STEP 3 1. Anatomi sinus paranasal? A sinus is a hollow, air-filled cavity. For the purposes of this article, a sinus will referred to those hollow cavities that are in the skull and connected to the nasal airway by a narrow hole in the bone (ostium). Normally all are open to the nasal airway through an ostium. Humans have four pair of these cavities each referred to as the: 1. frontal sinus (in forehead), 2. maxillary sinus (behind cheeks), 3. ethmoid sinuses (between the eyes), and 4. sphenoid sinus (deep behind the ethmoids). The four pair of sinuses are often described as a unit and termed the "paranasal sinuses." The cells of the inner lining of each sinus are mucus-secreting cells, epithelial cells and some cells that are part of the immune system (macrophages, lymphocytes, and eosinophils). Fungsi sinus: Functions of the sinuses include humidifying and warming inspired air, insulation of surrounding structures (eyes, nerves), increasing voice resonance, and as buffers against facial trauma. The sinuses decrease the weight of the skull. If the inflammation hinders the clearance of mucous or blocks the natural ostuim, the inflammation may progress into a bacterial infection http://www.medicinenet.com/sinusitis/page2.htm Anatomi Sinus Paranasal Ada empat pasang sinus paranasal yaitu sinus maksila, sinus frontal, sinus etmoid dan sinus sfenoid kanan dan kiri. Sinus paranasal merupakan hasil pneumatisasi tulang-tulang kepala, sehingga terbentuk rongga di dalam tulang. Semua sinus mempunyai muara ke rongga hidung.

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STEP 31. Anatomi sinus paranasal?A sinus is a hollow, air-filled cavity. For the purposes of this article, a sinus will referred to those hollow cavities that are in the skull and connected to the nasal airway by a narrow hole in the bone (ostium). Normally all are open to the nasal airway through an ostium. Humans have four pair of these cavities each referred to as the:1. frontal sinus (in forehead),2. maxillary sinus (behind cheeks),3. ethmoid sinuses (between the eyes), and4. sphenoid sinus (deep behind the ethmoids).The four pair of sinuses are often described as a unit and termed the "paranasal sinuses." The cells of the inner lining of each sinus are mucus-secreting cells, epithelial cells and some cells that are part of the immune system (macrophages, lymphocytes, and eosinophils).

Fungsi sinus:Functions of the sinuses include humidifying and warming inspired air, insulation of surrounding structures (eyes, nerves), increasing voice resonance, and as buffers against facial trauma. The sinuses decrease the weight of the skull. If the inflammation hinders the clearance of mucous or blocks the natural ostuim, the inflammation may progress into a bacterial infectionhttp://www.medicinenet.com/sinusitis/page2.htmAnatomi Sinus ParanasalAda empat pasang sinus paranasal yaitu sinus maksila, sinus frontal, sinus etmoid dan sinus sfenoid kanan dan kiri. Sinus paranasal merupakan hasil pneumatisasi tulang-tulang kepala, sehingga terbentuk rongga di dalam tulang. Semua sinus mempunyai muara ke rongga hidung.Secara embriologik, sinus paranasal berasal dari invaginasi mukosa rongga hidung dan perkembangannya dimulai pada fetus usia 3-4 bulan, kecuali sinus sfenoid dan sinus frontal. Sinus maksila dan sinus etmoid telah ada saat anak lahir, sedangkan sinus frontal berkembang dari dari sinus etmoid anterior pada anak yang berusia kurang lebih 8 tahun. Pneumatisasi sinus sfenoid dimulai pada usia 8-10 tahun dan berasal dari bagian postero-superior rongga hidung. Sinus-sinus ini umumnya mencapai besar maksila 15-18 tahun.

Sinus MaksilaSinus maksila merupakan sinus paranasal yang terbesar. Saat lahir sinus maksila bervolume 6-8 ml, sinus kemudian berkembang dengan cepat dan akhirnya mencapai ukuran maksimal, yaitu 15 ml saat dewasa.Sinus maksila berbentuk segitiga. Dinding anterior sinus ialah permukaan fasial os maksila yang disebut fosa kanina, dinding posteriornya adalah permukaan infra-temporal maksila, dinding medialnya ialah dinding lateral rongga hidung dinding superiornya adalah dasar orbita dan dinding inferior ialah prosesus alveolaris dan palatum. Ostium sinus maksila berada di sebelah superior dinding medial sinus dan bermuara ke hiatus semilunaris melalui infindibulum etmoid.

Dari segi klinik yang perlu diperhatikan dari anatomi sinus maksila adalah1.Dasar dari anatomi sinus maksila sangat berdekatan dengan akar gigi rahang atas, yaitu premolar (P1 dan P2), molar (M1 dan M2), kadang-kadang juga gigi taring (C) dan gigi molar M3, bahkan akar-akar gigi tersebut dapat menonjol ke dalam sinus, sehingga infeksi gigi geligi mudah naik ke atas menyebabkan sinusitis.2.Sinusitis maksila dapat menyebabkan komplikasi orbita.3.Ostium sinus maksila terletak lebih tinggi dari dasar sinus, sehingga drainase kurang baik, lagipula drainase juga harus melalui infundibulum yang sempit. Infundibulum adalah bagian dari sinus etmoid anterior dan pembengkakan akibat radang atau alergi pada daerah ini dapat menghalangi drenase sinus maksila dan selanjutnya menyebabkan sinusitus.

Sinus FrontalSinus frontal yang terletak di os frontal mulai terbentuk sejak bulan ke empat fetus, berasal dari sel-sel resesus frontal atau dari sel-sel infundibulum etmoid. Sesudah lahir, sinus frontal mulai berkembang pada usia 8-10 thn dan akan mencapai ukuran maksimal sebelum usia 20 thn.Sinus frontal kanan dan kiri biasanya tidak simetris, satu lebih besar dari pada lainnya dan dipisahkan oleh sekret yang terletak di garis tengah. Kurang lebih 15% orang dewasa hanya mempunyai satu sinus frontal dan kurang lebih 5% sinus frontalnya tidak berkembang.Ukurannya sinus frontal adalah 2.8 cm tingginya, lebarnya 2.4 cm dan dalamnya 2 cm. Sinus frontal biasanya bersekat-sekat dan tepi sinus berleku-lekuk. Tidak adanya gambaran septumn-septum atau lekuk-lekuk dinding sinus pada foto Rontgen menunjukkan adanya infeksi sinus. Sinus frontal dipisakan oleh tulang yang relatif tipis dari orbita dan fosa serebri anterior, sehingga infeksi dari sinus frontal mudah menjalar ke daerah ini.Sinus frontal berdraenase melalui ostiumnya yang terletak di resesus frontal. Resesus frontal adalah bagian dari sinus etmoid anteroir.

Sinus EtmoidDari semua sinus paranasal, sinus etmoid yang paling bervariasi dan akhir-akhir ini dianggap paling penting, karena dapat merupakan fokus infeksi bagi sinus-sinus lainnya. Pada orang dewasa bentuk sinus etomid seperti piramid dengan dasarnya di bagian posterior. Ukurannya dari anterior ke posterior 4-5 cm, tinggi 2.4 cmn dan lebarnya 0.5 cm di bagian anterior dan 1.5 cm di bagian posterior.Sinus etmoid berongga-rongga, terdiri dari sel-sel yang menyerupai sarang tawon, yang terdapat di dalam massa bagian lateral os etmoid, yang terletak di antara konka media dan dinding medial orbita. Sel-sel ini jumlahnya bervariasi antara 4-17 sel (rata-rata 9 sel). Berdasarkan letaknya, sinus etmoid dibagi menjadi sinus etmoid anterior yang bermuara di meatus medius dan sinus etmoid posterior yang bermuara di meatus superior. Sel-sel sinus etmoid anterior biasanya kecil-kecil dan banyak, letaknya di bawah perlekatan konka media, sedangkan sel-sel sinus etmoid posterior biasanya lebih besar dan lebih sedikit jumlahnya dan terletak di postero-superior dari perlekatan konka media.Di bagian terdepan sinus etmoid enterior ada bagian yang sempit, disebut resesus frontal, yang berhubungan dengan sinus frontal. Sel etmoid yang terbesar disebut bula etmoid. Di daerah etmoid anterior terdapat suatu penyempitan yang disebut infundibulum, tempat bermuaranya ostium sinus maksila. Pembengkakan atau peradangan di resesus frontal dapat menyebabkan sinusitis frontal dan pembengkakan di infundibulum dapat menyebabkan sisnusitis maksila.Atap sinus etmoid yang disebut fovea etmoidalis berbatasan dengan lamina kribosa. Dinding lateral sinus adalah lamina papirasea yang sangat tipis dan membatasi sinus etmoid dari rongga orbita. Di bagian belakang sinus etmoid posterior berbatsan dengan sinus sfenoid.

Sinus SfenoidSinus sfenoid terletak dalam os sfenoid di belakang sinus etmoid posterior. Sinus sfenoid dibagi dua oleh sekat yang disebut septum intersfenoid. Ukurannya adalag 2 cmn tingginya, dalamnya 2.3 cm dan lebarnya 1.7 cm. Volumenya bervariasi dari 5-7.5 ml. Saat sinus berkembang, pembuluh darah dan nerbus di bagian lateral os sfenoid akan menjadi sangat berdekatan dengan rongga sinus dan tampak sebagai indentasi pada dinding sinus etmoid.Batas-batasnya ialah, sebelah superior terdapat fosa serebri media dan kelenjar hipofisa, sebelah inferiornya atap nasofaring, sebelah lateral berbatasan dengan sinus kavernosus dan a.karotis interna (sering tampak sebagai indentasi) dan di sebelah posteriornya berbatasan dengan fosa serebri posterior di daerah pons.

Kompleks Ostio-MeatalDi meatus medius, ada muara-muara saluran dari sinus maksila, sinus frontal dan sinus etmoid anterior. Daerah ini rumit dan sempit dan dinamakan kompleks ostio-meatal (KOM), terdiri dari infundibulum etmoid yang terdapat di belakang prosesus unsinatus, resesus frontalis, bula etmoid dan sel-sel etmoid anterior dengan ostiumnya dan ostium sinus maksila.

Fungsi Sinus ParanasalSampai saat ini belum ada kesesuaian pendapat mengenai fisiologi sinus paranasal. Beberapa pendapat:a. Sebagai pengatur kondisi udara (air conditioning)Sinus berfungsi sebagai ruang tambahan untuk memanaskan dan mengatur kelembaban udara inspirasi. Keberatan terhadap teori ini ialah karena ternyata tidak didapati pertukaran udara yang definitive antara sinus dan rongga hidung. Lagipula mukosa sinus tidak mempunyai vaskularisasi dan kelenjar yang sebanyak mukosa hidung.

b. Sebagai penahan suhu (termal insulators)Sinus paranasal berfungsi sebagai penahan (buffer) panas, melindungi orbita dan fossa serebri dari suhu rongga hidung yang berubah-ubah.c. Membantu keseimbangan kepalabila udara dalam sinus diganti dengan tulang, hanya akan memberikan pertambahan berat sebesar 1% dari berat kepala, sehingga teori dianggap tidak bermakna.d. Membantu resonansi suaraAkan tetapi ada yang berpendapat, posisi sinus dan ostiumnya tidak memungkinkan sinus berfungsi sebagai resonator yang efektif. Lagipula tidak ada korelasi antara resonansi suara dan besarnya sinus pada hewan-hewan tingkat rendah.e. Sebagai peredam perubahan tekanan udaramisalnya pada waktu bersin atau membuang ingus.f. Membantu produksi mucusjumlahnya kecil dibandingkan dengan mucus dari rongga hidung, namun efektif untuk membersihkan partikel yang turut masuk dengan udara inspirasi karena mucus ini keluar dari meatus medius, tempat yang paling strategis.THT FK UI

2. Mengapa pasien menguluh pilek tidak sembuh sejak 4 bulan yg lalu?Retained mucus, when infected, leads to sinusitis. Another mechanism hypothesizes that because the sinuses are continuous with the nasal cavity, colonized bacteria in the nasopharynx may contaminate the otherwise sterile sinuses. These bacteria are usually removed by mucociliary clearance; thus, if mucociliary clearance is altered, bacteria may be inoculated and infection may occur, leading to sinusitisThe pathophysiology of rhinosinusitis is related to 3 factors: Obstruction of sinus drainage pathways (sinus ostia) Ciliary impairment Altered mucus quantity and quality Obstruction of sinus drainage Obstruction of the natural sinus ostia prevents normal mucus drainage. The ostia can be blocked by mucosal swelling or local causes (eg,trauma, rhinitis), as well as by certain inflammation-associated systemic disorders and immune disorders. Systemic diseases that result in decreased mucociliary clearance, including cystic fibrosis, respiratory allergies, and primary ciliary dyskinesia (Kartagener syndrome), can be predisposing factors for acute sinusitis in rare cases. Patients with immunodeficiencies (eg, agammaglobulinemia, combined variable immunodeficiency, and immunodeficiency with reduced immunoglobulin G [IgG] and immunoglobulin A [IgA]bearing cells) are also at increased risk of developing acute sinusitis. Mechanical obstruction because ofnasal polyps, foreign bodies, deviated septa, or tumors can also lead to ostial blockage. In particular, anatomical variations that narrow the ostiomeatal complex, including septal deviation, paradoxical middle turbinates, and Haller cells, make this area more sensitive to obstruction from mucosal inflammation. Usually, the margins of the edematous mucosa have a scalloped appearance, but in severe cases, mucus may completely fill a sinus, making it difficult to distinguish an allergic process from infectious sinusitis. Characteristically, all of the paranasal sinuses are affected and the adjacent nasal turbinates are swollen. Air-fluid levels and bone erosion are not features of uncomplicated allergic sinusitis; however, swollen mucosa in a poorly draining sinus is more susceptible to secondary bacterial infection. Hypoxia within the obstructed sinus is thought to cause ciliary dysfunction and alterations in mucus production, further impairing the normal mechanism for mucus clearance. Impaired ciliary function Contrary to earlier models of sinus physiology, the drainage patterns of the paranasal sinuses depend not on gravity but on the mucociliary transport mechanism. The metachronous coordination of the ciliated columnar epithelial cells propels the sinus contents toward the natural sinus ostia. Any disruption of the ciliary function results in fluid accumulation within the sinus. Poor ciliary function can result from the loss of ciliated epithelial cells; high airflow; viral, bacterial, or environmental ciliotoxins; inflammatory mediators; contact between 2 mucosal surfaces; scars; andKartagener syndrome.[16] Ciliary action can be affected by genetic factors, such as Kartagener syndrome. Kartagener syndrome is associated with immobile cilia and hence the retention of secretions and predisposition to sinus infection. Ciliary function is also reduced in the presence of low pH, anoxia, cigarette smoke, chemical toxins, dehydration, and drugs (eg, anticholinergic medications and antihistamines). Exposure to bacterial toxins can also reduce ciliary function. Approximately 10% of cases of acute sinusitis result from direct inoculation of the sinus with a large amount of bacteria. Dental abscesses or procedures that result in communication between the oral cavity and sinus can produce sinusitis by this mechanism. Additionally, ciliary action can be affected after certain viral infections. Several other factors can lead to impaired ciliary function. Cold air is said to stun the ciliary epithelium, leading to impaired ciliary movement and retention of secretions in the sinus cavities. On the contrary, inhaling dry air desiccates the sinus mucous coat, leading to reduced secretions. Any mass lesion with the nasal air passages and sinuses, such as polyps, foreign bodies, tumors, and mucosal swelling from rhinitis, may block the ostia and predispose to retained secretions and subsequent infection. Facial trauma or large inoculations from swimming can produce sinusitis as well. Drinking alcohol can also cause nasal and sinus mucosa to swell and cause impairment of mucous drainage. Altered quality and quantity of mucus Sinonasal secretions play an important role in the pathophysiology of rhinosinusitis. The mucous blanket that lines the paranasal sinuses contains mucoglycoproteins, immunoglobulins, and inflammatory cells. It consists of 2 layers: (1) an inner serous layer (ie, sol phase) in which cilia recover from their active beat and (2) an outer, more viscous layer (ie, gel phase), which is transported by the ciliary beat. Proper balance between the inner sol phase and outer gel phase is of critical importance for normal mucociliary clearance. If the composition of mucus is changed, so that the mucus produced is more viscous (eg, as in cystic fibrosis), transport toward the ostia considerably slows, and the gel layer becomes demonstrably thicker. This results in a collection of thick mucus that is retained in the sinus for varying periods. In the presence of a lack of secretions or a loss of humidity at the surface that cannot be compensated for by mucous glands or goblet cells, the mucus becomes increasingly viscous, and the sol phase may become extremely thin, thus allowing the gel phase to have intense contact with the cilia and impede their action. Overproduction of mucus can overwhelm the mucociliary clearance system, resulting in retained secretions within the sinuses.http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/232670-overview#a4Colds, bacterial infections, allergies, asthma, and other health conditions can cause sinusitis. Acute Sinusitis Acute sinusitis usually is caused by a viral or bacterial infection. The common cold, which is caused by a virus, may lead to swelling of the sinuses, trapping air and mucus behind the narrowed sinus openings. Both the nasal and the sinus symptoms usually go away within 2 weeks. Sometimes, viral infections are followed by bacterial infections. Many cases of acute sinusitis are caused by bacteria that frequently colonize the nose and throat, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis. These bacteria typically do not cause problems in healthy people, but in some cases they begin to multiply in the sinuses, causing acute sinusitis. NIAID supports studies to better understand the factors that put people at risk for bacterial sinusitis. People who have allergies or other chronic nasal problems are prone to episodes of acute sinusitis. In general, people who have reduced immune function, such as those with HIV infection, are more likely to have sinusitis. Sinusitis also is common in people who have abnormal mucus secretion or mucus movement, such as people with cystic fibrosis, an inherited disease in which thick and sticky mucus clogs the lungs. Chronic Sinusitis (Rhinosinusitis) In chronic sinusitis, also known as chronic rhinosinusitis, the membranes of both the paranasal sinuses and the nose thicken because they are constantly inflamed. This condition can occur with or without nasal polyps, grape-like growths on the mucous membranes that protrude into the sinuses or nasal passages. The causes of chronic rhinosinusitis are largely unknown. NIAID supports basic research to help explain why people develop this chronic inflammation. Most people with sinusitis have facial pain or tenderness in several places, and their symptoms usually do not clearly indicate which sinuses are inflamed. The pain of a sinus attack arises because trapped air and mucus put pressure on the membranes of the sinuses and the bony wall behind them. Also, when a swollen membrane at the opening of a paranasal sinus prevents air from entering into the sinuses, it can create a vacuum that causes pain. People with sinusitis also have thick nasal secretions that can be white, yellowish, greenish, or blood-tinged. Sometimes these secretions drain in the back of the throat and are difficult to clear. This is referred to as post-nasal drip or post-nasal drainage. Chronic post-nasal discharge may indicate sinusitis, even in people who do not have facial pain.However, facial pain without either nasal or post-nasal drainage is rarely caused by inflammation of the sinuses. People who experience facial pain but no nasal discharge often are diagnosed with a pain disordersuch as migraines, cluster headaches, or tension-type headachesrather than sinusitis. Less common symptoms of acute or chronic sinusitis include the following: Tiredness Decreased sense of smell Cough that may be worse at night Sore throat Bad breath Fever

On very rare occasions, acute sinusitis can result in brain infection and other serious complications.

3. Mengapa didapatkan hidung tersumbat dan batuknya tidak berdahak?Hidung tersumbat:Sinus paranasal adalah bagian dari traktus respiratorius yang berhubungan langsung dengan nasofaring. Sinus secara normal steril. Dengan adanya obstruksi, flora normal nasofaringeal dapat dapat menyebabkan infeksi. Bila terjadi edema di kompleks ostiomeatal, mukosa yang letaknya berhadapan akan saling bertemu, sehingga silia tidak dapat bergerak dan lendirnya berhadapan akan saling bertemu, dan lendir tidak dapat dialirkan. Maka terjadi gangguan drainase dan ventilasi di dalam sinus, sehingga silia menjadi kurang aktif dan lendir yang diproduksi mukosa sinus menjadi lebih kental dan merupakan media yang baik untuk tumbuhnya bakteri patogen. Bila sumbatan berlangsung terus, akan terjadi hipoksia dan retensi lender, sehingga timbul infeksi oleh bakteri anaerob. Selanjutnya terjadi perubahan jaringan menjadi hipertrofi, polipoid atau pembentukan polip dan kista.4. Mengapa penderita sering mengeluh sakit kepala di sekitar mata? Sinusitis is an inflammation of the membranes lining the paranasal sinusessmall air-filled spaces located within the skull or bones of the head surrounding the nose. Sinusitis can be caused by an infection or other health problem. Symptoms include facial pain and nasal discharge, or runny nose. Nearly 30 million adults in the United States are diagnosed with sinusitis each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The paranasal sinuses comprise four pairs of air-filled spaces: Frontal sinusesover the eyes in the brow area Ethmoid sinusesjust behind the bridge of the nose, between the eyes Maxillary sinusesinside each cheekbone Sphenoid sinusesbehind the ethmoids in the upper region of the nose and behind the eyes

U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseaseshttps://www.niaid.nih.gov/topics/sinusitis/Documents/sinusitis.pdf

5. Mengapa didapatkan ingus kental?Acute Sinusitis Acute sinusitis usually is caused by a viral or bacterial infection. The common cold, which is caused by a virus, may lead to swelling of the sinuses, trapping air and mucus behind the narrowed sinus openings. Both the nasal and the sinus symptoms usually go away within 2 weeks. Sometimes, viral infections are followed by bacterial infections. Many cases of acute sinusitis are caused by bacteria that frequently colonize the nose and throat, such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis. These bacteria typically do not cause problems in healthy people, but in some cases they begin to multiply in the sinuses, causing acute sinusitis. NIAID supports studies to better understand the factors that put people at risk for bacterial sinusitis. People who have allergies or other chronic nasal problems are prone to episodes of acute sinusitis. In general, people who have reduced immune function, such as those with HIV infection, are more likely to have sinusitis. Sinusitis also is common in people who have abnormal mucus secretion or mucus movement, such as people with cystic fibrosis, an inherited disease in which thick and sticky mucus clogs the lungs. https://www.niaid.nih.gov/topics/sinusitis/Documents/sinusitis.pdf

6. Mengapa pasien setelah obatnya habis keluhan timbul kembali?Karena pengobatanya hanya simpotamatis saja.Untuk mengurangi gejalanya aja. Kerusakan sebenarnya belum teratasi sehingga pas obatnya abis bisa timbul lagi keluhannya.7. Mengapa ingus terasa keluar di tenggorokan?Sistem mukosiliar:Pada dinding lateral hidung terdapat 2 aliran transport mukosiliar dari sinus.Lendir yg bersala dr sinus anterior bergabung di infundibulum etmoid disalurkan ke nasoparing di deoan muara tuba eustachii.Lendir yg berasala dari sinus posterior bergabung di ressesus spenoethmoidalis dialirkan ke nasoparing di postero superior muara tuba eustachii. Sinusistis didapati post nasal drip.THT FK UI8. Pemeriksaan fisik hidung yang dilakukan dan interpretasinya?Pemeriksaan Sinus ParanasalUntuk mengetahui adanya kelainan pada sinus paranasal dilakukan inspeksi dari luar, palpasi, rinoskopi anterior, rinoskopi posterior, transiluminasi, pemeriksaan radiologic dan sinuskopi,

InspeksiYang diperhatikan adalah adanya pembengkakan pada muka. Pembengkakan di pipi sampai kelopak mata bawah yang berwarna kemerah-merahan mungkin menunjukkan suatu sinusitis maksilaris akut. Pembengkakan di kelopak mata atas mungkin menunjukkan suatu sinusitis frontalis akut.Sinusitis etmoid akut jarang menyebabkan pembengkakan ke luar, kecuali bila telah terbentuk abses.

PalpasiNyeri tekan pada pipi dan nyeri ketuk di gigi menunjukkan adanya sinusitis maksila. Pada sinusitis frontal terdapat nyeri tekan di dasar sinus frontal yaitu oada bagian medial atap orbita. Sinusitis etmoid menyebabkan rasa nyeri tekan di daerah kantus medius.

TransiluminasiTransiluminasi mempunyai manfaat yang terbatas, hanya dapat dipakai untuk memeriksa sinus maksila dan sinus frontal, bila fasilitas pemeriksaan radiologiktidak tersedia.Bila terdapat kista yang besar di dalam sinus maksila, akan tampak terang pada pemeriksaan transiluminasi, sedangkan pada foto rontgen tampak adanya perselubungan berbatas tegas di dalam sinus maksila.Transiluminasi pada sinus frontal hasilnya lebih meragukan. Besar dan bentuk kedua sinus ini seringkali tidak sama. Gambaran yang terang berarti sinus berkembang dengan baik dan normal, sedangkan gambaran yang gelap mungkin hanya menunjukkan sinus yang tidak berkembang.

Pemeriksaan RadiologikBila dicurigai adanya kelainan di sinus paranasal,maka dapat dilakukan pemeriksaan radiologik. Posisi rutin yang dipakai ialah posisi Waters, P.A, dan lateral. Posisi Waters terutama untuk melihat adanya kelainan di sinus maksila, frontal dan etmoid. Posisi posterior anterior untuk menilai sinus frontal dan posisi lateral untuk menilai sinus frontal, sphenoid dan etmoid.Metode mutakhir yang lebih akurat untuk melihat kelainan sinus paranasal adalah pemeriksaan CT-scan.

SinuskopiPemeriksaan ke dalam sinus maksila menggunakan endoskop. Endoskop dimasukkan melalui lubang yang dibuat di meatus inferior atau di fossa kanina.Dengan sinuskopi dapat dilihat keadaan di dalam sinus, apakah ada sekret, polip, jaringan granulasi, massa tumor atau kista, bagaimana keadaan mukosa dan apakah ostiumnya terbuka.

9. DD ? Often, healthcare providers can diagnose acute sinusitis by reviewing a persons symptoms and examining the nose and face. Doctors may perform a procedure called rhinoscopy, in which they use a thin, flexible tube-like instrument to examine the inside of the nose. If symptoms do not clearly indicate sinusitis or if they persist for a long time and do not get better with treatment, the doctor may order a computerized tomography (CT) scana form of X-ray that shows some soft tissue and other structures that cannot be seen in conventional X-raysto confirm the diagnosis of sinusitis and to evaluate how severe it is. Laboratory tests that a healthcare professional may use to check for possible causes of chronic rhinosinusitis include: Allergy testing Blood tests to rule out conditions that are associated with sinusitis, such as an immune deficiency disorder A sweat test or a blood test to rule out cystic fibrosis Tests on the material inside the sinuses to detect a bacterial or fungal infection An aspirin challenge to test for AERD. In an aspirin challenge, a person takes small but gradually increasing doses of aspirin under the careful supervision of a healthcare professional.

Sinusitis (frontal, ethmoid, maksila,spenoid)Sinusitis Maksila Sinus maksila disebut juga antrum High-more merupakan sinus paranasal yang terbesar.1,9 Saat lahir sinus maksila bervolume 6-8 ml, sinus kemudian berkembang dengan cepat dan akhirnya mencapai ukuran maksimal, yaitu 15 ml saat dewasa dan merupakan sinus yang sering terinfeksi, oleh karena9: 1. Merupakan sinus paranasal yang terbesar. 2. Letak ostiumnya lebih tinggi dari dasar, sehingga aliran sekret (drainase) dari sinus maksila hanya tergantung dari gerakan silia. 3. Dasar sinus maksila adalah dasar akar gigi (prosesus alveolaris), sehingga infeksi gigi dapat menyebabkan sinusitis maksila. 4. Ostium sinus maksila terletak di meatus medius, di sekitar hiatus semilunaris yang sempit, sehingga mudah tersumbat.

Sinusitis maksilaris akut biasanya menyusul suatu infeksi saluran nafas atas yang ringan. Alergi hidung kronik, benda asing, dan deviasi septum nasi merupakan factor-faktor predisposisi lokal yang paling sering ditemukan. Deformitas rahang wajah, terutama palatoskisis, dapat menimbulkan masalah pada anak. Anak-anak ini cenderung menderita infeksi nasofaring atau sinus kronik dengan angka insidens yang lebih tinggi. Sedangkan ganguan geligi bertanggung jawab atas sekitar 10 persen infeksi sinus maksilaris akut.Gejala infeksi sinus maksilaris akut berupa demam, malaise dan nyeri kepala yang tak jelas yang biasanya reda dengan pemberian analgetik biasa aspirin. Wajah terasa bengkak, penuh, dan gigi terasa nyeri pada gerakan kepala mendadak, misalnya sewaktu naik atau turun tangga11,15,16. Seringkali terdapat nyeri pipi khas yang tumpul dan menusuk, serta nyeri pada palpasi dan perkusi. Sekret mukopurulen dapat keluar dari hidung dan terkadang berbau busuk. Batuk iritatif non produktif seringkali ada. Selama berlangsungnya sinusitis maksilaris akut, pemeriksaan fisik akan mengungkapkan adanya pus dalam hidung, biasanya dari meatus media, pus atau sekret mukopurulen dalam dalam nasofaring.11,18 Signs dan symptoms sinusitis maksilaris kronis kongesti hidung, sakit tenggorokan (dari postnasal), pada sekitar mata pipi atau dahi sakit lunak dan bengkak, sakit kepala, demam, penciuman berkurang, batuk, sakit gigi, susah bernafas, mudah lelah. Hal ini di keluhkan lebih dari 1 minggu.

Sinusitis berdasarkan kausanyaSinusitis berdasarkan waktu (akut atau kronis)There are two basic types of sinusitis: Acute, which lasts up to 4 weeks Chronic, which lasts more than 12 weeks and can continue for months or years .


10. Pemeriksaan penunjang apa yang disarankan?

11. Terapi apa yang diberikan kepada pasien?Acute Sinusitis Medications can help ease the symptoms of acute sinusitis. Healthcare providers may recommend pain relievers or decongestantsmedicines that shrink the swollen membranes in the nose and make it easier to breathe. Decongestant nose drops and sprays should be used for only a few days, as longer term use can lead to even more congestion and swelling of the nasal passages. A doctor may prescribe antibiotics if the sinusitis is caused by a bacterial infection.Chronic Rhinosinusitis Chronic rhinosinusitis can be difficult to treat. Medicines may offer some symptom relief. Surgery can be helpful if medication fails. Medicine Nasal steroid sprays are helpful for many people, but most do not get full relief of symptoms with these medicines. Saline (salt water) washes or nasal sprays can be helpful because they remove thick secretions and allow the sinuses to drain. Doctors may prescribe oral steroids, such as prednisone, for severe chronic rhinosinusitis. However, oral steroids are powerful medicines that can cause side effects such as weight gain and high blood pressure if used over the long term. Oral steroids typically are prescribed when other medicines have failed. Desensitization to aspirin may be helpful for patients with AERD. During desensitization, which is performed under close medical supervision, a person is given gradually increasing doses of aspirin over time to induce tolerance to the drug. Surgery When medicine fails, surgery may be the only alternative for treating chronic rhinosinusitis. The goal of surgery is to improve sinus drainage and reduce blockage of the nasal passages. Sinus surgery usually is performed to: Enlarge the natural openings of the sinuses Remove nasal polyps Correct significant structural problems inside the nose and the sinuses if they contribute to sinus obstruction

Although most people have fewer symptoms and a better quality of life after surgery, problems can reoccur, sometimes even after a short period of time. In children, problems can sometimes be eliminated by removing the adenoids. These gland-like tissues, located high in the throat behind and above the roof of the mouth, can obstruct the nasal passages.https://www.niaid.nih.gov/topics/sinusitis/Documents/sinusitis.pdfAntibiotics:d Amoxicillin often is the drug of choice for childrenand adults. It is generally effective, inexpensive,and well tolerated. Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazolecan be used as an alternative drug in adults. Resistanceis more commonly seen in children, and it isrecommended that the clinician refer to their localbiogram profile of antibiotic resistance. For patientswho do not respond to amoxicillin, high-doseamoxicillin-clavulanate (90 mg/kg amoxicillin and6.4 mg/kg clavulanate, not to exceed 2 g every12 hours) is recommended. For patients allergicto or intolerant of amoxicillin, alternatives includecephalosporins, macrolides, or quinolones.d Acute sinusitis generally responds to treatment for10 to 14 days. Some physicians continue treatmentfor 7 days after the patient is well to ensure completeeradication of the organism and prevent relapse.It is important to instruct the patient tocomplete the course of antibiotics.d A reasonable approach would be to start the patienton amoxicillin for 3 to 5 days and determinewhether the signs and symptoms are improving.If the patients symptoms are improving, continuethis treatment until the patient is well for 7 days(generally a 10- to 14-day course). If after 3 to 5days the patient has not shown improvement,switch to a different antibiotic, such as high-doseamoxicillin-clavulanate or cefuroxime axetil.Corticosteroids:d The use of nasal corticosteroids might be helpful inpatients with acute and chronic sinusitis.d Although efficacy has not yet been proved, theshort-term use of oral corticosteroids as an adjunctin treating patients with acute sinusitis is reasonablewhen the patient fails to respond to initial treatment,demonstrates nasal polyposis, or has demonstratedmarked mucosal edema.Saline-mucolytics:d Saline nasal sprays or lavage might be a useful adjunctby liquefying secretions and decreasing therisk of crusting near the sinus ostia.d There is no conclusive evidence that mucolytics,such as guaifenesin, are useful adjuncts in treatingacute sinusitis.a-Adrenergic decongestants:d Topical decongestants (eg,oxymetazolinean dphenylephrine)and oral decongestants (eg, pseudoephedrine)reduce mucosal blood flow, decrease tissueedema and nasal resistance, and might enhancedrainage of secretions from the sinus ostia.d The use of topical decongestants beyond 3 to 5days might induce rhinitis medicamentosa, withassociated increased congestion and refractorinessto subsequent decongestant therapy.https://www.aaaai.org/Aaaai/media/MediaLibrary/PDF%20Documents/Practice%20and%20Parameters/sinusitis2005.pdf12. Komplikasi ?Sinusitis does not cause any significant mortality by itself. However, complicated sinusitis may lead to morbidity and, in rare cases, mortality.Approximately 40% of acute sinusitis cases resolve spontaneously without antibiotics. The spontaneous cure for viral sinusitis is 98%. Patients with acute sinusitis, when treated with appropriate antibiotics, usually show prompt improvement. The relapse rate after successful treatment is less than 5%.In the absence of response within 48 hours or worsening of symptoms, reevaluate the patient. Untreated or inadequately treated rhinosinusitis may lead to complications such asmeningitis, cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis, orbital cellulitis or abscess, andbrain abscess.In patients with allergic rhinitis, aggressive treatment of nasal symptoms and signs of mucosal edema, which can cause obstruction of the sinus outflow tracts, may decrease secondary sinusitis. If the adenoids are chronically infected, removing them eliminates a nidus of infection and can decrease sinus infection.http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/232670-overview#a7