UC Davis Circle K Storming the Seas of Service

UCD CKI Spring 2013 Newsletter

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UC Davis Circle K

Storming the Seas of Service

Letters from people…………………………………..3




District Service Initiative: Speak out…………... 8

District Fundraising Initiatives………………9

Run for your Lives…………………………...10


Elected Board Bios…………………………..13

Appointed Board Bios………………………14+15

DCON Recap by Chusila Lee………………..16+17


Spring Fling by Agnes Chan………………...19

Members of the Month……………………...20+21

Big Little System…………………………..22+23

End of the Year Banquet “Awards”………….24


Board Contact Information

I pledge to uphold the objects of Circle K International. To

foster compassion and goodwill towards others through

service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the

abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the

realization of mankind’s potential. FIST PUMP.

A special thanks to the UCD CKI Board, for allowing

me to be Newsletter head and being so helpful in the

process of making this newsletter. I want to thank LTG

Luke Tanaka, D. Gov Sean Nguyen, Chusila Lee,

Agnes Chan, Tony Li, Triana Crighton, A-arod,

Kearney 2, Anne Lubrin, Mah main squeeze homie

Daicy, for helping make this newsletter possible. I could

not have done it without you guys. Honestly. I am sorry

I sprung everything on you guys so last minute and I

truly appreciate how quick and prompt you were about my

deadlines. Next time I will do better to make this

newsletter even more superb! I also want to thank all of

you who accepted my friend requests these past two weeks

as I took those acceptances as permission to raid your

Facebook albums and download all the pictures I used

here. Sorry about that invasion of privacy….

To all who are reading:

If you have any comments, questions or concerns do not

hesitate to contact me personally, facebook ,phone or email.

If you are interested in contributing and be a part of the

newsletter you are also welcomed to contact me at anytime.

Love Your CKI Newsletter-er,

Sachi R. Prim

Hello U.C. Davis!

For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Luke Tanaka, the Capital Division Lieutenant

Governor for the 2013-2014 term, and I can’t wait to meet you! In the upcoming year I will be your

representative on the District Board responsible for providing input on Capital’s behalf. Working with

the Divisional Secretary, Stephanny Orozco, I will be creating a mailing list that you can voluntarily

sign up for containing updates from each of the District Board meeting. I hope that those of you

who are interested will take advantage of this mailing list and will also provide suggestions, so I may

better represent you on issues that affect the Capital Division. Keep an eye out for the signup for

the mailing list on our new divisional website! Thanks to Kevin Arthur, the Divisional Historian and

Tech Chair, the website is now up and in the process of being further developed. Please check it

out at www.CapitalCircleK.org! We will be working to ensure CapitalCircleK.org has an updated

Divisional Master Calendar to keep everyone current on club and divisional events, a photo

repository, and a place to highlight our events and accomplishments. Keep an eye out for a

Capital CKI Twitter account in the next few weeks as well!

Are you sad that the school year is coming to a close? Do you want to get to know your division

better or see your friends from Capital over summer?! Come on out to the Capital summer

Divisional Council Meetings! The June DCM will be the 15th-16th at Lake Tahoe where we will be

hanging out on the beach, doing some service, and camping overnight! The July DCM will be at

Emigrant Gap where we will be cliff jumping and camping! Summer DCMs provide an excellent

opportunity to get to know your fellow Circle Kers over the late night smores, ghost stories, and

free-falling into shockingly cold, blue water. The summer DCMs were one of my favorite

events that I ever attended with CKI, so everyone who can attend should! I can’t wait

to see you all over the summer!

Until we meet (again),

Luke Tanaka



Greetings everyone, my name is Sean Dylan Nguyen and I am your 2013-2014 CNH Circle K

District Governor from Cal State Long Beach of Metro Division! I just wanted to drop in to say hello

to you all and that I recently visited your campus for Spring Training Conference North and it’s

such a nice campus, I’ll definitely try to visit you guys again this upcoming year, In fact I’d like to

visit Capital Division as a whole!

I certainly hope that you are all ready for another amazing year of service, leadership, and

fellowship, because I know that I am! After seeing how you all gave it your all representing your

club this past year at Fall Training Conference and District Convention, I certainly hope to see the

same amount of spirit and enthusiasm in this upcoming year as well ( let’s be honest, I know you

will exceed that amount by a whole heck of a lot).

Thank you everyone and I hope to see you all very soon!


Sean D. Nguyen



When I think of Circle K International, I think of more than just simply another organization

on campus. I think of a family and a community of individuals seeking to better mankind. But, I also

think of an opportunity. Circle K International is a pathway for substantial change in the world.

Whether it is through a service event to help the community or through leadership and support to

help students see their own strengths and potential….Circle K International is a medium for change. I

believe this organization is a way to make a positive impact on the world, one event, one community,

one individual at a time.

You could ask any member, “Why do you stay in this organization?” and chances are they will

most likely answer along the lines of “For the people.” Circle K International is a family. Through

Circle K, I have made friendships that I know will last a lifetime. Something I love about this

organization is that people in this organization genuinely care about others, and they care about

making positive impact on the lives of others. I think one of the best things about this organization is

that you can personally see the effect this organization has on the world. Through Circle K, I have

had opportunities to travel all over, meet all kinds of members, and even impact the lives of people

along the way! I implore you; take a few steps into the world of Circle K with me. See for yourself

what this organization can do for you…see for yourself what you could do for the world. I am Nancy

Bui, President of Circle K international at the University of California, Davis, and I look forward to

our journey together!



Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

Ironman social


Regal Cinema





STC North




Capital EOTYB


Family House

6 7 8




Family Head


9 10

Kids Space

Whole Earth




Run for your

lives (w/CSUS)

Kids Space

Earth Festival



Mother’s day

Kids Space

Earth Festival






14 15





Davis 2013





@West Manor




Plant Sale

Rotary BBQ




Family Comp

20 21 22 23 24 25

VSA Culture


Tour de Cluck


26 27 28 29

Last meeting

of Spring


30 31

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


Service ½




@Arroyo Park

3 4

Moo-ve in

Crew Apps



Yo-ho-hos Final



6 7 8

Finals Begin

9 10 11 12 13

Finals End


June DCM

@Lake Tahoe


June DCM

@Lake Tahoe


17 18 19 20 21 22








Session 1


25 26









2013-2014 District Service Initiative

Many people, children and adults alike, find it hard to speak out about their

problems, that may involve bullying in school, the workplace, and the internet.

Bullies often do not realize how much of an impact they make on their lives of

their victims and are often the target of other bullies themselves. The 2013-2014

District Service Initiative “Speak Out: Anti-bullying” aims to educate and train

the community on how to identify and stop bullying. The goal is to bring

awareness to their very important social issue and put a stop to the cycle of

abuse. Moreover, with Speak Out! As our DSI it allows CKI members to educate

themselves on this issue and promote advocacy against bullying.

Source:CNH website

How you can help!

Some Ideas are ( but is not limited to)

Assist walk and events hosted by anti-bullying organizations

o October is Bullying Prevention Awareness Month

Host an anti-bullying/self defense workshop at a local

elementary, middle, or high school

o Sean’s(Jack) anti bullying workshop for UCD is

Wednesday, May 15th 2013

o Wen’s sexual harassment workshop is Monday, May

13th, 2013

Mentor children and teens who have been, or are going

through bullying

Create a conflict-mediation program

Host an Anti- Bullying Night

Educate your peers about bullying through pamphlets and


Mentorship programs

For more information contact Andrew Tom

[email protected]

What is bullying?

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior towards a group or an individual

which includes but is not limited to: threats, rumors, verbal/physical attacks,



Mission: To develop local projects, that will reduce the

number of children in our district who are killed or

injured by trauma.

We work closely with partner hospitals( in Oakland,

San Diego, Loma Linda, Madera, Honolulu, and Reno)

to provide funding to train pediatric doctors, nurses

and first responders, to purchase much needed

medical equipment and to create new community

outreach program s while expanding current ones.

More information can be found at


Kiwanis International and UNICEF have teamed up to

eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus. Every year

this disease takes the lives of almost 60,000 babies

and a significant number of women. Tiny newborns

who get tetanus suffer from repeated, painful

convulsions, and an extreme sensitivity to light and


With your donations vaccines, syringes, safe storage,

transportation, thousands of skilled staff and more

that help in the fight against maternal and neonatal


More information can be found at



Autism is a neural development disorder that causes impaired social interaction,

communication, and behavior. As a result, many who are uninformed about autism, treat those who are autistic with

prejudice and fear. Austism is not a sickness or a disease and it can not be spread to other people. Autism speaks seeks

to raise awareness and educate people regarding the characteristics of autism, as well as fund research into

understanding and curing autism.

With your donations Autism Speaks

o Research into the causes, prevention, treatments, and a cure for autism

o Increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders

o Advocating for the needs of individuals with autism and their families

What you can do: Raise awareness and educate others about autism to reduce the prejudices and biased perceptions

For more information visit:


Run for your Lives On May 11, 2013 CKI teamed up with Sac State, UOP, and a member

from UCLA and participated in the Run For Your Lives run. Run For Your Lives

is a one-of-a-kind 5k obstacle course where not only does the runner have to

complete the race, they also have to go through numerous obstacles, such as

blood pits, smoke house, and electric fences, while outrunning hordes of

zombies. Many attempt to make it through the race as a human, but only a few

are able to make it to the Safe Zone unaffected. This race not only tests your

speed and endurance, but also your strength and wit as you battle your way to

the Safe zone (the finish line).

For more information visit kennedykrieger.org

Meeting up at 5am in the U-Mall parking lot,

Andrew Tom and Annie Yu, and Annie Ngyuen were there

with Zombie survival packs in hand, consisting of nutella

sandwiches, candy, and water to help fuel us til 2pm. With

GPS in hand, our caravans of not quite human, but not quite

undead, sleep deprived volunteers started their hour long

journey to the zombie run.

As we got to the top of a hill that led us to the

volunteer registration, we saw a giant group of zombies at

the bottom. Forgetting how tired we are, we were suddenly

filled with energy that lasted us through the day. We helped

out at t-shirt, beverage, and medal distribution at the end

of the race, as well as helped navigate confused zombies,

racers, and spectators.

Run For Your Lives race is an official partner with Kennedy

Krieger Foundation. The main focus of Kennedy Krieger is on the

problems and injuries that affect a child’s developing brain. They

have worked with various researchers, physicians, therapists, and

educators to help children with brain injuries make full or almost full



UCD CKI 2013 -2014 Board


Melanie Wong- Secretary- First Year-Biological Sciences

In my free time… I like working out and hanging out with my friends during my free time

My CKI Goals: I intend to achieve 100% on time MRFs and help our club increase


I look forward to… seeing more members go out to events and planning more

interclubs with other CKI clubs and other organizations on campus.

Aaron Wong- Treasure-First Year-Chemical Engineering

Just so you know: Although I might seem really cynical and pessimistic person, I’m

actually really optimistic about how things will turn out in the end.

My favorite CKI memory: Is watching us win a ton of awards at DCON. The enthusiasm

and excitement that everyone showed during the ceremony made me incredibly


I look forward to… late night talks about CKI all throughout the year.

Nancy Bui – President-Second Year -Biological Sciences

Just so you know: I love many things…including apples, turtles, Domo-kun, desserts, tea, the

color green and laughing <3


My CKI goals: Inspire and be inspired. There is so much potential for UCD CKI and I just want

everyone to see that the possibilities are limitless. We can achieve anything…let’s

revolutionize Davis CKI! Share the reasons we love what we do with others…change the

world, one person at a time.

Who inspires you? The members of Circle K International inspire me.

Ryan Tom -Administrative VP-First Year -Statistics and Psychology

In my free time… I like to clean my room, although it sounds lame having a clean

environment helps to keep thoughts in your head clear too! I also like chilling with friends

(cki or not!) and talking about life yo.

My favorite CKI memory: When I broke my ankle. Everyone wished me a speedy recovery

and would check up on me everyday. It seriously made me feel loved by the club and was

the moment I knew I belonged.

My CKI goals: Beast it up! CNH and International won’t just see Davis but hear Davis, fear

Davis and cheer Davis.

Kyle Prado- Service VP-First Year-Linguistics

In my free time: I mindlessly answer questions…for homework. Oh! And I plan how

to take over the world through service, leadership and the power of friendship, as

usual. >.>

My favorite CKI memory: Sleeping under the church pews after a service event

and listening to the magical world of snoring Circle K’ers.

I look forward to… how this club will grow in the future.


Ashley Schnider – Public Relations-Second Year-Psychology- Biology emphasis

Just so you know…I can be shy around new, people so just give me some time to get to know

you better!

In my free time… I hang out with my family, play with my dogs, play sports, and read.

My favorite CKI Memory was First General Meeting of Spring Quarter because there was so

much enthusiasm about the start of the new quarter and the new board.

Jonathan Dinh –Fundraising-Fourth Year-Psychology with Biology emphasis

Just so you know…I may appear shy at first but once you give me time to get to know you better and

for you to get to know me, I can be a great friend and a great source of advice.

My favorite CKI memory: Without a doubt the Service Never Sleeps Marathon we had back in

January. It was physically and mentally demanding but was one of the best bonding experiences I’ve

had with CKI since joining.

Sam Carey –Membership Recognition Program-Third Year -Comparative Literature/


In my free time…I do Service. I do service alone. I do service with friends. And when I get

home I do service again.

My CKI goals: Recognize members and make a lot of really bad puns. Mostly make puns.

And also recognize members who make puns or laugh at my puns or both. Do both.

Who inspires you? Uncle Sam

Ami Salvador –Historian-First Year-Biological Sciences

In my free time… I sing, crochet, Facebook, learn new languages, sleep

My CKI goals: Recording the beautiful memories, accomplishments, and success of our

incredible club!

I look forward to…making the most bomb diggity scrapbook DCON has ever witnessed.

Melody Huang-Kiwanis Family-First Year-Neurobiology, Physiology Behavior

In my free time…I do Service! I also like to dance, watch movies, and hang out with my


My Favorite CKI memory: My very first general meeting in Winter Quarter. Everybody was super

friendly and I felt so welcomed by the club. That’s when I knew I wanted to stay for sure.

My CKI goal: Bring our Kiwanis Family branches tighter and build stronger bonds and to get to

know everybody on a more personal level.

Wen Soon-Single Service-Second Year-Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Just so you know…I’m always down to try new activities and adventures.

My favorite CKI memory: Cliff jumping! It was an unforgettable memory and easily one to remember.

I look forward to: more people coming out to events! I always feel so lonely.

Who inspires you? You, because you are worth believing in.



Kat Lehmann-Technology-Third Year -Electronic Materials Engineering

In my free time…. Martial Arts (Shorin-Ryu Karate & Tae Kwon Do), volleyball,

Photoshop/website designing, listening to music (EDM/Kpop/Chill-Out/Alternative Rock),

of course Circle K-ing!

My CKI goals: Make this year’s club website super interactive with every member while

also creating deeper friendship bonds! And of course receive Outstanding Club

Website Award! :D

Nathan Espiritu-Spirit/Social-Third Year-Psychology Emphasis in Biology

In my free time… I like fixing and driving cars, longboarding, playing airsoft, drawing,

photography, watching movies, hanging out with friends, internet shopping, sleeping,

eating food, eating free food, ribbon twirling, and twerking.

My CKI goals: I wanna bring our club together through fellowship with the coolest socials

you’ll ever see.

I’m looking forward to…being a part of the 2013-2014 board and seeing how the club will

grow as time goes on.


Alvin K. Yu-Membership Development and Education-Third year -Psychology

Just so you know… I’m the guy that you want to talk to and chill with because I’ll totally

make you laugh.

My CKI goals: My main goal as your MD&E chair is to of course make sure that you stay in

the club, but I do not want to just want you to simply “stay.” I want to make sure that you

enjoy your time with Circle K and that by the end of my term, you can say “ dang, I really

want to be on board and make a difference. “

Andrew Tom –Service-Third Year-Biosystems Engineering

In my free time… I read manga, and immerse myself in the incredible world of CKI

My Favorite CKI Memory: Go west 2011! We decorated Rose floats with our Kiwanis

Family in Pasadena, CA all while meeting CKI members from all over California and

having a fun time.

I look forward… making incredible memories with lots of new members.

Ashley Pestano –Spirit/Social-First Year -Human development

In my free time… Making things- wether it’s delicious foodsor adorable hand sewn plushies;

reading and anything involving stories ( listening to people talk or watching a movie); and

spending time with CKI

My CKI goals: Get to know ALL the members better

My favorite CKI memory: The first time I went to al family social, me and some of my family

members ended up going on a crazy turkey hunt in a dark cemetery at night. xD


Sachi Prim-Newsletter-First Year-Animals Science

Just so you know… My name isn’t really Sachi in Japan or in America. #swag

My CKI Goal: to get more members to be more involved with newsletter and get excited about

reading it.


100%Monthly Report Forms on Time

Distinguished Club

Club’s Choice: Traditional Scrapbook

Divisional Excellence Award

Total Achievement Silver Division

First Place

Mei Po Wong Overall Service Award Silver Division

First Place

Distinguished Kiwanis Family Relations Award:

Nhi Tran & Wen Soon

Distinguished Membership Development and Education Award:

Bobby Miyashiro

Oratorical Contest:

Ryan Tom

Outstanding Single Service Award FIRST PLACE:

Susan Kang & Tina Vo

Distinguished Treasurer Award:

Ngannu Nguyennguyen

Distinguished Secretary Award:

Annie Yu

Distinguished Admin VP Award:

Nancy Bui

Distinguished Service VP Award:

Huijie Chen

Distinguished President Award:

Triana Crighton

William A. Dunlap Fellowship Award:

Leonne Chung

District board Member of the Year.

Leonne Chung

Distinguished Appointed Board Member

Alvin K Yu and Andrew Danh

The workshops at DCON were really great

and enlightening, but the best one was

the one called SPIRIT! because it was

really entertaining. The hosts

incorporated the concept of a super

saiyan from Dragon Ball Z into it. It was

really clever as it made the workshop

exciting and hilarious.

During the awards ceremony, we won so

many awards and it made me feel like

we were a club to be revered. I never felt

prouder to be a CKI member than at that


On the second day of DCON there was a

talent show and there were many dance

groups and singing acts, which was just

too awesome. I liked the Sriracha Boys

the most though because their dance was

the most fun to watch.

Although the cheer, the workshops, the

talent show, and the awards were

fantastic my favorite part of DCON was

the dance. I got to dance the night away

with all the new friends I just made.

I’ve been to KIWIN’S DCON when I was in high

school and had a lot of fun so I thought Circle

K’s DCON would be the same as well. Now when I

compare the two, one day of CKI’s DCON was

filled with more spirit, more excitement, and

just way more of everything than three days of

KIWIN’S DCON. It was totally worth going the

weekend before my finals. The experiences I had

there are too great for me to fathom.

At the beginning of DCON we had to go into the

hotel’s ballroom. Stepping inte that place, I was

amazed at how filled it was with other CKI’ers

all decked out in their club’s theme attire ,

unique cheers and interesting props. It

overwhelmed me and I thought to myself, “Wow,

this is nothing like high school.” I loved how

our club had a signature cheer and what was

even better was that I knew how to do it. ( I

joined CKI two weeks before I went to DCON so I

wasn’t too familiar with many of our cheers).

My last day at DCON was a sad one because I

didn’t want to leave, but before we left we took

a group picture. By looking at the expression of

our faces in that picture, anyone would know

we had the best time ever. I never want to forget

my experience at DCON because it was just too


I would totally go to DCON every year until I

graduate. My experience there was one to

remember, from the informative workshops and

prestigious awards to the exciting talent acts

and the awesome dance. DCON made me feel

proud to be a part of something bigger than

myself, proud to be a part of CKI.

Spring Fling By Agnes Chan

Saturday April, 27th 2013 marked a day where members of Circle K

International, Alpha Phi omega, Lambda Omicron Xi, and Rotaract

gathered together to learn more about each other. All four

organizations focus on making a positive contribution in the

community through service.

How it began: A few members from each organization thought it

would be nice to create an event where everyone from all four

organizations could come together and learn more about one

another. We all took the initiative to meet up and plan this event that

would not only allow members from each group learn more about

others who have the same passion and focus they have for

community service, but work together on a day of friendly


After all the games were completed, the judges calculated

all the points to see who the winning team was. After the

winning team was selected all the members of that team

would participate in a ninja face off to decide who the top

three overall winners were were.

Our very own Chris Cheng won second place!

Overall the original goal of having an event where all the

organizations could come out and meet everyone was

achieved. Out of the eighty six people who attended

twenty five were from Circle K International.

The Outcome. It was a day of fun and mingling,

filled with ice breakers, capture the flag, trivia,

and relay races.

Since our goal was to connect with others

outside of our own organization attendees were

sorted into 8 groups that had an even number

of people from each organization in each


After the icebreakers, we played capture the

flag, and teams merged together forming 4

bigger teams. Shout out to Kyle Prado for being

able to acquire the flags in the second round,

wining it for his team.

Trivia was next with questions about each

organization. Trivia was then followed by relay



March’s Member of the Month: Tony Li

CERF-ing like nobody’s business, service all day and night and always looking out for

others,. Even though Tony has only been in Circle K for a short period time he has

already made such an impact on the club. Congratulations on winning March MOM

Tony, UCD CKI can’t wait to see what you will do next.



Service Project: I enjoy all types of service projects because I believe its good to be able to

make a difference in the community and allow it to develop whether it is improving the

environment , promoting a cause, or reading to elementary school kids. However I enjoy the

one where I am kept busy at all time and I am able to communicate with others.

Favorite Hangout:

Anywhere there is CKI. I am able to meet amazing people, learn more about CKI, and be

inspired by passionate members while improving myself through service.

Music: EDM, alternative, pop, orchestra/instrumentals, anything that doesn’t have explicit


If you could be anything, what would you be?

A dedicated CKI member. They are such motivated and hardworking

people who can do anything they put their minds to, such as coordinating

large events, leading people while inspiring them. Furthermore, their actions

lead to positive results in the community.

What’s one thing you can’t live without?

CKI because my friends have become like a family to me.



Movie: Spirited Away

Service: PE Program. I had the opportunity to chair this event at the beginning of this

year. Whenever I went, I would see all the children running around having a fun time.

Just seeing the smiles on their faces makes me happy. After a while, some of the children

would recognize me and start clinging to me.

Hangout: I don’t really care where I hang out as long as I am with good company. I

believe that most boring places can be exciting with the right people, and the most

exciting places can be quite uninteresting if you don’t have anyone to share the

moment with. So as long as I am with my friends, any place can be my favorite place to

hang out.

If you could be anything, what would you want to be?

I like being myself but if I were to choose, I guess I would be a husky. Cause they

are oh so pretty and it would be interesting to live life in a different perspective.

What is one song you can’t get enough of?

Mirrors by Justin Timberlake

What is one think you can’t live without?


April Member of the Month: Agnes Chan

Organizing Spring Fling, Co-leading Picnic Day, creating the Assassins game

for our club, representing CKI on our Flag Football team and going to a

plethora of service events, Agnes Chan deserves to be April’s honorary

MOM. Congrats on all your hard work Agnes.


Name: Nhi Tran

Little: Kensuke “Cute” Shioda

Best memory: I really had fun with

Kensuke whenever we got to hang out

with each other. Since Kensuke was an

international student, I tried to make the

most out of every time we hung out.

Name: Minh Nguyen

Big: Bobby ”Awesum” Miyashiro

Opinion: It’s a great way to get closer

with Circle K members and create a

better relationship with the one you

look up to.

Best memory: Marathon Service


Name: Nathan Espiritu

Twin: Aaron Wong

Big: Triana “Nuts” Crighton

Best memory: The time she treated me

out to Korean food even though I

didn’t think I knew her that well <3 she

wasn’t even my big at the time I think.


Name: Nancy Bui

Little: Ryan “ Awkward” Tom

Opinion: I think it’s a great way to get

to get members to get to know each

other. I wish there was more on how to

be a better big.

Best memory: DERP-Board

Name: Melody Huang

Twin: Leo Del Rosario

Big: Leonne “DaBest” Chung

Opinion:LOOVEEE IT. I think it’s great.

I’ve gotten to spend lots of time with

my big and my twin and gotten to

know them much better on a

personal level. They’re always there to

support me and I feel much loved.

Name: Kyle Prado

Big: Erin “Interesting” Szelagowski

Opinion: My Big is mean to me,

she won’t let me do stuff for her.

Best memory: When she forgot

my birthday and continued to

live her cool and awesome life ):



Name: Agnes Chan

Little: Amy Quan&Brenda Troung: “the Greatest”

Best memory: I really enjoyed our time together when we

stayed up late making chocolate covered strawberries for

the soft gen.

Name: Kyle Abrigo

Little: Joanne “Thoughtful” Kim

Opinion: Good system, wished this was

implemented earlier.

Best memory: When she wanted to start

fundraising to pay for my dues haha.

Name: Andrew Tom

Little: Ashley “Quirky-cute” Pestano

Opinion: I love how it’s pretty low

maintenance. Something I like best

about Ashley is whenever she gets

something cool, or does something

she likes she gets all happy and

smiley. I definitely hope to do more

with Ashley in the future!

Name: Daicy Luo


Best memory: Us going on a chipotle date (: So da cutes. I

learned a lot about her and her quirks. And giving her the

gift I made her because all dat blood sweat and tears (;

Name: Melanie Wong

Big: James Hui (no descriptive name because he is


Best memory: Every time we hangout is always a

memorable moment. He has helped me grow as a

person and as a member of Circle K. Seeing his passion

for this club has inspired me to become more active

and even run for Elected Board! He will always be my

big and I’m terribly sad that he is graduating this year,

but I know that the friendship we have developed will

remain strong.

Name : Ami Salvador Big: Alvin “DA BEST” –K Yu

Best memory: When he took me to the airport.

Me: “I’ll miss you big`”

Alvin: My wallet won’t miss you” kekeke


Dynamic Duo

Melanie& Melody

Best Dressed (Male)

Leo Del Rosario

Best Dressed (Female) /

CKI: Lieutenant of Leadership

Triana Crighton


Amy Quan


Aaron Wong

Most Likely to Hurt

Themselves at a Service

Event & Biggest Flirt

Ryan Tom

CKI American Idol

Ami Salvador

Most Huggable

Erin Szelagowski

Best Butt

Agnes Chan

Destined for Greatness

Sam Carey

Safest Driver/

Most Inspiring

Andrew Danh

Most Talented/


Susan Kang

Social Butterfly

Tony Li

So Friendly It Makes

You Uncomfortable

Andrew Tom

CKI Creeper

Nathan Espirito

CKI: Unforgettable Person/

CKI: Force of Fellowship

James Hui

Most likely to Get

Forgotten By Their Car

at a Service Event

Nancy Bui

CKI: Solider of Service

Sean Huang


“ ”


‘ ’

Scavenger hunt!!!!

1. Can you answer these questions?

2. Where is the elephant

3. What board member cleans their

room in their free time?

4. When /Where is the June DCM

5. What are our DSI/DFI?

6. If you want to write articles, submit

collages, poems or other things for the

newsletter, who would you send them


The first person to email me

[email protected] with the correct

answers gets a prize of UNTOLD VALUE


Knee Slappers!

(Answers at the bottom of the page)

1. Why does it take pirates so long to learn the


2. Why didn’t the pirate’s phone work?

3. What kind of socks does a pirate wear?

4. Why do pirates always carry a bar of soap?

1.Because they spend years at “C”

2. Because he left it off the hook

3. Arrrrrrgyle

4. So that when they are shipwrecked they can wash

themselves ashore.

25 25


Elected Board

President Nancy Bui [email protected] (925)354-7872

[email protected]

Administrative VP Ryan Tom [email protected] (408)691-0420

[email protected]

Service VP Kyle Prado [email protected] (916) 220-7166

[email protected]

Secretary Melanie Wong [email protected] (949)678-9957

[email protected]

Treasurer Aaron Wong [email protected] (510)332-8836

[email protected]

Appointed Board

Membership Recognition Program Sam Carey [email protected] (925)354-9271

Membership Development&Edu Alvin K. Yu [email protected] N/A

Kiwanis Family Melody Huang [email protected] (510)230-8869

Technology Kat Lehmann [email protected] (925)207-4495

Service Andrew Tom [email protected] (408)691-6626

Single Service Wen Soon [email protected] (408)823-7991

Fundraising Jonathan Dinh [email protected] N/A

Historian Adrienne Salvador [email protected] (818)574-9631

Spirit&Social Ashley Pestano [email protected] (559)623-2176

Spirit&Social Nathan Espiritu [email protected] (925)550-8117

Newsletter Sachi Prim [email protected] (916)514-2093

Public Relations Ashley Schnider [email protected] (925)222-0006


Come visit our website


to check up on current

club happenings,

committee meetings and

links to our service and

social google docs.


Follow us at @daviscki

and look through photos

of past events. You may

be in one! Tag us in your

CKI photos #daviscki


Follow us @daviscki to get

the most current updates

and happenings. #daviscki and get us



Search “UC Davis Circle K

International” on

Facebook to find links to

sign up for our Service and

Social events, as well a link

to submit articles, poems,

and other forms of your

love for UCD CKI to this

very newsletter. You can

achieve your dreams of


Did you know there is a

Circle K app for your

smartphone? Search

Circle K International and

get it today!


$1000.00 BOUNTY Just kidding. But really… Did you take

pictures at a recent CKI event? Please

contact your Historian, Ami Salvador at

[email protected]