-- -- -- - - I Wr.DNl.VDAY. MAY '.T, Dol. H , Atcrnar Hull v Clri'iiliilliin Over I '.'(1,(1(111. fl Itttallvrtaa tltl'tll' ll Ih tk.t m ft i' t ' '"'I 'I l' "I H In Ik I ik Ifi-iii- tnn t it P. PtBf kbt kf t I ll I. in. t a ft. Ir f m rtil M II. '., ' II II - I ' Oa i" Star t. ' tit Eg i It i.,l .. Mi f - ..ft trf. Sit 't i . r B dot Imih f Nit. 1 k III", kith. W att I. rh. Jat.a H I til antta Ul...a-S- pt Al"i. llR l. . I II v. . in It 0. It HI ll'fcll'-- II It ,t I ill.' I" tl I y I it ii it t ml' i ll I 1t a' r t n It. I tnfVi It BJ fji .lit! .h t litt mitltu. I t a 't f, H J. n l'n M a f II' If II t i,,M I '.I - l lli'ttt- I FJ ti n, !.' it ".it II ii iiti a ikl I naa.atl ana ti l.tiiiit. A in 'tt'ii , ib nil 'i 1 nt fun t Ms it ritaitllv auuiil D I" h ttli" ttflnl l.'i'.'t rtti l t" HI, ln hat moon r dnell kf I" H 1,1 In' .1 mi d In ti Mat., , , it . 1 ai .na la 1i t kf at tr y tal.tttt tmlK'n la im.ii. Ut l"i. ai.l ii ,n alii II ft' 'Oil H I . ., . I aI til tail tat I call) tlliiaiUblt k.tkaK At 11.1 ft' B ii.ikiiikiacfrtit, B Thi tVicb.lv fnn, I I'ltrtttatlr-- k.atlv tl rer.,rll. lift af ,it ttla at I Tart'tafy H ii th I n ttu .I Ik II utiin sa ! 41tt.lt H Th ITmii , tti It a. a lt Iv ft- nf lUtltitl II I H'l H I'.a .! ft I 'HI Itll't ikat hafc,ta kail HI'S fl tiaikaltiti M I I tftiliiftf Ik. l"it nr I tiitl e Ik rtti ll ' 'I liti it t"k ici, 11 I'l.- it I'll i ttu iritl, t't ene til lia tlil tUr ht Ta I aM'farlai r an dilt IN atr ta'tta-t- l ltaij.tr itli, ril luail, atl KJ alliUfaaniii it .ttaltll a uakla. pi I'l ikatt Ailtaill ntkl, Ittar, 60 Sd Sit ttl-- rttaff f l rtm "I tlllaJ la. M Pa it N II . t, .tik . ta. "t ' na, 0 " Itti i S !', tk ! . f na, 1 Oil ftm it t rtktaati, tall aphiitimm) A Ctalr tiiakt, lt hut? awittala) ia Ian, ratti tr.lv ! : i 'lltia. I' f atv Aiti"t'mnt. pi atla llti fft to I jit VI ' t '"I trftl. rt.ttu tmtiil) f 'in, - ft tl I'm' Nil'rt.t'll tilfutta " tirtllti, ff it, II "ta kt .1 S I ,ri, a I.I Ma'i aaa tt.l tttat t, a! llnat O.Ml kt I 1 'til Mkirr al. tft M rv A'l la, O tli Itak'i ( S lirat, l'k " la ," kl titr, f irii I Tit) f. Ka 'i' t N I in, !!' ' K4' ," ' 1 f'a. I Ha, tall Tlr rntr- if (wattii! mi Tin: Uaiit kcx. ml- - t'tiiiiitlii llr truil.r l H '.'J I ' r aiinirn, S ir ilittl) I'tT (iiiiiit-r- , ijHliii In in titiH'i. Mid i irr rk ail'ii n ir p tin Ir i i'1'tpt Ii) lrllrr f. r- - rr m iM I It iar atnl tin m mini nr iUtrlcr! iotti-;- r tti ihk cir-i.- i t..i..tkr tin it tiM llr, Ir mi) l.tk'iii ratft aru I Ci.i.. aitul, it'n rr ttii fkrt to Hit luctl riil..ia'li r. ToIlitr aalvtlkii. llatltta !AlMIIrtllfllai I Tiwinat'i rktil. (' i o'.lo.M nail III' a Ittat ait.1 Ti lit) A Ik iiltl ktallnaa. ra Tail Ulikltl'a Mlntlrvls Tata tkir4 tifal. I'.l) a l lftU Airaiitr Tl.vntrn llllt.i T. tU k Mlal.i'a liattlrn I..Jt at tti U a (I.i mplc 1 hi aim r'f N vali ai klaum. Tliatrp ('ttttiltiun II lli'tt, Mtlla. I'm nt rtirir la f HiH iil'tllfatu M r. f Ut ll'a JtttJM Um Itlla I, 1'leurltlc attacks subdued by Jayue'a r. (.r.iitt rrulcctiuu Tlinc uliu t'luudrr IbU l''0)l('a j I'ri tic who Hfl' HI7.lttl I" IR'i'dlltit for I; tin' I'lioitiiKii incrfii.n' In tin' cMicnilitm t'H Of till' (lOM'tlllllt lit Oil Ill'I'OlllIt of IlltllllU itfTnii iimlir tin- - pri'?i'iil Adiiiiiiistr.itlou limy Eiilti ciill'-'litciui- H iit !ty :u':iri'ul porn-N- il of tint four iiitlictliii'iil't fmiii'l liy ii Jury of the I'ultcU Slittw I'oiwt In .Itiilli-iii- l litrii't of Moutiiu t tin.' Itov. Imllan ArohI VTii.mam V. wliifli wi pul)!ili y. Tills U II Iirotlicr-'II-'III- T ul Cl:itil;iin to ulileli flirt prnliiilily lit' owril mi nt to ill- - II tl f lalmr whVli i itt to lmvu tiiUiviiti'il tlm four Imllctiiioili'-- , throe .vcro Itaininl Un'mon- - mid Ii.s in plii'W, I'iiaiilcs for t'iilin iiuiiuity piodi; font tli wns iii:iiliit KxM(i. mill ot'ii r pnrtlc!" for rnupiniey to tliL'tiovt'iiiineiit by M'liliiijiiiiniiity uhii'li I pivlA'litlftl Unit lie IkkI nlitl deli veivtl to tin- - Hliti kfoot 1 i(li:i n trili t ns ho h in tint v to do. Amuiif; thu gouilt wlikli Ej is iliuip tl uitli flfjliUK uro liucu of Hour, finriir. Kill, tubnevu, nntl hltio I'lotli. lilnnkots, li:u'oii, i unil soup, tot tlii'i' witlt out' liuuilml mid !ll twtuty um siinil a Hku uiiiuhcr of buUln.'!' M. lkiiivitt, thu I ni K'lcs Inuig lis aiimir.iMy iitlnp'cl for the rt'iuuviil ol Jj tt'iilp.o. Tlio fnt that (iiiiiiiNiiM anil :ui- - iJJSj ollit r ninn wfro convu'ttil ami n.'iitonrril ill j to iiiipi'Hiiiuucut an 1 lint: uuili'i' llu' iu- - lll diritiitiit lor consplmt'.v, i.nil the furihtT 111 fni't lliut K.NFitiN iibM'oiKliii lifloro thu ilay II of tiliil, prevt' that thort' win iilittiiiiti:il 1 1 i' lilvnci to M i mi t tht'Mi rh:tr?t". 1 ,1 It a Mily owlnn to a iimuutlt. rt:iiiil'.u I that thi'M' faitil)t.'t'iiiiii' llu Mill ji'i t of Jinli-- R i uiul iiivi'btipitlnji. A man who wa fiip-- J poMtl to bo iii w itli the lluig wai (jnlfit tl to tuvt flipatu tl.o friuuU wluoh hail ln-- notonoiio a- thu Illuckfoot and otliw i npi'ticlfs in Moutina, tlio oxpfotiitiou II ' hfiliK that ho would whitewash llu- - iiof III a? Dci.soV pat k'tl ft intiiloluii wluto-11- 1 wiuhtil tho llt'V. I iidliii i ( oinmlM-loiit- II- Sjiuh's fiiiiiiluk'iit piiu' Kilct tu Mliiuo-1- J fola. Tlio aiiiiplt'-iiii- ii lod man, howovor, fll took his aipoinlliiont In sober rurtiptt, jP pioi'iiiitl t'Vitlfiiio luoli I'lutillitl in tlu-M- .iidlctiiiont", ami of oouifi was priuiiptly II romovtHl liy l (U'ii t li iian't for not home j alilo to uiidi'i'iataiitl a joko. Ilia ii l lion- - ,i: rli.ut Unit Just mii'li IniiKlsn- - thto wlili h bao bfuli t.xposod lu .Montana, oi'ot'pt HI thai many of tlioiu urti of oiioriiiouly floater pruportion, Iiiimi hfoii tho rulo than th" o.roptiou ovor sinof II Dl'.I.ANo IriA boon ut tho liit.ul of tho Inte- - 11 nor Iii'pai'lnioui, anil Dial Hu pot point. I tout o' thoMj lobboilot liavo iiiiifunnlv l hi on protfotod liy tho wliolo powur of tho IT Utivol'liliJOlil. Tlioroaro povt'tal ourioui points lu rolu- - T tlmi lo tltif biicliir., tot loi tb 111 thtilottor T of our Moutaau loirtsponilmil. Duo U II' that (i'iiH)i.suri, ulio was vuuvlotutl of 0011- - l' fpii'.ioy to ih f i ami tlio (iorotumoiit, II nt the vt rv timo thai ho win oiiuukoiI fll in oouiiulttiut; I11.1 t iiiiU'A In. Id a otun- - million uk special I'nilt'd Statin dolectivo to picvt'iit Inuuls at thu niaokfooC Au'oiioy, a fait which shous that coin- - IilauilMif Iniiid in list liavo boon mailii to f the Indian Iiin can. Tudor thec cilfiiiii. . ! ftuiicis tin.' protoiico of appoliitiiif; thu I itli iit'lit'M in plio to keep his ii vuiond unclu 'In trom f tfiiliiiB. in ,iewol tho dovolopiui'iiu ,n which havo mao bnu mado, hcam a pif.iliai fisnliiiiini i'. 'IhoMiuplf liu t is that the "hole adinlu-i- j -t I'iit kiii of ludimi alTiilr-- i is poi iiioaltil i "I"' tiiiinl and coii'iipiioii, and nol II H V (j ' V.nows this littler ill. hi rivMdeiii tiiitNr, "liu leiontlv, in it com tirs.tt Ion nh a !j in wapapor i riokpoiiilont, hud Um amiir- - ' tin. urn iikkoil li.iit ii.nltr h d Adiuiiil-tlia- - !1 tu n Iho Indian Mrvuo had boon tlim uuili ' lv it I'm iik tl, iiml to aall with oMn 11,0 ct.iilvMiiotri and viiuleiittt thu pieb of tho ', ii tiHiiiii rui piiblblnii thtili nth about tin liibboneii coiiiiiiitleii In thu iiitiimoiiri lu- - 'j di.in KuiK. Guam' appear- - to have u ' much ooiiloinpt lor the iiittllwonii! ol iho p.il lu an lie has i iiip.ilh lur public piuii. (U l i ii ol e uiy Wur ctiiiisptiiidtiit mivs that truiur iji ri'. i l. mo iimUinj; bj tlio Moiit.iua Itiiii;- - j bi Mfi'iiiu tliu removal ol JmUu Kmuvlij. 5 T l Attornny 1'a.,i. for haviny 1 u Hill til Iho coiivittiou Of I'SMlaN't I" hew anil his t onleiloiatu I'l'ii.ui. ll " .uld nol In. stiaiiKoif Ihuv rhould sin- - tj " 'Ho 1'ioMileiit, who itimo.tMl tn I riiitotl Mates i. llu iul for pioeiiniiK ladiei- - l i.am o.n ami others in Ar-J- S Uir Mlioi. Miiu election tiuuds. ami ' J u.,1' or inoio L'liiti'd Htuies ollieuis lu Te.a ' bi "limine action ii;.iiiit liov. Dwis fm , !l I" ''is conci'incd in tho IraudiiiiM.t pin- - !' noliiiKs which iisiilted in mulling Iho i rjianiplon ballot-b- o MulTcr, Ci.aiik, It. ? I'l'iinioM.; who bus already lomuved tioin i " oH'co Mr. I'i.aof.tt of MoiitHim for litciully I ob.yin his liutruulioui and procuntia i i. i , a. fvli'c-K- iiciiii't t'saii.jj nntl I. Is urcoin-plleo- s: ami who Inn Juit ojet toil Anoi.f Ci.tss from the DM i lei of Columbia Until il of Public Wiukt for tellmir tl Con. Kl' slolial comiiillti o the truth llbotlt I !".- Hiini'UKIiDi uoiild b euliiely ooiiklsleiit in roiiioviii a t'liltiil Htil"! iIiiiIko lor not pliolluitlliK hit hinh ol'ileu lor lue pliitei!-t.o- ii of citinliiala. The ( molliie Claim lu Itiri7ll. Wo Dust that lieu. i;un'. (Mil for (he pulilli utioii of nil llu- - t oi respoiideni c the Ciinilliio el.itiu uitullisl llnill may bo oompllotl with. This el.iliii had In on peiidln.Lt lur twenty yours bofoio tho (ioM'l'iimout of Unit country, when, to tlcn. W'ctili, the cliiimatit pro-poc- tl lo lilm (hat eerliitii UiazlllaiH should colleel it nntl 'tcrlvo all over twenty-liv- e per cent. This propoktllou hu Mibmltted to Secretary Suu aiid in lt'iW, anil after Ills npprowil It was adopted, ami tho money whs paid by the llra.iliaii l!o ei iimeiil In iMiT. " 1 m nl," s.iys (ien. Wi.hii, 'ifii.lHVO tu MAVtnn, toetl.cl twill the clalinni'l's oiiinal aulliorily to pay the balain o to his iijroiils, i Icli I (lid." .Mr. .siiii Attn dually c.preed Ids iipproballou of tho entire piocot iIIiik. I'or Hume reason the (hiimaut never his U'.'i.WO ul Wii'lunptiiti; and it buiu; Mibreiiiieliily nitreeil by Seeretarv I'lhtl nml Attoinoy-lleiicii- il Ai;i;ii.man that thu i III III ollht never to hiliu been pic-ne- il ag.iiust llr.iU, they ttoUaiiiineil to send the money buck to the lirazillmi Govern- ment. Hut when the itutlieil llm do tlmieno they vwre Inroriiutl that tho criminal payuuiit had be. 11 Hl,-- .', or tip-wa- of $i(,00(, Itibttad of thu sum they refiilidtd. ilerenpuii lieu. V 1:1111 wi call-et- l upon to explain, with what result Mr. I'.. K. Hoaii has stated hi thu House of l!opreM'iilalles as billows: "lie returned mil)' Imlkimnt riii! orjr to ii ti in i. lu uif, M'tiiltli.. In ait vxirii-.e- s 111 tinii'iitliii.' tlio i,f llrnilllaii naii-tul- to cet tho i.ttitl. Antl Hutu tils Milaiut- - linn otiilt il. lb- - t.tMi 111 p..rili'iil.tts. Ho ni'iinl not sl.tto to whiitti it km, t'ii',1. or liow It n paltlt 111 iiiiviliuikr on thai anlijei'i vti itntert unit II t ulii.s 111 11 l.tui fuilnl tu t lit ll UUitllluC of thu klnil." (!eii. Vi:mi toon to come homo from r.urt'pe, aiid the only way for him to c capo ctnvp public roudemnatinu Is to make 11 clean breast of the whole nuiller. I.e. htm ti 11 what Ilr.tf.illan nRlcials were bribed, mid how much was paid lo each one of Hit in, ami u bother .Mr. kwaiiii was aware of tluse p'li'tlculars, or el-- e a very heavy tain may rest 141011 hi? own diame- ter in his old ago. All thin- - facts would seeni to Indicate that lir.pciial Hiazd is about as corrupt as lopiiblhiiii Ameiiea. New Jteiico us a State. Tin late vote in thu House of I!cpre.-t'!i-tative- s at Wiisluutoii on tho hill to admit Noh Mexico in a Statu mutt have been as print it tmrprl-- o to the members as tho re- cent l'i caUlon tail veto wiu to the I'h.cf Ma- gistrate. It had the suiltloiiuts of a water spout, mid astunitlitsl like an erupt ivell imu ami seoila from 1111 t'xtluot volcano. It war. can led Ihioiih, il would miii.iu lunch bv the opposing speech of .Mr. 1'tirTKi; of New Yolk as by thu argument of the plaintiff, Dolepat- - Ki.kiss. It is not uiipleat.1111 that we have at last a roprcM'iitative from that pastrual sequestration who has not a prt fix of Sofior or Don. Tho AiikIo-Su.xo- ii has llunlly penetrate! Into Its Salami retreats. Wo lin.c had thu .TomiIi pntt and thu ('athollc laymau of Spanish uud Iudlaii udmtxture of blood. Governors, too, havo had a stroim lendeimy to mcjtlzo bleeds; uUbou:li the courtly I'u.v: of Mioiii'i ouu time hiuiR in thu melody of Alcxanueii MU.KIKK, " 1 am mpnarc h of all I inrff y." Th's real estate was an aetiulsitlon of the triat) of Gii:iUuliipc-lllilal.;- o, not pas- sionately desired, but taken lu wilh the lest for Mpmiiiip of boundary, uud for 11 sonorous alienation of all Mexican owner- ship north of a given parallel of latitude. When tl.e negotiation was concluded with tho then Muutt'zunins of the realm, unit the iUstkui of disposition and government agitated the bosom of I'oiigress, a Senator proposed In pi hmo to extend ouo organi- zation over the whulo domain, eufoiclng tho position with an energy of speech un- parliamentary lu debate: " Maka it ouu eomprehtimlve hell, as His now and ever will be." It lias, says Mr. KujtNs, a popu- lation of uliiciy-oii- u thousand, and the count Knot Unversed. Just at this junc-tur- o we have all of that class wouei-il- . This peculiar order of popular over-clgnt- y can be tolerated In thu election of delegates, who ato the tlfth wheel of tho coach in the lower House, but do wo need t Item In back up a full mcuihcrship, with speech and vote, with on added pair of Senators! for thu upper chamber? Per- haps this may Justify a llttlo reflection. I'util we have fully digested Nevada, let us forbear to tiikeany morofuch food into the stomach. What thu Caucasian prov- inces aio to llutsia, New .Mexico is to the United States. We have not lu our whole family of population a leg. on k.i entirely .Subtract the tlo.itlug vagrancy from Santa Ko and ami you liav.' the Uhllnn mid the poou. Ouuidn of Ihcsu localilius, thu na- tive Americans are 11s kcarcc .is the iiiisins in the plum pudding of Totlger's commer- cial boarding liuue. It is not mi ambition of Mr. Ki.ki.vm to sit as Soiialortliat is a mattcrot cntnplalut. I.argo liberty of titsto in nssociat.on Is o. To Itl nt. Ill Hie Piku county vI-giili'- may hu "u soft thing;" but there lire siiirouudiiis which claim at-t- - ntloli. Is lliero any pressing eiuorgeucy Miilch ilemands new blocks to be tod III ( ill' 111 eh o Stiitos? If Now Mexico, why not 1'oloiailo? lot us wi them all up in tho Stale biikliii mid import from tln'T Ilimalayiiii helghtti s "iiatorlal levies 10 turn iho clanks of it iitiirtas mill along kldo of thu paper mat hmo or .Moi.TONaml Mmiiii.mhn'. Theio is ut. least an omnibus I'lad of voteis in Dakota who shoitlil be In mil in our national councils 111 thu trip- let of rul.uy uiul mileage. We ennnot Uud II in our lifiirln lo len.-ui- u tlie aniimatlvu meiubers on Ibis bill. They have been most uiipleut-niitl- v (oiistraiut d to vuto "na.v" to 11 Tho goiy nhust of the salary ur.ili, not ipiilu eMireised, leiiintnl Hu ll ili'cams, and iho corn ami c.itllo luler-t-l- s are hot upon their loot.-lop- s. The hiiriiiloss nioiu.s llablo "ave'' has bet 11 iniide a iirillei' of rehearsal like tti " K.o-(tlt.- iiupt.nls, but u hope with nut so uid ffei out sticccis of perfui main e. I.ut them place theiiisolves iiiulor tint tutelage ol Mrs. General of the pi opnotin, mid lopoat In pilvato thu"ayu" lie the "po- tatoes, pi lilies and prisms" of that no. coinplishud fashioner of elcganco of de- meanor. The voto to admit 11 Statp so ariible 111 Us proclivities as Now Mexico Is as 6afu in 11 toast lo the mcmoi v of the lm- - morlfl WAsjtittv.TON In exeititl pnrtban I eoiivivlaliiy. Biiioo (lie 0IT1 mlliig to be under indictment nml oil (rial for tlila lmpriidciicu before the jury pain 1 of Coon Uiver or Hoar 1'reeU, his (le- ft lido Is slmplu. To the critical herder of h'iriioil cattle ami the earplug Granger ho .111 ring out bis reliullcr: " Dovilop' rsof Iho wealth of our mother earth, exterml-li.ilni's- or railniiy hvilrnsl When I voted for tlu ud!iil-lo- ii of his Slate, invmlntl m Willi Ih.iughtt. of tillage mid Its f.tiluites. Kiw Mtxleo is the slock rangu or the eoiitliieiit. The lb ' elk courses its nt 11 11 11 slopes; the beaiiletl wilil (bill emblem of legh-latlv- wl;-il"i- n, crops the lici bage of Its valleys', mid the piictiu dog villrges, icconsliticlcit Hini'u tho rebellion, With Impmtlal t'i ami under Iho i;u. eruoililp of soino pultiiiiotiitl McsLV, nettle tu the nooks of their g!en." l'ulily in tlio Union as a Stale, tlio elec- toral volo of New Mexico can ho put down lu the certain column of eilculalloii for the candidate whose tirmo.'lal boa rings nro the sickle and the rake, significant us thu must usual Implements or our pro-o- politics, uliliDugh.tl must be conceded v.iili pain, ufler the gathcilug nml gleaning of Gimitlsm, the harvest. Holds do not loolc luxtiilant to tho new 1 cupel". We vii'v much Incline to the belli f lh.it, Miiiimlug up Judicially, the determination of tho Iloino was 11 right one. lint wo are still 111 in lu thu opinion that for ..Icady voting thu " nay'' has more of ni'tirity to leal. An iifllruiittivu may otcasioiially bo tried otitis an experi- ment by uitvciitiit't rsj but 11s a general rule we vent ill o to advise the juvenile tui'tulicr to Imitate Sin llovt.i: Hoimik lu thu libh Parliament uud risu Hku him, with tlio " Mr. Speaker, I answer boldly lu the unintuitive, Jin." Hut If New Mexico is Installed i.s a State we must content our-- I elves with tho 'lis 1 111:111 exelatmitiuil of Oti'umutt .' I,et It be a condition Unit thu Sotiators can speak our native tongue, and hold, lu fte of pi.s's!oti ti copy of Writ-(tTttu'- ri uii.ibri.lgcd. If iVc'cfiit Giiant ufknd to Identify Miiin'lf muic coinpicdli with the H'aWi(U' toil lllnu, t'oiiW he .Uiul 11:11 tithcr icctj to tlu It so ixTtctiidli us hi pnunptlt pknuJi-n- y Atioi.f I'U'n for tici'i' 'il evidence (lyttiiist their mliberle ' The jiUimlercr u-- Cin'Jnucd In jkhut nml enjoy hi full' C't cmiiiifiicf.' but those ii'ui t'.rjuoo them die rfai.'t(( with hlstoljt liuli'jinttli'ii. The i.'miliiy ')( s:ns that it Is not in rnr tit in Itliml I'.l tr'.lu' tlio I'tlbuli rebels as bt'lllL-t'ients- . We ret'i rd this tlriil.il whli koino rccrrtt for wo laid uitstiiitlrrstuoil our ronti'iii-putar- nml aii'uit'il that It nns nllllin: tbat niklUlit a measure of Justice iliuulil tie rrntlcred to .1 1't'iiplti bo fur nvu tvara liae bveu strual uJiii.'lit'iiiaiit'h'ato tliiiri'ouiitrv Horn Kumiirau ilrsnutisnii una IIIiIIiik' rusuliitoly In tl.u l.ieo uf tliu iimsl tlvsuiruta odds, anil without utliur frlni'ls than tln'lr own rmirsKe ami tlumUoii. Hut tlio ilct'Urcs tlnil It reitarda tlit'lr rtJ irts Willi entire liulufi'ti'iive riccui u tar us Iho t'ontliiimtii'n of tliolr contest for lllirrtv ami t lie rLtit of tuav tetul to dliithilsli the crop uf siimr nml remlvr It .1 I It t Its mure costly to tlm tea unit euffoj and f.luur-brtu- ii uf thl-- . cuuuli). tlur uoiiteini'iirary also ilrt'Urvi lh.it "Iho tlelrc ft I nr. tics to hivclvr our country In trouble wltti Spain Is conspicuous." l.ct a rc-ti- our cuiittimpnr.iry to nltlnlra'tT luis arcusalloii. We have never hid atn iluklru to uivobt' our ruuutry la ttimtni' with Spain Wo hate no aiilmosltv Hfulunl &ialn,auil arc tpillo uilllnc tliat aliu slioiilil tiroseetitx tier liori'i'tual cUilwnrs tu tealously as tier ocuplo may wlslt, llioui:)i su wtitiUl tain litipu tbal tlit'lr ftrorlly uilit'lit bo utltliratt'd by soiiiuthtin: of I'lirikUju rliarlty unit cl lilted (orbeurauce. Wg want no trim tile n tti tbat country ; but vru shall not be dttvrreil by tliomiplv buuboarof lmirub-abl-e or linpukslblo I'liiuulli'atlous illlier wltli Sp-.l- nr anv oilier pnwr (nun !ho litrforiualuo 1 f siicti adnlv at ai'laUovtlt'tiuiui: tlio fact tbat un Aluuilt'ali I'Ciililo, llvln.' at uur own doom, liato for )tnm inaliit.uiivil a ilelerittliit'il and uiutily contlli't iicaliiat Uurnpean domliiatluii uli'riln'il umlrrtbe uiot oppttsalve 1111J luioloruble s. Wu published the other day tho state-mc- ut uf Sciuit..r 1). 1. U'uuu aCJrulUt; that lie itikcrtoil 111 tlio Supply LIU tuo clause Ul tun tlie Siii.eiliilcndi'iit of the noiv Oi.t'i it (talar. uf flu.uu a lear liu coiisultt'd Mr. Lltit.ll-ixi.Ri- t, Clialruian of tlm ctitiferemo t o.iuulttop ou tlio part ot tlie Assembly, and'oiitulni'd Ins ditiki'in to the Insertion of that cUuso. On the other hand, Mr. Il.wcuia.t.Lit atutos In tlie .s'uni-UijL- tbat ho lias 1111 rt'tolluctloii of any such conversation vt 1 .senator Woou ; I bat lie uuicr . skcnteU to the tasertlia of tlie eliuise lospuet-lUt- i this Kil.m, tliuu.'li 0 did imrt'u to put In tliu sum of fh.no a. tlm salary i f t tin nuinnntfiidln; builder, siut'v that tinil been :uroeil to lu tlie coiiiuiiitcc. anil ':i iiiiuttctl by a mere denial error ; but bo 1111 1 eill.itely saw u majoilty of Ins cllfiuiiits. ulio .dsn lotritiued to tbls cliuniru lu tbu bill. Ho lb t null lu tbal tliu uut'stlnu of thu salary of tbo tSuperlutvudetil of tlio lu-- Capitol wan nut mentioned at all ilurltu Ids lutenlew nttb Mr. Viiioli, ami that cniilleiiiaii ivuulil aeem to lie rxi'li.tl.oly respoiulble fur this pleco of tlt'lous Kcislation. The Kov. Dr. I'Armisnv, formerly of Cub'iun, ami ihuv of Sin Krnnclsin, has il n new plan fur Oili'i kill J lliteliiper.iln.0, wliiilili act forth In n coiuiuiiiilcatlun to tlm 'tiuM 1111 1 ul.li 1: Tuo luivltuiil liuutltiiiau ui'ulil lint tbu wlU'le li'iui i' Ir.iOi , wli"li".iili., roiullt and for uxiiuitutioiit Into the iiaini uf 'bo I'liltvil stales tiutiiriinuiili anil uluillilt all dr ttu shops ul mm' itrailu. He sayt tins liovcruiiii'iil already has u partnership to the vnteiil ol Uvoiort't'iit. of thoprolltanf thelniuor trade, uud hu btllcvra If the whole business of the nmiiufa. tuie uiul a.ilo ot luluxlcathu drinks was ttiailo a IJovernniciit iuoiii)ioly tho roiormo frmn that source would be double , whllu many ilvanl..i:i's vvinilU lolluw. Una point th.it Or, I'wteiimin niiiLi'H It that the prion of ilrliil.s cuiild lis rediii'eil, which Houhl t'otntiieuil Ins I'HiJi'i't to a I.i nro cl.tus nf uur v ptil.itliiii, thoinrh how loweihiL' tlm price of w hlskov would tend to rediii'u Its ciiinuiiiinliui Is nut apparent nt Ami slk'lit. Moreover, he thinks that three-- i ciit (iiiveruini'iit tlrlutn would be betttrthaii tbu evtii h.iIo'iii ilruik, itbit'h wiiuld also render tint siHtvm pnpul.ir; and insists that no stryi'hiiiii'i bliuiiitl be put in llm whl.Lei, which nuillil llku w le t'liin.ii.iiul senoral approbation exeept un iho pait of cuiiilriut'd topers nlth MU.ui tl t.u-te- whullke "soiuethlng llut cuts" as their (Till n.iry Invrrntx. The ruvetvud Docttir prupotcj that tlm keepers of thetinvrriuucnt drain sliopt sliidl be paid salaries Instead of cuuuulsslons on their s ic, and this would iilmsotho men ap-- p lull il to dispense tlio (iuvarinneiii druiks, tor then li.ey would be sine ot their s' Inry, ami, If anv u.iv kiii.iit, could make ih 'Ir I. tliu I'ninuils-sl"i- hmltles. The arjiimeiit otferetl by Dr. l'Armisos lu favor nf the adoption of his plan Is. tli.it "by tuns ilnsli- ini tbu tenipt.itlnlis now lii'lil mil hy tliuiualuU ot tlppllui: houses, and llioau uImi pei'peiually circulateil bv the mule wealthy trailers nnd inaiuifai'tiuers, wu fhall rt'itioiual leant thoiiiiiiids of bitnli r.ihlu uurcileof uibne." I'lulul.liteilly iho p ml lloet ir's Intent imii nro execll-'iit- , but, to s v uolhliu: uf other objet'tlnas. wu fear liU pDu will fjil seuiiio the tujipurl uf thuao who iiro elduilv iiiaii'iiiucnt.il la atltatiutfthe iiut'sllun uf leual upon the use of llipiors. It Is propositi lo pay our Aldermen JIM", ,1 year. No doubt their tpiallly Is extraor- dinary, but Is not thl rather more than thoy 1 And how would It do to ru back to the obi plan of luvliu; flnurato cltUvns tor Alder- men and pa) liar tbciu nullduc 1 BOMB NBW HOOKS. Tho llerul of ATrlcua The most vnlunblu book of travel which lias appeared rlnco the publication of Wallace's ".Malay Archlpehiro" nvo years aco Is 17ie JfMtt of AJiiou by Dr. Hkoiio KciiwtiNnuiTii. (Harper U llrothers). That book was the work of nil Bfciinildlkhed zotil'irjlat. 'Xhls Is the work nf n scirnllllc liotnnlst the only tliornuirldy trained botanUt who li.is over attempted African exploration. Ills puisalt give lilm t'iu 11.11110 of "leaf eater" hinntut tho inan-oatlu- g natives. Tho original tiarratlvo Is In Herman, nntl has been tralislht d In'o l'.iik'llsli by bllen 11. l'rcwer, witoku rendering Is miumtlii yet lelseuud A striking fault, Imweirr, Is her unl-fori- n uao of "UlU'" wlioro "as" Is tho proper word. The work lo published lu two largo and idiounds In Illustration.! from careful ilrawhuitby tho author, who Is a skilful urtiat. As Mr. Wlnniioil lleadu says In nu lulriitlut-tur- preface, " In othtr works of African tnt.ul tho ctplortr has idveu rude s to k.iine pro- fessional arllsti nti'l tints thu picture has been Hindu; but tVliwchif 111 th's rktlchcs wtre work of .ut." 1'roin this Int 'tl tl Hon we lesra that Ttr. Inbittli was only thhty-tw- o soars old In l."t:s when he sot out upon the great Journey which tho book describes, haiiin; birn born ul lllii.t, hi the UuasMii iiiovlncei on the ll.iltlc, In KXJ. He studied nt llehlelher j uud llerlhi, uud luvbik! dotcnnllied to make hot my tho sUili of bis life, lu liU) ho went lo Africa fur the llr-- t time, unit travollcl in thu ililt.1 rt'ilt.li nf tho Nile, 11b. 11.! Hit IlcdSe:ioniit, In tl.e blL'hl.uiils of AlUkslnln, and lu Nubia, rtirope nflernn obsinro if two years nml 11 halt with n splcntlltl collection of flints. Wlifii, therefore, ho renched Africa for tho recoiul tlinc.iu.lulr, lNU, to untli'it.ike a I10U11I-ra- l t'Xilurntliiii uf the eipiatorlal district.! bhiit went of tho Mir. under thu aiipli esiif tliu l(o nl Acadtiiiy uf Sch'i.co nt ll'rlln, ho wits, to uso Ids own Lin juefc, no uovirn 011 Attlcati soil. " I had," ho tats, " icrved nu niiprcntleeslilp In the art of tiavcltluz, In the sunny Rrlds of IVrpt nntl Nubia. I'or months tturi'tht r. In my own boat, I had navliriteil the ltod Sea; nml It was while I was rxploilm: the uiitiavi-rfi- l inouii-tain- s by Its coast that I aerlously courclvud 111 )' lamer project." Tho cxrctitloii of Hilt pruj"ct o"cut)lcil lilm until tho mittiinu of l.CI. Ho s..lled doiiutlie ltfd Sea to lite purl uf Sil.ikln oil lis weMern kin re. and uiado Ids was then 'c utcrlaud to tho celebrated town of Khartoum, ut lliccotilhicttcu of the III to river with the main stream of tho Nile, which may be reitardi'd as the tut outpost of clvlllzitlon fur African oxplor. rs from tho north. Hire he Joined tho trailing exuedltluti of llhattus, a riik ivory merchant, bound for tlio rcclim south ut the western ar.luei.t of thu Nile known as thu or Uazello river, whero ha poiscjtcU a laro n'ttleuiciit. (lliitta, who was a IVMlo Christian, was ro- il tiled to Ovt'oiuc snrtty tu the ll.'tptlati tlovcr-nii(ii.icr- al uf Khariooin for the safety of the I'.tiii'pt in trivelle. while In tho Interior. Schwclnfiirth's rtruii.'il rellnao rtuisUtcd of clktbt Niil'luns, one of whom had accompanied lVbcilik, the t'.nclldi Coniul, on hit last Jour-lie- ), tihattiu silliplietl u boat, moans of tub. klstence, the requisite nuui ier of boarcrs uf liag.-ttkti- ', laid such nrmod men at were rupiireil. Tue Kliattuuunutrthauts eiur.iced In tlm Ivory tr.ido "indntaiii 11 Krest iiutnUer uf H'tllements tu t!ltriels as nuar as pus ILle to the prc.ent tvorv cotinliles. uiul ainouir peaccftd races tletoleil to Hie) bate appor- tioned tlo tcrrlturv ninoiii tli.'insi'lves, and bate bniiight the natives tu a eumllllon of Tlielr tlepot nre c.tlled serllias, (rum rHi, a tliuin lieilire or pallsado In Sutid.iu. At the lar-- e serdja of (ih.ittas, tlttiitt d about mid- way littwceii the tweuiy-ola.'ltt- h and tnenty-iilul- b uieriduna, and tho sc.cuth and elirhlb parallelt nf north latitude. Schweluftirth inoinhs carefully studyhiK the rich vik.'''Utlm uf thu iliatnet. I'heiice ho Juuriieveil auuthnartl throuji lljuco land, and tho country 01 the eanu.hal NI1111 Mam, to the Kln'duui uf Monbiittuii, where he was enabled tu virlfy the asserted eiltent'0"f arnco of H)L'uile la Ctrtral Africa, near the equator. Tliu coiitt ut Miiiiii, Kiiu uf .Vtoubuttu, the a'.t.iliit'dliylhotrat.'llvr.ws loca- ted at uboul lit. - : S. Itetuntlnit In llu seriba ut (ibatuis, bo there suffered un Irrepara- ble leas In tbn destruction by tiro uf Ids Journals, Ids record uf 1,id) tianunetrlral oliserva- - tluiis. a I'ollcciliiii uf liiects,niid vucutmla tea of luaiir uatlvo l.itu:uai:t'. .Niitwlthstnudlna: this dlti uiriuilic du.aster.bo undertook n western expedition. In which ho rculi'id u point west of thu twenty-sixt- h meridian. Tim results of bis whole Journey entitle blm to hldi rank at an explorer ; and act'orttln: to Mr. Wuiwuod Hondo, hluikelf a Afrcan tr.velltr. Si htvelnfurth merits t" be classed with Muuiru Park. Deubnui and Clapperton, LMntistuno, lliirtoii, SH-k- and (Iran'., Ilarth anil ltnhlfs. As a mini of ai lctiee. ho atandt higher thnn any uf those ii.untd. HU work It so full of Intercit. eten to the intutt tmiclontluJ reader, that we cm refer only to the moro proinlnent facts and atrlkunr Incidents which are related. After liMVlmi Uhartuoui tho parly uf (thuttas mado Us way up Ho Nllehrboit. The riMrliur. niorilnK. and ipiruhiu of tbu numerous hippo-Imlii- furuicd lit Oral a constant antidote to restful sleuti. No a jnner had the traveller themselves to this noiso than the klx-ter- n boats of the expedlllnu were one dtvnt-tncke- d by bees. This was 110 Joko. The switnn w. sktlrrod up by meu who wero towlns tho ad- vance boat ncallist an advrrso wind, and thou- sands uf the mi ddt-tic- luso ts at once assailed every llvln.' thluuon Isi.ird. Tho suffering which thoy Intllrted was terrible, uiul two men were sttiiii: t" do .th. It was only by coverlni: them-t-clv- with cloths ami remnlaliu absuluuily still that the Nubians could Induce, the bees to aub-shl- e Into quietness, liy tiring thu rends on tho windward shore they then produced suQieluiit smoke to drive thetu from the boat. "Those niiiiib rolls nee," sai Dr. Schwehtturth, " u; to the siilpocl variety uf uur own hoiioy bee. A mishap like ours has been acliluiu ex- perienced lu tlio waters of the Vt hltc Nile. Con- sul l'ethirlck, as lilt sonants Intoriued tuo, had oner to tinilcrao a sbullir lubfortuiio. I felt ri'itdy In the etenlii for an encotiittor with half a acuru ol butTdues. or a bruco uf Unas, rather than rrtvo niiytiiliig inure to do with bees; uud this was a (cntiuicut III which nil the ship's company heartl'y cuoi'iirri'd.'' At Kosliojn, further up the river, lu tho Shlllouk Terrlttry, where tlio Inhabltnnis number about slxhun tired to the mpiuru milt', hu killed mi enormous Afilcau python, whose skin furulsheil inaterial for an excellent waterproof mm e iao. This urui.t inakii was ulioiit flfleen feet loin;, and uIIIiuul'Ii flrut'k by cnlv four t'nltn uf tlm chariio of liu.it y shot fired at bint, died very soon after hel- m-lilt. The ithillooks aio nut tho most nureo-abl- u ueuplo In thu world, they render them. st'lvcH hideous by plastering their bodies with tsht-- s for proioclloti airalust hikccts, uud tl Is theif custom "never to kill an animal, but only to consiinio those which die nattir dlv ; the re.i sun obviously bouu that thoy look upon thu poise sdnn of llvlnic eattlo ,ti the main object of their exUteiu'c." On apiiroai'hh.i! tho mouth ot the thu boats t'licotiiitoied thu grass hairier ot tho .Nile, which .Mist Tuino's expedition had met wltn In InJ, and which subsequently provd nt li 11 furinldablo uhsurto tu Sir Samuel linker nnd Ids HT)pt,uis, In tho (In.-ell- rher Itself, inch nus tho uxtrss of tluatliu: veelallun at snnio iditi-r- s that tho bre.tdth of the stroani was not more than enoiiuh for a slnal" vest l, nlillo Iho depth ciniltt not be ro.ti hed by llm huuri st poles. 'I his reuion Is thu luibllut of the b itu mi-c- Ir.r, one of the uiust rem.trKiiMu hlr.ls foil n it In Aftlca, II Is sometluuu' between a pel hull nnd a hii'on.k.tuuds about four feet hluli, and Ims a (llstriipiirtlonately huiro head inula lirnnilkllpprr-k.hai.ei- l beak. The iiiilhor thinks this very curious I lid Is a prnol " that not every-thlu- c lu naturo Is peifectly adapted to Its end. for when tlio birds aio lull mow 11 they neter have their beaks rt) 111111rlrlu.1l. 'Iho upper part dues not rorreapuuil with tho lower; the two members (all spirt and like an old wuiiiiiu'h Jaw co all awry." A certain resemblance can he triced between the itreat waterfowl and tho tribes ut the marshy tracts adjoining the rltor. Tfeimlln says that "amone men they hold very much tho eamo placo that flamingoes, as birds, hold with refcreiico to tho rest of tho feathered race;" nnd tfcliwclnfurth speaks of tho rcnuirkablo way In which, llko the birds of the itinrshc, these nntltcs are acctutomed to etaiul mtitlnn-les- s on 0110 Itir, supnortliiat the other above the kuco fur nu hotirnt a time. Thoiluh e ex in iked to luulaila hi thciu Pai)rua iwauips, ho rxpcrleticed 110 oil effect", belli.', cs ho nv. "fover-fre- an exception ainutux a hundred travellers." Ho took eight or til 110 tr.diit uf qiiltdno a day, however, until the purer r which he foiml In the Interior rendered t'io inedltbio iiiincces.irr. He rtnuiLdv rcci.in- - lui'iids that It be t.kcn lu sclctluo cap-ul- e , as ' lie thinks Iho natisci frequently cxi'llttl by tho Intense bitterness uf tlio powder In Its mulls-cube- d form iiutv liirrcaso the liability to fever. Lauding at a plnco called the Mcsliera, he brum tlio wnlitlcrlugs whlfh extended over a dltn"co of twu thousand tulles, and which were por-- f tinned cntluly on foot. " Nrltlicr camels Mor nsies, nudes nor horses, teams of oxen nor pdauqulii bearers contributed their nld. Tho only ti nl mill available, bv the help uf which Cen- tral Africa could be open-- d to civilization, It ex- tol mlnatud by nru uiul swuril;" this Is the ele- phant. Thu expedition traversed tlio territory of tho Dltik.ii 011 the way to the nol Ilia of (iluittn. Ill cluaidlliess uiul choice of food, Dr. t'elmtbi-furi- ti pronounces this tribe lu mlvaiicc of miv utlier Afrle.in people. There uru no tlcan In their houses, but Hit) dwell lu eteli lucre dlsacrto-nbl- ctiuip,iii),uccurding to l. trupean Ideas. We quote; Tbo nnlv ilbqulctiida to 11 itrniuer In tlielr houses nrlsts fnim the 111 .kes, which r stb' In tlm strnw roofs i.nd ttlsturii hit rest. Kntkes tire the onlv cienlurcs to which either lluikn t r Kblllooks pav .my so l of iuvuiuiicc, Tliu Diuku call them their brethren, nml look non tluilr slsuchter as a rrlme. 1 was liifurinetl hy wit. liessos widen I had no 01110 to ul.lru-ii- , Hint tltesepamlokiiikes 110 Intlls Idll illy t now 11 to tho who rails ihein by name and tiritls theiti us domestic anluiuls. their abun-ilune- o hrru seumett to me very ruuiutkubie. Anion:! the llougo, on tho other liatut, 1 spunt six months befuro 1 siw n allude specimen, and It appoaiH to he an rstalillshen fnct Unit, upon tho whole, they me not common 111 trni'lc.d Altlea. Perhaps thu kpeeloi wnlili is most frequent Is tho clalit Pillion. Tliuio which Inlishlt the llllika huts ale, so far as 1 could leutii. nut veiiuuious. Tho eerlli 1 of flhattus ronlted uf a larco croup uf conical huts surrounded liy a lolly square pallsado. Tbu ordinary garrison com- prised ebuut two hundred and tlfty armed men. Tho aurrouhdliii; cuiiutry Is decrlhed as tinrk-hk- The bdjaceiit plains f urulsho i pasturu tor liumcroui herds of i;lrsffcs,nnil the rare delicacy of n ciraflp's tonirao was onu ot tbo culinary treats ot the parly. Tlio vanety of tho vcucU-Ho- n was extraordinary. During a residence of lite iiiuiillis at tbu serlba. Dr. Sehwelnturtb ne irly swell buildleit Uuwrrlillt plalllt. "It would ml be l.osslblc," he remarks, "lu l.uropc, dtirlii: u whole year, to uatlter so laro a nuinlier If 0110 were bullied to the emtruus ut asliiKle luwti. Ftoui tnv own experience lam salisliutl that, notvilth.tundliii: all means uf rouimunlcatliiii. ll woiil t he bevund tbo lower of n iiuUnlkt lu secure anything like flic hun- dred species 111 a klntle teasou." In ldscxcur-sl- i ns amuiux the iiebrhborlna llonco tho v cry tint tho u.itlves hid been accustomed to poison their arrows with pimento sua mi addi- tion to ttie numerous proofs that much ot the of Africa It Imaginary. Uxcct-slv- o IKK of tobaetu Is nut uncommon aitU'iic this pt'iIle; ulie llistant'u ts related where a I llunco 111 tu had smuked himself Into such tittir stupefaction that hu fell senseless Into a cam Ji- ll re, in 1 was so badly burned that Ids comrades wero ohllired tu earn libu throughout thortut ot the Journey. They havo a curious supersti- tion that tbu burial of a dug will produce n droiiL'ht In the land ; honco their dead dogs lie lu the Odds unbtirled. Ihevnover cat don's tlcsli, itur ure they catinlr.als; but every other animal substaure Is deemed Ut fur tholr table, however advanced It may be, lu the ptocesa of putrefaction, The attire of tho women Is some- what scanty, their wardrobe couslatlng simply nf a siinplo buuidi, bearing plenty of Ivates, fastened to the Ule uddi-llu- n ut a buut'li of One grass. " It iniiy pos.iiy be nussliied," aus uur author, "that tliu ex- tremely primitive coverlue of tho llougo women Irradlitestheui with soiuethlng of theehsruinf Punulns; but u very limited expcrleueo will soon dispel the rapture of any allusion of thu kind." An accident of an appalllm; character occurred diirhiL the traveller's sojourn at tho lurib.i. lu tha midst ot a terrific thunder ttunn at nlirbt a hut, or tokkul, separated from his ownquirters only by a single crannry, was struck by hchtuine and burned down. '1 he loss of his entire prop- erty and tlorc was with difficulty alerted. He ia)s : The tokkul, which hid been burned duwn, w.rihardl) nty paces fruru my tcr bed. 'I Here, struck ,y llirlititiuj, six ft mule slaves had uiul Ibrir 'almultouruus death ; ski-m.l- b had I ecu untouched l.y tho eleotric fl .nl. ami had cunirivtd. half dead from bumbo:, tu effect an escano trom the fbilulUh' pile. When a eh atraiii o us made nu the next luoruuitf, after the imhes had been temottMi, the bodies of tlie woiuoii were found cuiiiiilult'ly charred, Itllii: clusel) parked toiiethur. Just a.t thoy had Kouo to sleep lu tbo but al unci 111 centro rl. which had been tho conduClor of the lU'iiittuiaT. 'l'ltey furtnod a athkutli) spvt.twlu, at widen ovun tlio nalivu ue.'roin euuld nut sup. press a shudder, whllu tnu recently luipoiied Msin-Nla- slates ituulfi nodisirulKe of the rtlisb wliu which the) scciiltd Ihu udur uf Iho bunted Utah as lltev helped to t'luar away the debris. Uiitiol Uin Nubian soldiers bad, auioui; thu six Tl tuns of the t'onflai:iatluii, In bewail the loss nt his sweetheart. To such a deureu ttiil this pruv iipun him that hu entirely b.st Ids reason, and so unto a considerable amount of trouble to tho occupants ul thu serlba. All uistaiito uf i hku lids never came lu uiy knowledge olso where In tti ls district. The southward Journey tluouch Mlttnotothe Ni.uu-.Niu- country uud thu klii.'dum of o was made, nut with tiluttas, but with euterprlkllie merchant uained Muluuiuiud Abuu SaJUUiat, tbo ptopnetor of stiveral kerluas lu the rt'lalulis to bo lulled. In Muhbuttuo the explorer waa enabled to solve both a geographi- cal uud an ctbuolocic.il problem. He there found the rimr Wellu, 11 stream vastly inciter than the mlllni; Its dark Hood majestically toward tho west. The .iflluents of the Nile llu w oil northward; this, then, was not olio uf them. In coniuiK from tho land ol tho Nmm-Nlai- u Dr. M'hwelulurth had thus crussetl tho watershed uf the Nile, nnd he Is tlioroiiL'lily id tho oplulou that thu waters of tho Welle Hud their way thrutudi Iho liter SIi.it y Into tlie crc.it luke Tchad. 'I lint the Wellu beluucs tu another svsle'ii than that of the Nile can scarcely bo doubled, Tho question whether there aro pyciules or nut must uf course be determined Ur.oiy by tho quostkiu what aro pyktmles? Accoidin.- - to llr. they uro a race the atera.'u helcht ul wlinili Is abuiit four foot leu Inches. It must be confessed thai I his Is nut uu altitudu which wo hate been nccus'oini'il loussuclalo with tho notion of pitnnics, ulthouchwe cut well bellcvo that a baud uf several hundred per. sons of that heluht would reseiublu thu crowd of boys to which tho author likens It. Thesu cnmi'itrativelv uiminiitito punplo call them belies Akka, and arc supposed to dwill between I it'ttldo 1" anil 2" S. They ure dllliti.'ullied by dlsprupuitluiiati ly larce heads, 11 snout. like pro. Jcttiou of tlio Jaw, nud liuu'u cars. Dr. bchweiu. fintli succcciled lu secuiliiL- - one us a servant, tint ho died bef.iro llm traveller's return tu Hurnpo, He sat four lect scion lucliei hlsh, but It Is not certain that ho had attained his full crowtli. That our author overestimated the helL'ht of tho Akkn teems nut Improbable. The pycmles bronchi tol'oit wltlilhocullecllunsof tlm l.uu Italian lra filer, Jllaiil, who rcaihed Moubiittoo uiul died there, sliK'o the country was Dr. Si liweliif uith, nro probably ol tlio tainc raco as Um Akka. In Ikiyunl Tailor's tu thu i rihuut; cuiiecrulut: tliciu he says that. llenku, wliu was uuouf Mlanl's men mnl iiccuinpaiilcil the dwarfs, told hlin that tlm place whence they c.inio hint the nninit of t. This rlo-el- y resetnbles Tlkkltikkl, which Schwelnfiirtli diet en tho Nl.iiu-.N'l.i- ni deslcitallon ut thu Akkn. The laigest uf Mlanl's pyemic Is twenty yeirs uhl and fnrtv-si- x Inches In lielchi; his cumradu, a boy perhaps twebo yearn of aco. Is tlueu Inches shorter. Tho existence of a dlmlmulvo ratio uf men in equatorial Africa must now bo reirarded but how small llisy ait, we Uu not yet accurately know. Wlnwood Ilcad predlcti thattfiey "nre no othor than tho bushnioii of Bouth Africa, who aro not confined, as was fur- - lucrlv supposed, to that corner of tho continent, but also Inhabit various remote rccc-se- s of Africa, nml were probnuly tho orlctnal halves of tho c tuhtry." IlicrlinrietPritttranf the ereril r2lons em. braeetl In tho nullior's Journey will b.' best UhJtr.'t od front the followlnc oia:icei 'I hr "lUlio if the twenty-si- decrees of I ePinb) (nerwhl.li I .t lile 1 . liio prour.-- oft tl in. niti'ortlun to the riuii'i'.il zm. . od the uit'ieopiliurie I e ui !li"ii ul lite sqcv ite lands, was organized wiilt vruiidetfol tl ntih uv. I'or the llrst .'.ill) ml cs rlroti'hcd th tire iry lb ijliliu pi ico to wulu tl 'opus, vol I of ir 's, b .1 iter ut. led Willi iir.tsa. Next rime I no ili'llclitlul rt'tfl ui of the bush fore U. who" Hut M'Ut'titlloii, tli v sled of tho olitinxio'is tlu. ill- - of thu ile-o- , iieil'ed the soft fohicoof hunt-liv- e land to the iniiid of the traveller, who euteieil iipuu wluit he mulit correctly cab llu truu pniiuival for.sl, wlilcti Cirri d him h.t 'I. t tho leliiories ol his loutli wliun ho yie di-- Ids fancy to tho fai lii.ttl uis of " Itouliisua Crusuo " or of " Paul uud Vlrulni.t." 'iho safety of small paitlcs ot Nubian fiuiii Khartoum mining tliu cannibal tille-- s uf tit In- terior Is duo to iho coiisclouiiicas of the uatlics that they could not venture upon an attack, howcvcricrtilii itaultiin.itesuce s, wlllioul tho loss of at least two or throo lives ou their side; and each liiillv.tltiat Is too iiiiivlllliir to rink tnu sacrlflco of his own life to effect tho expul loiiof thu liitrudt is. Uf tho cannibalism of thu Mam-.Mi- nnd tho Mohhullou, Dr. Schweliifiutii tho must runvlneliu proofs. '1 ho Inrco liiunber uf skulls which ho presented to tuo Ana- tomic tl Mu-cu- at Merlin, on his return to that city. uro limply tliu roui.uintif Munlj.ittuo re- pasts, purchit oil 0110 uftur another with nils of copper. Theso cannibals procure their ib'thns from iii'ljbborlng lilbcs, blacker than thein-stlve- i, and whom they ro.-ar- d anliiforlur. While the traveller was at the court of King Maura It aim currently reported that Hint potontute illnctl off a child dally, and Ids people wore several times deteotod while uutunlly occupied la pro-pili- 11 ninth flesh for food. On one oceadoii our author found a number uf )ounu women, who had a supply of liolllu.- - water upon the Clay (lour hi (rout of a but, onjicod In submlttlitj a human body to lbs acaldltu process. " Tue pper.itlou, so far aj ll nil ciTouted, bad chanced the blank skin lulo a fawny gray, andthedls-custlu- g Kliht could not tall to nuke uie think of tho sotbleniiu and soourluc ut uur lattud swine. On another tjccasi mI v lu a hat nnJ a human arm lianclnc "lor tho Ure. obviously with Hie dtalcn of li.lii.- - at unte dried uud smoked." Nu recent book uf trsvol bat recoiled such extended notice or fay. Table inoitllou (rum Huropo 111 critics as "Tho Heart of Africa." A careful reading uf tbo two l.irco vuluiuos Justi- fies all that has been said of tlio merits ot the work, and mure ttiuu bat been said ot Its It Is especially wurtby uf remark tbat tho author is .111 exception anion.' African travellers, iioti'iilylu .ittalnuioiit. but In fairness toward other exploiers. Ho Is neither v.iili of hit own actiievt-iuuiit- nor Jealous of too work uf others, "laiuall l'a!i 1 w.n ipdlu ll.-llt,- " he s.tys, "In siylng tbat ovory frcsli Africni traveller ttad Ids own private suurcos or the Mlu; hut tor inv part I a. 11 nut at J1 tthaiucd to confess tuat 1 hatu not found thuiu." The 1 un of l.l'jrl In Wa.hluiioii- - Huts hp Ucrii'. t'uurt -- uueb'hed. V.'tn tfit t'ul'Onnrf .Vail, it OJ St. Tiiccar.0 of the Uniteil Stutos. at the re- lation of ( hat tiler act. Ilucll, tho correspondent, tor an aheced I Haul upon Sou.ilur I'uaudier ot .klt Incati, w ulcb catuu 1111 as ropurled l.tsi week III the (Ichcrnl rerm tipua uu apiHjal fruit an Tiler of the tqieelnl 'term refualiiu to dla.ulss lite certiorari Withdrawing tbu caso fioul 1110 Police Com t, was concludeil. and decideil bv the (ietierulTeriti yestord ly, all the Jutticet con- curring In alhriiiiug thu order of tho Special Teiiii. 1 lie illr-'i- 't question IiivoitiuI w,u woolli- er an Information lor malicious I. hoi is cuculz-ubl- a by the 1'nhco Court, and tho declalou Is that the Poilco C urt has nu Jurisdiction lu such s ; but the crounds upon which tho Ju.Ucca based their opinions cover a field wider ta.tii litis, i he Chief Justice buod Ins opinion upon tho fact tbat tbo act of Coiijtci creatine the Pol.ce Court it ivo mat court JurLtdictiuu of "all uJeuces acaiust thu United .States cum. nutted III the District of Columbia uot deemed CHplt lor ulher liifainoiis crltuoj." This itrant ol JiiiU ilillou did not uicliido such libel, oat Ihu iiue charjed. the other Judu'es cuuc.irrcd In sustslnluc tliu uriier below, inaiidv upon tbu cround that the accused was en.illod by the common law lu Iho (Juiutliuiluii to a trial br Jury, mid thatlbu l'olicu Court, which Is with-011- 1 a Jury, therefore could mil tako Jurivllclloti. 'the luulrect d..c'Ur.illiui uf Hilt declsiuu It that tho Pollcu Ctiurl Is without Jurisdictluu ex- cept lu cat.ee which ooilltl bo deieruiliiud btfuro the oriiauuatlou uf the court by a Jiutice ul tbo Peace. It may he mentioned In this coiiuatt'tluu that tuls defect lu tho l'ulluu Court was well known ut the Hum thu conit was established, hut that as ample provUloti was made fur appeals to tho Criminal Court, and at 011 sucu Hnjit--.i- l the case is tried us a now oasu or before a Jury, beuic m ibis respect llko what is called lu some of Ihu Stal.sa a" removal from 11 jus lice," liieru would bu uu pracliual wuutuf power in the Pulicu Court becausu of Its want uf a Jury. It wan ihuiuht Hi it appeals wuuld be taken lu all contested casus of impurtaucu. llut men bate not been content to allow the l'uilce Court lo posmi upou their uasos even lu tho tlrsl luslalico ; slid mure Ihnii once bofore. us In Iho citkO Jusi decided, tbu inattor has buou brouuht to tho atuiiliou of tho lilguor coutl 0) roiuudlos tt.it cau be mvuked befure a iudcmeiil lu Iho case, trnleh. uf course, woultl be always neees. snry before an upwal could bu taken. In all suun coses not ouly tho rUthl tu a trial hy a Jury has beeu affirmed, bat ll hxi been declared tbat a court w.tliMiii a Jury cannot take utixinrance uf cases luvolvlur auy matter ot luiportaiit. .Mure Tin 111 Almut .Nanh llnvis Ills Slurs upon heanlitr ('otikllnir eiil.'l JKTlUn.l . Mr. Davis cuts the worst llgurc in this matter. Thero was soiue e.xuiiao lor Mr. DotU'o Ititmdunluc the iiauie of Senator Cuukliinr. He was irytni; to eiplidn why In, was so liu norm. Hale to settle. It tvaia't nu u.isy tlilnc todo. lu tact, them Is soiitel.'iliikCSo luheruntlv heiislblelu a llrin pressim; tho (ioiurintieiii lu tall J a default against them for and fail-I- In that, devothic wueks to oral and written entreaty to have that sum accepted In lion of a sultt that there Is 110 wuudor Mr. Doilcu felt an uiccnt need of doleudluc tuo act uy extiaordl-iiaryreastiiilii- it w.i a natural tlillik' lor him to usslcu tts one nt thoiuotives which undo lilm so t ier to halo Ills uioney in . ceuled, tliu sense of fotr which overcame Mm when he contemplated tliu possibility uf havinc tliu local acumen uf Senator I' uikluu' arrayed lunlust tit in. That w.u tho stronuest pulnt ut an extremely weak. case. Ilothlos, lio put It us delicately as ho could, llu didn't 11itil11t.1l11tl1.it there was v evidence that the Sc.11.1lor was (HTihk' .is counsel, lull only that he couldn't he itiliieli sure lie wasn't. Hit with J ml ce Dtvis tho otto It nntlrely He sillier knew that Sonalor Cnnklliic was al the Custom 11 mse by mora accident -- It bcluc a place ho h. isn't liven lusldo uf half a dnztll tluits since he entered thu Son ilo aeieu ye.ir ago or clso he know nothiiitT whatever about ll. In cither cacti If ho frit that thorn was anv occasion for Introdiicmii his iituue, be should li.it o done an without iiumlna' tii.u air uf hesitation and loliicuiicu wbicnw.tt ealcu-- 1 ted ll not tu cuuvny the luiiTe--ii.- il that ho thuuctil the disclosure was likely to lirtuc the Seualur into reproach. Ho throw- - so much mystery and affectation of hcciov into the slory wuhholdliu; tho muni the llrst day, uud soumwhat oslentatiouklt w.utluc lo Intuit xiurled from 11 tliu kocoud that when it was dually broiiultt out there w.tt an opuniuc for one uf those reportoriul pareiillioi.es whieh descnue the scene as a IScii-atlun- ., 'Iho whulo perfoiiuaiico smacks so much nf clau-irit- n itiol s aco effect that ll heroines a little 111010 ulten. slvetocooii iiiktti on at count of its appureut uud charlatanry. .UnniliiB 11 a I : ti s Lord. tiom the lluuu Jeuriiul. Lord ltatidoltih 11. S. I'luin hill, second son of the Duke of Murlhorouch, wo inarrted lu Paris on Wednesday, April , to Mi.--s Jenny Jero.ue, d itichtor of I.iion.ild Jeroine uf .New York. Iho eeremony was performetl ,tt tlie llrltlsh r.iniuutsv. and itllerwarit ut tlio A merlcnii l.ccutlon, by tliu Hev. Dr t'olhes. '1 lido wu,! a larco assemblace 01 the members and (riuuds of the Marll) iroiich f.iiiilly,as well as of thu.,. uf tho fit v of tno lirlce. Tho weddluc breakf 1st wits ciien at Mr. Jerome's hotel. In tliu Annuo tin Itol tie Itoino, anil as sunn as it wo-- i oyer Iho new married couple entered a heritim, draw 11 bv four lino horses, tit corated wuli ri dn ni, uud left Paris fur Petit Val, fie resident 0 of Vr. .Moid' on, wuere they tiro p.usstu: the honey- moon, .limine tlm presi-lil- s lecelted by tho liriibi item n iiiacnllicuut lnill t shawl Ir on Oiieiii Vieitiiia, mid u I'lckel fr un the I'lince of Wales, ll is said that ti. Jci'oiuu k'Ues his daughttr u lurtiiuu ilii.OO sterling. (alum's Theory n Pulse Due, loin iht Kitniiia iiti. President Grant cei'tainly has boon 111 lo t reipurln.' a chaiiixe lu the l ieisnry Depa111ne.it. I ho pressuio brouc'it to bear on oncii as to prevent thul body Iroiii aduptinc the leoobilluii of censiiru has been ktrosb indu-ceii- it nd foi this pressure wo fear that the I re.i-de- It ieionsilile. Mich an exert iso of power on tlm part of executlto oiheers It lu dlrecl ii of the spirit of uuiislitiilloual limclli-uien- t. ll Is crtiiiiidoil on a l.ili-- l iuory. lie (ifllces ato nut pieces of laud which n man cultivates (ur thu support uf hiuiaelt and Ills futility. t.v;i;:.i 15. The Mifutnolh I'uvo ot Kenduky It silver. Ikdl to lie l. t. There H 11 new tiitrory lu llntiun iimler tl.e tttd tnee uf r't trit ilils foikt, w,r , women may leave tlielr h.iiin-- s ilurln; the dir. A e win in of tiiilusiriotu giiisliopp(.ri ikviittfel a t'drie-- n acre field of truest, riMM. 3., . in Ilu ii'iiil'it county, Iiivrn, lit two dart, fat. tf (,J atrt't'ti blsdia inro lu iLe crutiad. A lull has In ui Intrntliii o'i ui tha Priilsti il, fill for Hie purchase uf p,,, t, by tl.e inn nt Tl pi o tin 1. ;, ,, 1,1 , tiei'ii in tt.iistis fact r r, it tbf rillss 11,1 flat. The old nbboyolr-l- . llutu,i t...,,. Ik to he t k'.-r- J. lie M oeiil'inekt if n , .,, Hie t oii'it-- s of 1'stex, vtn 1 it, tr it Int. r .i u,a ri'Tnratloa. Inra hi tt u- - r Tiilrlu of ihs ,tni,vilu. iluvrt, not unlit ci.iiitr.eiif eit, .laniei 11 minimi' did not fully ippre. ciatn Ids nrqiilsltl when 1.0 tmrr.nt s yu in; Itn. HUH iliutcirl in bi'j'ivill. Ktii 13 y. Siw h 11 bet tfrliifiinii"d, hiciuinnt iltsoil of Pi' Urn n .i, 4J threw tuiti down kliirt and uith till I .. It is saiit Unit 111. my ineiubnrt ur t It 13 IllkOeliu rtlaStalc (,'ill-- t lull ire, .li nl li . L, w ... tiiteiiiuOeforititiC' 111 afevv jutrt it lhru .4 Hotiie ut t 111 It.tte iu 11 t'l.uti li"ti-e- 1 li force cont'o tin-:- , ,,. i,,., ' Ltlt Ilie tttsllt timly was format. An Kntorti pnet gii'in tint n.irt.n ;nl vice to Ilie lirlilivroein: lie all. r kliol, and Meier say "ktttl ." Aio: it ' u li it mi "i s pi j.e u r, Poi )u '. a ti'iin liri"i a- in A'i t'iee!ie-.-- l ul eur litiui-ure- l eair. IbiiT tin uro uiiiviitg III Imiiioitse si ..f furl pi, e i, I littnibrila of I11110 rs art mlhering for Hi - tli ipuer. Nun la l'ie I' an, .( ,1. dlcraare any me un llm fnu lier. to enforce tic.' lav acntikl tlie Tiattlott of Ition vaitiabli iicrila, Kuiit mo il I killed Urdus tl.e meat at sell as ILq akia ar.' tnkcu awar lur Co.. u.ui'llua. In Uiiiiiiritlgo I'iiy, Did., May Zl, lh"ro sai a ail- - uf ktiurt.i'inic I etuis helonlac ti uo. tier hilt nil J sou, slien ll'lj lead muuilii llu- Intnl. line all of t- - '. '. Ti.e 1,11.1 Ji.all'i ( lierub tu nlj luA'ri. c a. lei uf D.v in, III, fur 117, tin. while the t'eil east hruiu'tt (run ft li to j;ii ,.,,',. Teen-tir- e h 'Marat sold o;r In fi-e- n Maura, tinny d.ITireDt Ktutis iieliiKrrpTvteult.d li) Hi pur hi.cn, An il ui.st in I'ayiijt.i laitku (or speel-Dlenn- ilt tor Curiikll Uiilrn-slt- r ilrunr up laiii.ifr v rt alUclird lo a I ins atit Iliuii, lulu wbli-- II Lad tiiired t j horai situ pt kirel, nuiacsloii.-e- , Itto horrlur. citadt, eel, lU'.er, dare darlcr.at. kle'aiclc, sal o.iiorai shc'i, sit, puturrfd' il'Cituieua. will brluc iij IU tm.uli'r ot kiui. uf Cn Lutitt u to liv in ttis I ate to ul Icttt durly. The wiekeil Hiisliin boy with the whltq eye hu an, aim Annul. Tar.iin n la Pr"ietitt fuu,--it HkjuI a due Tin lar,-c- r ki t Ida siiiacurtlit diian, an 1 liolillugbliu iirucjidid t i eui tin fsco rtlllo-.J- ' una a knife. Ileneiuel to t.ii.e iicucm la tu k'iaiui liio tiii't at lo utin:ure lilm at uiujIi ai jiutiiide. lLe nteteli kid Jaai baeu par loaol ut'. uf m po ilie uur, ulicm be hi I beca icrvlna term for a siuitltr crl'iie. Cti-n- . Hiitiley of Virg ma, It evidently not prepsreJ for tl e Civil Kl.iila bin, The Ueucrat nuuisi.ia.'ai-eei- at lai.k i.cum Cuun ll.iuac tlm 0 her tluy, aefeiidlii4 thu alleitu.l lot.up.'tj ackarter oa Pelerstartt. frank Jl ki, a nci.ro legl liter, lt.ountrd the piattorui, a d like I loir,, ti rp!y. llun ey lull llmi (kal he usyer Hawed u nca-r- ui olicuaa situ Llu, snd that he unit kaov an I rp Ids pliee at a uenru. (.'atiada seems inclined to drop its trans, cou.t'jrnlal rallrud .th erne. The Priiuier r'ccutly a'lut'uncedtkil upcrit lona h dbetn aut, endeii fur tha ITcie.it on tue tro mil lint tlie railroad woulo uot lis needed looi. Thecr'.it dilt.tu.ty. he aid, w s In cel. Ilucacruaa Ue Citoi le rau.-- e wlIi It, at the limit favor-abl- e robit ro e m lost ihu 11 6 fitt tu n.' tui e for a contli.uuuialr.jtcn of tlllcea uu.es, sllliout reickes at all. At livittuvillo, rcentli-- , a m.m fell Into aditrhon tin outiktria of lie lown. A petntrua lie.pedhl'ii tu till feet, a'i iit.jrtn! t'ttnir halnet'tiao coui;illt'ied our hero ailli "All itlit talc I'll vols for you," Tue atriarsr louted :n linn daubtftilly, ml wiahcdlukuoar win! tir. ' 'Win' ofaco yuu rutinia' tor?" "I? Noueal all." at ibo sniwrr. "Not s caadldaie?" "No, wly " Way au-tr- uy t tun 1 dou'ikuowas say nui'J lib! -- help 'uotktr aa you ala 'tkout belli' a ciu II Itl j I" A jury in the United Htnten (ireiill Court st Ilea V duet bat dcMod s cse of to ' rails sy sad ateamooat con jiaulea, and lo ps pic wbe have hoeaea Dsar railway track, and uavicsolti riirra. Tnotnaa tawutltt and i levator were act on nrs by a iparit from tbu chl iiner of a tranihr hoat Motig. lojto tm Ullvraukee snd hi. I'.tul Itiilway Cumpiuv sad tiurutto the kjrouud. He cUliiio-- l aaaiaea uu llis STomid tail Ike fire originated Irani tbeoirrlt-kuea- a uf the co:apaa'a eaipiuees. The jury allowed alia Souiu farmers lu Vermont who don'l read Tub Bvn ar spending a number uf dollaia rath ta flaltituu; aa old an I oftcL.ipon d form nf iwiiidle, twuurtlirce years ago a maa itsiued Newcoma sent tlirou.h Vt nu ml appoiutiUat aaifula for a paitul s.cklt liar for mewl g tntctiiiiei. aud tons tlielr uaaiea, lu order, ak he ksld. to have their stMrtaara. The .ddrraaei have Unee turned up ai i) Loim, and Uti fanuera aro being auud br lis peraou to niiniii tai uutt-- were trauaferrvd, sad who appears to Usil bought them la iioud faith. Udwaru Wlgglnscm .Tolly, n theatre-coU- ut rasldaut of be leett r, laUgUod, dltlu-- d tb aiog- - 1 Ingot lilt Carr.e Neltou hi a burletque. Tlir I theplrre pbste.1 hhll an well that lie attrtule-- l lil.'hl I after nlcanbut als-.f- i wlni M.at Naiaaa tirjau to I ling hp went out, to r.'in-- a w ten a!tp wai done Thli wuitoa for aboat wee- -, until one login be uie. . ter ltrce ram ui the leaby Ui.ro he u kanui. n j uanug IkeUdy'i vooilluu " wiiaiaajuu letve your teat for uliemever lilt, tlelaoa stags?" aoJ Ihe lar.;e msji, savagely. " I don't adiiiue her," wai tlie reply. Whereat Mr. Jolly wai at uiicj tudly st.livU Uy tha larcemia. who expliltiel blit tli' lu tu tint Nrltuu'ihaibiul, ind lul c one all t'ac way from Loudon lo areiuoUiualig il iak uu i ttiir. Ai) mi n. fair, at wlueli some IO.iMO people aiaeuiMe, lu hoaar ot ih- - Hindu I.Iantilta, ll uow hell alher It tuple near the ot Jal in IndU. Fifleea ymra ago a ganlouer gat uu Iks Idol aud atatesl lltat It l.al appeared there of luuwn accord. Uoth uieu and wautca vi.il Ibeleuple auil oraUlp the idol. The i e.-- y al uig f u'l regaoltug talt vturalnp la tbat tho wurkJilePvTs, before ui'tag the woraluis alrip nased, apply ptisdercJ kjua.lsood to tttelr whole rtotliei. put ui Iht ortiainattik Ue'V may hive, hold a t'pall branch of lite nltnb in i tlielr folded hiUdl, aud telle llu-l- p'oocaof ei .'.nit it ilia the Idol. Afnr vialttug the idol lUe) go r ' 'em pit for a coriiiu tiiiuiber of tiiuea. ih j l' sis the leinple to bathe lu a leaglihjruia: tau. Af er ' iiiung lht-- returu lo lh teuiiil--- , v,u.a'iii t is itn. si I n.u,a hutue. During the recent visit of the u .mlly Warm bprlug Indlaiit who w.to oural lea .a Uoaoc. wr, to Sau llu'y uers lakeu lu l'i 1'sti Amplutrealre. At one pin of tue perl .ru u ce Moutieur Dutkrlll appeared hi 1.1 tu ban at hll'K. and tuwaril Ilie laal bu auddeub lejpi lisatul " aculK'd" Jou Kent b I, tliu eluttn.ot the o m t, taoia wlghesteart. Al llila uie Warm rtfrlug a a wildly tit'itutl. sad it wa. m'h the creai'-- ' "'.uiy ttiutihey rou.d be reali..i-.- u from .ea, g arviti anltakitic luad In ttis proeeedi - ' eunied, lint tin' red meu rt " nl qm' ted down an i return nl thsir aeaia. Ini .tier, p. lalaled III l V.llg Mr. !'o kri'l Iwullrsrl) n- - .'a Al Ii, ma le Ida bow tor the at csui I tune n w tr i - " creetedlilni with s tulglily and ear pieriuu. gu.ia...i Indian yell. American men mnl women are ner vous, snd n turally iiivu clnldi. a. "t a.u.uir I I'hjauiue, uud ean.y oieiud into p ee a - m I gt'tti-e- , which is rtuildered tin el '' ''""' I tlie Utile creature sue U thus sud ur s . a Jumped, and danced, aud cmfuaed, aud tit.ul ' ui like s parrel. Die Km .Ml iilelliud of I'l i i.j iua cldldi'tn lu tlie bauds of eipiTu'iieed uur.'', an isis.' llieui reipoiiil ile l inueli b tier. A lar.e i n ' at I' e top ot the buuae.s good, eluau, I"" '' 1,1 Bun.Ssi", or buedtsli uoiuiti tu tase 'i.ug ul breiiklaat uf o iltneal p iirlugi' and nii.k d- rea.1 or bulled beef m unit snd nee pu l' ' 1 bri'sdaud hutter, uidk a..d fruit, an i a." "'' ur " plet'ea" beiwecu meals, a it uo isle t - - 1 with mamma. In su-'- i a nu et, uaeveieiu it n I' 01 tnc luby g.owi an I tlirliot , t.i.i cliild i' ' ' ' '' less iieiteiiieui.aud w it ti il hy in I iii'' Iim U.f fuuiiusiiun ut su eic "i-- i " " the tnollier Ii uot sum out uy lit , .unui.i I'f' " " ' Iliads nertuiir liy being cuutu'ii y bar tt i s i it' .a dlrteuunt to tgU'Tuui mid hitxpen u fd uurt" IllirATU 1IIK Tlll l.Y C.llilU M t.N I.I'b v ' ' .!" J i it 'i i' . Stteit, tweet, nviei, weet. the early h'r H o.- ukiJa' Conn fnrtli and sr' us ere tl.e dew dee i ' Uv aulenl atiubeait.a ki- d up uto le an l'roin frugraat be.u witatu the tlostrt' hca t ll. Pailli't oprmng eyei are ful. uf benedienoa Kit earl) i la, rs lie a uiuleittu d 'lu nu ttirtiiite, nor )ei pm-u- tlfiiun. bu !. it. lUili Joy may uu.t tlite iruiy C""d III. llailen lu rlae ! the sun n up ibee. Aud uiortitug dreamt are ha I in ...mrr If llioa wuilld'sl l.aie tho Uuetl niaidt ail un la'f. Del UP betluica, like Uaai'OU Klt'liard Mini" J. ) tiatrin. -

The Sun. (New York, NY) 1874-05-27 [p ].i npi'ticlfs in Moutina, tlio oxpfotiitiou II ' hfiliK that ho would whitewash llu--iiof III a? Dci.soV pat k'tl ft intiiloluii wluto-11-1 wiuhtil

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1874-05-27 [p ].i npi'ticlfs in Moutina, tlio oxpfotiitiou II ' hfiliK that ho would whitewash llu--iiof III a? Dci.soV pat k'tl ft intiiloluii wluto-11-1 wiuhtil

-- -- -- - -

I Wr.DNl.VDAY. MAY '.T, Dol.

H , Atcrnar Hull v Clri'iiliilliin Over I '.'(1,(1(111.

fl Itttallvrtaa tltl'tll' ll Ih tk.t m ft i' t ' '"'I 'I l' "IH In Ik I ik Ifi-iii- tnn t itP. PtBf kbt kf t I ll I. in. t a ft. Ir f m rtilM II. '., ' II II - I ' Oa i" Star t. ' titEg i It i.,l .. Mi f - ..ft trf. Sit 't i . r

B dot Imih f Nit. 1 k III", kith. W att I. rh. Jat.aH I til antta Ul...a-S- pt Al"i. llR l. . I

II v. . in It 0. It HI ll'fcll'-- II It ,t I ill.' I" tlI y I it ii it t ml' i ll I 1t a' r t n It. I tnfVi ItBJ fji .lit! .h t litt mitltu. I t a 't f,

H J. n l'n M a f II' If II t i,,M I '.I - l lli'ttt- IFJ ti n, !.' it ".it II ii iiti a ikl I naa.atl ana t i l.tiiiit.

A in 'tt'ii , ib nil 'i 1 nt fun t Ms it ritaitllv auuiilD I" h ttli" ttflnl l.'i'.'t rtti l t" HI, ln hat moon r dnell kf I"H 1,1 In' .1 mi d In ti Mat., , , it . 1 ai .na la 1i t kf at try tal.tttt tmlK'n la im.ii. Ut l"i. ai.l ii ,n alii II ft' 'OilH I . ., . I a I til tail tat I call) tlliiaiUblt k.tkaK At 11.1 ft'B ii.ikiiikiacfrtit,

B Thi tVicb.lv fnn,I I'ltrtttatlr-- k.atlv tl rer.,rll. lift af ,it ttla at I Tart'tafyH ii th I n ttu .I Ik II utiin sa ! 41tt.ltH Th ITmii , tti It a. a lt Iv ft- nf lUtltitl II I H'lH I'.a .! ft I 'HI Itll't ikat hafc,ta kail HI'S fl tiaikaltitiM I I tftiliiftf Ik. l"it nr I tiitl e Ik rtti ll ' 'I liti it t"k ici,11 I'l.- it I'll i ttu iritl, t't ene til lia tlil tUr ht Ta

I aM'farlai r an dilt IN atr ta'tta-t- l ltaij.tr itli, ril luail, atlKJ alliUfaaniii it .ttaltll a uakla.pi I'l ikatt Ailtaill ntkl, Ittar, 60Sd Sit ttl-- rttaff f l rtm "I tlllaJ la.M Pa it N II . t, .tik . ta. "t ' na, 0 "

Itti i S !', tk ! . f na, 1 Oilftm it t rtktaati, tall

aphiitimm)A Ctalr tiiakt, lt hut? awittala) ia Ian, ratti tr.lv !

: i 'lltia.I' f atv Aiti"t'mnt. pi atla llti fft toI jit VI ' t '"I trftl. rt.ttu tmtiil) f 'in, - ft tlI'm' Nil'rt.t'll tilfutta " tirtllti, ff it, II "takt .1 S I ,ri, a I.I Ma'i aaa tt.l tttat t, a! llnat O.Mlkt I 1 'til Mkirr al. tft M rv A'l la, O tliItak'i ( S lirat, l'k " la ," kl titr, f irii I Tit)

f. Ka 'i' t N I in, !!' ' K4' ," ' 1 f'a. I Ha, tall

Tlr rntr- if (wattii! mi Tin: Uaiit kcx. ml- -

t'tiiiiitlii llr truil.r l H '.'J I ' r aiinirn,S ir ilittl) I'tT (iiiiiit-r- , ijHliii In in titiH'i. Midi irr rk ail'ii n ir p tin Ir i i'1'tpt Ii) lrllrr f. r- - rr m iM

I It iar atnl tin m mini nr iUtrlcr! iotti-;- r tti ihk cir-i.- i

t..i..tkr tin it tiM llr, Ir mi) l.tk'iii ratft aruI Ci.i.. aitul, it'n rr ttii fkrt to Hit luctl riil..ia'li r.

ToIlitraalvtlkii. llatltta!AlMIIrtllfllai


Tiwinat'i rktil.(' i o'.lo.M nail III' a Ittat ait.1 Ti lit) A Ik iiltl ktallnaa.ra Tail Ulikltl'a Mlntlrvls Tata tkir4 tifal.

I'.l) a l lftU Airaiitr Tl.vntrn llllt.i T. tUk Mlal.i'a liattlrn I..Jt at tti U a

(I.i mplc 1 hi aim r'f N vali ai klaum.Tliatrp ('ttttiltiun II lli'tt, Mtlla.I'm nt rtirir la

f HiH iil'tllfatu M r.f Ut ll'a JtttJM Um Itlla

I, 1'leurltlc attacks subdued by Jayue'a r.

(.r.iitt rrulcctiuu Tlinc uliu t'luudrrIbU l''0)l('a

j I'ri tic who Hfl' HI7.lttl I" IR'i'dlltit forI; tin' I'lioitiiKii incrfii.n' In tin' cMicnilitm t'H

Of till' (lOM'tlllllt lit Oil Ill'I'OlllIt of IlltllllUitfTnii iimlir tin- - pri'?i'iil Adiiiiiiistr.itloulimy Eiilti ciill'-'litciui-

H iit !ty :u':iri'ul porn-N- il

of tint four iiitlictliii'iil't fmiii'l liy ii

Jury of the I'ultcU Slittw I'oiwt In.Itiilli-iii- l litrii't of Moutiiu t

tin.' Itov. Imllan ArohI VTii.mam V.

wliifli wi pul)!ili y. TillsU II Iirotlicr-'II-'III- T ul Cl:itil;iin

to ulileli flirt prnliiilily lit' owrilmi nt to ill- - II tl f lalmr whVli

i itt to lmvu tiiUiviiti'il

tlm four Imllctiiioili'-- , throe .vcro

Itaininl Un'mon-- mid Ii.s in plii'W, I'iiaiilcsfor t'iilin iiuiiuity piodi;

font tli wns iii:iiliit KxM(i.mill ot'ii r pnrtlc!" for rnupiniey to

tliL'tiovt'iiiineiit by M'liliiijiiiiniiityuhii'li I pivlA'litlftl Unit lie IkkI

nlitl deli veivtl to tin-- Hliti kfoot1 i(li:i n trili t ns ho h in tint v

to do. Amuiif; thu gouilt wlikliEj is iliuip tl uitli flfjliUK uro liucu

of Hour, finriir. Kill, tubnevu,nntl hltio I'lotli. lilnnkots, li:u'oii,

i unil soup, tot tlii'i' witlt out' liuuilml mid!ll twtuty um siinil a Hku uiiiuhcr of buUln.'!'

M. lkiiivitt, thu I ni K'lcs Inuiglis aiimir.iMy iitlnp'cl for the rt'iuuviil olJj tt'iilp.o. Tlio fnt that (iiiiiiiNiiM anil :ui- -

iJJSj ollit r ninn wfro convu'ttil ami n.'iitonrrilill j to iiiipi'Hiiiuucut an 1 lint: uuili'i' llu' iu- -

lll diritiitiit lor consplmt'.v, i.nil the furihtT111 fni't lliut K.NFitiN iibM'oiKliii lifloro thu ilayII of tiliil, prevt' that thort' win iilittiiiiti:il1 1 i' lilvnci to M i mi t tht'Mi rh:tr?t".1 ,1 It a Mily owlnn to a iimuutlt. rt:iiiil'.uI that thi'M' faitil)t.'t'iiiiii' llu Mill ji'i t of Jinli-- R

i uiul iiivi'btipitlnji. A man who wa fiip-- J

poMtl to bo iii w itli the lluig wai (jnlfit tlto tuvt flipatu tl.o friuuU wluoh hail ln--

notonoiio a- thu Illuckfoot and otliwi npi'ticlfs in Moutina, tlio oxpfotiitiou

II ' hfiliK that ho would whitewash llu- - iiofIII a? Dci.soV pat k'tl ft intiiloluii wluto-11- 1

wiuhtil tho llt'V. I iidliii i ( oinmlM-loiit-

II- Sjiuh's fiiiiiiluk'iit piiu' Kilct tu Mliiuo-1- J

fola. Tlio aiiiiplt'-iiii- ii lod man, howovor,fll took his aipoinlliiont In sober rurtiptt,jP pioi'iiiitl t'Vitlfiiio luoli I'lutillitl in tlu-M-

.iidlctiiiont", ami of oouifi was priuiiptlyII romovtHl liy l (U'ii t li iian't for not homej alilo to uiidi'i'iataiitl a joko. Ilia ii l lion- -

,i: rli.ut Unit Just mii'li IniiKlsn- - thto wlili hbao bfuli t.xposod lu .Montana, oi'ot'pt

HI thai many of tlioiu urti of oiioriiioulyfloater pruportion, Iiiimi hfoii tho rulo

than th" o.roptiou ovor sinofII Dl'.I.ANo IriA boon ut tho liit.ul of tho Inte- -11 nor Iii'pai'lnioui, anil Dial Hu pot point.I tout o' thoMj lobboilot liavo iiiiifunnlvl hi on protfotod liy tho wliolo powur of thoIT Utivol'liliJOlil.

Tlioroaro povt'tal ourioui points lu rolu- -T tlmi lo tltif biicliir., tot loi tb 111 thtilottor

T of our Moutaau loirtsponilmil. Duo UII' that (i'iiH)i.suri, ulio was vuuvlotutl of 0011- -

l' fpii'.ioy to ih f i ami tlio (iorotumoiit,II nt the vt rv timo thai ho win oiiuukoiIfll in oouiiulttiut; I11.1 t iiiiU'A In. Id a otun- -

million uk special I'nilt'd Statin dolectivoto picvt'iit Inuuls at thu niaokfooCAu'oiioy, a fait which shous that coin- -IilauilMif Iniiid in list liavo boon mailii to

f the Indian Iiin can. Tudor thec cilfiiiii.. ! ftuiicis tin.' protoiico of appoliitiiif; thuI itli iit'lit'M in plio to keep his ii vuiond unclu'In trom f tfiiliiiB. in ,iewol tho dovolopiui'iiu,n which havo mao bnu mado, hcam a

pif.iliai fisnliiiiini i'.'IhoMiuplf liu t is that the "hole adinlu-i- j

-t I'iit kiii of ludimi alTiilr-- i is poi iiioaltili "I"' tiiiinl and coii'iipiioii, and nol II H V

(j' V.nows this littler ill. hi rivMdeiii tiiitNr,

"liu leiontlv, in it com tirs.tt Ion nh a!j in wapapor i riokpoiiilont, hud Um amiir- -' tin. urn iikkoil li.iit ii.nltr h d Adiuiiil-tlia- -

!1 tu n Iho Indian Mrvuo had boon tlim uuili' lv it I'm iik tl, iiml to aall with oMn 11,0

ct.iilvMiiotri and viiuleiittt thu pieb of tho', ii tiHiiiii rui piiblblnii thtili nth about tin

liibboneii coiiiiiiitleii In thu iiitiimoiiri lu- -'j di.in KuiK. Guam' appear- - to have u

' much ooiiloinpt lor the iiittllwonii! ol ihop.il lu an lie has i iiip.ilh lur public piuii.(U l i ii ol e uiy

Wur ctiiiisptiiidtiit mivs that truiuriji ri'. i l. mo iimUinj; bj tlio Moiit.iua Itiiii;- -

j bi Mfi'iiiu tliu removal ol JmUu Kmuvlij.5 T l Attornny 1'a.,i. for haviny1 u Hill til Iho coiivittiou Of I'SMlaN't

I" hew anil his t onleiloiatu I'l'ii.ui. ll" .uld nol In. stiaiiKoif Ihuv rhould sin- -

tj " 'Ho 1'ioMileiit, who itimo.tMl tnI riiitotl Mates i. llu iul for pioeiiniiK ladiei- -

l i.am o.n ami others in Ar-J- S

Uir Mlioi. Miiu election tiuuds. ami'

J u.,1' or inoio L'liiti'd Htuies ollieuis lu Te.a' bi "limine action ii;.iiiit liov. Dwis fm, !l I" ''is conci'incd in tho IraudiiiiM.t pin- -

!' noliiiKs which iisiilted in mulling Ihoi rjianiplon ballot-b- o MulTcr, Ci.aiik, It.

? I'l'iinioM.; who bus already lomuved tioini " oH'co Mr. I'i.aof.tt of MoiitHim for litciullyI ob.yin his liutruulioui and procuntia

ii.i , a.

fvli'c-K- iiciiii't t'saii.jj nntl I. Is urcoin-plleo- s:

ami who Inn Juit ojet toil Anoi.fCi.tss from the DM i lei of ColumbiaUntil il of Public Wiukt for tellmir tl Con.Kl' slolial comiiillti o the truth llbotlt I !".-

Hiini'UKIiDi uoiild b euliiely ooiiklsleiit inroiiioviii a t'liltiil Htil"! iIiiiIko lor notpliolluitlliK hit hinh ol'ileu lor lue pliitei!-t.o- ii

of citinliiala.

The ( molliie Claim lu Itiri7ll.Wo Dust that lieu. i;un'. (Mil for (he

pulilli utioii of nil llu- - t oi respoiideni cthe Ciinilliio el.itiu uitullisl llnill

may bo oompllotl with. This el.iliii hadIn on peiidln.Lt lur twenty yours bofoio tho(ioM'l'iimout of Unit country, when,

to tlcn. W'ctili, the cliiimatit pro-poc- tl

lo lilm (hat eerliitii UiazlllaiH shouldcolleel it nntl 'tcrlvo all over twenty-liv- e

per cent. This propoktllou hu Mibmlttedto Secretary Suu aiid in lt'iW, anil after Illsnpprowil It was adopted, ami tho moneywhs paid by the llra.iliaii l!o ei iimeiil IniMiT. " 1 m nl," s.iys (ien. Wi.hii, 'ifii.lHVO tuMAVtnn, toetl.cl twill the clalinni'l'soiiinal aulliorily to pay the balain o tohis iijroiils, i Icli I (lid." .Mr. .siiii Attndually c.preed Ids iipproballou of thoentire piocot iIIiik.

I'or Hume reason the (hiimaut neverhis U'.'i.WO ul Wii'lunptiiti; and it buiu;Mibreiiiieliily nitreeil by Seeretarv I'lhtlnml Attoinoy-lleiicii- il Ai;i;ii.man that thui III III ollht never to hiliu been pic-ne-il

ag.iiust llr.iU, they ttoUaiiiineil to sendthe money buck to the lirazillmi Govern-ment. Hut when the itutlieil llmdo tlmieno they vwre Inroriiutl that thocriminal payuuiit had be. 11 Hl,-- .', or tip-wa-

of $i(,00(, Itibttad of thu sum theyrefiilidtd. ilerenpuii lieu. V 1:1111 wi call-et- l

upon to explain, with what result Mr.I'.. K. Hoaii has stated hi thu House ofl!opreM'iilalles as billows:

"lie returned mil)' Imlkimnt riii! orjr toii ti in i. lu uif, M'tiiltli.. In ait vxirii-.e- s 111

tinii'iitliii.' tlio i,f llrnilllaii naii-tul- tocet tho i.ttitl. Antl Hutu tils Milaiut- -linn otiilt il. lb- - t.tMi 111 p..rili'iil.tts. Ho ni'iinlnot sl.tto to whiitti it km, t'ii',1. or liow It npaltlt 111 iiiiviliuikr on thai anlijei'i vti itntert unit

II t ulii.s 111 11 l.tui fuilnl tu t lit ll UUitllluC ofthu klnil."

(!eii. Vi:mi toon to come homo fromr.urt'pe, aiid the only way for him toc capo ctnvp public roudemnatinu Is tomake 11 clean breast of the whole nuiller.I.e. htm ti 11 what Ilr.tf.illan nRlcials werebribed, mid how much was paid lo eachone of Hit in, ami u bother .Mr. kwaiiii wasaware of tluse p'li'tlculars, or el-- e a veryheavy tain may rest 141011 hi? own diame-ter in his old ago.

All thin-- facts would seeni to Indicatethat lir.pciial Hiazd is about as corrupt aslopiiblhiiii Ameiiea.

New Jteiico us a State.Tin late vote in thu House of I!cpre.-t'!i-tative- s

at Wiisluutoii on tho hill to admitNoh Mexico in a Statu mutt have been asprint it tmrprl-- o to the members as tho re-

cent l'i caUlon tail veto wiu to the I'h.cf Ma-

gistrate. It had the suiltloiiuts of a waterspout, mid astunitlitsl like an erupt ivell imuami seoila from 1111 t'xtluot volcano. It war.can led Ihioiih, il would miii.iu lunchbv the opposing speech of .Mr. 1'tirTKi; ofNew Yolk as by thu argument of theplaintiff, Dolepat- - Ki.kiss.

It is not uiipleat.1111 that we have atlast a roprcM'iitative from that pastrualsequestration who has not a prt fix ofSofior or Don. Tho AiikIo-Su.xo- ii hasllunlly penetrate! Into Its Salami retreats.Wo lin.c had thu .TomiIi pntt and thu('athollc laymau of Spanish uud Iudlaiiudmtxture of blood. Governors, too, havohad a stroim lendeimy to mcjtlzo bleeds;uUbou:li the courtly I'u.v: of Mioiii'i ouutime hiuiR in thu melody of AlcxanueiiMU.KIKK,

" 1 am mpnarc h of all I inrff y."

Th's real estate was an aetiulsitlon ofthe triat) of Gii:iUuliipc-lllilal.;- o, not pas-sionately desired, but taken lu wilh thelest for Mpmiiiip of boundary, uud for 11

sonorous alienation of all Mexican owner-ship north of a given parallel of latitude.When tl.e negotiation was concluded withtho then Muutt'zunins of the realm, unit theiUstkui of disposition and governmentagitated the bosom of I'oiigress, a Senatorproposed In pi hmo to extend ouo organi-zation over the whulo domain, eufoiclngtho position with an energy of speech un-

parliamentary lu debate: " Maka it ouueomprehtimlve hell, as His now and everwill be." It lias, says Mr. KujtNs, a popu-lation of uliiciy-oii- u thousand, and thecount Knot Unversed. Just at this junc-tur- o

we have all of that class wouei-il- .

This peculiar order of popular over-clgnt- y

can be tolerated In thu election ofdelegates, who ato the tlfth wheel of thocoach in the lower House, but do wo needt Item In back up a full mcuihcrship, withspeech and vote, with on added pair ofSenators! for thu upper chamber? Per-haps this may Justify a llttlo reflection.

I'util we have fully digested Nevada, letus forbear to tiikeany morofuch food intothe stomach. What thu Caucasian prov-inces aio to llutsia, New .Mexico isto the United States. We have not lu ourwhole family of population a leg. onk.i entirely .Subtract thetlo.itlug vagrancy from Santa Ko and

ami you liav.' the Uhllnn mid thepoou. Ouuidn of Ihcsu localilius, thu na-

tive Americans are 11s kcarcc .is the iiiisinsin the plum pudding of Totlger's commer-cial boarding liuue.

It is not mi ambition of Mr. Ki.ki.vm tosit as Soiialortliat is a mattcrot cntnplalut.I.argo liberty of titsto in nssociat.on Is o.

To Itl nt. Ill Hie Piku county vI-giili'-

may hu "u soft thing;" but therelire siiirouudiiis which claim at-t- -

ntloli. Is lliero any pressing eiuorgeucyMiilch ilemands new blocks to be todIII ( ill' 111 eh o Stiitos? If Now Mexico, whynot 1'oloiailo? lot us wi them all upin tho Stale biikliii mid import fromtln'T Ilimalayiiii helghtti s "iiatorlal levies10 turn iho clanks of it iitiirtas mill alongkldo of thu paper mat hmo or .Moi.TONamlMmiiii.mhn'. Theio is ut. least an omnibusI'lad of voteis in Dakota who shoitlil beIn mil in our national councils 111 thu trip-let of rul.uy uiul mileage.

We ennnot Uud II in our lifiirln lolen.-ui- u tlie aniimatlvu meiubers on Ibisbill. They have been most uiipleut-niitl- v

(oiistraiut d to vuto "na.v" to 11

Tho goiy nhust of the salaryur.ili, not ipiilu eMireised, leiiintnl Hu llili'cams, and iho corn ami c.itllo luler-t-l- s

are hot upon their loot.-lop- s. Thehiiriiiloss nioiu.s llablo "ave'' has bet 11

iniide a iirillei' of rehearsal like tti " K.o-(tlt.-

iiupt.nls, but u hope with nutso uid ffei out sticccis of perfui main e. I.utthem place theiiisolves iiiulor tint tutelageol Mrs. General of the pi opnotin, midlopoat In pilvato thu"ayu" lie the "po-tatoes, pi lilies and prisms" of that no.coinplishud fashioner of elcganco of de-meanor.

The voto to admit 11 Statp so ariible111 Us proclivities as Now Mexico Is as6afu in 11 toast lo the mcmoi v of the lm- -

morlfl WAsjtittv.TON In exeititl pnrtbanI eoiivivlaliiy. Biiioo (lie 0IT1 mlliig

to be under indictment nml oil(rial for tlila lmpriidciicu before the jurypain 1 of Coon Uiver or Hoar 1'reeU, his (le-

ft lido Is slmplu. To the critical herder ofh'iriioil cattle ami the earplug Granger ho

.111 ring out bis reliullcr: " Dovilop' rsofIho wealth of our mother earth, exterml-li.ilni's- or

railniiy hvilrnsl When I voted fortlu ud!iil-lo- ii of his Slate, invmlntl m

Willi Ih.iughtt. of tillage mid Itsf.tiluites. Kiw Mtxleo is the slock ranguor the eoiitliieiit. The lb ' elkcourses its nt 11 11 11 slopes; the beaiiletlwilil (bill emblem of legh-latlv- wl;-il"i- n,

crops the lici bage of Its valleys', midthe piictiu dog villrges, icconsliticlcitHini'u tho rebellion, With Impmtlal t'i

ami under Iho i;u. eruoililp of soinopultiiiiotiitl McsLV, nettle tu the nooks oftheir g!en."

l'ulily in tlio Union as a Stale, tlio elec-

toral volo of New Mexico can ho put downlu the certain column of eilculalloii forthe candidate whose tirmo.'lal boa rings nrothe sickle and the rake, significant us thumust usual Implements or our pro-o-

politics, uliliDugh.tl must be conceded v.iilipain, ufler the gathcilug nml gleaningof Gimitlsm, the harvest. Holds donot loolc luxtiilant to tho new1 cupel". We vii'v much Incline tothe belli f lh.it, Miiiimlug up Judicially,the determination of tho Iloino was 11 rightone. lint wo are still 111 in lu thu opinionthat for ..Icady voting thu " nay'' hasmore of ni'tirity to leal. An iifllruiittivumay otcasioiially bo tried otitis an experi-ment by uitvciitiit't rsj but 11s a generalrule we vent ill o to advise the juveniletui'tulicr to Imitate Sin llovt.i: Hoimik luthu libh Parliament uud risu Hku him,with tlio " Mr. Speaker, I answer boldly luthe unintuitive, Jin." Hut If New Mexicois Installed i.s a State we must content our-- Ielves with tho 'lis 1 111:111 exelatmitiuil of

Oti'umutt .' I,et It be a condition Unit thuSotiators can speak our native tongue, andhold, lu fte of pi.s's!oti ti copy of Writ-(tTttu'- ri


If iVc'cfiit Giiant ufknd to IdentifyMiiin'lf muic coinpicdli with the H'aWi(U'

toil lllnu, t'oiiW he .Uiul 11:11 tithcr icctj totlu It so ixTtctiidli us hi pnunptlt pknuJi-n- y

Atioi.f I'U'n for tici'i' 'il evidence(lyttiiist their mliberle ' The jiUimlercru-- Cin'Jnucd In jkhut nml enjoy hi full'C't cmiiiifiicf.' but those ii'ui t'.rjuoo themdie rfai.'t(( with hlstoljt liuli'jinttli'ii.

The i.'miliiy ')( s:ns that it Is not inrnr tit in Itliml I'.l tr'.lu' tlio I'tlbuli rebels asbt'lllL-t'ients-. We ret'i rd this tlriil.il whli koinorccrrtt for wo laid uitstiiitlrrstuoil our ronti'iii-putar-

nml aii'uit'il that It nns nllllin: tbatniklUlit a measure of Justice iliuulil tie rrntlcredto .1 1't'iiplti bo fur nvu tvara liae bveu strualuJiii.'lit'iiiaiit'h'ato tliiiri'ouiitrv Horn Kumiirauilrsnutisnii una IIIiIIiik' rusuliitoly In tl.u l.ieo uftliu iimsl tlvsuiruta odds, anil without utliurfrlni'ls than tln'lr own rmirsKe ami tlumUoii.Hut tlio ilct'Urcs tlnil It reitarda tlit'lr rtJ irtsWilli entire liulufi'ti'iive riccui u tar us Ihot'ontliiimtii'n of tliolr contest for lllirrtv ami t lierLtit of tuav tetul to dliithilslithe crop uf siimr nml remlvr It .1 I It t Its murecostly to tlm tea unit euffoj and f.luur-brtu- ii

uf thl-- . cuuuli).tlur uoiiteini'iirary also ilrt'Urvi lh.it "Iho

tlelrc ft I nr. tics to hivclvr our country Introuble wltti Spain Is conspicuous." l.ct a rc-ti-

our cuiittimpnr.iry to nltlnlra'tT luisarcusalloii. We have never hid atn

iluklru to uivobt' our ruuutry la ttimtni' withSpain Wo hate no aiilmosltv Hfulunl &ialn,auilarc tpillo uilllnc tliat aliu slioiilil tiroseetitx tierliori'i'tual cUilwnrs tu tealously as tier ocuplomay wlslt, llioui:)i su wtitiUl tain litipu tbal tlit'lrftrorlly uilit'lit bo utltliratt'd by soiiiuthtin: ofI'lirikUju rliarlty unit cl lilted (orbeurauce. Wg

want no trim tile n tti tbat country ; but vru shallnot be dttvrreil by tliomiplv buuboarof lmirub-abl-e

or linpukslblo I'liiuulli'atlous illlier wltliSp-.l- nr anv oilier pnwr (nun !ho litrforiualuo1 f siicti adnlv at ai'laUovtlt'tiuiui: tlio fact tbat unAluuilt'ali I'Ciililo, llvln.' at uur own doom, liatofor )tnm inaliit.uiivil a ilelerittliit'il and uiutilycontlli't iicaliiat Uurnpean domliiatluii uli'riln'ilumlrrtbe uiot oppttsalve 1111J luioloruble s.

Wu published the other day tho state-mc- ut

uf Sciuit..r 1). 1. U'uuu aCJrulUt; thatlie itikcrtoil 111 tlio Supply LIU tuo clause

Ul tun tlie Siii.eiliilcndi'iit of the noiv Oi.t'i it(talar. uf flu.uu a lear liu coiisultt'd Mr. Lltit.ll-ixi.Ri- t,

Clialruian of tlm ctitiferemo t o.iuulttopou tlio part ot tlie Assembly, and'oiitulni'd Insditiki'in to the Insertion of that cUuso. On theother hand, Mr. Il.wcuia.t.Lit atutos In tlie .s'uni-UijL-

tbat ho lias 1111 rt'tolluctloii of any suchconversation vt 1 .senator Woou ; I bat lie uuicr. skcnteU to the tasertlia of tlie eliuise lospuet-lUt- i

this Kil.m, tliuu.'li 0 did imrt'u to put In tliusum of fh.no a. tlm salary i f t tin nuinnntfiidln;builder, siut'v that tinil been :uroeil to lu tliecoiiiuiiitcc. anil ':i iiiiuttctl by a mere denialerror ; but bo 1111 1 eill.itely saw u majoilty of Inscllfiuiiits. ulio .dsn lotritiued to tbls cliuniru lutbu bill. Ho lb t null lu tbal tliu uut'stlnu of thusalary of tbo tSuperlutvudetil of tlio lu-- Capitolwan nut mentioned at all ilurltu Ids lutenlewnttb Mr. Viiioli, ami that cniilleiiiaii ivuulilaeem to lie rxi'li.tl.oly respoiulble fur this plecoof tlt'lous Kcislation.

The Kov. Dr. I'Armisnv, formerly ofCub'iun, ami ihuv of Sin Krnnclsin, has il

n new plan fur Oili'i kill J lliteliiper.iln.0,wliiilili act forth In n coiuiuiiiilcatlun to tlm'tiuM 1111 1 ul.li 1: Tuo luivltuiil liuutltiiiau

ui'ulil lint tbu wlU'le li'iui i' Ir.iOi , wli"li".iili.,roiullt and for uxiiuitutioiit Into the iiaini uf 'boI'liltvil stales tiutiiriinuiili anil uluillilt all

dr ttu shops ul mm' itrailu. He sayt tinsliovcruiiii'iil already has u partnership to thevnteiil ol Uvoiort't'iit. of thoprolltanf thelniuortrade, uud hu btllcvra If the whole business ofthe nmiiufa. tuie uiul a.ilo ot luluxlcathu drinkswas ttiailo a IJovernniciit iuoiii)ioly tho roiormofrmn that source would be double , whllu many

ilvanl..i:i's vvinilU lolluw. Una point th.it Or,I'wteiimin niiiLi'H It that the prion of ilrliil.scuiild lis rediii'eil, which Houhl t'otntiieuil InsI'HiJi'i't to a I.i nro cl.tus nf uur v ptil.itliiii, thoinrhhow loweihiL' tlm price of w hlskov would tendto rediii'u Its ciiinuiiiinliui Is nut apparent ntAmi slk'lit. Moreover, he thinks that three-- i ciit(iiiveruini'iit tlrlutn would be betttrthaii tbuevtii h.iIo'iii ilruik, itbit'h wiiuld also render tintsiHtvm pnpul.ir; and insists that no stryi'hiiiii'ibliuiiitl be put in llm whl.Lei, which nuillil llkuw le t'liin.ii.iiul senoral approbation exeept uniho pait of cuiiilriut'd topers nlth MU.ui tl t.u-te-

whullke "soiuethlng llut cuts" as their (Tilln.iry Invrrntx. The ruvetvud Docttir prupotcjthat tlm keepers of thetinvrriuucnt drain slioptsliidl be paid salaries Instead of cuuuulsslons ontheir s ic, and this would iilmsotho men ap-- p

lull il to dispense tlio (iuvarinneiii druiks, torthen li.ey would be sine ot their s' Inry, ami, Ifanv u.iv kiii.iit, could make ih 'Ir I. tliu I'ninuils-sl"i-

hmltles. The arjiimeiit otferetl by Dr.l'Armisos lu favor nf the adoption of his planIs. tli.it "by tuns ilnsli- ini tbu tenipt.itlnlisnow lii'lil mil hy tliuiualuU ot tlppllui: houses,and llioau uImi pei'peiually circulateil bv themule wealthy trailers nnd inaiuifai'tiuers, wufhall rt'itioiual leant thoiiiiiiids of bitnli r.ihlu

uurcileof uibne." I'lulul.liteilly ihop ml lloet ir's Intent imii nro execll-'iit- , but, tos v uolhliu: uf other objet'tlnas. wu fear liU pDuwill fjil seuiiio the tujipurl uf thuao who iiroelduilv iiiaii'iiiucnt.il la atltatiutfthe iiut'sllun ufleual upon the use of llipiors.

It Is propositi lo pay our AldermenJIM", ,1 year. No doubt their tpiallly Is extraor-dinary, but Is not thl rather more than thoy

1 And how would It do to ru back to theobi plan of luvliu; flnurato cltUvns tor Alder-men and pa) liar tbciu nullduc 1


Tho llerul of ATrlcua

The most vnlunblu book of travel whichlias appeared rlnco the publication of Wallace's".Malay Archlpehiro" nvo years aco Is 17ie

JfMtt of AJiiou by Dr. Hkoiio KciiwtiNnuiTii.(Harper U llrothers). That book was the workof nil Bfciinildlkhed zotil'irjlat. 'Xhls Is the worknf n scirnllllc liotnnlst the only tliornuirldytrained botanUt who li.is over attempted Africanexploration. Ills puisalt give lilm t'iu 11.11110 of"leaf eater" hinntut tho inan-oatlu- g natives.Tho original tiarratlvo Is In Herman, nntl hasbeen tralislht d In'o l'.iik'llsli by bllen 11. l'rcwer,witoku rendering Is miumtlii yet lelseuud

A striking fault, Imweirr, Is her unl-fori- n

uao of "UlU'" wlioro "as" Is tho properword. The work lo published lu two largo

and idiounds In Illustration.! from carefulilrawhuitby tho author, who Is a skilful urtiat.As Mr. Wlnniioil lleadu says In nu lulriitlut-tur-

preface, " In othtr works of African tnt.ul thoctplortr has idveu rude s to k.iine pro-

fessional arllsti nti'l tints thu picture has beenHindu; but tVliwchif 111 th's rktlchcs wtre

work of .ut."1'roin this Int 'tl tl Hon we lesra that Ttr.

Inbittli was only thhty-tw- o soars oldIn l."t:s when he sot out upon the greatJourney which tho book describes, haiiin;birn born ul lllii.t, hi the UuasMii iiiovlncei onthe ll.iltlc, In KXJ. He studied nt llehlelher juud llerlhi, uud luvbik! dotcnnllied to makehot my tho sUili of bis life, lu liU) ho went loAfrica fur the llr-- t time, unit travollcl in thuililt.1 rt'ilt.li nf tho Nile, 11b. 11.! Hit IlcdSe:ioniit,In tl.e blL'hl.uiils of AlUkslnln, and lu Nubia,

rtirope nflernn obsinro if two yearsnml 11 halt with n splcntlltl collection of flints.Wlifii, therefore, ho renched Africa for thorecoiul tlinc.iu.lulr, lNU, to untli'it.ike a I10U11I-ra- l

t'Xilurntliiii uf the eipiatorlal district.! bhiitwent of tho Mir. under thu aiipli esiif tliu l(o nlAcadtiiiy uf Sch'i.co nt ll'rlln, ho wits, to usoIds own Lin juefc, no uovirn 011 Attlcati soil." I had," ho tats, " icrved nu niiprcntleeslilp Inthe art of tiavcltluz, In the sunny Rrlds of IVrptnntl Nubia. I'or months tturi'tht r. In my ownboat, I had navliriteil the ltod Sea; nml It waswhile I was rxploilm: the uiitiavi-rfi- l inouii-tain- s

by Its coast that I aerlously courclvud 111 )'lamer project."

Tho cxrctitloii of Hilt pruj"ct o"cut)lcil lilmuntil tho mittiinu of l.CI. Ho s..lled doiiutlieltfd Sea to lite purl uf Sil.ikln oil lis weMernkin re. and uiado Ids was then 'c utcrlaud to thocelebrated town of Khartoum, ut lliccotilhicttcuof the III to river with the main stream of thoNile, which may be reitardi'd as the tut outpostof clvlllzitlon fur African oxplor. rs from thonorth. Hire he Joined tho trailing exuedltlutiof llhattus, a riik ivory merchant, bound fortlio rcclim south ut the western ar.luei.t of thuNile known as thu or Uazelloriver, whero ha poiscjtcU a laro n'ttleuiciit.(lliitta, who was a IVMlo Christian, was ro-

il tiled to Ovt'oiuc snrtty tu the ll.'tptlati tlovcr-nii(ii.icr- al

uf Khariooin for the safety ofthe I'.tiii'pt in trivelle. while In tho Interior.Schwclnfiirth's rtruii.'il rellnao rtuisUtcd ofclktbt Niil'luns, one of whom had accompaniedlVbcilik, the t'.nclldi Coniul, on hit last Jour-lie- ),

tihattiu silliplietl u boat, moans of tub.klstence, the requisite nuui ier of boarcrs ufliag.-ttkti- ', laid such nrmod men at wererupiireil. Tue Kliattuuunutrthauts eiur.iced In

tlm Ivory tr.ido "indntaiii 11 Krest iiutnUer ufH'tllements tu t!ltriels as nuar as pus ILle tothe prc.ent tvorv cotinliles. uiul ainouir peaccftdraces tletoleil to Hie) bate appor-tioned tlo tcrrlturv ninoiii tli.'insi'lves, andbate bniiight the natives tu a eumllllon of

Tlielr tlepot nre c.tlled serllias, (rum

rHi, a tliuin lieilire or pallsado In Sutid.iu. Atthe lar-- e serdja of (ih.ittas, tlttiitt d about mid-way littwceii the tweuiy-ola.'ltt- h and tnenty-iilul- b

uieriduna, and tho sc.cuth and elirhlbparallelt nf north latitude. Schweluftirth

inoinhs carefully studyhiK therich vik.'''Utlm uf thu iliatnet. I'heiice hoJuuriieveil auuthnartl throuji lljuco land, andtho country 01 the eanu.hal NI1111 Mam, to theKln'duui uf Monbiittuii, where he was enabled tuvirlfy the asserted eiltent'0"f arnco of H)L'uile

la Ctrtral Africa, near the equator. Tliu coiittut Miiiiii, Kiiu uf .Vtoubuttu, the

a'.t.iliit'dliylhotrat.'llvr.ws loca-

ted at uboul lit. - : S. Itetuntlnit In lluseriba ut (ibatuis, bo there suffered un Irrepara-ble leas In tbn destruction by tiro uf IdsJournals, Ids record uf 1,id) tianunetrlral oliserva- -

tluiis. a I'ollcciliiii uf liiects,niid vucutmla tea ofluaiir uatlvo l.itu:uai:t'. .Niitwlthstnudlna: thisdlti uiriuilic du.aster.bo undertook n westernexpedition. In which ho rculi'id u point west ofthu twenty-sixt- h meridian. Tim results of biswhole Journey entitle blm to hldi rank at anexplorer ; and act'orttln: to Mr. Wuiwuod Hondo,hluikelf a Afrcan tr.velltr.Si htvelnfurth merits t" be classed with MuuiruPark. Deubnui and Clapperton, LMntistuno,lliirtoii, SH-k- and (Iran'., Ilarth anil ltnhlfs.As a mini of ai lctiee. ho atandt higher thnn anyuf those ii.untd. HU work It so full of Intercit.eten to the intutt tmiclontluJ reader, that wecm refer only to the moro proinlnent facts andatrlkunr Incidents which are related.

After liMVlmi Uhartuoui tho parly uf (thuttasmado Us way up Ho Nllehrboit. The riMrliur.niorilnK. and ipiruhiu of tbu numerous hippo-Imlii-

furuicd lit Oral a constant antidote torestful sleuti. No a jnner had the traveller

themselves to this noiso than the klx-ter- n

boats of the expedlllnu were one dtvnt-tncke-d

by bees. This was 110 Joko. The switnnw. sktlrrod up by meu who wero towlns tho ad-

vance boat ncallist an advrrso wind, and thou-

sands uf the mi ddt-tic- luso ts at once assailedevery llvln.' thluuon Isi.ird. Tho suffering whichthoy Intllrted was terrible, uiul two men weresttiiii: t" do .th. It was only by coverlni: them-t-clv-

with cloths ami remnlaliu absuluuily stillthat the Nubians could Induce, the bees to aub-shl- e

Into quietness, liy tiring thu rends on thowindward shore they then produced suQieluiitsmoke to drive thetu from the boat. "Thoseniiiiib rolls nee," sai Dr. Schwehtturth, " u;

to the siilpocl variety uf uur own hoiioybee. A mishap like ours has been acliluiu ex-

perienced lu tlio waters of the Vt hltc Nile. Con-sul l'ethirlck, as lilt sonants Intoriued tuo, hadoner to tinilcrao a sbullir lubfortuiio. I feltri'itdy In the etenlii for an encotiittor withhalf a acuru ol butTdues. or a brucouf Unas, rather than rrtvo niiytiiliiginure to do with bees; uud this wasa (cntiuicut III which nil the ship'scompany heartl'y cuoi'iirri'd.'' At Kosliojn,further up the river, lu tho Shlllouk Terrlttry,where tlio Inhabltnnis number about slxhuntired to the mpiuru milt', hu killed mi enormousAfilcau python, whose skin furulsheil inaterialfor an excellent waterproof mm e iao. This urui.tinakii was ulioiit flfleen feet loin;, and uIIIiuul'Iiflrut'k by cnlv four t'nltn uf tlm chariio ofliu.it y shot fired at bint, died very soon after hel-

m-lilt. The ithillooks aio nut tho most nureo-abl- u

ueuplo In thu world, they render them.st'lvcH hideous by plastering their bodies withtsht-- s for proioclloti airalust hikccts, uud tl Istheif custom "never to kill an animal, but onlyto consiinio those which die nattir dlv ; the re.isun obviously bouu that thoy look upon thupoise sdnn of llvlnic eattlo ,ti the main object oftheir exUteiu'c."

On apiiroai'hh.i! tho mouth ot thethu boats t'licotiiitoied thu grass hairier

ot tho .Nile, which .Mist Tuino's expedition hadmet wltn In InJ, and which subsequently provd

nt li 11 furinldablo uhsurto tu Sir Samuel linkernnd Ids HT)pt,uis, In tho (In.-ell- rher Itself,inch nus tho uxtrss of tluatliu: veelallun atsnnio iditi-r- s that tho bre.tdth of the stroani wasnot more than enoiiuh for a slnal" vest l, nlilloIho depth ciniltt not be ro.ti hed by llm huuri stpoles. 'I his reuion Is thu luibllut of the b itu mi-c-

Ir.r, one of the uiust rem.trKiiMu hlr.lsfoil n it In Aftlca, II Is sometluuu' between apel hull nnd a hii'on.k.tuuds about four feet hluli,and Ims a (llstriipiirtlonately huiro head inulalirnnilkllpprr-k.hai.ei- l beak. The iiiilhor thinksthis very curious I lid Is a prnol " that not every-thlu- c

lu naturo Is peifectly adapted to Its end.for when tlio birds aio lull mow 11 they neterhave their beaks rt) 111111rlrlu.1l. 'Iho upper partdues not rorreapuuil with tho lower; the twomembers (all spirt and like an old wuiiiiiu'h Jawco all awry." A certain resemblance can hetriced between the itreat waterfowl and thotribes ut the marshy tracts adjoining the rltor.

Tfeimlln says that "amone men theyhold very much tho eamo placo thatflamingoes, as birds, hold with refcreiicoto tho rest of tho feathered race;" nndtfcliwclnfurth speaks of tho rcnuirkabloway In which, llko the birds of the itinrshc,these nntltcs are acctutomed to etaiul mtitlnn-les- s

on 0110 Itir, supnortliiat the other above thekuco fur nu hotirnt a time. Thoiluh eex in iked to luulaila hi thciu Pai)rua iwauips, horxpcrleticed 110 oil effect", belli.', cs ho nv."fover-fre- an exception ainutux a hundredtravellers." Ho took eight or til 110 tr.diit ufqiiltdno a day, however, until the purer rwhich he foiml In the Interior rendered t'ioinedltbio iiiincces.irr. He rtnuiLdv rcci.in- -lui'iids that It be t.kcn lu sclctluo cap-ul- e , as '

lie thinks Iho natisci frequently cxi'llttl by thoIntense bitterness uf tlio powder In Its mulls-cube- d

form iiutv liirrcaso the liability to fever.Lauding at a plnco called the Mcsliera, he brumtlio wnlitlcrlugs whlfh extended over a dltn"coof twu thousand tulles, and which were por--ftinned cntluly on foot. " Nrltlicr camels Mor

nsies, nudes nor horses, teams of oxen norpdauqulii bearers contributed their nld. Thoonly ti nl mill available, bv the help uf which Cen-tral Africa could be open-- d to civilization, It ex-

tol mlnatud by nru uiul swuril;" this Is the ele-

phant.Thu expedition traversed tlio territory of tho

Dltik.ii 011 the way to the nol Ilia of (iluittn. Illcluaidlliess uiul choice of food, Dr. t'elmtbi-furi- ti

pronounces this tribe lu mlvaiicc of mivutlier Afrle.in people. There uru no tlcan In theirhouses, but Hit) dwell lu eteli lucre dlsacrto-nbl-

ctiuip,iii),uccurding to l. trupean Ideas. Wequote;

Tbo nnlv ilbqulctiida to 11 itrniuer In tlielrhouses nrlsts fnim the 111 .kes, which r stb' Intlm strnw roofs i.nd ttlsturii hit rest. Kntkes tirethe onlv cienlurcs to which either lluikn t rKblllooks pav .my so l of iuvuiuiicc, Tliu Diukucall them their brethren, nml look non tluilrslsuchter as a rrlme. 1 was liifurinetl hy wit.liessos widen I had no 01110 to ul.lru-ii- , Hinttltesepamlokiiikes 110 Intlls Idll illy t now 11 totho who rails ihein by name andtiritls theiti us domestic anluiuls. their abun-ilune- o

hrru seumett to me very ruuiutkubie.Anion:! the llougo, on tho other liatut, 1 spuntsix months befuro 1 siw n allude specimen, andIt appoaiH to he an rstalillshen fnct Unit, upontho whole, they me not common 111

trni'lc.d Altlea. Perhaps thu kpeeloi wnlili ismost frequent Is tho clalit Pillion. Tliuiowhich Inlishlt the llllika huts ale, so far as 1

could leutii. nut veiiuuious.Tho eerlli 1 of flhattus ronlted uf a larco

croup uf conical huts surrounded liy a lollysquare pallsado. Tbu ordinary garrison com-prised ebuut two hundred and tlfty armed men.Tho aurrouhdliii; cuiiutry Is decrlhed as tinrk-hk-

The bdjaceiit plains f urulsho i pasturu torliumcroui herds of i;lrsffcs,nnil the rare delicacyof n ciraflp's tonirao was onu ot tbo culinarytreats ot the parly. Tlio vanety of tho vcucU-Ho- n

was extraordinary. During a residence oflite iiiuiillis at tbu serlba. Dr. Sehwelnturtb

ne irly swell buildleit Uuwrrlillt plalllt."It would ml be l.osslblc," he remarks, "lul.uropc, dtirlii: u whole year, to uatlter so laroa nuinlier If 0110 were bullied to the emtruus utasliiKle luwti. Ftoui tnv own experience lamsalisliutl that, notvilth.tundliii: all means ufrouimunlcatliiii. ll woiil t he bevund tbo lowerof n iiuUnlkt lu secure anything like flic hun-dred species 111 a klntle teasou." In ldscxcur-sl- i

ns amuiux the iiebrhborlna llonco tho v

cry tint tho u.itlves hid been accustomed topoison their arrows with pimento sua mi addi-

tion to ttie numerous proofs that much ot theof Africa It Imaginary. Uxcct-slv- o

IKK of tobaetu Is nut uncommon aitU'iicthis pt'iIle; ulie llistant'u ts related where a I

llunco 111 tu had smuked himself Into such tittirstupefaction that hu fell senseless Into a cam Ji-

ll re, in 1 was so badly burned that Ids comradeswero ohllired tu earn libu throughout thortutot the Journey. They havo a curious supersti-tion that tbu burial of a dug will produce ndroiiL'ht In the land ; honco their dead dogs lielu the Odds unbtirled. Ihevnover cat don'stlcsli, itur ure they catinlr.als; but every otheranimal substaure Is deemed Ut fur tholr table,however advanced It may be, lu the ptocesa ofputrefaction, The attire of tho women Is some-

what scanty, their wardrobe couslatlng simplynf a siinplo buuidi, bearing plenty of Ivates,fastened to the Ule uddi-llu- n

ut a buut'li of One grass. " It iniiy pos.iiybe nussliied," aus uur author, "that tliu ex-

tremely primitive coverlue of tho llougo womenIrradlitestheui with soiuethlng of theehsruinfPunulns; but u very limited expcrleueo willsoon dispel the rapture of any allusion of thukind."

An accident of an appalllm; character occurreddiirhiL the traveller's sojourn at tho lurib.i. lutha midst ot a terrific thunder ttunn at nlirbt ahut, or tokkul, separated from his ownquirtersonly by a single crannry, was struck by hchtuineand burned down. '1 he loss of his entire prop-erty and tlorc was with difficulty alerted. Heia)s :

The tokkul, which hid been burned duwn,w.rihardl) nty paces fruru my tcrbed. 'I Here, struck ,y llirlititiuj, six ft muleslaves had uiul Ibrir 'almultouruus death ; ski-m.l- b

had I ecu untouched l.y tho eleotric fl .nl.ami had cunirivtd. half dead from bumbo:, tueffect an escano trom the fbilulUh' pile. When aeh atraiii o us made nu the next luoruuitf, afterthe imhes had been temottMi, the bodies of tlie

woiuoii were found cuiiiiilult'ly charred,Itllii: clusel) parked toiiethur. Just a.t thoy hadKouo to sleep lu tbo but al unci 111 centro rl.

which had been tho conduClor of thelU'iiittuiaT. 'l'ltey furtnod a athkutli) spvt.twlu, atwiden ovun tlio nalivu ue.'roin euuld nut sup.press a shudder, whllu tnu recently luipoiiedMsin-Nla- slates ituulfi nodisirulKe of the rtlisbwliu which the) scciiltd Ihu udur uf Iho buntedUtah as lltev helped to t'luar away the debris.Uiitiol Uin Nubian soldiers bad, auioui; thu sixTl tuns of the t'onflai:iatluii, In bewail the lossnt his sweetheart. To such a deureu ttiil this

pruv iipun him that hu entirely b.stIds reason, and so unto a considerable amountof trouble to tho occupants ul thu serlba. Alluistaiito uf i hku lids never came lu uiyknowledge olso where In tti ls district.

The southward Journey tluouch MlttnototheNi.uu-.Niu- country uud thu klii.'dum of o

was made, nut with tiluttas, but witheuterprlkllie merchant uained Muluuiuiud

Abuu SaJUUiat, tbo ptopnetor of stiveral kerluaslu the rt'lalulis to bo lulled. In Muhbuttuo theexplorer waa enabled to solve both a geographi-cal uud an ctbuolocic.il problem. He therefound the rimr Wellu, 11 stream vastly inciterthan the mlllni; Its dark Hoodmajestically toward tho west. The .iflluents ofthe Nile llu w oil northward; this, then, was notolio uf them. In coniuiK from tho land ol thoNmm-Nlai- u Dr. M'hwelulurth had thus crussetltho watershed uf the Nile, nnd he Is tlioroiiL'lilyid tho oplulou that thu waters of tho Welle Hudtheir way thrutudi Iho liter SIi.it y Into tlie crc.itluke Tchad. 'I lint the Wellu beluucs tu anothersvsle'ii than that of the Nile can scarcely bodoubled,

Tho question whether there aro pyciules ornut must uf course be determined Ur.oiy bytho quostkiu what aro pyktmles? Accoidin.-- tollr. they uro a race the atera.'uhelcht ul wlinili Is abuiit four foot leu Inches.It must be confessed thai I his Is nut uu altituduwhich wo hate been nccus'oini'il loussuclalowith tho notion of pitnnics, ulthouchwe cutwell bellcvo that a baud uf several hundred per.sons of that heluht would reseiublu thu crowdof boys to which tho author likens It. Thesucnmi'itrativelv uiminiitito punplo call thembelies Akka, and arc supposed to dwill betweenI it'ttldo 1" anil 2" S. They ure dllliti.'ullied bydlsprupuitluiiati ly larce heads, 11 snout. like pro.Jcttiou of tlio Jaw, nud liuu'u cars. Dr. bchweiu.fintli succcciled lu secuiliiL-- one us a servant,tint ho died bef.iro llm traveller's return tuHurnpo, He sat four lect scion lucliei hlsh,but It Is not certain that ho had attained his fullcrowtli. That our author overestimated thehelL'ht of tho Akkn teems nut Improbable. Thepycmles bronchi tol'oit wltlilhocullecllunsoftlm l.uu Italian lra filer, Jllaiil, who rcaihedMoubiittoo uiul died there, sliK'o the country was

Dr. Si liweliif uith, nro probably ol tliotainc raco as Um Akka. In Ikiyunl Tailor's

tu thu i rihuut; cuiiecrulut: tliciu hesays that. llenku, wliu was uuouf Mlanl's menmnl iiccuinpaiilcil the dwarfs, told hlin that tlmplace whence they c.inio hint the nninit of t.

This rlo-el- y resetnbles Tlkkltikkl,which Schwelnfiirtli diet en tho Nl.iiu-.N'l.i- ni

deslcitallon ut thu Akkn. The laigest uf Mlanl'spyemic Is twenty yeirs uhl and fnrtv-si- x

Inches In lielchi; his cumradu, a boy perhapstwebo yearn of aco. Is tlueu Inches shorter.Tho existence of a dlmlmulvo ratio uf men inequatorial Africa must now bo reirarded

but how small llisy ait, we Uu not

yet accurately know. Wlnwood Ilcad predlctithattfiey "nre no othor than tho bushnioii ofBouth Africa, who aro not confined, as was fur- -

lucrlv supposed, to that corner of tho continent,but also Inhabit various remote rccc-se- s ofAfrica, nml were probnuly tho orlctnal halvesof tho c tuhtry."

IlicrlinrietPritttranf the ereril r2lons em.braeetl In tho nullior's Journey will b.' bestUhJtr.'t od front the followlnc oia:icei

'I hr "lUlio if the twenty-si- decrees of I ePinb)(nerwhl.li I .t lile 1 . liio prour.-- ofttl in. niti'ortlun to the riuii'i'.il zm. . odthe uit'ieopiliurie I e ui !li"ii ul lite sqcv itelands, was organized wiilt vruiidetfol tl ntih uv.I'or the llrst .'.ill) ml cs rlroti'hcd th tire iry lb

ijliliu pi ico to wulu tl 'opus, vol I of ir 's,b .1 iter ut. led Willi iir.tsa. Next rime I noili'llclitlul rt'tfl ui of the bush fore U. who" HutM'Ut'titlloii, tli v sled of tho olitinxio'is tlu. ill- - ofthu ile-o- , iieil'ed the soft fohicoof hunt-liv- e

land to the iniiid of the traveller, whoeuteieil iipuu wluit he mulit correctly cab llutruu pniiuival for.sl, wlilcti Cirri d him h.t 'I. ttho leliiories ol his loutli wliun ho yie di-- Idsfancy to tho fai lii.ttl uis of " Itouliisua Crusuo "or of " Paul uud Vlrulni.t."

'iho safety of small paitlcs ot Nubian fiuiiiKhartoum mining tliu cannibal tille-- s uf tit In-

terior Is duo to iho coiisclouiiicas of the uatlicsthat they could not venture upon an attack,howcvcricrtilii itaultiin.itesuce s, wlllioul tholoss of at least two or throo lives ou their side;and each liiillv.tltiat Is too iiiiivlllliir to rink tnusacrlflco of his own life to effect tho expul loiiofthu liitrudt is. Uf tho cannibalism of thu Mam-.Mi-

nnd tho Mohhullou, Dr. Schweliifiutiitho must runvlneliu proofs. '1 ho Inrco

liiunber uf skulls which ho presented to tuo Ana-tomic tl Mu-cu- at Merlin, on his return to thatcity. uro limply tliu roui.uintif Munlj.ittuo re-pasts, purchit oil 0110 uftur another with nils ofcopper. Theso cannibals procure their ib'thnsfrom iii'ljbborlng lilbcs, blacker than thein-stlve- i,

and whom they ro.-ar- d anliiforlur. Whilethe traveller was at the court of King Maura Itaim currently reported that Hint potontute illnctloff a child dally, and Ids people wore severaltimes deteotod while uutunlly occupied la pro-pili-

11 ninth flesh for food. On one oceadoiiour author found a number uf )ounu women,who had a supply of liolllu.-- water upon the Clay(lour hi (rout of a but, onjicod In submlttlitja human body to lbs acaldltu process. " Tuepper.itlou, so far aj ll nil ciTouted, bad chancedthe blank skin lulo a fawny gray, andthedls-custlu- g

Kliht could not tall to nuke uie think oftho sotbleniiu and soourluc ut uur lattud swine.On another tjccasi m I v lu a hat nnJa human arm lianclnc "lor tho Ure. obviouslywith Hie dtalcn of li.lii.- - at unte dried uudsmoked."

Nu recent book uf trsvol bat recoiled suchextended notice or fay. Table inoitllou (rumHuropo 111 critics as "Tho Heart of Africa." Acareful reading uf tbo two l.irco vuluiuos Justi-fies all that has been said of tlio merits ot thework, and mure ttiuu bat been said ot Its

It Is especially wurtby uf remark tbat thoauthor is .111 exception anion.' African travellers,iioti'iilylu .ittalnuioiit. but In fairnesstoward other exploiers. Ho Is neither v.iili ofhit own actiievt-iuuiit- nor Jealous of too workuf others, "laiuall l'a!i 1 w.n ipdlu ll.-llt,-" hes.tys, "In siylng tbat ovory frcsli Africnitraveller ttad Ids own private suurcos or theMlu; hut tor inv part I a. 11 nut at J1 tthaiucdto confess tuat 1 hatu not found thuiu."

The 1 un of l.l'jrl In Wa.hluiioii- - Huts hpUcrii'. t'uurt -- uueb'hed.

V.'tn tfit t'ul'Onnrf .Vail, it OJ St.Tiiccar.0 of the Uniteil Stutos. at the re-

lation of ( hat tiler act. Ilucll, tho correspondent,tor an aheced I Haul upon Sou.ilur I'uaudier ot.klt Incati, w ulcb catuu 1111 as ropurled l.tsi weekIII the (Ichcrnl rerm tipua uu apiHjal fruit anTiler of the tqieelnl 'term refualiiu to dla.ulss

lite certiorari Withdrawing tbu caso fioul 1110Police Com t, was concludeil. and decideil bvthe (ietierulTeriti yestord ly, all the Jutticet con-curring In alhriiiiug thu order of tho SpecialTeiiii. 1 lie illr-'i- 't question IiivoitiuI w,u woolli-er an Information lor malicious I. hoi is cuculz-ubl- a

by the 1'nhco Court, and tho declalou Isthat the Poilco C urt has nu Jurisdiction lu such

s ; but the crounds upon which tho Ju.Uccabased their opinions cover a field wider ta.tiilitis, i he Chief Justice buod Ins opinion upontho fact tbat tbo act of Coiijtci creatinethe Pol.ce Court it ivo mat court JurLtdictiuu of"all uJeuces acaiust thu United .States cum.nutted III the District of Columbia uot deemedCHplt lor ulher liifainoiis crltuoj." This itrantol JiiiU ilillou did not uicliido such libel, oat Ihuiiue charjed. the other Judu'es cuuc.irrcd Insustslnluc tliu uriier below, inaiidv upon tbucround that the accused was en.illod by thecommon law lu Iho (Juiutliuiluii to a trial brJury, mid thatlbu l'olicu Court, which Is with-011- 1

a Jury, therefore could mil tako Jurivllclloti.'the luulrect d..c'Ur.illiui uf Hilt declsiuu It

that tho Pollcu Ctiurl Is without Jurisdictluu ex-cept lu cat.ee which ooilltl bo deieruiliiud btfurothe oriiauuatlou uf the court by a Jiutice ul tboPeace. It may he mentioned In this coiiuatt'tluuthat tuls defect lu tho l'ulluu Court was wellknown ut the Hum thu conit was established,hut that as ample provUloti was made furappeals to tho Criminal Court, and at 011 sucuHnjit--.i- l the case is tried us a now oasu or beforea Jury, beuic m ibis respect llko what is calledlu some of Ihu Stal.sa a " removal from 11 juslice," liieru would bu uu pracliual wuutuf powerin the Pulicu Court becausu of Its want uf aJury. It wan ihuiuht Hi it appeals wuuld betaken lu all contested casus of impurtaucu. llutmen bate not been content to allow the l'uilceCourt lo posmi upou their uasos even lu tho tlrslluslalico ; slid mure Ihnii once bofore. us In IhocitkO Jusi decided, tbu inattor has buou brouuhtto tho atuiiliou of tho lilguor coutl 0) roiuudlostt.it cau be mvuked befure a iudcmeiil lu Ihocase, trnleh. uf course, woultl be always neees.snry before an upwal could bu taken. In allsuun coses not ouly tho rUthl tu a trial hy a Juryhas beeu affirmed, bat ll hxi been declared tbata court w.tliMiii a Jury cannot take utixinranceuf cases luvolvlur auy matter ot luiportaiit.

.Mure Tin 111 Almut .Nanh llnvis Ills Slursupon heanlitr ('otikllnir

eiil.'l JKTlUn.l .

Mr. Davis cuts the worst llgurc in thismatter. Thero was soiue e.xuiiao lor Mr. DotU'oItitmdunluc the iiauie of Senator Cuukliinr. Hewas irytni; to eiplidn why In, was so liu norm.Hale to settle. It tvaia't nu u.isy tlilnc todo. lutact, them Is soiitel.'iliikCSo luheruntlvheiislblelu a llrin pressim; tho (ioiurintieiii lutall J a default against them for and fail-I-

In that, devothic wueks to oral and writtenentreaty to have that sum accepted In lion of asultt that there Is 110 wuudor Mr. Doilcu felt anuiccnt need of doleudluc tuo act uy extiaordl-iiaryreastiiilii-

it w.i a naturaltlillik' lor him to usslcu tts one nt thoiuotiveswhich undo lilm so t ier to halo Ills uioney in .ceuled, tliu sense of fotr which overcame Mmwhen he contemplated tliu possibility uf havinctliu local acumen uf Senator I' uikluu' arrayedlunlust tit in. That w.u tho stronuest pulnt utan extremely weak. case. Ilothlos, lio put It usdelicately as ho could, llu didn't 11itil11t.1l11tl1.itthere was v evidence that the Sc.11.1lor was(HTihk' .is counsel, lull only that he couldn't heitiliieli sure lie wasn't.

Hit with J ml ce Dtvis tho otto It nntlrelyHe sillier knew that Sonalor Cnnklliic

was al the Custom 11 mse by mora accident -- Itbcluc a place ho h.isn't liven lusldo uf half adnztll tluits since he entered thu Son ilo aeieuye.ir ago or clso he know nothiiitT whateverabout ll. In cither cacti If ho frit that thornwas anv occasion for Introdiicmii his iituue, beshould li.it o done an without iiumlna' tii.u airuf hesitation and loliicuiicu wbicnw.tt ealcu-- 1

ted ll not tu cuuvny the luiiTe--ii.- il

that ho thuuctil the disclosure was likely tolirtuc the Seualur into reproach. Ho throw- - somuch mystery and affectation of hcciov intothe slory wuhholdliu; tho muni the llrst day,uud soumwhat oslentatiouklt w.utluc lo Intuitxiurled from 11 tliu kocoud that when itwas dually broiiultt out there w.tt an opuniucfor one uf those reportoriul pareiillioi.es whiehdescnue the scene as a IScii-atlun- ., 'Iho whuloperfoiiuaiico smacks so much nf clau-irit- n itiols aco effect that ll heroines a little 111010 ulten.slvetocooii iiiktti on at count of its appureut

uud charlatanry.

.UnniliiB 11 a I : ti s Lord.tiom the lluuu Jeuriiul.

Lord ltatidoltih 11. S. I'luin hill, secondson of the Duke of Murlhorouch, wo inarrtedlu Paris on Wednesday, April , to Mi.--s JennyJero.ue, d itichtor of I.iion.ild Jeroine uf .NewYork. Iho eeremony was performetl ,tt tliellrltlsh r.iniuutsv. and itllerwarit ut tlio A merlcniil.ccutlon, by tliu Hev. Dr t'olhes. '1 lido wu,! alarco assemblace 01 the members and (riuuds ofthe Marll) iroiich f.iiiilly,as well as of thu.,. uftho fit v of tno lirlce. Tho weddluc breakf 1stwits ciien at Mr. Jerome's hotel. In tliu Annuotin Itol tie Itoino, anil as sunn as it wo-- i oyer Ihonew married couple entered a heritim, draw 11 bvfour lino horses, tit corated wuli ri dn ni, uudleft Paris fur Petit Val, fie resident 0 of Vr..Moid' on, wuere they tiro p.usstu: the honey-moon, .limine tlm presi-lil- s lecelted by tholiriibi item n iiiacnllicuut lnill t shawl Ir onOiieiii Vieitiiia, mid u I'lckel fr un the I'lince ofWales, ll is said that ti. Jci'oiuu k'Ues hisdaughttr u lurtiiuu ilii.OO sterling.

(alum's Theory n Pulse Due,loin iht Kitniiia iiti.

President Grant cei'tainly has boon111 lo t reipurln.' a chaiiixe lu the l ieisnry

Depa111ne.it. I ho pressuio brouc'it to bear ononcii as to prevent thul body Iroiii aduptinc

the leoobilluii of censiiru has been ktrosb indu-ceii- it

nd foi this pressure wo fear that the I re.i-de-

It ieionsilile. Mich an exert iso of poweron tlm part of executlto oiheers It lu dlrecl ii

of the spirit of uuiislitiilloual limclli-uien- t.

ll Is crtiiiiidoil on a l.ili-- l iuory.lie (ifllces ato nut pieces of laud which

n man cultivates (ur thu support uf hiuiaelt andIlls futility.

t.v;i;:.i 15.

The Mifutnolh I'uvo ot Kenduky Itsilver. Ikdl to lie l. t.

There H 11 new tiitrory lu llntiuniimler tl.e tttd tnee uf r't trit ilils foikt, w,r ,

women may leave tlielr h.iiin-- s ilurln; the dir.A e win in of tiiilusiriotu giiisliopp(.ri

ikviittfel a t'drie--n acre field of truest, riMM. 3., .in Ilu ii'iiil'it county, Iiivrn, lit two dart, fat. tf (,Jatrt't'ti blsdia inro lu iLe crutiad.

A lull has In ui Intrntliii o'i ui thaPriilsti il, fill for Hie purchase uf p,,, t,by tl.e inn nt Tl pi o tin 1. ;, ,, 1,1 ,tiei'ii in tt.iistis fact r r, it tbf rillss 11,1flat.

The old nbboyolr-l- . llutu,i t...,,.Ik to he t k'.-r- J. lie M oeiil'inekt if n , .,,Hie t oii'it-- s of 1'stex, vtn 1 it, tr it Int. r .i u,ari'Tnratloa. Inra hi t t u- - r Tiilrlu of ihs ,tni,vilu.iluvrt, not unlit ci.iiitr.eiif eit,

.laniei 11 minimi' did not fully ippre.ciatn Ids nrqiilsltl when 1.0 tmrr.nt s yu in; Itn.HUH iliutcirl in bi'j'ivill. Ktii 13 y. Siw h 11 bettfrliifiinii"d, hiciuinnt iltsoil of Pi' Urn n .i, 4Jthrew tuiti down kliirt and uith till I ..

It is saiit Unit 111. my ineiubnrt ur t It 13

IllkOeliu rtlaStalc (,'ill-- t lull ire, .li nl li . L, w ...tiiteiiiuOeforititiC' 111 afevv jutrt it lhru .4Hotiie ut t 111 It.tte iu 11 t'l.utili"ti-e- 1 li force cont'o tin-:- , ,,. i,,., 'Ltlt Ilie tttsllt timly was format.

An Kntorti pnet gii'in tint n.irt.n ;nlvice to Ilie lirlilivroein:

lie all. r kliol, and Meier say "ktttl ."Aio: it ' u li it mi "i s pi j.e u r,

Poi )u '. a ti'iin liri"i a- inA'i t'iee!ie-.-- l ul eur litiui-ure- l eair.

IbiiT tin uro uiiiviitg III Imiiioitse si

..f furl pi, e i, I littnibrila of I11110 rs artmlhering for Hi - tli ipuer. Nun la l'ie I' an, .( ,1.dlcraare any me un llm fnu lier. to enforce tic.' lavacntikl tlie Tiattlott of Ition vaitiabli iicrila,Kuiit mo il I killed Urdus tl.e meat at sell as ILqakia ar.' tnkcu awar lur Co.. u.ui'llua.

In Uiiiiiiritlgo I'iiy, Did., May Zl, lh"rosai a ail- - uf ktiurt.i'inic I etuis helonlac ti uo.tier hilt nil J sou, slien ll'lj lead muuilii llu- Intnl.line all of t- - '. '. Ti.e 1,11.1 Ji.all'i ( lierub tu nljluA'ri. c a. lei uf D.v in, III, fur 117, tin. while thet'eil east hruiu'tt (run ft li to j;ii ,.,,',. Teen-tir- e

h 'Marat sold o;r In fi-e- n Maura, tinny d.ITireDtKtutis iieliiKrrpTvteult.d li) Hi pur hi.cn,

A n il ui.st in I'ayiijt.i laitku (or speel-Dlenn- ilt

tor Curiikll Uiilrn-slt- r ilrunr up laiii.ifr v rtalUclird lo a I ins atit Iliuii, lulu wbli-- II Ladtiiired t j horai situ pt kirel, nuiacsloii.-e- ,

Itto horrlur. citadt, eel, lU'.er, daredarlcr.at. kle'aiclc, sal o.iiorai shc'i, sit, puturrfd'il'Cituieua. will brluc iij IU tm.uli'r ot kiui. uf CnLutitt u to liv in ttis I ate to ul Icttt durly.

The wiekeil Hiisliin boy with the whltqeye hu an, aim Annul. Tar.iin n la Pr"ietitt fuu,--itHkjuI a due Tin lar,-c-r ki t Ida siiiacurtlit diian, an 1

liolillugbliu iirucjidid t i eui tin fsco rtlllo-.J- ' unaa knife. Ileneiuel to t.ii.e iicucm la tu k'iaiui liiotiii't at lo utin:ure lilm at uiujIi ai jiutiiide. lLe ntetelikid Jaai baeu par loaol ut'. uf m po ilie uur, ulicmbe hi I beca icrvlna term for a siuitltr crl'iie.

Cti-n- . Hiitiley of Virg ma, It evidentlynot prepsreJ for tl e Civil Kl.iila bin, The Ueucratnuuisi.ia.'ai-eei- at lai.k i.cum Cuun ll.iuac tlm0 her tluy, aefeiidlii4 thu alleitu.l lot.up.'tj ackarter oaPelerstartt. frank Jl ki, a nci.ro legl liter, lt.ountrdthe piattorui, a d like I loir,, ti rp!y. llun ey lullllmi (kal he usyer Hawed u nca-r- ui olicuaa situ Llu,snd that he unit kaov an I rp Ids pliee at a uenru.

(.'atiada seems inclined to drop its trans,cou.t'jrnlal rallrud .th erne. The Priiuier r'ccutlya'lut'uncedtkil upcrit lona h dbetn aut, endeii fur thaITcie.it on tue tro mil lint tlie railroad woulo uot lisneeded looi. Thecr'.it dilt.tu.ty. he aid, w s In cel.Ilucacruaa Ue Citoi le rau.--e wlIi It, at the limit favor-abl- e

robit ro e m lost ihu 11 6 fitt tu n.' tui e for acontli.uuuialr.jtcn of tlllcea uu.es, slllioutreickes at all.

At livittuvillo, rcentli--, a m.m fell Intoaditrhon tin outiktria of lie lown. A petntrualie.pedhl'ii tu till feet, a'i iit.jrtn! t'ttnir halnet'tiaocoui;illt'ied our hero ailli "All itlit talc I'll volsfor you," Tue atriarsr louted :n linn daubtftilly, mlwiahcdlukuoar win! tir. ' 'Win' ofaco yuu rutinia'tor?" "I? Noueal all." at ibo sniwrr. "Not scaadldaie?" "No, wly " Way au-tr- uy t tun1 dou'ikuowas say nui'J lib! -- help 'uotktr aa youala 'tkout belli' a ciu II Itl j I"

A jury in the United Htnten (ireiillCourt st Ilea V duet bat dcMod s cse of to '

rails sy sad ateamooat con jiaulea, and lo ps pic wbehave hoeaea Dsar railway track, and uavicsolti riirra.Tnotnaa tawutltt and i levator were act on nrsby a iparit from tbu chl iiner of a tranihr hoat Motig.lojto tm Ullvraukee snd hi. I'.tul Itiilway Cumpiuvsad tiurutto the kjrouud. He cUliiio-- l aaaiaea uu llisSTomid tail Ike fire originated Irani tbeoirrlt-kuea- a ufthe co:apaa'a eaipiuees. The jury allowed alia

Souiu farmers lu Vermont who don'lread Tub Bvn ar spending a number uf dollaia rath taflaltituu; aa old an I oftcL.ipon d form nf iwiiidle,twuurtlirce years ago a maa itsiued Newcoma senttlirou.h Vt nu ml appoiutiUat aaifula for a paitul s.ckltliar for mewl g tntctiiiiei. aud tons tlielr uaaiea, luorder, ak he ksld. to have their stMrtaara. The .ddrraaeihave Unee turned up ai i) Loim, and Utifanuera aro being auud br lis peraou to niiniii taiuutt-- were trauaferrvd, sad who appears to Usil boughtthem la iioud faith.

Udwaru Wlgglnscm .Tolly, n theatre-coU- ut

rasldaut of be leett r, laUgUod, dltlu-- d tb aiog- - 1

Ingot lilt Carr.e Neltou hi a burletque. Tlir Itheplrre pbste.1 hhll an well that lie attrtule-- l lil.'hl I

after nlcanbut als-.f- i wlni M.at Naiaaa tirjau to I

ling hp went out, to r.'in-- a w ten a!tp wai done Thliwuitoa for aboat wee- -, until one login be uie. . terltrce ram ui the leaby Ui.ro he u kanui. n j uanugIkeUdy'i vooilluu " wiiaiaajuu letve your teat foruliemever lilt, tlelaoa stags?" aoJ Ihe lar.;e msji,savagely. " I don't adiiiue her," wai tlie reply.Whereat Mr. Jolly wai at uiicj tudly st.livU Uy tha

larcemia. who expliltiel blit tli' lu tutint Nrltuu'ihaibiul, ind lul c one all t'ac way fromLoudon lo areiuoUiualig il iak uu i ttiir.

Ai) mi n. fair, at wlueli some IO.iMO

people aiaeuiMe, lu hoaar ot ih- - HinduI.Iantilta, ll uow hell alher It tuple near the otJal in IndU. Fifleea ymra ago a ganlouer gat uu IksIdol aud atatesl lltat It l.al appeared there of luuwnaccord. Uoth uieu and wautca vi.il Ibeleuple auil

oraUlp the idol. The i e.--y al uig f u'l regaoltug taltvturalnp la tbat tho wurkJilePvTs, before ui'tagthe woraluis alrip nased, apply ptisdercJ kjua.lsoodto tttelr whole rtotliei. put ui Iht ortiainattik Ue'V may

hive, hold a t'pall branch of lite nltnb in i tlielrfolded hiUdl, aud telle llu-l- p'oocaof ei .'.nit it iliathe Idol. Afnr vialttug the idol lUe) go r ' 'empit for a coriiiu tiiiuiber of tiiuea. ih j l' sis theleinple to bathe lu a leaglihjruia: tau. Af er ' iiiunglht-- returu lo lh teuiiil--- , v,u.a'iii t is itn. si I n.u,ahutue.

During the recent visit of the u .mllyWarm bprlug Indlaiit who w.to oural lea .a Uoaoc.

wr, to Sau llu'y uers lakeu lu l'i 1'stiAmplutrealre. At one pin of tue perl .ru u ce

Moutieur Dutkrlll appeared hi 1.1 tu ban at

hll'K. and tuwaril Ilie laal bu auddeub lejpi lisatul" aculK'd" Jou Kent b I, tliu eluttn.ot the o m t, taoiawlghesteart. Al llila uie Warm rtfrlug a a

wildly tit'itutl. sad it wa. m'h the creai'-- ' "'.uiyttiutihey rou.d be reali..i-.- u from .ea, g

arviti anltakitic luad In ttis proeeedi - '

eunied, lint tin' red meu rt " nlqm' ted down an i return nl thsir aeaia. Ini .tier,p. lalaled III l V.llg Mr. !'o kri'l Iwullrsrl) n-- .'a Al

Ii, ma le Ida bow tor the at csui I tune n w tr i - "

creetedlilni with s tulglily and ear pieriuu. gu.ia...i

Indian yell.

American men mnl women are nervous, snd n turally iiivu clnldi. a. "t a.u.uir II'hjauiue, uud ean.y oieiud into p ee a - m Igt'tti-e-

, which is rtuildered tin el '' ''""' I

tlie Utile creature sue U thus sud ur s . aJumped, and danced, aud cmfuaed, aud tit.ul ' uilike s parrel. Die Km .Ml iilelliud of I'l i i.j iuacldldi'tn lu tlie bauds of eipiTu'iieed uur.'', an isis.'llieui reipoiiil ile l inueli b tier. A lar.e i n 'at I' e top ot the buuae.s good, eluau, I"" '' 1,1

Bun.Ssi", or buedtsli uoiuiti tu tase 'i.ug ul

breiiklaat uf o iltneal p iirlugi' and nii.k d-

rea.1 or bulled beef m unit snd nee pu l' ' 1

bri'sdaud hutter, uidk a..d fruit, an i a." "''ur " plet'ea" beiwecu meals, a it uo isle t - - 1

with mamma. In su-'- i a nu et, uaeveieiu it n I' 01

tnc luby g.owi an I tlirliot , t.i.i cliild i' ' ' ' ''less iieiteiiieui.aud w it ti il hy in I iii''Iim U.f fuuiiusiiun ut su eic "i-- i " "

the tnollier Ii uot sum out uy lit , .unui.i I'f' " " '

Iliads nertuiir liy being cuutu'ii y bar tt i s i it' .a

dlrteuunt to tgU'Tuui mid hitxpen u fd uurt"

IllirATU 1IIK Tlll l.Y C.llilU M t.N I.I'b v ' '

.!" J i it 'i i' .

Stteit, tweet, nviei, weet. the early h'r H o.- ukiJa'

Conn fnrtli and sr' us ere tl.e dew dee i '

Uv aulenl atiubeait.a ki- d up uto le anl'roin frugraat be.u witatu the tlostrt' hca t

ll.Pailli't oprmng eyei are ful. uf benedienoaKit earl) i la, rs lie a uiuleittu d

'lu nu ttirtiiite, nor )ei pm-u- tlfiiun.bu !. it. lUili Joy may uu.t tlite iruiy C""d

III.llailen lu rlae ! the sun n up ibee.Aud uiortitug dreamt are ha I in ...mrrIf llioa wuilld'sl l.aie tho Uuetl niaidt ail un la'f.Del UP betluica, like Uaai'OU Klt'liard Mini"

J. ) tiatrin.
