Homer’s The Odyssey Told by 6 th Grade (2017-2018) 6A [Books 1-12] Odysseus has not returned from Troy. He is stuck on an island with Calypso, who won’t let him leave. In Ithaca suitors have taken over the kingdom. Telemachus, Odysseus' son, is visited by Athena in disguise and tells him to banish the suitors. Penelope, Odysseus' wife, is being held with the suitors and becomes more and more miserable. Telemachus makes Penelope feel better, and tells the suitors that he will have an assembly where he will tell the suitors to leave. Telemachus suspects that his visitor was a goddess. The next day Telemachus gives a speech in which he laments the loss of his father and his father’s home. And his mother Penelope’s suitors have taken over. There has been so much chaos that Penelope declared she would choose a husband as soon as she finished weaving her burial shroud. But every night she would undo the knitting on the shroud so that she would never have to pick a husband. Finally, Antinous declares that he will send Penelope to Icarious so that he could choose a husband for her. But Telemachus refuses to throw his mother out so he calls upon the gods to punish the suitors. After the massacre with the suitors Telemachus starts to prepare for his trip to Pylos and Sparta when Athena visits him again this time in the form of a Mentor. She encourages Telemachus and predicts he will have a fruitful trip. Telemachus only tells Eurycleia about his journey and she pleads him not to go. But Telemachus assures her he is safe because he has a god on his side. At Pylos, Telemachus and Athena ask the king, Nestor about Odysseus. He does not know what happened to Odysseus as after the fall of Troy, two Greek brothers had a fight and separated. Nestor and Odysseus stayed with different brothers. The brother that Odysseus stayed with went home to find that his wife had found a new husband. This husband killed the brother. Before he took over the kingdom, Orestes, and exile in Athens, killed the husband and his new wife. Nestor sends his son to go with Telemachus to Sparta, and Athena stays with Telemachus’ ship and crew. Menelaus, Helen, Pisistratus, and Telemachus are celebrating Menelaus and Helen’s son and daughter’s separate marriages. They remember Odysseus’ Trojan horse that helped defeat the Trojans. Then Menelaus tells the story of how he was forced to capture Proteus. At Odysseus’s house, the suitors hear that Telemachus is going to Ithaca, and plan to ambush him. Homer’s The Odyssey, page 1

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Homers The Odyssey

Told by 6th Grade (2017-2018)

6A [Books 1-12]

Odysseus has not returned from Troy. He is stuck on an island with Calypso, who wont let him leave. In Ithaca suitors have taken over the kingdom. Telemachus, Odysseus' son, is visited by Athena in disguise and tells him to banish the suitors. Penelope, Odysseus' wife, is being held with the suitors and becomes more and more miserable. Telemachus makes Penelope feel better, and tells the suitors that he will have an assembly where he will tell the suitors to leave. Telemachus suspects that his visitor was a goddess.

The next day Telemachus gives a speech in which he laments the loss of his father and his fathers home. And his mother Penelopes suitors have taken over. There has been so much chaos that Penelope declared she would choose a husband as soon as she finished weaving her burial shroud. But every night she would undo the knitting on the shroud so that she would never have to pick a husband. Finally, Antinous declares that he will send Penelope to Icarious so that he could choose a husband for her. But Telemachus refuses to throw his mother out so he calls upon the gods to punish the suitors. After the massacre with the suitors Telemachus starts to prepare for his trip to Pylos and Sparta when Athena visits him again this time in the form of a Mentor. She encourages Telemachus and predicts he will have a fruitful trip. Telemachus only tells Eurycleia about his journey and she pleads him not to go. But Telemachus assures her he is safe because he has a god on his side.

At Pylos, Telemachus and Athena ask the king, Nestor about Odysseus. He does not know what happened to Odysseus as after the fall of Troy, two Greek brothers had a fight and separated. Nestor and Odysseus stayed with different brothers. The brother that Odysseus stayed with went home to find that his wife had found a new husband. This husband killed the brother. Before he took over the kingdom, Orestes, and exile in Athens, killed the husband and his new wife. Nestor sends his son to go with Telemachus to Sparta, and Athena stays with Telemachus ship and crew.

Menelaus, Helen, Pisistratus, and Telemachus are celebrating Menelaus and Helens son and daughters separate marriages. They remember Odysseus Trojan horse that helped defeat the Trojans. Then Menelaus tells the story of how he was forced to capture Proteus. At Odysseuss house, the suitors hear that Telemachus is going to Ithaca, and plan to ambush him. Telemachus mother, Penelope, is scared, but the goddess, Athena sends a phantom of her sister to tell her that her son will be protected.

All of the gods except for Poseidon gather on Mount Olympus to discuss Odysseuss fate. Hermes the messenger of the gods goes to Calypsos island to tell her to let Odysseus go to return home. After a bit of argument Calypso decides to let Odysseus go and helps him build a boat since the last one was destroyed from his journey. After many days of sailing he spots Scheria, the island of the Phaeacians, his next destination. But recently Poseidon came back from his trip and spots Odysseus and realizes what the gods have done for him. Furiously Poseidon stirs up a storm which nearly drowns Odysseus. But soon two goddesses come to rescue him and give him a veil that can protect him. Since he is protected he is able to swim through the water and soon wounds up on an island to rest in a forest nearby.

The Goddess Athena appears in Nausicaa, a Phaeacian princesses dream disguised as her friend and tells her to go to the river the next day to wash her clothes so that she will look appealing to the suitors. Nausicaa goes and while she plays ball with her servants and waits for her clothes to dry, Odysseus comes out of the woods begging for help. She leaves him to wash off all of the dirt on his body, and Athena makes him look handsome so that Nausicaa will fall in love with him. It works and they fall in love, but to not cause a scene by walking in with a stranger she gives him directions to the palace to first meet her mother the queen of the Phaeacians and Odysseus sets off to the palace praying for hospitality from the Phaeacians.

Odysseus heads toward the Phaeacianspalace. He is stopped by a girl who is Athena in disguise and Athena covers him in a mist to prevent the Phaeacians from harassinghim. When he finally does find the palace, he sees the queen and falls at her feet and the mist disappears. The king wonders if this is a god and Odysseuskeeps his real identity secret, but reveals himself to be a mortal. He explains to the king his troubles and they promise him a ship. The queen recognizesthe clothes Odysseus is wearing as her daughter and she interrogateshim. He tells her his story and the King offers Odysseus his daughters hand in marriage.

Alcinous calls upon the Phaeacians councilors to speak of the stranger Odysseus. But before they can make a decision Athena claims that the stranger is a person with godlike powers. The king has a feast for the stranger, when one of his crew members sing a song of the Trojan war which makes Odysseus cry, also making the king suspicious. The king wants to test that and he holds a sort of Olympics where the best athletes compete and lose to Odysseus, and the king throws a celebration in his honor, when he requests that Demodocus sings a song of the Trojan war which causes Odysseus to cry. The king demands that Odysseus tells them who he actually is.

Odysseus tells the Phaeacians about the story of how he got swept away to Ismarus and the Ciccones turn on them and kill six of their men. Then after he was swept away to a land of Lotus-eaters where they gave his crew a intoxicating fruit which made them forget their homeland and never want to leave. This caused Odysseus to drag his men back onto the ship, and this is where they had gone to a land Cyclopes, where the Cyclops, Polyphemus, traps them in his cave by covering the entrance with a boulder. Later Odysseus and his men get the Cyclops highly intoxicated on wine, which caused him to collapse into a deep sleep, giving Odysseus and his men an opportunity to stab him in the eye and blind him. The next morning, they escape by hiding under the bellies of sheep and walking out of the cave and board their ships.

The Achaeans escaped from the island of cyclops. They sailed to the home of Aeolus the ruler of the winds. Odysseus received a magical bag of winds and used that to move the ship across the sea. As they sailed they got to the island of Laestrygonians and got his scouts eaten and got pelted by boulders as they sailed across the sea. Odysseus ended up in Aeaea, where a beautiful goddess named Circe lived. Hermes come to rescue them by telling them they should eat moly to the save themselves from the drug she will put in them. They do and then they survive. Then Odysseus ends up falling in love with her and stopping their voyage for one year. His men start to get fed up and want to go home. So, the morning they want to leave one of the men gets drunk the night before and sleeps on the roof. He woke up with a rude awakening and fell off the roof and broke his neck.

Odysseus travels to many places, and on his journey, he creates some acts and sacrifices. Which then someone who was drunk fell off a roof, and broke their neck. Odysseus is soon told he will reach his fate,for when he returns home. Nevertheless, when Odysseus returns home he talks to many people on his island, they give him plenty of stories of what had happened from lives and deaths. Then Odysseus asked if he may go to sleep, but the queen and the king ask him questions not wanting him to fall asleep, but as kind as he is he answers them truthfully and stays up. He tries to speak to Ajax who apparently killed himself, but when he tried Ajax refused and slipped away. He then sees a man named Tantalus a man who sits by a pool with a branch of grapes hanging over him, but when he reaches there not reachable, and when he needs a drink it sinks out. So, then Odysseus soon finds himself mobbed by souls and, goes to his ship in terror.

Odysseus gets advice from Circe on how to make it home. He first makes it past the sirens using beeswax to plug his and the crews ears for the first obstacle. He passes his second obstacle but 6 of his men get eaten, by the 6-headed monster. He then barely survives the vicious whirlpool,and then he arrives at the island of the sun where his crew run out of provisions so they disobey him and eat one of the cattle. The sun gets mad because they do this so Zeus punishes them by destroying their ship and killing off the crew which he only spares Odysseus, the last one of his men, who barely survives and then gets washed up on Calypsos island.

6B [Books 13-24]

The Phaeacians sail Odysseus from Scheria to Ithaca, but on the way Odysseus falls asleep and that gives the Phaeacians a chance to strand Odysseus on Ithaca and they sail home. When Poseidon finds out that the Phaeacians helped Odysseus get to Ithaca. Poseidon gets permission from Zeus and punishes the Phaeacians by turning their boat to stone making it sink. At first, Odysseus thinks that the Phaeacians stranded him on an unknown island, so hes mad. Then Athena disguised as a shepherd tells Odysseus that hes actually in Ithaca. They both reveal their identities to each other, then Athena tells Odysseus that he should punish the suitors. Odysseus agrees and Athena makes Odysseus unrecognizable and makes look like an old vagabond.

Odysseus sees Eumaeus outside of his hut and invites him inside not knowing it is actually his master in a disguise. Eumaeus feeds Odysseus and rambles how he thinks his master is lost. Odysseus tells him he will see his master again soon but Eumaeus doesn't listen to him. Odysseus stays the night and he is given a cloak to keep him warm. When Eumaeus asks for more about where Odysseus came from he lies and says hes from Crete. Eumaeus fought Odysseus and thinks he killed him but later on a trip to Egypt he hears that Odysseus is still alive.

Athena reaches Sparta to find Telemachus. She informs him of an ambush taking place by the suitors in the palace. Telemachus must reach the hut of Eumaeus to find answers to this war. The next day, Telemachus announces that he will depart. Contingently, Menelaus and Helen hand him gifts. As he departs, Telemachus sees Odysseus in the form of an Eagle holding a goose. Later, Telemachus meets Theoclymenus, a prophets descendant. He offers him hospitality and for him to come aboard. In the hut of Eumaeus, Odysseus offers to leave. He urges the old man to not go out of his way and that working for the suitors is suicide. Now that they have spare time, the two men swap stories. Eumaeus, his descent to Ithaca, the son of a king, was stolen by pirates from his palace. He was taken back to Ithaca by Odysseus father, Laertes. He raised him. The next day, Telemachus reaches Ithaca and Odysseus appears in the form of a hawk carrying a goose. He believes it is a sign of Odysseus strength.

When Telemachus reaches Eumaeus hut, he finds him talking to a stranger

(Odysseus in disguise). Eumaeus suggests that Odysseus stays with Telemachus in the palace. Telemachus is afraid what the suitors might do to them. Eumaeus goes to the palace alone and tells Penelope that their son has returned. Athena appears and tells him to go outside. When Odysseus re-enters the hut, his disguise is gone. Father and son meet again. Odysseus makes a plan to overthrow the suitors. Odysseus has the disguise again in the battle to kill all of the suitors.

Telemachus goes to see Penelope and the nurse Eurycleia that are happy that he is back, but the suitors are still lurking so they cannot share to much information. The only thing that Telemachus tells Penelope is a little bit of news he has heard from Odysseus, but never says that he has seen him. Meanwhile, Eumaeus and Odysseus go looking for Telemachus when they meet Melanthius who helps the suitors and brings them to the palace. At the palace, Odysseus is given food to eat when Antinous starts insulting him, so Odysseus insults him back and they start going after each other. Penelope gets mad at them, she wanted to talk to the beggar in private. So Eumaeus goes back to the hut and leaves Odysseus and Telemachus alone with the suitors.

A beggar named Irus challenges Odysseus to a boxing match. Much to Iruss surprise, Odysseus has been gifted by Athena and wins. The suitors congratulate Odysseus and he tells Amphinomus to leave the palace and that Odysseus shall return. Amphinomus is not afraid and despite being bound to death by the hands Telemachus by Athena. Penelope says to the suitors that she shall take a new husband if Telemachus begins to grow facial hair before Odysseus returns. She tricks them into bringing her gifts by saying that any suitor worth their salt will try to win her hand by gifts. Penelope will be showered in drinks, gifts, and food. Eurymachus insults Odysseus, but Odysseus responds with insults of his own. Eurymachus throws a stool at Odysseus, but misses and hits a servant. A riot is about to break out but, Telemachus steps in and diffuses the situation.

Once the Suitors had left for the night, Telemachus and Odysseus safely disposed of the arms. After this, Penelope went to the strange visitor curious, asking him to describe her husband. The visitor then tells his story. Penelope offers the visitor a place to sleep, he declines, but later Eurycleia recognizes a scar on his foot when washing it. The scar was soon recognized as the scar that Odysseus received. Eurycleia promises to keep his secret. Afterwards, Penelope describes to Odysseus a dream that she had, she didnt know what it meant and Odysseus tries to describe it to her. Penelope then decides that she is going to choose a new husband, her husband will be the first man to successfully shoot an arrow through the holes of twelve axes set in a line.

Penelope and Odysseus are having trouble sleeping at night. Odysseus worried that he and Telemachus will never be going to be able to conquer so many soldiers. Penelope is praying for Artemis to kill her because she is so lonely about Odysseus. The soldiers enter and they are plotting Telemachus murder. But Athena keeps the soldiers calm through dinner to prevent Odysseus anger from losing its edge. The room soon becomes covered with blood and their faces have assumed and forgotten ghostly looks.

As Odysseuss attempted to string an arrow through 12 axes on his first attempt he failed to do so. Also, how he thought to himself that he could not do it he tried again and how he failed many other times so then he goes to the arrow god Apollo and did this in sacrifice to him to complete putting a arrow through 12 axes. When Odysseus returned Eurymachus has took the bow and tried to string it then he was able to do it could do it even though he was underestimating himself.

Before suitors realize what was going on Odysseus shoots another arrow at Antinous.

Suitors thought it was an accident but, Odysseus meant to kill Antinous. Philoetius and Eumaeus lock the palace down. Eurymachus tries to convince Odysseus that the Antinous was the only evil of the group. While Telemachus tries to provide weapons from the storeroom, Melantius is locked in the storeroom by Eumaeus and Philoetius. A battle occurs, and Athena appears disguised as Mentor. Odysseus and his men kill several suitors. Odysseus only spares minstrel Phemius and the herald Medon. When Odysseus has Eurycleia come out, she rounds up the servant women who are hung and killed. Lastly, the traitor Melanthius is tortured and killed.

Penelope sleep through the fight. When she wakes up saw Eurycleia which was her husband. When Penelope wakes up she see the destruction after the fight. When Penelope see this, she is confused. Then Eurycleia tells her the details of the fight. Then Odysseus talk about a trip he taken. Then Penelope started to understand what is going on. The next day Telemachus tells Penelope to be careful after the war.

Hermes leads the souls of the suitors into the gates of hell. One of the suitors names Amphimedon gives an account while Agamemnon and Achilles are bickering. The suitors mostly blame Penelope. In Ithaca Odysseus goes to Laertes farm and in disguise speaks to his father and after seeing his fathers grief Odysseus reveals his identity to his father. Odysseus then tells him about the suitors. While Odysseus is visiting, the goddess named Rumor goes around the city, telling of the massacre at the palace. The parents of the suitors raise controversy about if the fate of their sons was reasonable. A small army attacks Odysseus for his deeds but a disguised Athena stops the violence, and makes the Ithacans forget the massacre. Odysseus is recognized as king and peace is restored to the land.

Homers The Odyssey

Told by 6th Grade (2016-2017)

6B [Books 1-12]

It is 10 years after the Trojan war and Odysseus is held hostage by the goddess Calypso who has fallen in love with him and will not let him go. Everyone believes he is dead. In Ithaca, Athena transforms into Mentes who is one of Odysseuss old friends and talks to Telemachus. She tells him to ban the suitors from his fathers estate. She also tells him to travel and look for his dad. Meanwhile, the suitors are looking to take over the kingdom and take Penelope as their wife. Telemachus suggests to Penelope to find a new husband and that he will take care of her if she does not. Telemachus then tells the suitors to leave his fathers estate as suggested by Athena.

At the assembly, Aegisthus speaks. He compliments Telemachus for embodying his father. Telemachus passionately speaks of his sorrows. They continue the courtship day, when anyone would go to Penelopes father and ask for her hand in marriage. Antinous blames the failed marriage on Penelope, who, he says wins the suitors over but will commit to none. But Penelope postpones the future marriages. Antinous threatens to leave Penelope for another suitor. Instead of having his mother abandoned he wants to exile the suitors. The fortune teller predicts that Odysseuss return, and warns the suitors of a massacre that will occur. The suitors dont believe it, and the meeting comes to an end. As Telemachus is preparing for his trip to Pylos and Sparta, Athena visits him again, this disguised as Mentor. She encourages him about the journey to begin. She then goes out disguised as Telemachus, hoping it collects a loyal, crew to man ship. Telemachus tells no one about leaving, only his nurse. She pleads him not to go off, like his father, but then calms down, knowing god is by his side.

Athena, disguised as Mentor, went with Telemachus to a religious ceremony to deliver a speech and have a meeting with, Nestor, the king of the land. Telemachus approaches Nestor hoping to find information about the missing Greek hero, Odysseus, Nestor, has no information about Odysseus. Agamemnon returned from Troy to find Aegisthus who stayed back while people fought in troy, and had married his wife. The wife agreed, so Aegisthus murdered Agamemnon, he would have taken the kingdom if not Orestes returned and killed Aegisthus, and Clytemnestra. Athena Reveals herself from shedding from mentor, and forming into an eagle to protect Telemachus.

In Sparta, the King Menelaus and Queen Helen are celebrating. On King Nestors suggestion, Pisistratus and Telemachus travel to Sparta to visit King Menelaus. Menelaus welcomes them and then realizes that Telemachus is Odysseus son. They recall Odysseus cunning feats while they feast.

The next day, Menelaus tells Pisistratus and Telemachus about his own voyage home from Troy. On that trip, he became stranded in Egypt and had to capture Proteus, the Old Man of the Sea, for directions home. From Proteus, he learned that Agamemnon and Ajax died in Greece, and that Odysseus is alive but imprisoned on Calypsos island. Telemachus was excited to learn that his father was still alive.

Upon learning of Telemachus return, Penelopes suitors plan to ambush and kill him when he gets home so that they can claim the throne of Ithaca faster. A servant hears these plans and tells Penelope, who becomes very upset. The goddess Athena sends a phantom in the form of Penelopes sister to Penelope to reassure her that Telemachus will be safe.

All the gods but Poseidon went together at Mount Olympus. to talk about Odysseus' fate. Athena speech helped the hero to be more powerful than Zeus. Hermes sent a message to Calypso island to tell that Odysseus must be allowed to leave so he could go home in reply so Calypso delivers. At the end, she submitted to the Supreme will of Zeus. By now, Odysseus led at Troy his crew and his other and boat of his forces were destroyed during his journey so Calypso helped him to rebuild his new boat and stocks for their supplies from her island. After 18 days at sea, Odysseus spots Scheria in the distance. He was next to his destination showed by the gods. Afterwards, Poseidon was returning from his trip from the land of the Ethiopians. He spots him and noticed that the other gods have done things while he was away. After Poseidon started a storm, which almost dragged the Odysseus with the storm and almost put him under the sea but the goddess Ino came to, rescue. She gave Odysseus a vile to keep him safe. He threw his veil in the ocean as Ino had commanded and he went into the protection of a forest.

That night Athena appears to Nausicaas dream and told her to go river. So, the next day Nausicaa goes to the river where Nausicaa and her handmaidens were playing a game. They were naked because they were waiting for their clothes to dry. Then when Odysseus finally wakes up and encounters them, he pleads for assistance but does not reveal who he is. Then he washes himself off and Athena makes him look nice. When Nausicaa sees him and she falls in love, but she is afraid of walking into town with a man by her side. Nausicaa tells directions to Odysseus and gives advice on how to approach Arete, queen of Phaeacians.

Odysseus was going to the Phaeacian king when Athena stopped him and told him to ask Arete, the queen, to help him get home. At the palace, Odysseus saw the queen and begged her for help getting home. The king and queen happily give him a ship. Later, when the king, queen and Odysseus are alone he tells them his story about his journey.

The next day, Alinous plans a meeting with his Phaeacian counselors. They decide that they should spread the word of the strange visitor, get a ship to bring him back, and arrange a celebration and games in honor of him. Odysseus weeps at the feast when a bard named Demodocus sings of painful memories from Troy. Then, the games begin. Odysseus is asked to participate, but then declines due to his sadness. Although, when an athlete insults him, he immediately steps up to join. Odysseus wins the discus toss challenge, and then is determined to keep competing with the Phoenicians. Instead, they all enjoyed another feast. Phaeacian men give Odysseus gifts for his journey. Finally, the king asks Odysseus who he is, where he is from, and where he is going.

Odysseus tells the Phaeacians the story tale of his wanderings. Odysseus and his men explored Troy to Ismarus, city of the Ciccones. Odysseus and his crew got carried away by greed and were attacked by the Ciccones, although Odysseus and his crew escaped they still lost many men. A storm swept Odysseus and his crew to the land of Lotus-eaters. In the city of Lotus eaters Odysseus men ate an intoxicated fruit of the Lotus, the fruit erased all their memory. Odysseus dragged his men back to the ship. Next Odysseus and his men sailed through the land of Cyclopes, they came upon a cave with milk and cheese. The men told Odysseus to quickly steal the milk and cheese. Odysseus slowly lingers and were caught by the cyclops Polyphemus. Two of Odysseuss men were eaten and Odysseus was imprisoned, as well as the rest of the crew. The next day Odysseus comes up with a plan and executes. While Polyphemus is busy Odysseus gets a wooden staff, hardens it in the fire. Odysseus gets Polyphemus drunk on wine and Polyphemus collapses with intoxication. Then Odysseus and a selected group of his men drive the red burning staff into his one eye. Odysseus and his men escape from the cave, before Polyphemus wakes up and shrieks Nobodys killed me The people escaped the blind Polyphemus and get safely boarded on their ships and Polyphemus prays to his father, Poseidon, calling for vengeance on Odysseus.

Odysseus and his men sail to the land of Achaeans where there are cyclops that serve the king Aeolus. Aeolus gives Odysseus a bag of wind that can guide and get them home faster. Within several days his crew members get fooled into thinking that Aeolus has given Odysseus a bag of gold instead of a bag of wind so they open the bag and started going back toward Aeolus, and as he sees what is happening he gets angry, he tells Odysseus that they will not get another bag of wind. Without the wind, they float to a land of powerful giants that are ruled by Antiphus and an unnamed queen, see them as dinner and turn then in pigs. Odysseus and the rest of his crew run toward their boats but they start to sink because of the giants.

Odysseus goes to the underworld as instructed by Circe, and meets Elpenor and Tiresias, who tell him that Poseidon is punishing the Achaeans because he blinded his son, the Cyclops. Teiresias then foretells Odysseuss fate- that he will turn home, and reclaim his palace from the suitors. He will then travel to a distant land to appease Poseidon. Odysseus speaks with his mother, Anticleia, who updates him on Ithaca. Then Odysseus meets and talks to many other famous heroes. He encounters Agamemnon, Achilles, Heracles, King Mino, and the hunter Orion. They all want to know about the world above, which overwhelms Odysseus, causing him to sail away.

Odysseus returns to Aeaea where he learns of his next obstacles. Then on his voyage he passes the sirens. As ordered his men plug their ears and tie him to the mast so he can hear but not swim away. Then he can choose one of two ways to travel. He can either go past Scyllas den who will eat 6 sailors or past Charybdis, a whirlpool who can destroy an entire ship. He chooses Scylla who eats 6 of his men. Then they arrive at the island of the sun god to rest. Once they run out of food Odysseuss men kill the sun cows. Once the sun god finds out he gets angry and asks Zeus to punish Odysseuss crew. Zeus creates a huge storm that kill Odysseuss entire crew. Odysseus stranded on his ships remains floats back to Charybdis which he barely escapes. Eventually he washes up on Ogyia, Calypsos island where he takes a break.

6A [Books 13-24]

Odysseuss wanderings are now complete. The Phaeacians offer to take him back to his homeland Ithaca. Poseidon becomes enraged at the Phaeacians for transporting his nemesis. Zeus allows him to punish the Phaeacians. As their ship goes into harbor, it turns to rock and sinks like the prophecy. Athena put fog on his country to conceal its true identity. Athena, disguised as a shepherd tells Odysseus that the Phaeacians didnt trick him. Athena makes him unrecognizable and has him punish the sailors.

Odysseus saw Eumaeus outside his hut, and invites him inside due to the cold weather, little does he know that he is his unspecified master. Eumaeus gladly accepted the invitation. After he brings him inside they talk about his previous masters, Odysseus takes care of the stranger and lets him spend the night. Also, he feeds him pork and takes good care of him. Eumaeus asks Odysseus about his origins, and he lies telling him he is from Crete. Eumaeus talks about his longing to see his previous master, Odysseus suspects he will see his master very soon, but Eumaeus denies his statement. Little does Eumaeus remember they both fought together at Troy and made it home safely, but the trip to Egypt went awry, and was reduced to poverty.

Athena traveled to Sparta to tell Telemachus that the suitors might marry his mom queen Penelope of Ithaca if he didnt come home. Telemachus leaves Sparta and receives gifts from Menelaus and Helen. Once he got to Pylos Telemachus went straight to his ship to leave but then Telemachus a famous prophets descendant asked him to let him aboard so that he could flee his prosecution because he committed manslaughter. Meanwhile, Odysseus tests his hospitality by offering to leave in Eumaeus he leaves the next morning. Eumaeus wanted before he left to not get mixed up with the suitors before he left. Last Eumaeus told Odysseus that he had been the son of a king and he got stolen by pirates and then they sold him in Ithaca. Telemachus reaches Ithaca and heads to the city to save his mother.

Telemachus finds a stranger who is Odysseus in disguise in his hut. He plots to kill the suitors when he arrives. Odysseus plan is to disguise himself as old beggar, then Telemachus and him will come and slaughter them all. A messenger gives word that Telemachus has returned, and so Antinous wants to kill him. But one mannered suitor suggests to await a signal from the gods before doing anything possibly stupid. But then Odysseus reveals himself and Telemachus is stunned. Eurymachus calms Penelope down through lies about his Telemachus safety, in which he really doesnt care for him.

When Telemachus leaves Odysseus to go back to his palace, he has an emotional greeting with his wife, Penelope, and the nurse, Eurycleia. He then meets Piraeus and Theoclymenus in the great halls of the palace, and tells Piraeus not to bring the gifts from Menelaus in the palace, for fear of being killed. At dinner, Telemachus talks to Penelope about the information he got from Odysseus but leaves out a very important detail. This very important detail is that Telemachus has seen Odysseus with his own two eyes in Eumaeus hut. Then, Theoclymenus comes in and says that Odysseus is in Ithaca as they speak. On the other hand, Eumaeus and Odysseus set out to follow in Telemachus steps. On their journey, they run into Melanthius, who is a subordinate base of the suitors and heaps scorn on Eumaeus. He also kicks his beggars companion. Odysseus gets a welcome at the palace that is similar to Telemachus welcome. He is given food by suitors, and Antinous insults him. When Odysseus responds with an insult Antinous responds back in a way that even disgusts the suitors. Odysseus doesnt want to be seen heading toward the queens room. Eumaeus then makes an announcement that causes Odysseus to be left alone with Telemachus and the suitors.

A beggar had made Odysseus very mad and then challenged him to a boxing match. Then he found out that Odysseus was gifted with strength and power from the gods. When he tries to escape Odysseus, he catches up to him and almost beats him to death. He is congratulated when he returns. Then he predicts that Amphinomus that Odysseus will soon return to his own home but then he is warned that he has to abandon the palace and return to his own land. When Amphinomus doesnt leave, Athena bound him to death at the hands of Telemachus. Athena then puts it into Penelopes head to make her incredibly beautiful. Then Odysseus gives instructions to her to take a new husband if he fail to return before Telemachus gets too old. Athena now inspires Eurymachus to insult him, to make him even more mad with the suitors. Then the two men get in a fight and accidentally hit a servant with a stool, a riot breaks out. Telemachus steps into the situation and diffuses it.

When the suitors go off to bed, Telemachus and Odysseus remove the arms, storing them to protect them. After the arms are stored, Telemachus goes to bed and Penelope meets Odysseus. Penelope comes to question the beggar (Odysseuss disguise). The Beggar describes Odysseus so well that Penelope cries. When Odysseuss feet get washed by Eurycleia notices the scar that Odysseus had. Eurycleia recognizes the beggar as Odysseus, making him have to swear her to secrecy. Penelope decides she is going to choose a husband that can be the first to shoot an arrow between the holes of twelve axes.

Penelope and Odysseus are both being kept awake by their worries. Yet, Athena reassures him that all things are possible if you pray to the Gods. But, as Penelope's burdens torment her she prays to the Gods to end her life. Her distressed state wakes Odysseus to ask Zeus for a good omen.

The next day multiple important figures meet up still with the plan to murder Telemachus. They are convinced by Amphinomus not to go through with the plan of murdering Telemachus after seeing a bad sign. Athena keeps Odysseuss anger on throughout the feast thought hes not going to murder Telemachus. When a wealthy man named Ctesippus enters and throws a cow hoof at Odysseus and Telemachus points a sword at him and damns the wealthy man to the underworld. As the suitors laugh and mock Telemachus they fail to notice the room and their faces changing to resemble ones of the underworld.

Penelope gets Odysseuss bow, and announces that whoever can string the bow, and shoot an arrow through 12 axes, she will marry. Many people attempt this, but fail at stringing the bow. The suitors grease it, but one by one they fail. Odysseus follows Eumaeus outside, and finally reveals his true identity to them by means of the scar on his foot. When Odysseus returns, Eurymachus has the bow. He feels disgraced because he couldnt string the bow. Antinous suggests that they place this for the next day and sacrifice Apollo, before trying again. A minute later, Odysseus ask for the bow. Antinous ridicules him, saying that the wine has gone to his head. Telemachus tales control, and gives Odysseus the bow. He strings it, and succeeds in shooting the bow through the twelve axes.

Odysseus wants his wife back so Telemachus, Eumaeus, Philoetius, and Odysseus attempt to kill the suitors. Odysseus tricked the suitors being undercover. During the battle, Athena comes first disguised as Mentor and encouraging Odysseus and then later joins Odysseus's side in the huge battle. They win the battle and spares only two lives. Eurycleia comes out and rounds up the disloyal servant women, who clean up after the battle and then later are hung.

There was a war that Penelope slept through, so she missed everything that happened and does not believe what Eurycleia is telling her. But during the war, Odysseus killed all of the noble young men in Ithaca. So, he makes arrangements to go into hiding, or at least keep a low profile to seem innocent. Since she does not remember anything, Penelope is concerned that the Gods are playing a trick on her. She tells Eurycleia to move her bridal bed out of worry. Then Odysseus proves to her that he is indeed her husband, by showing her that the bed cannot move because it is built directly out of a tree trunk from the ground. The next day, he leaves to fulfill a prophecy under the protection of Athena.

Odysseus has killed all of the suitors and is visiting his father Laertes in Ithaca. Laertes doesnt know that the man he is talking to is his son, until Odysseus shows his true identity. He shows him his scar and talks about childhood memories. Odysseus then tells his father of how he avenged himself against the suitors. Meanwhile, in the town of Ithaca, the Goddess Rumor spreads the news of the massacre. After hearing this news, the families of the suitors come to avenge their sons. Athena (disguised as a Mentor) wants peace and has the families forget the massacre. Odysseus is recognized as king and peace is restored.

Homers The Odyssey

Told by 6th Grade (2015-2016)

6A [Books 1-12]

The Odyssey begins ten years after the Trojan war. All Greeks have returned home from war, except Odysseus. He has been imprisoned on the island named Ogygia with the goddess Calypso, who has fallen in love with him and wont let him leave the island. Meanwhile back in Ithaca, his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus are not sure if Odysseus is still alive. Zeus sent out the goddess Athena to speak with Telemachus in the form of one of his fathers friend. Athena tells him that his father is still alive and will soon return. Athena also tells him to go to Plyos and Sparta to find news about his father. After this conversation, Telemachus goes to the suitors quarters and finds his mother Penelope. Telemachus then announces that he will be having an assembly the next day to get rid of the suitors.

The assembly meets the next day, Aegyptius complemented Telemachus for coming to the assembly for his absent father. He confirmed the loss of his father and his properties, and about his mothers remarriage. He also talks about suitors accusing his mother for not committing herself in choosing her husband for her remarriage, but instead weaved a burial shroud and undid the knitting each night, so she wouldn't have to go through the process of finding her new husband. The suitor said she should be sent to Icarius, for he will chose her a husband. Telemachus continues to refuse to throw out his mother and calls upon the gods to punish the suitors. While Telemachus gets ready for his trip to Pylos and Sparta, Athena visits him and gives him his fortune on his journey, disguises herself as Telemachus and gathers a loyal crew to man his ship. Telemachus is ready to go on his journey without a word to his household, but tells Eurycelia, which she gives him word of advice, to not choose the route his father once did.

Telemachus and Athena (in disguise as a Mentor) are at Pylos to ask Nestor, the citys king, about Odysseus whereabouts. Nestor has no information about Odysseus, but he tells them that the brothers Agamemnon and Menelaus had an argument. After the argument, they parted ways and Nestor followed Menelaus, while Odysseus stayed with Agamemnon. Nestor explains that Agamemnon returns from try to find that Aegisthus had seduced and married his wife, Clytemnestra. Aegisthus then kills Agamemnon. Orestes, who was in exile, returned to kill Aegisthus and Clytemnestra. Nestor decides to send his own son, Pisistratus, to accompany Telemachus to Sparta, and the two decide to leave the next day. Athena then reveals her true form by turning into an eagle, and then stays behind to help; protect Telemachuss ship and crew.

In Sparta, Menelaus and Helen, the King and Queen are celebrating the separate marriages of their son and daughter. They merrily greet, the latter of whom they soon recognize as the son of Odysseus because of the obvious family resemblance. As they all dine, the King and Queen recount with sadness of the many examples of Odysseus cunning at Troy. Queen Helen recalls how Odysseus appearance had been as a beggar to raid the citys walls. King Menelaus tells the famous story of the Trojan horse, Odysseus masterful plan that let the Greeks raid into Troy and destroy the Trojans. Sadly, during the feast suitors had planned an ambush. Luckily Herald overheard them planning and told Penelope.

Every god except for Poseidon gathered on Mount Olympus to discuss Odysseus's fate. Athenas, the goddess of wisdom, speech convinced Zeus to help Odysseus. Hermes, the messenger god, was sent to Calypsos island or home to tell her that Odysseus needed to be released so that he could return home. Calypso is upset and says that the male are free to take mortal lovers and the goddesses affairs are always complicated. In the end, Calypso agrees to let Odysseus go. Odysseus was the only man left from the huge fleet that he commanded, and therefore was the only person on the island. Calypso helped him build him a brand-new boat and stocked it with the island food and resources to survive the voyage. With great sadness Calypso watched her love sail into the unknown. After 2 weeks and 4 days Odysseus spotted Scheria, which is the island of the Phaeacians, where the Gods meant to direct him. Returning from a trip to the land of the Ethiopians, Poseidon spotted Odysseus and realized what the gods and goddesses of Olympus did without him. Poseidon makes a storm, which almost drags Odysseus under the ocean. The goddess Ino comes to the rescue. She gives him a magic veil that keeps him safe after the shipwreck. Athena comes too, to rescue Odysseus. Odysseuss prayers finally pay off and allow him to swim to shore. When he comes on land, he walks through the protection of the forest.

Athena comes to the Phaeacian princess Nausicaa in a dream as the princesss friend to make her go to the river and wash her clothes. The next day when Nausicaa is at the river with her maids, she meets Odysseus but does not want to help him when he asks for help. Athena makes him look handsome when he washes himself in the river, so Nausicaa falls in love with him and tells him directions to the Kings and Queens palace. Odysseus sets out to the palace after he prays to Athena for the hospitality from the Phaeacians.

As Odysseus walks towards the city, Athena disguised as a young girl surrounds him with protective mist, and guides him to the palace of Alcinous. She tells to especially plea for help to Arete, a wise and strong queen, who knows how to get Odysseus home. When Athena reached the palace, she went right back to her city of Athens. When Odysseus gets there, he finds the residents of the palace having a festival in honor of Poseidon. As soon as he saw the queen, he bows before her. The king and queen first thought that he was a god, but he cleared that suspicion after telling he is a mortal. They agreed to send him home on a Phaeacian Ship. Odysseus describes to the king and queen how he came to Phaeacia. Later that day, the queen recognizes that Odysseus clothes are the ones that she made for her daughter, Nausicaa. He explained to Arete about his journey from Calypso's island, which involved Nausicaa giving Odysseus a set of clothing to wear. Odysseus claims that it was his idea to come alone. King Alcinous is impressed by him and offers him his daughters hand in marriage.

The next day, Athena, from the Athens, announces of a godlike visitor coming to Phaeacia. The king, Alcinous, requests a feast for this surprise guest. At the feast, Demodocus sings of a quarrel, which makes the guest, Odysseus, upset. The king notices, and decides to stop the feast to start the games. Odysseus didnt want to play at first, but another competitor insulted him, so Odysseus decided to play. Odysseus won a game, which cheered him up, so he challenges everyone else who was competing. Then the discussion becomes more heated, so the King invites everyone for another feast. Alcinous and the men, then give Odysseus gifts for his journey back home. Demodocus sings a different song, causing Odysseus to break down again. This action made the king very suspicious and asks Odysseus who he is, where hes from, and where he is going.

Odysseus grudgingly tells the Phaeacians of his unfortunate accounts. Once on the shore of Troy, the winds blow him to the city of Ismarus, where the Cicones reside. He and his men stay and despoil the land, until the Cicones onslaught them. Odysseus evades the island having lost six men per ship. A treacherous storm sent by the mighty god, Zeus, rages on for nine days, and finally washes them up on the land of the Lotus-eaters. The natives of the land feed them the fruit of the lotus, an intoxicating fruit that fills one who consumes it with the desires of eating the fruit continuously, losing all thoughts of normal activity whatsoever. Odysseus eventually has to drag his men onto the ships. Thence, Odysseus and his men sail to the land of the Cyclopes, and come across a cave filled with sheep, milk, and cheese. The men encourage Odysseus to take some of it and quickly hurry away. But Odysseus tarries, and soon, the resident of the cave, Cyclops Polyphemus, the son of Poseidon, captures him. Polyphemus deceives the visitors with warm reception at first, and then congests two of them and stores the rest for later. Odysseus wishes to slay the beast, but knows that to smite him with his sword would ruin his chances of escaping, for only Polyphemus had the strength to remove the boulder that served as a door to the cave. He devises his plan to elude the home of the brutish monster. While Polyphemus is out hunting for food, Odysseus torches a large stick of wood. Later, Odysseus inebriates Polyphemus with the wine that the men brought aboard their ship. Polyphemus, in his drunkenness, asks Odysseus his name. Odysseus tells him that his name is Nobody. When Polyphemus drops of intoxication, Odysseus and his men drive the scorched stick into Polyphemuss eye. Polyphemus wakes, and screams. His neighbors come to see what the matter was, but they withdraw when he yells that Nobody was killing him. The men sneak out like sheep and go back to their boat. After Safely aboard their boat they yell to Polyphemus I am Odysseus! Polyphemus prays to his father, Poseidon to curse Odysseus and his crew.

Odysseus crew sail from the land of the Cyclopes to Aeolus home, king of the winds. He gives them a bag of winds to help guide them home. Aeolus then blows a wind to guide them back to Ithaca. In 10 days, they are in sight in Ithaca, but the crew opens the bag thinking there was gold and silver, but the winds blow them back to Aeolia. When the crew asks for his help, he refuses. He thinks that the gods hate him and want to kill them. Now the crew, having no wind to set sails, they row their boats to the land of Laestrygonians, or land of powerful giants. When the crew realizes that the giants want to eat them, they retreat to their ships. The giants throw boulders and destroy the ships. Odysseus ship is the only one intact, and the crew escapes. Then they travel to Aeaea, home of Circe. Circe then drugs the men into pigs. Hermes visits Odysseus and tells him to eat a herb called Moly to protect himself from the drug, and then attack her when she tries to hurt Odysseus. Circe soon turns the pigs back to humans, and rest for a year. Odysseus asks Circe for directions, and tells him to go to Hades and find the blind prophet who will tell them how to get home. In the next morning, the youngest crewmember, Elpenor sleeps on the roof, and when he hears the yelling and marching of the crew, wakes up, and falls to his death. Odysseus tells the crew they must go to Hades realm, and the crew is very displeased to learn that they must visit Hades realm to find a way back to Ithaca.

Odysseus goes to the River of Ocean in Cimmerians where he makes offerings according to Circe's instructions. The offerings he made were pouring of libations and sacrifices, then he is to attract the spirits of the dead. The first spirit was Elpenor were he begs for a proper burial. The second soul he encountered was Theban, who tells him Poseidon is punishing the Achaeans and tells him his fate. Then speaks to other spirits. He speaks to his mother who updates him on affairs and she had been waiting for him to return. Then he speaks to famous men and heroes who tell him stories about life and death. As the stories went on, he was too exhausted and tired to keep going. But the king and queen wanted him to continue; they wanted to know if he spoke to any Greeks who fell in Troy in Hades. He replied that he encountered Agamemnon. Next he meets Achilles. Next he tries to speak with Ajax but Ajax refuses to speak to him. He then sees two hunters of Orion Hercules and King Minos and other spirits. After, he encounters Sisyphus, struggling to push up a boulder up a hill for his punishment. Lastly, he then sees Tantalus, struggling internally from hunger and thirst. After talking to all the other spirits, Odysseus finds himself being mobbed by many souls. He then runs away from fright of the souls and sails away.

Odysseus returns to Aeaea, where he buried his friends Elpenor. He spends one last night with his wife Circe. That night, she describes that challenges he will face on his trip home. When he sets sail, they pass their first obstacle, the Sirens. He plugs his mens ears with beeswax and orders them to bind him to the mast of their ship. After that, they pass the giant whirlpool Charybdis, and the six-headed monster, Scylla. Scylla eats six of Odysseus men as they pass. Odysseus then comes to Thrinacia, the island of the sun. He tried to avoid it but Eurylochus persuades the crew to rest there. They live on the ships food and water but it quickly runs out. Yet again Eurylochus is able to persuade the crew, this time telling them to eat some of the Suns cattle. Not the brightest idea. When the Sun finds out, he tell Zeus to cast a storm on Odysseus ship when he sets sail. Sure enough, a storm rages on Odysseus ship soon after they leave. The ship sinks and everyone but Odysseus survives, and expected due to the gods protection. The storm takes him back to Charybdis, which he escapes for the second time. He eventually reaches Ogygia, Calypsos island. Here he tells the Phaeacians that there is no reason for him to repeat his story.

6B [Books 13-24]

After Odysseus has finished wandering Scheria, he packs up to set sail for Ithaca. Alcinous loads the ship with gifts the next day and leaves at dusk. Tired, Odysseus falls asleep the whole night while Phaeacian crew sails the ship. The Phaeacian crew drops Odysseus off with his gifts at Ithaca while he is still asleep. The crew goes back to Scheria. Poseidon later finds out that the Phaeacian crew helped his nemesis and asks Zeus if he can punish the Phaeacian the crew. When the Phaeacian crew is almost at Scheria, Poseidon turns the ship into stone and sinks their ship to the bottom of the ocean. The onlookers ashore saw this and learned to never help wayward travelers recognizing the punishment stated at the end of Book 8. When Odysseus wakes he does not recognize Ithaca and thinks they have left him in the wrong place because Athena disguised the land to plan her next move. Athena disguised herself as a shepherd and tells him he is in Ithaca. They reveal who they really are and Athena changes Odysseus appearance of an old Vagabond, so that no one recognizes him because Telemachus is searching for him. She then commands Odysseus to hide in the hut of Eumaeus.

Odysseus the warrior is disguised as a withered old traveler. Eumaeus does not recognize him as his master; that the soldier that Odysseus actually was. Odysseus disguised as the traveler says that he was fighting alongside the legendary warrior, Odysseus. Eumaeus believes him, and even begins to build a good relationship with him. He provides him food, and clothing to suit him for the night. Odysseus disguised as the traveler says that he has heard that Odysseus is still alive.

Athena travels to Sparta, and she finds Telemachus and Pisistratus, Nestors son. She warns Telemachus of the ambush that they have set and explains how to avoid it. Finally, she instructs him to head first for the home of the swineherd Eumaeus, who will convey the news of his safe return to Penelope. The next day, as Telemachus pulls away from the palace in his chariot, an eagle carrying a goose stolen from a pen swoops down beside him. Helen interprets the incident as an omen that Odysseus is about to swoop down on his home and exact revenge on the suitors. Once at Pylos, Telemachus has Pisistratus drop him off at his ship. The ship is about to set off when Telemachus, who is fleeing prosecution for a crime of manslaughter that he committed asks to come aboard. Telemachus welcomes him. In the hut of Eumaeus, Odysseus urges the old man not to go out of his way and say that he will earn his keep working for the suitors, but Eumaeus will have none of it. Odysseus and the swineherd then swap stories. The pirates took him all over the seas until Laertes, Odysseuss father bought him in Ithaca.

The next morning, Telemachus reaches the shores of Ithaca. While the crew heads to the city by ship, Odysseus entrusts Theoclymenus to a loyal crewman, Piraeus. They see a hawk fly by carrying a dove in its talons, which Theoclymenus intercepts as a favorable sign of Odysseuss house and line.

Telemachus reaches Eumaeuss hut, but finds him talking to an old man (which is Odysseus in disguise). He was trying to get Odysseus to go to the palace. There are suitors in the palace, and Telemachus was afraid of them. Athena comes to Odysseus and tells him to go outside. Odysseus comes back in the hut, but without his disguise, and him and Telemachus make a plan to overthrow and slaughter the suitors in the palace. Telemachuss return was informed throughout the palace, and some suitors wanted to kill him, and other suitors wanted to wait. Amphinomus, a wise suitor, suggested that they wait for a sign from the gods.

Telemachus leaves Odysseus at Eumaeuss hut and goes to his palace. When he gets to his palace, he is greeted by a sorrowful Penelope and the palaces nurse, named Eurycleia. He met in the hall with Theoclymenus and Piraeus and tells them not to bring his gifts from Menelaus to the palace because he is afraid that the suitors will steal them if he was to die along the journey. Later at dinner, with Penelope, he shares with her the news he heard about Odysseus in Pylos and Sparta, but he never shares that he met up with Odysseus in Eumaeuss hut. While dinner is going on in the palace, Eumaeus and Odysseus head to town following Telemachuss path. As they head towards town, they meet Melanthius who kicks them and insults them. After much thought, the suitors give Odysseus food. After passing insults back and forth, Antonius gives him a blow with a stool. Rumors of Antonius actions reach the palace and Penelope. Penelope asks to see the beggar who spread the news brought to her, and asks him questions. Odysseus sneaks out at night to go see Penelope. Eumaeus leaves Odysseus alone with Telemachus and the suitors when he leaves for the hut and the hogs.

The beggar, Arnaeus insults Odysseus and challenges him to a boxing match. Odysseus was gifted with extra power and strength by Athena. Arnaeus no longer wants to fight Odysseus in the boxing match. Therefore, he tries to escape. But, the followers have taken notice, and now are desperately wanting Arnaeus and Odysseus to fight against each other in the boxing match. The battle ends fast because of Odysseuss attempt of killing Arnaeus. The suitors celebrate Odysseuss victory, and Amphinomus showers odysseus with food. Odysseus anticipates that people are going to get hurt, and he decides to talk to Amphinomus. Odysseus predicts that he will soon come home. Odysseus gives Amphinomus an obvious warning to leave the palace and go back to his own land. Amphinomus does not leave, and instead, Athena puts a death curse on him, and Telemachus kills Amphinomus. Athena now suggests to Penelope to go see her suitors. Athena gives her extra beauty and stature to look presentable. When Penelope talks to the suitors, she informs them by telling them that Odysseus had instructed her to marry a new husband if he should fail to come back before Telemachus began growing facial hair. Then, Penelope makes the brave decision to trick them, without Odysseus knowing, and into bringing her gifts.

At night Telemachus and Odysseus remove their weapons. Athena lights up the area where they are working and while they are putting the weapons away they tell Eurycleia they are putting them away so they will not get damaged. Telemachus goes to his bedroom and Odysseus is joined by Penelope. She doesnt recognize Odysseus as her husband because he is disguised as a beggar. He claims that he has met Odysseus, and describes him perfectly enough to make her cry. He keeps going on about Odysseus travels and tells that he is on his way back home. Penelope urges Odysseus to stay for the night. He accepts the offer and Eurycleia begins to wash his feet. She notices a scar on his foot and recognized it as a scar that Odysseus had received from boar hunting. She hugs him but Odysseus tells her to keep quiet so his secret will not be spread to others. Before going to bed Penelope explains to Odysseus, a strange dream that she had. Odysseus then tries to explain it to her and Penelope states that she will set up a competition in which whoever can shoot an arrow through the holes of 12 axes set in a line will become her new husband.

Odysseus, still dressed like a beggar, is worried that the suitors will take over his kingdom. Odysseus son Telemachus is targeted by all of the suitors, and if Telemachus dies then the kingdom may be overthrown. Odysseus and Telemachus meet up in the heart of the kingdom, and they make a plan to save Telemachus. Odysseus and Telemachus meet with the suitors at a dinner. Athena tries to keep the suitors in touch so that Odysseus does not rage and kill all of the suitors at the dinner. A suitor decides to throw a cow hoof at Odysseus, and in response Telemachus threatens to run his sword through the suitors body. The suitors do not mind the threat, and just laugh the rest of the dinner.

In this chapter it talks about Penelope and she takes Odysseus bow, and she says to all the suitors and to all the people that if they can string all 12 axes in one shot, she will marry them. Odysseus follows Eumaeus and Philoetius outside and reveals that he is Odysseus. He promised to treat them as Telemachuss brothers, only if they fight by his side against the suitors. Odysseus, still dressed as the beggar, strings the bow and successfully shoots the arrow through the 12 axes to win Penelopes hand in marriage.

Odysseus has yet to return to Ithaca and is secretly at the palace. Most people think that he is dead. But when he slits the throat of Antinous with an arrow, he reveals himself from disguise. The people of the palace rage and soon everyone knows. This sparks a battle. Telemachus (son of Odysseus) gets weapons so they can take down the people. Athena is disguised for most of the battle, but about halfway through she joins. Then, They quickly take down the people of the palace and the battle ends. They execute everyone else and torture the traitor Melanthius to death. Then, they celebrated in victory of destroying all of the suitors. After, the killing of Melanthus Odysseus has the house fumigated.

Odysseus comes back from his long journey and fights men to get his home back. Penelope sleeps through the whole fight, and doesnt believe that Odysseus is back. She believes that a god is tricking her because she hasnt seen her husband in so long. But Odysseus has his own problems. He has killed many people so he has to lay low for a while. She wanted to know if he really was her husband so she tries to move her bridal bed. Odysseus tells her the bed is made from an olive tree. Which is something only the family would know. More specifically him. When he tells her that she finally thinks that Odysseus is her husband and they talk about his trip and all of his wanderings. Odysseus tells her not to talk to anyone and the prophecy will be fulfilled. Odysseus is hidden with a cloak that was gave to him from Athena and walks through the town/city-state.

The souls of the suitors, crying like bats, were led by Hermes into Hades, or the underworld. This happens while Agamemnon and Achilles argue over who had the better death and Agamemnon describes Achilles funeral in detail. They see the suitors coming in and ask how so many noble young men met their end. The suitor Amphimedon, whom Agamemnon knew in his life, gives a brief account of their deaths, pinning most of the blame on Penelope and her hesitancy to make a decision. Agamemnon contrasts the reliability of Penelope with her betrayal of Clytemnestra. Odysseus returns to his home where his father, Laertes, in grief, is waiting. His father does not recognize him. At first he does not reveal himself, instead pretends to be someone that was good friends with Odysseus. But after his dad brings up the topic of him, he shows that he is Laertes son. He proves it by bringing up memories from when he was a child and how he avenged himself upon the suitors. During Odysseuss lunch, the goddess Rumor arrives with the news of the massacre at the palace. All the parents of the suitors hold a meeting to decide how to respond to the breaking news that Rumor has just delivered. The elder prophet, Halitherses, argues for the suitors while Eupeithes argues against them. His opinion passes, and forges a small army. The squadron tracks Odysseus back to his home and a battle breaks out. Then Athena appears, disguised as Mentor, and convinces the parents to stop the battle and forget the massacre. Peace is restored and Odysseus is crowned king.

Homers The Odyssey

Told by 6th Grade (2014-2015)

6A [Books 1-12]

The Trojan War is over! Most of the Greek soldiers have returned home. Odysseus is stranded on the island the Ogygia with a goddess who has fallen in love with him and refuses to allow him to leave. Meanwhile, back in the Odysseus kingdom, mobs of angry suitors are trying to control his kingdom. Odysseus wife Penelope is stuck in court, while her son is hopeless to stop these suitors. The suitors want Penelopes hand in marriage in order to become king of the Odysseus kingdom. Athena, with Zeus consent, talks to Telemachus who believes his father is dead. Athena predicts Odysseus is still alive and advises Telemachus to banish all of the suitors from his fathers estate. She also tells him to go to Pylos and Sparta to find information regarding his father.

Telemachus holds an assembly to banish the suitors. Aegyptius praises Telemachus for stepping into his fathers shoes. Telemachus begins to break down regarding the possibility of his fathers death and the loss of his fathers kingdom. The sons of the elders have taken over the kingdom. Telemachus curses the suitors for taken his fathers oxen and sheep as they continue to pursue their own fortune. Antinous reminds the suitors of a ruse that the Queen Penelope has concocted, which will delay the enviable remarriage to one of the suitors. Penelopes plan would delay picking a new suitor to become her husband until she finished weaving a fine shroud for he elderly father-in-law, Laertes, in remembrance of his son, Odysseus. Penelope would weave the shroud during the day and at night undo her work. Antinous declares that the Queen Penelope should be sent to Icarius, so he would decide her new husband. Telemachus publicly refuses send his mother away. Telemachus calls upon the Gods to punish the suitors. Halitherses, a soothsayer (oracle), interprets the struggle of Odysseus and warns the suitors that they will eventually face a massacre when the king returns. Telemachus plans to visit Pylos in the Spartan kingdom for advice and possible support against the suitors. The Goddess, Athena, disguised as a Mentor, visits Telemachus and encourages him and predicts that his journey to Sparta will be fruitful. Athena, now disguised as Telemachus, goes into town to gather troops for Telemachus journey.

Telemachus reaches Pylos of the Spartan kingdom and observes a religious ceremony. Telemachus is horrified to witness about a dozen bulls being sacrificed to the God Poseidon. The Mentor, Athena, encourages Telemachus to talk to the Spartan king, Nestor. Nestor has no information of the whereabouts of his father, Odysseus. He recalls after the fall of Troy, Nestor sailed away with Menelaus back home, while Odysseus stayed with Agamemnon. Nestor wishes and hopes that Athena will show the same respect and kindness towards Telemachus, as his father did. Nestor informs Telemachus that the suitors have taken over his house. Nestor hopes Telemachus will achieve the same glory and respect of that of his father, but to do so Telemachus will have to defend and defeat the suitors. Telemachus then asks Nestor about Agamemnons faith towards the Gods and Goddesses. Nestor, tells him the story of when Agamemnon returned from Troy, he saw the coward Aegisthus, seduce and marry his wife. Aegisthus and the wife of Agamemnon then plot the murder of Agamemnon. Orestes killed Aegisthus and Clytemnestra in defense of his fathers honor, who is now dead. Nestor wants to set Orestess courage as an example for Telemachuss journey. Nestor sends his son, Pisistratus, to accompany Telemachus to Sparta. The mentor reveals herself as Athena in her true divine form by changing into an eagle and stays behind to protect Telemachuss ship and crew.

In Sparta, King and Queen, Menelaus and Helen, are celebrating the separate marriages of their son and daughter. They happily greet Pisistratus and Telemachus, Telemachus is later recognized as the son of Odysseus, because they could see the resemblance. While they eat, the king and queen tell about with melancholy, the many examples of Odysseuss cunningness at Troy. Helen tells about how Odysseus dressed up as a beggar to sneak past the city walls. Then Menelaus tells of Troy and the death of the Trojans. The next day he tells of his return from Troy, where he was stranded and forced to capture Proteus, the Old Man of the Sea. Proteus told him the way back to Sparta, and told him the fates of two other heroes, who survived, then perished. Then he told him about how Odysseus was trapped on Calypsos island. Surprised, him and Odysseuss son return to where they came. Meanwhile people tell Odysseus of how his son traveled to find him. Penelope hears, and becomes depressed, that she will lose her son and husband, but Athena comforts her by sending an image (phantom) of her sister in a dream and she says that everything will be okay, because Athena will protect him.

All the gods, except for Poseidon, gathered on Mount Olympus to discuss Odysseuss fate. Athenas speech in support of the hero made Zeus intervene. Hermes, messenger of the gods is sent to Calypsos island to tell that Odysseus must at least be able to leave so he may return home. In reply Calypso delivers a passionate plea for Odysseus to stay. She complains that female gods cannot take mortal lover and how female gods are always frustrated. In the end, she surrendered to Zeuss supreme power. Calypso helped Odysseus build a boat and loaded it with supplies from the island. With sadness she watched her love, Odysseus, sail away. After 18 days at sea, Odysseus spots the shores of Scheria the island of the Phaeacians, but then Poseidon started a storm in anger because he realized he had been left out of the decision at Mount Olympus. Odysseus is now being pushed around by the strong winds until he used the powers from Ino and Athena to break free from the mighty waves. Finally, a river up the coast heard his prayers and let him swim onto the banks.

The same night, Athena appears in a dream to the Phaeacian princess Nausicaa, disguised as her friend. She tells the princess to go to the river tomorrow to wash her clothes. When she gets there her and her handmaidens are playing ball as their clothes dry. Odysseus wakes up in the forest and goes up to them and pleads for their assistance while never revealing his identity. Nausicaa lets him clean his clothes and Athena makes him look especially handsome, so when Nausicaa sees him again she begins to fall in love. Afraid of causing a scene if she walks into the city with a strange man by her side, she gives him directions to the palace and how to approach Arete, queen of the Phaeacians, when he meets her. After praying to Athena for hospitality from the Phaeacians, Odysseus sets out for the palace.

Odysseus is on his way to the palace of Alcinous, the king of the Phaeacians but is stopped by a young girl who is Athena in disguise. She offers to take him to the kings house and he accepts the offer. When she takes him to the palace, she departs from Scheria to her beloved city of Athens and leaves him there. When he is at the palace they are throwing a festival in honor of Poseidon. When he sees the queen, he falls to his feet. When the king looks at him he wonders if he is a God but he says he is a mortal. Later that day when he is with the king and queen, Arte recognized the clothes that he is wearing just like the ones she had made for her daughter. She is suspicious and begins to investigate, Odysseus tells her the story about how he got there and how the little girl he met on the way gave him a set of clothes, which were the ones he was wearing. Alcinous is so impressed that he offers Odysseus his hand in marriage.

The next day Alcinous calls an assembly of his Phaeacian counselors. Athena, back from Athens, makes sure that everyone has heard the word that the topic of discussion will be the godlike visitor who had recently appeared on the island. At the assembly Alcinous says they can provide them a ship for the visitors so they can return to their homeland. The measure was approved so Alcinous invites the counselors to the feast and celebration of the games in honor of his guest. The games began the games included a lineup of boxing, wrestling, racing, and throwing. Later on at one point Odyssesus is asked to participate in the games. One of the young athletes named Broadsea insults him and pushes his pride to action. Odysseus wins easily in the discus toss and then wants to challenge the phaeacian athletes. But Alcinous insists to join Odysseus to another feast. Demodocus performs again but with a light song a tryst between Ares and Aphrodite. After they give Odysseus gifts to take on his journey home. At dinner Odysseus asks Demodocus to sing. Odysseus begins to cry when hearing a song about the Trojan War. King Alcinous noticed and stops the music. He asks Odysseus to tell him who he is, where he is from, and where he is going.

Odysseus tells Demodocus of his travels. He starts at his hometown Troy and tells of how he and his men were beckoned on a journey. Zeus winds carry Odysseus and his men on their journey. The winds carry them for 9 days. After the 9 days they come across the Lotus-Eaters, where the crew eats the addicting Lotus flowers that make them not want to leave. Odysseus had to drag his men onto the ship and lock them in, in order to leave the island. They come across the island of a giant Cyclops by the name of Polythemus, he captures them trying to steal his milk, cheese, and sheep. He immediately devours 2 of Odysseus men and captures the rest of them for later meals. Odysseus resists the immediate urge to kill the Cyclops when he realizes that Polythemus is the only one that can move the boulder. The next day, while Polythemus is out, Odysseus finds a staff in the cave and heats it by the fire. He also finds wine that he and his crew had brought from the ship. He devises a plan to escape. When Polythemus returns Odysseus uses the wine that he brought to get him drunk and, while they talk, Polythemus, intoxicated by the wine, asks Odysseus of his name. As the drunk Cyclops begins to doze Odysseus replies that his name is nobody. While the Cyclops sleeps Odysseus gathers his men and they drive the heated staff into Polythemus eye. The Cyclops awakens with a great shout, and the neighbors hear, and come to investigate. When they ask what is wrong Polythemus responds Nobody is killing me! and the neighbors leave. The next day, while Polythemus is grazing his sheep, Odysseus and his crew escape on the underbelly of his sheep. Once on the ship, with Polythemus sheep, Odysseus tells the Cyclops his real name and the blinded Polythemus prays to his father, Poseidon, to seek vengeance on Odysseus and his crew.

Odysseus has traveled to the palace of Aeolus, who gives him a bag of wind to travel to Ithaca. But Odysseus men think that Odysseus is being greedy, deciding the bag must be full of silver and gold. So they open the bag and then the winds let loose setting the crew back to Aeolus Island. This time he doesnt give them help then the men start growing tired, and then they run into Laestrygonians giants lair were they all get eaten except for Odysseus and his crew, Odysseus and his remaining men flee towards their ship and the giants pelt the ships with boulders but only Odysseus ship escaped. After that they go to Aeaea home of the witch-goddess, Circes, she drugs Odysseus men then, the men get turned into pigs. As he was saving them Hermes gave him an herb to overpower her. Circe freed his men. After the event, Circe gave him a way back to Ithica in exchange for his love for one year. Sadly Elpenor had gotten drunk the previous night slept on the roof and in the morning fell off the roof and cracked his neck.

Odysseus goes to the River of Ocean, land of Cimmerians, when he performs sacrifices according to the legend from Circe. Circe instructed Odysseus to attract the souls of the dead. Elpenors spirit appears and begs Odysseus to bury his dead body. He then, speaks with Theban prophet Tiresias, which reveals Poseiden punishing the Acharens for blinding his son. Tiresias also shows Odysseuss fate, to return home, reclaim his wife, and palace from the suitors. Then go to a distant land to meet Poseiden. Tiresias warns Odysseus to not touch the flocks of sun when he reaches the land of Thrinacia, or else he wont return home without suffering. He calls spirits of famous heroes and men that tell their stories of how they died. Odysseus goes to the Phaeacians king and queen, and tells them the heroes stories. While telling them, he relates to when he was at Troy in Hades. He sees king Minos, the hunter Orion, etc. He witnessed the punishment of Sisyphus, eternally to push a bolder over a hill, to have the boulder fall down once it reaches the top. He sees Tantalus, who is weak of hunger and thirst. He is surrounded by food and water but soon disappears if he reaches for it. Odysseus finds himself surrounded by mobs of souls, wishing to ask about their family in the living world. He gets scared and runs back to his ship and sails away immediately.

When Odysseus returns to Aeaea, he burries Elpenor and talks to Circe. Circe explains how rough the trip will be coming back home, and how to face the obstacles. Then he and his crew go on a trip to sail. Once they reach Sirens Island, they come across the Sirens who sing magical songs that consume people to death, literally. As instructed by Circe, Odysseus and his men plug their ears with beeswax and tie Odysseus to the mast of the ship. They have to find a way to move around the monster. The monster is Scylla. He is a six -headed beast. When Odysseus ship comes near Scylla, he eats six crewmembers at once. Odysseus wasn't one. Next he came to the island of the sun. He and the rest of his crew stayed there for a month. They ate whatever was on the ship. Then a storm came by and the food was all gone. They starved and Odysseus told his crew to kill the cattle of the sun. Zeus got mad and punishes Odysseus and his men with a big storm. They all die but Odysseus barely survives. He washes up on Ogygia. Then he starts telling the Phaeacians about his journey.

6B [Books 13-24]

Odysseus wandering was over, and he was excited to leave Scheria. Alcinous had loaded the gifts onto the boat, and Odysseus was prepared to set sail by sundown, letting the Phaeacian crew steer the ship to Ithaca. He slept the night away, and was still asleep by the time the ship had reached the shore of his home at Ithaca. Some of the sailors brought the gifts onto the coast, and they set Odysseus down with them. Soon after, the crew sailed back the Scheria.

Once Poseidon saw Odysseus in Ithaca, he became enraged, not forgetting the pierced eye of his son, Polyphemus. Complaining to Zeus, he punished the Phaeacian crew for getting Odysseus back to Ithaca. As soon as the Phaeacians had reached the waters of Scheria, Poseidon turned the boat to stone, and they sunk to the bottom of the sea. Realizing the consummation of the prophecy, the locals then stopped helping the wayward travelers.

In Ithaca, when Odysseus awoke, he was in a place he did not recognize. Athena had shrouded all of Ithaca in midst, obscuring its appearance, while she planned her next move. Odysseus immediate thought was that the Phaeacians had tricked him and had dumped him in a land he had never been to. When Odysseus meets a strange shepherd, who claims that he really was in Ithaca, he conceals his identity, and waits for her to reveal hers first. The shepherd reveals herself as Athena, and tells Odysseus that he must use his intelligence to punish the suitors who wish to exploit his wife so they can become king. Athena tells Odysseus to go to Eumaeus the swineherd, and hide out in his hut, and informs him that his oldest son, Telemachus, has left to find him. Athena gives Odysseus the appearance of a vagabond, to protect his identity while he waits to attack the suitors, and sends him off to the hut.

Odysseus finds Eumaeus by his hut. Even though Eumaeus doesnt recognize the old man as his master, he invites him inside. Inside Odysseus has a big meal of pork, as he listens to Eumaeus talk about his former master, who he thinks has lost hope. Odysseus predicts he will see his master again soon, but he refuses to listen, as he has encountered many vagabonds, who were looking for a handout in return for news about Odysseus. He hands Odysseus a cloak for the night, and he asks Odysseus where he is from. Odysseus lies, and tells him he is from Crete. He also claims he fought Odysseus, and lives. He also states that he went on a trip to Egypt, and that is where he learns that Odysseus is still alive.

Athena travels to Sparta, where she finds Telemachus and Pisistratus, King Nestors son. She tells Telemachus that he is in great danger of losing his mothers hand to the suitors, and in danger of the ambush they have prepared. So, the next day, Telemachus announces his departure to his mother, and accepts gifts from Helen and Menelaus. The ship is about to set sail when a stranger who is fleeing from prosecution asks to come on, and Telemachus welcomes him.

Odysseus tests the limit of hospitality by offering to leave in the morning, a false gesture that will make Emanues stay longer. And Eumaeus says, It will be suicide to go out with those suitors. Eumaeus explains how he came to Ithaca: he was the son of a king and was stolen by pirates with the help of a maid his father employed. The pirates took him all over the seas until Odysseus father brought him to Ithaca.

The next morning, Telemachus reaches the shores of Ithaca, hoping to save his mother from the suitors.

Telemachus comes to Eumaeuss hut. He finds Odysseus in disguise as a swineherd stranger; Eumaeus suggests that the stranger (Odysseus) stays at Telemachuss palace. Telemachus says that the suitors will harm you if you stay at my palace. Eumaeus then goes to tell Penelope that his son has returned.

When father and son are alone, Athena tells Odysseus to come outside of the hut, She tells Odysseus to go back to Telemachus with no disguise. When he enters the hut again, Telemachus notices that he is Odysseus, his father and the two embrace and weep. After reuniting the two formulate a plan to get back at the suitors and overthrow them. Before Eumaeus can tell Penelope that Telemachus has returned, the messenger from the ship arrives and informs the people of Telemachus, including the suitors. The suitors deject that their plan has failed and huddle outside to plan their next move. Antinous (a member of the suitors) suggests killing Telemachus before he can call an assembly to take over the palace again. Ampihnomus, one of the kinder suitors, mentions to wait for a signal from the Gods before murdering Telemachus. Penelope later finds Antinous in the palace and denounces him from forming the plot against her son. The details in which Medon has overheard and revealed to her earlier. Eurymachus succeeds in calming the people down with his lies and false concerns of the safety of Telemachus.

Telemachus leaves Odysseus at Eumaeuss hut, where he is given a warm welcome from Penelope and a nurse Eurycleia greets him. When he gets to the castle he sits down with Penelope and meets/talks to Theoclymenus and Piraeus. He fears the suitors will steal the gifts he brought and then kill him. Telemachus tells Odysseus the news he heard in Pylos and Sparta. He chooses not to tell anyone that he saw Odysseus a little while ago in Emaeuss hut. Then suddenly Theoclymenus says that Odysseus is in fact in Ithaca. Meanwhile, Eumaeus and Odysseus travel to a town and meet Melanthius, who works for the suitors. Odysseus receives a warm welcome at the palace. The suitors give him food with great difficulty because they do not like him very much. Antionous states an insult to Odysseus, and Odysseus responds with one back at him and then Antionous hits him with a chair. Penelope finds out and gets the beggar to tell him about Odysseus. Odysseus doesnt want to be seen going near the queens room. Eumaeus leaves, leaving Odysseus alone with Telemachus and the suitors.

Arnaeus, a beggar, challenges Odysseus to a fight after insulting him, thinking that it would be an easy fight. But, the goddess Athena grants Odysseus with extra-strength. Odysseus easily wins the fight and is congratulated by the suitors. Amphinomus toasts him and gives him food. Odysseus is overcome by guilt and warns Amphinomous to leave and travel to his homeland. Amphimomous does not listen and stays excepting his destiny. Penelope speaks to the suitors saying that if Odysseus does not return before Telemachus grows facial hair she should find a new husband. The suitors shower her with gifts and state, Any suitors worth his salt would try to win her hand by giving things to her instead of taking whats worth for his. Odysseus instructs the maidservants to go to Penelope, Melantho insults him and Odysseus scares them with threats. Athena wanting to make Odysseus angrier with the suitors convinces Eurymachus to insult Odysseus. Odysseus responds to Eurymachus with his own insult before a riot breaks out, Telemachus defuses the issue.

When all the suitors are asleep, Telemachus and Odysseus take all of the suitors weapons. They trick Eurycleia into believing that they are storing the weapons in a safe place. After disposing of the weapons, Telemachus goes to sleep, and Penelope comes to question the mysterious visitor (Odysseus) in her palace. She knows he claims to have met Odysseus, and she asks him to describe him to prove his honesty. Being Odysseus, the stranger is able to produce such an exact copy that Penelope begins to cry. He then tells the story of how he got to Ithaca and Penelope offers him a stay at the palace, but he refuses. He reluctantly lets Eurycleia wash his feet. In doing so, Eurycleia recognizes him due to a scar on his foot, but promises not to tell anyone. Before Penelope goes to bed, she tells Odysseus of a dream she had. In the dream, an eagle with a human voice that tells her that he is her husband, who has just killed her lovers, represented by the geese that are killed. Odysseus explains the dream, and Penelope decides that the first man to string and shoot an arrow through twelve axes in a line will be her new husband.

Penelope and Odysseus are both distressed that night. Odysseus is wondering if he will be able to kill all of the suitors with only his son, Telemachus, but Athena reminds him of his partnership with her. Penelope prays for Artemis to kill her and end her torment over Odysseus and the suitors, waking Odysseus. He asks Zeus for a good omen; suddenly a clap of thunder followed by a maid cursing the suitors could be heard in response.

The next day, Odysseus and Telemachus meet Eumaeus, Melanthius, and Philoetius. Philoetius says that he has faith in Odysseus return still. The suitors enter again, plotting the murder of Telemachus. Amphinomus convinces them not to go through with the plan, however, when they see an eagle carrying a dove, an omen of doom. Athena keeps the suitors plotting during dinner to keep Odysseus angry. Ctesippus, a wealthy and arrogant suitor, throws a cow hoof at Odysseus, prompting Telemachus to threaten him. The suitors laugh, but fail to notice that the walls are covered in blood, eventually their faces had turned ghostly pale. Theoclymenus sees these as signs of inevitable doom.

Penelope gets Odysseus bow out of the storage room and says she will marry the suitor who can string the bow and shoot it through 12 axes. Many suitors fail at the stringing and none could pass the test of shooting an arrow through 12 axes. Meanwhile, Odysseus follows Eumaeus and Philoetius outside. He believes he can reveal his identity to both of them because he believes they are loyal to him. He reveals his identity by the scar on his foot and promises them both he will treat them as Telemachus brothers if they fight along on his side against the suitors. Once Odysseus returns, the suitors are still trying to shoot an arrow between the 12 axes. They feel disgraced that they cannot string it; they know the failure proves inferiority to Odysseus. The suitors suggest they wait until the next day so they can sacrifice to the god, Apollo, the archer god, before trying again. Odysseus asks for the bow, (still in disguise) but the suitors say it will bring disaster to Odysseus. Telemachus then orders them to give Odysseus the bow and the suitors get upset, afraid he will succeed. Odysseus strings the bow easily and grabs the first arrow he finds and it whistles through all 12 axes.

The suitors had no idea what was happening, Odysseus shot an arrow again through the throat of Antinous. The suitors believed the shooting to be a mistake. Odysseus then revealed himself, and the suitors became frightened. Philoetius had locked the front door and Eurymachus locked the doors to the womens quarters. Eurymachus insisted that Anitous was the only bad apple among all of them. Eurymachus then attacks Odysseus, but Eurymachus is cut down by another arrow. Telemachus gets more weapons from the storeroom, so he could arm Eumachus and Philoetious, but Telemachus forgets to lock the storeroom on his way out. Later Melanthius finds the storeroom and takes some weapons. On his second trip, Eumachus and Philoetious find him there, ties him up and locks him in the storeroom. There is now a full battle in the palace hall. Athena is disguised as a mentor and talks to Odysseus who does not participate in the battle. Athena was just testing Odysseuss strength. Odysseus and his men kill a few suitors. Athena then joins Odysseus and his men. Eurycleia came out because of Odysseus. The suitors are executed by Telemachus and decide to hang them because it is a more disgraceful death rather than being cut by a sword.

Eurycleia awakens Penelope, for she has slept through the entire fight. She doesnt believe anything Eurycleia says, and still remains in disbelief when she goes downstairs and sees her husband with her own eyes. Telemachus rebukes her for not greeting Odysseus more lovingly after his long, long absence. But, Odysseus has other problems to worry about. He has killed most of the young men of Ithaca, and their parents will be very angry with him for killing their children. He decides his family should lay low at their farm for a while. Meanwhile, a minstrel strikes up a happy song to hide what has happened in the palace from passerby. Penelope is still wary, afraid that a god is playing a trick on her. She orders Eurycleia to move their bridal bed, and Odysseus suddenly flares up at Penelope, saying that their bed is immovable, explaining that it is built into the roots of an olive tree around which the house has been built. Hearing him recount these precice details, Penelope finally believes that this man is indeed her husband. After the get reacquainted, Odysseus recounts his adventures to her. He also tells her of the trip he must make to fulfill the prophecy of Teiresias in Book 11. The next day, Odysseus leaves with his son for Laertess orchard. He gives Penelope instructions not to leave her room or let any visitors in. Athena cloaks Odysseus and Telemachus in darkness so no one will see them as they walk through the town.

Hermes has the souls of the suitors in the underworld with him and he talked to Agamemnon about who had the better death. In Ithaca Odysseus wants to be alone with his father in the gardens his father doesnt recognize him but he was crying after the death of his son and wife then he proves his identity and how he avenged himself upon the suitors. The elder profit argues that the suitors got what they deserved word was spreading all over the city about the massacre at the palace. Then Athena makes the Ithacans forget the massacre of their children and recognize Odysseus as king and then peace is restored to the kingdom.

Homers The Odyssey written by 6A (2013-2014)

The Trojan War is over! Most of the Greeks return home except the hero king Odysseus. Odysseus wants to return home as the rightful king but the