Introduction Compressed sensing Variants Applications Compressed sensing Or: the equation Ax = b, revisited Terence Tao University of California, Los Angeles Mahler Lecture Series Terence Tao Compressed sensing

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IntroductionCompressed sensing


Compressed sensingOr: the equation Ax = b, revisited

Terence Tao

University of California, Los Angeles

Mahler Lecture Series

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


Acquiring signals

Many types of real-world signals (e.g. sound, images,video) can be viewed as an n-dimensional vector

x =



∈ Rn of real numbers, where n is large (e.g.

n ∼ 106).To acquire this signal, we consider a linear measurementmodel, in which we measure an m-dimensional vectorb = Ax ∈ Rm for some m × n measurement matrix A (thuswe measure the inner products of x with the rows of A).For instance, if we are measuring a time series in thefrequency domain, A would be some sort of Fourier matrix.

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


This leads to the following classical question in linear algebra:Question: How many measurements m do we need tomake in order to recover the original signal x exactly fromb? What about approximately?In other words: when can we solve the equation Ax = b?

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


The classical answer

The classical theory of linear algebra, which we learn asundergraduates, is as follows:

If there are at least as many measurements as unknowns(m ≥ n), and A has full rank, then the problem isdetermined or overdetermined, and one can easily solveAx = b uniquely (e.g. by gaussian elimination).If there are fewer measurements than unknowns (m < n),then the problem is underdetermined even when A has fullrank. Knowledge of Ax = b restricts x to an (affine)subspace of Rn, but does not determine x completely.However, if one has reason to believe that x is “small”, onecan use the least squares solutionx# = argminx :Ax=b ‖x‖`2 = A∗(AA∗)−1b as the “bestguess” for x .

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing




A low-dimensional example of a least-squares guess.

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


In many situations the least squares solution is notsatisfactory.For instance, consider the problem of reconstructing aone-dimensional discrete signal f : {1, . . . ,n} → C from apartial collection f̂ (ξ1), . . . , f̂ (ξm) of Fourier coefficients

f̂ (ξ) :=1n


f (x)e−2πixξ/n.

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


The least squares solution f # to this problem is easily seen tobe the partial Fourier series

f # :=m∑


f̂ (ξj)e−2πiξj x/n

which, when m is small, is often very different from the originalsignal f , especially if f is “spiky” (consider for instance a deltafunction signal).

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


The Logan-Shepp phantom and its least squares reconstructionafter Fourier-sampling along 22 radial lines (here m/n ≈ 0.05).This type of measurement is a toy model of that used in MRI.

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


Sparse recovery

It is thus of interest to obtain a good estimator forunderdetermined problems such as Ax = b in the case inwhich x is expected to be “spiky” - that is, concentrated inonly a few of its coordinates.A model case occurs when x is known to be S-sparse forsome 1 ≤ S ≤ n, which means that at most S of thecoefficients of x can be non-zero.

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


Why sparsity?

Sparsity is a simple but effective model for many real-lifesignals. For instance, an image may be many megapixelsin size, but when viewed in the right basis (e.g. a waveletbasis), many of the coefficients may be negligible, and sothe image may be compressible into a file of much smallersize without seriously affecting the image quality. (This isthe basis behind algorithms such as the JPEG2000protocol.) In other words, many images are effectivelysparse in the wavelet basis.More complicated models than sparse signals can also bestudied, but for simplicity we will restrict attention to thesparse case here.

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


Sparsity helps!

Intuitively, if a signal x ∈ Rn is S-sparse, then it should onlyhave S degrees of freedom rather than n. In principle, oneshould now only need S measurements or so toreconstruct x , rather than n. This is the underlyingphilosophy of compressive sensing: one only needs anumber of measurements proportional to the compressedsize of the signal, rather than the uncompressed size.An analogy would be with the classic twelve coins puzzle:given twelve coins, one of them counterfeit (and thusheavier or lighter than the others), one can determine thecounterfeit coin in just three weighings, by weighing thecoins in suitably chosen batches. The key point is that thecounterfeit data is sparse.

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


Compressed sensing is advantageous wheneversignals are sparse in a known basis;measurements (or computation at the sensor end) areexpensive; butcomputations at the receiver end are cheap.

Such situations can arise inImaging (e.g. the “single-pixel camera”)Sensor networksMRIAstronomy...

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


But can compressed sensing work?

Proposition: Suppose that any 2S columns of the m × nmatrix A are linearly independent. (This is a reasonableassumption once m ≥ 2S.) Then, any S-sparse signalx ∈ Rn can be reconstructed uniquely from Ax .Proof: Suppose not; then there are two S-sparse signalsx , x ′ ∈ Rn with Ax = Ax ′, which implies A(x − x ′) = 0. Butx − x ′ is 2S-sparse, so there is a linear dependencebetween 2S columns of A, contradiction. �

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


In fact, the above proof also shows how to reconstruct anS-sparse signal x ∈ Rn from the measurements b = Ax : xis the unique sparsest solution to Ax = b. In other words,

x = argminx :Ax=b ‖x‖`0


‖x‖`0 :=n∑


|xi |0 = #{1 ≤ i ≤ n : xi 6= 0}

is the sparsity of x .Unfortunately, in contrast to the `2 minimisation problem(least-squares), `0 minimisation is computationallyintractable (in fact, it is an NP-hard problem in general). Inpart, this is because `0 minimisation is not a convexoptimisation problem.

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


To summarise so far: when solving an underdeterminedproblem Ax = b, `2 minimisation is easy to compute, butoften wrong.When x is sparse, `0 minimisation is often correct, but verydifficult to compute.Is there a way to split the difference?

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


Basis pursuit

A simple, yet surprisingly effective, way to do so is `1

minimisation or basis pursuit; thus, our guess x ] for theproblem Ax = b is given by the formula

x ] = argminx :Ax=b ‖x‖`1 .

This is a convex optimisation problem and can be solvedfairly quickly by linear programming methods (severalspecialised software packages are now also available).And... it works!

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing




In this example, the signal x is reconstructed exactly fromb = Ax by `1 minimisation.

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


Exact reconstruction of the Logan-Shepp phantom from partialFourier data by `1 minimisation (or more precisely, totalvariation minimisation, i.e. the `1 norm of the gradient).

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


Basis pursuit was introduced empirically in the sciences(e.g. in seismology by Claerbout-Muir and others) in the1970s, and then studied mathematically in the 1990s by byChen, Donoho, Huo, Logan, Saunders, and others.Near-optimal performance guarantees emerged in the2000s by Candés-Romberg-Tao, Donoho, and others.There are also several other compressed sensingalgorithms known (e.g. matching pursuit and itsrefinements), but we will focus on basis pursuit here as it isrelatively simple to state.

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


Theoretical results

There are now several theoretical results ensuring thatbasis pursuit works whenever the measurement matrix A issufficiently “incoherent”, which roughly means that itsmatrix entries are uniform in magnitude. (It’s somewhatanalogous to how the secret to solving the twelve coinsproblem is to weigh several of the coins at once.) Here isone typical result:Theorem: (Candés-Romberg-T. 2004). Letξ1, . . . , ξm ∈ {1, . . . ,n} be chosen randomly. Then with highprobability, every S-sparse signal f : {1, . . . ,n} → C can berecovered from f̂ (ξ1), . . . , f̂ (ξm), so long as m > CS log nfor some absolute constant C.

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


Numerical experiments suggest that in practice, mostS-sparse signals are in fact recovered exactly oncem ≥ 4S or so.It turns out that basis pursuit is effective not only for Fouriermeasurements, but for a much wider class ofmeasurement matrices. The necessary condition thatevery 2S columns of A have to be linearly independent,has to be strengthened somewhat (for instance, to theassertion that every 4S columns of A are approximatelyorthonormal). The precise condition used in the literatureis called the Restricted Isometry Property (RIP), and isobeyed by many types of matrices (e.g. gaussian randommatrices obey the RIP with high probability).

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


Variants and extensions

There are many variants and extensions of compressedsensing in the literature (200+ papers in the last 3 years!). Hereis a quick sample:

Compressed sensing algorithms such as basis pursuit cannot only recover sparse data x exactly from b = Ax , butcan also recover compressible data (data which isapproximately sparse) approximately, by a slightmodification of the algorithm.In a similar spirit, these algorithms are also robust withregards to noise: if one only has some approximatemeasurements b = Ax + z of the signal x , where z is anoise vector (e.g. gaussian white noise), then basis pursuitwill still recover a good approximation x ] to x .

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing




|| Ax − b || < e

Reconstructing a sparse signal x approximately from noisy datab = Ax + z, assuming that z has norm less than some errortolerance e.

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


There is a “dual” to compressed sensing, namely linearcoding in which a signal x ∈ Rn is expanded into a largersignal Ax ∈ Rm (where now m > n instead of m < n) to betransmitted over a noisy network. Even if parts of thetransmitted signal are corrupted, so that the data receivedis of the form b = Ax + e for some sparse e (representingpacket loss or corruption), one can recover x exactly inmany cases. (The trick is to view e, rather than x , as thesignal, in which case one can convert things back to acompressed sensing problem.)

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


There are also matrix versions of compressed sensing:instead of trying to reconstruct a sparse vector x fromsome measurements Ax , one instead tries to reconstruct alow-rank matrix M from some coefficients of that matrix.There is an analogue of basis pursuit (using the nuclearnorm ‖M‖1 rather than the `1 norm) which is effective inmany cases. This type of problem is relevant to real-lifematrix completion problems (e.g. the Netflix prize).

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


Practical applications of compressed sensing

Compressed sensing is a fairly new paradigm, but isalready being used in practical settings, for instance tospeed up MRI scans by requiring fewer measurements toachieve a given amount of resolution.One of the first prototype demonstrations of compressedsensing is the single pixel camera, developed by RiceUniversity.

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


A schematic of the Rice single pixel camera(http://dsp.rice.edu/cscamera)

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


Physical implementation(http://dsp.rice.edu/cscamera)

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


Test image (16384 pixels) and CS reconstruction using 1600and 3300 measurements(http://dsp.rice.edu/cscamera)

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


Test image (65536 pixels) and CS reconstruction using 6600measurements (http://dsp.rice.edu/cscamera)

Terence Tao Compressed sensing

IntroductionCompressed sensing


MRI image of a mouse heart, and CS reconstruction using 20%of available measurements (Blumensath-Davies)

Terence Tao Compressed sensing