UNIDADE DIDÁTICA - Paraná · 1 UNIDADE DIDÁTICA Objetivo Geral: Conhecer características do gênero E-mail. Objetivo Específico: Escrever, reconhecer e desenvolver o gênero

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Page 1: UNIDADE DIDÁTICA - Paraná · 1 UNIDADE DIDÁTICA Objetivo Geral: Conhecer características do gênero E-mail. Objetivo Específico: Escrever, reconhecer e desenvolver o gênero
Page 2: UNIDADE DIDÁTICA - Paraná · 1 UNIDADE DIDÁTICA Objetivo Geral: Conhecer características do gênero E-mail. Objetivo Específico: Escrever, reconhecer e desenvolver o gênero



Objetivo Geral: Conhecer características do gênero E-mail.

Objetivo Específico: Escrever, reconhecer e desenvolver o gênero E-mails, com

suas estruturas e capacidades de ação.

Checking the context

Many people have relatives and friends living in different cities, states or countries. In the past, people communicated only by letter. Later came the phone, and today we have cell phones and of course the Internet: through this media we can exchanged text messages and speak with people in most remote places in the world, send and receive images, music, news and even have a chat . The purpose of this study is to know a little bit more about this extraordinary new technology that we may use in Email. The results of this, will give you a chance to learn and write Emails.

Você pode mencionar algo relacionado a escrita também, origem, evolução, até chegar na


Have you ever thought about what those 5 little words


What do you know about it?

What is an E-mail? Write something about what you think

it is.

Time to Think and Learn........

Page 3: UNIDADE DIDÁTICA - Paraná · 1 UNIDADE DIDÁTICA Objetivo Geral: Conhecer características do gênero E-mail. Objetivo Específico: Escrever, reconhecer e desenvolver o gênero


E-mail=Electronic mail: virtual inbox

where we receive electronic

correspondences from all over the

world, if you are connected with your

own electronic address.

E-mail Electronic mail address: it is the address you have to

be connected to anyone.

Example: [email protected] @=at ( em inglês )

The E-mail can be also the text or message that are sent /

received to someone in the electronic inbox


a. Do you use E-mails?

b. Do have an E-mail address?

c. What kind of server do you know? (hotmail, yahoo, gmail....)

d. Who can write E-mails?

e. Why do we/you use E-mails?

f. Do you think it can be a dangerous means of communication?

Sugiro que você discuta com os alunos cada item acima, em especial a última pergunta onde

poderá abordar por exemplo, temas como violência, rapto, assassinato, etc.

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1) What does make it valuable when used appropriately? Based on what we have

talked about, read and tick ( ) what you think is proper about E-mails:

( ) é rápido, assim que você envia, a pessoa já recebe.

( ) todos podem fazer uso de E-mail.

( ) muitas pessoas podem receber ao mesmo tempo.

( ) você precisa ter conhecimento linguístico e gramatical para escrever

( ) dispensa o uso longo de telefones.

( ) evita a demora de correios, além de economizar selo e tempo ao destinatário.

( ) tem uma finalidade, algum objetivo específico?

( ) pode ser usado de forma mais formal ( comercial, pedir informações, etc. )

( ) pode ser usado de forma informal ( chat, recados, comentários, etc.)


1) Discuta com colegas o que é E-mail e aponte mais algumas vantagens ou

desvantagens, em seguida faça uma lista e apresente aos colegas.

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I –Work your action capacity ACTIVITY 1

Have you ever read E-mails? Let`s read some!

From: [email protected]

Date: June 25th

, 2011 - 11:23

To : [email protected]

Subject: Hi dears

Sounds like you are on a merry-go-round as well as we

are. Graduations and parties, food and fun. We are in

Rochester this weekend for Kayla's graduation from High

School. She is such a beautiful girl now, I will send

some cards from here and also from Cincinnati. We had a

30 yr old college professor from Curitiba at our house

for 10 days doing some lectures on Brazilian Butterflies

and now he is gone and we are in New York. I have many

things to tell you about this year and the festivities

when we see you again. I will send photos of everything

when I get them developed. How is you mom doing? It

is a shame that the college girl didn't work out, it

would have been some distraction for her. Everybody here

is just fine and finally happy that graduation is

finished. More information later. Love you all and

sending many hugs and kisses. MOM

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2- Subject: Brazil!!!! Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 16:25:36 +0200 From: [email protected] To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected] Subject: RE: Brazil!!!! Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2010 21:31:34 -0300


Tell me how you are. I want to email you

so many times, but before I know it the

week / day or month is up. How are you

doing? Have you started your new job yet?


Ana Smith

Dear Ana,

I was really happy to hear from you. You can not

imagine how important

the time I spent in your place was and how much I

miss it.

Well, I've started my new job at the university

already. It is great but very demanding.

And now I am concerned with getting a master's

degree. I need to study hard so I

can be accepted in the program.

Sometimes I get a little discouraged. And then I try to

focus and go on.

Appart from that things are OK. My husband is fine


And what about you???

How is everything? Your job?

When I came home you were interviewing some girls

to share the flat with.

Did it work out?

Write soon!

Love, Arlete


De:[email protected] Para:[email protected]

Enviadas: Sábado,18 de Janeiro de 2010 15:40 Assunto: No Subject

Hi, how are you? we want to have contact with you and we are not sure about your e-mail. did you

change dilson65 to dilson 75? Please tell us. Kisses


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Após ler atentamente cada um dos E-mails responda refletindo sobre eles:

a. Who has access to them?

b. Do you think E-mail can be used by anyone? Who?

c. What kind of social engagement do they allow?

d. What kind of material or equipment is necessary to have and write the E-mail?

e. Why is it produced, does it have a function? Which one?

f. How was it produced? Which aspects can determine that?


Assinale alguns tópicos que você acha que poderia usar para escrever um E-mail:

( ) music ( ) soap opera ( ) notes/appointments

( ) ask information ( ) books ( ) greetings

( ) describe ( ) magazine ( ) vocabulary

( ) pen pal ( ) theater ( ) address/phone/cellphone

( ) gossip ( ) talk to friend ( ) congratulations

( ) games ( ) news ( ) movies

( ) likes/dislikes ( ) animals ( ) school

( ) travel ( ) recepies ( ) food

E-mail é apresentado através de um quadro fixo, onde você pode escrever a mensagem dentro deste espaço. Você tem que possuir seu próprio endereço virtual e ter o endereço do destinatário. Você também pode enviar fotos ou anexos junto com o E-mail, para isso vamos conhecer sua apresentação.

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I I - Work your discursive capacity.

Seria interessante se os alunos conhecessem cada pequena parte da estrutura do quadro. Caso o

professor tenha mais tempo disponível e acesso ao computador, poderá complementar as

informações já oferecidas aqui.

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TO - para: onde você vai colocar o endereço eletrônico da pessoa desejada.

SUBJECT - assunto: é onde você escreve o assunto que será tratado ou um pequeno

toque sobre o que vai ser falado.

Cc- carbon copy (com cópia): nessa opção o e-mail é enviado ao(s) destinatário(s)

principal(is), e para quem mais você indicar nesse campo. Enviamos um Email para

um determinado destinatário com cópia para outro.

Bcc - blind carbon copy (com cópia oculta): idem ao item anterior, no entanto, o(s)

destinatário(s) principal(is) da mensagem não saberá(ão) que você enviou também

para os endereços de e-mail constantes nesse campo.

FROM - de origem: é onde aparece o seu próprio endereço eletrônico.

SEND - enviar: você deverá dar um clique após escrever sua mensagem, para então

ser enviada com sucesso ao destinatário.

ATTACH A FILE - anexar arquivos: para enviar um ou mais arquivos junto da

mensagem (anexadas) clique no menu ANEXAR.- anexos, informe a localização do

arquivo a ser anexado.

Check it!

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Think about the organization of the E-mails and check which of the following

elements you can find:

a. Greetings

b. Date

c. Numbers

d. Expression

e. Information ( what kind ?)

f. Names (personal, city, country….)

g. Notes


Read this E-MAIL and answer the questions

@@@ A @@@

From:[email protected]

To:[email protected]

Send:Saturday,january23rd,2010 5:47pm

Subject: No Subject

Hello, Hello, Hello family/friends/loved ones from Londrina. I am so sorry for not contacting you

for a long time. If I said we were busy it would be the truth but no excuse. Good things just keep

happening with us and I am not a very good e-mail person. I get pretty lazy when it comes to

sitting at the computer at home because that's what I do all day at work, finding medical and

surgical information from many sources for patients having surgery at the hospital. So, We are

fine, no major problems, staying out of trouble and taking care of life. The kids and grandkids are

fine also. So much is happening with the grand kids that it would take all day to tell you, but I will

try. First---Cathy and family. EVERYBODY is doing well. Brian, age 21, has graduated from

Notre Dame University and is at this time taking some classes at The American University in

Washington, D.C., He is studying fuel cell development and is applying to Univ. of Cincinnati to

take graduate studies in their aerospace program. David, age 20, is in his third year at Duke

University studying engineering, I am not sure which type. Kayla is a junior in high school and is

working on the stage crew for the up-coming play that they are having, taking French, Girl Scouts,

running track, and planning to do an internship at Cornell University in Veterinary science during

the summer because she wants to be a small animal veterinarian. Daniel and family.

EVERYBODY is doing well. Daniel continues to work in Security at Childrens' Hospital, Kim is

doing fine, no problems, Phyllis has a small apartment and she has a boy friend from

Mexico/California living with her. Sam is working and has a baby boy that is 7 months old. The

mom is black and they are not married. Douglas and family.... Douglas is fine, working two jobs,

Debbie is fine and still working in a office at Childrens' Hospital, Gabrielle is studying nursing at

Good Samaritan Hospital and is living with Dan, a wonderful man who works at Xavier University

in the maintainance department, Kristan is in her third year at Univ. of Cincinnati and taking

Marketing. She has her own apartment and a cat, her apartment is very near the University. This

is the story. Dad is fine, I'm working 4 9-hour days and doing fine also. We are having Winter

here and it is gloomy and rainy most days. We did have a very cold week a few weeks ago and lots

of snow, but that is all melted now. Love you all sooooooo much and hope to get back to

Londrina soon. Dad did not go to Brazil this year. I hope he can come next year. Hugs and lots

of Kisses. Mom and Dad

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a) Onde se encontra o destinatário? (início, meio, fim..). Como vem reproduzido?

(nome completo, primeiro nome, sobrenome, etc.)


b) O remetente também aparece no E-mail? De que forma?


c) Existe uma forma especial de começar um E-mail? (saudações,

agradecimentos, informações, etc. )


d) Como se inicia este Email?


e) Que tipo de informação temos no E-mail ( A ) ? A quem é destinado? Cite

algumas informações.


f) Quais as características você observou?


g) Que faixa etária de pessoa você acha que esta escrevendo? Por quê?



h) Que tipo de E-mail é este?


i) No início do texto temos a expressão: “ Hello family/friends loved ones from

Londrina”, que outra forma você poderia começar este E-mail?


j) No término do E-mail temos “ Hugs and lots of Kisses”. O que significa isso?


k) Que tipo de informação no texto chamou mais sua atenção?


l) Que tipo de E-mail é este?


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2- Read the headline and answer T ( true ) or F (false ), according to the E-mail A.

a) She likes be at the computer ( )

b) Daniel and Debbie work at the Childrens` Hospital ( )

c) Gabrielle studies at Xavier University ( )

d) They do not have snow ( )

e) There is man coming to Brazil ( )

f) A boy wants to be veterinarian. ( )

Mais atividades como interpretação de texto poderão ser feitas, (TRUE OR FALSE, QUESTIONS,



What about this E-mail? Give a look at it.

@@@ B @@@

From: aline [email protected]] Sent: 15 June 2010 07:56 PM

To: Beck white

Subject: good news

Hi Beck! It's so good to hear from you. I am happy to know you have a boyfriend and you guys love each other. Well, and regarding the fact he is not a Christian,. I believe the Lord will provide. You are a very special person and will have the best. My husband is fine, he passed the bar exam and he is a "proper" lawyer now. We're very glad and thankful for that. Pretty soon will have new perspectives in our lives. I have to go now. We are going to watch Brazil's first game in the world cup. Tell Andrew I said hello. Love, Aline

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a) Como se inicia o E-mail? Existe saudação (greetings) ? Qual?


b) Que tipo de informação foi dada?


c) Que tipo de linguagem você percebeu? ( expressão, gíria, acrônimos, ...).

Houve troca de informação?


d) Para quem foi escrito este E-mail?


e) Como terminou o E-mail? Houve alguma forma especial de despedida?


f) Você consegue ver alguma diferença entre o E-mail A e o B ? O que chamou

mais sua atenção?



1- There are two styles of writing E-mails: Formal (professional)

Informal (personal)

Let's see some of the characteristics of the informal E-mails.

Informal- (personal)

You usually use informal words when you are writing

to a friend or a person from the family.

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Once we are in the internet sending personal or informal E-mails, the vocabulary may

be simple, we may use emoticons or acronyms:


Many words and symbols are used almost exclusively on the Internet, in chat

rooms, e-mails, instant messaging communications, etc. Some examples are the

abbreviations and emoticons (smileys or smilies). Emoticons are little graphics made

of a few letters or punctuation characters used to convey an emotion.

Examples: :) :(

a) Are you able to create any? Try some.


Um cartaz com vários “emoticons”e acrônimos poderá ser criados em sala de aula e expostos

para colegas na escola, seria fascinante ver a criatividade dos nossos alunos.





My friend

Name of the person (first name...)


Abreviations or


(tks – thanks, ur – you

are, 4 you – for you...)

Emoticons ( :) )

Informal language

(you look great, I am

pretty lazy…)



No worry about

ponctuations, so on.



Bye bye

See you soon


See you



Take care

Write me back

Keep in touch

Be nice


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III- Work your linguistic-discursive capacity


1- ACRONYMS or abbreviations:

These are words or acronyms transformed into unique abbreviations formed from

the initial letters or syllables of successive words of a phrase, or the majority of these

shares. Acronyms are particularly useful in telecommunications, since they allow

several words to condense in a few letters, saving bandwidth and in some cases,



www.fun-words.com/acronyms.html. Accessed on 02/8/2011

B4- before

BF- boyfriend

L8r- later

TKS – thanks

4U – for you

TTYL8R – talk to you later

2 - Come on, talk to your friends and make a list of some more__________________


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3- Now, read these transcriptions from the E-mails above (1 - 2 and A - B )

and complete with the verbs that are missing:

a) “ I will ________ some cards from here and also from Cincinnati. We ________________a 30 yr old

college professor from Curitiba at our house

for 10 days doing some lectures on Brazilian

Butterflies and now he is_____________ and

we__________ in New York”

b) “I ___________________in your place was and how much I ________________ it.

c) Well, I_________________ my new job at the university already. It is great but very demanding.

d) And now I am concerned with getting a master's degree. I

_____________ to study hard so Ican be accepted in the program.”

Besides vocabulary, E-mail brings you many markers to think about, such as expressions, modal verbs, verbs tense, pronouns, greetings, adjectives, lots of resources in structures and grammar organization for the students and learners interested in learning English Language.

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e) “He ____________________ fuel cell development and is applying to

Univ. of Cincinnati to take graduate studies in their aerospace

program. David, age 20, is in his third year at Duke University

_______________________ engineering, I am not sure which type.

Kayla is a junior in high school and

_______________________________ on the stage crew for the up-

coming play that they___________________, taking French, Girl

Scouts, running track, and planning to do an internship at Cornell

University in Veterinary science during the summer because

she___________ to be a small animal veterinarian. Daniel and

family. EVERYBODY ______________________ well.”

4- There are different kinds of verb tense (simple, past, future, present perfect,

present continuous……). Read the sentences and check the correct tense of the

underlined verbs:

a) “It`s so good to hear from you”.

a. Infinitive b. simple past c. future

b) “Pretty soon will have perspective in our lives”.

a. future b. present perfect c. present continuous

c) “ We are going to watch Brazil's first game”.

a. future b. present continuous c. simple present

d) “ I said hello”.

a. past perfect b. simple past c. simple present

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5. Complete the sentences with the correct verb from the box (E-mails 1-2).

a) You can not ________________________how important it is.

b) I have ______________________my new job at the University.

c) When I __________________home you were interviewing some girls.

d) I ________________to focus and go on.

e) I _____________________to study hard.

6. There are also some expressions. Read the E-mail again and fill in the

blanks :

a) “ the college girl didn't_________________________________”.

b) “… is working on the stage crew for the __________________ play

that they are having, taking French, Girl Scouts, running track,…”

c) “… problems,___________________________________ of trouble

and taking care of life.”

d) “… was and _________________________________________ it.”

e) “… interviewing some girls ______________________________.”

Need - Try - Came - Started - Imagine

Work out - To share the flat with - up-coming -

staying out - how much I miss

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Now, Let`s guess their meaning: a)___________________________________________________________________ b)___________________________________________________________________ c)___________________________________________________________________ d)___________________________________________________________________ e)___________________________________________________________________ f)___________________________________________________________________

Write some expressions that you know from the E-mails: ._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Dependendo do objetivo necessário em sala de aula o professor poderá aprofundar mais a parte gramatical, desenvolvendo atividades extras para os alunos , assim como atividades lúdicas, expressões idiomáticas, verbos ( tempos verbais, conjugação, vocabulário, adjetivo, etc).

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Assess your learning

Activity 1

Let’s talk about it:

Quem poderia escrever E-mails?

A quem você escreveria um E-mail desta forma?

Que tipo de linguagem você usaria?

Como começaria? Como terminaria?

Qual a organização? Como se compõe?

Qual a relevância em nossos dias?

Qual é o objetivo do E-mail? É pessoal, comercial, notificação....?

Share opinions with your friends and write something about what was important for



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Now let`s prepare our own E-mails:

It is easy. Pay attention!!

Your name@the name of your server.com.br

Think of an e-mail address 4 U:

……………………………………[email protected]

Great, you got it! Now let’s prepare your message using the computer.

Have a nice job!

Oferecer alguns Email de colegas ou trocar entre eles depois de criado para trocarem

informações e serem um penal dentro da escola.

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I. Exchange your E-mail with a friend and tick what you have found in it.

1) What can you see in the beginning of the E-mail?

a) Numbers

b) Greetings

c) Saying bye

2) Are there any emoticons?

a) One

b) Two or more

c) None

3) What kind of language can you find?

a) Slang

b) Abbreviation/acronyms

c) Simple words

4) What kind of information is there in the E-mail?

a) Business

b) Music

c) Other

5) How is the ending?

a) Just the first name

b) Romantic greetings

c) Simple ending greetings









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BIBLIOGRAFIA CONSULTADA CRISTÓVÃO, V.L.L; NASCIMENTO, E.L. Gêneros textuais e ensino: contribuições sócio discursivo. In: KARWOSKI, A.M; GAYDECZKA, B; BRITO, K.S (orgs). Gêneros textuais: reflexões e ensino. Palmas e União, Paranaguá, Paraná. Kaygangu, 2005 PAIVA, V.L.M.O. E-mail um novo gênero textual. In MARCUSCHI, L.A.; XAVIER, A.C. Hipertexto e gêneros digitais: novas formas de construção de sentido. 2. Ed., Rio de Janeiro: LUCENA, 2005. PARANÁ. Diretrizes Curriculares do Estado do Paraná: Língua Estrangeira Moderna. Secretaria de Estado da Educação do Paraná. Educação Básica – Curitiba: SEED, 2008. RIO-REGISTRO, E.S. (org.) [et al.] Connecting ide@s:tool for teaching english in a contemporary society-Londrina:UEL:Capes 2011. -www.fun-with-words.com/acronyms.html, acesso em 02/08/2011 -(pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acrónimo)