跨跨跨跨跨 Cross-cultural Communica Cross-cultural Communica tion tion Unit 8 From a Primitive Tribe to a Global Village [email protected]

Unit 8 From a Primitive Tribe to a Global Village [email protected]

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Page 1: Unit 8 From a Primitive Tribe to a Global Village czl@ahut.edu.cn

跨文化交际Cross-cultural Communication Cross-cultural Communication

Unit 8

From a Primitive Tribe

to a Global Village

[email protected]

Page 2: Unit 8 From a Primitive Tribe to a Global Village czl@ahut.edu.cn

Unit 8. From a Primitive Tribe to a Global Village

Objectives:1. Have an overall picture of the history of human


2. Have a good understanding of the effects the development of technology has on communication

3. Compare human communication and animal communication

4. Communicate by using some hi-tech language

5. Be more adaptable in our global village

Page 3: Unit 8 From a Primitive Tribe to a Global Village czl@ahut.edu.cn

Unit 8. From a Primitive Tribe to a Global Village

Warm up

Activity 1. Here-and-now Communication:Primitive Forms

Activity 2. There-and-then Communication: the First Extension of Man

Activity 3. The Second Extension of Man: Transcending Distance and Time

Activity 4. The Third Extension of Man: Replacing Human Brain with “an Electronic Mind”

Activity 5. Learning to Live in a Global Village


Page 4: Unit 8 From a Primitive Tribe to a Global Village czl@ahut.edu.cn

Warm up• Ever-extending Man• The history of human communication:

• Stone Age: Simple language + gestures, exchange feeling through

touching. ( communication within ear shot or eye shot)

• → travel to other villages to communicate with people there.

• →writing, printing technology, → postal services, → telegraph, telephone, radio, picture communication, TV, computer, laser

technology, internet … →globalization (global village, small world, in which cross-cultural communication is the communication, and is part of daily life.)

• →outer space (from earth to the moon and the Mars)

Page 5: Unit 8 From a Primitive Tribe to a Global Village czl@ahut.edu.cn

Activity 1. Here-and-now Communication: Primitive Forms

• Here-and-now communication is confined to the reach of man’s ear and sight. It is face-to-face, spontaneous, here and now. It leaves no trace when communication ceases. (P.337)

• Task 1. Understanding Animal Behaviour• Animal behavior: the way different kinds of animals behave.• Three Anecdotes (P.327-328)• Task 2. Interpreting Animal Signs(Listening)• Animals communicate in their languages, technically called sign stimuli.• Task 3. Discovering the Amazing Language of Honey Bees• Text (P.330)• Q1. The passage suggests that there is something common among all animals, i

ncluding human species. What is it?• A1. Communicate messages (the capacity to mean, to transmit messages vital t

o survival, and to understand them. )• Q2. Design a model of communication between von Frisch and his friends.• A2. A series of non-verbal signals of communication: • ①blow cow horn ←→ ring a bell ← → blow a trumpet② ③

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Activity 1. (continued)

• Q3. What is “waggle dance”?

• A3. It is the movement in the figure of eight.

• Q4. What is “waggle run”?

• A4. It is the waggle dance plus shaking tails.• Word formation: (P.333)

-ing + n. -ed + n.

= n. that V(s) = n. that be-ed

e.g. amazing discoveries,

far-reaching observation

painstaking work

returning bee

sugared water

marked bee

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Activity 1. (continued)

• Task 4. Appreciating Values of Self-sacrifice and Altruism in Animals

• 【 Exercise on P.335】• The top of the panel discussion is on animal values. Professor Wilson reports hi

s study of bees’ altruistic behavior. It is found that bee workers labour unceasingly in the hive for 3 weeks, forage outside for food until they wear out two or three weeks later but leave no offspring.Professor Wilson believes that it is a perfect instance of self-sacrifice.Professor Smith, on the other hand reports his study of chimpanzees. He finds that chimpanzees’s altruism is part of a mutual-aid system. The panel chair raises the issue of kin selection. Professor Smith uses his study of imprinting to demonstrate the chairman’s point. He points out that consonants are innately recognized sign stimuli.

• Lin Yan and Wang Ling, the two guest audience, audit the panel.• Wang Ling wants to know whether bee workers’ sacrifice is similar to the self s

acrifice human parents show to their children.• Professor Wilson points out that bee workers have no offspring.• Yan continues to contrast by observing … similar to altruism of chimpanzee?• Professor Smith comments on it saying our parents show their love to their chil

dren without expecting any return.

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Activity 2. • How man manages to overcome the limits of here-and-now communication

by extending himself through writing, paper and printing.

• Task 1. Leaving Speech Behind: Symbols and Alphabets.• ★Notice the Impact the use of writing has on human communication and on

the development of human civilization.

Communication through writing

Face-to-face communication

Writer Reader

Distance can be thousands of mile away

must be within the earshot

Time can be separated by years or dynasties

must be instantaneous

Page 9: Unit 8 From a Primitive Tribe to a Global Village czl@ahut.edu.cn

Activity 2. (continued)

• ★★Communication through writing emancipates man from the constraints imposed by the face-to-face distance and the spontaneity of time. Later generations are able to benefit from the wisdom deposited in writing by earlier generations. This makes the growth of human civilization possible.

• ★★★Communication through writing enables man to transcend other species of animals.

• Task 2. Depositing Thoughts and Wisdom: Paper and Printing

• Bamboo slates (竹简 ) → Wood slates (牍 )→ Papyrus(草制成的纸 )→ =a Latin word, the etymological origin of the English word “paper”

• The four great inventions of ancient China: the compass; the powder; the method of paper making and the printing(also called typography).

• More information (P.341)

• Task 3. Speedier Long-distance Communication(P.343)• ★ Human legs →horse relay system →posts(Latin positus, the origin of

“postal service”)• ★★ Drumbeats/ fire/ smoke signals/ ram’s horn / bugle calls/ homing p

igeons/ flags (semaphore旗语 )

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Activity 3. The Second Extension of Man: Transcending Distance and Time

• Task 1. Communicating at a Long Distance: Telegraph• Text: The history of telegraph(P.345)

• Task 2. Talk Shop at a Distance: Telecommunications• Telegraphy → voice communication → telephone(A.G.Bell, 1876) radi

o, TV, satellite TV, fax, beeper, mobile, cell phone, …

• Telecommunications? 远程通讯• Cellular phone?

• Exchange?

• Fax?

• Task 3. Translating a Radio Receiver Manual(P.351)

• Task 4. Understanding Television Communication

• Task 5. Understanding Television Receiver Manual

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Activity 4. The Third Extension of Man: Replacing Human Brain with ‘an Electronic Mind’

• Task 1. What happens when I “talk” to my computer?

• Task 2. Learning to speak “computerese”

• Task 3. Describing how you communicate with your friend John Slaven in U.K.

• Activity 5. Learning to Live in a Global Village• Task 1. Being aware of overseas influence on product labels

and entertainment programmes

• Task 2. Respecting diversity

• Task 3. Being polite to your partner

• Task 4. Being aware of the pitfalls in stereotyping your partner

• Task 5. Review

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• 第八单元 从部落到“地球村”

• 内容:介绍科学技术的发展对人类交流产生的巨大影响,跨文化交际已经使人类超越地界、国界和时空。

• 教学目的:帮助学员回顾科学技术的发展对人类交流产生的巨大影响,认识到跨文化交际在当今社会中的重要作用。

• 学习目标:通过练习使学员学会使用现代通讯常用术语,如无线通讯、卫星电视通讯、电话通讯、电子通讯等;了解在“地球村”生活的一些基本策略。