Issue no. 6 April-June 2011 Harvest : Helping us connect with each other Page 1 The Official Quarterly Newsletter of Orlando Filipino Seventh-day Adventist Church “Then saith he unto his disciples. the harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers in the harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38 Harvest The 2010-11 school year has come to a close, and the OFSDA Church would like to applaud all of their 2011 Graduates! Some of our graduates were asked to comment on their experiences throughout this year, and to reflect on what God has done for them: “Nursing school was one of the toughest obstacles I've ever experienced which made graduation day so special and unforgettable. Prayers were my number one weapon against anxiety, friends and family were my shield when I became overwhelmed and God was my strength that pushed me through. Clinical experiences helped me develop patience, which in turn made me more passionate about caring for my patients. At the ceremony, the Congratulation 2011 Graduates! speaker perfectly summarized how I persevered through my journey in three points: (1)Don't fight change, be a part of change and take control of the change; (2) Enjoy the ride because life is for living; (3) God is in control. I'll always remember these three things when faced with a difficult decision in my life.” Daylight Torreda (College graduate) continue to page 3 Editorial Note: JOHN THE REVELATOR, WHAT A MAN..... After the death of the emperor Domitian, who had exiled John to the island of Patmos, John was allowed to return to Ephesus. From this headquarters he traveled to various neighboring Gentile territories. At one nearby city he spied a handsome youth of powerful physique and ardent temperament. He told the bishop, "I commit this young man to your diligent care in the presence of the church and with Christ as witness." The bishop took the youth home with him, trained him, loved him and finally baptized him. But then he relaxed in his vigilance. Somehow the young man fell in with the wrong crowd. He fell headlong into a life of crime and renounced his salvation. Being a natural leader he became a chief of a band of robbers, the most violent, most bloody, most cruel of them all. John came to visit the bishop and asked, "Come now, bishop, restore the deposit which both I and Christ committed to you in the presence of the church over which you preside." At first the bishop was confused, thinking that John was accusing him of embezzling money. He didn't know what to think. He knew John wouldn't make things up, and he knew he wasn't a thief. Then John said, "I demand from you the soul of that young man who was your brother." The bishop groaned deeply and burst into tears. "He is dead," he said. "How did he die," said John? "He is dead to God, for he turned out to be wicked and dissolute, and became a robber. And now, instead Our Youth’s Baptismal Experience continue to page 2

The Official Quarterly Newsletter of Orlando Filipino

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Issue no. 6 April-June 2011 Harvest : Helping us connect with each other Page 1

The Official Quarterly Newsletter of Orlando Filipino Seventh-day Adventist Church

“Then saith he unto his disciples. the harvest is plenteous but the laborers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers in the harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38


The 2010-11 school year has come to a close, and the OFSDA Church would like to applaud all of their 2011 Graduates! Some of our graduates were asked to comment on their experiences throughout this year, and to reflect on what God has done for them:

“Nursing school was one of the toughest obstacles I've ever experienced which made graduation day so special and unforgettable. Prayers were my number one weapon against anxiety, friends and family were my shield when I became overwhelmed and God was my strength that pushed me through. Clinical experiences helped me develop patience, which in turn made me more passionate about caring for my patients. At the ceremony, the

Congratulation 2011 Graduates!speaker perfectly summarized how I persevered through my journey in three points: (1)Don't fight change, be a part of change and take control of the change; (2) Enjoy the ride because life is for living; (3) God is in control. I'll always remember these three things when faced with a difficult decision in my life.” – Daylight Torreda (College graduate)

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Editorial Note:


After the death of the emperor Domitian, who had exiled John to the island of Patmos, John was allowed to return to Ephesus. From this headquarters he traveled to various neighboring Gentile territories. At one nearby city he spied a handsome youth of powerful physique and ardent temperament. He told the bishop, "I commit this young man to your diligent care in the presence of the church and with Christ as witness." The bishop took the youth home with him, trained him, loved him and finally baptized him. But then he relaxed in his vigilance. Somehow the young man fell in with the wrong crowd. He fell headlong into a life of crime and renounced his salvation. Being a natural leader he became a chief of a band of robbers, the most violent, most bloody, most cruel of them all. John came to visit the bishop and asked, "Come now, bishop, restore the deposit which both I and Christ committed to you in the presence of the church over which you preside." At first the bishop was confused, thinking that John was accusing him of embezzling money. He didn't know what to think. He knew John wouldn't make things up, and he knew he wasn't a thief. Then John said, "I demand from you the soul of that young man who was your brother." The bishop groaned deeply and burst into tears. "He is dead," he said. "How did he die," said John? "He is dead to God, for he turned out to be wicked and dissolute, and became a robber. And now, instead

Our Youth’s Baptismal Experience

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Issue no. 6 April-June 2011 Harvest : Helping us connect with each other Page 2 Issue no. 6 April-June 2011 Harvest : Helping us connect with each other Page 3

“'God is in control', was my constant and daily affirmation that kept me going through nursing school. I knew that He led me through the toughest times, and guided me in reaching out to my patients and giving them the best care that I could possibly give as a student nurse. It is hard to describe the countless experiences that you encounter in the hospital, but if I can describe it in a few words, I would definitely say that the experience was tough, humbling, and noble.

You are given the opportunity to help those who are in dire need of help and you are entrusted to give them compassionate care- just the way our Creator would've done. You are the hands and feet of the patients who can't take care of themselves, and you are given the charge of looking after their needs while dependent on your care. No where else do you have that opportunity.

Graduation was sweet for me, because God led me through it all, and through it all he really was 'in control'“.

- Ian Catangay (College graduate)

“My feelings about 8th grade graduation are that I am excited for my 8th grade graduation and am looking forward to a new year next year. I am going to be attending Apopka High School next year and I praise God for protecting me and giving me good friends that ill surely miss.” - Justin Osano (M idd le Schoo l g radua te )

“By the grace of God, I was able to graduate with a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Molecular Biology and Microbiology and a minor in Health Sciences this May from the University of Central Florida. As I look back on the four years of my undergraduate career, I am humbled to see how God has led me every step of the way. It has been a tough journey in

discovering who I am and what God's will is for my life.

Whether through tough classes, making hard decisions to keep the Sabbath, or learning to trust in the Lord in every obstacle, God has helped me grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. In every success and achievement in these last four years, God is the one to be praised and glorified. I am also thankful for the people that God has placed in my life to give me support, encouragement, and advice.

This coming fall, I will be starting my first year of medical school at Loma Linda University in California. I know it will be a new and challenging journey for me, but I trust that God will continue to be my strength and my guide.” –Audris Bol (College graduate)

“These past four years have been a challenge for me- mentally, and spiritually. But, praises go to the God that has never left my side throughout my experience at Wekiva High School. Growing up in public school my entire life, I found myself always worried that my faith would be pulled away. But, God has taught me that everything happens for a reason. With graduation day behind me, I can feel at peace, knowing more about the God I thought I would

Straight from my heart .. A Letter from a wife to her husband ……. (an instance where conflict at home can be subdued and overcome with a touch of humility, a little dose of courage to talk things over and let ting out, a determination to conquer the enemy by God's grace and above all through a love that is willing to fight to maintain peace and harmony in the home.) Dear husband, I prayed and asked the Lord to give me humility and courage to talk to you, but when I was ready to do so, you were already asleep, so I am writing you this letter because I don't want the devil to win in this household. It seems like he usually stirs up a commotion on a Sabbath. I have noticed this happened in the past, almost always misunderstanding arises Friday's , towards Sabbath. I am sorry I left that paper you wanted to bring …. and I did say I am sorry and loud enough to be heard by somebody who was just sitting right beside me. Perhaps because you were so caught up with your anger , plus your concluded belief that I never say I am sorry, when I am

wrong, reason probably why you did not hear my saying so. I did not lie, and the Lord is my witness. You could have thought of it yourself, you know, bring the paper, and helped me out…. I was trying to attend to my our daughter who was in pain, while answering a phone call, and trying to solve a repair issue …. I mean you could have remembered at least to check on that paper yourself … am I the only one to blame then? My query and my concern is

…. Why in the world do petty little th ings cause you so much outrage??? It looks like you were ready to condemn a criminal, the way you confronted me. I thought it was better to have been a dog, and his master would have probably treated the dog nicer . Your ugly and nasty character is despicable when you are angry, it's like allowing the enemy to take control of your emotions. I am not perfect and I do forget about things sometimes and definitely make mistakes. But, I try

....Graduates from page 1

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Pastor’s Pen

“Facing Our Giants”

The victory of the young David against the giant Goliath recorded in 1Samuel 17 is a story of faith and courage that can serve as an inspiration to everyone who is fighting all kinds of giants in their lives. All of us need a new surge of faith to face the defining moments of our lives with the courage to say to ourselves, “by God's grace and strength, I can do this. I can gain victory through my Lord!” As the army of Israel was being challenged by their enemies, no one was brave enough to stand and defend their ranks. As Goliath step forward to represent the Philistines, every soldier was

stunned, even King Saul hid in his tent, scared to confront the challenger. The most dreadful enemy of their army was not Goliath. What they were struggling against was not the physical giant standing on the other bank of the creek, but the lack of faith that fueled their giant fear. They were more focused on the size of the giant that they failed to realize the size of the God they served. The giants in our lives are the obstacles that make us discouraged and dismayed. It can take the form of a financial giant, when we cannot pay our bills. We got stacked of payments to make and as soon as we pay off one, another one comes along. It can be a giant of addiction. We've been struggling with it for years, and we've done everything in our power to break the habit, but we

Justin Osano

“My experience in being baptized was very good. I really felt the presence of the Holy Spirit, even though it was raining. When I was baptized, my life had changed in a way that has changed me forever.”

Stephen Otanes

“I was told before that getting baptized would be the best day of my life, and to me it's true. I feel that baptism is just building on a commitment, and it's just the beginning for me and Him to keep a healthy relationship. The reason why

I knew I was ready for itwas because I've accepted Him as my savior and friend, and I have chosen to live for Him. This baptism is just a small stepping stone for the monumental commitment I have decided to accept through my baptism.”

Jerard Tambunan

“My exper ience f rom getting baptized strengthened my relationship with Jesus Christ. From wanting to go to Stephen's house on Thursdays, just to hang out, to taking bible study lessons seriously, and getting ready for my big moment by giving my life to

God. Being baptized changed my whole life around. From my view, I make smarter and wiser decisions. I am definitely grateful for having a very good pastor, who baptized me, and a church willing to let me in their membership. Thank You.”

Michael Negre

“Being bapt ized is an interesting thing, in that you don't feel some sort of rush of energy when you emerge from the water, as if the Holy Spirit has just rushed into you. The baptism is the public display of your acceptance of Jesus Christ. You should have already felt that

baptism.... from page 1

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Issue no. 6 April-June 2011 Harvest : Helping us connect with each other Page 4 Issue no. 6 April-June 2011 Harvest : Helping us connect with each other Page 5

23 WAYS TO FIGHT FOOD CRAVINGS 1 Plan ahead for healthy choices 2 Drink plenty of water between meals 3 Eat at regular, set times and avoid snacking 4 Eat slowly and deliberately; put your fork down between bites 5 Chew food well 6 Fill up n fiber-rich foods 7 Enjoy a wide assortment of fruits and vegetables 8 Enjoy soluble fiber foods on a regular basis (oats, beans, barley, flax, legumes) 9 Include healthy fats in your diet instead of trans and saturated fats

10 Eat a piece of fresh fruit instead of sweets 11 Share your dessert (if you have one) with another person 12 Limit the number of food choices you allow yourself when at potlucks or buffets

13 Bring healthy choices to share at social functions 14 Chew gum or use a breath mint strip after eating 15 Push our plate away from you when you are full 16 Push your chair back from the table when visiting after a meal

17 Put a napkin over your plate when done with a meal while others are still eating 18 Divert your attention away from food after a meal 19 Don't keep binge food items in the house or workplace

20 Exercise every day; take a 10-minutes brisk walk to energize and reduce cravings

21 Get regular sleep 22 Manage stress 23 Utilize prayer

How do Christians Deal with Stress?

Stress tends to visit us when we're tired, when we're sick, when we're driving through a crowded metropolis, when we're late for an important meeting, or if we've t a k e n o n t o o m a n y r e s p o n s i b i l i t i e s . W h e n circumstances are out of our control, we feel stress. When our basic needs are not being met and our safety is threatened, we tend to get anxious.

Answer: Stress and anxiety for a Christian can take on many different shapes and forms, yet in general, for most Christians, stress boils down to one idea - lack of trust in God.

Though it is impossible to lump all of Christianity into one common position, most Christians do share the thinking that God is sovereign and in control of our lives. We believe he is the author and composer of our life of faith. We believe he has given us everything we need for life. So, most of the time when stress dominates our lives, somewhere along the way we have failed to trust God.

The Story of the Pastor and his son

Every Sabbath afternoon after the morning service at the church, the Pastor and his eleven year old son would go out into their town and handout gospel tracts. This particular Sabbath afternoon, as it came time for the Pastor and his son to go to the streets with their tracts, it was very cold outside, as well as pouring rain.

The boy bundled up in his warmest and driest clothes and said, Ok, dad, I'm ready.” His Pastor dad asked, “Ready for what?” Dad, it's time we gather our tracts together and

go out.” Dad responds, “Son it's very cold outside and it's pouring rain…”

The boy gives his dad a surprised look, asking, “But Dad, aren't people still going to Hell, even though it's raining?” Dad answers, “Son, I am not going out in this weather.” Despondently, the boy asks, “Dad, can I go? Please? “ His father hesitated for a moment then said, “Son, you can go. Here are the tracts, be careful son.” “Thanks, Dad!”

And with that, he was off and out into the rain. This eleven year old boy walked the streets of the town going door to door and

GROWING OLD (The Philosophy for Old Age)

Do you realize that any time in our lives when we like to get old is when we're kids? If you're less than 10 years old, you're excited about ageing, that you think in fractions. How old are you? “I'm four and a half!” You're never thirty six and a half. You're 4 ½ going on five, that's the key! You get into your teens, now they can't hold you back. You jump to the next number, or even a few ahead. How old are you? I'm gonna be 16! You could be 13, but hey, you're gonna be 16! And then the greatest

day of your life…. You become 21. Even the words sound like a ceremony. You BECOME 21 …. YESSSS !!! But then you turn 30 …. Oooohhhh…. What happened there. Makes you sould like bad milk! He TURNED 30, we had to throw him out – there's no fun now, you're just a sour dumpling. What's wrong? What's changed? You BECOME 21, you TURN 30, then you're PUSHING 40 - WHOA! Put on the breakds, it's all slipping away. Before you know it, you REACH 50 and your dreams are gone. But wait!!! You make it to 60 .. you didn't think you would. So you BECOME 21, TURN 30, PUSH 40, REACH 50 AND MAKE it to 60. You've built up so much speed that you HIT 70. After that it's a day to day thing, you HIT today, ________ 2011 Then you get into your 80's and everyday is a complete


(Ellen G. White)

Mother's Position and Responsibilities

The Husband's Equal Woman should fill the position which God originally designed for her, as her husband's equal. The world needs mothers who are mothers not merely in name but in every sense of the word. We may safely say that the distinctive duties of woman are more sacred, more holy, than those of man. Let woman realize the sacredness of her work and in the strength and

fear of God take up her life mission. Let her educate her children for usefulness in this world and for a home in the better world. The wife and mother should not sacrifice her strength and allow her powers to lie dormant, leaning wholly upon her husband. Her individuality cannot be merged in his. She should fell that she is her husband's equal – to sand by his side, she faithful at her post of duty and he at his. Her work in the education of her children is in every respect as elevating and ennobling as any post of duty he may be called to fill, even if it is to be the chief magistrate of the nation. -end

Though this explanation appears simplistic, it's not meant to imply that a stress-free life in Christ is easy to obtain.

Just trust God more and you'll never deal with stress again!

If only it were that easy. Life is much too complicated, and we are much too vulnerable in our human condition to ever escape the inevitable battles with stress. But for Christians, stress does have a positive side. It can be a reminder that our lives have drifted away from God. It might be an indicator that we have stopped depending upon him daily for strength. Perhaps we have forgotten the many promises in his Word?

Ways that Christians Cope with Stress:

There are many practical disciplines that a Christian can and should exercise to avoid stress. Getting enough rest, a proper

diet, regular exercise, and keeping a balance between work, ministry and family time - these are all practical ways the Bible teaches us to regulate stress in our lives. However, from a spiritual standpoint, stress relief for a Christian begins and ends with these three basic disciplines: Prayer

Instead of worrying over our problems, further compounding our anxiety and stress, the Bible recommends taking everything to God in prayer. This verse in Philippians offers the comforting promise that as we pray, our minds will be protected by a peace that goes beyond our ability to understand.

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about

anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your

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Issue no. 6 April-June 2011 Harvest : Helping us connect with each other Page 6 Issue no. 6 April-June 2011 Harvest : Helping us connect with each other Page 7

HOUSEHOLD TIPS (How to fight mosquitos the natural way….)

Use Bounce Fabric Softener sheets, best thing ever used in Louisiana , just wipe on & go, great for babies Bob, a fisherman, takes one vitamin B-1 tablet a day April through October . He said it works. He was right. Hasn't had a mosquito bite in 33 years. Try it. Every one he has talked into trying it works on them. Vitimin B-1( Thiamine Hydrochloride 100 mg.)

If you eat bananas, the mosquitos like you, - something about the banana oil as your body processes it. Stop eating bananas for the summer and the mosquitos will be much less interested. This is going to floor you, but one of the best insect repellents someone

found (who is in the woods every day), is Vick's Vaporub.

Plant marigolds around the yard, the flowers give off a smell that bugs do not like, so plant some in that garden also to help ward off bugs without using insecticides.

"Tough guy" Marines who spend a great deal of time "camping out" say that the very best mosquito repellant you can use is Avon Skin-So-Soft bath oil mixed about half and half with alcohol.

One of the best natural insect repellants that I've discovered is made from the clear real vanilla. This is the pure Vanilla that is sold in Mexico . It works great for mosquitoes and ticks, don't know about other insects.

If you do get bitten, rub the bite with vinegar. At a picnic, the juice from pickles works. The vinegar draws the mosquito venom out and the bite will not itch. When all else fails, get a…..

(hope you'll enjoy and find our new section on Household Tips useful. If you have any good household tips idea please share it with us.) Note: This may work on some and may not on others, we take no responsibility on your course of action.)

lose. He's given me friends that have helped my grow in my faith in myself and in God, taught me that prayer was my cornerstone, and has blessed me with the thought that I couldn't have asked for more these past four years. This fall, I plan to attend Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences to pursue to be an Occupational Therapy Assistant, then continue on to pursue my Bachelor's and Master's in OT. Though this seems like a giant leap for me, God has taught me, as a high school student, to just have faith, and He will take care of everything.” –Karen Razon (High School graduate)

“My experience during the two years I went to Forest Lake Academy have been amazing. I have grown closer to God through various trips, events and mostly the people. My friends were encouraging and helped me stay on track. They are such an inspiration to me and I thank God for placing them into my life.

Senior year was really fun, but tough, especially because I knew that another phase in my life was ending. Many times I thought how sad it will be when we graduate and go our separate ways. I did not want something this good to end. My dad asked me "Isn't it better that your experience ends on a good note?" So, I decided to look at it on the bright side. I made some of the best friends' I could ever ask for, had some of the best experiences with my class of

2K11 and am glad to keep these memories.

My plans for the future is safe in God's hands. "I will keep my dreams in my heart and my heart in God's hands." "For GOD know the plans HE has for me, declares the LORD, plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 God knows what is best for me!”–Fairlyn Ditta (High School graduate)

“May 21, 2011 was my final day- of high school that is. On Saturday night, my tassel was moved from right to left, marking the point where I was no longer a high school senior but now a college freshman.

Looking back, I'm so blessed to see how far I've come. I've gone through a lot of ups and downs these past four years of high school. I've learned so much and have grown to who I am today because of the people and situations God has placed in my life. This past year was a challenge especially; deciding what college I should go to, the Senior Honors Project to conquer, and saying good-bye to my senior family whom I'll miss at Forest Lake Academy.

As this chapter ends, I'll soon be entering into a new one, trusting 100% in God that He'll lead and comfort me as I move on to a different part in my life. As I head off to Pacific Union College in California and eventual ly Loma L inda University, I hope and pray that this is where He wants me to be. It's going to be a difficult road from here on out, both mentally and physically, but through God, “I can do all things through [Him] who gives me strength.” –Gelline Layson (High School graduate)

hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (NIV) The Bible is filled with incredible promises from God. Meditating on these words of assurance can dispel our worry, doubt, fear and stress. Here are just a few examples of the Bible's stress relieving verses:

2 Peter 1:3 His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. (NIV)

Stress from page 5

This was the theme for this year's Florida Women's Retreat held at Camp Kulaqua last three weekends in February: February 4-6, 11-13 and 25-27, 2011. The OFSDA women chose the last weekend. Twenty excited women started out in carpooled vehicles to take time out of their busy work and home schedules that Friday afternoon to spend a delightful weekend with their sisters drawing closer to each other and God in the peaceful surroundings of the camp. After the easy process of registering and having gotten our arm bands, meal tickets and accommodation assignments, we e n j o y e d t h e E X P O i n t h e gymnasium. There were exhibitors from many places offering the opportunity to learn about new min is t r ies tha t anyone can participate in and benefit from. Some of the musicians and presenters participating in the retreat were there to share resources and their latest CDs and DVDs. Tasty refreshments were also offered especially from talented women who could bake different kinds of goodies. Aside from starting to bond

among ourselves, we enjoyed meeting other women coming from as far as Jamaica and Haiti. There were about 600 attendees at the final count. The Friday evening meeting was made special by the warm w e l c o m e f r o m S h e r y a l Vandenberghe, the Women's Ministries Director of the Florida Conference; by the beautiful music rendered by the Dawkins sisters: Althea, Shelley and Deanna, the three talented sisters from the beautiful island of Jamaica; and the heartwarming message from Judge Judith Warren Hawkins, the keynote speaker for the weekend. Let me tell you more about Judge Judith as she is fondly called by those who know her very well. She made history in Leon County when she was elected as judge in 1996. She was the first African-American in the Second Judicial Circuit elected in a contested election and the first African-American female county judge. She currently serves as one of five county judges in Leon County, Florida. As a committed Christian, she has been involved in


Matthew 11:28-30 "Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light." (NLT)

John 14:27 "I am leaving you with a gift--peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn't like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid." (NLT)

various levels of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In 1995, as a member o f the Execut ive Committee of the Southern Union of SDAs, she voted for the ordination of women at the church's worldwide General Conference in Utrecht, Netherlands. She is in her second five-year term as a member of the Adventist Health Executive Board. The gist of her message that evening was: Putting on a physiological and emotional mask is not necessarily a bad thing; sometimes an important part of our well-being is using a mask to protect us as we become emotionally well, strong and whole. But when we wear a mask, we must be honest and open with ourselves. Constantly we must ask why we are wearing a mask, from whom or what we are using the mask to hide and how long have we been wearing the mask. Under the Holy Spirit's wooing power, we can be transformed so that our mask is a true reflection of who we are. After the meeting, some of us met up with other sisters lifting burdens up to God in prayer. A few slipped

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Graduates from page 3

Nobody ever told me why the barong is the national dress of the Philippines . So I did my research, I'm sure most of you know this but just in case. -

During the Spanish occupation of the Philippines (over 300 years from 1561-1889) the barong Tagalog was required by the Spanish government for Filipinos (indios) to be worn at most times to show the difference between the rich and the poor. He said that

Issue no. 6 April-June 2011 Harvest : Helping us connect with each other Page 8 Issue no. 6 April-June 2011 Harvest : Helping us connect with each other Page 9

my very best to work right and attend to your needs and a simple , silly mistake does not give you the right to treat me like you did. I wished I could show the same treatment you did me so you would know how it feels to be hurt, but I can't and I won't, lest the enemy will take it's stand and declare victory in our lives. Have you ever experienced being shouted at? It is very belittling, it is very hurting. Sometimes, I feel like you're a hypocrite, husband … you say you love me, but you really don't. When

you hurt me, I feel so unloved. I know you did not like my “indifference” this afternoon, I am sorry but I hope you understand why I acted that way. I am not a saint, I do have emotions and sometimes when emotions cannot be contained, it get's overwhelmed and swells, and it did this afternoon! But, as I've said, I don't want satan to put his influence in this household… so I ask you to forgive me and I am really sorry it had to happen, I should have been more attentive and went through the stuff on the table before we left. I love you even if sometimes

you treat me wrong … but you do treat me right 97%, so I guess that's better than most husbands, how do I treat you… let me know……. Love, Wife (“All's well that ends well,” as the saying goes , I was told the husband admitted he was at fault too and asked that he be forgiven and be prayed for so his anger can be suppressed and controlled through God's help).


Straight from my heart from page 2 Slowly, in the back row of

the church, an elderly lady stood to her feet. As she began to speak, a look of glorious radiance came from her face, “No one in this church knows me. I've never been here before. You see, before last Saturday, I was not a Christian.

My husband passed on some time ago, leaving me totally alone in this world… Last Saturday, being particularly cold and rainy day, it was even more so in my heart that I came to the end of the line where I no longer had any hope or will to live. So I took a rope and a chair and ascended to the stairway into the attic of my home. I fastened the rope securely to a rafter in the roof, then stood on the chair and fastened the other end of the rope around my neck. Standing on that chair, so lonely and broken-hearted, I was about to leap off, when suddenly the loud ringing of my doorbell downstairs startled me. I thought, “I'll wait a minute, and whoever it is will go away.”

I waited and waited, but the ringing doorbell seemed to get louder and more insistent, and then the person ringing also started knocking loudly…. I thought to myself again, “Who on earth could this be? Nobody ever rings my bell or comes to see me! I loosened the rope from my neck and started for the front door, all the while the bell rang louder and louder. When I opened the door and looked I could hardly believe my eyes, for there on my front porch was the most radiant and angelic little boy I had ever seen in my life. His SMILE, oh, I could never describe it to you.

The words that came from his mouth caused my heart

handing everybody he met in the street a Gospel Tract. After two hours of walking in the rain he was soaking, bone-chilled wet and down to his VERY LAST TRACT. He stopped on a corner and looked for someone to hand a tract to, but the streets were totally deserted…. Then he turned toward the first home he saw and started up the sidewalk to the front door and rang the door bell. He rang the bell, but nobody answered.

He rang it again and again, but still no one answered. He waited but still no answer. Finally, this eleven year old trooper turned to leave, but something stopped him. Again, he turned to the door and rang the bell and knocked loudly on the door with his fist. He waited, something holding him there on the front porch! He rang again and this time the door slowly opened.

Standing in the doorway was a very sad-looking elderly lady. She softly asked, “What can I do for you, son?” With radiant eyes and a smile that lit up her world, this little boy said, “Ma'am, I'm sorry if I disturbed you, but I just want to tell you that “JESUS REALLY DOES LOVE YOU' and I came to give you my very last Gospel Tract which will tell you all about JESUS and His great LOVE.”

With that he handed her his last tract and turned to leave. She called to him as he departed. “Thank you, son! And God Bless You!

We l l , t h e f o l l o w i n g Sabbath morning in church, Pastor Dad was in the pulpit. As the service began, he asked, “Does anybody have a testimony or want to say anything?

The Story of a Pastor....from page 4 that had long been dead, to leap to Life as he exclaimed with a cherub-like-voice, “Ma'am, I just came to tell you that JESUS REALLY LOVES YOU” Then he gave me this Gospel Tract that I now hold in my hand.

A s t h e l i t t l e a n g e l disappeared back out into the cold and rain, I closed my door and read slowly every word of this Gospel Tract. Then I went up to my attic to get my rope and chair. I wouldn't be needing them anymore.

You see - I am now a Happy Child of the King.. Since the address of your church was on the back of this Gospel Tract, I have come here to personally say THANK YOU to God's little angel who came just in the nick of time and by so doing, spared my soul from an eternity in hell.

There was not a dry eye in the church. And as shouts of praise and honour to THE KING resounded off the very rafters of the bu i ld ing, Pastor Dad descended from the pulpit to the front pew where the little angel was seated….

He took his son in his arms and sobbed uncontrollably. Probably no church has had a more glorious moment, and probably this universe has never seen a Papa that was more filled with love and honour for his son … Except for One! (We Praise God for the dedication of some of our church members who gives out gospel tracks every Sabbath) (this is an email article shared to us By Vivian Rosete )

the poor who serve the rich must a l w a y s b e i n u n i f o r m .

Take their chauffeurs, maids, and employees as examples. They are in un i fo rm to immediately distinguish them f r o m t h e e m p l o y e r s .

When the Spaniards colonized the Filipinos, they had to make it abundantly clear who the boss was through the imposition of a dress code. (Yimby Editor's Note: The color of the skin was a better feature to show whom the bosses were. The colonizers were white-skinned and many of the native people of the Phi l ipp ines were brown-s k i n n e d . )

Men were not allowed to tuck their shirttails in. That was the mark of his inferior status. Second, the cloth material should be transparent so that he could not conceal any weapon that could be used against the masters. Third, as a precaution on thievery, pockets are (were) not allowed on the shirt.

By the turn of the century a new middle class began to emerge among the Filipinos. These were known as the principalia. They have mastered Spanish laws and were able to obtain title to lands. They became successful in business and agriculture and sent their sons to be educated abroad. They were privileged to build their houses in the poblacion around the plaza near the seats of power.

Only a member of the principalia could be addressed by the title DON, and only they were allowed to vote. They had all the trappings of power and status, but for one undeniable fact: they still had to wear their shirttails out, if only to remind them that they were still Indios. (Yimby Editor's Note: This claim does not hold true, as the Filipino elite and landowning individuals and their sons who were called the "Ilustrados" wore the same shirts, coat and ties that the Spaniards and other Westerners in the Philippines wore at that time. And even if they had the opportunity to


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Dear Church Family,

We give All Glory to God for the on going success of working with you and the Holy Spirit to extend God's Love to the guest that visit our church every Sabbath. We have 3 on going projects we would like to share with you:

Project 1: Have you seen the OFSDA Gift Bags?

We started a gift bag program on November 20, 2010 for any first time guest visiting our church.Presently, we have given out over 200 bags. Praise the Lord! If you would like to help pass out gift bags during fellowship lunch please inform Rose, Eric or Burnie. We will train you and add you to our schedule.

Project 2: The 7 Steps of Evangelism is now 7 Active Groups sharing the Love of GOD

We have over 50 laborers ready and willing to finish the harvest.

The goal of each group is to help each person to the next level. If you want be involved in any group, please contact Rose.

Groups: Make Friends, Meet their needs, Invite them to church, Involve them in ministries, Bible Study, Reaping Campaign, Training for Ministry

Project 3: Literature Evangelism for the Youth and Adults

Our 1st Literature Evangelism class was taught by the Florida Conference on January 30, 2011. It was inspiring and informative. If you are 18 or older and would like to become a Full time or Part time LE please contact Burnie for an application or to learn more visit http://www.see-le.com/

Any Youth who would like to be in the summer program please contact Les @407-448-2002 or visit www.youthsummit.info


Please be attentive with the schedule of fellowship lunch every Sabbath that 2 to 4 tablea may be reserved for guest only. Also, please remember to extend a warm welcome while they are eating with us. If you want to join Personal Ministry or share your ideas, please inform Rose, Maxwell. Eric or Burnie...We encourage the youth to also attend our meetings and be apart of our projects.

Thank you Church Family for your support and prayers.

Burnie JamesPersonal Ministry

“So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11

Personal Ministry Team Update

( the final Chapter …. )

In the beginning of the movement, the Sabbath truth was to this little band of Adventists purely a test of loyalty to God. There was the command; would they obey? That was the law; could any offend without penalty? Who would be on the Lord's side? The natural man, being by disposition and education a transgressor and therefore lawless, would seize every pretext to avoid any requirement of God's law which went counted to this practice. The Sabbath had, centuries before, been ousted from its place in the law of God by professed by recreant Christendom. Because of the inconvenience and hardship in its observance, as well as because of ecclesiastical pride and stubbornness of opinion, it was the greatest challenge to the perfunctory Christ ian. The Protestants of that time, as indeed before and ever since, dug up the n o - l a w a r g u m e n t s o f t h e antinomians of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, refurbishing them with various embellishments, for the battle now joining. The Sabbath advocates steadi ly maintained the perpetuity of the whole moral law of God, and stressed the seventh-day Sabbath as the crux of the conflict. It must be confessed that the battle over the Sabbath was, especially in the first three or four decades of Seventh-day Adventist history, chiefly a legal argument. And this battle between the Sabbatarians and the Sunday observers waxed bitter.

All honor to the pioneers who brought forth the truth of the Sabbath from the rubbish heaps of the Dark Ages, who proclaimed he unbroken law of God and waged their warfare under its shield. They were strong men, valiant men, sometimes stern men; for their was the miss ion to uphold the government of God and the seal of

Stewardshipfrom the book, “Captains of the Host” by Arthur Whitefield Spalding

His authority. Yet in them too there was begotten, even in those days of rigor, the gentle peace of heaven and delight in the law of the Lord. But under the influence of the spiritual teachings of Mrs. White (who nonetheless recognized and maintained the law), the depth of the truth of the Sabbath became progressively better understood and appreciated. And even in the youth of her mission, her prophetic eye reached forward to the time of the end, our own time, of which she said, then “we went forth and proclaimed the Sabbath more fully” – more fully, not merely in volume, but in character. The Sabbath day is a definite day, the seventh day of the week, ordained at creation, never ab roga ted , imposs ib l e o f abolishment, carried on into the redeemed state. Like the banner of a nation, which symbolizes the government in both its giving and its taking, the Sabbath-day flag flies over the people of God as the sign of His government in protection and in loyalty. Not for one people only was the Sabbath made, but for those of every nation and tongue and people who come out on the side of God: “The Sabbath was made for man.” It is indeed a test of loyalty, but it is more.

T h e S a b b a t h i s a n experience. Sabbath means “rest,” not physical rest alone, but spiritual rest. It is the experience to which Jesus invited, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me: for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” The Sabbath of God is the rest of God, the reception of the life of Christ within His disciple, the casting out of sin and evil habit, the restoration of the image of God, the peace that

passes all understanding. The Sabbath of God is in the soul of the believer; it goes with him every day of the week, every hour of the day. It changes his desires, his appetites, his ambitions, his whole nature, from that of the worldling to that of the Christian. The Sabbath is the life of Christ within. It is the sign without of the true believer's allegiance to the Creator. It is the open door to heaven at the end of the weekly corridor of days.

With such an experience, how gladly, then does the child of God greet the Sabbath day, set aside by the gracious command of God for the fuller and deeper exercise of his faculties in the things of Christ. While every day he communes with God, through prayer and study of the Word and the works of God, and carries that peace into all his transactions and experience, yet he is not able to give complete attention to these spiritual exercises, in nature study, in sacred history, in prophecy, in communion, which most delight his soul. During the days of the week the cares of business distract his attention; he cannot give to his home and his children all the thought and provision and instruction he desires to give. He cannot study as he would; he cannot commune with his brethren as thoroughly. “But God's love has set a limit to the demands of toil. Over the Sabbath He places His merciful hand. In His own day He preserves for the family opportunity for communion with Him, with nature, and with one another.”

This is the holy place of communion with God. This is the sign, the seal of oneness with God. This is the insigne of the government of God. This is the flag of heaven. Lord, thou hast given a banner to them that fear Thee; and Thy banner over them is love.

Last year when it was time to have new officers at the church I told everybody that I wanted to rest for this year's term and that I will not be accepting any church responsibilities. That was my plan, but God has His plan for me. I remembered there was a board meeting and after that Pastor Catangay asked me if I can serve as Community Service leader. Surprisingly, without hesitation, I accepted the position! (I guess, the Lord changed right there and then my plans, I did not even have time to think of accepting the offer or not, and contrary to my set plans of retiring from church

responsibilities for at least a year, without second thoughts, I readily accepted the office offered by the Pastor!!) Giving my time, effort and resources are wonderful gifts the Lord has favored me with.God has richly blessed me so that I can bless others, to help and share to those in need. We can all make a difference on other people's life through our unselfish dedication of our time and resources for God's work. The beauty of this all not only lies on the fact that we have made a difference on other's life, but that helping others has

helped us too! A transformation is transparent in our lives as we become better persons, better Christians in action living up to what Christ's expectations are from us. I am happy and I feel blessed to have served our church and being a servant of the Lord in a humble capacity as Community Service head. To my department staff and the entire church body, I thank you all for your kind support. Let's make things happen and give God the glory!! Marian MagnoCommunity Services Head

Community Outreach Program


May 1-7 was observed as t h e “ N a t i o n a l Te a c h e r s ' Appreciation Week.” Sabbath School department together with the Commun ica t ions and Children's Ministry Departments decided to hold a special segment, that Sabbath morning (May the 7th) to recognize our committed an dedicated Sabbath School teachers from cradle roll to adult Sabbath School classes. Certificates of appreciation were given to our Sabbath School teachers that day. There are a few similarities and differences between regular school outside church and Sabbath School . One similarity is that, they both require studying and learning.

YOUR BIBLE TRIVIA ….. Directions: Choose the correct answer in Column A. Write it as a number in Column B. Follow the mat instructions to get the final answer.

Column A Column B 1. The number of people in the Garden of Eden 1. _________ 2. The number of people in Noah's ark 2. _________ 3. The number of stones David picked up to use 3. _________ in his slingshot when he went to meet Goliath 4. The number of tribes in Israel 4. _________ 5. The nu7mber of sons that Noah had 5. _________ TOTAL _______________ Divide by 6. The number of times Daniel prayed each day 6. __________ 7. The number of “great lights” that God created 7. __________

LET'SLAUGH…IT'S GOOD FOR YOU!! The minister was preoccupied

with thoughts of how he was going to ask the congregation to come up with more money than they were expecting for repairs to the church building. Therefore, he was annoyed to find that the regular organist was sick and a substitute had been brought in at the last minute. The substitue wanted to know what to play. “Here's a copy of the service, “he said impatiently. “But, you'll have to think of something to play after I make the announcement about the finances.”

During the service, the minister paused and said, repairs cost twice as much as we expected and we need $4,000 more. Any of you who can pledge $100 or more, please stand up.” At that moment, the substitue organist played “The Star Spangled Banner.” And that is how the regular organist lost his job over the s u b s t i t u t e o r g a n i s t … …

However, in regular school, we study and learn things that will help us survive living in this crazy world, while in Sabbath School, we study and learn the word of God and how to live like Him so that someday we will live with Him forever. Another similarity is that, they both need teachers. The difference, in regular school, teachers get paid to teach, in Sabbath School , teachers don't get paid and yet, they devote their extra time in studying and preparing the lessons that need to be taught the following Sabbath. Another difference between the two schools is that, in regular school, there is a graduation while in Sabbath School , there is no graduation. There's promotion instead. Of course,

we grow older, so we get promoted from cradle roll to kindergarten, to primary, to early teen, to youth and then to adult classes. It is a continuous learning process. So from the bottom of our hypothalamus (as what my anatomy and physiology professor used to say), we thank and salute our Sabbath School teachers for their efforts and dedication in teaching our Sabbath School classes.

In honor of our Sabbath School teachers, this acrostic was made especially just for you….

T - teacher, a counselor, a friend and a guide

E - education for our children, that what you provide

A - analyzing their behavior, making sure they ' re always right

C - coaching them whenever they make bad choices until everything is alright

H - healing their hearts whenever they're sad

E - endless patience you give them, whenever they're bad

R - recognizing you is the least we can do and let you know that we love you too.

Verna Vicedo – Head, Sabbath School Dept.

Issue no. 6 April-June 2011 Harvest : Helping us connect with each other Page 12 Issue no. 6 April-June 2011 Harvest : Helping us connect with each other Page 13

Now, your answer should be the same as the number of men Moses sent into Canaan to spy on the land and people

MY FINAL ANSWER IS ______________________ ( to our lucky drawn winner, a dinner for two at the Olive Garden … submit y o u r a n s w e r s t o [email protected])

+++++++++++ A father was approached by his small son who told him proudly, “I know what the Bible means!” His father smiled and replied, “What do you mean, you Know what the Bible means? The son replied, “I do know!” “Okay,” said his father. “What does the Bible mean? That's easy, Daddy …” the young boy replied excitedly, “It stands for “Basic Information Before Leaving Earth.” ++++++++++++

away to the charming Prayer Place for a few quiet moments with God by themselves and some just had a pleasant and enjoyable fellowship together before finally retiring for the night. Sabbath came and the services were really spiritually uplifting starting from the early morning devotional, the Sabbath Worship and the scheduled seminars. We were free to choose which seminar we would like to attend. The subjects were: SPIRITUAL; E M O T I O N A L H E A L T H ; NUTRITION; LEADERSHIP; WOMEN'S HEALTH; FINANCIAL; FAMILY AND YOUNG ADULT “TODAY'S CHURCH”. The seminars were carefully designed

to provide resources to aid the attendees in improving many areas of their lives. The well selected presenters tried to furnish us with a wealth2011 Florida Women's Retreat – 2

of information that gave us the tools and the courage to take off some of the masks we wear and thus leave the retreats feeling released and free to be the person that God created us to be.

During the Sunset Vespers, we were b l e s s e d b y t h e e x c e l l e n t presentation of the WHAM signing ministry group from theBrandon Seventh-day Adventist Church. WHAM stands for “We Have a Mission”, a group composed of dedicated young people whose goal is to know, learn and believe that God's love is real to them and then it can flow out to all they come in contact with . The ultimate goal though is to glorify God. And that's what happened because their presentation was truly uplifting and as well as entertaining.

The highlight of the weekend was the Masquerade Banquet held in the dining room which was beautifully decorated by wonderful and creative ladies who transformed it into a gorgeous and fantastic banquet hall.

Hiding no more.... from page 6

continue to page 14

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wear the Barong, they wore them according to the style the G u a y a b e r a w a s w o r n . )

W h a t t h e S p a n i s h authorities did not smother out was the Filipino's will power and d e t e r m i n a t i o n t o psychological(ly) conquer their colonial masters, through i m p r o v i s a t i o n a n d reinterpretation. The Filipino's stylistic bongga (flashy dresser) was a reaction against the overt discrimination and insensitive oppression of the Spaniards.

For example, Filipinos were forbidden to use imported silk and fabrics for their Barong, so they ingeniously used pineapple leaves to weave the pinya jusi cloth of the barong, turning the outfit into such delicate material, of luminous silky rich mixture much finer than silk. And to add insult to injury, they hand-embroidered the front with such exquisite abandon: Calado and h a n d w o r k a l l o v e r .

Palgrave, the ethnographer noted, "The capitan's shirt was the native barong, of fine and delicate fiber, embroidered and frilled; it was light and cool and not tucked in the trousers." ( C o r p u z , 7 4 )

The Barong Tagalog gained it power, prestige, and status when President Quezon, the first Filipino president, declared it the National dress. (Yimby Editor's Note: Manuel L. Quezon was the first president o f t h e P h i l i p p i n e Commonwealth. Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo was the president of the First Philippine Republic in 1898.) The status of the lowly inferior Barong thus became another symbol of Filipinos'

resistance to colonization.

Af te r Wor ld War I I , Philippine presidents began wearing the Barong Tagalog at their installation into office and on every formal state occasion.

In contemporary times the Barong Tagalog is the power dress. As an abogado de campanilla, you cannot afford not to wear the Barong Tagalog when arguing a case in Philippine c o u r t s .

Today, every visitor and foreign dignitary invited to a Malacañang Palace s ta te function must, by necessity, and dictated by protocol, be dressed to the nines in a Barong Tagalog. The invitations specifically say come in "Barong" instead of the traditional "Coat and Tie." (Yimby Editor's Note: This observation is not true, as foreign diplomats can also wear their national attire. Many of the foreign diplomats come in wearing "black tie" formal w e a r o r t u x e d o s . )

Thus, every one invited to dinner at the Presidential Palace and in many Filipino homes will unknowingly and unwittingly have to experience directly, what it feels to have to wear his shirttails out, to suffer the indignity of having the material of his barong transparent so that he can not conceal any weapon; and horrors, to be accused directly of incipient thievery by having no pockets in his barong to put the s i l v e r .

So, when El Senor Spanish Ambassador is invited to a state dinner, you can say, "Ah, what sweet revenge!"

Tennis Tournament for Fund Raiser

On March 13,2011 OFSDA CHURCH in collaboration with Cebuano Sabbath School Class hosted the 1st Tennis Tournament in Azalea Tennis Club.

That beaut i fu l Sunday morning about 20 tennis aficionados came early- eager and ready to showcase their competitive skills.

Delicious lunch was provided by OFSDA members/players and served before the awarding of trophies at the pavilion.

Samantha Gozo & Vivian Rosete capture the womens double division while Mae Fulgum and Jecelyn Gozo took the 2nd Place.Men's Division Winners:

Jun Razon and James Zarate = Friendship Division

Nelson Marasigan and Novem Tayag = Sportmans Division

Bob Fulgum and Davey Gozo= Club Division

Laura (Tenn is Cen te r Director) suggested that we have to do this tennis outing more often and they are willing to accommodate us anytime.

I'm pretty sure she was referring to the good food and our camaraderie.

The Cebuano Class not only raised $550.00 to benefit the "Davao Mission Trip" on May 19,2011 spearheaded by Engr Gonz Sumayang but also we were able to introduce our "mission" to a lady who happens to sit with us in the pavilion af ter hear ing Pastor Danny Catangay's prayer while gracing the food.

Our next TENNIS OUTING will be on July 24,2011. EVERYONE is invited regardless of your skills.Contact Samantha Gozo for early sign-up at (407) 376-6900.

origin of the barong from page 1

of the church, he haunts the mountain with a band of men like him." The apostle was so upset at this that he tore his clothes, struck himself on the head, and lamented. He rode away from the church just as he was and soon found himself in the bandits' territory. He was taken in prisoner and was brought to their leader who suddenly recognized John, and turned in shame to flee. The dignified old apostle forgot his age, and pursued him with all his might. He cried out, "Why my son, do you flee from me, your own father, unarmed, aged? Have pity, my son, fear not, you still have hope of life. I will intercede with Christ for you. If necessary, I will cheerfully suffer death for you as the Lord did for us. I will give my life for yours. Stand still and believe that Christ has sent me."

At this the young man stopped and looked down; then threw down his weapons and began to tremble and weep bitterly. As the old man approaced, the youth embraced him, confessing his sins and baptizing himself a second time with his tears, but concealing his right hand (the hand that had committed murder). The apostle assured him on oath that he would find forgiveness with the Savior. He pled with him upon his knees, and kissed his right hand itself as if it were now purified by repentance, and so led him back to the church. There he interceded constantly for the youth with much prayer, and struggled with him through continual fasts, and calmed his fears. John did not leave until he had restored him to the church, giving us a shining example of true repentance a n d a w o n d e r f u l p r o o f o f regeneration, a trophy of the resurrection for which we hope.

Let us never be relax in our vigilance once we bring somebody to Christ.... Uncle Bob Fulghum

Editorial note from page 1

Adventists are a chosen people, I will stand beside this lady, and I too will be a 'chosen one' too.” When this certain lady was retelling this to me, she stated that, at that moment, thunder flashed, and the lightning struck the three guys remaining at the table!

Oh brethren, I cannot write all my experiences in all 235 of my crusades in this one article! I make a habit to make a record of all my crusades- the place, the date and the number of baptisms. However,

this is not to exalt myself for it is impossible for me to do all of this, but it is the power of the Holy Spirit that is now in these 5000 souls who accepted Christ through baptism. Throughout all of these miracles, I feel that God used me as His instrument! I can now testify as it is written in Zech. 4:6: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.”

My dear brethren share the truth “without fear”, for God is with you always, even unto the end of the world.

-Romie M. Serrano

Romie’s Biography... from page 19

Issue no. 6 April-June 2011 Harvest : Helping us connect with each other Page 16 Issue no. 6 April-June 2011 Harvest : Helping us connect with each other Page 17

"I never thought that I would get to spend my spring break in Europe! Thinking back on it, I was excited when I found out that I was going. It was a small group; just me, two of my sophomore friends, our girl’s dean, and my history teacher. Our itinerary consisted of: Florence for two days (where we would get an exclusive view of Michaelangelo’s David and Pieta), Naples for another two days (with a boatride to the Isle of Capri), Pompeii for a special tour, and Rome for two days with a tour of the Vatican and the Sistine Chapel. You can imagine how thrilled I was to go sightseeing, touring, and most of all, food tasting! I ate pizza every day, and trust me, I think it was definitely worth it!

One of my favorite parts of my trip was how much I learned from the tour guides and my history teacher. Now, my history teacher has been teaching for 43 years! The amount of times he’s been to Europe astounds me, and

he knows almost everything there is to know about that place. I think one of the best things he shared with me was his knowledge about the artist Michaelangelo. Michaelangelo was an amazing sculptor and painter during the time of the Renaissance. His famous sculptures were of the Biblical character of David (David), of Mary holding Jesus in her arms (Pieta), the Biblical character of Moses (Moses), and his famous paintings1 on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. My history t e a c h e r t o l d m e o f Michaelangelo’s philosophy on sculpting: “The art is already in the marble; it is the artist’s job to remove that piece from the stone.” Out of all the places I have been to on my trip, my favorite place I went to was Rome. The city was a place of beauty. From the dazzling city lights at night, to the glow of the sunrise peaking from the mountains in the horizon, everything about this place was amazing. What I loved about Rome was the opportunity I got to go into the Vatican and touring Sistine Chapel. This building literally took my breath away! The

sculptures inside were creative and ingenious. The paintings were so incredibly done that you could never even think of them with your own imagination! Even more exciting, my two friends and I got a chance to tour the city...by ourselves! It was quite a thrill trying to navigate the buses, attempt to speak and understand Italian, and try our best not to get lost. It has been a dream of mine to journey to this wonderful city, and I thank God I could have the opportunity to be there. Even though this city was incredible in all aspects, itcannot compare to the Great City that God has promised to us if we are all faithful and true to Him.”

-Samantha Gozo

Euro Trip

“My 8th grade experience wouldn't have been amazing without my friends. We made memories, laughed together, and cried together while saying our last goodbyes. I praise God for helping me complete my goals and for giving me another adventure in life. I'm still not sure what I have planned for the future, but i do know that I will try harder as a student and as God's child.” –

Heidi Brown (Middle School Graduate)


Class of 2011!

Jeremiah 29:11- “ ' For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.' “

All of us were requested to dress up in formal evening outfits wearing all sorts of dress masks. It was such a magical evening! Then we were treated with an evening of beauti ful music rendered by the Walker Memorial Academy Fire”N”Steel Band. Their special feature was the contemporary and cultural music of the Caribbean. We had such a blast!

Equally memorable was the Agape Breakfast on Sunday morning during which we were allowed to write on provided pieces of paper things in our lives we think would represent the masks we wear every day sometimes even unconsciously. Each of us was asked to find a partner and spend time knowing each other. We expressed to each other the prayer requests that we oftentimes don't have the courage to tell anybody. Then we were able to earnestly plead to the Lord for those petitions for each other. It gave us a feeling of trust and of being extra close to each other and it was

Hiding no more.... from page 8

indeed a very touching experience!

For the closing exercise, the whole group gathered around a bonfire outside the King Chapel and after a heart-touching closing message by Judge Judith, each of us was asked to take the pieces of paper we wrote on during the agape breakfast and burn them in the bonfire. That symbolized that whatever those issues were will forever be forgotten after learning to receive God's forgiveness and to forgive those who have wronged us. Therefore living and spending the rest of our lives free and real, we can be what God wanted us to be.

We le f t the camp a l l refreshed and quite renewed ready to share the wonderful and delightful experience with our husbands, children, families , neighbors, friends and co-workers. Looking forward to the next women's retreat next year. PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!

S u b m i t t e d b y : S h i r l e y Habaradas

never succeed. Our giant can be a person who antagonizes and intimidates us all the time. Their tongue is sarcastic, the personality is so strong that we cannot stand against him or her. Another giant that may confront us is physical illness that threatens not only our source of income, but also our sense of control over many things in life. The worst is when such illness is destroying our peace and even threatens our life.

David approached his giant with these words, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the Lord Almighty…” If we learn to develop the faith of this little shepherd boy, if we entrust our battles to God and allow Him to give us a brighter vision, focused on His might rather than the taunting of the giants we face, we will have the same victory and joy of defeating first our fears and all the obstacles that are before us.

Pastor’s Pen.... from page 2

rush the minute you decided He was going in your heart and soul. So during the ceremony, when the church was watching me, I didn't feel different from when I went in the water to when I came out. I knew that having made the decision already made me one of God's disciples. So the experience was always a positive one. I didn't feel uncertainty going down and confidence coming back up. I felt knowing going down, and a tad of excitement walking out, looking at my fellow baptized members, my friends, and knowing we were all trying to walk the same path.” End

Baptism ...from page 2

Issue no. 6 April-June 2011 Harvest : Helping us connect with each other Page 18 Issue no. 6 April-June 2011 Harvest : Helping us connect with each other Page 19

Rio Delacruz was born in Orlando, Florida on December 10, 1989, and has lived here for most of his life with his older sister and both his parents. He loves living in the beautiful city of Orlando! One of his highlights from living here is that he grew up in the familiarity of the city along with his family and close friends by his side. Growing up, young Rio attended middle school at Orlando Junior Academy and then attended high school at Forest Lake Academy. When asked what his favorite part of high school was, he replied: “Getting to meet great friends that I will remain friends with for life.”

Rio is charismatic, happy-go-lucky young man who is proudly a member OFSDA. His membership to the church goes back all the way when OFSDA was separated as the Sunshine and Fil-Am churches, and now he is a beloved member of our own OFSDA Youth. One of Rio’s favorite parts of church is the main service. He loves to dive into the Word of God, and takes them to heart while applying them to his own life. His favorite verse in the Bible is Proverbs 3:5,6 which says,

“Trust in the Lord with all you heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path.”

...Of Mothers and WivesMum and Dad were

watching TV when Mum said, "I'm tired, and it's getting late. I think I'll go to bed." She went to the kitchen to make sandwiches for the next day's lunches. Rinsed out the popcorn bowls, took meat out of the freezer for supper the following evening, checked the cereal box levels, filled the sugar container, put spoons and bowls on the table and started the coffee pot for brewing the next morning. She then put some wet clothes in the dryer, put a load of clothes into the washer, ironed a shirt and secured a loose button. She picked up the game pieces left on the table, put the phone back on the charger and put the telephone book into the drawer. She yawned and stretched and headed for the bedroom. She stopped by the desk and wrote a note to the teacher, counted out some cash for the excursion and pulled a text book out from hiding under the chair. She signed a birthday card for a friend, addressed and stamped the envelope and wrote a quick n o t e f o r t h e grocery store.

She put both near her bag. Mum then washed her face with 3 in 1 cleanser, put on her Night So lu t ion & age f igh t ing

moisturizer, brushed and flossed her teeth. Dad called out, "I thought you were going to bed." "I'm on my way," she said. She put some water into the dog's dish and put the cat outside, then made sure the doors were locked and the patio light was on. She looked in on each of the kids and turned out their bedside lamps and radios, hung up a shirt, threw some dirty socks into the hamper, and had a brief conversation with the one up still doing homework. In her own room, she set the alarm; laid out clothing for the next day, straightened up the shoe rack. She added three things to her 6 most important things to do list. She said her prayers, and visualized the accomplishment of her goals. About that time, Dad turned off the TV and announced to no one in particular. "I'm going to bed."

And he did...without another thought. Anything extraordinary here? Wonder why women l i v e l o n g e r . . . ?

CAUSE THEY ARE MADE FOR T H E L O N G H A U L . . . . . . . . . (and they can't die sooner, they still h a v e t h i n g s t o d o ! ! ! ! )

WOMEN ARE SO SPECIAL !!! God's very own

Ever since my boyhood, I was a shy guy among my family. I have three brothers and two sisters who have passed away. Pastor Wendel Serrano, the retired president in the South Philippine Union Conference, is my third brother. Our parents were devoted to the SDA faith but, unfortunately, they all passed away. Talking in public was my burden. I was not able to continue my course in commerce due to our poverty. I was a backslider for about 15 years, yet came back to the faith when I got m a r r i e d t o M s . L u z v i m i n d a Sumagang! We were in it together doing God's work. We have three children: Bouleven; Jewey, a church pastor in Pagadian city; and our only daughter, Pinky, who is with us here in Florida.

Miracles in his life:

Being a preacher has been a long story in my life, and it was such a miracle how God used me to preach His Holy Word to many people. Throughout the thirty years that I spent serving Him, I have seen His great work in the Philippines- particularly in Mindanao, where we conducted 235 public crusades and faced the challenge of debate and bible sharing to other religions in order to defend the truth. We saw God's protection, which encouraged me to preach without fear! I began to claim His promise in Matt. 28: 19-20: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…and surely I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” Also, I began to believe in 2 Tim 1:7: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”

Furthermore, I would like to share some miracles that God has done in order to rescue me from dangerous situations. One night, in a crusade in Cotobato, I received a letter in Ilongo, stating, “Dahan dahan! Pari buka imo ulo ka 45,” meaning, “Slowly, friend! Your head might break with a .45 caliber pistol.” I got no sleep that night wondering if I should stop my meeting. I asked the Lord to give me a fever as a sign to discontinue my meeting. On the following day, I found

that I felt no pain and no headache! I told my group to proceed with our meetings. I told the CAFGU (Civilian Armed Forces Geographical Unit) to watch and guard me. So, during the meetings, I moved constantly while preaching on the platform thinking that if I did so, I will avoid any bullets shot to my head! And you know what happened? After my lecture, the CAFGU called me. They pointed to a star, claiming that, throughout my lecture, it grew larger and larger, and that there was rainbow around it. This made me believe that God was always watching over me; I fully believed that wherever I go, God will always be by my side.

Additionally, there was another miracle that I will always remember. Our brethren requested that I hold a crusade in the mountains. In this region, there is no transportation. Thus, I rode on horseback going to that area. We held our meetings in the open air and there were man-made platform walls, made of wooden boards, behind me for protection from stones that were being thrown at the preachers. Suddenly, when I gave a lecture thru a slide show, a big stone was thrown at my back and the boards broke! My head began to bleed and another stone was suddenly thrown! An old woman was hit in the arm and people began to run away. I called to them, beckoning them to return, shouting, “It's not you! It's me that they want to kill! Come back! The Lord is with us.” So, the people came back but did not sit down, yet remained standing. They were on the verge to run away, in case stones were to be thrown at them again. I then continued my lecture and on the next day, somebody told me that the woman hit by the stone was the mother of the one who stoned me!

To further portray the miracles in my life, I must share my experience in part of Zamboanga. One man, a member of Kristohanon religion, attended one of my crusades. Sittting beside him was an Adventist, who heard this man

constant ly murmuring “Tikal ,” meaning “lies”. Instantly his jaw locked , he could not open his mouth and so he went home. He could hardly eat! Thus, others used spoons to open his mouth! His pastor holds worship in his house for him-but to no effect. However, in my 21st meeting, he began to return to better health!

Furthermore, during my crusade, in a certain house near my tent, where the meetings were held, the father of the family was judging my lecture. He was bothering my audience by shouting, “Tikal kana!” (“That's a lie!”) I could not hold myself, and thus in my microphone, I replied, saying, “Friend, I am not the one you called 'liar'. It is God you call a 'liar' because this is not my own word. I only read what is written in God's word! So, wait for what will God do for you. I will give you ten days in which you will receive something from God. But, I am not saying that God will punish you.” After a few weeks, I met Pastor Hermie Ballesta, the district of that area, in an MVC meeting. Pastor Ballesta told me that on the ending day of our crusade, the man who shouted “Tikal” died. He had only stomach pain, was brought to hospital and died on arrival. This incident was spread to other communities. As a result, people commented, claiming, “Serrano's tongue is very sharp!” And since that time, they were scared to interrupt my crusade again.

You may ask, “Are there more miracles?” Oh yes! When I held my crusade in a community hall, stones were thrown above the roof! Suspecting that someone was trying to harm us, I announced in the microphone, begging, “Friend, I do not see you who you are, but you cannot hide from God's sight because this is not my work, but God's alone. So, just wait and God will do something for you.” In a couple of days, a certain SDA lady who was a backslider, entered the store where four people were sitting and drinking liquor. She heard them talking against me, and when one of them jokingly said, “Since Serrano said that Seventh-Day

Some of Rio’s favorite hobbies are hanging out with his friends, spending time with his family, and playing any type of sports: basketball, football, soccer, he’s got it all! Currently, Rio’s occupation is an assistant manager at Footaction and is a student. Looking to the future,

Rio wants to take on his dream job of becoming a dentist. We wish you all the best Rio, and God bless!

Tell the Truth without Fear Biography of Romie Serrano

continue to page 2

Getting to know them