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This book belongs to:

(who is one awesome kid)!


1 East Bode Road, Streamwood, IL 60107-6658 U.S.A. awana.org • (630) 213-2000

© 2013 Awana® Clubs International

7 8 9 10 23 22 21 20

Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version® (ESV®), copyright ©2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

Used by permission. All rights reserved. ESV Text Edition:2011

Printed by Walsworth 306 North Kansas Ave., Marceline, Mo. 64658


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Welcome to the HangGlider ® handbook

Dear Parent or Gaurdian,

We encourage you to invest in your

child’s growing faith by reading and

discussing the sections with your

child, helping him or her to memo-

rize the verses, and living out the

truths of the Bible in your home.

Audio Downloads

To help your child progress

through this handbook, be sure to

download the audio files of the

Bible biographies and memory

verses. You’ll find them at awana.


Listening to the downloads before

bedtime, while driving, or during

daytime breaks are a great way to

instill God’s truths in your child’s

heart all throughout the day.


then upload them

to your personal

device or burn to a

CD. You’ll find all

downloadables at:

When you see this download icon, it means there is

an accompanying audio file available to download.

Download the

audio files onto

your computer ...

Bible Biographies

You will see 12 Bible biographies

in the handbooks. Sparks-age chil-

dren want the truth! And they are

eager to know factual details from

the Bible.

These biographies are dramat-

ic retellings that make the histori-

cal characters and settings come

alive for Sparkies. In some places,

we have added details beyond what

Scripture gives us. These details are

based on our research and best

guesses about what might have

happened. However, we have been

very careful not to include anything

that changes the facts or truth of

the Bible! We hope you enjoy these

Bible-based teaching tools for you

and your child.



Page 4: This book belongs to - Awana

S - P - A. Chloe began scribbling

letters on a piece of paper.

“Whatcha doing, Chloe?” Joel

asked. He had just arrived at

Chloe’s house.

R - K - S. Chloe put down her

pencil and stared at the paper.

“I’m trying to find out what these

six letters stand for,” she said.

“Why are you trying to do that?”

asked Joel. He looked at the

letters on her paper.

“Because each letter stands for an

important word in a Bible verse

we need to know for Sparks,” said


“Well, we’ll never find those words

by staring at those letters!” said Joel.

“Why don’t we ask Mrs. Torres? She’s

our Sparks leader, and she lives right

down the street!”

“Good idea! But we better go ask

our moms first,” said Chloe.

A few minutes later, the two kids

arrived at Mrs. Torres’ house.

“Hi, Mrs. Torres!” they greeted.

“Well, hello, kids. How nice to see

you!” said Mrs. Torres, smiling.

“We’re trying to find out what these

letters stand for, and we knew you

could help us,” said Chloe.

“Of course!” said Mrs. Torres. “The

first S is for Savior. Jesus is the

Savior. He’s the reason we have club.”

Leader’s signature Date

Rank Section 1 completed.


Leader’s initials


is for Savior.

S is for Savior.

To finish this section:

• Tell your leader what “S”

stands for.

• Say 1 John 4:14.

To finish this section:

• Say John 3:16.

Leader’s signature Date

Rank Section 2 completed.


Say the verse you learned from Flight 3:16.



1 John 4:14

… The Father has sent His Son To be the Savior of the world.

John 3:16

For God so loved the world, That He gave His only Son,That whoever believes in Him should not perishBut have eternal life.

World – everyone

Perish – separated from

God forever

Eternal – goes on

forever and ever

6 7

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God showed His power when He sent His Son, Jesus, to earth to be the Savior of the world.

God is powerful to save everyone who trusts in Jesus as Savior.

P is for Power.

To finish this section:

• Tell your leader what “P” stands for.

• Say Psalm 147:5.

Leader’s signature Date

Rank Section 3 completed.


Leader’s initials



is for Power.


5“Bye,” said Chloe.

The kids waved goodbye as they

ran back to Chloe’s house. Chloe

found her Bible and she opened it

to look for the verse.

“Where’s the book of Psalms

again?” Chloe asked.

“I think it’s somewhere in the

middle,” said Joel.

“Here it is!” cried Chloe. “Psalm

147:5 says: Great is our Lord, and

abundant in power …”

“Looks like the P is for Power!”

said Joel.

hanks, Mrs. Torres,” said Chloe as

she wrote the word Savior on her

paper. “Do you know what the P

stands for?” she asked.

“Yes, I do,” said Mrs. Torres. “But I

think it would be much more fun

for you two to look up the verse

in the Bible!”

“OK!” said Chloe and Joel


“Look up Psalm 147:5 and come

back and tell me what you think

the P stands for,” said Mrs. Torres.

“Sounds like a good plan!” said Joel.

“We’ll see you soon, Mrs. Torres.”

Psalm 147:5

Great is our Lord,And abundant in power …

8 9

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The Bible is God’s Word to us.

In the Bible, God said He would send Jesus Christ to earth to die for our sins. Jesus came to earth just as the Bible said.C

To finish this section:

• Tell your leader what “A” stands for.

• Say 1 Corinthians 15:3.

Leader’s signature Date

Rank Section 4 completed.


Leader’s initials




“Yeah, that’s so cool, I love it,” said


“Hey, Sparky, we need to find what

the letter A means,” said Chloe.

Sparky started to fly round and

round. He shaped a big letter with

his shiny, sparkling tail. Soon his

letter lit up the sky. “Wow! Nice

work, Sparky,” said Joel. “It looks

like a C.”

“It sure does!” said Chloe.

“Hey, guess what! The Bible book

of Corinthians starts with a C,”

said Joel.

“Yeah, I memorized

1 Corinthians 15:3 in Sparks,”

said Chloe. “Let’s see … I think it

says that Christ died for our sins in

accordance with the Scriptures.”

“That’s it!” said Joel, looking proud

of himself. “And the word Scriptures

is just another name for the Bible.”

“Thanks, Sparky!” said Chloe.

“You’re welcome. Bye,” said Sparky.

(Chloe thanked Sparky even

though she knew Sparky didn’t

REALLY know the answer.)

hloe wrote the word Power

on her paper. Joel carried the

Bible as they walked back to Mrs.

Torres’ house.

Suddenly, Joel saw something in

the sky. “What’s that?” he asked,

pointing his finger.

“It looks like some sort of flying

bug! I bet it’s our friend Sparky!”

shouted Chloe.

“Hi, kids!” said Sparky. “Do you

like my new light?” Sparky flew in

circles above them.

“Cool!” said Joel.

1 Corinthians 15:3

… Christ died for our sins In accordance with the Scriptures.

is for Accordance with the Scriptures.

A is for Accordance with the Scriptures.

10 11

The words accordance with the Scriptures remind us that God always keeps His promises.

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Jesus came to the earth to save us from sin.

This really happened, just as God said it would in the Bible.


To finish this section:

• Tell your leader what “R” stands for.

• Say 1 Corinthians 15:4.

Leader’s signature Date

Rank Section 5 completed.


Leader’s initials





1 Corinthians 15:4

That He was buried, That He was raised on the third dayIn accordance with the Scriptures.

hloe looked at the paper. “So

far we know the S is for Savior,

the P is for Power, and the A

is for Accordance with the

Scriptures,” she said.

“Right! And all we have left are

the letters R, K and S,” said Joel.

“Maybe Mrs. Torres can help us

with the rest.”

“Hey, you!” said a voice behind


Chloe and Joel turned around. It

was their friend, Jacob. He was

playing with his yo-yo.

“Hi, Jacob!” said Chloe and Joel


“What are you two doing?” said

Jacob, looking at Chloe’s paper.

“We’re trying to learn more about

these six letters for Sparks. Do you

have any idea what the R or the K

stands for?” asked Chloe.

“Yeah, I looked at my big brother’s

Sparks book,” said Jacob. “I

remember that the R is for

Raised. Jesus died on the cross,

was buried and was raised (or was

alive again) three days later.”

“I’ll put that on my paper,” said

Chloe. “R is for Raised.”

R is for Raised.

He died on the cross, was buried and was raised (or was alive again) three days later.

is for Raised.

12 13

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Continued on next page


is for Keep.

e’re almost finished!” said Chloe.

“All we need now are the letters K

and S.”

“Jacob, can you tell us what the K is

for too?” she asked.

Jacob didn’t answer right away.

He was playing with his yo-yo and


“Please, Jacob?” Chloe begged. It was

hard for her to be patient.

“Sorry, Chloe,” said Jacob. “I can’t

seem to remember what the K is for.”

“Come on. KEEP thinking!” said Joel.

“KEEP – that’s it!” shouted Jacob.

“The word for the letter K is Keep.”

“That sounds sort of strange,” said

Joel. “Are you sure that’s right? Do

you remember the Bible verse that

goes with that word?”

“No,” said Jacob. “But I DO

remember the verse was from the

book of James. My brother’s name is

James, and he kept saying, ‘My name

is in the Bible verse! My name is in

the Bible verse!’ We couldn’t KEEP

him quiet,” Jacob said, laughing.

“You just said it again!” said Chloe,

pointing at Jacob. “You just said

KEEP again.”

“You’re right, I did!” Jacob smiled at


Then Joel opened Chloe’s Bible.

“Let’s just look through the book of

James and see if we find any verses

10 6

14 15

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is for Keep.

Leader’s signature Date

Rank Section 6 completed.


Leader’s initials


K is for Keep.

To finish this section:

• Tell your leader what “K” stands for.

• Say James 2:10.



Law – God’s rules in

the Bible

Fails – disobeys

with the word keep in them.” Joel

began flipping through the pages

of the Bible.

“This is exciting!” said Jacob,

jumping up and down. “It’s like

we’re solving a mystery or


“Well, here’s something,” said Joel.

“James 2:10 says: For whoever keeps

the whole law but fails in one point

has become accountable for all of it.

“Hmm, I kind of remember that

verse,” said Jacob.

“OK,” said Chloe. “I’ll just write it on

the paper, and we’ll check it with Mrs.

Torres. K is for Keep,” she wrote.

“Let’s go!” shouted Joel.

“Yeah, let’s KEEP walking!” said

Jacob. Chloe pointed at him, and they

all giggled as they walked to Mrs.

Torres’ house.

James 2:10

For whoever keeps the whole lawBut fails in one point Has become accountable for all of it.

16 17

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is for Saved.

Continued on next page


A few minutes later, Mrs. Torres

came back with her Bible and four

large glasses of juice.

“Thanks, Mrs. Torres,” said the kids.

Mrs. Torres opened her Bible to

Acts 16:31. She began to read,

… “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you

will be saved …”

“That’s it!” shouted Joel. “The last

S is for Saved.”

“But do you understand what this

verse means?” asked Mrs. Torres.

“Oh, I do!” said Chloe. “We talked

about this in Sparks last week. It

means we need to believe, or trust,

Jesus as the one who saves us

from our sin.”

“That’s right, Chloe,” said Mrs.

Torres. “I hope and pray that in

Sparks this year, each of you will

trust Jesus as your Savior. And if

you have already trusted Jesus,

I pray you will get to know Him

and God’s Word much better.”

“I hope so too, Mrs. Torres,” said

Chloe. “And I’m going to go

ask my friend Emma to come to

Sparks with me so she can hear

about Jesus too!”

“Good for you, Chloe,” said Mrs


inally, the kids arrived at Mrs.

Torres’ house. Chloe knocked on

the door.

“Well, hello again! And hello,

Jacob!” said Mrs. Torres as she

opened the door.

“Hi, Mrs. Torres!” said Jacob.

“I was beginning to wonder what

happened to you,” said Mrs. Torres.

“Mrs. Torres, you’ll never believe

it, but we found all the letters but

one!” said Chloe, out of breath.

“Well, let’s hear them,” said Mrs.


Chloe read from the paper. “The S

is for Savior. The P is for Power.

The A is for Accordance with

the Scriptures. The R is for

Raised. The K is for Keep.”

“Wow! Great job. How did you find

all the letters?” asked Mrs. Torres.

The kids all looked at each other

and smiled. “Well, we had a little

help from our friends,” said Joel.

“Right on!” said Jacob.

“But we still need to find what the

last S stands for,” said Chloe.

“I can help with that!” said Mrs.

Torres. “Sit down here while I go

get my Bible and something for us

to drink.”

18 19

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You are starting

is for Saved.

Bring a FriendGod wants all children to learn about the Bible, God’s Book.

Bring one new boy or girl to any Awana® club in the church

where your Sparks club meets.

I brought


on .

Leader’s signature Date

Red Jewel 1:1 completed.



Leader’s signature Date

Rank Section 7 completed.

Saved – not

being punished

for my sin


Leader’s initials


HOORAY!You just

earned your


Rank emblem.

S is for Saved.

To finish this section:

• Tell your leader what “S” stands for.

• Say Acts 16:31.

To finish this section:

• Ask your Sparks leader to tell you when

and how he or she became a Christian.

• Say 1 John 4:14.

Leader’s signature Date

Rank Section 8 completed.



20 21

Acts 16:31

… “Believe in the Lord Jesus, And you will be saved …”

1 John 4:14

… The Father has sent His Son To be the Savior of the world.

Page 12: This book belongs to - Awana


God talks to us through the Bible.

Chloe put a yellow hat on her

favorite doll. Then she set her

dolls in chairs around the tiny

table. It was time for an evening

tea party!

But the doll tea party did not last

very long. Chloe’s mother came to

the door.

“Chloe, are you ready to read the

Bible with me?”

“Umm ... ” Chloe looked at her

dolls. She really wanted to finish

the tea party. “I guess,” she said,

slowly. “But what’s so special about

the Bible? Why do we need to read

it every night?” Chloe asked.

“Good question!” said Chloe’s

mom. “God wants to talk to

us, and He wants us to listen

to what He says. God talks

to us through His Word, the

Bible. That’s why it’s such a

special book!”

“Wow! You mean, God talks to

me? What does He talk to me

about?” asked Chloe.

“Well, in the Bible, God tells you

about who He is and about His

Son, Jesus Christ,” answered

Chloe’s mom.

“Oh, I see now!” Chole said.

“Girls, the tea party will just have

to wait! Mom and I are going to

read the Bible.”


There are three names for God’s Book:

1. The Bible

2. The Word of God

3. The Scriptures

To finish this section:

• Say the three names for God’s Book.

• Say John 20:31.

Leader’s signature Date

Red Jewel 1:2 completed.


Leader’s initials




22 23

John 20:31

… These are written So that you may believe That Jesus is the Christ, The Son of God …

Page 13: This book belongs to - Awana

We talk to God in prayer.

Chloe and her mom finished their

time of Bible reading. They liked

learning about how God created

the world and all the animals and

people in it.

“Would you like to pray now,

Chloe?” asked Chloe’s mom.

Chloe was surprised. “Me? You

want ME to pray?” she asked,

feeling shy for once. “But I don’t

know how to pray!”

“That’s OK, Chloe,” said Chloe’s

mom. “When you pray, you talk

to God. God talks to US in the

Bible. And we talk to HIM

through prayer.”

“But what do I say?” asked Chloe.

“One way to talk to God is to

thank Him for being so good to

us,” said Chloe’s mom.

“OK. I guess I can do that,” said

Chloe. Chloe bowed her head and

closed her eyes. “Dear God,” she

prayed, “thank you for being so

good. Thank you for giving me

my dolls, and my friend Emma,

and Mom and Dad. Thank you for

creating the world. Amen.”

To finish this section:

• Say Psalm 118:1.

Leader’s signature Date

Red Jewel 1:3 completed.


Leader’s initials




24 25

Psalm 118:1

Oh give thanks to the LORD, For He is good …

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The Bible tells us about God who loves us.

All of a sudden, Chloe heard the

door open. She dashed to the door.

Daddy was home!

Chloe jumped up and threw her

arms around her dad. He held her

tight. “I love you so much, Chloe,”

said Dad.

“I love you too, Daddy!” said Chloe.

Then Dad bent down on one knee

and looked at Chloe. “But always

remember you have a Father in

heaven who loves you even more

than I do. God loves us so much

that He sent His only Son, the

Lord Jesus, to be our Savior.”

YOU DID IT!You earned your HangGlider

Pilot Wings and Red Jewel 1!

To finish this section:

• Say 1 John 4:19.

Leader’s signature Date

Red Jewel 1:4 completed.


Leader’s initials






26 27

1 John 4:19

We love Because He first loved us.