Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento

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  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento



    Proyecto final

    Modelamiento y simulacin


    Jeimy Paola Aristizabal


    Liesel Estefany Castiblanco

    Jordan Zapata

    !acultad de in"enier#a

    De$artamento de matem%ticas

    &o"ot% D'C ( )* de no+iem,re de )-./

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento




    El National Weather Service recopila cantidades masivas de datos todos los das !ichosdatos est"n disponibles a todas las personas en el servicio en lnea de la a#encia enhttp$%%cdoncdcnoaa#ov%C!&%cdo

    'i#(ra ) Emblema

    El an"lisis de #randes cantidades de datos p(ede serconf(so* as +(e es b(ena idea comenzar con (n pe+(e,ocon-(nto de datos* desarrollar (n enfo+(e +(e f(ncione yl(e#o aplicarlo a con-(nto de datos m"s #randes en los +(ese est. interesado

    !el National Weather Service se e/tra-o informaci0n deprecipitaciones y temperat(ra del aire para (na localidadpara todo 12)3 y se almacen0 en (n archivo /ls 45ndica+(e los datos est"n en (na ho-a de c"lc(lo de E/cel6
  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento



    Con los datos del archivo/ls* form(lar (n modelo para encontrar la precipitaci0n diariamedia para cada mes y para el a,o Adem"s* encontrar la desviaci0n est"ndar de los datosd(rante cada mes y d(rante todo el a,o


    Los climat0lo#os e/aminan datos del clima d(rante lar#os periodos de tiempo* con laintenci0n de encontrar (n patr0n En Estados 7nidos* desde )892* se conservan datosconfiables del clima: la mayora de las estaciones de re#istro s0lo se asentaron desde );32y );

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento



    Las teoras +(e se relacionan con el problema y permiten form(lar el modelo matem"tico


    M%5imos y m#nimos Los m"/imos y mnimos son lose/tremos

    relativos o locales de (na f(nci0n '

    E5tremos relati+os o locales Si f e s de r i vab l e en a 6 a e s un

    e5tremo relati+o o local si

    .' Si f78a9 : -

    )' Si f778a9 ; -

    M%5imos relati+os o locales Si f y f > son derivables en a 6 a es(n m%5imo

    relati+o si se c(mple

    .' f78a9 : -

    )' f778a9 < -

    M#nimos relati+os o locales $ Si f y f > son derivables en a 6 a es (nm#nimo

    relati+o si se c(mple

    .' f78a9 : -

    )' f778a9 =-

    Promedio8media y mediana9

    Media aritm>tica$ La media aritm.tica es el valor obtenido al s(mar todos

    los datos y dividir el res(ltado entre el n=mero total de datos

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    Es el smbolo de la media aritm.tica


    Es el valor +(e oc(pa el l(#ar central de todos los datos c(ando .stos est"n ordenados de

    menor a mayor

    La mediana se representa por

    La mediana se p(ede hallar s0lo para variables c(antitativas

    C%lculo de la mediana

    . &rdenamos los datos de menor a mayor

    ) Si la serie tiene (n n=mero impar de medidas la mediana es la p(nt(aci0n

    central de la misma

    1* 3*

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    La e/presi0n se lee$ Bsumatoriade Xi, donde i toma los valores de 1 a nB

    La operaci0n sumatoriase e/presa con la letra #rie#a si#ma may=sc(la

    D i es el valor inicial llamado lmite inferior

    D n es el valor final llamado lmite s(perior

    Si la s(matoria abarca la totalidad de los valores* s( e/presi0n se p(ede simplificar$

    Productora$ambi.n conocido como m(ltiplicatoria o simplemente prod(cto 4pordenotarse como (na letra pimay=sc(la6* es (n operador matem"tico+(e representa

    (na m(ltiplicaci0nde (na cantidad arbitraria 4finita o infinita6

    Para todos los valores mF n* si m ntenemos +(e$

    En el caso de +(e msea mayor +(e n* mG n* se le asi#na el valor del elemento ne(tro de la

    m(ltiplicaci0n* el (no$

    Se p(ede definir por induccincomo si#(e

    ) Se define como$

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    1 S(p(esta definida para (n n H ) fi-o* se define


    En estadstica* el estad#stico de orden @es i#(al al valor IDth m"s pe+(e,o de

    (na m(estra estadstica J(nto con las estadsticas de ran#o* los estadsticos de orden son(na de las herramientas m"s f(ndamentales de la estadstica no param.trica y de inferencia

    ay casos especiales importantes de los estadsticos de orden son el mnimo y el m"/imo

    valor de (na m(estra* y 4con al#(nas calificaciones disc(tidos a contin(aci0n6 las m(estras

    mediana y otros c(antiles de m(estra

    C(ando se (tiliza la teora de probabilidad para analizar estadsticos de orden de m(estras

    aleatorias a partir de (na distrib(ci0n contin(a* la f(nci0n de distrib(ci0n ac(m(lativa se(sa para red(cir el an"lisis para el caso de estadsticas de orden de la distrib(ci0n (niforme

    !esviaci0n est"ndar y varianza$

    Des+iacin est%ndar La desviaci0n est"ndar o desviaci0n t pica es la raz

    c(adrada de la varianza

    Es decir* la raz c(adrada de la media de los c(adrados de las p(nt(aciones de


    La desviaci0n est"ndar se representa por K

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    Distri,ucin de $ro,a,ilidad continua

    Es posible calc(lar la desviaci0n est"ndar de (na variable aleatoria contin(a como la raz

    c(adrada de la inte#ral


    VarianBa$ La varianza 4+(e s(ele representarse como 6 de (na variable aleatoria es

    (na medida de dispersi0n definida como la esperanza del c(adrado de la desviaci0n de

    dicha variable respecto a s( media

    Est" medida en (nidades distintas de las de la variable Por e-emplo* si la variable mide (na

    distancia en metros* la varianza se e/presa en metros al c(adrado La desviaci0n est"ndar es

    la raz c(adrada de la varianza* es (na medida de dispersi0n alternativa e/presada en las

    mismas (nidades de los datos del variable ob-eto de est(dio La varianza tiene como valor

    mnimo 2


    $ Cada dato

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    n$ El n=mero de datos

    La media aritm.tica de los medios


    Las variables de inter.s son$ Precipitaci0n media para cada mes y para el a,o +(e se

    denominaranMedDayMesyMedDayAnualrespectivamente* y la desviaci0n est"ndar paracada mes y para el a,o +(e se denominaran DesStnMes yDesStnAnual

    &b-etivo a6

    La precipitaci0n diaria media para los primeros < das de (n mes$

    (0 + 0 + 272 + 0) / 4 = 68cent.simas de p(l#ada de precipitaci0n* o 2?8 de p(l#ada

    &b-etivo b6

    La precipitaci0n diaria media para el a,o se calc(l0 en dos formas e+(ivalentes Se

    encontr0 la media de cada mes y l(e#o la media 4promedio6 de los valores mens(ales Estores(lta ser i#(al +(e tomar la media de todos los datos a la vez Se introd(-o la si#(ientesinta/is 4atLab6$


    El comando convierte la matriz bidimensional en (na matriz dimensional Lo +(e haceposible encontrar la media en (n paso

    &b-etivo c y d6

    La desviaci0n est"ndar de los datos se enc(entra de la si#(iente ec(aci0n$

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento





    E-emplo$ Para los primeros < das de (n mes* se calc(la primero la s(ma de los c(adradosde la diferencia entre la media y el valor real$

    (0 68)2 + (0 - 68)2 + (272 68)2 + (0 68)2 = !488

    Se divide entre el n=mero de p(ntos de datos menos )$

    !488/(4 ") = "8!46

    'inalmente* sacar la raz c(adrada



    Los modelos form(lados en el p(nto anterior corresponden a f0rm(las y no a ec(aciones

    por lo +(e no necesitan ser sol(cionados


    Para representar la informaci0n solicitada se constr(y0 la interface +(e se il(stra en lafi#(ra 1

    La interface indica adem"s la precipitaci0n total para (n a,o y el mes y el da +(e h(bomayor concentraci0n

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    !i"ura )' Interface $ara la simulacin


    Es (n modelo e/plicativo Se toma (na #ran cantidad de datos para ser res(midos n(m.ricao #r"ficamente y +(e b(sca e/plicar las correlaciones y dependencias de (n fen0menonat(ral

    En este caso en partic(lar se tom0 como m(estra la cantidad de precipitaci0n en (nalocalidad d(rante (n a,o Estas dos propiedades tomadas en consideraci0n 4ll(via ytiempo6* determinan en +(e cantidad se presenta la primera y la frec(encia con +(e lo haceen (n determinado perodo 4das* meses6

    Este fen0meno correlacionado p(ede tener (n tercer elemento +(e no se consider0 para elpresente modelo y es la temperat(ra

    C0MPARACI1N DEL M0DEL0 C0N LA VIDA REALEl presente modelo no arro-a predicciones Los datos obtenidos son parte de las medicioneshechas directamente en cada estaci0n 4ci(dad6 de Estados 7nidos El modelo es confiablepor lo +(e no se re+(iere reform(laci0n del mismo

    Los e-emplos +(e se presentan f(eron aplicados en el modelo para cada mes del a,o conbase en los datos obtenidos para la ci(dad de Ashville en el a,o 12)3

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    !i"ura ?' Re$resentacin "r%fica $ara el mes de !e,rero de )-.?

    !i"ura /' Re$resentacin "r%fica $ara el mes de MarBo de )-.?


    Este modelo se podr" aplicar para analizar datos de distintas f(entes P(esto +(e lo +(e sehace con los mismos es mostrar la relaci0n +(e hay entre ellos

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    Por razones pr"cticas* en l(#ar de compilar datos de (na poblaci0n entera 4en este caso 32 o

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    CO!5& ALA

    functionvarargout = DiagramClim(varargin)% DIAGRAMCLIM M-file for DiagramClim.fig% DIAGRAMCLIM, b it!elf, create! a ne" DIAGRAMCLIM or rai!e! t#ee$i!ting% !ingleton.%% & = DIAGRAMCLIM return! t#e #an'le to a ne" DIAGRAMCLIM or t#e#an'le to% t#e e$i!ting !ingleton.%% DIAGRAMCLIM(CALLAC*,#+bect,eventData,#an'le!,...) call! t#elocal% function name' CALLAC* in DIAGRAMCLIM.M "it# t#e given inutargument!.%% DIAGRAMCLIM(roert,/alue,...) create! a ne" DIAGRAMCLIM orrai!e! t#e% e$i!ting !ingleton. 0tarting from t#e left, roert value air!are% alie' to t#e G1I before DiagramClim2+ening3cn get! calle'. An% unrecogni4e' roert name or invali' value ma5e! roertalication

    % !to. All inut! are a!!e' to DiagramClim2+ening3cn viavarargin.%% 0ee G1I +tion! on G1ID6! 7ool! menu. C#oo!e 8G1I allo"! onlone% in!tance to run (!ingleton)8.%% 0ee al!o9 G1ID6, G1IDA7A, G1I&A:DL60

    % 6'it t#e above te$t to mo'if t#e re!on!e to #el DiagramClim

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    % La!t Mo'ifie' b G1ID6 v;.< ;-:ov-;>? ?@9>9;

    % egin initiali4ation co'e - D+ :+7 6DI7gui20ingleton = ?gui20tate = !truct(gui2:ame, mfilename, ...

    gui20ingleton, gui20ingleton, ...gui2+ening3cn, BDiagramClim2+ening3cn, ...gui2+utut3cn, BDiagramClim2+utut3cn, ...gui2Laout3cn, , ...gui2Callbac5, )ifnargin EE i!c#ar(vararginF?) gui20tate.gui2Callbac5 = !tr;func(vararginF?)en'

    ifnargout varargoutF?9nargout = gui2mainfcn(gui20tate, vararginF9)el!e gui2mainfcn(gui20tate, vararginF9)en'% 6n' initiali4ation co'e - D+ :+7 6DI7

    % --- 6$ecute! u!t before DiagramClim i! ma'e vi!ible.functionDiagramClim2+ening3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!, varargin)% 7#i! function #a! no outut arg!, !ee +utut3cn.% #+bect #an'le to figure% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)% varargin comman' line argument! to DiagramClim (!ee /ARARGI:)

    % C#oo!e 'efault comman' line outut for DiagramClim

    #an'le!.outut = #+bect

    % 1'ate #an'le! !tructuregui'ata(#+bect, #an'le!)

    % 1IHAI7 ma5e! DiagramClim "ait for u!er re!on!e (!ee 1IR601M6)% ui"ait(#an'le!.figure?)

    % --- +utut! from t#i! function are returne' to t#e comman' line.functionvarargout = DiagramClim2+utut3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% varargout cell arra for returning outut arg! (!ee /ARARG+17)% #+bect #an'le to figure

    % event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % Get 'efault comman' line outut from #an'le! !tructurevarargoutF? = #an'le!.outut

    functione'it?2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    % #+bect #an'le to e'it? (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it? a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it? a! a'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it?2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it? (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),

    get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'it;2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it; (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it; a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it; a! a


    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it;2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it; (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),

    get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'itJ2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'itJ (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    % #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'itJ a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'itJ a! a'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'itJ2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'itJ (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)


    functione'it2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it a! a'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)



  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it< a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it< a! a'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.

    functione'it,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'itK2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'itK (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'itK a! te$t

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    % !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'itK a! a'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'itK2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)

    % #+bect #an'le to e'itK (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'it2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it a! a'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)

    % #+bect #an'le to e'it (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'it2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it a! a'ouble

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA

    % #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'it?>2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)

    % #+bect #an'le to e'it?> (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it?> a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it?> a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it?>2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it?> (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA

    % #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'it??2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it?? (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it?? a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it?? a!a 'ouble

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it??2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it?? (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'it?;2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it?; (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA

    % #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it?; a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it?; a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it?;2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it?; (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'it?J2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it?J (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA

    % #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it?J a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it?J a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it?J2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    % #+bect #an'le to e'it?J (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'it?2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it? (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it? a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it? a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it?2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it? (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.

    % 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'


  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    % #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'it?@2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it?@ (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it?@ a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it?@ a!

    a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it?@2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it?@ (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),

    get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'it?K2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it?K (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it?K a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it?K a!

    a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it?K2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it?K (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'it?2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it? (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it? a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it? a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it?2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it? (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)


    functione'it?2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it? (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it? a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it? a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it?2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it? (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    % 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'it;>2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it;> (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it;> a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it;> a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.

    functione'it;>2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it;> (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'it;?2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it;? (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it;? a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it;? a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it;?2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it;? (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'it;;2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it;; (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it;; a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it;; a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it;;2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)

    % #+bect #an'le to e'it;; (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'it;J2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it;J (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it;J a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it;J a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it;J2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it;J (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color))

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento



    functione'it;2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)

    % #+bect #an'le to e'it; (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it; a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it; a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it;2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it; (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA

    % #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'


  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    functione'it;@2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it;@ (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA

    % #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it;@ a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it;@ a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it;@2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it;@ (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'it;K2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it;K (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it;K a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it;K a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it;K2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it;K (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    functione'it;2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it; (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it; a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it; a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it;2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it; (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.

    % 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    % --- 6$ecute! on button re!! in Abrir.functionAbrir2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to Abrir (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % MA7RIN IDIM6:0I+:AL

    format ban5"' = >.J > > >.>; > >.>? >. >.>; >.? > > >>.>; > >.>? > > >.K >.?K >.>? >.>? > >.>J >> >.>? > > >.>? > J. > >.;; > > >> > > >.@ >.? > ?. > > > > >.>?> > >. > ;.J >. >.> >.>@ > > > >.;K> > >.>J > >.>? >.>J ?.J@ >.>@ > > > >.J >. > > > >.; >.K >.< > ?.;K >.> >> > > > >.>@ >.@J >.> >.>; > > > >.>@> > > > > ?..>K >.?; > > > >.?> >.; > > >.>@ >..K? >.;@ > > > >.J?

    >.?? >.>? >.K; >.J >.>; >.>; >.>; >.J; > > >>> >.? >.;J >.@K > > > >.J >.; > > >>.>; >.; > > > >.? > >.>; >.>; >.;@ > >?. > > > > >.K > > >.>< > >.@ > > >.?J > > >.>? > > > >.> >.>K>.;K >.>; > > > > > > > > >.>? >;.;; > > >.J; > >.;J >. >.?< > >.>J >.;@ >> > >. > ?.;? >.> > >.; >.>? > >.>< >> >.>? > >.@; >.>; > >.>? >.; > > > >

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    > > >.>; > > > > > > > > >> >.; > > > > >.?; > >.@ > >.>K >.;> >.JK > > ?.JJ > >.?@ > >.> > > ;.J> >.;; >.> > > >.>J > > > >.>? > >.;;> > >.K@ >.>K > > > > > > > >>.>? > >.>? > > > > > >.? > > >> ?.?< > > >.>? >.>< > > > > ;.; >

    >.>J > > >.< > >.?; >.

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    % !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it; a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it;2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)

    % #+bect #an'le to e'it; (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!cEEi!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color))!et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'itJ>2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'itJ> (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'itJ> a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'itJ> a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'itJ>2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)

    % #+bect #an'le to e'itJ> (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!cEEi!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color))!et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'itJ?2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'itJ? (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'itJ? a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'itJ? a!a 'ouble

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'itJ?2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'itJ? (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA

    % #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color))!et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'itJ;2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)

    % #+bect #an'le to e'itJ; (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'itJ; a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'itJ; a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'itJ;2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'itJ; (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA

    % #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color))!et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'itJJ2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'itJJ (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'itJJ a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'itJJ a!a 'ouble

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'itJJ2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'itJJ (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!cEEi!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color))!et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'itJ2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'itJ (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA

    % #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'itJ a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'itJ a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'itJ2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'itJ (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!cEEi!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color))!et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'


  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    % #+bect #an'le to e'itJ< (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!cEEi!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color))!et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'itJ@2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'itJ@ (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'itJ@ a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'itJ@ a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'itJ@2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'itJ@ (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.

    % 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!cEEi!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color))!et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'itJK2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'itJK (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'itJK a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'itJK a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'itJK2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'itJK (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    % #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!cEEi!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color))!et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'itJ2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'itJ (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'itJ a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'itJ a!

    a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'itJ2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'itJ (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!cEEi!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),


    functione'itJ2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'itJ (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'itJ a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'itJ a!

    a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'itJ2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'itJ (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'it>2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it> (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it> a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it> a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it>2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it> (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color))!et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)


    functione'it?2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it? (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it? a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it? a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functione'it?2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it? (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    % 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!cEEi!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color))!et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    functione'it;2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it; (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)

    % &int!9 get(#+bect,0tring) return! content! of e'it; a! te$t% !tr;'ouble(get(#+bect,0tring)) return! content! of e'it; a!a 'ouble

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.

    functione'it;2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to e'it; (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 e'it control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.ifi!cEEi!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color))!et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    % --- 6$ecute! on !election c#ange in oumenu?.functionoumenu?2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to oumenu? (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)!tr = get(#+bect,0tring)val = get(#+bect,/alue)



  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    title(R6CII7ACIP: 6:6R+)% GRV3ICA AW1076 LI:6ALa$e!(#an'le!.a$e!@)l=olfit(t,Me!?,;)lineal = l(?)t X l(;)lot(t,Me!?,g,t,lineal,r,line"i't#,;)title(AW1076 LI:6AL)

    gri'on% R6CII7ACIQ: 7+7AL D6L M60rec7otMe! = !um(Me!?)!et(#an'le!.6ne?,0tring,rec7otMe!)rec7otAnual = !um(rec7otMe!)!et(#an'le!.7otAnual,0tring,rec7otAnual)% M60 S R6CII7ACIQ: MVYIMAMa$Anual,Da = ma$(ma$(Me!?))!et(#an'le!.Ma$Me!,0tring,Ma$Anual,Da)% DIA S R6CII7ACIQ: MVYIMAMa$Anual,Me! = ma$(Me!?)!et(#an'le!.Ma$Dia,0tring,Ma$Anual,Me!)% M6DIA D6L M60

    Me'DaMe! = mean(Me!?)!et(#an'le!.Me'iaMe!,0tring,Me'DaMe!)!et(#an'le!.6ne;,0tring,Me'DaMe!)Me'DaAnual = mean(Me!?(9))!et(#an'le!.Me'Anual,0tring,Me'DaAnual)% D60/IACIQ: 607A:DAR M60De!0tnMe! = !t'(Me!?)!et(#an'le!.6!tMe!,0tring,De!0tnMe!)a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!;)#i!t(De!0tnMe!)gri'onDe!0tnAnual = !t'(Me!?(9))!et(#an'le!.6!tAnual,0tring,De!0tnAnual)



    Me!;=>,>,>.>?,>,>,>,>.,>,>,>.;,>.>?,>.?,>.;,>,>,>.>;,>,>,>.>?,>,>.;,>.JK,>.;;,>,>,?.?,>.>?,>,>,>a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!J)bar(t,Me!;,g)gri'on$label(7iemo (DUa!))label(reciitaciOn (ulga'a!))title(R6CII7ACIP: 36R6R+)a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!@)l=olfit(t,Me!;,;)lineal = l(?)t X l(;)lot(t,Me!;,b,t,lineal,r,line"i't#,;)title(AW1076 LI:6AL)gri'onrec7otMe! = !um(Me!;)!et(#an'le!.3eb?,0tring,rec7otMe!)rec7otAnual = !um(rec7otMe!)

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    !et(#an'le!.7otAnual,0tring,rec7otAnual)Ma$Anual,Da = ma$(ma$(Me!;))!et(#an'le!.Ma$Me!,0tring,Ma$Anual,Da)Ma$Anual,Me! = ma$(Me!;)!et(#an'le!.Ma$Dia,0tring,Ma$Anual,Me!)Me'DaMe! = mean(Me!;)!et(#an'le!.Me'iaMe!,0tring,Me'DaMe!)

    !et(#an'le!.3eb;,0tring,Me'DaMe!)Me'DaAnual = mean(Me!;(9))!et(#an'le!.Me'Anual,0tring,Me'DaAnual)De!0tnMe! = !t'(Me!;)!et(#an'le!.6!tMe!,0tring,De!0tnMe!)a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!;)#i!t(De!0tnMe!)gri' onDe!0tnAnual = !t'(Me!;(9))!et(#an'le!.6!tAnual,0tring,De!0tnAnual)



    Me!J=>,>.>?,>,>,>.,>.>J,>,>,>,>,>.K;,>.;J,>,>,>,>,>,>.,>,>.>;,>,>,>.>,>.K@,>.>?,>,>,>,>.>J,>.J?,>.JJ a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!J)bar(t,Me!J,c)gri'on$label(7iemo (DUa!))label(reciitaciOn (ulga'a!))title(R6CII7ACIP: MARN+)a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!@)l=olfit(t,Me!J,;)

    lineal = l(?)t X l(;)lot(t,Me!J,g,t,lineal,r,line"i't#,;)title(AW1076 LI:6AL)gri'onrec7otMe! = !um(Me!J)!et(#an'le!.Mar?,0tring,rec7otMe!)rec7otAnual = !um(rec7otMe!)!et(#an'le!.7otAnual,0tring,rec7otAnual)Ma$Anual,Da = ma$(ma$(Me!J))!et(#an'le!.Ma$Me!,0tring,Ma$Anual,Da)Ma$Anual,Me! = ma$(Me!J)!et(#an'le!.Ma$Dia,0tring,Ma$Anual,Me!)Me'DaMe! = mean(Me!J)!et(#an'le!.Me'iaMe!,0tring,Me'DaMe!)!et(#an'le!.Mar;,0tring,Me'DaMe!)Me'DaAnual = mean(Me!J(9))!et(#an'le!.Me'Anual,0tring,Me'DaAnual)De!0tnMe! = !t'(Me!J)!et(#an'le!.6!tMe!,0tring,De!0tnMe!)a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!;)#i!t(De!0tnMe!)gri' onDe!0tnAnual = !t'(Me!J(9))

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento





    Me!=>.>;,>,>,>.@,>,>,>,>,>,>,>.J,>.@K,>,>,>.?J,>,>.J;,>,>.@;,>,>,>,>,>.>K,>,>,>.,>a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!J)bar(t,Me!,g)gri'on$label(7iemo (DUa!))label(reciitaciOn (ulga'a!))title(R6CII7ACIP: ARIL)a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!@)l=olfit(t,Me!,;)lineal = l(?)t X l(;)lot(t,Me!,b,t,lineal,r,line"i't#,;)title(AW1076 LI:6AL)gri' onrec7otMe! = !um(Me!)!et(#an'le!.Abr?,0tring,rec7otMe!)rec7otAnual = !um(rec7otMe!)!et(#an'le!.7otAnual,0tring,rec7otAnual)Ma$Anual,Da = ma$(ma$(Me!))!et(#an'le!.Ma$Me!,0tring,Ma$Anual,Da)Ma$Anual,Me! = ma$(Me!)!et(#an'le!.Ma$Dia,0tring,Ma$Anual,Me!)Me'DaMe! = mean(Me!)!et(#an'le!.Me'iaMe!,0tring,Me'DaMe!)!et(#an'le!.Abr;,0tring,Me'DaMe!)Me'DaAnual = mean(Me!(9))

    !et(#an'le!.Me'Anual,0tring,Me'DaAnual)De!0tnMe! = !t'(Me!)!et(#an'le!.6!tMe!,0tring,De!0tnMe!)a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!;)#i!t(De!0tnMe!)gri' onDe!0tnAnual = !t'(Me!(9))!et(#an'le!.6!tAnual,0tring,De!0tnAnual)




  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento



  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    Me'DaAnual = mean(Me!@(9))!et(#an'le!.Me'Anual,0tring,Me'DaAnual)De!0tnMe! = !t'(Me!@)!et(#an'le!.6!tMe!,0tring,De!0tnMe!)a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!;)#i!t(De!0tnMe!)gri' on

    De!0tnAnual = !t'(Me!@(9))!et(#an'le!.6!tAnual,0tring,De!0tnAnual)




  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    Me!=>.>;,>.>?,>,>,>.>@,>.>@,>..>;,>.?;,>.;@,>.J;,>.J,>.>;,>,>,>,>.?.;,>.;,>,>,>,>,>,>,>,>,>,>.;,>,>a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!J)bar(t,Me!,g)gri' on$label(7iemo (DUa!))label(reciitaciOn (ulga'a!))title(R6CII7ACIP: AG+07+)a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!@)l=olfit(t,Me!,;)lineal = l(?)t X l(;)lot(t,Me!,b,t,lineal,r,line"i't#,;)title(AW1076 LI:6AL)gri' onrec7otMe! = !um(Me!)!et(#an'le!.Ago?,0tring,rec7otMe!)rec7otAnual = !um(rec7otMe!)!et(#an'le!.7otAnual,0tring,rec7otAnual)Ma$Anual,Da = ma$(ma$(Me!))

    !et(#an'le!.Ma$Me!,0tring,Ma$Anual,Da)Ma$Anual,Me! = ma$(Me!)!et(#an'le!.Ma$Dia,0tring,Ma$Anual,Me!)Me'DaMe! = mean(Me!)!et(#an'le!.Me'iaMe!,0tring,Me'DaMe!)!et(#an'le!.Ago;,0tring,Me'DaMe!)Me'DaAnual = mean(Me!(9))!et(#an'le!.Me'Anual,0tring,Me'DaAnual)De!0tnMe! = !t'(Me!)!et(#an'le!.6!tMe!,0tring,De!0tnMe!)a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!;)#i!t(De!0tnMe!)gri' on

    De!0tnAnual = !t'(Me!(9))!et(#an'le!.6!tAnual,0tring,De!0tnAnual)



    Me!=>.?,>.>?,>.;;,>,>,>,>,>,>,>,>,>.;,>.>;,>,>,>,>,>.>?,>,>,>.@,>.>,>,>,>.?,>,>,>,>,>,> a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!J)bar(t,Me!,r)gri'on

    $label(7iemo (DUa!))label(reciitaciOn (ulga'a!))title(R6CII7ACIP: 067I6MR6)a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!@)l=olfit(t,Me!,;)lineal = l(?)t X l(;)lot(t,Me!,g,t,lineal,r,line"i't#,;)title(AW1076 LI:6AL)gri' onrec7otMe! = !um(Me!)

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    !et(#an'le!.0e?,0tring,rec7otMe!)rec7otAnual = !um(rec7otMe!)!et(#an'le!.7otAnual,0tring,rec7otAnual)Ma$Anual,Da = ma$(ma$(Me!))!et(#an'le!.Ma$Me!,0tring,Ma$Anual,Da)Ma$Anual,Me! = ma$(Me!)!et(#an'le!.Ma$Dia,0tring,Ma$Anual,Me!)

    Me'DaMe! = mean(Me!)!et(#an'le!.Me'iaMe!,0tring,Me'DaMe!)!et(#an'le!.0e;,0tring,Me'DaMe!)Me'DaAnual = mean(Me!(9))!et(#an'le!.Me'Anual,0tring,Me'DaAnual)De!0tnMe! = !t'(Me!)!et(#an'le!.6!tMe!,0tring,De!0tnMe!)a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!;)#i!t(De!0tnMe!)gri' onDe!0tnAnual = !t'(Me!(9))!et(#an'le!.6!tAnual,0tring,De!0tnAnual)


    Me!?>=>,>,>,>,>,>,?.;K,>,>,>,>,>,>.;@,>.>,>,>.>J,>,>,>,>,>,>.>?,>,>,>,>,>.>@,>,>,>a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!J)bar(t,Me!?>,c)gri'on$label(7iemo (DUa!))label(reciitaciOn (ulga'a!))title(R6CII7ACIP: +C71R6)

    a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!@)l=olfit(t,Me!?>,;)lineal = l(?)t X l(;)lot(t,Me!?>,b,t,lineal,r,line"i't#,;)title(AW1076 LI:6AL)gri' onrec7otMe! = !um(Me!?>)!et(#an'le!.+ct?,0tring,rec7otMe!)rec7otAnual = !um(rec7otMe!)!et(#an'le!.7otAnual,0tring,rec7otAnual)Ma$Anual,Da = ma$(ma$(Me!?>))!et(#an'le!.Ma$Me!,0tring,Ma$Anual,Da)Ma$Anual,Me! = ma$(Me!?>)!et(#an'le!.Ma$Dia,0tring,Ma$Anual,Me!)Me'DaMe! = mean(Me!?>)!et(#an'le!.Me'iaMe!,0tring,Me'DaMe!)!et(#an'le!.+ct;,0tring,Me'DaMe!)Me'DaAnual = mean(Me!?>(9))!et(#an'le!.Me'Anual,0tring,Me'DaAnual)De!0tnMe! = !t'(Me!?>)!et(#an'le!.6!tMe!,0tring,De!0tnMe!)a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!;)#i!t(De!0tnMe!)

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    gri' onDe!0tnAnual = !t'(Me!?>(9))!et(#an'le!.6!tAnual,0tring,De!0tnAnual)



    Me!??=>,>.>J,>,>,>,>,>.>,>,>,>,>,>,>,>,>.>,>.>?,>.;@,>.>,>,>.>K,>,>,>,>,;.;,>.?,>,>,>,>a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!J)bar(t,Me!??,m)gri' on$label(7iemo (DUa!))label(reciitaciOn (ulga'a!))title(R6CII7ACIP: :+/I6MR6)a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!@)l=olfit(t,Me!??,;)lineal = l(?)t X l(;)lot(t,Me!??,g,t,lineal,r,line"i't#,;)title(AW1076 LI:6AL)gri'onrec7otMe! = !um(Me!??)!et(#an'le!.:ov?,0tring,rec7otMe!)rec7otAnual = !um(rec7otMe!)!et(#an'le!.7otAnual,0tring,rec7otAnual)Ma$Anual,Da = ma$(ma$(Me!??))!et(#an'le!.Ma$Me!,0tring,Ma$Anual,Da)Ma$Anual,Me! = ma$(Me!??)!et(#an'le!.Ma$Dia,0tring,Ma$Anual,Me!)Me'DaMe! = mean(Me!??)!et(#an'le!.Me'iaMe!,0tring,Me'DaMe!)

    !et(#an'le!.:ov;,0tring,Me'DaMe!)Me'DaAnual = mean(Me!??(9))!et(#an'le!.Me'Anual,0tring,Me'DaAnual)De!0tnMe! = !t'(Me!??)!et(#an'le!.6!tMe!,0tring,De!0tnMe!)a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!;)#i!t(De!0tnMe!)gri' onDe!0tnAnual = !t'(Me!??(9))!et(#an'le!.6!tAnual,0tring,De!0tnAnual)



    Me!?;=>,>,>,>.>?,>.;K,>.J,>.>@,>.?,>.J?,>,>,>,>..>K,>,>,>,>,>,>.;,;.J,>.;;,>,>,>,>,>.;,>.J,>,>a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!J)bar(t,Me!?;,g)gri' on$label(7iemo (DUa!))label(reciitaciOn (ulga'a!))

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    title(R6CII7ACIP: DICI6MR6)a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!@)l=olfit(t,Me!?;,;)lineal = l(?)t X l(;)lot(t,Me!?;,b,t,lineal,r,line"i't#,;)title(AW1076 LI:6AL)gri'on

    rec7otMe! = !um(Me!?;)!et(#an'le!.Dic?,0tring,rec7otMe!)rec7otAnual = !um(rec7otMe!)!et(#an'le!.7otAnual,0tring,rec7otAnual)Ma$Anual,Da = ma$(ma$(Me!?;))!et(#an'le!.Ma$Me!,0tring,Ma$Anual,Da)Ma$Anual,Me! = ma$(Me!?;)!et(#an'le!.Ma$Dia,0tring,Ma$Anual,Me!)Me'DaMe! = mean(Me!?;)!et(#an'le!.Me'iaMe!,0tring,Me'DaMe!)!et(#an'le!.Dic;,0tring,Me'DaMe!)Me'DaAnual = mean(Me!?;(9))!et(#an'le!.Me'Anual,0tring,Me'DaAnual)

    De!0tnMe! = !t'(Me!?;)!et(#an'le!.6!tMe!,0tring,De!0tnMe!)a$e!(#an'le!.a$e!;)#i!t(De!0tnMe!)gri'onDe!0tnAnual = !t'(Me!?;(9))!et(#an'le!.6!tAnual,0tring,De!0tnAnual)en'gui'ata(#+bect,#an'le!)

    % &int!9 content! = get(#+bect,0tring) return! oumenu? content! a!cell arra

    % content!Fget(#+bect,/alue) return! !electe' item fromoumenu?

    % --- 6$ecute! 'uring obect creation, after !etting all roertie!.functionoumenu?2Create3cn(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to oumenu? (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! emt - #an'le! not create' until after all Create3cn!calle'

    % &int9 oumenu control! u!uall #ave a "#ite bac5groun' on Hin'o"!.% 0ee I0C an' C+M176R.

    ifi!c EE i!eual(get(#+bect,ac5groun'Color),get(>,'efault1icontrolac5groun'Color)) !et(#+bect,ac5groun'Color,"#ite)en'

    % --- 6$ecute! on button re!! in u!#button;.functionu!#button;2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to u!#button; (!ee GC+)

  • 7/24/2019 Trabajo trabjo de modelamiento


    % event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)!et(#an'le!.7otAnual,!tring, )!et(#an'le!.Ma$Me!,!tring, )!et(#an'le!.Ma$Dia,!tring, )!et(#an'le!.Me'Anual,!tring, )!et(#an'le!.Me'iaMe!,!tring, )

    !et(#an'le!.6!tMe!,!tring, )!et(#an'le!.6!tAnual,!tring, )

    % --- 6$ecute! on button re!! in u!#buttonJ.functionu!#buttonJ2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to u!#buttonJ (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)clo!e

    % --- 6$ecute! on button re!! in u!#button.functionu!#button2Callbac5(#+bect, event'ata, #an'le!)% #+bect #an'le to u!#button (!ee GC+)% event'ata re!erve' - to be 'efine' in a future ver!ion of MA7LA% #an'le! !tructure "it# #an'le! an' u!er 'ata (!ee G1IDA7A)%!et(#an'le!.current2'ata)