The Secret Health Factor The Science Behind Miraculous Recoveries Exposed… The Secret Health Factor How to Unleash The Secret 'Health Factor' and Kick-Start  Your Miraculous Re covery From An y isease Known T o Man! Faster  Than You "ver Thou#ht $ossi%le& Secret Health Factor All Ri#hts Reserved The contents o( this e%ook are ( or educational )ur)oses only! and address only non-ur#ent *uestions o( a #eneral nature +( you are concerned a%out your health! )lease consult your (amily health care )rovider immediately This in(ormation is not a su%stitute (or )ersonal attention! dia#nosis or treatment Copyright © All Rights Reserved NicheMembershipPro.com

The Secret Health Factor

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The Secret Health Factor 

The Science Behind Miraculous Recoveries Exposed…

The Secret Health Factor

How to Unleash The Secret 'Health Factor' and Kick-Start Your Miraculous Recovery From Any isease Known To Man!

Faster  Than You "ver Thou#ht $ossi%le&Secret Health Factor All Ri#hts Reserved The contents o( this e%ook are (or educational)ur)oses only! and address only non-ur#ent *uestions o( a #eneral nature +( you are concerneda%out your health! )lease consult your (amily health care )rovider immediately This in(ormationis not a su%stitute (or )ersonal attention! dia#nosis or treatment

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 All ri#hts reserved ,o )art o( this %ook may %e re)roduced or transmitted in any

(orm %y any means #ra)hic! electronic or mechanical without )ermission inwritin# (rom the )u%lisher

This %ook is sold with the understandin# that neither the author nor the)u%lisher is en#a#ed in renderin# medical or health services uestions relevantto the s)eci(ic health and medical needs o( the reader should %e addressed to)racticin# mem%ers o( those )ro(essions

The in(ormation! ideas and su##estions contain herein have %een develo)ed(rom sources! includin# )u%lications and research! that are considered and%elieved to %e relia%le! %ut cannot %e #uaranteed inso(ar as they a))ly to any

)articular individual Moreover! %ecause o( the e.)eriential nature o( the materialand the (act that researched in(ormation is never static! %ut ever chan#in#! theassistance o( a com)etent! *uali(ied doctor or medical )ro(essional isrecommended when im)lementin# the )lans or ideas discussed in this %ook

The Author s)eci(ically disclaims any lia%ility! loss! or risk! )ersonal or otherwise!incurred as a conse*uence directly or indirectly o( the use and a))lication o( anyo( the techni*ues or contents o( this %ook

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5The 0nly Medical Fact That All ".)erts A#ree 0n&

6The 1ittle-Known ynamic ,ature o( Mankind That 4ill Automatically "liminate


7The Silent Secret - $ain8s Achilles' Heel ".)osed

9How to Activate Su)er-Healin# and 1i(elon# Health with Mathematical $recision and:ertainty

;Scienti(ic "vidence ".)osin# the <+ncura%le isease= 1ie

>2et Your 1ocal $harmacy To eliver Mor)hine ? ru#s FR""&

@How to +nstantly Activate Healin# and Health %y +nnate "lectro-:hemical Renewal

+s Your Face Makin# You SickB Then :han#e +t&

CThe Hi#h-0ctane Fuel o( $er(ect Fitness

5Discover </ody 1an#ua#e=! 1isten 4hen +t Talks To You and "nEoy A 1i(etime o(Unsto))a%le Health&

11.The “No Sweat” Get Active Routine That Will Leave a Smile on Your Face – EverTime!

56How to Use 4ill)ower and Sel(-:ontrol As Skill(ully as a Sur#eon to :ut Sickness 0uto( Your 1i(e Forever&

57$er)etual Medicinal 2ratitude

59The For#otten +n#redient that8s Gammin# Your Secret Health Factor&

5;Avoid These eadly Health Risks

5>iscover 4hich <Foolishness= /ehavior :an :ost You Your Health ? How Ri#ht Action4ill Remit Any +llness or isease&

5@The 1ittle Known Secret Shared /y Role Models o( ynamic Health&

5An 0)en 1etter to All Hardcore 4orrywarts and $er(ectionists&

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The Onl# Medical Fact That All

Experts A$ree On%The onl# medical (act that all e.)erts and scientists across the world seem toa#ree on is this

t&s a MRA!LE that #ou are even alive lon$ enou$h to read this report%

0kay! that may sound a little trite! %ut here are the I(acts8 accordin# toresults o( many recent studies

J 3itamin A is #ood (or you %ut will kill you i( you have too much

J 4ater is #ood (or you %ut the hi#h concentrations o( chlorine and otheradditives will kill you

J Sunli#ht )rovides much needed vitamin %ut will kill you with cancer J Milk is #ood (or you! %ut the )rocedure (or )reservation makes it %ad (oryou and could kill you

J Fruit and ve#eta%les are #ood (or you! e.ce)t that the kind you %uy is#enetically en#ineered and so it will )ro%a%ly kill you

J +s there anythin# else le(tB 0h yes! air is #ood

e.ce)t the kind we %reathe which is so )olluted that it will kill you

Gettin$ the 'essa$e(

The %ottom line is! i( we allow ourselves to %ase our )erce)tions o( health on)o)ular research! we8ll )ro%a%ly worry ourselves into des)air Land then theworry will kill you

Let 'e 'a)e '# standpoint per*ectl# clear + have the ut'ost respectand $reatest appreciation (or our medical )ro(essionals and their trainin#Their work and research saves lives everyday and no one should ever su%stitutetheir Eud#ment (or that o( trained )ro(essionals

4ith that %ein# said! Eust %ecause (indin#s are )u%lished! doesn8t alwaysmean that they are accurate or use(ul Findin#s have a nasty ha%it o(chan#in#

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/utter was (ound to %e healthy! then they announced that the cholesterol in%utter would kill you! then they took that %ack and said it is %ene(icial %ut onlyin small doses then they took NthatN %ackat this )oint in time! + don8t knowwhere they stand! %ut + do know it will )ro%a%ly chan#e a#ain

The worst mistake you can make (or your health is ,0T eatin# the %utterO the+orst 'ista)e  would %e condemnin# yoursel( i( you do /utter mi#ht #o onto %e )roved to %e unhealthy %ut (rettin# a%out every daily allowance andrecommended dosa#e +ill +ipe out #our health (aster than a dollo) o(%utter any day&

+t8s the same with almost everythin#! includin# ever#thin$ mentioned in the Ikiller8 list a%ove

S)end less time worried a%out daily allowance and recommended dosa#e andyou8ll actually reduce your likeliness o( sickness or disease Most Li( not all o(

the ne#ative e((ects o( (ood and our environment are easil# com)ensated (or!re#ulated and eliminated %y our %odies

There8s a )ortion in the /i%le which recall8s a day when Gesus was con(ronteda%out His disci)les unhealthy Lunclean eatin# ha%its +t8s recorded in Markcha)ter @! and His LGesus res)onse is seen in verse 5-5C! which reads ISo Hesaid to them! =  Are #ou thus +ithout understandin$ also( ,o #ou notperceive that +hatever enters a 'an *ro' outside cannot de*ile hi'-.ecause it does not enter his heart .ut his sto'ach- and is eli'inated-this puri*#in$ all *oods( = 8

/ein# a /i%le %elievin# :hristian! that statement set me (ree (rom sickness overa decade a#o and +8ve Lliterally never even had a headache since& "ven so! +understand that not everyone readin# this re)ort is a :hristian %ut that doesn&t

a((ect the scienti(ic relevance o( this statement

/hat scienti*ic relevance a' re*errin$ to(

Several years a(ter makin# a sim)le decision to %elieve that )assa#e o(scri)ture! + ran across some interestin# medical documents They recorded(indin#s %ased on nutrition in relation to health and ener#y and )resented the(ollowin# 'ind0.lo+in$ *indin$s 

The human L)hysical %ody has always %een thou#ht to need the consum)tiono( s)eci(ic #rou)s and ty)es o( (ood to )roduce health and ener#y Yet theyo%served cases o( sand eatin# Lyes! + mean dirt su%Eects L2eo)ha#ia over a)eriod o( Y"ARS with no visi%le loss o( ener#y or health

LN,0T" 2eo)ha#ia is not a healthy eatin# ha%it and some deaths have %eenrecorded Sur)risin#ly enou#h these deaths were not related to the actual <dirt=

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%ut rather to )oisons such as lead and other lethal chemicals (ound in the soil o(certain re#ions were su%Eects were (ound to %e eatin# the sand

This (indin# (lies ri#ht in the (ace o( most health studies! %ut ar#ues very)ower(ully  (or the intrinsic health *actor which all )eo)le )ossess

4ith a little more research you8ll also (ind re)orts which admit that the e.act)rocess o( how our %odies convert seemin#ly im)otent (ood sources Lsuch asthe sand or other vitamin and mineral de(icient su%stances into ener#y! is still

a mystery

 Your %ody has an amaPin# a%ility to consume almost an# su%stance ande.tract the nutritional value it needs and eliminate the rest The true measureo( this )rocess is still unknown and vastly unta))ed! %ut we can coo)eratewith that )rocess %y creatin# a %ody chemistry that is a#reea%le towards*acilitatin$ the health*ul inta)e o* all *oodstu**s

The si'plest +a# to do this is throu#h ado)tin# a new )hiloso)hy thatrealiPes your %ody will deal with what you )ut into it and eliminate what is notneeded accordin#ly

This is NOT ho+ever an excuse *or .in$e eatin$ or a diet o* 1un) *ood2

4hen ado)tin# this new attitude! you must com%ine it with a mi.ture o(

J "atin# natural (oods re#ularly L(ruit! ve#eta%les! wateretc A salad with everymeal is always a #reat idea&

J 2lutton-(ree eatin# ha%its Leat anythin# you want -in moderation - %ut notever#thin$ on the ta%le

J 0%edience to the voice o( your %ody and natural cravin#s Lwhen anune.)ected or sincere cravin# arises (or a natural (oodstu((! o%ey your ur#einstantly and health(ully still the cravin#

J Avoid the )it o( )o)ular o)inion Lit8s usually only s)eculation anyway& +n otherwords! avoid talk shows and medical )ro#rams that tell you how %ad! evil andli(e threatenin# around you is

3nderstand this report and your days o( )oor health will (orever %e %ehindyou

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The Little04no+n ,#na'ic

Nature o* Man)ind That /ill Auto'aticall# Eli'inaten*ir'it#%

Here8s a sim)le (act that you8ll want to remem%er

Our .odies +ere NOT desi$ned to .e sic)2

The same )rocesses that heal our %odies when we #et a cut or scra)e were

desi#ned to maintain our health

The most incredi%le advancement in the (ield o( treatin# diseases and disordershas %een the realiPation that the actual nature o( the hu'an .od# is notstatic From science we can tell that nothin# in our universe really is

 A sim)le e.am)le o( this )henomenon at work in the universe is the earth8smotion around the sun +t8s travelin# at a )henomenal )ace and to to) it all o((the earth is also rotatin# on its a.is at diPPyin# s)eeds! yet we )erceive all o( thisas stationary as we #o a%out our daily lives

/e o*ten 'a)e the sa'e 'ista)e with our %odies! assumin# that we havethis Istatic8 )ro%lem in our %ody and that there8s nothin# we can do to chan#e ite.ce)t havin# it sur#ically removed or )harmaceutically treated

,ow %e(ore + continue! let 'e .e 5667 clear - + have nothin# a#ainstmodern medicine! doctors! sur#ery or anythin# which assists us in livin# ahealthier and more a%undant li(e + a))reciate every doctor that has dedicatedtheir li(e to servin# and hel)in# others

4ith that %ein# said! thou#h! in my o)inion! we are severely overworkin# ourdoctors and medical )ractitioners %y not a))lyin# the proven ! universal health

)rinci)als %ased on the dynamic nature o( mankind that can and will reversesickness and diseases and even )revent (uture in(irmity

So +hat do 'ean .# the 8d#na'ic nature& o* 'an)ind(

Here are a (ew e.am)les o( this dynamic (unction at work in every human %ein#across the )lanet even as you read this re)ort

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Q Your stomach #ets a new linin$ ever# 9 da#s

Q Your %ody makes a ne+ s)in once a 'onth That8s ri#htO 0ne month(rom now your skin will %e com)letely di((erent (rom the skin you arecurrently Iwearin#8 (or lack o( a %etter e.)ression

Q Your %ody makes a ne+ s)eleton ever# : 'onths "very %one in your%ody will %e (undamentally di((erent (rom what it is today in three months,ew %one cells would have re)laced every %one cell that you currentlyhave

!an #ou see +here this is $oin$(  0ur %ody is in actuality a dynamic!electro-chemical unit ca)a%le o( re#enerative and corrective )rocedures (ar%eyond anythin# that the (ine doctors o( our time are ca)a%le o( )er(ormin#

+( you want to %e healed o( any in(irmity that8s )la#uin# you ri#ht now! #ou can

  %ut you must understand the dynamic nature o( your own %ody %e(ore youwill ever e.)erience any real results in your )hysical well%ein#4hether you have a cancerous tumor in your %ody or a headache! the scienti(ic(act remains that the cause o( the )ro%lem is not static +t will #row or diminishto some #reater or lesser e.tent %ut it cannot stay the same The *irst step toMe$a Health is acceptin$ this truthThe Silent Secret 0 ;ain&s Achilles< Heel Exposed

This re)ort is es)ecially essential (or you i( you have ever

Experienced severe sto'ach cra'ps- ulcer pain- internal or$an

disco'*ort or an# other *or' o* pain +hich has ever caused #ou toexperience nausea- cold shivers- hot *lashes- shortness o* .reath-anxiet# attac)s or intense nervous reactions2

$erched with my head over the toilet %owl! shi(tin# (rom cold shivers to (ierysweatsnauseous and in (ri#ht(ul )ain! + (ound mysel( in tears Eust over adecade a#o The walls were closin# in and my )erce)tion was that the worldwas turnin# %lack

+ had su((ered (rom severe stomach cram)s ever since + could remem%er andit8s only my mother8s love that ke)t me (rom livin# my whole li(e in a state o(

ho)eless a%andon From as (ar %ack as + can remem%er + was never withoutthe na##in# sensation o( im)endin# cram)s and nausea

+ had learned to hate  #oin# out to eat! even at a (amily #atherin#! knowin#that at any moment these accursed cram)s and nausea could make their)resence (elt Results (rom visits to the doctor had usually shown u) aswhat8s called a <s)astic colon= occurrence

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4hen these events occurred! + was o(ten #iven warm water to drink! sedativesto take and medication to rela. my a%dominal cram)in# + hated livin# my li(emissin# out on the sim)le e.)erience o( wakin# u) and #oin# throu#h the daywithout the horrid nausea and na##in#  (eelin# o( loomin# cram)s

Unless you8ve e.)erienced these (orms o( )ain this story mi#ht %e lost on you!%ut + assure you that anyone su((erin# (orm these conditions will tell you there are (ew illnesses as drainin# or scary That day in my %athroom! withtears in my eyes! + heard my voice say somethin# to my own mother that +never knew e.isted in my heart

 =… 1ust +ant to die…>

Those words shook my mother! someone who would do anythin# (or her childto make him %etter%ut those words a((ected 'e even more + never everwanted to cause my mother that much )ain as + had seen in her eyes at the

mention o( those words

 Althou#h + was )hysically sound Lin most res)ects + enEoyed a totally normalchildhood and my cram) and )ain )ro%lem only really mani(ested )otently onoccasion (rom week to week! even + could not tell u) and until that )oint in myli(e the an#uish and an.iety that my condition had caused in my heart

That was the very %e#innin# o( my Eourney o( discovery into enEoyin# vi%ranthealth

So +hat chan$ed(

+ don8t remem%er where + was! or what + was doin# at the time! %ut + doremem%er the moment that everythin# chan#ed (or me As a %elievin#:hristian! + had %een studyin# and readin# the %i%le (or as lon# as + couldremem%er! %ut + had only Eust %e#un readin# it in the li#ht o( my )hysicalhealth

,ow what + am a%out to share is not a <(aith (act= or a %i%le sermon %ut rathera shi(t in what + understood a%out the makeu)com)osition o( mankind 2oddidn8t Pa) me with healin# or #ive me a mystic e.)erience in any way+nstead! si'pl# .e$an re*erencin$ '#sel* *ro' the standpoint o*

so'eone +ho is alread# health#  not someone sick tryin# to #et healed+ %e#an to understand that a human %ein# is not a Imachine8 in the traditionalsense o( the word U) and until this )oint! + had always seen mysel( as I%roken8and needin# to %e (i.ed The )ro%lem with seein# out %odies as Eust a machineis that we tend to re(erence it with the machines that we are accustomed to

+ would venture to say that most o( us would a#ree that our %odies o)eratekind o( like a %iomechanical machine +t is desi#ned to do a Eo% and when a

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machine %reaks and needs re)airs it stays %roken until someone (i.es it

That8s the sa'e o)inion that kee)s us lookin# to medication and sur#ery to I(i.8our in(irmities

n truth- however! there8s a (undamental (law in that com)arison! and this isthe hitch 0ur %odies were desi#ned to do a Eo% %ut not the Eo% we o(tenthink The .od#&s pri'ar# 81o.& is to repair itsel*% "verythin# else we do isreally im)ressin# our own a#enda8s u)on what other (unctions our %odies areca)a%le o(

Kickin# a %all! workin# a Eo%! havin# children! makin# a salad all o* theseare .#products o( a %ody doin# its Eo% which is to )er(orm %odily (unctions!heal itsel( and stay healthy +s this a radical conce)tB

May%e %ut since + sto))ed (i#htin# to #et healthy and Eust allowed mysel( to

.e healthy! Lmuch more than a decade a#o + haven8t even had as much as aheadache -literall#% L".ce)t )erha)s when + (ell aslee) with my neck in anawkward )osition&

Since that eye-o)enin# moment! +8ve discovered si'ple steps and proo* thatit works all the ti'e- ever# ti'e ,ow i( you are wonderin# a%out the)ractical a))lication o( this )rinci)al! then +8ll #ive you a *uick and easy methodto start your own recovery (rom )ain

$ain has a silent secret partner that will )aralyPe your recovery everytime i( you don8t reco#niPe it and con(ront it 1earn this lesson and learn

it well-

The Silent Secret ;artner o* ;ain s Fear%

The ph#sical pain and discom(ort o( stomach cram)s! ulcer )ain and the hosto( other )ain(ul conditions that )la#ue many )eo)le are almost never as severeas the accom)anyin# (ear +t is the (ear o( the )ain! the (ear o( the nausea!the (ear o( the condition that drives the )ain to devastatin# hei#hts

The nausea- cold shivers- hot *lashes- shortness o* .reath- anxiet#attac)s or intense nervous reactions  are not the result o( your )hysical

in(irmity or )ain They are sim)ly the result o( the (ear that the )ain won8tsu%side! or that you mi#ht not %e a%le to recover or whatever other motivationdrives your consciousness a%out the in(irmity you have e.)erienced

+( you su((er (rom ph#sical )ain such as cram)s or ulcers and also e.)erienceany acco'pan#in$ nausea! cold shivers! hot (lashes! shortness o( %reath!an.iety attacks or intense nervous reactions! then what +8m a%out to share withyou +ill dra'aticall# a**ect #our li*e (or the %etter

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/etter still is that it will allow you to eradicate those conditions almost instantl# A, (acilitate the healin# o( whatever mi#ht %e causin# the )hysical )ain shortlytherea(ter 4hat is im)ortant thou#h is that you understand and accept the(ollowin# (undamentals without reservation

;ain and ph#sical disco'*ort are not desi$ned to de$enerate #ourhealth2 $ain is not the enemy Your %ody is sim)ly lettin# you know that thereis a healin# work in )ro#ress that you should know a%out and that you should)ro%a%ly take a look andor make an a))ro)riate adEustment

Fear- ho+ever- does de$enerate #our health2  To allow your healin# totake )lace in the most e((icient manner )ossi%le! you must eliminate the (earthat o(ten accom)anies )ain

So how do you eliminate (earB First! you8ve alread# #ot the ed#e %ecause inthis instance! the knowled#e that (ear is your #reatest enemy in the recovery

)rocess is almost curative The ne.t ste)s are (airly sim)lealthou#h ratherradical %y normal conditionin#

4hen con(ronted %y )ain Lthe kind that would usually overwhelm you (ocuson the )ain Lnot the (ear and re(rame the conte.t o( your )ain +( thatstatement con(uses you! )lease read and reread this re)ort until you have a(irm #ras) o( what + mean

/y shi(tin# your (ocus away (rom tryin# to esca)e the )ain! directly to the)hysical sensation o( the )ain you will instantl# remove the )ower that(ear would try to hold over you r $hil Mc2raw Lo( 0)rah ? the r $hil

Show (ame o(ten says that <monsters hide in the dark= and never is thismore true that with the Imonster8 called (ear

 An amaPin# thin# will ha))en when you take this ste) you8ll realiPe that the)hysical sensation o( )ain Lin and o( itsel( is not as (ierce as the (ear wouldhave you %elieve You8d have stolen the wind (rom (ear8s sails and it will allowyou the (reedom to maintain a more e((ective (rame o( mind conducive to the%odies own re)air and healin#

To hel) this )rocess even (urther! Eust re*ra'e #our experience as a )ositivee.)erience rather than a ne#ative one


0ne o( the sim)lest ways is a(ter you have (ocused on the )ain itsel( and (indthat it is not as overshadowin# as the (ear had made it seem interpret thepain as #our .odies 'essen$er lettin# you know that it is %usy addressin#whatever the cause o( that )ain is

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Re'e'.er that the very nature and purpose o* pain is not to destro# #our .od#! %ut that it is a natural )rocess that your %ody will e.)erience as itmakes automatic adEustments to your %ody chemistry and tissues in order torecti(y any )ossi%le mal(unctions

These sim)le ste)s alone will co'pletel# eli'inate #our pain pro.le' %yremovin# the an.iety (rom the e*uation Lwhich is the real reason (or the sense o(overwhelm that o(ten accom)anies )ain while your %ody #oes a%out healin#itsel( as it was desi#ned to do

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Ho+ to Activate Super0Healin$ and Li*elon$ Health+ith Mathe'atical ;recision

and !ertaint#Mathematics is known as a <)ure= science

+t8s called a )ure science %ecause one plus one has never and will never %ee*ual to any num%er other than two There are laws and rules #overnin# the(ield o( mathematics which result in consistent and predicta.le results

whenever they are a))lied

Gum) over to )hysical health and you8ll discover that there are certaini''uta.le la+s and principals that #overn the way our %odies (unctionand react to their environment

t&s entirel# possi.le to )roduce health within your own %ody as certainly as

anyone can arrive at a total o( two %y addin# one and one to#ether

/hat $ives 'e the con*idence and .oldness to 'a)e such acontroversial state'ent(

+t is a natural law that li)e causes al+a#s produce li)e results

That means that %y o%servin# the di((erence in results o( individuals Lthose whohave overcome chronic in(irmity and those who are remain sick! we are a%le toe.amine the causative (actors that make the di((erence in their health

Or so #ou +ould .e led to .elieve…

+( we to assume that health and healin# are the result o( dietary in(luence!then that would dis*uali(y the IEunk (ood8 cate#ory o( individuals (rom livin# in#ood health  #et there are those who make no dietary e((ort and yet live ine.cellent health

+( we to assume that health and healin# are the result o( e.ercise! then that

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would dis*uali(y the Iinactive8 cate#ory o( individuals (rom livin# in #ood health yet there are those who live this way and yet also live in e.cellent health

 Also! i( we to assume that health and healin# were the result o( )ills!su))lements and dru#s! then that would dis*uali(y those who re(use to acce)t

such measures (rom livin# in #ood health yet a#ain there are those who livethis way and yet still live in e.cellent health

+( we look around us we can all (ind role models o( traditional healthy livin#and also many role models o( those traditionally cate#oriPed as unhealthycandidates

Stran#ely enou#h! i( you look closely! you will (ind that there are healthy <health addicts= and unhealthy <health addicts=

B# the sa'e to)en! you will also (ind that there are healthy candidates to %e

(ound amon# the crowd o( those who live #rossly unhealthy lives %y moststandards o( measure&

!ould there in *act .e a hidden or unseen co''on $round shared.# those health# individuals *ound in .oth $roups(

:ertain )eo)le who handle little stress arevi%rantly healthy :ertain )eo)le who handle muchstress are vi%rantly healthy

:ertain )eo)le who eat healthily are vi%rantly

healthy :ertain )eo)le who eat Eunk (ood arevi%rantly healthy :ertain )eo)le who e.ercisemuch are vi%rantly healthy :ertain )eo)lewho e.ercise little Lor not at all are vi%rantlyhealthy

:ertain )eo)le who work in cold climates arevi%rantly healthy :ertain )eo)le who work in warmclimates are vi%rantly healthy

/hat is i'portant to re'e'.er is that )eo)le (rom every walk o( li(e and

(rom diverse cultural %ack#rounds and customs and )ersuasions all share thiscommon traitso'e live in $ood health and so'e do not2

There may well %e %illions o( %odily (unctions and

varia%les Eust as there are %illions o( num%ers and

e*uations %ut there are onl# a *e+ la+s and

principals which #overn those activities Q

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There8s no need *or tension a%out your health

%ecause your %ody heals itsel*2 Q Your %ody

)no+s +hat it needs to heal itsel( and mani(ests

these needs in NnaturalN cravin#s Q Your %ody will

co''unicate its needs to #ou Q You %ody

responds to #our e'otional states and

conscious and unconscious thou$hts Q To live

in a healthy state #our .od# 'ust thin)- eat-

sleep- eli'inate and .reath e**icientl# Master

the la+s and principals and you8ve #ot hal( the

#ame won&

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Scienti*ic EvidenceExposin$ the =ncura.le

,isease> LieYour %ody has the a%ility to heal itsel( com)letely o( any

and all disease',r2 RichardSchul?e

Hear me and hear me well

There is NO such thin$ as an =incura.le> disease2

+ can say this with a%solute certainty and conviction %ecause there have%een documented remissions o( ever# disease and ever# in(irmity

:ancer! malaria! multi)le-sclerosiseven H+3 and Aids have documentedre)orts o( remissions You can (ind records o( these matters %y )er(ormin#searches in medical Eournals and scienti(ic research institutions around theworld

,ow althou#h medical science sometimes has no e.)lanation (or some o( theserecoveries and is Las yet una%le to du)licate these results consistently! the (actremains there is no disease that is totally incura%le

4hether %y reli#ious %elie(s! mystic incantations or scienti(ic %reakthrou#h! theevidence is clear

  )eo)le have made dramatic and very real recoveries (rom every ailmentknown to man The ne.t ste) is to )lace yoursel( in a con(ident (rame o(re(erence that i( anyone else can recover


+ did a *uick search on the internet (or a )retty common! %ut aw(ul )ro%lem!asthma and came u) with some search results includin# one with thistestimonial

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$0 /o. 6;D Rohnert $ark! :A C9C6@

0n Ganuary 5! 5CCD! Matthew : Mannin# was #iven a devastatin# dia#nosis o(%ein# H+3 )ositive /y late 5CC7! he was dia#nosed with (ull-%lown A+S and washos)italiPed Matt was (aced with certain death Then in mid-Ganuary! 5CC9! his

 A+S went into a state o( remission 0n ecem%er ;th! 5CC9! Matt wasdia#nosed (or the (irst time H+3 ne#ative and has consistently tested H+3ne#ative since that time

+n another inde)endent review o( this same s)eci(ic incident! the author writes

 <Matthew Mannin#8s military )hysicians were unavaila%le (or comment! so +asked r Michael Thom)son to review Matthew's medical records

This )atient! Matthew Mannin#! was H+3-)ositive! says r Thom)son!reviewin# Matthew's records= He had the re#ular test that we always do Then!

the story chan#es here +n 5CC9! a(ter havin# A+S! he had an o))ortunisticin(ection and then the tests are comin# %ack ne#ative + asked a cou)le o(e.)erts! in(ectious disease doctors! (rom uke and other )laces + said! 'Haveyou heard o( anythin# like this where a )erson had H+3! went into A+S! thenthe sym)toms went into remission! and now they test H+3-ne#ative! consistentlyH+3-ne#ative since 5CC9B They had never heard o( anythin# like this in the adult)o)ulation There is no medical e.)lanation (or this



Fredd# N Ba*u)a in respect o* R+andan .orn Eu$enie As su))lied Sun Gan 55 "ST 6DD9

Massachusetts +nstitute o( Technolo#y.c*C'it2edu

+n 5CC@ Freddy and his (amily were on their way to the US and met! amon#others! two youn# women L(rom Rwanda who were also comin# to the USthrou#h the same )ro#ram

Some days a(ter that! they all had to #o throu#h the )hysical e.amination

re*uired %y the US immi#ration! (or all who intend to come in as )ermanentresidents The e.amination! conducted %y a doctor who #ot his M (rom GohnsHo)kins University! includes an H+3 test "u#enie and her (riend Ltwo youn#women (rom Rwanda tested )ositive

 As it's usually done! they were %oth called (or a second testin# A(ter all o( theirother )rocedures were com)leted! Freddy8s (amily (inally le(t to come to the US!while "u#enie remained there A (ew months later--as Freddy was still in 5Dth

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#rade--she sent him a letter sayin# that the 1ord had healed her

However! (or some reason! the United States consulate would not #ive her avisa! althou#h tests showed she was healed He con(esses that as time went onand she was still not #iven a visa! he started to dou%t whether she was actually

healed or whether she was Eust tellin# stories

Finally! a(ter a num%er o( years! a new consul was a))ointed at the US consulatein that country! in )lace o( the )revious one So "u#enie went to see this newconsul--who ha))ened to %e a :hristian--and showed him Lor her! +'m not surethe results o( tests done %y 7 +FF"R",T 0:T0RS showin# that she had no

 A+S! %ut which the )revious consul had re(used to %elieve

The consul sent her to the doctor who works (or the US em%assy there Lthe one(rom Gohns Ho)kins University and she was tested a#ain Sure enou#h! shetested ne#ative& They #ave her the visa The consul told her +( + re(use to #ive

you the visa! in s)ite o( the )roo(! + will also %e denyin# 2od's )ower to heal

"u#enie lives in :hica#o ri#ht now

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Get @our Local ;har'ac# To,eliver Morphine D ,ru$s

FREE%4hat do these su%stances have in commonB

3alium! Hydrochloric Acid! :ortisol! Mor)hine The

answer You can #et all o( these )harmaceutical su%stances delivered ri#ht to

your LdoorB or#ans& Researchers have discovered years a#o that our .od# is a

virtual .iolo$ical phar'ac# t has the capacit# to 'anu*acture ever#

dru$ or phar'aceutical su.stance )no+n to 'an2 +t has the intrinsic

ca)acity to )roduce everythin# (rom hydrochloric acid to water to valium to

cortisol Lthe stress hormone to adrenaline to various anti%odies and a whole lot


The %ene(its o( these dru#s versus those you %uy (rom the )harmacy on thecorner is that they are produced in the correct dosa$e! in the correcttar$et or$ans! at the correct rate and at no cost% L4hich! with today8smedical (ees! is a enou#h reason to consider su%stitutin# your local dru# storesu))lies with their naturally )roduced counter)arts

So what kee)s us (rom e.)eriencin# the %ene(its o( havin# this on%oard)harmacy availa%le to usB +n s)ite o( these resources %ein# (reely availa%le to

everyone on the )lanet! so (ew )eo)le ever ta) into them and even (ewer )eo)leknow ho+ to tap into the' on purpose%

1et8s (ace it! Eust knowin# that you %ody can  )roduces every )harmaceuticalsu%stance known to man that is necessary to mani(est your healin# doesn8tmean that it +ill The %ene(it o( this <local )harmacy= only e.ists i( you and +can initiate and a))ly these treatments to our )hysical %odies

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The *oundation o( the a))lication and e.)erience o( these inherent)harmaceutical su%stances is (ound in shi(tin# your emotional state and mostconsistent thou#hts (rom worry and an.iety to con*ident expectation o*health

0ur %ody chemistry activel# responds to the instructions and im)ulsessent to our nervous system %y our %rains Lie our thou#hts&

 @our current health level is directl# dependant upon #our .od#che'istr#2

Ho+ to nstantl# ActivateHealin$ and Health .#

nnate Electro0!he'icalRene+al

oes that title seem like a mouth(ulB

May%e a sim)ler title would %e! <How to Think Yoursel( Healthy&=

0ur %odies have the inherent a%ility to )roduce every known )harmaceuticalsu%stance on the (ace o( the earth They are produced in the correctdosa$e! in the correct tar$et or$ans! at the correct rate and at no cost%

4ith all o( these resources availa%le to us! it8s almost sur)risin# to discover theincredi%le num%ers o( individuals su((erin# with sickness and disease Thereason is that un(ortunately Eust )ossessin# this internal )harmacy and knowin#a%out what it can and will do (or us isn8t enou#h

The only way to actually %ene(it (rom our %odies so)histicated and intricatedesi#n is to learn how to coo)erate with its )rocesses and in this re)ort + will tellyou exactl# how to do that! not only %ased on the research and testin# (ound inmedical Eournals around the world %ut also .ased on actual results%

 As wonder(ul and e.citin# as it is to know that your %ody is constantlymonitorin# itsel( and )roducin# all o( these amaPin# su%stances to kee) us inti)-to) condition! there is a do+n side to our inherent <chemical la%= As isthe case with all dru#s! used correctly they im)rove the *uality o( our lives andused incorrectly the# can .e deadl#

,ot only is your %ody a%le to )roduce anti-%odies and tran*uiliPers! it8s also

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a%le to )roduce harm(ul su%stances such as adrenaline! hydrochloric acidetc These su%stances! when not used as intended are actually dama#in# toour tissues and can result in maEor harm

Make no mistake! we do need these su%stances Ladrenaline is used to )rotect us

%y hy)ersensitiPin# and even enhancin# our ;-senses whenever we are (acedwith a li(e-threatenin# situation and the hydrochloric acid is used in our di#estive)rocesses %ut our tissues and or#ans were never intended to endureprolon$ed exposure to these su%stances

/y learnin# the (actors controllin# the )roduction and secretion o( thesechemicals in our %ody8s internal )harmacy! we can learn to

a Stop the )roduction o( harm(ul chemicals when they are not needed

% nitiate the )roduction o( hel)(ul su%stances to com%at any in(irmitieswe are su((erin# (rom! and

c En1o# a li(e (ree o( sickness and disease %y maintainin# a healthychemical %alance o( #ood <dru#s= and anti%odies

So +hat tri$$ers the production and secretion o* these che'icals in our.odies(

"lectrical im)ulses More s)eci(ically  #our thou$hts%

+ am not Lin any way re(errin# to mysticism! meta)hysical or occult realms o(thou#ht This can %e clearly illustrated %y a sim)le e.am)le o( how ourthou#hts tri##er these su%stances

Let&s i'a$ine that #ou +ere invited *or a ride on a rollercoaster .# a*riend…

For the sake o( this e.am)le! let8s attri%ute a daredevil like )ersonality andadventurous s)irit to your (riend and a more conservative and cautious mindto you 1et8s even throw in a (ear o( hei#hts! Eust (or #ood measure

 A(ter coa.in# and )roddin# and %e##in# and moanin#! you (inally a#ree to #oon the ride and stra) yoursel( in (or the tri) As the two o( you %e#in toascend side %y side! click %y click alon# the steel track you #lance over at your(riend who isn8t dis)layin# the delicate shade o( #reen in his cheeks as youareinstead his  (ace is locked in a :heshire cat #rin

/y the time the coaster hits the to) o( the line! you8re ready to throw u) and

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your (riend is ready to act like a school#irl at a /ritney S)ears concert Then the(un %e#ins as the coaster slams into hi#h #ear as you nose-dive towards the#round while #oin# throu#h a series o( Ilost my lunch8 desi#ned curves andtwists

So here8s the deal

Ri$ht *ro' the .e$innin$ o( that e.)erienceeven as you %e#an toantici)ate the ride! you %ody would %e#in manu(acturin# various (orms o(stimulants and chemicals which are har'*ul to your tissues and or#ans %utnecessary i( you needed to esca)e a sudden dan#er

 You %ody would8ve %e#un )re)arin# itsel( (or the worst case scenario Youmuscles would %e tensedready to Eum) out o( that coaster i( you could Youeyes and ears would %e hy)ersensitive ready to detect any creak or clan# thatmi#ht mean that the ride was in trou%le

2ood re(le.es to have to save your li(e %ut ph#sicall# too intense (or ourtissues and nervous system to maintain (or any len#th o( time /e +ouldliterall# .e eatin$ ourselves up *ro' the inside 2ood (or emer#encysurvival %ad (or maintainin# #ood health

But here&s the real )ic)er…

urin# the same time(rame! in the seat ri#ht ne.t to you! you (riend could %echurnin# out endor)hins "ndor)hins! as you mi#ht know! are natural)ainkillers and aid in the re)air o( dama#ed cells and tissue So he&s $ettin$

healthier +ith each passin$ 'o'ent while you8re )re)arin# your %ody (oran ulcer

4hat8s the di((erence makerB Same e.)erience! di((erent interpretation%

The di**erence %etween )roducin# the su%stances that heal our %odies andthose that erode our health %oils down to a sim)le matter o( inter)retation 0ursecretion #lands and or#ans which manu(acture and release %oth the #ood andthe I%ad8 su%stances are controlled %y electrical im)ulses

0nly recently have scientists )roven that thou$hts are =thin$s>   not

some meta)hysical occurrence "very thou#ht is a literal electrical im)ulsewhich re#ulates and controls our conscious and unconscious %odily(unctions

"ach time a thou#ht is initiated it literally im)rints itsel( on the network o(our %rains and a common thou#ht eventually <wires= our %rain to that)articular thou#ht <track= "ach time a thou#ht is re)eated! another

 <chord= is added to the syna)tic nerve )athways in our %rains

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LThat8s also why #enerally positive thin)in$ is not as eas# as it sounds You could have millions o( these neural <chords= o( ne#ative thou#ht )athwayshard-coded Lor %randed in your %rain +t also hel)s us to understand why oldha%its are so hard to %reak The )athways are already esta%lished and the(low o( electrical thou#ht im)ulses will o*ten *ollo+ the path o* least

resistance alon# those e.istin# channels

So how can you use this knowled#e today to make the chan#es that you needto your )hysical %ody and well%ein#B

Be$in .# ta)in$ responsi.ilit# *or #our o+n thou$hts2

4here )ossi%le! don&t allow your circumstances! surroundin# orenvironment to dictate your thou#ht li(e

!hoose #our o+n interpretation o( the events you e.)erience in your

everyday li(e /y Eust decidin$ that %ein# suck in tra((ic is a tran*uile.)erience! you %ody will automatically %e#in to )roduce and secrete natural

 3alium! which is the ultimate Idru#8 o( tran*uility and a )ower(ul assist to your%ody8s natural healin# )rocedure

 @ou can create +hatever level o* health #ou choose *or #our li*e

Ever# disease- illness and in*ir'it# can .e healed usin# nothin# %ut thesu%stances )roduced %y your %ody8s own internal )harmacy

 Your %ody manu(actures every su%stance needed to treat everythin# (rom

dia%etes to cancer to heart disease and everythin# in-%etween The secret to#ettin# healed (rom any disease or any in(irmity is (ound in (acilitatin# your%ody8s natural healin# )rocesses

 You inter)retation o( what thin#s mean to you is vital in im)rovin# your on#oin#health

The 5 cause o( de#eneratin# health due to illness and in(irmity is not thedisease itsel(! %ut the stress that we )lace on our own %ody chemistry %yresortin# to (ear and )anic To illustrate what + mean! here8s an interestin#scienti*ic *act that you may not %e aware o(

 @ou .od# produces thousands o* cancerous cells ever#da#%

So why aren8t we all deadB

/ecause our %ody naturall#  eliminates cancerous cells as a )art o( its normaleveryday (unctions which is why most o(ten we never even know a%out them,ow i( that8s true! you mi#ht want to know why sometimes these cells %ecome

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so ram)ant that the tumors they (orm %ecome li(e threatenin#

The ans+er is strai$ht*or+ard %ut the a))lication isn8t as easilyim)lemented

The reason that sometimes these structures )ro#ress to li(e threatenin#)ro)ortions is o(ten %ecause we have %een inter)retin# our situations Lour Eo%!environment! our relationshi) or even the weather in an unhealthy way tosuch a de#ree that we are not (acilitatin# the natural removal o( those cells

The stress and )anic or (ear that we have %een co)in# with (rom day to dayhas sim)ly de)leted our %ody8s natural de(ense and <)harmaceuticalintelli#ence= to the )oint o( illness 4e end u) sick %ecause we have %een

 8+irin$&  our %rains in a manner that )roduces the consistent manu(acture andsecretion o( su%stances which are harm(ul to our nervous system or %ody

Our interpretation o( what thin#s mean to us can %e the di**erence.et+een experiencin$ vi.rant health or a li*e that is *rau$ht +ithpain and in*ir'it#4hat can you do a%out this knowled#eB 4ell! decide today to reevaluatethey way you are e.)eriencin# li(e

 Are thin#s really as %ad as you think they are or are #ou )lacin# youre.)ectations o( what thin#s should %e like u)on yoursel( and there%y ro%%in#yoursel( o( e.)eriencin# the Eoy and (ul(illment that comes with livin# your li(e toits (ullestB

This point is 4E@ i* #ou are dealin$ +ith a chronic ail'ent or even anincura.le disease%


:han#e your neurolo#ical Iwirin#8 and activel# direct #our thou$hts tothou$hts o* peace- tranuilit# and health and you8ll %e settin# a newseries o( causes in motion which +ill result in a new series o( results Le((ects

 @our .od# +ill auto'aticall# eli'inate the sic) and diseased cellsand tissues (rom your %ody

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s @our Face Ma)in$ @ou Sic)(Then !han$e t%

Sim)le chan#es will make a HU2" di((erence in the *uality o( your li(e

+( it8s true Land it is that our %odies )roduce chemical su%stances andhormones in res)onse to our emotional states and )redominant thou#hts! thenyou must realiPe the im)ortance o( mana#in# your state o( mind

+( you are stressed! i( you are (rustrated! an#ry! disa))ointed or overwhelmed then you are )oisonin# your own %ody (rom the inside out 4orse still is the (actthat i( you8ve %een (ocused on these emotions (or a )rolon#ed )eriod o( timethen you are literally trainin$ #our .rain to re)eat these thou#hts andemotions

,ot only is that a very de)ressin# way to s)end you time it is also trainin$ #our.od# to continue to manu(acture and release hormones and su%stances thatmay no lon#er needed %y your %ody to deal with your ori#inal )ro%lem

 As an e.am)le! it 'i$ht  have %een use(ul to have your senses stimulated whenyour %oss #ave you a deadline! %ut i( you haven8t let #o o( that (rustration andresentment towards your %oss three days a(ter the deadline has already %een)assed then your %ody is still cau#ht in the cycle o( manu(acturin# a su%stance

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that your %ody has a%solutely no use (or&

That! in turn! can cause sever dama#e to your cells and tissues and %y u)settin#the delicate chemical %alance in your system you could %e s)awnin# anenvironment and %reedin# #round (or cancerousmutated cells to multi)ly and

re%el a#ainst your own %ody

So +hat&s that $ot to do +ith '# *ace(

"lementary! Mr 4atson The sin#le most )ower(ul way to mana#e yourstate and instantly chan#e the way you (eel is to sim)ly chan$e #our*acial expression

The %est method to e.)lain this )henomenon is %y demonstration so whereveryou are readin# this re)ort! )lease sto) your )assive readin# and #et involvedwith me ri#ht now

+ want you to take a deep .reath and hold it in *or a.out 9 seconds! thene.hale

,ow )ut a H3GE sill# $rin on your (ace

,ow look u) Ldon&t sto) #rinnin#

,ow +hile you are lookin# at the ceilin#  and #rinnin# like you8ve Eust won thelottery   + want you to #o ahead and (eel de)ressed&

Tou#h isn8t itB

0kay! now i( you can8t stand  %ein# ha))y anymore you can sto) this littlee.ercise and *ollo+ alon$ +ith 'e a#ain This is a strai#ht(orward lesson in)hysiolo#y Lthe way we move act and use our %odies 0ur actions andmovements had a direct e((ect on our emotional states

Tony Ro%%ins! the sel(-hel) s)eaker o(ten )uts it this way! < @oure'otions are created .# 'otion=

/esides 'anipulatin$ #our *acial expressions! you could also chan$e the+a# #ou +al) ! the way you stand! the way you tal)  :han#e your posture!sit u) strai#hter 4alk a little *aster than you usually do  Add 'ore e'otion

and conviction to the way you usually s)eakThese are all tools that you can use to deco'press and de*use intensene$ative e'otional states Alternatively! i( you are in the ha%it o( walkin#%riskly when you are stressed then you mi#ht consider reversin# the )rocessand actively choosin$ to walk a little slower or %y talk a little so(ter

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3se #our .od# to lead #ou e'otions Linstead o( it %ein# the other wayaround& +( you are %attlin# a sickness in your %ody ri#ht now - remind yoursel(to smile! sit more u)ri#ht and %reathe more (ully that your have %een +t will %ei'perative that you %e#in to ta)e ne+ action di((erent to the actions that #otyou to the )oint o( sickness

Same cause same e((ect Set a ne+ cause in 'otion and you8ll %e#into experience a co'pletel# ne+ set o* e**ects Lresults

The Hi$h0Octane Fuel o*;er*ect Fitness

 3irtually unknown outside o( :hina! Ki-kou is an ancient healin# techni*ue

that is a uni*ue com%ination o( mind(ul tar#eted %reathin#! sim)le (lowin#movements! and rest(ul )oses

These #entle e.ercises! handed down (or centuries %y traditional :hinesedoctors! are desi#ned to harness #our .od#&s o+n natural healin$a.ilities


J no vitamins or su))lements to take

J no dru#s or medicines to swallow

J no chants! mantras! or )rayers to memoriPe and re)eat

J no incense! oils! or her%s to %uy or a))ly

J no acu)uncture needles! )ressure! or )ain(ul %ody mani)ulations to endure

J no con(usin# diets to (ollow

J no di((icult or e.haustin# e.ercises to )er(orm

Ki-kou is known as a )ower(ul wea)on a#ainst illness

So +hat is the *uel that drives this ancient healin# )racticeB

 Air ,othin# %ut )lain! (reely availa%le air&

/ut we all %reath air Ldon8t weB The answer to that *uestion is <,ot as much

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as we should&= 

"veryone knows instinctively how to %reathe %ut *e+ o* us do it properl#

4e come into the world as #ood %reathers .a.ies inhale and exhale *ro'

their a.do'ens

/reathin# dee)ly! which allows the a.do'en to e.)and! %rin#s into the lun#s

the amount o( o.y#en needed to nourish all the cells in the %ody

/ut over time! stress causes our muscles to ti#hten u) and our res)iration rate to

*uicken Most o* us .eco'e thoracic .reathers! usin# only the middle and

u))er )arts o( the lun($.

The )ath to %etter %reathin# is Eust a %reath away

 An increasin# num%er o( healthcare )roviders are em)hasiPin# the .ene*its o*proper .reathin$! which e.)erts say reduces the e((ects o( stress! a leadin#cause o( )hysical woes Slow! dee) %reathin# can lo+er .lood pressure- endheart irre$ularities- i'prove poor di$estion and decrease anxiet#2

2ordon! director o( the :enter (or Mind-/ody Medicine in 4ashin#ton :! has

tau#ht %reathin# techni*ues to cancer )atients! children with attention de(icitdisorder and war re(u#ees in Kosovo His research over :6 #ears shows thatslow! deep .reathin$ slo+s do+n the heart rate- relaxes 'uscles andcal's the 'ind2

Over 6 percent o( waste %y-)roducts are eliminated throu#h our .reathin$and our skin 4hen our %lood is heavily o.y#enated it %ecomes ver# di**icult(or virus and %acteria to #row+t8s also a known (act that our lym)h systems can onl# %e ke)t healthy and)ro)erly cleansed %y dee) %reathin# and %odily movement

4hat8s the sim)lest way to o.y#enate your %odyB

Gust take a %reak several times a day and ta)e three deep a.do'inal.reaths ,othin# could %e sim)ler

rawin# in a dee) %reath and holdin# it (or a%out 6;-7D seconds %e(ore e.halin#will )ro%a%ly #ive you the %est results! %ut you should Eust hold it (or as lon# asyou are com(orta%le ,on&t *orce an#thin$ 4ith time your %ody will easily

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allow you to hold your %reathe (or a lon#er )eriod o( time without any e.trae((ort on your )art

4hen )eo)le coined the )hrase! <dee) cleansin# %reaths= they had no ideahow )ower(ul that )ractice could %e to *ree our .od# o* toxins and produce

extraordinar# health

,iscover =Bod# Lan$ua$e>-Listen /hen t Tal)s To @ou

and En1o# A Li*eti'e o*

3nstoppa.le Health%The lan#ua#e o( our soul Lmind! will and emotions is reason

The lan$ua$e o* our .od#  is FEELNGS%

+n mankind8s attem)t to ro%  us o( every )leasant tastin# (ood and thesatis(action o( choice! we8ve %een shut in a virtual %o. when it comes to selectin#which (oods we can and cannot eat

 A))arently ! we 'ust drink -#lasses o( water )er day! we 'ust avoid red

meat like the )la#ue! we 'ust avoid all )reservatives and we 'ust  walkaround lookin# like we8ve Eust %een %a)tiPed in )ickle Euice Lthat last item o( thelist was my own addition %ut it only seems lo#ical i( we are )unishin#ourselves (or every (oodstu(( we eat

+ have no dou%t in my mind that these are  all hel)(ul measures! %ut howe.actly are we e.)ected to kee) track  o( all the <musts= and <must nots=B 4e

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have %ecome so )ro#ram driven that we have com)licated the Ili(e8 out o( anatural- pleasant experienced called eatin$

iet and nutrition are o( o%vious im)ortance! %ut reducin# them to rules andreco''ended dail# allo+ances  has severely harmed more )eo)le than it

has hel)ed So +hat is the truth(

How many #lasses o( water should you drinkB How much (i%er should you havein your diet and how much vitamin : is the correct dosa#e )er dayB

4ell! let8s as) so'e o* our little *riends that live most o( their lives without a%arra#e o( illnesses and com)le. health situations :ase in )oint! Mr and MrsMama and $a)a %ear Ndrum rollN

 <Mr and Mrs Mama and $a)a %ear)lease tell us how closely you (ollowthe US Sur#eon 2eneral8s daily recommendations (or vitamin! mineral and

dietary su))lement intakeB=

,ow + do )no+  that %ears don8t talk

,either do deer! nor s*uirrels! lions or ele)hants %ut + think you are #ettin#the )icture +t seems as thou#h everyone in the animal kin#dom L%esides usis .liss*ull# una+are that <an a))le a day kee)s the doctor away=

That %ein# said! (or the most )art! these animals seem to .e $ettin$ alon$ 1ust *ine without our rules The reason is their sim)le! %lind o%edience to*ollo+in$ their instincts o we! as human %ein#s )osses anythin# close to

their innate instinctive naturesB

/e certainl# do%

 Your %ody is continuously aware o( itsel( and its surroundin#s +t8s also aware o(what it lacks and what it has an e.cess o( 2 @our .od# $ives expression tothese needs and knowled#e in the (orm o( natural appetites2

+ say <natural= a))etites %ecause they are not to %e con(used with arti(icial


Here8s my e.)lanation o( the di((erences %etween these two ty)es o( a))etite An arti*icial appetite is an a))etite %ased on ha%it! taste or addiction

 A natural a))etite Lor hun#er is the voice o( your %ody seekin# somes)eci(ic (orm o( nourishment The natural a))etitehun#er Lor cravin#mi#ht %e a more a)t descri)tion will always %e (or a natural (oodstu((

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,atural (oodstu((s include +ater! 'il)  Lyes + did say milk! any *ruit! anyve$eta.le! seeds! $rains or nuts2 Lon occasion! you mi#ht even have a

 Inatural8 hun#er (or meat content Lnot only chicken %ut (ish or even red meat

The 'ost co''onl# )no+n and easil# reco$ni?ed cravin#s are o(ten

associated with )re#nant women who have %een known to crave anythin#  (rom)ickles with ice-cream to %urned matchstick heads and sand&

Sur)risin#ly enou#h! there is research that supports Lat least some o( theircravin#s and clearly shows that the su%stance they craved was rich in mineralsor vitamins which their %odies were lackin# Lor which was %ein# ra)idlyconsumed at the time

The truth is that ever#one e.)eriences natural cravin#s /UT we don8t  o(tenreco$ni?e them %ecause o( our conditioned .ehavior Most o( us haveconditioned ourselves over a )eriod o( years Leven (rom %irth to eat a )articular

%reak(ast! drink only sodas! co((ee or tea throu#hout the day! have a routinelunch at noon and come home to a T3 dinner

Then! when our .odies IdoI tr# to let us )no+ that there is somethin#di((erent (rom our normal routine! +e are so used to 1ust *ollo+in$ our dail#ritual that we Eust i#nore it  and )ile the usual meals into our system Bi$'ista)e%

;a# attention to +hat #our .od# is sa#in$

The ne.t time your crave a #lass o( still waterO don8t Eust #ra% a mu# o( co((ee

or a cold soda2 Natural hun$er occurs *or a reason and i( you i#nore it ortry to su%stitute your Eud#ment (or its own needs! you will run yoursel(  into ahealth condition shi)wreck&

 Also ,ON&T let your )ride ro% you o( your health

Sometimes +e #et so o((ended %y a certain natural (ood that +e ada'antl#s+ear o** it *or li*e  Then! when a natural cravin# occurs in our %odies (or that)articular (oodstu((! we sim)ly won8t let #o o( our own )ride and )ick u) that(ood that we need %ecause we said we wouldn8t

,on&t put #oursel* in that position2

There are certain ve##ies that + des)ise %ut + have on occasion had anune.)laina%le cravin# (or them And when + do + will #o out o( my way tomake sure that + #et it 4hyB /ecause + love my health and my %ody is tryin#to )reserve that )recious commodity

So +hat a.out all the 8do nots&( ,o not eat this2 ,o not eat that(

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M# rule o* thu'. is si'ple +nstantly o%ey a natural hun#er ,ever %e a#lutton "at a salad with every meal And when + (ollow these #uidelines thenmy last )oint is my (avoriteeat whatever you want

To reca) Ensurin$ that #ou heed these si$nals +ill .e ensurin$ #our


This sim)le act can )revent many (orms o( illness %e(ore they mani(est in your%ody Usually thin#s like the (lu! or colds! or certain stomach conditions andskin )ro%lems care %e success(ully avoided or overcome %y heedin# thosecravin#sHo+ do #ou )no+ +hat is the ri$ht su.stance to eat(

Trust your %ody and %e#in eatin# or drinkin# the natural (oodstu((s that your%ody craves (or (rom time to time And remem%er! + said natural (oodstu((s

 A cravin# (or dee) (ried chicken and a %ucket o( ice cream would rarely %e thevoice o( your %ody descri%in# its nutritional needs 0n the su%Eect o( (ruit andve#eta%les! many o( us don8t enEoy the taste and that8s our main %arrier

4e are %lessed in that there are a variet# o* *ruit and ve$eta.les thatcontain the vitamins and nutrients that our %ody re*uires Find the (ruit andve#eta%les that you can en1o#  0ran#es aren8t the only source o( vitamin : +(you don8t like oran#es! try %lack%erries or #ra)es

Ta)e so'e ti'e and look into your diet! see what you may %e lackin# and(ind the (oods that meet that need and tantaliPe your taste %uds at the same

time +t will only take a (ew hours to research and once you8ve made youreatin# )lans you can (ollow them (or a li*eti'e2

That s'all invest'ent could )eep #ou ener$i?ed- vi.rant- and health#*or the rest o* #our li*e2

Here&s the lesson to .e learned" Natural *oods are $ood *or #ou andwhen you crave any natural (oodstu(( $o $et it2 +( you continually o%ey your%ody8s voice! you can eat )retty much anythin# else you want

L+ said eat whatever you want not as 'uch as #ou +ant Have the cake!

)iPPa and tacos! %ut not @-servin#s o( each& 0ne %i# )late o( (ood when you arehun#ry is #reat even Isecond hel)in#s8 is okay %ut anythin# over that on are#ular %ases is )ure #luttony and you will )ay (or it with your health

+s it water you craveB Go $et it +s it an oran#eB Go $ra. a *e+ /e#in todevelo) a listenin# ear (or the delicate workin#s o( your %ody +t8s not di((icultL/UT you must %e 1+ST",+,2 (or it or you will not hear it and +ithin a 'attero* da#s #ou too can .e a pro*essional =.od# tal)> expert%

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The =No S+eat> Get ActiveRoutine That /ill Leave a

S'ile on @our Face Ever#Ti'e%

The evidence is clear For $reat health- the .od# needs exercise%

".actly IHO/I e.ercise %ecame a <(our-letter word= we will never know! %utevery )oll indicates that it8s not )olite to even 'ention  that word in a room(ull o( adults

The (act is that no one starts o(( enEoyin# runnin# around in #ym to#s!sweatin# like the )oster-child (or the <%e(ore= )icture o( an anti)ers)irantcommercial! %ut there +S ho)e L(or all o( us&

+n a stran#e twist o( humor! exercise produces ener$# which makes youwant to e.ercise moreand %y the same token! laPiness %e#ets lethar#yLusually to the nth de#ree

4ith that in mind! the )ro%lem is not so much the e.ercise! %ecause once youstart your %ody will react (avora%ly and you won8t have too much trou%lecom)letin# your e.ercise the real issue would %e makin# a start

Fortunately! e.ercise is not the only ener#y %oost that nature )rovides Su#arwill #ive you a <kick= to #et you u) and o(( to do your e.ercise Un(ortunately!you will <crash= later when your su#ar level dro)s out o( the sky like a lead%alloon ,0T a #ood idea

"nter airo.y#en! to %e more s)eci(ic $ro%a%ly the sa*est and easiest 8tool&that you can use to #et o(( your rusty-dusty and (ollow your choice o( e.erciseroutine

Ri$ht +here #ou are  even as you read this te.t! take a.out : rapid-deep .reaths! holdin# each one in (or a%out 7-; seconds %etween %reaths+8ll wait while you do that

No+- ho+ does that 'a)e #ou *eel(  +n most cases Lunless you already

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(ollow a #reat (itness routine you should  (eel wonder(ully --- li$ht0in0the0head%

That *eelin$ o* +oo?iness  is %ecause #our .rain is not used to .ein$ so+ell *ed with o.y#en

  it8s also the secret to an instant ener#y %oost +t disru)ts your conscious%rain Eust enou#h to make you want to shi(t )osition and when you do that&s

the o))ortunity you need to take to #o and (ollow your e.ercise )ro#ram&

 =O)a#…But /hich ;ro$ra'( don&t HAE a pro$ra'%>

The %est e.ercise )ro#ram is not  the <:60Minute Miracle /or)in$ Fat0 Blaster ;ro*essional Edition- Gold La.eled ideo Series Hosted B#!ecil JThe !ele.rit#K Sa' =

The %est e.ercise )ro#ram is the one you can8t wait to #et to

,#na'ic activit# is a part o* li*eO as a matter o( (act it8s a necessityMuscular activity and %reathin# are the only 6 ways that we can #et themuch needed circulation in our lym)hatic system

On the .ri$ht side exercise can ta)e a variet# o* *or's All it wouldre*uire is (or you to (ind one that suits your )ersonality

There is no need to run out and Eoin a #ym or %uy a home (itness center sincemost )eo)le who do never use those resources anywaySo! Eust ho+  do we #et ourselves o(( our current unsha)ely derriere in order

to #et the )rocess startedB Find an activity! that you en1o# that meets thesesim)le criteria and you8ll have an e.ercise that you love and that actuallyworks what a conce)t&

Here are the criteria You must %e a%le to do it dail#! and it must %e aero.icLverses anaero%ic and it must #et your muscles movin#

Si'ple( O* course%

me Eust clari(y what + mean when + say make sure that it8s an aero%ic e.ercisenot and anaero%ic one Most (orms o( e.ercise can %e either anaero%ic or


The level o* intensit# determines whether an e.ercise is anaero%ic oraero%ic 1ower heart rates indicate aero%ic activity and hi#her heart ratesindicate anaero%ic activity

 Thin#s like Eo##in# or a %risk walk or an easy dance routine are ty)icallyaero%ic! where activities like wei#htli(tin# or %asket%all tend to %e anaero%ic +(

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you don8t like walkin#! try ski))in# or actively )layin# with your kids or eventram)olinin#

Have so'e *un with (ormulatin# an enEoya%le activity that #ou can )racticeever#da#

Ho+ to 3se /illpo+er andSel*0!ontrol As S)ill*ull# asa Sur$eon to !ut Sic)nessOut o* @our Li*e Forever%

4ould you like to %e a%le to (ocus you mind so )ower(ully that you can drivesickness out o( your %odyB

4ell then you should watch Star 4ars and )ractice the Gedi Mind :ontrol tricks%ecause that8s the only chance you8ll have o( seein# those thin#s ha))en inyour %ody

/illpo+er and sel*0control are )ro%a%ly two o( the most overused andine((ective means o( eliminatin# sickness (rom our %odies +n (act! with all o(the attention and (ocus that )eo)le a))ly to usin# these techni*ues to <)ur#e=their %odies o( their in(irmities they8re )ro%a%ly makin# thin#s a whole lotworse&

,oes +illpo+er exist(

 A%solutely! %ut the a))lication o( will)ower has %een so distorted %y shows likethe V-Files that most )eo)le tend to think o( it like a mystical (orce Lwhich itde(initely is not% The )ower o( you will doesn8t lie in your a%ility to (loat thin#sacross the room or to im)ress your thou#hts u)on your )hysical %ody to driveout disease

4hile those sure would %e cool I)owers8 to have in a sci-(i show! theessence o* +illpo+er is Eust your a%ility to stic) to a decision that

 #ou&ve 'ade

 You can never Land should never a))ly will)ower to anyone or anythin# otherthat your own choicesdecisions The most scienti(ic way to use your will)owerto your advanta#e in eliminatin# sickness (rom your %ody is to decide that youare not #oin# to continue thinkin# or dwellin# on thou#hts and emotions that

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)roduce celltissue destroyin# chemicals and hormones

/ut even MORE im)ortantly! you need to appl# #our +illpo+er toco''ittin$ #oursel* to thou$hts e'otions and *eelin$s thatpro'ote the production o* endorphins and other healin$

su.stances and hor'ones2

The o%Eect o( usin# your will)ower is not to <drive out sickness= %y (orcin#yoursel( to make these thin#s leave your %ody Stress and mental e((ort wouldonly %e counterproductive Stress and strain tri##er the )roduction o(su%stances which Li( they are not needed or utiliPed will dama#e your %ody8simmune system

+nstead! i* #ou co''it #oursel*  to s)endin# your leisure time to %ein##rate(ul Land remem%erin# how wonder(ul your (amily is! how #ood you reallydo have it and how wonder(ul it is to know that you %ody is healin# itsel(

without any e((ort on your )artetc then you would sim)ly =+ill> #oursel* tosta# co''itted to that pattern o* thou$ht

"ach time a contrary thou#ht tries to invade your thinkin#! you are sim)lyto dismiss it and continue your meditation on the thou#hts that you have)reviously committed yoursel( too

,o #ou see the di**erence(

There is no need to a))ly your <will)ower= to your %ody and (orce it to %e well

The #reater pleasure and 1o# and deep $ratitude you e.)erience inyour everyday li(e! the more swi(tly your %ody will rid itsel( o( any sicknessor disease known Lor unknown to man

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;erpetual Medicinal GratitudeThe 'ost healin$ attri.ute that can %e develo)ed %y you or me is thesense o( a deep- heart*elt $ratitude (or the health that our %odye.udes

 @our .od# is healin$ and repairin$ and re1uvenatin$ itsel* throu$houtthe da#- ever#da#%

The one thin# that #ets in the way o( our enEoyin# the e.)erience o( li(e is%ad health and the maEority o( our in(irmities are the result o( our own


Gratitude is a universal *orce- a common thread that all )eo)le should %ee.)eriencin# on a daily %asis (or all o( the %lessin#s that are %estowed u)on us%y a lovin# 2od /ein# healthy has o(ten %een reduced to a )rocedurea(ormula o( dos and don8ts mi.ed with human sur#ical intervention and)harmaceutical su))lements

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The ne.t time you #et a scra)e or a )a)er cut! re'ind #oursel*  o( theincredi%le natural a%ility that you have housed inside your %ody Be $rate*ulthat there are literally millions and millions o( (actors that are in o)erationthrou#hout your )hysical %ody that ensure that not only with your %roken skin %ehealed! %ut that any #erm or %acteria would %e eliminated without you even

li(tin# a (in#er

+8m not a %eliever in mystic )henomenon or new a#e %elie(s! %ut + do %elievethat the )ower o( heart(elt #ratitude works more )ower(ully in our universethat any e((ort on our )art could ,evelop a sincere $ratitude (or your%lessin#s in li(e and health is al'ost auto'atic2

4hen you open #our heart to $ratitude you %e#in to realiPe the (utility o(your own e((orts Most Li( not all that we achieve in li(e are thin#s that wenever really  deserved or earned anyway All o( us (ail on a daily %asis! %ut#ratitude reminds us that it wasn8t our actions alone that #ot us to where we are


Gratitude heals

Best o* all #ratitude kee)s us ready to receive 'ore2 Stress! worry! an.ietyand strain have out us in a )osition o( weakness as we8ve tried to controleverythin# 2ratitude let8s us rest and know that everythin# has already %een)rovided and we sim)ly need to allow our needs to %e met

Ever#thin$ you and + could ever need to remain healthy and vi%rantly so is A1R"AY inside o( you Lliterally This is not %y accident or ha))enstance %ut

rather %y divine order You don8t need to strain to )roduce the healin#hormones that your %ody may need +n (act! strain will only arrest your healin#and weaken you (urther

4hat you need to develo) is a conscious awareness that all is well Lnot #oin# to%e well %ut S ALREA,@  well with your %ody Be $rate*ul that there hasnever %een a man or woman %orn that did not have within themselves theresources and li(e that is needed to live a vi%rantly healthy li(e

Healin# and health are the natural states and conditions o( the %ody

The thin# which kee)s most )eo)le sick is the idea that they have a sick %ody,0& You have a healthy %ody so sto) tryin# to (orce your %ody and mind to #ethealthy The unnecessary strain will only encoura#e the (actors which havecaused the sickness in the (irst )lace

Healin$ and health starts +ith a health#- stress *ree outloo) on li*e anda $rate*ul presence o* 'ind 4hen #ou 'aintain this a+areness you8re%ody can and will naturally re)air any dama#e to your system and eliminate any

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(orei#n harm(ul )resenceSto) wrestlin# with sickness and *ocus #our attention on the healin$currently at work in your %ody ,ON&T try to do %attle with the sickness in yourmind or <will= the sickness out o( your %ody Re'e'.er! sic)ness cannot .epushed out ! %ut when healin# and health is introduced it has no o)tion %ut to

dissi)ate or wither away

 @ou can thin) a.out it in this +a#! tryin# to throw darkness out o( your%edroom at ni#ht is Eust )lain stu)id& All you need to do is turn on the li$htand there will %e no more darkness Sim)le $hysics 5D5

The For$otten n$redient

that&s a''in$ @our SecretHealth Factor%Ever# culture and reli$ion! (orm the cor)orate mo#uls o( ,ew York :ity to thedarkest re#ions in the Eun#les o( A(rica makes re(erence to a (undamentalin#redient that is a%le to )rovide us with the resources we need to survive hereon )lanet earth

That in$redient is *aith2

+8m o%viously not re(errin# to I(aith8 in the conte.t o( church denomination orreli#ious a((iliation +nstead +8m re(errin# to the (aith that is availa%le in thecore o( every human %ein#

Faith is #our a.ilit# to act on so'ethin$ that #ou .elieve in #our heart2

So what does this have to do with the Secret Health FactorB


For you to %e#in to e.)erience healin$s and re'issions (or every in(irmity

(rom the common cold to an incura%le %lood disease! you need to choose to.elieve that your %ody is a%le to heal itsel( o( these conditions

 Your immune system will %e cri))led without this (aith 0%eyin# the voiceo( your %ody and ado)tin# a #reat (itness and diet )ro#ram can only do somuch +( you want to live in su)era%undant health! you are #oin# to needto adopt a ne+ .elie* s#ste'

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Sim)ly #oin# throu#h the motions o( medical instruction won8t reverse disease%ut ener$i?in$ #our i''une s#ste' with a (undamental %elie( that your%ody is desi#ned to heal itsel( and maintain health will

This needs to .eco'e 'ore than lip service2

+(! in (act! you do %elieve that your %ody can reverse your unhealthy medicalconditions that you need to .e$in actin$ in *aith BEFORE #our .od# *eelsan# .etter This is )ro%a%ly where CCW o( )eo)le miss the %oat com)letely

,on&t +ait (or your %ack )ro%lem to leave you %e(ore you walk with your %odyheld u)ri#ht +al) upri$ht NO/  even while your %ack is still in )ain

$er(ection is not  re*uired in your actions You may well NnotN %e a%le to walku)ri#ht very easily and you mi#ht still look hunched over! %ut the )e# is toinitiate the i'pression o* health in your own %rain

The instant #ou chan$e #our .ehaviors so'ethin$ happens%

''ediatel# your nervous system and %rain reacts to the ne+ thou$htand action that you8ve Eust initiated The more consistentl# and positivel#

you %e#in to take this <(aith= action! the more actively #our i''une s#ste'+ill .e$in to churn out help*ul- natural phar'aceutical hor'ones andsu%stances

+n some cases! you mi#ht not %e a%le to make use o( the )art o( your %ody thatre*uires the healin#! so you mi#ht not have the a%ility to )hysically <act= as i( it

were already recoverin# in order to initiate the Secret Health Factor  /UT  you can still release #our *aith po+er*ull#%Ho+(

0ur s)here o( )ersonal in(luence has %een so amaPin#ly constructed that youractions do not Eust have to %e limited to your %ody @ou can appl# #our *aith!not only to your %ody! %ut also to your i'a$ination 

on8t try and (orce your muscles or lim%s %y usin# mind over matter Thechances are you8ll only hurt yoursel( more +nstead! sim)ly use ever# *ree'o'ent o* #our leisure ti'e to i'a$ine #oursel* doin$ the thin$ that

 #our .od# can&t #et per*or'2

+( it is a lame arm! you mi#ht Ii'a$ine& the *eelin$ and the +ei$ht o( a%asket%all in your hand and )ractice doin# a (ree throw with it in yourima#ination oes this sound childishB May%e so! %ut the (act remains that

 #our .rain cannot tell the di**erence %etween what your ima#ine in yourmind and what is )hysically ha))enin# around you

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+t8s a well documented (act that i( we ima#ine a thin#! it is as real to us as i( wewere e.)eriencin# that thin# A sim)le e.am)le is the classic dream where you(eel as thou#h you are (allin# and your %ody reacts with a violent Eolt whichwakes you u)

urin# that dream! your %ody reacted exactl# the way it would have i( you werereally (allin# Your %ody created the e.act same chemicals  as i( it were real

 @our adrenal $lands +ere *irin$ and everythin# was doin# e.actly what itwas desi#ned to do

Use this knowled#e to your %ene(it +nstead o( lettin# it ha))en %y accident!initiate the experiences #ou +ant to experience +n the e.am)le o(ima#inin# your healin# (or an a((licted arm! you %ody would auto'aticall#%e#in restorin# the channels o( %lood (low and doin# the re)air work to thenerve endin#s Lor whatever other )rocedures your %ody mi#ht need in order toallow you to )er(orm the actions you e.)erienced while you were holdin# that


/ut this will only ha))en i* #ou have *aith in the (act that your %ody was notdesi#ned to %e sick +( you make a conscious decision that your .od#&spri'ar# *unction is to heal itsel* and sustain #our li*e2

+( you can accept this .elie* s#ste' then you are #ivin# your %ody theener#y it needs to (acilitate those (unctions The .od# heals itsel*indiscri'inatel# when we allow it to do so +( you want to see a medicalmiracle in your %ody! #ou 'ust accept and act on this truth

 Avoid These ,eadl# HealthRis)s

$eo)le that always com)lain a%out their illnesses

Medical discussion radio and television )ro#rams

Fear o( sickness

ietary warnin#s

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,iscover /hich =Foolishness>Behavior !an !ost @ou @our

Health D Ho+ Ri$ht Action/ill Re'it An# llness or,isease%

Gust %ecause you learn the secrets o( li(elon# health and dynamic healin#!

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doesn8t mean that you should act (oolishly&

evelo)in# a IHealth Factor8 'indset and coo)eratin# with your %odiesnatural *unction o* healin$ itsel( does not re*uire that you sto) takin# yourmedication or Eum) on your s)ectacles %ecause you are ea#er to see it in


There is a di((erence %etween a health*ul con*idence in your %odies naturala%ility to heal and mindless recklessness  +( you have an in(irmity )la#uin#your %ody ri#ht now! it8s )ro%a%ly a result o( many days! weeks! months oreven years o( violatin# the )rinci)al o( the Secret Health Factor and it 'a#take several days Lor months (or you to notice a visi%le di((erence in your)hysical condition

There are reasons (or this

5 0nce you activate the Secret Health Factor you %ody +ill %e#in healin#itsel( at the 'ost opti'u' pace possi.le! %ut Eust like a cut or scra)edoesn8t disa))ear overni#ht! the natural healin# )rocess re*uires time tore%uild the cells! tissues or a((ected or#ans

6 +t mi#ht take you a while to )ut a sto) to the ha%its that have set thedisease or in(irmity in motion +( you are used to worryin# a%outeverythin#! those thou#hts and actions will have to %e chan#ed to cause anew set o( circumstances and results into )lay This re*uires the a%ility todestroy old ha%its which doesn8t ha))en overni#ht Remem%er thatthou$hts are =thin$s>  and those electro-chemical im)ulses literall#

wire your %rain and nervous system to think! act or res)ond in a certainway This <wirin#= mi#ht have to %e chan#ed %e(ore you e.)erience theresults you want

These issues make it vitally im)ortant that you and + 0,8T suddenl# stopta)in$ an# 'edication that may have %een )rescri%ed %y our doctors ormedical sta(( +n the case o( dia%etes! continue to take your insulin)rescri)tion even while you .e$in releasin$ the Secret Health Factor tore)air the dama#e to your %ody

The insulin medication can8t heal you anyway! so it doesn8t make a di((erenceto your determination or commitment to recover 1et me also say thatdia.etes is reversi.le and #ou don&t have to live +ith it (or the rest o(your li(e& /UT continue with your standard current treatment until one dayyour %ody reacts to the insulin and your doctor stands in awe declarin# thatthere8s no trace o( dia%etes in your system

The sa'e $oes *or ever# illness +hich #ou are currentl# .ein$ treated

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4hat8s im)ortant to remem%er thou#h is that althou#h + don8t usually each lotso( healthy #oodies! IdoI listen to the voice o* '# .od# and i( it cravesnatural sustenance or (oodstu((s! + instantl# o.e# that ur#e -even i( + wouldn8tusually like that )articular (oodstu((

+ also never eat =1ust *or the sa)e o* eatin$> or .ecause it&s >ti'e toeat>2 0nly eat when you are hun#ry and eat NonlyN until your hun#er a%ates,otice that + said your hun#er NOT until you8ve consumed @ hel)in#s o(everythin# 2luttony and emotional eatin# will sa.ota$e  the Secret HealthFactor every time

"motional eatin# stems (rom emotional turmoil and your %ody is there(oreuna%le to co)e with all the (ood that you are eatin# 4hyB /ecause #oure'otions can upset the natural di$estive process %y releasin# enPymes!hormones andchemical su%stances which don8t hel) the %ody )rocess the (oodas it would in a health(ul di#estive environment

 Al+a#s eat .ecause o* hun$er- not ha.it or stress2+ don8t %elieve that ha%its can %e <%roken= only re)laced so (ind somethin#)ositive to re)lace your emotional eatin# with Fold washin#! dance wildly or)lay a video #ame %ut don8t let your emotions rule your a))etite

1earnin# to conduct yoursel( and your thou#hts in a health(ul way is the*oundation o( a healthy li(estyle and %ody

The Little 4no+n SecretShared B# Role Models o*

,#na'ic Health%

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How would you like to dramatically reduce the num%er o( )ills or)harmaceutical dru#s that you consumeB

That has always %een hi#h on my list o( )riorities + hated ever havin# to takee.ternal )harmaceutical dru#s to com%at this (rom ha))enin# and )revent

a#ainst that (rom ha))enin#

+ #rew u) in a house where my dad used to take lots o( )ills to com%at varioushealth issues and it made me want to avoid end u) havin# to do the same +tdrove me to want to study and (ind out why some )eo)le never had to take anyo( those )ills and yet they never seemed to #et sick

o you know some )eo)le like thatB 4ell those %ecame my Irole 'odels8 inthe area o( health! i( you will

/hat discovered +as a 'a1or e#e0opener%

4hile it was true that many o( them had %etter nutritional eatin# )atterns ande((ective e.ercise )ro#rams that they adhered to! they also )ossessed anotherless o.vious *uality

That ualit# is the a.ilit# to success*ull# 'ana$e their ph#siolo$# Ltheway they moved and acted and mental (ocus

For exa'ple"  +( any one o( these Irole-model8 healthy (olks ever dide.)erience a runny nose ir scratchy throat! #ou&d hardl# notice it in theirph#siolo$#%

They8d almost never even mention it and would usually Eust "V$":T it to #oaway in a (ew hours!

,ow + ,ON&T advocate that we i#nore na##in# health issues that have %een#oin# on (or many weeks or months %ut + do think that we o(ten weakenourselves %y runnin# to the medicine chest (or the (irst si#n o( a sni((le&

4hen our %odies are invaded %y #erms and illness causin# a#ents! it naturall#produces anti.odies that (i#ht those )ro%lems and conse*uently stren#thensour immune system a#ainst (uture attacks o( the same nature

/y )o))in# a doPen )ills +e actuall# end up short0circuitin$ this process

and make ourselves more vulnera%le to the ne.t I(lu8 virus that comes alon#

,ow %esides Eust Iactin#8 healthy and doin# thin#s as normal when my health Irole-models8 e.)erienced some minor health issues! +8d also #o out and hearsomeone talkin# and mentioned that they8d cau#ht a cold (rom #ettin# wet inthe rain and this healthy Irole model8 )erson would look com)letely  )uPPled

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4hen +8d ask them a%out it! invaria%ly they #ive me an answer alon# the lines o(!<4hat does #ettin# wet in the rain have to do with catchin# a coldB +( you #etcau#ht in the rain! the only thin# that ha))ens to you is you #et wet' on8t theyever take a showerB=

Statements like those (ascinated me %ecause these )eo)le said it with such alevel o( conviction that you could see that they honestl# .elieved that theone event had nothin# to do with the otherThat is )art o( what +8m re(errin# to when + re(er to 'ental *ocus Therethou#hts don&t dwell on what8s #oin# wron# with their %ody! %ut rather howwell it handles the thin#s it does so well

0(ten! we #et so cau#ht u) i( our %ody should (eel even Eust a little )hysicaldiscom(ort that we ado)t the )hysiolo#y o( someone who8s sick +8ll wa#er thati( + were to ask you to descri%e someone who was standin# outside your doorthat was sick! (or X;DD DDDDD! you could #ive me a )retty accurate descri)tion

o( the way the )erson would %e standin# and %reathin#

 As a 'atter o* *act- let&s do that ri$ht no+% L%ut +8m not #oin# to #ive youX;DD!DDD

 You tell me How would this )erson %e standin#B 4ould they %e standin# u)strai#ht! or hunched overB + ima#ine most )eo)le would say hunched over4ould their %reathin# %e (ull and dee) or shallowB A#ain! most would sayshallow 4ould the muscles in their (ace %e ti#ht and u) or slack and downB

 A#ain! slack and down! )ro%a%ly

!an #ou see that there is a +a# +e use our .od# that sends a 'essa$eto our .rain that +e or so'eone else is sic) or su**erin$(  The )ro%lemwith this is that when we ado)t this )hysiolo#y when the )ro%lem we have isnot a maEor cause (or concern! we tend to ma#ni(y the )ro%lem in our own%rain

0ur %rain starts to #o! <0h! no 4hat8s the )ro%lemB There must %esomethin# wron# 1ook at the way the %ody8s %ehavin#! we must %e really sickhere=

The )oint is! i( you want to im)rove your health immediately! start actin# healthy

immediately There is a scienti(ic e.)lanation (or this %ut ri#ht now! Eust knowthat #our e'otional state can .e $reatl# in*luenced .# #our ph#sicalexpressions2

/reathe the way you do when you8re healthy! talk to yoursel( in the manner andtone that you do when you are healthy! stand the way you do when you arehealthy This sim)ly strate#y allows our %ody to stay resource(ul

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+t allows our %ody to avoid ma#ni(yin# the )ro%lem! as there%y moreaccurately assess the true ma#nitude o( any )ro%lem in our %ody! should therein (act %e one

0n the su%Eect o( mental (ocus! there is an incredi%le +ealth o* in*or'ation

availa%le in li%raries and resource centers across the world

There are amaPin# statistics claimin# that around 67 o* all the ph#sicalpro.le's +e as hu'ans experience are caused not .# .iolo$icaldi**iculties or in*ir'ities! %ut %y our own mental (ocus The issue o( stressand the like also (all into this cate#ory /e(ore you dismiss this idea! do yourhomework

Have you ever heard o( medical students that durin# their years o( studyin# atmed school! (ind themselves studyin# certain diseases and %e#in to notice thatthey have all the sym)tomsB

t&s not an unco''on event2

The truth is! i( you want to (ind a )ro%lem in your %ody! and you look hardenou#h! you will (ind one + think all o( us know someone who always has thelatest (lu and most terri%le aches and )ains %etween those (lues LEust (or #oodmeasure

So what actually causes these actual ne#ative )hysical chan#es o( sickness anddisease to (orm in our %odies when we (ocus on )ro%lems in our %ody or thestresses in our li(eB The ans+er here is our e'otions2

on8t #et cau#ht u) in the I%ad8 thin#s in li(e Find ways to e.)ress yoursel( andenEoy the e.)erience o( an a%undant! health (illed li(e +t8s im)ossi%le toeradicate every dull! %orin# or sad moment in li(e! %ut it is possi.le to chooseto (ocus on thin#s which %rin# you even #reater Eoy

Learn ho+ to en1o# #our li*e and li*e itsel* +ill re+ard #ou +ith even'ore a.undance%

 An Open Letter to AllHardcore /orr#+arts and

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;er*ectionists%4hen learnin# to unleash the Secret Health Factor! here8s a (riendly word o(advice You Ndon&tN need to master every techni*ue! tool! strate#y and science

revealed to you %e(ore it will work

0ne o( the most (oolish mistakes that anyone studyin# the Secret HealthFactor can make is to #et <down= on themselves %ecause they la)se into theirold unhealthy mental trainin# or start )ayin# attention to material thatcontradicts their )ro#ress

+( you make a mistake! don8t #et stuck in #uilt and ho)elessness! Eust makea mental note to watch (or that %ehavior ne.t time and avoid it

:ondemnin# yoursel( (or any la)ses in your a))lication o( the Secret

Health Factor is as dama#in# to your health as worryin# a%out yoursickness 4eep #ou 'ind and .od# in a resource*ul state2

4hen you <(all o(( the wa#on=! Eust dust yoursel( o((! #et %ack on%oard andenEoy the Eourney (urther ,o one e.)ects you to chan#e every %ehavioroverni#ht

Learnin$ to hear and *ollo+ the voice o* #our .od# when it comes tonourishin# your %ody will take some time Learnin$ to develop a ri$ht'ental attitude and )uttin# the other tools into action Lsuch as )ro)er%reathin#! e.ercise and hormone secretion control will also take a little while to

%ecome natural to you

This is not a )ro%lem! Eust start where you are! do the %est you can and put alittle .it 'ore into practice ever#da#

Remem%er! you Ndon8tN want to (all %ack into )o)ularly socialiPed %ehavior Gustas it is not use(ul to meditate and worry a%out vitamin count! mineral levels andso on! it is euall# unproductive Lor even harm(ul to worry a%out #ettin# thea))lication o( the Secret Health Factor )er(ectly correct

2od #ave us this li(e to live! #row and enEoy He also #ave us the inherent

a%ility to know what is %est (or our %ody and how to re#ulate and mana#e itLand all o( its (unctions e((iciently

From my own study o( health and in my own attem)t to heal my )la#uin#sicknesses! + have %ecome convinced .e#ond an# and all dou.t thatnothin# our %odies will recover and re#enerate (rom any in(irmity itencounters i( we will sim)ly allow it to do so

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Natural cravin$s and hun$er +ill alert #ou to which natural (oodstu((s toeat (or the o)timal recovery (rom your condition +ncreasin# your su))ly o(ox#$en inta)e +ill assist in cleansin$ #our l#'phatic s#ste' andmana#in# your e'otional state +ill produce the reuired anti.odies andphar'aceutical su.stances that are needed

+( your condition is such that you re*uire medical attention! then $et it on8tresort to will)ower to overcome your medical challen#es

There is however only so much that medical science can do octors know thatmost o( their treatments are only addressin# the sym)toms o( the )ro%lem

 @our *unction then- is to initiate the rapid healin$ and recover#process2

Sometimes the )ro%lem is so advanced that you mi#ht re*uire medical attention%ecause you had not yet learned to a))ly the Secret Health Factor %ut that is

no e.cuse to stay sickEver# sic)ness and ever# disease can .e cured Use the sameresources that nature has e*ui))ed you with to turn your situation around

+t doesn8t matter i( you are at home! work or in the hos)ital /e#in releasin# the)ower o( the Secret Health Factor ri#ht now %y decidin# not to (ocus on theacce)ted %oundaries o( health and medicine! releasin# your an.iety and initiatin#a resource(ul! health(ul state in your %rain

!hoose to %e con(ident that your %ody is recoverin# and it will recover on8twait (or the )ain to leave %e(ore you start picturin$ and experiencin$  the

healin# in your heart and mind The more aware you make yoursel( o( thehealin# )rocesses that are ALREA,@  at work in your %ody L(rom the instant youstart ima#inin# and initiatin# a )ositive emotional state the more e((icient thehealin# )rocess will %ecome

o whatever you have to Hire a comedy (rom the movie store! #o see a musicalat the theatredo +hatever #ou 'ust to .e$in creatin$ a resource*ul

L)leasant and health(ul state

 You )ro%a%ly already know that lau$hter releases endorphins Lnatural)ain-killers and cell re)airin# hormones so adopt a 'ore opti'istic

outloo)  and choose to lau$h 'ore2

+( you say! <+8m Eust not that kind o( )erson! it8s not in my nature to act thatway= then you8re )ro%a%ly ri#ht and that8s why your have de)leted yourimmune system and are now (acin# a health challen#e

+ don8t #et anythin# out o( tellin# you to %e ha))y +t doesn8t matter to me inthe least i( you cry or lau#h the only reason + tell you this is %ecause it is a

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'edical *act that our i''une s#ste's *unction .etter when choose tostay in hi#h s)irits

+( you are a naturally %roodin# )erson! tou#h& 1i(e was desi#ned to %e enEoyedand e.)erienced and #ou can choose to reevaluate #our attitude and

personalit# at an# ti'e As humans we choose our %ehaviors and can makeadEustments to out attitudes as the need arises

Be +ell and live in health or emaciate your immune system! the choice isyours