THE VIEWPOINT THE MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY CHURCH United Church of Christ July 2012 JULY 22 10 AM AT THE HOME OF JOHN, NELL AND MIA ABLE 1000 Eastside Rd. Potluck to follow worship. Please bring your place setting and a chair or blanket. Wear comfy shoes! Swimming, too! If you would like to be baptized or want re-affirm your baptism please talk with Pastor Vicky. Reflections As the July edition of the Viewpoint goes to print, I am preparing to depart for a “bucket list” adventure: a rafting trip through the Grand Canyon with dear friends. Given my penchant for water and fast moving rivers, it is likely that I will find myself close to heaven in the days ahead, and for that I give God thanks and praise! I leave you with one of my favorite poems, from the wise poet William Stafford. And I pray that you, too, might find a bit of heaven here on Earth in these precious summer days. God is good…all the time. Blessings, Pastor Vicky I like to live in the sound of water in the feel of the mountain air. A sharp reminder hits me: this world still is alive; it stretches out there shivering toward its own creation, and I’m part of it. Even my 1

The Viewpoint - Web viewAs the July edition of the Viewpoint goes to print, I am preparing to depart for a “bucket list” adventure: ... Gospel Choir. are taking a summer break

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Page 1: The Viewpoint - Web viewAs the July edition of the Viewpoint goes to print, I am preparing to depart for a “bucket list” adventure: ... Gospel Choir. are taking a summer break


United Church of Christ July 2012


1000 Eastside Rd.Potluck to follow worship. Please bring your place setting and a chair or blanket. Wear comfy shoes!

Swimming, too!

If you would like to be baptized or want re-affirm your baptism please talk with Pastor Vicky.


As the July edition of the Viewpoint goes to print, I am preparing to depart for a “bucket list” adventure: a rafting trip through the Grand Canyon with dear friends. Given my penchant for water and fast moving rivers, it is likely that I will find myself close to heaven in the days ahead, and for that I give God thanks and praise!

I leave you with one of my favorite poems, from the wise poet William Stafford. And I pray that you, too, might find a bit of heaven here on Earth in these precious summer days.

God is good…all the time.

Blessings,Pastor Vicky

I like to live in the sound of waterin the feel of the mountain air.  A sharpreminder hits me: this world still is alive;it stretches out there shivering toward its owncreation, and I’m part of it.  Even my breathingenters into this elaborate give-and-take,this bowing to sun and moon, day or night,winter, summer, storm, still - this tranquilchaos that seems to be going somewhere.This wilderness with a great peacefulness in it.This motionless turmoil, this everything dance.

                        -William Edgar Stafford (1914 – 1993)



Page 2: The Viewpoint - Web viewAs the July edition of the Viewpoint goes to print, I am preparing to depart for a “bucket list” adventure: ... Gospel Choir. are taking a summer break

Worship time 10:30 am. First Sunday of the month is Communion Sunday. Children grades K-5th are invited to Sunday School in the Pioneer Room at the beginning of the worship service. Younger children may remain in worship or in the nursery with Ann Zuehlke and Tessa Mendez. Chancel Choir & Gospel Choir are taking a summer break. We look forward to seeing them again in September.

Pockets of Plenty offering is July 8. Proceeds will support Peace Village, an interfaith, multicultural day camp that provides a fun, educational environment in which children from throughout the Gorge can learn the messages and practices of nonviolence and peacemaking.

FISH/Local Missions offering is July 15.

Council No council meeting in July. Next meeting August 28.

Down Manor Bible Study will not meet in July.

Book Collection We are collecting new or gently used books for early readers through middle school ages. These books will be taken to the Columbia River Correctional Institute in Portland for children of the inmates to read while visiting or to take home. Please leave your books in the box in the Pioneer Room or in the church office. Contact Bob Olson if you have any questions. Vacation Bible School Grow in Faith, Have Fun, Change the World! Renew, the “Green” VBS is coming to Riverside, July 16th-20th. See Elaine for more information.

Pastor Vicky will be away on vacation from July 2-12.  If you are in need of assistance while she is gone, please contact Lorre in the church office.


There is a wall of boxes to greet you when you walk in to the Ruth Wells Room. For the last few months a *small

“There had been a troop associated with the church earlier than 1938….”

Continuous charter began 2/1/38Last charter expired 12/31/02

Ned Marshall has compiled a wonderful historical record of the Boy Scouts at Riverside. The book is available for viewing in the Pioneer Room.

Thanks, Ned!!


Page 3: The Viewpoint - Web viewAs the July edition of the Viewpoint goes to print, I am preparing to depart for a “bucket list” adventure: ... Gospel Choir. are taking a summer break


There is a wall of boxes to greet you when you walk in to the Ruth Wells Room. For the last few months a *small

Dear Riversiders,Locals know that summer never really arrives in the Gorge until after the 4th of July. And once it does, we go a little manic!There’s so much fun to be had outdoors and memories made that will warm us through the winter months. I hope you will make

Christian Nurture Dates To Remember

Sunday, July 1st: Molly Schwarz, our VBS song leader, leads Sunday school on the lawnFriday, July 5th: Teens at First Friday to promote VBS and give


Page 4: The Viewpoint - Web viewAs the July edition of the Viewpoint goes to print, I am preparing to depart for a “bucket list” adventure: ... Gospel Choir. are taking a summer break


2 3 4 5 6

Teens @ First Friday


8Guest PreacherRev. Karl VercouterenPockets of Plenty OfferingTeen 2nd Sunday 5:30 pm

9 10 11 12 13 14Christian Nurture BoardDecorates for VBS10 am - noon

15Local Missions FISH/OfferingBlessing of VBS staffSpecial Music – Tim Mayer

VBS Meeting @ Noon

16 17 18 19 20 21

22Outdoor WorshipAt Able’s

23 24 25 26 27 Mission Board 1 pm28

29Guest PreacherRev. Royal Ewing

30 31

Vacation Bible School at Riverside 9 am - Noon

Dear Riversiders,Locals know that summer never really arrives in the Gorge until after the 4th of July. And once it does, we go a little manic!There’s so much fun to be had outdoors and memories made that will warm us through the winter months. I hope you will make

Christian Nurture Dates To Remember

Sunday, July 1st: Molly Schwarz, our VBS song leader, leads Sunday school on the lawnFriday, July 5th: Teens at First Friday to promote VBS and give


Page 5: The Viewpoint - Web viewAs the July edition of the Viewpoint goes to print, I am preparing to depart for a “bucket list” adventure: ... Gospel Choir. are taking a summer break


Riverside Community Church Council Meeting HighlightsJune 26th, 2012

Present: Vicky Stifter, Bob Olsen, Lorre Chester Rea, Shaun Requa, Joan Ewing, Sue Hukari, Mariloy Fowler, Kim Vogel, Steve Nybroten, Gean Rains

Meeting called to order @ 5:05 p.m with a prayer from KimMotion to accept minutes from previous meeting passed.Motion to accept agenda as stated passed.

Pastor’s Report: VickySummer Worship format has been positive thus far. There have been about 50 individuals attend each Sunday. We have been blessed with guest musicians. We will hold two outdoor worship services this summer: July 22nd at the Able’s and a joint service with Bethel on August 12th at the

June 2012Special Offering Totals

Pockets of Plenty $188.50 Camp Adams

FISH/ $83 Local Missions $83

Thank you for your Generosity!

Team RCC welcomes your support! Games are held at Westside field and start at 6:30 pm. Players please be at the field by 6:15.

Next games:

July 3 and July 10 About the season thus far, Kaptain Kirby says “We are 1-1 with a win over Bethel UCC and a loss to River of Life, but we are having more fun than runs so far and the season is young. More players are welcome!”

We all know how great a shower feels after a session of pulling weeds, mowing the lawn, or even playing outside in the hot sun all day.  Many of our most in need neighbors who are served at the FISH food banks greatly appreciate finding BAR SOAP, TOOTHBRUSHES, TOOTHPASTE, DEODORANT, SHAMPOO on the shelves along with essential food items.  The Mission Board invites everyone to add  one or two of these items to their grocery list and drop them in the box in the

Christian Nurture Hour: “Rivers of Life”

If you are looking for a deep and meaningful opportunity to draw closer to God and to others in this community of faith, please join us for “Rivers of Life” which will resume on August 5 at 9 a.m.

In this series, you will have the opportunity to reflect upon the “river” that is your journey of faith and hear the sacred stories of others.

If you have questions or


Page 6: The Viewpoint - Web viewAs the July edition of the Viewpoint goes to print, I am preparing to depart for a “bucket list” adventure: ... Gospel Choir. are taking a summer break

Marina. Vicky will be on vacation July 2-12 and July 24-31st. Karl Vercouteren and Royal Ewing will be our guest preachers on July 8th and 29th. Christian Nurture Hour: “Rivers of Life” faith sharing series began on June 10th. The Monday morning Down Manor Bible Study continues to be well received. Vicky is planning to bring proposed 2013 sabbatical leave dates to our August Council meeting. Discussion on use of building fees pertaining to use of the facility for recitals was discussed and will be tabled for August council meeting as more info and input is needed.

Treasurer’s Report: SueBalance Sheet concerns: Due to market fluctuations we lost $27,000 in May but are still up for the year to date. UBS funds lost $3,863 but still up $1800 year to date. These are based on May 2012 numbers. In May pledges were up so we are close to being on budget for the year. Discussed sending out a letter stating the progress of the church budget, programs etc. in August.

Diaconate: Meeting in September

Mission: JoanWorking on how to be a “Global Mission Church” was discussed. Emphasis this summer: continue collecting children’s books for prison inmates’ children. There is a need for hygiene items for FISH food bank.

Christian Nurture: VBS meeting on June 20th was well attended. Vacation Bible School will be held at RCC July 16-20th and the theme is “ Green Renew”.

Centennial Report: GeanHistorical research meets every Thursday morning. Ned Marshall presented a binder containing the history of Boy Scouts at Riverside. It is displayed in the Pioneer Room.The next special service will be on Sunday September 16th 2012. Labyrinth still in the works. Weatherization and Solar Project expected to start this month.

Spring Fundraiser: SteveDeposited $2,794 for fundraiser.

Building/Grounds: LorreGroup met and prioritized projects and needs for the church. The group will report back in August.

Congregational Assessment: Discussion on the possibility of an assessment being implemented at RCC. The assessment would include the process for visioning and planning. Vicky has a colleague from the Seattle area who works with churches in this process. The council discussed and gave permission for Vicky to talk with Kim Vogel to further explore this process and report back to the council. This issue will be discussed at the council meeting in August.

New Business:Warming Shelter:The 2012/2013 warming shelter will operate from November 15th-March 31st. Motion: For Riverside Community Church to provide support for the Warming Shelter.Motion passed.

Next Meeting: August 28th 2012Meeting Adjourned at 6:15 p.m.

Minutes respectfully submitted byShaun Requa Council Secretary

Complete minutes available in the church office.

We all know how great a shower feels after a session of pulling weeds, mowing the lawn, or even playing outside in the hot sun all day.  Many of our most in need neighbors who are served at the FISH food banks greatly appreciate finding BAR SOAP, TOOTHBRUSHES, TOOTHPASTE, DEODORANT, SHAMPOO on the shelves along with essential food items.  The Mission Board invites everyone to add  one or two of these items to their grocery list and drop them in the box in the

Christian Nurture Hour: “Rivers of Life”

If you are looking for a deep and meaningful opportunity to draw closer to God and to others in this community of faith, please join us for “Rivers of Life” which will resume on August 5 at 9 a.m.

In this series, you will have the opportunity to reflect upon the “river” that is your journey of faith and hear the sacred stories of others.

If you have questions or


Page 7: The Viewpoint - Web viewAs the July edition of the Viewpoint goes to print, I am preparing to depart for a “bucket list” adventure: ... Gospel Choir. are taking a summer break

Central Pacific ConferenceWomen’s Retreat At Camp AdamsOctober 12-14, 2012Brochures in the Pioneer Room.

Riverside All Church RetreatAt Camp Adams November 2, 3 and 4 2012Stay tuned for more information!

Legacy Project Update

As Riverside now heads into the next 100 years, giving thanks to God for the faithful generations that have gone before and those yet to come….

Solar panel installation is about to begin at Riverside and will hopefully be completed by the end of the month!! This is our first step towards ensuring a steady flow of sustainable and renewable energy for future generations.

Thank you to the many generous donors that have made it possible!


GARAGE SALE House moving and getting rid of treasures! (and junk) July 6 and 7 from 7:00 – 5:00.But for select people (like RCC folks) there will be a pre-sale on Thursday afternoon from1:00-5:00 at Donna McCoy’s.....1753 4th Street in Hood River.

I HATE CANCER CONCERT Molly Schwarz, with Kristie Mitchel on piano Sunday, July 15 7 pm at the Columbia Center For The Arts. All proceeds will be donated to the Bowman Family. Suggested donation $15.

HR WARMING SHELTER invites you to a Summer Supper at St. Mark’s on Friday, July 20 6 pm. Cost is $10 per person. All proceeds go to support the Hood River Warming Shelter’s critical ministry for our homeless brothers and sisters in the Gorge.

FISH FOOD BANK BUILDING PROJECT The Hood River Lions Club has challenged the community to raise $45,000 which, when added to their donation of $30,000, can be matched by the International Lions Foundation. Between now and March 2013, donations for the FISH building campaign can be sent to: The Lions Foundation, PO Box 860, Hood River, OR 97031 Checks can be made out to the Lions Foundation and put “FISH Building Fund” in the memo section of your check. Please include your name and address for donation acknowledgement. Thank you.

Weekly Bible Study:  Grow in Faith, Have Fun & Connect With Others

Beginning Monday, August 6 we will resume our weekly Bible study on Mondays from 10-11 a.m.

All are welcome as we gather at Down Manor (4th floor dining area) to explore the weekly scripture readings.  We share, study, reflect, pray and seek ways to transform our lives with the word of God.  We take the Bible seriously, not literally...and we laugh a lot along the way.

The gathering is open to all friends and members of Riverside, including (but not limited to) residents of Down Manor.

Come and check it out!  No experience necessary.  


Page 8: The Viewpoint - Web viewAs the July edition of the Viewpoint goes to print, I am preparing to depart for a “bucket list” adventure: ... Gospel Choir. are taking a summer break


We seem to have forgotten the name of the holiday we celebrate later this week. We refer to Independence Day simply as "the fourth of July." That wouldn't have pleased Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence. He didn't care about the date. What mattered to him was the deed: the decision of the thirteen British North American colonies to assert their independence from the mother country, and what that decision meant to the world.

Jefferson didn't address his Declaration to the British, but to all humanity, because the principles that underlay the Americans' claim to independence applied worldwide: the inalienable human rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that precede any government, and the right to overthrow governments that disregard them.

Today, more than half the countries of the world have their own such declarations. The young Africans who studied our Declaration of Independence, along with the Bible, in the mission schools our UCC forebears founded didn't care about the date, either. What mattered was the warrant that document gave them to dream that, one-day, they too would be free of their colonial masters.

Woodrow Wilson, our most learned president, understood the meaning and significance of our Declaration of Independence. Unlike every other nation, he observed, the United States was founded "for the benefit of [humankind] as well as the benefit of its people." In that sense, the holiday we celebrate this week is not only ours, it is the worlds.

July 2012 God is still speaking,

Riverside Community ChurchUnited Church of ChristP.O. Box 656Hood River, OR 97031Pastor Vicky A. Stifter


The Viewpointis published monthly by Riverside Community Church,

4th and State Streets, Hood River, OR 97031, P.O. Box 656, 541-386-1412.Editor: Lorre Chester-Rea - email address: [email protected]. Editor reserves

the right to edit for space and content. All errors, typos and omissionsare sincerely regretted. © 2012 Riverside Community Church

Visit our website at: www.riversideucc.comAlso visit: ucc.org and cpc.org

for more information onthe United Church of Christ


Page 9: The Viewpoint - Web viewAs the July edition of the Viewpoint goes to print, I am preparing to depart for a “bucket list” adventure: ... Gospel Choir. are taking a summer break