Transformational Business Mastery PLC1

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Transformational Business Mastery PLC1

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  • Greetings, Justin here! My clients, colleagues and friends have been asking me for years for this content! This new eBook is an Overview for what it takes to LEAP into the next level of Business Success for you.

    Ive implemented these Paradigm shifts in my own life, allowing me to move from a 6-Figure to a Multi-Million Dollar Business. You may or may not want to have that kind of Income. But wherever youre at, this eBook will show you the tools to move you to a higher tier.!

    It took some committing to, but I found that the more I followed (and stuck to) some simple strategies and

    techniques, I found massive success in my business and my life.

    Ive mentored many Top Players in this Industry to up-level their business models to make more revenue, help a lot more people, and make a bigger difference in the World with the same strategies youre about to learn.

    The coolest part about these new Paradigms is that virtually ANYONE can use them and achieve a level of Success GREATER than theyre experiencing now!

    And when it comes to leaping UP from lower levels, trust me, I can relate !

    I remember living in a tent at one point growing up. We didnt have much, and even food was scarce and, Im here to tell you that its possible for you to do what Ive done and, truthfully, living in a tent wasnt all that bad can you imagine? We were CAMPING EVERYDAY!!! (At least, thats how I saw it as a child).

    I have a deep respect for what it takes to start and operate a Successful Business Venture out of nothing and, sharing what Ive learned brings me more joy than you can imagine !!

    Today, Im happier and more fulfilled than Ive ever been. Ive been able to positively affect many people in my life, and each day I feel grateful for this epic journey Ive been on.

    I look forward to supporting you in your journey, and hearing all about YOUR Leap.!

    To Your Success!!

    Justin Livingston

    Founder and CEO - Lucrative Luminary Training

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    Introduction !

    Id like you to take a minute to consider some things grab your notebook and jot some thoughts down, because we tend to forget about the real reasons were working so hard all the time

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    Imagine affecting people all over the globe, serving many individuals with your positive message

    Imagine what it would it be like to have your business grow while doing ONLY the things you LOVE, and only when you love to do them

    Imagine what it would be like to earn the money for your dream lifestyle, for your family and for your future security


    This book will take you step by step, into exactly what it will take for you to transition your Transformational Business into the Multi-Millions and into a company that provides you with substantially more income, and allows you to work less, enjoy more of what you do, and reach and impact a significantly greater amount of people.





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    My Formula for Achieving Enlightened Wealth!!

    A former client of mine, who is now my business partner, Callan Rush, has become known for her definition of Enlightened Wealth. !

    I quite like it, and I agree with it.!


    Enlightened Wealth = Income x Inspiration x Impact!!

    Income is the amount of money youre earning.!

    Inspiration is your own personal enjoyment in what youre doing, the degree to which youre doing only things you LOVE.!

    And Impact is the degree to which youre creating real-world Transformation in the world. This is a combination of the total number of people youre serving, and the depth of which youre serving each one of them.!

    So again, Enlightened Wealth equals your Income times your Inspiration times your Impact in the world.!

    Ill walk you through how to significantly Ramp Up all of 3 of these factors, so you can experience more Enlightened Wealth as a Transformational Leader.!

    But Id like to start by letting you off the hook a little!


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    The Truth About Being in Business (that No One is talking about)


    One of my pet peeves about the Transformational Business Industry is the over-glorification of entrepreneurialism. The sole focus on playing a BIG GAME, on being ultra-successful. People in this space often judge a business or a business leader as being better if it has more clients and makes more money. !

    I simply dont believe this. I just dont support this perspective.!

    I believe each of us is here to do exactly what were here to do. We all play our part and all the parts all necessary.!

    Im excited to share with you the strategies and techniques for scaling your business, but NOT because you want to have a bigger email list than someone else, and certainly NOT because you feel insecure about playing small.!

    Im interested in supporting you in scaling your company because you KNOW its Your Role to play! Its what youre here to do!!

    Whats most important to me is that YOU create exactly what YOU want with your life and with your business. That is the only measure of success that matters at the end of the day.!

    This means, if you feel satisfied with your current level of Inspiration, Impact & Income in your business, awesome! If you feel like youve made it or youre finished and comfortably coasting, in a sense then I offer you sincere Congratulations! !

    And this training isnt for you!!

    I say that because the reality is

    If you truly want to transition your Transformation Business into the Multi-Millions, youll have to play by a completely different set of rules than you do currently.

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    Most entrepreneurs think growing their business involves taking what you have now and simply adding more!!! This is NOT the case!!You cant build a car by adding pieces to a bicycle !And you cant build a plane by adding pieces to a car !Nor can you build a spaceship by adding pieces to a plane!!Many people think Scaling means taking what you have created, as if its a literal funnel, and then just getting MORE customers by putting more and more people into the top.!!This, in fact, is short sighted.!!The reality is, almost everything has to change. And that may not be what youre interested in. And thats okay.!

    This might sound a bit dramatic but please stick with me, I assure you, I know what Im talking about.!

    When I started out in business, I had absolutely NO CLUE what I was doing !

    I was trying to make a living as a Professional Mixed Marital Arts Fighter at the time. I was training 9 times per week and I was practically living at the gym!!

    The problem was that I never got paid more than $2K for a fight. So, likely its not hard to believe I was going broke. I couldnt fight that often!! My brainiac idea was to start a business so I could make ends meet while keeping my insane training regime going.!

    Well, I failed miserably. I was flying by the seat of my pants, attempting to continue my fighting lifestyle while starting a business from scratch, and managing close to 20 staff within the first few months. Yikes!!

    The Business only lasted a year or so before going under!

    Then, I had to get a job. Which, of course, was horrible. Except for the fact that I actually got quite lucky!!

    I got a job working for a gentleman named T. Harv Eker. And, one of the reasons I say I got lucky is because Harvs company paid for me to have a life-coach, it was a gentleman named Ron Skene.!

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    In one of our very first sessions, Ron told me something that completely changed my life forever.!

    He said

    From structure

    comes Freedom!

    This seemed like the most ridiculous and counter-intuitive claim, at the time. But, piece-by-piece, I started implementing this concept into every area of my life.!

    Ive used this premise to help Callan Rush build the company of her dreams. Shes doing exceptional in terms of Enlightened Wealth.


    ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!Enlightened Wealth = Income x Inspiration x Impact

    Income: The company is doing over $5 million per year now, so shes making several times more than she did as a school teacher, to say the least.!

    Impact: Callan works with clients all over the world, doing live seminars and workshops for more than 1,000 participants per year.!

    Inspiration: Callan does only what she loves, and what shes good at! Shes become recognized as a pseudo-celebrity and now, shes a mother and doesnt have to work at all!!


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    Right from the beginning, all Ive ever done with CalIan is sit her down and walk her through how to create the structures for her ideal company.!

    This techniques working out great for me as well!

    Its FUN for me to support them, but it also feels amazing to know Im indirectly impacting hundreds of thousands of people as my clients grow their businesses and support more and more people.!

    Anyway, Thats enough about me, lets get back to you. !


    The Real Reason Most Entrepreneurs Wont See Their Business Dreams Come True


    At the beginning, most Entrepreneurs have a vision of what starting a Transformational Business means to them. !

    Income: I had never made personal income above 80k before starting this business, and now, lets just say I make a LOT more than that!!

    Inspiration: I work everyday with people I absolutely love, on my own schedule. I get to travel a TON and I work out and pursue my Marital Arts training whenever Im in town.!

    Impact: I consult for almost ALL of the Transformational Leaders in the business of Coaching Coaches and Practitioners etc., Just in this past year, Ive been involved in online launches totalling well over $10 Million in sales.!And, over the past 2 years, there has not been a significant online launch in our space without my direct involvement and support.!


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    This initial vision usually includes things like:

    ! The promise of financial freedom!

    ! The allure of worldwide impact!

    ! Dreams of becoming a well-known expert in their field !!

    The original dream contains visions of a life of giving their true gifts, working for themselves, and having control over their day-to-day and long-term destiny.!

    This was true for me and true for Callan, too. !


    At the beginning, the dream is very much alive and acts as a catalyst for major momentum. !!

    And, after a decade of mentoring thousands of entrepreneurs, coaches, holistic practitioners, workshop leaders, authors & business owners in the Transformation Business Industry, my experience has been that most entrepreneurs never realize the fullness of their original dream.!!



    And there are some very specific REASONS for that. Im going to cover 3 of them.!

    Many get part way there, which is admirable, for sure. But when they get really honest, they know theyve missed the exact mark they originally intended to hit. !

    Before they work with me, many of my private clients hit revenues of 6 or multi 6 figures with their Transformation Business. And, thats when they seek me out. !

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    They realize 6 figures in revenue isnt as much money as theyd hoped it would be but theyre unsure of how to earn more without sacrificing, in terms of lifestyle, family, and overall balance.!

    When they come to me, my clients also feel theyre not making the impact they desire in terms of the total number people theyre serving. They want to make more of a difference but again, are unsure how to make that happen without giving more up.!

    For those that had made previous attempts to seriously grow their business, things are usually much more disappointing. These entrepreneurs find themselves more shackled by their business venture than when they had their old 9-5 job. They end up working an exhausting number of hours a week, to avoid working 40. And the irony and frustration of this is not lost on them.


    Their business begins to consume their time and of course, this impacts their lifestyle dramatically. !Some give up significant desires in terms of the quantity and quality of family time. Others have their health either hovering at average or below average.!

    For many, their Romantic relationships hollow out, and the time freedom theyd hoped theyd have to cultivate closeness with their spouse disappears as the priorities of the business take over. !

    They have a successful business, but it just isnt as dreamy as they thought.!

    In my experience, most of the hard working entrepreneurs that come to me get so lost in the day to day running of their business that they lose touch with, or totally FORGET, their original inspired business vision. !

    Most, having given it their best shot, go as far as dismissing their original vision as impossible or improbable.!

    They trudge along, getting some fulfillment from their fairly successful business, secretly or overtly wondering why things dont feel quite right. They want more, but feel confused as to how to create it.

    Can you relate with any of this??


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    Most 6-figure plus entrepreneurs feel theyve created a successful business. And they have. They know they live a pretty good lifestyle. They make decent money. But theyve yet to create their IDEAL BUSINESS. !!

    2 Scary Scenarios that Stop Business Growth!!

    Many of these Entrepreneurs whove tried to create a more successful business at the cost of sabotaging their Lifestyle have lived one of 2 unfortunate scenarios that keep them from growing.



    Theyve worked their butt off, gave it their best shot, but in the process experienced some combination of Burn-out and Fatigue. They may be travelling way more than they desire, or spending too much time away from their family. !

    In their effort to grow, they may have created products and programs that required too much bandwidth to deliver or that required so much team to manage they are left more drained, and less profitable. !

    Some may actually manage to break-through to 7 figures, only to realize they are working MORE hours and taking home LESS money, ugh!! !

    And so, they begin to slide backward, where it was much more comfortable.



    Theyve witnessed other entrepreneurs or business owners go through a variation of the scenario I just described and they feel a great deal of aversion. They want to avoid it at all costs! !

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    That aversion or avoidance prevents them from pushing forward. Instead, they consciously or unconsciously decide to stay comfortable with their already successful business!but again, secretly feel unfulfilled in terms of their Ideal quest for massive Impact, Income and Inspiration.


    My promise is to reassure you that Your Original Dream, as you initially imagined it, is Possible!

    !Ill fulfill on this promise by showing you exactly how to either avoid or escape the less-than-desirable scenarios I just described by uncovering the keys to EASILY creating a Multi-Million Dollar Transformation Business. The kind of business you originally set out to create.!

    And I use the word easily very consciously. It is not hype

    Creating a multi 7 figure business actually requires less effort and energy than youre currently using to create your existing reality.

    You may not believe this yet, but you will!

    Im currently the CEO of a rapidly expanding $5 Million per year business, and it is WAY easier to grow and manage NOW than when it was a $500K company.!

    I work FAR less hours. I make WAY more money. And more and more, I only work doing the very things I excel at and LOVE doing. In fact, it rarely even feels like work at all anymore!!

    The more time I spend at the gym, or out in nature with my girlfriend and my dogs, the BETTER my business performs.!

    I assure you any time something is proving to be hard or difficult in your business, you're simply doing something out of sequence ! !Its just like in fighting, my jiu-jitsu instructor is always getting us to slow down instead of struggling and using strength. !!If we simply first put our body into the correct position, any given technique becomes more effortless. !

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    !The same is true in our business.!

    A great example amongst Transformational Leaders is finding a Marketing Manager. I get requests daily, Hey, I need a Marketing Manager, do you know anyone?!

    And these people tend to struggle with this process over many months, even years.!

    The reason is, theyre doing something out of sequence.!

    In this case, theyre looking for an ideal Manager BEFORE creating the structures and processes that need to be managed.!

    Its out of sequence.!

    Ok, I think youre getting the picture and we can move on

    Its important to note that I keep referencing the Revenue Goal of multi-millions. I do that because its the easiest to communicate and measure.


    To be clear, more money is not the only goal. Im talking about guiding YOU to optimize your Impact & Inspiration as well.

    So, lets get to it


    3 Powerful Paradigms That Guarantee You'll Earn & Reach Multi-Millions!


    A multi-million dollar Transformation business is POSSIBLE, and it can be created in a way that requires way less of your time, energy and effort. !But, it requires you to take action on these 3 Business Accelerators

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    Accelerator #1: Marry Your Business

    Ok, what? Isnt this a problem? Doesnt this mean your actual real-life Relationships will suffer?!

    Well, sure, theres plenty of examples of that, arent there? !

    So, what do I mean?

    Because obviously Im not advocating for the destruction of your Relationships, in fact, just the opposite!

    If the success of your business doesnt allow you to spend MORE time with your loved ones, then youre doing it wrong.!

    And, before I get into how this can look, please understand this:!

    Yes, youve seen and heard of situations where people get obsessed with their business to the point of the detriment of their Social Life and their Relationships,!but please dont take this as evidence that Success equals this result!!

    There are many, many emotional reasons people have in creating this scenario meaning, theyre pursuing their business as a tool to avoid whats going on in the rest of their life. !

    You do NOT have to do it that way, nor will you!!

    OK, lets get to the How-to of this by examining what people typically mean when they refer to someone as being Married to their Business, and how it relates to what I actually mean, in this case.!

    To reach the level of success youre already experiencing, youve consciously or unconsciously committed to a serious relationship. You are way past the dating phase and are in the very least engaged.

    More likely, youve taken the plunge and may even consider yourself either happily or unhappily married to your business. !

    Hows that marriage working out for you? !

    What are the characteristics of your union? !

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    Are you getting your needs fully met? Is your business getting his/her needs met?!

    Is divorce or break up looming on the horizon? !

    Heres a great little process to identify how healthy this relationship is or isnt.

    ! OK, great work !Let me ask you did you answer NO to any of those questions?!

    maybe MOST of them??

    Well, if you had even a couple of NO responses, this means 2 things:


    1. Your company NEEDS you and

    2. You NEED your company This means, you have a Co-Dependant relationship with your business and thats NOT a recipe for a Successful Marriage, is it?

    Simply answer YES or NO to the following 5 questions!

    1. Do you have a team of coaches or consultants to provide the value offered in your programs? !2. Do you have a team to quickly implement any/all new marketing and product ideas, like writing a book, or whatever? !3. If you took a 3 month vacation, off the grid, would your business continue to generate a profit? !4. Does your Role in your company include ONLY things you LOVE doing? 5. Would you be totally fine to go 3 months without earning any money from your company?

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    When I say the Accelerator is to treat your business like a Marriage, I specifically mean treat it and honor it as you would ANY relationship that is critically important to you.!

    This means moving out of Co-Dependence, and into an Autonomous Alliance with your business.!

    Co-Dependence is when your Business cannot exist without you.

    Youre doing all of the key drivers, and in turn, your business keeps you from doing only the things you want to do!!

    This is VERY common and likely necessary in starting a business and growing well into the 6 figures, but theres a maturation process that need to occur if you intend to make the LEAP well into the millions! !

    Autonomous Alliance, on the other hand, is when your Business doesnt put any demands on you. It is whole and complete!!

    If you choose to play a part, great! But it is not demanding you to do anything or BE anyone for it. !

    In return, you get to do the things you actually LOVE doing, when you love doing them. This was the dream in the first place, right?!!

    Ideally, we can set your business to do much more than support your ideal lifestyle.

    When your business can support your lifestyle PLUS support your insurance policy, this is true freedom, as you can easily withstand any fluctuations in your business.

    So, with this first Accelerator, you simply need to decide if you want to continue in the Co-Dependant relational pattern and the result it yields, or are you willing and eager to transition into an Autonomous Alliance with your business, and experience the Growth and Freedom that brings?


    Accelerator #2: Treat GOOD as the ENEMY !Letting go of whats working well to create something that is working optimally means making significant changes to, in some cases completely dismantling, business systems and structures that currently get you good results. !

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    Instead, we want to replace them in favour of new and improved business architectures designed to yield ideal results.!

    As I said earlier, your Multi-Million dollar version of your company cannot and WILL NOT look like your current business. At the foundational level, your systems, structures, approach and even mindset must shift dramatically.


    Your business is currently engineered to yield the results youre currently getting. To make the leap to the next level, you must re-engineer everything.

    This is one of the scariest and most counter-intuitive rules to follow. It makes no logical sense to your pragmatic and practical brain. !

    But you cannot and will not easily create a multi million dollar venture without this foundational Mindset and Willingness. !

    Again, this one feels risky!

    In the upcoming trainings, Ill show you how to mitigate your risk so you can follow this one with surrender and confidence.!

    A great example of this Accelerator came up in a recent conversation I had with one of our primary promotional partners named Ryan Eliason, and he's at a really interesting place in his business. !

    First off, he had a huge success to share, and that is that he's had his first seven-figure year, did more than a million dollars in gross revenue last year, which of course is awesome, but at the same time, he's feeling a frustration.!

    The reason for it is he understands that he's reached a limit of what he's able to accomplish. He's reached a limit of his impact in the world, and what he's able to do with his business. !

    Based on the foundation that he has in place, based on his systems, his organizational structure, his revenue model, based on the things that he's created to date, he's reached a limit of what he's able to do with that, which is understandably frustrating.

    Its typically a simple, or somewhat simple proposition to take something that's good and make it better. And in most cases, that's not a very difficult thing to do.

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    Its a different story altogether to take something that's good and make it optimal, to take something that's working and make it the exact thing that you want, or to have it be everything that you feel and believe that it can be.


    During our chat, I made a recommendation for him to shorten up his launch sequence.!

    He does a couple of launches a year, and they tend to go on for quite a long time, close to a month each, and so he does these two launches a year, and that's pretty well his revenue model. !

    So I recommended to him, I said, "Listen, if you take that launch sequence and shorten it up significantly like in half, it might be counterintuitive, but you're going to end up converting a lot more sales. You put a lot more urgency, you make it easier for you promotional partners to stay focussed and your launches can be a lot more effective. !

    Now that's a very difficult proposition for him because that's extremely risky. !

    He's going to have to take something thats working, and completely modify it. I'm asking of him to let go of the very thing that's working in his business. !

    When I mean it's working, it's the very thing that's created exactly what he has, so understandably, that's a risky proposition. Basically, I'm asking him to be willing to scrap everything and start from scratch.

    This will allow him to be completely free, creatively speaking, and have the mental and emotional capacity to actually design his ideal Launch Sequence. !

    If he wants to create everything that he thinks is possible in a launch sequence, he needs to be willing to completely scrap everything that he's created to this point, and that will allow him the freedom to create what he wants. !

    Of course, once he has that freedom and actually designs the ideal launch sequence, it may turn out that he doesn't have to scrap all that much. Maybe it's just some subtle shifts, or maybe not. !

    Maybe it is a completely new thing, but it's that willingness that makes the difference that will allow him to create it

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    I've found that when you're attached to the things that you've already created or to the things that are already working, that attachment is actually a compromise and its costing you what you actually want.

    !One of my coaches is a guy named Bryan Franklin. One thing he told me once was that my role, as the CEO of my company, is to take what weve built and make it Extraordinary.!

    Right now, all I need for you to do is get excited by the concept of sacrificing what is Good for what is Extraordinary, and Ill show you HOW soon.


    Accelerator #3: Create Structures for Freedom If youve ever thought, Im working my butt off now to maintain my 6 figure business, theres no way I can handle the load of a multi million dollar business!

    then Accelerator #3 is for YOU!

    As an entrepreneur, you will only get what you want when you develop the systems and structures to support what you want.

    This Accelerator is all about engineering an intelligent and elegant business architecture. The goal of this architecture is to handle Stress, so YOU dont have to.!

    Most multi 6 figure business owners have designed a business where the majority of the load or stress falls squarely on their shoulders. !

    Their overall organizational design (or lack thereof) does not, and cannot support making any kind of leap forward in terms of impact, income, or inspiration. !

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    Envisioning and enacting a multi-million dollar organization means that base structures, systems, roles, and functions must be realigned. The load that a multi-million dollar company must bear will be much greater than a mult-6 figure business, and the overall design therefore, must be different. !

    The business owner that tries to keep the same organizational systems and structures and just increase impact and income will always buckle under the pressure. And this is where youll see burnout, and other problems, and its just NOT necessary. !

    Likely, youve heard of how Coal turns into Diamonds!

    well, actually, its a misunderstanding, Coal does NOT turn into Diamonds, Pure Carbon does!

    But, heres whats interesting. Pure Carbon exists in different forms, the most common of which are Graphite and Diamonds.!

    Both are 100% Carbon!!

    Graphite is dark, soft and flakey whereas Diamonds are clear and the hardest substance on Earth yet both are made of the exact same, single ingredient.

    How is that possible?!

    Well, what happens is, with severe pressure and temperature, the Stress on the Carbon molecules forces them to make a Structural Change. The Stress on the system becomes so great, the carbon molecules can either implode, basically, or re-arrange their Structure to be able to easily handle the pressure, its quite fascinating.!

    Of course, in nature, the diamond is produced due to a Response to Stress.!

    We humans can be a little more intelligent and initiate Structural Change Proactively.!We can reorganize ourselves and our business structures in advance of the Stress we know is coming.!

    I know you got to where you are because you're SMART, you can figure stuff out.!Because of this, when I say things like you need structures to support your growth you might think you know exactly what I mean by that. !!! But, ironically, a really important step for anyone to really grow their business is to acknowledge that you DON'T know what structures you need or what they look like. !

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    !!!This can put anyone in an awkward position when trying evaluate the optimal course of action.! !One HUGE step you can take right now is to simply smile and acknowledge that part of you that thinks you know, but you really DON'T know!!I find for me, personally When I can acknowledge the things I dont know, without judgement, and approach an issue or a project with a Beginners Mind, everything flows a lot easier. !Because none of us can be sure of ANYTHING unless we've already done it!! !Only then can you evaluate what is essential, and what is Hype.!!Now all this can feel a little overwhelming and complicated at first glance. !

    But, there are only 5 non-negotiable structures you need to create in your Transformation Business in order to Make the Leap.

    There are only 5! !

    The first of these 5 structures is to create an organizational chart that takes the pressure OFF of YOU, the business owner. Im always shocked at how many 6 Figure Business owners have yet to create this foundational document. It is one of the first things I focus on when working with my clients. !

    This is exactly what well talk about in an upcoming training video Ill provide you with an Organizational Structure Template for you to use in your Transformation Business...!

    Then, Ill walk you through how to execute on it.!

    Sound good?

    OK, watch for that next training from me. Its coming really soon, and Ill send you an email (assuming youre on my email list) once its ready to go.

    If youre NOT on my email list, send me an email at [email protected] right away so I can make sure you get the document, as well as access to the video training!!

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    Also, Id love to hear from you. Please take the time to leave a comment on the page where you downloaded this document Ill be checking them often and I will respond.!

    Specifically, Id love to hear which of these 3 Powerful Paradigms you feel will be the biggest challenge for you. Let me know, and Ill do my best to support you moving forward.!