THE TIDES OF CIRCLE BAY Published monthly by the Circle Bay Yacht Club Condominium Assoc. Inc. Phone--772-287-0990 e-mail—[email protected] Fax—772-205-3533 Web site—www.circlebay.net Editor – Ginny Gande July 2016 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 9:00 AM Pool Exercise 1:00 PM Bridge 8:15 AM Men’s Breakfast Resume in fall 1:00 PM Yoga 9:00 AM Pool Exercise 1:00 PM Yoga 9:00 AM Pool Exercise 5:30 PM Social Hour BYOB 1:00 PM Mah Jongg Experienced players 12:30-3:00 PM Art Group Resume in fall 1:00 PM Mah Jongg Those Learning 6:30 PM Texas Hold'em July Events Thursday, 14 th 11:30 AM Ladies' Luncheon (meet at Clubhouse) Shuckers JULY BIRTHDAYS 5 – Charlie Denby 10 – Rosenka Scharfenberg 23 – Shirley Berson 27 – Joan Smith JULY ANNIVERSARIES 7 – Don & Dorothy Kurtz 21 – Leo & Carol DiDonato 30 – Chuck & Lorrie Markarian PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE This month I thought I would write about two creatures we all are familiar with at Circle Bay and the Treasure Coast, one we are happy to have and the other not so. First let’s cover the undesirable. Lately, there have been some concerns expressed regard- ing ants and our lawn and ornamental pest and disease control program. What follows is some in- formation about ants in south Florida and the ac- tions we are taking to control ants and other pests. Ants are nuisance pests around the home because they feed on and contaminate human foods, infest structures by nesting in wall voids and/or underneath kitchen sinks and other places, and build unsightly mounds in lawns and other landscapes. In some cases, ants are able to inflict

THE TIDES OF CIRCLE BAY...2016/07/06  · THE TIDES OF CIRCLE BAY Published monthly by the Circle Bay Yacht Club Condominium Assoc. Inc. Phone--772-287-0990 e-mail—[email protected]

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Page 1: THE TIDES OF CIRCLE BAY...2016/07/06  · THE TIDES OF CIRCLE BAY Published monthly by the Circle Bay Yacht Club Condominium Assoc. Inc. Phone--772-287-0990 e-mail—office@circlebay.net

THE TIDES OF CIRCLE BAY Published monthly by the Circle Bay Yacht Club Condominium Assoc. Inc.

Phone--772-287-0990 e-mail—[email protected] Fax—772-205-3533 Web site—www.circlebay.net

Editor – Ginny Gande

July 2016

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

9:00 AM Pool Exercise

1:00 PM Bridge

8:15 AM Men’s Breakfast Resume in fall

1:00 PM Yoga

9:00 AM Pool Exercise

1:00 PM Yoga

9:00 AM Pool Exercise

5:30 PM Social Hour BYOB

1:00 PM Mah Jongg

Experienced players

12:30-3:00 PM Art Group

Resume in fall

1:00 PM Mah Jongg

Those Learning

6:30 PM Texas Hold'em

July Events Thursday, 14th 11:30 AM Ladies' Luncheon (meet at Clubhouse) Shuckers


5 – Charlie Denby 10 – Rosenka Scharfenberg 23 – Shirley Berson 27 – Joan Smith


7 – Don & Dorothy Kurtz 21 – Leo & Carol DiDonato 30 – Chuck & Lorrie Markarian

PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE This month I thought I would write about two creatures we all are familiar with at Circle Bay and the Treasure Coast, one we are happy to have and the other not so. First let’s cover the undesirable. Lately, there have been some concerns expressed regard-ing ants and our lawn and ornamental pest and disease control program. What follows is some in-formation about ants in south Florida and the ac-tions we are taking to control ants and other pests. Ants are nuisance pests around the home because they feed on and contaminate human foods, infest structures by nesting in wall voids and/or underneath kitchen sinks and other places, and build unsightly mounds in lawns and other landscapes. In some cases, ants are able to inflict

Page 2: THE TIDES OF CIRCLE BAY...2016/07/06  · THE TIDES OF CIRCLE BAY Published monthly by the Circle Bay Yacht Club Condominium Assoc. Inc. Phone--772-287-0990 e-mail—office@circlebay.net


painful bites or can have venomous stings. Ants do not attack or eat fabrics, leather or wood in houses. However, some species can establish nests in de-caying wood, including wood in human structures.

Several species of ants are found in or

around houses in Florida. In general, the most

common ants can be grouped as house-infesting

ants, yard-infesting ants, and carpenter ants. Car-

penter ants do not eat wood but they do rearrange

it into galleries and tunnels. The most commonly

encountered pest ants are pharaoh, white footed,

Argentine, ghost, pyramid, carpenter, rover, native

fire, imported fire, crazy, thief, Caribbean, acrobat,

and big-headed ants.

The recent heavy rains combined with the

heat have driven the ants to flourish and seek high-

er ground. This is common in south Florida and is

difficult to prevent. It is impossible to exterminate all

the ants and other pests. Our only option is to try to

control the problem. We do this in an environmen-

tally responsible manner by spot treating on de-

mand along with blanket spraying of the property

when necessary with approved pesticides.

Our current service provider is Organic So-

lutions, a fully licensed and certified pest control

and landscape company. Organic Solutions follows

Florida Friendly guidelines as to Best Management

Practices as recommended by the State of Florida.

They treat for pest or disease problems on an 'on

demand’ basis as well as providing service every

other month. The program they offer is very envi-

ronmentally friendly and is important to minimize

harmful chemical run off into the river. Organic So-

lutions has been very responsive to our calls when

the office is made aware of any problem and ar-

rives to treat any problem areas within 24 hours of

a call.

The Board has considered alternative ser-

vice providers but has no reason to believe that a

change in service providers will have any different

effect as they all use the same pesticides. Our

CAM, a licensed Master Gardener, has determined

that the service provided by Organic Solutions is

the best course of action and we will continue for

the time being.

The second creature I have a few com-

ments about is the Sailfish Capitals favorite, namely

the Sailfish. The Sailfish is known for his speed

ability which is over 65 miles per hour and his spec-

tacular challenge to any fisherman lucky to hook up

with one. The sailfish is displayed on our docu-

ments and flag and is a beautiful creature to be-


I know there are a few residents who be-

lieve I never use my boat so I thought I would make

a point of going out on Father’s Day weekend with

my son as mate. Here is the result:

I am happy to say that the Sailfish was out of the water for only a picture or two and then we slowly moved forward holding him alongside the boat after which he gingerly swam away. Interest-ingly as we had him up for the picture another sail-fish swam along with the boat for a brief time. Ob-viously I do not know the relationship between the two fish but assume there is one. Werner Bols, President

From The Property Manager I've had a few calls about snakes recently so I thought I'd share some information from the internet along with some experience I've had with snakes. Florida has an abundance of snake species (about 50, but who's counting). Out of the 50 species only 6 are venomous. So that would leave 44 species and subspecies that are non-venomous and harmless, unless you break your leg or neck trying to get away from one. You may not want to hear this however, all snakes are beneficial. "No way" you say. That's right, they eat insects, rats, mice, worms, toads, frogs, fish and some, like Indigos and Kingsnakes, eat other snakes including the venomous ones. They help keep the ecosystem they live in at a good balance. The six types of venomous snakes that can be found in south Florida are Coral Snakes, Cot-tonmouth, Copperhead, and 3 varieties of rattle-snake. I've personally seen a Pygmy Rattlesnake and an Eastern Diamondback. Needless to say, if

Page 3: THE TIDES OF CIRCLE BAY...2016/07/06  · THE TIDES OF CIRCLE BAY Published monthly by the Circle Bay Yacht Club Condominium Assoc. Inc. Phone--772-287-0990 e-mail—office@circlebay.net


you see a snake with a rattle tail, don't approach it and call the authorities for assistance. You can throw a towel or blanket over it and it may stay put. But don't be a hero. Some non-venomous snakes, when cornered or threatened may shake their tail as a means of scaring you off but if they don't have a rattle they are most likely harmless. I've also killed a few Coral Snakes in my neighborhood as well. Coral Snakes are identified by their red, yellow and black stripes. Another harmless and beneficial snake is the Kingsnake which looks similar to the Coral Snakes with red, black and yellow stripes. The way to tell them apart is by identifying the arrangement of the stripes. The following saying helps me know the difference- Red touch yellow, kill a fellow- red touch black friend of Jack. The most common snakes I've seen around are Black Racers and Corn, or Rat Snakes. Black racers are black and are harmless and Corn Snakes are brown with squares or diamond pat-terns. Both are harmless and Corn Snakes are even kept as pets. Wherever there is water, there will be rats and wherever there's rats there will be snakes. Now, I'm no radical environmentalist tree-hugging nut, however, I've been blessed with some good Ole common sense. So I say, having snakes around is a good thing. I realize that some of you are scared to death of them. Just give them a healthy distance and leave them alone, they'll probably just slither away and go eat a rat or some-thing.

REMINDER!! Keep those recipes coming for the new

CBY&SC Cookbook to be published in the Fall.

A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE We are now in the summer dol-drums which is normally a good time to be on the water. Unfortunately our waterways are now covered with green slime from the Lake O discharges. Sadly, there seems to be no end in sight. Have you noticed the deplorable condition of our once beautiful water? In response, the local chapter of the Citizens for Clean water held a rally on the Palm City Bridge objecting to the Lake O discharges. In support of them, Mary Stewart or-ganized our own rally behind buildings 1 and 13.

We had a great turnout and can only hope our voices and signs will be heard by our legislators in Tallahassee. Commodore George Hohenstein and his wife Toby are still enjoying the cool weather in CT. He is a volunteer at the Mystic Seaport welcoming summer visitors as well as at the Noank Historical Society researching the activities of old sailing cap-tains. Maybe we can talk him into sharing what he learned with us when he returns this autumn. On May 28th CBY&SC sponsored the annu-al Memorial Day celebration which included an all American cook out on the Deck. Approximately 65 people attended. The Patriots (honor guard), the ROTC and all of our vets ate free of charge. Social Director Sandy Tortis arranged for the food and decorations while Pat Atkinson did a spectacular job coordinating all of the military aspects. Last but not least Jim Reid supplied the music. This was an event we can be proud of and all the volunteers are to be congratulated. Larry Bryant, Fleet Captain, organized a boat-a-cade on June 2nd to Spoto’s restaurant in Stuart. A total of seven boats participated and 32 Circle Bayans attended. With so many snow birds already flown to the northlands this was a great turnout. Larry is continuing to look for new adven-tures so stay tuned to Channel 43 and watch your bulletin boards. But wait, there’s more! The next day on June 3rd Sandy Tortis, Pam Lewis and Jim Reid col-laborated on a pool party. Dinner on the Deck and music at the pool was attended by over 50 peo-ple… it was wet and wild! Dennis Stewart Vice Commodore, CBY&SC

Neighborhood Watch Thanks to Building 11 and any volunteers who also helped to keep CBYC secure during the month of June. Have to report the response was good. July finds Building 12 with "the duty." We usually can use some extra help during the summer months so if you have an evening or two to spare check in with me. Vince Meyer

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In Memoriam In Memoriam In Memoriam In Memoriam

Loretta Gerber (3-105) passed from this life on June 11th. She was an amazing person with much love for life and family. An ardent Mah Jongg player, Texas Hold'em fan and Scrab-ble buff; she was always ready for a game. Loretta's family paid tribute to her with a Celebration of Her Life held at the Clubhouse on Wednesday, June 16th. The residents of Circle Bay extend their sympathy to the Gerber family.

Social Activities Friday Happy Hour is still on. Come join the small but congenial group at 5:30. First ones there set up and everybody helps cleanup. Sauder's Landing at Nettles Island was the venue for the June ladies' luncheon. There were nine of us gathered in their small dining room. (We occupied half the room.) There was plenty of conversation and I think it was unanimous that the food was excellent. Shuckers is the desti-nation on July 14th. Call Lee Weeks (772-631-4236) if you plan to attend.

Welcome The Welcome Committee report for May

listed four sales and no new annual leases or sea-sonal leases. It also contained two annual lease renewals.

Sales Unit 8-307 Michael Monaco Unit 2-201 Thomas A. Kleinkauf Unit 14-303 Sandra Wetmore Unit 2-101 Floyd and Jane Smith

Please welcome these new Circle Bay resi-dents to the community.

Annual Lease Renewals Unit 13-305 Eileen Vincent Unit 14-203 Roland Carey

Save Our River Demonstration – 6/4/16

Pool Party Pics – 6/13/16