VOL. II. The Iron Era, PUDI-IHIIKU EVKBV BATUIIDAV IIY 33ENJ. T-I. VOGT. EDITOIt AUD MOllIETOIt. DOVER, MORRIS COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1S72. NO. 24 AMSON MINING Co., ; 0HE8TEB, Morri« Oo.. N. J. Ipners and Shippers of Iron Ore. 110 Drond Ht. NowYork, Chualtr, MorrJn IV TKHBIM HP HtlllHCltll-J'ION I iNVAfllADLT IK AllfASCE. Ons Year, - - - Six Mouths, - - Utiroo wonllifl, - - - - - - $2.01 - - - - 1.0 Cimls. GKO. HICIIAHUS K Co., BELLTICKETSl-'OHTHK PItrsCIPAI. LINES 01' 8T13AM1JHH 'J'OAND FIIOSI Que CUBtown mid fjivuriiu DHAFfK OX Gtoftt Britain, Ireland, (Jornmny and Fra 95.7O pei XI. PASSAGE TICKETS TQ AND FIIO1I Liverpool, ami Queenstown ou tho following Hlaunalilp llnca: TOMAN, CUNAUD, NATIONAL Ijlverpool and Grcnt Wcstcrn| Draft* on Er tt tho loirost n E.LlNDBLEY.Aeont, Bfoekwefl Btruat, Dorar, N; J; iARNESS, SADDLES, &c, BLACKWEU, BTHECT, DOVER, N. J., monncoa to tho public that ho has rccnivert liin .'inter M'wk of fl.xxln. nn.l invitus MI c\anilna- •11of MB splendid Halation of Buffalo and Wolf Skin SEG-TJR'S BANK, DOVISH, N. J., Tlio Union Bnnk nt Dover. BoTon por cont OoltJ Honda uf tlio Houston Total Control Hallway Company—Hon. Win. E, DodRo, 1'ruBidont—for RRIO at 00c. and accrued Intorotit. Also, eovuli-lliirty Northern Pacific ltailroad Domlu at par and accrued iutorenL Circulars and particulars furnished oo applies Feb. Jut, IS72. A. O. P. 8E0UH, Banker, S rp MUIUMIVH X • VAHUlONAllLE HATH I">JiI2SSTNG. Sharing nml Shumpiioliig KKiLiilIahmcn Cor. Ulnckwcll andSUHBUJC HU., Dor EH, N. J. M. B.- Particular at Mention givun to cutting tnd rfrosning inrikV mid clit Idrim's, hair. Ilftznrs bemad, iat und {{round. 1-lyr J O. JOIINKUff, WHOLESALE AND nETAII. DEALKHIN Foreign and Domestic Tobacco, SNUFF and OidAllH. Alto, coiutuntly on hand, A groat variety of HMOK1NQ ind GHEWINa TOUACUO, Plain nnd fancy URIAH ami BIHEIIKOIIAUSI rft>ES. BUikwoll street, B i n <.f tlw Indian 1-1 TT lJOVElt, N. J. |Free Passage Tickets FltOJt bover to Morristown AND KIITDHX, OB and after Aug. 6tli, 1H71, the subscriber will ivy Uw iwiHHago, ovur tint M. A K. H. It. from 'over to Murriatown nnd return, of nilcitlzvti * over and ridnity whowill imnbtuo of liii lit of clothes of any ilnncriiitfuu. A npinn.iid and wit I rely nownlo^k of Itpndy- wdo Clot!ting lios jnat liiii-ii put in my now nlon. 1 Intlio Hid Iron liatik JluiMing, fronting Ilio1'ark ItMorriHinwn. bAJIUJiL HAM. \lorrUtami, Aug. 0,1BT1. Si-y *V|-ANHIO» HOUSE. Corner or Dhckwoll And Hnasox 8ti. 3DOVEII, N. J. I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor, Horvoa and Can*IagPB to LoL BLACKWELI. ST. DOVER,-N. J. Linij Stables nttauhud to tbo HnUil UoTutu kopt by tlio day, weuk or month. IT »T. LI3POUT, " Counsellor at Law, AND MASTEtt IN CHANCERY, Ico next door tn Ouu. lliuhardu &CO'B Htore, 3LA0KWELL ST., DOVER, N. J. VTBlOIlnOUll A QMITII, AHornBys'& Counsellors at Law, Cor. BlackiYoll and SUBKIH Sts, DOVER, N. J- Booomlier 2 Itli, 1870. 1-ljf "HI HI, WIIITIS, LAW OFFICE, UNION HALL UUILDINa, Dover, N. J. Furnishing Undertaker LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND COMMIS- SIONER OP DEEDH, AU orders nrnniptlyattomlod to'. 3ILACKWELL STIIECT, Dorer, N. ,T, E. M.'STI0KLE, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, Prospect Street, Dover, N. J. GLAZING, CHAINING, AND PAPER- HANQING AT THE LOWEST BATES. D" Carriages and Sleighs Of Every Description^ Cor. ninckwoU nml BorgonSti, DOVER, N. J, N, H. DJKEMAH, GEO. McCllACKEK. Particular nttcntion pud to repairing nnd painting. 2-lj Traiilc. I 1 . Amsdon, Architect and CIVIL ENGINEER, Offlco on DlnoTtwoll Stroot, near Snssoi, Finns, Rpocir.ciiUouH and mpcrlntondonco ofbuild iDgsof uvoryclaBi. flnrrryn, Lovola, Grndoi, Plane, &o. for public audliriyAtuIuiiiruvuiuauta. 2-lj A. TAYLOB, I> DHALEB 1M LIGHT AXD ancy Lap Robes, Horse Blankets,' Sleigh Bells, Whips, Brushes, Combs, IILS for Ijiiliricatliig Harness, Oiiitmviitt), Liutmeiitfl, id In fact all tlioso nrtidt-B nouiU-d hy a good ratmnuJn tlio proper earn of tlmt useful mil- il. Having bought an uuuaually large Stock of Horse Blankets, IMU'BIIIO tniollntnincli Below the UBIIIII Prices. KEPALIIXNO. ono neatly, substantially and promptly. Call ill examine my«oclf. I giiiirantco n;i(iNfoutlmi. Documlwr 2Hh. 1870. 1-lyr MOUUISTOU'N, N. J. Dealer iu Drugs, Medicines, ' Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, ETC., ETC. GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES. MINIMAL.' WATE11S or all klmle, TOILET ARTICLES, Soaps, Brushes, P rfumry, ami ovorytliliiB usually Tumid in n First Class Drug Store; Tn tlio very roHpoDglbla datj of compounding d diKHQicing ioioas 1 ProBoriptions,. attcntlun will hoeiven, and ti l lio taken to Insure tin) 1'DlllTV AXI) OITIUXAI. CIIA1U(!T£11 or Ai;L JII:IIICIM:S USED IN J..- C3-O ANDERSON'S FOB YOUll groceries, AND Provisions, ninking this branch of Trade a Specialty, itrict attention paid to having FRESH BUTTER Constantly on Hand. OPPOSITE THE DEPOT, DOVER, N. J. AND NEW GOODS !! OUGHT AT CASH PRICES I ! ! And SBI alwll 8EU, t'OH CASH, I V1T0KD to jjEJLL CHEAP1 JUST RECEIVED, A Sl'titiNDII) STOCK OP Dry Goods and Notions Comprising the Tory latest Stylos cf Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, SHAWLS, RIHMTNGS &LADIES' WEAK Ever offurod In Dovur. Also, a flue JUaortmout of RESH GROCERIES Iu such rarloty as to meet the wants of every Household. Crockery & Glass-ware Tho latest ilOHlgna andflnoatwn as well OB tho raoro suhsl nrtlclcB In tliis lino. I hato JiiRt opened, mid Invita tho citizen* of >vor tocomo anil oxnmma my goods and pricoH. TJmior tho Inox EHA 0111M, cornor of Hlackwell nd Morris Stroctfl, Dover, N. J. JOHN F. WOOD, iftilios' mid Children's Shoos OUEAl'Ell tlinn 1! Allen Palmer & Son, Jnriieutcra AND Builders. Jobbing promptly attended to, K. .1. I>AL.MEi:, An liiltct. 10-j C. II. DALltYMPLE. O. n. DAIBYMPLE, Dnlggist. W1UTL0CK & LEWIS, New Store! NEW GOODS ! ' iIVESW PRICES ! 1 recently moved to our Largo and Elo- Now Store lloom, Cor. of Blackwell and Morris Streets, Wo slmll Im ploaBed towcleomo our old custom- ers, and all ntlieni who may favor IIB ivith a call, NEW U AND'°3ELECT STOCKOF GOODS 1 Which for QUALITY, QUANTITY nml PRIOR, wo fool nttgiirtid cm mot 1m tmr|mnnod by nny ntor,- in tlm country. Our New ltcioiuu being ahoui four tlmeB tlio stzu of thuauwu furmerlv occupied unablOHtiB to keep a full nasurliueiil uf nil nrtmlci conimotod with our business, and wlileb eonsUti in part of I)ry Goods &Fancy Goods, Huch as ladies' faflldouahiu dress goods, nil vatic- lien and grides; calli-nuu, muslins, BIIOCIIII^H, tick- ings, sliirtiiif-s, toivolingfl, huniorv, cut tun thr"ad, silk and lild gloves, dre»a and clonk trimmings, ribbons, ladiB, aliawla, cloaklrgB, flannels, thread, TENT' 1 FURNISHING GOODS, inch an clotlm, rofsiir^ros, sdilnottn, JoanB, (len- niN, limm and cotton gonds, collars, era vats, flee' ion, buck, hull', wwl, cotton, silk nnd Uid glovtE rool and cotton half iiusu, silk and linen hundkc; ihiofri, ke., Au. BOOTS and SHOES. ndluB' amlolilMvuii'a hiuli DIIIHIB, (raitora, butskin ili[i[HTH, r n l i h c r s , >Vc. Sltfii'HSmlliOj'*' hcavjan Ino IKIIIIB, BLOCB, g u l t u r s a u d Blipi>urB. -- Groeerlcsi nnd Provisions IcmB, cofrmis. angarK, molnsstB and hyriijiH, a jfrmluH, varlflics ami prttii'S. Catiuud and dric fruits, usBoucen and ilavorlng uxtrnctn, norlt, Binokud hnm eiidBiiouIdi-rB, drii'dbiTfiiiidhncoii, Hiilt mituhirL'l, t-odiitih, wliitollsh and hurrlng. A'so, always on hand, a Choice Artiolo Fresh Buttoe, Chooee and Eggs. CrocKery, Outlci-y and Glass Ware. ) assortment—talilo nnOliouliot cutlery, tali OTj-nmlBlim-Knro, parlor, Lull, illniug nr HARDWARE AND tDGE TOOLS. Full BOIH of CnriunilcrB* nnd other mtclmnici tools, of tho Iwtit maiiiirnutnro. Iron, Steel, Powder and Fuso. a fullftBBnrtniL'iitof Men),nut Iron and Kkel, in rodii and bars, snitablo for blacksmiths 1 or inimrs %o; also simrtliig and mining,' potvdor, and aafety mo, giiB piitoH and fittinus. IIOIHO HIIOTH and nntlB, iniuntorV imlls and Hiil\ius, blKksiullba' w " }11OWB, irince, tnpq nmldioB. FURNITURE, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTH. In tbis branch of luminous, via intend keeping on band a full supply of parlor suits, ltcdrooin Biitr marblu-lup lahha, dinin» mid I'jtU'iimun talilm Bufua, lonngcH, tuto-n-tctcn, iittotnaiiB, chain ckiTH, ottHj* fhnir*, iniromiH, siifi-H, lTardrobow, miBb-stunUB, ludatuadB, towel racks, Ac; nlso. I'rondi Plata nml Amorican Mirrors nnd Loo'' GlUBUis. Hair, cottnn, wool and straw matt...... , and plllonn ; bod blanket H andUuun, all kinds. tf Our lino of carpetH nro noil auk'ctod, and ^niists of Eugllsh and American JJniHBcls, In- grAin, Homp and itaL', l'orlor Hats, &c Oil Cloths, all widths. ,- Moat of our stock uf guods have boon rocontly iirclmsoil nt tlio present rcducod prices, anil i.avo heon eeloctta from tbu boat hnuset) in Nu« York, With L-rtmt cini, and which wo intend In die IOBO of att'riuos as low ns cnh bo afTnrdod.^ •Quick Halosand small profits," being our motto, Wo havo ongoged tbo nor vice» uf enmo yoitnggi'u. tlemcn as Baleflmun, WIKJBO rcpntntlon fur bonoatv mid politeness nro ivoll-laiown, who will diwr- uilly oililblt our stock of goods, nnd inform yuu uf tho prlcoB, lvht'llior you purchaiiu or not. iWogivo'usacall/ WniTLoc-K & LEW Xfaruh 18-ly THOMAS BOLITHO, Who], RIIO and llctiul OVSTERS, FltBSH EVERYDAT, Hy tho 100 or 1000, or by tho Quart, Half Onl- Ion and Gallon Kogs, nt his SALOON, lo DliokwoU Street, or dollvorcd. 40-tf DOVEll, N. J, TEMPERANCE HOTEL, . J. SEAItl.\<;, Pioiiriutor, Sussex St., Dover, N.J, snrillng by tho liny or V.'cuk. Mtnl-i at nil hours. Oyalom ir. every Btylo Confectionfiry, Ac, LIVE It Y ST A it I- F. S In connection with the liaise. Livery & ] CHEirrKii, X .J. Tlio Rubficribcr In cniiMtaiilly oiiftafitd iu BUYING & SELLING HORSES. Carrisgu, Ilnift mid Raddln Ilorscu lonsinntly on band, and orders tokiiii t'ur tliu puruhus.' of bpcfiflodaniinnlH. i'nniiRm, Bpiirtmnun amifcimtluwun«f Icimirc ..-ill find it tu tlidr iiitortsl tn <'nll ilium inc.-itlnii for tin- piirrhnnii or Hftlo nflliirBus, »;i 1 giiarautti tlmt thov Hbali bo HKtisfoeturily ilunlt «iih. I'artifBwishiiiifliidiniiNHi) -;f tli.ir Hurm-a cai Cheater, _N.J- C2lf. ' To Let, J> I '" qulu " M..VI.SEA11ING. Dover, 3Iarch 30, '72. 15-tf Jtaimfneturfr of Choice Sweet CIDER AND Pure Oider VINEGAR MILL llllOOK, N. J. Ainu iloalor in all UVAH of DIMINO TE11BEM, PLANK, &.O., Ac, al very low prices. N. B.-Ordvrn It ft ai Pltrunn'H Hat A. Fur Stfil Dovur, will rowlvo pronipt Ditcntiiiu. Look Here!. The Greatest Vlctui j or the Day TJIE WJXS0N KHUTTLK Sewing Machines, LAWS OF WEW JERSEY. JOINT HKSOLLTIOX Ko. MIL rolnt ItcMihitii.ii aiiHmriniiit,- tliu ito;;islor ftf Uccdi! of i-ittt-x Cuiiuty t-J Cancel n Curtain ricirtitogt'. iVIaTcDu, thu MorriH nnd EHNCS Itnilrtrad Cum- pany Hindi' ami fi'-iTiiHid to .li:reiuiali C. fiarth- wain-, WillUm Uc IIIKI tii:ni'K« Vn-1, eoinuiia- Kl.ini ni .if tl,o HcbiMl fund of tbis n\nU; a mi>rt- KBJJL-, l^uiim; il:it.! tb.i Bi:vt<nt.'<-ittli day uf . Jauuiiry, wclitwiii hniuln:d nml f'-ny-thvi"', tn icruro ilm%niu «f Ihirly thi.ii-iiiid d<iilur», wl.i-h ni..rlK»(ii! U rLC.inf.d in Hook li 'i of Mi>rtuni;< Bfi-r KSK-K umuity, in tliin wiati-, piiK-'H Ml &c.t and iv]u:rcuH, tlio Huid iiK'i h.-ciiml by Uw n'tid murlKuK" U™ >" |>»id to tlm irinmii'tT nf thin itutu mill nli.jr.'SH. thu t;idd ninrti;ai,'o han li^ii l.t or di'Hirnv.'it, and c;inn<l'l>o iinhliiccd tn h cniii'-lli'il of rt-'inril * r.ml wliortiid,rtnulilnUa\ 1. II<i it r.'M.lvfd l.vtlu- K<mntL' nml fl.-TicinL. iinl.ly ..f tliu Pint" «if KtiHT J.TH.'V, That tho •yint<ir nf ili L-ilrf cif tht! cnimtv or EB*'S I»I and lit- Mhirubv dirurtrd tu catiei-1 of r-cid (ho fl-il.l ini)it;;ut;u \>i-ar'wj dntu tb<> Bcvontrciilli diiy uf Jaiiuiiry.ciKldtui hundred nnd forty-thrLf.nn.dt) bythoMorriu and KHH^X llailrund Cimipany to Ji r«mluli c. diii-lhwitit<>, WtJlinin U'" iktidOcui,;., ViL<!,ooiiiiii[HBi<iuur», Ais.and n.L-'.nb'd in Hix.k E -1 of Murl-ajjoa fur lisms county, on p D:ll, Ac. " ijiroVed ApiilJ, 1872. <i'••lint "i.r i : :rrfirH~aYui Appi'ii"-' ,. IlL-ItL-nncli-ii l.ytlirjM,.nitti'(i!id ntii/rnl As- Hi'iuhly uf Urn Statu of NtwJiTw->j/lbat tho first strtinn i,f tlw nd tntlth'd '-A fiiL-tlirr Kiipplc- iiunt In tbu net entitled 'An nut cdutivo to the •oiirt of umint nnd nppoalu, 1 " npiiruv,..! Apiil Hixth, (i«lit<'(m Imndivd and M\tv-:lvi-, ahull rantinuo iu fnrci) f.»r tlmm ynns from llio nil tli day (if April, tightcen bundml and HL-VUIH.V •>', And bolt imnrU'd, That this act uLall tab cfluct immediately. Approved April i, 1872. CHAI'TEU DI.XV. AfitrliiWHupplcini'iit to mi net entitled "An ad" rurtpirUliii^ cuiivryaiii't'tt," npprovrd A} tuoiith, oiglik'iii htinilrud n>i<l furty-xix. 1. lie it I'imitcd by tlioitmintu nnd GTinprn Assembly of tliu Ktato of Now Jfr^y.jaTial an; eoiiKiilur agent of thu Unft.tl .HUtk-fl/bull bnvi (KiMin-toiiiku tbo nt'liiitiwli'dgu ittviltfoml nilliltivitu; imd ,'nil n.._ . m.'-iH, jiritofu, or iididnvilri tatctp befuro c-miBiilar-uceiit, wlictlit>r the put/m or pi cxeeiilnig tliu deed, milking t l n / u W o r ailidnvi' iVui ur dui-H nut ICNIIIU in iiii^/iuntrv or plnco I win. li xiifJi cimsulitr n{jcinSiJrri'«!ili*til, Hlmll bo i vnlishLiul.lV.utiic.l iin if tnkoii vUhlii MIIH Htftl Ivfnrv- u iusliw of the Httpri'iim i^uit llitrmr, i !(ka In ihu net tu »liidi ibiH In n Kiipjli' tliu ixpi'iidit(iri:H ana tlif vuiU'licrs duly vuii iluil. S. Ami l».i it nwcti.il, Tlmt tlii* nut r.lin'.l not IMI eniiBidfTi'il r.H valid or opi.rntivo mil. ^ the l.-«h- Inluro rf tin; Criimiimn.-iltli of IVII'-HVIV^HIA nfiV\i:i«.inR"-, ^?VT]'H'''ifr'is-'iitirro c»f*'jVnii"vlvMiia! nfAiiui-t liiiilimj; n Hlic iippmiiriatfm, tltin w 1 . r-lmllimmciljufly go isit'i mil t»rc<: nml »ir.-ut : prnvidul, hov.-cver, tlint if tlio U-ui-liitiir.* '-f i'./miiiylv.uiia IIUVD upproprinti'd, or shul], til I bur liroBunt Bw"i(ini uppr»iiriiito n luttn BIIIU tli:in tlircu •luiiwiiiii d"laiH, ili-i thu nmn( borcl^ up|in.pd- ITIIKI1I3ST IN TII13 And from 115 to ?2.1 chenpor than any olhor •,firflt-cltiBBHoning Matbiiio. AHEAD OF ALL. For simplicity, durnhilUy mid benutv they utand unrivnllud. For HfitdihiR, bi'tmnlt.K. tuck- inir, foiling, iiniltln/r, coitlint;, bimling, bratdhif,', gatliiTing andHuwititf on giitlitrs, tliuy ftro unoxculkd. AH lurtlcH in urnnt of a Rood relinblo flrst-clasfl locli-alitcli Mndilno ar.^ n-BiieetmUv invited t~ call ami uxainino UU:BUtscollint Miudifnua nt II D. Oliaao'u varluty sturo, IJlaulswdll UtrLot, lloveI N. J, TQUO no doalur'R word tlmt thoy mo not a jtniidardornroworthii.Hn, but cnll niul cxnmlno tbuni hiiforo iniK-buHinK (ilnoiilun;, mid lio tton- vinrcd that they iu*u jimt whut tboy nro cluiined tobo. niscldiicB sold by monthly infltaltnionta. Every Slacbino Wnrrnuted and limit In rcpali £pr ilvo yeai H, Irco uf dnryi-. Thorongli and Bat- isfnetnry Instructinna glvun fruu i>f chuvge. JOSKPH 1CA1HI3K, At U. 1). CHASIi'H nuiv ltoil, Will to it Uluo Hturo, Miissux Klrei.-t,.I>iiVLT, Nuw Jersey, Agitnt for Jlorrii County. ' Bond foi- Circulare uud Prices. AddrunB P. O. Hox, 388. los and fixtures conBtnntly nn In H Tor nil IlrHt-daBH Suwluu Slaclilne.B fur- nished ut t>hort notku. The Reason & JOHNSON Aru tmsv ivhllo HOmany arc t't^'ju-j "dull burtinesH, bnrd tiint's," ie -i i»T>c- caiiBo tlioy nro nt-lliug iioorly nil Hioii- STOCK QF GOODS LAST YEAR'S PRICES Tho incrcBEo of KaU>n in their Urosn Ooodi has cumpullpil them to curry a- Larger and greater variety of Styles than heretofore, Awl nro now roadf with n New & Splendid Stock. Tko only Ilnuso in which tho SMALL ritOFIT SYSTEM Is BllutV adheiod ht. Morristo-wn, N. J. THE ONLY. HOUSE K* TOWS THAT 3E1JM Fairchild's Double & Twist Cas- simores, Flannels &Yarns, KING & JOHNSON'S. IT WILL I 1 AY All nha ilitalra to purcliUBO Domestics, Flannels, Shawls, Cloakings, Cloth Cssimeres, Under Garments, Gent's Fur- nishing Goods, &c, To call aud examine tlio Stuck nf KING. & JOHNSON". Ami he It ( " 1H i !™' f " nl, Tlmt all Rlhi l t mt Klie j bud "bcwi tnli.-i mado undirr tliii !!. And bo it enacted, Tlmt I Id a act shall tnhi eflict imni'Hlinliity. ApiirgvcJ Aliril -1, lr 72. A further RUppk-tnetit t< t<> |irci\idt! for Iho mit of ihiHHtnU'.nnd to II _ UHIITI-P," niipnivcil Aiffll fiiurtl t'ljjhl hundii'd nut! furly-Uviv 1. iloit tiiiict-.l byNj^fffuinto nnd < AssiiiuMy of tbu Ktnto of Nisiv Jenny. Tlml thu truuBuriii'. itriatm kouiKT Ludciunntrollur of thin Htjitr, Bhull tncli of >li« in 1><- omit led to rm.'ivo ir- aniinal i^itlurv of fi>nr ttimiHiiiiil iliilliira. •I. And Wit ciMcttid. That thin act shall tali cirvi-l iinnicdintily. Atijirovtd AiiriM, 1872. CHAlTElt DXXXI. A Sitnplfimcnt to tlic act entitled "An net to an- tlmrizo the eBtabllBbinunt and tu mc^rlbu II, iliitios df companies for nianiiluuturiuK an other iinniosim" approved March aucmn eiuhli'oii hundred aud forty-ill no. 1. l)t< it ciintti'd by tho Hcnato nutl CIOIHTI AsHL'iubly or tliu Htnlo or NewJurHcy, That nn cmnpaiiy oijjuuktil fur nil or uny ouu or moro i. tbu ]iur|ioNiiH nii-iiti'moil in ii HUjiplcmcut to .laid act, npimivcd IMimnrj' twoni>-llfth, clglilit-u handrnl uud iifly-imi, may innrlaat'o their lunila nml anv term o( vonrn tlioy may bnve nr nc<niln y mit ey may have nr iwnilri cliiflop, to uuouro any bunds liicli inuy bo iaiiucu, wliieli hid tuIU I t iiucu, , IU CI hin thoy am tiuruliy uiithnrizcj tlmir InwliiDhs, or to execute » limy iK.flSL»:t or m-qiiiiv, l>yvm.tiviet, oit] niinpfo »r for a k** i-.itahi, wlildi thoy ar.) hprvl.y autriorizcd tn »niiiiro by cont met UBulurcsuid, or to ciiiiHtruct tlifir worin, ur to aci|iilro nny nml l b td Ay t l tu .nu.rnTioi). nnd.'d, Tlmt tliin net Rball b n to bu a ]>ubliu aet, and nhi' diatelv. l i, J3M. ClIAI'TKIl DXLTX. iimilemciit to nn net entitled "An act toCi ulfiiKli u Stuto Imbislriul Huliool fur (iirla, [i|ii"iivt'd Ai>rii fourtli, ei{jhtuen hundred an uvuutytuie i y ^ 1, \\.\ it uinu-toil by tho Soimto and Ocuern AsHoiiibly nt tin: S'tiito of Sow J.'tuCy, That fo tln< ['"'I'swc'if i-miblint! thu toirftcti of Ilio in diixlrial HCIIOUI for Kirln ta'prf-roat, tnUrlvn an ineliU'iitnl UKIH-HKL-H, tliu trennur.T or thu Biutu i liLTiihy dlivuicd to j'uv tu Ihu trwinuror or Bni hcliuitl, uii^n lawful warrant, tbu Htiui of 11v tliimtind ilullnm. •i. And be it enacted, That tills act nhall tali tHiit iinmciliat^lv. AHU-OVUII AytiU, 1«T2. CHAli'Iilt DjvLVn. A Further Rupiilomcnt to tliknut e'ntitlcil "An m ri'spcutiUK i-oiiv(jyniik;iH,"l,ui>iinivud April llr tciinth, uiio ihuiiHmid cigb^ hundred mid furty s 1. HLit cnacte.1 liv VflHcm IV or ilut Htnfo U.IIIWJ niieo hui-i-uf(cr ii [.urn aiivlai Z im t. Bnidin and n S 1 of'ii-d married n the or lylutU-rt mint uod U nnd^aiTo"tun ITU'd \HJ11 married; uul n-l fo nndthounmosha nuhuoii BlTil)fl •oyauc ho act supple: fe'lioit of Intulw, Kind to Im tli ii 1 ivl Itu ii' Bonato S% Jcr :.r j of 8 n and Owner « : : 'j-ftjr thu Ha vith her Im KtiflrfH a tvmo KO l niim^wi! l "l»"il l 'bS L wIi mi mowied ir (•11(11 to nhlck thin li liiit A Bl tl'Illfl ItlUIUtl). ,1 bo it unnotod, Th Ii "letter mwlcilg ni'iit or (,f nttornu d, and am. orheruditaiiu-iitB.t pplomcn t nil tho t, or by tl pniviriioiirt ( i Ami b It unaot. T Ihu Hiiiijiluniunt tu tho "Aet reidetliif, i anew." vvliieh sitiiiilnncnt wananimivud -Mure first, inio thnumiml elgbt hundred and f»rty-nin. hnll cxtitiid tu lultur of !itti>rui.y mWo by virt .1. And ho it enacted, That this act shall ta ffi-et iiiiniL'i'liiitclr. Approved April'4, lvTi. JOINT itEHOLUTION No. IX. oxists in Ilio nd Ni'\1 l d.a ntc iioiiii"to navifTittliiu, which"ninUcfl HiC'fliiiii dnnn'TouB, and nffccla tin',commerce paMain tbrough thoso wiitcrs; tliurcforpf" 1 1. lln it rcBolvcil by tliu fiuiintu ond fl^iiun fisumbly of th.. Statu nf Xttw ,T.,iw.v, That oi .aonibnr« of roHi;roHH, IHIUI in tbo wtmto an hoiiBO of rcpruai-ntiitivLH tin and nro herd; rcqucBtcd to pnwtiro, i( piiHRiblo, mich npiiroprl; "—- by cniicrt'iin na ninylm iii'tinnnry tn tiniirnv navigation <>f aalif wntora, mid cBi.rcinlly t. roniovo such obBtmi.-ticii{i m tuny cxint in (hi channel at tlm point known ns tho Corner Htal; and t^hnotiTB' lBliuul. 2. And hit It rosnlriKl, Tlint tho Rovcrnor hor; fl"i ntcd to furnish u copy nf tho fiiroRoitiR pri amhlu nnd resolution, without tlulsiy, to tli XL'iiatorB anil rcpredoiiltttlvcB Iucun^rcHs fiui t b o a t a t o o f Nnw.TiTfir.v. Approved April 4, W\. JOINT ]IKdOLUTH)N No. V. olnt ItcHdliitlon riraiijiri'iii-mtiou tn tliu .Sitfiiii] KiTviii" iJui'Ui'lui^iit in lii'iiuif of ihu fari'iiiiif hit<-ri-«lN. li-n-im, tlm niKi,.il Horvicu tli'imrtmuit of tin UuiK.-a Htnlt-i' iiimy h.<» [>K<vt,J ilBclf.-.f Ku ct try ; and v.-h,'r. UH, l.vinon ii-in- it« nt iti->iiH it i:nltiiriil 1'iliTtnts, whk'h hilurcut it* thu u'cuitli 1. II.- it «B-)IIM1 liv tin- H.imtu uud Gm-rnl -H--)iil'Iy "f ll:o Stiif.: i.f N.;wJt:rBiy,'rhiit ..ur >'m4-un^H'i.-h iii'*:fi' r'iri|V.Vit]!ltr-•|.Vii'i 1 i,i!' nM' uiiI tintilu tlw war ili-inrliiwiil t'n-s •.ml its Jn'-A •rvi.'i-svslfii. RDrsili.M.'iirriU u^viintii-. » lo id fmniiii^ ittt^r.-HtH <•] r!u- Uril. d ol:,;, «.' 2. And l»t> it riMiilvcil, That tin- K»uTii-.r Wn- u.ni.-d lnfHniii.il a c.-i-v o]' tii.t l.u.c.jinc \.ft- iiilili>nininr«iluii.>iiHiniiiinlini<']v lo our i>;im- rHAl'IF.It IiU. A Furtlifi- HiinpU'irKiit lo nuart uitiUud "^n not tu i-i-j-riilnl.' iJ»H-_-Mt-H in tlm rivor U.ibivr.r.:, r.u.i fur OURT p:iri.-ni ,\" ir.H.nl N-,vum!.tir tw-im-. Bixth, uurj tll-H,sUI'!.;l,;lH miiiilridUlHl Ll^ill.' 1. JI'- il i...netcd by tin- JirJmt-! and u-m ml AM- t-nililvi.f II,,. Htitts of N, iv .lurti.-v, Tlmt Hi- iimof tlit-uo tli<mH,iiiddi.]!iirH IK- nn.l h.ivliy in pi.rnjiri.il,.,! f,,r tli» ptii]inm>of pr..piL;.T.tin,; 1.W1I .,i tin. rivur JMawnn-, l<i ho cspoii.k d nmfcr th<i .lirwtl-.l) of llio iMiimii^j'.tKirs i.r ll<»'vh ^ uf Ihr f Nnv om d bv uill p n <im d I'tuilnhalliiiitu liin t W':| in im her iuit tin. h i'iuit tin. «;:m il by thu lugls p|in»lir lor Ib !1. Ami lit) il onaetml, Tlmt Iho Kovernor nf thix ntu in biTt'l.v nviuL'utcd to Irniisuiit mi uttcrttod il>y of this act tu Iliu ;;ovimn>r <'!' tlio ftlntu ..f . t'litiR.vlvHhiH, reqm Htini; him to mibmit it to the k'Kh!.iliiri">r Hint *Mi: Approved ApiiU, l$Ti. JOIST UKS0LU1I0N No. TI. Joint Resolution tunlihig nti nppripnnlloii for tlm iiKCLWtirv nmount of 1110:11^10 inViiro tho buiJd- 1UKHuf Iho Kol'li, ni' (.'bildi'tMi'H llomi'. 1. ]).'lt r<Hoh<'d by tlio Hnmlc mid ncn-rnl AuH.iui.ly df llw lilnto nr Nuiv Jnrwy, Tlint the 1 stutu In-aaiirm 1 is h.'id.y iiutliurizrd to i>r<ivi.Ui 1 for llio iiisurnnci' (if tint hniMlui'ti uf thu holi •*' childn'K'H hum.', mid iniv iuv tliiJ ^iitim iY.nu -.., K-iicyn not olliovu-ihii appro]iriuti'd. •2. And hu it resolved, That thib runulution take- ufiW't iuimrdiul.-lv. Appruvud April I, UTL UllAl'l'Jili PL. An Ant Bnpplouunl to nu net entitled "An Act hi Incwporittu TrilHk-.rt or lIi-liRiiiMB ^imnlle!), 11 approved April et.VfntoL.iitli.Diiutliinwtindcljfli hundred mid furty-wx. 1. Its It nuacU'd by tbo Kcnntti mid Centra Aanci»l>ly of thu 8UI0 of Si-w Jurncy, That ii fbiill lit- lawful fur any rvlijdiiuii s.,i-iurv m thi. utiilc, ho\v..vcr iiu-orpumtod, to puri-baHu nml lml< : nnd nlni) toconvov uud diKpuhu of nny rual t-statt which tboy may ileniii un-ummry nnd i-xptniictit provided, Hint tlin rtame niull not bu ii»i-d by tin lcli^-inuH i'ni'i>oi'fUi<Hi iiL-.jultiu}; tl.o BUTUO for nu; iitliur pur|n»Bo tUmi tliu rondunnii it ml uialntmn (I'uillnild'tboliiitiiiuKn. .bMo.i.U.indfo,,,^..^ L-, "tlii lvoi-Hbip (if Alm^U tofrclittion^iw.riljiijt lifluiiKB, orforfdui-nlUiii, or tho iiiliiiiniHti of choiltv to tho bi'dicH nr houln of mill. 2. Atn!buiU-ii!ii:Ud1TJi:1t nny fo:t%-cyaiu'o ni oyrcfiui'iit liy and iwlwJcii any r.-1-.jiuiis corpnm- lions, intciuk'd for thu piinxiri-.s ufur.-Haid, by 01 uudur tbu milhoiiiy ilf HUIOI i^q.nnih.ms now to ho vuliil nnd <':Ki«!tunl in luiv. 3. And lie it usmckd, Tlmt lliis out shall tali cOi-etluniinllnti-ly. , cni'ATEIl DXXSV. A further Bupp'.fiuciit Iu un art cntlttcil ''An or unMlioiisaiid Hslit'lmurtml liiitl foi'tv^lxl'' 1. lluitfnaet.'dl.ytbo Hcnntcund Ui<u«ml An cmlilyof Iho Htiito of Ktw Ji-ieey.Tlmi tlu-r hiill be a»n"SHMl, iL'Vlod nml i-ollnli-.l mi tliu in itil'iUut:* ol' ilio i.tr.t<', niul up. 10 thu .taxable roi, .tui pcvmiiialilu prupiTty ns i-xhll>it*'d bv UHMIIJ Birutlii ol r,il.iljtii froiii tlii; pcviiarcou;ili,ii inad-J out by Ihu HUVITHI biinrd« of aHucwurM, ro, " \oironu Ihtiurinud tiabf liundrod mid iu.iv,, im, 1111*1 illwl iutliooilk-uof tliu et)ii)iitn>;[, ... ,1m tivasury, » ct-ito lux of one mill on m-] dollur or t'.ii: v.-tlualioiH coiitajunl iti Kiiid ill, BlniutB, whMi is hiTil-v niipi-opiialtil iinrt i.hal boanilicvlnn ftiilinvn, to wit : two liuudi't'd tnu HlUy-Vour Ihuuhntiil MUVI-II linmlr.d nn.l nuniitv ui^ht dollnm, or mi mud! Ilium.fun tuny Im nctd fill, for tlm pnyitKVilnf Hie pi-iiifiiml filling dm i-st RHnliali b.i'vu ni-emuil im mill tirnt ilnv (if J.".n unry, niul 011 the tlrht ilay ur July next thvmille ol', mid on a Ion11 nutlmri/.d b.v nnuut uililk'i "All Act ittitlinriitlsig LI loii" fur tliu pnnuisitft 1, wnr to K'pvl invri-ioii mid hiippn'Kri iiiriili'ivdi.iu and niiiimiuiatiiig tho niiumiind pruvidin;? fo tlio ptivmcnt tliprt.'i'f," nppiow.l Jlr.y limth, on tlitmainiddljjhthiimlriiV '--''• ' '»• L'HAI'TIilt I'l/OC.VCVJlI. ,Vn nut mahiii)- nn nmu•ujH-iation lo fiiniish b.iu lurlli,. blind of tliinwiiiti'. ,.Tca«, Ib.r. ltim l. wllc, li.-iitm-J.:-, IHMI uid Hint'-, \i <:<IIII[>UIII n ii Tin tint; ll.iti.'.'lurVin Uliml, 1 lil I l i a d dlih l i.l tin.- k-niflntu li " Ann' purpo ^ in r llio hiwn of Ibis Statu ivhi..'h Hiuill lnt in furee nt the timu llto raid taxi's H'.niil lie iif.ni-ssud n-Kiila- . tinn thn aBSCtifiiiiunt ami i:ol!f.:ii_on ol 1 t.-.w n, is- t'l'i't n^i lii and by Ih.u nut o»lii?i'\\ IMO oi'dt:rL!*l tmd tli ruct i>il. 9. Anillip U Minctcil, That it flhall be tlm duty nf tlio cumi-UolliT aforusalil, I., niipurtion tlio flaidlnx, nnd M HIL rate iifunsi.id, iiinnni; tliv si'vi.nil countk<a in pi-oi«iriion totin, lltl ,onnt tlcsroaiicetivi'lv, naslm\ni l>y tlinaiistniets n»- ncciiviiv ntniliirtaaiil; uud it sbitll \>u im <lu(v lo traiw'iiiit, niildn thirty »!:IVB aft IT tlw itpproviil nr pftHnsiffo of ibit act, to tin: county eolkutur of. oncli cmiiit)*, a stnti'iiH'iit nr llu>niiu.:iiit of fluid t.ixnpportiimudto Hni.l couiily, and naiil couutv colk'cUir ttltal! lav H.VII! Ktitti-niL-iit U-I'oix- tho an- •wmors of the townshipH or v.-nrda v.itliin hU •ciuiity, nt t h t i r i i f s t liK'utillK to lippolliwi tliu owiiittiip tnsos, mid wiid nswstmra cltall thi-n.- ipon procuud to nasoB3 onld tax awurtUiig to 1 3. Ami Im it i-nnctcil, tlint it ubnll ho thu dnlv of thu wjinptmllcr to fnruiuli to tlio colli'cli»-i*f tlw Huvcrnl comitio-s printrd forms on whiL-h lln. Iwiinlaor nPr-Bsnrs hliiitl mnko thuir n-luniMol the iiliunml of vatal-1i>a of tlulr rcyiiti-llru emu. IU-II, ui'on nliifh foi-inr. tlioro slmll !,o prlntod the until ryquimUo bo tnkun l>ytho iiHHu^,,rf.. an 1 pniviih'd bv Hcction tflvlvu of nnni-t fiititUul "A imtlicr minplntinit tt> nn net t-iitiilcil 'An nirt K-oiiwmdnJ VIK.'V" niimmNl At.rll r..nrtii'«tlt, olio Uunmaiitl dxM inimli-.-d iiiulV"rty-!.ix, wliii'h Miti]>!ci)innt wiis npiir.ivcil ,>pril clevvnlb, 0110 Uh.msioid eight liun.in-.UmlBHtty-sImiml no distract of Hit- fltmuitit of r.ittiblua from nny iliiiR "tolii'w iiriWs Hi'dil'oilh' sl-aH liavo l'" * lalicn nnd BiHmLribod by each mm ' board of- liltirn, f.»r tin-iwc of tin. blind in tli« fiiili-d Mat.'!-;uiid iviiTuiH. ft-ction KCVCIIIII of tho clr.n rul tin- NUI i Ann ri.-an J'liiitinj: H-iiho I-i.oi.l H, "tl.i.t . i.-iVM-li- 1 for Ilm Mind, lo- IM(.-;I in (i htut.. Hi,.'.,, l.^nlnniru or i-ltiztiim t> >:ii;il>ul.' l'i ih.; fiinikonii.' Anxri.-n'i 1'iiiit* i:,:; H-HIH'•, i'!wll, in i.ioi'oition 1-J (lji> fuudbn.n- tiiMid'.l, tii-i-iiiiil>'d t-lt-ipluB ut ir.i-rv book ill' H .1. ,1 hy nid Iini^,' xu ]>,> iliHttibiiti .1 Kr::t,i;i.iii,ly"t.>Hii-iii.]ii;!]]iiTJ(iim i:n nr;) linn- lil.:t..jlui.:)i.:ri.<tl..-iiii"niiAwlii>n-aii.itifl birth ],:<•]'• 1 I.H:1 .Ir.-iniliir tlmt tlmdtlxotiH of tliu {•tiil.-of N.;iv.J<rf..yBh<rtiM nbar.; tlio buid.iiB 1. i"-it v.,r,<l;d by tin- Si 11.1't.i nud (itncrul ir.A-i-.lily ..f SiiL- Mai.. .,r S*-w Ji-rnuv, Tlint inn ,irt (.. vr.-ul, IV.-.li-it-It T. rn;l;ii(:hnyf .i.|i mid iii :..l-».v i'. llmiUiil,, ,,r tliiK HtiLti', I,,, ami tbu :imcmvltM.<I>y e:.i^tilnl. .1 mi oilvison' bonr.l, 1, i.d.ii-,. aii.l fn-oinTaU. vita any auxiliary n«irln- v..ri'.\M-uiivi- l"..u.l lorth.j nt;ilo ol Ni-wJurBt-y, .rtl.-.' i'iii.1 .iiiiM-ican I'riuliiifr lU.n*; in rimii.fr ini'lii to],tj I-\I.< nil.-il inInrnlfl inK tint tvorkBof !n< lYiulii.i; l/,jii!(.- fj oiti'li of tho blind of Malil : 1i''nn'. ; .» "','. ui'ii','•'- in 1-Ud'uiUWy lirani ""luatl'i, c-!L-ii:ili,-,ii r,v i,H.i-r..iH.' Hintil 1^ Ulloilby tho ro- •>. Aii'il in'- it "t'lniiitrd, T h a t ' t b o BUTI of flvo ln-i^.iixl CV>1]IU-H, uf uny inou.-y in thrstnlo trnin- .'liulHt I'UII- nr-'iV B.Lii! r b, l ,-ml,'t'll t (. iiitrrust nulv of .viil-h mi 111 uli:i!l In- ii'ied, i-tii-li mid every vcnr.'fnr ,]«.'iiuifiitiM; of IHJ-I1:H nml otlii-r npplkiicoH for 'lieliliu.nvoi.i Mi.- nf.,r. wild An'-licin JVinlliiK " .-, tit t!ii!(-xai:t .:.mt of iini!iiir««hii-ii; wbicb uiu.li>ii|.lili[i.'>Bsn purobni^.1 slmll bo dix- iribiite;l (•i-atmt.i.ihly. f,.-m timu Ultimo, by HiUd l.imnl, iiin.iii;; tlic imllgtiit blind of tbo titulu uf Appmwa'.'.pnl I, Is-U, CIIAI'llCUUXXXIX. mippli-Dicnt ti> mi nut liiilitlc.d " A fnrtbor unp- Inst'it,*" (ipii]-(ivi>[| A•Til f nirt.'1-iitJi, (iiKlitot-a Immlr.'d atiil f<trh--hi) wbk-h Hiiid BUpplmntut wi.-, npproinl Aj.ril . oventh, ci^htcmi bun- 1 licit Miurl.-'d'tiytlio Komto nnd Ocncritl ASHi-liibly tir tliu htatii of Xcn- Jorimy, Tlmt tlm w-inl "citizen," HI part one, of tin; liftli Btctioiof "n.'Cft tu wJilclilSiis in a Biiuplemi^nt, hhiill bo 2!^Vmri»-l^'| I |".-W, t Tli!it\ J |Tiit.raVinthi^ •1-i iniv.n«is+it ixt with ll.iti uit, bo nnd tho BIIIIIO •(•.]ii-n-|.y rejx-o^d, and that this act ulmll talto Approved April 4, 1^7^. CH^I'TKH DXXTX. .Unrtln'r mippl'-'iuciil tonn net oiilitlnd "An net t'.y anttvmYM nn t-xtiniMion of tho Ktnto I'mon" 1 i]i]iruvitl Ajuil t-'ccuud, ninj tbouBand eight iiiiidvi'd niul fixlv-niii'-i . Unit i-:i»i-ted by the Si-ndto nutl Oi-nornl '•'•mMyi'f lln'Ht-*' (lf Nr>w .Itii-Hcy, Tlmt for tin- ]iiii-jiuHi> i»f liniHliiitf; tin: new or *^OHt wiiif,' nf tin: hliitu jiiinon, nml diili'nvi"!! tho rxiiuiiBira nl- r.n'ly inrtirr. d in omin-H'tlou thf-r,-«itl.t tl.o uuni •if twuiity-ciKlil tlioimnnd mid BUVL-U hundreddol- l;»rs* I)*;, -intl tin; Mine ia In-rc-bv njipi-opnnted to lw imld on tlu< wmmut nf tbu comptroller tu tbo Imnrd or Minci-viK,,!-,! an Ibty lur-y dirnct. •J. And In. It minett-it, That thin net ahull inka ef- fiit-t imuuJdiiitcly. Approval April 4. 2P72. riiAiTEii uxxxvrn. ABiiiiplctnciil to tint net cntitlod "An Act to pro* viiiu l..i- tin. r.-ni^rntion <>f poraoiiB untitlrd to tin; ris{ht nf Huffragii In citicH." niiprorod March twi'iily-waiuil, outithuUMandoiKlilhuudrodiiuil Bevfniy-oue. 1. Bi; it cunetbd by tho Scnnto and Oencral AB«-mblvof th.: Htato of Kuw.Ttrney, Tlint tbo proviso fn tlii> fiiurth ci>ctiiiit i.f tlm m't tu wl.kh thiHtsnKUi.iik'iucutbj mid tho eamu U licmby reponkd. 2. Au.) bo it oum:tct1, Tiint tlio bnanlfl of rcgift- trv. nt i:neh inoetini; thi<rG(jf,fn pursiiiinco of said net, tihiill remain iu H^HIOII until ci,;lit o'clock in tlif rvniint;; nutl tlint Iho aovoiituciith Bection of unid net bu nml thu wmo in liembv n 11101id.:dby n.Mins- nt tbocii.l tlicruof tbo wonln " or wborcoii n.ii.1 liniirds of reciiitry slmll mett. in imrBiianco of naid m-l, for Itm purpose of rcijifltration." ^. And im it curtctuil 'nmltliis act aliaU take I'tket Itumuliatclr. Approved April 4,1873. CHAI'TEU CCCCXCT. A Fnrllicr fliippU-tnciit to nn net enl!tlnd "An net to (shl.lmli n fvBleinof l'ublia Inntmo- tion," itppiovt-d j[iire.h twi;iity-nrbt, oucthou- panil cigiit hiniilietl mid Bixty-itcvc-n. 1. Un it onnettid bv tbo Hencln nml General AB- a,-i;il-lv i.r thu Ktntti of Now Jui-doy, Tlmt tbo Ki'lmot year K.ifiirn-i ivg.udfl tlio State Normal ;;i'hi>'-l, all a11 hGrentier terminnto ou tho last day of Juno. •. And be it enacted, That this act oball Uko ,-{\\:Qt inuneiiinlely. Approved April a, IHT2. CHAPTER C A Riiiiplonient tn nn ntt entitled "An art to pro- vll'-nilditiomilnccoiinnoaiitioiifnr tlio In Ban 0 of Ihin ntalit," nppiovcd Mnrcli tbirtv-flmt, ono tbiiuriiuid < i^bt Imuilrud uudHovtnty-ouc. 1. HoiU-nnctod by tho Heunto anil General ABsuinlilyiiftlu! Ktnto of New Junwy. That from iiniltiri'-rthepn^iiiuoftliiB art, it nlmll not bo lawful Tor nny permm or pi-rmiiiH to aril, or CMIBP, nr lino«-lnBly itcnnit to bonot.1, directly or fndl- rcelly, any mnlt, vinouB, nplri(uDtm or Intaxlca- tiiisHijimrfl, or nuv comiiositinn of which BUCII Ihltmrs, nrnin-ofilicm, shall furm tbo chief In- (;i-edient, within -.lio crounila owned by tho Rtnte, in.r on anyolber Linda or plnno lyiiifr and btinp within nttoimliMtf thi! Imnndary of tin) grounds ou:!.'d by thctjtnte for the nMini modnti on of iho in^uiic, mid ftnv perfion HOoiloudine nlmtll>c doeni- r (I jruilty i>f n mUiiumiMinor, nnd on uouvic-tfon shiill l,i'"fl'icil nnt less thnu fifty iiiir-iiKiro than nm- !iim.li-ed doIlnrB for tho firnt olT.'Jiep, tuid uot [-•ssi than oTi'<buiidr'-ddollnn<roreM.-biiii\ii.iiiiiiuut olf.-iu'.-, toj;t;tbi.r with tho cnKtri of prowcution. '.'. And b" it enwtpil, Tlmt UIIH net ulmll bo ft puhlL- aet, imd ubnll tnlco efluct immcdlatclSv Approved April 8,1S7Z. V CH.VPTEII CCCCXO^T. An net rolntitis to tlm Sntinnnl Ccmotory st An* Wlx.ronti, tlio loifinlMiir," uf this Btfltn, hy Joint roHtiltition, n]-.;.rnvftl April fmirtii. «>iff ntofti nun- died nml Kistv-ms, provided for thoruimivalnnd d.;p.-»!tlt in tlio (Tiiulti-n- nt Antietam, of tburo- mninfl nf tho Koldi.-rn frntu tbU stnto, who won) int«m<a n:i tlmbittlellt-ld of Antiftam, or tbo llcldx nf oMi.'r bnttl-H fought in tlmt part of Hnrrlnwl, Jimttinsj tin- rsiwnne thi-rcfor to tho *um "f liv.- thmi^ki.d dollars; .ina nlKiroaa, tho iiiirpnsr.u iif j.-iiil rcniihilion hnvn been accont- iilihli.'.l at an I-XIWIIBO of two tliounnnd eight- iiiuidrvd andf.irty-six a-illiirH nnd forty contB: imtl wheruan, it its iir.'poBi-'A by tbu trustees of tlio Atili.-tnin Niiti.itml Ccits ctcry to erect a e hieu of the held to "npply" oml l*u hi rmvciBiifiir ns'tl'iey'dn not eiinllict with tbu provisiotni ur tliHr.et. £. Aiidb.-iU(-ini(l',l, That lliia nd tmnll toLe inii'idiin'rmvi 1 tbuprovi nnrle.1, T lApritV, 1372. Will CI tiiewiidlcrHfRini tho various Btatciiof tlio U 1. lie-it itum-teil by (bo Knnnto Wid Ocnoml FieniMv of llio Ktato of Now Ji-i-uey, Tbnt the •t-i'surci-of this Mtatelw nnd itt hereby iltrcctotl to pny to tho tnistwit of tlie Antiutam Kational llriiit tcry, upon tlin wammt «f the stnto ciimp- trailer, Bin-h porlion of tho Unexpended batanco ' the said tlv.i tl 1011muni dollarB, toward tboercc- 1111 orrntid mmmniont, us tlmgovernor may >cin to lie tin-l^.tj-nrciintrilnitfoii of this •ttite, iin]>nrc<l with OUILT utfttca contributing to tbo 2. A<id'i>c'itrnfLctc(l,Tliat this act aholl Uko ClT.id imtneiliately. Apiirovcil April -l, 1--72, OHAlTEl! C'rOOXXXlV, uppk'nicnt tn nu net nttitlod "An tvot to tncr«asa the-i'b'ii'1 fund nf tbis ntnto," IMIBUCI April nislli, liijhtci'ii bundrod nnd devunty-ono. 1. lit- It tmni:h>,l by (!,<, Kottnto and Gfmornl .isrtinbly nf the" stale of Now Jersey, Tlist all U'liHns which nhnll lu-renfter Im nuiilo of landi fixtb dm- or April, i>ii{litu»n linndroil Bin! unvcnty -<nm, nhiill bo Ir.itiRterred to tbo tn(4ceB nf tlio pdionl runt) of ttiis ntutc, »nd IKTOIIIO a portion of tlic fn-uM-1II,-1 fund ; and tlmt thuammnl Incnnio urihlnn from r.niil loauen sbulllift dint dim ted liv ib<-r.uid truHt^Hfiu- tin; mipimrt ntfvfo public i^ltiiuls, iti the nnnii' inaniit'r tlmt otlior moneyfl aro now dlatiilmtcd for tlint purjios.-. •->. ,Vii,lb.it rt.ii(-t..l,'t'hat tbia net shall t&lo eCurl iioincilinl.-ly. AppruviHl April i!, l^a

A. TAYLOB, · Tlio Union Bnnk nt Dover. BoTon por cont OoltJ Honda uf tlio Houston Total Control Hallway Company—Hon. Win. E, DodRo, 1'ruBidont—for RRIO at 00c. and accrued Intorotit

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Page 1: A. TAYLOB, · Tlio Union Bnnk nt Dover. BoTon por cont OoltJ Honda uf tlio Houston Total Control Hallway Company—Hon. Win. E, DodRo, 1'ruBidont—for RRIO at 00c. and accrued Intorotit





AMSON MINING Co.,; 0HE8TEB, Morri« Oo.. N. J.Ipners and Shippers

of Iron Ore.

110 Drond Ht. Now York, Chualtr, MorrJn I VTKHBIM HP HtlllHCltll-J'ION I


Ons Year, - - -

Six Mouths, - -

Utiroo wonllifl, -

- - - - - $2.01

- - - - 1.0


G K O . H I C I I A H U S K Co . ,



Q u e CUB t o w n mid fjivuriiu


Gtoftt Britain, Ireland, (Jornmny and Fra

95.7O pei XI.


Liverpool, ami Queenstownou tho following Hlaunalilp llnca :



I j l v e r p o o l a n d Grcnt W c s t c r n |Draft* on Er

tt tho loirost n


Bfoekwefl Btruat, Dorar, N; J;



D O V E R , N . J . ,

monncoa to tho public that ho has rccnivert liin.'inter M'wk of fl.xxln. nn.l invitus MI c\anilna-•11 of MB splendid Halation of

Buffalo and Wolf Skin


Tlio Union Bnnk nt Dover.BoTon por cont OoltJ Honda uf tlio Houston

Total Control Hallway Company—Hon. Win. E,DodRo, 1'ruBidont—for RRIO at 00c. and accruedIntorotit. Also, eovuli-lliirty Northern Pacificltailroad Domlu at par and accrued iutorenL

Circulars and particulars furnished oo applies

Feb. Jut, IS72.A. O. P. 8E0UH, Banker,


HATH I">JiI2SSTNG.S h a r i n g nml Shumpiioliig KKiLiilIahmcn

Cor. Ulnckwcll and SUHBUJC HU., Dor EH, N. J.M. B . - Particular at Mention givun to cutting

tnd rfrosning inrikV mid clit Id rim's, hair. Ilftznrsbemad, iat und {{round. 1-lyr


Foreign and Domestic Tobacco,SNUFF and OidAllH. Alto, coiutuntly on hand,

A groat variety of HMOK1NQ ind GHEWINaTOUACUO, Plain nnd fancy

URIAH ami BIHEIIKOIIAUSI rft>ES.BUikwoll street, B i n <.f tlw Indian

1-1 TT lJOVElt, N. J.

|Free Passage TicketsFltOJt

bover to MorristownA N D K I I T D H X ,

OB and after Aug. 6tli, 1H71, the subscriber willivy Uw iwiHHago, ovur tint M. A K. H. It. from'over to Murriatown nnd return, of nilcitlzvti *over and ridnity who will imnbtuo of liiilit of clothes of any ilnncriiitfuu.A npinn.iid and wit I rely now nlo^k of Itpndy-wdo Clot!ting lios jnat liiii-ii put in my now nlon.1

Intlio Hid Iron liatik JluiMing, fronting Ilio 1'arkItMorriHinwn. bAJIUJiL HAM.

\lorrUtami, Aug. 0,1BT1. Si-y


Corner or Dhckwoll And Hnasox 8ti.

3DOVEII, N. J .I. B. JOLLEY, Proprietor,

Horvoa and Can*IagPB to LoL


DOVER,-N. J.Linij Stables nttauhud to tbo HnUil UoTutu

kopt by tlio day, weuk or month.


" Counsellor at Law,AND MASTEtt IN CHANCERY,

Ico next door tn Ouu. lliuhardu & CO'B Htore,



AHornBys'& Counsellors at Law,Cor. BlackiYoll and SUBKIH Sts,

DOVER, N. J-Booomlier 2 Itli, 1870. 1-ljf



Dover, N. J.


SIONER OP DEEDH,AU orders nrnniptlyattomlod to'.



PAINTER,Prospect Street, Dover, N. J.



D"Carriages and Sleighs

Of Every Description^

Cor. ninckwoU nml BorgonSti, DOVER, N. J ,

N, H. DJKEMAH, GEO. McCllACKEK.Particular nttcntion pud to repairing nnd

painting. 2-lj

Traiilc. I1. Amsdon,


CIVIL ENGINEER,Offlco on DlnoTtwoll Stroot, near Snssoi,

Finns, Rpocir.ciiUouH and mpcrlntondonco ofbuild

iDgsof uvoryclaBi.

flnrrryn, Lovola, Grndoi, Plane, &o. for public

audliriyAtuIuiiiruvuiuauta. 2-lj


ancy Lap Robes,Horse Blankets,'

Sleigh Bells, Whips,Brushes, Combs,

IILS for Ij i i l ir icatl i ig Harness ,

Oiiitmviitt), Liutmeii tf l ,

id In fact all tlioso nrtidt-B nouiU-d hy a goodratmnuJn tlio proper earn of tlmt useful mil-il. Having bought an uuuaually

large Stock of Horse Blankets,IMU'BIIIO tniollntnincli

Below the UBIIIII Prices.

KEPALIIXNO.ono neatly, substantially and promptly. Callill examine my «oclf. I giiiirantco n;i(iNfoutlmi.Documlwr 2Hh. 1870. 1-lyr

MOUUISTOU'N, N. J .Dealer iu


' Chemicals,Dye Stuffs,



or all klmle,

TOILET ARTICLES,Soaps, Brushes, P rfumry,

ami ovorytliliiB usually Tumid in n

First Class Drug Store;Tn tlio very roHpoDglbla dat j of compoundingd diKHQicing

ioioas1 ProBoriptions,.attcntlun will hoeiven, and ti

l lio taken to Insure tin)







Provisions,ninking this branch of

Trade a Specialty,

itrict attention paid to having


Constantly on Hand.




And SB I alwll 8EU, t'OH CASH, I



Dry Goods and NotionsComprising the Tory latest Stylos cf

Dress Goods, Fancy Goods,S H A W L S ,


Ever offurod In Dovur.

Also, a flue JUaortmout of

RESH GROCERIESIu such rarloty as to meet the wants of every


Crockery & Glass-wareTho latest ilOHlgna and flnoat wn

as well OB tho raoro suhsl

nrtlclcB In tliis lino.

I hato JiiRt opened, mid Invita tho citizen* of

>vor to como anil oxnmma my goods and pricoH.

TJmior tho Inox EHA 0111M, cornor of Hlackwell

nd Morris Stroctfl, Dover, N. J .

JOHN F. WOOD,iftilios' mid Children's Shoos

OUEAl'Ell tlinn 1!

Allen Palmer & Son,Jnriieutcra



Jobbing promptly attended to,K. .1. I>AL.MEi:, An liiltct.



O. n . D A I B Y M P L E ,



New Store!NEW GOODS ! '

iIVESW PRICES !1 recently moved to our Largo and Elo-

Now Store lloom,Cor. of Blackwell and Morris Streets,

Wo slmll Im ploaBed to wcleomo our old custom-ers, and all ntlieni who may favor IIB ivith a call,


Which for QUALITY, QUANTITY nml PRIOR,wo fool nttgiirtid cm mot 1m tmr|mnnod by nny ntor,-in tlm country. Our New ltcioiuu being ahouifour tlmeB tlio stzu of thuauwu furmerlv occupiedunablOHtiB to keep a full nasurliueiil uf nil nrtmlciconimotod with our business, and wlileb eonsUtiin part of

I)ry Goods & Fancy Goods,Huch as ladies' faflldouahiu dress goods, nil vatic-lien and grides; calli-nuu, muslins, BIIOCIIII^H, tick-ings, sliirtiiif-s, toivolingfl, huniorv, cut tun thr"ad,silk and lild gloves, dre»a and clonk trimmings,ribbons, ladiB, aliawla, cloaklrgB, flannels, thread,

TENT'1 FURNISHING GOODS,inch an clotlm, rofsiir^ros, sdilnottn, JoanB, (len-niN, limm and cotton gonds, collars, era vats, flee'ion, buck, hull', wwl, cotton, silk nnd Uid glovtErool and cotton half iiusu, silk and linen hundkc;ihiofri, ke., Au.

BOOTS and SHOES.ndluB' amlolilMvuii'a hiuli DIIIHIB, (raitora, butskinili[i[HTH, rnlihcrs, >Vc. Sltfii'HSmlliOj'*' h c a v j a nIno IKIIIIB, BLOCB, g u l t u r s a u d Blipi>urB. - -

Groeerlcsi nnd ProvisionsIcmB, cofrmis. angarK, molnsstB and hyriijiH, ajfrmluH, varlflics ami prttii'S. Catiuud and dr icfruits, usBoucen and ilavorlng uxtrnctn, norlt,Binokud hnm eiidBiiouIdi-rB, drii'dbiTfiiiidhncoii,Hiilt mituhirL'l, t-odiitih, wliitollsh and hurrlng.A'so, always on hand, a Choice Artiolo

Fresh Buttoe, Chooee and Eggs.

CrocKery, Outlci-y and GlassWare.

) assortment—talilo nnO liouliot cutlery, taliOTj-nmlBlim-Knro, parlor, Lull, illniug nr

HARDWARE AND tDGE TOOLS.Full BOIH of CnriunilcrB* nnd other mtclmnici

tools, of tho Iwtit maiiiirnutnro.

Iron, Steel, Powder and Fuso.a full ftBBnrtniL'iit of Men),nut Iron and Kkel, inrodii and bars, snitablo for blacksmiths1 or inimrs

%o; also simrtliig and mining,' potvdor, and aafetymo, giiB piitoH and fittinus. IIOIHO HIIOTH and nntlB,iniuntorV imlls and Hiil\ius, blKksiullba' w "}11OWB, irince, tnpq nmldioB.


In tbis branch of luminous, via intend keeping onband a full supply of parlor suits, ltcdrooin Biitrmarblu-lup lahha, din in» mid I'jtU'iimun talilmBufua, lonngcH, tuto-n-tctcn, iittotnaiiB, chain

ckiTH, ottHj* fhnir*, iniromiH, siifi-H, lTardrobow,miBb-stunUB, ludatuadB, towel racks, Ac; nlso.I'rondi Plata nml Amorican Mirrors nnd Loo''GlUBUis. Hair, cottnn, wool and straw matt......

, and plllonn ; bod blanket H and Uuun, all kinds.tf Our lino of carpetH nro noil auk'ctod, and

^niists of Eugllsh and American JJniHBcls, In-grAin, Homp and itaL', l'orlor Hats, &c

Oil Cloths, all widths. , -Moat of our stock uf guods have boon rocontlyiirclmsoil nt tlio present rcducod prices, anil

i.avo heon eeloctta from tbu boat hnuset) in Nu«York, With L-rtmt cini, and which wo intend In dieIOBO of att'riuos as low ns cnh bo afTnrdod.^•Quick Halosand small profits," being our motto,

Wo havo ongoged tbo nor vice» uf enmo yoitnggi'u.tlemcn as Baleflmun, WIKJBO rcpntntlon fur bonoatvmid politeness nro ivoll-laiown, who will diwr-uilly oililblt our stock of goods, nnd inform yuuuf tho prlcoB, lvht'llior you purchaiiu or not.

iWogivo 'u saca l l /WniTLoc-K & LEW

Xfaruh 18-ly

THOMAS BOLITHO,Who], RIIO and llctiul


FltBSH EVERY DAT,Hy tho 100 or 1000, or by tho Quart, Half Onl-

Ion and Gallon Kogs, nt his

SALOON,lo DliokwoU Street, or dollvorcd.

40-tf DOVEll, N. J ,

TEMPERANCE HOTEL,. J. SEAItl.\<;, Pioiiriutor,

Sussex St., Dover, N.J,snrillng by tho liny or V.'cuk. Mtnl-i at nil

hours. Oyalom ir. every Btylo

Confectionfiry, Ac,

L I V E It Y S T A it I- F. SIn connection with the liaise.

Livery & ]CHEirrKii, X . J .

Tlio Rubficribcr In cniiMtaiilly oiiftafitd iu

BUYING & SELLING HORSES.Carrisgu, Ilnift mid Raddln Ilorscu lonsinntly

on band, and orders tokiiii t'ur tliu puruhus.' ofbpcfiflodaniinnlH.

i'nniiRm, Bpiirtmnun ami fcimtluwun «f Icimirc..-ill find it tu tlidr iiitortsl tn <'nll ilium inc.-itlniifor tin- piirrhnnii or Hftlo nflliirBus, »;i 1 giiarauttitlmt thov Hbali bo HKtisfoeturily ilunlt «iih.

I'artifBwishiiiifliidiniiNHi) -;f tli.ir Hurm-a cai

Cheater, _N.J- C2lf. '

To Let,

J > I ' " q u l u " M..VI.SEA11ING.

Dover, 3Iarch 30, '72. 15-tf

Jtaimfneturfr of

Choice Sweet CIDERAND

Pure Oider VINEGARMILL llllOOK, N. J .

Ainu iloalor in all UVAH of

DIMINO TE11BEM, PLANK,&.O., Ac, al very low prices.

N. B.-Ordvrn It ft ai Pltrunn'H Hat A. Fur Stfil

Dovur, will rowlvo pronipt Ditcntiiiu.

Look Here!.The Greatest Vlctui j or the Day



JOINT HKSOLLTIOX Ko. M I Lrolnt ItcMihitii.ii aiiHmriniiit,- tliu ito;;islor ftf

Uccdi! of i-ittt-x Cuiiuty t-J Cancel n Curtainricirtitogt'.

iVIaTcDu, thu MorriH nnd EHNCS Itnilrtrad Cum-pany Hindi' ami fi'-iTiiHid to .li:reiuiali C. fiarth-wain-, WillUm U c IIIKI tii:ni'K« Vn-1, eoinuiia-Kl.ini ni .if tl,o HcbiMl fund of tbis n\nU; a mi>rt-KBJJL-, l^uiim; il:it.! tb.i Bi:vt<nt.'<-ittli day uf

. Jauuiiry, wclitwiii hniuln:d nml f'-ny-thvi"', tnicruro ilm%niu «f Ihirly thi.ii-iiiid d<iilur»,wl.i-h ni..rlK»(ii! U rLC.inf.d in Hook li 'i ofMi>rtuni;< B fi-r KSK-K umuity, in tliin wiati-,piiK-'H Ml &c.t and iv]u:rcuH, tlio Huid iiK'ih.-ciiml by Uw n'tid murlKuK" U™ >"|>»id to tlm irinmii'tT nf thin itutu •mill nli.jr.'SH. thu t;idd ninrti;ai,'o han li^ii l.tor di'Hirnv.'it, and c;inn<l'l>o iinhliiccd tn hcniii'-lli'il of rt-'inril * r.ml wliortiid, rtnuliln Ua\

1. II<i it r.'M.lvfd l.vtlu- K<mntL' nml fl.-TicinL.iinl.ly ..f tliu Pint" «if KtiHT J.TH.'V, That tho•yint<ir nf ili L-ilrf cif tht! cnimtv or EB*'S I»I and

lit- M hirubv dirurtrd tu catiei-1 of r - c i d (ho fl-il.lini)it;;ut;u \>i-ar'wj dntu tb<> Bcvontrciilli diiy ufJaiiuiiry.ciKldtui hundred nnd forty-thrLf.nn.dt)bythoMorriu and KHH^X llailrund Cimipany toJi r«mluli c . diii-lhwitit<>, WtJlinin U'" iktidOcui,;.,ViL<!,ooiiiiii[HBi<iuur», Ais.and n.L-'.nb'd in Hix.kE -1 of Murl-ajjoa fur lisms county, on pD:ll, Ac.

" ijiroVed ApiilJ, 1872.

<i '•• lint "i.r i::rrfirH~aYui A ppi'ii"-', . IlL-ItL-nncli-ii l.ytlirjM,.nitti'(i!id ntii/rnl As-

Hi'iuhly uf Urn Statu of Ntw JiTw->j/lbat thofirst strtinn i,f tlw n d tntlth'd '-A fiiL-tlirr Kiipplc-iiunt In tbu net entitled 'An nut cdutivo to the•oiirt of umint nnd nppoalu,1 " npiiruv,..! ApiilHixth, (i«lit<'(m Imndivd and M\tv-:lvi-, ahullrantinuo iu fnrci) f.»r tlmm ynns from llionil tli day (if April, tightcen bundml and HL-VUIH.V

•>', And bolt imnrU'd, That this act uLall tabcfluct immediately.

Approved April i, 1872.

CHAI'TEU DI.XV.AfitrliiWHupplcini'iit to mi net entitled "An ad"

rurtpirUliii^ cuiivryaiii't'tt," npprovrd A}tuoiith, oiglik'iii htinilrud n>i<l furty-xix.1. lie it I'imitcd by tlioitmintu nnd GTinprn

Assembly of tliu Ktato of Now Jfr^y.jaTial an;eoiiKiilur agent of thu Unft.tl .HUtk-fl/bull bnvi(KiMin-toiiiku tbo nt'liiitiwli'dgu •ittviltfoml nilliltivitu; imd ,'nil n.._ .m.'-iH, jiritofu, or iididnvilri tatctp befuroc-miBiilar-uceiit, wlictlit>r the put /m or picxeeiilnig tliu deed, milking t l n / u W o r ailidnvi'iVui ur dui-H nut ICNIIIU in iiii^/iuntrv or plnco Iwin. li xiifJi cimsulitr n{jcinSiJrri'«!ili*til, Hlmll bo ivnlishLiul.lV.utiic.l iin if tnkoii vUhlii MIIH HtftlIvfnrv- u iusliw of the Httpri'iim i^uit llitrmr, i

!(ka In ihu net tu »liidi ibiH In n Kiipjli'

tliu ixpi'iidit(iri:H ana tlif vuiU'licrs duly vuiiiluil.

S. Ami l».i it nwcti.il, Tlmt tlii* nut r.lin'.l not IMIeniiBidfTi'il r.H valid or opi.rntivo mil. the l.-«h-Inluro rf tin; Criimiimn.-iltli of IVII'-HVIV^HIA

nfiV\i:i«.inR"-, ^?VT]'H'''ifr'is-'iitirro c»f*'jVnii"vlvMiia!nfAiiui-t liiiilimj; n Hlic iippmiiriatfm, tltin w1.r-lmllimmciljufly go isit'i mil t»rc<: nml »ir.-ut :prnvidul, hov.-cver, tlint if tlio U-ui-liitiir.* '-fi'./miiiylv.uiia IIUVD upproprinti'd, or shul], til I burliroBunt Bw"i(ini uppr»iiriiito n luttn BIIIU tli:in tlircu•luiiwiiiii d"laiH, ili-i thu nmn( borcl^ up|in.pd-

I T I I K I 1 I 3 S T I N TII13

And from 115 to ?2.1 chenpor than any olhor•, firflt-cltiBB Honing Matbiiio.

AHEAD OF ALL.For simplicity, durnhilUy mid benutv they utand

unrivnllud. For HfitdihiR, bi'tmnlt.K. tuck-inir, foiling, iiniltln/r, coitlint;, bimling,

bratdhif,', gatliiTing and Huwititf ongiitlitrs, tliuy ftro unoxculkd.

AH lurtlcH in urnnt of a Rood relinblo flrst-clasfllocli-alitcli Mndilno ar. n-BiieetmUv invited t~call ami uxainino UU:BU tscollint Miudifnua nt IID. Oliaao'u varluty sturo, IJlaulswdll UtrLot, lloveIN. J,

TQUO no doalur'R word tlmt thoy mo not ajtniidardornroworthii.Hn, but cnll niul cxnmlnotbuni hiiforo iniK-buHinK (ilnoiilun;, mid lio tton-vinrcd that they iu*u jimt whut tboy nro cluiinedto bo.

niscldiicB sold by monthly infltaltnionta.Every Slacbino Wnrrnuted and limit In rcpali

£pr ilvo yeai H, Irco uf dnryi-. Thorongli and Bat-isfnetnry Instructinna glvun fruu i>f chuvge.

J O S K P H 1CA1HI3K,At U. 1). CHASIi'H nuiv ltoil, Will to it Uluo Hturo,

Miissux Klrei.-t,.I>iiVLT, Nuw Jersey,Agitnt for Jlorrii County. '

Bond foi- Circulare uud Prices.AddrunB P. O. Hox, 388.

los and fixtures conBtnntly nn InH Tor nil IlrHt-daBH Suwluu Slaclilne.B fur-

nished ut t>hort notku.

The Reason

& JOHNSONAru tmsv ivhllo HO many arc t't^'ju-j "dull

burtinesH, bnrd tiint's," i e - i i»T>c-caiiBo tlioy n ro nt-lliug

iioorly nil Hioii-



Tho incrcBEo of KaU>n in their Urosn Ooodihas cumpullpil them to curry a-

Larger and greater variety ofStyles than heretofore,

Awl nro now roadf with n

New & Splendid Stock.Tko only Ilnuso in which tho

SMALL ritOFIT SYSTEMIs BllutV adheiod ht.

Morristo-wn, N. J.


Fairchild's Double & Twist Cas-

simores, Flannels & Yarns,


All nha ilitalra to purcliUBO

Domestics, Flannels, Shawls,Cloakings, Cloth Cssimeres,Under Garments, Gent's Fur-nishing Goods, &c,

To call aud examine tlio Stuck nf


Ami he It (

"1Hi ! ™ ' f "

nl, Tlmt allR l h i l t

mtK l ie

j bud "bcwi tnli.-i mado undirr tliii

!!. And bo it enacted, Tlmt I Id a act shall tnhieflict imni'Hlinliity.

ApiirgvcJ Aliril -1, lr 72.

A further RUppk-tnetit t<t<> |irci\idt! for Iho mitof ihiHHtnU'.nnd to II _UHIITI-P," niipnivcil Aiffll fiiurtlt'ljjhl hundii'd nut! furly-Uviv1. iloit tiiiict-.l byNj^fffuinto nnd <

AssiiiuMy of tbu Ktnto of Nisiv Jenny. Tlml thutruuBuriii'. itriatm kouiKT Ludciunntrollur of thinHtjitr, Bhull tncli of >li« in 1><- omit led to rm.'ivo ir-aniinal i^itlurv of fi>nr ttimiHiiiiil iliilliira.

•I. And Wi t ciMcttid. That thin act shall talicirvi-l iinnicdintily.

Atijirovtd AiiriM, 1872.CHAlTElt DXXXI.

A Sitnplfimcnt to tlic act entitled "An net to an-tlmrizo the eBtabllBbinunt and tu mc^rlbu II,iliitios df companies for nianiiluuturiuK another iinniosim" approved March aucmneiuhli'oii hundred aud forty-ill no.1. l)t< it ciintti'd by tho Hcnato nutl CIOIHTI

AsHL'iubly or tliu Htnlo or New JurHcy, That nncmnpaiiy oijjuuktil fur nil or uny ouu or moro i .tbu ]iur|ioNiiH nii-iiti'moil in ii HUjiplcmcut to .laidact, npimivcd IMimnrj' twoni>-llfth, clglilit-uhandrnl uud iifly-imi, may innrlaat'o their lunilanml anv term o( vonrn tlioy may bnve nr nc<niln


ey may have nr iwnilricliiflop, to uuouro any bundsliicli inuy bo iaiiucu, wliielih i d tu I U I


iiucu,, IU CI

hinthoy am tiuruliy uiithnrizcjtlmir InwliiDhs, or to execute »limy iK.flSL»:t or m-qiiiiv, l>y vm.tiviet, oit]niinpfo »r for a k** i-.itahi, wlildi thoy ar.) hprvl.yautriorizcd tn »niiiiro by cont met UB ulurcsuid, orto ciiiiHtruct tlifir worin, ur to aci|iilro nny nml

l btd Ay

tl tu

.nu.rnTioi).nnd.'d, Tlmt tliin net Rball bn to bu a ]>ubliu aet, and nhi'diatelv.l i , J3M.


iimilemciit to nn net entitled "An act to C iulfiiKli u Stuto Imbislriul Huliool fur (iirla,[i|ii"iivt'd Ai>rii fourtli, ei{jhtuen hundred anuvuutytuie

iy ^

1, \\.\ it uinu-toil by tho Soimto and OcuernAsHoiiibly nt tin: S'tiito of Sow J.'tuCy, That fotln< ['"'I'swc'if i-miblint! thu toirftcti of Ilio indiixlrial HCIIOUI for Kirln ta'prf-roat, tnUrlvn anineliU'iitnl UKIH-HKL-H, tliu trennur.T or thu Biutu iliLTiihy dlivuicd to j'uv tu Ihu trwinuror or Bnihcliuitl, uii^n lawful warrant, tbu Htiui of 11 vtliimtind ilullnm.

•i. And be it enacted, That tills act nhall talitHiit iinmciliat^lv.

AHU-OVUII AytiU, 1«T2.

CHAli'Iilt DjvLVn.

A Further Rupiilomcnt to tliknut e'ntitlcil "An mri'spcutiUK i-oiiv(jyniik;iH,"l,ui>iinivud April llrtciinth, uiio ihuiiHmid cigb^ hundred mid furty

s 1. HL it cnacte.1 livVflHcm IV or ilut Htnfo

U.IIIWJ niieo hui-i-uf(crii [.urn

aiiv lai

Z im t.Bnidinand n

S 1


married n




uodUnnd^aiTo"tunITU'd \HJ11


uul n-l fonndthounmoshanuhuoiiBlTil)fl•oyaucho act


fe'lioitof Intulw,

Kindto Imtli ii1 h«



BonatoS% Jcr


and Owner

« : :'j-ftjr thu Ha

vith her Im

KtiflrfHa tvmo KO


mowied ir(•11(11

to nhlck thin li

liiitA Bl

tl'Illfl ItlUIUtl).

,1 bo it unnotod, Th

Ii "lettermwlcilg

ni'iit or

(,f nttornud, and am.


t nil tho

t, or by tl

pniviriioiirt (i A m i b I t u n a o t . TIhu Hiiiijiluniunt tu tho "Aet reidetliif, ianew." vvliieh sitiiiilnncnt wan animivud -Murefirst, inio thnumiml elgbt hundred and f»rty-nin.hnll cxtitiid tu lultur of !itti>rui.y mWo by virt

.1. And ho it enacted, That this act shall taffi-et iiiiniL'i'liiitclr.Approved April'4, lvTi.


oxists in Iliond N i ' \ 1




iioiiii"to navifTittliiu, which"ninUcfl HiC'fliiiiidnnn'TouB, and nffccla tin',commerce paMaintbrough thoso wiitcrs; tliurcforpf"1

1. lln it rcBolvcil by tliu fiuiintu ond fl^iiunfisumbly of th.. Statu nf Xttw ,T.,iw.v, That oi

.aonibnr« of roHi;roHH, IHIUI in tbo wtmto anhoiiBO of rcpruai-ntiitivLH tin and nro herd;rcqucBtcd to pnwtiro, i( piiHRiblo, mich npiiroprl;"—- by cniicrt'iin na ninylm iii'tinnnry tn tiniirnv

navigation <>f aalif wntora, mid cBi.rcinlly t.roniovo such obBtmi.-ticii{i m tuny cxint in (hichannel at tlm point known ns tho Corner Htal;and t^hnotiTB' lBliuul.

2. And hit It rosnlriKl, Tlint tho Rovcrnor ho r;fl"i ntcd to furnish u copy nf tho fiiroRoitiR priamhlu nnd resolution, without tlulsiy, to tliXL'iiatorB anil rcpredoiiltttlvcB Iu cun^rcHs fiuitboatatoof Nnw.TiTfir.v.

Approved April 4, W\.

JOINT ]IKdOLUTH)N No. V.olnt ItcHdliitlon riraiijiri'iii-mtiou tn tliu .Sitfiiii]KiTviii" iJui'Ui'lui^iit in lii'iiuif of ihu fari'iiiiifhit<-ri-«lN.li-n-im, tlm niKi,.il Horvicu tli'imrtmuit of tinUuiK.-a Htnlt-i' iiimy h.<» [>K<vt,J ilBclf.-.f K u ct

try ; and v.-h,'r. UH, l.v inon ii-in- it« nt iti->iiH it

i:nltiiriil 1'iliTtnts, whk'h hilurcut it* thu u'cuitli

1. II.- it «B-)IIM1 liv tin- H.imtu uud Gm-rnl-H--)iil'Iy "f ll:o Stiif.: i.f N.;w Jt:rBiy,'rhiit ..ur

>'m 4-un^H'i.-h iii'*:fi' r'iri|V.Vit]!ltr-• |.Vii'i 1 i,i!' nM' uiiItintilu tlw war ili-inrliiwiil t 'n-s •.ml its Jn'-A•rvi.'i-svslfii. RDrsili.M.'iirriU u^viintii-. » loid fmniiii^ ittt r.-HtH <•] r!u- Uril. d ol:,;, «.'2. And l»t> it riMiilvcil, That tin- K»uTii-.r W n -

u.ni.-d lnfHniii.il a c.-i-v o]' tii.t l.u.c.jinc \.ft-iiilili>nininr«iluii.>iiHiniiiinlini<']v lo our i>;im-

rHAl'IF.It I iU.

A Furtlifi- HiinpU'irKiit lo nu art uitiUud "^n nottu i-i-j-riilnl.' iJ»H-_-Mt-H in tlm rivor U.ibivr.r.:, r.u.ifur OURT p:iri.-ni ,\" ir.H.nl N-,vum!.tir tw-im-.Bixth, uurj tll-H,sUI'!.;l,;lH miiiilridUlHl Ll^ill.'1. JI'- il i...netcd by tin- JirJmt-! and u-m ml AM-

t-nililvi.f II,,. Htitts of N, iv .lurti.-v, Tlmt Hi-iimof tlit-uo tli<mH,iiiddi.]!iirH IK- nn.l h.ivliy inpi.rnjiri.il,.,! f,,r tli» ptii]inm>of pr..piL;.T.tin,; 1.W1I

.,i tin. rivur JMawnn-, l<i ho cspoii.k d nmfcr th<i

.lirwtl-.l) of llio iMiimii^j'.tKirs i.r ll<»'vh ^ uf Ihrf Nnv

omd bv

uill pn <imd

I'tuilnhalliiiitul i in t

W':| in

im heriuit tin.

hi'iuit tin. «;:mil by thu lugls

p|in»lirlor Ib

!1. Ami lit) il onaetml, Tlmt Iho Kovernor nf thixntu in biTt'l.v nviuL'utcd to Irniisuiit mi uttcrttodil>y of this act tu Iliu ;;ovimn>r <'!' tlio ftlntu ..f

. t'litiR.vlvHhiH, reqm Htini; him to mibmit it to thek'Kh!.iliiri">r Hint *Mi:

Approved ApiiU, l$Ti.


Joint Resolution tunlihig nti nppripnnlloii for tlmiiKCLWtirv nmount of 1110:11 10 inViiro tho buiJd-1UKH uf Iho Kol'li, ni' (.'bildi'tMi'H llomi'.

1. ]).'lt r<Hoh<'d by tlio Hnmlc mid ncn-rnlAuH.iui.ly df llw lilnto nr Nuiv Jnrwy, Tlint the

1 stutu In-aaiirm1 is h.'id.y iiutliurizrd to i>r<ivi.Ui1 for llio iiisurnnci' (if tint hniMlui'ti uf thu holi •*'childn'K'H hum.', mid iniv iuv tliiJ ^iitim iY.nu - . . ,

K-iicyn not olliovu-ihii appro]iriuti'd.•2. And hu it resolved, That thib runulution take-

ufiW't iuimrdiul.-lv.Appruvud April I, UTL

UllAl'l'Jili PL.

An Ant Bnpplouunl to nu net entitled "An Act hiIncwporittu TrilHk-.rt or lIi-liRiiiMB ^imnlle!),11

approved April et.VfntoL.iitli.Diiutliinwtindcljflihundred mid furty-wx.1. Its It nuacU'd by tbo Kcnntti mid Centra

Aanci»l>ly of thu 8UI0 of Si-w Jurncy, That iifbiill lit- lawful fur any rvlijdiiuii s.,i-iurv m thi.utiilc, ho\v..vcr iiu-orpumtod, to puri-baHu nml lml<:

nnd nlni) to convov uud diKpuhu of nny rual t-stattwhich tboy may ileniii un-ummry nnd i-xptniictitprovided, Hint tlin rtame niull not bu ii»i-d by tinlcli^-inuH i'ni'i>oi'fUi<Hi iiL-.jultiu}; tl.o BUTUO for nu;iitliur pur|n»Bo tUmi tliu rondunnii it ml uialntmn

(I'uillnild'tboliiitiiiuKn.. b M o . i . U . i n d f o , , , ^ . . ^

L-, "tlii lvoi-Hbip (if Alm^Utofrclittion^iw.riljiijt

lifluiiKB, orforfdui-nlUiii, or tho iiiliiiiniHtiof choiltv to tho bi'dicH nr houln of mill.

2. Atn!buiU-ii!ii:Ud1TJi:1t nny fo:t%-cyaiu'o nioyrcfiui'iit liy and iwlwJcii any r.-1-.jiuiis corpnm-lions, intciuk'd for thu piinxiri-.s ufur.-Haid, by 01uudur tbu milhoiiiy ilf HUIOI i^q.nnih.ms now

to ho vuliil nnd <':Ki«!tunl in luiv.3. And lie it usmckd, Tlmt lliis out shall tali


, cni 'ATEIl DXXSV.A further Bupp'.fiuciit Iu un art cntlttcil ''An or

unMlioiisaiid Hslit'lmurtml liiitl foi'tv^lxl''1. l lui tfnaet . 'dl .ytbo Hcnntcund Ui<u«ml An

cmlilyof Iho Htiito of Ktw Ji-ieey.Tlmi tlu-rhiill be a»n"SHMl, iL'Vlod nml i-ollnli-.l mi tliu initil'iUut:* ol' ilio i.tr.t<', niul up. 10 thu .taxable roi,.tui pcvmiiialilu prupiTty ns i-xhll>it*'d bv UHMIIJ

Birutlii ol r,il.iljtii froiii tlii; pcviiarcou;ili,iiinad-J out by Ihu HUVITHI biinrd« of aHucwurM, ro," \oironu Ihtiurinud tiabf liundrod mid iu.iv,,

im, 1111*1 illwl iutliooilk-uof tliu et)ii)iitn>;[,... ,1m tivasury, » ct-ito lux of one mill on m-]dollur or t'.ii: v.-tlualioiH coiitajunl iti Kiiid ill,BlniutB, whMi is hiTil-v niipi-opiialtil iinrt i.halboanilicvlnn ftiilinvn, to wit : two liuudi't'd tnuHlUy-Vour Ihuuhntiil MUVI-II linmlr.d nn.l nuniitvui^ht dollnm, or mi mud! Ilium.fun tuny Im nctdfill, for tlm pnyitKVilnf Hie pi-iiifiiml filling dm

i-st RH nliali b.i'vu ni-emuil im mill tirnt ilnv (if J.".nunry, niul 011 the tlrht ilay ur July next thvmilleol', mid on a Ion 11 nutlmri/.d b.v nnuut uililk'i"All Act ittitlinriitlsig LI loii" fur tliu pnnuisitft 1,wnr to K'pvl invri-ioii mid hiippn'Kri iiiriili'ivdi.iuand niiiimiuiatiiig tho niiumiind pruvidin;? fotlio ptivmcnt tliprt.'i'f," nppiow.l Jlr.y limth, ontlitmainiddljjhthiimlriiV ' - - ' ' • ' '»•

L'HAI'TIilt I'l/OC.VCVJlI.,Vn nut mahiii)- nn nmu•ujH-iation lo fiiniish b.iu

lurlli,. blind of tliinwiiiti'.,.Tca«, Ib.r. ltim l.

wllc, li.-iitm-J.:-, IHMIuid Hint'-, \i <:<IIII[>UIII n i iTin tint; ll.iti.'.'lurVin Uliml,1

l i l I l i a d d l i h

l i.l tin.- k-niflntuli " Ann'

purpo^ in r

llio hiwn of Ibis Statu ivhi..'h Hiuill lnt in furee ntthe timu llto raid taxi's H'.niil lie iif.ni-ssud n-Kiila-

. tinn thn aBSCtifiiiiunt ami i:ol!f.:ii_on ol1 t.-.w n, i s -t'l'i't n i lii and by Ih.u nut o»lii?i'\\ IMO oi'dt:rL!*l tmdtli ruct i>il.

9. Anillip U Minctcil, That it flhall be tlm dutynf tlio cumi-UolliT aforusalil, I., niipurtion tlioflaidlnx, nnd M HIL rate iifunsi.id, iiinnni; tlivsi'vi.nil countk<a in pi-oi«iriion to tin, l l t l,onnt

tlcsroaiicetivi'lv, naslm\ni l>y tlinaiistniets n»-ncciiviiv ntniliirtaaiil; uud it sbitll \>u im <lu(vlo traiw'iiiit, niildn thirty »!:IVB aft IT tlw itpproviilnr pftHnsiffo of ibit act, to tin: county eolkutur of.oncli cmiiit)*, a stnti'iiH'iit nr llu>niiu.:iiit of fluidt.ixnpportiimudto Hni.l couiily, and naiil couutvcolk'cUir ttltal! lav H.VII! Ktitti-niL-iit U-I'oix- tho an-•wmors of the townshipH or v.-nrda v.itliin hU•ciuiity, nt th t i r i i fs t liK'utillK to lippolliwi tliuowiiittiip tnsos, mid wiid nswstmra cltall thi-n.-ipon procuud to nasoB3 onld tax awurtUiig to

1 3 . Ami Im it i-nnctcil, tlint it ubnll ho thu dnlvof thu wjinptmllcr to fnruiuli to tlio colli'cli»-i*ftlw Huvcrnl comitio-s printrd forms on whiL-h lln.Iwiinlaor nPr-Bsnrs hliiitl mnko thuir n-luniMolthe iiliunml of vatal-1i>a of tlulr rcyiiti-llru emu.IU-II, ui'on nliifh foi-inr. tlioro slmll !,o prlntod theuntil ryquimUo bo tnkun l>ytho iiHHu^,,rf.. an

1 pniviih'd bv Hcction tflvlvu of nnni-t fiititUul "A• imtlicr minplntinit tt> nn net t-iitiilcil 'An nirtK-oiiwmdnJ V I K . ' V " niimmNl At.rll r..nrtii'«tlt,olio Uunmaiitl dxM inimli-.-d iiiulV"rty-!.ix, wliii'hMiti]>!ci)innt wiis npiir.ivcil ,>pril clevvnlb, 0110

Uh.msioid eight liun.in-.UmlBHtty-sImiml nodistract of Hit- fltmuitit of r.ittiblua from nny

iliiiR "tolii'w iiriWs Hi'dil'oilh' sl-aH liavo l ' " *lalicn nnd BiHmLribod by each mm 'board of-

l i l t i r n , f.»r t in- iwc of tin. blind in tli« f i i i l i-dMat. ' ! - ;ui id iviiTuiH. ft-ction KCVCIIIII of thoclr.n r u l tin- NUI i Ann ri.-an J ' l i i i t inj: H-i ihoI-i.oi.l H, " t l . i . t . i.-iVM-li- 1 for Ilm Mind, lo-IM(.-;I in (i htut.. Hi,. '.,, l . ^ n l n n i r u o r i-ltiztiimt> >:ii;il>ul.' l'i ih.; f i i n i k o n i i . ' Anxri.-n'i 1'iiiit*i:,:; H-HIH'•, i'!wll, in i . ioi 'oit ion 1-J (lji> fuudbn .n -t i iMid' . l , tii-i-iiiiil>'d t-lt-ipluB ut ir.i-rv booki l l ' H .1. ,1 hy n i d I i n i ^ , ' xu ]>,> iliHttibiiti .1Kr::t,i;i.iii,ly"t.>Hii-iii.]ii;!]]iiTJ(iim i:n nr;) linn-lil.:t..j lui.:)i.:ri.<tl..-iiii"niiAwlii>n-aii.itifl birth],:<•]'• 1 I.H:1 .Ir.-iniliir tlmt tlm dtlxotiH of tliu{•tiil.-of N.;iv.J<rf..yBh<rtiM nbar.; tlio buid . i iB

1. i" - i t v.,r,< l ;d by tin- Si 11.1't.i nud ( i t nc ru lir.A-i-.lily ..f SiiL- Mai . . .,r S*-w Ji-rnuv, T l in tinn ,irt (.. vr.-ul, IV.-.li-it-It T . rn;l;i i(:hny f . i . | i midiii :..l-».v i ' . l l m i U i i l , , ,,r tliiK HtiLti', I,,, a m i tbu

:imcmvl tM.<I>y e: . i^t i lnl . .1 mi oilvison' bonr.l ,1, i.d.ii-,. aii.l fn-oinTaU. v i t a any auxil iary n«irln-v..ri ' .\M-uiivi- l"..u.l l o r th . j nt;ilo ol Ni-wJurBt-y,.rtl.-.' i'iii.1 .iiiiM-ican I'riuliiifr lU.n*; in rimii.frini'lii to ],tj I-\I.< nil.-il in Inrnlfl inK tint tvorkB of!n< lYiulii.i; l/,jii!(.- fj oiti'li of tho blind of Malil

:1i''nn'.;.» "','. ui'ii','•'- in 1-Ud'uiUWy l i r a n i "" luat l ' i ,c-!L-ii:ili,-,ii r,v i,H.i-r..iH.' Hintil 1^ Ulloilby t h o ro-

•>. Aii'il in'- it "t'lniiitrd, T h a t ' t b o BUTI of flvoln-i^.iixl CV>1]IU-H, uf uny inou.-y in t h r s t n l o t rn in -

.'liulHt I'UII- nr-'iV B.Lii!rb,l,-ml,'t'llt(. iiitrrust nulv of

.viil-h mi 111 uli:i!l In- ii'ied, i-tii-li mid every vcnr.'fnr,]«.'iiuifiitiM; of IHJ-I1:H nml otlii-r npplkiicoH for'lieliliu.nvoi.i Mi.- nf.,r. wild An'-licin JVinlliiK" .-, tit t!ii!(-xai:t .:.mt of iini!iiir««hii-ii; wbicb

uiu.li>ii|.lili[i.'>Bsn purobni^.1 slmll bo dix-iribiite;l (•i-atmt.i.ihly. f,.-m timu Ultimo, by HiUdl.imnl, iiin.iii;; tlic imllgtiit blind of tbo titulu uf

Appmwa'.'.pnl I, Is-U,


mippli-Dicnt ti> mi nut liiilitlc.d " A fnrtbor unp-

Inst'it,*" (ipii]-(ivi>[| A •Til f nirt.'1-iitJi, (iiKlitot-aImmlr.'d atiil f<trh--hi) wbk-h Hiiid BUpplmntutwi.-, npproinl Aj.ril . oventh, ci^htcmi bun-

1 licit Miurl.-'d'tiytlio Komto nnd OcncritlASHi-liibly tir tliu htatii of Xcn- Jorimy, Tlmt tlmw-inl "citizen," HI part one, of tin; liftli Btctioiof"n.'Cft tu wJilclilSiis in a Biiuplemi^nt, hhiill bo

2!^Vmri»-l^'|I |".-W, tTli!it\J |Tiit.raVinthi^•1-i iniv.n«is+it ixt with ll.iti uit, bo nnd tho BIIIIIO•(•.]ii-n-|.y rejx-o^d, and that this act ulmll talto

Approved April 4, 1^7 .


.Unrtln'r mippl'-'iuciil tonn net oiilitlnd "An nett'.y anttvmYM nn t-xtiniMion of tho Ktnto I'mon"1

i]i]iruvitl Ajuil t-'ccuud, ninj tbouBand eightiiiiidvi'd niul fixlv-niii'-i. Unit i-:i»i-ted by the Si-ndto nutl Oi-nornl'•'•mMyi'f lln'Ht-*' (lf Nr>w .Itii-Hcy, Tlmt for

tin- ]iiii-jiuHi> i»f liniHliiitf; tin: new or *OHt wiiif,' nftin: hliitu jiiinon, nml diili'nvi"!! tho rxiiuiiBira nl-r.n'ly inrtirr. d in omin-H'tlou thf-r,-«itl.t tl.o uuni•if twuiity-ciKlil tlioimnnd mid BUVL-U hundreddol-l;»rs* I)*;, -intl tin; Mine ia In-rc-bv njipi-opnnted to lwimld on tlu< wmmut nf tbu comptroller tu tboImnrd or Minci-viK,,!-,! an Ibty lur-y dirnct.

•J. And In. It minett-it, That thin net ahull inka ef-fiit-t imuuJdiiitcly.

Approval April 4. 2P72.

riiAiTEii uxxxvrn.A Biiiiplctnciil to tint net cntitlod "An Act to pro*

viiiu l..i- tin. r.-ni^rntion <>f poraoiiB untitlrd totin; ris{ht nf Huffragii In citicH." niiprorod Marchtwi'iily-waiuil, outithuUMandoiKlilhuudrodiiuilBevfniy-oue.

1. Bi; it cunetbd by tho Scnnto and OencralAB«-mblvof th.: Htato of Kuw .Ttrney, Tlint tboproviso fn tlii> fiiurth ci>ctiiiit i.f tlm m't tu wl.khthiHtsnKUi.iik'iucutbj mid tho eamu U licmbyreponkd.

2. Au.) bo it oum:tct1, Tiint tlio bnanlfl of rcgift-trv. nt i:neh inoetini; thi<rG(jf,fn pursiiiinco of saidnet, tihiill remain iu H^HIOII until ci,;lit o'clock intlif rvniint;; nutl tlint Iho aovoiituciith Bection ofunid net bu nml thu wmo in liembv n 11101 id.:d byn.Mins- nt tbo cii.l tlicruof tbo wonln " or wborcoiin.ii.1 liniirds of reciiitry slmll mett. in imrBiiancoof naid m-l, for Itm purpose of rcijifltration."

^. And im it curtctuil 'nmltliis act aliaU takeI'tket Itumuliatclr.

Approved April 4,1873.

CHAI'TEU CCCCXCT.A Fnrllicr fliippU-tnciit to nn net enl!tlnd "An •

net to (shl.lmli n fvBleinof l'ublia Inntmo-tion," itppiovt-d j[iire.h twi;iity-nrbt, oucthou-panil cigiit hiniilietl mid Bixty-itcvc-n.1. Un it onnettid bv tbo Hencln nml General AB-

a,-i;il-lv i.r thu Ktntti of Now Jui-doy, Tlmt tboKi'lmot year K.ifiirn-i ivg.udfl tlio State Normal;;i'hi>'-l, all a 11 hGrentier terminnto ou tho last dayof Juno.

•. And be it enacted, That this act oball Uko,-{\\:Qt inuneiiinlely.

Approved April a, IHT2.

CHAPTER CA Riiiiplonient tn nn ntt entitled "An art to pro-

vll'-nilditiomilnccoiinnoaiitioiifnr tlio In Ban 0of Ihin ntalit," nppiovcd Mnrcli tbirtv-flmt, onotbiiuriiuid < i^bt Imuilrud uud Hovtnty-ouc.1. HoiU-nnctod by tho Heunto anil General

ABsuinlilyiiftlu! Ktnto of New Junwy. That fromiiniltiri'-rthepn^iiiuoftliiB art, it nlmll not bolawful Tor nny permm or pi-rmiiiH to aril, or CMIBP,nr lino«-lnBly itcnnit to bo not.1, directly or fndl-rcelly, any mnlt, vinouB, nplri(uDtm or Intaxlca-tiiisHijimrfl, or nuv comiiositinn of which BUCIIIhltmrs, nrnin-ofilicm, shall furm tbo chief In-(;i-edient, within -.lio crounila owned by tho Rtnte,in.r on any olber Linda or plnno lyiiifr and btinpwithin nttoimliMtf thi! Imnndary of tin) groundsou:!.'d by thctjtnte for the n Mini mod nti on of ihoin^uiic, mid ftnv perfion HOoiloudine nlmtll>c doeni-r (I jruilty i>f n mUiiumiMinor, nnd on uouvic-tfonshiill l,i'"fl'icil nnt less thnu fifty iiiir-iiKiro thannm- !iim.li-ed doIlnrB for tho firnt olT.'Jiep, tuid uot[-•ssi than oTi'<buiidr'-ddollnn<roreM.-biiii\ii.iiiiiiuutolf.-iu'.-, toj;t;tbi.r with tho cnKtri of prowcution.

'.'. And b" it enwtpil, Tlmt UIIH net ulmll bo ftpuhlL- aet, imd ubnll tnlco efluct immcdlatclSv

Approved April 8,1S7Z. • V


An net rolntitis to tlm Sntinnnl Ccmotory st An*

Wlx.ronti, tlio loifinlMiir," uf this Btfltn, hy JointroHtiltition, n]-.;.rnvftl April fmirtii. «>iff ntofti nun-died nml Kistv-ms, provided for thoruimivalnndd.;p.-»!tlt in tlio (Tiiulti-n- nt Antietam, of tbu ro-mninfl nf tho Koldi.-rn frntu tbU stnto, who won)int«m<a n:i tlm bittlellt-ld of Antiftam, or tbollcldx nf oMi.'r bnttl-H fought in tlmt part ofHnrrlnwl, Jimttinsj tin- rsiwnne thi-rcfor to tho*um "f liv.- thmi^ki.d dollars; .ina nlKiroaa, thoiiiirpnsr.u iif j.-iiil rcniihilion hnvn been accont-iilihli.'.l at an I-XIWIIBO of two tliounnnd eight-iiiuidrvd and f.irty-six a-illiirH nnd forty contB:imtl wheruan, it its iir.'poBi-'A by tbu trustees oftlio Atili.-tnin Niiti.itml Ccits ct cry to erect a

e hieuof the

held to "npply" oml l*u hi rmvciBiifiir ns'tl'iey'dnnot eiinllict with tbu provisiotni ur tliH r.et.£. Aiidb.-iU(-ini(l',l, That lliia nd tmnll toLe

inii'idiin'rmvi1 tbuprovinnrle.1, T

lApri tV, 1372.

Will CItiiewiidlcrHfRini tho various Btatciiof tlio U

1. lie-it itum-teil by (bo Knnnto Wid OcnomlFieniMv of llio Ktato of Now Ji-i-uey, Tbnt the•t-i'surci-of this Mtatelw nnd itt hereby iltrcctotl

to pny to tho tnistwit of tlie Antiutam Kationalllriiit tcry, upon tlin wammt «f the stnto ciimp-trailer, Bin-h porlion of tho Unexpended batanco

' the said tlv.i tl 1011 muni dollarB, toward tboercc-1111 orrntid mmmniont, us tlm governor may>cin to lie tin-l^.tj-nrciintrilnitfoii of this •ttite,iin]>nrc<l with OUILT utfttca contributing to tbo

2. A<id'i>c'itrnfLctc(l,Tliat this act aholl UkoClT.id imtneiliately.

Apiirovcil April -l, 1--72,


uppk'nicnt tn nu net nttitlod "An tvot to tncr«asathe-i'b'ii'1 fund nf tbis ntnto," IMIBUCI Aprilnislli, liijhtci'ii bundrod nnd devunty-ono.1. lit- It tmni:h>,l by (!,<, Kottnto and Gfmornl

.isrtinbly nf the" stale of Now Jersey, Tlist allU'liHns which nhnll lu-renfter Im nuiilo of landi

fixtb dm- or April, i>ii{litu»n linndroil Bin! unvcnty-<nm, nhiill bo Ir.itiRterred to tbo tn(4ceB nf tliopdionl runt) of ttiis ntutc, »nd IKTOIIIO a portion oftlic fn-u M-1II,-1 fund ; and tlmt thuammnl Incnniourihlnn from r.niil loauen sbulllift dint dim ted livib<-r.uid truHt^Hfiu- tin; mipimrt ntfvfo publici^ltiiuls, iti the nnnii' inaniit'r tlmt otlior moneyflaro now dlatiilmtcd for tlint purjios.-.

•->. ,Vii,lb.it rt.ii(-t..l,'t'hat tbia net shall t&loeCurl iioincilinl.-ly.

AppruviHl April i!, l ^ a

Page 2: A. TAYLOB, · Tlio Union Bnnk nt Dover. BoTon por cont OoltJ Honda uf tlio Houston Total Control Hallway Company—Hon. Win. E, DodRo, 1'ruBidont—for RRIO at 00c. and accrued Intorotit

THE IROX ERA. _ , .... | Encyclopedia

BEfJ. H.JOCIT, E.l!t..r „„.! Prop'r. I Dj^Qj-^.y fc GazetteerSiilunliiy. Jinn! ' , isi'J. '•• '-•'•>•«»• '•• '•• i - u . K '

Spring- of 1872!

A,,,~i»i;'Zl71r.N»-! M. H. DickersonThe Politics! Situation. tory, Uiosnsjdiy, (icoiiniphj,

Hiii-iitf, Art and Jijtiii-

KH^^ Spring & Summer Stocklli- Ciin'i'iiMli n-ii»hrili'Ti ""'I in ]i:-"li;i!ilr r.- '. 'im-; nSXY C'OMITXTF, IIKOVfl-OrKlilA, I • OF

' J ' * . - ._ir i l . T . . - 1 . t i l . . 1 i l . . 1


r J . i l ' ^ h t t h - 1

i*lo I.111II.'S uud Uiu™

It i-. rl..'-M---Hy Int i

s o n ; • : 1 C J i i . i i n t r y l - . r [ o r , i t i m w l - c i i i f f r i m i i 4 i : t r , p : i r l i t n w i n . i i n f t r l

,1 •••!'•<•!••• {,<• I l - l l l . T ' C M i ' r c ' f i l t l t i l l . " i t ti l l At Illll'f. Ill 11I1V H> '•!(.• I -T Ul l . i lTI! , ' t l i,'<•. i l . ' , r < l i ' . r i .< M l i ( > • ' ••"• w . i r l i in l i . -mii i l i n ' l w . J i j i u r l u v o l u m v i


I'mliV [Mi-ty nny IK *••!••• i Price Per Vulcimr.!.:;l:ii;."r 1!it- r.-i''tr;naiii-t•: CMli, NH.fiil ; I/afi i ' r , iU.Tt J Ifnlf M»r.n™,, ,i | t,,..viir,i" t|)l. ,„;,., i m . ' > S-.!.l«ii!y l.y tin-i-uMnthurc, nr llnirnu-

iti-, o< iv.. il as otniisint;, I ?"i' " i" ' 'fhe'^'i'ilfiihl'i i r V aw'-iiV! ""Vu.lltj'i ' JI.as Qtntlsllit;, ti r l i the iiiililihlnTit.TM of tli.-Uv.i I TIIOMI'S'IN, jl.iTiT, N. J.


wl iii.ilniuii-iil^

V ALT. THE C1IXK I LOVK THK JiEKT,* T h r ' m m l i h l r n i i i - " " "

, i | A ^ I I I J V H i n U i r w l l . .

. u . l •;•-•!tiliK Hiu ii i'it'. iM:i:li!iiiii U> \Aa\ tin- HHi!:il ! W | it-rn nil Hie miHonliUt-.-niI-<1 y.nit!m pfim: from

.mi] n M I _ I i i | I'AKT.S t ' . u n l r r . t'i ; niulinHiirnUri-BiiUti iu i» M 1» > w»t, L. >, wlui . » , , 1 , , i n r l i ; L m ; j ,n , f . u i ] 1 1 J l l U l M i , , , „„ n w y y ( mtf, ,,li,,tl.iivi.iiti.iiiiiicfts,.-riiiijir:ii;i*!i!i-v.-tiiii--, a i t to ii _ ( l o i , ( „ „ , , V | . l i r vjj^rox'f. P A N T S t.i invUr, * « ;fc i i l t! r '«! M N M in !t.-iiii-iit:i<Mi)'t]>liy i l t l l vmi t i a ivlin vif1i to c: . t t ivnt- Hti'lv liii^t

I,, ).Wy it, HIUM, i-.mil- Urn;: the n-Biilar uld linn

pru'ialilu pupiiliiriiy uf tin: nciv t.ui •, nnd vlimli-i r i t »ill n<it Ir; well for them l=i hnvi; I'lcirr.idin-

' V ;l|i'iiMi:iiI*|.-.iiiltkit th.-y tini evidently dis-

, , i.im nrH'.ifti s.i ar.i In it'ild :iltj[l lln! "Id par-n ,, ,,ur, iiiiiiiitthieliinimthuliiserihulUiu nhlI«itv wntfh-w..ri!K1 mid that tli- |.!iiif.iriiH nfHie


OYSTER SALOON,Next Ilimr tn the Exproaa Otflct1,

HUSSliX NTllfiiiT, Poviill, N. J.MAKL'KI, VAN IIL All COM, P m p ' r .

Tlm BHhs-Tihor hnnjiu' npe.nerl n If?fn>st)iiii<iit

nnd of the Lust qiialititu llio iimilnt iifV.rdn. Also

Sl^u^iMiiS^uldXuu, iHllS Fresh Fruitst<ii;jirirj th(!ii!''i;fi'eKs;i-i»«ili-iiiciit l;i tl.'MMHhtr iu- i In- w-nstin. In larjjit 'T mmti'in «r » jthilPirm to J..- tml.mil t-d t«. u priifjTenK. i:'"«\ nssririinuiit of Conflict iuwxy.


injl i|imiililifH, withctimiurj'

Ciu-(j!i!i»tl Oi-ivni'i-,!!, mil its

[ircHU, is nun .if t!i«

tli'U- imlir-;,tit»g

iny in tli'j MHI I:,'«JUI •ut «! Via

OiiLMiftli»iii(i»l hiiiKirtniit phiidm hi t l - ( h i -rlntiati plairi tnu, mvl o n - w l i i d i iho ru|i'i!»!i<-imnutmai.i-n will iin.Ii.nilv inVnvi-r t ' i \n< n v.-rv

,!,„.. riv) e r r iv(ion .\NU TIMHF.U. »I Wo.jdi.ori,

of tho btbt brnmlrt mid vai iniiti (|uuliticH.


Dover, .Itmu l,Vi7l. 1 .v.

15 or '20 MKS


l i iuiinfUiilvi-mit Aimiii-Miynu'llnit'artiul Ktrf-frami." Wiwiia 11M; tuRnbir i>t>lilki;.ux of ll.c-IMii-ly in j«.-.v.:r cliwN.v.-r tliis to liu u jMiinilnr Ittlic,it U.linkiilt ti> iiuili-i-Blnitfl Ititiv t)i. j cn;i ixivHililyUiaimK" to liluy It. 'J lioru is tin: miniwaiiid IIIWH(jr«ni!rn*i'Kiffl3si:tlby lli(! nilins jwrty, niul a\>-im.riid and Hif'.ivul l.y ii rrpuMicuii cxnciiUvo,ilihriiiud.iMMi! IIIIHIMI ..v.iy K.iHii.-ni mini win.Unmindfu l tit HK..IKI In tlui <n-j;ntiiai[ioii mulu.liniiiiutnitl'jii of HOI!(!I.-III Htuto K"V<'tn;.ii:iiI.'I'll'? ITWHHH nf thin imllcy ur<- n mm run I in tlw tur-ni;ilion, l,nvii;mm:.iti(i1(l (li^u.l.T nbiuli bavu fc.rHH Inli 'iv lim" i«'rV!iit"it tlldS-iuUu It hunt iiii-linilinM'j tltnt tho n.irtlu'111 itemm-iney will MUJI-jxirt tUo iwvt ]>iy\U-y IITI.1 ILI Imliu-cil U> vote fiT ita

in -"i't;iri;ly oniniUMl tu tliat muntiiim'il by tbu

i l l i i b

llti'UlT, in

l l lll'K t.l

ir (lie tvnri'gtilflrWll tllii fUlllllUT,

d irrtJ thi (Jinchiiwti m:»vu:n<>iit, Mr. CnxAvy will

li;irti<>n PH l» t-caoli tho preKideiiliiil i-ti:ilr, in nttiliH<i!vL-d proMtmi. The req>eet in ivlii-h hit IiIwhl hy thu more .uh-llii;i<!it nr tlits nimiucii, win]il»ra implicit fmlii in IIIH lmiu-rtty nnd aliUih'.liiiiiiiTiiuMin^iwipulniity nttlw ninth, nml n «art u

munl.r.irliwftiiiiitry diifiht I" ho lltltngly n-warded r.ll eomlJni, til lunl<U Mill ll foi'liliiiahii

all their ulrc-piiiliiii; mfti-hh«-r;(-.

Than th.'ro i" thu "I.-iIwr rjfunn" party nmd

(niLtltt< country.' Thinmh they liovo hut fi-w iiniiy irprfai-ututlvt-H in the \*>\HWi>i trorld of m'Ht'iVnt I'lillnm tn liiiilii'inui-ii nf n HIKIV.- <m tlBiuTiiLM, v«t they nrn lii^ilinilii; to nmUo tlu-itt-u.-ii,-<-« !»"i.rd nnd felt hi n&tUmal p»litl«i». Tlip.irly will l<iRk ill ml puljlind ^m-wtiimH priurlpal-ly from thu nt'itnl-i«iint nf " Imw i l nftiotn the In

' 1«.r (HI-JBHOII," nnd if thi-y IIDL-III tli'!iiim;lv»!S tenwuAttH-UiniHfparutu liMididutn th.-y ivillprnlihlily h.i nliHorlifil into whinhi-vi-r politknl purl

Thl.<, the proH«nt pi>!itienl Hitilnlinli xnnun <fiin-c-aitt iild party dinint<-j;i-iiti<iii, mid tho er.-ntimt (if new iMirlii-H i»ml hljiluTii-Hiioi.

ft£y Iron milling iu»l disofivcrios of oresot-in t» lie tho onU'i-ot thu iluy ut (Jlic-stur nnil vicinity. Mr. T. 1'. Hktilli;is raisins "i'o front two ulmfti sunkwok just in tlio roar of liis hotel, multhftro tire numerous iittmutioiiHou liin fnruiDii tlio ronil tu l'uii]i:iuk.

31A mm; i).l iny 33d. tvt llmmtoii, hy li.iv. Th.riiuin Widtel

l\(!i. JOHN DcMi.UTJf l l Ml.tS ASSIK l^TLtl»utli uf lluutito:).

Jitny -Uth, nt th? JI. R paiiiiiii^o, in thin ellh.y Hov. Th-n.in« Widt-r«, Mil. WII.IJAM

111 iv -.'.lib, ul th,- M. 1'.. l'aby H«¥ Tlitniian Walter*

;c, In thiniv ..lib, u t , M. 1.. l a « i n n f ; , In I I Lby H«¥. Tlitniian Walter*, Jill. ItuHUT C<.M.l;l t a Iti'Tii TmiTiu^vAV bntli uf aiiim 11

:\ vi : tu MlSI

0:i S.itnrdnv, Mny luih.nt Uie 31. K. Vatn,i\iii.lt-'mllmin, hv ltov. T. ll.HtmtUin.TiiuiiuK. CIUK, nf M'lii.it Fwjdo'ii. K. J.,mid AMI1). Miuums-, urMtiwiitmiiMii, N. J*(MurcJMtuwii pnpi-Tii iiluaiKi eopy.

At 1'wt Orsm, JIny Uiith, WILLIASI WAI.TWW,

At 1'vrt Ornm, Tilny'JTtli, cf KOIII'M fovur, IMV!

U. ! i i :EfII> Co.


077 Jlrontl C«r. West I»urk Hi.,



•DuilliTn ill


•< («oo(Is of all kr





SHAWLS, &;c.

KID GLOVES!Juet riictivuil our Xew Hpring Stock of

the CVlehraluil

Josephine Kid Gloves,

Nuw ShinU'B; nnd

Every pair "Warranted.

Call nnd loo); &t tlio

Dolly Yurrtcu Hoop Skirl.

Builders' HardwareOf i very description.

Boots & Shoes

Of every



ad in


c «

tinii, al nnlfiirinly low priced

i]nill fl^uri

vill \m iu>

.-pt tho di

nnd Uin


, from which



AIH'J ft full mid uomplutu lino or


idiiifj lloal I-fiei'R, BmhriiKliTirs, llufllfingi1

ringiiM, (Millars, t»ott», Vaney Tiew, Pur;i-

BIIIH, CcirmttH, Kid CIUiven, ITiisiei-y

uud Umlunrcar, ull ut which

ore of tin. liest quality,

and invnriahlr


Ittirc nml Novel

EXCUBSI0FNew York & Return



IJMUfiUJtB nml profit nro raroly oprn, nt

Hitch a o^inl.imttioil uxixtH in tlii« oxuiu'uiuii. 'i th J


J« inSltivltY (UVUN, Tlmt (liL-ro will 1») nMeeting nrilii.- I'lnitiMirmi.) (.'n-.litorH, ttt thn

**.ll-'f orNt'lKhlKiiirAKmith, in imvor, N. J., o.iH.vniHUAV,Uiviitli t l iynr JULY m-xt, ut thehniir of 111 nVl.u-u A. M., hi tlio mutter ur Uti-ntini'iiiui'iit «T null nt Ali'snniltT Kllimt aKBiii>U.Tni-iiij 11. Kiuitcn'r. in tliu Sturrb Ctiimly t;ti(iiilC:iurt, fn-ilic jicrfHiH'! nf imihin^ ilictr!liiitli>R oft vt miiiirvH uriniu< iruiu thu H. IH uf Mni.l KnuIT'B prt'tii-rtv.

' ' ' * A..I,,,l5<,»Cnr,Amlito

HM-.'I! Hover, N. J., Mny 3.1.1, 1H73.

r.ntr elothhi!,' r.t 11. S. KOllUlU ,t LVII ('i'llliiii'\Vnr«li(iiut', Kn. *.ll, Xiivnrk Avc,. mid T. (liltOWN A Co1- Dry tlihi.lK W.ntli.iUHe, No. aiNiiwarli Avf., & II1!, MimtfHiniury hlruet, winnil muni!* am iimrl;i>d in tilniu li^urrrt ; K<I thntehihi -:.•) hny Jn-i us well nnd :IH eh,:;iplv n« nthat !H tli.ii-i>nj;hly ponied in vnlna nnd cimtfnlirirs.

:ii'd, Hypnri'hnsiiiB Koods in the nnimtnt••i5.1)0, ymir cur fiiru, nut .mwiliiiR three dollnwill lu> ruturniid in you mi prtnoutiiliou of rutt

411i.' WVlmvclmtinir iirlcr ntnl no fiev. iuu, you niiiuot mniii) u mist.ilm fur tlie ri'iihthst ttatlsfuctiuu In gunraiilootl, ur tliu innin-y TO-


(i I'.UiTMJHn „ Lie.-, .-1,^;. mid wll j,ny[D^.



ynn ennnro

fitli, At either ur tin BP wiinliounoH ynn enninnliu n dlrritt rnvin^ over tlia jiriiTH you nro iinv-hiKntlinimi.urrrimilUtiiW i«x crnt., thcrt'f.vHiiY'uiK yimr V» n:nl X*. «n<l von nil! Imv.i rctiniiln iH'iiL-ilt U> your )Mit -lit-U, u 1.cud It to *mirh.i Hi1,v tlio trip, ami "ill U< l«-tti.r nt,lu-to render vnurin i;;bl.or n ^ivl,-.', HII.1 IICIII l,ini on tbu ron<) to1iai>i<[iKHH ami wcnlth 1>y tL-Ilttig hi r tliu dr.-Kanl styloH, I " " ' l .rlc.-, nnJ 1,,1W .Inmlilo mul

rttlarni'lnry tin.' KOIHIH WITH you inirtliaai-.l At

T h o D r y Guilds WiimliumiD ut

T. O. BROWN & Co.,•il Sw»ark ATC, mill 11J 5IimtK(J!iHi7 Hir^l,

An.l tlm Clcitl.lne-Kimta,.,! itf

E. S. NOBRIS & Go.,m, Nmvailc Avonnr,.II:KSI;V < ITV.

or oil Uiiidn and xizes.

A hrpo nud woll Heloctcd Black of




Children's "Carriages!

Clover & Timothy Seed,

Supcriiliosxilinto of Lime,

Bone Manure,

jimc, Cement, Plaster, &c

Ploughs, Cultivators,

Horse Rakes, &c.

Tho IJHliefl nml aohtlemon will iilimso bear ft

mind lliat 11, J. HOBEIIT'S



"i'Uo vury !,oBl in tho Worltl,1 ullvory in

iwlisti niul Eracuful In nl»np«.




Scissors and Razors,

M. H. Diclcorson,




I1O.MAB IIKIG1IT, Propliclor,


1872 SPRING 1872


SSSHrSilSiGeorge Eeder,Tho Woll-lmmvii

Merchant Tailor,if tia^ City, furmerly in TitiiB JJorry'fl IJiilhliug,

rrr.t"tiii-'iii;ad'i-f I

"inknd n-iorT tTlwimml wlti'lM tl'^'rlirl-'dii,- j«i-u«rXwry.,rk. In tin- inH«t of Iliu l i i .- tiiinilnin Bi-'cncrv of Nurili- ni Xi-\r .IITK-V. v.iiliiHlui t Iiuntinij mid !l«IiiiiR, a-id lino drh w, ilnut Btirpaffloil by miv i.llii r i:» the Icfiility.Slnseu Iran. UOVLT. (-ii:ht mtii-i* disitniit, on tie:rival of the IM, lJ»fb. .V U I K I . Ii. Ii. trains



.nl til

W. H. McDavit's New Building,Next to fVpii'n Ni-w Uaiih, where li« is new


W. 0TO0LE,C A II I X J3 T M A K E I I ,

ASIIIXliTON HTHKET,Ojijiusilu ilmisiuii Ht,ii^o, iic iV Court Hulls'1,) j

itioiritioii-u, ?.'. J. Cloths, Cassimeres & VestingsUHMTVKB MAOTi T « mtlMJII

..i HI..ire (if oil liiiida r.f.:iir.il, rlrsnrd iuu

l"H'l"l,M:.-. '"j'lnVtn'^'H inr.illbi'ol'h'r, iti'VfJii

"Valuable Farm

l?oi' Sale, netir Dovoi1,Only thrfc-ruiirlhH uTa inil« frjm thu li'Wti,

100 Acres of Land,

WITH. OOOD HI II.IM.NCW.Tlio Fnrui in wt-ll wnlfrct.], mid hasi a ti"<> iijil'tu

r.'liard,«'ithi>lhiTrniit.location fitntinl lw snrpanHcd f.i: nny [.uqmsi-

Slcp!tiii C. Uenv.

Duvcr, April 13,187a. 17-tf

"WANTED,\VOJI\N In en:*, ivath mid iron. MhcriU

n B""W3Irn[ IJ las. I l .S i i i i l^ f in .nvnr, April U7th» 1H7'J. l-'-tf


iome Steam Washer & Bleacher

•Will wash yoiir th.tin H villioiit jiuimdiii},' or

It u v m Time, Liih..r atid HIP riiithcs.r.vcry woman whu wuhhem-1'ilhfn i«-(d« it.Mvery mio who cicch il u Inir triul >wll waul il.

yoiu-!.!,<,uMlmvf it.Till.' "HoniD ritpnm iVsish.T nnd IH-K-IIHT," iln ilircctitin:* lire foli.w.il. «ill .:U-ari!<.: tin* t-loili-n

thn dilti.Ht mid i.u;>', ;un-iii-t (lovumu.iit

No Acids or Chemicals used !flood no;i]i, watur mid IIm i nil thai U nn\w.vc<]

i[ii!rinr mniniiT wllliunt Injury tu the fuhri.u,

C, 11. COMt AI>, Dover, >'..).


Dciitlst,MonnisTow'N, N..J.,

«1u rrnprioldr for Horns Cininly ur Ktil-toiu'nl'lttt-tit UtitBi*.

Coiii Viiiins » Si»«ci»wr-

I.l<iuid XltriniB Oxidu tiitK, i c , A.:., &<!., &e.

Of fv-rv tln.-rli(tl«in. mid n ntH lino ufM.-JI'H, Vi.iithh1 mid ChililRii'tf

Ready-Made Clothing,

In stylu nnil (iimlity Ihu limt. In varirty ihoni'1-.t i--;ti-!i;;m-. In ]iri™ Ilin nmftt

t.ciwmiiv.!. Alhu, n full lino

Gouts' F - Goods.

Tlruihfiil for tlie very lilwrni iwtroiinpi ho-Ht"Wfi] ii]iiiti nil; liy my fullow I'ili^^nN ilnriujf n

tirchatii'r!*, satimii'd that 1 can (,''vo thtm artti-r nrtii'lu f'tr l<.n-> inuury than can hu fur-Irfhud by umnller hiiuwa.

t i t 'o. 1-Vilrr,UhL-kwll Slt.iol, Dover, N.J.

April, I*i7a. _ __ _ _

Old NewspapersF.n- SsL- nt flits* Oftlco at flt) vl». JUT lmiidrttl.

Kcmoval I


NEW STOREOf Mr. Miiilin Kiailns'H, umiuBil.i Mrs.

I.. A. WlilluS,

Hlupkwcll Street, Dover,

Olioioe Stock of

SPRING G00D£isihtingof ii full linooC

Huts and Uonnots,

.]!.<,_ I t ihhmw, Laorni. CrnpflH, 1'lnwcrH, l a c

[UiLINEUT GOODSl'lcauo '.iill and exnmino Uiom,

lfl-y atrn.-W.H. (JOIiTtAltn

Beautiful lot of RuchesAT

Chase't* Kcd, AVIiite & Blue

& Children'H Shoes

Horiia County Siiiio^ntu's Oflit-e.

Muy30tli, 1872.

• maltM- of Willinm V-. Ilniintlnrr. Uwwiitnr of

f \ N ntinllcstinn «f tint aMvo-tinmfdKsr-cttlfir itJ in OnkTftdhv the S»rr.>lfnlo Mint sni.l lliui'-

It.-i-Bivitl'nhli.iS'i'tki' to tlio Urfditor» nf tho

uin nnd clniniH iij<aiiiHt llii-niitiiuiindcruatli,itiiiu nino IIIUHIUBfnn.i (l.is dntu. hy m tliiiK micuiwnflhirinriVr, within twoiily ilay» litTfBf-

,-r, in llv<< uf llio moHt pnhiii; pl-iiu s in tho L'oun-;v of MorrU fort»-i. ina!ilh», nnd nl»» within tlioi id tu-witviirtTftiiyndvcrtlsiiiK tho FIRIUO in theliio'i 1'IIA, iHHi'nf tli-J ncwcpiiiurB uf thin Htntu,

rthoM-JiomKu-ooflliii'-, (Ui.. Hiim);;nti; jiul-B nny fiirtlu'rimtlnu to ho unnnc•«snry;) midiv Creditor shnll ii'-Klcct In cshihit hln »r ii

b U . tl.nuand and ^Inim lvitliin Ui>- i;:ild iirrlnd oflino nuinUiH, nuMiu nnthro bi'lnj,' nivon nn cfimi-mid, HUL-II (.'ii'ilitor Hindi ho foruvor liarrt-d ut Msir her notion tli<<r>!f(iraKnhiijt thu xnid l^ecn l i -

A TrnoUmiy from tut* Mbintrn.

21-03 ' _ ' ' "_"_"_. JJurrnjinw.

Horrid County Kiirroftntti'ii Office.

APBIL 18th, 1S72.n thu mnltur .if Willhiti T. Tii'iiorl, AduiinUtml..r of Ulws«. ('. l'nlmcr, ducuaacil. Suvrujiiitc'ioi-dov to limit iTiiditiirn.

pkN iiimlii-ntiuti (if U.o nlmvr-nnimci Adminh) tmtor il in'irdoi'Cd l<v tl«t Siimifiato tlml M K

^liiiinlitrut.ir i-ivo l'titiliu S''itii-<i to llio Ctvditonif tlio i-«!nti> nf ncii-1 ])oi'<fdtmt,tntiriiiK in tin-ii

<1itroiith, lvilliln niiw iiv.iithn"rr.iin tlii« iliito,HottiiiK up i.vopv of Hii« Order, within twenty

VB hftrfixflur. In Hvo nf Iliti nuiHt ptiUlio |.lrtho County of Murrla fur two iiunitliH. uml,lliiii tliu nnid tncnly dnyn hy udvi'rlitiiiig

timu in thn." Iron Era." otio uf tho nowsnnpai-H•iT tliiriStntc, f-ir llio pninu Kjinou of tinnt, (tlioHnrrojMtu jinl(;iii[! niiy furtlnT miil.M ti> liu un-!H!iTHnnry) im.l if nny l"ri'dit'>r sliall iinglm-l inexhibit his (ir her dulilr dinnand uud d.iini williiu!io itnld ]H.'rlod of tiltiu immlim, ^iihlin nntit-oiciiiK slvtiii an nfur itaid, Rnch Uruddur clmll h

rover harrcd of liin nr IILT acliuu Ua'rofo{IIIIIHI (ha s:ild AdiiiiiiiKtriitnr.A Trim Cujiy from thn Jlinntf

r i l H B Rnlwerihcr In nnivvlftllini; Iliitt ewlton ._l_ country with thiH iioputir I'limn, ivhlch

dienper ntnl niivti ilunhlu limn nny in innrkoJvo iron nljont tln'ni to ninkn tlia wnlor tnntt

Kiufd"''rT|ri<)lTrniiiit'l|ik" o'lIVtr***L'r' m'-hf<

(lmsfl it frt'czo miiu winter, "it wiiHliriiw

Sliuulavd litHic ^failures.r i lHK HiihKirihoi-H, hnvX " rilm-iifel'ii Amtiioi

New Clover and Timothy SeedAt the Ixiwcttt 1'dccH.

riinnliirs containing lmrtimlnrs, Ac;, mny h.1 ad un njnilieution to

•Tolin w . Sr

Ami .1. A. CiiKlvi



Lchigh, Scranton, & Bituminou

CJ ^ ^ J&? T • 9

Sclirorctl la all parts or tho City and vicinity,At tl io l-iowest I t larkct Price?

Iji rjimnlltlou to HUII ]nircliiuerB.

And Slnnnfaoturcr of


" ^ n i a TSS.,

Fire Brick and Olay,

Drain Tile,

Oven Tile,

Masons' Material, &cConstantly on hand.

On Bergen Street, near R. R.

Building Lots For Sali



By M. Sigler,AT LOW ritlUliH.

Dolly Vanlon Dress Goods



Homo New Spring SliaivJi


" III Lllllllt ^>lt|lT

if from 8 to -15

ntlicr infnrmntloii,

i»l, 11.11 K A T T V ,liin 3:1. Iiiivtr, N. J., nr Anlhonv, llnntrrdon

L'utllily, X. J. . ' iMo,,

• Notice to Masons,

I" 1-.

Notice tnopoa.jl.s will l,o mtl . r i , t tho oisco

t 1.. c, 1 Ictmrth imlll Iho nil, ,lv „[ Mfir llio . m l . , or llio HTOi.EWOUK oi lbs nM. Ii 01»|wl, In DU.IT. Tlui lilans mid

IT, May l{ 1

A Household


Price $37.00.

Tlio only Practical ]iw

Priced Luck-Stite:

Sewing Macliiiic

ever invented •

It fri ft trlimiiili or IR-cliaiilco'l aonluH^imiil

inipaul, oEtL-iunt, durablo ami comploU".

ivery Machine Warrantee for

Five Years !i i will Ili-m. F"1!!, Ulitil,C"»nl, Ilw»lilii'niMi

II Hilli, linen, wiioicn, find cotton tfOi I with

iBiiii' Tl.iii Mnoliin.. .IUCH nil Hifir.. <* nj-ti-iiriiUdl .Mnchiuo. No mmo nuod of nvhig

This Machine far YtmOj «"o and light Unu-ictnrlnB Ptinx^H, H miiwrlor to uujotlr Mn-liiin, nnd for nil itrnullcnl mirking jm*Bfi»,imiilldtv, Btn-'iiL'th nml ixmiity. I t » uuaj-.oach-il hy any JInchiiio yut invonti.il. ••;. •

' Bhonld ho iilpanud tn Imvc ovary oncaliiiifirchniio n Huwins M:u-!ilno unil »ton*nh's-nml ninhu a iieisoml I'luiiiiuaiion f thi

« nf tho ! •

Home Shutllo Sewing Maclne.

It in wilhin tho roach of alL

Peremptory Sale

X E J I S N & COK, A u c t i o n e e r s ,

At thd Commlfialoii Bnlcsronm opposilo Jolloy'aHutol, Povcr, N. J., coinwonciMg ^

Saturday, May 25th, f 'Tlioontiro atockof


Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware,

Cutlery, Crockery, Boots

and Shoes, Hats and

Caps, Gloves and


Wood and Hollow Ware, Tin nnd EsrlUoriw

HmiaUy^Sin »'wBntnr^woT*Ali^ a**HI

Futurci!, l'ialfonn and Counter ILUicH, na i i unn mm ».«UUM>I i.».*lcH, LumjiH, larBO Htovo and pljw, Ac.


Dover, N. J.,AGENT TOH

American and English BOOKS.

ALL BOOKS, whether b j Subporipnonor otliem'ise, iurnislied ai New *

YOl-k Piicea.


BIBLK,With full aw\ eomntoto marginal roftfCMtl ftnA

notca, and tho Apwryiriia, Cimcprilaiico, anil1'iuihiie in Mutre, tu iTliich arc milled ltlaekwood'a

HurnltnroB, with Nuvin'n Now and Itnprowa IJlc-tionaryof Iho Uil.ln, with Bixtwnnno steul plfttCB,foui- illiirtrntivn culling Diniiit, Rnd morfi Ihan 200*luporiw onKrarliia. on woo&, with ftmUj pfttrjltAlfntin. Thi« i« tho most opmplote nnd hcmitifian-ork of tlm kind uver iHihllshoiJ. i'licci accord-ing to hinding, from tlO to I1U,

Tlio attention of HID wtaiks of this uction i*iinriicnlarly rolfclt'id to fl» lupinfur wlvantaRa*for llio inircliau) or Ilooki from nU tho nrwt pop-Hinr imhllflln-TB In tills country itud Enplftna, ami(ookn that ore lulil "only" l>y aniwriptlon me/

lmil hy opplicntinn to ran', uuxl door to Uood-A VuuKlit't Drutf Btoru, Puvoc. . .

At Doty's Book Bt<re,DOVER, N. J.

Tills Stnditno cornhhimi all llio very lie; nnaii-•B of AIJ. ollinr HOWIHB MndihwK, nl hasay lsoiv and cxc.iltuiit foatnrcit of il»owibcwdo'(lidlii'f tivory hud fualui-o tliut condi>:i» toany.

This is tho IflHt stop fallen toward a mrrncl-.TiiiK MacIiiiiOitiiidusniaiiiiiiiiciUroBiiiiicliir-

nniilhnl » Bliort HumSIIUJC, "An inipmmicmttliu "Hotim Hliuttlti" wilt Indited ha a iiumlty,

mt, iny friouda, tlio inventor la ut* >t<t;unlirn.

Jesse S. Doty[»thn tmic ngont fnr Morris c'nniitv. nnd n liuugh10 Machine Ins heen Intrmlucod into Us HUC-ioii but n fow rtnvH, a. cumimratlvuly hrj- num-lurjiavc alroady boon H..H.

All nro iuvitcd to call hi

AT HIS 1I0OKmd oxmiiino thorn. From $7.00 to (Ifl.O in innduin crcrj maehinr. wiato on other ninch we from25.01) t-i Ha.V0 la iwulr,. I t ciwtN Munich to

Call and see tlien !

Books, Pamphlets, Magazines,,


Will ho tskuti anil

B O U N D ,;.;"':At Now York Bookbinders' Pricea. •*



B R A S S <>- 'AND



SAW AND aniST MTLL, ':And nlw iVftlcr In Ore, Ore Ifindi, Iron, Co»l,'4iu


Organs! Molodeons!!GREAT BARGAINS ! !•!




HAT & FUR STORE2nd Door above: Segur's Bank,


Hoadtjtinrtcra for ilia loading fit?lpq Qf;

Hats, Capa»Andfl>Bt-clftu


Just ItoMvctl!.

A largo iuvolco of


Book and Music Store,


DOVER, N. J. S t W V QOOllSjpriocanow prevail, and i iu (or a B I O U ' H j

yaurnolvca thflt there arc B O Y S *

Tho lAiicnth toCull nnd cmvini'orain cheaper or Iwtt

X Lni'tto Auaortmnnt cnn»l(iiitlyIuBtrumciit viarrniitod fn

n lmml. Everyvcyonnt


Has rumovod hia Dotitnl Ofttco to tho GpiODi

suit of ItooniB over

Gondale & Vought's Drug Store

Imra !>• will ho planned to ottond to all calls- ;niniiiR to h!n prufimnlon. Dr. Johnston ha:

ilia oiptrioiico of Kovcn Yearn' doat oniilicotlor' - "loprnctico of Dcntiatry, Viva nf which ha>

In tho City nf Dover. I havo taken HIHIUIHpaint lulboporfootlon of t in • f

Nitrous Oxidq 0-as,

which is tlm licBt nncathotlq now in um, for th<

iao, called tlio FI(UTD or CONDENSED OAd,

I niako no cliargu for tho gas or tho extractingif U10 tuolh whora JIDIT anoi nxa Inserted.

Teeth filled with gold, from ono dollar up, andilvef flfty coiits to ono dollar,

lUautiful Sets, of Tcctli,

Upper and um]ur, for 83D, on iho tatont in.iirnvod

LUctlon Plntoa, iy'nrrai)tod to givo flatlsfaction.

I Ia1i« p|(iai;>iro In referring fo tho folloffing[ontlomoiii


Cloth Hats,

Scotch Gnssliucro Huts,

CHeriot SliU'ts,

English and Aiucvicai


Smmncr ^ndorweap

Lisle Threafl

Driving & Kid


fill Colors, -

Fancy Tie^



&c, &c.

I shall, throiiRhoul tho soaiop, hiy.Q fny Btouvta\l atqctte.j nftlj' oierjthins deiiirablo 'in ihUlipo that xi\itf bp pr^dtity-djand yrquld oxtond »n

liov. II. a 'xogk,

Vr, T. ILCriUdntlGD,Dr, J, C. King,

SI. II. Dicfcrson.

S. B. Johnston,Opiin.Hr Hrfiiii-'. Ktw Hank,over CJnodn

t Vituglil'a Dmg Sloic, Ilciycr, N, J .

BGlocUon. tlirougb I f 1 0 ^

lilD, itnd therefore' r e t

/ . H. PIERSON, - ^

Hattci- & Fui'rlor»

Page 3: A. TAYLOB, · Tlio Union Bnnk nt Dover. BoTon por cont OoltJ Honda uf tlio Houston Total Control Hallway Company—Hon. Win. E, DodRo, 1'ruBidont—for RRIO at 00c. and accrued Intorotit


gATlTIl»AY,.IL'KE 1, IH7S.


£©- A new jwsfc offlco him Ju'eu estilialiodotMinoHillwilliMr. Daviil J(

kins oa postuitiator.

jST Blank monthly Pny Ti<il!« for roovammta and mining contractor*! eunstnu]y on hand at tliia oillco. Also, MintLeases of superior flimli, nnd JHKUUCoat BtfttementB. Orders by mail protuj\y attended to.

tgjy In annthsr aolnmn n-iil bo toumcftU for a meeting ot onr citizcim to tnutona tor celebrating tho. coining dthJuly oimivarsnry, Wo mn filail to nee t••Spirit of '7C" tluia oarly in Iho da;and can Iooli forward to n gntutl olif-tiijicelebration, A full month in whichinnko preparation)! lor n good otilobrati<in roquirod, and tlio m-ivemoufc ut tlitiino nvigura woll. Wo liopo to HI>G it goomeeting noit Pridny evening, ut DovHull.

fgy- Thrco' now nnd hnndsotno t>nrforty (not in length, which ia n little shotar titan usual, and hvltur RiLid fin- tlirond than tho long cars, nro receiving flinning touches at tlio car shops in thjihoo, propamiory to being- put tm t)now train whit'li will lonvo NOW York foJCorrifltown nt 8 V. M., prftbnbly withinweolt. Those ears wore inailo ut Scrnnto:and have ft now ventilating iipnnrntuthrough transoms at enoo. end of tlio onwhich is moat thorough nnd perfect.

B&T Tlia Shliimnnport Mine, owned b;Mr. Frank Govo, of New York, nnd whit•wan opened lost full on what wan formurly the Mfltritt plaoo, in turning out finely.A tunnel htm bean mn into the Btda of thwouutniu, within throo or four lnuiilra:yards of tho canal and about dutiblu tdltlaaoo from iho railroad. 'Xhu iudittiona are not of a Jofinod voin hut thitta very largo body or bed of ore, in fuctfrom tlio lnrgonrcaof ntlrftctionthoDioijutain BeoniH to bo full of it. This ia likclto to a valuable property,

f@- Oao at tlia moat convenient linntc\ of accommodation far hunters, nslioryum, nnd othora who visit Lulso Hupnt-wag for aport, in that otjnmon II. 1,1about ono mllo imd abnlf from tha Drake-THID Station. Mr. XI.'H house is nt thlower end of tbo Lolio, nnfl recent iinprovoments givo him better facilities fotiro accommodation of parties 'ivitii thenown eonvoynneos, A mimenma fleet o]toata, 'with Hairing tncklo end bait inahaada.nco proparcH him /or a praapcifloofioji, nud liia proximity to the milldepot wDl doubtlcBfl insure liim excellentjmlrcange during tha coining Reason.

'ho lomporniy cur ropitir shops inUna plaeo aro about fiiiished, and Boinoj3fl workmen are now employed. Thejnnonnt of work to bo dona in repairing isvery heavy, nnd all tho inon Hint i»i>i>ty

^ lor eMyloftncnb tire readily ueccutml Al-though. th.o buildings nro not of a vciysubstantial character, they cnii bo madelennblo for winter weather with bnfc JifcUtexpense. Several maclimos, with Ilia engiito and boiler, after being cleaned aroiound to havo boon but little damnged by+Uo flxc. I t ia believed that cxteubive cur

< worfta will bo arocteil nt tfjis jjlnue, na bo.jug tho moat couvonieut on tho road, I tja nfc tbo junction of tho Boonton Brunchfln$ M. & E, Division, jtisfc mirtivny bo-•tw«ou Phtllipsbiirg and Hoboltoii, nmlwhen tho Chester, rood in completed toHigh Bridge, on the Contrni B, It,, thuswunoctiiigtlio central portions of tlio tworoads, theso works could bo ronotictl fromthat direction more conveniently thnu anyother point, ft fa not likely that nuch/extensive works ns~hna linen mentionedlately will bo erected nt nny point, itbeingneceSBnry to kcQ|i distinct nccount of niljobs, grant .ii|J Hiiiall, ut cfloh rand ot thucotnbiiKid oomiinniea. A waisto of'prop-erty would nlflo occm* in giving; up thefilmpsnt different points, noiy iii nptivppcration,

JJSy Among other iinproveinonts iiyVoottport, ie tho aclditiou to the Wood-liort Hotel, whicli has recently changedownership and boon fitted up for tho nc-torainodation of jsimimcr bojinlers. Mr.TUomao Bright, a gontloman well lawtlttonghout tliia Hoction of tlio county,now tho popular landlord of thia oldlablishod stand, and wo doubt not 11tlio "Wootlport HOIIBO will rapidly inartitihi favor under tho supervision of Mr.and his estimable lncly. Situated at thohead of Lako Jlopalcoug, in tho wklstoftho moi) mountainous part of tbo county,tho locality'1B oer^ninly well adapted to tlirotu-emontw) cng-erly sought by a lar£claB3 of pooplo wbo biiyo bceome tirod ofjho rontino life at onr fashionable water-ing iilaoen, ond would rather enjoy an oo-uoaional day's sport on tho lalto or in tho

(%1<3 than waste tljoir etrcngtli upon tlio.desert air of tho scoaido in the frivolities

•.ot iiu-cu a life

drgon Council Proceedings.

• <QS Abqut a mouth ago irou ore waadjacovercd by Mr. Win. S- DoCainp, ofMorristown, ontho property of Iho Crnuol>rotiicra jn Bocknw/iy Volley and from in-dications prirtica interested were inducedto malto furtlior oxx^Qrations, which de-veloped a aovon foot voiu resembling thoHibernin oro. Sis or sovon leosos havo«oou taken on this nud ailjoiufngpropertyfind about one hundred toiifl of minerallmve-tiepn tnmu'oiit witliin the last tent%fl. ' ilio voin has been traadd tor throo-quartora'pf a mile, nnd openings moda'caching valuably dappsita. •

5ST* A parLy from Newark lins < Intolypnrchftsed tho Hilor Mine, nt M^oridon,fpr Sfl,COO, uiid aro puttiug up n Mow ou-i

ikinc. TJioy -mil drivo bnsincRS licra brisk-IJ OH soon us tliolr nrrangoincnta aro com-

'pletb*..'"-TJitlproperty adjoining lias beenJcjiswl /or mining: puriwst'a ti» nuotlicrpur'Ly 'and from iudiuutions will also turn



fcy- The is,-thkh,m

1?t l lGJ1""(1 ' i l I"

, . , t aand HalaricB-S'.icMc Ha

Iilclicraon, WiiiiU.ck ami HS i k

w HI ltlL-iinnl KUIK, now cmiiliicd ininly jnil, i-inittiilltt-d by miiil JIIHII™ ft

l» ji'O' tUc lino iuipoBtd ujioii lilm A

K ID thin t»r1nct|)liii iiH b

.'-ijinuturs of a milo^ j 1 " " " iuo i l i i lhmai t . i l . nnd nre taking

ore from a very t;sti;ii-<ivu vein.

B^J>* Tho old Bfdltnpck initw, ovvcAhyAndrew 11. Cubh, lion just becu inopennd(imUoiwcd to Win. fi. DuCump, wlit(;t'Uinj;o»t ii good rjimlity iif »rG, Mr.JJ'sO. Inis lonwd nil the Hplitntuk proper-ty, caitKhling df nltoiit 3QQQ ncrcu of Jnfrom Mr. Oobb, and uxpt-'cts to npunIho Mt. IIopo nud Hibsruia range during

B©" Allen, Pnloier k Co., builders, ofthi« town, huvo tiikon Hin enn tract nncl liraimve building a forgo *tvruhauaQ nt Wond-pori. foi-fleo. llirtlmrds kOo. I t will biilTsROft., nnd twu hturius high. They nronlwi buildinjf an cstcnHluu to the \Yooi-piirt Iltihil, forTliuui-19 llriRlit, to bo 25x'2flf(., mid have ]'nst niiiHliD'i for tliu<iiii:U>i)ng I ron Co., two huuni'H at thoVord Jpiio, lBxSCIt., two «U>nea oudFfL.icIj roof, Htitl fwivo tdlteii tliofor four more, to bo finished by Iho lbt ofT l l W


. | iH?S- Tito roiii etonn wliicli hogaa earlyTlmrsdny morning greatly intorfuredwitltlin cRt-nnouics incident to "DocorntioiD>iy. Tho nrnml iltmntiona ot flowers byour citizons wcro not DH extensive nsunualbut prt.lmbly mifilcicut for tlio occasion.Quito ttlnrgcnudioitcc nsaemliled in DoverHull iiii-1 liftU-nml to tho eliKpn-nt remarksnfKov, Mr, "Wulii'i-a, after which tlio aol-dicra present nccoinpnniod by Dover Cor-net 33imd visited tho iliflcrcnt coniwhere \ctc.iann Irnrc been buried ami tholilioiectit flowern ivcro strewn upon tligravoa, Pluccs of business were closed

riiift tho jiftmio(ji), nud tbo town woreito it gloiimy uppunrauoe,

BS5* Wo understnud that Dover Divi-sion S. of T. is in a nourishing condition.It in iitcrciiHiug iu mrmbcrehip,

ing iibout 175, ivitliu gooilatf^i.dance.

(litwustiioiiBlit wulimliminr cujx-ri. wv, nud Mint Ihi,


vo woiilil. t'uturtnln BI-I.V fitulotir in.!i(;:i(i(

I.. Hill] Krcatn- tlilngi

JIIU titll: tii:lio ilrnt cm nor. Hrli:.t-oUt^oi^i (.l.Tinniiy, Iiivllh uroiilcfiuct by jtnv.vvfiil i:!ns(rn(l-,itur (1 them, lint lu> uliohail wnno veiitlnj; Ji'L'turt'K nnd iirojHi-i'd to InUc tint ;ni Humify nvuiiillg in tbu pi HOC n! onr \mvU

lilk-twl ivitii friint Aiit1i!iiiy1HtIiiin:ii,'v,]ikli

df n miificnl iiip.trum-sil wmUl <|uiotDnilty, wlw han cnnio ainaiiR ir« ".ilir ilrst liissnn, cdimmih-d t» IIIH iir»]iosiiiiui

:1i tlmiiijlit Iicst. Tim elnuvh nfllcinl*•i untl rcJiwed to givij ui> ttirir rep'

iu j irho Jieaileil holp (boy would VHIIILT IIout l ib lecture. After Ijtlnu made

Bomcwlmt iiiKiilliiij;. lln clinrKudil MiiwrintcniU'tit, niter aiinn»K thtii

.Uty for tlircf) ilayit ond nightB, with rvcv», uut laiitwlng ti>fhisHtflj)ilijy,'f ftiv Illn IitHt

« i to tucluro for lliuOuuil 'IVmiiliicli jgnLir iMi-uthig on 7>iom)ay Jiiyljl, nud

list tUcicuifelnii; wan tit siii'l)•lit Hint lil'.< m:rvioca would not boi ruuarfaid that th<lint I'ott Orum IVIIH n jinnr [>1;lied Wmuuiflioino ngniu. \Ya wish

iL'it iho iwit luuturpr COIIICB ti\aw,t, ttililm to tilt) inil.Iic liall,it UTi.v tii^lit f.t a* mvn Lills jx»(\ 1m-Q ail tliid nut tiiiiioMooii tlio (jwierofiitj cr


\'o mil ntt^titlou to tlia ndvcrtli!fluent iipuliinin or ZEU. 'H ESCVCU>M:DIA. .

icycli)in>(lln ever; Ink'Uigi'iit mnn xtioiili•lomiulil bonj),to tlio jtrcflcnt ago. ;Umiiinurts nr tincinl lll"u lirlngs tlioiu In frn-titlHc! n-Hh ihvir Mhnr mat, fuel tli

n ffldor raiiso or kiiowlcdijo. Within.is iho watUI lias cHtcn-tl opi'ii .1 now auditionlif;. ltniln>a<Vi nmi ti'U'gn»[ilia liavo cumiintllu potii»fe«f ifio whoiwcnrtli, nml dJecovcrhrctioiiit mid HCIOIICU liavc keptovtm nactiwlitimiiivatinii. IVonfyor thhly yubrtt agci, iiprut l ivitii lo-Jiy, there wns littlo toltntr .vith.wlik'b to tax tlm iniinl. Old liwi HIOIV

tu«-l.'rt or op-Tntinn, tho iiwro limit oil wnutsur tliu

DMTOW iluU to' kiinwU-ilge. l ' .n*y mio of thoIVfuoiit Jttfu i« il">"l>' confuuinVd wtlh firinnorH rnmi every qnatlnr- v.f tlm RIOIIO nml uponevery wnctivjiWc BUhJoct, nnd matturs with wl ' "tho mas»M nt men nro mainly mmcquiUn toilfmbivc^ortUilyiVmin^oHMiH nctlon, nnJ whilotbo grunt ""tin

iiu\ laboring pu'i 'luli)• or cimnot Hjiaro tlm timu tn

a d u v e n a uluitlb brink ilium every HUld«t, orwiniih'. ncinfro UU fnfowiwliglitnim; HJ.CC.1 with wWuliho hl>nn, caU nu>lrtecit*. Tin* ([uinnnd of tilts period is tliere/ivoTor auili n H roul l !nK atl11 nrrftiiiioinffiit ot fact.! ofevery untun1, n« to foiiu nu onilro tilrrnry ot lu-furmatiou, frum Iho earlleal iwrloil ilmvu Iu tliu

Acut datn.Htated in tlio lirfofuKt nml uiuarcstuHitltilo Icruw, whora cwvy jioint df irif.H-inutioiiin bo iRHlantlf found, and tlio wlmlo ii«t condnii

n.nro limn can bo nlfordisd 1* t!io worUnff HH «ulltnobUHiiipai iiifl". 8noh mvork I* SMl's I-n--JiHioJia Jtouir cwiblllutins a library nf thovilest nml niuit caurciiioiit d iameter , find

H.0T0 i« wtflredy»family «• tlioiiountry to wlildiIt i« not hivaliml'fc, or whteU cnimotnflord tui>os-

Tlio first train of zlimlan.l rnilriimi lVnfl unlppcU by -Mr. T. A. 1

"ny lOtl't f f ° i a t l l ( l 1 > n s s ^ ° m»iCB« >J«UL ' ' ""

So Jhim ' thf^r-Tc^y ' • £ * , * FmnUln.Hili. Hinco Hint limo tho coiupnnlL'8 Imvunil n Irflin oath uwry floy. <D lMH«aio slue comimny aro liaving a dondlolaid <lt»r» Iu tbt l r mliwii, aud will tbLtmcU

iwit-o «1iiiii»i»R Uioir BllUato oro ovor tliomd tti JTrnd'a i w J " , «TH1 from thciieo r i a thu

The exercises ni'o Yartud uml interesting,sitting of essnys, dcolnmiitiouB, rncitn-

tioiiH, (liaiiigiiuH, titblenn.'E nml mirsio, huthvocal mid itiKtrnniontnl. Wo ttatA DoverDivision is doing a good work andj;liahingl!nj jjurpaw tor which it was insti-tuted. Tlm Division meets every Friday

;>i»g in JIcD.vvitt'8 Hall, Blackwollttrcol.

US?" Tlio large lied of iron oro nt An-dnver, Sussex nownty, wliichlins bemi ullotar BOJIJO timo, i» Dow being ivorltud hyAlcxnudor Elliott, of tins town nnd fiCOO to COO tons per month is being tnkoit

it nnd Bont to vai'ionu X'oiniHylvaina fur-ICCH, r.ome ot it going to tlio LcenportMI works at tlio haul of tbo SelmyUulJ

river. Mr. Elliott has IVIBO onencd up aflvo loot vciji of good oro on tlio propertyof Mr. Qtiiinbji nenr UliDstor, nud is

ing it to tlio LeliigU Volley Iron Co, Hoill HIBO comincnco mining oporatioua on

tlto 2>roiierty of Luther Child, uoar CLes-lc.T, next wcclt.

^i» A grnnd tcranornnco dcnion»tra(ioub.v n. number o! Catholic Total AbstmoncoSocieties wnslmil hi tliia town on Tliura-d»y afternoon Imt. Mt, II<JVO '£. A. B.Huciuty, with tho Mt. .Hopo Brasa Band,iml St. Mitry's Society, withtlioltandolpkiilver Comet Hand, vrcro joined on the

arrival uf tlio evening innil train *by St.Vincent Sticicty of Madison, nnd Our La-dynf Mere,)'Society of Wliij>pany, nearly nilnntiyod in spirndiilregalia and mined withuntoiinl fur n tnrchlighl pamde. Aboutinlf-jmut Rcvon tho procession entered Ta-ion»n!li!ltull,imin)jil.9ompletcly—in fact

innny wore nmtWa to gain nAmittaacn.—ltev. P. McCarthy opened Iho exorcises oftho ovouing, introducing the variousBpeiikora in n very neat Hpeech, npd ex-

"uiug tho absoneo of tho Prosidetit oftho State Union, / a s . W. O'JJrieu, who

nnuouuend on tho bills to bo present,Edw. F. MitiCiirtlty, of Madison, took thochiiir, and liov. FuthcrHoaixoaaety, ot Jer-Koy CJity, Cliaplain of tbo BttUo TJuion,m«do ibo first nddrcss, followed by Dr,

?ger, of Hndison, JMr. Carroll, of Now:kt wonndup tlio oveniug oxercwea a

little utter 10 o'clock, lrheu tho piedgoviis administered to nbout G5 persona ofinlh soxes, by Sir. Hcnncsacy. Tho uo-iotiua iu jiim'essioo, with chincao Ian-urns, nninbci'ing ovor 200 persons then

paraded -through our etrccts, mnUiug afiuo npponrniJL'o, MM] about 11 o'clock onr

initura took their leavo in cars speciallyirovidod for Hiem. In conniderniiou ofho w i y Btoriny day, tho nDhirwasuuusu-

ally RtiGccsstnl, find displayed a heartysupport of (lio groat causa far nliielt theyaro working.

Morris County Courts.HKHTENCEB.

On Srontlny lant Jufluo Dalriinplo rendorod tlio

rhlliuitlcr Fttono, Jndtotmcnt for ntvallng dryoods, Ac. r i o a t o l guilty to iccclviug and TTOBUG<1 J15 and contn.Pmiilt OrooUs, grand larceny, bcinfr fomtiiallng

loneyfromftroom mate In JOIIDJ'H Hotel, iJover.'liroo niontlm nt hard labor in wcrkbousa.John MoNoal, of ITonovor, nsaautt nnd battery,(ird Inbor In worltliouso fop firaroootlia.Tlio court ia now ciigogcd Iu Itctuing appeal

of n . I I . Yo . Azariuli Drako, Jr.i

In cnsii or Clark K . VUKUII, nppcllnnt,T J . "Waters, ajijujllco, tlio Court lms;i jiutgmcnt aB yot.

it!ttci-si-ci!kiiiiiiu£ u i i c l a i m c a i nic Post Omen, « t D o v e r JV. J .

May 31, 1872.irtlo, Philip 1'i'iiroBO, Kami.nmoj', .toul—'I I'rudrtcn. Innao

Irycini. Jnlin—3 Vknm.3. »-'.mntainc.l-*. L Trout, Joiicnli' - , D, U. Hcuddnr, Jfllin

ig, John, ' acinmoui), Jnmos

^o'btnlii niiy of thoso letters Hie applicant must—" for AOVEHTIBBO LEitiaw, givo tho <lato o r

• tot nud nay ono cent for ndvcrtlslugv1 ' ii. IU£E3IKElt, K It.

Thcj-liavoiinrHniKHHnnil iiJffltt.

iiiKniUlH in t>l>D-

4th of July.A jrcolinfr of tlio citiaonit of Dover irfll toko

.,.nco In UVivor Hall liaxt l ' B I D W KVENINQ,l ime 7lli. fur tho jiurpoHoof appointing a com-

littcc tn nmlcu nil nouoBRitry prop am t ion B for anipur obautranuo of our Nut ion a! Annlvori»ry..»• ti. ^ t.^. _ *.ii „„_ ms^ j™ «i.r_ H . i i

vanuoit full

e 1,1S7J.

H. M. Wilson'sBARBER'S SHOP,MuuKiou lloiifte Ulock,

Sussex Street, Dove^T > M. W. Iiogn ruMtuclfutly to infonn UILI V . Lndkw uf Dover and Vicinity, tlmt, hnnii(.'

JJunufucturcrH ut H u m a n f t m l X t i n X f lYidr'iiiNuiv lo rhCi ty , ho KMnrniiUtu entire mliHuiuioiiIu nil urdurs «itrusted U, LIH care.

11MM WOKK MAJJJ; TO OJIDKIt.All- PtirUciiliir utteution Biieu

*o IIA IK CUTTIN'O.Dovir, N. J . , May 11,1H72. 21-tf


Red, White and Blue Store.

HOUSE and LOTTo Let,

ON Puiin AVCIIUO ;l'lMHUHHioll glTUU I

Unvflr, April 27,1172.




I JOVKH, Ti. J .A T.T. ldiiik of HspriKB .Tolling ionny pnr to f

T V I)"- i-ilv or B,irroiin,lin^' vilTnsm. I'innoH,runi i lunt , Ac-., i-nnfnlly niiiiovt.il, andFrc ig l i t ,llaituniii;. Ai'^ i)r<mi|jtly (luliv(>n.'tl.

Orilor* rci:i>ivcil ul tlio KxiirL-ea OHlco, or f»y

Engineers, Miners and Laborers

. • "Wanted .T WAXT nvi> KiiKinivriH (rum flftrcn In iwcnt jI . luiiu-'irt nml llfti-on luli'irurn tu h'O witlt inn tii

I »r,rk in tlm KiiiitvIC'in Slliii^, OnlJiwgoii Cwutty,i Lah.. Hiiiwrlur. Mirhlgan.

j SuVunutcn.il'-"'?

1 f.rt-nirjrly "f llynmi Minn, Rovrr.

UM, »





Price List for the Month :

Fine Stripe Cassimere Pants, embracing all

New and desirable goods, Cut and made in

the Latest Style, from- - - - $3.50 to 8.00

Blue, Brown & Olive Frock Coats- - $10 to 20

Fine Black Suits, from $15 to 30

English Diagonal Frock Coats - - - $10 to 30

All Wool Business Suits $10 to 25

One Entire Floor Occupied


Boys'Suits, from $4.50 to 16.00

Children's Clothing 3 years and -upwards, from

. $2.50 to 14.00 a Suit.




CROCKERY, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE,Mining Materials of all kinds.


Limo, la th , Plaster, Cement, Brick, &c.COAL.

rfs GO.,

The Peoples Clothiers,

8O97& 811, B R O A D S T R E E T ,

Opp. Newark Savings Bank, Newark, N. J.


S P R I N G T R A D E !

The Subscribers offer to the People of •DOVER AND VICINITY

The Best Stock of




In tlio City.

Alan, tliQ finest niid best nflaortnurat of



E. Hairliouse & Bro.,Watches, CLOCK, Jewelry

Always on jiaiid, a Fine Ansortincat of



And Jewelry of Every Description!Repairing Executed with Neatness


Con. 11L*CU**I.I. Si^flExSviinirrn. DOVKB, N . J .


STOVS)S ! STOVES ! IGreat Reduction in Prices at the New Tin Store at Port Oram.

Wuff jmit neolvcd a lu rgo ttncknCHtovca o every tlctitripiion, we sro nt,w p » p o r e d t o i * U » tontaa.A.'rij'xi HXHSBCXSX) pn iomo,

All «nt?« of (lie very latent h}t)en ot

Cooking Stoves, Parl.br. aua llcnting Stoves, Ranges, &c.| ALHO

Tinware, plain dnd japanned ; Tin 'Boofing,A ^cry fluo oBoitnicnl of

LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, LANTERNS, &cAmi a variety of ttlhof artJclcB usually Kept In ft well nuppHeil Tin Stnro.

PLUMBING and all kinds of REPAIRING

Jfflflilj' flmio and ptorapl i j attoniluil to . Wo guarnntco t o giro niLtlBf&<*ttot):


SPRING, 1872. .SPRING, 1872.


A T I^EW S O N ' S ,Cor. Main & Van Houten Streets, Paterson, N. J.

Iho attontion o( Iho OIlizENS of DOVEK is called to oar EXLAVOSD Slocac ot

First Class .jnd PasliionaWo Dry Goods,livery Department roplcto with NEW Srnixo NOVBLTIKS in

Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloaks, etc., etc.

NEW D m will l>o aliened iu April lor tile sold ol

Rich laces, Gimps, Fringes, Sots Collars, Cuffs, andNotions of


BLAC1C SILKS! BLACK SILKS !A Tory largo stock of EI/AOIC and COLOBED SILKS, from tlio lowwt to tbo bigtwrt

, grlidoa, and tor vnluo MS unequalled.

Mourning Department Mourning DepartmentTlio nasortnioiit of iJc tr tract SuiEatlo Goutfs lot


mncstics and Woollens Sold nt OM Prfecsv •



Cor. M(\in $> Van Houten Streets,

Page 4: A. TAYLOB, · Tlio Union Bnnk nt Dover. BoTon por cont OoltJ Honda uf tlio Houston Total Control Hallway Company—Hon. Win. E, DodRo, 1'ruBidont—for RRIO at 00c. and accrued Intorotit

Lnwaof Ni;\vJ. ri-.y—C'<.1 ititiiii-<l.C H A i T K I ! U \ K X I J .

An net to dffniv iih-Ll-.tisil t i|»-ti». « <>r NVw .T.•ey f^Bi.tl.itiif.-rir tin- «.•.-,..inn ..r.Yi;;kiti,.-u himd r w U n . l mjvfiili--f,v...1 . l lo It uit!it!t>i.( l>i- tl> 1-ii'it.- nti.Kii'iHTnlA

•nniMyuf thi 'Hi,i( . . . ;r N....,-.!.•;=.• v .Tl iut it -d^bo lawful fiirih.! 1i-->i KII- r "f t h u i,la! t. t<i [xiy

wXiMir im"* ""n ' i i i . i r t ! 1' Ti-i'Sir'il,' 'tli'.i Vull'mTil

For u t a t i m m y f»i- li-.nv • nf ncrt! l ! .<l to hv..|,i.'r..(...iis,' ••I---, -----humlri<:l nml HUM t v-iii; -v U.-UHI-B u u d

<lc--d im.1 t i . i .U-s i i I1..1LII-H :md ninetycunt*. IS

Fur Htiitimiary f:ir wt ia tc , ri-rtitir,\ in l.yI3GU0


ITaa boon brought to hear on tho all-impfirtansubject which ci incur IIH cvi-ryhody, Mid

all unr ululmim, or

Mr. Cash and his Prices.Anfl nt n tncolliiR it laa hui-'H J l c w l n r i , T i n

from thin tiuio fin Ik


103 m The Long-credit Prices• titij..! l u ' l - y i c W i Jf li.-n..-, Kiiirl.uii CdiHcjiimiH.v wo itmv offur to llio K<I<><1 ^liz<"

F r " ' a " " " - " . „ ; ; : • , , ! . • ...ilm,?. to reuiiiiii.IiT.ir tlio BUlouid territory of Kir• : ' " ' • ' -u,.oy,»ttl,o.toroor


"Jowls lit siicli LOWriUCESTlmt It linu «lr<>n.l>- nn!<mt»<licil tlio pulillo,

(ltl<l K«i»lrt tha t ytiii litvvc Ixwa

LAMPS ! LAMPS ! !t'lmt will i-lvn yon niirh beautiful Ihrlit, mailing

liuino tirlf'lit and i-liourfnl. Lumps furthu Hall. I'nrlor and Kitihin.

CUaiidflii-'i-rt, titmluutLmniiH.

Ciiitro Tiihlo Lamps, Brnclietn, Ac, nml n[undid itBBiirtuHHit tif

G L A S S-WA R E,mey VIIRPH and niawn (if nil WIVIMI, nml a Jnrga

"rl.-l-li.ii t J hn

tliirtvi.'1-ntii,F..r ht;-,;,,,-,:,, •:• fiir i , , , , , , ,,f uwin idv ,

ourtlil.-.l lo f.y 1. •rc.-iitit-:it-:ir:iis iiiuJ-tydulltu-riiitK1! nwiny-iivi.c-nia,

No. a. itiim A- Mi.iml, 1'ur .•i-acli.-a runifiili-f i j r .nlir.™ urit-KMlutiirc, ivrllikjil tonH fulluu H :

By Tlioitms Itt-Hirilt-v, iiinetv-IU-" cl.ili.im 05 00H>H....n- hi,'!;, ,mu lmn.lml nu.l fuiir-

tuuii il.iilnrn, 11-100Ily Thimin-. lt..i;sl.'y, (Jilrty-tvvn dollars Hi (JOHy ll Ik I L C

, (Jilrtytvv, -I .IL.IM,

^ Kli:ir|i,i-i,r stnn s ^ m U y fwfi to l.y

iutit, it i

..[I ti,,Hiv( ll!,llhj|

S<).fi. J<)M!Mll UH'hrr,; , . , , , [,,,-tn:

hy KiM>nit;icy nf i^mit.-",' hii-tui

No.rjS'^"D!i»C?; fnr ihrnnlif'ii fur Hi>ii:itc, L'. I'lillril

<>i|;l,l.rJt d<rH k Di

iii i

,«i I..i. tutl

J a m o n * I»uu!iam, for0 00

tli'l 29 70

cm.tL«ti!ij; «.j;it i , 1,,,,1i- <,t r .H^mbly,por viiiii'lii'i'H, Ih'.' SHIJILII L-.I il'ilkiH, 50000

K<».H. Willir.rri II. Ciiiuriltcll rliuivnmii of«Hlimnti..nnl •-DMIIIITU-, tor I'XI..-HM.-H <.fnt'lf r[n.l..lhn, i :,,r l.,,11[i,ii[l.'<-, uif-hto-'ii) i d J Ubl

ill*. 1uUlitn.'1'unl f.'nun <.T ^IMIHI l.ill, tierVOIUJIHTII, hvo hniutr.<d tun! aixly-JourddllnrH,- 2

Ko.0 . J l rn . Tvmiusi .1 nti-.ii (Ii, (->v clcitniii;;,for ttlnp worl:, al«.ut It -{Iglfilivts lihiitn-bcrrf, fur tl.u bL'^Hioii, <.n..' limnhx-t dul-laTi, 1

No 10. Murphy ,t 1^-li tcl , for atiii lmmrv

. lollari anil l n m y l K c.nlu, 77i 75

1). h. AlItl.TK.Hl, ,I,'tr.!tiVYt l,o|k-U-iiinii, for Hpwiikl Hurv'tt'ti, ten dolliii-B, 10 OD

No. I1-'. V.'illimn S. Khan. , An- ulnllunaryfor BOiiiit.). 1-crtlHt'il to i.y iirusidcut u lnotink'. rijiriisisiwloll'irB, 10 00

William k Shiii-|>, l«r .iliMionnry for noil-nt.>, i-oriiikd to by wigvoflwtijj dt-rlt.

H a - 1 3 . J . U^vii. ' i ' troltR, forRorvJcrsnBHls-t h i g i o u n i a ! *-I.-iT; i.t b o i i ^ u t ' OB-UIJI-bly, livi! l imidwd •lullnra, GOO 00

No. 14. Ano in tua U. JJvmw. Imlatwio nnidt o l i o d u o imin-'onimt nf jiriiitMif,' thuvolmtiu of litjltlwdoctimciitrt In (IID vciirOifjlitvuii biiiuln.d nml n.^vnty, fourluiiiilrt-a IUI.I f.)ity-Hix dollura, -1-lQ 00

H o . 1 5 . I'liuoilor.. W. t ' r - .Hj ,o i i nccountor lirinlinjj ii.ia^iulily l.illn for thu i irus-Dili iiuHsli.ii nf IIJO Ui"Uliitiirn, nu imrrmlutio<in<l<>]<t<'<l bv tliulioiiHc. J i m -

-y ninth, UKt.tuen Inm.lrud ami HOV-t t Ih i l i U bill | b

[). A. ,

Black-well Street.

Family ModiciuosAT

D. A. DERRY'S,ire, nml highly rooniiiiiioiidiid ID t k n public BB

bfjHt fur a h u n d r e d ntnl olio coiiiiilalnta.

TEAS! TEAS!!IVCHII, mid tbn clioiccHt soluetfuiiB tbtvt thoirlic-t can jiroduco n t


Fresh Fruits !CANNED FRUITS !

And nil hkulB of


Pure Confectionery


D. A. DERRY'S.umy ninth,Otltv-tw»p Ihiniiil bv tlio coniihUoHuiwl.olo 1,111 t t l h lt tl

i n tin)bfcii ruudun-d,

, i!,o. 10. Dvcr uud JtocvoM, fur ooacli lilro,'.ccrtilfcd to by IJ.ury Iridi, diuirmau

oiiu hiitittn'd nml f.vuntyfuur dollnrii' 1o. 17. William <1. AlK-1

tifltrd to by Chark-addllnri),

Ccrliili'il la by J . H.doibrri,

Ho. I S J. D. Ilntl, forl l l

.-..u hiitittn'd nml f.vmity-four iloUiVrB,' 12i 00No. 17. Willhiui (1. AlK-n, fur con dies, UIT-

tiil.r.l to hy Cliark-s Hewitt, thlrly-nvoildllnni, 33 00

Ccrtiili'il to hy J . H. Cnviloor, thirty-twodoilnm, 32 00' " . J. D. Hall, for parcinwnit mll« for

Hialonnd iKiiuini)]- nwm-uilily, at thuUBIIHI ruk-B, hvuitv-livu d.illars, 20 00

No. 19. To tlm oillcm-B ,,t tliubuimta midfpmcrnl naKinMy, iia-liKliun tho Jour-nal clerks, unil tint piiratu wtciutiii'ii'B<uf thu pri*idunt of thu Huimtu anaB|ioal;i>r (if (hn himn.i, fur cstni BITVICOBu-nildlUiiiialoumuui.B^irm uf Iwuntyper cmitnm upon tliuir iiiiliuiuH fur ttiu

No. MU. Hruimul Prior, fur taking meaauro-niciiU u r Now J u r M ,y IStiUo Prison,twt!!ily-(lvu dollars, 23 00

Kn. ai . To (ho m.v.-r.il J.ai-tfH uf tint sonatannd hmiso.ifiisHcuiljiy « n ndilltUin oftwenty |iur ueutmii io tliu amount ofC(iiiq>riin:iti<iu pniVLik'd 1))' tho act Of

No. 'it. (iuiirKulE. Coloiuan, on account of

mm h'iinilr"(nU»lii»-«,'Jr ' ' 100 00Nu.'JS. Tlmt liny drdlurs hu nlluweil to

JurL'inhili Duly, llm ntutu lilirnrian, forimiiii'jHpuid mil hy him fur uxtfa sur-

No, 24. l inri ihyA DiichtU, for Htattonary

•lull in H, ' atN U . 2 J . TuTlicodoro Cools, for chairs, tn-

Uua, A c , ordciud hi citiiiinUtua PiroiiKro»ainK «krli'H citil™ fur ui!;htL-i-nlniiiJiud uu<\ xuvrnty, To - llio Urniau of

nuvuiilj'llvocoulu,No. 30. To tiiu clurtty of tliu cltv of

Truiiton, tun (lollurH fur t-iidi WMIIBtturvicuH in opening thu HCBHIOIIM of tltoittKlrilaUiru with inayur, in tliu yearnui^hlutin hundred nml Bovputv-oiiouml uiKhtucii Inaulro.l mid nuvonty-

Ko. 2T.°Tu Jnroinlnh Daly, nUto lihrarian,

Ira Bui-viutb, - t«o humlrcd duUaru, 200 00

CIIAPTEH P I .Asupplomcnt to i l io i i t t uiilitk-d "An Act Cor

cuniljiK Ito.uls," apim.if.l A].iril nUtccntleighteen liinidn:il aui\ ^-ity-iiU.

WlifruiiH, It 1« ruin-ctiiiiitua Iliitt DvurBcim of tluhiBluviijn uomullinL-M uuKtui-t or n-funo to inahoand kuup upon iiuccHtmry KL<tlurit. dnihiH urditchuH in tliuif ivHi>L-i:tivu luml Ointriots, hyruotiiil) of ivhich ni<[;l>i(.-t or lufiiHiil tliu w« ' -

inhu'LH tho jirrjporty uf land 'uvutTB In thojolitinif townijhisiH or wurild • ftjr rumudy will

' l . ' o o t t oiinctodliy th^Ficnato and dnnoralAifiomlilj uf llio litivtu uf iiuiv Jornoy, That Ifany land in nny townrtiilp ur vnril of thin stalu,any »trcot or rond, xhiillhn liijnrud hy a lionwater in L-miHcmu-'iicu i if t'uo rL-Hinal ur ni-ulucttlio nvcTHctT or (iVL-nx-vrH of llio lii({hwayH In ,a-dj ahull IF to-wntihip to cntk iiiiiko aud kct'ii oii_uoiuHHary KuUorn.ui-niuH or ailchcninlitHur theirruad ilimrkt, tn ilriLW oil' tliu miter from h!n or

oratrcait cuiu'iniDMoucr of tlm road or Htrutit n«hijuruil, may prenent n putition to tho cour'

toil, HutlliiK fnrth thu fnota iiii.lor oath or aHintluii, ami thtrcnpuik snid otmiH sshnll tii>|nthruu of l!io uliowtn frculniliiors in iinid county,not ri'iiiilhu; In said tiiwiiHhitm or vrarda, who llr><lliaving Ukosi an oath ur nUlrination to act Cuith-fullyu.ii luii'irliidly iti tlm jirumhuK, nil all pro-ctod o vinw aai-1 rond dihlriot and in<iuiro intcsaid iii^nry on thoii* ou'n view, or liy tho tunlhliy ofivii:ii'!)HUH,and if in tliL'ir opinion, tho fuciHotaUd in nald \,MUon aro Ini", tlioy HliaU <1<JR!B-uato in writinrx wh(<ro nocortflitrv unttern. drninoor<lltahi'itH.liall!»Miiaduin t>ni<[ run<l dintrivt tccoiivuy or draw off tliu ivuler from tho liiuhwny.Khh tlio lunHt disndvautu^ to thu owner of tlieUud, and lnnl:u tiiuir ruimrt in nritwig to tlrlork of uniil uoitnty, «-ho o'liall flloand record tli

shall >rillfully rofueo or lit'sloot In cut, mahclcana.i nml lwi?\t oju*u mirli guttttra, ilrainH aiclitt'liisx BO aL.*l,;nnt,.n, tho in i l toiriiHhlp In wliiclcni.l l-und Jintrioi la located sliaU haliabloin damifKctt to nuy Innd oinicr •>! mi arlj<iiiiinff towiinlil]

. ur u-anl, or to thu ndj.JiuTi^ lowimhlp or wardfoany itijury uiiBtaiiiPd uy ruaao" •*' -""^« «««i-^-i -.roftiaal.

•J. And ho it citnot•--!, Tlmt any person or por-Htinx, ton-tiEt!ii),B fir wirdx, nay wittiin nlity ilaystpiiunl fr.nu tint ihwlitiiitKifiiiiiii h-raholilurit to tti«

ty, wbiofiin thu

Tl:!': Amllii-iti'iiiu-i.'d.'ni-Ll t\tb

Ai'iiirovcd AJirU V, \&T1.

not oh nil tali.





B SO HO and OT E

S S ,Jarpets,

Furniture,Mining Materials





FITTINGSConstantly on Hand.



T. P. Skelonger, - - Prop'r

Tlin Rnhwr>rlborroRr'cclfiillv ininnunpos In li!n'lomlrt anil tliu i-nlillt! uoiu.rnlty. lhat liu lian voiineh on b reed and y really Ini|)ruvci) what Winown an tho

i now proparoil to receive rinlUirB.I uMoinimwlatloiiH fur Kiinuncr lionnlnrs Ii.tout amplouf any olhur uHtnlilishmont in the

iHtci in nihmtMl upon tho mint olovntodid hi Morriri coiitit>, nnd oonscuiiicntly I\H n

i!neu of HiiinniL-r i^Birt for health IB utitxiuiuedinIIH xccliun of country* *Excellent ntabluH arci attached to tho promises

ClioBtrr.N.J.,11. ' 6-y



0 as pipe cut and filled tooniar.

Iron and Brass. Castings

of all iicHcrlntlona furnished promptly,

Partioular attcntiou given to



fiolo U^nafaciorora of

Patent Car-Pushers

fortheStnU)80fNuwYcrItani?Ki>-ff J


GEO. W. DRAKE,T h e largebt a n d inuwl BUCL'CrWfiil Dcal.T in


MORRISTOWN",Hns JUKI ihiirihfd nliictinB hin .Sioro witli

WINTEB GOODS,IVhlcli HurjHmscM iin.vtliiiiK in 11"= litif •


Superiority of Material,



Ladies, Misses and Children's

S H O E S ,Warranted ulway* !'• lit, nr« t" l'p f-"1"'1 '»

lliih Sliiri; iif n»- jj^1^,},'",',)"''111"

Ijit ' i ipcr l l in t i n l a n y nl l ic i 1 S t o r ei n AIoiriK Con t i l l -

Docomliur 21,1870:


Dover, N". J.,DoalcrB lu ' -

Lohigh and Scranton


At the Lowest ]>IurKct Price.

"\Miolcsftlo and Kctnil.

All Sizes Constantly oil linml,nnildelivered to imy pnrt of llic

City or Vicinity.Ordcrn may ho ndiircaricd through tijo Posl

Ofllco, Hi^llS, or lurt at tho oQico In UlaukwullEtrcc-t, near SIIUHOI. •

Y«rd ofilcn next to Oago k Itcach's lumber yardl

A. DBE3IER, 8. T. rALMEIt.

A. Beemer,


Blnokwoll St., near Sussex, Dover, N. J.



For (loserintlons of Property and pirUoularn,n^niro nt tho ofllco.



DOVEH, N. J.rlauB and SttocUlrntionn fur buililinBi, Oontrncts

.taknn ami {iiaturlalu runiluliL'tl.

Jobbing in General.JjL-oembor21tUlH70. 1-lyr.








OoTcr, N. J.

Rubber Boots & Slices,And ovt rv l l i ln r i i i tlm lit..' fnim t l ie niuat

IJi-imliir .MiiTinfuL-tiirirn.

O1VE H E A 0AT.L KP.riillT! l ' l ' l lCI IASlNOKLHEWIIia t l i .

COTTAGE l tOW,Next to Winliingtuti Hall DniMiilg,

Morristoy/n, N". J.



Fancy Goods,Nes t t l o o r t o llairiioufio'H Jism-lry Kttirc,

Blackwell Street, Dover, N. J.,T a k e s iik-nsiire In luitifvinj,-h-r fntnnl ntnl thopublic Unit «h« linn tho Im-Hfst ntiulc iinil mimtioiii]ih;lu (iHHiiiLiuri.t of Milliiu-ry mul l a n c yGuoils lo bu fuuiid in Uuvtrv. tlm niuiit U>»ulirul

Spring and Summer Styles

H A T SA full lino i!r

Foatliors & Flowers,

Sash Ribbon and Bows,if tlio IMeal Hlylos, null n fine siiisortiiiciit of

Chignons, Switches,

Braids and Rolls,Alsci, n grout var ie ty nt

Zephyr Goods,nml tlioiiKiinl v n r b t y a f

Lndies' Funiisliiiig Goods,Wltli tlio In-Rt n . n k i m l »l«l inn»t rqmputan t n«.HlitntiK, m i l n ImliK'SIK-rlu'linl 111 tliu Inulnmil\*u flutltr ouiRdvtB fully i ncp iuca t u nu-ft lliu(U'liininlMor i inrpatnimii i roini i l ly mill Hntmfactn-rily.


Great Bargains for every one !

Grand Spring Opening

NEW J3OQDSThcfin1iHcrihorliavii t«hadhl(i stride nf ROIMIB

..l (wine i-'Xtvnt d«j»triiyud a n d ilsitimscil l>y tfuto Urn in liiti Htr>ro, now t^n-n Uila utoult i n cn._

ucu t ionwi thh iHi iuw HloL-k of Ki>riii(i OUOCIB n t

LOWKIl I'lUCKSthan havo iiruvuilml for lho inHi ton vcafj

lUSADY MAI)*} CLOTIUKG,iiprcc, Clctlifl, Vest lugs hy llio yard, hioco

ic liint'buy cidlha of mo can lavo Biiita cut;rhtifl.

Oents FumiNliiiig Goods,

HATS AND CAPS,Of llio very latest titylca. Soo tlto following

l'rictit:GOATS FBOSI $2.60 TO $10.00PANTH " 1.2B " fi.OOVESTS " 75 " ».D0

Ami (jvcrytliini; cluo lit my line ns chenp iu pro-pnttiu ll. " •

fill ITS TO OIIDKR,Having fl

nslnrr'mirin'b^vLVVv^iitiVl/.llL'.'r'buruUr'l'^iiiy aiii:ftfnir i r inl t tmsBiiroourcHizMiB tlm* tlioy nucd

I IT** oleowhcru to tr^t a jjoodarllclo of ch)11ilng>

nrs hrlniv li . I jndii luy A. HOU'M Storo, Black-II iitrtQt, Dover, N. J .


\Y. 0. B0N0GHUE.

Book, Stationery and

NEWS DEALEE,Cor. Blnokwell anil Sussex streets, oppo-

site tlm MntiRinn Hunso, Dover, N. J.Constmitlir on hand daily nml ivooltly pflpors

a n d nil of t lm kwlititf Mrmlhlv .MttLiwiiiyH m-utliy mnll to nny j iar t ur tho United H talc a all o i 'by mail p rompt ly a t tended to,

IlariiiK u l n r u o andwoli BoloctuiUtock of BchuolitfHikn, J t l ink Moulin, ond mlHCfjlnnctiiiH punlica~tiiiiin, alito, lvriUng pnpor of «\ory ilcncriplionponipriBinp Niito L(i(;tl *!«1»( Hill Cup, Tool Cni>,Init in] itnu 1'Vuni h in GOIHITJ, wtmlil respect fullycaU your a t t en t ion to 1ho foot I lint I am B i ." ' -thLin nt Brciitiy r t d u i c d priccu.

Ln.iv Blouits of tlio latest New Jerseyform in tcrent variety.

A Specialty.



At Less than NEW YORK Pries.

B O O K - B I N D I N Grtono with ncr.tncflB nurt ainpntch nml i n a n y atylodoHlrod

Orders for Sawing and Planing 3Sr:;K,£f'ivIB"!;";^™",1"^. „„ „ , . I Wnrtr pitroni.i.1 !,;• i. trfiabk'nud'cMSo^a|iromplly uiccuk'd. mull. •«««"«



G. B. B0BI0TTIIIn» removed lib

Boot and Slioe StoreI 'rnm licit to GotiOalu .V VtiujtlifB Orni; Ht*>r«», i «

a litrctT anil iiuini i-nnvfiiinil IIIIICIJ » r lunu-IH-HM, f.irituTl V Hi'<:ii|)iL'd I)}' Hur ion A Hutihu.ni,

U JJoniw AHOVE Sroun ' s N E W IIAKH,

In B!nekvoll Btrect,

Where ho will oinpli>v greater fnclliticH in liis

New Stock of Goods,

1 Ull'll'd i'r'l thll "JlHttlHl I!(MltH," With tl"" IH'W•nl.-nt J l i tn l l te Iliillon Hoi" lT-t.-r-tnr. Tlmy,I;VLT tear thruujjli. "t W't-oiiw raKK"d l>y wi-ar.

Also, hiiclicx' ,S<'!«<• a n d ClolliVontilating Wnlw-pruof. IJoots nml Slioes,

(JiiKtoin Work.I-Wii lirmrtitijiw, woll-flltliiir and niyHflh boot

or HI»II>, I tlnit.-r inynulflliat 1 catini»t 1m exwlk-rthvaNVcKhhliHtiiiii-ntiiitlniL-mintry. I unit hutim... tr.nl to i-dlnhllsli your nutrtmnffu with mo .


-.nl.fnl for mot Vairnmm-,1 >'"!"> ''jf " ^it to p k a a o , to meri t » ootiitliiiuiiioci oi tliu

G. B. Boriotti.

F R E S H F R U I T S ,

Oranges, Lemons,

Figs,Apples, Raisins,

OITKON, PRUNES, FEACHBB,iro (JorLL.tlmmilcH, K iln or nil hind*, Hir<!

Heal, UJicilco JlramlH H-.garH, r a m l l y 3[uilldiiu«,1 l t


Apothecary,IMclccrson Street,

Opposite IS. It, Dciiot,

OffL-i-a Tur Biilo a well selected Htncfc of




And Fancy Articles

&o., Ao.

Physicians' Prescriptions

Carofidly compoamlcd at all hours.

Sweedi&li LeecliesCotmtantly on hnnd.

Is the Best call.

C1IIM1S ill iltnl it t l l i d Kand try U10 DUJHCi'l ' lU Lx. liiiyins nny

(Jut'K liiiiiii I h r tnd or g h n o et.n.—ToiiHloiirn coatly inaiin^oil, bt--iii{,' Bdtjiinlinb'i " " tmud ill uny u thur .CAD not ho jmt ou t of lime—1 110 cum a o

Cnniuit niiHH BtirlioB—ruiin BO cl —nml peculiar motion of miciilu Imr lumi llo to lirca

UUIUUH tiucnuxo it lian r o u n d KhntV(n:a no t lircak tlinmiln, ln;cnt)»f niiporioiiiHlona—is icdH IIAMQ to g i t out urikr—hn10 huu.lrml Ices inimliur of pa thnn iiiot<

oihurn—has CO poinla of mjiori:) ' over al

•Ilwao Dxcollant nmnhlnrH nra on ou t Otrial a n d thnnmffh i n s t r n e l i m u fro

Any person Inlying ono uf IUOBU lolilnca (indlieeouuiiu iliuntlHilw] tlicroiTitli, r exulian^o,rroo of ulmrgo, for any o thor uiiiniii .uror.

Tnlio tin (l«nlor'H w i n l t h a t iht-.ro no t tliobest un t i l you luivu tr lud onu.



, N.J.,


DOVEBN. J.All himlR o f Kon-lni; Mndi ino Noel for Raid.

E. LINDSLET & SOW",Coalers In

House Furnishing

Builders' Hanhvaro.

rt'o would paiticulrirly on.ll ntUmliou lo our ox-teiiaivostotkof

Mechanics' Tools,which uro fully irarraiito.l to bu Iho beat,


DlacUwoll utroet, Dorcr, N. J. Mtf

NEW YORK, CORK & LIVERPOOLNow nnd Pnll-iioworocl StoomahipB.

The Six Largest in the World.OCEANIC, CELTIC, REPUBLIC,

ATLANTIC, BALTIC, ADRIATIC,0,00(1 Tona lmnlcii_3,t)(>a li

Bnillng from...vuri'""! ">n 1liar folloivliii;.

rtom tho TVhito Slor Dock, rnTonia Fcrrji Jor-soy City. I'asaeTiRCr accommodations dorCIBBBCBJ unrivalct], coinblniug

Snfcty, Spet«l, nml Comfort.BnlooiiH, Btato roonm, HinoliinR-room, nml batl i-

rosum in n» Id slit]) Bcctlon, whoro leant motion !Bfolt. SitrKcoiiH a n d HtonardusBCB accompiuy

HATES—Saloon. 8^0 B o l d . Sicorago, W 0 cur-roucy Thowj tdshlUR t o u n a for W o u d a fromtho Old Country can now obta in et corn go prcpafilcortllicatcg, S'^i currency.

rnMcoRcra bouhed to or from nny pa rAniorica. 1'arm, Hamburg , Norway, HnoIndia , Auutralin. China, etu.

Kxcnrdnn Tickets granted at tho lowoat raiDraftB from £ 1 onwards .F o r l i m p c c l l o u o i ]ilnnn and o t h e r Information,

tnplva t tlio CompanyB Ofilcca,Xo. 10, l l roadwaj ,

J . ir« SPAUKS, Agcn*,,

n<nvcr. Nt;w .Tnrapy,Jft-y Nex t Duor lu Qaodalu & VougLt 'a ,





ESTAUJ.IS11MENTl a Murrl» Ccioiily, 1B ol


Wlioro can bo found tlm inr^tHt BHSOrtuiont a |

Horse Blankets,

Buffalo RolJCH, Wolf Rol)o|anil

Fox Robes,at

P1UCES TO SUIT T H E TIDIES jA iplondid tiBKirtmcnt of

Trunks, Ciirpet BngH,Ynlisc

ntchcls, &c.Brush on, anrry-Combi, Ctirtla, ntld Itorio I

Bcranorn, Bpoii^ea, Chamois Bklns.and Foather DoHten*.

Agent for Rnckwull'B Traiiiiiiu aiipnrntuB.nnrl Varnish far Ilamomi. AimiiiKBinndo to 'nml put vp In a worlniiniilikit inaimer.

Chas. McFarlanl

Stoves. Stives,THE OLD STAD,

UNION HALL BINDING,Oiiposito tho Post Ofllco, r+r,

Hot Air Furnses,<T t ho la tes t and m i s t improved uty), for wnno-

lnjf puhliu nitil prlvntn hiiildiiinB. A r(;o (innort-m o u t of Ktovca, cliuajj fur c l i .




• IJltlTTJtKA WAI1E,A fllll HHBDrlllK'llt Of


FltUIT OAHB, io . , *



ono In Ilia bunt tliiKr mill lit llio iticc. l l lchci t t liriiri'K iiniil fur (lid Ion .

Ci>t>pur lead mill poivtur tahcii [i uxclmnga fi|0° "' ALEXANDER WBnTON.T l l tih 1


MnrMo iind Granite Works,Moxt iloor to TI1I3 IHON El lA lluUdiiiff,

HOVliU, N. J . ,

O. S. Davison,I lav ing a tar tml an J^ntnljliflhtnciit fur tlio

AT&uufautiirc of



AND nil kinds nf MATinLE W'OHK,reR|M>otfully Biilidt t ho imhlle patronn

tliin Buotion r»f tlui County iniaraiitotilnff toth t lif

jOivo mo a call hoforo going olBowhoro. <

C. S. DAVIS0.V.Koxt door to tholron Era JmiUUiif;. j

Blannfaotiiror of



Real Estate




Agent foiCtlu'folloivinr arat-elp

Liverpool & London & Globe

Insimmce Co.

Itoynl Insurance,

Fiaiiiain - riiilndolpliin.

Hudson - - Jersey City,

People's - - - Newark.

Homo - Coluinbns, Ohio.

Mutual Benciit Life, Newark

Choice Lots in Dover,for nalo chca'p, n l io BCreral




' in tho town oF Dover.1» I I I CIS 87.O0O.

. Lots for Sale,

ON tho norlh ttido at DlaoUwoU utrect, en thoIIofFiiinn l'roiwrty, at (20 por foot front.

$2,000 TO LOAN,ON

Bond & Mortgage.Apply to

Clins. AIcFar lan ,Haul Estate nnd Insnranco Agent,


House, Sign and Ornamental



dono with nontneaa and (liHpntch, And on tho moatrcasoiiahlo tonus.


IDOVEIX, N. J.,Under Ooo. Rtcliw-cla & Oo.'a Slor

Bceemher Sith, 1870. u - , .

Spring "72 1 Spring '73 M

N e w Dress G o o d s !

N e w Dress Goods ! !

New Carpets ! New Carpets t!i-

Just Arrived !Cheapest in the County 1

CnllnmTeeo tlioraj!

, >V, S, B A B B I T T ,


A HOUSE & Nine Acres of Land


iovon roomi. twoTho lower part o

iovon roomi. two hubTho lower part of tha

ory, the location beingol] adnptod for ft J""*1"Tl I l larg*

monta nnd a collar. _,- JO was liuilt far n liakorv,right in tho vlllafto nnd well L—,nous Bland of any Mud. Tlioro In alio •!*££*»,unrn and other otithounoi. • \ * » ^ '

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Wiu . KING,N l l kBuccaBUuua; S, J,