Tokyo Metropolitan University e-Learning System User Manual for Course Instructors - 1 - Tokyo Metropolitan University e-Learning System User Manual for Course Instructors (Version 4.0) October 17, 2016

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Tokyo Metropolitan University e-Learning System

User Manual for Course Instructors

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Tokyo Metropolitan University e-Learning System

User Manual for Course Instructors (Version 4.0)

October 17, 2016

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Tokyo Metropolitan University e-Learning System

User Manual for Course Instructors

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Table of Contents

Logging in / logging out ....................................................................................................... - 6 -

1.Logging in .................................................................................................................. - 6 -

2.Logging out ................................................................................................................ - 7 -

3.If unable to log in ....................................................................................................... - 8 -

Screen configuration............................................................................................................ - 9 -

1.My Page Mode and Course Mode ............................................................................. - 10 -

1-1.My Page Mode screen ........................................................................................ - 10 -

1-2.Course Mode screen .......................................................................................... - 10 -

2.Reset buttons ............................................................................................................ - 11 -

3.Smartphone and tablet screens ................................................................................. - 11 -

Screen Settings tool ........................................................................................................... - 12 -

1.Hiding a currently displayed tab .............................................................................. - 12 -

2.Displaying a currently hidden course tab ................................................................. - 15 -

3.Adjusting the order of displayed course tabs ............................................................ - 17 -

4.Setting the number of displayed course tabs ............................................................. - 19 -

Course Information tool .................................................................................................... - 21 -

1.Editing course information ....................................................................................... - 21 -

2.Adding and deleting tools ......................................................................................... - 26 -

3.Re-ordering tools ...................................................................................................... - 28 -

4.Registering students and TAs ................................................................................... - 31 -

5.Allowing students to self-register .............................................................................. - 34 -

6.Re-using data from other courses ............................................................................. - 35 -

6-1.Re-using data from other courses in bulk .......................................................... - 35 -

6-2.Re-using data from other individual courses ...................................................... - 37 -

Notification tool ................................................................................................................. - 41 -

1.Adding notifications ................................................................................................. - 41 -

Materials Distribution tool ................................................................................................ - 44 -

1.Distributing materials .............................................................................................. - 44 -

2.Moving materials into a folder ................................................................................. - 47 -

2-1.Creating a folder................................................................................................ - 47 -

2-2.Moving materials into a newly created folder .................................................... - 49 -

3.Re-using materials from other courses ..................................................................... - 51 -

4.My Page Materials tool ............................................................................................ - 54 -

Assignment tool ................................................................................................................. - 55 -

1.Adding an assignment .............................................................................................. - 55 -

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2.Confirming submissions from students ..................................................................... - 60 -

3.Marking submissions by students ............................................................................. - 61 -

4.Reminder Email Transmission tool ........................................................................... - 63 -

1.Creating a test/survey ............................................................................................... - 64 -

2.Confirming scores .................................................................................................... - 70 -

3.Sending an email to students who have not yet submitted a test ............................... - 73 -

4.Feedback .................................................................................................................. - 76 -

4-1.Registering feedback ......................................................................................... - 76 -

4-2.Changing the feedback display settings .............................................................. - 81 -

4-3.Feedback display settings .................................................................................. - 83 -

Bulletin Board tool ............................................................................................................ - 85 -

1.Setting bulletin board topics ..................................................................................... - 85 -

2.Confirming student posts ......................................................................................... - 88 -

Name Register tool ............................................................................................................ - 90 -

1.Confirming participants ........................................................................................... - 90 -

Gradebook tool .................................................................................................................. - 91 -

1.Confirming student grades ....................................................................................... - 91 -

2.Assigning grades to students ..................................................................................... - 92 -

Tool that displays student view .......................................................................................... - 94 -

1.Displaying the student view ...................................................................................... - 94 -

Appendix ........................................................................................................................... - 96 -

Clicker tool ........................................................................................................................ - 97 -

1.Preparing questions .................................................................................................. - 98 -

2.Using the survey during the class ........................................................................... - 100 -

3.Confirming results ................................................................................................. - 102 -

Schedule tool ................................................................................................................... - 103 -

1.Adding a schedule .................................................................................................. - 103 -

Wiki tool .......................................................................................................................... - 106 -

1.Creating a Wiki page .............................................................................................. - 106 -

2.Allowing students to perform edits ......................................................................... - 109 -

Web Contents tool ........................................................................................................... - 110 -

1.Adding web contents .............................................................................................. - 110 -

SCORM Player tool ......................................................................................................... - 113 -

1.Publishing SCORM materials ................................................................................ - 113 -

2.Confirming learning progress ................................................................................. - 116 -

Search tool....................................................................................................................... - 118 -

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1.Searching through materials .................................................................................. - 118 -

Message tool .................................................................................................................... - 119 -

1.Sending messages to students ................................................................................. - 119 -

2.Confirming messages received from students ......................................................... - 121 -

3.Performing settings ................................................................................................ - 122 -

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Revision History

Date Version Overview

03/11/2015 1.0

09/28/2015 2.0 First semester revisions are outlined below.

1. Assignment tool: Reminder Email Transmission tool

2. Test/Survey tool: Send email to students who have not submitted tests

Message tool moved to appendix

Revised various terminology

03/11/2016 3.0 Second semester revisions are outlined below.

1. Course Information tool: Re-use data from other courses

Added [If unable to log in] section to [Logging in / logging out]

Added [Feedback] section to [Test/Survey tool]

10/17/2016 4.0 Revised some screens and explanations

First semester revisions included the following updates.

1. Course Information tool: Re-use data from other courses

Added test/survey to tool allowing copying of individual items

2. Test/Survey tool: Create test/survey

Updated changes for specified transmission date and time

3. Test/Survey tool

Updated Score screen and Questions screen to display student IDs and

faculty/staff IDs.

4. Name Register tool

Updated the Overview screen to display student IDs and faculty/staff IDs

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Logging in / logging out

■ Overview

The kibaco system can be used via a web browser such as Internet Explorer.

■ Procedure

1.Logging in

① Launch your browser and enter the following URL.

If using a smartphone or tablet, enter the following URL.

② Enter your user ID and password for the Education and Research Information System

(TMUNER), and click the Log in button.



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③ If your login attempt was successful, the My Page screen will be displayed.

2.Logging out

Click the Log out link at the top right of the screen to log out.

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3.If unable to log in

① If your login attempt failed, the screen above will be displayed.

② Click the link shown above.

③ Consult the displayed FAQ page to resolve the problem.

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Screen configuration

■ Overview

The following provides an outline of the basic screen configuration.

① Course Selection Area: Displays courses for which you are registered.

* Tabs for courses held prior to the previous academic year are not displayed.

② Tool Selection Area: Displays links to various tools.

③ Main Area: Displays content for the selected tool.

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■ Outline

1.My Page Mode and Course Mode

Clicking on the tabs in the Course Selection Area allows you to select the modes outlined below.

Note that the tools displayed in the Tool Selection Area are different for the My Page Mode and the

Course Mode.

My Page Mode:

This mode enables personal settings and displays information about all courses you are

participating in.

Course Mode:

This mode enables management of various courses.

1-1.My Page Mode screen

1-2.Course Mode screen

Tool overview

Tool overview

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2.Reset buttons

At the top right of the tools displayed in the Main Area, the Reset buttons shown below are

displayed. By using the Reset buttons, you can safely return to the top page for each tool.

Pressing the Reset buttons will reset any work you have carried out. If you wish to preserve your

work, make sure you press the Save button or the Update button, and subsequently display the top

page for the respective tool.

Important Difference with Web Browser’s Back Button

The use of the web browser’s Back button is not recommended as operations differ by tool and work


3.Smartphone and tablet screens

The screens after logging in from a smartphone or tablet are displayed below. Both display links to

My Page and courses you are participating in. You can navigate to the Tool Selection Area by

tapping either of these.

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Screen Settings tool

■ Overview

The Screen Settings tool allows you to show or hide course tabs, and adjust their order.

■ Procedure

1.Hiding a currently displayed tab

① Click the Screen Settings link from the My Page Mode.

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② From the “Courses displayed as tabs:” field, select the courses for which to hide tabs.

③ Press the button.

④ Confirm that the relevant courses have moved to the “Courses not displayed as tabs:” field.

⑤ Press the Update Settings button in the Tool Selection Area.

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⑥ The confirmation message “Settings correctly saved.” is displayed.

⑦ Click on any of the links other than Screen Settings.

⑧ The courses that have been moved to “Courses not displayed as tabs:” field in ④ above are no

longer displayed.

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2.Displaying a currently hidden course tab

① From the “Courses not displayed as tabs:” field, select the courses for which to show tabs.

② Press the button.

③ Confirm that the relevant courses have moved to the “Courses displayed as tabs:” field.

④ Press the Update Settings button.

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⑤ The confirmation message “Settings correctly saved.” is displayed.

⑥ Click on any of the links other than Screen Settings.

⑦ The relevant courses are now displayed as tabs.

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3.Adjusting the order of displayed course tabs

① Click on the course for which you wish to adjust the display order.

② Use the buttons on the right to adjust the order.

Button description:

… Move the selected course to the top position.

… Move the selected course up one position.

… Move the selected course down one position.

… Move the selected course to the bottom position.

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③ Press the Update Settings button.

④ The confirmation message “Settings correctly saved.” is displayed.

⑤ Click on any of the links other than Screen Settings.

⑥ The display order of the tabs is now changed.

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4.Setting the number of displayed course tabs

If you are teaching several courses, the dropdown menu in the Course Selection Area will show [-

Continued -]. Several courses will be displayed as tabs, and the remaining courses will be displayed

under [- Continued -].

In this case, you can set how many courses to display as tabs.

① Set the “Number of tabs displayed”.

② Press the Update Settings button.

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③ The confirmation message “Settings correctly saved.” is displayed.

④ Click on any of the links other than Screen Settings.

⑤ The number of tabs displayed is now changed.

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Course Information tool

■ Overview

The Course Information tool allows you to make the following changes to relevant courses.

・Editing course information

・Adding and removing tools

・Re-ordering tools

・Registering students and TAs

・Allowing students to self-register

・Re-using data from other courses

■ Procedure

1.Editing course information

① Click the course tab you wish to edit.

② Click the Course Information link.

③ Click the Edit Course Information link.

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④ Edit the course title to change it.

* Applies to the course title displayed in the timetable and course tab.

⑤ Edit the course outline.

⑥ Enter a brief course description.

Tip The content entered here will be displayed as a popup when clicking the Details link on

the course tool overview in My Page Mode.

⑦ The URL for the online syllabus system is entered. If you plan to have students refer to the

online syllabus, steps ⑧, ⑨ and ⑩ below can be omitted.

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⑧ Enter the course achievement objective and theme.

⑨ Enter the course overview and teaching method.

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⑩ Enter the course plan.

⑪ Press the Continue button.

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⑫ Press the Complete button.

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2.Adding and deleting tools

① Click the Edit tools link.

② Check the tools you wish to add, and uncheck the tools you wish to remove.

③ Press the Continue button.

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④ Press the Complete button.

The relevant tools have now been added or removed. The addition or removal of tools will also be

reflected in the student view.

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3.Re-ordering tools

① Click the Tool Order link.

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② Click the tools you wish to move.

(The following example illustrates how to move the Test/Survey tool.)

③ While clicking on the tool and holding the mouse button down, drag your mouse cursor to the

position you wish to move the tool to.

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④ Release the mouse button.

⑤ Press the Save button.

⑥ The position of the tool has now changed. The revised tool order will also be reflected in the

student view.

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4.Registering students and TAs

Tip To register another instructor, refer to “FAQ: Add another instructor to a course on kibaco”.

① Click the Register students or TAs link.

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② Enter either the student ID, email address, or user name for the students and TAs you wish to


Tip To register multiple students or TAs at once, enter multiple identifiers on separate lines as

illustrated above.

③ Select the method for assigning permissions to participants.

(The example above illustrates how to “Assign the same permissions to all participants”.)

④ Select the permission to assign.

⑤ Press the Continue button.

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⑥ Select whether to send a notification email to the added participants after completion of the

registration. If selecting “Send now”, the notification email will be sent after pressing the

Complete button in ⑧ below.

⑦ Press the Continue button.

⑧ Press the Complete button.

⑨ The students and/or TAs have now been added.

However, please note that registration via this procedure does not correspond to an official

course registration. Consequently, participants added as “Students” in ④ above will be

registered as “Tentative registration”. The official course registration must be carried out by

students through the Administration Information System.

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5.Allowing students to self-register

The method for course instructors to register students is explained in [4.Registering students and

TAs]. However, the following procedure makes it possible to also give students permission to

self-register for courses. By default, students are not permitted to self-register.

① Click the Self-Register Tool link.

② Check the checkbox next to “Enable self-registration”.

③ Press the Update button.

Through this procedure, students will be able to independently register for courses. However,

self-registration does not correspond to an official course registration. The official course

registration must be carried out by students through the Administration Information System.

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6.Re-using data from other courses

6-1.Re-using data from other courses in bulk

The following procedure allows you to bulk import data from other courses.

① Click on the Re-use data from other courses link.

② Click on the I wish to merge my data link.

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③ Check the checkboxes next to the course names for which you wish to re-use data, and click the

Continue button.

④ Check the checkboxes next to the tool names you wish to re-use.

⑤ Click the Complete button.

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6-2.Re-using data from other individual courses

The following procedure allows you to selectively import data from other courses. The example

below illustrates how to re-use assignment data.

Select the bulk or individual import method under the Assignment tool or Test/Survey tool.

① Click the Assignment link.

② Confirm the assignment prior to carrying out the procedure.

③ Click the Course Information link.

④ Click the Re-use data from other courses link.

⑤ Click the I wish to merge my data link.

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⑥ Check the checkboxes next to the course names from which you wish to re-use data, and click

the Continue button.

⑦ Check the checkbox next to the Assignment tool to be re-used.

⑧ When checking the checkbox for the Assignment tool, all assignments registered for the

relevant course are displayed (including draft assignments and assignments that are beyond the

submission date).

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⑨ Check the checkboxes in accordance with the content you wish to re-use.

a) To re-use all assignments registered for the relevant course, only check the checkbox for the

Assignment tool.

b) To selectively re-use assignments registered for the relevant course, check the checkbox next

to the assignment name to be re-used.

⑩ Click the Complete button.

⑪ Click the Assignments link.

⑫ Confirm the assignments after completion of the procedure. The re-used assignment data are

now registered as “drafts”.



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⑬ When checking the checkbox for the Test/Survey tool, all tests and surveys registered under

“Draft tests” will be displayed. (Published tests will not be displayed, regardless of whether

active or inactive.)

⑭ The re-used test/survey data is now registered under “Draft tests”.

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Notification tool

■ Overview

The Notification tool allows you to post notifications to students who participate in your course.

■ Procedure

1.Adding notifications

① Click the tab of the course for which you wish to add a notification.

② Click the Notification link.

③ Click the Add link.

② ③

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④ Enter the subject.

⑤ Enter the body text.

⑥ Select the display method from the following options: display permanently, save as draft, or

display for a specified period of time.

⑦ Press the Add button.

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⑧ The notification has been added.

Users who participate in the relevant course (students, TAs or tutors, course instructors) can

now read the notification.

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Materials Distribution tool

■ Overview

The Materials Distribution tool allows you to upload materials to be used in the course and distribute

these to students.

■ Procedure

1.Distributing materials

① Click the tab of the course for which you wish to distribute materials.

② Click the Materials link.

③ Click Add.

④ Select Upload file from the dropdown menu that is displayed.

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⑤ Press the Browse button.

Important If using a browser other than Internet Explorer, the actual text of the Browse button

may be different from the one shown in the red frame above.

⑥ A popup window is displayed from where you can select the files you wish to distribute.

Important If using a browser other than Internet Explorer, the actual popup window may

look different from the one shown above.

⑦ Press the Open button.

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Tip To upload multiple files at once, click the Add another file link and repeats steps ⑤ to ⑦.

⑧ Press the Upload files now button.

⑨ The file is now uploaded, and available for students to download.

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2.Moving materials into a folder

2-1.Creating a folder

① Click Add.

② Click Create folders from the dropdown menu that is displayed.

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③ Enter a folder name.

Tip To create multiple folders at once, click the Add different folder link, and enter the name

of the next folder.

④ Press the Create folder now button.

⑤ The new folder has been created.

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2-2.Moving materials into a newly created folder

① Click Other next to the file you wish to move into a folder.

② Click Move from the dropdown menu that is displayed.

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③ Click the icon displayed to the left of Add.

④ The file has now been moved into the folder.

Tip It is also possible to create a folder, and subsequently upload materials to that folder.

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3.Re-using materials from other courses

① Click the Display other courses link.

② Click the folder icon for the course under which the materials you wish to re-use are stored.

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③ Click on Other next to the file you wish to re-use.

④ Click Copy from the dropdown menu that is displayed.

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⑤ Click the icon of the copy destination folder.

⑥ The file has now been copied into the folder you clicked in ⑤ above.

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4.My Page Materials tool

The My Page screen also features a Materials tool similar to the one available for each course.

Materials uploaded via the My Page Materials tool can only be browsed by the uploader.

① Click the Materials link from the My Page screen.

② The Materials tool details are displayed. From here, you can upload, copy and perform other

file operations similar to those described from [1.Distributing materials] to [3.Re-using

materials from other courses].

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Assignment tool

■ Overview

The Assignment tool allows you to set assignments for students. This includes creating assignments,

setting publishing and submission dates and times, marking submitted work, and notifying students

via email.

■ Procedure

1.Adding an assignment

① Click the tab of the course for which you wish to add an assignment.

② Click the Assignment link.

③ Click the Add link.

④ Enter a title for the assignment.

② ③

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⑤ Set the publishing date and time, submission date and time, and final acceptance date and time.

Publishing date and time:

This refers to the date and time from which assignments can be browsed and submitted.

Prior to this date and time, assignments are not displayed to students.

Submission date and time:

This refers to the date and time by which assignments should be submitted. Even if

submissions are made beyond this date and time, as long as the final acceptance date and

time is not exceeded, participants may submit or re-submit their work as “late handling”.

Final acceptance date and time:

This refers to the final date and time by which submissions of assignments are permitted.

Students may not submit or re-submit work beyond this date and time.

If late submissions are not permitted, set the submission date and time and the final acceptance

date and time to the same values.

Tip Clicking the calendar icon will bring up

the calendar shown on the right, allowing you

to set the date by clicking on it.

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⑥ Set the submission format for students.

Textbox: Enter text inside web browser text field.

Attachment: Submit via attachment.

⑦ Set the scoring method.

If selecting Points, enter the maximum point score in the textbox below the scoring method.

⑧ Enter an outline of the assignment.

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⑨ Set whether or not to notify students via the Notification tool and email when adding or editing

an assignment. By checking the checkbox, a notification will be posted and an email regarding the

issuance of the notification sent once the assignment has been added or edited.

⑩ Set whether or not to send assignment reminders to participants. By checking the checkbox,

reminders will be sent to students who have registered to receive reminders.

○ When creating a new assignment

If saved with the checkbox unchecked: No reminder email is set.

If saved with the checkbox checked: A reminder email is set.

○ When editing an assignment

▽ If previously saved with the checkbox unchecked:

If saved with the checkbox unchecked: No reminder email is set.

If saved with the checkbox checked: A reminder email is set.

▽ If previously saved with the checkbox checked:

◇ Reminder email not sent previously

If saved with the checkbox unchecked: The reminder email is deleted.

If saved with the checkbox checked: The reminder email remains saved.

◇ Reminder email sent previously:

If saved with the checkbox unchecked: No reminder email is set.

If saved with the checkbox checked: A reminder email is newly set.

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⑪ Select whether or not to add scores to the Gradebook.

⑫ Press the Complete button.

⑬ The assignment has now been added.

If you have selected to add scores in ⑪, an item will be added to the Gradebook as shown below.

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2.Confirming submissions from students

① Click the Grade link for the submission you wish to confirm. Alternatively, click the number

in the “Submitted/Unmarked” column.

Important If you set the scoring method to “No scoring”, the Grade link changes into

Display submissions.

② The submission status for students is displayed.

Clip icon:

If students attached a file when submitting their assignment, a clip icon will be displayed

at the far left of the table. By clicking this icon, you can download the file attached by the


Submitted column:

This column displays the date and time on which the participants submitted their

assignment. Assignments that were submitted beyond the submission date and time are

marked in red as “Late”. If no assignments were submitted, nothing is displayed.

Download everything:

By clicking this, you can download the reports submitted by students.

Important This link is displayed once the submission date and time has passed.

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3.Marking submissions by students

Navigate to the Student Submission Status Confirmation screen as in [2.Confirming submissions

from ].

① Click the name of the student whose assignment you wish to mark.

② The content submitted by students is displayed in the textbox in the red frame under

“Assignment Submissions”. The content can be marked by editing it in the textbox.

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③ Enter a comprehensive assessment of the submitted work in the instructor summary comment


④ Press either the Assess (do not return to student) button or Assess (return to student)


Assess (do not return to student):

The marked content and summary comments are not displayed to students.

Important Even if you selected “Add assignment to Gradebook” in ⑨ of [1.Adding

an assignment] above, the score is not reflected in the Gradebook.

Assess (return to student):

The marked content and summary comments are displayed to students.

Important If you selected “Add assignment to Gradebook” in ⑨ of [1.Adding an

assignment] above, the score is also reflected in the Gradebook.

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4.Reminder Email Transmission tool

① Tool overview

This tool allows you to send automatic notifications of a rapidly approaching assignment

submission date and time to relevant students.

② Recipient users

Recipient users are those who fulfill all of the following conditions.

・Users who need to submit an assignment

・Users who have not yet submitted their assignment

・Users who have set their “receive reminder email” setting to active

③ Tool details

1. When having added or edited an assignment

Set when the reminder email transmission setting is set to active.

2. When adding or editing an assignment within 24 hours of the submission date and time

Triggered when the assignment has been added or edited.

Detects recipient users and sends a reminder email.

3. When adding or editing an assignment more than 24 hours before the submission date and time

Triggered when the current time corresponds to 24 hours before the submission date and time.

Detects recipient users and sends a reminder email.

④ Example: Timing of reminder email transmission

Submission date and time for assignment A and assignment B: 2015/10/03 09:00

Addition date and time for assignment A: 2015/10/01 15:00

Addition date and time for assignment B: 2015/10/02 15:00

Reminder email transmission date and time for assignment A: 2015/10/02 09:00

Reminder email transmission date and time for assignment B: 2015/10/02 15:00

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Test/Survey tool

■ Overview

Tests/surveys can be created using the question formats outlined below. Each test/survey can consist

of a combination of these question formats and be conducted online.

・Multiple choice


・Short answer/essay

・Fill in the gaps

・Numeric response



・File upload

■ Procedure

1.Creating a test/survey

① Click the tab of the course for which you wish to create a test.

② Click the Test/Survey link.

③ Enter the test title in the textbox, and press the Create button.

② ③

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④ Click Select question type.

⑤ Click the type of questions you wish to create from the dropdown menu that is displayed. (The

example above uses “multiple choice” questions.)

⑥ Enter the maximum points.

⑦ Set the response format. (The example above uses the “single correct response” format.)

Single correct response:

Select one response from the multiple options (only one correct response).

Multiple correct responses (single selection):

Select one response from the multiple options (multiple correct responses).

Multiple correct responses (multiple selections):

Select multiple responses from the multiple options (multiple correct responses).

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⑧ Enter the question text.

⑨ Enter the response options.

Up to 26 response options (from A-Z) can be registered.

Click the radio button (○) to the left of the correct response option.

⑩ Press the Save button at the bottom of the page.

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⑪ Press the Settings and Publication link.

⑫ The screen moves to the Detailed Settings screen for the created test.

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Frequently used setting items

・Distribution date and time

Similar to ⑤ in [1.Adding an assignment] under the Assignment tool, you make the test

available and unavailable as follows.

Start date and time:

This refers to the date and time from which the test/survey becomes available to browse

and complete. Prior to this date and time, the test/survey is not displayed to students.

Submission date and time:

This refers to the date and time on which the test/survey should be submitted. Even if

submissions are made beyond this date and time, if late submission is permitted, students

may complete the test/survey until the final access date and time as “late handling”.

* Late submissions can be set from the “Submissions” item.

Final access date and time:

This refers to the final date and time by which students are permitted to complete the

test/survey. Once this date and time have passed, students can no longer complete the


Tip Clicking the calendar icon will bring up

the calendar shown on the right, allowing you

to set the date by clicking on it.

Similar to the older-version tests/surveys, if you wish to make

tests/surveys available indefinitely, you should set the

submission date and time and final access date and time to a distant future date and time, so

students can access the test/survey without having to worry about a specific timeframe.

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Permitted number of submissions: This allows you to specify a limit on the number of


Late handling: This allows you to set whether students may make submissions in the period

starting from the submission date and time through to the final access date and time.

Tip Even if you set “Permitted number of submissions” to “Unlimited”, late submissions

will only be accepted from students who have not made earlier submissions.

⑬ Press the Reflect Settings button.

⑭ Press the Reflect Settings button.

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2.Confirming scores

The following outlines how to confirm students’ scores.

① Among the published tests, click Scores from the dropdown menu for the title you wish to

confirm. Alternatively, click the linked number in the “Submitted” column.

② The scores for each student are displayed.

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Proceed as follows to confirm students’ responses.

③ Click Questions on the Score Confirmation screen.

④ You can now confirm the responses that were entered by each student.

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The following procedure allows you to download the results as a file.

⑤ Click the Export link on the Score Confirmation screen.

⑤ By pressing the Export button, you can download the results as an Excel file.

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3.Sending an email to students who have not yet submitted a test

Proceed as follows to send a notification email to students who have not yet submitted a test.

① Under the “Published tests”, click Scores from the action dropdown menu for the title you wish

to confirm. Alternatively, click the number link in the “Submitted” column

② Click the Submission Status link on the Score Confirmation screen.

③ Click the Send email to students who have not yet made a submission button.

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④ A message confirming the email operation is displayed.

⑤ Recipients of a notification email will not be affected by any impact on searches, etc.

The following students will receive the notification email.

・Students eligible to take the test who have not yet made a submission.

* Users who are not displayed on screen due to group changes or search parameters, etc., will also be

notified. It is also possible to send a notification email from tests that have passed the submission


Important Difference between “Draft tests” and “Published test”

This tool has two fields: “Draft tests” and “Published tests”.

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When publishing a test/survey, the latter will be displayed with the same title under both the “Draft

tests” and the “Published tests”. These represent two separate items.

Accordingly, changes to or deletion of items under “Draft tests” will not be reflected under

“Published tests”.

In addition, only items under “Published tests” are displayed to students. To add questions to a

published test/survey, delete the test/survey under “Published tests”, add questions to the test/survey

under “Draft tests”, and re-publish. Please keep in mind that deleting a published test that has

already been completed by students will also delete the students’ responses.

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When creating a test/survey, you can set feedback in accordance with student responses.

4-1.Registering feedback

Proceed as follows to register feedback.

Question-level feedback

① Follow the steps through ⑤ under [1.Creating Tests/Surveys].

② For question types that have correct and incorrect responses, you can set feedback applicable to

correct and incorrect responses. Enter feedback in the textboxes under “Correct response

(optional)” and “Incorrect response (optional)”. After completing the settings, follow the

procedure outlined in [1. Creating tests/surveys] to register the questions.

③ For question types that do not have correct and incorrect responses, you can enter feedback to

be delivered when the question is answered. Enter the feedback in the “Feedback (Optional)”

textbox. After completing the settings, follow the procedure outlined in [1. Creating

tests/surveys] to register the questions.

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Selection-level feedback

④ Follow the steps through ⑤ under [1.Creating Tests/Surveys].

⑤ If the question type is “Multiple choice”, you can enter feedback for each response option.

Enter the relevant feedback into the respective “Feedback (optional)” textboxes below each

response option. After completing the settings, follow the procedure outlined in [1. Creating

tests/surveys] to register the questions.

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Model responses

⑥ Follow the steps through ⑤ under [1.Creating Tests/Surveys].

⑦ If the question type is “Short answer or essay”, you can enter a model response. Enter a model

response as feedback in the “Model answer (optional)” textbox. After completing the settings,

follow the procedure outlined in [1. Creating tests/surveys] to register the questions.

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Grader’s comments

⑧ Follow step ① in [2.Confirming Scores].

⑨ Enter the grader’s feedback comments on the submission in the “Comments for students”

textbox on the line of the submission you wish to register feedback for.

⑩ Click the Update button.

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Grader’s comments (by question)

⑪ Follow the steps through ③ in [2. Confirming scores].

⑫ Enter the grader’s feedback comments on the submitted response in the “Comments for

students” textbox on the line of the submission you wish to register feedback for.

⑬ Click the Update button.

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4-2.Changing the feedback display settings

Proceed as follows to change the feedback display settings.

① Click the Settings and Publishing link on the Test/Survey Creation screen.

② Click Feedback.

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③ Perform the feedback settings. Detailed setting items are explained in 4-3.

④ Click either the Reflect Settings or the Save Settings button.

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4-3.Feedback display settings

The following provides an outline of all items found under the feedback display settings.

[Feedback writing]

Sets the feedback that can be registered for tests/surveys.

Question-level feedback

→ This allows the registration of feedback to be displayed when students respond to

questions, or feedback to be displayed when students enter correct or incorrect responses.

Selection-level feedback

→ This allows the registration of feedback for each response option or matching option.

Both the above

→ This allows the registration of feedback using both methods outlined above.

[Transmission of feedback]

Sets the time at which students can confirm the feedback.

Immediate feedback

→ This allows students to confirm feedback while they are taking a test.

Feedback on submission

→ This allows students to confirm feedback after they have submitted a test.

No feedback displayed to students

→ This prevents students from confirming feedback.

Feedback displayed to students at a specific date and time

→ This allows students to confirm the feedback after a specified date and time has passed.

Once the specified date and time has passed, students can confirm the feedback either while

taking the test or after submitting their responses.

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[Feedback comments can be browsed by students]

Sets content that can be browsed by students through the feedback.

Student responses

→ This allows students to confirm the responses they submitted.

Question-level feedback

→ This allows students to confirm feedback when they respond to questions, or confirm

feedback when they submit correct or incorrect responses.

Selection-level feedback

→ This allows students to confirm feedback for correct and incorrect response choices set by

the instructor when creating or editing the test.

Correct response

→ This allows students to confirm the correct response to the question. It also allows students

to confirm any registered model responses.

Test score

→ This allows students to confirm the score for the test/survey they submitted.

Grader’s comments

→ This allows students to confirm “Comments for students” entered by the instructor via the

Score screen for submitted tests/surveys.

Scores obtained for individual questions

→ This allows students to confirm scores for individual test questions.

Statistics and histograms

→ This allows students to browse statistical information related to submitted tests/surveys by

clicking the Statistics link for submitted tests/surveys.

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Bulletin Board tool

■ Overview

Using the Bulletin Board tool, students can freely discuss specified topics. Information posted by

each student can also be confirmed statistically.

■ Procedure

1.Setting bulletin board topics

① Click the tab of the course for which to set a topic.

② Click the Bulletin Board link.

③ Click the New Topic link.

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④ Enter the topic title.

⑤ Enter a brief description of the topic.

⑥ Enter a detailed outline of the topic.

⑦ Set the permission levels.

⑧ Press the Save Settings button.

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⑨ The new topic has now been added.

Clicking Display outline text displays the detailed outline entered in ⑥ above.

Tip Bulletin board structure

The Bulletin Board tool uses a hierarchical structure consisting of bulletin boards, topics and threads.

The Bulletin Board tool can hold multiple bulletin boards, each bulletin board can hold multiple

topics, each topic can hold multiple threads, and each thread can hold multiple posts.

Permissions can be set for each topic. Student permission restrictions can be set for certain topics,

and lifted for others, allowing students to freely contribute to the topic. In this way, various topics

can be used.

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2.Confirming student posts

① Click the Statistics link.

② Click the name of the student whose post you wish to confirm.

③ The post of the relevant student is displayed.

④ If you wish to confirm the content of the posted message, click on the Display entire text link.

③ ④

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⑤ The content of the posted message is displayed.

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Name Register tool

■ Overview

The Name Register tool allows you to confirm the users that participate in your course (course

instructors, TAs, tutors and students) as a list.

■ Procedure

1.Confirming participants

① Click the tab of the course for which you wish to browse the name register.

② Click the Name Register link.

③ The participating users are displayed as a list.

Tip Clicking the name link of the participants will display the Profile screen of each

participant as shown below.

② ③

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Gradebook tool

■ Overview

The Gradebook tool allows you to aggregate the scores from the Assignment tool and the

Test/Survey tool, and assign a grade.

Important Scoring for assignments and tests/surveys is performed using the respective tools.

■ Procedure

1.Confirming student grades

① Click the tab of the course for which you wish to confirm the grade.

② Click the Gradebook link.

③ Click the Gradebook link.

④ Student grades are displayed.

⑤ By clicking the Export button, you can download the displayed scores as a list.

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2.Assigning grades to students

① Click the Grades link.

② In the “Update Grade” column, enter a comprehensive grade for each student.

Comprehensive grades can be entered as a number from “5” to “0”, or as “Pass” or “Fail”.

③ Press the Save Changes button.

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④ The confirmation message “The updated grades have been saved.” is displayed.

This indicates the final grades entered for the students have been stored.

⑤ By clicking the Export button, you can download the comprehensive grades as a file.

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Tool that displays student view

■ Overview

This tool allows you to confirm the screens displayed to students (student view).

■ Procedure

1.Displaying the student view

① Click the tab of the course for which you wish to see the student view.

② Click Select Permissions at the top right of the screen.

③ Click Students.

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④ The student view is now displayed.

⑤ To exit the student view, click Exit Student View at the top right of the screen. The student

view will be displayed until you exit it or log out.

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The following pages outline additional tools that can be used through the procedure in [2.Adding

and deleting tools] under the Course Information tool.

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Clicker tool

■ Overview

The Clicker tool allows you to conduct a simple anonymous survey during class to gauge

comprehension levels, etc., among students.

This tool is intended to be used during class. The procedure to use the tool is roughly outlined below.

The course instructor considers the class flow in advance and creates questions to be used

during class. (Procedure [1.Preparing questions])

At the start of class, the course instructor connects the PC to the network, and projects the PC

screen onto a projector screen via the classroom projector. Alternatively, the PC screen can

also be displayed on intermediate monitors.

The course instructor logs in to the e-Learning system, and displays the clicker question list.

Once ready to use the clicker, the course instructor instructs the students to display the clicker

screen on their PC or smartphone.

The course instructor projects the PC screen onto the projector screen or the intermediate

monitors, and starts the survey.

While looking at the displayed questions, students click the appropriate response number from

0 to 9.

The time period during which students may answer the questions is finished once the set time

has elapsed or when the course instructor forcefully ends the survey.

The course instructor promptly displays the aggregated responses in graph format onto the

screen or the intermediate monitors. (Procedure outlined in [3.Confirming results])

To use this tool, you need to follow the procedure outlined in [2.Adding and deleting tools] under

the Course Information tool, and add the Clicker tool.

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■ Procedure

1.Preparing questions

① Click the tab of the course for which you wish to create questions.

② Click the Clicker link.

③ Click the Add link.

④ Enter the title.

⑤ Enter the time limit.

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⑥ Enter the question text.

⑦ Enter the response choices.

⑧ Press the Save button.

⑨ The question set has now been added.

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2.Using the survey during the class

① Click the title of the question set you wish to conduct as a survey.

② Project the PC screen onto the projector screen or intermediate monitors.

Important The questions are not displayed on the students’ screen.

③ Click the Start button.

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④ The survey starts. The students can now respond to the questions.

⑤ To end the survey before the time limit has elapsed, press the End button.

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3.Confirming results

① Once the survey has ended, press the Display Results button at the bottom of the screen.

② The results are displayed.

To confirm the results of surveys conducted in the past, click the View Results link.

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Schedule tool

■ Overview

The Schedule tool allows you to register class schedules, etc.

To use this tool, you need to follow the procedure outlined in [2.Adding and deleting tools] under

the Course Information tool, and add the Schedule tool.

■ Procedure

1.Adding a schedule

① Click the tab of the course for which you wish to add a schedule.

② Click the Schedule link.

③ Click the Add link.

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④ Enter the title, date, start time and end time.

By setting the start date and duration, the end time will be automatically added.

Tip Clicking the calendar icon will bring up

the calendar shown on the right, allowing you

to set the date by clicking on it.

⑤ Enter a message.

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⑥ Press the Save Event button at the bottom of the screen.

⑦ The schedule is now registered on the specified date and time.

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Wiki tool

■ Overview

The Wiki tool supports cooperative learning through creating and editing webpages during class.

To use this tool, you need to follow the procedure outlined in [2.Adding and deleting tools] under

the Course Information tool, and add the Wiki tool.

Tip To learn more about Wiki, please refer to “http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki”, etc.

■ Procedure

1.Creating a Wiki page

① Click the tab of the course for which you wish to use the Wiki tool.

② Click the Wiki link.

③ Click the Edit link.

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④ Edit the textbox shown in the red frame above.

The right side of the screen displays some formatting tips. Clicking the Detailed tips for Wiki

formatting link at the bottom right will bring up detailed tips.

⑤ After completing your edit, press the Save button.

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⑥ The Wiki page has now changed to the edited content.

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2.Allowing students to perform edits

By default, students cannot edit Wiki pages. The following procedure allows you to give editing

permission to students.

① Click the Information link.

② Click Can perform edits.

③ Check the “Editing” checkbox next to “Students”.

④ Press the Save button.

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Web Contents tool

■ Overview

The Web Contents tool displays a specified website by simply clicking the link in the Tool Selection


To use this tool, you need to follow the procedure outlined in [2.Adding and deleting tools] under

the Course Information tool, and add the Web Contents tool.

■ Procedure

1.Adding web contents

① Click the tab of the course for which you wish to add web contents.

② Click the Course Information link.

③ Click the Edit Tools link.

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④ Check the “Web Contents” checkbox.

⑤ Press the Continue button.

⑥ Enter the title and URL.

Important In the “Source” field, enter a URL that starts with “https”. Note that if you use a

URL that starts with “http”, the website may not be displayed.

⑦ Press the Continue button.

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⑧ Confirm that the web contents have been added to the list.

⑨ Press the Complete button.

⑩ The web contents have been added to Tool Selection Area.

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SCORM Player tool

■ Overview

The SCORM Player tool aims to promote learning among students by making SCORM materials

available to them. In addition, it allows you to confirm the study progress of students. Only materials

in SCORM 2004 format can be used. SCORM 1.2, etc., cannot be used.

To use this tool, you need to follow the procedure outlined in [2.Adding and deleting tools] under

the Course Information tool, and add the SCORM Player tool.

Tip To learn more about SCORM, please refer to “http://www.adlnet.gov/scorm/scorm-2004-4th/”,


■ Procedure

1.Publishing SCORM materials

① Click the tab of the course for which you wish to publish SCORM materials.

② Click the SCORM Player link.

③ Click the Upload link.

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④ Click the Browse button.

Important If using a browser other than Internet Explorer, the actual text for the Browse button

may be different from the one shown in the red frame above.

⑤ A popup window is displayed from where you can select the SCORM materials you wish to


Important If using a browser other than Internet Explorer, the actual popup window may

look different from the one shown above.

⑥ Click the Open button.

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⑦ Press the Upload button.

⑧ The selected SCORM materials are now uploaded and published to students.

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2.Confirming learning progress

① Click the Study Record link under the SCORM materials for which you wish to confirm

learning progress.

② Click the name of the student whose learning progress you wish to confirm.

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③ The learning progress is displayed.

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Search tool

■ Overview

The Search tool allows you to search through the files uploaded to the Materials tool.

To use this tool, you need to follow the procedure outlined in [2.Adding and deleting tools] under

the Course Information tool, and add the Search tool.

■ Procedure

1.Searching through materials

① Click the tab of the course for which you wish to use the Search tool.

② Click the Search link.

③ Enter the keyword, select the search parameters and click the Search button.

④ The search results are displayed.

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Message tool

■ Overview

The Message tool allows you send messages to all participants or specific students, etc., after

selecting recipients.

To use this tool, you need to follow the procedure outlined in [2.Adding and deleting tools] under

the Course Information tool, and add the Message tool.

■ Procedure

1.Sending messages to students

① Select the tab of the course for which you wish to send a message.

② Click the Message link.

③ Click the Create message link.

④ Select the recipient.

Tip If you wish to select multiple recipients, click the recipients while holding down the

Control key (Command key on a Mac computer).

⑤ Enter the subject.

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⑥ Enter the body text.

⑦ Click the Send button.

⑧ The message is sent to users selected as recipients, and stored in the Sent folder.

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2.Confirming messages received from students

① Click the Inbox folder.

② Click the subject of the message you wish to confirm.

③ The content of the message is displayed.

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3.Performing settings

① Click the Settings link.

② Set the permission to send “Copy to recipient email address”.

If selecting “Yes”, when the course instructor or students create a message, the checkbox “Send

copy to recipient email address” will be displayed, allowing you to choose whether to send the

message as an email. If selecting “No”, the checkbox is not displayed, removing the possibility

of sending the message as an email.

③ Set the “Automatic message forwarding”. If selecting “Yes”, when receiving a message, you

can forward the latter as an email.

④ Press the Save Settings button.