1 The Particular Constitutions of St. Pio of Pietrelcina Fraternity of the Secular Franciscan Order Preface These Constitutions are intended to deepen our living of the Gospel Life of St. Francis of Assisi. We are encouraged in this endeavor by Article 6.3 of The General Constitutions of the Secular Franciscan Order, which states: "The regional and the local fraternities may have their own statutes approved by the council of the higher level." By these Constitutions, we, as members of the Fraternity, express our firm desire to grow in holiness and the peace of Jesus Christ. Members are encouraged to form their lives according to the spirit of the Constitutions. We commit ourselves to these and aspire to follow them in order to grow in our living the Life of St. Francis. The paragraphs, especially those dealing with the spiritual life of the fraternity, are goals for personal growth and are not binding to sin. By these Constitutions, we consecrate St. Pio of Pietrelcina Fraternity to the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Queen of the Angels, and Our Mother. Moreover, we consecrate these very Constitutions to Her and place our formation according to them under Her Heavenly Patronage. We also invoke the intercession of our Seraphic Father, St. Francis of Assisi, and St. Pio of Pietrelcina, our patron. Section 1: Concerning the Spiritual Life of the Fraternity Article 1: Signs and Customs of the Fraternity 1.1.1: In conformity with the present practice of the order in this country, our primary daily sign of membership is the wearing of the Tau. 1.1.2: In conformity with the tradition of the order and the custom of our fraternity, we take new names at profession. This is a practice dating from the origins of our fraternity. 1.1.3: In conformity with the tradition of the order and the custom of our fraternity, we wear the Franciscan cord with three knots on special occasions and fraternity Masses. This is a practice dating from the origins of our fraternity. The cord is to be understood as our formal dress.

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1The Particular Constitutions of St. Pio of Pietrelcina Fraternity of the Secular

Franciscan Order


These Constitutions are intended to deepen our living of the Gospel Life of St. Francis of Assisi. We are encouraged in this endeavor by Article 6.3 of The General Constitutions of the Secular Franciscan Order, which states: "The regional and the local fraternities may have their own statutes approved by the council of the higher level." By these Constitutions, we, as members of the Fraternity, express our firm desire to grow in holiness and the peace of Jesus Christ. Members are encouraged to form their lives according to the spirit of the Constitutions. We commit ourselves to these and aspire to follow them in order to grow in our living the Life of St. Francis. The paragraphs, especially those dealing with the spiritual life of the fraternity, are goals for personal growth and are not binding to sin.

By these Constitutions, we consecrate St. Pio of Pietrelcina Fraternity to the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Queen of the Angels, and Our Mother. Moreover, we consecrate these very Constitutions to Her and place our formation according to them under Her Heavenly Patronage. We also invoke the intercession of our Seraphic Father, St. Francis of Assisi, and St. Pio of Pietrelcina, our patron.

Section 1: Concerning the Spiritual Life of the Fraternity

Article 1: Signs and Customs of the Fraternity

1.1.1: In conformity with the present practice of the order in this country, our primary daily sign of membership is the wearing of the Tau.

1.1.2: In conformity with the tradition of the order and the custom of our fraternity, we take new names at profession. This is a practice dating from the origins of our fraternity.

1.1.3: In conformity with the tradition of the order and the custom of our fraternity, we wear the Franciscan cord with three knots on special occasions and fraternity Masses. This is a practice dating from the origins of our fraternity. The cord is to be understood as our formal dress.

Article 2: The Eucharist

1.2.1: Francis writes to us in the Exhortation to the Laity: “All who love the Lord with their whole heart, with their whole soul and mind, with all their strength (cf. Mk 12:30), and love their neighbors as themselves (cf. Mt 22:39) and hate their bodies with their vices and sins, and receive the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and produce worthy fruits of penance.”

1.2.2: From the Exhortation to the Clergy, Francis writes: “For we have and see nothing bodily of the Most High in this world except His Body and Blood.”

1.2.3: All members are to attend daily Mass. We are to receive His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity reverently and often. He is our food for the journey.

1.2.4: All members are to spend at least one hour in adoration before Our Lord in the Eucharist each day. That could be fulfilled by two one-half hour time slots.

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21.2.5: Francis complains in the Letter to the Clergy about churches being dirty, altar linens being soiled, and the liturgy being celebrated sloppily. All members should be custodians of the liturgy, ensuring that the Mass is celebrated reverently and beautifully in our parish churches. We are to ensure that our churches are beautiful and well furnished. We are to promote authentic liturgical renewal according to the mind of the Holy Father and documents of the Church. This is a special apostolate which we have as Secular Franciscans.

1.2.6: One sign of reverence for the Eucharist, encouraged for all members, is reception of Communion on the tongue.

Article 3: Confession and Penance

1.3.1: Holy Father Francis instructs us in the Rule of 1209-10: “The Spirit of the Lord, however, wants the flesh to be mortified and looked down upon, considered of little worth and rejected.”

1.3.2: Francis writes to us in the Exhortation to the Laity: “All who love the Lord with their whole heart, with their whole soul and mind, with all their strength (cf. Mk 12:30), and love their neighbors as themselves (cf. Mt 22:39) and hate their bodies with their vices and sins, and receive the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and produce worthy fruits of penance.”

1.3.3: All members are to go to the sacrament of confession every two weeks or more regularly.

1.3.4: All members are to do penance daily.

1.3.5: In addition to fasting, abstinence, and almsgiving, members are to do specific acts of renunciation each week.

1.3.6: Our life of penance is a form of charity. As such members are to offer each day’s penance for a different intention. These intentions include: Priest and Religious, the conversion of Youth, the Men’s and Women’s Conferences, Holy Family Soup Kitchen, Members of the Franciscan Order and our fraternity, and the FCN charity of the month.

Article 4: Prayer

1.4.1: The Primitive Rule of the Third Order states: “All are daily to say the seven canonical Hours, that is: Matins, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline.”

1.4.2: Daily prayer is a crucial part of our Gospel life and life of Penance.

1.4.3: All members are to pray all 5 canonical hours each day: Office of Readings, Morning Prayer, Day Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Night Prayer.

1.4.4: All members are to spend one hour in prayer each day, ideally in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. This time is spent meditating on Scripture (especially the Gospels), the Liturgy of the Hours, the life and writings of St. Francis, spiritual writings, the Crown, or in silent contemplation.

1.4.5: All members are to begin their day with a morning offertory and consecrating all of their works, joys, and sufferings to Jesus through Mary.

1.4.6: All members are to examine their consciences in prayer at least once a day.

1.4.7: All members are to attempt to do the Stations of the Cross every Friday.

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1.4.8: All members are to own the Four Volume Liturgy of the Hours in order to fulfill 1.4.3. The charity of members or money from the fraternity fund is to aid those who cannot afford the set of books.

1.4.9: All members are to pray the Franciscan Prayer of Peace.

Article 5: Simplicity of Life

1.5.1: Francis instructs us in the Primitive First Rule: “When the brothers go through the world, let them take nothing for the journey, neither knapsack, nor purse, nor bread, nor money, nor walking stick. Whatever house they enter, let them first say: Peace to this house. They may eat and drink what is placed before them for as long as they stay in that house. Let them not resist anyone evil, but whoever strikes them on one cheek, let them offer him the other as well. Whoever takes their cloak let them not withhold their tunic. Let them give to all who ask of them and whoever takes what is theirs, let them not seek to take it back.”

1.5.2: All members are to live simply by living poverty according to their state of life.

1.5.3: All members are to tithe 10% of their income to charity.

1.5.4: All members are to dress simply.

1.5.5: All members are to refrain from wearing excessive jewelry.

1.5.6: All members are to assist those in need, especially through the Franciscan Charitable Network.

Article 6: Fast and Abstinence

1.6.1: The Primitive Rule of the Third Order states: “From the Pasch of the Resurrection to the feast of All Saints they are to fast on Fridays. From the feast of All Saints until Easter they are to fast on Wednesdays and Fridays, but still observing the other fasts enjoined in general by the Church. They are to fast daily, except on account of infirmity or any other need, throughout the fast of St. Martin from after said day until Christmas, and throughout the greater fast from Carnival Sunday until Easter. Sisters who are pregnant are free to refrain until their purification from the corporal observances except those regarding their dress and prayers. Those engaged in fatiguing work shall be allowed to take food three times a day from the Pasch of the Resurrection until the Dedication feast of St. Michael. And when they work for others it will be allowed them to eat everything served to them, except on Fridays and on the fasts enjoined in general by the Church.”

1.6.2: The Primitive Rule of the Third Order states: “All are to abstain from meat save on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, except on account of illness or weakness, for three days at blood-letting, in traveling, or on account of a specially high feast intervening, namely, the Nativity for three days, New Year's, Epiphany, the Pasch of the Resurrection for three days, Assumption of the glorious Virgin Mary, the solemnity of All Saints and of St. Martin. On the other days, when there is no fasting, they may eat cheese and eggs. But when they are with religious in their convent homes, they have leave to eat what is served to them. And except for the feeble, the ailing, and those travelling.”

1.6.3: All members (unless infirmed) are to fast every Friday throughout the year. The Fast consists of one large meal and two smaller meals. Members who are infirmed can exempt themselves from this fast.

1.6.4: All members (unless infirmed) are to fast every Wednesday and Friday of Lent and Advent. Members who are infirmed can exempt themselves from this fast.

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41.6.5: All members are to abstain from meat (all meat except fish and eggs) on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. They are to abstain from meat everyday in Lent and Advent.

1.6.7: All members are to abstain from desserts on days other than Sunday and Solemnities.

1.6.8: All members are to drink alcohol in moderation and abstain from it on Fridays, Lent, and Advent.

1.6.9: All members are to remember that out of charity, they are not to refuse the generosity of others because of their life of penance.

Article 7: Retreats

1.7.1: All members are to attend the one day Fraternity retreat each year. 1.7.2: All members are to take 3 days for private retreat once a year. Any structure is sufficient for this private retreat. The retreat can be one or three days long.

Article 8: Mary

1.8.1: All members are to consecrate themselves to the Blessed Virgin Mary either through the True Devotion of Louis de Montfort or the Consecration of Maximilian Kolbe.

1.8.2: All members are to say one Crown each day.

1.8.3: All members are to recite the Angelus three times a day, at either the traditional hours or at meals. The Regina Coeli is to replace the Angelus during the Easter season.

Section 2: Concerning the Business Life of the Fraternity

Article 1: Conducting Council Meetings

2.1.1: The council meeting is to be at least one week before the fraternity meeting.

2.1.2: The council meeting is to be structured as follows:a. Intro, prayer, and readingb. Old Business, Treasurer’s Reportc. Franciscan Charitable Work and Evangelization Apostolate Updatesd. Brief Review of Formation e. New Businessf. Final Prayer

2.1.3: The council meeting is not to last longer than one hour. If the meeting needs to last more than an hour, a vote must be taken of all present. A simple majority will allow the meeting to proceed.

2.1.4: Out of respect for the other members, no one is to talk unless recognized by the minister, who conducts the meeting.

2.1.5: New business includes points brought to the council by individual members.

2.1.6: At a given month’s council meeting the Franciscan Charitable Work charity for the next month is discussed.

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2.1.7: To speak, a member is to raise his/her hands. The minister will note the request and call on the members in turn.

2.1.8: In regards to New Business, only one major topic is to be discussed per meeting.

2.1.9: The quorum for a council meeting is at least three members of the council. If the quorum is not present the meeting is still to proceed as long as either the Minister or Spiritual Assistant is present. However, no votes are to occur if a quorum is not present. 2.1.10: The council consists of Minister, Vice Minister, Secretary, Treasurer, Formation Assistant, and Spiritual Assistant. The Councilor for the Franciscan Charitable Network is to attend but does not have a vote.

2.1.11: The Meeting is to start promptly at its set time regardless of whether a quorum is present.

2.1.12: The secretary is responsible for taking detailed notes of the council meeting. The minutes are to be forwarded by email to all council members and approved or corrected using email. The minutes are to be sent out no later than one week after the meeting. The final date for corrections is one week prior to the next council meeting. There is to be no public reading or approval of minutes during the council meeting.

2.1.13: Decisions requiring votes by the council, especially if a quorum was not present at the prior meeting, may be taken later by email. The emails containing the vote of each member are to be forwarded to all council members. The secretary, noting that an email vote took place, will then insert the decision and vote count into the Council meeting minutes as an addendum.

2.1.14: Without exception, there is to be at least one council meeting each month.

2.1.15: The dates and times for council meetings are to be established when the fraternity calendar is set. Changes to the date, time, and place are permitted based on the simple majority consent of the council.

2.1.16: The Minister is responsible for setting and distributing the agendas for the council meetings. These are to be sent out by email no later than two days before the meeting date.

Article 2: Concerning the Fraternity Meetings in General

2.2.1: The fraternity meetings occur on the third Sunday of the month, except for June. In June the meeting occurs on the fourth Sunday of the month.

2.2.2: Any exceptions to paragraph 2.2.1, are to be decided by a simple majority of members and candidates of the fraternity.

2.2.3: The structure for the fraternity meeting is as follow:a. 2:00-3:00: Adoration, Continuing formation led by Spiritual Assistant, Confessions, and

Benediction.b. 3:00-3:15: Social Timec. 3:15-4:00: Business Meetingd. 4:00-4:15: Evening Prayere. 4:15-5:00: Visitor Formation

2.2.4: The Spiritual Assistant or his delegate leads the continuing formation.

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62.2.5: There is to be at least one fraternity meeting each month without exception.

2.2.6: The Minister is responsible for setting and distributing the agendas for the fraternity meetings. These are to be sent out by email no later than two days before the meeting date.

Article 3: Concerning the Business Session of the Fraternity Meetings

2.3.1: The business session is to not last more than one hour. If the meeting needs to last more than an hour, a vote must be taken of all present. A simple majority will allow the meeting to proceed.

2.3.2: Out of respect for the other members, no one is to talk unless recognized by the minister.

2.3.3: The outline of the business meeting is as follows:a. Intro and Prayerb. Treasurer’s Reportc. Franciscan Charitable Network and Evangelization Reportsd. Old Businesse. New Business (as proposed by the Council)f. Final prayer

2.3.4: New business is brought up by Council members. For new business to be raised, it must first be brought to the attention of a council member and, then, brought to the council meeting. At the council meeting, a decision is made when or if an item is to be brought to the full fraternity at a fraternity meeting.

2.3.5: Only one major topic for new business is to be discussed at each monthly meeting.

2.3.6: The secretary is responsible for taking detailed notes of the business meeting. The minutes are to be forwarded by email to all fraternity members and approved or corrected using email. The minutes are to be sent within one week of the meeting. Final corrections are to be made by one before the next fraternity meeting. There is to be no public reading or approval of minutes during the fraternity meeting.

2.3.7: The agenda for the fraternity meeting, set and sent by the minister, is to include an agenda for the business session of the fraternity meeting.

2.3.8: To speak, members are to raise their hands. The minister will note the request and call on the members in turn.

2.3.9: The collection for the Fraternity, the FCN charity, and Br. Juniper fund, and the gathering of the FCN spiritual bouquet are not to be passed around at the meeting. A signup sheet for the spiritual bouquet and three separate containers are to be placed at the refreshment table for those in attendance to voluntarily contribute and fill out the form.

Section 3: Concerning the Fraternity Calendar

3.0.1: The following chart includes the required dates and schedule for various actions:Month Council Action Fraternity ActionJanuary March for LifeFebruary Candidates RetreatMarchApril

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7May Fraternity Calendar SetJune Fraternity Budget Set June 13: Feast of St. Anthony of PaduaJuly Fraternity Retreat

July 15: Feast of St. BonaventureAugust Fraternity Pilgrimage

August 2: Feast of Our Lady of the AngelsAugust 11: Feast of St. ClareAugust 25: Feast of St. Louis

September Fraternity PicnicSeptember 17: Feast of the Stigmata of St. FrancisSeptember 23: Feast of St. Pio

October Review of the Constitutions October 3: Transitus CelebrationOctober 4: Feast of St. Francis

November FCN Schedule Set for Next Year. November 17: Feast of St. Elizabeth of HungaryNovember 24: Commemoration of the Deceased of the Franciscan Order.

December Yearly Report Reviewed and Approved.

Fraternity Christmas CelebrationMinimal business meeting; focus on social time

3.0.2: Feasts, mentioned in the above table, are to be celebrated with a fraternity Mass and are also times for admission into candidacy and Masses of profession.

Section 4: Concerning Membership

Article 1: Inactive Members

4.1.1: In the Life of our Seraphic Father, we see that he both established community life but also tolerated a plurality of ways this might be done.

4.1.2: If a member desires to live the Franciscan life, but is not prompted for a certain time to attend fraternity meetings, they should be considered inactive.

4.1.3: However, inactive members are, nonetheless, to be considered members of the fraternity during their time of inactivity.

4.1.4: All members, especially inactive members, are encouraged to live the fullness of Franciscan life in active community with their brothers and sisters.

4.1.5: The council determines the inactivity of a member only after the member has not attended a fraternity meeting in over one year. A declaration of inactivity is only to be made in the cases of officeholder so as to vacate the office in order to name a successor.

Article 2: Fourth Order Members

4.2.1: Some may come to attend our fraternity gatherings or begin formation yet not make a permanent profession to the Gospel Life. They may continue to be on our mailing list and attend our events as Fourth Order Members.

Section 5: Concerning Offices of the Fraternity

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8Article 1: The Minister

5.1.1: The Minister is responsible for running the business meetings at fraternity meetings and council meetings.

5.1.2: The Minister is responsible for identifying and calling upon those who wish to speak at said meetings. He does so by writing down the names of those who raise their hands and then calling upon each in sequence and as time allows.

5.1.3: The Minister is to meet, either by phone or in person, at least once a month with the Spiritual Assistant to discuss the life of the fraternity.

5.1.4: The Minister is elected by the fraternity.

5.1.5: The Minister is the parliamentarian of the fraternity. He is responsible for ensuring the faithful implementation and observance of the constitutions and formation guidelines.

5.1.6: As a member of the council, the Minister is to maintain a binder, which is to be handed on to his/her successor. The binder is to include Council and Fraternity meeting minutes and other pertinent papers.

5.1.7: The Minister is responsible for setting and distributing the agendas for both the council and fraternity meetings. These are to be sent out by email no later than two days before the meeting date.

5.1.8: The Minister is responsible for the compiling, editing, and presentation of the yearly report to the council. He may delegate this duty to the Vice Minister or another fully professed member of the fraternity. The report is to be presented to the council and approved by the council at the December council meeting. Compilation of the report and proposed drafts should be prepared in November each year.

5.1.9: The Minister is responsible for scheduling, arranging, and preparing for the official fraternity and pastoral visitations.

5.1.10: The Minister is responsible for scheduling, arranging, and preparing for elections and the nominating process.

Article 2: The Vice Minister

5.2.1: The Vice Minister runs meetings when the Minister is unavailable. 5.2.2: The Vice Minister is to assist the Secretary and Councilor for Communication in fulfilling the responsibility of maintaining the fraternity webpage, Yahoo group, social networking resources, the FCN site, and Facebook account.

5.2.3: The Vice Minister is elected by the fraternity. 5.2.4: The Vice Minister may be delegated with certain tasks by the council to assist other council members in fulfilling their tasks.

5.2.5: As a member of the council, the Vice Minister is to maintain a binder, which is to be handed on to his/her successor. The binder is to include council and fraternity meeting minutes and other pertinent papers. Article 3: The Treasurer

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5.3.1: The Treasurer is responsible for keeping track of all expenses of the fraternity and of balancing the checkbook of the fraternity.

5.3.2: The Treasurer is responsible for preparing and presenting a budget for the fiscal year to the council by June of every year.

5.3.3: The Treasurer is responsible for writing a check and delivering it to the Councilor for the Franciscan Charitable Network by at least one week before the end of the month.

5.3.4: The Treasurer is responsible for reporting on the cash on hand, general and Franciscan Charitable Network collection sizes, and the expense and revenue correspondence with the annual budget at each council and fraternity meeting.

5.3.5: The Treasurer is elected by the fraternity.

5.3.6: As a member of the council, the Treasurer is to maintain a binder, which is to be handed on to his/her successor. The binder is to include council and fraternity meeting minutes and other pertinent papers.

5.3.7: The Treasurer is responsible for seeing that the Fair Share payment to the region is made each January.

Article 4: The Secretary

5.4.1: The Secretary is responsible for taking detailed minutes of each council and fraternity meeting. He or she is responsible for sending by email these minutes to the pertinent members for correction and approval.

5.4.2: The Secretary is responsible for maintaining the fraternity web page, Yahoo group, FCN site, Facebook account, and other interaction services.

5.4.3: The Secretary is responsible for maintaining the fraternity archives.

5.4.4: The Secretary is responsible for all data entry into pertinent fraternity, regional, and national databases. This includes the NAFRA database.

5.4.5: If the secretary is unable to fulfill these responsibilities, the council may appoint a Councilor for Communication, delegate some responsibilities to the Vice Minister, or appoint special assistants for certain areas.

5.4.6: The Secretary is responsible for informing the Councilor for Communication regarding decisions of and requests from the Council.

5.4.7: The Secretary is elected by the fraternity.

5.4.8: The Secretary is responsible for keeping an updated roster of the fraternity.

5.4.9: As a member of the council, the Secretary is to maintain a binder, which is to be handed on to his/her successor. The binder is to include council and fraternity meeting minutes and other pertinent papers.

Article 5: Spiritual Assistant (SA)

5.5.1: The Spiritual Assistant is to be a priest.

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5.5.2: The SA leads continuing formation, adoration, and hears confession at each Fraternity meeting.

5.5.3: The SA is assisted in his work by the Councilor for Continuing Formation.

5.5.4: As a member of the council, the Spiritual Assistant is to maintain a binder. The binder is to include council and fraternity meeting minutes and other pertinent papers.

5.5.5: The Spiritual Assistant should be a member of the fraternity and a fully professed member of the SFO, if he is not a member of the First Order or TORs.

5.5.6: The successor to the Spiritual Assistant must be approved by the Spiritual Assistant and by 67% of the fraternity.

Article 6: The Formation Servant

5.6.1: The Formation Servant is responsible for overseeing all those in formation.

5.6.2: The Formation Servant leads the Formation Team and is to be present, but not necessarily lead, all three section sessions.

5.6.3: The Formation Servant is responsible for interviewing or appointing interviewers for all visitors. This includes securing completed visitor interviews, presenting to council, securing council’s approval, and conveying council’s approval/disapproval to visitors.

5.6.4: The Formation Servant is responsible for appointing “companions” to assist those in formation.

5.6.5: The Formation Servant is responsible for briefly reporting to council each month on the progress of those in formation. Moreover, he is responsible for presenting those in formation to the council for approval of visitors to inquiry, inquirers to candidacy, and candidates for profession. The Formation Servant is responsible for updating each visitor, inquirer, and candidate formation progress and attendance data.

5.6.6: The Formation Servant is appointed by the council and must be a professed member.

5.6.7: As a member of the Council, the Formation Servant is to maintain a binder, which is to be handed on to his/her successor. The binder is to include council and fraternity meeting minutes and other pertinent papers. The binder is to include all completed visitor interview, letters of recommendations, and all required certificates/documents for each person in formation.

5.6.8: It is the duty of the Formation Servant to order Moorman and Fonck and to ensure that there is a steady supply of these resources for the formation process. The formation servant is to be reimbursed from the fraternity funds for this purpose.

5.6.9: The Formation Servant is to have read Moorman and Fonck so as to be familiar with the material used in formation.

5.6.10: The Formation servant is responsible for reading the Formation Guidelines and is bound by them. Article 7: The Formation Team

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115.7.1: The Formation Team is a group of professed members or candidates who assist the Formation Servant in formation.

5.7.2: The Formation Team consists of at least six members, excluding the formation servant.

5.7.3: Two members are responsible for leading the formation of visitors. Their responsibilities include interviewing visitors, gathering information necessary for the formation process, and meeting with visitor to cover Moorman and the Rule of the Secular Franciscan Order. They may be candidates or professed members.

5.7.4: Two members are responsible for leading the formation of inquirers. Their responsibilities include meeting with inquirers to cover Fonck and gathering information for the formation process. They must be professed members.

5.7.5: Two members are responsible for leading the formation of candidates. Their responsibilities include meeting with candidates to cover Fonck and assisting with the candidate retreat. They must be professed members.

5.7.6: The Formation Team is appointed by the council.

5.7.7: Members of the Formation Team are to have read both Moorman and Fonck so as to be familiar with the materials used in the formation process.

5.7.8: Members of the Formation Team are to have read the Formation Guidelines and are bound to follow them.

Article 8: Interviewers

5.8.1: Interviewers are those who interview new visitors. They are to be members of the formation team.

5.8.2: Their job is to interview new visitors by phone or in person.

5.8.3: They are appointed by the formation team and Formation Servant.

Article 9: The Councilor for Continuing Formation (CCF)

5.9.1: The Councilor for Continuing Formation assists the Spiritual Assistant in continuing formation, organizing retreats, and in other ways.

5.9.2: The CCF leads continuing formation at the fraternity meeting when the Spiritual Assistant is unable.

5.9.3: The CCF assists the Spiritual Assistant in setting up and cleaning up for adoration at the fraternity meetings.

5.9.4: The CCF assists the Assistant in reserving places for retreats and finding speakers.

5.9.5: The CCF assists the SA in leading a monthly Franciscan book study, which is part of the continuing formation of members and also an outreach to spread Franciscan spirituality in the larger area.

5.9.6: The CCF is appointed by the Spiritual Assistant, with the advice of the Council. Any professed member may be appointed.

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12Article 10: The Councilor for Franciscan Charitable Network (CFCN)

5.10.1: The Councilor for the Franciscan Charitable Network is responsible for overseeing the Franciscan Charitable Network.

5.10.2: The CFCN is the contact person for the charities. The CFCN may delegate that role to a professed member or candidate if the delegated person has a stronger tie to the charity.

5.10.3: The CFCN is responsible for circulating the spiritual bouquet at each fraternity meeting for the charity of the month.

5.10.4: The CFCN is responsible for contacting the charities to inquire what is needed or what might be collected for the charity.

5.10.5: The CFCN is responsible for recommending the action items to the council. The council then votes to accept the recommendation.

5.10.6: The CFCN is responsible for explaining and promoting the charity and action item at each fraternity meeting.

5.10.7: The CFCN is expected to attend council meetings in a nonvoting capacity.

5.10.8: The CFCN is appointed by the council. Any candidate or professed member may be appointed.

5.10.9: The CFCN is to send the monetary donation (received from the Treasurer) and spiritual bouquet to the charity before the end of the month.

5.10.10: The CFCN is responsible for researching and setting a schedule of charities and submitting it for approval to the council by November each year.

Article 11: The Councilor for Communication (CC)

5.11.1: The Councilor for Communication assists the Secretary in fulfilling his or her responsibilities.

5.11.2: The CC is responsible for assisting in maintaining the webpage, Yahoo group, FCN site, and Facebook group.

5.11.3: The CC is responsible for overseeing promotion for recruitment and special events.

5.11.4: The CC is responsible for submitting articles to the Catholic Times.

5.11.5: The CC is appointed by the Council.

5.11.6: The CC is kept informed of the Council’s decisions and requests by the Secretary. Article 12: The Councilor for Evangelization (CE)

5.12.1: The Councilor for Evangelization is responsible for organizing the fraternity’s evangelization apostolate.

5.12.2: The CE’s tasks include organizing fraternity approved outreaches.

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5.12.3: These outreaches include spreading the Franciscan Spirituality, promoting membership in the order, and witnessing to the Gospel Life of St. Francis.

5.12.4: The CE is appointed by the council and may be a candidate or professed member.

5.12.5: The CE is responsible for reporting to the council on the progress of certain projects.

5.12.6: The CE’s contact on the council is the Minister.

Article 13: The Food and Social Coordinator (FSC). 5.13.1: The Food and Social Coordinator is a position appointed by the council to ensure that food and drink are provided for every fraternity meeting.

5.13.2: A schedule is to be developed so that the service of providing food may be equally shared by those who are able.

5.13.3: The FSC is also responsible for organizing the celebrations for professions, Transitus, and picnic.

5.13.4: The FSC is also to assist in arranging for meals for retreats.

Article 14: Other Appointed Offices

5.14.1: Other appointed offices might include special assistants to the Secretary. They are appointed by the council to assist in special tasks. These include: Fraternity Historian, Fraternity Archivist, Fraternity Webmaster, and Fraternity Data Entry Servant. These positions may be held by inquirers, candidates, or fully professed members.

Article 15: On Taking an Office

5.15.1: Those taking either an elected or appointed office must renew the following profession before the council or the fraternity:

I, N., with firm faith believe and profess everything that is contained in the Symbol of faith: namely:

I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen. I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten not made, one in Being with the Father. Through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation, he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets. I believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

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14With firm faith, I also believe everything contained in the Word of God, whether written or handed down in Tradition, which the Church, either by a solemn judgment or by the ordinary and universal Magisterium, sets forth to be believed as divinely revealed.

I also firmly accept and hold each and everything definitively proposed by the Church regarding teaching on faith and morals.

Moreover, I adhere with religious submission of will and intellect to the teachings which either the Roman pontiff or the College of Bishops enunciate when they exercise their authentic Magisterium, even if they do not intend to proclaim these teachings by a definitive act.

I, N., in assuming the office of __________, promise that in my words and in my actions I shall always preserve communion with the Catholic Church.

With great care and fidelity I shall carry out the duties incumbent on me toward the Church, both universal and particular, in which, according to the provisions of the law, I have been called to exercise my service.

In fulfilling the charge entrusted to me in the name of the Church, I shall hold fast to the deposit of faith in its entirety; I shall faithfully hand it on and explain it, and I shall avoid any teachings contrary to it.

I shall follow and foster the common discipline of the entire Church and I shall maintain the observance of all ecclesiastical laws, especially those contained in the Code of Canon Law.

With Christian obedience I shall follow what the Bishops, as authentic doctors and teachers of the faith, declare, or what they, as those who govern the Church, establish.

I shall also faithfully assist the diocesan Bishops, so that the apostolic activity, exercised in the name and by mandate of the Church, may be carried out in communion with the Church.

So help me God, and God's Holy Gospels on which I place my hand.

5.15.2: The Spiritual Assistant is also to make this profession in the presence of all the members of the fraternity.

5.15.3: Those appointed by the council are to make the profession before the council.

5.15.4: Those elected by the fraternity are to make the profession before the fraternity.

Article 16: Resignations and Vacated Offices

5.16.1: Both elected and appointed officeholders are free to resign their offices. This is especially true if he or she discerns that he or she is unable to fulfill the duties of the office as outlined in these Constitutions. An officeholder may resign a position by submitting a letter of resignation to the council. Upon receipt of the letter of resignation, the office is vacated. If an officeholder is inactive, the office is also vacated.

5.16.2: In the case of a vacated office, regardless of whether the office is elected or appointed, the council may elect a successor by a simple majority of council members.

5.16.3: In the case of the Spiritual Assistant, see 5.5.6.

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15Section 6: Concerning Fraternity Communication

Article 1: Official Minutes for Council and Fraternity Meetings

6.1.1: The Secretary is responsible for taking and distributing minutes for both the council and fraternity meetings.

6.1.2: The minutes are to be submitted by email one week after the meeting to those who are to read them.

6.1.3: Corrections to the minutes are to be made by email. One week prior to the next meeting the Secretary is to submit the final approved minutes to all those who are to receive the particular meeting’s minutes.

6.1.4: All council members are to receive the council minutes. All fraternity members, candidates, and those in formation are to receive the fraternity meeting minutes.

6.1.5: Corrections are not permitted after a week prior to the next meeting.

6.1.6: Hard copies of the minutes are to be kept in a binder by every member of the council and are to be kept in the archives.

Article 2: Maintaining the Webpage, Yahoo Group, Facebook Page, and FCN Site

6.2.1: The Webpage, Yahoo Group, Facebook page, FCN Site, and any other social interacting page are to be maintained by the Secretary or the Communication Councilor.

6.2.2: The Webpage should include the following: updated calendar of events, contact information, a history of the fraternity, the fraternity meeting minutes, and connections to other Franciscan websites.

6.2.3: The Webpage is to be updated at least once a month.

6.2.4: The Webpage is to include pictures and articles related to St. Francis and the Franciscan Order.

6.2.5: All members, candidates, inquirers, and visitors are to have access to the Yahoo group, FCN site, and Facebook page.

Article 3: Advertizing the SFO in parishes and other publications

6.3.1: Any advertizing must be approved by the council and is coordinated by the Secretary, his or her assistant for promotions, or the Councilor for Communications.

6.3.2: Any advertizing in a parish or institutions must have the approval of the pastor or superior of the institution or their delegate.

Section 7: Concerning Moves of Location

7.0.1: The location for fraternity meetings is to be moved when a supermajority of ¾ of professed members and candidates agree. It must first be proposed at a Council meeting and meet with the approval of ¾ of the Council.

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167.0.2: The established timetable from the day the proposition is proposed is as follows: 1 month is to be given for the Council to discern before it is brought to a vote, 1 month is to follow after the vote for the Council to canvass members and candidates, then the proposal to move may be raised at a fraternity meeting, then after a month the proposal may be voted by the fraternity. Total months: four months.

7.0.3: The fraternity, like our Lord, has no home. The place where fraternity meetings occur is not to be seen as the fraternity’s mission or home.

Section 8: Concerning Fraternity Formation of New Candidates

Article 1: Visitors: 8.1.1: Visitors are those who have attended at least one fraternity meeting and have requested to begin discerning membership in the Secular Franciscan Order.

8.1.2: The Council and Fraternity are to allow Visitors sufficient space and time to discern beginning formation. Visitors are to be invited to observe the visitor formation at their first meeting. One month after the first visit, members of the formation team, responsible for visitors, contact the visitor to inquire regarding his/her interest in formation. At their next meeting visitors would begin to participate fully in visitor formation

8.1.3: All Visitors are given a copy of Moorman’s Biography of St. Francis to read. They are also given a copy of the Rule to read. Visitor formation is not content driven but, rather, is to serve as a time in which visitors become comfortable with the fraternity and St. Francis.

8.1.4: At the time that their visitor formation begins, visitor are assigned a “companion,” a candidate or fully professed member, who assists and accompanies them on their journey of formation.

8.1.5: During visitor formation meetings, the visitor is interviewed, information is compiled, and Moorman is reviewed.

8.1.6: During this time, the Baptismal certificate with full notations is to be obtained. It is the responsibility of the visitor to contact the parish of baptism and have the certificate sent to the Spiritual Assistant. This is to be completed before the Welcoming ceremony. The Vice Minister is to assist the person in obtaining their sacramental records.

8.1.7: Two members of the formation team should be delegated to lead formation for the visitors. It is their responsibility to follow up with initial visitors.

8.1.8: The stage of visitor should only last three months. If the fraternity is the cause for the delay, visitors should be welcomed to inquiry automatically after three months. The visitor may choose to delay welcoming.

8.1.9: The formation servant and formation team working with Visitors are bound by the St. Pio of Pietrelcina Fraternity Formation Guide, included in these Constitutions.

Article 2: Inquirers

8.2.1: At the Rite of Welcoming and Introduction, inquirers liturgically receive Moorman’s biography.

8.2.2: Inquirers receive a copy of Fonck’s Fully Mature with the Fullness of Christ and will begin covering the material with members of the formation team responsible for inquirers. They are also to receive the Constitutions of the Fraternity at the beginning of inquiry.

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8.2.3: Inquiry is to last six months. The text used in inquiry formation is Fonck, Chapter 1-6.

8.2.4: Two members of the formation team are to be delegated to lead formation for the inquirers.

8.2.5: The formation servant and formation team working with Inquirers are bound by the St. Pio of Pietrelcina Fraternity Formation Guide, included in these Constitutions.

8.2.6: Council reviews documents, interviews, and declaration of desire for candidacy at the end of the inquiry stage.

Article 3: Candidacy

8.3.1: Inquirers become Candidates liturgically in the Rite of Admission. After the Rite of Admission, the candidate continues covering Fonck but covers it with new members of the formation team.

8.3.2: Upon entrance into candidacy, candidates receive the Tau, a copy of the Rule, and the cord.

8.3.3: Candidates are eligible for an appointed office in the Fraternity.

8.3.4: Candidacy is to last from 12 to 18 months. The text used for formation is Fonck, Chapter 7-18.

8.3.5: Two members of the formation team are to be delegated to lead formation for the candidates.

8.3.6: The formation servant and formation team working with Candidates are bound by the St. Pio of Pietrelcina Fraternity Formation Guide, included in these Constitutions.

8.3.7: Candidates select a sponsor to guide their preparation for profession. They submit a letter requesting admission and meet with council to discuss the mentioned letter and to receive council’s decisions regarding approval for profession. This is to take place before the Rite of Profession.

Article 4: Professions

8.4.1: Professions are to take place during a Mass on a Franciscan feast day (See 3.0.1).

8.4.2: Prior to every profession, the candidate is to publicly recite the following profession of faith (if there are more than one, they will say the profession in unison):

I, N., with firm faith believe and profess everything that is contained in the Symbol of faith: namely:

I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all that is seen and unseen. I believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten not made, one in Being with the Father. Through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation, he came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit he became incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man. For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son. With the Father and the Son he is worshiped and glorified. He has spoken through the Prophets. I believe in one, holy,

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18catholic, and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

With firm faith, I also believe everything contained in the Word of God, whether written or handed down in Tradition, which the Church, either by a solemn judgment or by the ordinary and universal Magisterium, sets forth to be believed as divinely revealed.

I also firmly accept and hold each and everything definitively proposed by the Church regarding teaching on faith and morals.

Moreover, I adhere with religious submission of will and intellect to the teachings which either the Roman pontiff or the College of Bishops enunciate when they exercise their authentic Magisterium, even if they do not intend to proclaim these teachings by a definitive act.

I, N. promise that in my words and in my actions I shall always preserve communion with the Catholic Church.

With great care and fidelity I shall carry out the duties incumbent on me toward the Church, both universal and particular, in which, according to the provisions of the law, I have been called to exercise my service.

In fulfilling the charge entrusted to me in the name of the Church, I shall hold fast to the deposit of faith in its entirety; I shall faithfully hand it on and explain it, and I shall avoid any teachings contrary to it.

I shall follow and foster the common discipline of the entire Church and I shall maintain the observance of all ecclesiastical laws, especially those contained in the Code of Canon Law.

With Christian obedience I shall follow what the Bishops, as authentic doctors and teachers of the faith, declare, or what they, as those who govern the Church, establish.

I shall also faithfully assist the diocesan Bishops, so that the apostolic activity, exercised in the name and by mandate of the Church, may be carried out in communion with the Church.

So help me God, and God's Holy Gospels on which I place my hand.

Article 5: Candidacy Retreats

8.5.1: Candidacy retreats are to be held in January each year. Any candidates who will be making their professions during that year are to attend. Other candidates, who will not be making their profession that year, are encouraged to attend.

8.5.2: The Spiritual Assistant and the Councilor for Continuing Formation, who assists the Spiritual Assistant, are responsible for planning and finding a suitable date and location for the retreat.

8.5.3: The Spiritual Assistant, Councilor for Continuing Formation, Formation Servant, and Formation Team are to be the presenters for the candidate retreat.

8.5.4: Mass and time for adoration are the integral components for the retreat.

8.5.5: Talks at the retreat are to focus on living the rule and fraternity life. A thorough treatment of these Constitutions is to also be given.

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8.5.6: A notebook for spiritual reflection is to be provided by the fraternity to those candidates making their retreat.

Section 9: Concerning Continuing Formation

9.0.1: Continuing formation is primarily led by the Spiritual Assistant at the fraternity meetings.

9.0.2: Every professed member is responsible for undergoing continual formation.

9.0.3: The Councilor for Continuing Formation assists the Spiritual Assistant in the work of continuing formation.

9.0.4: All members are encouraged to read a section of the rule, of the Gospels, and from the life of St. Francis each day, especially during their time of meditation.

9.0.5: All members are to spend some time each week studying the Catechism of the Catholic Church. This may include attending the Spiritual Assistant’s class on the Catechism.

9.0.6: In addition to the time set aside for continuing formation during the fraternity meeting, all members are to attend some form of continuing formation once a month. This may include the Franciscan Book Club or a retreat or even reading a Franciscan work (including Fonck).

9.0.7: The Franciscan Book Club is a once a month continuing formation program led by the Spiritual Assistant or Councilor for Continuing Formation. Each month a book covering a Franciscan theme is chosen and read. Those who have read the book gather at a time designated by the Spiritual Assistant to discuss the work.

9.0.8: The Councilor for Continuing Formation is to arrange and lead sessions once a quarter to instruct members in the saying of the Divine Office.

Section 10: Concerning the Franciscan Charitable Network

Article 1: The Charter of the Franciscan Charitable Network

10.1.1: As secular Franciscans, we are members of a secular institute pursuing the universal call to holiness in the context of one particular vocation.

10.1.2: As such, our first responsibility, or rather means to holiness, is by fulfilling our state in life—the responsibilities of family and work. We might also be involved in particular causes including the life of our local parish. This is what we mean by our Personal Service.

10.1.3: We have all embraced the call to holiness also through a profession to live the Gospel Life of our Seraphic Father, St. Francis of Assisi. We live this life in community through the fraternity. As brothers and sisters, we owe a certain fraternal responsibility to assist each other in growing in holiness and in aiding each other when the need arises. We call this our Fraternal Service.

10.1.4: By reason of our call to holiness and the poverty, which we embrace in our profession, we are called to use only what we need. We are encouraged by the Rule ¶ 25 to contribute according to our means to the needs of the fraternity’s worship, apostolate, and charity. We live this out as a fraternity by financially assisting persons and/or causes. This financial charity is called the Fraternal Financial Charity.

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10.1.5: Rule ¶ 25 also encourages the fraternity to sponsor an apostolate or a common work of charity of the Fraternity. It is the purpose of this document to establish a solid common work or apostolate and connect it to our Personal Service, Fraternal Service, and Fraternal Financial Charity. It will involve and respect these dimensions of Christian life as well as animate them. We call this the Fraternal Apostolate of Charity. One type of apostolate, which is somewhat connected to the work of charity of the fraternity, is evangelization. This might include extending knowledge of Franciscanism to the larger community. This is to be referred to as Fraternal Apostolate of Evangelization.

10.1.6: The Fraternity Apostolate of Charity should be a symbolic work of the whole Fraternity. It should reveal the charity, detachment and authentic identity of our Franciscan life. The Fraternity Apostolate of St. Pio of Pietrelcina Fraternity is to be known as the Franciscan Charitable Network (FCN). It will encompass both Financial Charity and our Fraternal Apostolate of Charity.

10.1.7: The FCN is the expression of our work of a fraternity to assist others and direct our own efforts to aid others.

10.1.8: The FCN is guided by the council of the fraternity and the person(s) they direct to coordinate the work.

10.1.9: The goal of the FCN is to assist Catholic social agencies in their work of charity through a ----Franciscan expression.

10.1.10: The object of the FCN is to organize the work/giving of the fraternity and direct it to assist a particular work.

10.1.11: The method of the FCN is as follows: Each month should be devoted to assist a particular cause. It might be reasonable to develop a quarterly timetable at the early stages of the FCN. The calendar of causes is to be determined in advance by the council or those they direct. The list is to include Catholic or Catholic supported agencies throughout the Diocese of Columbus. The causes should include causes or agencies which touch upon the lives of members of the fraternity, i.e. regarding their own personal service. The council or those they direct will determine by communication with the agencies when and in what way they might be supported by the Fraternity. The council or those they direct will determine the reasonable response the Fraternity can make to said causes. The response may include monetary donations (Fraternal Financial Charity), gathering of items, or manageable physical service or work. The Council will determine who is suited to hand over or organize the support for each given cause depending on member’s affiliation to the cause or individual willingness to undertake the role. Physical work might include volunteering for the cause or agency. Physical work should be limited to two to three times a years at most due to the constraints of member’s own personal service and obligations to their states of life.

10.1.12: The obligation to FCN of professed members of the fraternity is optional. All are free to participate in whatever means they discern they are able. At a minimum, the members are asked to pray for the cause of the given month. This principle respects the primacy of our particular states of life and ¶ 25’s reference “according to their means.” Regarding the gathering of items, individual members may not be able to provide due to their own physical or financial constraints. Some may only be able to give financially. Some may be able to collect at their place of work, their parish, in their neighborhood, or amongst their extended family. Some may only be able to supply man power. The FCN gives an opportunity for all these possibilities.

10.1.13: The FCN is born on this realization that each member might first of all have different obligations pertaining to their state of life. Secondly, they might also be involved in a cause that the Fraternity can also support. Third, each member’s life includes founts of support that might be tapped for the good of charity. The FCN respects and heightens our Personal Service.

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10.1.14: The fact that FCN enables, from time to time, members to support each other’s Personal Service projects, means it becomes a means of living Fraternal Service.

10.1.15: Because FCN involves the financial support of members and the collective fraternity, it encompasses the Fraternal Financial Charity.

10.1.16: The FCN is thus the charitable work of the Fraternity or the Fraternity Apostolate of Charity. Along with the Fraternity Apostolate of Evangelization, it helps to make known the Gospel Life of our Father, St. Francis.

10.1.17: The future of the FCN is to be determined by the council and future growth of the St. Pio of Pietrelcina Fraternity. It ideally will eventually include the charity of others, if not all, the Secular Franciscan fraternities of the Diocese of Columbus. It hopefully will also locate gaps in the charitable work of the Catholic Church and support her agencies in filling those gaps. It, as an independent charitable organization, might also one day fill these gaps by starting new agencies. The fraternity remains open to these and other possibilities.

Article 2: Amendments to the Charter for the FCN

10.2.1: Action items for the FCN are to be communicated to the entire Fraternity one month prior to the Fraternity meeting of the charity’s assigned month.

10.2.2: For each monthly fraternity meeting, three things are to occur in regards to the Franciscan Charitable Network: 1. A description of the action item for next month’s charity. 2. A collection for the current FCN charity. 3. A collection of a spiritual bouquet for the current month’s charity.

10.2.3: All members are to offer one day of penance each week for the intention of the FCN charity of the month.

Article 3: Brother Juniper Fund

10.3.1: Members may contribute to a monthly fund/collection, called the Brother Juniper Fund. This fund is to be used at the discretion of the council to aid fraternity members, their friends or family members.

10.3.2: To be considered, a member of the fraternity is to nominate a candidate to the council with some reference to the need.

10.3.3: The council votes in a council meeting to determine the recipient and the amount of assistance.

10.3.4: This fund is to be collected monthly in a separate container placed on the refreshment table.

10.3.5: No money from the Fraternity General Fund or FCN collections is to go into this account.

Section 11: Concerning the Fraternity’s Apostolate of Evangelization

11.0.1: The Fraternity is only to engage in its Apostolate of Evangelization once they begin to live Section 1 of these Constitutions.

Article 1: Work with Seminarians

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2211.1.1: St. Francis had a love for clerics. Moreover, St. John Vianney, patron of priests, was a member of the Third Order. Thus, we have a special apostolate to assist seminarians and priests.

11.1.2: Members are to pray each day for the intention of the priests and seminarians of the Diocese of Columbus, those at the Josephinum, and all priests and religious of the Franciscan family. This includes offering one day’s penance each week for this intention.

11.1.3: The fraternity is to advertize the spiritual legacy and benefits of membership in the Secular Franciscan Order for Diocesan priests and seminarians.

11.1.4: The Fraternity is to provide formation for seminarians and priests looking to join or inquire into the Secular Franciscan Order.

11.1.5: The Fraternity may sponsor a “subfraternity” at the Josephinum or for priests to assist in this apostolate.

Article 2: Work with Youth

11.2.1: One of the original fraternities that later became part of the St Pio of Pietrelcina Fraternity was established to assist the youth at St. Francis de Sales High School. Thus, we have a special apostolate to assist the youth.

11.2.2: All members of the fraternity are to pray for the conversion and holiness of youth and for more young vocations to our way of life. This includes offering one day’s penance each week for this intention.

11.2.3: The fraternity is to advertize the order among youth and young adults in the Diocese.

11.2.4: This may include working with high school or grade schools to form a “sub fraternity.”

11.2.5: Formational materials adapted to youth are to be found or prepared based on the model of Fonck.

11.2.6: Members are to work to help catechize the youth of their parishes.

Article 3: Men’s and Women’s Conference

11.3.1: St. Pio of Pietrelcina Fraternity has been a supporter of the Men’s and Women’s Conference in the Diocese from the beginning.

11.3.2: The Fraternity is to pray for the success of these two programs each day. This also includes offering one day’s penance for the intention of the programs each week.

11.3.3: The Fraternity is to establish some presence at the programs each year.

11.3.4: All members are to attend the programs each year.

11.3.5: The Fraternity is to financially support the programs each year.

11.3.6: If the programs alter from their current orthodoxy, based on the determination of the Spiritual Assistant, support is to cease immediately.

Article 4: Franciscan Spirituality Conference

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2311.4.1: The Diocese of Columbus is currently devoid of members in the first and second orders of St. Francis living a community life. It is our duty to communicate and uphold the Franciscan spirituality and life in the Diocese of Columbus

11.4.2: This is to be done by hosting a yearly conference on Franciscan spirituality.

11.4.3: The event is to be held at a suitable time in regards to the Franciscan calendar.

11.4.4: It should be free of charge; the expense being covered by the fraternity.

11.4.5: The event is to include Mass, Adoration and Benediction, Confessions, and, at least, one talk.

11.4.6: The talk/talks is/are to cover some topic regarding Francis, the Franciscan Order, and the Franciscan spirituality.

11.4.7: The speakers must be orthodox and approved by the Spiritual Assistant.

Article 5: Pro-Life Work

11.5.1: At the center of our Franciscan spiritual tradition is the Incarnation of Jesus Christ. By His coming among us, the intrinsic value of human life is upheld and human nature is elevated. We steadfastly stand on the side of Life and the Church’s teaching on the dignity of human life. All members are to proclaim boldly the Gospel of Life and protect those most vulnerable, especially the unborn.

11.5.2: As a commitment to our pro-life apostolate, the fraternity is to support a charity in the FCN each year that fights the evil of abortion.

11.5.3: As a commitment to our pro-life apostolate, the fraternity is to make a trip each year to the March for Life in Washington, DC until the evil of legalized abortion is extinguished from our nation.

11.5.4: Those members who are unable to make the March for Life trip, due to age or illness, are to either participate in the local rally held in Columbus or do some special penance in reparation for the evil of abortion on the day of the National March.

Section 12: Ratifying and Amending the Constitutions

12.0.1: These Constitution will take effect with the approval of the Spiritual Assistant and by the approval of ½ the council and ½ the candidates and professed members.

12.0.2: These Constitutions are to be reviewed yearly to determine if they need updated and to gauge the level of observance.

12.0.3: Proposed Amendments to the Constitutions of the Fraternity must be approved by the Spiritual Assistant and through one of either two ways: either through the unanimous approval of the Council or ¾ approval of the fraternity.

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24The Formation Guide of St. Pio of Pietrelcina Fraternity of Secular Franciscans


13.0.1: These Guides are to be considered as an authoritative part of the Particular Constitutions of St. Pio of Pietrelcina Fraternity of Secular Franciscans.

13.0.2: All those who work with formation in the fraternity are bound by the following norms.

Concerning Visitor Formation13.1.1: Visitor 1st Monthly Fraternity Meeting (MFM): Fraternity formation servant (a) gives the visitor a Ritual of the SFO, Moorman's St. Francis of Assisi and SFO Rule (1978) with Commentary; (b) secures the visitor's contact information, recorded on the MFM roster; (c) introduces the visitor to fraternity visitor formator; and (d) furnishes the visitor with the visitor formator's name and contact information. The visitor is invited to attend (optionally) after the first meeting.

13.1.2: Visitor Between 1st and 2nd MFM: Fraternity visitor servant (a) follows Exhibit 1b - Visitor Information Interview Guide to complete a 1st 30-45 minute telephonic interview with the visitor; (b) completes and submits to all fraternity council members the Exhibit 1a - Visitor Information Sheet; (c) secures visitor's decision to continue discernment; and (d) advises visitor to secure and submit required documents (as listed on Exhibit 1a - Visitor Information Sheet): copies of visitor's certificates for the reception of Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders (if diocesan priest or deacon); and letters of references from visitor's pastor or spiritual director and one other person (an active practicing Catholic) who can attest to visitor's spiritual involvement.

13.1.3: Visitor Between 1st and 2nd MFM: If the visitor has an e-mail account: (a) fraternity Yahoo group moderator sends an invitation to the visitor; and (b) visitor accepts the invitation and explores the site.

13.1.4: Visitor Between 1st and 2nd MFM: Fraternity minister directs the Secretary to (a) update the fraternity roster with the visitor name and contact information; and (b) send the updated roster to the fraternity full distribution list.

13.1.5: Visitor Between 1st and 2nd MFM: Fraternity formation servant (a) updates Exhibit 5 - Attendance Records; and (b) furnishes a copy to fraternity minister.

13.1.6: Visitor Between 1st and 2nd MFM: Fraternity formation servant (a) reviews with all fraternity council members the visitor's completed Exhibit 1a - Visitor Information Sheet; and (b) fraternity council votes to approve / reject the document.

13.1.7: Visitor Between 1st and 2nd MFM: Fraternity formation servant advises visitor and fraternity visitor formator of the fraternity council's vote to approve / reject the visitor's Exhibit 1a - Visitor Information Sheet.

13.1.8: Visitor 2nd MFM Visitor (a) attends 2nd MFM; and (b) schedules a 1st 45-minute formation session with fraternity visitor formator to discuss Moorman's St. Francis of Assisi and SFO Rule (1978) with Commentary.

13.1.9: Visitor Between 2nd and 3rd MFM: Fraternity visitor formator (a) meets with visitor to complete 1st 60-minute formation session to discuss Moorman's St. Francis of Assisi and SFO Rule (1978) with Commentary.

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13.1.10: Visitor Between 2nd and 3rd MFM: Fraternity visitor formator (a) completes a 2nd 30-45 minute telephonic interview with the visitor; (b) completes and submits to all fraternity council members the Exhibit 1b - Visitor Information Interview Guide; (c) secures visitor's decision to continue discernment; and (d) confirms visitor intends to secure and submit required documents (as listed on Exhibit 1a - Visitor Information Sheet): copies of visitor's certificates for the reception of Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders (if diocesan priest or deacon); and letters of references from visitor's pastor or spiritual director and one other person (an active practicing Catholic) who can attest to visitor's spiritual involvement.

13.1.11: Visitor Between 2nd and 3rd MFM: Visitor submits to spiritual servant and fraternity vice minister required documents (as listed on Exhibit 1a - Visitor Information Sheet): copies of visitor's certificates for the reception of Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders (if diocesan priest or deacon); and letters of references from visitor's pastor or spiritual director and one other person (an active practicing Catholic) who can attest to visitor's spiritual involvement.

13.1.12: Visitor Between 2nd and 3rd MFM: Spiritual Assistant and fraternity vice minister review and authenticate required documents submitted by visitor (as listed on Exhibit 1a - Visitor Information Sheet): copies of visitor's certificates for the reception of Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Matrimony, Holy Orders (if diocesan priest or deacon); and letters of references from visitor's pastor or spiritual director and one other person (an active practicing Catholic) who can attest to visitor's spiritual involvement.

13.1.13: Visitor Between 2nd and 3rd MFM: Fraternity formation servant (a) reviews with all fraternity council members the visitor's completed Exhibit 2 - Application for Entry Into the Order; and (b) fraternity council votes to approve / reject the document.

13.1.14: Visitor Between 2nd and 3rd MFM: Fraternity formation servant advises visitor and fraternity visitor formator of the fraternity council's vote to approve / reject the visitor's Exhibit 2 - Application for Entry Into the Order.

13.1.15: Visitor 3rd MFM: Visitor (a) attends 3rd MFM; and (b) schedules a 2nd 45-minute formation session with fraternity visitor formator to discuss Moorman's St. Francis of Assisi and SFO Rule (1978) with Commentary.

13.1.16: Visitor Between 3rd and 4th MFM: Fraternity formation servant (a) updates Exhibit 5 - Attendance Records; and (b) furnishes a copy to fraternity minister.

13.1.17: Visitor Between 3rd and 4th MFM: Fraternity visitor formator (a) meets with visitor to complete 2nd 60-minute formation session and to discuss Moorman's St. Francis of Assisi and SFO Rule (1978) with Commentary.

13.1.18: Visitor Between 3 rd and 4th MFM: Fraternity visitor formator (a) completes a brief telephonic interview with the visitor; (b) secures visitor's desire to commence inquiry; and (c) sends an e-mail to all council members requesting council's approval for the visitor to receive Ceremony of Introduction and Welcoming at the next MFM.

13.1.19: Visitor Between 3rd and 4th MFM: Fraternity formation servant (a) reviews with all fraternity council members the visitor's e-mail requesting council's approval for the visitor to receive Ceremony of Introduction and Welcoming at the next MFM; (b) fraternity council votes to approve / reject the request; and (c) if approved, schedules and prepares for Ceremony of Introduction and Welcoming at the next MFM.

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2613.1.20: Visitor Between 3rd and 4th MFM: Fraternity formation servant (a) advises visitor and fraternity visitor formator of fraternity council vote to approve / reject the visitor's request to commence inquiry phase; and (b) previews with the visitor, using the Ritual of the SFO, the Ceremony of Introduction and Welcoming, scheduled to occur at the next MFM.

13.1.21: Visitor / Inquirer 4th MFM: Visitor (a) attends 4th MFM; (b) completes Ceremony of Introduction and Welcoming; and (c) attend 45-minute visitor formation session; (c) confirms with fraternity inquirer formator the location, date, and time of initial 60/90-minute inquiry formation session to discuss Fonck's Fully Mature with the Fullness of Christ -- inquiry Session (next in sequence, 1 through 6).

Concerning Inquirer Formation

13.2.1: Inquirer Between 4th and 5th MFM: Inquirer attends the next inquiry formation session in sequence (1 through 6) from Fonck's Fully Mature with the Fullness of Christ. Visitors are also to receive a copy of the Fraternity Constitutions.

13.2.2: Inquirer Between 7th and 8th MFM: Fraternity minister (a) completes and sends to inquirer the Exhibit 3 - Candidate Admission Request; and (b) copies all council members.

13.2.3: Inquirer Between 9th and 10th MFM: Fraternity formation servant (a) updates Exhibit 5 - Attendance Records; and (b) furnishes a copy to fraternity minister.

13.2.4: Inquirer Between 9th and 10th MFM: Fraternity formation servant (a) assembles and reviews all documents required (as listed on Exhibit 1a - Visitor Information Sheet) and submitted by inquirer; (b) reviews with fraternity spiritual assistant and fraternity vice minister the receipt of all required documents; and (c) furnishes copies of required documents to all council members.

13.2.5: Inquirer Between 9th and 10th MFM: Fraternity formation servant (a) completes a brief telephonic interview with the candidate; (b) secures visitor's desire to commence candidacy; and (c) sends an e-mail to all council members requesting council's approval for the visitor to receive Rite of Admission to Candidacy at the next MFM.

13.2.6: Inquirer Between 9th and 10th MFM: Fraternity formation servant (a) reviews with all fraternity council members the inquirer's required documents and request for council's approval for the inquirer to receive Rite of Admission to Candidacy at the next MFM; (b) fraternity council votes to approve / reject the request; and (c) if approved, schedules and prepares for Rite of Admission to Candidacy at the next MFM.

13.2.7: Inquirer Between 9th and 10th MFM: Fraternity formation servant (a) advises inquirer and fraternity inquirer formator of fraternity council vote to approve / reject the inquirer's request to commence Candidacy phase; and (b) previews with the inquirer, using the Ritual of the SFO, the Rite of Admission to Candidacy, scheduled to occur at the next MFM.

13.2.8: Inquirer / Candidate 10th MFM: Inquirer (a) completes Rite of Admission to Candidacy following Eucharistic Adoration; (b) attends 10th MFM; and (c) confirms with fraternity candidate formator the location, date, and time of initial 60/90-minute candidate formation session to discuss Fonck's Fully Mature with the Fullness of Christ -- Candidate Session (next in sequence, 1 through 12).

Concerning Candidate Formation

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2713.3.1: Candidate Between 10th and 11th MFM: Fraternity candidate formator posts to the fraternity Yahoo group an event and announcement for the next candidate formation session in sequence (1 through 12) from Fonck's Fully Mature with the Fullness of Christ and the location, date, and time of such.

13.3.2: Candidate Between 22nd and 23rd MFM: Fraternity formation servant (a) updates Exhibit 5 - Attendance Records; and (b) furnishes a copy to fraternity minister.

13.3.3: Candidate Between 22nd and 23rd MFM: (a) Fraternity formation servant reviews with all fraternity council members the candidate's formation progress and updated Exhibit 5 - Attendance Records. (b) Fraternity council votes to approve / disapprove sending to the candidate Exhibit 4 - Request for SFO Profession, Exhibit 4a - Letter of Intent and Exhibit 4b - Pre-Profession Questionnaire. If approved, (c) fraternity secretary completes Exhibit 4 - Request for SFO Profession, and sends it to the candidate as an e-mail attachment, with attached Exhibit 4a - Letter of Intent and Exhibit 4b - Pre-Profession Questionnaire, copying all council members.

13.3.4: Candidate Between 23rd and 24th MFM: Fraternity visitor formator (a) completes a brief telephonic interview with the candidate, confirming candidate received Exhibit 4 - Request for SFO Profession, and intends to complete and return the attachments Exhibit 4a - Letter of Intent and Exhibit 4b - Pre-Profession Questionnaire, copying all council members; (b) advises council accordingly.

13.3.5: Candidate between 24th and 25th MFM: Fraternity formation servant (a) completes a brief telephonic interview with the candidate; (b) secures candidate's desire to profess; (c) invites and schedules the candidate to meet with the fraternity council at the next monthly fraternity council meeting; and (d) sends an e-mail to all council members advising accordingly.

13.3.6: Candidate Between 24th and 25th MFM: Fraternity formation servant (a) updates Exhibit 5 - Attendance Records; and (b) furnishes a copy to fraternity minister.

13.3.7: Candidate Between 24th and 25th MFM: Fraternity formation servant (a) reviews with all fraternity council members the candidate's formation progress and updated Exhibit 5 - Attendance Records.

13.3.8: Candidate Between 25th and 26th MFM: (a) Fraternity formation servant receives the candidate's completed Exhibit 4a - Letter of Intent and Exhibit 4b - Pre-Profession Questionnaire, and copies all fraternity council members and the candidate's sponsor.

13.3.9: Candidate Between 25th and 26th MFM: Fraternity formation servant (a) updates Exhibit 5 - Attendance Records; and (b) furnishes a copy to all fraternity council members and the candidate's sponsor.

13.3.10: Candidate Between 25th and 26th MFM: (a) Fraternity formation servant reviews with all fraternity council members the candidate's formation progress and updated Exhibit 5 - Attendance Records. (b) Candidate interviews with the fraternity council at the next monthly fraternity council meeting. (c) All fraternity council members vote to approve or disapprove candidate's request to profess to the SFO. (d) If approved, the fraternity council schedules and identifies all action steps to prepare for the candidate's pre-profession retreat and Rite of Profession During Mass.

13.3.11: Candidate Between 25th and 26th MFM: Fraternity formation servant (a) advises candidate, fraternity candidate formator and candidate's sponsor of the fraternity council's vote to approve / disapprove the candidate's request to profess to the SFO; and (b) reviews with candidate, fraternity candidate formator and the candidate's sponsor, all action steps to prepare for the candidates pre-profession retreat and Rite of Profession During Mass.

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2813.3.12: Candidate Between 25th and 26th MFM: Council members and the candidate's sponsor complete all action steps to prepare for the candidate's pre-profession retreat and Rite of Profession During Mass.

13.3.13: Candidate Between 25th and 26th MFM: Lead by spiritual assistant, fraternity Councilor of ongoing formation, fraternity formation servant, fraternity minister, the candidate's sponsor, and the candidate complete pre-profession retreat.

13.3.14: Candidate Between 25th and 26thMFM:Lead by council members and the candidate's sponsor, the candidate completes Rite of Profession During Mass.

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29Cover Note on the Implementation of the Constitutions and Formation Guide

of St. Pio of Pietrelcina Fraternity of Secular Franciscans


This guide to implementation should be seen as authoritative as the Constitutions of St. Pio of Pietrelcina Fraternity of Secular Franciscans. It guides the process of embracing and living the Constitutions both in the collective life of the fraternity and the individual lives of the members.

Regarding Meeting Protocol, Structure, and Franciscan Charitable Network

All of those things described in Sections 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 10 of the Constitutions take effect one month after the approval of the Constitutions. This includes both the structure and protocol for all meetings.

Regarding the Formation Guide

The Formation Guide takes effect immediately upon the approval of the Constitutions.

Regarding the Duties of Officeholders

The Duties for pre-existing offices outlined in the Constitutions take effect one month after the approval of the Constitutions. Officeholders are to review the duties and discern in this time if they are still capable of fulfilling all that is now required of their positions.

Those offices established by the Constitutions may be filled immediately upon the approval of the Constitutions.

The Oath of Fidelity should be made at the time of the next fraternity Mass by all officeholders. All fully professed members will make the Oath of Fidelity at the next Candidate Profession.

Regarding the Spiritual Life of MembersThe implementation of Section 1 of the Constitutions is to be a gradual process with monthly goals described below.

Month 1: Members begin to spend 15 minutes for prayer each day.Members begin to attend daily Mass one day a week. (In addition to Sunday)Members begin to pray Morning Prayer each day. Members begin to recite the Angelus at their meals.Members begin to go to Confession once a month.Members begins to abstain from meat on Fridays.

The Spiritual Assistant prepares the members for making the Total Consecration to Mary. The preparation booklets are obtained by the Fraternity and members begin the preparation for the nearest day of consecration.

Month 2:Members begin to spend 30 minutes for prayer each day. Members begin to attend two daily Masses each week (in addition to Sunday).Members begin to pray Evening Prayer each day.Members begin to abstain from meat each Wednesday.

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30Month 3:

Members begin to spend 40 minutes for prayer each day.Members begin to attend three daily Masses each week (in addition to Sunday).Members begin to pray night prayer each day.Members begin to give up sweets according to the Constitutions.Members begin to go to confession 2 times a month.

Month 4:Members begin to spend 45 minutes in prayer each day.Members begin to attend 4 daily Masses each week (in addition to Sunday).Members begin to say Daytime Prayer each day.

Month 5:Members begin to spend 50 minutes in prayer each day.Members begin to attend 5 daily Masses each week (in addition to Sunday).Members begin to pray the Crown each day. Members begin to abstain from meat on Mondays.Members begin to go to confession 3 times a month.

Month 6:Members begin to spend 55 minutes in prayer each day.Members begin to attend 6 daily Masses each week (in addition to Sunday).Members begin to prayer the Office of Readings each day.Members begin to fast each Friday.

Month 7: Members begin to spend 60 minutes in prayer each day.Members begin to go to Confession 4 times a month.Members begin to prayer the Stations of the Cross every Friday.

Regarding the Work of Evangelization The Fraternity Apostolate of Evangelization and all that is described in Section 11 of the Constitutions take effect only after the satisfactory implementation of Section 1 of the Constitutions according to the above guidelines (after 7 months).