DIANA DILLPICKLES IN A 4-REEL "SCREECHER" FILM STAR?TUESDAY, FEBRUARY Ift. 1915 PAOE 4 FOILING THE ARTISTIC INSTINCT Chagrin HaM Wllltam: ?? 'Tla certainly odd. WlK'ii I Ktv<» my tni- I '-rlal nod Th? i'io» '1" ft *' I cannot why; I mint writ* a aharp letter to God." For Imoktri Only f'holly: "Wlwn I waa it l»oy, you know, the doctor aald If I didn't alop aiiioHnu clgareta I would be- ioin» fwble mlnd«-d " Mlaa Kwn: "Well, why didn't von atop?" Began at Once "Have you ever thought n«-rti)ii»ly of marriage. "Indeed I have; ever aliice the cere- mony." THE SEATTLE STAR MKMRI.It (IF «l HU'f« MiHTMItm IKAt.IB l>r MCW«r«»*KH» T»lrgr«|«K «mir* mt tfca 1 ?tl«4 rr*»« Kn(«r*<l kt BeattU, Waah.. aa a*r«n4-Cla*« \u25a0> mai,. ««| of Hty. !»? par month up i < moa « moa II 10 >?>> IJ M By aMrl»f. rlty 5 ? mm>!h PaMUkril Dally by Tkt Star r»hll>fcl«« «?. Pk«a> Mala MM. P|l««t. tiffcaagt eaaaffilm all +rperta»»ala _ Bolton Should Worry SI IT< »KTKKS of the cahdidacy ot II \\ Bolton, i>rc- dent of the Central I.alnir council ami a candidate f< nomination for the city council, have been gt\'en to utidei stand. they say, that the Washington Democrat, repudiate !»y democrats. which last week contained an editorial attac Bolton, will i>er>ist in Its attitude in case Bolton i- urn ~ji those tic >minate<l a Ihe tcrril>le charge brought against Bolton by the pape n is»ue last week that he is not qualified lor th« position of councilman. \\» explanation just the statemen that l|p qualified. It that is a -amole of the Washing ; ton Democrat's ammunition against B->lton. Bolton's trienU' , nfeould worrv and get wrinkles OLYMPIA LAWMAKERS voted yesterday to kill the iighrhour * t<«* on public "work. Give 'em rope enough and they'll commit hari- kari. He'* Just Human J%Uk(«l. \Y I'KKKINS »»)\u25a0> it's because the American if 3 1* farmer is holding on lor $2 wheat Well, maybe so. But it in one of the tunes when the American farmer is able to say: "What are you going to do ? about it?" It i-» possible, indeed, that the American farmer, rather than the American wheat pit, is just now fixing the price of what the American farmer has raised. Wheat may not go to S2, but American consumers might as well make up their minds now that w heat will not l>e J cheap this year, or next. Conditions all point to a reliable market American wheat at comparatively high price*, a . prospect that the American farmer observes, and it will influ- ence him to raise more wheat and hang on to it longer than h t'sual. He's just like any other fellow who has something that's worth something If, as Mr Perkins says, he's holding up the price of wheat, it's about the first chance he's had to ' «k> it and h< H enjoy himself regardless of the sue of the " «*> TODAY'S ELECTION day?perhaps the quietest held h#r* for y«ar«. Nevertheless. don't pas* up your right'to vote. i Now That He' 9 "Out' TN hi* opposition to the premonition to cut off shipment of |p v A war munitions to belligerent*. \\ m Howard Taft is as *clear and sound as a noon whittle He *ays such prohibition would mean more armament * of nation* not now well -ntpplied and, in the present exigency, it would l>e violation of neutrality -because it would inure only to tne advantage of one of the belligerents It is quite remarkable that, during the past two vears, Tafts attitude toward many public matters has been correct. Maybe you ran spoil some men by making them president IF THE.R shrieks of anguish are justified, the Seattle Electric magnate* are losing more In a day than the municipal railway In a ? month Indiana's Political Dirt ACCORDING to those federal indictment* in Indiana, re publican nominees put up money with a democratic boss to insure their election, and then were defeated They're pretty primitive in a Mate where the double cross can be worked on them For good, healthy, honest squealing, give us a party who ha» got fhe double-cross. The govern- ment seems to have struck pay dirt in Indiana and it should keep digging until every political rascal is turned up Uric Acid in Your Food DM roti «T«r think that yonr hat ka' be; nervouanea* and urinary trouble* might be due to what vou eat? \u2666 \u2666. ! "RUNNING THI CITY" Burletta In Oni Act \u2666 . _ . ....\u2666: SCkNE?City council shambar. TIME?Any old Monday after- noon. LENGTH OF ACTlON?Usually about an hour and .3 minutes, ad Journment always being taken ao soma councilman can attand a mora < serloua performance at a mowia houaa. CAST Or CHAR ACT E Rt?Nine councilman, a faw friends and a«*? eral opponent* of councilman, occu pylng the lobby aeata. city depart manl heada and clerha. and rapre sentatlvea of the Chamber of Com marca. the Building Managers' asao elation and Seattle Electric Co., oc- cupying aaata ma'de tna rail; a fa* atandlng up outaide the rail to rap rasant Mr. Common People ? . __ \u2666 FIRST AND ONLY ACT » - \u2666 AlDhttt* K mm*. |>r««ltlOM( of »h<» pounril?Comt to ortl«>r Call lh» roll. I Clerk Street ?Cooler I>amd If lt*fo-1 gahorlakochinarefsiroltfweslpMwer- strgicvbnmokaedfghtyre and Mar ble one ,of the Common People What's that? What did he Bay' Another t hie of the Common I'npple?OatnKlun Manager Bradley of Itulldlng Malingers' Vasovlatlon There gv'» the weekly circus again, Prank Singleton of the C. of 0. I'hutn KM nance C ark Drake -Of i otirse br I wan aayltiK. If l>ug < an place another Hill Jamea this season, In intend of that l'resld«4it llaa< (pounding eavell ? Here, come to order, you fellowa l<*t s pay attention to business Clerk Street Ktriergenrv reaolu Hon tlinody toodles for repair of S K quarter of N K section of lot j*. resolution to vacate I'mtysev ??nth reui'uistrancr a»v>lnat paving Mllppcr) »l urdlnance to provide arc lights, resolution to In testtgate the Investigators on Ce- dar river communication from Charlot(e Jones, demanding hang IM tor an* on* rnimht amnion* aa \u25a0<>«Rm*nt roll No fi4,S«7, etc Councilman Ooddard (fining e* ( ItaMlly out or hla anal I- I Mil I hem somebody mention Codir river dam* I'd like to ask why thai dam himlf ess Un'l being Investigated \\> have only bud steen investlgA tlout.. and ever since ! started my fight against City Knglneer Thorn won, alwijit the year that llryan ran for president fhe first tlnfe, that i darn w>» my own to yell about. Now, i ask why has any body mentioned I'edar river darn without consulting me flrat, eh? I demand an Investigation Cotinrllman KlUgerald Holl rail Mr I'realdent. Clerk H»r< i-t < "OlevlJantdlfltgfo gahooreborknkalochhiuarehfeirulCf Few people do enough heavy work to need the heavy meal* they eat. Meat. l»eans and other nitro- genous foods put uric arid In the blood. To filter thla Impure blood weaken* the kl4ney*. Then mine rheumatic palna, nervous disorder*, headache* and dizziness, and dan- ger of drop*y, hardening of the ar- teries, or Riight'a disease. Tske warning It lan't hard to cur« Kidney trouble if a gon<l medl- cine Ilk# Ijoan's Kidney Pill* is used In time. Help the medicine, however, by reducing the diet I'se rnllk and water In place of stimulants Keep regular hours. Avoid overwork and worry and take datk walks Relief should then come quickly. Ooan's Kidney Pills are recom- mended everywhere as a thorough- ly reliable kidney tonic SEATTLE PROOF: Charles M. Co*, railroad brake- man, 226 Third Ave, N., Seattle, says "Several years ago. when Jiving In Pennsylvania, I wax suf- fering from a dull ache across the ? mall of my back When I straight- ened after stooping, sharp pains darted thronKh me. The secretions from my kidney a passed Irregularly and nare me no end of aohoyance The first bo* of Doan's Kidney Pills helped me so murh that I not another, and. since using that, I haven't been bothered at all." 'F**rp Ptrtur9 Tellt a Story" / ADOAN'SpES al D««ler».F*tce 50c fecttr-MftumCo. R-op*. Buffalo,NY OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE RECIPE TO CLEAR ft PIMPLY SKIN N. Y. POLICE TRY TO HANG CHARGE ON DYNAMITER Pimple*. *ore* and hollo uaually re*ult from toxin*, polnon* and Im purities which are generated In the bowel* and then absorber) Into tin- blood thj..n«h the very fillet* which nlioulr] absorb only nourishment to *ii*taln the fxill y It I* the function of the kidney* to filter Impurltle* from the blood and cast them out In the form of \u25a0irlrie. hut In many ln*tames the bowel* create more toxin* and Im piirltle* than the kldnevs can ellm Inate, then tin* blood n*e* the *kln pores a* the next bent mean* of net Unit rid of theiie Impu'rUle* which often break out *11 over the *kln In the form of pimple*. The »ure*t way to clear the akin (if theae eruption*, aay* a noted au- ' >M»i iI y. I* to net from any phar- macy ahiNit four ounce* of .lad Halt* and take a tahleapooiiful In a glass of hot water each mornliiK before !>r«akfa*t for one week Till* will prevent the formation of toxin* In the bowel*. It al*o atlmulnte* the kidney* to normal activity, thu* coaxing them to filter the blood of Impurltle* and clearing the akin or plinple* ?lad Halt* I* inexpensive, barmle** and I* made from the add of grapes and lemon Julie, combined with llthla. Here yon have a pleaaant, effervescent drink which usually make* pimple* dl*appear; clean *\u25a0<* the blood and I* excellent for the kidney* aa well.? Advertisement. NKW YORK. Feb The police are trying to connect Matthew A. Schmidt, allcgi-d accomplice of John J. and .lame* H, McNamara In the dynamiting of the Angeles Times, who was arrested here Saturday night, with the re- cent outrages at St Patrick's ca- thedral here, the Tomb* and the fironx county court. I,OS ANOKI-KS. Feb 16 The board of supervisors appropriated $1,000 today to defray the expenses <f sending IMstrl't Attorney Wood wine and two county detectives to New Vork to lake charge of M A. Schmidt, wanted ho re In connec tlon with the dynamiting of the I,o* Angeles Tlmwa building In 1910 JUST USTEN TO AL Councilman (ioddard rose In mighty wrath Monday, the same being one day before Tuesday, which Is election day. Hald Ooddaril "I hereby offer a resolution requesting the mayor to otfer $250 for the arrest of the COWARDS responsible for the dl* trlbutlon of tacks on KnsttpUe ave. and the I'nlverslty." Pimple* Are Impurltie* Seeking an Outlet THrouQh Skin Pore*. The resolution was referred (o the finance committee. "When You're Well, Keep Well" 4a*lbrr artlrk la IV Star'* health ra«pal|n hfla« roadurted Hllh co-oprralloa ol Imrrlraa Urdiral Issorlallta PARENTS SHOULD SET GOOD EXAMPLE A menial attitude that Keara watrhlng la the era* In* of the rhlld for aym patty. I'arenta are real Iv tmklnd In yield- tearh the rhlld tol atirh a rravlng True ltindnea« will learh the rhlld r*|r mi aetf help Htlll another manifestation. com won tti children and foatered trm often lit the example of the |at ent» la Indei lalon. In one form of fttn-tli>n»l nervogi diaeaae Inde « lal«n la a moat prominent atmp torn Paranta ahnuldl ana t/» II U>au children ara not expo#**!' to a nlfloua example Iw tnta regard While there are aome rhlldren of the hair trigger ' tj-pe who hare to be taught deliberation In the mak In* of deHalona. there are more who hare a tendenc* to doubt and Inderlaton and who ahotild he taught that It la better, after due ronalderatlon. to make a derlalon even though It be wrong, and to atlrk to It. rather than to remain undecided The cdntrol of the etronger pa* alone la for aome eatater then the mattery nf the ordinary Irritation, and nerv<Ai» children ahonld, both lis example and by precept, lie taught how to allfle Irritability whenever It arlaea Ho few nilult* have teamed how to meet the dallt friction that there wotild «erm (ml little chance ret for lh» nervoua rhll<l conntnnth e\ !»i««"l fo a had example At an o baa event writer haa aald. "an Important feature of tha art of living conalata In keeping tha paaca. the whole peece and nothing but the peace with thoae with whom one la thrown." Muacular oarclae haa the aame BAD COLD? FEEL HEADACHY, DULL AND STOPPED UP Don't atav atuffed-up' Quit blowing and anttffllng' A doae of "PapA'a Cold Compound" taken every two houra until three doae* are taken will end grippe inlaerv and break up n aevere c«ld cither In the head, cheat, body or limb* It promptly open* clogged up no* trll* and air paaaagpn ntopa naat> dlachnrgc or nose running, rellews nick headache, dulliipaa, feverlah neaa. aore throat, aneeilng. tore tiea* and atlffneaa "I'ape'a {'old Compound" I* the qulckeat, aureat relief known and coata only 2f> cenla at drug More* It acta without aaHlatanco. tauten nice, and caimee n>i Inconvenience. iKin't accept a aubatltute. ; Ends Dry. Hoarse or ; Painful Coughs j Quickly ? A Mlmplf. Ilam#>- Mm 4# Krinnlt, , ? Inatprnaly*. Hut I "f1 0 Tha prompt And pMltlvt raaulta givan br thla pl«Ma«nt failing hrtmo msd* rough amiQ hAa rauMd li fn u»#d In mora hoinas than any othar ram ad y it glvsa altnoat Inatant ral|«»f and will tttu Ally ovwrom# tlt? ivcini* rough In ft hours «At JS mmraa Plnat rio ranta wortht from ?ny<lr»ii atora, pour It Into a pint l>Mttlo mikl rill tli* bottle with plain granulated augur ayrup Thin mak»« h fell pint .% family aupply of tha m«ni offactlva fotifh ramady ni a rost of only .4 ranta or l»aa You wouldn't buy mm h raadv-mada nni|h madlrlna for I- B" Maallv prepared And n«v»r ApollA. full direct lona with Fln#i TbA profnptnaa* certainty And eaae with which thin I'lnti Syrup ovurconim a bad rough. rhAAI or throat rold la 'truly r»mA.rliable It qulrkly loosana a dry. boaraa or tight tough and h*ala and soothes (i I'Minful rough In a hurry With a persistant looaa rough It Atopg lha formation of phlegm In tbs tbrost and bronchial tubas, thus ending tha nn novtng hacking I'lnf * Is H highly ranrentrated coin pound of genuine Norway plna evtrart. rlrh In gularol and Is famous (ba world ovar for Ita apl*ndld affart in bronchitis whooping rough bronchial asihms And winter roughs To avoid dlsappolni mant In mslilng this aeV your drugalst for "ii* nuncae >f Plnci." and don't arr«pt anvthtng else A guArantaa of Abaoluta aatlafaa (lon or money promptly refund«d. gn^| «lth Ibis preparation Tbs I'tnes 0> ft Wajns, liid. affact en tha body that putting on tha draught* haa on th« furnac*? it raiaaa tha tamparatura of tha mutcutar tiaaua Alao. It ?hake* tha aahaa and cllnkar* out of tho ' human furnace. A PP J J?hnnjr/\Sufe COLLEGE WOMEN TO MEET ON SATURDAY The Collate Women'* cluh will hold It* February meeting next Sat unlay at the WaMhlngton Annex at 12 o'clock Kach member I* enti- tled to bring ah many guest* a* she liewlre? Mr*. J. A. Heed will npnak on "Educational Guidance and In duatrlal Kfflclency." Mr*. George 11. Ilalley entwtnln ed the club nt an lnfortunl mixer Friday afternoon Hi h<>r home, 50011 NDltli ave, N. K The decorations, entertainment anil refre*hmeiit* were tn 1< f«>i>ltik with the Valentino HAMon. In the mimical content, Mr* Roy I). MMnkerton won the price. By treating young chicken* with high frequency. high voltage cur rcnta of electricity, a London ex perlmenter tM N WTUIe them grow more rapidly than (hone «ltliout tin treatment T1 ft? TJ A XJF 'T7lVyf 17AD fUTQ f Our Councilmen Meet, Call Roll, Goddard Talks About Some WCi \u25a0 \u25a0 "i"" \u25a0 \u25a0 ? Dam Business and Dale Says Everybody Is Nutty Except Himself Small Hoy Father, la that aJIT On® of the C. P. ?Top. Hmall Hoy?But they didn't do nothing H«vond One of C. P. ?I alwaya knew that kid win a amart fellow. Hoth of the C. P. (pulling them helvea lonetber with a aleepy yawni Now for u real abow go : im Charlie Chaplin. Iwe *l|>owi-r« rfK*rvbrinoka*dfghytre krt<l .Murlilc Hnven a yea, two rtwy«, Coini'Hnixn I>ale ftikl (joddard vot i Ing nay. Councilman Dale?Now, Mr 1 I'ccaldent. 1 would like to a»k on* more queaiion. Councilman He*keih? Move «r adjourn. l'r«*|ilent llaaa ?Council atanda i adjourned till next Monday. HOST ANYTHING. Why Jink*?But why do the alllea uae nmi la? Hlnka They Intend to Invade Cermany and have to have an ani- mal that ran go two week* with- out water. when It waa ao eaay hla wife glvea him a hard look, and ahe ttyi, henry, let me aee your watrh and by golly., henry dldent have no watrh 12 the reat of hla life he la going to f|n'ml u.-tiint; square with hla «Ife lor what ah<* said to him. aiul the other 1-J \u25a0ooklng for that pick- pocklt johnny A tad Caae The worried rountenanre of the l>rld< groom dl*n<rl>er| the heat man. i Tlptn-lng up thfc atale, he whia- r<eted: "What'a the matter, Jock? llae ye loat the ring*" "No." blurted out the unhappy Joe*, "the Mng'a *afe eno'. But, mon. I've loat ma entliualaam." Strictly Caah Bat* t Shortly after the reconstruction p'rlod began, an old Houthern ;>l inter met one of his negro** > notn he had not »e«-n strife the j tatter's liberation "Well, well!" *ntd the planter. What are you doing now. t'ncle Joahr "l a a prearhln' of de Oogpll." "What' You prearhlngT" ' Yaaaeh. maraler, I'a ? prearhln'.'* Well, well* Do you uae notea*" "Noaauh At de fuat I uae notea but now I de mand) de raah " An Indiscreet Memory "You and that very charming Mlaa Malrolm were boy and girl frlenda, I'm told " "Yea i 1 aaw >ou talking to her You muat have had a delightful tlnje i recalling early days." 'Well, no. I tried to make It j pleaaan'. but It didn't *eem to work I! r<-cal|ed to her how she climbed tree* and fence* when ahe waa 10 j veers old. and «he gave me a free* Ing look I hen I aaked her to re member how ahe waa thrown f rom an bobsled and went head foremen! into a anowdrift nnd hturk there You were 7 year* old," j j I aald. 'and 1 recall that you wore' ? What oo you think ahe did*' "I dunno " "Said '9lrV and atalked awav."j e ? e A GRATEFUL MAN "Ym, when I waa your age. Mr boy, 1 used to slide down htll on it sled. too " "I'm murh obllE'-d to you. fir," "Much obliged? What for?' ' For not usln' all the snow." ? ? ? Disappears Quickly Tt»e view from the house waa a very beautiful one. and a* I stood drinking the milk and gazing about me. I aald: This ia a superb place to live'" "On. aye." replied the farmer, "it a a' rlcht; but hoo ad ye lak it, mnn, to hae to walk fufteen mil* ilka time ye wanted a bit glass o' whuaky?" "Oh. well, why don't yon get a gallon of whisky and keep It in the house*" He shook hla head vehemently. W husky," he replied, "won't keep?" Johnnys tetter Ny? toosday there la a kind- hearted man In thla town, and he la terrible mad CASCARETS CURE HEADACHE,COLDS CONSTIPATION he Is one of these fellers that believes In alwava extending » help- ing hand to the erring bruther but, the ne*t erring bruiher that com*-* hla way Is going to have annulling handed to him Juat north- east of hla front collar button anniboddy frisked thla gent's watch, and he put an add in the paper, 25 dollars reward and no questions asked Get a 10-oent box Take a Cascaret tonight to i cleanse your Lirer, Stomach and Howels. and you will surely fee] greit I>m morning You men and « mien «ho have headache, coated i tongue, a bad cold, are bilious, nervous, upset, bothered with a *lck. gassy, disordered stomach, or have backache anil feel all worn out. Are you keeping your bowels clean with Caacareta?or merely forcing a passagewav every few day# with Baits, cathartic pills or caator oil? ne*t day a |x>or mlserblelooklng ?htiinp come to hla offls. with the watch, and asked him for the 36 beins when the guy got the dough, he begun to cry wot'a the matter, says the tender- harted man ah, air. save the guy. blaniss has been bad, and my wife and child alnt had niitlilng to eat for 2 days dear me, aars the man, that Is 100 bad. you run right along and buy ttiem some grub, but first would you mind shoeing me how you got that «atch out of my pocklt without niA knowing it Casrarets Immediately cleanse and regulate the stomach, remove th® sour, undisputed and ferment- ing: food and foul Rases, take the excess bile from the liver and car- ry off the constipated waste mat- ter and poison from the bowels. Remember, a Caacaret tonight will straighten you out by morning. A 10-cent box from your druggist means healthy bowel aeiioti, a clear head and cheerfulness for month* Don't forget the chlldreu. so the dip he showed him Just how It was done, slipping it out of his porklt and hack Rgaln, several times then the man went homo and told his wife all about the poor pick- pocklt and how you couldent hardly blame anybody for picking pocklts SPINNING'S SPECIALS 25c Set Shelby Window or Door Hinges, Hook and Eye and Case- ment Fast Hook and Kye holds door open, and Casement Fast locks it shut I' j-ln. Corrugated Jaw, Screw Clamp Bench Vise Usually sold at 50c Can be used as a hand vise. $1.50 Bl4*ln. Haavy Slip Joint Combination Nut. Wlra, Pipe and -arrwa Flat-Nose Pllera <1 Also has cotter pin puller and screw driver; about, the all- around tool we ever saw. 4c Ft. Double-Link Brass Jack Chain 2c Ft Kor hanging pictures, hanging baskets, for shelves, etc. $25.00 Flying Merkel Bicycle $17 00 Muaclaman ttraUe, basket tread tires." A Sharp Razor Blade Is Neceaaary for a Good Shave We Make Them Real Sharp?Better Than Vou Ever Had Before, Probably SPINNING'S CASH STORE


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ChagrinHaM Wllltam:

?? 'Tla certainly odd.WlK'ii I Ktv<» my tni-

I '-rlal nodTh? i'io» '1" ft*'

I cannot why;I mint writ* a aharp

letter to God."

For Imoktri Onlyf'holly: "Wlwn I

waa it l»oy, you know,

the doctor aald If I

didn't alop aiiioHnuclgareta I would be-ioin» fwble mlnd«-d


Mlaa Kwn: "Well,

why didn't von atop?"

Began at Once"Have you ever

thought n«-rti)ii»ly ofmarriage.

"Indeed I have;ever aliice the cere-mony."


T»lrgr«|«K «mir* mt tfca 1 ?tl«4 rr*»«

Kn(«r*<l kt BeattU, Waah.. aa a*r«n4-Cla*«

\u25a0> mai,. ««| of Hty. !»? par month up i < moa « moa II 10 >?>> IJ MBy aMrl»f. rlty 5 ? mm>!h

PaMUkril Dally by Tkt Star r»hll>fcl«« «?. Pk«a> Mala MM. P|l««t.tiffcaagt eaaaffilm all +rperta»»ala


Bolton Should Worry

SI IT< »KTKKS of the cahdidacy ot II \\ Bolton, i>rc-dent of the Central I.alnir council ami a candidate f<

nomination for the city council, have been gt\'en to utideistand. they say, that the Washington Democrat, repudiate!»y democrats. which last week contained an editorial attac

Bolton, will i>er>ist in Its attitude in case Bolton i- urn~ji those tic>minate<l

a Ihe tcrril>le charge brought against Bolton by the papen is»ue last week that he is not qualified lor th«

position of councilman. \\» explanation just the statemen

that l|p qualified. It that is a -amole of the Washing; ton Democrat's ammunition against B->lton. Bolton's trienU', nfeould worrv and get wrinkles

OLYMPIA LAWMAKERS voted yesterday to kill the iighrhour* t<«* on public "work. Give 'em rope enough and they'll commit hari-


He'* Just HumanJ%Uk(«l. \Y I'KKKINS »»)\u25a0> it's because the American

if 3 1* farmer is holding on lor $2 wheatWell, maybe so. But it in one of the tunes when the

American farmer is able to say: "What are you going to do? about it?" It i-» possible, indeed, that the American farmer,

rather than the American wheat pit, is just now fixing theprice of what the American farmer has raised.

Wheat may not go to S2, but American consumers mightas well make up their minds now that w heat will not l>e

J cheap this year, or next. Conditions all point to a reliablemarket f« American wheat at comparatively high price*, a

. prospect that the American farmer observes, and it will influ-ence him to raise more wheat and hang on to it longer than

h t'sual. He's just like any other fellow who has somethingthat's worth something If, as Mr Perkins says, he's holdingup the price of wheat, it's about the first chance he's had to

' «k> it and h< H enjoy himself regardless of the sue of the"


TODAY'S ELECTION day?perhaps the quietest held h#r* fory«ar«. Nevertheless. don't pas* up your right'to vote.

i Now That He' 9 "Out'TN hi* opposition to the premonition to cut off shipment of

|p vA war munitions to belligerent*. \\ m Howard Taft is as*clear and sound as a noon whittle

He *ays such prohibition would mean more armament* of nation* not now well -ntpplied and, in the present exigency,it would l>e violation of neutrality -because it would inure onlyto tne advantage of one of the belligerents

It is quite remarkable that, during the past two vears,Tafts attitude toward many public matters has been correct.Maybe you ran spoil some men by making them president

IF THE.R shrieks of anguish are justified, the Seattle Electricmagnate* are losing more In a day than the municipal railway In a

? month

Indiana's Political Dirt

ACCORDING to those federal indictment* in Indiana, republican nominees put up money with a democratic

boss to insure their election, and then were defeatedThey're pretty primitive in a Mate where the double cross

can be worked on them For good, healthy, honest squealing,give us a party who ha» got fhe double-cross. The govern-ment seems to have struck pay dirt in Indiana and it shouldkeep digging until every political rascal is turned up

Uric Acid in Your FoodDM roti «T«r think that yonr

hat ka' be; nervouanea* and urinarytrouble* might be due to what voueat?

\u2666 \u2666.! "RUNNING THI CITY"

Burletta In Oni Act\u2666 . _ . ....\u2666:

SCkNE?City council shambar.TIME?Any old Monday after-

noon.LENGTH OF ACTlON?Usually

about an hour and .3 minutes, ad

Journment always being taken aosoma councilman can attand a mora

< serloua performance at a mowia

houaa.CAST Or CHAR ACT E Rt?Nine

councilman, a faw friends and a«*?

eral opponent* of councilman, occupylng the lobby aeata. city depart

manl heada and clerha. and rapresentatlvea of the Chamber of Commarca. the Building Managers' asaoelation and Seattle Electric Co., oc-cupying aaata ma'de tna rail; a fa*

atandlng up outaide the rail to raprasant Mr. Common People

? . __ \u2666FIRST AND ONLY ACT

» - \u2666AlDhttt* K mm*. |>r««ltlOM( of »h<»

pounril?Comt to ortl«>r Call lh»roll. I

Clerk Street ?Cooler I>amd Iflt*fo-1gahorlakochinarefsiroltfweslpMwer-strgicvbnmokaedfghtyre and Marble

one ,of the Common PeopleWhat's that? What did he Bay'

Another t hie of the CommonI'npple?OatnKlun

Manager Bradley of ItulldlngMalingers' Vasovlatlon There gv'»

the weekly circus again,

Prank Singleton of the C. of 0.I'hutn

KM nance C ark Drake -Of i otirse

br I wan aayltiK. If l>ug < an placeanother Hill Jamea this season, Inintend of that

l'resld«4it llaa< (pounding eavell? Here, come to order, you fellowal<*t s pay attention to business

Clerk Street Ktriergenrv reaoluHon tlinody toodles for repair of SK quarter of N K section of lotj*. resolution to vacate I'mtysev

??nth reui'uistrancr a»v>lnatpaving Mllppcr) »l urdlnance toprovide arc lights, resolution to Intesttgate the Investigators on Ce-dar river communication from

Charlot(e Jones, demanding hang

IM tor an* on* rnimht amnion* aa\u25a0<>«Rm*nt roll No fi4,S«7, etc

Councilman Ooddard (fining e*( ItaMlly out or hla anal I- I Mil I hemsomebody mention Codir riverdam* I'd like to ask why thai damhimlf ess Un'l being Investigated\\> have only bud steen investlgAtlout.. and ever since ! started myfight against City Knglneer Thornwon, alwijit the year that llryan ran

for president fhe first tlnfe, that idarn w>» my own to yell

about. Now, i ask why has anybody mentioned I'edar river darnwithout consulting me flrat, eh? I

demand an Investigation

Cotinrllman KlUgerald Holl railMr I'realdent.

Clerk H»r< i-t < "OlevlJantdlfltgfo


Few people do enough heavywork to need the heavy meal* theyeat. Meat. l»eans and other nitro-genous foods put uric arid In theblood. To filter thla Impure bloodweaken* the kl4ney*. Then minerheumatic palna, nervous disorder*,headache* and dizziness, and dan-ger of drop*y, hardening of the ar-teries, or Riight'a disease.

Tske warning It lan't hard tocur« Kidney trouble if a gon<l medl-cine Ilk# Ijoan's Kidney Pill* isused In time.

Help the medicine, however, byreducing the diet I'se rnllk andwater In place of stimulants Keepregular hours. Avoid overwork andworry and take datk walks Reliefshould then come quickly.

Ooan's Kidney Pills are recom-mended everywhere as a thorough-ly reliable kidney tonic

SEATTLE PROOF:Charles M. Co*, railroad brake-

man, 226 Third Ave, N., Seattle,says "Several years ago. whenJiving In Pennsylvania, I wax suf-fering from a dull ache across the? mall of my back When I straight-ened after stooping, sharp pains

darted thronKh me. The secretionsfrom my kidney a passed Irregularlyand nare me no end of aohoyanceThe first bo* of Doan's KidneyPills helped me so murh that I notanother, and. since using that, Ihaven't been bothered at all."'F**rp Ptrtur9Tellt a Story" /

ADOAN'SpESal D««ler».F*tce 50c fecttr-MftumCo. R-op*. Buffalo,NY




Pimple*. *ore* and hollo uauallyre*ult from toxin*, polnon* and Impurities which are generated In thebowel* and then absorber) Into tin-blood thj..n«h the very fillet* whichnlioulr] absorb only nourishment to*ii*taln the fxilly

It I* the function of the kidney*to filter Impurltle* from the bloodand cast them out In the form of\u25a0irlrie. hut In many ln*tames thebowel* create more toxin* and Impiirltle* than the kldnevs can ellmInate, then tin* blood n*e* the *klnpores a* the next bent mean* of netUnit rid of theiie Impu'rUle* whichoften break out *11 over the *kln Inthe form of pimple*.

The »ure*t way to clear the akin(if theae eruption*, aay* a noted au-' >M»i iIy. I* to net from any phar-macy ahiNit four ounce* of .lad Halt*and take a tahleapooiiful In a glassof hot water each mornliiK before!>r«akfa*t for one week Till* willprevent the formation of toxin* Inthe bowel*. It al*o atlmulnte* thekidney* to normal activity, thu*coaxing them to filter the blood ofImpurltle* and clearing the akin orplinple*

?lad Halt* I* inexpensive, barmle**and I* made from the add of grapesand lemon Julie, combined withllthla. Here yon have a pleaaant,effervescent drink which usuallymake* pimple* dl*appear; clean *\u25a0<*

the blood and I* excellent for thekidney* aa well.? Advertisement.

NKW YORK. Feb 1« The policeare trying to connect Matthew A.Schmidt, allcgi-d accomplice ofJohn J. and .lame* H, McNamaraIn the dynamiting of theAngeles Times, who was arrestedhere Saturday night, with the re-cent outrages at St Patrick's ca-thedral here, the Tomb* and thefironx county court.

I,OS ANOKI-KS. Feb 16 Theboard of supervisors appropriated$1,000 today to defray the expenses<f sending IMstrl't Attorney Woodwine and two county detectives toNew Vork to lake charge of M A.Schmidt, wanted ho re In connectlon with the dynamiting of theI,o* Angeles Tlmwa building In1910

JUST USTEN TO ALCouncilman (ioddard rose In

mighty wrath Monday, the samebeing one day before Tuesday,which Is election day.

Hald Ooddaril "I hereby offera resolution requesting the mayorto otfer $250 for the arrest of theCOWARDS responsible for the dl*trlbutlon of tacks on KnsttpUe ave.and the I'nlverslty."

Pimple* Are Impurltie* Seekingan Outlet THrouQh Skin


The resolution was referred (o

the finance committee.

"When You're Well, Keep Well"4a*lbrr artlrk la IV Star'* health ra«pal|n hfla« roadurted

Hllh co-oprralloa ol Imrrlraa Urdiral Issorlallta


A menial attitude that Kearawatrhlng la the era* In* of therhlld for aympatty.

I'arenta are realIv tmklnd In yield-tearh the rhlld tolatirh a rravlng

True ltindnea« willlearh the rhlldr*|r mi aetf help

Htlll another manifestation. comwon tti children and foatered trmoften lit the example of the |at

ent» la Indei lalon. In one form offttn-tli>n»l nervogi diaeaae Inde« lal«n la a moat prominent atmptorn Paranta ahnuldl ana t/» II U>auchildren ara not expo#**!' to anlfloua example Iw tnta regard

While there are aome rhlldren ofthe hair trigger ' tj-pe who hare tobe taught deliberation In the makIn* of deHalona. there are morewho hare a tendenc* to doubt andInderlaton and who ahotild hetaught that It la better, after dueronalderatlon. to make a derlaloneven though It be wrong, and toatlrk to It. rather than to remainundecided

The cdntrol of the etronger pa*alone la for aome eatater then themattery nf the ordinary Irritation,and nerv<Ai» children ahonld, bothlis example and by precept, lietaught how to allfle Irritabilitywhenever It arlaea

Ho few nilult* have teamed howto meet the dallt friction that therewotild «erm (ml little chance n« retfor lh» nervoua rhll<l conntnnth e\!»i««"l fo a had example

At an o baa event writer haa aald."an Important feature of tha art ofliving conalata In keeping tha paaca.the whole peece and nothing butthe peace with thoae with whomone la thrown."

Muacular oarclae haa the aame

BAD COLD? FEELHEADACHY, DULLAND STOPPED UPDon't atav atuffed-up'Quit blowing and anttffllng' A

doae of "PapA'a Cold Compound"taken every two houra until threedoae* are taken will end grippe

inlaerv and break up n aevere c«ldcither In the head, cheat, body orlimb*

It promptly open* clogged up no*trll* and air paaaagpn ntopa naat>dlachnrgc or nose running, rellewsnick headache, dulliipaa, feverlahneaa. aore throat, aneeilng. tore

tiea* and atlffneaa"I'ape'a {'old Compound" I* the

qulckeat, aureat relief known andcoata only 2f> cenla at drug More*It acta without aaHlatanco. tautennice, and caimee n>i Inconvenience.iKin't accept a aubatltute.

; Ends Dry. Hoarse or ;Painful Coughs

j Quickly? A Mlmplf. Ilam#>- Mm 4# Krinnlt, ,

? Inatprnaly*. Hut I "f10

Tha prompt And pMltlvt raaulta givanbr thla pl«Ma«nt failing hrtmo msd*rough amiQ hAa rauMd li fn h« u»#d Inmora hoinas than any othar ram ad y itglvsa altnoat Inatant ral|«»f and will tttuAlly ovwrom# tlt? ivcini* rough In fthours

«At JS mmraa Plnat rio ranta worthtfrom ?ny<lr»ii atora, pour It Into a pintl>Mttlo mikl rill tli* bottle with plaingranulated augur ayrup Thin mak»« hfell pint .% family aupply of tha m«ni

offactlva fotifh ramady ni a rost of only.4 ranta or l»aa You wouldn't buy n»mm h raadv-mada nni|h madlrlna forI- B" Maallv prepared And n«v»r ApollA.full direct lona with Fln#i

TbA profnptnaa* certainty And eaaewith which thin I'lnti Syrup ovurconima bad rough. rhAAI or throat rold la 'trulyr»mA.rliable It qulrkly loosana a dry.boaraa or tight tough and h*ala andsoothes (i I'Minful rough In a hurryWith a persistant looaa rough It Atopglha formation of phlegm In tbs tbrostand bronchial tubas, thus ending tha nnnovtng hacking

I'lnf* Is H highly ranrentrated coinpound of genuine Norway plna evtrart.rlrh In gularol and Is famous (ba worldovar for Ita apl*ndld affart in bronchitiswhooping rough bronchial asihms Andwinter roughs

To avoid dlsappolni mant In mslilngthis aeV your drugalst for "ii* nuncae>f Plnci." and don't arr«pt anvthtng

else A guArantaa of Abaoluta aatlafaa(lon or money promptly refund«d. gn^|«lth Ibis preparation Tbs I'tnes 0>ft Wajns, liid.

affact en tha body that putting ontha draught* haa on th« furnac*?it raiaaa tha tamparatura of thamutcutar tiaaua Alao. It ?hake*tha aahaa and cllnkar* out of tho

' human furnace.

APP JJ?hnnjr/\Sufe


The Collate Women'* cluh willhold It* February meeting next Satunlay at the WaMhlngton Annex at12 o'clock Kach member I* enti-tled to bring ah many guest* a* sheliewlre? Mr*. J. A. Heed will npnakon "Educational Guidance and Induatrlal Kfflclency."

Mr*. George 11. Ilalley entwtnlned the club nt an lnfortunl mixerFriday afternoon Hi h<>r home, 50011NDltli ave, N. K The decorations,entertainment anil refre*hmeiit*were tn 1< f«>i>ltik with the ValentinoHAMon. In the mimical content,Mr* Roy I). MMnkerton won theprice.

By treating young chicken* withhigh frequency. high voltage currcnta of electricity, a London experlmenter tMN WTUIe them growmore rapidly than (hone «ltliout tintreatment

T1 ft? TJ A XJF 'T7lVyf 17AD fUTQ f Our Councilmen Meet, Call Roll, Goddard Talks About SomeWCi \u25a0 \u25a0 "i"" \u25a0 \u25a0 ? Dam Business and Dale Says Everybody Is Nutty Except Himself

Small Hoy Father, la that aJITOn® of the C. P. ?Top.

Hmall Hoy?But they didn't donothing

H«vond One of C. P. ?I alwaya

knew that kid win a amart fellow.

Hoth of the C. P. (pulling them

helvea lonetber with a aleepy yawni

Now for u real abow go: im Charlie Chaplin.

Iwe *l|>owi-r« rfK*rvbrinoka*dfghytre

krt<l .Murlilc Hnven a yea, two rtwy«,Coini'Hnixn I>ale ftikl (joddard vot

i Ing nay.Councilman Dale?Now, Mr 1

I'ccaldent. 1 would like to a»k on*

more queaiion.Councilman He*keih? Move «r

adjourn.l'r«*|ilent llaaa ?Council atanda

i adjourned till next Monday.


Jink*?But why do the alllea uaenmi la?

Hlnka They Intend to InvadeCermany and have to have an ani-mal that ran go two week* with-out water.

when It waa ao eaayhla wife glvea him a hard look,

and ahe ttyi, henry, let me aeeyour watrh

and by golly., henry dldent haveno watrh

12 the reat of hla life he la goingto f|n'ml u.-tiint; square with hla«Ife lor what ah<* said to him. aiul

the other 1-J \u25a0ooklng for that pick-pocklt johnny

A tad Caae

The worried rountenanre of thel>rld< groom dl*n<rl>er| the heat man.

i Tlptn-lng up thfc atale, he whia-r<eted:

"What'a the matter, Jock? llaeye loat the ring*"

"No." blurted out the unhappyJoe*, "the Mng'a *afe eno'. But,mon. I've loat ma entliualaam."

Strictly Caah Bat* tShortly after the reconstruction

p'rlod began, an old Houthern;>l inter met one of his negro**> notn he had not »e«-n strife the

j tatter's liberation"Well, well!" *ntd the planter.

What are you doing now. t'ncleJoahr

"l a a prearhln' of de Oogpll.""What' You prearhlngT"' Yaaaeh. maraler, I'a ? prearhln'.'*

Well, well* Do you uae notea*""Noaauh At de fuat I uae notea

but now I de mand) de raah "

An Indiscreet Memory"You and that very charming

Mlaa Malrolm were boy and girlfrlenda, I'm told "

"Yea i

1 aaw >ou talking to her Youmuat have had a delightful tlnje

i recalling early days."'Well, no. I tried to make It

j pleaaan'. but It didn't *eem to workI! r<-cal|ed to her how she climbedtree* and fence* when ahe waa 10

j veers old. and «he gave me a free*Ing look I hen I aaked her to remember how ahe waa thrown froman bobsled and wenthead foremen! into a anowdrift nndhturk there You were 7 year* old," j

j I aald. 'and 1 recall that you wore' ?

What oo you think ahe did*'"I dunno


"Said '9lrV and atalked awav."j


"Ym, when I waa your age. Mrboy, 1 used to slide down htll onit sled. too


"I'm murh obllE'-d to you. fir,""Much obliged? What for?'' For not usln' all the snow."

? ? ?

Disappears QuicklyTt»e view from the house waa a

very beautiful one. and a* I stooddrinking the milk and gazing aboutme. I aald:

This ia a superb place to live'""On. aye." replied the farmer,

"it a a' rlcht; but hoo ad ye lak it,mnn, to hae to walk fufteen mil*ilka time ye wanted a bit glass o'whuaky?"

"Oh. well, why don't yon get agallon of whisky and keep It in thehouse*"

He shook hla head vehemently.W husky," he replied, "won't


Johnnys tetterNy? toosday there la a kind-

hearted man In thla town, and hela terrible mad CASCARETS CURE


he Is one of these fellers thatbelieves In alwava extending » help-ing hand to the erring bruther

but, the ne*t erring bruiher thatcom*-* hla way Is going to haveannulling handed to him Juat north-east of hla front collar button

anniboddy frisked thla gent'swatch, and he put an add in thepaper, 25 dollars reward and noquestions asked

Get a 10-oent boxTake a Cascaret tonight to

i cleanse your Lirer, Stomach andHowels. and you will surely fee]greit I>m morning You men and« mien «ho have headache, coated

i tongue, a bad cold, are bilious,nervous, upset, bothered with a*lck. gassy, disordered stomach, orhave backache anil feel all wornout. Are you keeping your bowelsclean with Caacareta?or merelyforcing a passagewav every fewday# with Baits, cathartic pills orcaator oil?

ne*t day a |x>or mlserblelooklng

?htiinp come to hla offls. with thewatch, and asked him for the 36beins

when the guy got the dough, hebegun to cry

wot'a the matter, says the tender-harted man

ah, air. save the guy. blaniss hasbeen bad, and my wife and childalnt had niitlilngto eat for 2 days

dear me, aars the man, that Is100 bad. you run right along andbuy ttiem some grub, but firstwould you mind shoeing me howyou got that «atch out of my pockltwithout niA knowing it

Casrarets Immediately cleanseand regulate the stomach, removeth® sour, undisputed and ferment-ing: food and foul Rases, take theexcess bile from the liver and car-ry off the constipated waste mat-ter and poison from the bowels.

Remember, a Caacaret tonightwill straighten you out by morning.A 10-cent box from your druggistmeans healthy bowel aeiioti, aclear head and cheerfulness formonth* Don't forget the chlldreu.

so the dip he showed him Justhow It was done, slipping it out ofhis porklt and hack Rgaln, severaltimes

then the man went homo and toldhis wife all about the poor pick-pocklt and how you couldent hardlyblame anybody for picking pocklts

SPINNING'S SPECIALS25c Set Shelby Window or Door Hinges, Hook and Eye and Case-ment Fast

Hook and Kye holds door open, and Casement Fast locks it shutI' j-ln. Corrugated Jaw, Screw Clamp Bench Vise

Usually sold at 50c Can be used as a hand vise.$1.50 Bl4*ln. Haavy Slip JointCombination Nut. Wlra, Pipe and -arrwaFlat-Nose Pllera <1

Also has cotter pin puller andscrew driver; about, the all-around tool we ever saw.4c Ft. Double-Link Brass Jack Chain 2c Ft

Kor hanging pictures, hanging baskets, for shelves, etc.$25.00 Flying Merkel Bicycle $17 00

Muaclaman ttraUe, basket tread tires."A Sharp Razor Blade Is Neceaaary for a Good Shave We Make

Them Real Sharp?Better Than Vou Ever Had Before, Probably