Tuskegee University Sponsorship Opportunities THE INAUGURAL GALA FOR DR. LILY D. MCNAIR March 16, 2019 Renaissance Montgomery Hotel & Spa Montgomery, Alabama

Tuskegee University Sponsorship Opportunities · • Prominent recognition with company logo on the Inauguration website • Complimentary valet parking at the gala • Special introduction

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Page 1: Tuskegee University Sponsorship Opportunities · • Prominent recognition with company logo on the Inauguration website • Complimentary valet parking at the gala • Special introduction

Tuskegee University

Sponsorship Opportunities

The Inaugural gala for Dr. lIly D. McnaIr

March 16, 2019

Renaissance Montgomery Hotel & Spa

Montgomery, Alabama

Page 2: Tuskegee University Sponsorship Opportunities · • Prominent recognition with company logo on the Inauguration website • Complimentary valet parking at the gala • Special introduction

Inauguration CelebrationEvents 2019

These events will celebrate the inauguration ofDr. Lily D. McNair as the eighth and first female President of Tuskegee University.

Additionally, the events will help raise funds for student scholarships.

Inaugural Convocation & Investiture – March 15th

Inaugural Symposia – March 16th

Inaugural Gala – March 16th

Page 3: Tuskegee University Sponsorship Opportunities · • Prominent recognition with company logo on the Inauguration website • Complimentary valet parking at the gala • Special introduction

on July 1, 2018, PresIDenT

McnaIr becaMe Tuskegee’s

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A New erA iN LeAdership ANd exceLLeNce

The historic contributions of the university’s students, faculty, and alumni are well known and valued throughout the nation. President McNair is building on the legacy of her predecessors so that Tuskegee will ascend to greater heights for years to come.

McNAir rAisiNg $1 MiLLioN for “The cAMpAigN for LeAdership ANd exceLLeNce”

President McNair is dedicated to making the dream of a Tuskegee education a reality for students by providing scholarships. More than 97% of Tuskegee’s 3,000 students receive financial aid. According to Sallie Mae, the typical student receives nearly 30% of their tuition from scholarships and grants. They must then rely on borrowing to fulfill their dreams of a college education.

The goal of this initiative is to bridge the gap between the cost of tuition and what the typical student can afford. Charitable giving is an investment in Tuskegee students and their academic experiences. It demonstrates to our students that the entire Tuskegee family is behind them and we are committed to equipping them with everything they need to launch success successful careers.

More iNforMATioN

For updated information on the Inauguration, please go to:www.tuskegee.edu/inauguration.

spoNsorship opporTuNiTies

For detailed information on sponsorship, contact Krystal Floyd, Director of Development, at [email protected] or 334.727.8540. Donations can be mailed to: Tuskegee University Office of Advancement and Development, P.O. Box 1304, Tuskegee Institute, AL 36087.


InvesTITure of lIly D. McnaIr, Ph.D. as Tuskegee unIversITy’s 8Th PresIDenT

Page 4: Tuskegee University Sponsorship Opportunities · • Prominent recognition with company logo on the Inauguration website • Complimentary valet parking at the gala • Special introduction

Tuskegee University

Sponsorship OpportunitiesDiamond Sponsor: $50,000Your contribution to the gala will receive the following benefits: • One table of 10 seats with prime placement at the gala• Premium logo placement on electronic and print signage at the gala • Prominent recognition with company logo on the Inauguration website• Complimentary valet parking at the gala• Special introduction during the gala including one-three minute remarks• Key photo opportunities with the president, chairman, and special guests• Profile of company in gala program• Logo on a video loop during gala• Website article with carousel feature

Platinum Sponsor: $25,000• Half table of 5 seats with prominent placement at the gala• Logo on a video loop during gala• Video message displayed during gala• Key photo opportunities with the president, chairman, and special guests• Profile of company in gala program• Website article

Gold Sponsor: $15,000• Half table of 5 seats at the gala• Logo on a video loop during gala• Profile of company in gala program• Social Media Feature (Skegee Spotlight)

Page 5: Tuskegee University Sponsorship Opportunities · • Prominent recognition with company logo on the Inauguration website • Complimentary valet parking at the gala • Special introduction

Silver Sponsor: $7,500• Four seats at the gala seated with top performing students• Logo on a video loop during gala• Company/Individual name listed in gala program• Social Media Feature (Skegee Spotlight)

Bronze Sponsor: $2,500• Three tickets at the gala• Logo on a video loop during gala• Company name listed in gala program

Partner Sponsor: $1,000• Sponsor three students to attend the gala• Logo on a video loop during gala• Company name listed in gala program

Exclusive Sponsorships:Exclusive sponsorships allow corporations the opportunity to be the sole provider of the ser-vice, either monetarily or in-kind. Benefits at these levels are negotiable.

Gala Entertainment Sponsor: $150,000Reception Sponsor: $30,000Gala Floral Sponsor: $10,000

Tuskegee University

Sponsorship Opportunities

Page 6: Tuskegee University Sponsorship Opportunities · • Prominent recognition with company logo on the Inauguration website • Complimentary valet parking at the gala • Special introduction

YES, I will support the Inauguration festivities of Dr. Lily D. McNair in the following ways:

geNerAL spoNsorship opporTuNiTy:

excLusive spoNsorship opporTuNiTy:

q Gala Entertainment $150,000

q Reception Sponsor $30,000

q Gala Floral $15,000

geNerAL TickeTiNg opTioNs:

q Individual Table (VIP) $3,000

Tables purchased by individuals at this level will feature the hosts’ name, receive priority placement in the ball-

room and include 10 tickets (one table).

q Individual Table (General) $2,000

Alumni and friends may purchase a table of 10. Tables purchased by individuals at this level will feature the

hosts’ name and be located in a general section of the ballroom.

q Individual VIP Gala Ticket $300

Individual VIP tickets are located in the priority seating area of the ballroom.

q Individual General Gala Ticket $150

Individual seats located in the general section of the ballroom.

geNerAL coNTribuTioN:

q I am unable to attend, but I will donate $_____________ towards student scholarships in honor of President

McNair’s inauguration.

Tuskegee University

Sponsorship Pledge

q Diamond Sponsor $50,000

q Platinum Sponsor $25,000

q Gold Sponsor $15,000

q Silver Sponsor $7,500

q Bronze Sponsor $2,500

q Partner Sponsor $1,000

Page 7: Tuskegee University Sponsorship Opportunities · • Prominent recognition with company logo on the Inauguration website • Complimentary valet parking at the gala • Special introduction

q Corporate Gift q Individual Gift

doNor iNforMATioN:

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Company Name/Name Preference for Recognition: _________________________________________________

Company Matching Gift: q Yes q No

Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________

City: _____________________________________________________________________________________

State: _______________________________________________________ Zip: ___________________

Phone Number: __________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________

wAys To give:

Credit Card

You can donate online at www.tuskegee.edu/inauguration or give now by completing the following information:

Credit card authorization: I authorize Tuskegee University to charge my:

q Visa q Discover q MasterCard q Amex

CCNumber: _________________________________________ Amt$: _______ Exp: ______ CVC: ______

Cardholder Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: _______________


Donations can be mailed to:

Tuskegee University Office of Advancement and DevelopmentP. O. Box 1304Tuskegee Institute, AL 36087

For additional information regarding the inauguration, please visit www.tuskegee.edu/inauguration.

For additional information regarding sponsorship opportunities, please contact Krystal Floyd at 334-727-8540 or [email protected].

Please return both pages to the Office of Development.

Page 8: Tuskegee University Sponsorship Opportunities · • Prominent recognition with company logo on the Inauguration website • Complimentary valet parking at the gala • Special introduction


InvesTITure of lIly D. McnaIr, Ph.D. as Tuskegee unIversITy’s 8Th PresIDenT