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Together For Future Dreams[1][1]

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Together for Future Dreams

Catherine Hislop

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Together For

Future Dreams

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Together for Future Dreams

Catherine Hislop

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We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the organisations who have taken

part and with their participation we can make this project work and come into fruition.



After studying the social demographics of the local community of South West Herts and

showing the needs of the community, with respect to social, health and welfare.

This was done by looking at the wellbeing needs of those in the community by all of the

organisations involved.

West Herts College

Community Voluntary Services

Organisations involved on the Domestic Violence Forum

Organisations on the vulnerable adult forum

Disability forum

Minds Herts Network


Guidepost trust

New Hope Trust

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Together for Future Dreams

Catherine Hislop

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Mind Herts Network

Sure Start

Watford Housing Trust

Joint Commissioning Team

There has been many other organisations approached, but they want to wait and see how

the project prospers before they commit themselves;

Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Foundation Trust Governors Ass

Herts Equality Council

Citizens advice

We looked at the;

The increase of domestic violence

Honour and ritual abuse

Increase of violence against woman and girls

Increase of violence in young peoples relationships

Childhood abuse and the link to domestic violence, drink and drug related crimes

Transference of emotions to others from trauma victims

Psychological wellbeing effects on the physical and visa versa.

Community engagement and cohesion.

Mental health and crime

Psychological therapies

Downturn of the economic climate.

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Catherine Hislop

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Then the introduction of the;

Time 4 Change

Participating in change

Time to change campaigns.

Also the DVD produced by Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, “Talk

About It”, to encourage people from diverse ethnic and cultural background to look

after their emotional wellbeing.

This highlighted that this is the best time to start a project that will build up community

engagement and cohesion.

We intend to do this by building up a management committee from all of the organisations

who will be taking part in the consortium to provide the project sustainable management

structure and a stable infrastructure for future funding bids.

Also each of the organisations will have at least one Local Community Champion put

forward to be trained in the projects governance and engagement. Each champion will have

to give at least 8 hours a week voluntary to assist to build the project up and expand it

within their community.

They will receive training to expand their skills and knowledge and hopefully in the future be

able to gain employment within the project to train others.

There will also be Champions who are expert by experience;

Staff of social and health providers

Carers of people who need the provision of services

Service Users who have sought the services

Who all have the knowledge of the needs for change and the changes required to make

things work better within the services.

Community Champions will set up wellbeing seminars within their communities and have

presentations to show how important it is to look after the emotional wellbeing.

From doing the seminars people will be picked up that will gain from taking part in the

therapies that will be on offer.

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Catherine Hislop

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Each Community Champion is expected to put forward at least 4 people a month, that will

prosper form taking part in the project.

They will also encourage people to take part in setting up Social Enterprises to sustain the

social needs within their communities.

There are already two pilot projects at implementation stage in Watford area;

Revolving Door project, set up to improve the responses to mental health and

learning difficulty needs in the criminal justice system.

Black, Minority and Ethnic Implementation Group, who are already implementing

project for Asian Women and then into other groups

With the results of running projects we have gained further knowledge of the needs of


Herts Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (But they can be involved in the community and

communication side of the project, so that links are built to be able to HPFT) cannot be involved in

the therapeutic side as what we are proposing is pre-primary care. form further partnerships in the

community to breakdown the stigma behind mental health.


Community Voluntary Services will be the lead organisation involved in the project

coordination, as they will employ a coordinator and a part time administration worker. Who

will both attend management forum meetings every six weeks to report about the

outcomes and needs to sustain the project.

We decided to have three different age groups to provide therapies to 14-18, 18-25 and


Liaise with all third sector organizations already providing mental health and social care

services, who wish to be included within the consortium, will sign a contract about their

involvement in the project.

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Catherine Hislop

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Those providing Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. With;

Talking Therapy

Art therapy

Music Therapy

Gardening therapy

Writing therapy

Drama /theatre therapy.

Wilderness Training/ Camping.

Listening and calming therapies

Health and social advice would be provided from many sources;

Citizens Advice

Community Voluntary Services

All Local Strategic Partnerships

Herts Partnership NHS Foundation trust

Social Services


Domestic Violence Forums

All organizations involved with safety within the community

By doing this we will also be tackling;

Problems with education

Anti-social behaviour

The lack of community spirit

Drugs and alcohol problems within the community.

Homelessness problems with people

Mental health problems that people have and the label's that are put upon them

Generally how people feel about not being listened to.

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Catherine Hislop

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To build up community spirit.

Breakdown barriers of stigma behind mental health.

To try and eradicate discrimination of race, sex and ethnicity.

To stop violence within relationships and pick up vulnerable adults and children.

All people who have mental health problem or learning difficulties have the

knowledge of there rights to make the choices that are required for their recovery.

To give young people a voice in the community. By listening to their needs

To assists people to reach their fullest potential and fulfil their dreams.

To mentor people who have problems or potential problems.


To unite all of the different ethnic backgrounds, cultures and religions to work

together to make South West Herts to be a better place to live.

To make sure that there is a Money Literacy program running in every

learning facility, and then further into the community

To give people a voice within the community

To build up steering groups and forums within the community.

To build up stronger community ties with the local people and the police.

Try to tackle the problems of drugs and alcohol, as this is the main problem

for anti-social behaviour

To facilitate for arts an crafts etc, to be set up, so that people can develop

their crafts and promote recovery of their emotional wellbeing

All of the young people concerned in the project, whilst being part are not

aloud to be on drugs or alcohol. If they get in trouble with the police, it has got

to be for a good reason. They have got to have good attendance at

school/college, and learning to the standard they are capable of, otherwise

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Catherine Hislop

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they cannot take part. All of the young people concerned have agreed to this

and are willing to sign a contract. So if any others join they will have to stick to

the same rules.

The project is for the local people to show that they want to make a difference

to the community that they live in.

Young people have also suggested that we do more for the elderly in the

community like a handyman scheme

To build up communication between third sector and public sector.

Build up stronger links with private, public and third sector.

Signpost people to relevant agencies they require to fulfil their needs.

Start care plan for everyone who takes part in the project and review at 6 monthly

intervals, to make sure that it still fulfils the needs of the user of the services.

To change peoples believes in their capabilities due to psychological trauma or

emotional distress.

Hold Wellbeing Seminars and Workshops within the community


We offer advice and guidance to people to help them make their dreams come to


Work together confidential to build up further trust with people.

Show the people that they have a voice to be independent

Be impartial, so that we can draw on the diverse community to work together.


Community involvement

Equal opportunities:

Our service will provide confidential and impartial advice to everybody

regardless of race, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion, age or


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Catherine Hislop

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It recognises the positive value of diversity promotes equality and challenges



We have applied for funding from the People’s Millions to start the project up with funding

from the Joint Commissioning Team (JCT), to sustain the start up costs for the first year of

the project.

We intend to sustain the project by setting up a consortium of organisations that can apply

for other sources of funding, as well as turning over revenue from the existence of the

therapies and craft markets that will be set up within the community to sell the arts, crafts

that are being made.

People will have an option of paying for a table in the craft market or giving 10% of their

profit back to the project to sustain it.

It is hoped after the JCT see the outcomes provided by the therapies, that they will provide

funding for training and staffing for therapies for a further three years.

Employ a lead person who would liaise between all groups involved, to coordinate, train and

develop the community champions. They will also record all outcomes of the project for

further funding and passable research materials. A part time administration will also be

employed to assist the coordinator in the governance of the project.

Phase 1

The beginning stages of the project will start with training the community champions with

tools already that can be provided by Inspire East on how to engage the community by

utilising the toolkits that can be downloaded from Inspire East’s website.

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Catherine Hislop

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Some of the people who want to volunteer as community champions are psychological

therapists, so art and craft and other therapies will be able to start as soon as we get

funding to commence the project.

Hold Wellbeing Seminars in different locations in community each time. The first of these

will be in Mosque arranged by Sakina Shah from BME Group and Watford CAB by early

summer, ( date to be confirmed).

Recovery training should be provided to all community champions from third sector

organizations that provide mental health services for HPFT

Training for Cognitive Behaviour therapy is sought through Herts University, but to give

training in art and other therapies a knowledge of each is essential, to be able to provide

West Herts College are going to provide the premises to be able to implement the therapies.

They are also assisting the project with the marketing, as we are going to take part in all of

the functions that they provide to the staff and students.

John Dowdle, Chair of Newton Price has highlighted that Mind already use facilities for Art

Therapies. There is space on time table for the facilities to be used for other therapies.

Dan from the Sanctuary recording studios has expressed interest of being involved in music

therapies as he is already involved in similar projects.

Abbey National manager James Drake has said, he would supply staff to give free financial

advice and give talks to community groups about banking and financial awareness. He has

also expressed an interest in building business skills in community. This could be done in

several ways;

Having competitions for best business idea.

Encouraging people to take business ideas forward.

People who show potential through therapies of having good ideas and potential

training about business through business link.

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Together for Future Dreams

Catherine Hislop

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Hold Community days to sell the products that are made by people involved in the

therapies. Discussions being held about craft markets in the near future for this purpose.

Encourage people with potential to take therapy further by going into education to expand

their knowledge and skills base.

It is also hoped that some people will show a flare to start up their own business or social

enterprises to sustain the projects and therapies being set up within their community

Phase 2

Will be year three to five, where people who have been trained to provide therapies will

have finished training and hopefully through other sources of funding from Community

Commissioners would not have to provide funding for training or staffing. So this funding

would be put into building a purpose built building for assessment for 6-8 people and be

able to provide the therapies from this location.

Phase 3

This would be until the end of the tenth year, where hopefully community shops have been

opened up to provide the community with produces and crafts from the therapies that have

been provided

Timeline for first year

Draft proposal sent out to all stakeholders concerned by June 2010.

Hold meeting for all stakeholders who will be part of consortium July 2010.

Hold wellbeing seminar start in autumn 2010..

Employ coordinator and part time admin by end Aug 2010

Put in place first therapy courses and advice sessions Sept-Dec 2010

Start training for CBT Jan 2011

Hold fund raising events at different locations in community summer 2010-2011

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Catherine Hislop

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Projected Outcome.

The overall outcome is to show the local authority and the policy makers that

the people have had enough of what is happening within our local community.

And they want to try and change things with the talents that and gift that they

have been given, like music, art and sport. By using their talents to bring in

the funding for the project. We feel that the authorities will then listen and not

treat them all the same, as it is only a handful of the people whom cause the


People will have a safe environment to discuss how they feel about the

problems within the community and not feel judged if their ideas are different.

After all the old ways of dealing with problems are not working and our young

people are slowly killing themselves being ill advised about the problems they

have and the long term problems that they will encounter.

This project is to give people a chance to show us that they want things to

change for their future dreams to be able to come into fruition, instead of them

seeing their friends and family dying with excessive drug and alcohol

problems. Brought on by many other problems that might not have been

they're in the first place if the people were better informed in the first place.

So let us give people a chance to show us that they can unite as one as a

community and sort the problems out. As they say the old ways are outdated

and things have to change to make our community a safer environment for

them to become the future policy makers of tomorrow.


It will cost approximately £107,500k to set up and run the project for the first year, see

attached costs in appendix.

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Catherine Hislop

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The costs for staffing include one part time administration assistant and a fulltime

coordinator will be £39,000.

The costs are an estimate of running the project, we expect to be applying for further

funding to expand the project, before the end of the first year.


That all organisations and groups who are involved in the consortium, has a

community champion.

Get in touch with local businesses to build up links for fund raising.

Get training put in place for third sector mental health providers to have staff trained

for purpose of providing therapies.

Put in place Wellbeing Seminars as soon as possible to highlight Early Intervention

Psychological Therapies.

Set up Early Intervention Psychological Therapies in art and crafts etc., within 3

months of setting up project.

Community Champions will set up meetings and seminars to promote psychological

therapies being provided and further therapies that are felt is required for the


Doing this it will safe the community long term financially as people within the community

will be treated sooner for depression, anxiety and stress earlier and hopefully not develop

acute mental health problems. Also doing these therapies, consultants would be able to pick

up people with underlying deep psychological trauma and emotional problems. As catching

problems early is important, as people with enduring problems self prescribe on

recreational drugs and/or alcohol and transfer emotions onto their children.

That could cause genetic problems in further generations from this bloodline which can

cause learning difficulties and behaviour problems.

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Catherine Hislop

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People could show aptitude for therapies that they have chosen to partake in and want to

develop it further by going back into education or starting up a business in that field.

So would therefore be building up the local community economically.


If we start Early Intervention Psychological Therapies people will learn to put in place coping

mechanisms for their problems. It is also a chance to highlight that Domestic Violence is a

big problem that 1-4 Women suffer and 1-6 men, also a big problem in teenage

relationships, 1-4.

A chance to show that differences are small that we are all the same as we are all;

mothers and fathers

brothers and sisters

sons and daughters


uncle or aunt

grand parents

so want to make a stop to violence and bullying within our community. To give people a

chance to fulfil there potential and be an active member of the community.

Let us unify together to show people that we believe in their ideas for the future. Unite and

show them the trust that they deserve, so that they can gain the confidence to ask for what

they need. Instead of them being pushed down and crushed, after all every child is meant to

matter. So we need to show them that they do matter by giving them a chance to show us

what they can do.

Many traumatised people are still like children emotionally and have to build in copping

mechanisms to express their wants and needs to build on the skills and knowledge that they

have to expand their skills base making them more employable.

Thus the micro economic climate will start to affect the macro economic climate.

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Catherine Hislop

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Appendix Costing for first year of project

Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Total


JCT £47,000


Fundraising from events

£500 £500 £750 £750 £1,000 £1,000 £1,000 £1,500 £1,500 £2,000 £10,500

People's Millions





Expenditure Staffing £3,250 £3,250 £3,250 £3,250 £3,250 £3,250 £3,250 £3,250 £3,250 £3,250 £3,250 £3,250 39,000

Managment and Admin £970 £970 £970 £970 £970 £970 £970 £970 £970 £970 £970 £970 11,640 Volunteer Training/ Development £1,500 £1,000 £1,500 £1,500 £1,000 £1,500 £1,500 £1,000 £1,000 £1,500 £1,500 £1,000 15,500

Expences £500 £500 £500 £500 £500 £500 £500 £500 £500 £500 £500 £500 6,000

Venue Hire and seminar costs £1,000 £1,000 £1,500 £1,000 £1,500 £1,500 £1,000 £1,500 £1,500 £1,750 £2,000 £2,000 17,250

Set up webpage £10,000


Contracts £300


Advertising £500 £500 £600 £650 £600 £700 £700 £700 £700 £700 £700 £750 7,800

Total Of Expendature £18,020 £7,220 £8,320 £7,870 £7,820 £8,420 £7,920 £7,920 £7,920 £8,670 £8,920 £8,470 107,490


£28,980 £21,760 £13,940 £6,570 £49,500 £41,830 £34,910 £27,990 £21,070 £13,900 £6,480 CF £28,980 £21,760 £13,940 £6,570 £49,500 £41,830 £34,910 £27,990 £21,070 £13,900 £6,480 £10

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Together for Future Dreams

Catherine Hislop

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