The Western Orissa Rural Livelihood Project (WORLP)

The Western Orissa Rural Livelihood Project (WORLP)

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Page 1: The Western Orissa Rural Livelihood Project (WORLP)

The Western Orissa Rural Livelihood


Page 2: The Western Orissa Rural Livelihood Project (WORLP)

Potential Impacts of Climate Change in Western Orissa

Climate change vulnerability profile generated by integration of adaptive capacity and climate sensitivity profiles

Source: TERI, 2003. Coping with global change: Vulnerability and adaptation in Indian agriculture

Page 3: The Western Orissa Rural Livelihood Project (WORLP)

Potential Impacts of Climate Change in Western Orissa

Page 4: The Western Orissa Rural Livelihood Project (WORLP)

Potential Impacts of Climate Change in Western Orissa

Page 5: The Western Orissa Rural Livelihood Project (WORLP)


• Long term investment to help change the way local government tackles development

• Targeting and empowering the poor

• Implemented by government

• Using Participatory Processes

• Building partnerships between Government and NGOs

More Diversified Livelihoods less dependent on

agriculture, new skills, small businesses



An Increase Asset Base to provide more

adaptability and resilience to harsh environments

and to new challenges posed by climate change.

• Physical Capital

(e.g. Water harvesting)

• Natural Capital

(e.g. Enhanced Agricultural productivity)

• Financial Capital

(e.g. Increasing Incomes)

• Human Capital

(e.g. Building new skills)

• Social Capital

(e.g. Self Help Groups)

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“Climate change adaptation consists of a range of measures and initiatives that reduce the vulnerability of human and

natural systems to climate change”

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Village Pond Irrigation

Water harvesting

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Enhanced Agricultural Productivity

Sweet Potato

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Increasing Incomes

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Building Human Capacity

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Building Self Help Groups

All Widows Self Help Group

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Key Elements of the Project Structure

• Dual focus on physical and social development needs

• Put people at the heart of the development process

• Implemented by Government

• Long term flexible investment (10 year)

Page 13: The Western Orissa Rural Livelihood Project (WORLP)

How can we strengthen WORLP in the light of Climate Change?

• Participatory planning processes

• Well being / vulnerability ranking

• Obtaining evidence

• Climate change schools

• Facilitating convergence

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What else do we need to do?
