 . in t h e . ,d while b u pursuers w e w lookii.g . f u r ih . B l d , nl« etcapi'.

Carle M a t Ueboej . ^ ' Idaho. NOT. 24. T h e

pott-ofice here a as - a i e r e d by burgiars

M d ^ ' i n ' r ' ' 1 - , ' , e ^ ' l o , r , , "f** and8CvX)in m - n e j . i ,< 0 0 l n , U l n p 5 k o i

' M , n r^gi^lered pa- ka- . - . were taken.

• Villi r„umt Oolli r . CnAWionriKviujc. Ind , Nov. S l . - T b e

Jury in Uie U- W y , V l U l w l f r . po iaoa ' tg ras,. r - . . r u H a v e r d l n yea

av '• p., i ; v . ji • • t h a punlsaxnent «.l lUiprikoDwent lor u io .

Kand of Pare Air. ' Z b ' i ' vehicles the opprn*. of fool a i r IN insupportable and

barrassed com pa a , .

F A R M E R S 7 D E M A N D S .

An Ontllne ol lha I'l ,tfu-m A.luplad by lha Kati.inai liraage.

A l H I T A , Ua.. Nov. i l . — T h e Nation-al U r a n f a elosed its ten dayV ses-sion. Uusolullons haTo l aen passed taTorlng Iho Cinger lanl bill, t ha Paddock pure fiail bl I and the mea-. intpect lon bill; favoring tho openin. ' ot tho marve ls of Ihe world lo Amsr-ican agr icul ture ; depreeailng social-ism and agrar lauiam; favoring t h e Aust ra l ian bullot svaltim; urging tbe necestl ' .y of c lutely walo'ilng the In ter -Sta te com more bill to | . revent i ts being annul led; urtriug the Uoie rnmont to foreclose i ts mor t /ago on the PaclOo ra i l roads; iinrine iho rel lel of cotton producer* Irom the nix per c e n t tax. and favor ln / the ( ioveroment loaning money to peopln upon lands or o ther good security. The ifrange adjourned to moot In Sprintflleld. U , next year.

K..M-I'arl.a a IIBlrrra. PirraDURUH. P a . Nov. 31—At the

session of tne Natlo isl Non-Partisan \ \ . C T. U. convent ,un the following olB-cera wore elected I 're-l . lent. Mrs. I 'hln-ney, ot Ohio; Vice-President, Mias l iar-r io t 0 . Walker , ol Minnesota; Uenaral Secretary, Miss F. Jennio Duty, ol Uhio; Ke-ord off Secretary, Miss Flor-ence Miller, of Iowa: Financial Secre-tary and Treasurer . .Mr& C C Alford, ot New York.

Maraer-il ">••1 11" l» d an a Traia. WAI.AAIV. NOV 2-.' —Tho bodies of tba

two p a k w n g e n found murdered and robbed on t h e Vienna mail- train when i t reached Kutno. Thursday have been idenUQed as thoto ol the e a t b i e r s o f a Warsaw bank who " e r e t ravel ing to l lerl in. Thev had .SS.000 rubles in the i r possesstoa. The re Is no trace ot t h e mordervrL

ll«w»r«1 fur • Mur l»rrr. WAWPAOs, Wis Nov. ti —To encour-

age the to l lowiu /o f a promliing clear which may lead to the a r r e s lo t the mur-derers ot Hsnker Meal , of this cily, t b e county board has au thor i i *.1 the piy-m e a t of a reward of 8i.0W should a cua-vintlon be aeeure l . H inker Meal was murdered the n lgu t " t Octolier a, e i g h t years ago.

» l a Fntor of tVoaia i. CINCINNATI. NOV. 24.—TO da le the

vote ot Methodist c h u r r h i t on el igibi l-i ty ot women to places in tbe eeae ra l conference ut deau in inavon s t a n d s -yeas, IS.Mi: n»ya, 11.0*1.


A n d t h e o n l y c o m l i t i o n s a r e t h a t t h o s e w h o h a v e a c h a n c e in ,

m u s t b e p a i d u p ,

. I N . A . I D " V - A - i t T O E .

N o p e r s o n w h o is in a r r e a r s o n h i s p a p e r h a s a c h a n c e of r e c e i v i n g th i s M a g n i f i c e n t P r e s e n t .

H o w I t W i l l B e D o n e .

O n T h u r s d a y , J a n u a r y i s t , 1891, t h e r e will be a m e e t i n g of t h e Sub-s c r i b e r s t o the J O U R N A L at T r a i n ' s O p e r a H o u s e , Lowel l . Mich . , a t 1 :00 P . M. , fo r I h e p u r p o s e of a w a r d i n g t h i i Super!) I n s t r u m e n t to o n e of t h e S u b -s c r i b e r s l o t h e J O U R N A L . Afier a s s e m b l i n g t h e m e e t i n g will a p p o i n t a C o m m i t t e e to t a k e c h a r g e of t h e a w a r d i n g of t h e P resen t a n d i n t o the i r h a n d s will be p u t t h e S u U : r i p i i o n Lis t s of t h i s p a p e r a n d f r o m t h a t they d e c i d e w h o is e l ig ib le for a c h a n c e of r e c e i v i n g th i s M a g n i f i c e n t P i a n o , a n d e v e r y p e r s o n w h o is e l ig ible c a n see for himself t h a t h i s n a m e g o e s in a n d t h a t h is c h a n c e is equa l t o t h a t of a n y o t h e r pe r son . T h e r e will be n o t i cke t s o r n u m b e r s i s sued , bu t t h e n a m e s of i h e subsc r ibe r s will b e n r i n t e d o n c a r d s a n d t h e C o m m i l l c e will see t h a t al l w h o a r e in g o o d Klanding go i n to t h e b o x . A f t e r all t h e n a m e s a r c in t h e box t hey will b e t h o r o u g h l y m i x e d a n d then a v o t e will be t a k e n t o d e c i d e w h e t h e r t h e first, t e n t h , h u n d r e d t h , o r w h i c h o n e ou t , h a s t h e P i a n o , a n d the p e r s o n w h o s e n a m e is o n t h a t t i cke t is t h e o n e to w h o m t h e P i a n o will be g i v e n ; e x c e p t s o m e o t h e r p e r s o n s e n d s t h e p a p e r to t h e o n e w h o s e n a m e c o m e s o u t , t h e n in t h a t c a s e t h e p e n o n w h o subsc r ibe s a n d p a y s fo r t h e p a p e r is t h e o n e to w h o m t h e P i a n o will b e g iven.

N o w a W o r d A b o u t t h e P i a n o

I t is a K r a k a u e r a n d was p u r c h a s e d t h r o u g h t h e w e l l - k n o w n M u s i c H o u s e of G e o . I). H e r r i c k & C o . , 13 F o u n t a i n St., G r a n d R a p i d s , a n d was m a d e espec ia l ly fo r us , a n d is t h e bes t t h a t c a n b e m a d e a n y w h e r e . T h e K r a k a u e r is a s g o o d a P i a n o as is m a d e ani l //lis Piano is t h e g e m of K r a -k a u e r . I t is ful l E b o n y finish a n d t h e f ron t pane l s a r e o r n a m e n t e d in J a p a n e s e L a c q u e r e d work a n d in e v e r y r c s p c c : it is as fine a s c a n b e m a d e .

C o m e a n d S e e I t I

MODERN MIRACLES. W H A T IS T U E U8EI A singer tot breath wasdi-tresaed, 1 o t buying worth ers medicines, and Ana t h e doctors nil Mid she must rest , n ivmi ing money on quack doctor- whose

But t h e liMik O. U. D. i>nly;i,|ea la to gull ilie public. Is it not f o r ber weak luiiga. you -ee, u , buy reliable niedl lue like 8ul-

A n d now she e n s l o ( wi th tha beat. phu r Bl te rf I ibmk «•. as ihey cured An s lh le le gave out . on a n i n , 1ne.1f t i . larThat ierkUlTe. ing t h r e e ) r a n t And be feared In . career « a a qui te done; —*• ' Clark, i faarf tealcr .

O . M. I)., pray ubterve. Gave back his h a t nerve,

And now he con l i f t hal t a ton.



C o m e r i g h t i n a n d y o u w i l l f i n d E v e r y D e -

p a r t m e n t P i l l e d w i t h t h e B e s t i n

D R Y G O O D S A . N 1 D

N O T I O N S , D R E S S G O O D S . F A N C Y G O O D S ,

N O V E L T I E S , E T C .

y M W j ^ j m g ]

v\ e h a v e t h e E x c l u s i v e

S a l e o f t h e " G r a n d K a p i d s

S w e e p e r , " w h i c h i s t h e l a t e s t

o u t a n d a f i n e m a c h i n e i n e v -

e r y p a r t i c u l a r .

t Prices. I f y o u a r e a s k i n g y o u r s e l f w h e r e y o u c a n

b u y B e s t a n d C h e a p e s t t h i s S e a s o n , y o u c a n

g e t y o u r a n s w e r b y c a l l i n g o n

E .

L Y O N B L O C K . - L O W E L L . M I C H .

FACTS WORTH K N O W I N G , j In all diseanes o t t h e nasal tuuooua I roeiubrane the remedy used m u s t be i non- i r r iUl ing . The medical proteHuoii

has la-en alow lo learn this. Nothing h J l i a f a f <ry can be aceonipliabed with

I duuebea. suuffa, powdeni or aytlngea be-1 cause they are all i r r i ta t ing , do nul

i-urtac.a worne than

A wri ter who wro te fo r a pri te . Had hi n.lnei^a and pain | n ibe eyes;

O M- D. waa I h e ipel! T h a t m a d e hini qui te well,

And glory before h im noiv lit a.

Tbewe a r e only examples of t h e daily ' h , M u g h l y reach the alfectetT i ru impbs ol Dr Pierre 'a Oolden Mediial *'"1 abuold be abandoned as wi Dikcuvery, in restoring hen l ihand rvviy-{ fai lures. A luui t i iude ut persons win*

T H E M A R K E T S .

Kgw Yuna. Nov U IJVE BIOCK-Cattle • l IO U 101

Saerp . a 01 U l 0 Ilocs 3 a< 4 III

FLOUU—Pslrlo lai.e,- 4 l i a s a Minma •:* Patents t l& ttflio

WHEAT—.Ve. * lUsl 9'\(l I 0) No Sited w 9 »i

OORx-No * 1: W STS4 Uok-r-ded M »fd ' • ' tw »«**

OATS—Jllxei Westera l j at W IIYE-Wo tern w

Jfl PUItK-Ue** U'uO Jfl I.AKU -We-ti ra bl.-aru 6 SU UtTTTEK—tVeaten Cream-ry II U SS

CUICAUa BEKVES—bli p; is . bti-crs.... 0 0 a s s

t ows I IT. B'orken S 10 « t s a Feeders g Ol a s 10 Uotchen' SUs r. It HI « >SI | Balls - 1 w M < •

BOCB-t-lve s au e * s> 8UKKP xui a sou BDTTEH-are.me-a

Goud to Cai'lce Halt) M * t /H BDTTEH-are.me-a

Goud to Cai'lce Halt) U at n Er,GS—Frr»l: 0 (J H t BHOOM CJKX-

(J H t

ing w a a u d viial i ty. Bold by all d r u g giata.


From a letter wr i t ten by Mrs Ada E Hnrd ot Gro too . H Ii. , we quote ; " ^ V n taken wi th a bad cold, which s- t t ied ou u:y Luiiga, a iug l i aet i a and Anally u r m i u a t e d in

had fo r year* b ine all the worry and pam ilmt c a t a n h can inflict tes t i fy to radical cures wruught by Ely 's Cream Balm.

W e are h a u d l m g a full l ineuf E. E. Chaae'a Pakery Goods, A. Fisher & Co.

ONE F A I T Is wor th a evdunin uf rhetoric, said an | American ' t a l e sman It In n fact .ealali-1 lialied by Ilie leatin;nny of lllousaliita of 1 people, tha t Iliaai's Stir-aiMiiHii i l r m | cure kcrofula. KA'I ilx um. ami oih.-r i lu 1

i-anea o r affei-tlook ariaiiiK f rom impure • ta le or l o* C"i,diti.>n uf t h e M a i l . It alko overcomew t l ia t l ina i feel ing, c r a t l a t a ft sal ap|a tU". ni»l given Mrvt.glli tu every part uf tlie »ysieni. Tiy it.

Since the jiewt.ge of (lie McKinley bill

Smitli is selling su i t s and uvi rcoa ts lo o r d e r d i e * per i h a n e v e r .

O r . O v a n ' s E l e c f r l c B i l l . r o s a / . i a o w o A W . r . fa.LV RWRTL T Ma

rl..i.lr 1 ha,,. 1. twas aksaati —, -l^tta Sr. lattr cXC WMI W-.lirtr.ktaail

, Zrus&'rv.-te f »TM«:»w.i.M««<cakMk t>a«i

V* €l III—— -A-


No n c c OK ro*>iissio>rk.H o x CLAIWS Hiaient Mld.lran.r.HiDl) ul Ketil.a.. Pic-

Lale Court for aaM Counly.


SJtSAl'LH-JiP*. *r.iij»i» « m r c r v . n j

t '*m i«/. Hsarsj.

Grea t reduction in Clothing t o order COOMInipt Kin. Four i « a C . S m i t h y .

d ,« to ra cave m e up sa} in.' I omiM live but a kbort t ime. I gave invselt u p lo my Bavi.nir. deiennine.1 if I could no t aUy wi th my I r i e n d s . m es r th , 1 would meet my ohaent ones above. MT hus -band waa advised to ge t Dr King a New IhkOovrry tor 1 Vxiaumpdoa, Oomchs and Cold. 1 gave it a t r i a l , look in all eight Imt l ee ; i t haa cured tne and thank U-nl I am now a well a n d hearty w o m - n . " Trial bottle* f ree a t H u n t <t i lun te r ' a Drag store. Regular aixe. SOo and | 1 00.

A R E W A R D O F $j00. Will be paid fur any Case of Uh- uma t i -m

Far Oala.

House and Barn, t w o Lots in L/iwell, t e rms ; | I O O d u w n , b a U o o e | 7 p e r nKMitb.


EILERTH D A Y L I G H T U V E R I ' l L L S a r e a bouo lo sulferem troiu Stck beo'Iacb.-s. Hour Stomach, Torpid Lavev and Indigeatluo. Kuor -OuAtn l , (dew an t tu u k e and warranted u . go through by daylight .

EII^CT'S E x n u c r o r TA« ft WILB

Hull Seif-ao,kUi O o Ke I

POTATV/KS 1 per tu.) PORK-U^aa LARD Steao. >'LOUR-String I ' auau . . . . . .

Wlater Pal ct» Bakers

GRAIN Wii-a,. No g Cora X.. » Oat-. N . 1 Rye. So. * Hartet. Ma r c . - t

LUMBUt -tillllBg M. onag COSBBOG D arila Faactes Lath—Dry Sblagle

b l L< U18 CATTLE

Slorkers and I ' - .^ rs n o e s Pair lu Oudta- II. avy

MiaeiOradea SHEEP


»'a-*y Pair to oo-al



. IKOO a r m . a w 4 ^ i »

n o i - u u , ti BO AU 0

which raniert be cured hy Dr D r u m - 1 UUUtKV is a nalc. reliable and pleaaaut 11100,1's L'Khtnin< Re i iml r . This o f f - r reu.eOy for Cough. Coi-ta. Broi^lt . l ia, is made iii good fa i th by Ibe pni|Kielor«, 1 Antlinia and ail tbruat t rouldea; will te-a n d Ibere ia 1 0 reaa i^able excuse tor l ic te and U-netlt cMiaum|>Uon. Try it any one to suffer l o t i r r . Any ««dinary . ai d l»-convinced. Every U.i t le war-

l a r t e d ; pno r Sue. a n d one dol lar | « r laHtle. hold by all diuiuiiats. Prepare,! bi t h e Euimeit Proprietory Co.. Chioa-go. 111.

M ben vvai want any thinK made of ail <ad. Call St Uie l />«el! Wia.len Mills

ainoanth to direct |K>i«miDg of tbe en- mMi eaatulBe <air ful l line of l insc. Hal t

la 'nlltle.1 to a Peoaloe of f'rmi f t i t p^r mnclii. and ee r f j

S o l d i e r ' s W i d o w

i>-a.tlil-4 tn S Pensliei T shall he nl-aseS ta l.naas-ule dalm- Chsrjr-a fl«^.| 1« la"

a i | I 0 No ebanr '„ . V«s Pen a. al 1 |.r.ani*el

A L B E R T J A C K S O N , Hank lUack U—ell. Mirk

Tb- .Rookk and Ars-notu of t l * Ute lirru .-f H o - k and Boai«-irk e n - i n our iianok lor neUI-ioent All in U-l. .^ « i i | pleas* cal l and aetlle a< • •••Os-

A. U u w a & S g j i .

Aa rnasua l Pb An otmsual pbeanmcmon wan wit-

nessed at Nerillo island Thnrsday. D u n n e Ibe heavy t b u s d e r s torm a shock of green com in a lot a few feet from Squire Shanks ' le iadenee w on strnck by l ightning, and tak ing fire, instantly burned Bht:] i t was e a t i r e l r consumed the flamea r u i n g sevrrol feet alxive the top of t h e corn. The corn was not only wet by the ahower. bnt was enbr r lv g n a t , hav ing KVTI c a t bn t a f e w h o n r .

peop le who witneaaed t h e s ight were r eminded of the story of E l i j a h ^ coni- | pet i t ive U*t nf t h e prod ne ts of Bsal . the fire oogninftd own fragn Ibe s ' .y a n d car, s s m i n g ^ pile fo l ly a s wet as was the a o o i f l s a i a l tar . SereraJ people in tbe r i d n l t y w t r s a^mewbat gtnnaad, ba t not aerkinaly In jn rad .

fuebled urgon. A bi-art senoualy c eak-cned. if ki-i>t in pure, warm air , fed with dtlw-aU'. nourishing food a n d kept f rom

1 fat igue nnd men ta l s train, will n-gain strength as natura l ly as we pel rest from deep. It has groat reenpunuive powen . But a lialt hou r in the mephi t ic a i r of a traveling car or a public hal l does more to make recovery iinpu«aib)» than almost any other cause tnenlionable. Th i s is a ZSmitCT TaeeCw 'T* e.S.e.W 7' f t o be prrMied ujion the attenUon of rafl-way compouit*. to whom the mass of out people must t rus t t b d r lives a a d health f a r a s b a r e U the i r days qui te long enough t o in jure liotb.

The risk ot accident hy t r a i n is nog half ao great os Ibe certainty of imbiliing r i rn len t p i i ton f rom one t o two bonrs daily i s cnvunti latod c a n . A sanitary commir-:! ''. i , needed t o aet t b e str ict , nn-Uaaed tar ts of t b e m o U e r b c f o r e e t i l w a y muttgiTs. "'

Jean Ingeluw. who is 50 y e a n old. lives in re t i roment wi th be r mother a t Kaiaington, Engbmd. She writes b a t little, and devotes t snch of her t ime ond tpcome to c h o n t a U a work.

Ilone, Lw'tea and t lenln Mitts, Hotue Hade Sbiri*(of any <tt le) and uur Drens Sk i r t i ng . S l m t i n g and Doubie a i d i r Slieeting flannela We will be glad to klwiw our gimds. a t any tune. HuiS llr.NKV F. CLARE. I ' rop 'r

T a - r b ' r a Ktaunaa l l aa .

The U .^u la r Lxuniiiiation of tenchet* fur Kent Jnainty w ill be !«-M in Uiaial Kaplde. on Thursday and Fr iday. AUK Tib a.Hi o ta . in siu- Wr-»i JsN^iHma iwai-near Ciiivermiy. No SS South IIIM-KHI Street Exsnunal inB is for all grodea

Kpeoial Ex..riiiualions for th i rd graoe OBIT, w ill ba held in ike City Hal l . Gd Kajn-ik. on the b» t Friday uf Anguat , Se j aeo i l ^ r . Oeioher and Novr tn l^r . I. e . Auirukt 9 . September26. O e t o b e i l l ond November tU

By Order of r « . Board of Examuw-re. A. 11 AMU.v KLUTH. Secietary.

Pa r Oata.

Huiiae and L « in Iv t re l l . worth fbno Will sell and t skegora l home and Irnggy. I« lance t ime to sui t ctisUioier. B-.x 22?. Lowell Mich.

I - a m s to measure, | 2 . ot S m i t h ' s

ill be t-uied by ooe laMile aildllKNi IO the l e a Old loriMRcult tlie unatry is a !«o>* refumled wliere tlie lemtaly tall* 10 cure. Tlie pr ice of a bot t le is $3. ami iba t is tlie cuat - f a . u re D n u n m o n d Medicine C o , 4S 50 Maiden Lone. New Vurfc. Agenta W o o l ed .

B U F B P 8 Y . Thla is w h s t you ought to have, in

fac t you rauat liave 11. IA ful ly en joy lite. Tlemnands are searching tor i t da i ly , and n iourn ing U cause Uiey find

II* n o t . Thousands u|ion t l f insands of j dol 'ars a re spent annual ly by our pe.iple I in the htipe iliat tbey may a ' t a in th is J | I r t m . And yet it may he had hy a l ' . i W e r u a r a n l . e iliat Ele. trie Billera. if I I uaed aoctirdluK !«• directio«a an l ihe use I preoisied in. will b r ine lioud Oi^eetMHi ! and ouat Ihe demon D>>|iepsia ami in-

Mail instead Kii|»-I~y W e rei»iiinien. | 1 Electric Bitters f u r Dvryepsia ami oil , d.eeoaea of Liver. B 'oa ia rn nnd Kidneys. 1 SiJd oi SOc. ami | IU0 i - r buttle by H u n t ft Hunter .Drnggis ta .

' G o to Rickert ' s for candies and tine

coo f r e t ions.

Fa r Sal*. My fa rm con ta in ing l i l a r e a ; t h e D. ,

L ft Gd. K Ry. runa th rough it. t ak ing u p IS acaea. I r n n n c 160 ae reo I boua-a . , g . « d Lorn, orchard ond > good s u r a r bssfcrs. 500 — n ' — — U i — » • — . Huitoble fur two farina For fu r the r par-tieulnra addreos Mgara Livingsu^i . L o w -ell. Mich.

Elegant New Fall Styles in Rail ings, ot RmUh'a.

niaa. PiLca, P ILES , Loone'a H*M (XO\U l i t * fUn tDV. Is

a puk i tne •^ecafi ' fo r adl forma trf t h e diaeoac. B ind. Bleeding. I tching. U>cer-a ted and P ro t rud ing Fi lea.—Pnce SOc. Hold by all dugxiasa

Now ia the t i m e to sahac r iV fo r Gd . Rapids beat poper. The DaUg Drmoerat. I t cuota ios all i b e neaea. Delivered by

G r o r j e H t o d worth a l U^c. per week.

D R J A Q U E S ; M E R M A N W O R M C A K E S destroy worms and remove iliem irom the ay stem. Sale , leasaau and effective.

H A P P Y HOME CLOOD P U R I F I E R m Ilie P e t ^ e . P- pular Medicine lur pur-i fy ing the blmsl; p r e t e n ' i n g Or cur ing 1 ()>ia-|aia, Bdls>asima. Uoadache. Lkuia and oil Fe- er* a n d Malarial Diaep-

aes Pr ice SOc. and ooe d, J la r per butt le.

U M 1 . K SAM'S N E R V E ft BONE LINIMENT will relieve.-^.ra oa.Bruise*. Neuralgia and Rliegmaiiam. H d d by all drugidatk

U N f L E S A M * O N D I H O N POW-1 DER will core Di . ie i i i |*r , O m x h a , taiida. Fevera and BUM of the diseawea l o wliK'h Huanes f a i l l e . hlie»p. H o g s , and I 'oullry are subject . Sold by all , druggists .

Mi^ i^rs will lind Dr. WincheH's 1 Teething Hyrup juat Ua- me.licine tu 1

have in tlie hounc fur tlie chi ldren; it will cure I uugha . Colda. Sore Throat , | ond H e / u late the b o * el a. Try it-

I t t on do not feel welt It ia lieeaijae vuu nave viulal.d anrie law of a . lure . Nature , however, le kindr-e** ttaelf, ami l u . |ausnaeu t.iai wiot i . if |a-4aaai« lea-en will again tiermit you to eg j oy lier in nil l a r ' j e a u t y . We iiove ba t uoe o t be r numerous remedie* l o g i v e vou. which • ill not curey.rti of every ill fte-h le heir to. but u»y«ai who ore sufl-rinie a i t h indices!i. .n. bad tekte in you r mou' l i in Uie luutmn.-. b m d a t lte a tr l a general de |*e*a«'rt f i l i n g , it >ua have any Rheu-mane trouble, be it in ai v fo i tn if >00 lu i ie a running tore wbieb augi't boal, t a k e Loose C x t i a r t of Red CVrrei. which c n i a i n * noih tng but a p a r e ex t rac t of i h e rfover Unsaaini. and il it does not cure y.ai of all w e herein advert iae yoor monev alU he r t f u n d e d . It coats m a i l -ing fa r the • x pen men 1 a n d con d » you no ha rm. It in not ar««tb a UiaC For sale by all druggis io

Tlie imdenlgned listing l-een spp, I ulr,I hy the Hon. Ju m i'l IVuhate of .aid Cnnay i .mi mlNloaeni o* claim, in ihe msuer „f nasi Kalale. and six iii.Hitha fenn ibe mb A*y irf KntssiUr. A. II. I'OI. Iistlag Iweuall .srilby -a..I Juigeuf I'rutMtr, lu all per-wus hating ilalin, Sftlral asU Kalale la al.lrh la iKtarut lUIr claim- to aa fur exsruinatl n and aiju.'ni^i.t

!l.,ilc* la Her.br Qivea. t h a t * r a III m—a nn Nca^aj. tbe Mb dai o- Jannary. A. II. I'Si. and onTburaday, lb* i«in da) >4 Riy, A U. I-tl at l ine u'rluos A, II of each day at l ' a Olbu. .-f H. 1'. HI k s la tbe Tows and V.IUMre .if Ix^eli, la laid 04101), lo raeelfs *l»l .-»aiiii„e tudi claims

Dated. Lowell, Rlchlraa. N -t t ) A. H. 1X91 MYLVfJirKlf P lllCKt, PUASKC. AUIKH.

11 a 4 Cwumial inrrs.

nROISATg OBUKR.- Siate of Uicbigtn. Coon 1 ly nrK>ai.as. At a araaam <.( II a Hmbals l oan for saU Duuely uf Kent. K. Id at Ibe frte bau OflLa-. la tbe Cry of Gn_.J lUpldi nn the Sib day uf Xovriab. r. la lb* year una tiara-ami. rigbl nuadrrd s>sl nhaay

I T i i at. cyrun K Peekma Jadg.. of Probata, la lb* mailer of lb* ralala i4i


Jowpb R Yelter. (pedal sdalalaarirer «f ibe raia'a of WilHa a Usifc deeea^si, iiarh« ivoder-cu lo tbl* v\mn the Anal ans.ual ut aaM WulOua Clark, aa liuanllaa ot asid u-lnor

It Is Urdrn*!, that Patoai. ima l ira otv or Dacsasaa. i»).

at lea o'clock la iba fon-uoua. at athl I'roW* IrlBos. h* sp|>4s'ed far the exmaUailKni aod allnaaaw of aaM ac~aiai. .

sad Ii la Puni«r Ordanel. that a r>.py rf thlt order lie puMiabcsl tbree a.Kue-a r e aeeka lire-vknis to ssli d.y ofbearlsc. hi i b - l a a o u . J.<-s SAU a ne«a|«j»-r pnaU d aud nn-ala l«/ la aakl i cvuuly <4 Kent.

'A true oopy.i CTROn E PTRKIKg AeoLea B MAKUI. Judga.rf I'nrfwle.

hnrterr (tiagi

F a r g o S h o e s

f o r t h e a

F a m i l y ^ T ) F A R G O ' S /

" B o x T i p " S c h o o l S h w s

f o r Boys a o d Gi r l s , HssM sr Wade : HaaL

» - s t o k > s • l - x s l l toUH 1 JVO ItoJ 1.75

A l t o IH S.uo ^ a g s f a r R t n t l — i t n .

F A R c b ' S

l $ 2 s 6 0 L A D I E S ' B O O T DsafjUerCsal • s t t a ,

Opsro. sr Casaoa tsaso . Torkleaa and Flexible.


A . J . H o w k & S o n .

i f h e Greatest Blood Purifieri K N O W N . /

ITilli Croat German iltsllclnoJ.ibe#. I

ckdivstand best. I M i W . i f M L # C PHt 'u l l i m ; t t S f r r | l i 0 . 1 ^ n h a n / 5 ot* rest a doac. It will cure t b c ^ '

1 of •kin dlacsso, tromf ptoii'lo on lbs fsecA

I to tbat awful diseaie Scrof«b, IbL'U'Ht'II IIIITLIIS la UieJ | be< •ttll i laa la eas ta s ! l / I rams of Such HaWmra sixl#Vn«r rtA

; ^ ~ « e d dlaa^cs. D a / ^ ^ i loot errr toka #0fon»er .rsf

CLUE P I L L 0 ^ t l l - n ' U K oeiarrrWT,tbeT»it:i>al! " ly. n K m j S u w S j S U S S S i i i S W t l l l t ' R I i n T E B M C ^ I I . tat'u* UM parei* and •otVioe crer msric., IrrssrTci mu'mnjTiiowtixkjaflmm'i sraii Basil 1

' rtaareria)o«r#arBaaal.lauiBsIL.orl Ob fool andj fs rs Bat ou yotv ' s i * | nil re? Vocrwbiagi t sooie ol oaee, b l saeb Is out#»iI l eiire jou. fcaii4airl

| of onlfr. Cae#Clucrsla '

l u r a W t F r i ead . viag. tbe aged sialtot. ai* aoua u.a.Uwe.1 by

Uc-aMnalcr v bat yuo 1 bcrr. U Buy ssvs yaar k Uss a s u d boarVada. waU nsttl iMasnvw,

T r y a B o t t l o T o ^ t y I

Art van tow^trUed aad arcak., ' m m t i t freaa lha raiassia a f l

If a*. OLLPULU UTTgSs I syaa.

i l j ibr B i U t a ! |


S & £ R T n " F E o f

BRAD FIELD RtBUlATOR CO. ATLfNTAQs itia trAii tuncastM. •

m U ' nv

V F T I T . 1 ? & T X K ) K -

S m $ 3 6 , 5 0 s K C a f f i m b . J 0 JO'mUX S CO ," p m a a l . / ? u M m d CnS-

l**-1* «»ramuuj in Ui«.< a a a x nu iMn TaarM Oea^aaj Cars, vis l^satsr a Re., let ode K IL aba

r M -i t s ^ r ^ s t 1 1 aaeee^e Is rsiargs *< an (Soseisqd aSBgl»

1. efrs.r*jir taaak», f. l i i l i a i l l l l l s l can is-Mrs l i w b . ^ « . , « ] C M s a a e i ^ a a l t i S

(ead 1 teaa l i l* A. P .

JBrw. Alloe.'i • o r t t i o s f o o o Rlaacn. 70 u * t y.~: MA-t uun . iwant . -

••J lnsila l ' t l . ^'a-na - . inu»: . 'Iisirr a-SMVII ILuaCaea^tr «.|iaadsab*B«a^

-. .J. e .X1-1 . f aC'iesr, >4riir* aa. -e t fUah- i r - *s.y-'rs.li.yi.AII-w.

sua or saeei* .

hi, ^ i a l t f „ '

L O W E L L J O U R N A L : W K D N H S D A Y , N O V K M H K K 2 6 . m i ) .

D e t r o i t ,

I t A l l - W A V


in •.ffscl May 1.1*0

P0«|glC0EHTRAI» WEST Sua. t i . H. '»• , " t * * * Leave,

Ion la,

LnwrM &M

A M p. M p. BI. II ;if «.s« **' I", in.

II « 1>. in.

I r f .1:11

n«*i IS.'7

. . - n in. lUrl- 4111 OM |-.a

il Itapid'.n:Si u r« l.ut' lu i i «.K 0. I la t ru . ! :^ H l i U.1&

I'A.sHENUtK Tll.MNH KAHT Leave. .Niw II, IH. m, IU, IM. Uiin)

a. in. a . in. n. in. ii. m. - — tl.liaplda. t:.M IUUSJ 3:16 iU:U

Lowell, 7:1*1 lO 'd 4:.4 11: 0 lonls, 7:1 • n rr. a mi u n Pursnd, I' Si I <; 7 ill S;&i iKlroll, H:U *:.i U.'U 7;IM

Nurahrra 8l ana HI nn. dall) sll other trslm laily Him lav eivepmi.

Itoa. Hand IMiavr eleganl parlor Cars slisrh

if." No. IIS leaves Orsnd l(a|>lda si 7 p in Satin daysi i.n. aNhisa ih stisda-d to i tk i paaati ge, a for lyiaell and Aoa.

Thniugh Uckeia lo oil Principal polnls Ka-SBd W e.t ore on u i e al Lo*el maln-u. O.O. HkYIUJlUKK, Jol 'N IV lAiUl*.

AKeni lAiwell. Tradn'Uaii'ger Dvtioi

L o * t l l & H a s t i o g s R : R .

T I M E T A B L E :

TRAINS M i n n .

Capt . Will Kinney, of Co. B. 2nd Ri g , has l en t In his reslunatiun loGov . Luce. Il is runiored iliat he expects lo get a staff otllce unded Gov. Wlnai i i . t i p t .

K inney Is an uld I / iwr l l hoy.

I t is about tiuiH tor ou r f a rmers io begin to make i r r ange inen t s tor their j in-nuul Insi l lute, isn t II? surely ou r farui-er* n ie no t going to let so beneficial an insl i tut ion as ths i g i d o w n , a f t e r hnvln^ the fine s ta r t it n-eelved last winter .

f en i ln - r s ot Joseph Wilson Post No, 87, G . A . R , At lcn t lon! you are hereby

. . . i l . • not i l l fd lhat the Annua l Election of M s* Kil t ie Mason Is visiting h e r | _ m . . | , .„i Oft l iera occur* on Wednesday evening .

Dee. IDlli. All cunirodtw are ordered to




OR APES. Ai Uhke r tV .

| | .P0 Cabinets at I'hilley'a.

Rev Cliaa. Old field waa In town Mon-

day. Ben E. West , of Gd. Rapids, 8 u n d a ) r d

in Lowell. Fine J o b Pr in t ing of all k inks at thr


u . i h o d i a i l lama. j KENT COUNTY AND VICINITY.

Tlie Board have done some repairing on ihu ehureh , n lneh WHS niiieli needetl, " r a n d Ripn l s has got ano ther attack We hunu ihey will cont inue in i h - g o o d o t cloaing up nil ipiestlnniiblo plncee.

TI... HA. IM'II iniii'tlv IIOSMSI a ioum

Leste l>'«tll. - Umule .

Anive al Krtaporl,

T O a a 7 48 t a S;id a a


leave rre«i«»n. * rt a a

t.A r t a . a i n Mo r a

» * r s & .« r » tuO r s

T h e M a i l s .

UOIVO WEST. 5 5 0 a. m.—doaetl pouch for Uranu

Rapids . 18:17 .a m . — W a y mail . ftiifl p. tu .—Way mail .


7 d 0 a . m.—<1u«ed pouch tor Detroit. 1QM p. m . — W a y mad . IHO p. m . — W a y mall.


7H)0a. nt.—Mail by ea rne r . •x lOa a m.—Mail by L. ft H . IL R. i ^ i M p m . —

fHOU TIIK HOL'TIL 4:00 p. m.—Mini by co rne r , except Allt

lU^t la . i n . - M a i l hy L. ft 11. R . U. OKU p. m.—

UOINO SOUTH. 1 JU p m.—Mail Tor Falluiiebiirg.Allon.

Gran t , G i n t l a n . PUOU TflE KOItTII.

U J O a . m.—Mail rei-eneil f r o m ahovi pla.-vs.

All mulls eloae IM minutes befoie tilm obuvii s la ted .

Post Offlee oiien f rom 7 a . m. to 7^ti ^ p . m . . e t amlan i t ime.

hroiher Fret I. n t lonla.

fton t tall to see the choice line ot

gunn ut R. D. Slockuig's.

Mis* Ki l t i e Parker, o t Lincoln, III., Is

visiting. Bliss Malls Althen.

Mr nnd Mr* O.tser, of l leldlng, visited

it R. Quick's lust Saturday.

P e v I lePuy took d inner S u n d a y with

111* old ' n e n d D. P . Atwaler .

Martin Sim|isoii, ot Ionia. s | ient Sun-

lay vikiilnx Lowell f r i e n d s

Jueub Kchrouder, ot D e n v r r , Col.,

.|ieiit Sunday nt C h s o Althen 's .

Dr E. W . Wells, of Grand Rapid*, was

n town on a husuiess t r ip to d a y .

Mr* Capt. iCInney, ot Gd . Rapids, vis-

iletl Misa Ma e Alli en las t week .

Sa tu iday , Nov 2»|h. Phll ley will he-.iu mak ing l.i* | 1 Holiday Cahinela.

Mr* B. B. Hall, uf luniit , h a s been

vtailing l u r in pliew, S . E . Sweet land .

Tuwnsb ip treaaurerNCon g e | i h e i r t a x

eeeipla p r imed a t Ihe Jut'UNAl. Ot/ICK.

Misn Bird Steplienson, of St . Johns , i s i ie l Miai IUMO Lock wood over Sun-

lay. Tax Reeelpla neatly pr in ted and

h 'iind in Louks can be obta ined ot this

llli-e. h^l Soulrs , of Coral, o r r i r ed in town

.nst Fr iday to visit his brother , Denj.

''oulrs. Mr a n d Mrs L F. Seeley, of Grand

Ltpida. Ttkiied at M. Rubens ' over


I'liysiciana and Surgeons Soap, beat •n ea r th . 10 cents a cake a t Chas. Mc-

arty 'a . 3lw8

Why dun ' t you buy your t ins umbrel .

as at B C. bnil ih 's . Best f u r the prp-e

.11 t u w n . Miss Jessie Claik has returned horoe

•Hera IHU inuiiibs visit wi th friends a t

l-jitoii Rapids.

L a v e you r order fo r Pas le l Crayon,

India .Ii k. or W a t e r Color Purirai ls ,

illi Philli y .

Plul ley can fu rn i sh y o u j u s t as f ine wink a s s n y I r a i e lmg agen t and at a

much lower price.

A i t h u r Sherman has re turned home

be present . B tRJ . MuRHF, O W. STOAK, Cummander .

Ad ju tan t .

The Furelgn and H o m e Missionary

Societies connected wl ih the M. E C h u r c h , Lowell, will g ive a Missionary Tea a t Ihe hunie of Mrs E. E. Chase, Tuesday a f te rnoon , D*c. 2, "00. An in teres t ing program will he presented All a re cordially Inv i ted . A kjiecial m -viiai iun is exiended to gen i l enun lu drop I n t o l ea , w h i c h will be f e ived

t ium S to 7. Only t en oenia.

Notice is hereby g i v e n t h a t In pu r suan e u t the s t a tu te In such ci*es made a n d provided, I will aell a t publ ic aue-lion to ihe highest b idder , a t 10 o'clock A. M , o n i h e 0lh d a y of Decemlier, 1800, at t h e store o t Y - t i e r ft Look, in t h e

village of Lowtl l , K - n t Co. . Mieh . all the iMMik arcounta of Ihe lale flrni of Morgan ft Smi th , w h i c h are u n p i i d a t

the do te ut said sale. D. G. LOOK. Askignee.

We have on exhibi t ion a t th isol l ice

the largea t a r o t c o r n w e hove ever • •en produced In MH ldgan . T h e e a r i s l O ^ i n . long. SJ in. in c i rcumference ami contain over 1,000 kernels, a n d la of tbe Mastodon

Uent var ie ty . I t waa roiaed by J o h n M. Brown , ot Otirco. Mr Biown hud 20 acraa o f potatoes tl. la season, f rom w hieb he received ih* very largo yield ot 8.M8 b j she la of fine polaloea. Ha is one of the pioneer f a rmers of Ihia section, c lea r ing u p hia f a ru t a t an ear ly day.

Abou t fltty teachers were preaent a t the meet ing of lh«> Lowell Teaohera Asan. last Sa tu iday a t the high school bu i ld iug . The p rog ram was ea rned out

subatant 'a l ly aa published two week* ago a n d tlie e s p n lal benefits were deriv-

ed f rom the geneml diseussiun which f u l l u w i d t h e tevero l | « | e i s and t iom Hie quesiion b u s . Thu asaociation is g r o w i n g in r u m b e r a ai .d interest and is ut a great deal uf benefit to the niember*. The next on el ing will behe ld a t Lowell,

Die. 13ili, I WW.

T h e progreasive nieruhant o t t o d a y o n e * his suecesa tu advi-rtiring; wi ihuut il o n e migh t as well l a k e down hia sigu

and invite t h e sheriff lo walk in and

work, for there is more to be uone.

W e l l ' l i e Ihe annuul letter of mema will b - r e a d y by Ihe l i s t o t l ins week. Pleane to follow Hi.1 advice found in the letter aud you will greatly

arsist the S tewards .

H a r e you greeted all iho people w h o have lately iippeared in ou r congrega-llonr? I t not, you have not done your d u t y a* a chr is t ian a n d a member o t t h e

church . I

We believe Ilmt It our people hail a good, spir i tual appeti te , moreo f a hun-ger ing a n d Ih i r s t ing a f t e r r ighirousness, t l e i e would b o a larger a t tendance upon

Ihe week n igh t p r a j e r meei ings. Who shall aay how nea r wo may be lo the pb c* where tho l ight we now have shull

be taken uway . ' t h ink on it. la your

l amp burn ing?

The serr lces nt Swrc t ' s Appolntmeni are g rowing In niiendiinru and i h " s p l r | . t u d lite o t l h a i b u r c h wan never bel te i . Tll-y would In. g ' ad lu have sulllu o t Ilie bri ' thren mid sisters f rom low n utleiiil

Iheir set vices and get a c q u a m . e d .

The vule on t h e adiuiseion of women as lay delegates lo the Genetal Copter e n c w i l l occur this week Wwlnesday ii inht. a t S w e l l ' s a n d Thursday nighi heie ut lha i m u c h . Let all at tend.

Monlhly niceiing u t Ihe Oflluial Board

al the I 'huich Monday n igh t , L'ec. Ist.

Come tn ihesocLd s t Mr and Mrs R. Quick's, on F n d a v night. I t will be a

gm it place to get acquainted.

The word has been ipnelly passed aiouml and the gambl ing placen are now clotiril.

How long will i t last?

Ionia'* new t i i rnl lnre tiictory give* employ ment to almut sixty men. several leaving Lowell to work there . Ionia b u s i m m men ure ready and anxious to Invent in a n y enterpr ise ilint will build up Iheir b i i igand consequently Ihey are mnking ii siemly and perm m e n l g rowth .

Parson Arney h i s bought n $10,000

Nlallion f rom n California fancier, and will show t h e native* w h i t horsi ll-sh i*. Tlie oilier parson* will b r ing elmrges against h im at the next conference, and on hi* confesaion and promls«> in do b-t ter will nend him back lo his old parish

T U K A T 1 N 0 S I C K D 0 0 &



l i l t Cutloinera Are Slotlly, If Not IVIiolly, Aiming the Weallliy—People Oterfeeil Thei r Ilo-^~ I 'oinlt nn When to Peed

anil IVIiat In Cilte Ihe Atilnmla.

"Yes , I'm a doctor now," raid a bird f anc ie r t o a reporter , as hu dropped a cnpnulo iul:) tlio open uioiilh of a bull do;? ho lind be tween Ills knees.

"Ye*, r i r ," ba continued, pat t ing Ihc j do^, " P m n real doc tor n o w ; l h a t i s , a s ' fur as do;;* mid binLi go. Can I cure tl;eni i t Ihey nr. ' nickl Well , y o u ' j n s t t ry me. Never lost a pat ient yet, and aomo of uiy cures aro marvelous. D ies it pay? Woil, 1 jtvd reckon it does. Do yon reo t h a t hul l dor;? I l ia l iver is out

Beldtng's Monnuii preacher has g o n e , of order, nnd i t will toko j n s t th ree dajra n n d h e l e f t a t about i h e r igh t lime io j to cure him. A t Ci n visit and one visit save him-elf Irouble, for lln. Ii elmg i a day l!ii,t maLcsi/l—not bad for cur ing

iig nnst him hail about ciiliniiiu'isl mid j n ' ' j dl^caH'.l liver, en.' ^ t h e Inst meet ing h e held broke u p in a " ' " ' " e o w l tlw

t t rpoi t el L a w l l l ehee l s for Maalh of Novriaiber.


o f t h i s I

iom Ludmglou . w heie lie has been a t c , 0 ^ U ( J h , , t u s i n e i ^ The w U « i bus -

woik d u r i n g the past summer . i , , ^ , i n j , | i e succeagful one .

t h u s L. Howe, uf Gd . Rapids, was in a r e those w ho keep Ihelr names pronu-

IUW n last Friday. H e lelt his daughte r ni-ntly hefure Ihe public when Irsde Is wiih he r grand parents fo r a r i g i t guud M well a s w h e n it is dul l . Cuu-

A l imited a m o u n t of fancy paint ing ••*"1 " d con t inuous advertising, g o t -lur Ibe hu l ida j s will be dons by Mr* ten Up in an a t t r ac t ive style, is l ike the C l u u Quick. Leave y o u r o n i . rs ear ly '•••naionl dr ipping of water uptw the

Now i. a Urst dose t ime to sulm-rib.' ' 1 , n , ' • ' " • ' r h a t rurely on impres

tor the JOURNAL. Send i t lo your absent ' " 0 0 m * J e ' E r e h a n g t . i r i end i , tu tbeui It i aa letter t ium home. Two young peoplo, well known in

Mr and Mrs R d u m l Murphy f l u m e d * * * * } • t ^ b e r to soil Ihe voy-- s l w r t k Iu-m Aikansoe . Tbey have * Ufa, a . W s i o t a d a y , Nov. I # . at

been visiting Inends a t l i t t le Ruck ond 1 P - U , A ^ W W <»' f ' ^ n d . a h e r places gathered a t the h o m e of J o h n J . Mc

u . . II, u 11 .1. Nsughtun to witness the m a n i a g e o f his T h e Son- * Veterans will hold heir ^ U r F m J T

Annual "Bal M- , i , a . on Thureday fcve . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Ur*. 5.1, The par ty will b e o s u c ^ , l l W l r . n u r f i a | { , ^ o f l h B u

Ike all u t .U pndeerssors . K. c , i u l c h . . n J 0 l „ n . . h | J # .

Those wishing lu have c v s . v i s t s o r hand and wi fe logelher ." Many ami t rouse t s f e | a i r . d oi c lenn-d may leave hea r ty were I h e tvngra iu l s i ions ana •uch work a i t h Mr* M Dennis. 1st duoi ^ood wishta U a i o w e d upon ihe j o u n g

iMir.h ot t h e Coi i f iegal lonol church . cuuple. The presents were numerous ,

ll you are g w r g lo ge t married, or il rich and useful ai d will o d o m tor year*

ou r ilnugbter, s ster or cuusiu is sboui t h e home uf t h e happy pair, l u remind

Total No. enrolled to da te 482 No. non-resident pupil* 40 No. belonging dur ing the m o n t h , . , . 404 Per cent ut a t tendance , UI

The 1st G r a m m a r Room, Central

School, Miss Shaw, leacher, is tho ban ner room this m o n t h , both m a t t r n d o n c e and punciual i ty . Per oent. of at tend-

ance, U0 U. Canes ot tardiness, 4. The genera l a t t endance waa good dur-

ing the mun th , hut tbsru Is room for improvemen t in t h e ma t t e r of punctua l i ty. Parents , du not Isl pour child be t a idy ones dur ing the present inunih See l o I t t h s t your child fu rms balms ul punclual l iy while a t school and they

will go w i th h im th rough life. Visitors are a lways welcome In our

M-houla. We are a lways glad t o see you. Come and see w h a t we are dumg. Vour pretencu will lai s t imulus to teach-

e r and pupi ls . Do you examine your child 's report

c a r l oarefuily every month? You will encourage j uur boy snd girl by Isklng an eoiive inlerest in the i r srhuul work I t e v e r y p a r e n t would co-operate hoar-lily wi th the leacher a t all t imes, ihe woik of Ihe schoul wuuld be mure ihur-

ougbly i lllcient. C 8 . LARZFLEKF..

mwr. l i e m i d e quitu a nuiiiInT of con-verts amurig Iho cmpl lyees In t h e illk |

mills lonla 1* making *lrong efforts to loc iie.

t h e (aipitol W a g m Works there . They held a iiieetlng u t the business men tor tha t purpose a a d f l u do,I of u inw.O 0 c a p i t d sltn k was sulMcrdled I,una ha* uwnkeneil f rom ber legarthio sleep since l ining Ihe R. R s h o p , a n d is doing s ime-

th ing lo imild herself up. WouM thai

l / iwell would do likewise.

Greenvil le c la ims t o t e Ihe largest polal.ai shipping puii;; in the Unlled Slut.-*. Over half a million busnela

have already lieen shippe-l f rom there • Ins seanoii and f rom Ave lo twenty cars per day a r e being loaded every day in the week. US cents per bu. has already lieen paid a n d m a n y a r e holding wi th

ihe pnispeut of a higher price.

Lawyer Toxer oi ikent Cily has a great

rcnu ta t ion tor c d l e c t i n g bail debts. I t the money can lie got ou t ot u man he will get iC. It waa to lilts lawyer tha t ne ighbor Whitney referred when a boy

w aa ordered lo run quick tor a doctor, aa a nelKhbor'a child h a d swallowed a coin "Dia ' tor In1 blowed! Run tor Lawyer Tox-r; he'll gat ths money quicker limn a d o w n doctors," said nelghlmr W.—Crrfar Sjirimji Clipper

li'CI j o n r tc„niliir fet-T rotnnied tlw scribe, Ia1(ing n wnt on a Lox of dug liiscnils.

" H i a t ' s n y visi t ing fee. Of ronrsc. If 1 taLe the dog hero with mo tho o.vnor bus lo |.ay l o a r d for IL

"oiir^iciil operatloni? Dlessyoor *onl. w e liavo plenty of lha t sort ot work. It wa.- only Monday tliat 1 u m p a t a t c l a

CAtARRh I* s eoMllhillnnsI snd not a local dltrsse, and Ilirrsfors It csnnol bs cured by Ineal appllcsllont. It rr<|ulm a tniitaiiiilowal rruMdy like Hond a Harsainrllla. nliirli, worklni tlirongh His Lloml, rrsillraln lbs Impurity wlilcli cnuasi sml prmnoU* Wis diaeste. and rfl",'ta s iwniuinent cars, Thimunda of people leallfy to the aurcaas of Ho-sla Rnruiwrllls a so i remedy for cslAnb wlicu other prrparslliir.f lu-1 filled.

StufTbd-I'p Feel ing. MI win u y 1 luvs b«en tmiblsd foTssr.

end yean wlih thai trulbly dltagrrrali * dlaroas. tatarih. I look llood'a K.iraap.v rUlswllhllie vrry beslreiultt. H cured ms e< thai contliinvl drnpplng In my tlirusi, sod gtulTed up fe-llnj. It hna alio helped my nolher, who hat Uikan It fur run dmyn atate st health and kidney trouble." Mus. B. U. l l r n n . Pulnoia, Conn. Hood's S a r s a p a r i l l a

B^ldkjall,!niK;tili. f I. .U tnrfi PraianHlenly ky C. I. IIOOliA Ul , AiAiliernlsa. Uaall. Matfc

1 0 0 D O B O S O n o Dollar

A Lady's Per f re t t 'ompsnlon.

PAINLKM ClIlLCriRTH, our new lawk, tells how uny woman may lieccme a mother irilln/iit nvffi ring uny ( sun irf.ut-

evtr. Also how io i n a t and ov r r cnme murn lng sickness, swelled liml>s and o the r evils a t tending p r e g r a n e y . I l l s reliable, ond highly endorsrd by physi-cian* as the wife 's Hue p r i u i i e compan-ion. 'Send two cent ktuinp tor d e s c n p l ive circulars nnd conlidenliki let ter , *ent in scaltil enve lop j . Addn >n

F R A N K T U O M A S ft C o . , Publisheis , ILUtlmure, Md.

C o f M and look a t ou r Piano, o tr* now, your* It may Iw. l i will ccrtalnly belong • >*ome of yon.

C e X P R E S S S T A B L E S ^

- Wink lionrt in the city srs wcrh line* inns as niuch n. countty hcrata Lctiutc ws

. .sii .ti llmii m ibe alablc."

f / i f f - G e l from your deslor free, the I A U" k li hss handsome pictures and

n about hones. ollars ( r a i A Horse

our horse worth mors

1 , 6 0 1 ) : H i C H I G A N : F A R M E R S wa;. only Monday lhat I umpatatcl a | , . . . . d o j ' s tail. Bu i that 's nothing; wo cut a r e a c t u a l p a i d - i n - a d v a n c e

bills off every d iy o r BO. I t 's a sodc ty s u b s c r i b e r s 10 T l l E N A T I O N A L f a d . you know, t o have dogs w i t h shor t c T O C K M . . . A N | ) F A R M E R T h e v tails. Then wo clip te r r iew 'curs , hu t STOCKMAN AND F A R M E R . 1 H e y there 's not much skill la that . V o l a p p r e c i a t e I t s m n e t V - S l X c o l - , would laugh i t you could seosomoof t h e j u n i n s w e e k , f i l l e d w i t h I • " ' ' '4 l ' •»" 1 0 '"*1' "a rm-

M - c h a a l f e d reading matter, ( 5'A Five Mils " complete and accurate market i 5'A BoiS Stable

reports and containing only ^ lcr j 5/A Elcctric clean, reliable advertisements, ( 5/y\ Extra Test and we appreciate their patron- Mv|„ lo crery-

pnrp happens to yell, which, of course, i t doe*, they stop np the i r ea rs and r u n uwny."

ONE o r MART CASES. "Do you allow people to see you a t

work?" "No, not generally; bu t when these

line tallies come down nothing will do hut they mus t see everything. W b l i t ! here comes one now. J u s t listen.

••Good morning, Mrs. H. How's yoor dog t m l a y r

"Oh, doctor, Toodl'-s is awfu l l Didn' t sleep ail night aud forsook his milk and bread I h is morning. Please see w h a t you can do for him!"

T h e dog was passed over. I t w a s a f a t p u g - s o fa t . in fact , that it could hardly walk. Yet i t carr ied i ts pedigreed tai l In thoroughbred stylo from wi thout a velvet coa t which encircled the dog ' s body and waa fastened underneath wi th •ign.n.r . t . - . r . —

III 1888 Gi-o. RoXi'lle and Oliver Hall I U l ^ ; i , i u l t lx )Vy8 ' , , 1 The do;; doctor squeezed the p u p s th roa t and out camo his tongue.

" T h o dojj'a biliona," said tho doctor, w i t h a knowing wink. "You 've been feeding h im ou candy."

" J u s t a l iny hit, doctor. Ohl say h e l l

get well!" The doctor looked thought fu l a mo-

ment and coutinued: "Vis , 1 can euro him, bnt If he gets

over th is t ake m y advice a n d don ' t give

had a misunders tanding, in oeti lement of which they . Bine lu blows Rox-lle knocked Hall over some buxes and did him up to the Q teen's I Marquis u t y ieens-huiy 's) taste II i'l died and hi* de i th was ascribed to Ilex'lln * un-t u i ' t . Rox -lle has b.-eu twice t i le I for imirder. the jury disagreeing bolh t imes . There will probably be nothing fa r the r


IIIS*r**l Melbodsaf fallowln* lh^ lojaoe-llva 'Lav* Oaa Aaulbor.

^-.-i iireomfmabiy UgSI. r 'tis '' '

IHC * coLc:!r>r **" rvnBEn co.

v . . " • jawarft—i - •

l f r f a

" A O H I S I V C C C U ^ T C R O . " AT KLIAIL LV


L O W E L L , - U I C I 1

O get in*tried, have j o u r wedding invi

| laiion* pruitisl a t Hie JOORRALOffli-e.

For S a l e - A good, p u t ' e , family dr iv-

I m g mate—will i b o r n n o , Unrgy .and cut-W l I sell any or all ae r r cheap.

| l l | w 4 | TllKODOIIK Ml'ELLett-

> t and Mr* Frank H m l | e r . ut Grand

llapids, lia«e lieen visi t ing their m a n ) I fr t . nds and relativeB In Lowell and vi-

di iniy . Frank is i e t i m g f a - qul le

1 stout.

hem ot the I n e n J s who loved tliem in Uiwrl l . Tli-y l e t i on the a f u rnuHi | i r a m t u r S p a i u . where tl ey expect lu rvwid.; and whe re a home all prepared

waa in wail ing fur the .n .

N. P . Huated, ou r enterpris ing Nur a t r y m o o , nas bu i l t o large winter store-liouae fur hia t reas. T i e building I* jlisulutely Insat pnmf and is now nearly

fu l l ut Hue Pea r , P lum, Peach. Cherry tree*, etc. . uf t h e very lin*»i Mock. To

The t l r d party . f the 90 91 d u b . To 11 ^ ^ T " p W n M , , k , , , l t

. . . . a v towinc aai e | Ibe best varieties ut f r u i t t rees is largely d u e t h e fac t that f rui t* f rom this vicinity are t h e

. , r « • • f y 1* * ^ ' very beat In I h e a torkeis and laat year

"Seeing I S Relieving. * ' • u ^ b t a h igher price than f rui t f rom - •>' »"' M'" - lef l for Eng land lost Mon- ^ ^ o f ^ ^ ^ l u w

. lay lur a vUii on ly , we were j ua l aken U m f ^ . i l h f r u i t raUing,

as to .be possibility of h u remaining butb as a n u r a e r y u u n a n d f r u i t raiser h e r e U e ia called h a c k by t h e serious ^ k n o r a ( r o r a a c tua l exper ience t b e

« ; r


| "• obgs lBle ly r c u -r x p l a x l a o s o d o n * l . rMOab le , which

rt" a«4 b r K ^ r than gsal fht. softer ( h a a clerinc I:gM. mors cbctrful tnaa -UHCRL TBL.'. ILKFU

" T h e Rochester. Anl r..-.* U l ' i « " •» " s-we»-. a* smell.

l-s foaola (e.1 reserve".

, , a n d lamps ms/ go, b.. sVocs on forever! w t

illnesa of his m i t b e r .

" AOSl i j l-rap , tvadj-na-a sta-nrj, "

Look lor Ihe -- | :l l rol«S»»»a. It

S S i r e w ^ r e e b e j u r t o 1 lie style y*j

ISiIelia.! cad w* will boa a»d ssod yejia^y C S i S d r lv evpresa. rlfbl lo yoor door.

UOCUESVEB I.A3JP CO« 4 9 P a r k P U r e , Row T a r k .

Procs tho Buttons I t O p e n s , r n d Urht3-

Th® si-wii KVw-n lss.:-«. H WT_*f

p i W u-.t* rw wodM mm-h- 1' , hmUimg r*-

' ' r g ' • h—UM»*a.

B H m — m A t a-.

Miss Mabel U o D m o k l dosed o very juecessfnl t e rm of gehuol in the Volley Hchool. Verg-un-s . Tiiiaia tha seooiad •erm slie bos t a u g h t in th is d lu t i c t , giv

l a g excellent sat isfact ion.

T h - Young People of t h e M E church w ill give a Culiweb So- ial, with Mua e t i P rog ram, a t ilie re-idence of Mrs R Qui . k . Friday e v e n i n g . Nuv t 8 A cor •11 il inviiation t o alL Every body come.

Ca rds are out announc ing the mar^

riitge o t Misa Male AUh-fi. one of 1 » * -e l f * mo- t c h a r m i n g daugh te r s , to J acob Schroiider, ot Denver . Col. , io t a k e place I IT. 3J . They will m a t e Denver llieir

home. W m . Murphy, o u r genial h ighway

cnn imiMoner , pu t in last week In Chi-c -go u k i n g in the fa t stock show. You nhoiild hear him talk ahoa t the "Wor ld ' e F a i . " <'4tj , greatest o n ea r th , why . y o u would want to go and see tor yuursel t

ihe wondeis he diMcribea.

Il seems tha t go al a c h o o l m a ' n s are a t a premium u p nl Muskegon. RecaoUy n vole was token there 04 to Ihe m i « t

jsipular lest he r in t h e school*, a n d aa a n n u l t Mis* Mary Ca r r received 19,020

v ilea out of 4S.9S5 cast . She will re-ceive a solid gold w a t c h a s a prize.

L H . Wilkinson, of Rockford, a n d IVp Sheriff Puw-ers were In luwn Inat Wwlnt^ iay Unikin< a f t e r sume stolen ]ir.ip<ny which i h e y rxoepieJ t o fl.>d lie re. Their t r ip waa a fnliure, for a f t e r nnd ing Mm p o n y au-pecied a n d g iv ing

h im a thorough reorcb Ihey were cum

pelled lo give it u p

Sa turday a very pleasant surpr ise w a s

given Miss El 'en Ilalico, k in lionor of b r b i n l , l a y . Mrs Atwaler . wi th whom whe rrwid'S. invi ted in some twen ty lady f r i n . l s All ei j ' J u l a grand good t i m e a n l all di I j u s ice lo a d inner Iliat glvea

credi t . to Ur* A * a b i l i t y . Miaa B ibcock iroeived some le oul i tu l preaenU; which

will remind lier in years io come .tf ihia

p 'easanl l i i i th.lsy Mist 1 uwig, of S a ro-il ac. and Mrs Spi-ncer, f rom Otiaoo.

were | r e s e n t

beat grades a n d how beat to care fo r t hem. Any person once big cus tomer

can always be relied u p m to came hack t-i him when in need of a n y t h i n g else in this line. H e is leader in his lino of nusinras. o thers fu l lowiag h im, and aa inutotion is t h e sincereat fl illoery, Mr Hlisted has received enough flattery t o have turned h is be-d had it not been eapecially level . A l o u r Fa i r lie exhibi t-ed u fine lut uf I n e a . un which he leak the d ip 'o no . U e also • xhllHled fur

Ueasrs Gurney ft Palmer, u t Uart , t ru l l which was ra i led f rom tn-ei Imught ol him about 18 yeara ago. and w hich was

warded a ep tc ia l d ipiumx fur it* ex-


Do men ever fa l l In love wi th each

other? Woi.ien do. Not long age a young

woman in N e w Jersey wa* marr ied t o k y o u t h f u l ' aburer on her fa ther ' s farui Suinelime a ' t - r w i u d it was dikcuveted lha t t b e huk lnnd WHS a female; Hu y o u n g wi fe refui 1, how ever, througl

earnestly entrealed by her friend*, t. give up her choM-n ronaort . The ktr*ng-est p u t uf t h e disco va ry was the f sc i i lmt t h e br ide knew her I usband was i, *on ian before she was letl to the allot

I t m e n d o r.ol exbib i l Ihia s n a n g e in-fa tuat ion to r one uf Iheir uwn sex, t h e ' s t least uf tent ime* give e i i d e n e e u t lb .

f ac t tl-oi Ihey love o n e ano ther . T h e n are m a n y instances on recunl where un< man has g l i e n his lite fur anuther The re are many nn r e Instances w h e n

men have g i i e n life lo another , Il is a proud i n n a w m n — I h e know -

leiige lha t one ha* saved a p n e i o n . hun ian li te. Meriden, Conn. , is ihi

home of such a happy man. J o h n II P r e s t m , of lha t c i ty . J m y I l t h , lfc90 wi l i» i : " F i v e y i a r s s g o 1 was t aken very sick, I hsd several ut the heat due tor*, and one and all called i t aco iup l ica -Hon o t dineoses. 1 waa tour yeark tak-ing prescnidiona preacrilied hy the*, name dectors , and I t ru th fu l ly s ta te 1 never expecteal t o g e l any bet ter . Al this t ime 1 commenced to have Hit

must terrible pains in my hock. Om d a y an uld f r iend o t mine, Mr R. T . Cook, of t b e firm of Curt is ft Cook, sdvised m e t o try Warner ' s Bote Cure, as he had bean troubled t h e same a a y and i t had effected a c u r e f o r h im. I bought six bottle*, took Ihe medicine as directed

and am to-day o well man . I am s u n n o one eve r hod a worse case of kidney and liver t rouble t han I had . Before this 1 was a lways against proprietary

medicines, hu t no t now, oil . n a " Fr iendsh ip rxprenies itself in very

peculiar waya s m i e l i n m ; bul the i n n

f r i end is t h e f r iend in need .

I Mflr w m |/i.....s.. . w*. on , s s ti l l I OWUIIW lUtkV UIJ sstssi lone. All thl* happened s t Por t land,

C o ' | " I II never do it u j a l n , doctor. Wil l I .

J o h n F Farnswori l i waa grftnted a d i i Toodli*?" appeal ing l o tlio dog. vurce in the s u p ' r i j r c j u r t U i t niglit on ! "Then t a k j Ihia box of capsules nnd

<rounds ut ex t r eme e r a -Ity from his wi fe 1 a day . Wai t ,

i W e n F a r o s w u r t h . The re were n u r r i e j i K J ^ . 0 0 0 U 0 W ' ^ } ° U * * in 1877, when he was 40 years old au I ahu t a k i n g the dog U twoen h i . legs the 19, and hove t b r ee chi ldren . She s u d d e n - , j oc to f j ^ ^ d hia knees obont ita neck ly l e f t him m 1887 and w e n t l o New York mid opened its mouth. Then tak ing a - t a le . Two week* later she returned, capsule iu hi* uioutli he dropped i t down and tor a yea r t h e couple were unhappy the <1O„' B throat , way ou t o t sight, a n d then she lef t h im entirely. They D e v e r J<> t h a t in Iho world, formerly lived a t Lowell , but he now K i J the lady d repdr ing ly .

U a d e r - | but iuy way is tho best ." T h e gamblers of Gd . Rapids are ind-'e I j "Ti l try" tho mea t way flrsL How m u c h .

pUying in hard luck. Martin B sirliem doctor:" l u d no m.ire t han c h n e d hi* palatial | ' Gnc dol lar , pfease, a n d twenty-flve

juniMin^ place than h - was K'rveil w i t h , c e n , : ; r , > r the medicine." . , . I " M y ! how reasonable yon arc. O u r I s u m , . . t o appear Monday af t . rnooi. ^ ) U l , i r ^ f , c | l v i d k

' , n 1 ' * • "* C " I M • and t l ie m e d i d n o cl wa r s cost* ahoa t ft' • b y he *houl<. not p iv h ick to J a m e s 8c handing t h e feo over sho departed wi th

Hinith Hie sum of 111.1), the a i i o u n t Toudlea in he r a n u s .

age. We have no more intelligent

and critical readers than those in Michigan. W e want more of them. With more than 20,000 subscribers in Ohio where our paper is we'.l known we have no difficult v in ex-tending our l ist W e want 3,400 more in Michigan in the next sixty days. We would get them and double that num-ber if farmers there knew what we have to offer them. A postal card will bring a sample copy.

Subscription price, S1.50 per year. In clubs of five, $1. The remainder of this year free to new subscribers for 1891, W e will pay $3,000 in cash to our club raisers April 1, 1891. A X T E L L , U U H H & C O . . T u b P r n ,

P i T T i n t r H o i i , PA.

1 li . . . . an l pel them Iroui youl aih 1 t riu us-



iaUke the tsnious Ilone BrmJ Uaker maaket*



King'i Bui'dixg on the Bridge.

And Pullen'i Building.

Hmith elaliued he had lost at l l o j rhem' s 111 a lusnle with the " t ige r . " Suillh was repreaented by Myron IL Walker, and Huurhem hy Charles WatL T h e o U o r -Iiey for plan tlif w aa considerably baud l -;apped uy hi* ui i t in i i l iar i iy wi th t h e

uow TO r z > » pooa. "Tbey are tho people wo make a l iving

off of ," raid tbe doctor as soon aa tho was ont of kighL "Sho overfeeds her dog in Ibe Grat place and s tuf fs him with cake snd candy. A bul l dog couldn' t ktond snch t rea t m i n t The result is the dog

I guarar'ee flm elsas work, aa I emp'oy only ftiMsloas wurkmea.

I I . I I . H I I . K I 1 Y .


Always ha* o n h a n d a fine selection of

Fresh Meats, Salt Meats,

Fish, Poultry,

and Game IN SEASON,

Choice Lard and Tallows, and is in t h e marke t to buy

C H O I G B S T O C K .

Caaap rira aad W*Jdlng

World 's Fair P rwideo t John M-P* 1 ® cr bos been asked to apiaiint Dr_ J n l u

Holmes Smith . Dr. Frances Wckinsoo and Catherine V. W h i u threa of tbe n i aa Chicago commi"aiooers.

Tr*lalat ll»* P)*.

Another c x e r d s e omr i s t s in moving abou t in curves n c a b l e t ulled to rr i tbln

Next WedneadoT evening . Dec. 31, j , , , eigUlU of r.n inch cf the top wi th wa-. . . . . . . t . _ i . _ w. l .v t Lr Ihe stem and

will bo held a C a m p Fire. During t h e evening a u n i q u e t h ing will t a k e place. In tlie s h i p e ul a wedding. A literary program will alao be given, and refreah-meut*. uouaisung uf pop corn a a d apples — vill be se rved . Admtiaiua to all, 10c, proceeals t o go t o Hie newly wedded


Luwell Marhrta.

Uorley \ I 123 Com; Wheal , wh i t e Wheat , red Gala, Rye Klour. jier h u n d r e d Bian. | « r ton Mlddbnga, pt-r Ion 20 00 Corn Meal, pe r ton 2.'i oO IVirn ft OoU, . , 19 no Bmie r , 16 SRiC. 2" P-uUies 80-70 Apple*, pe r tiorrel 2 2 J Clover Seed 3 80 75


M 43 CO

2 CO t e u o

an ciyuiu . t e r . G r a r p tho goblet hy tho s tem aud deschhe figuns wi th tlie liand nnd a rm very alowly. T h o eye hccomcs fixed npon t h e goblet , and t h e m i n i h i s inter-ested and concentrated. Where there is lack of men ta l a n d ne rve poiw the re i s a cone*pondin;! abacnce of poiso in the eye. and any pract ice, no m a t t e r how aimplo i t may s>*ra. which fixra the at-lent 'on of the cyo has an effect upon tho mind nnd nerves —Mabel Jenueas in Jenneus-Miller Mngazino.

O L D DOCTOR DRUMMOND, A f t e r year* ot pvitent ktudy s n d ex|Mii ment has given lo Ihe Hurlil a pre | iuni-t on which is an aiMloute an I iwrm inent ••ure for every kind ut I(h. niniiii-in A"k y.Hir druitgikia fur i t The prua-i-

bu t it is a Urg - le. He and will cure vou. o r the m mey will lie r e l u n i ' d . Ii you a r e • ffere.! sonie ihlng e b e . u i l « direct and we will keud \ , u a Imille ha Exprea* |i e f u i l Dnim.i iui i l Me licii . Co. 48-V) Maiden Lane, New Y u r i . Agents W a n t e d .

—,-i— . .fame, but Hie jus t ice a i w all the po in t s g e u s i c k . Cau yoa bhuno him? You'd • ha t was necensary. The bearing i a a get nicli yourself. And if he isn't t rea ted id journ.s l unt i l Tu n lay to allow c o u n - at onco hu die*. Dogs should he fod b a t •ei lur pUinj i l t t ime lo |nMi hini<elf on twice n day—a l ight brcakf.-ut and a

the nu iu ie of h i t esse.—J/urntiiy Press . 1 hear ty d inner . I "Pnppiua should not bo ted ot tener ,

J a m e W. Tat. ' , .1 f a r m e r f r . in E Ige r - but in e i the r ca*e never overfed. I t no t lun, came Li the city Sa lun lay In search only iniike* Iho dog b u y bu t idek. Meat o t a young man lu " d o the ohonm' on ' ihould never be given t o poppies. I t his f a r m lur b is h j o n l , and go lu *choul K1*''' them distemper. A la rge bone

I'II* winter. He v.s.ie.l *sventl aaloons, " , ' w « n d , , h " ' beneficial, as ,. „ . . , v i . ii- ' t " 'd* teething, a n d when broken np

uid llnollT wound u p a t O Dmnel l *. o n ^ i w 3 u < > w c d . , 0 . a t g e i U o n . ^ SVuierluu street, where he .u. 'ceeded in j shiuk a goo.1 plateful of mea t U acquir ing considerable ot a " j*g ." l i e a i i n , iog n-qnin a. Wrong again. Show necame acquainied wilh Cornel ius uie n dog brought n p on meat and Pll Stoutjemlyke. and w aa highly pleased venture to my he i* wortliless. when Hie U t t e r consented to gu w i t h " T h e proper t h ing t o feed a dog wi th him. They b i u n d the bargain w i t h ' » ^ > o u J o 8 cal"*. They are

several rounds ot d r inks , and went lu I ^ »P ^ , • 1 i_; . . . . . some conuneal and well done vegetables L i m p m a n a lodging house tor t b e n i g h t , When Hie fa rmer woke up he found he j " W h a t kind of pat ients do dog* makeT w aa d e w n e d a n d robbed ot $25 H e , queried t b e reporter. reported to the police and Detective 1 "Best in the world ," rejoined the doo-l iate* found Ilie thlet s t Nate Meeker 's ' tor. " I t is really a pleasure to physic s road house. Stout jesdy ke u a n a t u r a l 1 dog- Yon know they can ' t say anyth ing ,

ihiet . and has spamt most ot his t ime fo r e T e ° . , f X}*T do growl o Utile. ibe In-t live year* beU.nl the b a r . - O M . " N o - 1 ^ w a s U t t e n h y a rick dog „ . . . , They recm lo know tha t I am doing all

o p s t r a d e r . I c a n t 0 m a k e t h e m well , and I t h ink ap-

A s t range and ulmost incredible story p r e d a t e i t ." comes f rom the lown of Salem, Allegan I ' T h a t was a n excellent method of giv-

i l . That *0 m u c h bruialiiy a* is here !"« pNIs I noticed a few momen t s ago.

exhibited should exist , is most bewi lder j b . c t "j0*' J.0 J o n * * * * & when tho medi-

ing. t o u y t h e least. E loch P - r k i n s is . n o * J * \ u l " l n i J t o n f . v . , "Nothi i ig easier in the wor ld , an-1 wulowcr h i . house being p r i d e d l 1 r i T i x l ^ d o c U ) r . ^ o v i . a aplinter over by bis daugh te r . Amanda , e lde . l o t l T v m a K l u . r - , , i r o k e n | f g - - f n k e the live chi ldren and who tell* Hna s tory , dog between your legs a n d farce it* She had been keeping c u n p i n y wi th a mou th open by presdng the finger nnd man Homed Sa inurd Sai i lh a n d abe t h n m b on eithe r ride of t h e t h r o a t Then ill.-ges tha t in February last, under hold ont 0110 corner of the mou th am' promlae of marr iage, ahe was seduced by P 0 0 1 " , l l t ' " "" l ic ine in there. I t makes a —•-—I /"taTsasl Of r*»nnm thn ilo^'a

Consult Yoor Own Intenest! Buy When Toil Can Buy The Cheapest,

T H E —


For The Next Sixty Days, A n d m a k e E x t r a o r d i n a r y L o w P r i c e s o n al l k imls of W i n t e r F o o t W e a r , of

w h i c h t h e y h a v e a Ful l a m i C o m p l e t e L i n e .

L a d i e s a n d Mis ses Beaver S h o e s

" " " " S l i p p e r s

" " " " A l a s k a s

11 « •• 11 Arc t i c s

" " " R u b b e r B o o t s

" " " F i n e R u b b e r S h o e s


M e n s a n d B o y s Fe l t s

aa « .1 M a c k i n a w Socks

•• " " O v e r s for S o c k s

u 11 a 11 » F d t s

" " " Alaskas

" " " Arc t i c s

" " " S n o w E x c l u d e r s

" " " R u b b e r B o o t s

L a d i e s W o o l L i n e d R u b b e r s 40c.

M i s s e s " " " 3 0 C ' |»OUI 1 St* sae- WOSV

hiuL a n d tha t her fa lher l e . r n . n g o t t h e , u , u " 1 ,1

n " n ' 1 - Of c u n i i s t h e d o 3 ' . head , . . , . , , 1 mus t bo l a id a lof t to keep tho med idno

sad slnte uf a l l t irs, instead o t c o n d e m n - f . im.. . . . , . . , , • , . , f r om spilling. In case t h e dog is vicious mg H, an a natural father should , not p m 0 m n u k o u him and proeeeil tho only condoned Smith '* acts, b u l iusist- •ame.*—Washington Star . ed un living w i t h t h i s girl, h is d a u g h t e r , j A ^ R u o u wa tv rp roo i ' pas t eooara as w l ib a wife. The suspicions ot the may he obtained by giving the Jiasto-neigbbors being aroused she ron temi d board u thin coat ing of t h e following to t l iem this s ingular k ia ieot affa i rs and m i x t m e : Four par t s ot slaked lime, 0.1 their advice . o u g b i iho home of . n thn-e i«r t»of rkimmcsl milk, wi th a very

aunt , on wl..«e advice kl.c w e „ i to " ' " f A b n u b should be , ' . , , used iu applying tho mix tu re and ihe Allegan and m ^ i e a o . iu ; . la in i aga iu - t ^ ^ ^ 1 bo l e f t l o d iy th .mmghly be-both Smith 11 ud her fa lher ; b u t w n e o fore mi ing . -Ph i l ade lpbm Record.

he r f a the r waa arrested aud b rough t |

M e n s Fe l t s Fo r

9SC '

M e n s F e l t s a n d

O v e r s $2.00

Mr White is always on hand to do all kinds of repairing,

i E . " S T . Z E I O C - L E ,

First Door West of Althen's Clothing Store.

P a r H a l * .

One de l ive iy wo^nn. 1 single buggy

and 1 l i f e , formerly belongim: lo Moneon « Smi th . All acawunu due said Umi m a s t be K i l l e d immediate ly , by money

ur o good note . D. G. L x u . Aa*ignee.

hctore m-r an I - he learne-l Hist cunvlo Hon would neud him bi piiauii. she d e - 1

clansl her fa ther innuceii tut t h e chnrge , u \ ing rho " w o u l d rather lie tha j i »eud_

h b u to prison." Tlie offloere c u ' d gel no t raoeof Smi th , who ha I probably got wind of the a l t ai • and dea-amped.

H*rJ Unes. A s p i r a n t - W h a t must I d o t o m c e e e d

in Uterainre? Grea t W r i t e r ^ M a k e a name for your

K I L Aspirant—But how can 1 make a name

for myeeTr Grea t W r i t e r - B y succeed ing . -Mon-

sey's Weekly .

Old popers f u r sole ot t U s office 83c,

per. hundred-

Children Cry for Pitcher's Castcria.

When Cabr was sick, * • Ctve her Caatorta. V.Tieo sb* was a s a cvkal for Cssior-*. W h n aha becaaa t^so. sb* cln»: la CWstoi Is,

OTk-w * * had Chi l ln^ sb* ess* v

Tbe fa rm tuols aud sua-k belutiging lo the eklhte of W m I link Will be kuld a t ThU Coul.ln'l Have nappe* J Laal Veer. Auct ion, bn luday , Nuv. J9, a n d a m o n g Mrs. Bingo—1 wonder w h a t •uiikes me

which is one of tlie lineal leaiun o t f a r m feel 10 micomfort tblo? h o n c a in the Coun ty . Oue M.le e i a t of Mr. C i n - o - J t i d i n g by t h e truiilea* MeCord'*. HOrch 1 m a d e ia thu bnruan d r a w e r tiiix

- 1 1 : morning, 1 slnmld pay yon lu-.-l on ono of

•pie highest market price paid for m y s h i r t s . — d o tiller a n d F u r n u h e r .

w . u l . p e l u a i i d al l kiuds of f u r * a t t h e I Low-ell Wuoleu Mills. (lUmSj t l ' " " r J '*"!

1 Critic—Comdstency Lin jeweL As fine esndie* as s re mad* in Amer- ; Author—Yes. hu t 1 ma loo pour to

iem. 01 Rickert ' s . , b a r e j eweL.—Harper ' s B a z r x

Watches , Jewelry,

Clocks, Silverware ,

- A N D -

Everything Else in the J e w e l r y Line C a n b e b o u g h t a t

L O W E S T P R I C E S ,

H a . A . , S f i E R L / E - A - N ,

Avery's Block, East Side. - Lowell. Mich.


Page 3: JOURNAL. - lowellledger.kdl.orglowellledger.kdl.org/Lowell Journal/1890/11_November/11-26-1890.pdf · In plus and appcarancu by ull the ana at tbdr ; Wobbcommand. | "Tlio OorenimoBt

L O W K L I . J D U K N A L ; W K D N J C S D A Y , W O V B M B K R M i w m i


' i c J c s L P P

:»• U & i h .1

R e r . Townncnd h rp jo idnR o r e r t h e nrrivnl of n pair of t w i n b o j i . Thoy are about two weeks old.

Mlllunl S A V I M ia ropolring b i t houno on iho Long place and will MO in move on Ihe f a r m . They hud n dunce ibero, Fri

Ai l . P o n i l t , l l i w II m n a b Lowe and .y MlKbt. A k^mI a t U n d a n o and a Miss Ali i* UuiniiiKtuu Kjicnt Sunday I l l t . e QVPSY. Midi I). Uiiuir 'nluuiily in Caiupbvll. | —

hcv. ia ! BMWIW l e a c h e n niu-nded the ' A f u l 1 l l m " , f c k e a and iii.-lituteui L . u u l l Itui Maluiuuy.

I lunu* Center.

Ed. Tini)won, while breaking colts, lust week, waa run away wi th a n d badly

I mJurvU.

A b s o l u t e l y P u r e ,

A rpram nf l;irliir bskiiiK powilr'.

of ill In learmlnK »lreiwtli -V .1. Ui

11.in,I..4uo li, ISO.

Uhinl < Hnil


m m A N D L I V E R C O R E C r o n n IMastcrs a n d Pil ls .

for *1 hrj- art* iln« only S-trt* Ufiniilt*** liiot^ afTluint |trf|[ht« IHM-HM*. 1,1*. r 1*001-I Imi I •Ml t'lii /fliciii i»»e Uiil) II.' m* | rr |>IIR»>l lit Ihf i N* roll* «rr l l r AII«1 tin o.il> nn-' lj«cr Cure il»«l «ill rtMort1}ou tu iM'rfwt lirallh


C . B . R . A . T H E C R A I G M E D I C I N E C O . ,

PAS-ilAO. fi. J .

I C O S O C E C C i r — S d - Z - A - K .

Sold by Yeilcr i Look and Clark L Winega*

# A L L A N ' S ^




f l i c e p G o n d i C o n t a i n t h e L r a v m o r Kccdli-a of ( l ie I ' l uo Tree .

Use t h e n for a ploasnct smiko aud jptHHly relief fo r MFLUEHZA, ACJTE IND CHRONIC CATARRH. CLEHGWEN S


ALL BRONCHIAL DISEASES; th.-y are froo f om adullcration, a s n o l h b ^ is UBed in their inanuf.:cturo t j o BEST OF




H U f f l P H R E V S 5

MTH-I.TL «LL URU * Ue^ir Icrn«tr


rail./,Illr |in («m«l |mrrlpii<>ii>; u-• r.-ai» I. |>rl<>lFiirm(-i|'v>t|iii«'j>ii«.. i l jn t ji-aniunl bf li>r|^>|>ir. K«m •inr l< a •ucelel cunt fai HH-.IIM-.W i. ,M,

nine Sim-inn curr wlUii ul iJnir«i>.». nart liKormludOKilir •T»|. |1|. M"! i.r I: •: r.u.i '•'-•-lliweaicroltfurouirdlfeorihi V u rU.

uiro»nutcir»i.*o». cinra. n i r n . Frvcre, Confcallon. liiBammii: - j .•J.I Worm., Worm f e w . Warm Collr. " ( ' r ih ic Collr, •.rl.TililuKiit Infua. Illnrrlirn! or < irlWn-n or Aiiult. . IM.riilrrr.lithilui!. I1III..U.I ( He

linlrra .Mnrbi:i, Vumliln.-('ou<lia, Cold, I'lniirlillU.... Srurnluln , ro..iL»rbe>m-j>il,. "lendii. hcii, SI.klumlurir, XNTLTI

)'e|iri»lii, lUll.nu hlonitcll


I • ' ? ' I ' " 'n t n o j 5

W hill ", I'W I'lMllUc Ivri.nJfc . . ('rpiin.'"JUJB. I lrtinih iin-nlliliu •'lilt Idll-UU, i> ' Uliriiniiiliein. I

Kwlpelj., rruplli IH..*J bfumaiir Fun*

S P E C I F I C S TrTornTiAgur^hUKTlur r i i r ^^ lo I'llPNt lllluil or ok-Miug . .So llpbihcluirt or Solo.or Vimk I ..ju ( 'n inrrh , Innui'iiu. Poll H. ilrad .SO \\ lioupla* C'auicb. Vlolcm < <,u«b«. ..10 . .• .Ii."'. "PI-"*" ' bmiihliii: ..vi Knr lll>tbnrcr«, lmi«linl II.mini: ,30 .orraluln. KuLu^fl i.Umlf. Khi'IHuii .Ao lirupr *1 llrblMlv.l'liynlnl Wrnkaoe.So IItop«) , ou l .V.nnij (jectcUnna SO j r a slckfirk., Sll kuretfrom UMIn.- ..JO l^tdai-r IINP""!- . . . 'o Nrrioua Di'blllir .Srmlii»l Wrek-

iH<a,iirIiiTolauur;DUcBariM... l . on i*ore fllnulb, r

Wen I

Srfce, iilikui*! M . r ^ n ivotuuury LU

nib. •'aitkcr .AU jr lnnrv tVenbaeen, Wctllnn Ded ..}Q •nlurnl I'crlodn, wUhHimum . .SO n»pnnr» of Ihb llFnrtil'nliiluiionl ,00 ;pilpii.r,.<»Miii..sc vifui'liunce i .on

.... .. phniel ,nU (illonr .Jju

I bj-l)ruenl)ii». or n-nt pmlrnld on reerlpt .in. jii,iirimK\ri' IUM'AU (111 |«kiv) of j rim.

i fb i r i« ... 11 um pbr<

" W W W . 0 \ ^

^ V A H V . S A ' W J L S .

Km) on t H.wvea. CiiUu. Hnrett.


in i H A Y F t V E n ^ S

H E A D | T r y t h e C u r e ® f e < % 5 .

"niMf v V ' c ' ' " " 1

ELY 'SCREAM BALM C l e a n s e s t h e N a s a l Passages . Al-

l a y s I n l l a i n a l i o n , H e a l s t l ie So re s , R e s t o r e s t h e Senses of T a s t e , S m e l l a n d H e a r i n g .

A pnrlli If. la Ii|i|>lipit lulu earb noatrll • ml la HiirreMblr. I 'nep oOr. mi l>riiKi:<»l> or by inuil. Kl.Y UUOTUElUi. f-li V uirrr Su Nrw Yoii.

If You Have CONSUMPTION ICOUQH OP. COLO B R 0 N C H I T I S T h r e a t M s c t i c n

S C R O F U L A I W a s t i n g c f F l e A

Or mny Dlif$* trkm th* Throat and Lutigt er# fnflnined, Lack of Strtnglh or Arm r » » ' r , you ea» to rrli.Mrf ami Cured 6y



PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphltes.

P A L A T A B L E A S M I L K . Jik far Sr-oll't Emii'ilon, end let no t».

ptmn*tl0i% mr toliriiaiimn iudurm fua fo momrpt a inhilllule.

Sold jby all Dniggigti.

• O O T T A B O W N E , C h c m l t t i i , N . Y .


Mr niui Mm F n i l ItolibiiH, uf C-unp-IK-II, Milled .TI C I M I . Livm^stuu a, SSUU-I day .

1'edio pa r i i tna re becomim; qui to Ihe ill.UK in line Viellllly. Tile last unu wu> iieiu TM.li Mi una Miii J i m F l j U n mid Aue vi-iy mucli t-nj •) cd.

l ie . ry NeiiiiiH »|ieut Sunday a t Wal t

S u U b u o '*•

John Curley visited fr iends in Ura t tan lust week. TUIX.

I'ii.u Oloves aud Milteiig cheap a t H. C. auiilti'8.

Soul U lloaluu.

NYhut country can boast of aa pleawnu weaibvr as wc u ie liaviug. l i u i wliere

liaxe prieea gone on wheat , lioga uud ealllu emeu eleciiou (ihe ibree most im-Ooruul luciors in i h e larinerV bu r iue^ ) tu imelB li.i\ e nu re.uou io cumplain ol kuiueof ilie K cat dvaiers m wii«jal anu i.ogi', a? home ot tbe biiyera of tbi loruier keep close to the lA-troii marke t ,

and we arv to.d tlial one ol tbe hog dealeie bus been pHymg us m u c h as lit Could tiel m butfaio.

L Cliuich aud E. W . EnglUh took in tbu Im slock show, ul Cbicugo, last wtek,

Hcv. J . W, Arney preached a good eetmon to a large audience, S u u d a j m g h t .

F . L. S t r i n g and family , recent I) Irom 111.,arc visiiiug ul Ala>ku fo r about a week.

A large. If not tlio largest , aurpriae party ever held in Ho. Uoelou, was ai

the home of Mr and Mrs P. C. F reeman , 'a»t week Wednesday . Their f r iends left them a very nice bunging k a i p . a l e o their best wnbes .

Ixxik a t Ihe label on your poper and if you owe, pieuae call and pay up .

Free port.

I t U said tha t a p.ilron drove into Lansing wi th a load of turnip* a n d in-•Uled upon moring them in -the big

| cellar 01 the capilol building. U e e x -plaino.l Iliut bis party l u d the b dance of |tower in tbe aenate, by gosh and now tbey were going to pu t the bui lding in to pinctical nae.

Thos Sulieun was ad mi tied lo ihe bar la»t week and will t o r n m a k e Ins mark m ihe \ \otld as a lawyer of abil i ty. W i wlull bun ruccesa.

William Morgan, one of t h e Lowell hurglaia, pleuded guilty befuru Ju lg< Ui inb ul t i d . I tapds , Friday, and wa -seiitenceU to 16 moiillis in J a c k . m.

The l iunting par iy f rom F r e e p j r t II ni ne and L>gi n n u d e t h e ri tbbiu siilf.-r lust F n d a y ; tbey tuccecded In c..p u i ing fifiet n. W. U. Pardee ahot one—a b.md one.

T h t case on i r i i l In the c i rcu ' t caurl on W'edm-wlay, Chirlea V. Uiegler VB Sainiiil Hnusli, dissolution of a l tucb-

ineiit, cieaiud coni 'de rab 'c interest among the villagers aud many were n -iMendaiico wbo were not w l t ncu t ' e l i . i lie wi*!. The case of Samuel Kouah va Chailea V. lleigler, a-smnp-nt was decided in Mr ICoush's favor a n d a judg-nieiit of <515 58 wua rendered. In the ' l is t nunied Ci.se. The, u i tuchmeut was dissolved.

A gcntlenian f rom Muiko^nn win in the village Saturd iv lalking lire protec-tion wi th ou r mercbi inu. l i e ia agent lor a cliemieal l i rcengine mauufuoturt-d ut Muskegon.—//era/if.

A. Fisher & Co. car ry a full l ine of E E . Chase's cookies, caki-s and bread.

Vrrgnnnea Tlaltor.

Mr and Mrs Don Collar a n I chi ldren, of Cnmpbell . bavo lie»u visi t ing tneii pan-ma. Mr and Mrs J . W. Walker and Mrs Nelson Collar.

Mr nod Mrs Cbar'oa Rice, of Kent City, visited a t Silas Collar's and Uiruin rroyer 'a last week. Mra Hice ia u slstei

of M n WilU r Collar.

Mlas Ada Weston , of Orand Ilapidii, closed her fall t e rm of school last F n day. She will have one week vacation and then commence Ihe win te r term. She leaches Ihe Scbenck school.

Mr s n d Mra W m . Misner went to Od llapids, Nov. 14, lo visit a niece, Mr. Geo UiKer a n d then went to Casnovia, lo visit Mr M.'s brother H i r am. They returned home last week Tuesday.

Mr and Mrs Uurtis t Whi le , w h o have

been living in Illinoia fo r near ly font yraiH, have moved back lo "Mich igan , mv Michigan,"and linvn been winning Mr •ml Mrs L. J . Robinson. Mrs Whi t e is

u sister of Mr Robinron.

Mrs Piilllip Fox is confined lo ber bed " i l l i iiiflunimalory ibeuraat ism nnd Mr Fox is very miseiable.

Mr and M « Wbilcomb, who Imded for J . 8 . Diinn-IV place a l Fox's Corners. ha»e unt dii-guited with country life and mov id l in k to Crund Rapids. A Mi S | encer, f r om Orand Rapids, o w n s ibe ban els farm no A- and has moved there.

O. W. Crosby was l imping around lust wi ek, caused by the kick of u borw

and Mrs O W . hna been suffer ing from a very f ev r r e nttnek of lumbago in In i Imck, fo she could hardly move. O. W made a good I iou.eteeper .

I t « a s Mrs Emory l l ' anding from t 'oral visiting friends here, instead ol

Mr Emory Dlunding, aa the I tem read lost week

W h y buy ready made pam-. t h a t don'i 111, when you r a n get Pania lo measure for 13, a t Smilb 's .

F^lliaaburcli Locals.

Fine w r a l b e r on~e more.

Oeorge McDonald "and ron. Henry , went to Od. Rapida, S j lu rduy . r e tu rn ing

Sunday .

Tbe new floor and neala will lie in place in the scboolhouae this week and school will begin anain next Monday

Mewrs Kelley ••Farrel" and Newman , of Orand Rapids, drove up lo D. M. Oood«eir«. lust Thursday to have a rab bit bun t . Tbey had lots of f u n aud got a good lot of game.

C-oru Ooodsell re turned f rom her visli a t Orond R-.pids, yesterdoy (Tuesday).

Bert Stevens Imi charge of t h e grist

null and it is a good th ing fo r h im to run in connection wi th hia store, so the burg Is on tbo boom again.

bread a l A. Fi ber * Cos .

We»l l.iitri-11 Link*.

We are sorry lo bear i lmt M n Stella O n en has b en m i l sick and is not so as to be a round yet . W e linjic she will si am get welL

Mr Eai-i. nlay bos moved on Ihe place be I s n u b l of S u n Thompa'in and we cordially we 'eome them a m o n g us .

O d Mn. Fnunta ln a l ana to-morrow lo visit her d a n g b t e r and other fr iends. We shall miss her while gone and s lul l lie g ' ad of her r e tu rn .

Mrs Peter Jay baa returned f n m O h i o . bringing her sick duiighter and family home wl ih her. Tbey will move here .

MraOnsty I lus ted arrived home f rom Cnnada, where shu has been visiting

Sue recclvcl many nice presents and had a splendid l ime.

For Firs t Class Mason Woik go to J i ihnfon A Shepard. All work promptly

i t tended lo. OlHce in Miikic Hall Block.


A. B Panlee , of Ibis township, Chas

Jepaon, of Keene, nnd Bert Densmoru. of Easton, staru-d for tbu upper pentn-KUIII, Mondujr.

Captain Oifford is not impruv ing as rapidly m was hoped for, but he is on

the gain a n d will auon bu ou t aga in .

Mrs Solomon Sible, of Berlin, died iast Saturday morn ing a f t e r a n illnesa ol several weeks. The luneral was held nt the Baptist church In this village Mon-day a l iernoon. She was 38 \ ean* old tnd leavm a husband and 8 chi ldren,

ihe youngest being About iwp yea r i old.

A let ter received f rom Chill Srn ' lh In (onus us tha t he has been prcmoted lo a pmilion in the general offices ul Jackson-ville, Flu., of the railroad company for which he has been station agent for some t ime. B e write* t h a t hi* family will n ma in u t Oxford unti l spring when ihey will move to Jacksonvi l le . Chtll'e f r iends here, a n d tbey a r e numerous, will congratulate h im on bis promotion. —Local.

Old papers SSceuls pet 100, a t this illice.

Mora- latae Klpplsa.

Revival meet ings are in progress al the Bip t i s t church a t Alto. The a t tend nice is goo I and much mteres i is mai.i-fested. Rev. A. T. l .uthur, of Lowell , preached there Monday evening . Tin pastor. Rev. Barlow, usually couducls ilie services.

Mr Phil Hartley and wife are keeping house on Charley Yei l . r ' s for ty , jusi >oulli of tbu Merr i i iuu schoolhouse.

Henry Merriman and Ins sister Chloe a l t eudrd the Teachers Asaociaiiuu, ai Lowell, laai Sa tu rday .

Al the a e e t i n x of Kent Co. Orange. Held a t Carca le, las i Wedteeday i \ e ,

welvo iiernous tiM.k the Fi ll; Decree. Ueniberaui ibe Order f runi all p u i U o l

the coun ty were piereut , and much i n -.eresi In t h e workings aud success oi

he Order wiu evince-l. Thu n r x i meet m g of thu Kuril Couuly Orange will be

hu annua l meatuiK, for thu election ol •Ulcers fo r the ensuing j ear . I l will be

'•eld in Oood Templar 's Hall on West

Bridge St. , Od. Rapids, ou Wednesday, f e e . 2 Illi.

There will be an auction sale of s tock, farm implemenis . e t c , a t the Win Olark ei tute, next Sa tu rday , Nov. SOili

Soulti Lowell l lems.

The fine weather and good roada w e have been having the past week khould ha enjoyeu by all.

Missionary exercises a t the Sweet itcbooltiouse, Sunday , Dec. Tib, a t ibe usual hour.

Fred J . Layer is on the t ick list.

Visitors nl E . P . Sweet 's the pus; week, Mr N. Douglas, of Frui lpor i , Wiu Foster aud family , of Spar ta .

Bert Clark • t u t i , th is week, for III.

Henry Yel te r and son, also Joseph Living-ton, all of Isabella County, and David Yelter , ot Orai iot Co., spent the desi p u n of the week In this vicinity.

Rev. Mr Hol tzman will a t tend th r dedication of a new church in Orand Uapids next Sunday .

Mr C. Orrin Hill a n d family, of Low-ell, have moved on their form.

Mra C. Blakeslee Sundayed wi th her family and re tu rned , Monday, lo Orand i t tplds, w here she has bee I sewing for nearly two weeks, and expects to ru-main y d fo r a l ime.

Henry L i m p m a n ' s family a r e now oc cupy ing the i r now house, also Mr K I I K U V people are in their uew hou«e.

B O - P E E P .

NortU Alio.

The reason we head our i tems North Alto, is because we live nor th of Alto, entirely out of the cor |s irat ion. This brings ihieecorr- ' i ipondi nis within t h r ee miles of each ntber . I l is ge t t ing litem •n n i ' he r thick we know, bu t neverthe-less it need n-it d i s l i ub Htiiiiue in the least, us each of u> h a v e o u r own g r o u n d s to work ou. Mornu Lake is one mile away and South Lowell a in l l e over onr mile, so wc ih ink this vicinity o u g h t lo be well repreaeule I to t.ie rea.lera of the J O U K N A L At leasi w j will t ry ihu s ine yn our p i n . a s t h b J O L ' U N A L de-s e r v e all the praise it can ge l . During our absence f rom the columns of this pa|>er o ther oor ies | iondenu have been f r i sh in our memory and also i b e kind wolds H|ioken by the same ure received with tliaiiklulnesa a n d we will t ry nnd be found in the J O U I I N A L each w w k with as good i tems as we can iKisjibly obtain.

The meeimKH a t t h e Baptist church are m i e l i n g with great success. There are a good many conver ts a l th is wri t ing.

A fiimily by the name of Wxtters, f m m Cluiksviile, is living in the house formerly occupied by Tlmmaa LoWdon.

F ied Low-den, tbe C. & \V. SI. news boy, was seen on our streets Friday last.

F rank Cra f t Ims a job on his bands tbat is liable to s lay by him f<T a-whilu. He is digging a d i tch f rom the Skidmoro mnrsli lo P m t l Lake outlet (some of it

runn ing 8i f. el deep), fur 40 cents a rod. Oet there, Frank, you are the stuff ami you need to be if you ever expect to soe dayl igh t again.

Norman Ford, of Logan, and Ocorgc Needham, of Lowell, a n d their families spent Sunday wi th the latler 'a daugh te r , Mra Nina Har t l ey , of this place.

Tho boya nro rn ik ing great calcula-t ion! on a rab'ilt h u n t n e x t Thursday . Hoim they will not be disappointed, as we c h a s ourself IIR one of tho boya Ju i l ihe same a* ever,

Bridget, the McKinley bill Is a ' l r ight nnd so is ^ PETER,

r e r n e l l fo l a t e .

Sunday Mission began in the Catholic church and will coi i i inue unti l the 30ih. Rev, l a t h e r Ctumley Is uislsted in the woik by Rev, Put lier Donahue and Kev Fa ther J a m e s , of L i d y Angel Collegi-, of Nlagava, N. Y.

The 1.ment of t h e t u rkey and r>x»t high ' e h e e l n u u " a r e bealnnlng to lie Men In i h e country papers, as Thanka-giving approu-lb a.

Marrii d—Mcndnv A. U . , by Ihe Rev Katber Crumley, M r J . Deluney.of Dak. , In Misa Ka t ie Scallev. Congralulut iuns.

M. Doyle is Just reoovering f rom La-grippe.

Jos Bowler, of Cedar Springs, met with a terrible acciileiit Nov. 2J. H e

was on his way to visit his brother here and when w ithin two mile* of thla place his h iraes became f r igh iem d by a team coining u p h hind and ran away , ihniw-mg him o u l with great violence, he be-ing unoonxcious several hours. So cu t was nis face tha i Dr Sull ivan was oblig-ed to take several s t i tchcs iu it. H e is doing finely.

Altou Alums.

Joseph Jones , f r om west of Lowell, sold a col l to B. D. Uodf rey last Monday.

Mr Finch and wife visited relatives in Clinton coun ty laat week.

Albert ;and J o h n Cusaer, with their wive*, f rom Orleans, visited a t Perry Purdy's lost Friday and Sa tu rday ,

Oeorge Lewia has a new tup buggy.

The P . of I. will hold a fair at the Orange Hall the 4ih of Deo. Only five cents a d m i t t a n c e a n d t h a i enl i t leaa per-son to en te r amclea for exl ibition. All a te invited to a t tend and take par t . A good l ime is expected.

Charle* Madison has a new car t and harness.

Visitors ul W m . Aldrtch 's last week were Mr and Mrs Teeple, f rom Freepoii , Mr a n d Mrs Burros, f r o m south west Lowell and Mrs Purni i t , f r om Millbrook.

Mr and Mr* Z H. Covdrt visited a t Wm. .Sparks' , nea r Belding, last Sun-day.

Mr and Mrs Willis P u r d y and son C l j d e visited lusi S i l u r d s y and Sunday in Belding. Mrs Uen re turned with i hem and will reniain a few day*.

Mrs Oeo F. While vtsiled her d a u g h -

ter, Mis Wm. B. Brown, in Od Rapids, lust week.

Unwn Ilia l i l r r r .

Mr and Mrs Joe Shores spent a few •lays the past week, visiting relative* in Orand Rapids.

Misa Lillie Carter is a t t end ing school in L iweli.

Miss K a l e i la - l inga is visitlnK her b other, J o h n Hastings, and family , a t •iraud Rapids.

Wednea-lay a f te rnoon as Mr R. Rolf

t nd Vrs R df were alioitt a mile on H eir way to t h e village, Mr It. tu rned out bi pam a team a n d wagon, when by ••oiiie means the buggy they were In

locked wheels with t h e wagnn and Ihe horto became entangled in the harness of the oil ier tenm. In Ihe i fforls m a d e by thu horse to f ree himself , be was hurt . This so f r igh tened htm tha t be liKiwd himself f rom l lnr buggy and ran,

d i a g g m g Mr Rolf a s h o n distance, as ha kept hold nf ihe reins. For iunale ly Mr and Mrs Rolf o c a p e d unin jured .

The P's. of I. hold their regular m e e l -Ing in Ihe ichool-nouse, Sal . evening . Nov. 29.

The Li terary Society held a l Mrs Rolfs, Sa turday evening , was well a t -tended. there being 87 present. An ex-cellent program was carried out . Tbe next meet ing was ai nointed al Mrs H . Epley's, Sa turday eve . , Deo. 5th.

A surprise par ty , well planned by Mrs D . P . Atwuier , a t her residence, last Saturday af ternoon, in honor of thu 57lh bir thday of MUs Ellen Babcock, wua well en joyed by several of her f r iends. She was preseiiled wi th a lovely gold r ing. a . a token of f r iendship f rom all, beside several very nice individual gif ts . Two ladies were ptvsent who a l tended school wi th her a t Lowell , in 1858, and one who knew Iter parent* about l l f iy year* ago. It is need Iem to remark lha t the d inner p iov idrd by Mm Atwaler was excellent,

Zeno Carter '* th ree oldest children, from take Odessa, vlfclu d their grund-purents, Mr and Mrs C B .Ca r t e r , aud other relatives u few d a ) * recently.

Miss L a y Hantings cloaes her first term of KOIIOOI, ID the Bailey District, lo day , Tuesduy,

Miss Alice Colvln, of Fa l l u*bn rg . is visiting her aun t . Mrs Mary A. Rolf.

D. T. R

OreliMn UHlh'r ings.

We wish Ihe E l i lo r i a l S nff and all reoli-rs of the J o r n S A i , the happiest Thanksgiving Ihey ever hail.

Mrs l i e n I>vsiier pa-w-d Sunday wiih Mrs A. L Durniw, of Rockford.

Oeo. Smi th and fami ly were a t Orand Rapids, Sa turday , b u j i n g winter cloth-ing, and mill win ter comes not.

Mrs A A. Wrekea. of Orand Rapids, visited M. A Lessiter and oilier relat ives here la«t week.

Mrs Hollis l l n iks and Miss Minnie Leaalier pns e<l several daya last week with B iding friend*.

W. D. Hull report* the best yield of b.igas yet : 68'.* bushel* i rom 133 rods of land.

Elmer Lit t le , of Cannon, has t a u g h t one week nl town line of Orat ran nnd Oaklleld. with auspicious promises of success.

D Storey h i s re turned lo bis h o m e in Marengo, N Y . , a f t e r a mnet happy six weeks vi . i t with boats of f r iends here. "Ben" lived with us t w o years when yo'ing. and we are proud of thu good man he Is proving himself to be.

The nex t social of t h e Ladies Aid Society will be hold wltb Mra Fairchllds a t the Parsonage, t h e evening of Nov, 28th. All cordially invi ted,

H. Lessiter has lost hi* Shor thorn cow, "Ox lord Craggs I I , " punihosed of H. H .

Chi ld ' , of Rockford, bred by J. C. Anderson, of Side View. K y . An ex-

au. inat ion showed ber lungs greatly en-

larged a n d filled with u peculiar hard format ion.

Rev. F a l h e r O'Donnahue a n d Rev Fath r News, of N a g a r a , N . Y., » w holding mia.lon aervieea n l i h e Oilhol ic church, which will c milnu-.- somii time,

Mr ar d Mrs E. R Spencer a n d daugh-lor, M N U I — o u r namesake—sif B Idmg. p-voeii h i tuday with H. Lessiter and fnmlly.

Then?la great rejoicing a t Ihe home of piiHietr B i r n e y Sed ly , l u d a y . No*. 84, as the i r d a t u h ' e r . Katie, was united m mar.-iage wi th J J Delaney »i a n early hour l ine murning nt Ora t t an Catbolic chur r lu A very large comiiany of in-vileil guest* a r e e n j lying i h e wedding feHStalbl iVUal festivitie*.

W e h n * i w n s i w mills nor th of us. o n e h i r i n g • revv laid break In t b e engine last week, a-ndirig tn I n n i i n g for lefiatra. Tbey have put u p a biMnllng camp, br inging two Urge toeds of furni -ture fur saino last Fr iday, a n d t o d a y t h e ladies have como to m a k e ih lugs look p re t ty , U*0D,

Drlde •» tbo A a t a n n San. OltoUcn rbdl hrretcoMfa rod! *

Urtdeof ibe AuuiinaBun; Das Iio kbae-d tb; bkmouia this mellow mora.

And lloevd Ibrm om by eoel

Did tlie cric'irta -ID? lit (by i hriatfolng. When In bis wsrm rmbrooe

De Rare iSoo lore from UU fount sbors. And bnuily end dixer sad antca'

Hi) brlKlibve the setm. buteooo Ui<7 fsde; Ho reddeiis'the autnech ife*;

Aod tbe clt-nulla Uaea lu auaar bloom, Bul he's true ss Iruib to Uw*

Bcalterr-d on movmuln ippor plsJa, Unarm by bumka ryr.

Ho turns iby fringe to Inimlsbed (old By love's swastaL-kvuiy.

Aad then whea'lhe chill Nomnbin- comes, Aad lira (lower* th-lr work hare done,

Itiou art aim iiDchaaxad. dear goldeo rod. Bride of t!io Auuimn Su.T

—SonUi K. Boltoa Is Ladles' Home Jounisl

' All Paris Astonished. A f r r choice spirits In the P a r l d a n

faahionnblo world aro wearing flaunols, wi th s t raw hat and chamois leather shoes. In town this summer, j n s t ns thoy would a t tho neaalilo. The da r l hg Inno-vator who concelvcd this bil l l lnnt Idea showed himself for tha first t lmo In this guise In the JanHn do Paris two weeks slnoe, and w a i tnnch compllmentc.I by his frion.!*, who Immediately mad;- up their small minds to follow his lend. W h a t fnn for t h e street lioys! Tlie fin d e afocles altanie tbe women wi th their j love fo r fine clothes. Colnre l coats hnvo qui te taken tho place of blaclt fo r balls and partiea with Ihe y o n n j e r iiiu;nli?ra of the commnnlty . The latest fashion In ooata is olive groun. with crimson fuo-Ings.

But not content with ge t t i ng them-selves n p l ike gaudy parrots or perform-ing irionkeys. they mas t do t h e clown also. Their coala a re uf one color and lined w i t h another , nnd sa mado tha t Ihey can bo tnn ied insldo ont . In tho middle of the evening, when the girls n a y possibly lie tlre.1 (tbey th ink) of nd-mi r iug their faces or their g rw. i gut-np. lllejr dUappcar. turn their Coots, and re-appear In vlimx tnae or •• Eiffel" red—a t ransformat ion which earns them t h e applause of their uwn clan, nnd n fresh l a t c h of admirat ion f rom their par tners —poor dears—who are so simple that they do not notice how t&nch their own toileta loie b y not having tho usual black b a c k g r o n n d . - T a b l e .

p e u u e h a t e \ el t un it d.

WE ARE FULL! A t f ln . t 1 hough t romo may think it out

piuce in us, b in

W E G E T l evera l t imes a year . Let us explain. We


F U L L T O T H E B R I M m i h nn i i i ' inen 'e stock of F. It BINDS Seeks Ni (I I.ui I ' rs. nUo i ur slix k oi Lu .iih B e a t i r Shots is the iiit«t Com-

1 / A d E icap ln , Pr tMiWf. VHthl . A n e w J i l l has just b^&a coto'plctod

for Edgar county In Paris. U l i . ' c d t t l n g near ly fW.fRW. • It has al l of t b e modem Improvements, sncb as hot air . ' sewerags ahd beat ing apparatus, tbe improved system of prison doors by which every cell door can be loeked t imnllanoonsly, and the en t rance door to the cell room is made in such a way t h s t the turnkey, to going to. Is locked out dt t b e ja i l proper bWore t h e cell tboin 'ddbi ' tain be nn-

' lacked. Every appliaaee seemed to be perfect, and the jai l commi t t ee was to have received the jai l f r om the con-tra ctora.

The day before the acceptance there were two prisoners In the jai l ,one for forg-ery, tho othPr a pickpocket. Early tbat morning t h e p i c k p o c n l . ' n smal l , young man. escaped l i ^gd ingdoWn t h e stand pipe in to tho hot a i r furnace, w l t b Which each closet in t h e cell* is connected. The large tile which WAS cemented in the stand pipe wiu removed w i t h a small piece of Iron, and the prisonur uacapod. Tne other prisoner stripped naked, and, put t lhg soup on bis body, made the same a t tempt to escape; bu t could not get down Into the sewer, ami whs found In the pi lie, head down, h a v i n g been in there t w o houra. Ue conld not be ex-tricated nnt l l his body was greased.— Cor. IndiauupoIIs Journal.

Ry the lleeta. A few fdnce'ft gent leman with

two or Ilirve ladlea rowed np Doul lake to explore thu hkid Waters of tha t benn-t l fn l sheet. Thinking be migh t see some game he t sik his gun along.

Nut b a t i n g nsed the gnu lately on the way up he thought be would Ure It off jaM to see If it \Viis Ml r ight . Standing n p l n tbe l ida t be'«]lkcb'argb! tbe piwe. bnt the recoil of the g u n o re r came bis

aail ibrium and over ho went Into tbe re.

Tbe todies, of counte, screamed, and one caught him by the lioels, t h u s dnck-l u g b l * brail utuli-r water. As soon us he could ifel b ls head t o the snrfafie be told her to ' iSjloane Irta ' tWt Out Uo, she wonld bot see hhn droWU/iind so she pnllAd a g a i n , nnd tinder wont bi* head a second lime. It waa repeated, and the young man begun to fear she woe bent on krepinif bis bead under wate r , and wi th u i luluiit kick hu released ber hold and soon wiui able lo ' taku care of him-self.—Asbary Park J o u r n a l

An RteelrlOed Laeeaiol l r^ An nnusnkl electrical exhibition is

said to have been seen in the neigbbor-liood of Fanwood dur ing a heavy thun-der storm. A freight train on the Cen-tral railroad was iNmning along in the darkness, when tbo ehgineeri iud fireman beard above t h e rtuir df t W stnrm and the rntflbh» ;bf thrt train a s thinge. in-ceesant. crackl ing sound. Looking out of the r a b window* tbe men s a y they were astonished to seo vivid electrio dis-charges flash from the telegraph wires

' on one side of the track th rough the lo-comotive t o Ihu wire* on the other side. The dUplay buck and for th coo tinned some U m o k m l was fcpWited n t intervals a l o n g ' t b e ro id h) WWtfleH. 'At t imes tbe I txnmoHve teemed IllumituitWl wilh a pale blniah flame, giving a weird effect, and w h a t seemed to be t a i l s of fire shot ont toward ihe wires. Suddenly there came a heavy crash, which dazed tbo en-gineer and stunned the fireman. Tbe manifestat ions then ceased. — Boston Transcript .

A Pre l t r Deep Hole. A hole ten feet iu d r cumfe renco ap-

peared la Oconee cohnty. On. , da t i ng tho great eurthquako In 1W(J. It is ful l of water , and ' there Hils lbng 'been t i l k about it* depths, lint no sounding* were taken nnli l a few daya ago. Then a rope 200 feet long wax put down, bu t It tolled to tonch bot tom, and now then- a re per-sons who declsre tha t " t h e hole extends Into tbe liowels of the ea r th . " It Is pro-|io«ed to take n sccond sounding to the noor f n t n r v , - P h i l a d e l p h i a Ledger.

Qnser Cart About tha Lady ling. It is a cur ious fact that the Aostral ian

lady bug. which was brought tu tbls state to make w a r npon t h e cot ton ensh-iou scale, has bocrnie e.Tlinct In its. na-tive land, ond tha t Ans tml ia is to be supplied wi th in new stock of t h e usefnl parasite by our state board of borticnlt-

I ure. Tbe lady bug, known os the Ve-dslia, has lieen worth mill ions of dollars to California in preserving t h e orchards from threatened dostrnctlon.—Marys-

| villa (Col.) Appeal.

Plenty nf Nolle*. 1 Mrs. Winks—The paper says a cold

w a r e bus developed to Montana , and is ex] acted here within n wedr . •

I Ml1. VntAs—WuH, wnd WOrtl to the plnmbei ' t b a t oftr pipes baVe bnWf, and

j then be and the'c^Td w k ^ Will get here libont fhe swne Mme.—Street & Smith 's Good News.

| Y h e c r a i ^ for passing floral tribntes over tho footlights to'stage favorites soems to have reached i t i height in Bos-

I ton a few ovenings ago. A minstrel p e r former received o l l f e s i x e floral image of himself seated to a chair and playing tbe banjo.

Tbe balloon proposed for polar explora-t i i n Is W foef tu diameter a n d 600,000 cnWc feet in volume. Tbe jonrnoy la to be begun f rom Spitzbergen, aud wi th a favorable wind is expccted to last four I o r five days.

Choice cream candles a t Rickert 's.

The Robber'a f l a t Waa Tagged. Chief of Polioo 8peer* received a letter

f rom t h e chief of police nt Kokomo, Ind., s t a t ing tha t n da r ing b n r g k r y had re-cent ly been committed In that town. T h e robbers who did tho work, the letter • ta tod, bod n dog with them, nnd there waa also a dogon the premises of t h e man whose bonne was burglarised. T b e two dogs got to fighting, and the robbers' dog was killed and i ts owncra lef t Its carcasu in t h e yard where It fell.

ArSrind the dead animal 's neck was a collar; and f i i t ened to i t Was n Kansas Ci ty flog tag tha t showed tha t it bad b«!n Issued ia 1800. Chief Speers tu rned the letter nnd the n u m b e r of t h e dog t a g over to the city clerk, who by looking over the reenrda for 1880 found tbxi n a m e of the man to whom thn l a g had been Issned. His residence WM given as East Hewnteenth street.

W h e n ' t h e d t y clerk looked In the directory to aee If the man still resided on East Sevctiteenlh street be found oppoaito the uamo in brackets the word#, "Removed to Kokomo. tod." T h e nn-thorit ies at Kokomo have been not i f ied —Kansas City Times.

A Snahe la lite Water Pip*. An incident happened In The Tr ibune

bui ld iug which may be un effectual w a r n i n g against dr inking wa te r from open faucets or from any v m e l in t h e dark. Mrs. F inn , one of the women wbo clean t h e offices, was drawing w a t e r f rom a fancct nt n sink on Ibe seventh floor when she was f lu riled by Ihe sudden ap-pearance of nn extremuly lively snake abou t two feet long. Mrs. F inn wasn't looking for m a k e s or th inking abont them jiisl then, nnd when this ono elnergwl f rom the fitncetshf dropped her mop 'and pnll nnd Bedserenmlng through t h e corriilora nnd down the si.-iits.

T h e jan i to r flnally ••might her nnd ob-tained n somewhat iiicobereiil explana-t ion. Seizing a stout stick, the jiinitor hurried np to the seventh floor, whore

I be found the snake entwllng in lively ' fashion Over t l # tiled floor. The jan i to r I was not f r ightened, nad l:e *Ooti crushed ' the n-pdlu's Imod. It was u common 1 water snake, not poisonous, but a de-' cidedly unpleasant thing to come across j to water nsed fnr dr inking purposes.—

New Vork Trlbuno.

IT DOES US GOOD to i s t l l e i IT t h e goods.

It Also Makes Our Customers Fee! Happy

wTur'to " , t ' J 0 f U , n l f U 0 ' 1 r M , w l l B l , l « prices. We invite all in need of foot-

COME AND TASTE 4 ^ the good th ings we have for y o u . Yours fo r comfor t In cold weather . K

R O B E . R T S O N & S O N



Steam & Hot Water Heaters S t e a m F i l l i n g ani l P u m p R e p a i r i n g ,


t h t o r o J « ^ K

a r - A I I work a t Lowest Living Ratee. and Sal-isfaetion guntHnt<«d. (12

prise a t Peanuts l l n l n j V|». H a n i daj-s are c d f t l n ^ for those who

love t o crack and munch the savory pea-nu t , a n d the small boy cspeclully can prepare for misery, for tho pr ice of the peanut Is moving skyward. T h e high price Is due. It U said, to Ihe shor t crupa of last year and tbe year before. Tlie best grade of Virginia hand picked pea-n n t s I* bow selling nt utoo nnd n half cen t s a ponnd. and It I t s ta ted by dralera t b a t soOn t h e price will be ten cents a pound. The peanuts uoming to th is m a r k e t are mostly f rom Virginia. Tbe Vlrgiuia nut is medium sized, wi th a well defined and pleasant flavor. Tbe North Carolina n u l s a r e smaller t h a n tbe Vi rg in i a but have aliont t h e same kind of inside shell.—New York Times.

A Itunach f l a n u l l o n . T b o work of gather ing and d ry ing the

b n h a d i blofisOms Is in fnll bUotl ut t h e buhacb plantation- About one hundred men ore scattered through t b e fields picking the blossoms As fast a s tbey a r e picked thoy are stowed away abont two inches deep to wooden boxes, t h e boxes being feel square. Wagons a r e employed to banling the boxsa t o t b e d r y i n g bouse. Probably it to eolled a d ry ing bonse because i t U olongside of t h e spot where t h e drying is done. Cer-tainly no a r t t f lda l heat Is needetl a t t b e buhacb plantat ion to dr} 'anyth ing a t thla t i m e of the year.

The sun's rays como down wi th in t h e toclosure of big poplar tree* wi th a force tha t makes It pleasant to s tand from, under. Tbe t rays a r e allowed to lie tbe fe , tbi 'blossbtiis being s t l r r fd up by a force of mmi unt i l ' they (the bloesoms) are fair ly cured. Af te rward they are p l s o e d o n a large plat torm about s ix ty feet square, where they remain unt i l dry , a n d then are ueui to tho reduction works, where they a r e ground Into d u s t Th i s Is done by n u n who ure proof against sneezing, otherwise it could not bo done nt all. Whether or not it makes files and moaqtiiluea sneeze \Ve don ' t know, but i t is certainly the best [iro-vent lve in use to keep those insects a t a distance.—Merced ( C a U S t a r .

Geo. Da H e r r i c k & Co.,

Pianos, Organs and Musical Merchardise, x

1 3 F O U N T A I N S T . ,

ffartman g a l l § l o c k . - (grand g a p i d s , ( M i c h

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uccessors to Howk & Bostwick.


fAKIFF LiTERAlbfl t rOh

.ThoAMT.Blc«^ I'lm-m-nvaYAiTif yI l wcx w paliiMiinit n i-.tht valuablesertainf "innir dtii-uineiit*, TUch-are, reiattyl w j : , 1 tmi to s i a u t t e facts and araiinw-iiU l^r I'mino. . U011, wbether In the Jntfrc • i.i l.im.i n , V w hhurirs, tncnlmnis tir preKe-n-u l Lath MUO uf tools Mesai'iituU in lei inin-d In wuirsti- lii.lu«irl«i.iind m v -dbriiilliililu faol*-cnin|KiriMina ttum

'•nt'Iii. . line., coal 1 i llM r ' :.OW

»ii-of livlnK, and olJi/run;uiii UiieHtsof Proo-ulion.

Any .Injlo oik- will lie reni < •• i-H-i u.tof 2 • fflf-'i i!ffi",i,'J,,iS5P,,t " n C w - 1 and . innfT. ** hlcu will l.-jm-nt fur ic i I*.

iiKjtflioij lf»: wijiu*r •nt fur : «^*tir*or •ny iwi-lve lor Jfu o-ntu ..r .• rCrki i- nlii, |'0»;u;;u imkJ Onhir.jy t, r.

1 - " W'«»K. LlTluj aihl Tnrlil." K. A. 11 H ^ ». .. ,. ru

.k rn-i-^iive ia i.i' I,',' the ix xii tua l/d'uirir.'or iu-11; - i "••'i'.-' nt»i liUe «». i

A U r i n e Bheleton, A l iving skeleton, who rivals some of

those who figure in the mnsenms. was fOnnd by the police In a garret In Alle-gbeny. He is six feet high and weighs bnt forty-five pounds. He can't account fo r bis loss of flesh. He declares he feels all r igh t , though very weak, and has bad no eerion* i!lni«a. He is a foreigner and unable to speak Cngllsh. About two year? ago. he says, he first o i t l ced lha t lie waa ge l l i ng Ibln. but as he felt well he paid no at tent ion lo i t He eontinned,

j however, tn lose flesh, s n d the .past I spr ing . f inding himself notu ing but " sk in [ and bone." be went to tbe count ry , hnt ne i tbar t h e change nor doctor* did bim any good, and abont a week ago he re-turned to Allegheny. Being wi thout relaUves. be went t o the garret t o awai t dea th , Imt neighbors hearing of the «*nm« directed the a t tent ion of the police to i t and the man was removed to the s ta t ion house und sniwequently lo t h e d t y homo.—Phibidelphia Ledger.

M. de Braxza. Ihe French Afr ican ex-plorer . haa achievedgreat success among t b e negroes of the Ouboon region by o r ganixing omong them fairs of the Euro-peon, snd especially the O K I I I C , Hud. Dnr ing the fete of the f o u r t e e n t h of J n l y The London Telegraph's Par is cor-respondent says the bluckumoors nnd-their dusky wivi-s or sweetbenrtu danced to t h e music of a hurdy-gurdy nnd pol-

i ron lzed -eage r ly the merry-gn-rounds. Shooting gallerie* were alao erected, the

l i ^ o e s using their speats instead of

Femala Wealnsau, Ulcer*, Tumor*.Core-,1

r o 1*. Uhcun l l o ! S 7 h • ^ l W , ' l S u • y i w a s a t l s e i O B d i d

- roao d. licn.ixu i II*"»L*U««IIE I-. A iiii*

Wj.ai low en,-,,, of a - a-a-iararib.i-r u-n.-u uiuna i-huu^i(,,i uie 11..|,..- f t eW . - .. . ~ • ' •f—wi f.4 >UI . |5 "• - t - i ua i r ! n t - <01 ik>u »i

I •' V-iai*u « f r LUX.

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L J h c p e o p l e ' s H tMta r p m c E - ' a o c ;

C a l v a t l o n O H

'h. WSh '."..I •Vli^.m • UrrMtl.i*, aw I IN Iiiir. .!• ,1

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. . m/. Wtt.'Il > i w . Ma laak. ha- S;! i . .J U: . .U; ,l I f|.:.i ,w ran,«.1. Ml .ipwl'iir.. B.tl.r »ril. .1 —n. tv, w, .n .U.,,., Il l i , i i . imxarrseo^ nai MkU, ree^ .u ,Maui

-.i i l luilli. ,llU-» li fl;;1' w.inotn a l1uUcihrTe.U." at k "* •- --

A— " •*' - - >.aea> a ».»•« ,- •> VU'I " Fl"'

a lloatali. I',_ B--Fal aiifti of RTTO--.Mo-" E ,• J;ILU » - a. .11. Mowiou Hi - iKilif by nn OU « 0*0. Kluva; T aa 7 - 1...- er. it-llve tarUf; lu ^uv. uiucr. I.. -

I..OOIIUI. c . L. II«IUI« -rt

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'yl"' ^ u c ' I I K , a" '» k-»rxi-


!»- - A Uiort Taut to v? " -"^•ilrctloBt

Ci .j >. orklnpi.! J t ie•ann.

h. lucis Eonmi rr, tvaoklr. .l.-.-i. paoatuOFII«T.irft MI.-VI

f) 5 fflctall's Kidnor FIJSIOT ' Cr AUr.rb a;i dUuuj lu du -liicyacnd

rci'xra lh;m lo a bnlth/ conil'Uon. CU chronic k.^uej $iCcn:i uy

Ihoy p i no relief on'J U ry l.-lod iziTciirtisH vn>:;::i

r i .ASTnu.t , Soin BJRLWJFJRIAIERWR-wlitro, or WAXL L J nuIlfoT JO#

NoraUir I'l.-iRler '.VorUa, I.oimll, Mas*,

CH I L D R E N ISi F O R P E C K H A M ' S C R O U P R E M E D Y

Tr ab'ee * n * 0 ' e t W l " " h T h r 0 • , , IDd L u n r

Only IB OU. a B o n i s a t DnwcUla .